Re: [Dspace-tech] Development goals

2007-11-22 Thread MacKenzie Smith
Hi Mark,
> I've been saying for some time that, nice as the DSpace user interface
> is in many respects, it is not and should not be the only way to plumb
> a DSpace archive.  If it is (currently) difficult to get a particular
> search style put into DSpace, may I suggest trying a different
> approach.
> One could harvest metadata via the PMH responder, organize them any
> way one wishes, and search them in any desired way.
I can't resist pointing out that this is exactly what "DWell" does -- 
the faceted browsing
and search UI that is layered over DSpace via an OAI-PMH plugin for 
RDFized metadata.
See or Richard Rodger's presentation on 
same at

I think this is an excellent approach to building better DSpace UIs, and 
just leaves us
with the problem of the underlying data rigidity, which I hope we can 
address by relying
more on RDF or other rich metadata that is stored in the assetstore 
alongside the content
files. The current DSpace metadata tables are great for managing 
content, but suboptimal
for discovering what's in the repository (assuming we can get better 
discovery metadata
from outside the system, somehow).


MacKenzie Smith
Associate Director for Technology
MIT Libraries

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Development goals

2007-11-22 Thread MacKenzie Smith
> I think there's an additional issue that may prove even more difficult
> to address: the problem of a technical infrastructure widely adopted
> by non-technical people.
We should establish that this is actually the norm (as you point out 
later) and in every industry,
not just libraries or archives. Business managers theoretically know 
what they need, but do
not (should not) be expected to write the software to accomplish those 
> I haven't taken a look at the wiki to be sure, but my gestalt sense is
> that a substantial majority of DSpace instances live in academic
> libraries and academic-library consortia. As the general run of
> academic librarians goes, *I am highly technical*. (Tim Donohue is an
> outright anomaly.)
I think you're right that the majority of DSpace adopters right now are 
in the library or
related domains. At least the visible ones. But those institutions are 
taking various
approaches to defining and managing their repository services. Some have 
do-everything, and some have much more fine-grained support. As one 
example, at MIT
we have a dedicated product manager (not hands-on technical, but quite 
capable of writing
requirements and talking to developers), a dedicated developer, and a 
sysadmin to look
after the production system day-to-day. I wish I had more staff to help 
out, but this is
what we could support for the moment.

The one-person-who-does-it-all model is definitely not going to scale 
for the sorts of
DSpace applications that we're seeing. And if you look at the staffing 
models for
other production systems like ILSes or course management systems no one 
expect one person to deal with every aspect of them (including writing 
the software).

These are complex problems that we're just beginning to understand, so 
expect to see
plenty of dead ends and throw-away code before it's over. In other 
words, *more*
investment, not less, at this stage of the game.
> As I said, though, I'm
> atypical *on the technical high end* of librarianship. I don't think
> DSpace has ever come to terms with what that means. It's not end-user
> cluelessness that's the problem, as it is with many open-source
> packages. It's cluelessness *in the managers of the software*, which
> is a different and rather nastier problem.
I will argue strenuously that service managers (or product managers, or 
program managers,
or whatever you prefer to call that role) should *not* be trying to hack 
the system.
They should be, and are, asking for changes that they think will improve 
the service
they run. But who to ask? There are two paths: ask local developers 
(MIT's case) or
ask the DSpace developer community at large. Obviously the former has a 
better chance
of actually getting done, but the latter happens sometimes.

For example, your request for an easier, less technical way to configure 
the system that
doesn't require programming skills is very reasonable, but it would take 
a developer
a lot of time to implement that, and it would be to the benefit of the 
whole community
rather than a single institutions (especially the ones that have 
developers who might
do this work, but who don't particularly need it themselves). So how to 
get that done?
You could hire a developer of your own to do it. Or talk your 
institution (or CIC)
into pooling its resources to hire a developer at the Foundation to do 
the work. etc.

> - Since discussion of DSpace development is (understandably!) heavily
> tilted toward developers and people with developer-level skills, the
> developer community has very little access to and therefore
> comprehension of rubber-meets-road requirements and procedures in
> real-world library contexts.
Also a generalization. Many DSpace developers are confronted daily with 
local service
managers that want stuff. The problem as I see it is that those product 
roadmaps aren't
being widely shared by their service managers (at least not on the 
DSpace lists) so we
don't know where they converge or differ. That's what I'd like to see 
improved, but I
wonder how much agreement there really is between institutions about the 
right way
for repository services to evolve... what you perceive as indifference 
from developers
may actually be indifference from the service managers that decide what 
developers should work on... so you may be arguing with the wrong people.
> - It has historically been extremely difficult for an individual at my
> level of technical savvy or below to be heard by DSpace developers.
So (not to belabor the point) but could you ask Ken and Nolan to give you a
dedicated developer for a year? If repository services are a priority 
for your institution,
can you make the case that you need more resources to do what you 
believe it should?
> On the other hand,
> open-source developers are notorious for disdain of non-technical
> input and the people who provide it, and DSpace has unfortunately not
> departed from 

Re: [Dspace-tech] Development goals

2007-11-19 Thread Mark H. Wood
As a developer on other projects but mostly an end-user of DSpace, a
few things stand out for me:

When considering administrative access to services like DSpace, it's
important to remember (and to remind the IT folk :-) that a box is not
a platform is not an application.  It's easy to set up permissions so
that a given user account can do nothing but replace a specific file,
like for example dspace.war.  I've done it on our test box.  The
people who run a box don't have to grant free rein to those who run
the platforms (e.g. Tomcat), and the people who run a platform don't
have to grant full license to the people who run an application on it.
It's merely necessary to establish trust and negotiate boundaries.  If
any party is unwilling to do that, or think there is no time to do it,
that party should take a break to think about its purpose and examine
its priorities.  It's IT's job to make what you need to do doable.

