[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-11 Thread David Cournapeau
On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 7:32 PM Nathaniel Smith  wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 3:10 AM, Paul Moore  wrote:
> > There's very much an 80-20 question here, we need to avoid letting the
> > needs of the 20% of projects with unusual needs, complicate usage for
> > the 80%. On the other hand, of course, leaving the specialist cases
> > with no viable solution also isn't reasonable, so even if tags aren't
> > practical here, finding a solution that allows projects to ship
> > specialised binaries some other way would be good. Just as a
> > completely un-thought through suggestion, maybe we could have a
> > mechanism where a small "generic" wheel can include pointers to
> > specialised extra code that gets downloaded at install time?
> >
> > Package X -> x-1.0-cp37_cp37m_win_amd64.whl (includes generic code)
> > Metadata - Implementation links:
> > If we have a GPU ->  > the install>
> > If we don't have a GPU ->  archive>
> >
> > There's obviously a lot of unanswered questions here, but maybe
> > something like this would be better than forcing everything into the
> > wheel tags?
> I think you've reinvented Requires-Dist and PEP 508 markers :-). (The
> ones that look like '; python_version < "3.6"'.) Which IIUC was also
> Dustin's original suggestion: make it possible to write requirements
> like
>   tensorflow; not has_gpu
>   tensorflow-gpu; has_gpu
> But... do we actually know enough to define a "has_gpu" marker? It
> isn't literally "this system has a gpu", right, it's something more
> like "this system has an NVIDIA-brand GPU of a certain generation or
> later with their proprietary libraries installed"? Or something like
> that? There are actually lots of packages on PyPI with foo/foo-gpu
> pairs, e.g. strawberryfields, paddlepaddle, magenta, cntk, deepspeech,
> ... Do these -gpu packages all have the same environmental
> requirements, or is it different from package to package?
> It would help if we had folks in the conversation who actually work on
> these packages :-/. Anyone have contacts on the Tensorflow team? (It'd
> also be good to talk to them about platform specifiers... the
> tensorflow "manylinux1" wheels are really ubuntu-only, but they
> intentionally lie about that b/c there is no ubuntu tag; maybe they're
> interested in fixing that...?)
> Anyway, I don't see how we could add an environment marker without
> having a precise definition, and one that's useful for multiple
> packages. Which may or may not be possible here...
> One thing that would help would be if tensorflow-gpu could say
> "Provides-Dist: tensorflow", so that downstream packages can say
> "Requires-Dist: tensorflow" and pip won't freak out if the user has
> manually installed tensorflow-gpu instead. E.g. in the proposal at
> [1], you could have 'tensorflow' as one wheel and 'tensorflow[gpu]' as
> a second wheel that 'Provides-Dist: tensorflow'. Conflicts-Dist would
> also be useful, though might require a real resolver first.

I don't know the situation of pip w.r.t. resolver algo, but having a
provide-like mechanism would completely solve the issue of tensorflow vs
tensorflow-gpu for the usecases I have seen at my current company, heavy
user of tensorflow. It would solve the two main issues of not being able to
specify tensorflow as a dependency, and avoiding accidental clobbering of
tf vs tf-gpu.

At least in the usecases I am familiar with, I don't find the use of tag
and gpu detection that useful. And it would be really hard to get it right
because as you notice, it is not about GPU being available, but about
"nvidia GPU with proprietary nvidia driver and the appropriate version of
cuda version". I also don't necessarily want to install tensorflow-gpu
because I have a GPU.


> Another wacky idea, maybe worth thinking about: should we let packages
> specify their own auto-detection code that pip should run? E.g. you
> could have a PEP 508 requirement like "somepkg;
> extension[otherpackage.key] = ..." and that means "install
> otherpackage inside the target Python environment, look up
> otherpackage.key, and use its value to decide whether to install
> somepkg". Maybe that's too messy to be worth it, but if "gpu
> detection" isn't a well-defined problem then maybe it's the best
> approach? Though basically that's what sdists do right now, and IIUC
> how tensorflow-gpu-detect works. Maybe tensorflow-gpu-detect should
> become the standard tensorflow library, with an sdist only, and at
> install time it could decide whether to pull in 'tensorflow-gpu' or
> 'tensorflow-nogpu'...
> -n
> [1]
> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2015-October/027364.html
> --
> Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org
> --
> Distutils-SIG mailing list -- distutils-sig@python.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to distutils-sig-le...@python.org
> https://mail.python.org/mm3/mailman3/lists/distutils-sig.python.org/
> Message archived at

[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-05 Thread Donald Stufft

> On Sep 4, 2018, at 1:36 PM, Wes Turner  wrote:
> What's Fastly's monthly/yearly cost?

The PSF “Bill” for Fastly in August was $132,086.96 before the discount which 
brought it down to $0. I think that might be missing a thousand or two in extra 
features that were manually enabled for our account years ago that don’t show 
up on the bill.

