RE: resource scheme

2009-04-16 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi there,

As it seems more like a general REST question, I suggest that you have a
look at some REST specific information: 
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-
De : [] 
Envoyé : vendredi 10 avril 2009 10:01
À :
Objet : resource scheme

Hi, i need suggestion. I have to implement a multi-side RESTlet architecture
to exchange message/resource between pharmacies and suppliers, and between
suppliers and agents. It implicates thet in the suppliers side, there are
resources POSTed or PUTted by booth pharmacies and agents and some resources
destined to different pharmacies (fiscal invoices and similar) and other
destined to different agents (order sheet and similar). It implicates thet
each side cannot know the resources map and their structure in the other
side (and cannot know the specific URI's). I think it's necessary to
provide, before different clients GET, POST or PUT resources, an XML
resource thet maps the structure of resources and over this map the client
can generate the right URI's for the HTTP packets (WADL like). I'm aware
this approach gets further from restlet architecture, but i don't succeed in
imagining other solutions. 
It's all right or i'm crazy?
If it's all right can you recommend me a particular structure for resources
that is easier to manipulate?
I can create a directory for each client and in each directory a tree of
other directory for different resources using the name of directories as
identifier... or there are other easier way to implement an manipulate
better resource structure and map?
Thanks in advance!!
Illuminate me!!



post in putUser Bookmark throws error

2009-04-16 Thread webpost
   I changed the Bookmark example 
 from Put to Post in putUser method as shown below:

public static void putUser(String userName, String password,
String fullName, String email) {
final Form form = new Form();
form.add(user[password], password);
form.add(user[full_name], fullName);
form.add(user[email], email);
final Response resp = new Client(Protocol.HTTP).post(
getUserUri(userName), form.getWebRepresentation());

But now when I'm trying to add user, it throws error Internal Server Error 
(500) - The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from 
fulfilling the request 

I'm using stable restlet 1.1.7. Can you please tell me if its a bug or what I'm 
doing wrong???



Re: Re: Google AppEngine and Restlet

2009-04-16 Thread Rémi Dewitte

As far as I understand, we can't reuse Restlet extensions made for
org.restlet.* with org.restlet.gae.* classes, can we ?
I have thought at a time that GAE would be a deployment option for our
restlet applications. With the gae copy, we may not reuse an application as
straitforward as I may have dreamed. I see Restlet extensible enough not to
have to copy the full code base. Would that dream have been possible with
1.1 with the API and Engine separation ?

Why should not we support this scenario ;) ?


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 22:29, Jerome Louvel jerome.lou...@noelios.comwrote:

 Hi Richy,

 Thanks for sharing your experience!

 When I did the adaptation of Restlet to GAE (resulting in the new
 org.restlet.gae.jar available in recent snapshots), I took the source
 and had to remove many classes that didn't compile due to the lack of
 sockets and SSL support (mainly the internal connectors).

 I'm surprised that the org.restlet.jar works despite this and I'm not
 if we should support this usage scenario. In addition,
 includes the ServerServlet, the JavaMail and the JDK's Net connectors. In
 the future, it will leverage other GAE APIs.

 Regarding FreeMarker, the ContextTemplateLoader I just added to SVN trunk
 will probably help simplifying its usage in GAE with Restlet. Let me know
 you have a chance to test it.

 Best regards,
 Jerome Louvel
 Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
 Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

 -Message d'origine-
 De : []
 Envoyé : samedi 11 avril 2009 14:49
 À :
 Objet : RE: Re: Google AppEngine and Restlet

 After a bit of experimentation I have managed to get a Restlet/Freemarker
 stack running on GAE.

 The basic steps I took were :

 1. Modify ServletConverter and ServletContextAdapter as detailed below.

 Basically this means replacing the calls to new ServletLogger with
 Logger.getLogger e.g. in the ServletConverter constructor do something

 super(new Context(Logger.getLogger(ServletConverter.class.getName(;

 2. Add org.freemarker.jar, org.restlet.jar, org.restlet.ext.servlet.jar and
 org.restlet.ext.freemarker.jar to the WEB-INF/lib of your google app
 and add to the build path.

