Re: Buildbots [was: Test Suite on a mac]

2008-07-12 Thread Joseph Heck
I had offered my assistance a while ago, but I'm afraid that these
days I don't have it.

I do, however, have quite a bit of detail on setting up a buildbot
system and the various configuration/python script bits if anyone
wants them. I'd provided these to Matt, and would be more than happy
to hand them over to anyone else if they'd like them. I'd built
everything up within an Ubuntu linux VM and documented the process.
I'm attaching the file if any of you would like it...


On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 2:22 PM, Chris Hasenpflug
> On Jul 12, 2:21 pm, Jeff Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Since no one else has spoken up, I'm willing to step up and maintain
>> them. I've never set one up before, but I'm willing to take the time to
>> learn the tool. I don't really have access to a windows server that
>> could handle an instance, but I'm sure someone does.
> I too would be willing to help out.
> -C
> >

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# installed from basic Ubuntu linux 6.06 server 
# Create an initial user named "ubuntu", set the machine name to be 
# install no additional base packages (DNS, Web, Lamp server, etc).

# The ISO for Ubuntu 6.06 can be found at:
sudo bash
vi /etc/apt/sources.list
# enable all sources in /etc/apt/sources.list 
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

Installing the build slave components...

sudo bash
apt-get install ssh
apt-get install subversion apache2 python-docutils libapache2-mod-python
apt-get install python-psycopg postgresql-doc-8.1 postgresql-8.1 
apt-get install postgresql-contrib-8.1
apt-get install python-imaging memcached unzip
apt-get install lighttpd python-pysqlite2
apt-get install python-mysqldb mysql-server
apt-get install buildbot
apt-get install rrdtool librrd2-dev librrds-perl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev 
libcurl3-openssl-dev curl
apt-get install make gcc python2.4-dev libc6-dev libmudflap0-dev flex bison
apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-8.1

chown ubuntu:ubuntu /usr/local/src/

# # installing collectd for Ubuntu...
# cd /usr/local/src/
# wget
# bzip2 -d collectd-4.0.1.tar.bz2
# tar xvf  collectd-4.0.1.tar
# cd collectd-4.0.1/
# ./configure && make && make install && make clean

## AS USER "ubuntu"
# installing psycopg2
cd /usr/local/src/
tar xvzf psycopg2-latest.tar.gz
cd psycopg2-*
python install
sudo python install

cd /usr/local/src/
bzip2 -d CVSToys-1.0.9.tar.bz2
tar xvf CVSToys-1.0.9.tar
cd CVSToys-1.0.9
python install

sudo bash
# change buildbot:x:1001:1001:BuildBot system 
# to buildbot:x:1001:1001:BuildBot system user,,,:/home/buildbot:/bin/bash
cd /home
mkdir buildbot
chown buildbot:buildbot buildbot

# add additional "users" - one for each of the build slaves we'll be running
adduser onebot
adduser twobot
adduser threebot

## AS USER "buildbot"
sudo -u buildbot -s
cd /home/buildbot

buildbot master django_build
cd django_build
cp master.cfg.sample master.cfg
vi master.cfg

# -*- python -*-
# This is a sample buildmaster config file. It must be installed as
# 'master.cfg' in your buildmaster's base directory (although the filename
# can be changed with the --basedir option to 'mktap buildbot master').
# It has one job: define a dictionary named BuildmasterConfig. This
# dictionary has a variety of keys to control different aspects of the
# buildmaster. They are documented in docs/config.xhtml .
import os.path
from buildbot.changes.freshcvs import FreshCVSSource
from buildbot.scheduler import Scheduler, Periodic
from buildbot.process import step, factory
from buildbot.status import html
s = factory.s
# This is the dictionary that the buildmaster pays attention to. We also use
# a shorter alias to save typing.
c = BuildmasterConfig = {}
# the 'bots' list defines the set of allowable buildslaves. Each element is a
# tuple of bot-name and bot-password. These correspond to values given to the
# buildslave's mktap invocation.
c['bots'] = [("onebot", "sekret"),
 ("twobot", "sekret"),
 ("threebot", "sekret"),
# the 'sources' list tells the buildmaster how it 

Re: trunk broken since [6402]

2007-09-24 Thread Joseph Heck

On 9/22/07, Russell Keith-Magee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - Have we got any documentation pointing to the existence of the
> buildbot? I was thinking that it should be mentioned somewhere on the
> 'how to contribute' page.
> - The build last night ([6407]) should have passed, but the Postgres
> build seems to have crapped out due to taking too long. Is the test
> max duration a setting that is being too conservative here, or has
> something else gone wrong?

