[Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement

2007-07-14 Thread Kevin Rock

Good Evening,
   Thunderstorms have been arriving off the Pacific Ocean and passing  
inland.  Makes me scurry about unhooking antennas and finding where Sam is  
located.  Two rare critter announcements: on Monday evening, while driving  
home from work, I saw a black bear cub very close to Buxton.  He saw me  
and galumphed into the woods.  Mom must have been close at hand because he  
was not too frightened.  This morning I walked out on the porch and  
noticed something odd.  I stood still and recognized a mask in the  
shadows.  He was being very still too.  I had never before seen a raccoon  
in Oregon.  We stared at each other for a while until I looked away.  He  
then started moving off.  He was quite a long way from the nearest water  
which is odd for them.  I normally saw them quite close the streams and  
cricks at home.  Yes, crick, I am from a part of the Midwest where the  
maps spell it that way.  It is pronounced crek with a short e sort of a  
schwa but not quite :)
   On Thursday morning 20 meters was having its problems albeit local.  My  
normal sked into OK City was filled with: "Are you there Kevin?"  While my  
end was filled with perfect copy.  His local QRN was high from the passing  
thunderstorms.  On Friday that all changed.  There was QSB of two types  
simultaneously but that did not stop us from making an hour long chat out  
of things.  Thursday held its Fox hunts on twenty which were a great way  
to determine propagation potential.  I worked Wyoming (not easily) and  
then South Carolina with no problem at all.  I heard stations from all  
over so I know twenty was working pretty well by then.  Seems like the sun  
has tossed a little excitement at the ionosphere and has a few spots too.   
All should be well for tomorrow's first net.  Then we come to forty: it  
should be good as well as long as the Midwestern thunderstorms are not too  
   Weather here has been HOT.  Yes, hot, it got to 101 while I was  
downtown and into the high 80s up here on the mountain.  Luckily we've had  
a little rain with very little lightning.  Fire danger is not too high yet  
but that will come.  If the temperatures stay warmer than normal and we  
get a little wind the forests will become tinder.  The ocean has been  
bringing us morning fogs which help keep things wetter.  The fogs come in  
and the large trees mine them for water.  One morning I was awakened by  
what I thought was a good rainfall.  I went to feed Sam and looked out at  
the deck.  It was dry while the roof was getting a steady patter of rain  
drops.  As I drove to work I saw what had occurred.  Under each tree is a  
circle of moisture surrounded by dry areas.  The gravel road alternated  
between wet round spots and dry open areas all the way down to about 1000  
feet in elevation where I turned into Willamette River valley weather.


1) Hail signs  (first letter or two of the suffix of your call)
2) NCS help (as well as QSP/QNP  help)

   Please join us:

Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4 PM PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7 PM PDT)  7045 kHz

Kevin.  KD5ONS

P.S. I am pretty sure there will be a K3 on the air tomorrow during the  
nets.  Please join us to give it a listen.

Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] Proper K2 power cord?

2007-07-14 Thread Don Wilhelm


I buy the 16 guage red/black 'zip' cord from The Wireman 
(www.thewireman.com) and construct a power cable for each K2 or K1 that 
I build.  That size wire fits (snuggly) through the hole in the cover 
for the Switchcraft plug that is supplied by Elecraft.  The Elecraft 
part number for the plug is E620032.

As has been mentioned, the Radio shack plugs have a center conductor 
which comes all the way out to the end of the plug and poses a risk of 
shorting the power supply when it is in process of being plugged in or 
just laying on the bench - the plug supplied by Elecraft has a slightly 
recessed center conductor which minimizes this shorting problem.

The 16 guage wire will have significantly lower voltage drop than 
thinner wire.


Steve Kallal wrote:

I have been using a molded power cord with my recently acquired used K2. I
am sure the wire is 20 or smaller meaning there is likely a voltage drop. I
need to build up a power cable with larger gauge wire. Also I need to get a
connector. Does anyone know the correct Radio Shack SKU for the connector?
What gauge of wire should I use. This is for QRP version of the K2.

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] Proper K2 power cord?

