[Elecraft] Looking for KFL1-2 or KFL1-4 built or unbuilt

2022-03-05 Thread Vicenç via Elecraft
Hi to all the subscribers

A good friend of mine bought recently an unbuilt K1 kit but unfortunately
missing some relevant bits.
The kit had the bare K1 enclosure and, unfortunately  the band board module
was missing. After doing the inventory, thr RF board and front panel board
components were all there.
I wonder if someone in this list might have a 2 or 4 bans board built or
unbuilt surplus to his needs or even a bare pcb. Elecraft still supplies
the components for 30, 40 and 80m bands.
If someone would have an extra front panel, it would be perfect.
I wonder if the Gerber files for the 2 and 4 bands pcbs are available or
can be obtained somewhere.
Thanks in advance for the replies.

72/73 de Vicenç, EA3ADV
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[Elecraft] K2 VCO shield kits for sale in EU

2020-09-11 Thread Vicenç via Elecraft
Just bought two of those brand new kits from Chris, G4BUE, but when I
received them I realised that they are surplus to my needs. ( I am not
going to add them to my K2s).
They are available FS.
Please contact me off list.

72/73 de Vicenç, EA3ADV
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[Elecraft] test

2020-09-11 Thread Vicenç via Elecraft

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[Elecraft] test again

2020-09-11 Thread Vicenç via Elecraft

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[Elecraft] Test

2020-09-11 Thread Vicenç via Elecraft

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[Elecraft] OT/ Spare MPSW01

2007-09-14 Thread Vicenç Llario

Hello to all the list

First of all let me apologise for using some bandwidth on the reflector. 
Although this is not really an Elecraft topic in itself, I decided to 
post it because I thought it had to do with our common hobby. While 
troubleshooting a Ten Tec 1208 transverter last weekend, I found that 
the PA bias transistor Q14 was dead. It is a MPSW01. I was trying to 
find a pin to pin equivalent in order to avoid playing with the 
legs (not too much room to play on the PCB) and I was unable. I visited 
the 2 main electronic component shops in my area and unfortunately I was 
unable to find a replacement. I wonder if perhaps a member of this 
"homebrewers" list may have a spare MPSW01 in the junkbox and would be 
willing to part with it, or perhaps can advice where to buy a couple of 
them. I obviously would pay for the part and the mailing to Barcelona, 
Spain. (I guess that mailing cost will be even higher than the 
component itself).

Many thanks in advance for your kind help and advice

Best 72 de Vicens, EA3ADV
K2 # 3279 and 4726
K1 # 1445
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[Elecraft] Real DX in 40m

2006-01-10 Thread Vicenç
Dear all

I am still a bit nervous and excited but I wanted to report good news to
the list. A few minutes ago I worked VK6BN in Swan View running 4W out
from my K2 an using just a simple OCF dipole (Fritzel FD3) which was
hung on Sunday with the help of Santi, EA3CKX (K2 # 1724) and Quim,
EA3AEK. The band was quite crowded but Alan answered immediately with
QRP??. Excellent ears and skills by his side. Tonight I will for sure
have a nice sleep.

Best 72 de Vicenç, EA3ADV

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[Elecraft] 2xK2 QRP QSO

2006-01-07 Thread Vicenç
Hello to all

I am happy to be able to report that I managed to work W4FOA on 20m on
the 5th of January. Although band conditions were not good we finally
exchanged all the infos to fulfil the 2xK2 QRP QSO. Tony was running 5W
into a 3 element Yagi while I was running 4W into a 8m vertical marine
whip fed with 12m of heavy duty 300 Ohm ribbon to a 4.1 balun and Z11
Thanks to the skills of Tony featuring really fine ears, my low signal
was readable at his end.
Best 72 de Vicenç, EA3ADV

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[Elecraft] Xmas

2005-12-24 Thread Vicenç
My best wishes of peace and health to all the members of the Elecraft

