[GroovyRestlet] GroovyRestlet is hosted as a Groovy Module

2008-02-29 Thread keke
GroovyRestlet is a simple and ease of use Groovy DSL for constructing
Restlet application.

Main features of GroovyRestlet:
* Simple Groovy DSL syntax and shortcuts for easily constructing
Restlet application
* Better integration with Spring framework

A simple example of GroovyRestlet DSL:

current.servers.add(protocol.HTTP, 8182)
def guard = guard(uri:/docs,
realm:Restlet Tutorials)
guard.secrets.put(scott, tiger.toCharArray())
guard.next = directory(root:, autoAttach:false)
restlet(uri:/users/{user}, handle:{req,resp-
resp.setEntity(Account of user
restlet(uri:/users/{user}/orders, handle:{req, resp-
resp.setEntity(Orders or user
restlet(uri:/users/{user}/orders/{order}, handle:{req, resp-
def attrs = req.attributes
def message = Order \${attrs.get('order')}\ for
User \${attrs.get('user')}\
resp.setEntity(message, mediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)

The detail introduction and examples of GroovyRestlet can be found
here: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GROOVY/GroovyRestlet

GroovyRestlet 0.1-SNAPSHOT can be downloaded here:

Thanks for Guillaume Laforge and Jerome Louvel's help and suggestion,
GroovyRestlet is hosted by Groovy as a contribution.

We paranoid love life

Re: servlet mapping question

2008-02-29 Thread Thierry Boileau
Hello all,

some words to complete Stephan's answer.

Let's say that the name of the WAR file is myWar.

1- Let's say that the RestletServlet is configured like this :
and the application as follow:
then, the resource'URI is something like this:

1- Let's say that the RestletServlet is configured like this :
and the application as follow:
then, the resource'URI is something like this:

best regards,
Thierry Boileau
On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 11:21 PM, Stephan Koops [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Helo TA,

  try to request /testServlet/testServlet/*, because you give the
  testServlet double: one times in the web.xml and one times while
  attaching to the router. I think, you should remove the testServlet
  from the attach method.

  best regards

  TA schrieb:

  New user and I'm playing around with the firstStepsApplication using it in a
   tomcat web container.
   I'm trying to play with the routing.
   Instead of
 Router router = new Router(getContext());
   I'm trying to do
   and correspondingly, I've changed the entry in web.xml
   and I can't get it to work, keep getting 404 error.
   I don't want to default route to the app for all URIs in the url mapping, 
   ones that start with /testServlet
   Appreciate any help.

Re: Ran into difficulty getting servlet connector working.

2008-02-29 Thread Thierry Boileau
Hello Eben,

here is a new snapshot:

Could you make tests and keep us informed?

best regards,
Thierry Boileau

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 2:43 AM, Rob Heittman
 I believe this was a bug in ServerServlet in the 1.1M1 snapshot that has
 since been corrected.  I usually work out of trunk and it doesn't affect me
 any more.  This thread describes it and has a patch:


 There should be a new milestone snapshot imminently.

  I am still investigating this on my own and just thought I would see if
 someone else had run into this problem and already had an answer to it.

RE: riap: isConfidential()?

2008-02-29 Thread Jerome Louvel

Hi Rob,

I fully agree and fixed this in SVN trunk!

Best regards,

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Rob Heittman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : vendredi 29 février 2008 02:30
 À : discuss@restlet.tigris.org
 Objet : riap: isConfidential()?
 Interesting question came up in one of our implementations today.
 We check isConfidential() in a Filter and redirect people to 
 https in certain circumstances where the response should not 
 be transmitted in the clear.  Some requests are transported 
 over the riap: pseudoprotocol.  It seems to me 
 isConfidential() should return true for riap: requests, since 
 the internal requests are not transmitted in the clear.
 - R

RE: [GroovyRestlet] GroovyRestlet is hosted as a Groovy Module

2008-02-29 Thread Jerome Louvel

Hi Keke,

Thanks again for your contribution!

This is a nice illustration of the interest of Groovy for DSLs and an
opportunity for Groovy users to leverage the Restlet project for their
RESTful Web applications (http://www.restlet.org).

