Re: [Dspace-tech] Correct procedure to cutomize dspace xmlui from [dspace-source] folder

2012-12-06 Thread Alexander Kocisky
Thanks again Helix84, i've created a new theme and rebuild everything and
it worked!

- create new theme (copied Mirage and changed name)

cp -r Mirage MyTheme
cd MyTheme

modified the following on sitemap.xmap:


mv Mirage.xsl MyTheme.xsl

vim ./lib/xsl/core/page-structure.xsl  (e.g. changed logo)
vim /home/dspace/dspace-1.8.2-src-release/dspace/config/xmlui.xconf :

and commented out the old theme and added:

cd /home/dspace/dspace-1.8.2-src-release/
mvn package
cd dspace/target/dspace-1.8.2-build/
ant update
cd /usr/local/dspace
cp -r webapps/* ../tomcat/webapps/

and the chages are effective, i suppose that when developing the changes
will be made directly on the webapp running and applied back to the source


On 6 December 2012 12:17, helix84  wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 6:02 PM, Alexander Kocisky
>  wrote:
> > in particular i've seen that the modules are available in the
> > [dspace-source] path but also under [dspace-source]/dspace/modules, what
> is
> > the relation between these to versions?
> In my email I mentioned overlays. That's what the modules directory
> contains. It duplicates the module structure and anything that the
> overlay directory ([dspace-source]/dspace/modules/[module]) contains
> will replace what the stock module ([dspace-source]/[module])
> contains.
> That's why this is a good place to keep local Java modifications. I
> haven't tried putting a customized theme there, a different procedure
> is recommended for theme customization, with the goal of reducing
> headaches when upgrading:
> Just create a new theme (i.e a new directory) in the themes directory.
> Inside your theme import the contents of Mirage and overlay any
> templates you want. The rest of the templates will thus fall back to
> Mirage.
> > i though that packaging the source will update also the modules in
> > [dspace-source]/dspace/modules, so this is what i've done:
> >
> > [root@repository dspace-xmlui]# pwd
> > /home/dspace/dspace-1.8.2-src-release/dspace-xmlui
> >
> > vim
> >
> ./dspace-xmlui-webapp/src/main/webapp/themes/Mirage/lib/xsl/core/page-structure.xsl
> > changed: mirage to  > id="ds-header-logo-text">
> > mvn package
> No, it doesn't work like that in Java (Maven). You can't expect to
> build an individual module. You have to build from [dspace-source],
> not from a module directory. I know it takes forever, I also have a
> problem with that.
> You have only 2 options, full build and quick build, and they should
> be used exactly as described in the Building DSpace link I sent you.
> In case quick build behaves strangely, you know you have to use full build.
> >
> dspace/modules/xmlui/target/xmlui-1.8.2/themes/Mirage/lib/xsl/core/page-structure.xsl
> >
> > so i've modified that file but after the "mvn package" it's restored from
> > the original, and it's not coming from:
> Ignore the target directory, just like you ignore .o files when you're
> compiling C code. It's only a temporary location for compiled code.
> This is the grep command I generally use:
> grep -RnI --exclude-dir=.git --exclude-dir=target 'foo' *
> Regards,
> ~~helix84
> Compulsory reading: DSpace Mailing List Etiquette
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Re: [Dspace-tech] Correct procedure to cutomize dspace xmlui from [dspace-source] folder

2012-12-06 Thread Alexander Kocisky
Hi Helix,

thank you for your quick reply and also the links, the procedure in the
wiki is a bit generic and i don't have a full understanding of maven apps!!
So i've made many tries but i still don't understand the correct procedure,
in particular i've seen that the modules are available in the
[dspace-source] path but also under [dspace-source]/dspace/modules, what is
the relation between these to versions?

i though that packaging the source will update also the modules
in  [dspace-source]/dspace/modules, so this is what i've done:

[root@repository dspace-xmlui]# pwd

changed: mirage to 
mvn package
cd ../dspace
mvn package
cd ./target/dspace-1.8.2-build/
ant update
cd /usr/local/dspace
cp -r webapps/* ../tomcat/webapps/

i've tracked where the changes were made with:

fgrep -R 'mirage' *

[root@repository dspace-1.8.2-src-release]# fgrep -R 'mirage' *
[root@repository dspace-1.8.2-src-release]#

it still has the "mirage" text and from the grep it seems that its coming


so i've modified that file but after the "mvn package" it's restored from
the original, and it's not coming from:


what am i missing?
many thanks!!


On 5 December 2012 11:39, helix84  wrote:

> Hi Alexander,
> it appears you're not running ant from the correct directory.
> This article explains how to rebuild DSpace:
> However, if you want to modify only the theme, you can modify it
> directly in [dspace]/webapps/xmlui/themes and see changes to it
> instantly (sometimes you may need to clear the Cocoon cache, see the
> FAQ). Remember that the webapps directory will be moved to
> webapps-[date] when you redeploy DSpace, so you may want to copy the
> theme back to [dspace-source] when you're done.
> If you want to make loca modifications to Java code, read about
> overlays - it's the best way to do it, cut down on build time and make
> porting easier during upgrades:
> Regards,
> ~~helix84
> Compulsory reading: DSpace Mailing List Etiquette
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[Dspace-tech] Correct procedure to cutomize dspace xmlui from [dspace-source] folder

2012-12-05 Thread Alexander Kocisky
Hi all,

i was trying to figure out how to customize the dspace-xmlui web app (for
the logo and other small details) from the [dspace-source], build it
and package it for a correct deployment to the [dspace] installation

i've tried to:

cd [dspace-source]/dspace-xmlui
[modify the code]
mvn package
cd [dspace-source]/dspace-xmlui/target/dspace-xmlui-webapp-1.8.2
cp -rf * /usr/local/dspace/webapps/xmlui/
cp -r webapps/* ../tomcat/webapps/

but i got this exception:

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
INFO: Loading provided config file: ${dspace.dir}/config/dspace.cfg
FATAL: Can't load configuration:
/usr/local/dspace-1.8.2/${dspace.dir}/config/dspace.cfg (No such file or
at Method)

so i've tried to:

[root@repository xmlui]# pwd
[root@repository xmlui]# vim
[modify the code]
ant update_code   <- Update compiled code (bin, lib, and etc
ant update_webapps  <- Update web applications

but no code in the xmlui was updated in the [dspace] installation directory
nor in [dspace-source]/target folder

just to try i've modified directly:

[root@repository tomcat]# vim
[root@repository tomcat]# vim

but obviously the changes get rewritten with fresh deployments. What is the
correct procedure that enables me to update the code of the dspace-xmlui
(or other modules) in order to deploy them to the [dspace] directory?

Thanks !!!
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