That includes all of the PSF’s use of Fastly, but PyPI is like 95%+ of that.--
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[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-04 Thread Jeremy Stanley
On 2018-09-04 11:40:17 -0500 (-0500), Dustin Ingram wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 11:33 AM Jeremy Stanley  wrote:
> >
> > Yes. If you haven't tried running a mirror of PyPI lately you're
> > likely not to have noticed, but the various nightly builds for
> > tensorflow seem to be the majority of the data on PyPI now. I'm sure
> > it's a very neat and useful tool, but we basically had to switch
> > from mirroring PyPI in our CI system to using a caching proxy
> > because of this.
> Side note: PyPI now provides a list of the largest packages by total
> filesize: https://pypi.org/stats/
> Depending on what mirror you're using, you may be able to exclude
> these packages from your mirror if you don't need them, e.g. for
> bandersnatch: 
> https://github.com/pypa/bandersnatch/blob/master/docs/filtering_configuration.md#blacklist-filtering-settings

We played whack-a-mole blacklisting some of the largest offenders in
our bandersnatch config for a while, but really needed to rebuild
the mirror from scratch since there's no easy way to go back and
delete the now-blacklisted packages from before the blacklist
entries were added (and that's a week+ effort to bootstrap a new
mirror these days). In the end we just switched to a caching proxy
we already had on hand because it got us most of the benefit of
mirroring with a tiny fraction of the disk space, given we use fewer
than 1000 packaged Python library dependencies across our CI jobs
Jeremy Stanley

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[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-04 Thread Nathaniel Smith
On Tue, Sep 4, 2018, 07:42 Nick Coghlan  wrote:

> On Tue, 4 Sep 2018 at 20:30, Nathaniel Smith  wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 4:51 PM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> > > On Mon., 3 Sep. 2018, 5:48 am Ronald Oussoren,  >
> > > wrote:
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> What’s the problem with including GPU and non-GPU variants of code in
> a
> > >> binary wheel other than the size of the wheel? I tend to prefer
> binaries
> > >> that work “everywhere", even if that requires some more work in
> building
> > >> binaries (such as including multiple variants of extensions to have
> > >> optimised code for different CPU variants, such as SSE and non-SSE
> variants
> > >> in the past).
> > >
> > >
> > > As far as I'm aware, binary artifact size *is* the problem. It's just
> that
> > > once you're  automatically building and pushing an artifact (or an
> image
> > > containing that artifact) to thousands or tens of thousands of managed
> > > systems, the wasted bandwidth from pushing redundant implementations
> of the
> > > same functionality becomes more of a concern than the convenience of
> being
> > > able to use the same artifact across multiple platforms.
> >
> > None of the links that Dustin gave at the top of the thread are about
> > managed systems though.
> When you're only managing a few systems, or only saving a few MB per
> download, "install both and pick at runtime" is an entirely viable
> option.

Sure, this is true, and obviously size is a major reason for splitting up
these packages, but this doesn't have anything in particular to do with
managed systems AFAICT.

> However, since tensorflow is the example, neither of those cases is true:
> 1. It's a Google project, so they have tens of thousands of instances
> to worry about (as do other cloud providers)

They do have those instances, but they handle them via totally different
methods that don't involve PyPI package names or pip's dependency tracking.
(Specifically, a giant internal monorepo where they check in every piece of
code they use, and then they build everything from source through their
internal version of Bazel.)

This is about how they, and other projects, are distributed to the general
public on PyPI, and how to manage that public, shared dependency graph.

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[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-04 Thread Dustin Ingram
On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 11:33 AM Jeremy Stanley  wrote:
> Yes. If you haven't tried running a mirror of PyPI lately you're
> likely not to have noticed, but the various nightly builds for
> tensorflow seem to be the majority of the data on PyPI now. I'm sure
> it's a very neat and useful tool, but we basically had to switch
> from mirroring PyPI in our CI system to using a caching proxy
> because of this.

Side note: PyPI now provides a list of the largest packages by total
filesize: https://pypi.org/stats/

Depending on what mirror you're using, you may be able to exclude
these packages from your mirror if you don't need them, e.g. for
Distutils-SIG mailing list -- distutils-sig@python.org
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[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-04 Thread Jeremy Stanley
On 2018-09-05 00:42:04 +1000 (+1000), Nick Coghlan wrote:
> I didn't actually realise the GPU tensorflow package was over 200 MB,
> though - that's large enough to be noticeably slow to extract and
> install even from a local zipfile, let alone if you're needing to
> download it first.