No documentation as yet, and we're still in the process of getting
settled. We don't have the builds all settled beyond the initial "get
'em running for the spring", and they're currently relying on root
access to do everything they do. We need to get them running a tad
more indepdently, and then we'll be more rarin' to go.

A bit earlier, we had some troubles with databases being in an
inconsistent state when the builds were running, but when I last
looked at the bot, things appear to have been resolved.


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Re: trunk broken since [6402]

2007-09-22 Thread Joseph Heck

We can certainly enable something like that, but I don't think we're
stable enough in our configuration to make that worthwhile at the

I'm also a little concerned that the noise level would be high for
those messages - that ultimately people would ignore them because of

Maybe a separate list just for the buildbot output? I'm open to suggestions...


On 9/22/07, Bill Fenner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/21/07, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Periodically checking the buildbot output
> > might be useful for when we don't have time to run every combination of
> > backend and Python version locally.
> Perhaps the buildbot could send build failures to django-updates; I've
> even seen setups that list the commits between the last good build and
> the first failed one.
>   Bill
> >

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Re: buildbot: "out of space"

2007-09-20 Thread Joseph Heck


Matt and I already know about the error - he's working on it, although
I don't know the timescale.

On 9/20/07, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/20/07, Michael Radziej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Now, should such problems reported on this list at all? Or is the maintainer
> > notified automatically?
> Here's probably fine for now; once we're a bit more organized I'll set
> up a [EMAIL PROTECTED] for error reports.
> Jacob
> >

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Re: Time for a new release?

2007-08-26 Thread Joseph Heck

I know I'm just a lurker, but I'd really like to see a release with
the various bug fixes and such to match up to the documentation.
There's plenty I'd like to use, and yes - I'm one of the many that
reads one and wonders why things don't work that way. I do eventually
figure it out - and not open tickets on it - but it would be nice to
get the updated bits as a release.


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Re: Message Passing for Anonymous Users

2007-06-19 Thread Joseph Heck

Out of curiousity, what's the reason to try and keep them separate
instead of just layering it over the session mechanism?


On 6/18/07, SmileyChris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's not difficult for someone to implement this themselves, but it
> does seem useful enough (imo) for core.
> I have also contributed a patch to that ticket (sorry for the hijack)
> with docs and tests, calling the framework "visitor messages" to keep
> it separate from auth's "messages" framework.
> >

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Widget rendering and access to "parts" in a template

2007-05-14 Thread Joseph Heck

Good morning,

I have been looking at how to best provide a break-out of a few fields
in newforms to my template designers. In corresponding with Malcolm on
django-users, I found out that you couldn't break down the form input
into it's parts directly from within a template - primarily because
BoundField's as_widget() method always required at least one argument.

I would like to make a proposed patch to enable this for template
designers, but I'm afraid I'm lacking the background knowledge for the
how/why of some of the design choices. I'm hoping someone can
illuminate this for me.

When I dug around through the code, the RadioSelect widget stood out
in that it has this RadioFieldRenderer getting passed back instead of
just a unicode string. Another widget that seems to fit the same kind
of bill is the CheckboxSelectMultiple - but it wasn't set up with a
renderer object. What was the reason for setting up a renderer?

In both of these cases, I would like to make something so that a
template designer can access the component parts of one of these
composed widgets. So that the following are equivilants, each giving a
little "more" access for the template designers

{{ form.radiochoice }}


{% for component in form.radiochoice %}
  {{ component }}
{% endfor %}


{% for component in form.radiochoice %}
  {{ component.tag }} {{component.choice_label }}
{% endfor %}

Any thoughts on how I should/shouldn't normalize this to make this
possible? Or is there a place where I can read a little more on the
design background for these pieces?