Vicenç, EA3ADV

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[Elecraft] KSB2 Firmware doubt

2005-12-09 Thread Vicenç
I have a doubt regarding the firmware of the SSB module of my first K2.
I bought K2 S/N 1131 with the KNB2 and KSB2 modules.  The kit was on the
shelf of the shack for quite a long time. Finally and after knowing
about the full update of the rig I decided to go for it and ordered the
new set of boards and the A to B component kit together with a new set
of matched crystals, new main CPU (2.03) and new I/O controller. The new
K2 was serial number 3279.
The question is as follows. I built the SSB board according to the last
updated manual (not the original that came with the kit) including all
the changes in the crystal filter (new capacitors and new matched
crystals). If I am not wrong the firmware release on the original SSB
board was 1.02. Although I operate almost 99% in CW I wonder if there is
any issue regarding using the “old” SSB firmware with the updated CPU
and I/O controller that I ordered with the upgrade from A to B. Frankly
speaking I have not noticed anything strange when using the SSB module
and the reports on the audio have been OK.
I would appreciate your feedback regarding this matter.

Many thanks in advance for your replies and best 72

Vicenç, EA3ADV 

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[Elecraft] EU users net

2005-11-18 Thread Vicenç
Dear all

I was unable to take part in the first event of the EU elecrafters.
Unfortunately I had no antennas up in my home QTH in Barcelona. I hope
that in a few weeks the antennas will be again up and ready and I will
be glad to meet Elecraft EU friends.

Best 72

Vicenç, EA3ADV

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[Elecraft] Another limited space antenna advice

2005-08-31 Thread Vicenç
Dear all

After reading the last posts with different proposals to solve the
antenna setup in a limited space scenario of one of the list members I
decided to ask as well for advice. I am quite sure that I will get good
ideas that perhaps will change my mind.
The scenario and past experiences are as follows:
Location: small village in the mountains (about 4000feet high) and with
strong wind storms from time to time (a wind which is called right here
Past experiences: I had to disassemble 2 consecutive vertical antennas
(CC R7000 and R7) that were about to break (no possibility to guy them).
The lower element was absolutely bent.
With both verticals I enjoyed quite a lot of DX just running 2-3 watts
(I only operate QRP)and nice chats on 40m with local stations although
in my log there are a couple of 2xQRP contacts on that band with USA
Anyway, after disassembling the R7, I started to think about a feasible
alternative to be able to operate from the weekend QTH in Pardines.
My final thoughts that I would like to share with the list members
asking for advice and recommendations are as follows.
Imagine the roof of the small house as a trapezoidal shape (Top
view).The lower side of the trapezoid measures 25,4 feet, the left side
(almost vertical)about 15 feet, the right side (almost vertical as
well)about 23,3 feet and finally the top side of this trapezoid sloping
from the right to the left is about 25,6 feet.
On the top left hand corner of the trapezoid there is a tower base with
small tower element (just 5 feet high) which acts as a support for a
rugged mast where in the past were settled the verticals. The path for
the feedlines to the attic is just near the base of the tower.
I have currently 2 RG-214 feedlines about 40 feet long. One is used with
a 6m GP and the other one is free. Not too much room for other cables.
After thinking for a while about alternatives I ended with 2
complementary antennas. On one hand a fiberglass vertical marine antenna
about 26 feet able to stand the strong winds of the zone, with an
automatic antenna tuner just at the base (I recently built an LDG QRP
tuner inside a waterproof case). The main drawback would be that
according to the situation of the house I would be able to arrange some
radials only to the right of the radiator and with a maximum angle
between them of around 120 degrees. Although I am not able to simulate
the behaviour, I believe that this antenna would be useful to work with
reasonable performance on 40, 30 and 20m, but the radiation angle above
those bands would be really a compromise(??).
The complementary antenna I thought about was an horizontal
pseudo-rectangular loop with an overall length about 75 feet and about
9,8 feet above the roof. The horizontal loop would be fed on the top
left corner with about 50 feet of 300 Ohm slotted ribbon to a Z-11 tuner
in the shack. According to the literature I have been reading, it seems
that the loop would be useful on 20 and above with probably low
radiation angles on the upper bands (10,12 and 15).
When analysing how to feed the vertical marine whip I thought about 2
other possibilities.
The first one was to throw away the remote atu and just feed the
vertical and radials with 300 Ohm ribbon. An intermediate solution would
be to feed the vertical and radials with about 13-14 feet of 300 Ohm
ribbon to the remote atu but inside the attic, just at the point where
the feed lines enter the attic.(I would arrange another 50 Ohm feedline
inside the attic). With this approach the outer RG-214 feedline would be
free for another antenna. 
One of the main constraints is that the feedlines path to the attic is
really narrow and I have still to check if the control cable for the
remote ATU will fit and travel free inside the plastic tube going from
outside to inside.(that is why I thought about the alternative of using
300 Ohm ribbon).
I hope that the scenario will be clear and would appreciate any comments
or suggestions that for sure will improve the proposed setup.
I must apologise for being so long with the description and to be using
such a huge bandwidth of a list devoted to our little gems (KX1, K1 and
K2). I hope that my request will be helpful as well to others facing
similar limited space constraints, but in order to avoid too much
traffic regarding this matter on the list, I would appreciate your
comments or suggestions off the list unless the list moderator feels
that the information and feedback will be helpful to other list members.

