Re: modularity of apps

2006-08-16 Thread Gary Wilson

James Bennett wrote:
> The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of using imports
> in to specify an application's dependencies; the thing
> that'd make it especially nice would be some method -- either
> conventional or built straight in to Django -- of checking for
> "importable" versus "installed" and for throwing nicer error messages.
> Something like this, maybe:
> from django.conf import settings
> dependencies = (
> {'name': 'tags', 'module': 'foo.tags'},
> {'name': 'todo', 'module': 'bar.todo'},
> {'name': 'comments', 'module': 'django.contrib.comments'},
> )

IMO, the dependency checking is the easy part.  In the README or
something, I say MyCoolApp requires the admin app.  It's the
configuration settings of the admin app that's hairy.

So let's say MyCoolApp needs the admin app to function.  (Let's ignore
the fact that, by default, Django adds everything to that
the admin app needs to run even though I don't need most of them if I'm
not using the admin app.)  So, in I put the

dependencies = (
{'name': 'admin', 'module': 'django.contrib.admin'},

What has this bought me?

Not much considering I still need to make sure I have
'django.template.loaders.app_directories.load_template_source' in my
"django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware" and
"django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware" and
"django.middleware.doc.XViewMiddleware" in my MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES,
'django.core.context_processors.auth' and
'django.core.context_processors.i18n' and
'django.core.context_processors.request' in my
'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend' in my
and (r'^admin/', include('django.contrib.admin.urls')) in my

Somebody help me if I ever wanted to bring down an application for
maintenance.  Just removing it from INSTALLED_APPS ain't going to do
it.  You can check the importing of an app or it's presence in
INSTALLED_APPS, but that app could still be a good ways from being

> Anything more complex would be tending a bit too much toward the "app
> server", I think.

What do you mean a bit too much toward the app server?  Isn't that what
we are all doing with django?  Building and serving blog apps and forum
apps and news publishing apps and ...

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Re: modularity of apps

2006-08-16 Thread Gary Wilson

James Bennett wrote:
> On 8/13/06, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The Lawrence guys have mentioned on this list previously that they have
> > many different applications they pull together in various projects.
> :)
> If we couldn't modularize, we wouldn't be able to sell different
> "editions" of Ellington.

Maybe they could enlighten us on how they modularize.

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Re: Session support

2006-08-16 Thread SmileyChris

I think you meant "I used property() so you can use
request.session.expires = 213123. "

I wouldn't worry about the smart times -- just having seconds is good

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Re: ANN: Small security hole in fixed

2006-08-16 Thread Cheng Zhang

On Aug 16, 2006, at 2:31 PM, Adrian Holovaty wrote:

> The Django team discovered and fixed a small security hole in the
> django/bin/ helper script, which is the script that
> compiles message files (.po files) into binary format (.mo files).

Informative. I am certain that such security advisory will greatly  
enhance Django's image.
Thanks to the excellent work of Adrian and the whole Django team!

-Cheng Zhang
1st Django powered site in Chinese ;-)

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Re: Trac and Akismet rejected spam

2006-08-16 Thread Tom Tobin

> I have the same. I've tried to clean up the main wiki page and it
> rejects the changes.

Core-dev-types: would it be okay to whitelist these guys?

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Re: django unicode-conversion, beginning

2006-08-16 Thread Bjørn Stabell

In China GB18030 is required to be used by law, any most sites just
assume the browser uses that as the default, so they don't even specify
a character encoding.

Your likely setup for international web sites is to have Unicode in the
database (since databases have special support for it and it is a good
base encoding), but to serve up different encodings wherever UTF-8
proves problematic (for technical or legal reasons).

Hopefully, over time, there'll be less and less resistance to using


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Re: django unicode-conversion, beginning

2006-08-16 Thread Bill de hÓra

gabor wrote:
> currently my plan is to have the following behaviour:
> 1. i assume that every GET/POST param comes in encoded as 
> settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET, and will decode it accordingly. if it fails, 
> then it fails.

Assuming "you got served" with settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET, then sure.

> 3. will assume the database is in DEFAULT_CHARSET
>   - maybe can we somehow ask the db for it's charset?

It would be a start.

 > so, what do you think?
 > or should we make it possible to have a system with mixed charsets?

I could imagine serving web content with one encoding, but lumping 
things in and out of the db with another.I guess people will need mixed 
encodings - like wanting to serve utf8 rss feeds, but have latin1 come 
in and out of mysql.  But so long as we sweep out bytestrings inside 
django for unicode objects, mixed i/o should be possible to add on later.

Would being able to spec the db char encoding via be a 
needed option, or is that even possible across databases?


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Re: django unicode-conversion, beginning

2006-08-16 Thread Jeremy Dunck

On 8/16/06, gabor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 3. will assume the database is in DEFAULT_CHARSET
> - maybe can we somehow ask the db for it's charset?