Is this the kind of thing that should reside outside of the django
core? I think it would be beneficial, but I wanted to ask before I
started throwing in patches to modify it.


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Re: Subversion cliff notes

2007-05-09 Thread Joseph Heck

This is really the wrong list for this. Django-users would be more
appropriate, or better yet a list that's about subversion.

> Can someone point me to a good site for a quick-guide to subversion?
> We pretty much just do vanilla update/commit where I work...and I've
> never dealt with branches.
> I've checked out the trunk to one directory, and a patch which hasn't
> been updted since 12/10/06 to another directory.
> I'd basically just like to know how I find the diff for each trunk
> revision, so I can start incorporating them into the branch code to
> get it up to date, and then start bug fixing and hopefully,
> eventually, get it closer to being incorporated into the trunk.
> Yes...I could go search around on the subversion site, but I thought
> someone might have a link to a good site with a list of common how-to
> bullets that might be quickeror that someone might just be kind
> enough to paste the command they use into a reply.
> Thanks for any information.
> >

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Re: Large scale Django deployment

2007-02-05 Thread Joseph Heck
For the performance scaling estimate, what you critically need is a service
time. If you push static media to something light and fast (lighttpd), then
your slowest service time will typically be the application itself
(Apache+Mod_python or whatever you're using). You'll want to verify that,
but it's a fairly safe expectation.

Run a series of expected http request sequences against it and get the
average response time. That time is what you'll consider a service time. For
example, if one system takes 150ms for your average response, then assume
that you can handle up to 6 1/2 requests per second on it. If you figure
your peak load 14 requests per second (you'll obviously have to do a fair
bit of analysis to make some of those guesses), then expect that you'll need
three front ends.

Estimating performance needs is a mix of art and science, and there's some
decent texts on it. If you want to get into the hard core math of it all,
look into Queuing Theory.


On 1/26/07, J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Star Tribune is considering changing our default development
> environment from Java/PHP to Django.
> This could be as small as developing database applications like the
> Washington Post and as large as developing all technology (CMS,
> templating, registration, etc) for
> I am trying to wrap my head around the server firepower I would need to
> pull this latter idea off.
> We want to build an environment that can support 75-100 million
> pageviews, with the type of dynamic user-centric behavior found in more
> "Web 2.0" sites like
> We are currently Linux/Apache/MySQL.
> Can anyone suggest where I would begin in estimating the quantity of
> servers that I would need?
> Thank you,
> Jason Erdahl, Director of Interactive Media Technology
> Minneapolis Star Tribune
> Web:
> >

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Re: Search API branch status?

2007-01-08 Thread Joseph Heck

I've been working on enabling search on a django application, and we found
an interesting problem in having two head-end machines serving our content.
That was basically - how do we keep the indices up to date and intact for
the relevant data? (We wanted the search pieces *immediately* available upon
save into the DB).

We considered using NFS to mount a common file system, but ultimately
decided to use TSearch2 (a plugin to Postgres) since we were already using
Postgres and the notes that I saw about threading and PyLucene with
Apache/Mod_Python were looking "kinda scary" (yes, a victim of FUD in this

Xapian looked very intriguing, but "where do I put the inverted index file"
issue as well.


On 1/7/07, Tim Keating <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was wondering whether I could just grab django/contrib/search, and
now I know. Thanks! I'll give that a shot. Given that workaround, I
wouldn't worry about a downmerge right now, I know how time-consuming
they are.



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Re: Call for testing: New

2006-10-16 Thread Joseph Heck
WinXP, Python 2.43 - worked OK for me. Dropped all the goodies into c:\python24\lib\site-packages\django...-joeOn 10/16/06, 
Didn't work for me on Windows XP with python 2.4.3...what I got isthis:> C:\Documents and Settings\floguy\Desktop\newdjango> install> running install> > running build> running build_py
> running build_scripts> creating build> creating build\scripts-2.4> copying and adjusting django\bin\ -> build\scripts-2.4> running install_lib> warning: install_lib: 'build\lib' does not exist -- no Python modules to install
>> running install_scripts> copying build\scripts-2.4\ -> C:\Python24\Scripts> running install_dataI checked, and did get moved into the scriptsdirectory, but I couldn't find any of the other files in any directory
in or under C:\Python24.

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