ModelChoiceField's clean() uses default manager instead of query set

2007-08-06 Thread Nick

The clean() methods in both ModelChoiceField and
ModelMultipleChoiceField use a block similar to the following in order
to validate the selected choice:

value = self.queryset.model._default_manager.get(pk=value)
except self.queryset.model.DoesNotExist:
raise ValidationError(ugettext(u'Select a valid choice. That
choice is not one of the available choices.'))

Is there any reason that shouldn't simply be
self.queryset.get(pk=value) ?

I came across this in a project when I was trying to work out why it
was allowing choices that I had explicitly filtered out of the
queryset - and of course this explains it. Is there a reason that the
default manager should be used instead of just the original queryset?

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Re: testing Django against many Pythons and databases

2007-08-06 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Mon, 2007-08-06 at 22:10 -0500, Gary Wilson wrote:
> I know there are various setups people have for doing this, like Jacob's
> snippet:
> but I was wondering what other developers' thoughts would be on adding
> something like this to Django proper.  I'm just thinking that Django
> should be able to test itself completely without any outside help.
> This sort of thing would also be useful in case we ever wanted to do
> some automated gate keeping of the checkins.

Probably not a good idea. It's not entirely trivial to get everything
set up to do this sort of all-in-one testing, so it has very limited
utility to the broader population. If you want to do it for automatic
post-commit checking, it's a buildbot or putting the stuff in the
post-commit script.

Usually you're going to be running against one version and one database
wrapper at a time anyway (if there's any chance of something failing),
because otherwise any failures will really stack up. If you think
everything is going to pass and want to run against the lot, it's a two
line shell script, more or less (loop over PATH, python binary names and
settings file names). I don't see it as solving the hard bit of any
problem -- getting a setup that can support all six current database
backends and three Python versions is 98% of the work required. Actually
running the tests is then trivial.

So -1 from me. Extra stuff to maintain (otherwise, I'd be -0) that isn't
going to add a lot of value to most setups or make anything much easier
than it already is.


Everything is _not_ based on faith... take my word for it.

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Re: possible deficiency in newform BooleanField?

2007-08-06 Thread SmileyChris

On Aug 7, 2:28 pm, Gary Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I believe SmileyChris meant that a ticket should be opened about
> updating the documentation.


> As mentioned in the comments of the ticket you mentioned above, there
> are times when you do want to ensure the check box was checked
> (required=True).  When you do not want to force the user to check the
> box, then you use required=False.  I wouldn't say it's a hoop to jump
> through, but rather just a configuration for the way you want your check
> box to work.

Actually, I think that it *is* a hoop to jump through - one created
due to an issue with the CheckboxInput widget. But let's not discuss
it here since I already started a new discussion thread:

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testing Django against many Pythons and databases

2007-08-06 Thread Gary Wilson

I know there are various setups people have for doing this, like Jacob's

but I was wondering what other developers' thoughts would be on adding
something like this to Django proper.  I'm just thinking that Django
should be able to test itself completely without any outside help.

This sort of thing would also be useful in case we ever wanted to do
some automated gate keeping of the checkins.


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Re: clean_* methods should be passed the value

2007-08-06 Thread Gary Wilson

SmileyChris wrote:
> I know this would be backwards incompatible, but why on earth do our
> newform clean_[fieldname] methods need to get the value out of the
> self.cleaned_data dict. It just seems so un-DRY.

This irritates me too.  I'm +1 for passing the value, as noted by my
patch attached to

some time ago.


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Re: possible deficiency in newform BooleanField?

2007-08-06 Thread Gary Wilson

Ash wrote:
> What would be the point in opening a ticket when this clearly broken
> behavior gets marked as 'wontfix'?

I believe SmileyChris meant that a ticket should be opened about
updating the documentation.

> The documents for Django newforms state that:
> BooleanField
> * Default widget: CheckboxInput
> * Empty value: None
> * Normalizes to: A Python True or False value.
> * Validates nothing (i.e., it never raises a ValidationError).
> Note the last line. But when you actually go and use the field and
> don't check it, it DOES raise a validation error, saying that "This
> field is required."
> It is silly to say here that all boolean fields must be made
> 'required=False' in order to work. That's not in the docs, and it's a
> silly hoop to ask developers to jump through just to be able to have a
> useful checkbox field. The field itself should be smart enough to know
> that unchecked == False. Not that unchecked == missing. The documented
> normalizing to either True or False is not happening at all.

