Re: [GSOC 2012] Customizable serialization

2012-04-02 Thread schinckel
I am quite interested in this, as most of my coding work has been 
developing APIs that get consumed by non-web-browser software.

Lately, I've taken the approach that a Form is the appropriate tool to use 
for (de)serialisation: it's already used extensively by the template 
rendering (which is indeed serialisation of data).

The workflow I use is:

Model instance -> Model form -> pre-serialised (python) data structure -> 
serialised data

That way, the only bits of code that are required are the pre-serialiser: 
which takes a Form object (possibly a ModelForm, but not necessarily), and 
returns a python dict. This handles the nested pre-serialisation, for 

Then, for each serialisation type, you need a serialiser that converts that 
dict into the relevant type. For vanilla JSON, this is simply json.dumps(), 
and it is trivial to get a simple XML output too.

As for going back the other way: the data that comes in can be 
deserialised, and then passed directly to the form(), just as you would 
with request.POST.


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Re: auth.user refactor: the profile aproach

2012-04-02 Thread Alex Ogier
On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 11:04 PM, Donald Stufft wrote:

>  Identity doesn't have anything to do with automatically dispatching
> users. All it is is a unique identifier. That's all this proposal honestly
> enforces that your users have. Some single piece of identifiable data that
> can be used to differentiate. This could be a username, or an email
> address. It could be a random string. Anything you want.
> In your example you might have a TwitterProfile that provides 2 fields,
> "authenticated_by_twitter" and "twitter username". Then if you want to
> check how a person authenticated to your site, you'd merely check if
>["authenticated_by_twitter"] was True. The identifier doesn't need
> to have that data codified in it, (but it could!) and I honestly do not
> think the statement "all users must have 1 single string of any length that
> uniquely identifies them" is that big of a burden.

Perhaps I am more pessimistic than you, but I think it will quickly get out
of hand. I mean, what reasonable developer would look at the user model as
Jacob proposes, and wouldn't at least consider, "Well, I could make my own
profile and ask everyone to add my app to AUTH_PROFILES and be magically
joined on all User queries, or I could use the arbitrary length
guaranteed-unique varchar to encode a whole mess of twitter credentials. I
think I will choose option #2?"

Then as soon as everyone does that and facebook, twitter, browserid, and
plain emails all share the same namespace, we open up the same whole can of
worms that we get with cache keys, except now failures to manage things
properly manifest themselves as security holes in basic authentication
instead of cache collisions.

Alex Ogier

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Re: auth.user refactor: the profile aproach

2012-04-02 Thread Donald Stufft
On Monday, April 2, 2012 at 10:56 PM, Alex Ogier wrote:
> I realize that arguing with a BDFL might get me nowhere, but I don't think 
> that multi-profile + select_related + proxy attributes on the user model is 
> the proper approach for users going forward. The proposal makes some basic 
> sense as an incremental improvement on the current status quo of a built-in 
> user with fixed 30-character identifier and single one-to-one profile. But in 
> the larger scheme of things it moves further in the wrong direction, in my 
> opinion, towards a model that addresses people's specific 80% questions 
> (email-as-identifier, packageable extra fields) but not the general 
> best-of-all-worlds mechanisms.
> Consider the other batteries-included frameworks out there. I think the three 
> biggest ones are probably Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET (http://ASP.NET) MVC, and 
> Play Framework. Something all three have in common, something I think would 
> be valuable for Django, is that their User identity is absent, and 
> authentication and authorization modules are added to a developer-created 
> User model ad-hoc. I think it's fair to say, the ecosystem of third-party 
> authentication mechanisms surrounding all three of these competitor 
> frameworks is MUCH healthier than Django's, for the simple reason that it is 
> much more flexible and sane to define your own user and plug in an 
> authentication module then it is to plug authentication into a fixed user 
> model that magically proxies back (even one as simple as a varchar identity + 
> password). 
> The basic idea is that "authentication" is something that can be provided for 
> any model you like. When a user authenticates, they are providing some sort 
> of authentication token to your project that proves they are who they say 
> they are, and as a developer you are free to attach this authentication token 
> to *whatever you like,* not only contrib.auth.models.User. There is a rich 
> ecosystem of third party authentication apps for our competitor frameworks 
> that all work on this principle. They can provide authentication flows that 
> bounce the user back and forth to (, their 
> oauth provider, browserid, etc. and it is precisely because they don't demand 
> anything from a central object. Even something as simple as "all 
> user.identifiers that start with 'oauth2$' belong to our auth mechanism" 
> starts to open all sorts of security holes. What if someone wants to 
> authenticate by email+password OR by third party proof of email ownership (my 
> university has a mechanism 
like this)? Well, if someone can manage to register an account belonging to 
' (', maybe by triggering some 
obscure email change recovery form wizard or something, then suddenly they 
possess my account on Django. 
> This is why I think the only sane long-term solution involves distinct and 
> pluggable authentication modules, and a concept of users that doesn't enforce 
> any brand of identity. The second stipulation is very important for social 
> reasons, if only to ensure that the path of least resistance for third-party 
> authentication doesn't involve trying to overload identity mechanisms for 
> disparate and incompatible purposes. 
> JKM, you seem concerned that the notion of pluggable Users by necessity 
> involves magical settings.
> > I'm convinced that such an idea is ultimately a bad idea: it allows apps 
> > exert action at a distance over other apps. It would allow the idea of a 
> > user to completely change without any warning simply by modifying a setting.
> I am not convinced that this must be so. Asking a developer to write their 
> own User model is not the same thing as automagically reshaping 
> contrib.auth.models.User based on settings. A developer-defined notion of 
> identity is a thing that should be codified in software by constructing a 
> model. This community seems fixed on the idea that whatever model the 
> developer comes up with to satisfy the bizarre constraints of his particular 
> website, it must eventually be mounted at auth.User lest the world come 
> crashing down as foreign keys break, middleware throws exceptions and 
> California slides into the pacific ocean. 
> Nearly every other framework out there does this the opposite way: to 
> authenticate with a third-party service, you add fields to your identity 
> model to support whatever credentials are necessary. Not the other way round, 
> where auth modules define models that have OneToOneFields to auth.User that 
> uses an AUTH_PROFILES setting to magically proxy back. 
> I get that Django's core is very accustomed to the relational database mode 
> of thinking: "If a User might own a Twitter handle, then let's create a table 
> of twitter handles in the twitter-auth app, and foreign key back to the 
> default User model". It's really not that bad to go the other way for a 
> moment, and