One thing that helps developers to work with, rather than against,
end-users is for end-users to tell developers *what* they want to do
and resist the temptation to tell the developers *how* to do it.  (We
all have this problem, whether in the doctor's office or the auto
repair shop or what have you.)  It's the developer's role to analyze
requirements and propose means to meet them, because the developer has
the information to do that while the end-user has the information on
what is valuable to accomplish.  Often an approach which seems
perfectly reasonable to an end-user is "obviously" wrong from the
developer's point of view, and of course developers may see nothing
wrong with solutions that are baffling to the user.  The developer
should detect the underlying problem and guide the conversation back
from "how" to "what", but there are times when this does not happen.
The end-user should also be sensitive to such issues and help to make
it happen.

Never tell people how to do things.  Tell them what to do and
let them surprise you with their ingenuity.
 -- Gen. George Patton

There's an interesting issue of modes of communication associated with
the comment on training people to customize DSpace.  Presentations
necessarily take place at a given point in time, but people in need of
tutorial material more often need it when they are taking up the task,
not whenever it is available -- there's too big a time gap between the
lecture and the lab., so to speak.  I think that written material is
probably more effective here, and I applaud those who are creating it.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

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This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Development goals

2007-11-19 Thread Dorothea Salo
> It's not hard to argue that plenty of innovation and contribution has
> been stillborn -- a quick look at the patch queue is enough for that.
> It's tempting and easy to lay the blame solely at the doorstop of the
> technology, however there are many other issues:

(snipping excellent list)

I think there's an additional issue that may prove even more difficult
to address: the problem of a technical infrastructure widely adopted
by non-technical people.

I haven't taken a look at the wiki to be sure, but my gestalt sense is
that a substantial majority of DSpace instances live in academic
libraries and academic-library consortia. As the general run of
academic librarians goes, *I am highly technical*. (Tim Donohue is an
outright anomaly.)

For those who don't know me: I'm a self-taught Python coder, and I've
learned just enough Java to muck around a bit at the upper levels of
DSpace. I can do a little SQL, though a lot of trial and error is
involved and I know nothing of query optimization. I can do a little
XSLT, though some of the XPaths in Manakin frankly break my brain. I'm
fine with XHTML and CSS, though I'm not up on all the latest CSS
hacks. I haven't ever done any serious web programming. I'm good with
XML. I'm aware of usability issues and practices, though I don't have
any talent for coming up with fixes, and I'm well-grounded in web

And every single DSpace committer right now is laughing fit to kill,
because the above skill list is *pathetic*. As I said, though, I'm
atypical *on the technical high end* of librarianship. I don't think
DSpace has ever come to terms with what that means. It's not end-user
cluelessness that's the problem, as it is with many open-source
packages. It's cluelessness *in the managers of the software*, which
is a different and rather nastier problem.

To tell a story on myself, I told Robert Tansley at OR '07 that I was
a beginning-level Java coder and asked what I might contribute to
DSpace within the limits of my abilities. He suggested I look at
revamping the Browse system, perhaps to piggyback on a Lucene index. I
did. Believe me, I shouldn't be *touching* that. I hardly know where
to begin, and if I *did* begin, I don't have a solid enough grounding
(or, indeed, *any* grounding) in code optimization or testing to know
whether what I'd come up with would solve the lingering performance

The implications of this disconnect between the developer community
and DSpace managers include:

- DSpace isn't just difficult to customize for librarians, it is
frequently *impossible* to customize, because the box isn't controlled
by us but by IT. (Another story: when I interviewed for the position I
currently hold, I was told that I could not expect to have server
access to DSpace, much less permission to customize it, because to
give me those privileges might endanger the library's excellent
relationship with the IT group running the DSpace box. This turned out
not to be true, for which I am duly grateful, but it goes to show.)
Mods and plugins that aren't neatly packaged are just plain
non-starters with us. I disagree slightly with Robert that mod
adoption is a chicken-and-egg problem, and with Don Gourley that the
current API is sufficient for the level of innovation we hope for; I
believe that a stable, documented, vetted API and a blessed plugin
directory will make a considerable difference in innovation uptake.
(Librarians like authoritative sources -- and it's a lot easier for us
to approach IT with a "plugin" than with a miscellaneous chunk of
Somebody Else's Code.)

- Since discussion of DSpace development is (understandably!) heavily
tilted toward developers and people with developer-level skills, the
developer community has very little access to and therefore
comprehension of rubber-meets-road requirements and procedures in
real-world library contexts. Surveys are all very well, but are they
even reaching the librarians who form the public face of the software
(rather than the sysadmins who support it)? I doubt it. I really do.
Ethnographic, qualitative study and usability testing with librarians
as subjects are likely to be more productive approaches, but they have
not been tried.

