[DX-NEWS] ARLD034 DX news

2005-08-25 Thread W1AW
ARLD034 DX news

QST de W1AW  
DX Bulletin 34  ARLD034
From ARRL Headquarters  
Newington CT  August 25, 2005
To all radio amateurs   

ARLD034 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
EA2BXV, N2YO, the OPDX Bulletin, The Daily DX, 425DXnews, DXNL,
WA7BNM and Contest Corral from QST.  Thanks to all.

MADAGASCAR, 5R.  Dino, IZ4AKV is QRV as 5R8HS from Nosy Be, IOTA
AF-057, until September 8.  Activity is mainly on 20 meters using
SSB.  QSL to home call.

SINGAPORE, 9V.  Members of the Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitting
Society are QRV as S61FD until August 29 from St. John's Island,
IOTA AS-019.  They are active during their Field Day.  Activity is
on 40 to 15 meters, and possibly 160 and 80 meters, using all modes,
including digital.  QSL via PA0KHS.

OMAN, A4.  A43JS has been QRV on 20 meters between 1915 and 2300Z
yesterday.  QSL via A47RS.

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, A6.  Abdullah, A61Q is usually QRV on 160
meters using CW around 0155z.  QSL via EA7FTR.
ETHIOPIA, ET.  Michal, ET3TK has been QRV on 17 meters using CW
around 1440z and then 40 meters CW around 1800z.  QSL via OK1CU.

WALES, GW.  Members of the Barry Amateur Radio Society are QRV as
GB5FI from Flatholm Island, IOTA EU-124, until August 30.  Activity
is on all HF bands, as well as 6 meters and 70 cm, using CW, SSB,
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, HI.  Look for Inigo, EA2BXV and Roberto, EA2RY
to be QRV as homecalls/HI7 from Punta Cana, IOTA NA-096, from August
27 to September 7.  Activity will be on all bands using SSB, SSTV
and PSK31.  QSL to home calls.

SOUTH KOREA, HL.  Pyongtaek DX Club members Han, DS2GOO, Kim,
DS4PAI, Lee, 6K2CEW and Kim, 6K2CSD are QRV as homecalls/4 from Saok
Island, IOTA AS-060, until August 28.  Activity is on 80 to 10
meters using SSB, RTTY and PSK31.  QSL to home calls.

ITALY, I.  Alberto, IW1RLF/IA5 will be QRV from Capo Sant' Andrea on
Elba Island, IOTA EU-028, from August 29 to September 4.  Activity
will be on 6 and 2 meters.  QSL via bureau.

ANTARCTICA.  Gustavo, LU1ZD is QRV from General San Martin Base on
Barry Island, IOTA AN-016, and has been showing up on the Antarctic
Net at 1900z.  QSL via operator's instructions.

SOUTH SHETLAND ISLANDS.  Mario, LU1ZI is QRV from Teniente Jubany
Station on King George Island, IOTA AN-010, and has been showing up
on the Antarctic Net at 1900z.  QSL via LU4DXU.
SM0NJO, SM0EEH, SM0IEA, SM0IHR and SM5DJZ are QRV as OH0/homecalls
until August 28.  Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, the
digital modes and WSJT EME on 6 meters.  QSL to home calls.

SWEDEN, SM.  Stations DL5ME and DG3HWO will be QRV as SM7/homecalls
from Hasslo Island, IOTA EU-138, from August 27 to 31.  Activity
will be on 40, 30, 20, 17 and 15 meters using CW and SSB.  QSL to
home calls.

SUDAN, ST.  Jovica, T98A is QRV as ST0RM during his one-year UNHCR
assignment here.  Activity is on all bands, using mostly CW, with
some SSB and digital.  QSL via T93Y.

PALAU, T8.  Stations T88GG, T88BH T88YK, T88BE and T88CL are QRV
until September 5.  Activity is on all bands using CW and SSB.  A
few of these stations will also participate in the upcoming All
Asian DX contest.  QSL via operators' instructions.

UKRAINE, UR.  Special calls EN60EKR and EM60IG will be QRV from
August 27 to September 4 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the
end of World War Two.  Activity is on all bands.  QSL via UT4EK and
UR7IA, respectively.

MICRONESIA, V6.  Nobi is QRV as V63NB and has been active on 30
meters around 1200 to 2000z.  QSL via JA1JCF.

INDONESIA, YB.  Hot, YC0IEM will be QRV as YC0IEM/9 from Timor
Island, IOTA OC-148, from August 29 to September 15.  QSL via
RTTY Championship, YO DX HF Contest, Ohio QSO Party, SARL HF CW
Contest, Kentucky QSO Party and the CQC Summer VHF/UHF FM QSO Party
will certainly keep contesters busy this weekend.  Please see August
QST, page 85 and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest websites for details.


