Re: GMail is using Hspell!

2006-03-11 חוט Nadav Har'El
On Sat, Mar 11, 2006, Behdad Esfahbod wrote about "Re: GMail is using Hspell!":
> Yeah, and congrats to you.  Any plans to add Hebrew support to
> Aspell?  I should take a look at the Persian Aspell too I guess.

Actually, we've had Hebrew support in aspell, based on Hspell's word list
for almost two years now, since April 2004. You can even get the Hebrew
dictionary (with propert acknowledgement of Hspell and the GPL license,
of course) directly from Aspell's site.

Nadav Har'El|Sunday, Mar 12 2006, 12 Adar 5766
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |In case of emergency, this box may be   |used as a quotation device.

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Re: GMail is using Hspell!

2006-03-11 חוט Behdad Esfahbod
On Sat, 11 Mar 2006, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> Today I realized that Google's GMail service, which until recently had no
> spell-checking support for Hebrew messages, finally does have Hebrew spell-
> checking, and it uses none other than Hspell (version 0.9) to do so!
> In this way, thousands of Israeli users who never heard of Free Software
> or Linux or anything like that, are now using the Free software Hspell.

We also notice a couple messages to the PersianComputing list
from people at Google asking about how to get Persian
spell-checking work with aspell.

> Of course, this also raises a bunch of moral and philosophical issues:
> whether Google should have acknowledged their use of Hspell on their site
> (I can't find any such thing), or whether they should have at least
> acknowledged it to me (they didn't... I only know that they use Hspell because
> of certain "decoy" words that Hspell contains).

Well, as far as the license is concerned, they don't have to
acknowlege.  Original BSD license had such terms, but GPL
doesn't.  So it's just moral as you said, but you cannot expect
a big company like Google to acknowledge every single piece of
Free Software they use.  Now their developers sometimes do, but
the company as a whole, I don't think it's sensible to expect
they do.

> It also raises again the interesting question of how should the GPL be
> changed in (if at all) in a world where proprietary Internet services like
> GMail replace proprietary software as "the enemy" that the GPL was trying to
> "battle". Many people still don't understand enough, or don't appreciate,
> the significance of this question, which the GPL 3 is starting to address
> (in a certain way, which I still don't know if is the correct way).

I remember there was a certain GPL derivative license that
exactly did that, but cannot find what it was named right now.

> Anyway, enjoy Hspell (now in GMail too!), and I hope that some time soon
> we'll release a new version (1.0, finally) with over 1,000 new words and
> other improvements.

Yeah, and congrats to you.  Any plans to add Hebrew support to
Aspell?  I should take a look at the Persian Aspell too I guess.

> Nadav.


"Commandment Three says Do Not Kill, Amendment Two says Blood Will Spill"
-- Dan Bern, "New American Language"

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Re: GMail is using Hspell!

2006-03-11 חוט Shachar Shemesh
Nadav Har'El wrote:

>or Linux or anything like that, are now using the Free software Hspell.
Lots of congratulations. It's moments like this that are why I write
software too.

>Of course, this also raises a bunch of moral and philosophical issues:
>whether Google should have acknowledged their use of Hspell on their site
Not according to GPL V2. GPL V3 draft 1 does require any interactive
program to acknowledge the fact it's GPL. It remains to be understood
whether Hspell is interactive.

>(I can't find any such thing), or whether they should have at least
>acknowledged it to me
Definitely not. At least not as a requirement. A fundemental part of
"Free Software" is the fact that you can use a program without any
restrictions on use/change/distribution, not even the minor restriction
of having to notify the original author. A license that says "you can do
whatever you want with the program so long as you drop me an email about
it" is nonfree according to Debian's standard and the OSI's criteria.

You can find many FOSS authors that ASK to be notified, but a
requirement would render the program non-free.

> (they didn't... I only know that they use Hspell because
>of certain "decoy" words that Hspell contains).
Well, that may well be impolite of them. That is something else.

>It also raises again the interesting question of how should the GPL be
>changed in (if at all) in a world where proprietary Internet services like
>GMail replace proprietary software as "the enemy" that the GPL was trying to
Was it? I really don't think it is.

> Many people still don't understand enough, or don't appreciate,
>the significance of this question, which the GPL 3 is starting to address
>(in a certain way, which I still don't know if is the correct way).
Actually, I have not found anything in GPL V3's draft that targets
service providers, despite "threats" raised in the past.

>Anyway, enjoy Hspell (now in GMail too!), and I hope that some time soon
>we'll release a new version (1.0, finally) with over 1,000 new words and
>other improvements.
That is the spirit, and congratulations again.


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GMail is using Hspell!

2006-03-11 חוט Nadav Har'El
One of the most flattering thing (even if not very rewarding in the financial
sense) that can happen to a free software author is that his free software
gets used in some product with a high penetration in the general population.
One good example from the past was Omer Zak's port of Fribidi (by Dov Grobgeld
and others) which was used in actual Nokia phones.

Today I realized that Google's GMail service, which until recently had no
spell-checking support for Hebrew messages, finally does have Hebrew spell-
checking, and it uses none other than Hspell (version 0.9) to do so!
In this way, thousands of Israeli users who never heard of Free Software
or Linux or anything like that, are now using the Free software Hspell.