Re: auth.user refactor: the profile aproach

2012-04-02 Thread Russell Keith-Magee

On 03/04/2012, at 8:35 AM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:

> Hi folks --
> I've written up a proposal for how *I* would like to address refactoring 
> auth.user:
> In essence, this does two things:
> * Vastly "prunes" the required fields on auth.user. The only things left are 
> an "identifier" (which could be username, email, url, uuid, whatever), and a 
> password.
> * Introduces a new "profile" system that provides a way to contribute extra 
> related fields. Multiple profiles are supported, along with some syntactic 
> sugar for dealing with multiple profiles in a reasonably reusable way.
> And that's about it. I'm deliberately trying to find a middle ground between 
> "do the minimum to allow people to move on" and "throw out and rewrite 
> django.contrib.auth entirely". I'm not expecting everyone to be thrilled by 
> this idea, but I'm hoping that this is "Good Enough" for almost everyone.
> For more please see the document. Please do try to read the whole thing: I've 
> had a few rounds of feedback incorporated already, and there's even an FAQ at 
> the end.

I've added a summary of this option to the wiki:

As always, feel free to correct/update as necessary.

>From my reading of the proposal, here are some questions/edge cases. For some 
>of these questions, I fully expect the answer may be "You just can't do that"; 
>however, given that they're plausible edge cases, it's worth being explicit 
>about what we're aiming at.

 * Auto-profile creation:

What if my profile is:

class MyProfile(Profile):
   first_name = CharField(max_length=100)
   last_name = CharField(max_length=100)

i.e., first_name and last_name are both required fields. How does the profile 
get automatically instantiated in this case? Doesn't the auto-instantiation of 
profiles essentially mean that there can be no required fields on a profile 
(or, at least, on an auto-instantiated profile)?

 * Regarding AUTH_PROFILE and collisions:

What if I have 2+ profiles, but no clear order of precedence? e.g., 

class MyProfile1(Profile):
name = CharField()
email = EmailField()
color = CharField()

class MyProfile2(Profile):
name = CharField(unique=True)
email = EmailField()
age = IntegerField()

Lets say that for some internal logic reason for profile processing, I need 
both email and age on MyProfile2, but name from MyProfile1. Under these 
circumstances, there's no way I can specify a single AUTH_PROFILE ordering that 
will satisfy my requirements. Is this a case where I have to resort to explicit 

Or, alternatively, should we be treating AUTH_PROFILE as a mechanism for purely 
specifying the resolution to specific lookup problems? i.e., instead of just 
specifying an order, we specify which model we want ambiguous fields to come 

'name': 'myapp1.MyProfile1',
'email': 'myapp1.MyProfile2',
'color': 'myapp1.MyProfile2',

That way, if a field is unambiguous, it's returned from whatever model provides 
it; if a field is ambiguous, we return the one specified; and if the ambiguity 
isn't resolved, we return a KeyError (or catch this case as a validation error 
on startup).