I think you really have to allow for different charset in the DB--
legacy integration, remember.

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Session support

2006-08-16 Thread Tsume

I created a patch to implement a common feature.

The patch implements setting the expire per session.

Are there any standards for django how APIs should be created? I like
using request.session.expires = 213123. However is this okay API wise
for Django?

I'm going to be implementing request.sessions.expires = "3 weeks" soon.
Also, I used property() so you can use request.session.expires(213123).


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My current solution to auto-escaping

2006-08-16 Thread Chris Beaven
Having to remember to escape every variable node in an html template when it's the normal behaviour seems so un-DRY.What I wanted was a way of adding the escape filter to every variable node (eg {{ }}) without changing the core django code.So I made a block tag which can add filters to all child variable nodes (finalfilter) and a filter for variable nodes which shouldn't be touched (finalized).
My current usage is to wrap my entire "base.html" with {% load filtertags %}{% finalfilter escape %} {% endfinalfilter %}.If every I have a variable node which I don't want to escape, I just do {% load filtertags %}{{ already_escaped|finalized }}, but this isn't very often.
I also made a block tag to apply filters to each item of a list to work with the unordered_list filter (listfilter). This one is just a fringe-need because undordered_list is ugly and I don't know why anyone would want to use it, but it could be useful for other custom filters I guess.
Anyway, here's the docstring for the finalfilter block tag:    Add common filters to all variable nodes within this block tag.    Use the `finalized` filter in a variable node to skip adding the filters
    to that node. If a common filter has already been explicitly added to a    variable node, it will *not* be added again.    Filters can also be piped through each other, and they can have    arguments -- just like in variable syntax.
    Note: This tag adds the filter(s) at render time so this happens across    all extended block tags.    Example usage::    {% finalfilter escape %}    {{ html_menu|finalized }}
    {{ }}            {{ object.first_name }} {{ object.last_name }}    
        {% endfinalfilter %}    This example would add the escape filter to the end of each variable node    except for `html_menu`.

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from django.template import Library, Node, TemplateSyntaxError
from django.template import VariableNode, Parser, FilterExpression, FILTER_SEPARATOR

register = Library()


class FinalFilterNode(Node):
def __init__(self, nodelist, filters):
self.nodelist = nodelist
self.filters = filters

def render(self, context):
nodelist = self.nodelist
for node in nodelist.get_nodes_by_type(VariableNode):
node_filters = node.filter_expression.filters
filter_funcs = [filter[0] for filter in node_filters]
if finalized not in filter_funcs:
# Ignore the node if it has the finalized functions in
# its filters.
for filter in self.filters:
if filter[0] not in filter_funcs:
# Don't double-up on filters which have already
# been applied to this VariableNode.

return nodelist.render(context)

class ListFilterNode(Node):
def __init__(self, context_list, filter_expr):
self.context_list = context_list
self.filter_expr = filter_expr

def render(self, context):
if context.get(self.context_list):
context[self.context_list] = self.recursive_filter(context[self.context_list])
return ''

def recursive_filter(self, item):
if hasattr(item, '__iter__'):
# If the item is iterable then recurse.
return map(self.recursive_filter, item)
return self.filter_expr.resolve({self.filter_expr.var: item}, ignore_failures=True)

def finalfilter(parser, token):
Add common filters to all variable nodes within this block tag.
Use the `finalized` filter in a variable node to skip adding the filters
to that node. If a common filter has already been explicitly added to a
variable node, it will *not* be added again.

Filters can also be piped through each other, and they can have
arguments -- just like in variable syntax.

Note: This tag adds the filter(s) at render time so this happens across
all extended block tags.

Example usage::

{% finalfilter escape %}
{{ html_menu|finalized }}
{{ }}

{{ object.first_name }} {{ object.last_name }}

{% endfinalfilter %}

This example would add the escape filter to the end of each variable node
except for `html_menu`.
nodelist = 

Re: django unicode-conversion, beginning

2006-08-16 Thread gabor

Jeremy Dunck wrote:
> On 8/16/06, Bill de hÓra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Now. Most (all?) browser UAs sniff the content to second guess the media
>> type. They don't much pay attention to Content-Type (I think maybe IE
>> ignores it altogether). The problem for this example is they might be
>> doing something similar for character encodings declared on the form
>> page's GET request. Browsers do this because so much served content is
>> mislabelled (eg feeds served as text/html and video as text/plain).
> IE doesn't totally ignore it.  I just does some horrible, wrong things
> while considering it.
> Ian Hickson says contenttype is dead:

hmmm.. sad to hear that.. but it hopefully does not affect the 
django-unicode issue too much...

currently my plan is to have the following behaviour:

1. i assume that every GET/POST param comes in encoded as 
settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET, and will decode it accordingly. if it fails, 
then it fails.
- might make an exception and in case of post-data check the 
content-type header of the request, whether it contains any charset stuff
-if you really-really-really need to do some crazy 
is-sent-as-foo-but-has-to-be-treated-as-bar, you can always use the 
raw-postdata and raw-getdata.

