[e-gold-list] Re: Does Steve Renner Pay?

2003-10-10 Thread Jim Davidson
Dear Frederick,

Wow.  It has been a long time, Frederick.  How have you
been doing?
Does anyone know:
(a) Does Steve Renner actually honor such transfers?
Yes, I've known him to honor such transfers.  For years.

(b) If yes, how long does it usually take?
It can take very different lengths of time depending on
the cash flow situation at Cash Cards, I think.
(c) What can be done to persuade Steve to pay?
You may want to send him a few polite e-mails. Contact
me off list for details.
Basically, your position is that your V-cash account
has some of your money and you'd like that to be in
your e-gold account.  I understand this position. In
my view, Steve also understands and agrees with this
However, there have been problems with the Cash Cards
system for several months now.  Sadly, what was an
extremely reliable system with prompt service is now
largely unreliable with slow service, in my experience.
Among other things, Steve is changing card vendors.
There may be a burst of cash flow availability in
a few days, if the redemption of funds on the old
cards comes through on schedule.
Other than that, I have no idea what to do.  Maybe
go visit him in Minneapolis?

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[e-gold-list] Re: paypal to e-gold service

2003-10-10 Thread Jim Davidson
Dear Robert,

You think about joining some militants in your rage
That actually sounds like a very constructive idea! grin


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[e-gold-list] GoldNow customers in Cyprus

2003-10-10 Thread Graham Kelly

If you are a GoldNow customer in CY, I'd like to catch up with you! I'm
in Larnaka. Email me your contact phone number, and area.



Graham Kelly CEO

GoldNow http://www.GoldNow.St
Primary Customer Service +61 3 9776-4886
US Phone 1-866-999-1717
US Fax 1-213-559-8555 
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 233-7612
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 201-4015 CEO

Order a US *or* Israeli issued debit card today, at

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[e-gold-list] Re: paypal to e-gold service

2003-10-10 Thread Robert B.Z.

We were actually exchanging e-gold at the time, not using PayPal as a
credit card processor for hosting or domain registrations. Of course that
made things much worse because it meant each charge back was serious
monies lost rather than only revenue lost, hence my rage.


I did spend quite a while in Iran during my youth and learned to handle a
Kalashnikov, G3 and Uzi (although the prior more manhandled me than the
other way around, as I recall). You see, after the revolution there were
not many pig eaters left and a few years later wild boars were starting to
destroy fields and orchards up Northeast at the Caspian sea.
The gov was reluctant to arm their own Christian minorities and hence
invited Christian expatriates for weekend hunts (two guys with automatic
rifles and machine guns on the back of a pick-up truck, unlimited ammo,
free choice of weapon - among the military gear that was available).
Ten minutes trining to show the safety and how to reload, and off we went
hunting boars. I remember the first time, when after a whole night of
hunting the score came in at one boar, hundreds of rounds of ammo used and
a French guy who had shot a German in the foot ;o)
We got better after a while (no, the French didn't shoot the German in the
head, we got more boars). On the next trip they actually gave us shot
guns, which took all the fun out of it.


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[e-gold-list] Re: GoldNow customers in Cyprus

2003-10-10 Thread Robert B.Z.
You sure come around on your travels aren't you? Don't say you took the
overland route from Europe back to Asia on your way to New Zealand?
Been in Malta yet? If not, then you should go - and buy some property
there while you are at it ;o)


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[e-gold-list] Re: The Myth of Insufficient Gold

2003-10-10 Thread FileMatrix
 The US populace pays $62 billion of interest on credit card debts per
 Imagine, if people were not able to use credit for consumables.

Robert, does anybody force these people not to use debit cards? The same
goes for the credit cards you said will be used in Malaysia.

George Hara


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[e-gold-list] GoldNow in CY, correct email address

2003-10-10 Thread Graham Kelly

I'm in CY for a few days; I'd like to catch up with any GoldNow
customers. My *correct* email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Graham Kelly CEO

GoldNow http://www.GoldNow.St
Primary Customer Service +61 3 9776-4886
US Phone 1-866-999-1717
US Fax 1-213-559-8555 
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 233-7612
UK Phone +44 (0) 709 201-4015 CEO

Order a US *or* Israeli issued debit card today, at

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[e-gold-list] Sell domain worldofgold.net

2003-10-10 Thread v2Gold Ltd.