 * Required fields and AUTH_PROFILE

Combining the previous two points; what if MyProfile2 has a required field, but 
it isn't a field selected by data[]? e.g, in the previous example, is a required unique field; but if it isn't instantiated with 
useful data, the profile instances can't exist.

== Commentary == 

For me, the previous three edge cases essentially point to the fact that there 
can ultimately only be 1 profile for "core" user information. There will almost 
certainly be uses for multiple profiles (e.g., to store OpenID credentials) -- 
but then, this is already the case (I've got more than one project in the wild 
with multiple "UserProfile" objects, without using AUTH_USER_PROFILE). However, 
as soon as there are overlaps between profiles, you're going to end up with 
partially populated profiles, and eventually someone will write a 'unified' 
profile model for each project that doesn't have the overlap ...

... at which point, we've essentially arrived at a swappable User model, just 
with a required join to get profile data, and a bunch of magic attributes and 
ORM properties to hide the fact that the join exists.

I understand Django's history has examples where swappable models caused 
problems that we don't want to revisit. However, as I understand it, these 
problems were largely caused by the fact that it was *easy* to accidentally 
swap out a model, and that change wouldn't be effectively communicated to other 
developers on the same codebase until the magic smoke escaped.

It's also worth pointing out that the problems with swappable models aren't 
really avoided by the profile-based approach. If I've got a pro

Re: auth.user refactor: the profile aproach

2012-04-02 Thread Carl Meyer
On 04/02/2012 06:35 PM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:
> I've written up a proposal for how *I* would like to address refactoring
> auth.user:

+1 from me.

One minorish nit: I think that "in the face of ambiguity, refuse the
temptation to guess" should apply equally to reading or writing, and that there shouldn't be an awkward discrepancy between
reading and writing. Thus, if you've got multiple profiles with
overlapping attributes (the less-common case), you need to be explicit
with AUTH_PROFILES in order to either read or write the overlapping keys
via (but writing is then allowed). In the common case of no
overlapping keys, of course, you don't have to worry about AUTH_PROFILES.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: auth.user refactor: the profile aproach

2012-04-02 Thread Alex Ogier
I realize that arguing with a BDFL might get me nowhere, but I don't think
that multi-profile + select_related + proxy attributes on the user model is
the proper approach for users going forward. The proposal makes some basic
sense as an incremental improvement on the current status quo of a built-in
user with fixed 30-character identifier and single one-to-one profile. But
in the larger scheme of things it moves further in the wrong direction, in
my opinion, towards a model that addresses people's specific 80% questions
(email-as-identifier, packageable extra fields) but not the general
best-of-all-worlds mechanisms.

Consider the other batteries-included frameworks out there. I think the
three biggest ones are probably Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET MVC, and Play
Framework. Something all three have in common, something I think would be
valuable for Django, is that their User identity is absent, and
authentication and authorization modules are added to a developer-created
User model ad-hoc. I think it's fair to say, the ecosystem of third-party
authentication mechanisms surrounding all three of these competitor
frameworks is MUCH healthier than Django's, for the simple reason that it
is much more flexible and sane to define your own user and plug in an
authentication module then it is to plug authentication into a fixed user
model that magically proxies back (even one as simple as a varchar identity
+ password).

The basic idea is that "authentication" is something that can be provided
for any model you like. When a user authenticates, they are providing some
sort of authentication token to your project that proves they are who they
say they are, and as a developer you are free to attach this authentication
token to *whatever you like,* not only contrib.auth.models.User. There is a
rich ecosystem of third party authentication apps for our competitor
frameworks that all work on this principle. They can provide authentication
flows that bounce the user back and forth to, their oauth
provider, browserid, etc. and it is precisely because they don't demand
anything from a central object. Even something as simple as "all
user.identifiers that start with 'oauth2$' belong to our auth mechanism"
starts to open all sorts of security holes. What if someone wants to
authenticate by email+password OR by third party proof of email ownership
(my university has a mechanism like this)? Well, if someone can manage to
register an account belonging to '', maybe by
triggering some obscure email change recovery form wizard or something,
then suddenly they possess my account on Django.

This is why I think the only sane long-term solution involves distinct and
pluggable authentication modules, and a concept of users that doesn't
enforce any brand of identity. The second stipulation is very important for
social reasons, if only to ensure that the path of least resistance for
third-party authentication doesn't involve trying to overload identity
mechanisms for disparate and incompatible purposes.

