Re: [Distutils] PEP for specifying build dependencies

2016-05-12 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 13 May 2016 at 02:33, Brett Cannon  wrote:
> Both Donald and Nathaniel say to drop it, and since I put it in just to be
> overly cautious I'm fine with dropping it. So unless Nick says
> "semantics-version or death!", I agree w/ my co-authors and would update the
> PEP to say:
> 1. no semantics-version
> 2. [build-system] instead of []

I think both of those changes are improvements - having to change the
filename is a reasonable disincentive against making breaking changes,
and with just the two sections initially being defined ([build-system]
and [tool.*]) it makes sense to have them both at the top level.


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

[Distutils] Does pip Honour "Obsoletes"?

2016-05-12 Thread Phil Thompson
I may be doing something wrong, but...

The METADATA in my wheel uses Obsoletes but pip does not remove the obsoleted 
package on an install of my wheel.

Is it supposed to?

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PyPI and GPG Signatures

2016-05-12 Thread Barry Warsaw
On May 12, 2016, at 04:34 PM, Donald Stufft wrote:

>So my response to this is, let's pretend for a minute that we have the
>greatest and most amazing setup for verifying that the key 0x6E3CBCE93372DCFA
>belongs to me. What's your next step? How do you verify that I'm allowed to
>release for pip?

I'd hope that the project home page would say that.  I sheepishly admit that
we don't have that information on the Mailman home page, but you *could*
follow the link from me (described as the lead developer) to my own home page
and then grab the key from there, verified from

>What happens if tomorrow I decide I'm no longer going to use key
>0x6E3CBCE93372DCFA because it got compromised (remembering that key
>revocation is hilariously broken [1]).  What if we add a new signing key
>because I'm tired of releasing pip and someone else is going to take over,
>what path is Debian going to take for verifying that some new key is allowed
>to sign for it that doesn't put "Whatever PyPI says" in the path of trust?

uscan would complain and then I'd have to try to figure out the new signing

It's not wonderful, but for platform and package maintainers who care, I think
it does provide value, and the signing credentials likely don't change that


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PyPI and GPG Signatures

2016-05-12 Thread Nathaniel Smith
On May 12, 2016 4:41 AM, "Donald Stufft"  wrote:
> All in all, I think that there is not a whole lot of point to having this
> feature in PyPI, it is predicated a bunch of invalid assumptions (as
> above) and I do not believe end users are actually even using the keys
> are being uploaded. Last time I looked, pip, easy_install, and
> represented something like 99% of all download traffic on PyPI and none of
> those will do anything with the .asc files being uploaded to PyPI (other
> bandersnatch just blindly mirroring it). When looking at the number of
> actively using this feature on PyPI, I can see that 27931/591919 files on
> have the ``has_signature`` database field set to true, or roughly 4% of
> files on PyPI, which roughly holds up when you look at the number of
> projects that have ever uploaded a signature as well (3559/80429).

Numpy is one of those projects that signs uploads, and it's utterly useless
like you say -- we switch release managers on a regular basis, we don't
have any communication of what the key is supposed to be... there are a few
edge cases where I guess it could help a little (I actually would trust a
version of requests signed by your key more than I would trust one signed
by a just-invented key to no provenance, and there probably are a few
people out there who check keys manually), but I agree it's almost pure
cargo cult security.

My main concern when implementing this is how to communicate it to users,
given that almost none of them understand security either, and that if this
ends up on news sites like "pypi is dropping package security" then that
hurts long term good will plus means confused folk showing up with
pitchforks and eating up everyone's time. And honestly they would kind of
have a point -- "we're getting rid of this thing that only kinda works now
in favor of something amazing that doesn't exist yet" is just not a popular
move. I guess the maximally time-efficient approach would be to be to just
not mention gpg signatures or touch the relevant code again until TUF is
ready, and then we can frame it as "we're switching to something better".
Not sure how viable that is in practice though!

Maybe one way to kick this down the road a bit until there's time to deal
with it properly would be to leave signature upload off on warehouse and
tell people that for now that's still an imported legacy pypi only feature,
you can continue uploading them there but we're still evaluating what we
want to do with warehouse. I guess at some point this would become the last
blocker to turning off legacy pypi and then some decision will have to be
made, but maybe by that point things will be clearer?

Obviously you should do whatever you think will make the transition as fast
and easy as possible though!