Yes. If you haven't tried running a mirror of PyPI lately you're
likely not to have noticed, but the various nightly builds for
tensorflow seem to be the majority of the data on PyPI now. I'm sure
it's a very neat and useful tool, but we basically had to switch
from mirroring PyPI in our CI system to using a caching proxy
because of this.
Jeremy Stanley

Description: PGP signature
Distutils-SIG mailing list -- distutils-sig@python.org
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[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-04 Thread Nick Coghlan
On Tue, 4 Sep 2018 at 20:50, Paul Moore  wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Sep 2018 at 11:28, Nathaniel Smith  wrote:
> > But... do we actually know enough to define a "has_gpu" marker? It
> > isn't literally "this system has a gpu", right, it's something more
> > like "this system has an NVIDIA-brand GPU of a certain generation or
> > later with their proprietary libraries installed"? Or something like
> > that? There are actually lots of packages on PyPI with foo/foo-gpu
> > pairs, e.g. strawberryfields, paddlepaddle, magenta, cntk, deepspeech,
> > ... Do these -gpu packages all have the same environmental
> > requirements, or is it different from package to package?
> Yep, that's the killer question here. IMO, someone needs to come up
> with a concrete proposal, along the likes of "here's some Python code
> that returns a True/False value, and we want to name that value using
> the market "has_gpu" (or whatever). There are then two debates:
> 1. Does that Python code return a value that's useful for a
> sufficiently large consensus of the projects who care about shipping
> GPU-enabled code?
> 2. Is has_gpu a sufficiently useful marker to warrant including in the
> packaging standards?
> Question 1 is for the package maintainers to debate, question 2 is for
> distutils-sig (IMO). If the package maintainers aren't sufficiently
> motivated to co-operate and come up with a concrete proposal, then
> there's not much that the non-specialists on distutils-sig can do.

As far as markers go, "naive check with an override for when it's
inevitably wrong" seems to have worked pretty well in the manylinux
case (the code just checks for the available glibc version if there's
no "_manylinux" module to give an explicit answer).

For the GPU case, the naive check (at least initially) could just be
"False", and folks would have to set the explicit marker in order to
opt-in to the GPU accelerated variant.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG mailing list -- distutils-sig@python.org
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[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-04 Thread Nick Coghlan
On Tue, 4 Sep 2018 at 20:30, Nathaniel Smith  wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 4:51 PM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> > On Mon., 3 Sep. 2018, 5:48 am Ronald Oussoren, 
> > wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> What’s the problem with including GPU and non-GPU variants of code in a
> >> binary wheel other than the size of the wheel? I tend to prefer binaries
> >> that work “everywhere", even if that requires some more work in building
> >> binaries (such as including multiple variants of extensions to have
> >> optimised code for different CPU variants, such as SSE and non-SSE variants
> >> in the past).
> >
> >
> > As far as I'm aware, binary artifact size *is* the problem. It's just that
> > once you're  automatically building and pushing an artifact (or an image
> > containing that artifact) to thousands or tens of thousands of managed
> > systems, the wasted bandwidth from pushing redundant implementations of the
> > same functionality becomes more of a concern than the convenience of being
> > able to use the same artifact across multiple platforms.
> None of the links that Dustin gave at the top of the thread are about
> managed systems though.

When you're only managing a few systems, or only saving a few MB per
download, "install both and pick at runtime" is an entirely viable

However, since tensorflow is the example, neither of those cases is true:

1. It's a Google project, so they have tens of thousands of instances
to worry about (as do other cloud providers)
2. The size difference is in the tens or even hundreds of megabytes

I didn't actually realise the GPU tensorflow package was over 200 MB,
though - that's large enough to be noticeably slow to extract and
install even from a local zipfile, let alone if you're needing to
download it first.


P.S. If anyone were to be worrying about this problem in the context
of PyPI specifically, the most likely candidates would actually be
Fastly, and then to a lesser degree, AWS, as they're handling the bulk
of any data transfer costs associated with folks downloading packages
that are larger than they really need to be :)

Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG mailing list -- distutils-sig@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to distutils-sig-le...@python.org
Message archived at 

[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-04 Thread Paul Moore
On Tue, 4 Sep 2018 at 11:28, Nathaniel Smith  wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 3:10 AM, Paul Moore  wrote:
> > There's very much an 80-20 question here, we need to avoid letting the
> > needs of the 20% of projects with unusual needs, complicate usage for
> > the 80%. On the other hand, of course, leaving the specialist cases
> > with no viable solution also isn't reasonable, so even if tags aren't
> > practical here, finding a solution that allows projects to ship
> > specialised binaries some other way would be good. Just as a
> > completely un-thought through suggestion, maybe we could have a
> > mechanism where a small "generic" wheel can include pointers to
> > specialised extra code that gets downloaded at install time?
> >
> > Package X -> x-1.0-cp37_cp37m_win_amd64.whl (includes generic code)
> > Metadata - Implementation links:
> > If we have a GPU ->  > the install>
> > If we don't have a GPU -> 
> >
> > There's obviously a lot of unanswered questions here, but maybe
> > something like this would be better than forcing everything into the
> > wheel tags?
> I think you've reinvented Requires-Dist and PEP 508 markers :-). (The
> ones that look like '; python_version < "3.6"'.)