JKM, you seem concerned that the notion of pluggable Users by necessity
involves magical settings.

I'm convinced that such an idea is ultimately a bad idea: it allows apps
> exert action at a distance over other apps. It would allow the idea of a
> user to completely change without any warning simply by modifying a setting.

I am not convinced that this must be so. Asking a developer to write their
own User model is not the same thing as automagically reshaping
contrib.auth.models.User based on settings. A developer-defined notion of
identity is a thing that should be codified in software by constructing a
model. This community seems fixed on the idea that whatever model the
developer comes up with to satisfy the bizarre constraints of his
particular website, it must eventually be mounted at auth.User lest the
world come crashing down as foreign keys break, middleware throws
exceptions and California slides into the pacific ocean.

Nearly every other framework out there does this the opposite way: to
authenticate with a third-party service, you add fields to your identity
model to support whatever credentials are necessary. Not the other way
round, where auth modules define models that have OneToOneFields to
auth.User that uses an AUTH_PROFILES setting to magically proxy back.

I get that Django's core is very accustomed to the relational database mode
of thinking: "If a User might own a Twitter handle, then let's create a
table of twitter handles in the twitter-auth app, and foreign key back to
the default User model". It's really not that bad to go the other way for a
moment, and say "If a User might own a Twitter handle, then let's add a
twitter_handle field to Users." The reason being that the latter is *so
much more flexible*. You can simulate the first with the second, but not
vice versa. Twitter-auth might not need its own table (in fact, it
shouldn't need its own table). If you really wanted to, you cou

Re: auth.user refactor: the profile aproach

2012-04-02 Thread Donald Stufft
If we use __unicode__ (which i'm fine with) then it needs to follow the same 
resolution path as[] does.  

On Monday, April 2, 2012 at 9:25 PM, Anssi Kääriäinen wrote:

> On Apr 3, 4:20 am, Donald Stufft> 
> wrote:
> > If i recall on IRC the decider was to just create a display field (e.g. 
> >["display"]) that the default profiles can provide (and can be 
> > overridden by other profiles of course).
> My problem with this is that for example where I work the display
> field would contain '%s, %s (%s)' % (self.lastname, self.firstname,
> self.empl_no). I would not like to do that data duplication. If the
> 'display' can be a property then fine. But why not go directly for
> __unicode__ in that case?
> - Anssi
> --  
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Re: auth.user refactor: the profile aproach

2012-04-02 Thread Anssi Kääriäinen
On Apr 3, 4:20 am, Donald Stufft  wrote:
> If i recall on IRC the decider was to just create a display field (e.g. 
>["display"]) that the default profiles can provide (and can be 
> overridden by other profiles of course).

My problem with this is that for example where I work the display
field would contain '%s, %s (%s)' % (self.lastname, self.firstname,
self.empl_no). I would not like to do that data duplication. If the
'display' can be a property then fine. But why not go directly for
__unicode__ in that case?

 - Anssi

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Re: auth.user refactor: the profile aproach

2012-04-02 Thread Donald Stufft
If i recall on IRC the decider was to just create a display field (e.g.["display"]) that the default profiles can provide (and can be 
overridden by other profiles of course).  

On Monday, April 2, 2012 at 9:17 PM, Anssi Kääriäinen wrote:

> On Apr 3, 3:35 am, Jacob Kaplan-Moss  (> wrote:
> > Hi folks --
> >  
> > I've written up a proposal for how *I* would like to address refactoring 
> > auth.user:
> >  
> > In essence, this does two things:
> >  
> > * Vastly "prunes" the required fields on auth.user. The only things left 
> > are an "identifier" (which could be username, email, url, uuid, whatever), 
> > and a password.
> > * Introduces a new "profile" system that provides a way to contribute extra 
> > related fields. Multiple profiles are supported, along with some syntactic 
> > sugar for dealing with multiple profiles in a reasonably reusable way.
> >  
> > And that's about it. I'm deliberately trying to find a middle ground 
> > between "do the minimum to allow people to move on" and "throw out and 
> > rewrite django.contrib.auth entirely". I'm not expecting everyone to be 
> > thrilled by this idea, but I'm hoping that this is "Good Enough" for almost 
> > everyone.
> >  
> > For more please see the document. Please do try to read the whole thing: 
> > I've had a few rounds of feedback incorporated already, and there's even an 
> > FAQ at the end.
> >  
> > I'm not using BDFL fiat here, at least not yet. This is a proposal, and I 
> > very much want to hear feedback, objections, and alternatives. I'm 
> > particularly interested in hearing from people who've got complicated auth 
> > needs and think this absolutely won't work for them.
> >  
> > I *have* reviewed all the other proposals and I'm between -0 and -1 on all 
> > of them. This means that if you don't like my proposal, you'll probably 
> > have to come up with a complete *new* idea to have any chance of getting my 
> > vote.
> FWIW I am +1 on this proposal. This is assuming that forms, queryset
> handling of the data and so on actually work correctly and nicely. I
> don't see a blocker in those areas, but before the code is actually
> written and tested it is impossible to say if there will be problems.
> Devil is in the details and all that.
> I hope this will not result in hacks to allow .filter(data__) and so
> on. I believe we should aim for as generic solutions as possible. If
> we do hacks just for the User model, they _are_ going to cause
> problems later on. Most of the features needed would be neat to have
> regardless of the User refactor. Custom lookups per model/field for
> example would be _really_ neat feature. The downside of aiming for
> generic solutions is that we once again get into the situation where
> User refactor is blocked by implementing foo, bar and baz before it.
> I believe this is the right way forward. Multiple profiles makes sense
> in the SQL world, and in the NoSQL world you would just embed the
> profiles into the User document. I don't believe performance will be a
> problem in practice, at least as long as you don't add too many
> different profiles to be loaded by default. The most common use case
> will just get better support: you have user profile containing three
> fields, and then you have all your local fields defined in one
> profile. As now, you have profile + user, now they just model your
> data properly.
> I don't see a proposal of how __unicode__ is going to be handled (the
> Hello, UserName requirement). My proposal: go through the profiles in
> the order they are defined, and pick the first one having __unicode__
> defined as the default __unicode__. If there is no such profile,
> return identifier.
> - Anssi
> --  
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Django developers" group.
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Re: auth.user refactor: the profile aproach

2012-04-02 Thread Anssi Kääriäinen
On Apr 3, 3:35 am, Jacob Kaplan-Moss  wrote:
> Hi folks --
> I've written up a proposal for how *I* would like to address refactoring 
> auth.user:
> In essence, this does two things:
> * Vastly "prunes" the required fields on auth.user. The only things left are 
> an "identifier" (which could be username, email, url, uuid, whatever), and a 
> password.
> * Introduces a new "profile" system that provides a way to contribute extra 
> related fields. Multiple profiles are supported, along with some syntactic 
> sugar for dealing with multiple profiles in a reasonably reusable way.
> And that's about it. I'm deliberately trying to find a middle ground between 
> "do the minimum to allow people to move on" and "throw out and rewrite 
> django.contrib.auth entirely". I'm not expecting everyone to be thrilled by 
> this idea, but I'm hoping that this is "Good Enough" for almost everyone.
> For more please see the document. Please do try to read the whole thing: I've 
> had a few rounds of feedback incorporated already, and there's even an FAQ at 
> the end.
> I'm not using BDFL fiat here, at least not yet. This is a proposal, and I 
> very much want to hear feedback, objections, and alternatives. I'm 
> particularly interested in hearing from people who've got complicated auth 
> needs and think this absolutely won't work for them.
> I *have* reviewed all the other proposals and I'm between -0 and -1 on all of 
> them. This means that if you don't like my proposal, you'll probably have to 
> come up with a complete *new* idea to have any chance of getting my vote.

FWIW I am +1 on this proposal. This is assuming that forms, queryset
handling of the data and so on actually work correctly and nicely. I
don't see a blocker in those areas, but before the code is actually
written and tested it is impossible to say if there will be problems.
Devil is in the details and all that.

I hope this will not result in hacks to allow .filter(data__) and so
on. I believe we should aim for as generic solutions as possible. If
we do hacks just for the User model, they _are_ going to cause
problems later on. Most of the features needed would be neat to have
regardless of the User refactor. Custom lookups per model/field for
example would be _really_ neat feature. The downside of aiming for
generic solutions is that we once again get into the situation where
User refactor is blocked by implementing foo, bar and baz before it.

I believe this is the right way forward. Multiple profiles makes sense
in the SQL world, and in the NoSQL world you would just embed the
profiles into the User document. I don't believe performance will be a
problem in practice, at least as long as you don't add too many
different profiles to be loaded by default. The most common use case
will just get better support: you have user profile containing three
fields, and then you have all your local fields defined in one
profile. As now, you have profile + user, now they just model your
data properly.

I don't see a proposal of how __unicode__ is going to be handled (the
Hello, UserName requirement). My proposal: go through the profiles in
the order they are defined, and pick the first one having __unicode__
defined as the default __unicode__. If there is no such profile,
return identifier.

