[ECOLOG-L] Midwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Annual Meeting: Aug 18-20 near Martinsville, IN

2017-06-21 Thread Williams, Jennifer
*Join Us at the 2017 Midwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
(MWPARC) Meeting!*

*Meetings are held annually and provide a forum to discuss MWPARC projects,
hear presentations on various herp conservation and research activities,
network and enjoy the company of like-minded herp enthusiasts.*

*Theme*: Conservation, Management, and Monitoring of Fossorial Species

*When and Where*:  August 18-20, 2017 at Bradford Woods (
https://www.bradwoods.org/) near Martinsville, IN

*CALL FOR ABSTRACTS*: See https://mwparc.org/meetings/2017 for guidelines
on submitting papers and posters.

*Registration*:  Visit: https://mwparc.org/meetings/2017.  Registration
fees are $75 for students, $150 for professionals.  Please register by July
24, 2017 for this rate.  Late registration fees are $90 for students, $175
for professionals with a deadline of August 4. There will be no onsite

*Presentations*:  Deadline for submission of talk and poster abstracts is July
24, 2017.

*Room and Board*:  Cabin lodging and meals are included in the
registration. There are four cabins onsite. Each cabin has 3-6 bedrooms
with bunk beds, indoor bathroom(s), and accommodates up to 16-23 people
each. Cabin occupants will need to bring linens (including sleeping bag,
sheets, and/or blanket) pillow, towel, and personal toiletries.

*Nearby Hotels*: All hotels are less than 8 miles from the meeting site.

   1. Holiday Inn and Suites Martinsville (~$140/night)
   2. Best Western Martinsville Inn (~$110/night)
   3. Super 8 Martinsville (~$100/night)

*Field Trip*: We’ll be visiting Morgan-Monroe and Yellowwood State Forests on
Friday afternoon.  The chosen sites cover a range of habitats and will
provide a great opportunity to observe a diversity of herps characteristic
of the wooded hill region of central Indiana.  The field trip will take
place on Friday, August 18 from 1:00 – 5:00 pm.  Participants should meet
at 1:00 pm at Bradford Woods near the Manor House and be prepared to
carpool to the sites.

*Meeting Sponsors and Silent Auction Items Needed*:  Your donation of funds
and silent auction items will provide important support for the
conservation of herpetofauna in our region. Donations help offset the cost
of the meeting itself, keep the cost for students attending the conference
low, and fund the production of MWPARC educational materials.

Find all MWPARC meeting information here: https://mwparc.org/meetings/2017

Mark Jordan
Senior Co-chair MWPARC

Associate Professor
Department of Biology
Indiana University-Purdue University
Fort Wayne, IN 46805

[ECOLOG-L] AGU-2017 Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence session

2017-06-21 Thread Xi Yang
Dear all,

Please consider submitting your abstract to our SIF session at AGU. Please
let us ( Kaiyu Guan, Yongguang Zhang, Xi Yang, and Joanna Joiner) know if
you have any questions! See below more information on this session:

Following our successful session last year, we have organized a session in
this year's AGU Fall Meeting (11-15 Dec, 2017 in New Orleans, LA, USA)
titled "Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence as a proxy of photosynthesis:
measurements, modeling and applications from field, airborne, and satellite
platforms". We welcome your contributions to our session. Please see below
for the detailed session description. Please note the deadline for abstract
submission is Aug 2, 2017 and early abstract submissions deadline is July
26, 2017.

Link: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm17/preliminaryview.cgi/Session23635.html

Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence as a proxy of photosynthesis:
measurements, modeling, and applications from field, airborne, and
satellite platforms

Session ID#:
Session Description:
Chlorophyll fluorescence is intrinsically linked to photosynthetic
machinery and is a novel indicator of photosynthetic activity. Advances
have been made recently in the retrieval of sun-induced chlorophyll
fluorescence (SIF) from ground-, air-, and space-based platforms. Higher
spatial and temporal SIF products are foreseen from new satellite
instruments (TROPOMI, TEMPO, Sentinel-4, and GEO-Carb) in the near future.
SIF provides a unique way to measure photosynthesis and improve the
quantification of carbon cycles at landscape, ecosystem, and global scales.

This session focuses on measurements, modeling, and applications of SIF in
carbon cycle science at a range of temporal and spatial scales. We
encourage contributions that discuss advances in observing and monitoring
technologies of SIF from field, airborne, and satellite platforms, and
welcome studies on the empirical and theoretical modeling of vegetation
photosynthesis with SIF at multiple scales as well as studies that use SIF
to understand the spatio-temporal variability of vegetation photosynthesis.

Primary Convener:  Kaiyu Guan, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign,
National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Urbana, IL, United States
Conveners:  Yongguang Zhang, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China, Xi Yang,
University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences,
Charlottesville, VA, United States and Joanna Joiner, NASA Goddard SFC,
Greenbelt, MD, United States
GC - Global Environmental Change
H - Hydrology

Xi Yang
Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Sciences
390 Clark Hall, University of Virginia
291 McCormick Rd, Charlottesville, VA, 22904
434-924-8679 <(434)%20924-8679>---
Xi Yang
Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Sciences
390 Clark Hall, University of Virginia
291 McCormick Rd, Charlottesville, VA, 22904

[ECOLOG-L] Ecology Postdoc in Diversity, Conservation or Extinction

2017-06-21 Thread G David Tilman
A post-doctoral position is available for research on issues related to species 
diversity, habitat destruction and fragmentation, extinction and/or other 
conservation issues. Research may be conceptual, theoretical or experimental; 
regional or global; and might focus on human-caused extinction risks (such as 
agricultural land clearing, bush-meat hunting) and their prevention; design of 
protected areas; causes of multispecies coexistence in foodwebs; or other 
diversity, extinction and conservation issues proposed by an applicant.

Starting date is negotiable and may be anytime within the coming year.

Work location may be either site where David Tilman is a professor (St. Paul, 
Minnesota; Santa Barbara, California).

Position is annually renewable for up to three years.

All applications submitted by July 25 2017 will be fully considered, and the 
position will remain open until filled.

To apply, submit a CV, a cover letter stating your research interests, and up 
to three reprints or manuscripts to www.myu.umn.edu/employment (Job ID# 
317491). Three letters of recommendation should be sent to David Tilman 
(til...@umn.edu; or til...@ucsb.edu). 

The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity employer.

[ECOLOG-L] Master scolarship in entomology and dendroecology (southern Quebec)

2017-06-21 Thread Francois Lorenzetti
A 2-year master of science scholarship (15,000CDN$/yr)in entomology and
dendroecology is announced at the Institute of Temperate Forest Sciences
(Université du Québec en Outaouais; http://isfort.uqo.ca) in Ripon
(45.784058, -75.099255)in the beautiful region of Outaouais. A functional
knowledge of French is mandatory prior to admission (TFI of 750/990;

A full description of the project and contact information follow in French.

Apply before August 17, 2017

Offre de bourse M.Sc. en biologie (30,000$ sur 2 ans)

TITRE: Patrons spatiaux d’anomalies dans les croissances primaires et
secondaires chez l’érable à sucre associées aux épidémies d’insectes dans le
sud du Québec

Permanent link:

Description : La croissance radiale, ou dite secondaire, des arbres, est un
registre des facteurs biotiques et abiotiques qui ont été favorables ou
défavorables. Ces facteurs peuvent être locaux ou bien influencer la
croissance des arbres sur de grandes étendues. En influençant la croissance
des arbres sur de grandes étendues, une mosaïque d’interactions avec les
réponses aux facteurs locaux se dessine et peut générer des patrons spatiaux
d’anomalies de croissance. Les épidémies d’insectes, comme il s’en produit
actuellement par la livrée des forêts sur les érables à sucres dans le sud
du Québec, est un de ces facteurs qui agissent sur de grandes étendues et
dont les effets se combinent à ceux qui influencent localement les arbres
pour imprimer des trajectoires de croissance qui peuvent finir par diverger.
L’érable à sucre est une essence généralement résiliente qui peut croître
lentement, mais les épisodes de déclins passés nous ont appris que chez
cette essence, comme chez d’autres, les symptômes visuels évidents de
dépérissement finissent par apparaître plusieurs années après que la
croissance ait ralentie. Ce projet vise dans un premier temps à mettre en
évidence les patrons spatiaux des anomalies de croissance secondaire chez
l’érable à sucre dans le sud du Québec, puis à tester la prédiction d’une
modification de la croissance primaire (élongation des branches) parallèle
aux anomalies de croissance secondaire. La validation de cette prédiction
permettra de proposer un outil diagnostique pour l’aménagement des
érablières à une échelle locale dans un contexte d’adaptation des forêts aux
changements globaux.

Ce projet fait partie d’un plus large programme de recherche sur
l’adaptation des forêts de la Vallée du Haut-St-Laurent aux changements
globaux (Forêt s’Adapter) qui regroupe déjà plusieurs chercheur.e.s (UQO,
UdM, UQAM, Ouranos) et étudiant.e.s au sein d’une même équipe dynamique.
Cette recherche se réalisera à l’Institut des sciences de la forêt tempérée
(ISFORT) de l’U. du Québec en Outaouais, basé à Ripon, en Outaouais. 
L’ISFORT constitue une communauté de chercheur.e.s et d’étudiant.e.s des
cycles supérieurs forte d’une soixantaine de personnes qui propose une
expérience enrichissante et stimulante sur le plan de la formation. Ripon
offre plusieurs opportunités de plein-air à quelques minutes à peine, et les
grands centres urbains que sont Gatineau-Ottawa et Montréal sont rapidement

Programme d’admission : Maîtrise en biologie, Département des sciences
naturelles, Université du Québec en Outaouais. Premier trimestre d’admission
: hiver (janvier) 2018.

Profil recherché : Le ou la candidat.e doit avoir complété, ou être sur le
point de compléter, un baccalauréat (ou l’équivalent du  baccalauréat
québécois) en biologie, en écologie, en environnement, en sciences
forestières, ou dans tout domaine connexe ayant permis d’approfondir les
connaissances en biologie des organismes, des populations ou des
communautés. L’excellence du dossier académique est essentielle. La personne
idéale recherche tout spécialement un projet qui fait appel à plusieurs
disciplines (écophysiologie, dynamique des épidémies, dendroécologie,
analyses spatiales et multivariées) pour répondre à des questions de
recherche complexe. Une expérience en dendrochronologie est certainement un
grand atout. Un intérêt pour les méthodes statistiques est recherché. Le
projet comportant des périodes d’échantillonnages sur le terrain, une
aptitude à diriger des aides de terrain, une bonne forme physique, une
aisance à séjourner et à travailler en forêt, et la capacité de conduire des
véhicules sur des chemins forestiers, sont essentielles.

Direction et codirection de thèse : François Lorenzetti et Frédérik Doyon
(UQO-ISFORT : http://isfort.uqo.ca). 

Faire parvenir avant le 17 août 2017 une lettre de motivation, les relevés
de notes des études antérieures, un CV complet ainsi que les noms et les
coordonnées de deux répondants à : francois.lorenze...@uqo.ca

[ECOLOG-L] less affluent countries more dedicated to wildlife conservation than rich ones

2017-06-21 Thread Erik Hoffner
There are varying levels of commitment to conserving threatened species by
nations around the world, and research published in the journal Global
Ecology and Conservation last month suggests that rich, developed countries
are frequently doing the least, in case you missed it, here's Mongabay's




See my latest writing and photojournalism projects here

*tw: @erikhoffner *

[ECOLOG-L] Earth System Governance

2017-06-21 Thread José Monteiro
Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce that the pdf for the special issue Earth
System Governance - Task Force Initiative on Sustainability Science is now
freely available online. Please check the table of content in our website:


Kind regards,

José A. F. Monteiro (PhD)
Librello Publishing House
4000 Basel

E-Mail: jose.monte...@librelloph.com
linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jafmonteiro/
skype: monteiro.librelloph
follow us on twitter: @Librello