Re: Two sided test with the chi-square distribution?

2001-02-10 Thread Donald Burrill

On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, jim clark wrote in part:

 We all agree that it is confusing, but I do believe that the use
 of one-tailed and two-tailed to refer to directional vs.
 non-directional hypotheses (rather than uniquely to one or two
 tails of a distribution) is very wide-spread and quite common.  

There would not be a problem if the hypotheses in question were STATED.  
It's this sloppy habit of saying "F test" or "chi square test", with no 
hint of WHICH "F test" or "chi square test"  one is talking about, that 
impedes communication.

 That is probably what led to the posting that initiated this

Yes.  "I thought the chi-square test was always two-sided", or words to 
that effect, the querent wrote.  He she or they have not, in all the 
correspondence since, said what the hypothesis being tested was.

I had written:
  It is still possible to use the F _statistic_ to test the null 
  hypothesis that Var1 = Var2, in circumstances where it is entirely 
  possible that Var1  Var2, Var1 = Var2, or Var1  Var2.  In such 
  cases _both_ tails of the F distribution are of interest, not just 
  the upper tail.
--- and Jim replied:

 Right, but if one calculates F_larger/F_smaller, then one is only
 looking at the upper tail of the F distribution even though one
 is doing a non-directional test (i.e., two-tailed in the
 vernacular).  The appropriate critical value for a
 non-directional test would be F_.05. 

Whoops!  Not if you want to test at the usual 5% level!  For a 
non-directional test of the null hypothesis that two variances are 
equal, the critical value would be  F_(alpha/2).

 If you made a directional hypothesis and predicted which variance was 
 going to be larger (as implied in F's use for anova and regression), 
 then you would compare the obtained value of F to F_.10, not F_.05.  

I'll agree with you if you halve those subscripts!  (Or acknowledge that 
you wanted to test at the 10% level...)

You state that using F in ANOVA and regression imply that one had a 
_prediction_ of which variance would be larger.  This is not how I 
understand the idea of "predicting", which I take to imply that one could 
have predicted something in the opposite direction.  In ANOVA the null 
hypothesis _of interest_ is commonly expressed as "all the means are 
equal" (in some language or other), vs. "some of the means differ", and 
the alternative hypothesis is indeed non-directional -- in the metric of 
the subgroup means.  But the hypothesis actually _tested_ (using F) is 
the null hypothesis that a particular variance component is zero, vs. the 
alternative that it isn't, and since a variance component cannot be 
negative, the alternative really is that the variance component in 
question is positive:  thus in the metric of variances the alternative 
hypothesis is one-sided.  This is a matter of algebra, not of 
"predicting" the direction of an effect.  
However, perhaps others are more willing to use "predict" in 
this rather sloppy (from my point of view ;-) fashion.

 You are using the upper tail (i.e., one-tail) of the distribution to 
 test a directional (i.e., "one-tailed") hypothesis.

Yes.  Because a result in the _lower_ tail would tend to confirm the 
null hypothesis, not reject it.

 Like Don, I hope that language can become clearer on these
 issues, but my suspicion is that it will be a long, long time
 before one- vs. two-tailed stops meaning directional
 vs. non-directional alternative hypotheses for most people.

I have no problem with that.  I just wish that people would say what 
they're talking about:  if it's a hypothesis test that is of concern, 
what is the hypothesis and what is the test statistic, for example. 
To say only "chi-square test" or "F test" or "z test" is simply 
-- Don.
 Donald F. Burrill[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 348 Hyde Hall, Plymouth State College,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 MSC #29, Plymouth, NH 03264 (603) 535-2597
 Department of Mathematics, Boston University[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 111 Cummington Street, room 261, Boston, MA 02215   (617) 353-5288
 184 Nashua Road, Bedford, NH 03110  (603) 471-7128

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Re: Two sided test with the chi-square distribution?

2001-02-08 Thread Donald Burrill

On Tue, 6 Feb 2001, jim clark wrote in part:

 The problem is that one-tailed test is taken as synonymous with
 directional hypothesis (e.g., Ha: Mu1Mu2).  This causes no
 confusion with distributions such as the t-test, because
 directional implies one-tailed.  This correspondence does not
 hold for other statistics, such as the F and Chi2.  