 - Anssi

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Re: [GSoC 2012] Schema Alteration API proposal

2012-04-02 Thread Russell Keith-Magee

On 03/04/2012, at 5:06 AM, j4nu5 wrote:

> Hi Russell,
> Thanks for the prompt reply.
>  * You aren't ever going to eat your own dogfood. You're spending the GSoC 
> building an API that is intended for use with schema migration, but you're 
> explicitly not looking at any part of the migration process that would 
> actually use that API. How will we know that the API you build is actually 
> fit for the purpose it is intended? How do we know that the requirements of 
> "step 2" of schema migration will be met by your API? I'd almost prefer to 
> see more depth, and less breadth -- i.e., show me a fully functioning schema 
> migration stack on just one database, rather than a fully functioning API on 
> all databases that hasn't actually been shown to work in practice.
> 'Eating my own dogfood' to check whether my low level migration primitives 
> are actually *usable*, I believe can be done by:
> 1. Developing a working fork of South to use these primitives as I mentioned 
> in my project goals, or
> 2. Aiming for less 'breadth' and more 'depth', as you suggested.
> I did not opt for 2, since creating the '2nd level' of the migration 
> framework (the caller of the lower level API) is a huge beast by itself. Any 
> reasonable solution will have to take care of 'Pythonic' as well as 
> 'pseudo-SQL' migrations as discussed above. Not to mention taking care of 
> versioning + dependency management + backwards migrations. I am against the 
> development of a half baked and/or inconsistent 2nd level API layer. Trying 
> to fully develop such a solution even for one database will exceed the GSoC 
> timeline, in my humble opinion.

Ok - there's two problems with what you've said here:

 1) You don't make any reference in your schedule to implementing a "working 
fork of South". This isn't a trivial activity, so if you're planning on doing 
this, you should tell use how this is factored into your schedule.

 2) You're making the assumption that you need to "fully develop" a solution. A 
proof of concept would be more than adequate. For example, in the 2010 GSoC, 
Alex Gaynor's project was split into two bits; a bunch of modifications to the 
core query engine, and a completely separate project, not intended for merging 
to trunk, that demonstrated that his core query changes would do what was 
necessary. You could take exactly the same approach here; don't try to delivery 
a fully functioning schema migration tool, just enough of a tool to demonstrate 
that your API is sufficient. 

>  * It feels like there's a lot of padding in your schedule.
>- A week of discussion at the start
>- 2 weeks for a "base" migration API
>- 2.5 weeks to write documentation
>- 2 "buffer" weeks
> Your project is proposing the development of a low level database API. While 
> this should certainly be documented, if it's not going to be "user facing", 
> the documentation requirements aren't as high. Also, because it's a low level 
> database API, I'm not sure what common tools will exist -- yet your schedule 
> estimates 1/6 of your overall time, and 1/3 of your active coding time, will 
> be spent building these common tools. Having 1/6 of your project schedule as 
> contingency is very generous; and you don't mention what you plan to look at 
> if you don't have to use that contingency.
> I think the problem is that the 1st part - development of a lower level 
> migrations API - is a little bit small for the GSoC timeline but the 2nd part 
> - the caller of the API - is way big for GSoC. As I said, I did not want to 
> create a half baked solution. Thats why the explicit skipping of 2nd level 
> and thus the *padding*. I am still open for discussion and suggestions 
> regarding this matter though.

So, to summarize: What you're telling us is that you know, a-priori, that your 
project isn't 12 weeks of work. This doesn't give us a lot of incentive to pick 
up your proposal for the GSoC. We have an opportunity to get Google to pay for 
12 weeks development. Given that we have that opportunity, why would we select 
a project that will only yield 6 weeks of output?

The goal here isn't to pick a project, and then make it fit 12 weeks by any 
means necessary. It's to pick something that will actually be 12 weeks of work. 
A little contingency is fine, but if you start padding too much, your proposal 
isn't going to be taken seriously.

My suggestion -- work out some small aspect of part 2 that you *can* deliver. 
Not necessarily the whole thing, but a skeleton, and try to delivery a fully 
fleshed out part on that skeleton. If you're smart about it, this can also 
double as your dogfood requirement.

>  * Your references to testing are a bit casual for my taste. From my 
> experience, testing schema migration code is hard. Normal view code and 
> utilities are easy to test -- you set up a test database, insert some data, 
> and check functionality. However, schema migration code is explicitly about 

auth.user refactor: the profile aproach

2012-04-02 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss
Hi folks -- 

I've written up a proposal for how *I* would like to address refactoring 

In essence, this does two things:

* Vastly "prunes" the required fields on auth.user. The only things left are an 
"identifier" (which could be username, email, url, uuid, whatever), and a 
* Introduces a new "profile" system that provides a way to contribute extra 
related fields. Multiple profiles are supported, along with some syntactic 
sugar for dealing with multiple profiles in a reasonably reusable way.