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PyPI and GPG Signatures

2016-05-12 Thread Barry Warsaw
On May 12, 2016, at 07:41 AM, Donald Stufft wrote:

>I am aware of a single tool anywhere that actively supports verifying the
>signatures that people upload to PyPI, and that is Debian's uscan
>program. Even in that case the people writing the Debian watch file have to
>hardcode in a signing key into it and in my experience, when faced with a
>validation error it's not unusual for Debian to simply disable signature
>checking for that project and/or just blindly update the key to whatever the
>new key is.

I like that uscan provides this feature, but I don't know how many packages
actually use it, either within the Debian Python teams, or in the larger
Debian community.  I'd like to use it more often on packages I maintain but
it's kind of difficult to find your way back to an authoritative signing key.
For my own packages that I also maintain in Debian, it's of course trivial, so
I have that enabled for them.  I sign all my package uploads to PyPI, and I
mostly trust myself .

If it's possible to get signing keys from PyPI, I really have no idea how to
do that.  The web ui doesn't at all make it obvious (to me, at least).

I understand the implementation dilemma for Warehouse, but rather than ditch
this feature, I'd rather see it improve by making the signing keys more
discoverable and verifiable.  I wonder if could be used somehow.
Or perhaps a prominent link in the package metadata pointing to a pubkey
location.  Then it would be up to projects to utilize these mechanisms to make
their signing keys obvious, and tools like uscan can increase their usage of
such features.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PyPI and GPG Signatures

2016-05-12 Thread Jeremy Stanley
On 2016-05-12 07:41:21 -0400 (-0400), Donald Stufft wrote:
> What do folks think? Would anyone be particularly against getting
> rid of the GPG support in PyPI?

We have plans[*] in the OpenStack community to start autosigning our
sdist and wheel builds (and similar release artifacts we build for
other package ecosystems), so that we can track provenance and
integrity through part of our release pipeline. I'm hoping to have
that implemented in the next few months.

While also uploading these signatures to PyPI was seen as useful, we
do already have another primary location we can publish detached
signatures along with our release artifacts so I would probably just
ignore the PyPI/twine-specific part of the work if this goes away.

Jeremy Stanley
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PyPI and GPG Signatures

2016-05-12 Thread Donald Stufft

> On May 12, 2016, at 8:56 AM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> On 12 May 2016 at 21:41, Donald Stufft  wrote:
>> Thus, I would like to remove this feature from PyPI (but not from PEP 503, if
>> other repositories want to continue to support it they are free to). Doing 
>> this
>> would allow simplifying code we have in Warehouse anyplace we touch uploaded
>> files (since we almost always end up needing to branch into special behavior
>> for files ending with .asc). It will allow us to reduce the number of 
>> concepts
>> in the UI (what is a pgp signature? What do I do with it? etc) without simply
>> hiding a feature (which is likely to cause confusion, why do you support it 
>> if
>> you won't show it etc). I think it will also make releasing slightly easier 
>> for
>> developers, since I personally know a number of authors on PyPI who don't
>> really believe there is any value in signing their packages on PyPI, but they
>> do it anyways because of a vague notion that they should do it.
> I'm a fan of most ideas that lower barriers to migration from the
> legacy PyPI codebase to Warehouse :)
> However, I think one of the core points here is that even if GPG keys
> are removed from the *public* API, we still don't want the migration
> to break things for folks with automated upload processes that supply
> signature information - there'll be enough teething problems for the
> migration without a potential coincident breakage for a couple of
> thousands projects. That means the trade-off to consider is whether or
> not dropping this feature will get to the point of being able to
> deploy Warehouse sooner or not.

Both PyPI and Warehouse silently ignore additional fields so we get this for
free unless we go out of our way to add a check for the existence of it in the
POST and manually raise an error.

> - if it's already implemented & tested in Warehouse, then leave it
> alone - you can take it out later, some time *after* the migration
> - if it's implemented, but not well tested, decide what to do based on
> whether testing or the below idea seems like less work
> - if it's not implemented in Warehouse yet, that's when the key
> requirement becomes "don't break automated signed uploads”

It is implemented for uploads (and like all code in Warehouse it has 100%
coverage) and I've had people successfully upload signatures to Warehouse with
it... but then I've also had "weird" errors where people attempt to upload a
signature to Warehouse and the `request.POST["gpg_signature"]` is a completely
different type of object than it normally is.