Oh, I see. Yes, I have haven't I? Aren't I clever (but forgetful)? :-)

> Which IIUC was also
> Dustin's original suggestion: make it possible to write requirements
> like
>   tensorflow; not has_gpu
>   tensorflow-gpu; has_gpu

Yes, I'd seen that, but thought it was in terms of using those markers
to say "this wheel is only valid on systems with/without a GPU" (which
doesn't work, because pip checks that too late). But you're right,
using it in requires-dist does the right thing.

> But... do we actually know enough to define a "has_gpu" marker? It
> isn't literally "this system has a gpu", right, it's something more
> like "this system has an NVIDIA-brand GPU of a certain generation or
> later with their proprietary libraries installed"? Or something like
> that? There are actually lots of packages on PyPI with foo/foo-gpu
> pairs, e.g. strawberryfields, paddlepaddle, magenta, cntk, deepspeech,
> ... Do these -gpu packages all have the same environmental
> requirements, or is it different from package to package?

Yep, that's the killer question here. IMO, someone needs to come up
with a concrete proposal, along the likes of "here's some Python code
that returns a True/False value, and we want to name that value using
the market "has_gpu" (or whatever). There are then two debates:

1. Does that Python code return a value that's useful for a
sufficiently large consensus of the projects who care about shipping
GPU-enabled code?
2. Is has_gpu a sufficiently useful marker to warrant including in the
packaging standards?

Question 1 is for the package maintainers to debate, question 2 is for
distutils-sig (IMO). If the package maintainers aren't sufficiently
motivated to co-operate and come up with a concrete proposal, then
there's not much that the non-specialists on distutils-sig can do.

> It would help if we had folks in the conversation who actually work on
> these packages :-/. Anyone have contacts on the Tensorflow team? (It'd
> also be good to talk to them about platform specifiers... the
> tensorflow "manylinux1" wheels are really ubuntu-only, but they
> intentionally lie about that b/c there is no ubuntu tag; maybe they're
> interested in fixing that...?)
> Anyway, I don't see how we could add an environment marker without
> having a precise definition, and one that's useful for multiple
> packages. Which may or may not be possible here...

See? I'm reinventing things other people have suggested again ;-)

> Another wacky idea, maybe worth thinking about: should we let packages
> specify their own auto-detection code that pip should run? E.g. you
> could have a PEP 508 requirement like "somepkg;
> extension[otherpackage.key] = ..." and that means "install
> otherpackage inside the target Python environment, look up
> otherpackage.key, and use its value to decide whether to install
> somepkg". Maybe that's too messy to be worth it, but if "gpu
> detection" isn't a well-defined problem then maybe it's the best
> approach? Though basically that's what sdists do right now, and IIUC
> how tensorflow-gpu-detect works. Maybe tensorflow-gpu-detect should
> become the standard tensorflow library, with an sdist only, and at
> install time it could decide whether to pull in 'tensorflow-gpu' or
> 'tensorflow-nogpu'...

This feels to me like going back to runtime executable metadata. Maybe
it's not, but I'd like to be careful here.

Distutils-SIG mailing list -- distutils-sig@python.org
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[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-04 Thread Nathaniel Smith
On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 4:51 PM, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> On Mon., 3 Sep. 2018, 5:48 am Ronald Oussoren, 
> wrote:
>> What’s the problem with including GPU and non-GPU variants of code in a
>> binary wheel other than the size of the wheel? I tend to prefer binaries
>> that work “everywhere", even if that requires some more work in building
>> binaries (such as including multiple variants of extensions to have
>> optimised code for different CPU variants, such as SSE and non-SSE variants
>> in the past).
> As far as I'm aware, binary artifact size *is* the problem. It's just that
> once you're  automatically building and pushing an artifact (or an image
> containing that artifact) to thousands or tens of thousands of managed
> systems, the wasted bandwidth from pushing redundant implementations of the
> same functionality becomes more of a concern than the convenience of being
> able to use the same artifact across multiple platforms.

None of the links that Dustin gave at the top of the thread are about
managed systems though. As far as I can tell, they all come down to
one of two issues: given "tensorflow" and "tensorflow-gpu" are both on
PyPI, how can (a) users automatically get the appropriate version
without having to manually select one, and (b) other packages express
a dependency on "tensorflow or tensorflow-gpu"? And maybe (c) how can
we stop tensorflow and tensorflow-gpu from accidentally getting
installed on top of each other.


Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org
Distutils-SIG mailing list -- distutils-sig@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to distutils-sig-le...@python.org
Message archived at 

[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-04 Thread Nathaniel Smith
On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 3:10 AM, Paul Moore  wrote:
> There's very much an 80-20 question here, we need to avoid letting the
> needs of the 20% of projects with unusual needs, complicate usage for
> the 80%. On the other hand, of course, leaving the specialist cases
> with no viable solution also isn't reasonable, so even if tags aren't
> practical here, finding a solution that allows projects to ship
> specialised binaries some other way would be good. Just as a
> completely un-thought through suggestion, maybe we could have a
> mechanism where a small "generic" wheel can include pointers to
> specialised extra code that gets downloaded at install time?
> Package X -> x-1.0-cp37_cp37m_win_amd64.whl (includes generic code)
> Metadata - Implementation links:
> If we have a GPU ->  the install>
> If we don't have a GPU -> 
> There's obviously a lot of unanswered questions here, but maybe
> something like this would be better than forcing everything into the
> wheel tags?