And that's about it. I'm deliberately trying to find a middle ground between 
"do the minimum to allow people to move on" and "throw out and rewrite 
django.contrib.auth entirely". I'm not expecting everyone to be thrilled by 
this idea, but I'm hoping that this is "Good Enough" for almost everyone.

For more please see the document. Please do try to read the whole thing: I've 
had a few rounds of feedback incorporated already, and there's even an FAQ at 
the end.

I'm not using BDFL fiat here, at least not yet. This is a proposal, and I very 
much want to hear feedback, objections, and alternatives. I'm particularly 
interested in hearing from people who've got complicated auth needs and think 
this absolutely won't work for them. 

I *have* reviewed all the other proposals and I'm between -0 and -1 on all of 
them. This means that if you don't like my proposal, you'll probably have to 
come up with a complete *new* idea to have any chance of getting my vote.



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Re: Django 1.4 default database required?

2012-04-02 Thread Paul DeCoursey

I did look at it, it was the import of the Manager for the other shortcuts that 
was causing the issue.  I'll try and file a bug for this.


On Apr 2, 2012, at 12:42 PM, Carl Meyer wrote:

> On 04/02/2012 09:35 AM, Optimus Paul wrote:
>> I've been running Django for quite a while without a "database", we
>> use MongoDB, and it has worked well for us.  We upgraded to 1.4 and
>> found that suddenly a default database is required.  Is there a reason
>> for this?  Or is this a bug?
> Preston has the right solution for this - delete your DATABASES setting
> entirely. I think it would be best if an empty DATABASES setting had the
> same effect, especially since that's how it was in 1.3 - if you'd be
> willing to file a ticket for that, that'd be great.
>> We get the error when importing  django.shortcuts.render_to_response,
>> which doesn't seem like the kind of place a database connection would
>> even be required.
> render_to_response doesn't require a database, but there are other
> functions in django.shortcuts that do (e.g. get_object_or_404), and the
> error is triggered on any import of django.db.*
> Carl

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Re: Django 1.4 default database required?

2012-04-02 Thread Carl Meyer
On 04/02/2012 09:35 AM, Optimus Paul wrote:
> I've been running Django for quite a while without a "database", we
> use MongoDB, and it has worked well for us.  We upgraded to 1.4 and
> found that suddenly a default database is required.  Is there a reason
> for this?  Or is this a bug?

Preston has the right solution for this - delete your DATABASES setting
entirely. I think it would be best if an empty DATABASES setting had the
same effect, especially since that's how it was in 1.3 - if you'd be
willing to file a ticket for that, that'd be great.

> We get the error when importing  django.shortcuts.render_to_response,
> which doesn't seem like the kind of place a database connection would
> even be required.

render_to_response doesn't require a database, but there are other
functions in django.shortcuts that do (e.g. get_object_or_404), and the
error is triggered on any import of django.db.*


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Django 1.4 default database required?

2012-04-02 Thread ptone

On Monday, April 2, 2012 8:35:28 AM UTC-7, Optimus Paul wrote:
> I've been running Django for quite a while without a "database", we 
> use MongoDB, and it has worked well for us.  We upgraded to 1.4 and 
> found that suddenly a default database is required.  Is there a reason 
> for this?  Or is this a bug? 
> We get the error when importing  django.shortcuts.render_to_response, 
> which doesn't seem like the kind of place a database connection would 
> even be required.

Any chance you have an explicit empty DATABASES={} setting? Try deleting 
that setting entirely and see if it works.

As part of the removal of the backwards compatibility shim for the old 
DATABASE_* settings, the global settings contains a DATABASES setting that 
uses the dummy backend for the default database.  This global setting will 
silence the import errors, but still raise an error if you try to do 
anything that uses the DB. 


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Re: [GSOC 2012] Customizable serialization

2012-04-02 Thread Piotr Grabowski
It's my second approach to customizable serialization. I did some 
research, find some REST serializers. I focus more on deserialization - 
it should be easy to provide data is round-trippable. I discard some 
unnecessary fields and try to improve functionality.

GSOC 2012 Customizable serialization

Django has a framework for serialization but it is simple tool. The main 
problem is impossibility to define own serialization structure and no 
support for related models. Below I present a proposal to improve 
current framework.
In my opinion it is not possible to create a framework completely 
independent of formats that will be user to serialize objects. For 
instance XML has richer syntax than json (e.g. fields can be tags or 
attributes) so we must provide functions to handle it which won't be 
useful in JSON serialization.