I have no idea *why* it was suddenly a different object for those people and
that comes from ```` in the standard library which is... well not super
easy to follow what's going on. So I'm moderately concerned about what is going
to happen if more people start trying to use that, particularly since I can't
really decipher what what is triggering this behavior to know how to guard
against it (other than just blindly writing the code to accept the additional
type I've observed with no way to reproduce the error and just hope that it's
enough to fix it). To make it worse, the problem was persistent until the
person in questioned reinstalled twine and it's dependencies (but I can't repro
with any version of twine).

It's not implemented the UI nor is the ability to associate a GPG key with a
particular user implemented nor is the ability to see what GPG key a user has
associated with their account implemented, and I sort of don't want to
implement those for all the reasons I listed in my original post. To do that
would require Nicole's time to properly design it, and her time is more limited
than mine is, so if I can reduce the things she needs to do by putting in some
effort on my part (like removing the code that's there, or implementing your
mail solution) that seems like a good trade off to me. Some folks who uploaded
GPG keys to Warehouse noticed they didn't show up in the UI and asked about it
(since they had uploaded them) and they felt that either Warehouse should fully
implement the GPG feature or it should get rid of it, but a half implementation
isn't great for anyone.

> If we drop the feature, then my suggestion for a future upload UX is
> to let uploads with signatures succeed, but implicitly discard the
> signatures, and *automatically email the maintainer explaining why
> their uploaded signatures aren't appearing*.

That seems reasonable.

> Similarly, projects that *had* signatures uploaded should gain a
> database flag indicating previously uploaded keys have been discarded,
> such that:
> 1. The admin page for the project explains why the signatures are gone
> 2. The affected package maintainers are emailed with a list of
> projects they maintain from which signatures have been removed
> The aim here would be to ensure that package maintainers tempted to
> ask "Where did my package signatures go?" 

Re: [Distutils] PyPI and GPG Signatures

2016-05-12 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 12 May 2016 at 21:41, Donald Stufft  wrote:
> Thus, I would like to remove this feature from PyPI (but not from PEP 503, if
> other repositories want to continue to support it they are free to). Doing 
> this
> would allow simplifying code we have in Warehouse anyplace we touch uploaded
> files (since we almost always end up needing to branch into special behavior
> for files ending with .asc). It will allow us to reduce the number of concepts
> in the UI (what is a pgp signature? What do I do with it? etc) without simply
> hiding a feature (which is likely to cause confusion, why do you support it if
> you won't show it etc). I think it will also make releasing slightly easier 
> for
> developers, since I personally know a number of authors on PyPI who don't
> really believe there is any value in signing their packages on PyPI, but they
> do it anyways because of a vague notion that they should do it.

I'm a fan of most ideas that lower barriers to migration from the
legacy PyPI codebase to Warehouse :)

However, I think one of the core points here is that even if GPG keys
are removed from the *public* API, we still don't want the migration
to break things for folks with automated upload processes that supply
signature information - there'll be enough teething problems for the
migration without a potential coincident breakage for a couple of
thousands projects. That means the trade-off to consider is whether or
not dropping this feature will get to the point of being able to
deploy Warehouse sooner or not.

- if it's already implemented & tested in Warehouse, then leave it
alone - you can take it out later, some time *after* the migration
- if it's implemented, but not well tested, decide what to do based on
whether testing or the below idea seems like less work
- if it's not implemented in Warehouse yet, that's when the key
requirement becomes "don't break automated signed uploads"

If we drop the feature, then my suggestion for a future upload UX is
to let uploads with signatures succeed, but implicitly discard the
signatures, and *automatically email the maintainer explaining why
their uploaded signatures aren't appearing*.

Similarly, projects that *had* signatures uploaded should gain a
database flag indicating previously uploaded keys have been discarded,
such that:

1. The admin page for the project explains why the signatures are gone
2. The affected package maintainers are emailed with a list of
projects they maintain from which signatures have been removed

The aim here would be to ensure that package maintainers tempted to
ask "Where did my package signatures go?" are able to have that
question answered *within the context of the service itself*, even if
they've never heard of distutils-sig.