Many thanks in advance for your patience, kind cooperation and help.

Best 72 de Vicenç, EA3ADV
K1 #1445 for /P operation
K2 # 3279 (weekend's QTH)
K2 # 4726 (Home QTH)

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[Elecraft] K2 #4990 progress

2005-07-10 Thread Vicenç
Hi all

This is just to let you know that K2 #4990 passed alignment and test
part III without troubles. Power output with 12V power supply goes from
10 to a maximum of 14W. Still to build the accessories, KNB2 and KAF2,
but for sure also trouble free.
Once more many thanks to the Elecraft crew for this nice kit which is a
joy to build and align and also to the reflector members for the big
amount of knowledge shared and a proactive attitude.
Again thanks to all

Vicenç, EA3ADV

Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K2 #4990 progress

2005-07-09 Thread Vicenç
Hi o all the crew

This is just to let you know that K2 #4990 passed alignment and test
part II without troubles. I hope that Xavier, EA3FTJ, will be very soon
on the air with the little gem.

Best 72

Vicenç, EA3ADV

Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K2 #4990

2005-07-03 Thread Vicenç
Hit o all the crew

K2 #4990 passed alignment ant test part I with no troubles. Will start
building the 40m RX soon. I'll keep you informed.

Best 72 de Vicenç, EA3ADV

Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K2 #4990

2005-07-03 Thread Vicenç
Hello all

Yesterday I started building my third K2. This one obviously not for me
but for a friend who was very excited to own this little gem. I have
just built the control board and front panel board and hope to undertake
alignment and test part I this afternoon. Until now and like with the
other K2s everything going flawless and with no troubles. I would like
to finish this K2 just before my summer holidays to allow Xavier,
EA3FTJ, to enjoy it as soon as possible. I am sure he will be delighted
with it. K2 #4990 will have as options the KNB2 and KAF2 as far as
Xavier is 100% CW. I adviced him to take only those options and try the
"basic" K2 running 10 to 15W (in any case he would be able to upgrade to
the K2/100 at any moment). I will let you know about the progress.

Best 72 de Vicenç, EA3ADV
G-QRP #7384
ARCI #8454

Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] Heil HMM

2005-06-06 Thread Vicenç
Hello to all the crew

I wonder if someone can explain if there is any difference between the
Elecraft MH-2 and the Heil HMM-Y(wired for Yaesu??). As far as
unfortunately the MH-2 has been discontinued and I have the opportunity
to buy a HMM I would like to know if those two are 100% compatible (at
least they look quite the same).