As mentioned in the comments of the ticket you mentioned above, there
are times when you do want to ensure the check box was checked
(required=True).  When you do not want to force the user to check the
box, then you use required=False.  I wouldn't say it's a hoop to jump
through, but rather just a configuration for the way you want your check
box to work.


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Re: clean_* methods should be passed the value

2007-08-06 Thread Nick

On Aug 7, 6:45 am, SmileyChris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know this would be backwards incompatible, but why on earth do our
> newform clean_[fieldname] methods need to get the value out of the
> self.cleaned_data dict. It just seems so un-DRY.
> If there is an edge case where you need to look at the dict, you still
> could. But the normal case is that you are doing further validation or
> cleaning to just the value of that Field.

I always thought this was a bit clunky too. Most of my clean_* methods
end up having:

value = self.cleaned_data['fieldname']
return value

I guess it's only one extra line, but it just feels a bit ugly.

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Re: Simple improvement suggestion for django.contrib.syndication.feeds

2007-08-06 Thread Russell Keith-Magee

On 8/6/07, jorjun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have never contributed a Django patch. I am a newbie with respect to
> SVN and couldn't get SVN DIFF command to produce the required output.
> Please excuse pasting code changes in here.

Even if you can't generate an SVN diff, it would be better to post
this in a ticket; posting it to the list means it is more likely to
get lost in the traffic.

Russ Magee %-)

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clean_* methods should be passed the value

2007-08-06 Thread SmileyChris

I know this would be backwards incompatible, but why on earth do our
newform clean_[fieldname] methods need to get the value out of the
self.cleaned_data dict. It just seems so un-DRY.

If there is an edge case where you need to look at the dict, you still
could. But the normal case is that you are doing further validation or
cleaning to just the value of that Field.

Am I missing something obvious?

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Solution to problems with newforms BooleanField

2007-08-06 Thread SmileyChris

The main problem people have with BooleanField is that it raises a
ValidationError if its checkbox widget is left unchecked. here is a
problem, but it's not with BooleanField - *it's with the CheckboxInput

CheckboxInput should only be able to return a value of True or False.
That's it. If you want more than that, you should be using some other
widget. (I just created ticket

The normal argument against changing BooleanField validation is that
you may want an "I accept" checkbox. Really, you should be doing your
own checking in clean_[field] to make sure it's not False.

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Re: ANN: Alpha release of new MS SQL Server backend

2007-08-06 Thread mamcx

Thanks for the info.

I test it and tommorrow in the next 2 days do another release...

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Re: How much test case must print runtest?

2007-08-06 Thread mamcx


I enable the verbosity to 2 and only the webdesing test are running...

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About Changeset [5819]

2007-08-06 Thread David Danier

First: Nice, that a working FileField got merged!

After browsing the source to update my own patches I found that
FileField.save_form_data() joins the filename and self.upload_to (see
Why is this done? If I read the code right self.upload_to gets stripped
later in FileField.get_filename() and is added in
File.get_directory_name(), again.

Greetings, David Danier

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Re: How much test case must print runtest?

2007-08-06 Thread Carlo C8E Miron
On 8/6/07, mamcx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I use your config and get the same results :(

Maybe you still have test.pyc in your folder?

Carlo C8E Miron
PYC Troubles Solution Architect(tm)

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Re: ANN: Alpha release of new MS SQL Server backend

2007-08-06 Thread pk11

hey, sorry, forgot one thing:
in django/db/models/fields
 222 # mssql can not handle more than two 99-s
 223 return ['%s-01-01 00:00:00' % value, '%s-12-31
23:59:59.99' % value]

On Aug 3, 6:34 pm, mamcx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Excelent. Please send me your patch so I take a look at it.
> I finish today a implementation of LIMIT so I'm interested in  how you
> solve it.

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Re: ANN: Alpha release of new MS SQL Server backend

2007-08-06 Thread pk11

mamcx, I sent you my mods.


I tested the admin + pymssql backend again without my modification
(i.e. changing object_id's type), and now seems to be working just
fine. do not really know what was causing  the issue before though.
anyway, thanks for the information.