- Librarians tend to have a passive and narrowminded attitude toward
our software. (I'll spare everyone the rant about integrated library
system vendors fostering this passivity.) What is, is, and there's
nothing we can do about it. This means, first, that we just don't
think in terms of "this wart can and should be fixed" -- we think
instead about workarounds, or we beat our workflows into the ground to
match the software. It can be insanely frustrating to elicit
requirements and useful feedback from us! Second, it means we don't
come forward with suggestions, or even think creatively about how to
improve the software; it's not in our culture.

- It has historically been extremely difficult for an individual at my
level of technical savvy or below to be heard by D

Re: [Dspace-tech] Development goals

2007-11-16 Thread Mark H. Wood
On Fri, Nov 16, 2007 at 09:40:33AM +0100, Christophe Dupriez wrote:
> To be constructive and pragmatic, my main technical challenge remains: 
> adding "thesaurus based" query expansion to DSpace to be able to mimic 
> PubMed searches exhaustivity and precision in DSpace (we now have 75 
> thousands documents in our internal repository. MeSH is 30 thousands 
> subjects headings). I will keep focused on this.

I've been saying for some time that, nice as the DSpace user interface
is in many respects, it is not and should not be the only way to plumb
a DSpace archive.  If it is (currently) difficult to get a particular
search style put into DSpace, may I suggest trying a different

One could harvest metadata via the PMH responder, organize them any
way one wishes, and search them in any desired way.

One could install, for example, an SRU interface such as OCLC's and
build or adapt an external search tool to drive it against the
archive's live indices.

Should such external searching tools prove widely useful, they could
generate interest in porting them into DSpace.  If they embody a
well-thought-out modular architecture, the porting should not be
difficult.  In any case they would be usable as-is.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

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This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Development goals

2007-11-16 Thread Robert Tansley
I do have a great deal of sympathy with Dorothea's original point that
most development is guided by uses cases at the larger institutions,
in fact I started a conversation on this very point in the user group
meeting closing session -- and of course there was disagreement on how
to address it or even that there was an issue at all.

It's not hard to argue that plenty of innovation and contribution has
been stillborn -- a quick look at the patch queue is enough for that.
It's tempting and easy to lay the blame solely at the doorstop of the
technology, however there are many other issues:

- Most DSpace users have immediate requirements and limited resources,
and so do the minimum to get the functionality they need.  What's
needed here is an understanding by institutions of the increased
long-term costs of maintaining local customisations compared to the
upfront investment in developing something more generally useful.
Even the most wonderfully clean and modular system would only
ameliorate this problem and not eliminate it.

- No matter what tools we put in place, the existence of
well-supported and widely adopted add-ons is a chicken-and-egg
problem.  If people daren't adopt them, no one will work on them,
which means...  Yes, we can provide central tools for this but it's
about people stepping forward and actually doing the work.  In the
case of TAPIR (and I could stand to be corrected here) everyone pretty
much left it to Richard Jones to maintain it, which was clearly never
a sustainable solution.  TAPIR is a project on SourceForge to which
I'm sure Richard would have been more than happy to allow interested
contributors access.

- Potential contributors need to start a conversation early and be
flexible.  As I've said before, a contribution to DSpace is a
conversation, not a patch file.  Often people throw contributions over
the fence when they've no more time to work on it.  Share early, share
often, have a thick skin.

- When people do start these conversations, they should get
constructive feedback, but it's no one's job to do this yet, so often
it doesn't happen.

- There's no process whereby decisions can get made in a timely
manner.  The way things are now, pretty much anyone (certainly any
committer) can 'black ball' an idea or contribution.  We clearly need
something more agile.

So the technology is moving in the right direction now; once we have a
data model flexible enough to accommodate different use cases, and a
way to manage and distribute add-ons that include new UI pages,
business logic and have access to persistent storage, we'll be in
better shape.  However, just as importantly, we will also need better
education and communication, and people with time to give others
feedback on how to generalise their work.  I particularly like Mark's
advice, which I'll leave you with:

> You should be more aggressive in participating "in the community" on
> something like this,  prod the community to get more participation, and be
> flexible about the final outcome.


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Development goals

2007-11-16 Thread Mark Diggory

On Nov 16, 2007, at 3:40 AM, Christophe Dupriez wrote:

Dear Michele (copy to the community),

May be I am basically wrong seing DSpace as a community of practice  
making a tool to promote the dissemination of the "good" Open  
Repositories practices.

No. I think your right on in this regard, but just not "one tool",  
many tools that work collaboratively. Yet, also to be a good  
participant in a larger community of existing tools and platforms.

If I understand correctly your plans, DSpace is primarily a  
community of developpers where users requirements are tackled  
inside individual institutions and "mostly technical" problems are  
shared outside. I am sorry that my "dream" is different but I will  
play the "real game" ! I will follow the Claudia Juergen's advice:  
"Small contributions are beautiful".

I think we need to "be careful" about these definitions.  The DSpace  
Community is a reflection of what its members need and want in an  
organization of users, managers and developers around the DSpace  
platform.  The most salient roadblock to increasing the transmission  
of community enhancements into the codebase is that  DSpace was  
basically a monolithic platform with a centralized build process. A  
significant bottleneck existed (and may still exist until we have a  
SCM and Issue tracking system that is scalable in terms of Access  
control) in that the "commiters" managing the process of reviewing  
and getting changes into the codebase supplied by the community as  

The developers who are "commiters" are so because they want to  
participate more intimately with the future direction of DSpace.  The  
previous viewpoint that "commiters" were basically "servants" or  
"gate-keepers" to the contributor community is both ill-fitting and  
unrealistic because a large number of the "commiters" are actually  
emeritus in their behavior and not very active, leaving much of the  
work in the role of "gate-keeper" actually to the newly elected  
commiters.  Thus the "paradox" and the "bottleneck".  The actual and  
ideal "maintainers", "shepherds" or "stewards" of the community are  
not on the continuum of "commiter vs. contributor", but actually on  
the continuum of "active vs. inactive"!  We need a better process for  
shifting the dial to the "active" side.

To be constructive and pragmatic, my main technical challenge  
remains: adding "thesaurus based" query expansion to DSpace to be  
able to mimic PubMed searches exhaustivity and precision in DSpace  
(we now have 75 thousands documents in our internal repository.  
MeSH is 30 thousands subjects headings). I will keep focused on this.

You should be more aggressive in participating "in the community" on  
something like this,  prod the community to get more participation,  
and be flexible about the final outcome.  I think you'll find that  
there are other developers in the community with the same interest.   
It would behoove you and them to get out of the woodwork and have  
real transparent conversations together on the community lists (hint  
hint, nudge nudge, Richard Rodgers).


Mark R. Diggory - DSpace Systems Manager
MIT Libraries, Systems and Technology Services
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Development goals

2007-11-16 Thread Christophe Dupriez

Dear Michele (copy to the community),

May be I am basically wrong seing DSpace as a community of practice 
making a tool to promote the dissemination of the "good" Open 
Repositories practices.
If I understand correctly your plans, DSpace is primarly a community of 
developpers where users requirements are tackled inside individual 
institutions and "mostly technical" problems are shared outside. I am 
sorry that my "dream" is different but I will play the "real game" ! I 
will follow the Claudia Juergen's advice: "Small contributions are 

To be constructive and pragmatic, my main technical challenge remains: 
adding "thesaurus based" query expansion to DSpace to be able to mimic 
PubMed searches exhaustivity and precision in DSpace (we now have 75 
thousands documents in our internal repository. MeSH is 30 thousands 
subjects headings). I will keep focused on this.

Have a nice day!


Michele Kimpton a écrit :

Dear Christophe and DSpace community,

One of the main projects the Foundation ( not federation, and I point 
this out as they are completely different) has taken on is to put 
together a team from the community and get funding for DSpace 2.0.  
The work to be done will involve core architectural changes- under the 
hood, so to speak- that will be somewhat transparent to many end 
users.  However, these changes will have large implications down the 
road, in a good way, for the community at large.

One of the complaints is to be able to easily change the UI, or create 
multiple UI's,  Web 2.0 interactions,ect., is due to the fact the code 
is not modular ( as Tim points out). One of the main goals of 2.0 is 
to make it more modular so organizations can "plug and play", meaning 
choose the interface(s) they prefer.  It also allows many more 
developers to participate in the process- as their contributions can 
be rolled into the releases much more easily, given the code will not 
have complex interdependencies with the rest of the core code ( we hope).

If we are successful in putting together a modular architecture- than 
we can have multiple UI's, asset stores, workflows ect.  As there are 
no dedicated developers within the community or the Foundation working 
full time on DSpace- it is important to empower the community to be 
able to contribute code that fits their organizational needs- and 
therefore we must put an architecture in place that supports this 
process.  We hope to start the work for DSpace 2.0 this winter.

Once 2.0 is in place we can start a process where users can assess 
user needs and feature requests(developers can do this now on source 
forge) but realize the work to develop those features will still need 
to be done within the community, and maybe the community will be 
willing to pay for development time to make it happen collaboratively, 
but that remains to be seen.  I plan on hiring a Technology Director 
within the Foundation to help lead this process(2.0 and beyond).  We 
have secured some of the funding and developer time to do the work 
required.  I hope to secure the remaining funding needed over the next 
few months.  If anyone in the community would like to help me in this 
process( getting funding, donating developer time, volunteering I 
welcome your help.

DSpace Foundation Director
On Nov 15, 2007, at 3:09 AM, Christophe Dupriez wrote:

Hi Tim, (copy to Michele, Dorothea and the Tech list)

Thanks for your views and congratulations for your work with IDEALS.

Just to be sure to be well understood: I am not in any way proposing 
to disturb developpers, I am speaking about organising USERS so they 
express their needs, build concensus and propose developers to build 
prototypes they can evaluate. I am also proposing to organize better 
the commitment process to improve consistency and reliability. This 
will ask for inter-institutional efforts so I also propose 
institutions to finance parts of those processes. This is the key of 
adequation and perenity.

I am not saying nothing of this is done now, I am just proposing this 
to be improved under the drive of the Federation.

Wishing you and all a very nice day!

Christophe Dupriez

Tim Donohue a écrit :


As a Committer, I'm going to go ahead and step out on limb here, and 
admit that I agree with most of what has been put forth by both 
Dorothea and Christophe.  That being said, I'm not claiming to speak 
on behalf of all the Committers :)

I would *love* a more beautified DSpace...a clean, "flashy", web-2.0 
interface, a modular system that is easy to extend via 
plugins/add-ons, an *easy* way to share/install those 
plugins/add-ons between institutions, and an *easy* way to upgrade 
core DSpace (without merge nightmares between your local 
hacks/customizations and the features of the new version).

I'm also in full support of working towards better needs assessment. 
But, at the same time, a part of me feels that different 
institutions will have

Re: [Dspace-tech] Development goals

2007-11-15 Thread Michele Kimpton
Dear Christophe and DSpace community,

One of the main projects the Foundation ( not federation, and I point  
this out as they are completely different) has taken on is to put  
together a team from the community and get funding for DSpace 2.0.   
The work to be done will involve core architectural changes- under  
the hood, so to speak- that will be somewhat transparent to many end  
users.  However, these changes will have large implications down the  
road, in a good way, for the community at large.

One of the complaints is to be able to easily change the UI, or  
create multiple UI's,  Web 2.0 interactions,ect., is due to the fact  
the code is not modular ( as Tim points out). One of the main goals  
of 2.0 is to make it more modular so organizations can "plug and  
play", meaning choose the interface(s) they prefer.  It also allows  
many more developers to participate in the process- as their  
contributions can be rolled into the releases much more easily, given  
the code will not have complex interdependencies with the rest of the  
core code ( we hope).

If we are successful in putting together a modular architecture- than  
we can have multiple UI's, asset stores, workflows ect.  As there are  
no dedicated developers within the community or the Foundation  
working full time on DSpace- it is important to empower the community  
to be able to contribute code that fits their organizational needs-  
and therefore we must put an architecture in place that supports this  
process.  We hope to start the work for DSpace 2.0 this winter.

Once 2.0 is in place we can start a process where users can assess  
user needs and feature requests(developers can do this now on source  
forge) but realize the work to develop those features will still need  
to be done within the community, and maybe the community will be  
willing to pay for development time to make it happen  
collaboratively, but that remains to be seen.  I plan on hiring a  
Technology Director within the Foundation to help lead this process 
(2.0 and beyond).  We have secured some of the funding and developer  
time to do the work required.  I hope to secure the remaining funding  
needed over the next few months.  If anyone in the community would  
like to help me in this process( getting funding, donating developer  
time, volunteering I welcome your help.

DSpace Foundation Director
On Nov 15, 2007, at 3:09 AM, Christophe Dupriez wrote:

> Hi Tim, (copy to Michele, Dorothea and the Tech list)
> Thanks for your views and congratulations for your work with IDEALS.
> Just to be sure to be well understood: I am not in any way  
> proposing to disturb developpers, I am speaking about organising  
> USERS so they express their needs, build concensus and propose  
> developers to build prototypes they can evaluate. I am also  
> proposing to organize better the commitment process to improve  
> consistency and reliability. This will ask for inter-institutional  
> efforts so I also propose institutions to finance parts of those  
> processes. This is the key of adequation and perenity.
> I am not saying nothing of this is done now, I am just proposing  
> this to be improved under the drive of the Federation.
> Wishing you and all a very nice day!
> Christophe Dupriez
> Tim Donohue a écrit :
>> All,
>> As a Committer, I'm going to go ahead and step out on limb here,  
>> and admit that I agree with most of what has been put forth by  
>> both Dorothea and Christophe.  That being said, I'm not claiming  
>> to speak on behalf of all the Committers :)
>> I would *love* a more beautified DSpace...a clean, "flashy",  
>> web-2.0 interface, a modular system that is easy to extend via  
>> plugins/add-ons, an *easy* way to share/install those plugins/add- 
>> ons between institutions, and an *easy* way to upgrade core DSpace  
>> (without merge nightmares between your local hacks/customizations  
>> and the features of the new version).
>> I'm also in full support of working towards better needs  
>> assessment. But, at the same time, a part of me feels that  
>> different institutions will have some different needs based on how  
>> they are using of DSpace. So, in the end, allowing for easy  
>> extensions/modules, and easy sharing of these community-developed  
>> features is a great way to go.
>> That being said, I'd like to mention just a few things to look  
>> forward to with 1.5 and beyond:
>> 1) I believe there will be vast strides to beautifying DSpace UI,  
>> once we all get our hands on Manakin in 1.5 (many thanks to Scott  
>> P & all at Texas A&M).  The modularity within Manakin should also  
>> allow us to all develop new an interesting Themes & Aspects, which  
>> should be much more shareable amongst institutions. (But, we also  
>> need to find a place to actually post these for sharing!)
>> 2) I believe that our move towards the Maven build system (thanks  
>> to Mark D) with 1.5 

Re: [Dspace-tech] Development goals

2007-11-15 Thread Christophe Dupriez

Hi Tim, (copy to Michele, Dorothea and the Tech list)

Thanks for your views and congratulations for your work with IDEALS.

Just to be sure to be well understood: I am not in any way proposing to 
disturb developpers, I am speaking about organising USERS so they 
express their needs, build concensus and propose developers to build 
prototypes they can evaluate. I am also proposing to organize better the 
commitment process to improve consistency and reliability. This will ask 
for inter-institutional efforts so I also propose institutions to 
finance parts of those processes. This is the key of adequation and 

I am not saying nothing of this is done now, I am just proposing this to 
be improved under the drive of the Federation.

Wishing you and all a very nice day!

Christophe Dupriez

Tim Donohue a écrit :


As a Committer, I'm going to go ahead and step out on limb here, and 
admit that I agree with most of what has been put forth by both 
Dorothea and Christophe.  That being said, I'm not claiming to speak 
on behalf of all the Committers :)

I would *love* a more beautified DSpace...a clean, "flashy", web-2.0 
interface, a modular system that is easy to extend via 
plugins/add-ons, an *easy* way to share/install those plugins/add-ons 
between institutions, and an *easy* way to upgrade core DSpace 
(without merge nightmares between your local hacks/customizations and 
the features of the new version).

I'm also in full support of working towards better needs assessment. 
But, at the same time, a part of me feels that different institutions 
will have some different needs based on how they are using of DSpace. 
So, in the end, allowing for easy extensions/modules, and easy sharing 
of these community-developed features is a great way to go.

That being said, I'd like to mention just a few things to look forward 
to with 1.5 and beyond:

1) I believe there will be vast strides to beautifying DSpace UI, once 
we all get our hands on Manakin in 1.5 (many thanks to Scott P & all 
at Texas A&M).  The modularity within Manakin should also allow us to 
all develop new an interesting Themes & Aspects, which should be much 
more shareable amongst institutions. (But, we also need to find a 
place to actually post these for sharing!)

2) I believe that our move towards the Maven build system (thanks to 
Mark D) with 1.5 will be a huge step in the right direction for better 
modularity within DSpace, and better separation between the core API 
and various Interfaces (Manakin, JSP, OAI-PMH, LNI, etc.).  There are 
still a few kinks here, but we're learning quickly and attempting to 
make things easier to manage as separate modules (and also easier to 
upgrade!).  The goal here is to hopefully help allow 
community-developed customizatins/add-ons to flourish and not be a 
continual pain in managing/updating.  In addition, we want to make 
them more easily shareable between institutions (i.e. without the pain 
of merging local code, etc.).  I'm not claiming this will all be 
figured out or 100% perfect in 1.5...but, it is a goal I'm hoping we 
can get to by 1.6 or 2.0 (or whatever comes after 1.5).

As a Committer, I also feel obligated to mention that the Committers 
are  all volunteers.  We are working hard to make DSpace better for 
all of us, but there's only so much we can do (and largely our 
development work is defined by our the individual interests of the 
institutions which pay our salaries).  Therefore, DSpace is still 
dependent on new features/ideas/functionality being proposed & 
developed/prototyped by an active user community.  The Committers may 
be able to step in and help out (when their institutions allow), but I 
believe an active community is still necessary.  Remember, the 
Committers are often just highly-active community members!  Case in 
point: I was only asked to become a Committer after my giving back to 
the community (in the form of DSpace tutorials and Q&A on listservs), 
as well as the large amount of work in designing, re-designing & 
developing the Configurable Submission (which my institution allowed 
me the opportunity to take on).

I'm really glad to see these discussions taking place!  It means we do 
have people in the community who care strongly about DSpace and are 
willing to share their opinions and suggestions for moving forward.  I 
encourage you to continue to help drive DSpace in the right direction!

Ok...that's my diatribe or rather long $0.02 :)

- Tim

Christophe Dupriez wrote:

Hi !

At, we use DSpace for scientific (medical) 
information collection, organisation and internal re-publication, 
e.g. Knowledge sharing (not ETDs)!

I find rather funny that this discussion occurs in the technical 
thread and not the general one.

The technicities are the reasons we meet, the subjects vary!

I share most of Dorothea opinions.

I strongly support the creation of a DSpace group for user needs 

The output of this grou

Re: [Dspace-tech] Development goals

2007-11-14 Thread Tim Donohue

As a Committer, I'm going to go ahead and step out on limb here, and 
admit that I agree with most of what has been put forth by both Dorothea 
and Christophe.  That being said, I'm not claiming to speak on behalf of 
all the Committers :)

I would *love* a more beautified DSpace...a clean, "flashy", web-2.0 
interface, a modular system that is easy to extend via plugins/add-ons, 
an *easy* way to share/install those plugins/add-ons between 
institutions, and an *easy* way to upgrade core DSpace (without merge 
nightmares between your local hacks/customizations and the features of 
the new version).

I'm also in full support of working towards better needs assessment. 
But, at the same time, a part of me feels that different institutions 
will have some different needs based on how they are using of DSpace. 
So, in the end, allowing for easy extensions/modules, and easy sharing 
of these community-developed features is a great way to go.

That being said, I'd like to mention just a few things to look forward 
to with 1.5 and beyond:

1) I believe there will be vast strides to beautifying DSpace UI, once 
we all get our hands on Manakin in 1.5 (many thanks to Scott P & all at 
Texas A&M).  The modularity within Manakin should also allow us to all 
develop new an interesting Themes & Aspects, which should be much more 
shareable amongst institutions. (But, we also need to find a place to 
actually post these for sharing!)

2) I believe that our move towards the Maven build system (thanks to 
Mark D) with 1.5 will be a huge step in the right direction for better 
modularity within DSpace, and better separation between the core API and 
various Interfaces (Manakin, JSP, OAI-PMH, LNI, etc.).  There are still 
a few kinks here, but we're learning quickly and attempting to make 
things easier to manage as separate modules (and also easier to 
upgrade!).  The goal here is to hopefully help allow community-developed 
customizatins/add-ons to flourish and not be a continual pain in 
managing/updating.  In addition, we want to make them more easily 
shareable between institutions (i.e. without the pain of merging local 
code, etc.).  I'm not claiming this will all be figured out or 100% 
perfect in 1.5...but, it is a goal I'm hoping we can get to by 1.6 or 
2.0 (or whatever comes after 1.5).

As a Committer, I also feel obligated to mention that the Committers are 
  all volunteers.  We are working hard to make DSpace better for all of 
us, but there's only so much we can do (and largely our development work 
is defined by our the individual interests of the institutions which pay 
our salaries).  Therefore, DSpace is still dependent on new 
features/ideas/functionality being proposed & developed/prototyped by an 
active user community.  The Committers may be able to step in and help 
out (when their institutions allow), but I believe an active community 
is still necessary.  Remember, the Committers are often just 
highly-active community members!  Case in point: I was only asked to 
become a Committer after my giving back to the community (in the form of 
DSpace tutorials and Q&A on listservs), as well as the large amount of 
work in designing, re-designing & developing the Configurable Submission 
(which my institution allowed me the opportunity to take on).

I'm really glad to see these discussions taking place!  It means we do 
have people in the community who care strongly about DSpace and are 
willing to share their opinions and suggestions for moving forward.  I 
encourage you to continue to help drive DSpace in the right direction!

Ok...that's my diatribe or rather long $0.02 :)

- Tim

Christophe Dupriez wrote:
> Hi !
> At, we use DSpace for scientific (medical) information 
> collection, organisation and internal re-publication, e.g. Knowledge 
> sharing (not ETDs)!
> I find rather funny that this discussion occurs in the technical thread 
> and not the general one.
> The technicities are the reasons we meet, the subjects vary!
> I share most of Dorothea opinions.
> I strongly support the creation of a DSpace group for user needs assesment.
> The output of this group should be:
> 1) use cases,
> 2) value of thoses use cases for the institutions we represent,
> 3) essential "user side" characteristics of the corresponding 
> functionalities those uses cases imply.
>  From there:
> 1) a "designer board" could propose functionalities (no buzzwords!) to 
> fulfill those needs.
> 2) developpers would be invited to find "mentors" within the users 
> groups and to produce a prototype.
> 3) User group would then discuss prototypes results and would choose 
> those that must be worked further for inclusion in DSpace trunk.
> 4) Committers would work on "mature prototypes" (user proof) to make 
> them 100% compliant to DSpace architecture and coding standards.
> IMHO, this process should be tightly driven by the Foundation and 
> financed by institutions taking advantage of 

Re: [Dspace-tech] Development goals (was: ETDs & Dspace - Best Practices)

2007-11-14 Thread Mark H. Wood
There has been quite a lot of work done to build a plug-in framework
for DSpace 1.5 and rework the build environment to make it much more

This is a welcome improvement.  Lots of people have been making lots
of useful additions to DSpace, but their adoption elsewhere typically
requires a good deal of expertise in the management of software
development, if not actual development skills.  I had to study
Subversion rather intensely before I got my arms around the problem of
coordinating stock DSpace releases, local modifications, and mod.s we
got from others.

The fundamental problem is that patching software, and maintaining
patches as the underlying software evolves, is difficult.  A lot of
good work has been done which is hard to share with others.  I believe
that 1.5 begins to address that issue.  It won't be the end of the
process, but there *has* been a beginning, and I think a good one.

Probably the most popular hard-to-maintain modification to DSpace is
style and layout changes, and Manakin makes the coupling between
presentation and operation a lot looser and better organized, which is
what was needed.  We're looking forward to doing less re-work per
DSpace release after we've ported our JSPUI changes to XMLUI.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

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DSpace-tech mailing list

[Dspace-tech] Development goals (was: ETDs & Dspace - Best Practices)

2007-11-14 Thread Christophe Dupriez

Hi !

At, we use DSpace for scientific (medical) information 
collection, organisation and internal re-publication, e.g. Knowledge 
sharing (not ETDs)!

I find rather funny that this discussion occurs in the technical thread 
and not the general one.

The technicities are the reasons we meet, the subjects vary!

I share most of Dorothea opinions.

I strongly support the creation of a DSpace group for user needs assesment.
The output of this group should be:
1) use cases,
2) value of thoses use cases for the institutions we represent,
3) essential "user side" characteristics of the corresponding 
functionalities those uses cases imply.

From there:
1) a "designer board" could propose functionalities (no buzzwords!) to 
fulfill those needs.
2) developpers would be invited to find "mentors" within the users 
groups and to produce a prototype.
3) User group would then discuss prototypes results and would choose 
those that must be worked further for inclusion in DSpace trunk.
4) Committers would work on "mature prototypes" (user proof) to make 
them 100% compliant to DSpace architecture and coding standards.

IMHO, this process should be tightly driven by the Foundation and 
financed by institutions taking advantage of DSpace know how, technology 
and emulation.

It seems to me that project IDEALS is an example of this:

An example of the "users requirements" challenges we could achieve for 

For my institution, I need now to fulfill the challenge of crosslinking 
different DSpace instances (or collections) to have one serve as an 
authority list for some fields of others (and to use those relations in 

Have a nice day!

Christophe Dupriez

Dorothea Salo a écrit :

On Nov 13, 2007 1:23 PM, Susan Teague Rector <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Our debate here is centered on future support of ETDs in DSpace. We've
had to do quite a bit of customization to support ETDs (thank goodness
for Tim Donahue's code :)! Does anyone know if there are future plans to
better support ETDs in DSpace?

With the understanding that I'm not a DSpace committer and not
involved in any way with DSpace or the DSpace Foundation except as
DSpace user and occasional bug or patch submitter...

My sense is that DSpace development has only vaguely and loosely been
guided by real-world use cases not arising from its inner circle of
contributing institutions. E.g., repeated emails to the tech and dev
lists concerning metadata-only deposits (the use case there generally
being institutional-bibliography development), ETD management, true
dark archiving, etc. etc. have not been answered by development
initiatives, or often by anything but "why would you even want that?"
incomprehension or "just hack it in like everybody else!"

There are hacks for some of these uses, yes... but from a sysadmin's
perspective, hacks endanger smooth upgrade paths, and from the
perspective of many librarians, hacks are entirely out of reach
because IT rather than the librarian controls the box DSpace lives on.

When innovation has occurred around DSpace, it has generally died on
the vine because of the aforementioned threat to smooth upgrade paths.
TAPIR and Researcher Pages may serve as the requisite gruesome
warnings here; they died not because the ideas underlying them were
bad (they emphatically weren't! if we still had TAPIR, Susan wouldn't
have had to ask the question she just did!), but because almost nobody
dared adopt them. I see all kinds of nifty conference presentations
involving DSpace mods -- but they provide me no practical benefit
whatsoever, because the code isn't out there and I probably couldn't
use it if it were!

DSpace's lack of a plugin/mod API, coupled with the amazing spaghetti
dinner under its hood, has stifled service innovation in the
repository space for years, and will continue to do so until the
defect is rectified. Neither EPrints nor Fedora is in a much better
position just now, but in all honesty, I predict that the first
platform to *have* a half-decent mod API (especially one that welcomes
mods written in friendlier languages than Java) will experience an
explosion of innovations that will eat the other platforms' lunch.
Manakin assuredly helps, but not quite enough.

SWORD may also help, rather backhandedly, by providing an ingest path
that doesn't rely on the horrendous web UI or the awkward batch
ingester. We'll see; I'm hopeful. I'd far rather build an ETD app that
used SWORD to drop ETDs into DSpace than try to hack DSpace for ETDs
myself, much less try to push the committer group to do so.

It may be worth noting at this point that I put my votes where my
mouth is; when the DSpace development survey came out, I put a mod API
at the very top of my desiderata. I encourage other repository
managers with

Re: [Dspace-tech] Development goals (was: ETDs & Dspace - BestPractices)

2007-11-13 Thread Stuart Lewis [sdl]
On 13/11/07 23:52, "Christian Voelker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I appreciate your comment written with the deep knowledge of a
> long term user but I have a hard time to google all the external
> references to technologies such as Tapir, Researcher Pages, Sword
> an everything else you mention. I would need to know them to
> really understand where you are heading to. Can you gimme a link
> or a hint?


Researcher pages:
 - An example:


I hope they help,


Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth  Information Services
Prifysgol Aberystwyth  Aberystwyth University

E-bost / E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ffon / Tel: (01970) 622860

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DSpace-tech mailing list

Re: [Dspace-tech] Development goals (was: ETDs & Dspace - Best Practices)

2007-11-13 Thread Christian Voelker
Hello Dorothea,

I appreciate your comment written with the deep knowledge of a
long term user but I have a hard time to google all the external
references to technologies such as Tapir, Researcher Pages, Sword
an everything else you mention. I would need to know them to
really understand where you are heading to. Can you gimme a link
or a hint?

Although it does not sound especially polite to call DSpace a
spaghetti dinner and provided that your judgement is right,
I totally agree on the importance of user driven development
and the requirement of a usable and stable API.

There are far more places where a digital archive software such
as DSpace could be useful besides the academic area but where it
is hard to adapt to. It takes advanced skills to leverage the
power of this tool but the audience does not necessarily be
either on the same level of education nor as homogenous as
an academic campus community.

There is a page in the wiki which lists projects that use DSpace.
Until now I saw this page targeted to the potential user to make
him or her trust in the project. Would it be useful to add some
two or three lines about the goal of each project to improve the
picture for the next time the developers decide on what they
will do next? Or do we need formal processes with a review
board and so on?.

I am sure that this is an important discussion and that it can
help to sharpen the profile of the project and make it even
more compelling. I feel there is some room for improvement
left in that regard.

Bye, Christian

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