 3. Follow usual setup for getting Restlet working in a Servlet environment.
 Folow the HelloWorld tutorial in the getting started docs -  it should work
 fine locally (even without doing step 1. However, you'll need to replace
 these calls in order to get it to run in the real GAE)

 4.  Freemarker was a little more tricky, but not much.  Create a freemarker
 configuration that uses the class template loader and put this in the
 Restlet Application context attributes.

 5. Make sure your templates are somewhere on the class path.

 6. Use the TemplateRepresentation along with your freemarker config from
 context attributes

 7. Make sure it works locally and upload to the app engine.

 Hopefully I'll get a chance to write this up properly over easter, but it
 wasn't too bad and looks promising so far.






RE: Re: Re: userpass

2009-04-16 Thread fgr81
Hi Rob, thank you for the answer!
ok, I can happy use the cookies, but is this use versus the rest-philosophy?
is there another solution to bring client-side the access credentials?
server-side security isn't now a problem, and then also HTTP_BASIC is good for 
Thanx again.


RE: Managing a JPA/Hibernate session

2009-04-16 Thread webpost

Could anyone give me some advice how I could implement such a Filter or 
ConnectorService for hibernate? The main problem is: How can I get the 
EntityManager that I created in the Filter at some other point?

Now I'm using auto-generated JPA Controller classes form NetBeans but this 
leads to lots of problems when accessing data when the EntityManager has 
already been closed.

Thanks for any Help


RE: ServerResource is currently incompatible with OSGi

2009-04-16 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Tal and Tim,
Thanks for the discussion. I have added a clearCache() method which is
invoked each time an application is stopped (there is no
Application#release() method). The minor issue with an application specific
cache is that resource classes could be shared by several applications.
I have also entered a RFE to keep track of the need for a more optimal
solution in the future:
Improve cleaning of annotation descriptors
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


De : Tal Liron [] 
Envoyé : dimanche 12 avril 2009 17:39
À :
Objet : Re: ServerResource is currently incompatible with OSGi

Tim... you seem to be agreeing with me, then, that this does have something
to do with the Application, and you are also allowing for some redundancy in
calculation and memory use, so, again, why not just store it in the
Application's Context, where all this is taken care of automatically? I
think Jerome's first instinct here may have been the most straightforward.

Barring that, how about calling the clearCache in the Application's
release(), rather than stop()?


Tim Peierls wrote: 

I wouldn't recommend RRWL for this. 

Since it's harmless to recompute the AnnotationInfos, I think just having an
AnnotationUtils.clearCache method would work well. Call it whenever an
Application stops, say. It's worth a little redundant computation to avoid
having to deal with shared locks and liveness.


On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 2:22 PM, Tal Liron

Oh, I didn't mean synchronizing the whole map. I actually didn't mean much
beyond suggesting that we brainstorm a way to use WeakReferences as keys in
this particular case. I still don't have a complete solution in mind.

Another idea: Perhaps we can use a ReentrantReadWrite lock around a simple
WeakHashMap? Since this is a 99% read situation, most requests won't need
to acquire locks.

(ConcurrentHashMap is actually a very complicated and delicately tuned
class, and it would be anything but trivial for us to try to re-implement it
using WeakReferences.)

I know there are generic 3rd party solutions to this, but I know we'd all
prefer to use what Java 5 offers us right now. I'm sure we can cobble
together something that performs well!


Tim Peierls wrote: 

Did you read my subsequent e-mail that talked about opening an issue to make
this more robust?  

There is currently no standard concurrent map with weak keys, although
MapMaker in Google Collections provides this and much more. An effort to put
something like this into Java 7 is under way, but there's no telling whether
it will actually happen.

Wrapping a WeakHashMap with synchronization is likely to be a performance
bottleneck: every request has to grab a global lock. 