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP for specifying build dependencies

2016-05-12 Thread Donald Stufft

> On May 12, 2016, at 8:31 AM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> We could also keep semantics-version, and just put it inside [build-system].
> Either way, by allowing access to the [tool.*] namespace without any
> other version check, the key constraint we're placing on ourselves is
> a commitment to only making backwards compatible changes at the top
> level of the schema definition, and that should be a feasible promise
> to keep. While I can't conceive of an eventuality where we'd need to
> break such a promise, even if we did, the change could be indicated by
> switching to a different filename.

I don't think we should put it inside of [build-system], largely because I
think the chances we ever need to increment the version is very small, and I
feel like putting it inside of [build-system] means we'll then need one for
any other top level key we put in. Each additional one is additional complexity
and increases the chance that some tool doesn't accurately check every single
one of them. Putting it inside of [package] made some sense, because that was
going to be a container for all of the things that one particular group of
people (distutils-sig / PyPA) "managed" or cared about but I think that putting
it on each individual sub section is just overkill.

We can easily stick it at the top level of the file and just explicitly state
that the [tool.*] namespace is exempt from deriving any sort of meaning from
the semantics-version value. I think that is easier to not screw up (only one
check, vs N checks) and I think that it looks nicer too from a human
writing/editing POV if we ever do bump the version and force people to write it

semantics-version = 2

requires = [

[test-runner]  # Just an example
command = "py.test --strict"
requires = [

index-url = ";

But honestly, I'm of the opinion we could probably just ditch it. I don't think
it'll be hard to maintain compatibility within the keywords we pick in this
file and I worry that by including it in something that we expect humans to
write, we provide an incentive to using it when perhaps we could think up a
better, backwards compatible syntax. The main argument in favor of adding it
now with an implicit default of `1` is that if I'm wrong and we end up needing
it, including it now will mean that projects are actively checking the version
number so we can safely increase it with the desired effect. If we don't
include it now, then even if we add it at a later date nothing will be checking
to see if that changed or not.

Donald Stufft
PGP: 0x6E3CBCE93372DCFA // 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372 DCFA

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP for specifying build dependencies

2016-05-12 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 12 May 2016 at 19:07, Nathaniel Smith  wrote:
> When we were spitballing the draft, I think where [package] originally
> came from was the idea that having semantics-version at the top level
> is not actually useful -- most tools will only care about the
> semantics of the [tool.whatever] table and the only PEP change that
> would affect them is if we for some reason redefined the [tool] table
> itself. Which we aren't going to do. But if semantics-version is
> top-level, then presumably everyone has to check for it and error out
> if it changes. So bumping semantics-version would cause all these
> tools to error out, even though the part of the file that they
> actually care about didn't change, which would mean in practice we
> would just never actually bump the semantics-version because the flag
> day would be too painful. Introducing a [package] level and pushing
> semantics-version down inside [package] insulates from that.
> ...Given how complicated this is ending up being, I'm sorta inclined
> to just drop semantics-version. It's only in there as a "hey why not
> it doesn't hurt" thing. I can't imagine any situation in which we'd
> actually bump the semantics version. If we need to make some
> incompatible change we'll actually do it by adding a [build-system-2]
> or something, and specify that [build-system] and [build-system-2] are
> both allowed in the same file, and if both are present then new tools
> should ignore [build-system] -- way smoother and backwards-compatible.

We could also keep semantics-version, and just put it inside [build-system].

Either way, by allowing access to the [tool.*] namespace without any
other version check, the key constraint we're placing on ourselves is
a commitment to only making backwards compatible changes at the top
level of the schema definition, and that should be a feasible promise
to keep. While I can't conceive of an eventuality where we'd need to
break such a promise, even if we did, the change could be indicated by
switching to a different filename.


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP for specifying build dependencies

2016-05-12 Thread Xavier Fernandez
I'm not sure that is an issue: if the version is bumped, this won't happen
Why would projects/tools not have the time to update and support
semantic-version 1 and 2 ?