2. will render the template in DEFAULT_CHARSET

3. will assume the database is in DEFAULT_CHARSET
- maybe can we somehow ask the db for it's charset?

so, what do you think?
or should we make it possible to have a system with mixed charsets? 
(well, maybe having a different DB_CHARSET and a DEFAULT_CHARSET could 
work. maybe)


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Re: django unicode-conversion, beginning

2006-08-16 Thread Jeremy Dunck

On 8/9/06, gabor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hmmm.. are you sure that the situation with unicode-aware editors is so bad?
> could you name some non-unicode-aware editors?
> for me it seems that from notepad through vim to eclipse everything does
> unicode fine...

On Windows, I used UltraEdit, which is a very popular editor.  $25ish
with very nice features.
It claims to support unicode, but I've tested with it and it horribly
mangles anything but UTF-8.  Worse, you can open a UTF-8 file as
though it were ASCII, then save as unicode, causing double-encoding.

I hearby degree that all strings in computing should have a charset
associated with them.


Damn, it didn't work.

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Re: django unicode-conversion, beginning

2006-08-16 Thread Jeremy Dunck

On 8/16/06, Bill de hÓra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now. Most (all?) browser UAs sniff the content to second guess the media
> type. They don't much pay attention to Content-Type (I think maybe IE
> ignores it altogether). The problem for this example is they might be
> doing something similar for character encodings declared on the form
> page's GET request. Browsers do this because so much served content is
> mislabelled (eg feeds served as text/html and video as text/plain).

IE doesn't totally ignore it.  I just does some horrible, wrong things
while considering it.

Ian Hickson says contenttype is dead:

Happily, Mark Pilgrim did a lot of the hard work by converting
Mozilla's charset detection routines to Python in support of his feed

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Re: django unicode-conversion, beginning

2006-08-16 Thread Bill de hÓra

Gábor Farkas wrote:

> for example, using this html file:
> http://localhost:7000;>
> (+ additional xhtml-headers, http-equiv-content-type=utf-8 etc)
> firefox submits this:
> POST / HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:7000
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8.1b1) 
> Gecko/20060601 BonEcho/2.0b1 (Ubuntu-edgy)
> Accept: 
> text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5
> Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
> Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
> Accept-Charset: UTF-8,*
> Keep-Alive: 300
> Connection: keep-alive
> Cookie: sessionid=9f5f5a5c387a07dd6b7e4d34a04e38b9
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> Content-Length: 14
> gabor1=farkas1
> =
> so, in what charset is the POSTDATA?

I don't have good news for you.

If we are talking about HTML forms in this case - undefined. There's no 
charset attribute defined on the form. In that case the value is assumed 
to be "unknown" and clients can (not must) map this value as the 
character encoding that was used to send the html form.

You can't assume in ISO-8859-1 for a form as that only comes to as a 
default for text/* types.

> so, i agree with you, that if they do send it, we should honor it. but 
> they are not sending it (i assume they should send it in the 
> Content-Type header).

To spec? Then client UAs /must/ treat the Content-Type header as the 
authoritative declaration of the character encoding if there is a 
charset - it overrides *everything*. HTTP 1.1 and recent W3C findings 
are explicit on this.

Now. Most (all?) browser UAs sniff the content to second guess the media 
type. They don't much pay attention to Content-Type (I think maybe IE 
ignores it altogether). The problem for this example is they might be 
doing something similar for character encodings declared on the form 
page's GET request. Browsers do this because so much served content is 
mislabelled (eg feeds served as text/html and video as text/plain).

So the heuristic "browsers send content back in the encoding they 
receive it" can be assumed in, but you have to allow for cases where 
they are sniffing content and ignoring server directives. But, as a 
server implementor, my advice is to *always* send the Content-Type 
header and charset, and assume the data will be returned in that encoding.

In order to be as stateless as possible, that means serving all forms in 
the same encoding, and typically your best bet in that case is to serve 
as UTF-8. Serving latin1 might work also for cases where people are 
using keyboard shorts for things like my surname (I'd need to test this 
to be sure; all I can say after 10 years of shopping online is that it's 
been pot luck). For cut and pasted content from word, we'd need to 
transcode down from cp1252 to latin1.


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Re: Streaming uploads and progress info.

2006-08-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Error detected

New patch

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Streaming uploads and progress info.

2006-08-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Considering this patch done unless anyone can find fatal bugs or have
some comments about it.