2007-07-14 Thread Larry


Here is a chart of wire gage versus current capacity for power transmission.

Gage   Amps
12 9.3
14 5.9
16 3.7
18 2.3
20 1.5

The K2 10W version uses 2.0 amps for transmit and up to 0.250 amps for 
receive. It looks like  16 gage wire would work fine.

If it were me, I would buy the connector from Elecraft.

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] Proper K2 power cord?

2007-07-14 Thread Tom Hammond


I have been using a molded power cord with my recently acquired used K2. I
am sure the wire is 20 or smaller meaning there is likely a voltage drop. I
need to build up a power cable with larger gauge wire. Also I need to get a
connector. Does anyone know the correct Radio Shack SKU for the connector?
What gauge of wire should I use. This is for QRP version of the K2.

I'd urge you to order the plug from Elecraft. It's an Elecraft part #E620032,
describes as 2.1mm male connector.

R/S will have something which will work, BUT those they sell DO NOT protect
the inner conductor of the connector from shorting out if left to lay out on
the desktop.

The Switchcraft plugs which Elecraft sells have a slightly recessed center pin,
which is mostly protected from accidental shorts to ground. The R/S versions
are NOT so protected.

Worth getting it from Elecraft.

Regarding wire... I'd suggest you use #16 or larger, #14 if you can find some
with insulation that doesn't overwhelm the power plug.


Tom HammondN0SS

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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[Elecraft] Proper K2 power cord?

2007-07-14 Thread Steve Kallal
I have been using a molded power cord with my recently acquired used K2. I
am sure the wire is 20 or smaller meaning there is likely a voltage drop. I
need to build up a power cable with larger gauge wire. Also I need to get a
connector. Does anyone know the correct Radio Shack SKU for the connector?
What gauge of wire should I use. This is for QRP version of the K2.
Steve N6VL
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Re: [Elecraft] Work a K3

2007-07-14 Thread dking
Hadn't seen this post until afterwards, but I just worked him 20M SSB  
and it was one of the best signals I ran across on that band this  
afternoon!  Impressive.



Rick, N6XI, is exercising his K3 in the IARU contest. Just worked   
him on 20 cw, about 14012 but he's moving around.

Elecraft mailing list
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This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] Work a K3

2007-07-14 Thread w6jd
Rick, N6XI, is exercising his K3 in the IARU contest. Just worked him on 20 cw, 
about 14012 but he's moving around.

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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[Elecraft] Juky RFTB

2007-07-14 Thread Larry Makoski

This Sunday evening the Flying Pigs Amateur Radio Club International 
will be holding its monthly Run For The Bacon.  This is a friendly, two 
hour QRP CW Sprint, which is open to ALL radio amateurs, will last from 
9:00 - 11:00PM EDT (0100-0300 UTC Monday).

You may work stations once per band on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 or 10 
Meters.  Suggested starting frequencies are 1.812, 3.562, 7.044, 14.062, 
21.062, and 28.062 MHz.

The exchange is RST, S/P/C (State, Province, Country) and Flying Pigs 
membership number.  If you're not a member of the Flying Pigs, and would 
like to be; then please click on the "membership" hyperlink on 
.http://www.gentzow.com/fpqrp/  Otherwise, non-members can just use 
their output power figure.

You can report your score via the Autolog page which can be found at : 
or you can mail your logs to the address given on the Autolog page.  The 
deadline for logs is July 22nd at 2400 UTC.

Hope to catch you on the air Sunday evening!

72 es "oo"
Larry W2LJ   FP#612
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] VCO test

2007-07-14 Thread Don Wilhelm


You changed the probe for a known good one, and that was a wise first step.
Next wise step is to determine whether the counter components on the 
Control Board are working.  Try putting the counter probe in TP2, enter 
the menu and select CAL FCTR - you should see a frequency near 4915 kHz. 
 If you do obtain a reading, then your counter is working.  Also try at 
TP1, you should find a frequency between 12080 and 12100 kHz.