Best regards,

PS: I have also relayed the news on my blog:

 -Message d'origine-
 De : keke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : vendredi 29 février 2008 09:03
 À : discuss@restlet.tigris.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Objet : [GroovyRestlet] GroovyRestlet is hosted as a Groovy Module
 GroovyRestlet is a simple and ease of use Groovy DSL for constructing
 Restlet application.
 Main features of GroovyRestlet:
 * Simple Groovy DSL syntax and shortcuts for easily constructing
 Restlet application
 * Better integration with Spring framework
 A simple example of GroovyRestlet DSL:
 current.servers.add(protocol.HTTP, 8182)
 def guard = guard(uri:/docs,
 realm:Restlet Tutorials)
 guard.secrets.put(scott, tiger.toCharArray())
 guard.next = directory(root:, autoAttach:false)
 restlet(uri:/users/{user}, handle:{req,resp-
 resp.setEntity(Account of user
 handle:{req, resp-
 resp.setEntity(Orders or user
 handle:{req, resp-
 def attrs = req.attributes
 def message = Order \${attrs.get('order')}\ for
 User \${attrs.get('user')}\
 resp.setEntity(message, mediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
 The detail introduction and examples of GroovyRestlet can be found
 here: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GROOVY/GroovyRestlet
 GroovyRestlet 0.1-SNAPSHOT can be downloaded here:
 Thanks for Guillaume Laforge and Jerome Louvel's help and suggestion,
 GroovyRestlet is hosted by Groovy as a contribution.
 We paranoid love life

RE: First steps with Restlets in Equinox OSGi

2008-02-29 Thread Jerome Louvel

Hi Frank,

I'm not sure either how to achieve this, normally you would specify a
context-param on your ServerServlet. Can't you specify that in OSGi Servlet

Otherwise, you might want to check this upcoming presentation on Restlet at

RESTful OSGI Web Applications Tutorial

If Khawaja Shams or Jeff Norris are following this list, they might be able
to help you.

Best regards,

 -Message d'origine-
 De : news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Frank Gerhardt
 Envoyé : jeudi 28 février 2008 23:47
 À : discuss@restlet.tigris.org
 Objet : First steps with Restlets in Equinox OSGi
 the Restlet jars are nicely bundled as bundles ;-) but I 
 could not find 
 a way to run the first steps example without deploying a webapp. I'm 
 looking for a pure OSGi+servlets, no webapp, solution.
 Equinox provides an extension point where I can register the 
 ServerServlet. But Equinox does not have an extension point for an 
 application. What do I do with the FirstStepsApplication so that the 
 initialization code gets executed?

Re: riap: isConfidential()?

2008-02-29 Thread Rob Heittman
Awesome, thanks, Jerome!

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 6:06 AM, Jerome Louvel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Rob,

 I fully agree and fixed this in SVN trunk!

RE: Restlet and Velocity template location.

2008-02-29 Thread Jerome Louvel


 Thanks Vincent,that's pretty way for restlet-1.1snapshot.I 
 used this way in restlet or resource:
 TemplateRepresentation templateRepr= new TemplateRepresentation(
 I have a lot of problem about it:
 1.How to use the relative path to set file resource loader 
 path property of velocity engine?It must to fullfill all of path?

You might be interested in this RFEs:

Accept Velocity templates as representations

Support template inclusion for Freemarker and Velocity

 2.How to set once when a Velocitytemplate is 
 initialized,without set again when you use this template?

Maybe you could configure the Velocity engine in your Application
constructor instead of each time the TemplateRepresentation class is used?

Best regards,

Restlet 1.0.8 released

2008-02-29 Thread Jerome Louvel

Hi all,

A new maintenance release of Restlet 1.0 is available. It fixes several
bugs (ServerServlet adapter, Spring XML loading issue and more) and updates
FreeMarker o version 2.3.12.

Thanks to all the reporters and contributors!

Changes log:

Download links:

Maven repositories:
http://maven.restlet.org will be updated on 02/01
http://maven.noelios.com has the new artifacts

Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Thierry Boileau

Re: re servlet mapping question

2008-02-29 Thread Thierry Boileau
Hello Ted,

some words to complete Stephan's answer.

Let's say that the name of the WAR file is myWar.

1- Let's say that the RestletServlet is configured like this :
and the application as follow:
then, the resource'URI is something like this:

1- Let's say that the RestletServlet is configured like this :
and the application as follow:
then, the resource'URI is something like this:

best regards,
Thierry Boileau

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 4:27 PM, TA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Apologies for starting a new post on an existing thread but
  everytime I try and follow up I get a top posting error.

  Here is the thread on the issue


  Thanks for the reply.

  I tried mapping to something specific and it still does not
  work, 404 error.

  I set up a route like so


  and set up a mapping in the web.xml like so


  I tried the URLs /testServlet/dog and also /testServlet/testServlet/dog
  and no luck.

  The only way it appears to work is if attachDefault is used with
  a url-pattern of /*

  Does anyone have an example of a route and url-pattern that they know works 
  their setup?


