[Elecraft] #5390 Completed - Novice's Reflections on Building a K2

2006-07-08 Thread Wyn Hughes
For any novices like myself:

Completed K2 #5390 today. Basic 10 - 80 m cw model. No options (yet). 
Everything tested basically ok. Log records;

Early February 2006: bought in preference to a Tentec Argo V (high current draw 
on the Argo, not suitable for light /P, clinched it for the K2)

Feb - April 2006: slow, rather nervous and self questioning lead up to the 
actual build. Read the manual and did basic inventory of parts. Built the Ngen 
for soldering practice. Bought a decent temp controlled soldering station and 
desoldering gun (China made). Bought Kester 44 solder from Mouser. Lots of 
research on internet and ARRL handbook re soldering, and components last iron I 
used was a 100 watt for PL259 plugs and amp building. Practice soldering and 
desoldering for small solid state parts. . Sorted components into large number 
of plastic boxes with compartments for like types. This made the job seem less 
daunting from a psychological viewpoint.

April 30, 2006 - started on the Control Board build then Front Board. Took 5 
days solid work, over a couple of weeks, time permitting. All tested ok.
(Soldering the ICs not as hard as it sounded. However, required a high 
magnification illuminated desk lamp, plus a new pair of reading spectacles. 
Only had to use the desoldering gun a couple of times, but it was worth the 
money). Experienced quite a lot of backacke, prefer to solder 'up close and 
personal' with the magnifier, easier to detect/avoid solder errors.

However much care you think you take, errors will occur. Good organization and 
method helps and for a novice like me, was essential. Finished the RF Board 40 
meter rx about a week ago. Surprised that it worked first time. (I could not 
hear the 'birdie' on 7000 khz until the BFO had been set as per the manual. 
Don't automatically assume there is an error immediately. Check and double 
check. If tired, put the kit away until next time).

July 9, 2006: Completed. Tested basically ok. Very responsive on receive. I 
even listened to the BBC on 21660 relay from Singapore with a 5 ft wire antenna 
on the floor. Saved me turning on the IC-781.

Total number of days worked on: 20 days (including the 5 days to finish the 
Control/Front boards). Some days were short (an hour), many like yesterday were 
long and arduous.

Time taken to build? Not sure, would guess minimum 60 hours, probably closer to 
80 hours.

Issues? Power output on 28 mhz was a little low on the internal K2 meter 
yesterday, about 8-9 watts. The internal meter was reading up to 15 watts out 
on all other bands. Expert K2 buildern locally suggested rewiding T2 - too 
tired to do that now. 'Prodded' T2 a few times (tried to tidy it up/elevate it 
a bit more off the board). Hooked up the Bird 43 today with a 50 watt slug. 
Noted that power readinggs on all bands today were a little lower, according to 
the K2 internal meter. However, on the Bird 43, there is 9 watts out indicated 
on 28 mhz and up to12 - 13 watts out on other bands, depending on the band. 
Probably not too much wrong, but may rewind T2 and maybe T3 for experiment in 
due course.

Also managed to scuff off the paint very slightly about 1.5mm x 1.5mm on the 
front panel cover at the curve on the top, despite thinking I was lsietening to 
the advive in the manual to watch out for that. Will get some touch up paint 
from Elecraft.

Was it worth it? Time will tell. I don't think anyone would want to build the 
K2 as a commercial venture, only for the pleasure of doing so. I will try some 
/P, which is what I kot the K2 for, in the next couple of weeks. Quite an 
experience building the K2, still have some backache. Overall, a positive 
experience. I suspect the K2 project may also serve a slightly different 
purpose from that which it was acquired for. Instead of just using it as a 
utilitarian /P radio, it will serve as a self-educational radio. I always 
wondered what transistors and ICs actually did, now I have a slightly better 

Cheers and 73 from Hong Kong,

Wyn, VR2AX (ex VS6UK), GW3YGH
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Re: [Elecraft] plexiglass

2006-07-08 Thread n5ib
On Sat, 8 Jul 2006 11:42:50 -0500 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Ah... what we need is transparent aluminum.  But, of course we don't 
>have such a thing. at least. not officially

In the interests of academic integrity, I gotta come clean  :^))  

In his book "The Wizard War" Prof. R. V. Jones, soon to become Britain's
director of scientific intelligence during WW2, relates how he spoofed an
overly inquisitive Admiraty Research Lab staffer who had had suggested
the value of a substance that was both a good conductor of electricity
and also tranparent to light.