Of course, this also raises a bunch of moral and philosophical issues:
whether Google should have acknowledged their use of Hspell on their site
(I can't find any such thing), or whether they should have at least
acknowledged it to me (they didn't... I only know that they use Hspell because
of certain "decoy" words that Hspell contains).
It also raises again the interesting question of how should the GPL be
changed in (if at all) in a world where proprietary Internet services like
GMail replace proprietary software as "the enemy" that the GPL was trying to
"battle". Many people still don't understand enough, or don't appreciate,
the significance of this question, which the GPL 3 is starting to address
(in a certain way, which I still don't know if is the correct way).

Anyway, enjoy Hspell (now in GMail too!), and I hope that some time soon
we'll release a new version (1.0, finally) with over 1,000 new words and
other improvements.


Nadav Har'El|  Saturday, Mar 11 2006, 12 Adar 5766
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |Tea or coffee? Coffee, without cream. It   |will be without milk, we have no cream.

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Re: Fwd: AP5 - Down the Drain

2006-03-11 חוט Orna Agmon
All you good guys and girls who offered to help the organizer - please
subscribe to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list,
where the action will take place.


On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, the-herod wrote:

> Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 15:22:10 +0200
> From: the-herod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Subject: Fwd: AP5 - Down the Drain
> �“�™�‘�¨�×�™ �¢� �—�‘�¨, �”���›�ž� �• �©� �•�›�œ �©� �™� �• �œ�¢�–�•�¨.
�©� �™� �• �¦�¢�™�¨�™� (�×�œ�ž�™�“�™ �›�™�×�” �˜'), �•�‘�”�—�œ�˜ �œ� 
"��©�¤�™ �œ�™� �•�§��" (�›�š �©�œ�›�×�•�‘/�œ�”�¢�‘�™�¨
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�™�›�•�œ�×� �•.


On 3/5/06, Dov Shmuely(G) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Shlomi Fish wrote:
> �©�œ�•� �œ�›�•�œ�!
> �� �™ �ž�¦�™�¢ ��× �ž�•�¢�ž�“�•�×�™ �œ�”�™�•�× �”�ž��¨�’�Ÿ �”�¨��©�™ �©�œ 
> �›� �� ��•�’�•���˜ �¤�™� �’�•�•'�™�Ÿ �”�©� �”. ��™� � �™
> �—�•�©�‘ �©�� �™ �”��“� �”�ž�×��™� �‘�™�•�×�¨ �œ�×�¤�§�™�“, ��š �� �™ 
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> �‘�›�‘�•�“ �¨�‘,
>   �©�œ�•�ž�™ �¤�™�©
> On Thursday 02 March 2006 20:09, Orna Agmon wrote:
>  �”�� ��×� �¨�•�¦�™� �œ�¨��•�× ��× �›� �� ��•�’�•���˜ 
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> �œ� �ž�×�¨�—�©?
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> �—�•�¤�©�™�× �‘�™�©�¨��œ.
> Orna.
> --
> Orna Agmon
> ICQ: 348759096
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> �™�© �œ�™ � ���™�•�Ÿ �œ� �ž�‘�•�˜�œ �’� �ž�”�¦�‘� �•�’� �ž�ž�§�•�ž�•�× 
> ��—�¨�™� �ž��¨�’�•�Ÿ �”�§�˜�¢�™� �”�œ�•�’�™���˜�™�™�
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> --
>  -
> *Dov Shmuely*
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Orna Agmon
ICQ: 348759096

Fwd: AP5 - Down the Drain

2006-03-11 חוט the-herod
דיברתי עם חבר, הסכמנו שנוכל שנינו לעזור.שנינו צעירים (תלמידי כיתה ט'), ובהחלט לא "אשפי לינוקס" (כך שלכתוב/להעביר הרצאות טכניות לא נוכל), אבל נשמח לעזור כמיטב יכולתנו.
On 3/5/06, Dov Shmuely(G) <


Shlomi Fish wrote:

  שלום לכולם!אני מציע את מועמדותי להיות המארגן הראשי של כנס אוגוסט פינגוו'ין השנה. אינני חושב שאני האדם המתאים ביותר לתפקיד, אך אני מוכן לנסות לארגן את הכנס, במקרה שאדם מתאים יותר לא יציע את מועמדותו.
בכבוד רב,	שלומי פישOn Thursday 02 March 2006 20:09, Orna Agmon wrote:  
האם אתם רוצים לראות את כנס אוגוסט פינגווין 5 יורד לטמיון?לא מתרחש?מתארגן ברגע האחרון, ומכזיב את הציפיות שנבנו כלפיו בשנים האחרונות?אם כן, אז אנחנו הולכים בדיוק בדרך הנכונה. חמישה חודשים לפנינו, ואין אדם
שמוכן לקחת על עצמו את ניהול הכנס.אות ומופת לעמותת המקור, העמותה אליה מצטרפים בשביל פעילות קהילתית של תוכנהחופשית בישראל.Orna.--Orna Agmon
ICQ: 348759096

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יש לי נסיון לא מבוטל גם מהצבא וגם ממקומות אחרים מארגון הקטעים
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