Features to implement:

Based on presented issues to consider, GSOC proposal from last years and 
django-developers group threads I prepare a list of features that good 
solution should have.

1. Defining the structure of serialized object
1.1. Object fields can be at any position in output tree.
1.2. Renaming fields
1.3. Serializing non-database attributes/properties
1.4. Serializing any subset of object fields.
2. Defining own fields
2.1. Related model fields
2.1.1. Serializing foreign keys, m2m and reverse relations
2.1.2. Choose depth of serialization
2.1.3. Handling natural keys
2.1.4. Handling objects serialized before (in other location of output tree)
2.1.5. Object of same type can be differently handled depends on location
2.2. Other fields - custom serialization (e.g. only date in datetime fields)
3. One definition can support multiple serialization formats (XML, JSON, 

4. Backward compatible
5. Solution should be simple. Easy to write own serialization scheme.

Below I have tags like (F2.1.2) - means support for feature 2.1.2.


Make the easy things easy, and the hard things possible.

In my proposal I was inspired by Django Forms and django-tastypie. 
Tastypie is great API framework for Django.
Output structure will be defined declarative using classes. For sure 
there is needed class for model definition. In my solution I define also 
model fields with classes. It's the simplest way to provide free output 
There should be two phases of serialization. In first phase Django 
objects like Models or Querysets will be write as native Python types 
(F3) and then in second phase it will be serialized to chooses format.

Suppose we want to serialize this model:

class Comment(Model):
user = ForeignKey(Profile)
photo = ForeignKey(Photo)
topic = CharField()
content = CharField()
created_at = DateTimeField()
ip_address = IPAddressField()

class User(Model):
fname = CharField()
lname = CharField()

class Photo(Model):
sender = ForeignKey(User)
image = ImageField()

Below we have definition of serializer classes CommentSerializer.

If we want to serialize comment queryset:
serializers.serialize('json|xml|yaml', queryset, 
serializer=CommentSerializer, **options)
If 'serializer' isn't provided we have defaults serializer for each 
format (F3)

class CommentSerializer(ModelSerializer):
content = ContentField()
topic = TopicField(attribute=True)
photo = ForeignKey(serializer=PhotoSerializer)
y = YField() #(F1.1.3)

def dehydrate__datetime(self, obj): #(F2.2)
return smart_unicode(

def hydrate__date(self, obj): #(F2.2)
return smart_unicode(datetime.combine(obj,

class Meta:
aliases = {'topic' : 'subject'}
#fields = (,)
exclude = ('ip_address',)
relation_reserialize = FlatSerializer
field_serializer = FieldSerializer
# subclass of ModelSerializer or FieldSerializer
relation_serializer = 

object_name = "my_obj"
model_name = "model"

ModelSerializer has definition of fields, methods and Meta class. 
Default each field is serialized by Meta.field_serializer or 
Meta.relation_serializer. ModelSerializer fields redefining this 
behavior. ModelSerializer methods dehydrate__xxx redefining 
serialization for type xxx, and hydrate__xxx is for deserialization.

ModelSerializer methods returns native Python types
I will explain ModelSerializer fields later

Meta Class
a) aliases - redefine field name: topic : "..." => subject : "...". Can 
do 'topic' : '' - return of topic method is one level higher. There is 
metatag __fields__ - rename all fields. If more than one field has same 
name list is created #(F1.2)

b) fields - fields to serialize #(F1.4)
c) exclude - fields to not serialize #(F1.4)
g) relation_reserialize - using what Serializer if object was serialized 

h) field_serializer - default field serializer
h) relation_serializer - default relation (ForeingKey or ManyToMany) 
serializer. There are some build-in posibilities: (2.1)

* FlatSerialzer - only primary key - default
* ModelSeria

Django 1.4 default database required?

2012-04-02 Thread Optimus Paul
I've been running Django for quite a while without a "database", we
use MongoDB, and it has worked well for us.  We upgraded to 1.4 and
found that suddenly a default database is required.  Is there a reason
for this?  Or is this a bug?

We get the error when importing  django.shortcuts.render_to_response,
which doesn't seem like the kind of place a database connection would
even be required.

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Re: Admin custom function calls

2012-04-02 Thread Karen Tracey
Please ask questions about using Django in django-users. The topic of
this list is the development of Django itself.


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Admin custom function calls

2012-04-02 Thread Pradeep
Hi all,

I am using Django admin interface for data entry and
permissions. I have a requirement like after adding a new row in the
table i need to call a function which does something else with the
inserted data. Does the admin interface has any option where i can
pass something like the callback function which can be called after
inserting a data in that model ?


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