On Aug 4, 9:21 am, "Jeremy Dunck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/3/07, pk11 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > the issue with object_id is that mssql can not insert an integer PK
> > into a  TEXT field.
> I guess I'm confused.  Admin LogEntryManager forces object_id to a
> string before saving.   Do you see somewhere that's directly filling
> LogEntry.object_id with an integer?

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Re: How much test case must print runtest?

2007-08-06 Thread mamcx

I use your config and get the same results :(

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Re: How much test case must print runtest?

2007-08-06 Thread Ian Kelly

On 8/6/07, mamcx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nope...
> I change the name and get the same numbers.
> The settings must have something special? what is the bare minimun?

This is all that I'm using:

DATABASE_NAME = 'django_test.s3db'


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Re: How much test case must print runtest?

2007-08-06 Thread mamcx


I change the name and get the same numbers.

The settings must have something special? what is the bare minimun?

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Re: How much test case must print runtest?

2007-08-06 Thread Forest Bond
On Mon, Aug 06, 2007 at 10:34:32AM -0600, Ian Kelly wrote:
> On 8/6/07, mamcx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Ok, I do CD to the folder where test is, then run:
> >
> > --settings test
> >
> > is a settings file with the new backend and db config.

You might have a name collision with your settings file and another critical
module somewhere.  Perhaps you should rename your settings file to

Forest Bond

Description: Digital signature

Re[4]: Case-insensitive URLS (was: usability issues)

2007-08-06 Thread Alex Nikolaenkov

Thank you for clarification. Now that makes a lot of sense for me.

~ Alex

You wrote 6 ??? 2007 ?., 20:28:20:

> On 8/6/07, Alex Nikolaenkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > If a core dev closes a ticket with a "wontfix", you shouldn't re-open
>> > the ticket unless you've made a compelling case on django-dev and
>> > gotten the core devs to change their minds.  "Wontfix" essentially
>> > means that a design decision has been made against the proposal, and
>> > re-opening the ticket isn't going to change that.
>> How can I find out that the one closed is the core dev? ^_^ I thought that
>> ticket was closed by a few volunteers reviewing them first (volunteers
>> are mentioned near the bug-reviewing-process-scheme).
>> Here is much of django process issues. Thanks for clarification. BTW
>> where can I find list of core developers?

> Well, a volunteer / triager might also close it as "wontfix" if it's
> been made clear in the past by a core dev that such a decision has
> been made, and in these cases the same thing applies.  (They should
> hopefully point this out in the close comment.)  The core devs are the
> people listed as "primary authors" here:


>> > Yes, whenever a ticket is closed, it should have a reason attached; if
>> > one is missing, feel free to comment on the ticket asking for a reason
>> > -- but *without* re-opening the ticket.
>> BTW I can't get why reopening tickets is treated as the major issue.
>> Just one more ticket. Just a message. Just a discussion. And so on. If
>> I request for comments without re-opening, time consumption is much the
>> same. So what's the difference?

> Developers use the "open" status of a ticket to track if it needs to
> be addressed; that's why the "open" status of a ticket matters.  If
> something has been closed for a valid reason, there needs to be a
> *good* reason to re-open it; developer time is scarce and tickets are
> plenty.  It has nothing to do with stifling discussion, and everything
> to do with making efficient use of limited time.  You're more than
> welcome to raise a discussion here regarding the closing of a ticket
> when you disagree with the reasoning; you're also welcome to post a
> comment on the ticket while leaving it closed.  If you change minds
> regarding the issue, the ticket will get re-opened.

Best regards,
 Alex  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: How much test case must print runtest?

2007-08-06 Thread Ian Kelly

On 8/6/07, mamcx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, I do CD to the folder where test is, then run:
> --settings test
> is a settings file with the new backend and db config.
> I do a little debugging and I think find a bug.
> The test are executed on:
> failures = run_tests(test_labels, verbosity=verbosity,
> extra_tests=extra_tests)
> but test_labels always is empty. So I add this code:
> for model_dir, model_name in get_test_models():
> test_labels.append(load_app(model_label))
> and now get 84 tests executed.
> However I think is weird that the code not work at all... maybe is
> because is executed under windows

This is the output that I'm getting (rev5821, sqlite3 backend, Windows XP):

C:\DOCUME~1\ikelly\projects\django\tests>python --settings
Ran 154 tests in 38.244s



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Re: possible deficiency in newform BooleanField?

