Re: Important info for translators (especially those with commit access)

2009-12-26 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)
Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> I've just committed [12003], which reverted commit [12000].

Sorry, my bad: couldn't resist the nice rev number. ;-)

> This mirrors commit [11941], which reverted [11881]. These commits all
> relate to translation updates for the 1.0.X branch.
> Translations should *not* be backported to the 1.0.X branch.

Gotcha, won't happen again.

> The 1.0.X branch is in security fix only mode. Translation updates
> represent improvements to code, and while they are almost certainly
> are almost certainly improvements,

Are you almost sure? ;-)

> they would represent a change in known behavior if they were put
> into production.
> Translations should only be backported to the current stable branch -
> at present, that means that trunk and 1.1.X are currently accepting
> translation updates. Once 1.2 is released, the 1.1.X branch will be
> frozen and no more translation updates will be accepted for 1.1.X.

Got that too.

> Thanks to all the translators for all your efforts. Your work is
> greatly appreciated by the core team. We just want to make sure
> you don't waste any time unnecessarily backporting.

I won't, sorry for wasting your time too.

Nicola Larosa -

We will perhaps eventually be writing only small modules which are
identified by name as they are used to build larger ones, so that
devices like indentation, rather than delimiters, might become
feasible for expressing local structure in the source language.
 - Donald E. Knuth, 1974


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Re: compressed fixture support

2008-09-13 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

I have a use case for compressed fixtures too.

> Jeremy Dunck wrote:
>> I'd like to add support for fixture load/dump to deal with compressed
>> (gzip) files transparently.

Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:
> I don't see a good reason *not* to do this, but I also don't see the
> space requirements as a big deal, either; disk space is very cheap.

Well, if fixtures are changed often, and the VCS does not employ
binary diffs, the occupied storage space may actually be greater when
compressing files.

Subversion does binary diffs, Mercurial does not. I don't know about
git and Bazaar.

> How big are your fixtures, anyway?

I have a number of files ranging up to 30MB. When storing them
uncompressed in the repo, used storage increases much less, as if
Mercurial stores them compressed anyway. However, commands are then
slowed down significantly, as if Mercurial had to decompress the files
in memory each time.

We ended up storing the fixtures in explictly compressed form, to
regain acceptable operating speed.

Nicola Larosa -

Like any other entrenched, complex, and often closeted industry,
things in IT don't really work the way many people think they do. I'm
guessing the Vatican is a bit like that, too.
 - Robert X. Cringely, May 2008

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Re: Call for testing: new docs

2008-08-21 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

Jacob Kaplan-Moss wrote:
> The best way to help out right now is to grab the "docs-refactor"
> branch from my git repo

Hereby convened, we mourn the untimely demise of the "toys" hg repo:
by many will it be sorely missed, time and again, bringing tears to
the cheeks of the afflicted.

But no! Don't let our grief get in the way of the good work still to
be done. Only, from time to time, do spend a pious thought on our
plight, and we shall be released.

Nicola Larosa -

The new totalitarianism is its own justification, and nobody in
or Europe is going to kick up much sand so long as the Darfurs and
Haitis remain on the goddamned TV screen where they belong.
 - Joe Bageant, April 2008

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Re: Is URL template tag's syntax going to change?

2008-07-21 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

Johannes Dollinger wrote:
> Of course that's subjective, everything is.

You're in the wrong line of work, man... ;-)

Nicola Larosa -

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Re: Multiple database support

2008-05-20 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

Daryl Spitzer wrote:
> If I don't, I see if I can at least make enough time to write up the API
> I came up with at PyCon.

Please do, that would be great.

Nicola Larosa -

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Re: Multiple database support

2008-05-20 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

koenb wrote:
> For those interested in multiple database support, I have started
> working on it again, and posted my work-in-progress to ticket #4747.
> ...
> Anyway, if anyone is interested in helping, please let me know!