 "But we haven't got transparent metal, have we Doctor?" the staffer
asked. "No," Jones replied, then paused conspiritorially , "Well, no, not

Jones was such an accomplished master of the art of spoof that he soon
convinced the staffer that the admiralty was trying to build an invisible
battleship, but had only been able to produce enough of the metal to
build an invisible topedo boat, which was still troubled by the fact that
the wake was visible, as was the crew.

If you've never read it... get "The Wizard War" by R. V. Jones., ISBN
published in Britain as "Most Secret War" 

There is a passage where he credits the contributions of Britain's ham
radio enthusiasts in providing a cadre of sorely needed radio and
electronics savvy personnel out the onset of the war.  And points out how
Germany's supression of hams had deprived them of a similar resource.
Hence Germany had to bring a device nearly to the point of fool-proof
perfection before releasing it for use, whereas the British could put
systems barely past the prototype stage into operations, knowing they had
enough "tinkerers" who could make it work.

Jones also relates that as a boy he had built a SW receiver that could
pick up Australia, and had received from Radio Australia a QSL card
signed by the English Test Team  (cricket, for us yanks)

Jim N5IB

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[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2006-07-08 Thread Kevin Rock

Good Evening All,
   I just returned from spending a few pleasant hours at a friend of  
mine's house.  He is a bit older than me.  I enjoy hearing his tales of  
the countryside.  His wisdom is much greater than mine since he has lived  
on this mountain for a few more years than I've been on this planet.  He  
is approaching 92 years but is still just a youngun of 91!  What a hoot.   
We talked about places and people and things.  I used to be a bit jealous  
of him since Ms. P and LeRoy had such a great time together.  Now we can  
cry together and share our mutual loss.  He is a great guy and an asset to  
our mountain community.  I would love for him to gain his Technician  
license so the folks on the local repeaters could learn a great wealth of  
history and just plain common sense.
  The weather is now Oregon summer.  Read: dry season here.  Each time I  
drive either my Ford Ranger or the F250 across the roads I can be tracked  
by the great swath of dust following along behind me.  Travelling to  
LeRoy's house was quite the adventure since no one had taken this route in  
almost a year.  The washouts were one thing but the alder and scotch broom  
had almost closed the path.  The long box F250 with the club cab made for  
some interesting, if hairy times, getting to his house.  I had a tape from  
the Teaching Company in the tape deck so I learned more of Martin Luther's  
inquisition by the Diet while I was trekking across Green's and then  
Long's Mountain.
   I did have a chance to check into the MARS net a few times this week  
but it was touch and go.  Luckily my quiet, mountain location gave me a  
bit of an advantage over those city folks down in the valley.  There was a  
bit of QRN on the high end of 80 meters during the 0200z net across region  
10.  There were a few good examples of relaying messages from op to op.   
Very good training for all of us.  Now if I could only get that K2 owning  
op to get on CW!  Robert, why don't you at least make an attempt?  I'll  
gladly work you at whatever speed is comfortable for you.
   That goes for anyone out there in Elecraftland.  I, and my faithful  
Co-NCS folks, will work you on CW down to near 0 wpm.  Please enjoy the  
fine rigs designed by Mr. Burdick, and use the mode thought up by Mr.  
Morse and perfected by Mr. Vail to join us on ECN.  Trade signal reports,  
weather reports, or even recipes and we'll be happy.  Simply meeting on  
the air is great fun.  If you're shy just listen along and laugh at  
other's jokes or at my mistakes.  I'll try not to take it too personally :(

 Please join us:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT)  7045 kHz

Visit our web site: http://ecn.visionseer.com/ for net details.

