[DX-NEWS] Logbook of the World (LOTW) Beta Test Tutorial

2003-07-22 Thread Don Hill AA5AU
For those that have not yet participated in the ARRL's Logbook of
the World (LOTW) beta test, I've written a step-by-step tutorial on
how to download the software, install the software, create the certificate
request, load the certificate, create a signed log, submit your log and
accessing the LOTW website.  It's not brain surgery, but it's involved
enough that seeing the steps displayed could be of some help.

The URL for the tutorial is http://www.aa5au.com/lotw_beta.htm.

Getting familiar with the processes now should help once the system goes
live.  And I don't know when that will happen.

For users of DXbase 2003 and 2004, I've also included a page on how
to create the necessary file for submission to the beta test using that program.
You don't have to have DXbase to generate the necessary log file, any
program that can output an ADIF or Cabrillo log file should work.  The idea
for this tutorial came from discussion on the DXbase reflector.  Thanks
to Bill, W9OL, who got me started with LOTW.

I'm not an expert on LOTW, but the steps shown were good enough to
allow me to upload a log file which included well over 50,000 QSO's.  If
you run into problems, I'll try to help, but I'm still new to the process.
Questions may be better answered by the ARRL.  Comments are welcome.
Please reply directly and not via the reflectors.  Thanks.

73 GL, Don AA5AU

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[DX-NEWS] RTTY Survey Results by Continent

2002-09-10 Thread Don Hill AA5AU

Up to 246 submissions.  Added a pull-down menu on the Results Page
that links to top 50 entities needed from Asia, Europe  North America.
There were not enough submissions from the other continents to justify
pages for AF, SA or OC (yet).


If you have not submitted to the RTTY Survey, you are still welcome to do so.


This will be an on-going survey.  I'm trying to find an easier way for those
you have submitted to the survey to update their needs list.  Please hold off on
sending updates until I figure it out.


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[DX-NEWS] RTTY Survey Update

2002-09-04 Thread Don Hill AA5AU

The RTTY Most Needed DXCC Entities Survey has been updated to include
all submissions to date.


I'm still trying to figure a better way to submit updates.  I ask that you hold onto
updates until I can make them easier to submit.  If you submitted to the survey
and your call is not listed at the bottom of the Results Page, you either elected to
not have your call included or I did not receive your submission.  Send me an
E-mail and I will investigate.

Thanks for all the support.  230 submissions so far, more than double what I had
in 1997. This is an ongoing survey.  If you have not submitted your needs list, please
do so.  Instructions at http://www.aa5au.com/rttysurvey.html.

The CQ/RJ WW RTTY DX Contest is later this month.  There should be lots of
RTTY DX out there.

73, Don AA5AU

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[DX-NEWS] RTTY Survey Announcement - 2nd Time

2002-08-14 Thread Don Hill AA5AU

I've received about 100 submissions to the RTTY survey.  However,
the submissions are starting to fall off drastically and I feel the participation
is not at the level it should be.

The problem is that most of the top RTTY ops have submitted their
needs list, but others have not.  Because of this, only the most rare entities
are being calculated and not those farther down the list.

The results will be used by many.  Anyone wanting to plan a DXpedition
or vacation can use the results to help them determine which entity might
be more desired on the digital modes.

So it's not just the top RTTY operators results we need.  We need results
from every single RTTY operator.  I maintain a current callsign database with
over 21,000 callsigns of stations worked on RTTY.  So having only 100 stations
submit to the survey does not give a realistic result of which entities are most needed
on the digital modes overall.  We need your needs list on RTTY no matter now
many you need!

If you have not already submitted to the survey, I ask that you do so.



- Original Message -
Digital DX (new) [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 3:05 PM
Subject: [RTTY] RTTY Survey Announcement

 You are invited to participate in a RTTY Most Needed DXCC Entities Survey.
 Instructions on completing and submitting the survey form are at:


 The link to the actual survey form is at the bottom of that page.
 In addition to the instruction page and form page, there is a Results Page.

 All three pages can be accessed from my main RTTY page at

 This is more of a digital mode survey than just RTTY mode since the
 RTTY DXCC Award includes all digital modes.  The entities listed on the
 form is nearly exact as from the ARRL DXCC list on their website with
 only a few exceptions.

 The more entries received, the more accurate the results.  Anyone who
 has operated RTTY (or digital) is asked to participate.  It doesn't matter
 how many countries you need on RTTY, please take the time to include your
 input. Please make sure your data is complete and accurate.

 Thanks to all the beta testers who tested the form before its release.  The
 only known issue is if you have the security set too tight in your browser,
 the form will not work.

 Feel free to pass this invitation on to others or use the results anyway
 you wish to promote the digital modes.

 Thanks for your participation.  Comments in the Comments field of the
 survey form are appreciated but not required.

 73  GL with RTTY DX!
 Don AA5AU

 RTTY mailing list

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[DX-NEWS] P5/4L4FN back on RTTY

2002-07-04 Thread Don Hill AA5AU

Ed's got a big signal here in the southern USA this afternoon.
He's peaking S7.  Running 50 baud, 21085 mark listening up
at 1730Z 7/4/02 working USA  EU.

Getting Started on RTTY is finished www.aa5au.com/rtty.
There will be periodic updates as they present themselves.

73  GL!

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2002-06-21 Thread Don Hill AA5AU

I am surprised to Ed on 15M RTTY today.  I had been informed
that he would be in Beijing today picking up a new hex beam.  Anyone
know anything about that?

Even though P5/4L4FN RTTY contacts do not count for DXCC (yet),
if you haven't made a contact with him yet on SSB, it's an easy way
to get him.  He is a very good RTTY op and if you haven't tried RTTY
yet, it's an excellent reason to do so.  The RTTY pileup is way down
now so it's easier getting through.

I know of a couple of DX'ers that have not had success getting him on
SSB so they tried RTTY for the first time and made contact with Ed
on that mode.

If anyone would like to get started on RTTY and has a sound card
in their computer, there is a free program called MMTTY that is an
excellent program, especially for beginners.  Just do a search of
MMTTY on your favorite search engine and you will find the URL
where you can download it.

I'd be happy to work with anyone who needs help getting started
on RTTY.  I hope this is an appropriate post here.

This is my first post to this list.  I used to subscribe to the old VE7
list many years ago.

73, Don AA5AU
DXCC Honor Roll - RTTY  CW

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