2007-08-06 Thread Ash

What would be the point in opening a ticket when this clearly broken
behavior gets marked as 'wontfix'?

The documents for Django newforms state that:


* Default widget: CheckboxInput
* Empty value: None
* Normalizes to: A Python True or False value.
* Validates nothing (i.e., it never raises a ValidationError).

Note the last line. But when you actually go and use the field and
don't check it, it DOES raise a validation error, saying that "This
field is required."

It is silly to say here that all boolean fields must be made
'required=False' in order to work. That's not in the docs, and it's a
silly hoop to ask developers to jump through just to be able to have a
useful checkbox field. The field itself should be smart enough to know
that unchecked == False. Not that unchecked == missing. The documented
normalizing to either True or False is not happening at all.

On Jun 17, 3:39 pm, SmileyChris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 18, 10:23 am, Mike H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Perhaps the example in the
> > docs needs updating to show required=False in the cc_myself field?
> Perhaps you should make a ticket.
> /me cracks the ticket manager whip. ;)

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Re: Re[2]: Case-insensitive URLS (was: usability issues)

2007-08-06 Thread Tom Tobin

On 8/6/07, Alex Nikolaenkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If a core dev closes a ticket with a "wontfix", you shouldn't re-open
> > the ticket unless you've made a compelling case on django-dev and
> > gotten the core devs to change their minds.  "Wontfix" essentially
> > means that a design decision has been made against the proposal, and
> > re-opening the ticket isn't going to change that.
> How can I find out that the one closed is the core dev? ^_^ I thought that
> ticket was closed by a few volunteers reviewing them first (volunteers
> are mentioned near the bug-reviewing-process-scheme).
> Here is much of django process issues. Thanks for clarification. BTW
> where can I find list of core developers?

Well, a volunteer / triager might also close it as "wontfix" if it's
been made clear in the past by a core dev that such a decision has
been made, and in these cases the same thing applies.  (They should
hopefully point this out in the close comment.)  The core devs are the
people listed as "primary authors" here:

> > Yes, whenever a ticket is closed, it should have a reason attached; if
> > one is missing, feel free to comment on the ticket asking for a reason
> > -- but *without* re-opening the ticket.
> BTW I can't get why reopening tickets is treated as the major issue.
> Just one more ticket. Just a message. Just a discussion. And so on. If
> I request for comments without re-opening, time consumption is much the
> same. So what's the difference?

Developers use the "open" status of a ticket to track if it needs to
be addressed; that's why the "open" status of a ticket matters.  If
something has been closed for a valid reason, there needs to be a
*good* reason to re-open it; developer time is scarce and tickets are
plenty.  It has nothing to do with stifling discussion, and everything
to do with making efficient use of limited time.  You're more than
welcome to raise a discussion here regarding the closing of a ticket
when you disagree with the reasoning; you're also welcome to post a
comment on the ticket while leaving it closed.  If you change minds
regarding the issue, the ticket will get re-opened.

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Re: How much test case must print runtest?

2007-08-06 Thread mamcx

Ok, I do CD to the folder where test is, then run: --settings test is a settings file with the new backend and db config.

I do a little debugging and I think find a bug.

The test are executed on:

failures = run_tests(test_labels, verbosity=verbosity,

but test_labels always is empty. So I add this code:

for model_dir, model_name in get_test_models():

and now get 84 tests executed.

However I think is weird that the code not work at all... maybe is
because is executed under windows

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Re[2]: Case-insensitive URLS (was: usability issues)

2007-08-06 Thread Alex Nikolaenkov

> On 8/6/07, Alex Nikolaenkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I never heard that tickets should not be reopened if you disagree. If
>> the bug is still reproducible it should be reopened. If its
>> resolution is changed to "won't fix", one should point why. And
>> not just - "Oh, it is good enough now". The only one who CLOSES the
>> ticket is the opener. So it's also very impolite to CLOSE TICKETS FOR
>> SOMEONE. Correct me if I'm wrong.