Until tomorrow,
   Kevin. KD5ONS

Elecraft: Running light, no over byte.
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RE: [Elecraft] FD Battery rules (was QRP Power Level?)

2006-07-08 Thread Clark B. Wierda
Our effort was a 100W effort.  The transmitter used was the normal
transmitter for one of the four stations.  Therefore, using 100W from
solar is legal.  I never implied anything else.  Are you saying our solar
bonus is invalid?

The original comment was a clarification of the statment about the
Alternative Power bonus which is not limited to 5W.  I additionally
commented that I would like to see Battery allow all battery efforts at
any power level using the exiting power level bonus structure.  This
change in the focus of the message is why I changed the subject.
Clark B. Wierda

>>> While the Battery subclass is limited to 5W, the Alternative Power
>>> Bonus
>>> is not.  We were running 100W on Battery for one of our stations using
>>> Solar Panels as the power source.
> Hope you don't think that the alternative power bonus can be made with a
> higher power level and you can still use a 5x power multiplier. The rules

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RE: [Elecraft] plexiglass

2006-07-08 Thread James C. Hall, MD
Ah, this explains the cost of aluminum these days !!! HI

73, Jamie

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of DAVID
Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2006 12:23 PM
To: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] plexiglass

Wait Scotty showed the guy in san fran sisco the formula for transparent
aluminum when they came back in the klingon war bird to get the two hump
back whales  so we got to have it by now either that or that guy is sitting
on a gold mine.:)

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

RE: [Elecraft] Optimising the PA stages

2006-07-08 Thread John A. Ross [Ecraft]
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ron 
> D'Eau Claire
> Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2006 1:52 AM
> To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> Subject: RE: [Elecraft] Optimising the PA stages
> There is an optimizing mod to one toroid for the K2 IF you 
> are going to work at 5 watts or less, maximum. It'll reduce 
> the xmit current a bit to help those using he QRP K2 with 
> internal batteries. The flip side is that the rig is less 
> efficient at higher levels. 
> It's on the Elecraft web site (www.elecraft.com) under 
> Builder's Resources.


Thanks, I already found that one. 

It actually mentions it in the schematic in the manual but applies only to
T4 turns ratio I think.

At the moment its working quite well, its in my nature to be curious though

I am going to have plenty fun with it either way.

All best


> Ron AC7AC
> -Original Message-
> Hi All
> Ser Nr 5544 is now alive and kicking.
> When doing the Align/Test P III with the referenced power 
> level setting of 10.0W I find the current level hovering 
> around the upper limit of the recommended range at 2.0 amps 
> although I did not see any Hi Current warnings.
> All the RX/TX alignment also seems OK. Is there any published 
> tables on typical performance variance across the bands 
> regarding signal level in for say S9 or MDS? or typical power 
> levels out?
> This leads me to believe that some optimising can possibly be 
> done, or I have some stages slightly off the intended specs.
> I was sure I seen some posts previously on alternate winding 
> of the transformers in the TX chain from T1 onwards but I am 
> getting way to may hits from the 11k messages I have archived 
> from this list to be able to filter them down easily.
> Any information appreciated.
> John
> ___
> Elecraft mailing list
> Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
>  http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
> Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

RE: [Elecraft] Optimising the PA stages

2006-07-08 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
There is an optimizing mod to one toroid for the K2 IF you are going to work
at 5 watts or less, maximum. It'll reduce the xmit current a bit to help
those using he QRP K2 with internal batteries. The flip side is that the rig
is less efficient at higher levels. 

It's on the Elecraft web site (www.elecraft.com) under Builder's Resources.


-Original Message-
Hi All

Ser Nr 5544 is now alive and kicking.

When doing the Align/Test P III with the referenced power level setting of
10.0W I find the current level hovering around the upper limit of the
recommended range at 2.0 amps although I did not see any Hi Current

All the RX/TX alignment also seems OK. Is there any published tables on
typical performance variance across the bands regarding signal level in for
say S9 or MDS? or typical power levels out?