The statement is not correct.  The correspondence certainly holds for 
F and chi-square _statistics_.  What it seems not to hold for is 
certain particular hypothesis tests for which those statistics are the 
commonly used test statistics.  The "large F" Jim speaks of below celarly 
refers to an analysis of variance (and one with only two groups, at 
that!).  In that context, while the hypotheses _of interest_ are the 
null hypothesis that the several means Mu_j are identical, vs. the 
two-sided alternative hypothesis that some of them are different, the 
formal hypothesis tested by the F statistic is the null hypothesis that a 
certain variance component equals zero, vs. the alternative hypothesis 
that it does not equal zero;  and since a variance component cannot be 
negative, the _test_ is one-sided, in the metric of variances:  one 
rejects only for F sufficiently greater than 1 for the result to be 
improbable under the null hypothesis. 

It is still possible to use the F _statistic_ to test the null hypothesis 
that Var1 = Var2, in circumstances where it is entirely possible that 
Var1  Var2, Var1 = Var2, or Var1  Var2.  In such cases _both_ tails of 
the F distribution are of interest, not just the upper tail.

Similarly, one may use Chi-square to test the null hypothesis that a 
variance has a specified value, and wich to reject if the evidence leads 
one to believe that the true value is LESS, OR if the true value is 
GREATER, than the value specified.

 One can get a large F by either Mu1Mu2 or Mu1Mu2 (or by positive or 
 negative R, ...).  Therefore the one-tail of the distribution 
 corresponds (normally) to a two-tailed or non-directional test.  
 However, there is absolutely nothing wrong with making the necessary
 adjustment to make the test directional (i.e., equivalent to the
 one-tailed t-test), and therefore referring to it (confusingly,
 of course) as a one-tailed test. 

On this point, one must agree with Thom:  such a use of language can only 
be confusing, as you acknowledge.  "Newspeak", it was called in "1984".

-- Don.
 Donald F. Burrill[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 348 Hyde Hall, Plymouth State College,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 MSC #29, Plymouth, NH 03264 (603) 535-2597
 Department of Mathematics, Boston University[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 111 Cummington Street, room 261, Boston, MA 02215   (617) 353-5288
 184 Nashua Road, Bedford, NH 03110  (603) 471-7128

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Re: Two sided test with the chi-square distribution?

2001-02-06 Thread Bob Wheeler

Incorrectly? Would you please expand your thought.
The only thing that might be called an error in
his laws, that comes immediately to mind, is the
fact that he didn't allow for the small problem of
two genes being on the same chromosome -- but then
he didn't know about chromosomes. Is this what you

Your supposition is interesting, but all of his
data exhibits a too good fit. 

"Robert J. MacG. Dawson" wrote:
 Rich Strauss wrote:
  Your point is well taken, and I didn't mean to imply dishonesty either --
  the term "fudged" was a poor choice, but I meant it in the sense of
  manipulation or filtering, not necessarily conscious, and I mentioned that
  it was an assertion.
 I don't see any reason to suppose that it wasn't _conscious_, but there
 is no reason to suppose that it was _malicious_. One obvious hypothesis
 is that Mendel used his model (incorrectly, as we now know) to guide his
 classification of a few dubious cases.
 -Robert Dawson

Bob Wheeler --- (Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: Two sided test with the chi-square distribution?

2001-02-06 Thread Jay Warner

Bob Wheeler wrote:

 Your point is a good one, but as a side issue, let
 me object to the word "fudged." It implies
 chicanery, which is not something that even Fisher
 cared to imply. No one will ever know why Mendel's
 results appear as they do, but It was not
 necessarily with an intent to mislead. An argument
 can be made, that his intent was to call attention
 to the regularities involved just as one does by
 showing  a line on a plot instead of the scattered
 points from which it is calculated. Attitudes
 about data were different then. [snip the rest]

Even Sir Isaac Newton, in correspondence with his publisher, discussed  
what we call 'massaging' of data until it fit right.  Nonetheless, I 
spend a fair amount of time in an UG metallurgy lab emphasizing that 
_they_ cannot adjust and discard embarrassing points to fit preconceptions.


Jay Warner
Principal Scientist
Warner Consulting, Inc.
 North Green Bay Road
Racine, WI 53404-1216

Ph: (262) 634-9100
FAX:(262) 681-1133

The A2Q Method (tm) -- What do you want to improve today?