> You're (partially) wrong.  ^_^

> If a core dev closes a ticket with a "wontfix", you shouldn't re-open
> the ticket unless you've made a compelling case on django-dev and
> gotten the core devs to change their minds.  "Wontfix" essentially
> means that a design decision has been made against the proposal, and
> re-opening the ticket isn't going to change that.
How can I find out that the one closed is the core dev? ^_^ I thought that
ticket was closed by a few volunteers reviewing them first (volunteers
are mentioned near the bug-reviewing-process-scheme).
Here is much of django process issues. Thanks for clarification. BTW
where can I find list of core developers?

> Yes, whenever a ticket is closed, it should have a reason attached; if
> one is missing, feel free to comment on the ticket asking for a reason
> -- but *without* re-opening the ticket.
BTW I can't get why reopening tickets is treated as the major issue.
Just one more ticket. Just a message. Just a discussion. And so on. If
I request for comments without re-opening, time consumption is much the
same. So what's the difference?

Best regards,
 Alex  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: Case-insensitive URLS (was: usability issues)

2007-08-06 Thread Alex Nikolaenkov

You wrote 6 ??? 2007 ?., 16:38:25:

> On 8/6/07, Alex Nikolaenkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> BTW, Can we attach configurable plug-ins to the built-in webserver?
>> (* I'm interested in possibility. Can code "case insensitive urls
>> plug-in" by myself. *)

> You're looking for "middleware":
> or

> Jacob

Thank you very much. I haven't read the whole djangobook yet.
I've got: here is not the right place to ask such questions.
But they do arise in my head while typing. Just skip if they bother.
I WILL answer them by myself. Still very green in python, but will
learn rapidly. You'll see.

I promise: no questions till I read the whole djangobook. I'll
write'em down and try to answer by myself & google after reading. If
no answer is found, I'll post them here.

~ Alex mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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ticket ping

2007-08-06 Thread Ian Kelly

Hi, could one of the core devs please take a look at ticket #4827?
This is a severe Oracle-backend bug (syncdb failure) with a simple
patch that's been around since the merge of the Unicode branch.  It's
been reported at least four times that I've seen, so I think that
users must be encountering this on a fairly regular basis.


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Re: Case-insensitive URLS (was: usability issues)

2007-08-06 Thread Tom Tobin
On 8/6/07, Alex Nikolaenkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I never heard that tickets should not be reopened if you disagree. If
> the bug is still reproducible it should be reopened. If its
> resolution is changed to "won't fix", one should point why. And
> not just - "Oh, it is good enough now". The only one who CLOSES the
> ticket is the opener. So it's also very impolite to CLOSE TICKETS FOR
> SOMEONE. Correct me if I'm wrong.

You're (partially) wrong.  ^_^

If a core dev closes a ticket with a "wontfix", you shouldn't re-open
the ticket unless you've made a compelling case on django-dev and
gotten the core devs to change their minds.  "Wontfix" essentially
means that a design decision has been made against the proposal, and
re-opening the ticket isn't going to change that.

If you can still reproduce a bug after it has been closed as "fixed",
yes, you should re-open the relevant ticket while stating as much.

If a ticket has been closed as "invalid", you should only re-open it
if you're certain the issue really is with Django rather than
something else.  If in doubt, ask django-users for help regarding such
an issue.

Yes, whenever a ticket is closed, it should have a reason attached; if
one is missing, feel free to comment on the ticket asking for a reason
-- but *without* re-opening the ticket.

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Re: How to validate a model as a whole?

2007-08-06 Thread ludvig.ericson

Any suggestions for what to do in the meantime? :-\

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Simple improvement suggestion for django.contrib.syndication.feeds

2007-08-06 Thread jorjun

< from django.conf import settings
> from django.conf import settings
> from django.template import RequestContext
< title = title_tmp.render(Context({'obj': item,
'site': current_site})),
> title = title_tmp.render(RequestContext(self.request, {'obj': 
> item, 'site': current_site})),
< description = description_tmp.render(Context({'obj':
item, 'site': current_site})),
> description = 
> description_tmp.render(RequestContext(self.request, {'obj': item, 'site': 
> current_site})),

Having an easy time implementing RSS here, thanks to syndication.feeds
but found myself wanting extra context information in the description
and title templates...

If the above changes were made, then add extra context could be added
using the the existing context_processor mechanism. I can't perceive a
down-side myself - but would be interested in observations from
others, of course.