I am selling the domain worldofgold.net It's good for
running an egold site.

Price: $50 egold

Contact me if you are interested.

Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search

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[e-gold-list] RE: DVDs on sale at GoldBarter.com

2003-10-10 Thread Valenti
At 01:30 AM 10/10/2003 +1000, Ben Legume wrote:
I've placed some popular discs for sale at low 
starting prices.  Come take a look.  I've got 
over 500 titles, many starting at $5.00, so 
request a price list.

Pity they're actually DVD-Rs without cases. And 
even more of a pity, I don't own the originals 
so I can't bid for them as per your auction 

Move along, move along... these weren't the movies you were looking for.

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[e-gold-list] e-gold Accepted for AIM Calculator Program

2003-10-10 Thread David Bean
e-gold Accepted for AIM Calculator Program

The program implements Robert Lichello's

Automatic Investment Management (AIM) method described in his book
How to Make $1,000,000 in the Stock Market Automatically

Program described at

I have used this successfully with PM stocks and am working on a
modification for metals themselves.  A modified version incorporating
Bid-Ask spreads could possibly be used by e-gold (e-metal) account
holders if OK with e-gold.  I'll let you all know if so.

The AIM Stock/ETF Buy/Sell Calculator (the AIM Calculator Program)
implements the AIM concept to calculate the quantity of a stock
(or ETF) to buy or sell, depending on the price and your past
transaction history with the stock, to ensure long-term profitability.
Using this program properly will FORCE you to REALLY Buy Low and
Sell High. 
Using the AIM Calculator program, you can enter a price and determine
if you should buy or sell and, if so, how many shares.
(Warning:   Use Limit Orders; Do NOT use Market Orders.) 
The AIM Calculator program allows you to calculate potential buys and
sells in advance, so you can put in GTC Buy Limit orders and Sell Limit
orders with your broker.   Then you can check during the day or evening
to see if your order was filled.   If your order was filled, then you
may calculate new buys and sells depending on the new parameters and
place new orders. 
more at ...

David Bean
aka Goldmember

(password required)

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[e-gold-list] Re: paypal to e-gold service

2003-10-10 Thread paypal2gold
okay, we take some measures against scammers and stolen accounts.

1. accounts must be verified.
2. users have to reply to an email (including our email body) sent to
their paypal adress.

For those who know well pp practices, are these measures enough, in your
mind ??



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[e-gold-list] Re: paypal to e-gold service

2003-10-10 Thread Katz Global Media

#2. this will not be enough here.  Usually when a paypal account is stolen,
the person's email account is also stolen so verifying this way does no
good, but still should be done of course.

#1. What do you mean when you say verify accounts?

I think it was about 6 months ago when paypal stated they will not allow
this type of exchange and I believe that is what Robert was warning against
becasue of the risk of paypal freezing an account.

To be honest I learned the hard way what you are going to learn. Much
frustration an some court appearances later.

You have to ask yourself one thing. Don't you think that if paypal were safe
to trade and exchange with, a good majority of the exchange services on this
board would be already doing it?

We still do it, but only with trusted partners and clients who have history
with us. We went private so to speak.

Its not that people here do not want you to succeed. It would be great if
you have the magic formula that has eluded many of us in the past.


 1. accounts must be verified.
 2. users have to reply to an email (including our email body) sent to
 their paypal adress.

 For those who know well pp practices, are these measures enough, in your
 mind ??

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[e-gold-list] Re: Islamic banking

2003-10-10 Thread Jim Davidson
Dear Robert,

The reason I'd like to outlaw interest is simply to
give everyone the chance to start with a clean slate
again, rather than having kids pay for their parents'
follies in decades to come.
That's precisely why I'm against outlawing things.

I don't think it is nice to organize an externally
imposed government and impose, by force, things which
I think are moral.  It is counterproductive, unlikely
to succeed, and has huge deficits in the morality
department.  Inevitably, attempts to outlaw things
create worse problems than they are trying to cure.
And, as you note, the banking cartel has befriended
big government wherever the two are found, and has
perverted it to the purpose of protecting usury rather
than regulating or preventing it.
The admonitions against usury are not only found in
Islam.  They are also found in the foundation works
of Judaism and of Christianity.
Usury is wrong, but so is a Spanish Inquisition to
prevent it.