On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Tal Liron

Hmm. I disagree that this has nothing to do with the Application. For
example, if an Application is unloaded, this cached information will remain
in the static field. In fact, there is no mechanism in place right now clean
this cache, and in dynamic environments (possibly OSGi) it may accumulate
cruft. Not a huge problem, but this is the stuff memory leaks are made

Here's a thought: can we use a synchronized WeakHashMap here? That way, the
AnnotationInfo would be discarded when the class is unloaded.


Jerome Louvel wrote:

Hi all,
Beautiful! This new solution is available in SVN trunk. 
Thanks Dave for the report and Tim for the clever fix!


Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


De : [] De la part de Tim
Envoyé : mercredi 8 avril 2009 00:23
À :
Objet : Re: ServerResource is currently incompatible with OSGi

Why involve Context at all? The AnnotationInfo associated with a Class?
extends UniformResource does not depend on Context. You could just add a
method to AnnotationUtils: 

public static AnnotationInfo getAnnotationDescriptor(Class? extends
UniformResource  resourceClass) {
AnnotationInfo result = cache.get(resourceClass);
if (result == null) {
result = computeAnnotationDescriptor(resourceClass); // use code from
existing getAnnotationDescriptors for this
AnnotationInfo prev = cache.putIfAbsent(resourceClass, result);
if (prev != null) result = prev;
return result;
private static final ConcurrentMapClass? extends Resource,
AnnotationInfo cache =
new ConcurrentHashMapClass? extends Resource, AnnotationInfo();

Then you don't need 

Re: post in putUser Bookmark throws error

2009-04-16 Thread Thierry Boileau

this may be because the UserResource does not handle POST requests.
Did you try to rename UserResource#storeRepresentation to 

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau

I changed the Bookmark example 
  from Put to Post in putUser method as shown below:

 public static void putUser(String userName, String password,
 String fullName, String email) {
 final Form form = new Form();
 form.add(user[password], password);
 form.add(user[full_name], fullName);
 form.add(user[email], email);
 final Response resp = new Client(Protocol.HTTP).post(
 getUserUri(userName), form.getWebRepresentation());

 But now when I'm trying to add user, it throws error Internal Server Error 
 (500) - The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it 
 from fulfilling the request 

 I'm using stable restlet 1.1.7. Can you please tell me if its a bug or what 
 I'm doing wrong???




RE: Annotations and Restlet's future

2009-04-16 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Tal,
Again, if there is no annotation declared on a ServerResource subclass,
there is nearly no cost for testing for the presence of those annotations.
Hence, it is not really necessary to call setAnnotated(false). 
I don't want to add a new annotation for this. The fact that a class is a
resource is based on the class hierarchy (extending ServerResource), no need
to mark it with an additional annotation IMO.
Regarding other annotations, I don't want to go further on the JAX-RS road.
I really don't see the issue of calling a setter method to turn off
conditional processing, otherwise we risk using annotations as the
programming language.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


De : Tal Liron [] 
Envoyé : dimanche 12 avril 2009 22:08
À :
Objet : Re: Annotations and Restlet's future

Hi Jerome,

How about instead of calling setAnnotated(false), there would be an
annotation to turn annotation on? Since this doesn't seem like behavior
you'd want to turn on or off during the life of the resource instance, it
seems like it should be defined at the class level, not in the instance.
Makes sense?

Maybe something like this:


class ArticleResource extends ServerResource {




The @Resource tag could also support parameters defining general
characteristics of the resource. Perhaps enabling conditional mode, etc.
Maybe it can even be a separate tag, such as @ConditionalResource.

What I'm hoping is that if this tag is not present, annotated mode would be
off, which is what I think should be the default.


