Re: Proposal: security enhancements

2018-05-03 Thread emorley
On Thursday, 3 May 2018 05:27:11 UTC+1, Josh Smeaton wrote:
> As Jacob mentioned, CSP can be quite scary, and sounds like something a 
> novice could try to implement for "good security" and end up causing way 
> more issues.

Perhaps documenting some of the new (and more accessible) CSP tooling 
available of late would help mitigate this? For example this Firefox addon 
that records a browser session and auto-generates an appropriate policy: 

On Thursday, 3 May 2018 05:27:11 UTC+1, Josh Smeaton wrote:
> I'd really like to see easy integration for report only mode

Agreed - particularly since django-csp dropped it's CSP report collection 
feature - and services like often require company 
privacy/legal sign-off, so are much more of a hassle to use.

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Re: Overhaul extra_requires to include more optional dependencies

2017-12-30 Thread emorley
Thank you for looking into this!

Another benefit alongside ease of install and discoverability, is that it 
makes the requirements files of projects using Django more self-documenting 
(in that it avoids stray dependency entries that appear to be unused, but 
actually aren't - and so need a comment to explain what uses them). See 
also the related open ticket

Re the single package entries, I think there is still value in having them, 
so long as they are named by feature rather than by package name. eg 
`Django[crypto]` vs `Django[bcrypt]`. This allows the particular choice of 
library to be a Django implementation detail that can be adjusted without 
needing requirements file changes.


On Monday, 11 December 2017 10:26:11 UTC, wrote:
> Django has a number of optional features that require the installation of 
> additional Python packages.
> Right now it's possible to $ pip install Django[bcrypt,argon2] to install 
> Django and the optional packages (at the correct minimum version) required 
> for bcrypt/argon2 support.
> However this is not possible for other optional features, like 
> database/cache backend, gis, certain image related features etc.
> I've created a pull request adding the optional dependencies found in the 
> test requirements: / 
> So end users can do things like:
> $ pip install Django[mysql,sqlparse,images,memcached]
> $ pip install Django[postgresql,gis]
> $ pip install Django[selenium,test-parallel]
> Not only would this make it much easier to install a particular 
> combination of Django and optional dependencies correctly, it also makes 
> some of the optional features/dependencies a little bit more discoverable.
> This might not the full set of optional dependencies, or the right 
> grouping/naming, so a review is more than welcome (i.e. should sqlparse 
> be added to the mysql/oracle extra requirements? Should a sqlite extra be 
> added that only includes sqlparse?).
> Besides adding this to, additional changes to the documentation, 
> test instructions and scripts, code warnings etc. will probably be 
> necessary.
> If anyone objects to adding these extra requirements I'd also like to hear 
> about it.

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Re: Default to BigAutoField

2017-06-11 Thread emorley
On Saturday, 10 June 2017 10:33:35 UTC+1, Claude Paroz wrote:
> Another idea is to leverage the system check framework (--deploy part) to 
> warn when the max id is over 50% of available range.

I was about to suggest the same. Seems like something worth doing 
regardless of whether we change the default (since it would help catch 
issues in existing installations who haven't yet migrated).


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Re: Implicit ForeignKey index and unique_together

2016-11-30 Thread emorley
I agree - #24082 is unrelated since it's PostgresSQL and text field 
specific, presumably resulting from:

The issue in this thread is specific to the interaction between 
unique_together and a ForeignKey, where unless an explicit `db_index=False` 
is set on the foreign key, Django creates a redundant index (under MySQL at 
least, haven't checked the others). However this appears fixed on master - 
I thought originally it might have been inadvertently fixed by this 
...but that commit was backported to 1.10.x, and this reproduces on Django 
1.10.3 so it can't be. (If anyone wanted to try and bisect, a reduced 
testcase is here:

As mentioned below, the workaround is to add an explicit `db_index=False` 
to the `ForeignKey`, however if that's done to an existing `ForeignKey`, 
the migration actually drops and recreates the constraint rather than just 
dropping the index, which is pretty bad since the latter is an performed as 
an online DDL operation with InnoDB, whereas adding a constraint is not. As 
such, I've filed:

Best wishes,


On Saturday, 17 September 2016 01:48:15 UTC+1, Cristiano Coelho wrote:
> I think that the issue on Trac is actually something different, it talks 
> about the need (or not) of an index, when defining a unique constraint. 
> Most databases (if not all) will create an index automatically when a 
> unique constraint is defined, and correct me if I'm wrong, but PostgreSQL 
> (I don't about Oracle) is the only one that actually has constraints 
> (unique ones included here) and indexes as a separate thing, but for 
> SQLServer and MySQL the unique constraint is just an additional option of 
> the index.
> What Dilyan is talking about, and correct me if I'm wrong again, is about 
> the redundancy of defining an index on a foreing key, if you already have 
> that column as the left-most part of an index (unique or not). Most of the 
> time it will be redundant to have an index A, and another one (A,B), since 
> the latter will be also used for A queries. However this is up to debate 
> since using the (A,B) index can be potentially slower than using just the A 
> index due to the index being bigger, but you save space and 
> insert/update/delete performance for not having two different indexes.
> In my case, most of the time I end up with a db_index=False on foreing 
> keys that I know I have a index/unique defined somewhere else to avoid the 
> overhead of the additional index.
> El viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2016, 11:34:52 (UTC-3), Tim Graham 
> escribió:
>> Did you try to find anything related in Trac? Maybe 
>> I use this query in Google: postgresql unique index site:
>> On Friday, September 16, 2016 at 9:51:13 AM UTC-4, Dilyan Palauzov wrote:
>>> Hello, 
>>> according to the documentation models.ForeignKeys creates implicitly an 
>>> index on the underlying database. 
>>> Wouldn't it be reasonable to change the default behaviour to only create 
>>> implicit index, if there is no index_together or unique_together starting 
>>> with the name of the foreign key?   In such cases the implicit index is 
>>> redundant, at least with Postgresql, as the value can be found fast using 
>>> the _together index. 
>>> Greetings 

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Provide a simpler way to default runserver IP/port to

2016-11-28 Thread emorley
This was filed as , but moving 
here for discussion.

We have the following use case:
* An app uses a VM for the local development environment (eg via Vagrant).
* It's required to be accessible from the VM host (either on it's own IP, 
or on localhost via eg Virtualbox port forwarding) to allow development to 
occur using editors/browsers on the host. (The configuration is such that 
connections are only allowed from the VM host and not other machines on the 
network, so this is still secure.)
* The app has no need for nginx/apache, since production is Heroku (where 
that's discouraged) and so it uses gunicorn + WhiteNoise.
* During development, devs want to use runserver rather than gunicorn for 
convenience (and familiarity for existing Django devs).
* However `./ runserver` doesn't work, since that binds to the 
loopback adapter of the VM guest OS only ( and not (This 
is a sensible default.)
* Therefore `./ runserver` must be used, which:
  - is not immediately obvious to devs new to the project (which is open 
source, so we often have new contributors). Docs are great, but not 
everyone reads them fully - defaults that work out of the box are best.
  - means even once they realise the need for the explicit binding address, 
they have to type it out every time.

Current workarounds are:
a) Add an nginx/apache/varnish service to the VM to reverse proxy from to, increasing bootstrap time and boilerplate.
b) Not use runserver, and use gunicorn instead (where the `PORT` 
environment variable can be set, making it bind to `` [1]).
c) Add bash aliases to the development environment (but then they're not 
immediately discoverable either, and break muscle memory for existing 
Django users).
d) Write a custom runserver command that overrides the inbuilt one (but 
this requires overriding the `handle()` method, since `` is 
hardcoded [2], so even more boilerplate).

Possible changes that would make this easier:
1) Allow overriding runserver default IP/port using Django settings.
2) Allow overriding runserver default IP/port using environment variables 
(like `PORT` already supported by gunicorn, that defaults the IP to 
`` too).
3) Move the hardcoded `` string [2] to an attribute on the 
`Command`, like `default_port` is, to at least reduce the boilerplate for 
overriding using a custom runserver command.

I can imagine (3) would be more likely to be accepted, however it would 
still mean we have to override runserver, so (1) or (2) would be preferred.

I'm happy to implement this - it would just be helpful to know people's 
thoughts before I open a PR.

Many thanks :-)



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