I think you've reinvented Requires-Dist and PEP 508 markers :-). (The
ones that look like '; python_version < "3.6"'.) Which IIUC was also
Dustin's original suggestion: make it possible to write requirements

  tensorflow; not has_gpu
  tensorflow-gpu; has_gpu

But... do we actually know enough to define a "has_gpu" marker? It
isn't literally "this system has a gpu", right, it's something more
like "this system has an NVIDIA-brand GPU of a certain generation or
later with their proprietary libraries installed"? Or something like
that? There are actually lots of packages on PyPI with foo/foo-gpu
pairs, e.g. strawberryfields, paddlepaddle, magenta, cntk, deepspeech,
... Do these -gpu packages all have the same environmental
requirements, or is it different from package to package?

It would help if we had folks in the conversation who actually work on
these packages :-/. Anyone have contacts on the Tensorflow team? (It'd
also be good to talk to them about platform specifiers... the
tensorflow "manylinux1" wheels are really ubuntu-only, but they
intentionally lie about that b/c there is no ubuntu tag; maybe they're
interested in fixing that...?)

Anyway, I don't see how we could add an environment marker without
having a precise definition, and one that's useful for multiple
packages. Which may or may not be possible here...

One thing that would help would be if tensorflow-gpu could say
"Provides-Dist: tensorflow", so that downstream packages can say
"Requires-Dist: tensorflow" and pip won't freak out if the user has
manually installed tensorflow-gpu instead. E.g. in the proposal at
[1], you could have 'tensorflow' as one wheel and 'tensorflow[gpu]' as
a second wheel that 'Provides-Dist: tensorflow'. Conflicts-Dist would
also be useful, though might require a real resolver first.

Another wacky idea, maybe worth thinking about: should we let packages
specify their own auto-detection code that pip should run? E.g. you
could have a PEP 508 requirement like "somepkg;
extension[otherpackage.key] = ..." and that means "install
otherpackage inside the target Python environment, look up
otherpackage.key, and use its value to decide whether to install
somepkg". Maybe that's too messy to be worth it, but if "gpu
detection" isn't a well-defined problem then maybe it's the best
approach? Though basically that's what sdists do right now, and IIUC
how tensorflow-gpu-detect works. Maybe tensorflow-gpu-detect should
become the standard tensorflow library, with an sdist only, and at
install time it could decide whether to pull in 'tensorflow-gpu' or


[1] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2015-October/027364.html

Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org
Distutils-SIG mailing list -- distutils-sig@python.org
To unsubscribe send an email to distutils-sig-le...@python.org
Message archived at 

[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-04 Thread Paul Moore
On Tue, 4 Sep 2018 at 08:07, Ronald Oussoren via Distutils-SIG
> On 4 Sep 2018, at 01:51, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> On Mon., 3 Sep. 2018, 5:48 am Ronald Oussoren,  wrote:
>> What’s the problem with including GPU and non-GPU variants of code in a 
>> binary wheel other than the size of the wheel? I tend to prefer binaries 
>> that work “everywhere", even if that requires some more work in building 
>> binaries (such as including multiple variants of extensions to have 
>> optimised code for different CPU variants, such as SSE and non-SSE variants 
>> in the past).
> As far as I'm aware, binary artifact size *is* the problem. It's just that 
> once you're  automatically building and pushing an artifact (or an image 
> containing that artifact) to thousands or tens of thousands of managed 
> systems, the wasted bandwidth from pushing redundant implementations of the 
> same functionality becomes more of a concern than the convenience of being 
> able to use the same artifact across multiple platforms.

> Ok. I’m more used to much smaller deployments where I don’t always know up 
> front what the capabilities are of the system that the code will run on.
> And looking at tensorflow specifically the difference in size is very much 
> significant, the GPU variant is 5 times as large as the non-GPU variant (55MB 
> vs 255MB). That’s a good reason for not wanting to unconditionally ship both 
> variants.

(Excuse messed up quoting - clients seem to use such different
conventions for quoting these days, it's hard to manually fix things
up sometimes :-()

Without trying to minimise the impact of this issue, how niche is the
problem we're discussing here? At some point, we need to be careful
not to cram too much into tags - and ultimately tags are the only
mechanism pip uses to determine what wheel it's going to install
(currently, at least). If we were to switch to a scheme where
installers need to check more generalised metadata (which is only
available after you've downloaded the wheel and opened it up) then
that has a significant cost in terms of bandwidth. We cannot assume
that medadata is available without downloading the wheel, PEP 503
allows an index to expose Python-Requires (and could be extended to
allow other metadata) but that's optional, and does nothing for a case
like pip's `--find-links http://my.server/my/wheel/directory` which
allows a plain directory to be served over HTTP, and allows for no
metadata other than the filename.