Jerome Louvel wrote:

Hi all,
I haven't fully digested all this feed-back, but it helps tremendously! Just
to clarify a few points:


Rob correctly guessed my thoughts, annotations should be a fully
optional feature

I like to have this feature turned on by default because it lowers
the barrier of entry for new users. For experienced Restlet developers, it's
easy enough to override the doInit() method and call
*   Non-annotated resources shouldn't impose any significant performance
hit, even if the annotated flag is turned on (annotation detection is done
only once) 


No additional annotation is expected in Restlet 1.2, we should stick
with the current 5 public annotations

Exceptions are no rethrown for annotated methods

Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


De : Rémi Dewitte [] 
Envoyé : vendredi 10 avril 2009 08:58
À :
Objet : Re: Annotations and Restlet's future


I thank you all to clear my mind about annotations.
Annotations are probably good to get started with a hello world or minimize
the amount of code you would write. But you lose some compilation checks and
moreover developing further more complex resources will require to
understand how it works (routing/switch logic) and which methods will not be
called because of the use of annotations. If I want to search for resources
class will I have to search for @Resource as well ? How far are we from
annotated Restlets ?

Would it be possible to have ServerResource free of annotation logic and an
AnnotatedServerResource subclass removing the need for isAnnotated ?


On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 17:47, Rob Heittman

GWT 1.5/1.6 is happy with annotations at compile time ... but if the
implementation needs to examine them at runtime via reflection, GWT doesn't
have that capability.  GWT getClass() emulation doesn't have
getAnnotations() ... or much of anything else.  There's no reflection in the
Javascript room.

Restlet 1.2's current incarnation is fine with me ... annotations optional.
But I agree that the non-annotation and annotation approach should use the
same vowels and consonants in the same order whenever possible  :-)  This
helps us bears of very little brain. 

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 7:06 AM, Tim Peierls wrote:

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 4:57 AM, Rob Heittman
wrote: only *strong* requirement, that the annotation based solution must
remain a voluntary choice and not the only way to get things done.  It
should remain possible to achieve whatever annotations can achieve in a
non-annotation way.  This allows the basic API outline to work in places
where annotations are not available or work differently enough to cause
friction (pre-1.5 JVM backports, GWT, API ports to other languages, Scala
...)  It is OK with me if the 

Re: Restlet and maven

2009-04-16 Thread Thierry Boileau
Hello Rémi,

what kind of files are thinking about? package.html, overview.html files?

Best regards,
Thierry Boileau


 There is an issue with the maven build.
 Resources files (not java files) in src/ are not in the final jar.


 2009/4/8 Rémi Dewitte

 Hi !

 Thanks all for your answers. I was not really worried about
 building the project with ant or maven.

 I use maven to build most of my projects and I want to test them
 with last updates. As
 is not being updated everyday ;).


 On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 17:02, Davide Angelocola

 Hi Rémi,
 Â Â assuming you've installed maven in the PATH you must run
 the following command in trunk/modules:

 mvn install

 using netbeans is even easier, just install the maven plugin
 and open the modules project. Then build the project.

 Best Regards, 
 Davide Angelocola 

 2009/4/7 Rémi Dewitte


 I know there is some ongoing work about maven and restlet.
 If I checkout the trunk and build it, how do I install the
 new artifacts into my local m2 repository ?


 -- Davide Angelocola


RE: Try to get Redirector working in GAE

2009-04-16 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Mikhael,
I have decided to remove ServletContextAdapter altogether from SVN trunk and 
adjusted SpringServerServlet to work like ServerServlet. The only thing missing 
is the redirection from the Context's logger to the Servlet's logger, but the 
ServletLogger class could be used for this purpose later on.
Still, I don't understand why you got this classnotfound exception in the first 
place. Did you deploy the org.restlet.ext.servlet.jar as well? Because 
org.restlet.gae.jar embeds its own version of ServerServlet (in 
org.restlet.util) and ServletLogger (in org.restlet.engine.servlet) which isn't 
used by the Spring extension.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


De : Mikhail Spirydonau [] 
Envoyé : mercredi 15 avril 2009 02:43
À :
Objet : Re: Try to get Redirector working in GAE

It is all quite obvious, line 94 in SpringServerServlet makes use of 
ServletContextAdapter which in turn uses ServletLogger. Strangely though as 
this is the only use of ServletContextAdapter in the entire Restlet+extensions 
codebase. Reverted to parentContext.createChildContext() used in the base 
ServerServlet class and voila - works as a charm both locally and on the 
server. Once again, have sources for org.restlet.ext.spring.jar working on GAE 
and for ServerResource as opposed to just Resource. Can post them up if there 
is interest.