On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 11:07 AM, Nathaniel Smith  wrote:

> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:01 AM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> > On 12 May 2016 at 11:33, Donald Stufft  wrote:
> >> I don't really think of it as package vs tool, I think of it as an
> implicit
> >>  vs an explicit . I think it makes
> the
> >> file
> >> uglier to have the  explicit, particularly since I
> think the
> >> example should really be something like:
> >>
> >> []
> >> requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
> >>
> >> [tool.flake8]
> >> ...
> >>
> >> Because the value of the [package] namespace isn't that it separates us
> from
> >> the [tool] namespace (we could get that easily without it), but that it
> >> separates us from *other*, non packaging related but "standard" stuff
> that
> >> might be added in the future.
> >
> > In that case though:
> >
> > 1. semantics-version isn't about the package, it's about the
> > pyproject.toml file itself.
> > 2. build-system feels like it could readily be top level as well,
> > regardless of what other sections we added later
> >
> > That would make the example in the PEP
> > ===
> > semantics-version = 1  # Optional; defaults to 1.
> >
> > [build-system]
> > requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]  # PEP 508 specifications.
> > ===
> >
> > So I'm not clear on what the [package] namespace is buying us over
> > just having [build-system] as a top level namespace (it would be
> > different with a section name of "build" - for that, []
> > reads nicely, and you can mostly ignore that it creates a nested
> > namespace TOML. As noted elsewhere, I don't like "build" though -
> > we're not configuring the build, we're specifying what's needed to run
> > the build system in the first place).
> When we were spitballing the draft, I think where [package] originally
> came from was the idea that having semantics-version at the top level
> is not actually useful -- most tools will only care about the
> semantics of the [tool.whatever] table and the only PEP change that
> would affect them is if we for some reason redefined the [tool] table
> itself. Which we aren't going to do. But if semantics-version is
> top-level, then presumably everyone has to check for it and error out
> if it changes. So bumping semantics-version would cause all these
> tools to error out, even though the part of the file that they
> actually care about didn't change, which would mean in practice we
> would just never actually bump the semantics-version because the flag
> day would be too painful. Introducing a [package] level and pushing
> semantics-version down inside [package] insulates from that.
> ...Given how complicated this is ending up being, I'm sorta inclined
> to just drop semantics-version. It's only in there as a "hey why not
> it doesn't hurt" thing. I can't imagine any situation in which we'd
> actually bump the semantics version. If we need to make some
> incompatible change we'll actually do it by adding a [build-system-2]
> or something, and specify that [build-system] and [build-system-2] are
> both allowed in the same file, and if both are present then new tools
> should ignore [build-system] -- way smoother and backwards-compatible.
> -n
> --
> Nathaniel J. Smith --
> ___
> Distutils-SIG maillist  -
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PyPI and GPG Signatures

2016-05-12 Thread Donald Stufft

> On May 12, 2016, at 8:05 AM, Paul Moore  wrote:
> On 12 May 2016 at 12:41, Donald Stufft  wrote:
>> What do folks think? Would anyone be particularly against getting rid of the
>> GPG support in PyPI?
> 28K projects is too many to do a mailshot, but would it be worth
> asking this question more widely than on distutils-sig? Just "Do you
> maintain a project on PyPI that has GPG sigs and would you care if we
> removed them? If so, please let us know on the thread on
> distutils-sig.”

It's 28k *files* but a single project can have more than one file. The total
number of projects that have *ever* uploaded a file with a signature is 3.5k
and of that 3.5k, only 2.7k projects have their *latest* release uploaded with

> On an unrelated note, it might be a good feature for Warehouse to add
> some means of notifying project owners for cases like this.
> Paul

Donald Stufft
PGP: 0x6E3CBCE93372DCFA // 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372 DCFA

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PyPI and GPG Signatures

2016-05-12 Thread Paul Moore
On 12 May 2016 at 12:41, Donald Stufft  wrote:
> What do folks think? Would anyone be particularly against getting rid of the
> GPG support in PyPI?

28K projects is too many to do a mailshot, but would it be worth
asking this question more widely than on distutils-sig? Just "Do you
maintain a project on PyPI that has GPG sigs and would you care if we
removed them? If so, please let us know on the thread on

On an unrelated note, it might be a good feature for Warehouse to add
some means of notifying project owners for cases like this.
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

[Distutils] PyPI and GPG Signatures

2016-05-12 Thread Donald Stufft
Currently, PyPI allows you to upload a GPG signature along with your package
file as well as associate a GPG Short ID with your user. Theoretically this
allows end users to not trust PyPI and instead validate end to end signatures
from the original author.