This leads me to believe that some optimising can possibly be done, or I
have some stages slightly off the intended specs.

I was sure I seen some posts previously on alternate winding of the
transformers in the TX chain from T1 onwards but I am getting way to may
hits from the 11k messages I have archived from this list to be able to
filter them down easily.

Any information appreciated.


Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] Optimising the PA stages

2006-07-08 Thread John A. Ross [Ecraft]
Hi All

Ser Nr 5544 is now alive and kicking.

When doing the Align/Test P III with the referenced power level setting of
10.0W I find the current level hovering around the upper limit of the
recommended range at 2.0 amps although I did not see any Hi Current

All the RX/TX alignment also seems OK. Is there any published tables on
typical performance variance across the bands regarding signal level in for
say S9 or MDS? or typical power levels out?

This leads me to believe that some optimising can possibly be done, or I
have some stages slightly off the intended specs.

I was sure I seen some posts previously on alternate winding of the
transformers in the TX chain from T1 onwards but I am getting way to may
hits from the 11k messages I have archived from this list to be able to
filter them down easily.

Any information appreciated.


Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] Field Day Rules

2006-07-08 Thread N2EY
In a message dated 7/8/06 2:37:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> I have been wrestling with the desire for a new FD operating class that
> required 100% renewable energy be used.  I think that this would need a
> restriction something like no more that 0.5 Amp Hours per transmissted watt
> of pre-stored energy.
> This would be to encourage those interested in developing a means to work a
> long-term emergency where even gasoline is not available.
> Anybode else think this class would be interesting?

It would be very interesting, but the pre-stored business wouldn't be needed.

All it would take is for the rules to require that the primary power system 
be adequate to run the station long-term. IOW, if the primary source were 
solar, with battery backup, the panel output would have to be enough so that 
state of battery charge at the end of the FD period would be the same or 
than at the beginning. This could be shown by a simple analysis of the system 

For example, suppose a K2 at 5 watts draws 280 mills on receive and 1 A on 
transmit, and we assume transmit duty cycle of 25% (key down time).  In one 
hour's time, the rig will use .210 AH while receiving and .250 AH while 
transmitting - total load .460 AH. Round up to 0.5 AH.

If the contest lasts 24 hours, you need 12 AH of battery. To put back that 
much energy would require a panel of 2 A capacity, if we assume 8 hours of full 
daylight and 66% charger/battery efficiency.

These are just WAEG numbers, of course. Point is, there would be practical 
educational value in figuring it all out.

73 de Jim, N2EY
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Re: [Elecraft] plexiglass

2006-07-08 Thread Thom R LaCosta

On Sat, 8 Jul 2006 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sat, 08 Jul 2006 05:30:16 -0500 "John R. Lonigro"

It would be nice, but acrylic doesn't make a very good RF shield!

Ah... what we need is transparent aluminum.  But, of course we don't have
such a thing. at least. not officially

I always thought that was the material used to make the helmets that folks wear 
to protect themselves against the "rays".

The real trick would be to produce one way transparent aluminum, and use it in 
goggles that would sheild one from "mal ochio", yet allowing the user to

see well enough to conduct business.

I will speak to some of the older and wiser men at the Bocce court and attempt 
to find a source.

clandestinely yours,
Scotty,   aka N5IB

Yours in the spirit of frictionless transactions,
I, and my family, remain at your service.

Thom K3HRN
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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[Elecraft] Field day rules data

2006-07-08 Thread Karl Larsen

Here is the rule in question:

7. Scoring: Scores are based on the total number of QSO points times the 
power multiplier corresponding to the highest power
level under which any contact was made during the Field Day period plus 
the bonus points.