And apologies for spamming this list up.

Best regards,

2009/4/15 Mikhail Spirydonau

OK, I just realised that the error is actually thrown in 
SpringServerServlet.createApplication() line 94. There is no mentioning of 
ServletLogger anywhere in it, neither it was there before and the only thing I 
changed is the package it extends ServerServlet from. You can clearly see from 
the stack trace it is using the GAE port's org.restlet.util.ServerServlet. 
Anyone to help with this oddity out? Could it be GAE itself not posting all the 
stack traces into the Logs?

Best regards,

2009/4/15 Mikhail Spirydonau 

Hi Jerome,

I tried updated version of org.restlet.gae.jar. It worked fine on a local dev 
server. Having deployed it onto server got the following:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/restlet/engine/servlet/ServletLogger

at org.restlet.util.ServerServlet.getApplication(
at org.restlet.util.ServerServlet.init(

at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)

I recall I saw someone from Google 
trying to start Restlet application up by getting rid of ServletLogger. Later 
in the same thread you said it is fixed in org.restlet.gae.jar. May I be using 
wrong version or getting confused somewhere? Is the source for the gae port 
available from some branch to have a look at? Thanks.

Best regards,

P.S. I have corrected org.restlet.ext.spring.jar to work with ServerResource 
and gae port. If anyone interested I can share sources somehow.

2009/4/14 Jerome Louvel 

Hi Ken,

Sorry, this is a regression due to packages refactoring, I've uploaded a new
JAR on the wiki page:

Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-
De : Ken Huang []
Envoy� : mardi 14 avril 2009 06:06
� :
Objet : Try to get Redirector working in GAE

I try to redirect my request from my GAE application to another server, I
found it might work with Redirector.MODE_DISPACTHER, Here is the example
code I used:

GWT client code:
� � � � � � � � � � � �final Client client = new Client(Protocol.HTTP);
� � � � � � � � � � � �Form form = new Form();
� � � � � � � � � � � 

RE: restlet as a jax-rs implementation

2009-04-16 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Philippe,

To complete Stephan's answer, the ServerServlet is a Restlet specific class
that is leveraged by our JAX-RS implementation. It also works with classic
Restlet application hence it follows our own convention. 

BTW, the parameter name you want to use in your web.xml is
org.restlet.application and not org.restlet.attribute.application!
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-
De : [] 
Envoyé : mercredi 15 avril 2009 09:30
À :
Objet : Re: restlet as a jax-rs implementation

Hi Philippe,

is prefix also the @Path on your root resource class? Than you have to use
only /* as url-pattern. To your first question I can't answer, because of
my missing time other ones worked on the JAX-RS extension.

best regards

 I have an existing jax-rs application and would like to use restlet as 
 an implementation. My web.xml currently looks like this:




 com.acme.MyApplication is a suclass of 
 So here's my first question, why is the init parameter called 
 org.restlet.attribute.application and not
 like spec says? Second the servlet is not mapped to the context path 
 but a subpath. This does not seem to work out of the box, I'm getting
 Is there some way this has to be configured like in RESTeasy?



RE: Re: Google AppEngine and Restlet

2009-04-16 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Remi,
As long as the extension only relies on GAE's white listed JRE classes, it
will work without any modification (example: the FreeMarker extension). Your
dream can come true already :-)
In the recent version of org.restlet.gae.jar, the packages are the same as
in org.restlet.jar so it should be easy to leverage Restlet extensions
that are compatible with GAE. 
As a result, it should be possible to deploy existing Restlet applications
in GAE without any modification, as long as their are compatible with GAE's
environment of course.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


De : [] De la part de Rémi
Envoyé : mercredi 15 avril 2009 23:02
À :
Objet : Re: Re: Google AppEngine and Restlet


As far as I understand, we can't reuse Restlet extensions made for
org.restlet.* with org.restlet.gae.* classes, can we ?
I have thought at a time that GAE would be a deployment option for our
restlet applications. With the gae copy, we may not reuse an application as
straitforward as I may have dreamed. I see Restlet extensible enough not to
have to copy the full code base. Would that dream have been possible with
1.1 with the API and Engine separation ?