There's very much an 80-20 question here, we need to avoid letting the
needs of the 20% of projects with unusual needs, complicate usage for
the 80%. On the other hand, of course, leaving the specialist cases
with no viable solution also isn't reasonable, so even if tags aren't
practical here, finding a solution that allows projects to ship
specialised binaries some other way would be good. Just as a
completely un-thought through suggestion, maybe we could have a
mechanism where a small "generic" wheel can include pointers to
specialised extra code that gets downloaded at install time?

Package X -> x-1.0-cp37_cp37m_win_amd64.whl (includes generic code)
Metadata - Implementation links:
If we have a GPU -> 
If we don't have a GPU -> 

There's obviously a lot of unanswered questions here, but maybe
something like this would be better than forcing everything into the
wheel tags?

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[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-04 Thread Ronald Oussoren via Distutils-SIG

> On 4 Sep 2018, at 01:51, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> On Mon., 3 Sep. 2018, 5:48 am Ronald Oussoren,  > wrote:
> What’s the problem with including GPU and non-GPU variants of code in a 
> binary wheel other than the size of the wheel? I tend to prefer binaries that 
> work “everywhere", even if that requires some more work in building binaries 
> (such as including multiple variants of extensions to have optimised code for 
> different CPU variants, such as SSE and non-SSE variants in the past).
> As far as I'm aware, binary artifact size *is* the problem. It's just that 
> once you're  automatically building and pushing an artifact (or an image 
> containing that artifact) to thousands or tens of thousands of managed 
> systems, the wasted bandwidth from pushing redundant implementations of the 
> same functionality becomes more of a concern than the convenience of being 
> able to use the same artifact across multiple platforms.

Ok. I’m more used to much smaller deployments where I don’t always know up 
front what the capabilities are of the system that the code will run on.  

And looking at tensorflow specifically the difference in size is very much 
significant, the GPU variant is 5 times as large as the non-GPU variant (55MB 
vs 255MB). That’s a good reason for not wanting to unconditionally ship both 


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[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-03 Thread Wes Turner
Would warehouse need to be extended to support additional non-exclusive
environment markers?

On Monday, September 3, 2018, Nick Coghlan  wrote:

> On Mon., 3 Sep. 2018, 5:48 am Ronald Oussoren, 
> wrote:
>> What’s the problem with including GPU and non-GPU variants of code in a
>> binary wheel other than the size of the wheel? I tend to prefer binaries
>> that work “everywhere", even if that requires some more work in building
>> binaries (such as including multiple variants of extensions to have
>> optimised code for different CPU variants, such as SSE and non-SSE variants
>> in the past).
> As far as I'm aware, binary artifact size *is* the problem. It's just that
> once you're  automatically building and pushing an artifact (or an image
> containing that artifact) to thousands or tens of thousands of managed
> systems, the wasted bandwidth from pushing redundant implementations of the
> same functionality becomes more of a concern than the convenience of being
> able to use the same artifact across multiple platforms.
> Cheers,
> Nick.
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[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-03 Thread Nick Coghlan
On Mon., 3 Sep. 2018, 5:48 am Ronald Oussoren, 

> What’s the problem with including GPU and non-GPU variants of code in a
> binary wheel other than the size of the wheel? I tend to prefer binaries
> that work “everywhere", even if that requires some more work in building
> binaries (such as including multiple variants of extensions to have
> optimised code for different CPU variants, such as SSE and non-SSE variants
> in the past).

As far as I'm aware, binary artifact size *is* the problem. It's just that
once you're  automatically building and pushing an artifact (or an image
containing that artifact) to thousands or tens of thousands of managed
systems, the wasted bandwidth from pushing redundant implementations of the
same functionality becomes more of a concern than the convenience of being
able to use the same artifact across multiple platforms.

Distutils-SIG mailing list -- distutils-sig@python.org
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[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-02 Thread Ronald Oussoren via Distutils-SIG

> On 2 Sep 2018, at 18:04, Nick Coghlan  wrote:
> On Sat, 1 Sep 2018 at 11:02, Tzu-ping Chung  wrote:
>> I’m not knowledgable about GPUs, but from limited conversations with others,
>> it is important to first decide what exactly the problem area is. Unlike 
>> currently
>> available environment markers, there’s currently not a very reliable way to
>> programmatically determine even if there is a GPU, let alone what that GPU 
>> can
>> actually do (not every GPU can be used by Tensorflow, for example).
> As Tzu-Ping notes, using environment markers currently requires that
> there be a well-defined "Python equivalent" to explain how installers
> should calculate the install-time value of the environment marker.
> However, even regular CPU detection has problems when it comes to
> environment markers, since platform_machine reports x86_64 on a 64-bit
> CPU, even if the current interpreter is built as a 32-bit binary, and
> there are other oddities like Linux having two different 32-bit ABIs
> (there's i686, which is the original 32 bit ABI that predates x86_64,
> and then there's x32, which is the full x86_64 instruction set, but
> using 32-bit pointers: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/4962 ).
> (Also see https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/issues/2397 for some
> additional discussion)

This is primarily an indication that there is a missing API: an API that tells 
what architecture the Python interpreter is build for, rather than the 
architecture of the CPU. Or maybe not: distutils.util.get_platform() could be 
taught to do the right thing here, as was already done for macOS in the 
(ancient) past (although it is probably better to introduce a new API because 
of backward compatibility concerns). 