I have never contributed a Django patch. I am a newbie with respect to
SVN and couldn't get SVN DIFF command to produce the required output.
Please excuse pasting code changes in here.

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Re: schema evolution (new and improved)

2007-08-06 Thread Derek Anderson

Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> Your approach is predicated on the assumption that migrating
> v1->v2->v3 is equivalent to v1->v3. This is true if you only look at
> renaming, deleting or adding the fields themselves.

so i think i have a cross-over solution.  :)

what it boils down to is there are four basic categories of developers:

1. users who trust introspection and never want to touch/see SQL
2. users who mostly trust introspection but want the option of
auto-applied upgrades for specific situations (Wash)
3. users who use introspection-generated SQL, but don't trust it (they
want it generated at development and stored for use in production)
4. users who hate introspection and just want auto-application of their
own scripts

who wish to perform different combinations of the two basic subtasks of 
schema evolution:

1. generation of SQL via magical introspection
2. storage and auto-application of upgrade SQL

the first i've detailed before, so i won't cover here.  it works the 
same way.

the second works through auto-identification of known schema types, and 
the application of pre-rendered scripts.  now this is very similar what 
other code out there does (for instance mikeh's quite capable 
dbmigration project []), but i feel in 
a simultaneously simpler and more flexible way.  specifically, the 
following i consider key goals:

  * there is no need for schema identification metadata to be stored in 
the database itself
  * you should be able to swap between introspection and custom scripts 
freely within the same project, using as much or at little of each as 
you want (with little or no transition costs)
  * full migration graphs should be supported, not just linear steppings
  * it should be butt easy to use  (because if it's not simpler than 
keeping your own text file, noone is going to use it)

note: all this is covered in greater depth here:

for the developers work, all they have to do is define a new module 
named 'schema_evolution' in their app directory, next to 'models'.  this 
contains two data structures:

  * a list of known schema fingerprints
  * a dict mapping (from_fprint,to_fprint) pairs to scripts (lists of 
sql statements and/or python function calls, to be run in order...think 

the fingerprints act as both version numbers and ids, and are 
automatically generated.  (either by you, running './manage 
sqlfingerprint my_app' or by sqlevolve or syncdb when they're looking 
for what scripts are available and comparing them to the existing schema)

when schema evolution is applied, specified scripts ALWAYS take priority 
over introspection generated if you never want to see an aka 
field or generated sql, you never have to.

different users i imagine will use it in different ways, but i imagine 
that most people will use introspection the majority of the time, 
ignoring fingerprints until they hit a bump that introspection can't 
handle.  they'll simply code that one transition and continue on their 
way storing only that one tricky transition.

a different subset of developers i imagine will always use the stored 
scripts during deployment, but will use introspection to generate the 
majority of them.  but they will store all transitions, having a full 
version history of every state of their db stored in svn.

anyway, an example of the evolution file is available in the 
documentation.  let me know what you think.  :)

oh yeah, it's mysql only at this pointi want to get some feedback on 
the design before i write the others.


p.s. mike i like your stuff but i feel that the whole-hog approach 
requiring developers to either start their db with your scripts or face 
a complicated setup is overly burdensome.  plus users are lazyi 
don't want their hand-written scripts to be the only check for whether 
or not it's safe to apply a particular script.  but maybe there are 
parts where we can merge or projects together?  pm me.

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Re: test coverage [was: web typography support]

2007-08-06 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss

On 8/6/07, Emanuele Pucciarelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's Ned Batchelder's
> modules/coverage.html . Haven't tried it myself, but I have to
> suppose that it's Django-friendly. :)

A while back I started experimenting with coverage using figleaf
(Titus Brown's next-gen spinoff of I particularly liked
figleaf's HTML output; far easier to read than a whole honking mess of
console text.

I keep meaning to dust it off and finish it up, but haven't had the
chance. Coverage support would be *great* to have in Django-proper,
though, so if anyone wants to experiment with figleaf, coverage, or
anything else I'd *love* to review some patches.