7.1. QSO Points
7.1.1. Phone contacts count one point each.
7.1.2. CW contacts count two points each.
7.1.3. Digital contacts count two points each.
7.2. Power multipliers: The power multiplier that applies is determined 
by the highest power output of any of the

transmitters used during the Field Day operation.
7.2.1. If all contacts are made using a power of 5 Watts or 
less and if a power source other than commercial
mains or motor-driven generator is used (batteries, solar 
cells, water-driven generator), the power multiplier

is 5.
7.2.2. If all contacts are made using a power of 5 Watts or 
less, but the power source is from a commercial

main or from a motor-driven generator, the power multiplier is 2.
7.2.3. If any or all contacts are made using an output power up 
to 150 Watts or less, the power multiplier is 2.
7.2.4. If any or all contacts are made using an output power 
greater than 150 Watts, the power multiplier is

7.2.5. The power multiplier for an entry is determined by the 
maximum output power used by any transmitter
used to complete any contact during the event. (Example: a 
group has one QRP station running 3 Watts and a
second station running 100 Watts, the power multiplier of 2 
applies to all contacts made by the entire


   As you see it clearly says your score is bound up with the highest 
power transmission that happened in your group. And it is rule 7. which 
we would like to see changed.

   Write your thoughts to this email address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
the sooner the better. There are some new catagories which are especial 
for QRP operation. The Class A Battery is just right.

73 Karl

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] Field Day Rules

2006-07-08 Thread Francis Belliveau

I have sent this under a new but similar subject.

I have been wrestling with the desire for a new FD operating class that
required 100% renewable energy be used.  I think that this would need a
restriction something like no more that 0.5 Amp Hours per transmissted watt
of pre-stored energy.

This would be to encourage those interested in developing a means to work a
long-term emergency where even gasoline is not available.

Anybode else think this class would be interesting?

Fran, KA4FRH
K2 s/n 314

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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[Elecraft] Tuning Indicator LED mounted in Spot switch cap on K2

2006-07-08 Thread Kenneth Moorman
I have ordered the kit for the tuning indicator (SMD version) from Ed, WA3WSJ, 
and would like to mount the LED in the spot switch cap instead of using the 
10th LED on the S-meter.  Has anyone got a stash of the tiny green LED's used, 
HLMP-6500, who would be willing to sell me one or two to keep me from having to 
make an order to Mouser or Digi-Key for just this item?  If you also have a 
spare switch cap and want to sell it as well, that would be great too.  Please 
contact me off the list.


Ken, NU4I  
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

RE: [Elecraft] plexiglass

2006-07-08 Thread DAVID
Wait Scotty showed the guy in san fran sisco the formula for transparent
aluminum when they came back in the klingon war bird to get the two hump
back whales  so we got to have it by now either that or that guy is sitting
on a gold mine.:)

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2006 12:43 PM
To: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] plexiglass

On Sat, 08 Jul 2006 05:30:16 -0500 "John R. Lonigro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>It would be nice, but acrylic doesn't make a very good RF shield!

Ah... what we need is transparent aluminum.  But, of course we don't have
such a thing. at least. not officially

clandestinely yours,
Scotty,   aka N5IB

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] FD Battery rules (was QRP Power Level?)

2006-07-08 Thread N2EY
In a message dated 7/8/06 10:30:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> perhaps the new FD person will fix the morass he created.

That depends in part on how he is approached. A negative approach will 
usually produce a negative response.

And a group request will probably have more impact than one person.

> For example, I pointed out to him that everyone who operates class A and AB
> gets to claim the emergency power bonus, because a requirement of class A is
> that all contacts are made independent of commercial mains. His answer was
> that that's true unless you use commercial mains anyway, which puts you in
> class A-commercial...say what!?!.

That was done for a bunch of reasons. Some groups have a lot of trouble with 
emergency power - the generator doesn't show up, won't start, etc. Should they 
not do FD at all, or be lumped in with home stations? Or should they fudge 
the report and say they were 100% emergency power when they weren't? 

By listing them as "1A Commercial", they participate, but not against 
emergency power groups. Best of all worlds.

 Before about 1992, the emergency power
> bonus was a true bonus, applied only when everything at the site
> (coffeepots, lights, etc.) was run off generator or batteries. They changed
> that rule to accommodate groups who wanted to use incidental light because
> of where they set up (e.g., a park with lights, or a building where they
> could use existing lights). 