Why should not we support this scenario ;) ?


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 22:29, Jerome Louvel

Hi Richy,

Thanks for sharing your experience!

When I did the adaptation of Restlet to GAE (resulting in the new
org.restlet.gae.jar available in recent snapshots), I took the source code
and had to remove many classes that didn't compile due to the lack of
sockets and SSL support (mainly the internal connectors).

I'm surprised that the org.restlet.jar works despite this and I'm not sure
if we should support this usage scenario. In addition, org.restlet.gae.jar
includes the ServerServlet, the JavaMail and the JDK's Net connectors. In
the future, it will leverage other GAE APIs.

Regarding FreeMarker, the ContextTemplateLoader I just added to SVN trunk
will probably help simplifying its usage in GAE with Restlet. Let me know if
you have a chance to test it.

Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-

De : []
Envoyé : samedi 11 avril 2009 14:49

À :

Objet : RE: Re: Google AppEngine and Restlet

After a bit of experimentation I have managed to get a Restlet/Freemarker
stack running on GAE.

The basic steps I took were :

1. Modify ServletConverter and ServletContextAdapter as detailed below.

Basically this means replacing the calls to new ServletLogger with
Logger.getLogger e.g. in the ServletConverter constructor do something

super(new Context(Logger.getLogger(ServletConverter.class.getName(;

2. Add org.freemarker.jar, org.restlet.jar, org.restlet.ext.servlet.jar and
org.restlet.ext.freemarker.jar to the WEB-INF/lib of your google app project
and add to the build path.

3. Follow usual setup for getting Restlet working in a Servlet environment.
Folow the HelloWorld tutorial in the getting started docs -  it should work
fine locally (even without doing step 1. However, you'll need to replace
these calls in order to get it to run in the real GAE)

4.  Freemarker was a little more tricky, but not much.  Create a freemarker
configuration that uses the class template loader and put this in the
Restlet Application context attributes.

5. Make sure your templates are somewhere on the class path.

6. Use the TemplateRepresentation along with your freemarker config from the
context attributes

7. Make sure it works locally and upload to the app engine.

Hopefully I'll get a chance to write this up properly over easter, but it
wasn't too bad and looks promising so far.



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RE: Managing a JPA/Hibernate session

2009-04-16 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Matt,

There has been a recent discussion on this topic in this list. Some changes
were made in SVN trunk so that ConnectorService callback methods are
systematically called after sending representations/responses. 

You basically have to provide a custom ConnectorService that intercepts
those calls to update your EntityManager accordingly. 

Also, as this piece of code seems rather generic, there might be an
opportunity to provide a specific Restlet extension for this... Feel free to
contribute one or to enter a RFE.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~


-Message d'origine-
De : [] 
Envoyé : mercredi 15 avril 2009 19:50
À :
Objet : RE: Managing a JPA/Hibernate session


Could anyone give me some advice how I could implement such a Filter or
ConnectorService for hibernate? The main problem is: How can I get the
EntityManager that I created in the Filter at some other point?

Now I'm using auto-generated JPA Controller classes form NetBeans but this
leads to lots of problems when accessing data when the EntityManager has
already been closed.

Thanks for any Help



RE: Restlet 1.2 M2, Simple, and HTTPS

2009-04-16 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Matt,

Could you enter a bug report for this? 
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-
De : MattyJ [] 
Envoyé : jeudi 16 avril 2009 06:11
À :
Objet : Restlet 1.2 M2, Simple, and HTTPS

Hi there,

The application I'm building uses the simpleframework. 

This morning I upgraded from Restlet M1 to M2 which also included a new
version of simple 4.1.9. (It was 3.1.3)

Prior to the upgrade HTTPS was working fine now for some reason when ever I
try and access any https url it seems to hang indefinitely.

I've explicitly removed all of the certificates exceptions I've been using
for development and have attempted to re-add the certificate back but to no

I've tried putting in lots of breakpoints to see whats go on but I'm still
not having much joy.