Thanks in advance for your feedback and regards

Vicens, EA3ADV 

Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K2 #4726 alive!!

2005-03-28 Thread Vicenç
Hi o all the list

As expected, K2 #4726 passed alignment and test part III without
troubles. As far as I operate 100% QRP I wound T4 for better efficiency
at 5W (2:2 ratio). One of the first contacts on 40m was with Fred,
EA5/DL4ZBY, who was also with a K2 running 10W to a G5RV antenna. I was
running 4W to a compromise antenna (random vertical square loop around
the front façade of the building feeding a 4:1 balun to a Z11 atu). I
hope in a few weeks I will erect a 23' marine whip with a LDG QRP tuner
in a waterproof case at the antenna base with a set of resonant radials.
The fact is that I have no room for wire antennas and the vertical whip
is a feasible alternative basically because of the strong winds in that
area (I already had to disassemble a R7000 and R7 because they were
absolutely bent by the strong wind storms). I hope also to be able to
refurbish the antenna setup in my home QTH in Barcelona to be able to
put strong QRP sigs with my 2 element delta loop (Lightning Bolt) from
10 to 20m and my 102' doublet dipole with open line feeders, 4:1 balun
and again Z11 atu. I will probably try as well a windom FD3 (I do not
have room for the FD4).
Next weekend I will test and install the K2 accessories I built: KSB2,
NB2 and AF2.
I am planning as well to add the digital modes interface designed by
Pauli, EA3BLQ. I guess that PSK31 is a suitable mode to operate in QRP.

Best 72 to all de Vicens, EA3ADV 

Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] RV: K2 #4726 progress report

2005-03-13 Thread Vicenç

-Mensaje original-
De: Vicenç [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: domingo, 13 de marzo de 2005 22:51
Para: Elecraft (elecraft@mailman.qth.net)
Asunto: K2 #4726 progress report

Hi all

My K2 passed alignment and test part II without troubles. I had just to
spread a bit the primary winding of T5 in order to allow the suitable
range while adjusting the slug in L30 to get the right voltage at R30.
Everything else went well and a few minutes later I was listening on
I spent some time during the weekend and almost finished assembly part
III. As far as I will be next week away on a business trip I will have
to wait until next weekend for the final test. Fortunately I will have
some holidays in eastern to spend some time doing contacts. I will let
you know.

Best 72 de Vicens, EA3ADV
K2 #3279
K2 #4726 in progress

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[Elecraft] RV: K2 assembly page 52

2005-03-06 Thread Vicenç

-Mensaje original-
De: Vicenç [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: domingo, 06 de marzo de 2005 12:23
Para: Elecraft (elecraft@mailman.qth.net)
Asunto: K2 assembly page 52

Hi to the list

I have light doubt that aroused yesterday night when I reached page 52
of part II assembly. In the current manual to build S/N 4726 it
instructs to install 3 components on the bottom of the board (C91, RFC15
and C88). I remember that when I build S/N 3279 there were only 2
components, C91 and RFC15. As far as I understood from the information
about the additions on the hardware side, those were mainly related to
the CW shaping envelope and also the 2 diodes D40 and D41 to prevent RX
overloading. I wonder if I should have to add the 68pF capacitor C88 to
the bottom side of the board on my S/N 3279.
Many thanks in advance for your reply AND 72

Vicens, EA3ADV

P.S: Hope to perform alignment and test part II this evening. 

Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K2 assembly page 52

2005-03-06 Thread Vicenç
Hi to the list

I have light doubt that aroused yesterday night when I reached page 52
of part II assembly. In the current manual to build S/N 4726 it
instructs to install 3 components on the bottom of the board (C91, RFC15
and C88). I remember that when I build S/N 3279 there were only 2
components, C91 and RFC15. As far as I understood from the information
about the additions on the hardware side, those were mainly related to
the CW shaping envelope and also the 2 diodes D40 and D41 to prevent RX
overloading. I wonder if I should have to add the 68pF capacitor C88 to
the bottom side of the board on my S/N 3279.
Many thanks in advance for your reply AND 72

Vicens, EA3ADV

P.S: Hope to perform alignment and test part II this evening. 