I pointed out that a simple allowance for the
> use of incidental light in the FAQ would have fixed this. But Dan stubbornly
> refused to fix this - or that nonsensical "Class A Commercial" subgroup.

There was a time when emergency power wasn't a bonus - it was a *multiplier*!

It's not just about incidental light, though. It's about getting FD sites in 
a world where the classic open field is becoming increasingly hard to find. 
And where the amateur population includes more and more folks who aren't used 
or aren't able to "rough it".

For example, suppose a local middle school cafeteria is available for an FD 
site. No existing radio facilities, good parking and access, and a big open 
field for antennas. The site also boasts clean bathrooms, a ready-to-go 
long, solid tables, lighting, and air conditioning!

Should such a site be off limits to A and B groups?

> In recent years, ARRL has tried to remove the "contest" aspect from FD. 
> Even
> in my local club, some members griped that FD was meant to be "fun" and not
> a contest. That trivializes a serious effort to do well AND have fun.

Different definitions of "fun".

The great strength and weakness of FD is that it's so many different things: 
emergency exercise, contest, social event, training school, camping excursion, 
get-newcomers-on-the-air opportunity, rig/antenna comparison shootout, 
publicity stunt, and much more. 

> they turn FD into a "fun event" and eliminate scoring, this FD regular in 4A
> will quit.

The way to prevent that is for each of us to make our views known in an 
*inclusive* way.

73 de Jim, N2EY
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Re: [Elecraft] plexiglass

2006-07-08 Thread n5ib
On Sat, 08 Jul 2006 05:30:16 -0500 "John R. Lonigro"
>It would be nice, but acrylic doesn't make a very good RF shield!

Ah... what we need is transparent aluminum.  But, of course we don't have
such a thing. at least. not officially

clandestinely yours,
Scotty,   aka N5IB

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[Elecraft] Field Day Rule Change

2006-07-08 Thread Karl Larsen
   After some thought the problem is simply that a 5 Watt SSB station 
even on a very good antenna will, as a rule, make fewer contacts than a 
QRP CW station in the same Group. The reason is QRM. A good CW radio 
like the K2 or the AT Sprint 3 have narrow bandpass which is perfect for 
CW. It helps you work around QRM and get a contact completed.

   The SSB band is wall to wall stations and the strength of your 
signal matters a lot. A QRP SSB station will catch a very strong station 
that has cleared away the others and sneeks in and gets a contact. It is 
all Search and Ponce. On CW QRP I have called CQ FD and held a frequency 
for 30 minutes on 20 Meters.

   In my opinion, QRP SSB does not work well because of QRM. So I want 
to be able to plan a FD with QRP CW and 150 Watt SSB in the same Group.

73 Karl

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RE: [Elecraft] plexiglass

2006-07-08 Thread BMW
If cost is no object, you might try optically clear EMI shielding, like
Chomerics' WIN-SHIELD: http://www.chomerics.com/products/winshield-elite.htm

There are others making similar plastics with EMI shields built-in. Even
those CRT radiation sheets might work. Google "clear plastic EMI shielding"

Brings back memories of "The Visible Engine", doesn't it?

Brian, W0DZ

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of John R. Lonigro
Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2006 4:30 AM
To: elecraft
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] plexiglass

It would be nice, but acrylic doesn't make a very good RF shield!
John AA0VE

n4dsp wrote:

> Anyone have the top and sides of the K2 made from Plexiglass and a
> source? Would be nice to
> see the components in the rig as it sits on the
> operating desk.
> 73
> john-n4dsp

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Re: [Elecraft] FD Battery rules (was QRP Power Level?)

2006-07-08 Thread Karl Larsen

In a message dated 7/8/06 8:29:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

Field Day rules should change to allow a CW
station to operate QRP and get the added score for being QRP, with
another station working SSB at 1500 watts who get the usual 1 point, 
per contact.

It's not about mode-vs.-mode. It's about being able to mix various 
power levels in the same group.

