Re: [Elecraft] KAT100 woes... Time to 'fess up...

2005-10-19 Thread Ward Willats

in short, I had the RF IN and ANT1 connections reversed!

Ah yes, I seem to remember whining on this very reflector when my 
brand-new K2 didn't hear very well during initial alignment. Turns 
out it helps if you flip the coax switch over to the main antenna 
from the dummy load.

-- Ward / KG6HAF
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Re: [Elecraft] KAT100 woes... Time to 'fess up...

2005-10-19 Thread Bill Coleman

On Oct 19, 2005, at 10:59 AM, Tom Hammond wrote:

When I heard the first thunder clap, I legged it out to the shack  
In the garage) and started disconnecting coaxes like a mad man...

I had just(!) managed to get the last coax connector DISconnected  
and moved away from the rig(s) when an all too close bolt of  
lightning struck. Fortunately I wasn't touching anything (by about  
1/2 second!) when it hit and I heard/saw a nice arc between the  
shell of one coax connector and the nearby ground.

This is the problem, Tom. You don't need to disconnect those coaxes  
as much as GROUND them.

I have all my antennas passing through a grounding switch, and I keep  
it switched to the grounded position when the station is not in use.

The only time I've had lightning damage was when I had my antennas  
disconnected. That was during FD 1993 on Sunday, when all my gear was  
in the car and I was taking a nap on the sofa. I still have a piece  
of test equipment that needs repair from that strike.

Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901

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RE: [Elecraft] KAT100 woes... Time to 'fess up...

2005-10-19 Thread tom.w3qs
I must say that I have been battling this issue for years, especially since
my TV is now a _home entertainment system_ with more cables and wires than
my 1950's ham shack.

I invested in a Brother label maker.  It makes nice 1/4 inch plastic labels
that now adorn every wire in the house with either what it is or where it
goes, ie. Vertical, Beam, VCR Input, DVD Output, etc.  Piece of cake to
reassemble the wiring. 

Tom, W3QS

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Re: [Elecraft] KAT100 woes... Time to 'fess up...

2005-10-19 Thread Lee Buller

Gee Tom,

I did the same thing earlier this year, but I wasn't
going to tell on myself.  Now, I feel I gotta give you
emotional support for the trauma you've been through. 
I figured it out before ripping everything apart.  

Lee - K0WA

Common sense is in short supply - get some and use it.
If you can't find any common sense, ask for help from 
somebody that has some common sense. - Lee Buller
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[Elecraft] KAT100 woes... Time to 'fess up...

2005-10-19 Thread James T. "Jim" Rogers, W4ATK
Gee Tom, now I dont feel quite so bad..

73s Jim, W4ATK
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RE: [Elecraft] KAT100 woes... Time to 'fess up...

2005-10-19 Thread Jim Sheldon
Hi Tom, and all,
Glad to see that I'm not the only one to do things like that.  Mine occurred
this past Saturday. I bought a KX1 and it arrived Friday, so naturally, I
dropped everything and started building.  30 meter board first, then the ATU
to have them ready when the time came.  After that, I built the KX1 itself.
First tests passed fine, and I finished the build Saturday afternoon and it
passed the final test (power output was a little low, but not enough to
worry me.)  I then installed the ATU and did the SWR and Power Calibrations.
This also checked out fine.  Next, I removed the ATU and installed the 30
meter board.  When I attempted the alignment, the whole radio was deaf as a
post.  None of the trimmers appeared to do anything, and I had an NGEN board
hooked up to give it lots of noise to chew on.  

After tearing out what little hair I have left, I got out the desoldering
equipment and prepared to remove the 30 meter board, expecting that I might
have busted on or more of those micro miniature RF chokes.  Just before
clipping the first wire, the light dawned - I hadn't put the jumper across
pins 1 and 3 of the antenna header that routes RF to and from the ATU.
Since the ATU was out of the radio, without that jumper, there was no RF
path from the BNC connector to the rest of the rig.  No bloody wonder it
didn't hear anything.  I grabbed an old resistor lead and quickly replaced
the jumper.  Turned on the NGEN again and BINGO, all trimmers actually did
something.  I re-aligned 20 and 40 as called out in the manual, and then did
the 30 meter alignment.  Put the ATU back in and ran the final tests.  The
whole thing worked like it was supposed to.

Note to anyone that hasn't built a KX1 yet and plans on it, REMEMBER THAT
JUMPER when removing the ATU from the radio if you plan on leaving it out
for any reason.  

I wasn't going to tell anyone about it, but since Tom "fessed up" to his
error, I figured I ought to as well if it might save someone else a problem
in the future.  The need for the jumper is actually mentioned in the book,
and I HAD read it.  Just forgot it in my excitement to get my KX1 on the

Oh yeah, first contact with the KX1 was a DX station (PA600GOES - yeah I
know it's a weird call that's pa six hundred goes) in the Netherlands.  Got
a 539 on 20 meters - KX1 and a CushCraft A3S tri bander up 25 feet.

Jim Sheldon, W0EB
Wichita, KS
K2 #4338
KX1 #1268

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Hammond
> Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 10:00 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Elecraft] KAT100 woes... Time to 'fess up...
> Hi Folks:
> Man, I just HATE it when I have to come clean... but here 
> goes... mainly 
> for the benefit of anyone else out there who runs into the 
> same problem...