I rolled back the changes to M1 and 3.1.3 and it's all working fine again.

Does anyone else have this issue? Or could you provide any suggestions as to
what I might need to do?


View this message in context:
Sent from the Restlet Discuss mailing list archive at



Re: Restlet and maven

2009-04-16 Thread Rémi Dewitte
Hello Thierry,

I am thinking of META-INF/services/* for client helpers for example.
Have you encountered any issue with my patch ? I have included all files in
src/ except .java and package.html but we could be more specific. Just have
to change the include content.


On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 09:39, Thierry Boileau

 Hello Rémi,

 what kind of files are thinking about? package.html, overview.html files?

 Best regards,
 Thierry Boileau

  There is an issue with the maven build.
  Resources files (not java files) in src/ are not in the final jar.
  2009/4/8 Rémi Dewitte
  Hi !
  Thanks all for your answers. I was not really worried about
  building the project with ant or maven.
  I use maven to build most of my projects and I want to test them
  with last updates. As
  is not being updated everyday ;).
  On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 17:02, Davide Angelocola
  Hi Rémi,
  Â Â assuming you've installed maven in the PATH you must run
  the following command in trunk/modules:
  mvn install
  using netbeans is even easier, just install the maven plugin
  and open the modules project. Then build the project.
  Best Regards,Â
  Davide AngelocolaÂ
  2009/4/7 Rémi Dewitte
  I know there is some ongoing work about maven and restlet.
  If I checkout the trunk and build it, how do I install the
  new artifacts into my local m2 repository ?
  -- Davide Angelocola



Re: Restlet 1.2 M2, Simple, and HTTPS

2009-04-16 Thread Mohamed Abdel-Aziz Bayoumi
Hi MattyJ,

I've faced the same problem before using Restlet M1 and i discovered the cause 
that is i was using Grizzly connector, removing the latter and working with 
Simple solved my problem. However some of my friends who were facing the same 
prob, did the opposite to get over it (i.e. they used grizzly instead of 
simple). So i suggested you swap and test different connectors separately and 
observe if that solves it or not ...

Wish this helps a lil'

Hi there,

The application I'm building uses the simpleframework. 

This morning I upgraded from Restlet M1 to M2 which also included a new version 
of simple 4.1.9. (It was 3.1.3)

Prior to the upgrade HTTPS was working fine now for some reason when ever I try 
and access any https url it seems to hang indefinitely.

I've explicitly removed all of the certificates exceptions I've been using for 
development and have attempted to re-add the certificate back but to no 

I've tried putting in lots of breakpoints to see whats go on but I'm still not 
having much joy.

I rolled back the changes to M1 and 3.1.3 and it's all working fine again.

Does anyone else have this issue? Or could you provide any suggestions as to 
what I might need to do?


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Re: Restlet and maven

2009-04-16 Thread Rémi Dewitte

I had to disable test and example module to have mvn install work.
Apparently it does work as I expect :).


On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 11:28, Jerome Louvel jerome.lou...@noelios.comwrote:

  Thanks Remi, fix applied to SVN trunk!


 *De :* [] *De la part de
 * Rémi Dewitte
 *Envoyé :* jeudi 16 avril 2009 09:17

 *À :*
 *Objet :* Re: Restlet and maven

 Here is a fix !


 2009/4/15 Rémi Dewitte

 I will try something as soon as possible !


 On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 23:19, Jerome Louvel 

  Hi Rémi,

 In our code organization, resources are part of the Java source directory
 (contrary to Maven's default layout).
 Could you suggest a fix?

  Best regards,
 Jerome Louvel
 Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
 Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

 *De :* [] *De la part
 de* Rémi Dewitte
 *Envoyé :* jeudi 9 avril 2009 17:18
 *À :*
 *Objet :* Re: Restlet and maven


 There is an issue with the maven build.
 Resources files (not java files) in src/ are not in the final jar.


 2009/4/8 Rémi Dewitte

 Hi !