  Hi Ted,

  What Stephan was pointing out is that that _won't_ happen because the
  container will continue to route requests to the other servlets --
  even if your restlet servlet wanted to handle the other requests, it
  won't ever see them.

  I'm not sure, but if I had to guess I'd suggest that your problem is
  that your servlet was mapped to /testServlet/* and you were trying to
  request /testServlet.  The containers I've used (okay, just Tomcat)
  are very literal minded.  Try requesting /testServlet/ or /testServlet/


  Helo TA,

  try to request /testServlet/testServlet/*, because you give the
  testServlet double: one times in the web.xml and one times while
  attaching to the router. I think, you should remove the testServlet
  from the attach method.

  best regards

  New user and I'm playing around with the firstStepsApplication using it in a
  tomcat web container.

  I'm trying to play with the routing.

  Instead of

   Router router = new Router(getContext());

  I'm trying to do


  and correspondingly, I've changed the entry in web.xml





  and I can't get it to work, keep getting 404 error.

  I don't want to default route to the app for all URIs in the url mapping, 
  ones that start with /testServlet

  Appreciate any help.


There's a bug with follow ups on this site

2008-02-29 Thread TA
I try and do a follow up and keep getting blocked because the site thinks I 'm
doing top posting.

The way I got around it was to take the follow up and remove all  characters
from the message chain and that seemed to work.

RE: Re: re servlet mapping question

2008-02-29 Thread Mitch Stewart

You do not want to duplicate the servlet mappings with Router URL
attachments, as that will only work with double URLs. So in your
example your URL would have to be:


This is assuming that you are installing your webapp under /ROOT (for
Tomcat) or /root (for jetty) 

There is a level of routing that happens in the servlet container
outside of the Restlet engine, and it is determined by either the name
of the WAR file or directory in the /webapps directory (again, assuming
Tomcat/Jetty). For instance, if your directory structure looks like

... Files for webapp

Then your url, with this given web.xml, should REALLY be:


Because the first /testServlet tells the servlet container to route it
to the /testServlet webapp in the /webapps directory. The next
/testServlet/dog is your mapping within the web.xml file. The last
/testServlet/dog is the Router attachment.

A more appropriate mapping would be this:

!-- Catch all requests --

Then you would be able to get to your page using:


But, if you just want dog, then you should attach the Router like


Then you could go to:


Again, this is because the servlet container will do an initial routing
of the context name based on the webapps you have installed. The Restlet
engine works within this context, so Router does not use the initial
context (which is testServlet) to map its URLs.

As for worries about other servlets, because the Servlet container is
routing initially based on context, all other webapps will take
precedence. But, this is only a consideration if you install your
servlet into the ROOT context. However, the servlet container will still
look for installed contexts first before routing the request to the ROOT

Hope that helps.

Also, you may want to check to see if you are getting into the Restlet
engine itself. Are you getting a 404 error from your servlet engine, or
from the Restlet engine. They will produce different looking pages
(unless you are using IE7, in which case the page will be hidden and you
will see a generic 404 error displayed by IE itself).


 -Original Message-
 From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of TA
 Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 10:28 AM
 To: discuss@restlet.tigris.org
 Subject: Re: re servlet mapping question
 Apologies for starting a new post on an existing thread but 
 everytime I try and follow up I get a top posting error.
 Here is the thread on the issue
 Thanks for the reply.
 I tried mapping to something specific and it still does not 
 work, 404 error.
 I set up a route like so
 and set up a mapping in the web.xml like so
 I tried the URLs /testServlet/dog and also 
 /testServlet/testServlet/dog and no luck.
 The only way it appears to work is if attachDefault is used 
 with a url-pattern of /*
 Does anyone have an example of a route and url-pattern that 
 they know works on their setup?
 Hi Ted,
 What Stephan was pointing out is that that _won't_ happen 
 because the container will continue to route requests to the 
 other servlets -- even if your restlet servlet wanted to 
 handle the other requests, it won't ever see them.
 I'm not sure, but if I had to guess I'd suggest that your 
 problem is that your servlet was mapped to /testServlet/* and 
 you were trying to request /testServlet.  The containers I've 
 used (okay, just Tomcat) are very literal minded.  Try 
 requesting /testServlet/ or /testServlet/ somethingElse.
 Helo TA,
 try to request /testServlet/testServlet/*, because you give 
 the testServlet double: one times in the web.xml and one 
 times while attaching to the router. I think, you should 
 remove the testServlet 
 from the attach method.
 best regards
 New user and I'm playing around with the 
 firstStepsApplication using it in a tomcat web container.
 I'm trying to play with the routing.
 Instead of 
   Router router = new Router(getContext());
 I'm trying to do
 and correspondingly, I've changed the entry in web.xml
 and I can't get it to work, keep getting 

RE: riap: isConfidential()?