Not sure who to write and ask for the change.

ARRL Contest Committee. Also put it in the Soapbox comments on the 
ARRL website.

But it has to be presented the right way. CW-vs.-SSB isn't the right 
way, because non-phone modes already get double the points.

I would say this:

One of the main purposes and core values of Field Day is diversity. 
The rules and scoring methods support that, by rewarding many 
different Amateur Radio activities with multipliers and bonus points.

But in the area of power level, strict conformity is imposed on 
multitransmitter Field Day groups. By making the most powerful 
transmitter the power level of the whole group, the incentive to 
diversify operations by power level is eliminated. This is contrary to 
the spirit of the event!

Before 1971, multitransmitter FD groups could claim different power 
multipliers for different rigs. According to the QST announcement of 
the time, this rule was changed to simplify the reporting and log 
keeping. Considering how much the rules have changed over the years, 
and how much of the logging and reporting has been computerized, the 
rules should be changed again to allow different power multipliers for 
different band/modes.

If enough of us write to the ARRL Contest Committee with words like 
that, we might be successful.

73 de Jim, N2EY

   Your right Jim. I will write and be clear that I mean in the same FD 
group. The Radio Club I belong to is like 99.9% of all the others. Most 
Hams like SSB. A small vocal group likes CW. So it splits our club. The 
CW lovers go to their own FD and run QRP. The rest go to the Club FD and 
work SSB. If we have diversity in power then the two groups can work 

73 Karl K5DI

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RE: [Elecraft] FD Battery rules (was QRP Power Level?)

2006-07-08 Thread BMW
>> While the Battery subclass is limited to 5W, the Alternative Power Bonus
>> is not.  We were running 100W on Battery for one of our stations using
>> Solar Panels as the power source.

Hope you don't think that the alternative power bonus can be made with a
higher power level and you can still use a 5x power multiplier. The rules
are very clear: the highest power used for ANY contact is what you use to
determine your power multiplier. If you do 1000 contacts  at 5W and do ten
alternative power contacts at 100W, your power multiplier is 2. There is no
special exemption for alternative power; in fact it even qualifies as a
transmitter for purposes of establishing class.

Good luck proposing changes to the rules. I have not had much luck getting
Dan Henderson to fix the inconsistencies in the FD rules. He has been
totally unwilling to change them. I think he just took a new job though, so
perhaps the new FD person will fix the morass he created.

For example, I pointed out to him that everyone who operates class A and AB
gets to claim the emergency power bonus, because a requirement of class A is
that all contacts are made independent of commercial mains. His answer was
that that's true unless you use commercial mains anyway, which puts you in
class A-commercial...say what!?!. Before about 1992, the emergency power
bonus was a true bonus, applied only when everything at the site
(coffeepots, lights, etc.) was run off generator or batteries. They changed
that rule to accommodate groups who wanted to use incidental light because
of where they set up (e.g., a park with lights, or a building where they
could use existing lights). I pointed out that a simple allowance for the
use of incidental light in the FAQ would have fixed this. But Dan stubbornly
refused to fix this - or that nonsensical "Class A Commercial" subgroup.

In recent years, ARRL has tried to remove the "contest" aspect from FD. Even
in my local club, some members griped that FD was meant to be "fun" and not
a contest. That trivializes a serious effort to do well AND have fun. If
they turn FD into a "fun event" and eliminate scoring, this FD regular in 4A
will quit.


Brian, W0DZ

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Karl Larsen
Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2006 6:29 AM
Cc: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] FD Battery rules (was QRP Power Level?)

I am with you Jim. Field Day rules should change to allow a CW
station to operate QRP and get the added score for being QRP, with
another station working SSB at 1500 watts who get the usual 1 point,
per contact.

Not sure who to write and ask for the change. But this last FD QRP
SSB was just not practical.

