Re: Broadband (fast) Internet related accessibility issues

2005-12-07 חוט Ehud Karni
On Wed, 7 Dec 2005 11:22:25 +0200, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> In my opinion, not every application should deal on its own with "alerting"
> the user, because a standard solution already exists: The X Windows beep.
> Not only does it not require modifying every little application, and it is
> completely standard in the X-using world (not specific to "Linux", "KDE",
> "Fedora", or anything of that sort), it even works when you run remote
> applications, like good old X was supposed to support.

Just to emphasize Nadav's point, VNC which does NOT transfer sound,
do perform the "beep" (make a bell sound) on the viewer side.

I suggest that if you do catch this event, you should ADD to it, not
replace it (unless it irritate you and that's your reason to catch it).


 Ehud Karni   Tel: +972-3-7966-561  /"\
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Re: GPL 3

2006-01-19 חוט Ehud Karni
On Wed, 18 Jan 2006 14:27:54 +0200, Nadav Har'El <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am surprised that I haven't noticed this earlier, and that nobody wrote
> about this to this list, but anyway, here's some interesting news:
> after 15 years with the same GPL license, Richard Stallman just released the
> first draft of what will be a new version of the GPL: GPLv3.
> You can see a description of the new version in

This means you are not subscribed to "Everybody loves Eric Raymond"
(RSS: the last 2 caricatures
where about the GPL3.



 Ehud Karni   Tel: +972-3-7966-561  /"\
 Mivtach - Simon  Fax: +972-3-7966-667  \ /  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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Re: ISOC-IL Kol Kore

2006-02-02 חוט Ehud Karni
On Wed, 1 Feb 2006 23:50:23 +0200, E L wrote:
> Everyone who is willing to listen deserve an answer.
> Every langauge you can understand deserve to be read.
> And every person who believe in making the world a better place
> deserve our respect.

In principle you are right, but this thread has deteriorated into
new low (even for this mailing list). Our cause and the existence
of Hamakor is not strengthen by such discussions.

I beg all participants to address ideas ONLY. Please do not include
personal references and insults (personal or institutional).


 @@ @@@ @@ @    @   Ehud Karni   אהוד קרני
 @@  @  @@  @   Senior System Support   תמיכה במערכות מחשב
 @@ @@ @  @@Mivtach - Simon   מבטח - סימון
 @@ @@ @@   Insurance agencies  סוכנויות לבטוח
  Better Safe Than SorryTel: 03-7966-561 :טל Fax: 03-7966-667 :פקס mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  :דו"אל

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Re: RFC: Plea for a New Hamakor Server

2007-05-07 חוט Ehud Karni
On Sun, 6 May 2007 22:21:37 Marc Volovic wrote:
> On Sunday 06 May 2007, Shlomi Fish quoth:
> >
> [snips]
> I am willing to contribute my spare server.
> It is NOT high end. It is - in fact - a low end server. But it is a server.
> IBM x306: Intel P4, 1.5GB RAM, one SATA disk (box can contain TWO disks),
> either SATA or SCSI, both interfaces exist, CD-ROM, floppy, USB, NIC.

My contribution is a (new) 320 GB SATA disk.

If somebody else will give another disk (250/320GB), Shlomi can build
the new server.

On Sun, Mon, 7 May 2007 12:46:07 Nadav Har'El wrote:
> On Sun, May 06, 2007, Shlomi Fish wrote about "RFC: Plea for a New Hamakor 
> Server":
> > At the moment, we have two problems with Eskimo:
> > 1. Our low-end IDE disk that was bought to be used by the mirrors, is giving
> > us many hardware problems.
> Can you eleborate? Did the disks fail? Are "low-end IDE disks" more prone
> to hardware failure than some other types of disks (are there high-end IDE
> disks? SCSI disks? or what?)

I work with many "low-end" and a few "high-end" machines and disks, I
did not notice any real difference. Sure, some power-supplys fail, some
disks and even some boards, but it depends more on good cooling than
anything else. I had problems with "high-end" SCSI disks too.
On Linux, if you run smartctl, you usually get warning before the disk
fails completely.


 Ehud Karni   Tel: +972-3-7966-561  /"\
 Mivtach - Simon  Fax: +972-3-7966-667  \ /  ASCII Ribbon Campaign
 Insurance agencies   (USA) voice mail and   X   Against   HTML   Mail  FAX:  1-815-5509341  / \
 GnuPG: 98EA398D <>Better Safe Than Sorry

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Re: מקלדת עברית לאנדרואיד

2015-11-18 חוט Ehud Karni


השתמשתי בגרסה החינמית של ai keyboard כמה שנים.  לא ידוע לי על בעית בטחון (זה לא 
אומר שאין).

לא השתמשתי בניקוד (אין לי צורך) ואני לא יודע אם זה עובד.
הסרתי את התוכנה לפני 3 חודשים כי ההצקה שלה לגבי שדרוג (בתשלום) נהייתה בלתי 


Ira Abramov wrote:
היתה איזו התקדמות בנושא? אתמול עליתי על מקלדת ישראלית שמציעה ניקוד, ai.type. 
הבעיות: לא חינם, לא פתוח, הסכם פרטיות מנוסח רע וכנראה מכיל חורים, אין סלייד - 
רק הקלדה. מקווה שישתפרו, אחרת אני מפחד להתקין. זכרו שמקלדת על אנדרואיד זה אחד 
הרכיבים הכי רגישים, דרכו עוברות כל ההתכתבויות, הקודים והססמאות הסודיות.

2012-01-30 13:48 GMT+02:00 Amir E. Aharoni >:


יש פה מישהו שמתמצא בקוד של מערכת ההפעלה אנדרואיד?

אני רוצה להוסיף אפשרות להקליד ניקוד במקלדת העברית של אנדרואיד. זה אמור
להיות פשוט מאוד ברגע שמוצאים את הקובץ שמתאר את פריסת המקלדת, אבל בפועל
מסתבר שקשה מאוד להוריד את עץ הקוד של אנדרואיד ולמצוא בו משהו.

כל עזרה תתקבל בברכה.

Amir Elisha Aharoni · אָמִיר אֱלִישָׁע אַהֲרוֹנִי
‪“We're living in pieces,
I want to live in peace.” – T. Moore‬
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Haaretz Article with reference to free software as a model

2010-08-19 חוט Ehud Karni

שלום לכולם,

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