Do I understand the support schedule correctly?

2012-08-04 Thread Steve Bergman
I'm considering using Django for 2 projects. An LFS shop and a site
which will use Pinax. Both high profile Django apps. At this time, the
latest supported Django version for both is 1.3.3. If I understand
correctly, the 1.3 branch of Django will no longer get security
updates after 1.5 releases. The nominal release cycle for Django
appears to be 9 months. And in practice it looks more like 1 year. So
Django 1.5 should be out sometime between December and March. If I
deploy in a month, that means a forced upgrade on both framework and
apps in just 3 to 6 months from launch. And that's assuming that the
apps have versions which support Django 1.4 by that time.
Obviously, I'm missing something here, since no sane organization
would accept such a situation. (It would certainly be a deal-breaker
for us.) But I'm not sure what it is that I'm missing.

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Re: Adding new forms dynamically to the page?

2008-11-30 Thread Steve Bergman

I'm not expert at this.  I've only used formsets a little, and I've
never added any dynamically.  But depending upon your requirements,
you could define the formset with an adequate number of "extra=" forms
and have the javascript hide most of them by default, displaying an
additional one each time a button is pressed.  I believe that formsets
are smart enough to simply ignore extra forms, which have not been
filled in, during validation.  This might be simpler than generating
the forms on the fly in javascript.  And in this case you would not
have to worry about modifying the management form. But like I say, I'm
no whiz at this.

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Re: Adding new forms dynamically to the page?

2008-11-30 Thread Steve Bergman

When you add a form with javascript, you must also increment the
hidden field in the management form which holds the form count.
Actually, you'll need to read that field before you add the form to
determine what the proper ids and names for the new input elements
should be.  Validation will then expect and validate that number of
forms when the user submits.


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Re: Cascading List List Boxes

2008-11-02 Thread Steve Bergman

You will need to display the dependent ChoiceField empty at first, but
set the first ChoiceField to submit the form "onchange". (I like to
use the JQuery events system for this, but you can do it with "attr".)
Then have the view redisplay the form with the dependent ChoiceField
populated.  IIRC, to get dynamic choice fields you have to override
__init__() in the form to accept a "choices" argument and use it to
set the choices at form instantiation time rather than once when the
class is defined. You can set initial *values* at instantiation time,
but not choices. That's always seemed awfully clunky to me, as this is
a fairly common need. Would dynamic choices be a reasonable request
for 1.1, I wonder?
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Formset in template with extra per form

2008-11-01 Thread Steve Bergman

I have a formset, each form representing a row in a table. I also have
a list of dictionaries, each list item providing additional data to
print on that row.  The formset and list of dictionaries are of
arbitrary lengths, and potentially in the hundreds or even low
thousands, so efficiency counts.  I also want to keep the logic as
simple and clear as possible.

I would like to be able to loop over both at once in the template
while rendering the table, but I don't see a good way to do that with
Django templates.  And I don't see an obvious way to efficiently zip
up 'formset.forms' with 'items' to do things that way, But I don't
have the deepest understanding of formsets, so perhaps that is

Any thoughts?

Steve Bergman
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Re: Many to Many where two fields in one model are related

2008-09-30 Thread Steve Bergman

Thank you.  That looks to be exactly what I need.  I remember seeing
that on the ToDo list leading up to 1.0, but didn't realize how it
applied to my situation.

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Many to Many where two fields in one model are related

2008-09-30 Thread Steve Bergman

I had trouble coming up with a decriptive "subject" for this.  Sorry.

I'm working on an app for planning balanced daily diets.  And I'm
having trouble figuring out how to set up my models.  I have:

ingredient_name = CharField(max_length=50)
unit = CharField(max_length=15)
calories = DecimalField(max_digits=6, decimal_places=2)

recipe_name = CharField(max_length=50)
ingredients = ManyToMany(Ingredient)
amount = DecimalField(max_digits=6, decimal_places=2)

An ingredient can be in many recipes and a recipe has many
ingredients.  The thing is, in a Recipe I want to have an arbitrary
number of ingredients, and I need for each ingredient to be associated
with an amount. I could use multiple ForeignKey fields from in Recipe
to Ingredient, and multiple amount fields in Recipe, but that seems
klunky. Is there a "right" way to do this?

Steve Bergman
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Re: Striped tables in Django

2008-01-22 Thread Steve Bergman

Look up the "cycle" template tag.  It will do exactly what you want.
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Re: ajax toolkit suggest request

2008-01-20 Thread Steve Bergman

On Jan 20, 6:49 am, Artiom Diomin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Seems like you want someone write it for you?
> It costs money :)

It's good that he provided a description of what he wanted to
accomplish.  What he wants does not really require ajax.  A bit of
javascript might make it nicer.

To the OP:

You could do this without ajax if you don't mind a page reload, simply
with an "onchange" attribute on the checkboxes and some extra logic in
the view.  Checking the box would submit the form and redisplay the
whole page with the desired changes.  Or you could have the user check
the box and click submit without the "onchange".

No actual ajax is required, in that there need be asynchronous
conversation between the browser and the server.

If you have not already, go to and read chapter 7
on form processing.  Make sure you understand it.  Visit the excellent
newforms reference in the Django doc.  Look at the onchange attribute
for checkboxes to see how to make a form autosubmit on a change to a
field, and I think you will see how to do what you describe in a
straightforward fashion.

If you do want to get into javascript on your sites, I'm far from an
expert, but I have used Mochikit (with TurboGears) and am starting to
learn jquery with DJango.  Jquery seems quite nice.  The interface is
very clean and works in a very straightforward way.  It leverages CSS,
and feels very pythonic to me.  It seems very natural.  There is good
documentation available at . and I
bought the "Learning Jquery" book, too.

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Status of iterative rendering?

2008-01-18 Thread Steve Bergman

Last June there was some work done on iterative rendering of
templates, generating the out on the fly, directly down the connection
to the browsers rather than rendering the whole thing in memory and
then sending it.  The issue turned out to be more complicated than it
appeared on the surface, and the patches were deferred.  Has there
been any progress on this?  I write reporting apps which can generate
exremely long (memory hungry) reports.  I don't see anything obvious
on the developer list, so I suppose the feature is still pending?

(I understand that any middleware will force the non-iterative
behavior and am willing to live with that limitation.)

Steve Bergman
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Re: got unexpected keyword argument 'widget'

2008-01-06 Thread Steve Bergman

Never mind.  Clearly, I was confusing my models with my forms.
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got unexpected keyword argument 'widget'

2008-01-06 Thread Steve Bergman

I have a model field that I want to change the attrs on when displayed
by newforms.  I thought I could do something like:

class Timesheet(models.Model):
date = DateField(widget=forms.TextInput())

and then define my attrs in the widget.  But syncdb is complaining:

TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'widget'

I'm just learning newforms.  But the docs and the book seem pretty
clear that what I'm doing should work.
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How do generic views determine for field sizes?

2007-12-27 Thread Steve Bergman

I have a model with several fields, one of which is defined like this:

mi = CharField(max_length=1, blank=True)

When I use it in a generic create_update form, it sets the size=30 and
maxlength=1.  This seems odd to me.  I can override it with CSS.  But
why does it make the field so large in the first place?  I'd like for
it to size the field to fit what can go in it on its own.

I'm using the latest from subversion.

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Django on Nokia 770?

2007-09-05 Thread Steve Bergman

Does anyone have comments about the possibility of running a django
server on the Nokia 770?  Is it possible?  I have a simple app that I
want to demo on it with both the django server and the browser running
on the same device.

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Re: Eroneous error with development server: 'module' object has no attribute 'urlpatterns'

2007-07-07 Thread Steve Bergman

Some additional info.  I zapped my django installation and reinstalled
from svn from scratch.  I still had the problem.

I tar'd up my project and moved it to a CentOS 5 box running 5631 and
I do *not* experience the problem there.

The two salient differences between the machines is that the
problematic one is running CentOS 4.4/Python 2.3.4 and the CentOS 5.0
box is running Python 2.4.3 and also happens to be running X86_64.

Could this be a Python 2.3.x issue?


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Re: Eroneous error with development server: 'module' object has no attribute 'urlpatterns'

2007-07-07 Thread Steve Bergman

This problem seems to occur whenever there is any syntax error in my
code *anywhere*.  I just introduced one about a hundred lines into my
view function and triggered it.

Here is a simple test case, complete with sample syntax error:


from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from testproj.testapp.views import *

urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^testapp/$', hello),


from django.shortcuts import render_to_response

def hello(request):
x = 5
x ++= 1
return render_to_response('hello.html')



Hello, Syntax Error!


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Re: Eroneous error with development server: 'module' object has no attribute 'urlpatterns'

2007-07-07 Thread Steve Bergman

Apologies if I was not clear.  Yes, I was expecting that if I had a
syntax error in my code, the development server (./
runserver) would either abort completely or restart itself.

Instead, I see the error page directing me to the syntax error, which
I fix, and then reload the page or try to load the main page.  That's
when I get the above output.  I would prefer that the development
server either restart itself or abort completely so that I could have
a shell script restart it as necessary.


P.S. It also occurs to me that I should have switched to cut and paste
view before pasting into my original post.  Sorry about that.

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Re: Eroneous error with development server: 'module' object has no attribute 'urlpatterns'

2007-07-07 Thread Steve Bergman

I'm still seeing this with 5631.  It is definitely after I hit a
syntax errror in my code that I see the behavior. I'm wondering if I
am the only one seeing this.  Or if is perhaps expected behavior.

Steve Bergman

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Re: Building forms by hands

2007-07-07 Thread Steve Bergman

On Jul 7, 9:48 am, Alexander  Solovyov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> But my colleguaes, who are responsible
> for HTML part, doesn't like django-generated forms - they want full
> control.

Yeah.  Coworkers are a drag. ;-)

You do know that you can place the fields yourself, right?

If your form instance is called 'form' and has fields lastname and
firstname, you can put something like:

{{ form.lastname }},{{ form.firstname }}

in your template and have full control over the way the form looks.

You don't have to accept the default arrangement that Django gives by


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Re: Rendering a template to the browser on the fly using an iterator?

2007-07-04 Thread Steve Bergman

Thank you for the replies.  I only searched the user list.  Sounds
like I should probably leave things as they are for now.  The memory
requirements are not *that* extreme.  Iterative rendering would be
super cool though.  I write intranet *apps* rather than web *sites*
and it seems I'm always dealing with large sets of data and big

With iterative rendering (and if the Firefox guys would fix the
performance issues with large tables) I'd be happy as a clam.


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Rendering a template to the browser on the fly using an iterator?

2007-07-04 Thread Steve Bergman

I am working on a report generator which needs to render potentially
huge sets of data into an html table.

The method that generates the rows is an iterator.  I believe that if
I do something like:

return HttpResponse(my_iterator())

it will do what I want.  Except that I want to do it with a template.

I can do something like:

return render_to_response('report.html',

and it works, but it does all the rendering before it starts sending
to the browser, incurring the potentially large memory requirements of
doing so.

I'd like to be able to render a template straight down the wire to the
browser on the fly.

Is this possible?

Thanks for any assistance,
Steve Bergman

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Eroneous error with development server: 'module' object has no attribute 'urlpatterns'

2007-07-01 Thread Steve Bergman

I've been frequently encountering this problem.  I'm on revision 5582
and using the development web server.  Often, but not always, after I
have some other error, my next request gets the error below, and I
have to restart the server to get past it.  I believe this happens
after I run into a syntax error and fix it, but I'm not certain.  I
saw another post about this error which talked about old .pyc files
being left in django_src, so I cleaned all those out.  But the problem

Is this a bug that I need to file a ticket on?


AttributeError at /reports/query/
'module' object has no attribute 'urlpatterns'
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Exception Type: AttributeError
Exception Value:'module' object has no attribute 'urlpatterns'
Exception Location: /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/django/core/ in resolve, line 220
Python Executable:  /usr/bin/python
Python Version: 2.3.4
Traceback (innermost last)
Switch to copy-and-paste view

* /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/django/core/handlers/ in
61. return response
63. # Get urlconf from request object, if available. Otherwise
use default.
64. urlconf = getattr(request, "urlconf",
66. resolver = urlresolvers.RegexURLResolver(r'^/', urlconf)
67. try:
68. callback, callback_args, callback_kwargs =
resolver.resolve(request.path) ...
70. # Apply view middleware
71. for middleware_method in self._view_middleware:
72. response = middleware_method(request, callback,
callback_args, callback_kwargs)
73. if response:
74. return response
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usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/home/steve/bin', 'PATH_INFO': '/reports/
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'GET', 'RUN_MAIN': 'true', 'SCRIPT_NAME': '', 'SERVER_NAME':
'localhost.localdomain', 'SERVER_PORT': '8000', 'SERVER_PROTOCOL':
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'SSH_ASKPASS': '/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass',
'SSH_AUTH_SOCK': '/tmp/ssh-pYgtE11807/agent.11807', 'SSH_CLIENT':
'::: 37967 22', 'SSH_CONNECTION': ':::
37967 ::: 22', 'TERM': 'xterm', 'TZ': 'America/Chicago',
'USER': 'steve', 'WINDOWID': '29360207', '_': './',
'wsgi.errors': ', mode 'w' at 0xb7f270a0>,
'wsgi.file_wrapper': , 'wsgi.input':
, 'wsgi.multiprocess': False,
'wsgi.multithread': True, 'wsgi.run_once': False, 'wsgi.url_scheme':
'http', 'wsgi.version': (1, 0)}>

Re: Instantiate model object with dictionary?

2007-06-30 Thread Steve Bergman

> Probably best to give a (short) code example showing how you are trying
> to do this. Creating a model as MyModel(**some_dict) works, since that
> is exactly the same as explicitly passing in keyword arguments, so maybe
> you are doing something odd somewhere else.

Thank you.  I was trying to do:

m = MyModel(my_dict)

instead of

m = MyModel(**my_dict)

Works now. :-)


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Django facility for storing a SelectMultiple list to postgresql array?

2007-06-30 Thread Steve Bergman

Is there any facility in Django which takes advantage of postgresql's
support of arrays?  I'd like to be able to store the list returned by
a SelectMultiple to an array of strings.  Currently, I am converting
the list to comma separated values to store in the database, but it
would be nice to store it in some sort of MultiCharField which takes a


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Instantiate model object with dictionary?

2007-06-30 Thread Steve Bergman

I'm a bit confused about the right way to get data from a form to a
model.  I'm working with a model and form for which I don't want to
use form_for_model, so I am defining a newform manually.  Once the
form is validated, I want to pass form.cleaned_data to instantiate the
model object and then save it.  But I end up with an empty object.  Do
I really have to set the attributes individually?  Or is there a more
concise way to do it?

Steve Bergman

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Spicify form field choices at form instantiation?

2007-06-24 Thread Steve Bergman

My understanding is that the best way to have the choices in a choice
field to update dynamically is to subclass form and override

Is this still the case?

I'm coming from TurboGears, which has a very similar form/widget/
validation system.  But one nice feature in TG is that you can pass an
"options" dictionary when instantiating a form, in which the key is
the field in the form and the value is a list of tuples specifying the
current options for that field.

Would this be a good idea for Django newforms?

It seems a common enough need.  e.g. right now I have a ChoiceField on
one form in which the user selects a location, and when they submit
that it needs to bring up another form with another choice field whose
options depend upon the location.


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Re: Which ajax framework django will support in the upcoming 1.0, prototype/dojo/jquery?

2007-04-10 Thread Steve Bergman

To me, that does not seem very DRY.

Even after the developer decides upon a  javascript library to use,
there is still a lot of boilerplate involved to do common things like
populating one widget based upon what the user selects in another
widget.  I often need to populate one widget based upon what the user
selects in another.  Or update the contents of one div without
reloading the whole page.

And, OK, I'll fess up and say that I want to think in python and not
have to switch gears back and forth between python and javascript. ;-)

Integration of a javascript library with the new widgets and forms
would have a lot of advantages.

I'm new here.  So I don't want to be overly critical.

But Django definitely has a preferred ORM and a preferred templating
engine.  Why be so set on complete agnosticism when it comes to

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