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Re: test coverage [was: web typography support]

2007-08-06 Thread Brett Hoerner

On 8/6/07, Emanuele Pucciarelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There's Ned Batchelder's
> modules/coverage.html . Haven't tried it myself, but I have to
> suppose that it's Django-friendly. :)


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Re: Case-insensitive URLS (was: usability issues)

2007-08-06 Thread Kai Kuehne


On 8/6/07, Alex Nikolaenkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Right, so moving on to your real question:
> >>Here is an example of case-insensitive urls. They rock:
> >>
> >>
> > They do indeed rock. Luckily, supporting them is super-easy::
> > (r'(?P[\w]+)/$', my_view)
> > def my_view(request, slug):
> > o = MyObject.objects.get(slug__iexact=slug)
> > Bingo; case-insensitive URLs! Rock on.
> That's understood. But this code smells bad. Dont you think so?
> F.e. most even do not know what '(?: )' means. Furthermore view is not
> the right place to parse urls. View is a formatting object in my
> viewpoint. Just like the XSLT template.

Please just learn django. Thank you.

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Re: Case-insensitive URLS (was: usability issues)

2007-08-06 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss

On 8/6/07, Alex Nikolaenkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> BTW, Can we attach configurable plug-ins to the built-in webserver?
> (* I'm interested in possibility. Can code "case insensitive urls
> plug-in" by myself. *)

You're looking for "middleware": or


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test coverage [was: web typography support]

2007-08-06 Thread Emanuele Pucciarelli

Il giorno 06/ago/07, alle ore 08:10, Alex Nikolaenkov ha scritto:

> IMO TDD is a very good practice. So unit-tests for applications to be
> included into the standard django package are the must. Are there
> tools for python showing "unit test coverage" for the module
> (Something like Jester for Java)?

There's Ned Batchelder's 
modules/coverage.html . Haven't tried it myself, but I have to  
suppose that it's Django-friendly. :)



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Custom Expires header for django.views.static.serve

2007-08-06 Thread Tonis Kevade


I thought I share some code with you.

All began with my laziness to set up a Apache or Lighttp server to
serve up my static files for django. So I used djangos own
django.views.static.serve to serve my files. Only problem was that I
was unable to set Expires header for files served that way, so I made
some modifications to django. Here's the result.

Sample file:

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from django.views.static import expires

urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^media/(.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {
'document_root': 'media',
'show_indexes': False,
'expires': expires((60 * 60, # default expiry time
(r'\.jpg$', 60 * 60 * 7),
(r'\.css$', 60 * 2),
(r'\.js$', False), # uses default

and a patch to django:

Index: django/views/
--- django/views/  (revision 5818)
+++ django/views/  (working copy)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 import stat
 import urllib

-def serve(request, path, document_root=None, show_indexes=False):
+def serve(request, path, document_root=None, show_indexes=False,
 Serve static files below a given point in the directory

@@ -55,6 +55,14 @@
 contents = open(fullpath, 'rb').read()
 response = HttpResponse(contents, mimetype=mimetype)
 response["Last-Modified"] =
+if expires:
+from time import time
+now = time()
+for (path_re, path_expire, seconds) in expires:
+response["Expires"] = rfc822.formatdate(now +
 return response

@@ -123,3 +131,22 @@
 except (AttributeError, ValueError):
 return True
 return False
+def expires(expires_tuple):
+Precompiles regexes from expires list.
+  List of tuples containing path regex and number of seconds to
add to current timestamp.
+  First item is a default seconds to add if path seconds is 0 or
+returns a new list with precompiled regexes
+expires_list = []
+default_seconds = expires_tuple[0]
+for (path_re, seconds) in expires_tuple[1:]:
+if not seconds:
+seconds = default_seconds
+expires_list.append((re.compile(path_re), path_re, seconds))
+return expires_list

Tõnis Kevvai

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Re: GSoC 2007 Status Update VI: Django REST interface

2007-08-06 Thread David Larlet

2007/8/5, Andreas Stuhlmüller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I am currently reading "RESTful Web Services" by Leonard Richardson
> and Sam Ruby. See [3] for a summary of the main points from the
> chapter on best practices for REST-oriented architectures with short
> notes on where the REST interface still needs improvement.

Really interesting summary, thanks for this work.

> If you feel that there are important issues I am missing, please write
> me or just open a ticket [4].