> Note that I don't think it's possible for folks to get away from the
> "3 projects" requirement if publishers want their users to be able to
> selectively *install* the GPU optimised version - when you're keeping
> everything within one project, then you don't need an environment
> marker at all, you just decide at import time which version you're
> actually going to import.

What’s the problem with including GPU and non-GPU variants of code in a binary 
wheel other than the size of the wheel? I tend to prefer binaries that work 
“everywhere", even if that requires some more work in building binaries (such 
as including multiple variants of extensions to have optimised code for 
different CPU variants, such as SSE and non-SSE variants in the past). 

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[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-02 Thread Nick Coghlan
On Sat, 1 Sep 2018 at 11:02, Tzu-ping Chung  wrote:
> I’m not knowledgable about GPUs, but from limited conversations with others,
> it is important to first decide what exactly the problem area is. Unlike 
> currently
> available environment markers, there’s currently not a very reliable way to
> programmatically determine even if there is a GPU, let alone what that GPU can
> actually do (not every GPU can be used by Tensorflow, for example).

As Tzu-Ping notes, using environment markers currently requires that
there be a well-defined "Python equivalent" to explain how installers
should calculate the install-time value of the environment marker.

However, even regular CPU detection has problems when it comes to
environment markers, since platform_machine reports x86_64 on a 64-bit
CPU, even if the current interpreter is built as a 32-bit binary, and
there are other oddities like Linux having two different 32-bit ABIs
(there's i686, which is the original 32 bit ABI that predates x86_64,
and then there's x32, which is the full x86_64 instruction set, but
using 32-bit pointers: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/4962 ).
(Also see https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/issues/2397 for some
additional discussion)

Given the complexity of the problem, what we may want to do is to go
with a manylinux style solution, where even though installers are
expected to make a minimal effort to figure out an answer on their
own, a particular answer can also be forced by installing a module
into the current environment that has a particular attribute set to
True or False. (See
for details)

For example, let's suppose we call the magic module "__installmarkers__":

- dunder-name to indicate that it's a special metadata module, rather
than a regular one
- "install markers" rather than "environment markers", since they're
not for general purpose information about the environment, they're
specifically the markers that relate to declarations of installation

Given that, the environment marker lookup rules could be amended to
say to check for "__installmarkers__." before checking the
regular definition, and otherwise hard-to-define cases like "Is a GPU
available?" could be handled by:

- expanding the environment marker syntax to allow for standalone flag
attributes (i.e. no comparison operation, just a flag name)
- expanding the environment marker syntax to allow for negation (i.e.
a preceding unary "not")
- define "have_gpu" as a new flag attribute that's assumed to be
"False" by default
- by default, conditional dependencies like "cpu-only-version; not
have_gpu" will get installed
- setting "__installmarkers__.have_gpu" to True will mean that
conditional dependencies like "gpu-optimised-version; have_gpu" will
get installed

To help improve forwards compatibility in the future, it may even make
sense to say that all installers should treat unknown names in
environment markers as "getattr(__installmarkers__, NAME, None)", and
all environment markers that they can't parse as False.

Note that I don't think it's possible for folks to get away from the
"3 projects" requirement if publishers want their users to be able to
selectively *install* the GPU optimised version - when you're keeping
everything within one project, then you don't need an environment
marker at all, you just decide at import time which version you're
actually going to import.


P.S. As an alternative to a magic module, the install marker overrides
could be placed in pyvenv.cfg. Even if we did that, we'd probably
still want the magic module option though, as pyvenv.cfg doesn't exist
for user-level and interpreter-installation-level installs.

Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-09-01 Thread Wes Turner
What are the conditionals/criteria?

- non Von Neumann (hardly debuggable)?

- CUDA support


If the GPU card is detected but the drivers aren't installed, what should
it do?

On Friday, August 31, 2018, Tzu-ping Chung  wrote:

> I’m not knowledgable about GPUs, but from limited conversations with
> others,
> it is important to first decide what exactly the problem area is. Unlike
> currently
> available environment markers, there’s currently not a very reliable way to
> programmatically determine even if there is a GPU, let alone what that GPU
> can
> actually do (not every GPU can be used by Tensorflow, for example).
> IMO it would likely be a good route to first implement some interface for
> environment detection in Python. This interface can then be used in
> projects like
> tensorflow-auto-detect. Projects like Tensorflow can also detect directly
> what
> implementation it should use, like many projects do platform-specific
> things by
> detection os.name of sys.platform. Once we’re sure we have all the things
> needed
> for detection, markers can be drafted based on the detection interface.
> TP
> > On 01/9/2018, at 03:57, Dustin Ingram  wrote:
> >
> > Hi all, trying to pull together a few separate discussions into a
> > single thread here.
> >
> > The main issue is that currently PEP 508 does not provide environment
> > markers for GPU/CUDA availability, which leads to problems for
> > projects that want to provide distributions for environments with and
> > without GPU support.
> >
> > As far as I can tell, there's been multiple suggestions to bring this
> > issue to distutils-sig, but no one has actually done it.
> >
> > Relevant issues:
> >
> > (closed) "How should Python packages depending on TensorFlow structure
> > their requirements?"
> > https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/7166
> >
> > (closed) "Adding gpu or cuda specification in PEP 508"
> > https://github.com/python/peps/issues/581
> >
> > (closed) "More support for conditional installation"
> > https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/issues/1353
> >
> > (no response) "Adding gpu or cuda markers in PEP 508"
> > https://github.com/pypa/interoperability-peps/issues/68
> >
> > There is now a third-party project which attempts to amend this for
> > tensorflow (https://github.com/akatrevorjay/tensorflow-auto-detect)
> > but this approach is somewhat fragile (depends on version numbers
> > being in sync), doesn't directly scale to all similar projects, and
> > would require maintainers for a given project to maintain _three_
> > separate projects, instead of just one.
> >
> > I'm not intimately familiar with PEP 508, so my questions for this list:
> >
> > * Is the demand sufficient to justify supporting this use case?
> > * Is it possible to add support for GPU Environment markers?
> > * If so, what would need to be done?
> > * If implemented, what should the transition look like for projects
> > like tensorflow?
> >
> > Thanks!
> > D.
> > --
> > Distutils-SIG mailing list -- distutils-sig@python.org
> > To unsubscribe send an email to distutils-sig-le...@python.org
> > https://mail.python.org/mm3/mailman3/lists/distutils-sig.python.org/
> > Message archived at https://mail.python.org/mm3/
> archives/list/distutils-sig@python.org/message/
> --
> Distutils-SIG mailing list -- distutils-sig@python.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to distutils-sig-le...@python.org
> https://mail.python.org/mm3/mailman3/lists/distutils-sig.python.org/
> Message archived at https://mail.python.org/mm3/
> archives/list/distutils-sig@python.org/message/
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[Distutils] Re: Environment markers for GPU/CUDA availibility

2018-08-31 Thread Tzu-ping Chung
I’m not knowledgable about GPUs, but from limited conversations with others,
it is important to first decide what exactly the problem area is. Unlike 
available environment markers, there’s currently not a very reliable way to
programmatically determine even if there is a GPU, let alone what that GPU can
actually do (not every GPU can be used by Tensorflow, for example).

IMO it would likely be a good route to first implement some interface for GPU
environment detection in Python. This interface can then be used in projects 
tensorflow-auto-detect. Projects like Tensorflow can also detect directly what
implementation it should use, like many projects do platform-specific things by
detection os.name of sys.platform. Once we’re sure we have all the things needed
for detection, markers can be drafted based on the detection interface.


> On 01/9/2018, at 03:57, Dustin Ingram  wrote:
> Hi all, trying to pull together a few separate discussions into a
> single thread here.
> The main issue is that currently PEP 508 does not provide environment
> markers for GPU/CUDA availability, which leads to problems for
> projects that want to provide distributions for environments with and
> without GPU support.
> As far as I can tell, there's been multiple suggestions to bring this
> issue to distutils-sig, but no one has actually done it.
> Relevant issues:
> (closed) "How should Python packages depending on TensorFlow structure
> their requirements?"
> https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/7166
> (closed) "Adding gpu or cuda specification in PEP 508"
> https://github.com/python/peps/issues/581
> (closed) "More support for conditional installation"
> https://github.com/pypa/pipenv/issues/1353
> (no response) "Adding gpu or cuda markers in PEP 508"
> https://github.com/pypa/interoperability-peps/issues/68
> There is now a third-party project which attempts to amend this for
> tensorflow (https://github.com/akatrevorjay/tensorflow-auto-detect)
> but this approach is somewhat fragile (depends on version numbers
> being in sync), doesn't directly scale to all similar projects, and
> would require maintainers for a given project to maintain _three_
> separate projects, instead of just one.
> I'm not intimately familiar with PEP 508, so my questions for this list:
> * Is the demand sufficient to justify supporting this use case?
> * Is it possible to add support for GPU Environment markers?
> * If so, what would need to be done?
> * If implemented, what should the transition look like for projects
> like tensorflow?
> Thanks!
> D.
> --
> Distutils-SIG mailing list -- distutils-sig@python.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to distutils-sig-le...@python.org
> https://mail.python.org/mm3/mailman3/lists/distutils-sig.python.org/
> Message archived at 
> https://mail.python.org/mm3/archives/list/distutils-sig@python.org/message/LXLF4YSC4WUZOYRX65DW7CESIX7UUBK5/
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