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Re: Two sided test with the chi-square distribution?

2001-02-06 Thread jim clark


On Tue, 6 Feb 2001, Thom Baguley wrote:
 Donald Burrill wrote:
  Well, it _might_ be.  Depends on what hypothesis was being tested,
  doesn't it?  And so far "rjkim" hasn't deigned to tell us that.
 Yes, though I think the vocabulary can obscure what goes on. To me a
 "one-tailed" test should refer to the distribution to retain the meaning of
 "tail" and hence is a confusing term if used without further explanation.

The problem is that one-tailed test is taken as synonymous with
directional hypothesis (e.g., Ha: Mu1Mu2).  This causes no
confusion with distributions such as the t-test, because
directional implies one-tailed.  This correspondence does not
hold for other statistics, such as the F and Chi2.  One can get a
large F by either Mu1Mu2 or Mu1Mu2 (or by positive or negative
R, ...).  Therefore the one-tail of the distribution corresponds
(normally) to a two-tailed or non-directional test.  However,
there is absolutely nothing wrong with making the necessary
adjustment to make the test directional (i.e., equivalent to the
one-tailed t-test), and therefore referring to it (confusingly,
of course) as a one-tailed test.  To make F directional, one
simply halves p from the statistical output or looks up the
critical value of F with 2*alpha (e.g., .10).  The same would
hold for Chi2 and is presumably what happened with the paper
referred to initially (assuming knowledge of statistics).  That
is, the Chi2 under many applications would be insensitive as to
the direction by which observed values differed from expected
values, making it a non-directional/two-tailed test without some
adjustment.  But such adjustment would be appropriate if the
direction of differences was predicted, just as for the F.

Best wishes

James M. Clark  (204) 786-9757
Department of Psychology(204) 774-4134 Fax
University of Winnipeg  4L05D
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3B 2E9 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Two sided test with the chi-square distribution?

2001-02-05 Thread dennis roberts

would this be like the F being less than 1 ... in a regular anova??? mean 
difference not even varying like we would expect them to by chance if null 
were true? 

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Re: Two sided test with the chi-square distribution?

2001-02-05 Thread Alan McLean

I think some of this is a matter of vocabulary. Do you say 'one tailed
test' or 'one sided test'? (Ditto for 'two'.) People seem to use the two
phrases fairly interchangeably. In this context, it does not matter
whether you think of the F distribution as having two 'ends' - and you
can use one or both of them in a test - or two tails (one very short and
stubby, one long and skinny) -  and you can use one or both of them in a

I used the term 'one-tailed' in my previous email. If you prefer, change
this to 'one sided'. 

dennis roberts wrote:
 distributions are inherently TWO ended ... at least i have never seen one
 that had, say ... an upper end but no lower end ...
 how a particular significance TEST uses a distribution ... one end or both
 ... is a function of how the test statistic is defined

It is not the test statistic, but the test hypotheses that determine
whether a test is one or two sided.

Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics
Monash University, Caulfield Campus, Melbourne
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Re: Two sided test with the chi-square distribution?

2001-02-05 Thread Rich Strauss

Your point is well taken, and I didn't mean to imply dishonesty either --
the term "fudged" was a poor choice, but I meant it in the sense of
manipulation or filtering, not necessarily conscious, and I mentioned that
it was an assertion.

Rich Strauss

At 06:13 PM 2/5/01 -0500, you wrote:
Your point is a good one, but as a side issue, let
me object to the word "fudged." It implies
chicanery, which is not something that even Fisher
cared to imply. No one will ever know why Mendel's
results appear as they do, but It was not
necessarily with an intent to mislead. An argument
can be made, that his intent was to call attention
to the regularities involved just as one does by
showing  a line on a plot instead of the scattered
points from which it is calculated. Attitudes
about data were different then. The scatter in
this sort of data is large, and quite confusing.
Look at the difficulties and puzzlements of the
three individuals who rediscovered the phenomenon
50 years later -- their data are very confusing,
and none of the three got it quite right until
they found Mendel's paper. 

Dr Richard E Strauss
Biological Sciences  
Texas Tech University   
Lubbock TX 79409-3131

Phone: 806-742-2719
Fax: 806-742-2963 

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