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[DX-NEWS] ICPO Calendar (Aug 25 - Sep 01, 2005)

2005-08-25 Thread Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ
I.C.P.O. Calendar (Aug 25 - Sep 01, 2005)
Islands, Castles  Portable Operations
Operations are listed by start date (Day/Month/Year)
25/08/2005:  Dino, IZ4AKV, plans to be active as 5R8HS from Nosy Be
Island (IOTA AF-057) between August 25th and September 8th. Look for
activity on all HF bands. QSL via IZ4AKV (QRZ.com). [Tnx IZ4AKV]

25/08/2005:  Jacques, F6BVB, plans to activate the Louche Castle (DFCF
77-096) as F6BVB/p during the morning of August 25th. Look for activity
on 40 and 20 meters. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx F6FNA]

25/08/2005:  Look for Jean Pierre F6FNA/p to be QRV August 25th, in the
morning (08:00z), from the Sannois Castle (DFCF reference 77-094). In
the afternoon, Jean Pierre will activate the Etry Castle (DFCF 77-095).
Activity will be on 40 and 20 meters, propagation permitting. QSL via
home call, direct or through the bureau. [Tnx F6FNA]/p

25/08/2005:  Peter, GM3OFT, plans to operate as GM3OFT/P on 80-15 meters
from a few Scottish islands as follows: August 25-26th Eileen Horrisdale
(IOSA CN-27, SCOTIA SC-12); August 26-27th Longa (IOTA EU-123, IOSA
CN-28, SCOTIA SC-13); August 27-28th Gruinard (IOTA EU-123, IOSA CN-30,
SCOTIA SC-09); August 28-29th Isle Martin (IOSA CN-31, SCOTIA SC-14);
August 29-30th Isle of Ewe (IOSA CN-29, SCOTIA SC-29); and August
30-31st Ristol (IOSA CN-34, SCOTIA SC-20). In general he expects to be
QRV mid or late afternoon of day 1 and QRT late morning or early
afternoon of day 2. QSL via home call. [Tnx 425 DX News]

25/08/2005:  Howard, G6LVB, will be travelling to Svalbard (JW, IOTA
EU-026), current plans August 26-28th, to do some minor upgrades to a
satellite station at: http://www.svalsat.com. He is intending to take
some LEO satellite gear with him, so if you'd like to add JW to your
DXCC list let him know at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Howard states,
Despite its northerly location, it has coverage to Canada and the North
Eastern U.S. as well as Japan. I will definitely be active on AO-51,
SO-50, AO-27, PO-28 (let's hope) and if I have room for SSB equipment I
will operate FO-29, VO-52 and possibly AO-7. The ISS never travels far
enough North for me to take a shot at it. There are no plans to take any
HF gear, whatever that is ;-). [Tnx OPDX]

25/08/2005:  Ten Swedish amateurs from SM0/5-area will be active on
Aland Island (OH0, IOTA EU-002) August 25-28th as OH0/homecalls. All
bands from 160m up to 6 meters will be activated with CW, SSB, digital
modes as well as some experiments on 6m WSJT, with emphasis on WSJT for
EME. The team will consist of: Jonas/SM5HJZ, Ingemar/SM5AJV,
Anders/SM0HPL, Peder/SM0GNS, Magnus/SM0NJO, Erik/SM0EEH, Olle/SM0IEA,
Anders/SM0IHR, Torgny/SM5TXT, and Jan (John)/SM5DJZ. QSL via the bureau
to the amateurs respective home call. Further information is available
at http://www.mistra.se/oh0/ [Tnx SM5DJZ]

25/08/2005:  Martti, OH2BH (T88BH) and Tim, N4GN (T88GG) at it again!
Tim, N4GN and Martti, OH2BH have decided to put two T88 signals on the
air at the same time; T88GG mostly on CW and digital modes and T88BH on
SSB. The activity begins on August 25th and continues until September
5th, including the All Asian DX Contest during the first weekend of
September. QSL cards featuring this newly independent Republic of Palau
can be obtained via Jarmo Jaakola, OH2BN (Kiiletie 5 C 30, Helsinki
FIN-00710, Finland). This DXpedition is supported by Vertex Standard
(Yaesu) both in radio and manpower terms. Yuichi, JN1WTK/T88YK will be
on the team to make sure that you can hear the cleanest audio on the
bands from the latest lineup of state-of-the-art Yaesu gear. But not
around the clock as ladies are involved, too--Joana and Leena,
OH2BE/T88BE expect to establish a reasonable routine between radio and
beach time while still guaranteeing that peak hours in both activities
will not overlap as the path can be critical during these days of low
sunspots. Additional information can be found at
http://www.api-japan.com/palau/radio/english/radio1-e.htm [Tnx JN1WTK]

26/08/2005:  The Barry Amateur Radio Society will be QRV August 26-30th
as GB5FI from Flatholm Island (EU-124). Activity will be on all bands,
160-6 meters, and modes. QSL via GW0ANA, direct or bureau. [Tnx 425 DX

26/08/2005:  Members of the Pyongtaek DX Club (D90HE) will be active
from Saok Island AS-060 (KDN H32) August 26-28th. Operators mentioned
are: Han DS2GOO, Lee 6K2CEW, Kim DS4PAI and Kim 6K2CSD. Operators will
be active as homecall/4 on 80-10 meter SSB, RTTY and BPSK31. QSL via
operator's home call, by the bureau or direct. Visit the Web page at:
http://myhome.naver.com/dxer2han/as060 [Tnx JI6KVR]

26/08/2005:  After the successful 2003 event, the Singapore Amateur
Radio Transmitting Society (www.sarts.org.sg) will organize another
local field day to be held August 26-29th on St. John's Island (AS-019).
A fairly large group of local operators will be active as S61FD with 2-3
stations on 40-15 metres all 

[DX-NEWS] P5 followup news release

2005-08-25 Thread Tom Anderson

Written by Tom Anderson, WW5L
Vice-President and Information Director
Lone Star DX Association

Apparent internal miscommunications within the North Korean government’s 
Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries and the Ministry 
of Telecommunications and Posts over the approval of an operating permit 
to Dr. David Borenstein, KA2HTV, led the government to halt his recent 
P5 DXpedition before it could even begin, the New York physician said today.

However, the main purpose of his trip to North Korea was not amateur 
radio, but the donation of several thousand dollars worth of medical 
supplies from various Western countries to the Korean Medical 
Association. “I went to make sure these medical supplies got where they 
were supposed to,” he said. Dr. Borenstein specializes in physical 
medicine and rehabilitation.

Another situation that may have also played a part in the halting of Dr. 
Borenstein’s DXpedition operations was the death of his government 
assigned guide, one of the leading such guides in the country. The guide 
drowned at Wonsan, while he and other government assigned guides were 
escorting KA2HTV and others along the North Korean coast.

Dr. Borenstein’s DXpedition costs were underwritten by the Lone Star DX 
Association (http://www.dxer.org/lsdxa) and equipment donated by many 
companies and individuals. Before he left the United States, Dr. 
Borenstein and the LSDXA were told his DXpedition operation should be 
fully accredited by the ARRL once he returned and submitted passport, 
visa, and photographic documentation showing he was in North Korea. This 
is standard procedure for DXCC DXpedition accreditation.
“ The Lone Star DX Association is committed to the support of DX. We 
knew this would be a gamble, but thought the risk was worth it to try 
getting P5 back on the air. Hopefully our efforts and those of Dr. 
Borenstein has moved the ball forward in restoring amateur radio in 
North Korea,” said LSDXA President Mike Thomas, NA5U..

The miscommunications developed when a Democratic People’s Republic of 
Korea Cultural Relations official issued the operating permit, while the 
government’s Telecommunications and Posts officials, had not formally 
processed KA2HTV’s request for a permit to operate. Both agencies are 
part of the North Korean government.

Dr. Borenstein was planning on beginning his full time P5 operations on 
August 20, when DPRK officials suddenly called him into a meeting. “They 
told me the person who gave the authority in the committee should not 
have given it because of a mix up with the Ministry of 
Telecommunications and Posts,” he said. “Up until then I had no idea 
that I would not be allowed to operate” as government officials had 
given no hint that the operating authority issued previously was not 
valid. “I was able to demonstrate amateur radio to these same government 
officials and showed them how it would benefit the country.”

“But the inability to operate was devastating,” he said. “After meeting 
with the government officials I just went back to my room for a while 
and watched the BBC, the only English language television program we 
could receive. I knew there were hundreds of stations around the world 
waiting to make a P5 contact and I could not get on the air.”

“The Lone Star DX Association and I had planned this DXpedition for many 
months and many donors had given equipment and their time and effort to 
make this operation occur,” he said.

Both KA2HTV and the LSDXA would like to thank the following sponsors for 
their donation of equipment: Tennadyne log periodic antennas, Yaesu and 
Vertex Standard radios, ACOM International amplifiers, Texas Towers, 
W4MPY—“The QSL Man”, GigaParts, Buddipole, Hex Beam, High Sierra, Press 
Jones—“The Wireman”, Heil Sound, North Alabama DX Club, Southeastern DX 
Club, LDG Electronics, DX Engineering, Ham Radio Outlet, and W4HT 
Electronics. In addition, the following individual hams provided 
logistical and other support: WW5L, WY5H, K4UEE, K9LA, KC2MWA, K7JA, 
W4WB, W4RT, W5QM, W9GJ, W2RC, QSL manager KK5DO, and the many members of 
the Lone Star DX Association.

Dr. Borenstein said these government officials confided to him they were 
hopeful a license for him to operate could be obtained in the near 
future, however no definite date was given. “They told me they would 
welcome me back, despite the fact it is very difficult for Americans to 
get a visa there.” Also, he added, there is no prohibition by the U.S. 
government against Americans visiting North Korea.

After the death of his guide, he said, many government leaders went into 
official mourning. “I couldn’t ask them about radio matters as these 
people were in mourning, so that delayed everything another two or three 

When he arrived Aug. 9 all of the radio equipment was processed through 
North Korean customs without problem and “it all went