Here are some random thoughts:

* What about additional pages like: create form, update form, delete
confirmation and so on? I've just noticed the get_create_form at the
end of the TemplateResponder but how can I redirect to this function?
(I haven't seen how to do this in url generation.)
* How can I deal with custom forms for a resource?
* Is it possible to specify the format at the end of an url or will it
break the parsing?

And last but not least, what is the current stability? I need to use
this kind of library now and even if I develop my own last week which
fits my needs, I hope this one will replace it soon because I don't
want to break all my code once this project is merged to the trunk.


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Re[2]: web typography support

2007-08-06 Thread Alex Nikolaenkov

Hi James!

> You might want to have a look at this before starting your own project:

Thank you for your link. I saw. It implements only a small piece of typography.

There are a lot more features to do, including
  * comprehensive documentation with examples
  * unit tests
  * Multi-language support
  * Correct white-space handling.
   a lot more about typography itself.

Best regards,
 Alex  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: GSoC 2007 Status Update IV: Django REST interface

2007-08-06 Thread David Larlet

2007/8/3, Andreas Stuhlmüller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 7/13/07, David Larlet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > * About users, how can I handle django users' permissions? John
> > Sutherland had already done some work on django-crudapi [1] and it
> > could be interesting to allow this access control.
> Good question. I would subclass one of the authentication classes,
> e.g. HttpBasicAuthentication, and add a has_perm() check dependent on
> the request method to is_authenticated().
> Currently, REST authentication is independent from Django's
> authentication middleware. It might make sense to move most of the
> code in HttpBasicAuthentication and HttpDigestAuthentication to
> django.contrib.auth.backends and to let the middleware do most of the
> work.

Sounds good to me.

> > I'm not fond of CRUD names and I prefer to keep an information on
> > the HTTP verb in the function name but it's maybe personal.
> I chose the CRUD names as they better describe what the methods
> actually do, but if the consensus is that it is more important to
> highlight the HTTP method, I will change this.

Eventually, I'm not against CRUD names but maybe we could be
consistent with rails ones?

> Thanks for your comments!
Thanks for your answer :)


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Re: web typography support

2007-08-06 Thread James Bennett

On 8/6/07, Alex Nikolaenkov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can you publish your plan concerning contributing applications? The first
> thing I'll do in django & python will be typography support.

You might want to have a look at this before starting your own project:

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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web typography support

2007-08-06 Thread Alex Nikolaenkov

>>  * What do you think about including Web Typography support as a
>>built-in django feature?

> I think it's a great idea. We currently don't have a process by which
> apps are added to contrib, and that's the only thing holding us back.
> I'm working on proposing such a process, and once the development
> community has had a chance to tell me where I got it wrong, typography
> is one of the first things I'd like to propose for addition to
> contrib.

Web typography is a feature which will put Django 10 steps ahead many
other CMS, most of which were written not for making high-valued
super-fast web sites, but for the purpose of money by the bunch
of people not understanding WHAT THE WEB REALLY  IS.

Can you publish your plan concerning contributing applications? The first
thing I'll do in django & python will be typography support.

From my point of view every application should be at least:
* stable enough to be included into the Django package.
  The OK level of quality should be defined.

IMO TDD is a very good practice. So unit-tests for applications to be
included into the standard django package are the must. Are there
tools for python showing "unit test coverage" for the module
(Something like Jester for Java)?

* Have bugtracker for user support
* Comprehensive free documentation.

* Compatible license
  Are commercial modules are allowed? I think this is a big yes-yes
  to include commercial modules support to django. Someone will be
  able to build business writing good applications for YOUR system ;)
  Eh... what do u think?

Best regards,
 Alex  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Case-insensitive URLS (was: usability issues)

2007-08-06 Thread Mikhail Gusarov

Twas brillig at 09:49:49 06.08.2007 UTC+04 when Alex Nikolaenkov did gyre and 

 AN> BTW, Can we attach configurable plug-ins to the built-in webserver?  (* I'm
 AN> interested in possibility. Can code "case insensitive urls plug-in" by
 AN> myself. *)

I already pointed out that Django middleware is the proper place for such
things. Please read the documentation about middleware, and you'll see how easy
it is to add such functionality as case-insensitive URLs (keeping in mind that
case-insensitive URLs should not affect business logic - imagine you have API
for application: it would be very disturbing to have case-insensitvie API).


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