2008-02-29 Thread Jerome Louvel

That is fair, I've updated the official record :)
It will appear on the next Web site update and release.

Best regards,

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Rob Heittman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Envoyé : vendredi 29 février 2008 19:07
 À : discuss@restlet.tigris.org
 Objet : Re: riap: isConfidential()?
 To get it on the official record, Carl Scott gets credit for 
 this suggestion  :-)
 On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 7:15 AM, Rob Heittman 
   Awesome, thanks, Jerome! 

RE: There's a bug with follow ups on this site

2008-02-29 Thread Jerome Louvel

Hi there,

That is weird, GMane works fine for me. Which email client are you using?

Best regards,

 -Message d'origine-
 De : news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de TA
 Envoyé : vendredi 29 février 2008 16:30
 À : discuss@restlet.tigris.org
 Objet : There's a bug with follow ups on this site
 I try and do a follow up and keep getting blocked because the 
 site thinks I 'm
 doing top posting.
 The way I got around it was to take the follow up and remove 
 all  characters
 from the message chain and that seemed to work.

Re: Ran into difficulty getting servlet connector working.

2008-02-29 Thread Eben
Hello Thierry,

Tests passed.  Servlet connector working perfectly with 1.1m2 release.

Thank you for releasing this!

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 2:44 AM, Thierry Boileau [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hello Eben,

 here is a new snapshot:

 Could you make tests and keep us informed?

 best regards,
 Thierry Boileau

Problems extracting a POST request's entity

2008-02-29 Thread Sergio Saugar
Hi all,

  I'm developing a web-based middleware (the software of my PhD) and I'm
trying to use RESTLET. I create a server (and a client) and some
restlets to implement the execution dynamics of  my software.

  I'm using XML for the representation of the resources (using JAXB).

  Well, I tried to implement a GET method and it works, it returns a
response with a XML entity on it. But now I'm programming a POST method
and I have a problem. I create a request with a XML string as an entity
and it seems to be ok (I'm using a StringRepresentation) for this
purpose. The code that I use is one of the following:

Representation rep = new StringRepresentation(xmlString,

  I debug the request and it seems to be well formed. But, when I try to
get back the XML string on the handlePost method, I allways obtain a
null value. How could I extract the XML String from a request's
entity??? (i try to do it using an InputStreamReader but the result is
the same)

I would appreciate some help regarding this, it takes me two days!! :-)

P.D.- Please forgive my poor english :-)


   Sergio Saugar García
   Área de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial
   Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación
   Edificio Departamental II - Despacho 053
   Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática
   Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
   Móstoles (MADRID)

   Clave PGP:

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

RE: Problems extracting a POST request's entity

2008-02-29 Thread Mitch Stewart
If you read the stream from the representation, or call getText(), then the 
stream will be consumed and there will be no more data to read.

This is also true if you debug a POST on the server side, and call getText(). 
Your debugger will consume the stream and no more data will be available to the 
handlePost() method.

Only grab the data from the Representation once. If you need to debug, then 
read it into a temporary variable prior to parsing it, then you can inspect the 
temp variable without losing the data.


 -Original Message-
 From: Sergio Saugar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 2:30 PM
 To: discuss@restlet.tigris.org
 Subject: Problems extracting a POST request's entity
 Hi all,
   I'm developing a web-based middleware (the software of my 
 PhD) and I'm trying to use RESTLET. I create a server (and a 
 client) and some restlets to implement the execution dynamics 
 of  my software.
   I'm using XML for the representation of the resources (using JAXB).
   Well, I tried to implement a GET method and it works, it 
 returns a response with a XML entity on it. But now I'm 
 programming a POST method and I have a problem. I create a 
 request with a XML string as an entity and it seems to be ok 
 (I'm using a StringRepresentation) for this purpose. The code 
 that I use is one of the following:
 Representation rep = new StringRepresentation(xmlString, 
   I debug the request and it seems to be well formed. But, 
 when I try to get back the XML string on the handlePost 
 method, I allways obtain a null value. How could I extract 
 the XML String from a request's entity??? (i try to do it 
 using an InputStreamReader but the result is the same)
 I would appreciate some help regarding this, it takes me two 
 days!! :-)
 P.D.- Please forgive my poor english :-)
Sergio Saugar García
Área de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación
Edificio Departamental II - Despacho 053
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Móstoles (MADRID)
Clave PGP: