AW: AW: AW: AW: [dspam-users] Dspam Project still active?

2008-10-20 Thread - Webmaster
Looks to me for a first Step for a new Start.. there some real interesting new 
But theres also always an alternative to SF.
I don’t like the SF Idea cause youll need many Stuff yourself anyway. Ok it 
could (and should) be registered anyway
But there not that much usefull tools for the project (forums unusable 
bugtracker can much better, slow servers and many ads)
But this is just an location discussion and as we heared (and I self offered) 
there many possible locations for hosting stuff and theres many gpl software 
management (trackers, supportsystem, dorums and so) out there to host and mange 
this project by the ourself - the community

But this isn’t the real important question. The real one is
Fork or no fork.
If no fork what is sn willing to do together with us (because we will do the 
most work for "their" product) so asking about support in some way from sn 
isn’t to much I guess.
(and I guess this wasn’t English in any way. I am sorry I cant see the 
difference I just partially know the words *g*) 

And who is willing to do which kind of job/role in this project and who will 
approve that?

Maybe option is isn’t a non starter if website... stays but get new management 
and support by sn... 
I think there also many possible varations of these 3 options.

So lets talk about :-)

PS: and im happy to started that thread... really happy to see the ongoing 
discussion and information and the resulted opportunities ... hey what im 
saying. If a program have a bug and project seems to be dead simple reactive 
the hole project so someone solve the bug lol) 

The third alternative (SN manage the project as now) is, to me at least, 
a non-starter, and I hope "we" can move past that with one of the two 
alternatives above.

Mark Rogers // More Solutions Ltd (Peterborough Office) // 0845 45 89 555
Registered in England (0456 0902) at 13 Clarke Rd, Milton Keynes, MK1 1LG


Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: [dspam-users] Dspam Project still active?

2008-10-16 Thread Jari Juslin - Webmaster kirjoitti:
> First suexec for the webinterface is horrible,
> Second still using files for protocol and statistics while
> the userprefs are storend in mysql also not that good.
> These things causes some permission problems.

Good point. I just scrapped the web parts, as they felt dubious and I
haven't even thought about them ever since.

I do the training the way my friend suggested: let DSpam only tag mail
and then use procmail to send spam to specific folder. Then I have two
special folders "ThisIsSpam" and "ThisIsNotSpam" that are periodically
scanned (by cron job) and any mail in them is re-trained.

This is also a lot more user-friendly, as all the training and
spam-double-checking can be done with the same UI, your regular mail reader.



AW: AW: AW: AW: [dspam-users] Dspam Project still active?

2008-10-16 Thread - Webmaster
Jari sorry but that’s not really true.
Im not talking about out of the box installation, and documentation is madeable 
by anyone.
But depending which kind of installation you use (special daemon mode) there 
are some real issues that are not wirking for most.
Theres also a lack of some major changes.
First suexec for the webinterface is horrible,
Second still using files for protocol and statistics while the userprefs are 
storend in mysql also not that good.
These things causes some permission problems.

So here is some kind of improvement necessary. (and there many possible 
solutions how to solve that)
Ife also no dspam logfile with the svn version (I just get binary waste into 
And if I use the daemon in background the errormessages get transported to the 
foreground in the console (lol) 

There should be also a damon background mode for the star-stop-daemon and some 
fallback solutions.
(messages get lost or going to the dspam user if database server is down)
These are major things...

It would be also good having a framework or something like that for the webui 
instead of an perl script.
I really don’t like it from the point of security view.
That we need an htaccess access is also not optimal. There better ways

But no one can do a new webinterface nonper based (lets say based on java or 
php) without active delevopment.
I know many people still loves perl but special with suexec it’s a major 
security thread.

And were still not talking about the mostly non or badworking group support. 
Here many things nesecarry. Also you cannot control what groups doing and how 
good they working. Not systemwide.
Also make no sense having a managed,shared group but having splittet historys 

Theres also a problem with forwarding multiple emails for trainings (with mysql 
signature). I asked on that list bevore but got no response so I think its 
really not possible (if I forward 2 emails for traing both get detected I dan 
see in the debug log but only one of them get accepted if someone knows 
something ...:-)

Next thing is you’ve no real working overview (if you use spamtraps) how good 
theyre working .

So dspam is often working as a blackbox and you can simply hope. Ok you can 
turn on debug but that make no real sense..
There many not ready or not really production useable even with 15 users and 
far not with 1500.

About the license. I don’t think its that easy to fork it even in gpl. Im not 
an gplv2 specialist but it means not everyone can form and restart it again( I 
think) there some reason why some gpl projects got sold for a billion or 2 :-)
And only getting the approved maintainance without be shure about the license 
make no sense.
By all love to dspam im not willing to support a company which bought a 
software and wait for their users to develop it.

Partitial maby but sourceforge have some major disadvantages.
You cannot really use their forums for supporting. Their bugtracking is also 
not the top of the food line.
There better solutions and as we can see many people wanna support. 
I would see it some people hosting parts of it.
There many way to do that.

But theres a reason why the most bigger projects are only for downloads or as 
an list entry at sourceforge but their project sites, tracker and forums are 
hosted privately

Sourceforge has also many advertising. But honestly if this project get forged 
im shure we can easily cover all hosting costs by using own ads or simply use 
The point is the project maintainers can decide if they wanna have this while 
at sourceforge you have to and get only a little space on real slow server.

Jari Juslin

I half agree here. DSpam could use a lot more documentation and


AW: AW: AW: AW: [dspam-users] Dspam Project still active?

2008-10-16 Thread - Webmaster

Youve got the Point.

Look I think we must look for a lifesing from the original Maintainer. 
There might be manyreasons why the projects semms to be frozen. Maybe lack of 
communityresponse or whatever else.

And youre right if nothing comes from there the project dspam itself is dead 
and maybe a fork is the solution.

In any case code developers needed. Simply to help the maintainer or restart 
This is one absolute basic thing, that’s why im aksing about a lifesign 

Without that any additional help and support, any ideas and bugfixing is 
worthless and we can forget dspam.
There some people willig to make a new php based frontend but wont help without 
core developers and theyre hard to find for this project (its seems to be hmm)