 Thanks all for your answers. I was not really worried about building the
 project with ant or maven.

 I use maven to build most of my projects and I want to test them with
 last updates. As is not being updated everyday ;).


 On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 17:02, Davide Angelocola wrote:

 Hi Rémi,   assuming you've installed maven in the PATH you must run
 the following command in trunk/modules:

 mvn install

 using netbeans is even easier, just install the maven plugin and open
 the modules project. Then build the project.

 Best Regards,
 Davide Angelocola

  2009/4/7 Rémi Dewitte


 I know there is some ongoing work about maven and restlet.
 If I checkout the trunk and build it, how do I install the new
 artifacts into my local m2 repository ?


 -- Davide Angelocola


RE: Re: Google AppEngine and Restlet

2009-04-16 Thread Jerome Louvel
Hi Zsolt,

Restlet/GWT should definitely work with GAE. From a GAE point of view,
everything will look like compiled Javascript files served statically by
your Restlet/GAE application. 

On the server-side, you can definitely use Restlet instead of GWT-RPC. The
GwtShellServletWrapper is even included in the org.restlet.gae.jar file.

Let us know if you encounter any difficulty.
Best regards,
Jerome Louvel
Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

-Message d'origine-
De : Zsolt Kovacs [] 
Envoyé : jeudi 16 avril 2009 13:11
À :
Objet : RE: Re: Google AppEngine and Restlet

Hi Jerome,

In the ligth of this, willl the Restlet GWT extension work on GAE? I am
learning GEA and GWT and before I start to investigate, I would appreciate
your feedback.



 Hi Remi,
 As long as the extension only relies on GAE's white listed JRE 
 classes, it will work without any modification (example: the 
 FreeMarker extension). Your dream can come true already :-)
 In the recent version of org.restlet.gae.jar, the packages are the 
 same as in org.restlet.jar so it should be easy to leverage Restlet 
 extensions that are compatible with GAE.
 As a result, it should be possible to deploy existing Restlet 
 applications in GAE without any modification, as long as their are 
 compatible with GAE's environment of course.
 Best regards,
 Jerome Louvel
 Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~ Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~



Re: FreeMarker Template Loading

2009-04-16 Thread Dustin N. Jenkins

Thanks, this works as expected with one exception.  The 
getLastModified(Object templateSource) returns a NullPointerException 
all the time for me as the getModificationDate() from the Representation 
(templateSource) is always null.  I overrode the class and that method 
and it works as expected.  Should I make a ticket for this too or is 
this e-mail sufficient?


Jerome Louvel wrote:
 Hi Dustin,

 Thanks for reporting this issue. 

 I have just added a ContextTemplateLoader class to FreeMarker extension that
 will allow you to achieve the same result as the
 Configuration#setServletContextForTemplateLoading() method.

 It is checked in SVN trunk and will be available in the next snapshot.
 Please test and let me know if it works as expected.

 Best regards,
 Jerome Louvel
 Restlet ~ Founder and Lead developer ~
 Noelios Technologies ~ Co-founder ~

 -Message d'origine-
 De : Dustin N. Jenkins [] 
 Envoyé : jeudi 9 avril 2009 23:10
 À :
 Objet : FreeMarker Template Loading

 Hello all,

 I'm running JDK 1.6 with Restlet 1.2 and the included FreeMarker all being
 served from a Tomcat 6 container.  My FreeMarker templates are in the web
 content root under the directory freemarker-templates.

 I used to cast the context to a ServletContextAdapter before 1.2, and was
 able to tell my FreeMarker Configuration to obtain my Templates from the
 ServletContext, but that's not true anymore.  Is there a way to get the
 ServletContext now?

 I am able to use this:
 getContext().getClientDispatcher().get(war:///freemarker-templates/ +

 and wrap it in a TemplateRepresentation, but my #include myHeader.ftl
 files within my templates no longer work as they're relative URLs. 

 So which way is better?  Is there a better third option?

 Thank you!


Dustin N. Jenkins | Tel/Tél: 250.363.3101 |

facsimile/télécopieur: (250) 363-0045

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