To use streaming uploads put
django.middleware.upload.StreamingUploadMiddleware in

To use upload progress put
django.middleware.upload.UploadStateMiddleware before
django.middleware.upload.StreamingUploadMiddleware and set admin js to:

class Admin:
   js = ['js/UploadProgress.js']

Upload progress js should be compatible with mod_uploadprogress, so
wsgi users just use:

Not sure if django.middleware.upload.StreamingUploadMiddleware has any
added efficiency or using wsgi since requests to django are delayed by

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Re: django and LDAP support

2006-08-16 Thread Jason F. McBrayer

"Gary Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Scott Paul Robertson wrote:
>> I'll start on this tomorrow. Out of curiosity how common is this sort of
>> setup? I've only seen a handful of LDAP implementations, and this is new
>> to me.

> Not sure how common it is, as this is the only ldap setup I have worked
> with.  The directory has controlled access via issued service accounts,
> in addition to user accounts.  The service accounts allow applications
> to access the directory without having to use a regular user's
> credentials.  I believe this gives the system better access control and
> logging.

For what it's worth, and to provide one more anecdote (the plural of
anecdote is data!), my site is using an LDAP setup that is the same as
this one in terms of authentication procedure (bind with service
account, search your username's full DN, bind with your full DN and

| Jason F. McBrayer[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, |
| even though we do not love it.-- Dogen|

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Re: django unicode-conversion, beginning

2006-08-16 Thread Gábor Farkas

Bill de hÓra wrote:
> gabor wrote:
>> so what do you think about the following approach:
>> try ascii-decoding
>> if fails, try utf8-decoding
>> if fails do iso-8859-1-decoding (this cannot fail).
>> ?
> Dumb question maybe. How do you know this encoding ladder will work?

it depends on how you define 'will work' :-)

it will not fail (every string can be decoded as iso-8859-1).

>> but imho this should happen only in "special" cases like 
>> environ-variables.. for example in get/post params i would prefer to 
>> raise an exception when the data cannot be en/de-coded using the 
>> configured charset.
> You'd need to honor charset parameters sent out of Django apps and sent 
> back by the client. A sensible default encoding to emit is UTF-8.

i would honor them if they would be sent :-)

for example, using this html file:


(+ additional xhtml-headers, http-equiv-content-type=utf-8 etc)

firefox submits this:

Host: localhost:7000
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8.1b1) 
Gecko/20060601 BonEcho/2.0b1 (Ubuntu-edgy)
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: UTF-8,*
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: sessionid=9f5f5a5c387a07dd6b7e4d34a04e38b9
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 14


so, in what charset is the POSTDATA?

so, i agree with you, that if they do send it, we should honor it. but 
they are not sending it (i assume they should send it in the 
Content-Type header).

the only usable assumption i have found up to now is that the browsers 
sends the data back encoded in the submitting-html-page's charset.

or is there a better way?


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ANN: Small security hole in fixed

2006-08-16 Thread Adrian Holovaty

The Django team discovered and fixed a small security hole in the
django/bin/ helper script, which is the script that
compiles message files (.po files) into binary format (.mo files).

The script uses the name of the .po file to build
arguments to a system command, and it didn't sufficiently validate the
filename for potentially malicious content.

Users who relied on the translation files provided with Django, or who
wrote and compiled their own translations, were never at risk. Users
who never ran the script were never at risk. Only
users who compiled third-party translations without examining the
filenames first were potentially vulnerable.

No exploit based on this vulnerability, proof-of-concept or otherwise,
is known to have existed.

Due to the nature of the vulnerability, we do not feel this merits a
new release of Django. However, users who rely on third parties to
supply translation files -- such as Django's own i18n maintainers --
are encouraged either to patch their code in one of these ways:

* Upgrade to the latest Django trunk (the Django development version).

* Simply overwrite your copy of django/bin/ with
the new version found here:

This file has not changed in any backwards-incompatible way since
before Django version 0.90, so it's safe to copy over, regardless of
which Django version you're using.

* We've applied the patches to Subversion "bug-fix" branches for both
previous Django versions, 0.90 and 0.91. You can access those branches

svn co
svn co

If none of those solutions is possible, we strongly encourage users to
examine the names of translation files carefully before compiling
them. Of course, the same standards should be applied when examining
translation files from untrusted third parties as would be applied to
any code received from an untrusted source.

(All users are advised, as always, to keep in mind the risks of using
*any* file from a third-party source, and to carefully examine any
third-party code before executing it.)

This security hole was fixed in changeset 3592. The patch is available here:

If you're interested in how we fixed the error, see the excellent
document "String replacements in command lines": .

Thanks to Rene Dudfield for reporting this.

-The Django team

(Cross-posted to django-announce, django-i18n, django-developers and
django-users. We recently created the django-announce mailing list but
it isn't yet well-known -- hence the wide net of mailing lists.)

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