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Re: [Elecraft] KAT100 woes... Time to 'fess up...

2005-10-19 Thread k4zm


A very nice read.  Confession is good for the soul.  I must confess I was 
building a KPA100/KAT100 in an EC2 enclosure for a fellow not long ago and 
when trying to calibrate the output meter I never could get it the right 
indications on the wattmeter and the max I could get out on my KPA100 
looking at an external meter was 20 watts.  I replaced a couple of chips and 
still no joy.  I finally realized that I was using the Tune button on the K2 
and had a KAT100 connected also.  The firmware was doing its job in reducing 
the power to 20 watts for tune up.  I connected a straight key and keyed the 
unit and adjusted my power to 100 watts and then set the K2 display 
correctly...LOL  One other thing was that no matter where I set the RF Power 
control it always put out 20 watts just like it was supposed to do. 
Sometimes and recently more often than I care to admit, the machines are 
smarter than I amLOL


Jim  K4ZM 

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[Elecraft] KAT100 woes... Time to 'fess up...

2005-10-19 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Folks:

Man, I just HATE it when I have to come clean... but here goes... mainly 
for the benefit of anyone else out there who runs into the same problem...

About three weeks ago, the day before left on a trip, we had a pretty 
'healthy' thunder storm track right over the top of N0SS Central.

When I heard the first thunder clap, I legged it out to the shack In the 
garage) and started disconnecting coaxes like a mad man...

I had just(!) managed to get the last coax connector DISconnected and moved 
away from the rig(s) when an all too close bolt of lightning struck. 
Fortunately I wasn't touching anything (by about 1/2 second!) when it hit 
and I heard/saw a nice arc between the shell of one coax connector and the 
nearby ground.

I finished up my work and got the heck out of the shack, vowing to return a 
bit later.

Well, things conspired to keep me out of the shack until the next week when 
I'd returned from my trip.

I reconnected the coaxes, AND the K2 and all appendages. Turned on the rig, 
hit TUNE and listened as the KAT100 went through its paces, tuning up on 20M.

Everything SOUNDED just as it should have sounded. The ATU took the right 
amount of time, to tune, and the ratta-tat-tat of the relays made the right 
rhythm. The K2/100 put out 100W into the beam, and all the other (external) 
meters indicated perfect operation.

The one thing which WASN'T right was that the K2's LCD display indicated an 
SWR of 9.9:1 while the ATU tuned, and NOT ONE of the LEDs on the front of 
the KAT100 illuminated while it tuned up. Something was obviously wrong!

I set the K2 to 5W, the KAT100 to CAL mode and pressed TUNE in an effort to 
see what things looked like there. THIS time the K2 LCD display indicated 
2W output and an indicated SWR of EITHER 1:1 or 9.9:1, kinda randomly 
changing between the two SWRs with each successive press of TUNE. And, this 
time, the LEDs on the front of the KAT100 were ALL LIT!!!

I then inserted a second ATU in-line, so I could create a varying SWR of 
known quantity, so I could monitor what the KAT100 showed. With an 
'inserted' of 1:1, the KAT100 generally indicated NO LEDS (or 1:1, I 
guess). With virtually ANY other inserted SWR from the 2nd ATU, ALL of the 
KAT100 LEDs illuminated.

I checked the 1N5711's in the KAT100 bridge. They were good and working as 
expected. In fact, everything SEEMED to be working properly... other than 
the weird LCD and LED indications.

I asked the experts... they'd never seen anything such as this, but several 
were certain the nearby lightning strike had 'farkled' something somewhere.

I obtained a new PIC for the KAT100 and also a number of TPICs (LED 
drivers, etc.) as a precaution that some of them had been 'taken out' as well.

Replaced the PIC in the KAT100 and nothing changed.

Did a hard RESET of both the K2 and the KAT100, but to no avail.

Then... as I was about the disconnect the K2/100 from everything in 
preparation to taking it out back and using is as target practice... there 
it was... the culprit...

It seems that, during my haste to get everything reconnected (remember, 
somewhere about 30 lines above in this treatise)... I'm managed to connect 
the RF OUT from the KPA100 to the ANT1 jack on the KAT100 and the coax from 
the external antenna switch to the RF IN jack on the KAT100... in short, I 
had the RF IN and ANT1 connections reversed!

Swapped these two connections on the back of the KAT100 and EVERYTHING 

So now my conscience is clear... I've confessed to my transgressions... and 
done all sorts of penance to the RF gods. And I'm sitting here baring my 
soul to you so you might not make the same mistake!!!


And, if your KAT100 seems to tune properly but INDICATED weirdly, don't 
jump to conclusions... the problem may be man-made rather than the fault of 
Mother Nature.


Tom Hammond   N0SS


I find it very interesting that the KAT100, regardless of the fact that the 
I/O lines had been crossed, CONTINUED to PROPERLY TUNE TO A (verified) 1:1 
SWR, even though everything else was seeing 9.9:1 by virtue of the reversed 
connections. That's some ATU there!

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