I am going to need this in a month or so. Actions speak louder than
words, so many thanks for your efforts. However, there were news two
months ago, summarized in this thread:

Yet another SoC introduction: Getting multi-db done

It would be nice to coordinate each one's efforts, to avoid wasting
time. Ben, Daryl, any news?

Nicola Larosa -

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Re: Rethinking silent failures in templates

2008-05-14 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

Simon Willison wrote:
> Silent errors are bad. If we were to remove them, how much of a
> negative impact would it have on the existing user base?

+1 from me.

something that stands out, during development.

Nicola Larosa -

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Please encourage PsycoPG 2 usage (not 1!)

2007-02-08 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

Dear devs,
please apply the patch in ticket #3364 as soon as possible.

There's still people around that do not use PsycoPG 2, because of that
obsolete note in doc/install.txt .

Thank you.

Nicola Larosa -

I've heard that some people have a saying: "Pain is weakness leaving
the body." If that's true, then fear is also weakness leaving the
mind. So, go ahead and do what you are afraid you can't. It is not the
way to an easy life, only a worthwhile one.
 -- Phillip J. Eby, August 2006

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Re: Auto-escaping patch

2007-02-07 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> But it's all "git" under the covers. I wrote up a brief description when
> I started using this a few months ago:
> .

(I know, I should have directly commented on that page, and I would
have, if there would have been a way to do so. ;-) )

"One of the talks I went to at OSCON was about using mq: patch queue
management on top of mercurial, a la quilt."
"Inspired by this talk, I checked out stgit, since I tend to use
cogito as my personal version control system of choice these days for
various reasons."

You don't say what those reasons are; presumably you were already
using git  and cogito, so trying stgit was the most efficient path.

Nonetheless, I am interested in the reasons why you apparently did not
consider using Mercurial and mq, that seem to have the features you
need, and are mostly written in Python.

It's not that one always aspires to a wholly Pythonic world (well, not
when fully awake, at least ;-) ), but if the tools are Pythonic, it
should be easier hacking *on* them, instead of just with them, if and
when needed.

Nicola Larosa -

I've heard that some people have a saying: "Pain is weakness leaving
the body." If that's true, then fear is also weakness leaving the
mind. So, go ahead and do what you are afraid you can't. It is not the
way to an easy life, only a worthwhile one. -- Phillip J. Eby, August

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Re: Autoescaping for 1.0

2007-01-12 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

On 13 Gen, 06:02, "SmileyChris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We need to come to a consensus on Django autoescaping

There's an interesting discussion on GvR's blog, with several mentions
of escaping:

Speaking of Django 1.0, it also contains this promise from Adrian: :-)

"Note that at the moment Django needs an environment variable
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE, as Guido mentioned, but that dependency for the
template system will soon go away -- as I mentioned in a previous
comment in this forum."

Nicola Larosa -

Cannavaro Cannavaro Cannavaro, what else is there to say? [...] He
stopped Klose and he stopped Ballack and he stopped Podolski and he
stopped Odonkor and he stopped Schneider and he stopped Schweinsteiger,
most of them more than once. [...] Cannavaro was the knife in
Germany's heart.
 -- Tim Bray, July 2006

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Re: Proposal: Named auth backends and backend specific profiles

2007-01-11 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

On 11 Gen, 22:34, "Joseph Kocherhans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd love to use a dictionary, but the order of backends matters. I
> wish python had a decent syntax for what basically amounts to an
> ordered dict.

It's a FAQ, and bait for flamefests, here's a big one:

Every middle-to-big project has its own version, and Django is no
exception, look in django.utils.datastructures.

Here's a bit more fledged, documented and tested one, by yours truly:

Nicola Larosa -

Don't get me wrong, I like Ruby. And it's not particularly
difficult to read. But the philosophy of the language designers led to
design choices that emphasize writability over readability. And in that
department I think the advantage has to go to Python.
 -- Mark Ramm-Christensen, June 2006

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That would be *cookieless* [was: Stateless sessions almost here]

2007-01-10 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

Brian Beck wrote:
> So I'm working on a stateless sessions app that people will be able to
> swap with django.contrib.sessions in their settings if they need that
> (a recent post mentioned mobile phone browsers for example, apparently
> they don't support cookies?). I don't actually care that much but I
> thought it would be a fun hack.