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[e-gold-list] Re: paypal to e-gold service

2003-10-10 Thread Robert B.Z.
You will need to insist on an ISP mail address and even then you have no
protection against thievery from PayPal itself. Millions of people never
have a problem with PayPal, tens of thousand get ripped off by PayPal
themselves. There seems to be no pattern though about who they steal from
and whom they don't.

So, good luck, it's a gamble.

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[e-gold-list] Re: The Myth of Insufficient Gold

2003-10-10 Thread Danny Van den Berghe
 Danny wrote:
 And if your venture capital system is available as well, then I have all
 possible choices, just in case I doesn't want to carry all the risk.

 Exactly, if both options exist, it is likely that the VC option would over
 time largely replace the commercial banking option in all fields
 practicable, ie. there are likely to still be short-term loans of over a
 month and under two years.


That sounds much better to me.
The market will sort it out and there is no need to make borrowing illegal.
In fact if borrowing with interest exists alongside the VC system then both
will be competing with each other, and this will force the VC people to fork
out a good service if they want to be succesful.
By making interest illegal you are giving the VC a monopoly on financing,
and that will mean not so good conditions for the person who needs

As far as I know the VC option does exist in many Western countries , and
quite succesful in some places.
But I still don't see how VC would serve the person who needs money to
repair his car.

And which system will be more succesful if both options are available will
not only depend on which system is the best.
It will also depend on the risk profile of the average citizen, and that
will vary from country to country.

 Now, can I lend anyone money at 3% per month?:o)

Watch out! You may get candidates.
And you don't want to burn in hell, do you? :-)

 The main item that Danny and you seem to ignore that in constructs
 involving rent, etc. the ownership doesn't change until the item is fully
 paid for and, possibly the most important item: There is nothing
 resembling compounding interest.

Wait a minute.
Things may be different in other countries, but I used to run a shop in
Belgium and we routinely sold items(consumer durable goods) with the
customer asking for financing from the bank.
In the contracts that they signed with the bank it was always clearly stated
that the item they bought remained the property of the bank until the loan
was completely paid. They were not allowed to sell the item in second hand
before the last payment on their loan, that would be considered theft and
brought to court.
So, the ownership only changes when everything is paid for.
This is because the bought item itself is the collateral for the loan.
(nearly everyone qualifies for this types loans in Belgium, even the

In fact we could as well say that the interest this person pays is in fact
rent he pays to use the item until it becomes his own at the end of the
Ah, now I have given you a great business idea how to offer consumer credit
in Malaysia without using the word interest.

And there is no question about compounding interest, because you only pay
rent (interest) on the portion of the item that is not yet paid for.

Thanks for an exceptionally civilized discussion.
You see it is possible to talk about things without calling each other a
thug as soon as there is a disagreement.
And with more fruitful results.


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[e-gold-list] Re: paypal to e-gold service

2003-10-10 Thread Julie Donska

Does PayPal actually have something in their Terms  Conditions written
against business that exchanges PayPal? 

A colleague of mine read the TC around 6 months ago, when we though of
providing this service to our clients and haven't found any cautions
against this kind of service.

Did anyone actually try to cut a deal with PayPal, explaining the kind
of business you were trying to do? 

Best Regards,

Julie Donska
Customer Support
Gold-cash.biz: Digital Exchange. The safe way.
Web: http://www.gold-cash.biz
ICQ: 271396462

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[e-gold-list] Re: paypal to e-gold service

2003-10-10 Thread SnowDog
 A colleague of mine read the TC around 6 months ago, when we though of
 providing this service to our clients and haven't found any cautions
 against this kind of service.

When PayPal seized my money, they had a 'Guarantee that All PayPal Payments
are Good'.

 Did anyone actually try to cut a deal with PayPal, explaining the kind
 of business you were trying to do?

Yes, but the problem is that PayPal allows fraudulent money into their
system by giving their buying customers access to credit cards. There are
dozens, if not hundreds, of thieves which have access to stolen credit
cards. These people will use stolen credit cards to buy gold. Then, when the
paying customer discovers this, they will cancel their credit card, leaving
PayPal with a fraudulent transaction, who will try to recover the money from
where it was spent. This would be the exchange service.

What makes this business model impossible to use is that it becomes very
popular. You will literally have thousands of dollars in your PayPal
account, everyday, if you do this. You won't be able to stop PayPal from
locking your account, locking the accounts of several of your customers, and
telling the rest of your customers that you are being investigated for
fraud. Then, they'll try to reverse the money in your bank account to cover
their loss. Don't be fooled into thinking that you'll only take money from
people who pay with cash, because you can't really know the source of the
PayPal money.

This business model is a walking stick of dynamite, and the best advice I
can offer is to stay away from it.



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[e-gold-list] Re: paypal to e-gold service

2003-10-10 Thread SnowDog

 You will need to insist on an ISP mail address and even then you have no
 protection against thievery from PayPal itself. Millions of people never
 have a problem with PayPal, tens of thousand get ripped off by PayPal
 themselves. There seems to be no pattern though about who they steal from
 and whom they don't.

I don't agree with this. While it is true that millions of people never have
a problem with PayPal, everyone that offers a direct exchange with another
currency DOES have a problem. Thieves want to funnel money into their
offshore bank accounts. They don't want to buy Stuffed Animals on eBay. So,
if you're selling stuffed animals -- you're good. If you selling gold,
you're a target.


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[e-gold-list] Re: paypal to e-gold service

2003-10-10 Thread Julie Donska

 Yes, but the problem is that PayPal allows fraudulent money into their
 system by giving their buying customers access to credit cards. There
 dozens, if not hundreds, of thieves which have access to stolen credit

This is what strikes me as extremely unusual. Should not they finally
try to prevent payments by stolen credit cards somehow? Five or six
years ago it was actually possible to order anything using only a credit
card number. These days everything is checked, the name on the card, the
expiration date, the 3-digit CVV (?), even the billing address... and
fraudsters are still able to do it? I don't understand it, it should be
relatively easy to verify those cc internet transactions, why it has
been hanging for so long? 

Actually, I've heard of a new initiative by VISA to provide a special
password for using their cards on the Net. Is it supported by any

Alas, credit cards are not the only problem with PayPal, fraudulent eBay
transactions are also very commonplace. So I agree, this will be a very
risky and short-lived business. 

Although we can see a genuine demand for those services from people, who
would like to sell on the Internet (and ebay) , but do not live in the
list of paypal-supported countries. If only there was a way to wade
through those orders...

Best Regards,

Julie Donska
Customer Support
Gold-cash.biz: Digital Exchange. The safe way.
Web: http://www.gold-cash.biz
ICQ: 271396462

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[e-gold-list] Re: The Myth of Insufficient Gold

2003-10-10 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
On Friday, October 10, 2003, at 07:53 AM, Danny Van den Berghe wrote:

In fact we could as well say that the interest this person pays is in 
rent he pays to use the item until it becomes his own at the end of the
Ah, now I have given you a great business idea how to offer consumer 
in Malaysia without using the word interest.

And there is no question about compounding interest, because you only 
rent (interest) on the portion of the item that is not yet paid for.
I bet Robert B.Z. could make this work.  Anyone who can bring that 
dairy cow time-arbitrage deal to fruition is one heck of an 

Thanks for an exceptionally civilized discussion.
You see it is possible to talk about things without calling each other 
thug as soon as there is a disagreement.
And with more fruitful results.
It seems that Jim defines thug as an individual who advocates or 
participates in the initiation of force against others.

-- Patrick

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[e-gold-list] Re: The Myth of Insufficient Gold

2003-10-10 Thread Danny Van den Berghe
  Thanks for an exceptionally civilized discussion.
  You see it is possible to talk about things without calling each other
  thug as soon as there is a disagreement.
  And with more fruitful results.

 It seems that Jim defines thug as an individual who advocates or
 participates in the initiation of force against others.

Yeah, but isn't publicly calling someone a thug (or any other insulting
statement) already a case of initiation of force against a person, and hence
the person who utters these words has declared himself a thug by his own

At least he could have cared to mention where I advocated use of force
against somebody or something...


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[e-gold-list] Re: The Myth of Insufficient Gold

2003-10-10 Thread Patrick Chkoreff
On Friday, October 10, 2003, at 02:07 PM, Danny Van den Berghe wrote:

Yeah, but isn't publicly calling someone a thug (or any other 
statement) already a case of initiation of force against a person, and 
the person who utters these words has declared himself a thug by his 
(Dear Moderator:  I promise to keep this on the subject of money.)


No.  Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me. 
 Force and verbiage are two different things.

At least he could have cared to mention where I advocated use of force
against somebody or something...
Actually looking through your posts I see quite a bit of laissez-faire 
attitude.  I think our communication difficulties arise from a 
fundamental disagreement on the nature of fiat systems.  The advocates 
of fiat systems flatly deny that brute force is necessary to float 
those systems.  For example, in a previous post you gave a chronology 
of how a fiat system evolves, starting with gold and notes for gold, 
but ultimately culminating with this:

And finally the curency was made independant from the gold backing.
What a sweet, passive, neutral way to portray an act of theft, fraud, 
and extortion.  The currency was made independent from gold backing 
by a bunch of thugs telling the people to hand over their gold and gold 
notes and accept fiat paper in return upon pain of imprisonment and 
confiscation of property.  Or at the very least, simply reneging on a 
solemn promise.

I highly suggest reading today's article titled Monetary Policy and 
the Free Market.


It almost seems like the author has been reading the e-gold list 
lately.  Consider this excerpt:

Since paper currencies are the dominant type of money in our age, 
there has been some speculation about the possibility of a free market 
in paper money or electronic money. Yet not only is there no historical 
evidence to support this possibility, but noncommodity monies have at 
all times and places been creatures of the state.

In modern times, the state has introduced paper money by giving a 
privileged note-issuing bank (the national Central Bank) the permission 
to suspend the redemption of its notes. While the historical record 
does not prove that there could be no noncommodity money on the free 
market, Austrian economists have argued that money must be a commodity 
by its nature.

As the author says, there has indeed been some speculation about the 
possibility of a free market in paper money or electronic money.  
Notably, right here on the e-gold list.

Note that in the second paragraph, the author states that the 
introduction of paper money always took the form of a privileged group 
gaining permission to suspend the redemption of its notes.  Or as 
Danny so blithely puts it:  And finally the currency was made 
independent of its gold backing.

So when Jim discusses a vicious thug who insists on imposing paper 
money on these workers, he is referring to a paper money system that 
was originally imposed on the people by force and is now maintained by 
force.  From what I can tell you would disapprove of that kind of force 
but you also deny that it exists in the first place.  So as they say in 
Cool Hand Luke:  What we've got here is failure to communicate.

At this point in history it's all a matter of degree.  Many of us, 
including fiat advocates themselves, are evolving toward more trade in 
hard money and less in fiat tokens.  This works to erode the utility of 
fiat tokens, though imperceptibly at first.  But if the physics are 
just right, this effect could easily compound far beyond anybody's 
ability to predict at this point.

-- Patrick

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[e-gold-list] Re: paypal to e-gold service

2003-10-10 Thread Katz Global Media

Money Transfer Companies

Precious metals policy

Pre-paid debit cards

I believe they actually wrote that in their policies about 6 months back,
but I can't seem to find it now.


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[e-gold-list] Re: paypal to e-gold service

2003-10-10 Thread Steve Schear
At 04:26 PM 10/10/2003 +, SnowDog wrote:
 Did anyone actually try to cut a deal with PayPal, explaining the kind
 of business you were trying to do?
Yes, but the problem is that PayPal allows fraudulent money into their
system by giving their buying customers access to credit cards. There are
dozens, if not hundreds, of thieves which have access to stolen credit
cards. These people will use stolen credit cards to buy gold. Then, when the
paying customer discovers this, they will cancel their credit card, leaving
PayPal with a fraudulent transaction, who will try to recover the money from
where it was spent. This would be the exchange service.
An acquittance of mine, with a legit business, had this same problem about 
2 years ago.  He was getting ripped off right and left by PayPal 
fraudsters.  He was just about to give up using it when an inspiration 
struck him: PayPal's ToS and business practices that at fault, why not make 
them pay.  He set up about 20 bank accounts, under phoney names, and the 
same number of PayPal accounts.  When an account got too 'hot' he abandoned 
it and left PP with the damage.  Last I heard, about a year ago, this had 
fixed most of his fraud problems.  Since 9/11 opening such accounts has 
gotten much tougher AFAIK.


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