the fix for https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/27241 caused significant 
performance drop for my project, because it pretty much prevents posgresql 
from using indexes on the particular query. I use unmanaged tables because 
Django is used to display data from another project's database, so it has 
just read-only access to the database and I don't want to create any 
migrations for it.

Another solution I came up while writing this post would be to replace the
> feature flag by a callable that takes a model as a single parameter and 
> returns
> whether or not the optimization can be performed against it. The default
> implementation would return `mode._meta.managed` but it would make it 
> easier for
> users affected by this to override in order to opt-in or out based on their
> application logic.

This would be perfect for my (arguably niche) use case. Should I try to 
prepare a patch?

On Monday, May 22, 2017 at 5:05:38 AM UTC+2, charettes wrote:
> Hello fellow developers,
> As some of you may know PostgreSQL 9.1 added support for GROUP'ing BY
> selected table primary keys[0] only. Five years ago it was reported[1] that
> Django could rely on this feature to speed up aggregation on models backed
> up by tables with either many fields or a few large ones.
> Being affected by this slow down myself I decided to dive into the ORM 
> internals
> and managed to get a patch that made it in 1.9[2] thanks to Anssi's and 
> Josh's
> review[3].
> One subtle thing I didn't know back in the time is that PostgreSQL query 
> planner
> isn't able to introspect database views columns' functional dependency 
> like it
> does with tables and thus prevents the primary key GROUP'ing optimization 
> from
> being used.
> While Django doesn't support database views officially it documents that
> unmanaged models can be used to query them[4] and thereby perform 
> aggregation on
> them and generating an invalid query.
> This was initially reported as a crashing bug 9 months ago[5] and the 
> consensus
> at this time was that it was an esoteric edge case since there was few 
> reports
> of breakages and it went off my radar. Fast-forward to a month ago, this is
> reported again[6] and it takes the reporter quite a lot of effort to 
> determine
> the origin of the issue, pushing me to come up with a solution as I 
> introduced
> this behavior.
> Before Claude makes me realize this is a duplicate of the former report 
> (which I
> completely forgot about in the mean time) I implement a patch and commit 
> it once
> it's reviewed [7].
> When I closed the initial ticket as "fixed" the reporter brought to my 
> attention
> that this was now introducing a performance regression for unmanaged models
> relying on aggregation and that we should document how to disable this
> optimization by creating a backend subclass as a workaround instead.
> In my opinion the current situation is as follow. The optimization 
> introduced a
> break in backward compatibility in 1.9 as we've always documented that 
> database
> views could be queried against using unmanaged models. If this issue had 
> been
> discovered during the 1.9 release cycle it would have been eligible for a
> backport because it was a bug in a newly introduced feature. Turning this
> optimization off for unmanaged models by assuming they could be views is 
> only
> going to degrade performance of queries using unmanaged models to perform
> aggregation on tables with either a large number of columns or large 
> columns
> using PostgreSQL.
> Therefore I'd favor we keep the current adjustment in the master branch as 
> it
> restores backward compatibility but I don't have strong feelings about 
> reverting
> it either if it's deemed inappropriate.
> Another solution I came up while writing this post would be to replace the
> feature flag by a callable that takes a model as a single parameter and 
> returns
> whether or not the optimization can be performed against it. The default
> implementation would return `mode._meta.managed` but it would make it 
> easier for
> users affected by this to override in order to opt-in or out based on their
> application logic.
> Thank you for your time,
> Simon
> [0] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/sql-select.html#SQL-GROUPBY
> [1] https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/19259
> [2] 
> https://github.com/django/django/commit/dc27f3ee0c3eb9bb17d6cb764788eeaf73a371d7
> [3] https://github.com/django/django/pull/4397
> [4] https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/ref/models/options/#managed
> [5] https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/27241
> [6] https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/28107
> [7] 
> https://github.com/django/django/commit/daf2bd3efe53cbfc1c9fd00222b8315708023792

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