Elecraft mailing list
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[Elecraft] K2 paint

2005-03-04 Thread Vicenç
Hi o all

This morning I ordered the repair paint from Elecraft. I was not aware
of this nice addition to the parts and mod kits page but thanks to Mick,
M1MDG, I found the solution to my problem (I hope I will need it only
for the light scratch on the bottom cover, Hi). I really believe that my
mistake was as a result of the excitement to fire up the rig.
Fortunately everything went well and K2 #4726 passed alignment and test
part I with any trouble. I am just waiting for the weekend to go on
building. I will let you know.
What a big pleasure to fire the K2 for the first time.
Lisa Jones at Elecraft was, as always, absolutely kind and helpful. Many
thanks once more to the Elecraft team for an excellent job and
outstanding service.

Best 72 de Vicens, EA3ADV 

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
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[Elecraft] K2 paint

2005-03-03 Thread Vicenç
Hello to the group

Just a few minutes ago I finished alignment and test part I for my brand
new K2 with S/N 4726. Everything went right first time with no trouble
at all. When assembling the tilt stand to the bottom cover while I was
doing pressure to set the second oval foot the screw slipped laterally
and lightly scratched just near the foot. Although this is not a visible
part I would like to have the whole rig in mint condition and that is
why I would appreciate if someone could advice about where to get a bit
of paint to repair this scratch. Perhaps it is a “standard” paint for
automobile or airplane models and I am able to find it here in
I am sorry about taking some bandwidth of the reflector and many thanks
in advance for your advice.

72 de Vicens, EA3ADV
K2 # 3279
K1 # 1445
Building K2 # 4726

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
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[Elecraft] K2 S/N 3279 alive

2005-01-29 Thread Vicenç
Hi to all the list
I am happy to let you know that K2 #3279 is up and running. Some of you
may think what is absolutely true. I had the kit on my bench for quite a
while with no time to build, but finally I found a gap during last
Christmas holidays. I was delighted with this building experience and
realising how step by step the rig was coming to life. I took my time
and spent about 35 hours to build the basic K2 together with the NB2,
SSB board and Audio filter board. Everything worked first time although
I made two “minor” mistakes. I swapped R34 and R43 on the RF board
(perhaps dyslexia??) but fortunately this error did not produce an
undesirable effect on the rig. The second mistake I would like to point
out because it was a bit more tricky in terms of solving the problem is
that I swapped 2 resistor networks in the SSB board, namely RP5 and RP3,
(in this case the fault was probably because of the excitement to have
the whole thing working). Just in case someone else makes the same
mistake, the effect of swapping those 2 resistor packs is that the power
output in CW does not go over let’s say 4 to 5 Watts with independence
of the power setting with the power pot . I would advice everybody to
double check values as Elecraft advices in the manual (and not get so
excited as I was) because unsoldering a resistor pack is a tricky issue.
I managed with solder wick and quite a lot of patience.
Next step here will be adding the digital modes interface designed by
Pauli, EA3BLQ. I have been in touch with him and hope to have it in a
very short time. Another personal challenge is to include the K2 in the
EA Amateur license which is not a simple matter due to the fact that
Spanish laws are really very restrictive regarding some issues. For
instance, one of the main topics is that a rig must only be able to
transmit inside the band limits allowed by the law. I contacted Wayne,
N6KR, asking for the possibility to programm an I/O controller with the
EA band limits and he accepted. I would like to express how pleased I am
with the support and assistance provided by all the Elecraft crew. All
they are really focused on customers. This is at least my perception and
Best 72 to all the Elecraft crew
Vicenç, EA3ADV
Elecraft mailing list
Post to: Elecraft@mailman.qth.net
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
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