If you don't obtain any readings, can you temporarily swap the Control 
Board with a known working one?  If that Control Board allows you to 
obtain a counter reading, then try replacing Q9 and Q10 on your control 
board.  You can use 2N transistors (borrow the two that you have not 
installed yet if you need to - then obtain replacements from 

If your VCO is not working, let us know and we will try to trace it to 
the source of the problem.


Ian J Maude wrote:

Hi All

Up to Alignment test (p 60) onto the VCO test. So far all resistance 
checks and previous tests check out within tolerance. Freq probe has 
been replaced with known good one too.

Problem - with Freq counter in tp1 I should see 8-10 Mhz with freq on 
about 4000.1khz. I do not. Display shows 0Khz steady. Have re 
checked and heated all connections, replaced Q17 (just in case) but 
reading does not change.

Any pointers?

Thanks M0RGB Gary

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] Loss in Variable Crystal filter

2007-07-14 Thread Charlie Kahwagi
Hello all,
I have returned to using my K2 seriously, and I am curious if 
anyone else finds the following on their K2:

When I switch from filter OP 1 on SSB  to a narrower filter (i.e  through the 
variable B/W filter on the main board)  I get approx 10 dB loss of signal 

Does this sound right?The S meter reads less,  the AF out with AGC off is 
less and  I am curious if the 5 pole variable bw crystal filter, should be that 
 much lossier then the fixed 7 pole filter on the SSB board.

I know there maybe MANY reasons,  poor crystals, impedance matching issues ( I 
do have the NB installed) etc.but has anyone else seen this much variation 
and is there something in particular that I should look at to improve it?

I cannot say that the S+N/N ratio is degraded,  but it is annoying that it is 
such a difference.   I feel I am losing out on gain, when I am listening in 
very low B/Ws in CW.

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Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] Re: K3 RX performance (tantalizing preview)

2007-07-14 Thread Vic K2VCO

Bill Coleman wrote:

At NQ4I, with antenna separation of just a few dozen meters, we can 
often receive effectively within 10 kHz of the primary station.

How do you do this? This field day, I found that having a station on SSB 
in the same band with me when I was on CW was really problematic. 
Antennas were oriented for minimal coupling and power was 100 watts.

Rigs in this case were various Kenwoods, but I've also experienced this 
with other Japanese radios. The problem seems to be transmitted wideband 
phase noise that starts when the ptt is closed (the actual SSB signal 
does not seem to be a problem). We do have bp filters, but of course 
they don't help on the same band.

We haven't had K2's at FD (I am the only one who has one). What kind of 
rigs are in use at NQ4I?

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

[Elecraft] VCO test

2007-07-14 Thread Ian J Maude

Hi All

Up to Alignment test (p 60) onto the VCO test. So far all resistance 
checks and previous tests check out within tolerance. Freq probe has 
been replaced with known good one too.

Problem - with Freq counter in tp1 I should see 8-10 Mhz with freq on 
about 4000.1khz. I do not. Display shows 0Khz steady. Have re 
checked and heated all connections, replaced Q17 (just in case) but 
reading does not change.

Any pointers?

Thanks M0RGB Gary

Ian J Maude G0VGS
SysOp GB7MBC DX Cluster
Member of RSGB, ARRL, GQRP
K2 #4044 | K3 #?

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

Re: [Elecraft] KAT100: No SWR Indication

2007-07-14 Thread Don Wilhelm


If it was working before, it may be that the wattmeter bridge diodes in 
the KAT100 were zapped with a lightning surge.

I suggest the first step is to obtain 2 1N5711 diodes and replace D1 and 
D2.  While you are doing that, check the soldering/tinning on the leads 
of T1.  If that does not restore normal operation, other tests may be done.

BUT - if it has NOT worked properly before, you may have other problems. 
 In that case, check T1 very carefully to be certain the correct leads 
are in the proper holes and the leads are well tinned and soldered.

In the future, for your personal safety and the health of your 
equipment, disconnect antennas when not in use.


Jonathan Taylor, K1RFD wrote:

After working OK for several years, my KAT100 no longer indicates SWR, nor
does it tune properly.

Elecraft mailing list
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