I've written [1] previously about package signing, and about a number of common
suggestions for achieving it that don't actually do much, if anything, to
increase to the security of things. The current implementation on PyPI falls
into such a trap. The main problem with GPG and package signing is that a GPG
key provides some guarantees (ignoring issues with the concept of a WOT) about
the *identity* of the person possessing the key, however it provides no
mechanism for providing any guarantees about what *capabilities* should be
granted to that person. More concretely, while you can use GPG as is to verify
that yes, "Donald Stufft" signed a particular package, you cannot use it to
determine if "Donald Stufft" is *allowed* to sign for that package, a valid
signature from me on the requests project should be just as invalid as an
invalid signature from anyone on the requests project. The only namespacing
provided by GPG itself is "trusted key" vs "not trusted key".

PyPI offers a work around for this in the form of allowing users to associate
their GPG short ID with their user profile. However this is not actually very
useful because it doesn't really provide much benefit overall. The goal of
signing a package on PyPI is generally to allow you to safely download the file
without trusting PyPI, but if you need to trust PyPI to determine what key is
allowed to sign a package, then you've not really added much in the way of
additional assurances, you've just added another possible point of failure.

Beyond the inherent issues with attempting to use GPG support for anything
useful on PyPI there are also a number of implementation specific issues with
this support. Currently you *must* use a GPG Short ID with PyPI, however the
GPG Short IDs are not actually secure and can be pretty easily brute forced to
have a collision, which means that people can make keys that come out to the
same short ID as one that an author has in their profile. In addition,
uploading a signature to PyPI is not actually validated upon upload, allowing
people to upload a signature that doesn't actually validate, causing a persist
failure mode (though nobody validates our signatures, so nobody ever runs into
this problem).

On top of all of that, I believe that there will never be a case where a tool
like pip supports these GPG signatures [2]. Even if you wiped away all of the
above problems, GPG is still a complex standard without great support for
building tooling around it. The most reasonable way of implementing support for
that would be to ship a copy of the gpg binary around for different platforms
and shell out to it. However GPG is GPL licensed which means that's not
something we could actually do, and even if it were, shipping binaries is not
generally a reasonable thing to do for pip and anything besides pure Python is
a no go.

I am aware of a single tool anywhere that actively supports verifying the
signatures that people upload to PyPI, and that is Debian's uscan program. Even
in that case the people writing the Debian watch file have to hardcode in a
signing key into it and in my experience, when faced with a validation error
it's not unusual for Debian to simply disable signature checking for that
project and/or just blindly update the key to whatever the new key is.

All in all, I think that there is not a whole lot of point to having this
feature in PyPI, it is predicated a bunch of invalid assumptions (as detailed
above) and I do not believe end users are actually even using the keys that
are being uploaded. Last time I looked, pip, easy_install, and bandersnatch
represented something like 99% of all download traffic on PyPI and none of
those will do anything with the .asc files being uploaded to PyPI (other than
bandersnatch just blindly mirroring it). When looking at the number of projects
actively using this feature on PyPI, I can see that 27931/591919 files on PyPI
have the ``has_signature`` database field set to true, or roughly 4% of all
files on PyPI, which roughly holds up when you look at the number of distinct
projects that have ever uploaded a signature as well (3559/80429).

Thus, I would like to remove this feature from PyPI (but not from PEP 503, if
other repositories want to continue to support it they are free to). Doing this
would allow simplifying code we have in Warehouse anyplace we touch uploaded
files (since we almost always end up needing to branch into special behavior
for files ending with .asc). It will allow us to reduce the number of concepts
in the UI (what is a pgp signature? What do I do with it? etc) without simply
hiding a feature (which is likely to cause confusion, why do you support it if
you won't show it etc). I think it will also 

Re: [Distutils] comparison of configuration languages

2016-05-12 Thread Donald Stufft

> On May 12, 2016, at 3:20 AM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> On 11 May 2016 at 15:47, Greg Ewing  wrote:
>> Having looked over the TOML spec, I like the simplicity
>> of it (and I cringe from the complexity of YAML).
>> The only thing I don't like about TOML is the way it
>> cops out on nesting.
>> The only reason it does that as far as I can see is
>> because of a dislike for significant indentation.
> This is a feature, not a bug.