"Stateless session" is an oxymoron, there's no such thing. You're
talking about *cookieless* sessions.

Yes, REST-purist speaking here.

Nicola Larosa -

In the developed world, we do not have a shortage of IPv4 addresses at
this time. [...] In the developing world the situation is already dire.
In some places, entire universities are hidden behind a single routable
IPv4 address, and in others, NAT's are as much as 5 levels deep.
 -- Jim Gettys, June 2006

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Re: Have a look at django.newforms

2007-01-09 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

Adrian Holovaty wrote:
> The try/except in this case is meant to handle the case in which
> somebody is using newforms without the rest of Django, which was an
> early goal of mine. Since then, I've sort of resigned myself to
> requiring Django, due to ties into the internationalization hooks and
> various Django functions, but it's still an eventual goal.

We're going to use newforms in a project centered on another framework,
so it would be great if you could keep minimizing the dependencies it
has on the rest of Django.

-- Nicola Larosa -
Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for
anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor
enforced nor objectively interpreted - and you create a nation of
law-breakers - and then you cash in on guilt. -- Ayn Rand, Atlas
Shrugged, 1957

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Moving old-style classes to new-style

2006-06-07 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

This post on django-users:

manifests some interest in moving the old-style classes to new-style:
with some fairly short grunt work I made a patch about it, and attached
it to ticket #2109:

All tests pass.

I did not convert the Meta and Admin classes in the model definitions,
they break some tests, and it's also a user visible change.

Furthermore, I did not convert the Promise class in utils/
 either, it break other tests about __proxy__ objects, I leave it to

Nicola Larosa -

Continuation-based web frameworks (like Seaside) seem lame to me. I'm
so much more impressed by event-based programming, and continuations
(used in that way) seem like a way to avoid explicit events. Events are
the web. Continuations are people who want to make the web into an MVC
GUI. -- Ian Bicking, February 2006

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Re: the so-called [AUDIT]

2006-06-02 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

C8E wrote:
> and maybe also
> ;)

Didn't want to steal your thunder, pal, but since you weren't speaking
up, I did. Thanks for that URL! :-)

Nicola Larosa -

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We're being had

2006-06-02 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

Ilias Lazaridis is a known Internet troll.

Let's stop feeding him/her/it, it's just a waste of time.

Nicola Larosa -

Users know the business better than you do, whoever you are.
If you are willing to learn, you can change the world.
 -- Dratz, February 2006

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Re: Patch review procedure?

2006-05-31 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

>> Works like a charm. (I'm hardly an svk expert, though, so there are
>> probably easier/less verbose recipes for doing the same thing.)

> If only Darcs were the norm...

As far as distributed VCSes go, I'd like to cast my vote for Mercurial.

It's a little Python jewel, as fast as Git, more concise than
Bazaar-ng, and command-compatible with Subversion. It also has a plugin
for interaction with Trac, albeit not integrated yet.

Nicola Larosa -

we do what we're told
we do what we're told
we do what we're told
told to do
 -- Peter Gabriel, We Do What We're Told, So, 1986

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Re: OT: arbitrary precision decimals for Python?

2006-05-29 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

> Sorry for the OT post, but what do people use for arbitrary
> precision decimals in Python?
> I would think it's in the standard libraries somewhere, but I
> must be googling the wrong terms.

It's called...  [drum roll]

decimal! ;-)

Nicola Larosa -

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Re: svn merge problem

2006-05-17 Thread Nicola Larosa (tekNico)

> I can't find it now, but I recall reading on the Mercurial site that it
> doesn't support versioning directories, which seems like an awful step
> back into cvs-land. Maybe I misunderstood?

Directory versioning is obviously supported. There are some limits on

Nicola Larosa -

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