73 Karl

> In a message dated 7/7/06 3:16:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> writes:
>> While the Battery subclass is limited to 5W, the Alternative Power Bonus
>> is not.  We were running 100W on Battery for one of our stations using
>> Solar Panels as the power source.
>> I also agree that the Battery subclass should allow more power.  There
>> would still be the QRP power multiplier to account for the power level.
>> My club might be willing to go to all battery, but would not be willing
>> give up 13db.
> I think there are a couple different issues here.
> First off, the power levels aren't equally spaced. 5 W to 150 W is almost
> dB, but 150 W to 1500 W is only 10 dB.
> Second, a multitransmitter setup has to use the power of the highest-power
> station in the setup. IOW, if it's not all QRP, it's not QRP at all. It
> used to be that way - until 1971, a multitransmitter setup could have
> power categories and multipliers. I think we should go back to the way it
> before 1971.
> 73 de Jim, N2EY
> ___

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Re: [Elecraft] FD Battery rules (was QRP Power Level?)

2006-07-08 Thread N2EY
In a message dated 7/8/06 8:29:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Field Day rules should change to allow a CW 
> station to operate QRP and get the added score for being QRP, with 
> another station working SSB at 1500 watts who get the usual 1 point,  
> per contact.

It's not about mode-vs.-mode. It's about being able to mix various power 
levels in the same group.

> Not sure who to write and ask for the change.

ARRL Contest Committee. Also put it in the Soapbox comments on the ARRL 

But it has to be presented the right way. CW-vs.-SSB isn't the right way, 
because non-phone modes already get double the points.

I would say this:

One of the main purposes and core values of Field Day is diversity. The rules 
and scoring methods support that, by rewarding many different Amateur Radio 
activities with multipliers and bonus points. 

But in the area of power level, strict conformity is imposed on 
multitransmitter Field Day groups. By making the most powerful transmitter the 
power level 
of the whole group, the incentive to diversify operations by power level is 
eliminated. This is contrary to the spirit of the event!

Before 1971, multitransmitter FD groups could claim different power 
multipliers for different rigs. According to the QST announcement of the time, 
rule was changed to simplify the reporting and log keeping. Considering how 
the rules have changed over the years, and how much of the logging and 
reporting has been computerized, the rules should be changed again to allow 
power multipliers for different band/modes.

If enough of us write to the ARRL Contest Committee with words like that, we 
might be successful.

73 de Jim, N2EY

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Re: [Elecraft] FD Battery rules (was QRP Power Level?)

2006-07-08 Thread Karl Larsen
   I am with you Jim. Field Day rules should change to allow a CW 
station to operate QRP and get the added score for being QRP, with 
another station working SSB at 1500 watts who get the usual 1 point,  
per contact.

   Not sure who to write and ask for the change. But this last FD QRP 
SSB was just not practical.

73 Karl

In a message dated 7/7/06 3:16:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

While the Battery subclass is limited to 5W, the Alternative Power Bonus
is not.  We were running 100W on Battery for one of our stations using
Solar Panels as the power source.

I also agree that the Battery subclass should allow more power.  There
would still be the QRP power multiplier to account for the power level. 
My club might be willing to go to all battery, but would not be willing to

give up 13db.

I think there are a couple different issues here.

First off, the power levels aren't equally spaced. 5 W to 150 W is almost 15 
dB, but 150 W to 1500 W is only 10 dB. 

Second, a multitransmitter setup has to use the power of the highest-power 
station in the setup. IOW, if it's not all QRP, it's not QRP at all. It didn't 
used to be that way - until 1971, a multitransmitter setup could have multiple 
power categories and multipliers. I think we should go back to the way it was 
before 1971.

73 de Jim, N2EY

Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] plexiglass

2006-07-08 Thread John R. Lonigro

It would be nice, but acrylic doesn't make a very good RF shield!
John AA0VE

n4dsp wrote:

Anyone have the top and sides of the K2 made from Plexiglass and a 
source? Would be nice to

see the components in the rig as it sits on the
operating desk.

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] plexiglass

2006-07-08 Thread n4dsp
Anyone have the top and sides of the K2 made from Plexiglass and a source? 
Would be nice to

see the components in the rig as it sits on the
operating desk.

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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