It did occur to me yesterday an unambiguous way to reduce the repetition of 
nested tables without introducing significant whitespace. I opened an issue on 
the TOML Github repo [1] but the gist of it is similar to how Python uses . to 
do relative imports. They may or may not like it though, who knows :)


Donald Stufft
PGP: 0x6E3CBCE93372DCFA // 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372 DCFA

Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP for specifying build dependencies

2016-05-12 Thread Paul Moore
On 12 May 2016 at 10:07, Nathaniel Smith  wrote:
> ...Given how complicated this is ending up being, I'm sorta inclined
> to just drop semantics-version. It's only in there as a "hey why not
> it doesn't hurt" thing. I can't imagine any situation in which we'd
> actually bump the semantics version. If we need to make some
> incompatible change we'll actually do it by adding a [build-system-2]
> or something, and specify that [build-system] and [build-system-2] are
> both allowed in the same file, and if both are present then new tools
> should ignore [build-system] -- way smoother and backwards-compatible.

That does seem like a simpler solution. I'd like to think that most
changes we'd make to the file format could be done in a
backward-compatible manner - new values that default appropriately,
detectable changes to existing values (like a single string value
becomes a list, just allow a string and treat it as a 1-element list).
If we have to make breaking changes, using a new name (either at the
section level like you suggest, or at the individual item level) seems
perfectly acceptable.

And if we don't need semantics-version in the [package] section, we
can promote [build-system] to top level and just have 2 top level
items, [build-system] and [tools]. Seems clean and manageable to me.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP for specifying build dependencies

2016-05-12 Thread Nathaniel Smith
On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:01 AM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> On 12 May 2016 at 11:33, Donald Stufft  wrote:
>> I don't really think of it as package vs tool, I think of it as an implicit
>>  vs an explicit . I think it makes the
>> file
>> uglier to have the  explicit, particularly since I think the
>> example should really be something like:
>> []
>> requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
>> [tool.flake8]
>> ...
>> Because the value of the [package] namespace isn't that it separates us from
>> the [tool] namespace (we could get that easily without it), but that it
>> separates us from *other*, non packaging related but "standard" stuff that
>> might be added in the future.
> In that case though:
> 1. semantics-version isn't about the package, it's about the
> pyproject.toml file itself.
> 2. build-system feels like it could readily be top level as well,
> regardless of what other sections we added later
> That would make the example in the PEP
> ===
> semantics-version = 1  # Optional; defaults to 1.
> [build-system]
> requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]  # PEP 508 specifications.
> ===
> So I'm not clear on what the [package] namespace is buying us over
> just having [build-system] as a top level namespace (it would be
> different with a section name of "build" - for that, []
> reads nicely, and you can mostly ignore that it creates a nested
> namespace TOML. As noted elsewhere, I don't like "build" though -
> we're not configuring the build, we're specifying what's needed to run
> the build system in the first place).

When we were spitballing the draft, I think where [package] originally
came from was the idea that having semantics-version at the top level
is not actually useful -- most tools will only care about the
semantics of the [tool.whatever] table and the only PEP change that
would affect them is if we for some reason redefined the [tool] table
itself. Which we aren't going to do. But if semantics-version is
top-level, then presumably everyone has to check for it and error out
if it changes. So bumping semantics-version would cause all these
tools to error out, even though the part of the file that they
actually care about didn't change, which would mean in practice we
would just never actually bump the semantics-version because the flag
day would be too painful. Introducing a [package] level and pushing
semantics-version down inside [package] insulates from that.

...Given how complicated this is ending up being, I'm sorta inclined
to just drop semantics-version. It's only in there as a "hey why not
it doesn't hurt" thing. I can't imagine any situation in which we'd
actually bump the semantics version. If we need to make some
incompatible change we'll actually do it by adding a [build-system-2]
or something, and specify that [build-system] and [build-system-2] are
both allowed in the same file, and if both are present then new tools
should ignore [build-system] -- way smoother and backwards-compatible.


Nathaniel J. Smith --
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP for specifying build dependencies

2016-05-12 Thread Xavier Fernandez
Thanks for your work !

For what it's worth, I also think that:
- semantics-version (or maybe pyproject-version ? to mimic the
Wheel-Version of the WHEEL file) should be a top level value;
- [build-system]
requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
reads nicely and better than []


On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 9:01 AM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:

> On 12 May 2016 at 11:33, Donald Stufft  wrote:
> > I don't really think of it as package vs tool, I think of it as an
> implicit
> >  vs an explicit . I think it makes the
> > file
> > uglier to have the  explicit, particularly since I think
> the
> > example should really be something like:
> >
> > []
> > requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
> >
> > [tool.flake8]
> > ...
> >
> > Because the value of the [package] namespace isn't that it separates us
> from
> > the [tool] namespace (we could get that easily without it), but that it
> > separates us from *other*, non packaging related but "standard" stuff
> that
> > might be added in the future.
> In that case though:
> 1. semantics-version isn't about the package, it's about the
> pyproject.toml file itself.
> 2. build-system feels like it could readily be top level as well,
> regardless of what other sections we added later
> That would make the example in the PEP
> ===
> semantics-version = 1  # Optional; defaults to 1.
> [build-system]
> requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]  # PEP 508 specifications.
> ===
> So I'm not clear on what the [package] namespace is buying us over
> just having [build-system] as a top level namespace (it would be
> different with a section name of "build" - for that, []
> reads nicely, and you can mostly ignore that it creates a nested
> namespace TOML. As noted elsewhere, I don't like "build" though -
> we're not configuring the build, we're specifying what's needed to run
> the build system in the first place).
> Cheers,
> Nick.
> --
> Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
> ___
> Distutils-SIG maillist  -
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] comparison of configuration languages

2016-05-12 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 11 May 2016 at 15:47, Greg Ewing  wrote:
> Having looked over the TOML spec, I like the simplicity
> of it (and I cringe from the complexity of YAML).
> The only thing I don't like about TOML is the way it
> cops out on nesting.
> The only reason it does that as far as I can see is
> because of a dislike for significant indentation.

This is a feature, not a bug. The trick is that TOML allows *implicit*
namespace creation when you only care about the innermost level:

nice = "As a human reader & writer, you don't care about the nesting"

nice = "As a human reader & writer, you don't care about the lack of nesting"

The only folks that need to care about whether the configuration is
actually nested or flat are those working with the config file
*programmatically* - from the point of view of the folks hand editing
the config file, it's always just the flat list of named key=value
sections that they're used to in traditional ini files.


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP for specifying build dependencies

2016-05-12 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 12 May 2016 at 11:33, Donald Stufft  wrote:
> I don't really think of it as package vs tool, I think of it as an implicit
>  vs an explicit . I think it makes the
> file
> uglier to have the  explicit, particularly since I think the
> example should really be something like:
> []
> requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
> [tool.flake8]
> ...
> Because the value of the [package] namespace isn't that it separates us from
> the [tool] namespace (we could get that easily without it), but that it
> separates us from *other*, non packaging related but "standard" stuff that
> might be added in the future.

In that case though:

1. semantics-version isn't about the package, it's about the
pyproject.toml file itself.
2. build-system feels like it could readily be top level as well,
regardless of what other sections we added later

That would make the example in the PEP
semantics-version = 1  # Optional; defaults to 1.

requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]  # PEP 508 specifications.

So I'm not clear on what the [package] namespace is buying us over
just having [build-system] as a top level namespace (it would be
different with a section name of "build" - for that, []
reads nicely, and you can mostly ignore that it creates a nested
namespace TOML. As noted elsewhere, I don't like "build" though -
we're not configuring the build, we're specifying what's needed to run
the build system in the first place).


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

Re: [Distutils] PEP for specifying build dependencies

2016-05-12 Thread Nick Coghlan
On 12 May 2016 at 00:26, Antoine Pitrou  wrote:
> On Thu, 12 May 2016 00:20:32 +1000
> Nick Coghlan  wrote:
>> When I say "build system configuration" in the context of
>> distutils/setuptools, I mean things like:
>> *
>> * non-dependency related setup() arguments (packages, package_dir,
>> py_modules, ext_modules, namespace_packages, entry_points,
>> include_package_data, zip_safe, etc)
>> * the Extension class and its parameters:
>> Those are the settings that actually tell the build system what to
>> build and (in some cases) how to build it.
> That's confusing :-) You should really call it "build configuration".

Gah, that's what I *meant* to write. Unfortunately, I put the extra
word in there without noticing, rendering the entire message
thoroughly confusing.

To be clear:

* "build system configuration": telling other tools what's needed to
invoke the build system
* "build configuration": actually telling the build system what it needs to do

The build system config is the part the PEP proposes to start moving
to pyproject.toml (with support for based invocation
deferred to a later PEP).

The build config itself will remain in tool dependent locations (e.g., setup.cfg, flit.ini). If any build config were to move to
pyproject.toml, it would be via the [tool.] mechanism, and be a
decision for the developers of the build tool concerned, rather than
needing to be the topic of a PEP.


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -