Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-28 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Jean Louis  writes:

> When task is assigned to somebody notification of a deadline or alerts
> are definitely useful for me. But they are are useful for those
> conducting the tasks.
> Thus integration to remind those *related* people to the assigned
> tasks and their deadlines or schedules would be useful.

I think that can be done by extending alert.el package (which org-alert
is based on). alert.el allows the user to define custom alert styles,
including sending sms or email.

>> I agree that org-agenda has many issues that cannot be easily solved
>> because of its complexity. However, everything you describe (including
>> multi-occur) can also be achieved with org-ql
>> ( - analogue of SQL query language
>> for org-mode (with more optimisations in comparison with org-agenda). 
> Definitely good only too much low-level. Users need finished functions
> that integrate stuff. To adopt myself to org-ql would mean to read
> documentations, meanings, and starting with some functions, while this
> may be possible for me that approach is not user friendly as users
> need integration and accessible interfaces. 

Not really. Searching in org-ql is made very intuitive - just like you
would search in google. There are multiple interactive commands:
- helm-org-ql :: The user simply types search keywords and the commands
  shows all the matching headlines. For example, user can type
  "headline:Doe call todo:WAIT tags:invoice" and get all kinds of
  matches as he/she types
- org-ql-view :: shows the menu for different pre-customised searches
  like "Calendar: This week" or "Overview: NEXT tasks"

> Example of lack of integration would be to tell to user to simply
> construct the link in the form: [[Here][Link]] and that alone would
> require some thinking and learning. 

There is also (slower) helm-org (
offering similar interface to helm-org-ql, but also adding an option to
do various actions with the selected tasks, like inserting correctly
formatted link. The same can be done in helm-org-ql. I think the author
plans to extend that command in the near future. Or one can add extra
actions as needed - it is trivial to do in helm.

> Good integration for org-ql would be a wizard that can add to the list
> of various queries and offers users various ways to search such as
> searching by headline, tags, or having both tags involved, date,
> deadlines and so on.

All these are already available. The user can search tags:tag1,tag2,...,
headline:word1,word2 (or shortly hl:word1,...), scheduled:on=today,


Re: Is Org really so simple?

2020-11-28 Thread Ihor Radchenko

Jean Louis  writes:
> Rather the query that is made by the user should be remembered as such
> and be made available as a command, macro or similar that can be saved
> for later.

Users can explicitly define custom searches using
org-agenda-custom-commands. Though format of that variable is indeed
quite complex (similar to org-capture-templates).

> Example is when I search for TODO entries with special TODO kwd, then
> I may search for 3-4 keywords or 7-10 keywords during one
> day. Then there would be repetition to search again for those
> keywords. There is history value access in the minibuffer but that
> does not remember searches for the next Emacs session. Having
> rememberable customized searches for users would be useful.

Take a look at savehist-mode. Enabling it should save all the minibuffer
history by default. However, the history of your agenda searches will be
mixed with global minibuffer history. If you do not like this behaviour,
feel free to open feature request to make org-agenda keep history
separately. Then, savehist can be configured to save that across Emacs

> Other issue with the Agenda window is that I cannot move from the
> minibuffer to other window, as if I wish to enter TODO I may wish in
> the same time to open some fiels and look for references while in the
> same time I am working with the Agenda options. It is hard for me to
> understand why it was made that way, could it be because of read-char
> approach? 

See my other reply. When you are actually entering TODO search, you can
switch from minibuffer to other windows as usual.

> - if text file is internally related to Joe Doe, then by clicking on
>   the text file such as Org file, I could automatically get various
>   hyperlinks to anything related to Joe Doe: Joe's emails list, Joe's
>   SMS list, Joe's contact information, I could click and initiate a
>   call with my mobile phone and just write notes without thinking on a
>   phone number, I could click in Org file and send SMS to Joe that
>   will be saved in computer without thinking on Joe's phone number, I
>   could see relatives of Joe and find his sister and again have all
>   the hyperlinks and relations to various other pieces of information
>   related to Joe.
> - and if I am in an Org file that has relation to other objects I
>   would not need to construct hyperlinks by hand, they would be or
>   could be constructed semi-automatically because the relation is
>   already known.

What you are describing appears to be easy to achieve in org files if
one wishes to:

#+begin_src org
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec
hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl,
tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. Cum sociis natoque
# clicking on the link with bring you to Joe Doe's heading in Joe
[[id:joe-id][Joe Doe]]
penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla
posuere. Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non turpis. Cras
placerat accumsan nulla. Nullam rutrum. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl.


#+begin_src org
# C-c C-o at the heading will show all the links and allow "clicking"
# one of them
# C-c C-j will allow free-hand selection of any sub-heading
# C-s will allow free-hand search across the file
,* Joe Doe :person:
:ID: joe-id

Contact information:
100 Street, City, Country
# Clicking the following link would start the phone/skype call
Tel: [[call:111][call to 111]]
[[sms:1][send sms to 1]]

,** SMS messages
,*** [[id:message1-id][Message 1]]
,*** [[id:message2-id][Message 2]]

,** Related
,*** [[id:antony-id][Antony Joe]]
,*** [[id:something][Something else]]
,*** [[id:yetmore][Yet another one]]

> When I work with the database and wish to edit something equivalent to
> a headline than the unique ID is generated automatically and I do not
> need to think of it. It is made by database design.

Note that not all users would want this by default. But you can simply
set org-id-link-to-org-use-id to 't and the unique ids will be created
every time you create a link to heading.

> Instead of customizing Emacs to insert IDs, customizing Org,
> customizing specific files,

It is an advantage for me. Not all the people need the specific workflow
you like, but it can thankfully be changed. Same as any other part of

> ... going over specific files to find which
> has unique ID which one does not have, having duplicates all over the
> place,

Why do you need to find it yourself? It is all handled by org.
Duplicates are rare and mostly happen in archives/trash according to my

> ... having pretty ugly and not meaningfull unique ID always shown
> on screen and more or less to a degree disturbing,

org-custom-properties ;) 

> ... instead of having
> them easily editable and changeable and error prone,

Agree. This is the price of keeping 

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-28 Thread Jean Louis
* Texas Cyberthal  [2020-11-29 09:20]:
> Images should have a creation date in metadata and also some tags, I
> agree.  Whether to organize them in a Binmind using 10 Bins is a
> matter of taste.  I prefer to keep them in 10 Bins until their tag
> nomenclature is mature.  Then, when worthwhile, I would move them to a
> dedicated image management app, and add a good set of tags and
> metadata to ensure they won't be lost later.
> If the app allows it, I might still organize the pics into a tree,
> just to make it easier to navigate the whole collection without
> repetition, and understand its primary meaning quickly.  This extra
> work is profitable only for high-value images.  The existence of the
> tree permits continued nomenclature evolution without risking some
> images getting lost due to tag drift and rot.

That gives me idea for Emacs similar to org-noter that one could have
bunch of pictures being displayed then just choosed few tags by using
mouse and window get replaced with new picture. Process could be used
for faster tagging.

> Treemind is good at nomenclature evolution via Rapid Inductive
> Iterative Tree Refiling.

For that I need video to understand.

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread Jean Louis
*  [2020-11-29 07:06]:
> That looks adequate at first, but what if you want the history for a project
> and gaant charts on how time was spent.  I mainly want it to figure out
> if jobs are worth stopping or changing.

Here are some references:

For me, tracking of how time was spent is out of use. I am tracking
products or services delivered, something valuable produced and
real. As value is what I need. Time is environment where values are
produced and does not necessarily speak of values.

** TODO Project has several tasks which I keep rather in lists [0/3] [0%]
   :ASSIGNED: James

1) [ ] Purchase X equipment at ABC store.
2) [ ] bring X equipment to location XYZ and introduce yourself to technician

3) [ ] give the technical drawing to technician

Now if person assigned to do those tasks does not purchase equipment,
I would not like spending my time analyzing where the time went
because neither there is no value from not doing it, neither from me
analyzing. If tasks are in logical order then I know where the person
is stuck and we have both agreement as we know what is NEXT to be done
as tasks are numbered and even if not numbered they can be in
chronological order.

Count values, not time.


Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread Jean Louis
* Tim Cross  [2020-11-29 06:52]:
> I went down a similar route initially. In the end, found it was much
> better to define your capture templates to be generic i.e. not tied to a
> specific project, but rather based on what you are capturing and then
> use things like tags and properties (which you can have capture prompt
> for) to capture project specific information.
> So I have the following capture templates
> - TODO to capture basic tasks
> - phone which I use to capture phone call information and track time.
>   Actually, although it is called phone, I use it for any meeting type
>   thing. I have to track time for billing purposes and need to record
>   date and time of call for tracking purposes

Thank you, nice to get insights into your organization.

I do not know which phone you use, maybe there is export option for
phone calls. Few Emacs Lisp functions can then automatically import
such data and assign to people by their phone number and make a table
of phone calls conducted. 

Some phone and applications offer to record every call. In the file
name there can be duration and begin of the phone call.

On Android there is termux tools where one can get history of phone
calls in automated manner. Those could spare some time.

> - Mail to track important emails. Adds a link to the original message (I
>   read email using mu4e).

I am using similar method. Sergey from GNU Mailutils have made me
small program `ef' that simply extracts email address. Then that email
address is used together with the subject to locate the person and
create quick task. I do that with F11 and do not think more than key
press. Email can be archived. Later I come to the task list.

> - Notes For capturing general note information
> - Bookmarks - I have a file where I keep links to
>   'interesting' things. Might be web sites, man pages, info pages etc.
> - protocol capture - for org protocol capture handler e.g. capturing
>   info from web pages in chrome.

Just as you have several files so I do. Additionally tasks for
specific people are in their directories. I am accessing those very
fast just by thinking of a person, typing few query strings like "hap
nje" and locating right person in Emacs, press F4 and I have their Org
file in front of me. I have started using Org files after long period
of keeping tasks in the database. It was little quicker flow to write
Org task then to write database task. But this only because I was lazy
to accommodate myself. Out of laziness I have Org files with tasks
which I think should rather belong to centralized database as then
relations, tags, status, all the attributes become fixed and I need
not edit many things. I can still use Org mode just without files and
without error prone attributes.

> Many (not all) of the headings I refile under will add appropriate
> tags via the org tag inheritance process, which I use in various
> agenda views.

** Heading:QUICK:

*** New heading

that means that "New heading" has the tag :QUICK: even if not
specified. (info "(org) Tag Inheritance")

This may be useful to clarify for that use case when user wish to use
tags for maybe to do them today (one file), and maybe to keep them in
the main file as well. As that means one has to care.

There is also instruction in the Org manual how to turn off that
feature. To me personally that feature may be good to locate tags but
it would create more problems than solutions as the parent node could
be just a group name and individual tasks could be assigned to variety
of things.

It does make sense to use the parent's tags as automatically offered
tags for the subtree nodes. When making the subtree tags then parent's
tags could be right there for user just to press ENTER without
thinking. Various people have various use cases. When inheriting tags
one has to be more rigid in how to sort tasks.

Cherrytree - hierarchical note taking application with rich text and syntax 

The Cherrytree does have tags but is using also parent names as tags
when searching. In that sense I also use parent names.

If I have hierarchy FFMPEG / Concatenate, I would find
"Concatenate" by searching for FFMPEG.

Additionally FFMPEG could have tags tags such as VIDEO and if the tag
is also included in collection of candidates then "Concatenate" gets
found by using VIDEO.

> I have a few stored agenda searches and a couple of customised agenda
> views, plus I frequently make use of the tags to do ad hoc searches. I
> have also defined additional TODO states (TODO, NEXT, STARTED, HOLD,
> DELEGATED, CANCELLED and DONE). Some are setup to prompt for an
> additional note e.g. DELEGATED to let me specify who it is delegated to
> and HOLD to specify why it is on hold).

Currently I am researching "NEXT" and how people are thinking and
trying to see if I miss some concepts. My approach seem to be

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-28 Thread Texas Cyberthal
Hi Jean,

> After a while user will get a subset of highly ranked headings in their 
> corresponding Org files. That subset then can be used as quick bookmarks or 
> get bound to keys.

This is a higher tier of PIM than Textmind.  Textmind is for
processing thoughts.  For example, I use it to convert these email
exchanges into useful notes and documentation.

Crystallized knowledge that needs to be optimized for rapid or lateral
access belongs in a PKM or CRM app.  There are many options, and which
is best likely depends on the specific use case.  (Assuming it doesn't
belong in Postgres or Pubmind.)

> From other people's experiences I can see they are thinking different. It is 
> questionable if there is one algorithm corresponding to many people's natural 
> thinking.

Almost nobody has a holistic natural thought algorithm.  An algorithm
has a strict definition, whereas biological thought is evolved and

> But I cannot access image related to business ABC that is located in 2004 
> quickly unless such image is indexed somewhere by its meaning, maybe "boat 
> purchased" would be meaning related to such picture. Then if I wish to see 
> boats I have purchased I would type most probably "boat" and from there find 
> various other attributes such as dates, types and similar.

Images should have a creation date in metadata and also some tags, I
agree.  Whether to organize them in a Binmind using 10 Bins is a
matter of taste.  I prefer to keep them in 10 Bins until their tag
nomenclature is mature.  Then, when worthwhile, I would move them to a
dedicated image management app, and add a good set of tags and
metadata to ensure they won't be lost later.

If the app allows it, I might still organize the pics into a tree,
just to make it easier to navigate the whole collection without
repetition, and understand its primary meaning quickly.  This extra
work is profitable only for high-value images.  The existence of the
tree permits continued nomenclature evolution without risking some
images getting lost due to tag drift and rot.

Treemind is good at nomenclature evolution via Rapid Inductive
Iterative Tree Refiling.

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread Jean Louis
*  [2020-11-29 02:37]:
> Jeremie,
> Have you ever tried to send an entry of org-capture to two files?

Based on your use case I am thinking if I ever had use to "capture"
task in multiple files. I was mostly using tasks that are in my
database, not necessarily Org related. So I have groups of tasks:

- normal tasks, managed in the database, curated, can be separate or
otherwise relate to people, organizations, cases, opportunities,

- quick tasks, normally one key capture from email, without
description and nothing else, it just helps to connect to email
message as I know what is to be done from person's name and subject

- administrative tasks, which belong to well organized project

- Org tasks which are worse among the above groups as they are not
structured as database tasks.

- various text file based tasks

All tasks from above groups at my side are assigned to somebody. They
may be assigned to me personally by default, often they are assigned
to other people.

Sometimes they are assigned to a group. In that case my Org header
could look something like this:

#+PROPERTY: ASSIGNED_ALL Ezekiel James TeamTZ Mark

And TeamTZ is group of people. 

Then I have properties:

* TODO Alfeo CB Officer <2018-10-02 Tue>
  SCHEDULED: <2019-07-01 Mon>
  :ASSIGNED: James
  :ID:   c9d68b39-f01e-4624-929a-a25fd1866183
  :CREATED:  [2018-10-06 Sat 09:56]

This way the task becomes mine, maybe for supervision, but James is
handling the task. This is somewhat similar to putting task in two
files, one for me, one for James, but as there is relation in the
heading I need not keep it in two files.

Deriving from idea of making relations then I think on your use case.

You need to have a main list of tasks while some tasks could be done
TODAY. And you wish to filter those that could be done today.

One way could be in using properties as above. You could just assign property:

*** Task

By using property you could use agenda feature to find those with that

Other way to assign attribute to task could be by using tags:

*** Task  :QUICK:

By using both methods you could easily filter out with agenda those
tasks you could be completing today.


Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread Tim Cross writes:

>> Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 4:51 AM
>> From: "Tim Cross" 
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
>> writes:
>> >  #44935
>> >
>> >> Initially, I put pretty much everything into the agenda file list. This
>> >> worked fairly well until the size of these files began to get very
>> >> large. The biggest problem I had was my agendas were just getting too
>> >> large and complicated/distracting.
>> >
>> > I have constructed four different Capture Templates and four Org Agendas
>> > and then I can fire up the ones I want as I am working.
>> >
>> >> I then moved to a workflow where the agenda files really only contained
>> >> tasks and notes, references, pretty much everything else was put into
>> >> other org files not part of the agenda file list. I didn't like that
>> >> workflow. It complicated refiling and I lost the ability to keep all
>> >> related things together in a meaningful way.
>> >
>> > Have made capture and agenda by project, and then some functions
>> > that group some of them together.  Not so sure how good it is going
>> > to until I have used for proper work.
>> >
>> I went down a similar route initially. In the end, found it was much
>> better to define your capture templates to be generic i.e. not tied to a
>> specific project, but rather based on what you are capturing and then
>> use things like tags and properties (which you can have capture prompt
>> for) to capture project specific information.
> That looks adequate at first, but what if you want the history for a project
> and gaant charts on how time was spent.  I mainly want it to figure out
> if jobs are worth stopping or changing.

Not a problem. The thing to remember is that org allows you to 'report'
at different levels. You can have a report which considers all your
agenda files, or one which only considers a specific file or one which
only considers a specific subtree within a file.

I have an org file for each major project and a projects
file for smaller projects (and an org file for each client, which I view
as really being a project!).

The tasks associated with a project belong in the appropriate project
file (which is where they end up when I refile them).

I may have multiple 'sub-projects' within a project. This is determined
by what 'level' the task sits at. I might have a project Inside that project, I might have headings for
Research, Development, Maintenance, Bugs & Issues, Documentation,
Meetings etc. Inside each of those headings I might have tasks (possibly
with sub-tasks and sub-sub-tasks etc).

So, lets say I have a Research subtree with the following tasks

* Research
** TODO Explore enhancement to HTTP/2 [0/4]
*** TODO Research HTTP/2
*** TODO Implement HTTP/2 in feature branch
*** TODO Test and benchmark HTTP/2
*** TODO Generate report for board
** TODO Migrate from REST to GraphQL API
*** TODO Research graphql
*** TODO Plan graphql implementation
*** TODO Implement new API
*** TODO Plan migration to production
 TODO Merge into master
 TODO Update API documentation
 TODO Coordinate release with PROD team

All of the tasks have been captured using the same TODO capture
template. I can easily generate reports on total time spent in
development, total time spent in development for each main 'feature' or
time spent in each sub task or sub-sub task etc simply by selecting
different 'scope' and 'level' settings for the clocktable report.

In my project org files, I have a heading called '* Clocks', where I
have all my clock reports. I will have as many different clock reports
as required. For example, I might have one which clocks the time for all
tasks in the file with up to 3 levels, then I might have one which only
clocks the time for tasks in a specific subtree or perhaps one which
only clocks/summarises times for tasks with a specific tag. It is very

I can easily see breakdown of time spent on specific tasks, groups of
tasks, project tasks, all tasks etc. All my tasks have basically the
same format and are captured using the same capture template. when a
clocktable report includes multiple files, there is a column which tells
you which file the task is in (if you want it). The clocktable can use a
single file, all files in your agenda, a list of files you specify, a
subtree within a file etc.

When I was forced to generate gant charts etc, I actually used task
juggler. There is a contrib library for it to make it work with org
files. It is a bit dated now and probably needs to be 'refreshed'. There
were a couple of irritating limitations which needed some hand tweaking
of the generated task juggler files, but it worked pretty well. Luckily
for me, I don't tend to work in projects which use gant charts anymore,
so it isn't something I've needed for a while. However, there was no
need for special capture templates (from 

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread Jean Louis
*  [2020-11-29 02:30]:
> > What you see as a problem some see as a solution. For instance, it depends 
> > how many
> > org-files you want to add to the agenda. Some users including me have 2
> > or three files in  org-agenda-files so I never interact with this
> > variable directly.
> I have many and they change quite frequently, depending on project.
> So often torture emacs hard.  Have sent a bug-report about it.  Keen
> for a change to go through.

You may customize any Emacs variables yourself. Just define your
agenda files yourself in your init file. Then do:

{M-x customize-variables RET org-agenda-files RET} and erase what you
find there.

Anything before the `custom' section in your init file will be then
defined by you and not by the built in system.

In that case you should take care as user over time not to use
org-agenda-file-to-front command as that would again start adding
agend files to init file. Then just use your own settings.

As long as you have your own settings hard coded you may erase the
variable org-agenda-files

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit

> Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 4:51 AM
> From: "Tim Cross" 
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> writes:
> >  #44935
> >
> >> Initially, I put pretty much everything into the agenda file list. This
> >> worked fairly well until the size of these files began to get very
> >> large. The biggest problem I had was my agendas were just getting too
> >> large and complicated/distracting.
> >
> > I have constructed four different Capture Templates and four Org Agendas
> > and then I can fire up the ones I want as I am working.
> >
> >> I then moved to a workflow where the agenda files really only contained
> >> tasks and notes, references, pretty much everything else was put into
> >> other org files not part of the agenda file list. I didn't like that
> >> workflow. It complicated refiling and I lost the ability to keep all
> >> related things together in a meaningful way.
> >
> > Have made capture and agenda by project, and then some functions
> > that group some of them together.  Not so sure how good it is going
> > to until I have used for proper work.
> >
> I went down a similar route initially. In the end, found it was much
> better to define your capture templates to be generic i.e. not tied to a
> specific project, but rather based on what you are capturing and then
> use things like tags and properties (which you can have capture prompt
> for) to capture project specific information.

That looks adequate at first, but what if you want the history for a project
and gaant charts on how time was spent.  I mainly want it to figure out
if jobs are worth stopping or changing.

> So I have the following capture templates
> - TODO to capture basic tasks
> - phone which I use to capture phone call information and track time.
>   Actually, although it is called phone, I use it for any meeting type
>   thing. I have to track time for billing purposes and need to record
>   date and time of call for tracking purposes
> - Mail to track important emails. Adds a link to the original message (I
>   read email using mu4e).
> - Notes For capturing general note information
> - Bookmarks - I have a file where I keep links to
>   'interesting' things. Might be web sites, man pages, info pages etc.
> - protocol capture - for org protocol capture handler e.g. capturing
>   info from web pages in chrome.

I got the same things actually.  Nothing too drastic.

> That is about it. My approach is to make capture as quick and easy as
> possible. I usually just want to capture something and file it away to
> get it out of my head and let me focus on what I was doing.

Same here, except for the tracking bit.

> All my capture templates write to a file called When
> capturing data, I don't need to think about where it goes, just capture
> it an move on. At the start of each day, I open up the file
> and 'refile' the entries, which is just a couple of key presses, into
> the most appropriate org file. Many (not all) of the headings I refile
> under will add appropriate tags via the org tag inheritance process,
> which I use in various agenda views. This reminds me of what I have on
> my plate and helps me plan my day. I was initially worried that having
> to do this refiling every day would be a hassle. In fact, it has turned
> out to be a bonus and rarely takes more than a couple of minutes, yet
> not having to worry about where to file something right when I'm
> capturing it is a great bonus as it makes it really fast. A meeting or
> phone conversation which a client might result in me using capture
> several times as I record tasks or notes.
> I have a few stored agenda searches and a couple of customised agenda
> views, plus I frequently make use of the tags to do ad hoc searches. I
> have also defined additional TODO states (TODO, NEXT, STARTED, HOLD,
> DELEGATED, CANCELLED and DONE). Some are setup to prompt for an
> additional note e.g. DELEGATED to let me specify who it is delegated to
> and HOLD to specify why it is on hold).

I have done that but not done any customised agenda views.  Seems quite
difficult for me.

> The rest of my org customisation is mainly about data exports (tweaking
> PDFs, HTML, Markdown exports, babel settings and specialised reports,
> such as timesheets or invoices). I use org for all my documentation and
> some work situations and clients want these documents to comply with
> their corporate standards e.g. include logos, specific colours and fonts
> etc).

That's too advanced for me.

> Tim
> --
> Tim Cross

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread Tim Cross writes:

>  #44935
>> Initially, I put pretty much everything into the agenda file list. This
>> worked fairly well until the size of these files began to get very
>> large. The biggest problem I had was my agendas were just getting too
>> large and complicated/distracting.
> I have constructed four different Capture Templates and four Org Agendas
> and then I can fire up the ones I want as I am working.
>> I then moved to a workflow where the agenda files really only contained
>> tasks and notes, references, pretty much everything else was put into
>> other org files not part of the agenda file list. I didn't like that
>> workflow. It complicated refiling and I lost the ability to keep all
>> related things together in a meaningful way.
> Have made capture and agenda by project, and then some functions
> that group some of them together.  Not so sure how good it is going
> to until I have used for proper work.

I went down a similar route initially. In the end, found it was much
better to define your capture templates to be generic i.e. not tied to a
specific project, but rather based on what you are capturing and then
use things like tags and properties (which you can have capture prompt
for) to capture project specific information.

So I have the following capture templates

- TODO to capture basic tasks

- phone which I use to capture phone call information and track time.
  Actually, although it is called phone, I use it for any meeting type
  thing. I have to track time for billing purposes and need to record
  date and time of call for tracking purposes

- Mail to track important emails. Adds a link to the original message (I
  read email using mu4e).

- Notes For capturing general note information

- Bookmarks - I have a file where I keep links to
  'interesting' things. Might be web sites, man pages, info pages etc.

- protocol capture - for org protocol capture handler e.g. capturing
  info from web pages in chrome.

That is about it. My approach is to make capture as quick and easy as
possible. I usually just want to capture something and file it away to
get it out of my head and let me focus on what I was doing.

All my capture templates write to a file called When
capturing data, I don't need to think about where it goes, just capture
it an move on. At the start of each day, I open up the file
and 'refile' the entries, which is just a couple of key presses, into
the most appropriate org file. Many (not all) of the headings I refile
under will add appropriate tags via the org tag inheritance process,
which I use in various agenda views. This reminds me of what I have on
my plate and helps me plan my day. I was initially worried that having
to do this refiling every day would be a hassle. In fact, it has turned
out to be a bonus and rarely takes more than a couple of minutes, yet
not having to worry about where to file something right when I'm
capturing it is a great bonus as it makes it really fast. A meeting or
phone conversation which a client might result in me using capture
several times as I record tasks or notes.

I have a few stored agenda searches and a couple of customised agenda
views, plus I frequently make use of the tags to do ad hoc searches. I
have also defined additional TODO states (TODO, NEXT, STARTED, HOLD,
DELEGATED, CANCELLED and DONE). Some are setup to prompt for an
additional note e.g. DELEGATED to let me specify who it is delegated to
and HOLD to specify why it is on hold).

The rest of my org customisation is mainly about data exports (tweaking
PDFs, HTML, Markdown exports, babel settings and specialised reports,
such as timesheets or invoices). I use org for all my documentation and
some work situations and clients want these documents to comply with
their corporate standards e.g. include logos, specific colours and fonts


Tim Cross

Re: Multiple named code blocks

2020-11-28 Thread Greg Minshall

i ran into this restriction a while ago.  on this list i was helped, and
ended up using the suggestion to instead put my common bits in a
property in the subtree for a given "name"

* aggregate.R
   :header-args+: :tangle build/package/
   :header-args+: :noweb-ref aggregates

then, the source blocks themselves have no name and are very plain

#+begin_src R

i don't know if that will be of any help.

cheers, Greg

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit

> Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 2:36 AM
> From: "Tim Cross" 
> To:
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> writes:
> >> Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 12:18 AM
> >> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> >> To:
> >> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> >> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> >>
> >> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 22:45, wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Many thanks for helping me.  I would not have got to this stage without
> >> > your helpful commands and checks.
> >> You are welcome ;-)
> >> >
> >> > Getting used to a problem to the extent of depending on it is not a good 
> >> > system.
> >> > Emacs should follow what the user demands by default, with perhaps the 
> >> > option
> >> > for the user to change that behaviour.  But it is the user that should 
> >> > demand
> >> > it.  In situations when Emacs gets to do something so drastic, it should 
> >> > inform
> >> > the user what is happening and put that information in a log file.
> >> What you see as a problem some see as a solution. For instance, it depends 
> >> how many
> >> org-files you want to add to the agenda. Some users including me have 2
> >> or three files in  org-agenda-files so I never interact with this
> >> variable directly.
> >
> > I have many and they change quite frequently, depending on project.
> > So often torture emacs hard.  Have sent a bug-report about it.  Keen
> > for a change to go through.
> >
> What was the bug tracking number? I'd be interested in seeing what you
> are wanting or what exactly you feel is a bug.
> From following the thread and adding a lot of assumptions/guess work, I
> think there are quite a few options to satisfy your requirements. Some
> of them are fairly easy, some may need some basic elisp and some may
> require a shift in user perspective. The choice depends a lot on what
> the user is comfortable with.
> This list is often really good at providing assistance. However, often
> it is better to also outline what your actual high-level goal is rather
> than as how to do a specific step in what you believe is the answer to
> achieving your goal. Org mode is a powerful and feature rich system
> which can take a bit of time to really understand. Sometimes, what you
> believe is the solution to your problem can turn out to be something
> which already exists, but in a slightly different form, so is not
> recognised, or maybe is a bad idea or perhaps can be achieved easily by
> slightly modifying the requirements in a way that does not impact on the
> final goal.
> As an example, you asked how to send a capture buffer to two files. It
> would be good to understand why you want to do this because on the face
> of it, there are some really good reasons NOT to do this. For example,
> this will create two copies of the same data. If, for whatever reason,
> you later need to update this information, you will have two places you
> need to remember to update. If you only update one, at some point in the
> future, you will be in a situation where you have two bits of
> information about the same thing which are different and won't know
> which is correct. Understanding why you want to do this will give list
> members the opportunity to point out alternative solutions which may
> meet your requirements, but avoid the possible problems with your
> current approach.
> It is a similar story with respect to the management of org agenda
> files. There are many different approaches to this and understanding
> your requirements rather than just helping you to fix the problem can
> help.
> From reading the thread and seeing the problems you had with executing
> commands etc, I'm assuming you are relatively new to both Emacs and
> org-mode. That is great and welcome! One of the big challenges for those
> new to org mode is learning how to best use it for your needs.
> Unfortunately, because it is such a flexible system and because everyone
> has different needs and priorities, it is impossible for org to set
> defaults which will satisfy everyone. It tries hard to find a middle
> ground, but cannot be expected to always get it right. There is also a
> need for the user to be willing to adjust their perspective to work with
> org and not against it. This is largely true of Emacs generally. Those
> who are most successful with adopting Emacs and org mode tend to also be
> those who are willing to see new possibilities and perspectives.

Thought it was a simple thing but it wasn't.  Emacs was overwriting my variable.
I am new to Org Capture, Org Agenda, Calendar, and Diary.  Have used Emacs
for work but never configured it myself.

> Jeremy has mentioned he only has a few agenda files. I'm the polar
> opposite - I have lots of agenda files and lots of org files which are
> not members of the agenda file list. It took me a while to find the best
> balance for my requirements and while how I 

Re: org-agenda-get-timestamps and properties

2020-11-28 Thread Michael Heerdegen
Kyle Meyer  writes:

> > but not when formatted like this:
> >
> > ** APPT 10:40 Xyz
> > SCHEDULED: <2020-11-08 So +1d>
> > :ID:   1d313f9a-3044-4c23-9278-422646ec9063
> > :END:
> >
> > although the latter form is, AFAICT, recommended, and at least it's what
> > I get when creating ids automatically with (org-id-get-create).
> ...while this is a valid scheduled heading.

Hmm, seems my code has come to the same conclusion and magically started
working, without any change, AFAICT.  Strange, dunno how, but your
answer somehow helped.  Quantum physics, probably.  I hope it remains



Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread Tim Cross writes:

>> Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 12:18 AM
>> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
>> To:
>> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
>> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
>> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 22:45, wrote:
>> >
>> > Many thanks for helping me.  I would not have got to this stage without
>> > your helpful commands and checks.
>> You are welcome ;-)
>> >
>> > Getting used to a problem to the extent of depending on it is not a good 
>> > system.
>> > Emacs should follow what the user demands by default, with perhaps the 
>> > option
>> > for the user to change that behaviour.  But it is the user that should 
>> > demand
>> > it.  In situations when Emacs gets to do something so drastic, it should 
>> > inform
>> > the user what is happening and put that information in a log file.
>> What you see as a problem some see as a solution. For instance, it depends 
>> how many
>> org-files you want to add to the agenda. Some users including me have 2
>> or three files in  org-agenda-files so I never interact with this
>> variable directly.
> I have many and they change quite frequently, depending on project.
> So often torture emacs hard.  Have sent a bug-report about it.  Keen
> for a change to go through.

What was the bug tracking number? I'd be interested in seeing what you
are wanting or what exactly you feel is a bug.

>From following the thread and adding a lot of assumptions/guess work, I
think there are quite a few options to satisfy your requirements. Some
of them are fairly easy, some may need some basic elisp and some may
require a shift in user perspective. The choice depends a lot on what
the user is comfortable with.

This list is often really good at providing assistance. However, often
it is better to also outline what your actual high-level goal is rather
than as how to do a specific step in what you believe is the answer to
achieving your goal. Org mode is a powerful and feature rich system
which can take a bit of time to really understand. Sometimes, what you
believe is the solution to your problem can turn out to be something
which already exists, but in a slightly different form, so is not
recognised, or maybe is a bad idea or perhaps can be achieved easily by
slightly modifying the requirements in a way that does not impact on the
final goal.

As an example, you asked how to send a capture buffer to two files. It
would be good to understand why you want to do this because on the face
of it, there are some really good reasons NOT to do this. For example,
this will create two copies of the same data. If, for whatever reason,
you later need to update this information, you will have two places you
need to remember to update. If you only update one, at some point in the
future, you will be in a situation where you have two bits of
information about the same thing which are different and won't know
which is correct. Understanding why you want to do this will give list
members the opportunity to point out alternative solutions which may
meet your requirements, but avoid the possible problems with your
current approach.

It is a similar story with respect to the management of org agenda
files. There are many different approaches to this and understanding
your requirements rather than just helping you to fix the problem can

>From reading the thread and seeing the problems you had with executing
commands etc, I'm assuming you are relatively new to both Emacs and
org-mode. That is great and welcome! One of the big challenges for those
new to org mode is learning how to best use it for your needs.
Unfortunately, because it is such a flexible system and because everyone
has different needs and priorities, it is impossible for org to set
defaults which will satisfy everyone. It tries hard to find a middle
ground, but cannot be expected to always get it right. There is also a
need for the user to be willing to adjust their perspective to work with
org and not against it. This is largely true of Emacs generally. Those
who are most successful with adopting Emacs and org mode tend to also be
those who are willing to see new possibilities and perspectives.

Jeremy has mentioned he only has a few agenda files. I'm the polar
opposite - I have lots of agenda files and lots of org files which are
not members of the agenda file list. It took me a while to find the best
balance for my requirements and while how I manage things may not fit
with your requirements, I'm hoping outlining them and how I got to my
solution may give you some ideas.

Initially, I put pretty much everything into the agenda file list. This
worked fairly well until the size of these files began to get very
large. The biggest problem I had was my agendas were just getting too
large and complicated/distracting.

I then moved to a workflow where the agenda files really only contained
tasks and notes, references, pretty much everything else was put into

Re: Multiple named code blocks

2020-11-28 Thread mooss
Hi Tom,

The downsides you mention are making perfect sense, especially
the cd and rm examples, I did not thought about that and I agree
that this would be a dangerous default.

Another possibility would be to shield this behaviour behind a
header argument, for example by adding a "dimension" to the
"noweb" argument.
What I mean by "dimension" is that to my knowledge, the header-
arg "noweb" only has a, let's say, "when" dimension that can take
one value among "yes" "no" and "no-export", whereas "results" can
have several dimensions, hence the validity of ":results drawer
replace" as a header-arg.
This new dimension could be called the "duplicated" dimension and
take values among "contatenate", "first" or "last".
With this scheme, one could use the header-arg ":noweb yes
concatenate" to always expand noweb inclusions and handle
multiple code blocks via concatenation.

I can see a couple of potential problems with this approach:
 1. It might be better to avoid adding header-args left and right
to keep complexity in check and this feature is arguably
quite niche.
 2. This would solidify the idea that multiple code blocks
sharing the same name is good practice in org documents,
which it is not, as you explained.

Yet another option would be to not rely on the names but on
another header-arg like "addto" that instruct the noweb resolver
to concatenate the current block to another named code block.
Reusing the previous example,

#+name: Before foo
#+begin_src perl
my $value = 'Inside foo call';

Would become:

#+begin_src perl :addto "Before foo"
my $value = 'Inside foo call';

Yet another approach would be to add a "directive" (that's probably not the 
right terminology), like so:

#+addto: Before foo
#+begin_src perl
my $value = 'Inside foo call';

The last two approaches would solve problem 2) but not problem
There would also be the problem of what to do when a code block
is "added to" before its definition, what should be done ?
Throwing an error, appending or prepending ?

Personally I would prefer the last approach, even though the
prepending problem remains to be solved, because the other
approaches are polluting the header arguments and look out of
place there.
In any case, I think that a mechanism to concatenate to an
existing code block is a valuable feature for a literate
programming system.

On another note, that is a bit embarrassing but I'm not too sure
about how I am supposed to respond to this email list, I just
clicked on "Reply all" in my webmail client and this results in a
mail specifically addressed to you Tom and a CC to the list.
That is also what is suggested by the "Reply instructions:"
section of the list, but I just want to be sure that I am not
disrespecting a rule or custom that escapes me.

Best regards,

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit

Have you ever tried to send an entry of org-capture to two files?

> Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 12:18 AM
> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> To:
> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 22:45, wrote:
> >
> > Many thanks for helping me.  I would not have got to this stage without
> > your helpful commands and checks.
> You are welcome ;-)
> >
> > Getting used to a problem to the extent of depending on it is not a good 
> > system.
> > Emacs should follow what the user demands by default, with perhaps the 
> > option
> > for the user to change that behaviour.  But it is the user that should 
> > demand
> > it.  In situations when Emacs gets to do something so drastic, it should 
> > inform
> > the user what is happening and put that information in a log file.
> What you see as a problem some see as a solution. For instance, it depends 
> how many
> org-files you want to add to the agenda. Some users including me have 2
> or three files in  org-agenda-files so I never interact with this
> variable directly.
> It seams that we cannot make everyone happy. :-), but we can hack our
> way out of it together ;-). That is one of the purpose of this mailing
> list I believe.
> Best regards,
> Jeremie

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit

> Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 12:18 AM
> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> To:
> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 22:45, wrote:
> >
> > Many thanks for helping me.  I would not have got to this stage without
> > your helpful commands and checks.
> You are welcome ;-)
> >
> > Getting used to a problem to the extent of depending on it is not a good 
> > system.
> > Emacs should follow what the user demands by default, with perhaps the 
> > option
> > for the user to change that behaviour.  But it is the user that should 
> > demand
> > it.  In situations when Emacs gets to do something so drastic, it should 
> > inform
> > the user what is happening and put that information in a log file.
> What you see as a problem some see as a solution. For instance, it depends 
> how many
> org-files you want to add to the agenda. Some users including me have 2
> or three files in  org-agenda-files so I never interact with this
> variable directly.

I have many and they change quite frequently, depending on project.
So often torture emacs hard.  Have sent a bug-report about it.  Keen
for a change to go through.

> It seams that we cannot make everyone happy. :-), but we can hack our
> way out of it together ;-). That is one of the purpose of this mailing
> list I believe.
> Best regards,
> Jeremie

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread Jeremie Juste
|| On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 22:45, wrote:
> Many thanks for helping me.  I would not have got to this stage without
> your helpful commands and checks.
You are welcome ;-)
> Getting used to a problem to the extent of depending on it is not a good 
> system.
> Emacs should follow what the user demands by default, with perhaps the option
> for the user to change that behaviour.  But it is the user that should demand
> it.  In situations when Emacs gets to do something so drastic, it should 
> inform
> the user what is happening and put that information in a log file.
What you see as a problem some see as a solution. For instance, it depends how 
org-files you want to add to the agenda. Some users including me have 2
or three files in  org-agenda-files so I never interact with this
variable directly.

It seams that we cannot make everyone happy. :-), but we can hack our
way out of it together ;-). That is one of the purpose of this mailing
list I believe.

Best regards,

Re: Multiple named code blocks

2020-11-28 Thread Tom Gillespie
Hi Félix,
   I think that it is probably not a good idea to implicitly
concatenate blocks that share the same name. There are a number of
major downsides. One reason is that all the other parts of org-mode
assume that there is only a single block with that name, or rather
have undefined behavior if there is more than one, so all the other
reference resolving infrastructure will not work as expected and it
will be hard to navigate to additional blocks. The concatenation
behavior you describe does work if you specify the same file for
tangling, however that uses completely different code. Further, if we
were to define behavior for what should happen if there are multiple
blocks or sections with the same name it would probably either be to
signal an error (if you are in the more immutable camp), that the
first named block is the "canonical" block (current implementation),
or that the last defined block is the "canonical" block (if you want
org to be more like a programming language). The current
implementation follows the first named block, but the reason why the
manual states that it is undefined is because even that behavior
should not be relied upon (thus why an error is probably the most
friendly thing to do). Consider also that if you have different blocks
by the same name in different sections and you reorder the sections
the order in which they are nowebbed in will change. Given that that
behavior can be actively dangerous (imagine a block with cd
some-folder followed by a block rm contents/ -r getting reordered),
there are major downsides to trying to guess how to concatenate
multiple blocks and trying to specify restrictions on where and how
using the same name is allowed or can be safely used is not something
that anyone would want to try to do. Best!

Multiple named code blocks

2020-11-28 Thread mooss

I have been using org-mode for almost three years and I loved it so much that I 
started working on a literate programming tool based on it.
One particular technique that I use is having multiple named code blocks, like 

#+begin_src perl :noweb yes :results output
sub foo {

#+name: Before foo
#+begin_src perl
print "Before foo definition.\n";

#+name: Before foo
#+begin_src perl
my $value = 'Inside foo call';

#+name: In foo
#+begin_src perl
print $value . "\n";

This technique worked without issue until I recently updated Emacs and org-mode 
with it.
I do not know the version of org-mode I was using before, but this was with 
Emacs 26.3 and I upgraded to Emacs 27.1 with org-mode 9.4 according to the 
information at the top of elpa/org-plus-contrib-20201116/org.el.

Before the update, the code block after expansion (obtained with 
org-babel-expand-src-block via the C-c C-v C-v shortcut) looked like this:
#+begin_src perl
print "Before foo definition.\n";
my $value = 'Inside foo call';
sub foo {
print $value . "\n";

Now the definition of $value is gone:
#+begin_src perl
print "Before foo definition.\n";
sub foo {
print $value . "\n";

I have looked at the info manual so I realise that according to "15.2 Structure 
of Code Blocks": "For duplicate names, Org mode’s behavior is undefined" so it 
follows that:
- Up until now, I was incorrectly assuming that duplicated named code blocks 
were supposed to result in them being concatenated in the noweb expansion phase.
- This is not a bug report, org-mode is working as documented.

I find this technique pretty useful for two reasons:
1. Importing packages right when they are needed.
2. Declaring variables in a broader scope than the one where they are first 
Here is an short example of this kind of situation:

#+begin_src perl :noweb no
# Expansion of <>:
my $even_counter = 0;
my @array = (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42);
# A
# lot
# of
# other
# code
# [...]
foreach my $n (@array) {
# Expansion of <>:
$even_counter++ if $n % 2 == 0;
print "$even_counter";

In this example, $even_counter could not have been declared on the spot.
Of course, this example is too basic to really paint the usefulness of this 
technique but an actual example would be too long, the goal here is just to 
explain the general idea.

With all that being said I would suggest to define the behaviour for multiple 
named code blocks as resulting in a concatenation of the code blocks, in the 
order of their apparition.
If you agree about defining this behaviour but think adapting the 
implementation is of low priority, I could try to implement it myself though I 
have little experience in emacs-lisp development beyond basic configuration and 
no experience whatsoever in contributing to FOSS, but I'm willing to start in 
both domains.

Best regards,

Re: Bug: Error message: "Symbol’s function definition is void: org-refile-get-location" [9.4 (9.4-41-g9bb930-elpaplus @ /home/omarantolin/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20201116/)]

2020-11-28 Thread Kyle Meyer
Omar Antolín Camarena writes:

> The org-goto command doesn't work unless org-refile has been loaded.
> I started Emacs, loaded org, opened and org file and tried running org-goto.
> I got the following error message:
> Symbol’s function definition is void: org-refile-get-location

Thanks for reporting.  Fixed on the maint branch (c974467fe).

Re: [PATCH] ob-ruby.el: Don't reuse the same buffer among different named

2020-11-28 Thread Kyle Meyer
Kyle Meyer writes:

> Juri Linkov writes:
>> Subject: [PATCH] ob-ruby.el: Don't reuse the same buffer among different 
>> named
>>  sessions
> Untested on my end, but makes sense as far as I can tell.  I'll leave
> another day or so for any ob-ruby users to give feedback and then apply.

Pushed (f7e286ab9).

Thanks again.

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit

> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 10:32 PM
> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> To:
> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 21:40, wrote:
> > I have now identified the problem.  If incidentally, one of the user defined
> > files in org-agenda-files does not exist, emacs demands that the file if
> > removed.  Additionally Emacs takes over the user's settings by hardwiring
> > org-agenda-files at the end of the file .emacs.
> >
> Glad you find the source the problem. Congratulations for your perseverance.
> > This should be considered a bug.
> It is not the behavior you expect but some people might rely on this
> feature it is a matter of organization.  Emacs allows you to choose
> which side you want to pick. Admittedly there are sometimes unexpected
> default behaviors that don't please everyone but emacs offers choices.

Many thanks for helping me.  I would not have got to this stage without
your helpful commands and checks.

Getting used to a problem to the extent of depending on it is not a good system.
Emacs should follow what the user demands by default, with perhaps the option
for the user to change that behaviour.  But it is the user that should demand
it.  In situations when Emacs gets to do something so drastic, it should inform
the user what is happening and put that information in a log file.


> Best regards,
> Jeremie
> >
> >> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 9:27 PM
> >> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> >> To:
> >> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> >> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> >>
> >> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 21:11, wrote:
> >> > I've made some progress, I am getting
> >>
> >> Very well. Then I guess that you have multiple variables named
> >> org-agenda-files.
> >>
> >> > File: ~/02histr/gadmin/
> >> >
> >> > This happens even though I removed the file name from org-agenda-files
> >> > in my init file, and restarted another session.
> >>
> >> Can you look for the file  ~/02histr/gadmin/ in your init
> >> file?
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >>
> >
> --
> Jeremie Juste

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread Jeremie Juste
On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 21:40, wrote:
> I have now identified the problem.  If incidentally, one of the user defined
> files in org-agenda-files does not exist, emacs demands that the file if
> removed.  Additionally Emacs takes over the user's settings by hardwiring
> org-agenda-files at the end of the file .emacs.
Glad you find the source the problem. Congratulations for your perseverance.

> This should be considered a bug.
It is not the behavior you expect but some people might rely on this
feature it is a matter of organization.  Emacs allows you to choose
which side you want to pick. Admittedly there are sometimes unexpected
default behaviors that don't please everyone but emacs offers choices.

Best regards,

>> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 9:27 PM
>> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
>> To:
>> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
>> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
>> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 21:11, wrote:
>> > I've made some progress, I am getting
>> Very well. Then I guess that you have multiple variables named
>> org-agenda-files.
>> > File: ~/02histr/gadmin/
>> >
>> > This happens even though I removed the file name from org-agenda-files
>> > in my init file, and restarted another session.
>> Can you look for the file  ~/02histr/gadmin/ in your init
>> file?
>> Best regards,

Jeremie Juste

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit
I have now identified the problem.  If incidentally, one of the user defined
files in org-agenda-files does not exist, emacs demands that the file if
removed.  Additionally Emacs takes over the user's settings by hardwiring
org-agenda-files at the end of the file .emacs.

This should be considered a bug.

> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 9:27 PM
> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> To:
> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 21:11, wrote:
> > I've made some progress, I am getting
> Very well. Then I guess that you have multiple variables named
> org-agenda-files.
> > File: ~/02histr/gadmin/
> >
> > This happens even though I removed the file name from org-agenda-files
> > in my init file, and restarted another session.
> Can you look for the file  ~/02histr/gadmin/ in your init
> file?
> Best regards,

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit
In my init file I have my own code, however emacs is insisting on
adding the following.  This means that my settings are being
disregarded.  How can I stop emacs doing this?

 ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
   '("~/02histr/gadmin/" "~/02histr/gadmin/")))

> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 9:11 PM
> From:
> To: "Jeremie Juste" 
> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> I've made some progress, I am getting
> File: ~/02histr/gadmin/
> This happens even though I removed the file name from org-agenda-files
> in my init file, and restarted another session.
> > Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 8:55 PM
> > From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> > To:
> > Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> > Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> >
> > ||On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 20:16, wrote:
> > > Something is wrong.  Now I have done as follows, but Org Agenda still 
> > > shows
> > > meetings.
> >
> > You have two checks to make,
> >
> > 1. what is the content of org-agenda-files?
> > 2. refresh the org-agenda with the command (org-agenda-redo) usually
> > bounded to r in the org-agenda-mode
> >
> > HTH,
> > Jeremie
> >
> >
> > ||On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 20:16, wrote:
> > > Something is wrong.  Now I have done as follows, but Org Agenda still 
> > > shows
> > > meetings.
> > >
> > > (setq org-agenda-files
> > >'("~/02histr/gadmin/"
> > >  "~/02histr/gadmin/"
> > >  "~/02histr/gadmin/"))
> > >
> > > ;; "~/02histr/gadmin/"
> > > ;; "~/02histr/gadmin/"
> > >
> > >> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 8:01 PM
> > >> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> > >> To:
> > >> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> > >> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> > >>
> > >> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 19:43, wrote:
> > >> > Why does Agenda not simply honour the init file.  Many fume something 
> > >> > awful
> > >> > when you question them on how things are done.
> > >> It turns out that it does.
> > >>
> > >> This what I have in my input file
> > >>
> > >> (setq org-agenda-files
> > >>'("~/Documents/" "~/Documents/"
> > >>"~/Documents/" "~/Documents/"
> > >>"~/Documents/"))
> > >>
> > >> just be careful about the custom-set-variables section. I you use
> > >> the command (org-agenda-file-to-front) to add files to org-agenda-files,
> > >> then if I'm not mistaken the org-agenda-files will get redefined in the
> > >> custom-set-variables section.
> > >>
> > >> HTH,
> > >> Best regards,
> > >> Jeremie
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> >
> > --
> > Jeremie Juste
> >

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread Jeremie Juste
|| On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 21:11, wrote:
> I've made some progress, I am getting

Very well. Then I guess that you have multiple variables named

> File: ~/02histr/gadmin/
> This happens even though I removed the file name from org-agenda-files
> in my init file, and restarted another session.

Can you look for the file  ~/02histr/gadmin/ in your init

Best regards,

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit
I've made some progress, I am getting

File: ~/02histr/gadmin/

This happens even though I removed the file name from org-agenda-files
in my init file, and restarted another session.

> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 8:55 PM
> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> To:
> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> ||On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 20:16, wrote:
> > Something is wrong.  Now I have done as follows, but Org Agenda still shows
> > meetings.
> You have two checks to make,
> 1. what is the content of org-agenda-files?
> 2. refresh the org-agenda with the command (org-agenda-redo) usually
> bounded to r in the org-agenda-mode
> HTH,
> Jeremie
> ||On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 20:16, wrote:
> > Something is wrong.  Now I have done as follows, but Org Agenda still shows
> > meetings.
> >
> > (setq org-agenda-files
> >'("~/02histr/gadmin/"
> >  "~/02histr/gadmin/"
> >  "~/02histr/gadmin/"))
> >
> > ;; "~/02histr/gadmin/"
> > ;; "~/02histr/gadmin/"
> >
> >> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 8:01 PM
> >> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> >> To:
> >> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> >> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> >>
> >> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 19:43, wrote:
> >> > Why does Agenda not simply honour the init file.  Many fume something 
> >> > awful
> >> > when you question them on how things are done.
> >> It turns out that it does.
> >>
> >> This what I have in my input file
> >>
> >> (setq org-agenda-files
> >>'("~/Documents/" "~/Documents/"
> >>"~/Documents/" "~/Documents/"
> >>"~/Documents/"))
> >>
> >> just be careful about the custom-set-variables section. I you use
> >> the command (org-agenda-file-to-front) to add files to org-agenda-files,
> >> then if I'm not mistaken the org-agenda-files will get redefined in the
> >> custom-set-variables section.
> >>
> >> HTH,
> >> Best regards,
> >> Jeremie
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> --
> Jeremie Juste

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit

> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 8:55 PM
> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> To:
> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> ||On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 20:16, wrote:
> > Something is wrong.  Now I have done as follows, but Org Agenda still shows
> > meetings.
> You have two checks to make,
> 1. what is the content of org-agenda-files?

Still have not managed to get the information for point 1.
Would you be so kind to guide to the appropriate documentation as I do not know
how to run the commands you suggested.

Apologies for this.

> 2. refresh the org-agenda with the command (org-agenda-redo) usually
> bounded to r in the org-agenda-mode
> HTH,
> Jeremie
> ||On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 20:16, wrote:
> > Something is wrong.  Now I have done as follows, but Org Agenda still shows
> > meetings.
> >
> > (setq org-agenda-files
> >'("~/02histr/gadmin/"
> >  "~/02histr/gadmin/"
> >  "~/02histr/gadmin/"))
> >
> > ;; "~/02histr/gadmin/"
> > ;; "~/02histr/gadmin/"
> >
> >> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 8:01 PM
> >> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> >> To:
> >> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> >> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> >>
> >> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 19:43, wrote:
> >> > Why does Agenda not simply honour the init file.  Many fume something 
> >> > awful
> >> > when you question them on how things are done.
> >> It turns out that it does.
> >>
> >> This what I have in my input file
> >>
> >> (setq org-agenda-files
> >>'("~/Documents/" "~/Documents/"
> >>"~/Documents/" "~/Documents/"
> >>"~/Documents/"))
> >>
> >> just be careful about the custom-set-variables section. I you use
> >> the command (org-agenda-file-to-front) to add files to org-agenda-files,
> >> then if I'm not mistaken the org-agenda-files will get redefined in the
> >> custom-set-variables section.
> >>
> >> HTH,
> >> Best regards,
> >> Jeremie
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> --
> Jeremie Juste

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread Jeremie Juste
||On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 20:16, wrote:
> Something is wrong.  Now I have done as follows, but Org Agenda still shows
> meetings.

You have two checks to make,

1. what is the content of org-agenda-files?
2. refresh the org-agenda with the command (org-agenda-redo) usually
bounded to r in the org-agenda-mode


||On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 20:16, wrote:
> Something is wrong.  Now I have done as follows, but Org Agenda still shows
> meetings.
> (setq org-agenda-files
>  "~/02histr/gadmin/"
>  "~/02histr/gadmin/"))
> ;; "~/02histr/gadmin/"
> ;; "~/02histr/gadmin/"
>> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 8:01 PM
>> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
>> To:
>> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
>> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
>> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 19:43, wrote:
>> > Why does Agenda not simply honour the init file.  Many fume something awful
>> > when you question them on how things are done.
>> It turns out that it does.
>> This what I have in my input file
>> (setq org-agenda-files
>>'("~/Documents/" "~/Documents/"
>>"~/Documents/" "~/Documents/"
>> just be careful about the custom-set-variables section. I you use
>> the command (org-agenda-file-to-front) to add files to org-agenda-files,
>> then if I'm not mistaken the org-agenda-files will get redefined in the
>> custom-set-variables section.
>> HTH,
>> Best regards,
>> Jeremie

Jeremie Juste

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit

> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 8:26 PM
> From: "Detlef Steuer" 
> To:
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> Am Sat, 28 Nov 2020 20:16:52 +0100
> schrieb
> > Something is wrong.  Now I have done as follows, but Org Agenda still
> > shows meetings.
> >
> > (setq org-agenda-files
> >'("~/02histr/gadmin/"
> >  "~/02histr/gadmin/"
> >  "~/02histr/gadmin/"))
> To take effect this setting must be executed C-x C-e
> in a running session. See:
> Or, if still unsure how all this stuff interacts, restart emacs after
> altering the init file. Don't ask how for long I did it that way.

That's what I've been doing, altering the init file, then restart emacs
by firing a new session.  This is defeating me.

> Detlef
> >
> > ;; "~/02histr/gadmin/"
> > ;; "~/02histr/gadmin/"
> >
> > > Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 8:01 PM
> > > From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> > > To:
> > > Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> > > Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> > >
> > > || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 19:43, wrote:
> > > > Why does Agenda not simply honour the init file.  Many fume
> > > > something awful when you question them on how things are done.
> > > It turns out that it does.
> > >
> > > This what I have in my input file
> > >
> > > (setq org-agenda-files
> > >'("~/Documents/" "~/Documents/"
> > >"~/Documents/" "~/Documents/"
> > >"~/Documents/"))
> > >
> > > just be careful about the custom-set-variables section. I you use
> > > the command (org-agenda-file-to-front) to add files to
> > > org-agenda-files, then if I'm not mistaken the org-agenda-files
> > > will get redefined in the custom-set-variables section.
> > >
> > > HTH,
> > > Best regards,
> > > Jeremie
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread Detlef Steuer
Am Sat, 28 Nov 2020 20:16:52 +0100

> Something is wrong.  Now I have done as follows, but Org Agenda still
> shows meetings.
> (setq org-agenda-files
>  "~/02histr/gadmin/"
>  "~/02histr/gadmin/"))

To take effect this setting must be executed C-x C-e
in a running session. See:

Or, if still unsure how all this stuff interacts, restart emacs after
altering the init file. Don't ask how for long I did it that way.


> ;; "~/02histr/gadmin/"
> ;; "~/02histr/gadmin/"
> > Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 8:01 PM
> > From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> > To:
> > Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> > Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> >
> > || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 19:43, wrote:  
> > > Why does Agenda not simply honour the init file.  Many fume
> > > something awful when you question them on how things are done.  
> > It turns out that it does.
> >
> > This what I have in my input file
> >
> > (setq org-agenda-files
> >'("~/Documents/" "~/Documents/"
> >"~/Documents/" "~/Documents/"
> >"~/Documents/"))
> >
> > just be careful about the custom-set-variables section. I you use
> > the command (org-agenda-file-to-front) to add files to
> > org-agenda-files, then if I'm not mistaken the org-agenda-files
> > will get redefined in the custom-set-variables section.
> >
> > HTH,
> > Best regards,
> > Jeremie
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  

Re: official orgmode parser

2020-11-28 Thread Gerry Agbobada

On Wed, Nov 11, 2020, at 10:15, Bastien wrote:
> The example file would be also good to help users track for small
> syntactic changes, when they happen.

When I thought mistakenly I could use an EBNF parser to parse Org-mode, I wrote 
a little examples to get going (never went past headings as I'm not really good 
with parsing things)

Maybe it could be used as a base. I wasn't really sure of how to handle test 
cases and creating good ones.

Best regards,

Gerry Agbobada

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit
Something is wrong.  Now I have done as follows, but Org Agenda still shows

(setq org-agenda-files

;; "~/02histr/gadmin/"
;; "~/02histr/gadmin/"

> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 8:01 PM
> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> To:
> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 19:43, wrote:
> > Why does Agenda not simply honour the init file.  Many fume something awful
> > when you question them on how things are done.
> It turns out that it does.
> This what I have in my input file
> (setq org-agenda-files
>'("~/Documents/" "~/Documents/"
>"~/Documents/" "~/Documents/"
> just be careful about the custom-set-variables section. I you use
> the command (org-agenda-file-to-front) to add files to org-agenda-files,
> then if I'm not mistaken the org-agenda-files will get redefined in the
> custom-set-variables section.
> HTH,
> Best regards,
> Jeremie

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread Jeremie Juste
|| On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 19:43, wrote:
> Why does Agenda not simply honour the init file.  Many fume something awful
> when you question them on how things are done.
It turns out that it does.

This what I have in my input file

(setq org-agenda-files
   '("~/Documents/" "~/Documents/"
   "~/Documents/" "~/Documents/"

just be careful about the custom-set-variables section. I you use
the command (org-agenda-file-to-front) to add files to org-agenda-files,
then if I'm not mistaken the org-agenda-files will get redefined in the
custom-set-variables section.

Best regards,

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit
What can I put in my init file for Org Agenda to honour
my emacs init setup?

> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 6:41 PM
> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> To:
> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> Hello,
> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 17:54, wrote:
> > Yes, it shows.  That was a good test.
> This is encouraging. So the problem might be in the wild card expansion
> if you execute the following command do you get all the files you expect?
> (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/household*.org")
> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 18:01, wrote:
> > Have now removed /02histr/gadmin/household*.org and the entries are still 
> > there.  Does
> > it save things and got to reset something?  It has become very confusing.
> The agenda files get stored in the variable org-agenda-files.
> So if you do C-h v org-agenda-files then you will see all the file that
> the agenda will show. If you want to remove a file you have two
> options.
> 1. modify the org-agenda-files directly
> 2. or go the file you want to remove and M-x org-remove-file .
>you can have more info by executing  this command - (info "(org) Agenda 
> Files")
> Of course, Don't forget to refresh the agenda. A trap I have often
> fallen into  :-)
> HTH,
> Jeremie

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit

Why does Agenda not simply honour the init file.  Many fume something awful
when you question them on how things are done.

> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 6:41 PM
> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> To:
> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> Hello,
> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 17:54, wrote:
> > Yes, it shows.  That was a good test.
> This is encouraging. So the problem might be in the wild card expansion
> if you execute the following command do you get all the files you expect?
> (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/household*.org")
> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 18:01, wrote:
> > Have now removed /02histr/gadmin/household*.org and the entries are still 
> > there.  Does
> > it save things and got to reset something?  It has become very confusing.
> The agenda files get stored in the variable org-agenda-files.
> So if you do C-h v org-agenda-files then you will see all the file that
> the agenda will show. If you want to remove a file you have two
> options.
> 1. modify the org-agenda-files directly
> 2. or go the file you want to remove and M-x org-remove-file .
>you can have more info by executing  this command - (info "(org) Agenda 
> Files")
> Of course, Don't forget to refresh the agenda. A trap I have often
> fallen into  :-)
> HTH,
> Jeremie

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit

> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 6:41 PM
> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> To:
> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> Hello,
> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 17:54, wrote:
> > Yes, it shows.  That was a good test.
> This is encouraging. So the problem might be in the wild card expansion
> if you execute the following command do you get all the files you expect?
> (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/household*.org")

How does one execute the command exactly?

> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 18:01, wrote:
> > Have now removed /02histr/gadmin/household*.org and the entries are still 
> > there.  Does
> > it save things and got to reset something?  It has become very confusing.
> The agenda files get stored in the variable org-agenda-files.
> So if you do C-h v org-agenda-files then you will see all the file that
> the agenda will show. If you want to remove a file you have two
> options.
> 1. modify the org-agenda-files directly
> 2. or go the file you want to remove and M-x org-remove-file .
>you can have more info by executing  this command - (info "(org) Agenda 
> Files")
> Of course, Don't forget to refresh the agenda. A trap I have often
> fallen into  :-)
> HTH,
> Jeremie

Re: Remembrance Agents

2020-11-28 Thread Jean Louis
 * Gerardo Moro  [2020-11-28 20:02]:
> Is there currently any (good) implementation of the idea of the Remembrance
> Agents in Emacs?

According to this document:


the implementation was running already in Emacs!

There is more to it:

And picture:

As I am developing HyperScope that is to augment the knowledge, at
least for those objects displayed within HyperScope but also in other
context or modes I could invoke something similar as Speedbar on the
side or in separate window that would show all relations to specific
object. It could also look from time to time into what text is user
writing and search relevant terms or tags to display such as
hyperlinks that are accessible on the side. The more information user
enters into the database and the more tags and relations have been
created the better the relevance.

In the context of web applications providing CRM Customer Relationship
Management there are always various related objects hyperlinked on the
same page. Same is valid for ERM or Enterprise Resource Management and
similar systems as they are already based on the relational databases.

Automatic hypertexting is another good feature that may be implemented
within Emacs for any relevant terms.

Re: Bring up a screen giving option to open a series of orgmode files

2020-11-28 Thread Jean Louis
* Maxim Nikulin  [2020-11-28 19:13]:
> 2020-11-27 Jean Louis wrote:
> > * Alan Schmitt [2020-11-27 11:15]:
> > 
> > > There is also the
> > > org-noter option ( to link
> > > external annotations to pdfs.
> > 
> > Annotations are long time envisioned feature that is very poorly
> > implemented in any hyperdocument systems. implement it for
> > WWW but WWW could be better designed to allow easier
> > annotations. Browsers are missing it all over.
> A remark just to ensure that there is no confusion. PDF format has its own
> annotations that are saved inside the file (highlights, text notes,
> drawings). It is quite convenient to comment e.g. draft version of a paper.
> Another use case is working with a document on a tablet.
> External annotations are certainly powerful but sometimes they are not an
> equivalent.

Your remark is quite good.

Then once annotated document has been prepared as PDF such can be
referenced by constructed hyperlink from other hypertext systems.

One problem with such PDF is that annotations may be confidential or
not public and that remains to people to solve their access
permissions. Other case is providing simple annotations for online
PDFs that are not on one's own server.

On my side solving that by referencing to people over WWW involves
creating separate WWW page with annotation over the online accessible
PDF page. It may be harder to read but still solves problem to
certain degree.

Let us say I wish to reference Memex, instead of:


then there would be reference like this rather:


and on such intermediary website, one could get hyperlinks and
annotations to the original website. Such annotations, comments,
notes, and other relations to the final hyperdocument could be updated
in the mean time while the original URL as reference remains static.

Upon opening of the intermediary URL
the destination URL could be opened as well in a new window by using
Javascript. Though I do not prefer that approach.

The annotating page could look something like below, with maybe more
various references to the subject being referenced and various
hyperlinks automatically displayed. There are Emacs packages that
allow Emacs buffers to be htmlized.

 Tags: memex 
 Type: WWW

Memex is  the name of  the hypothetical electromechanical  device that
Vannevar Bush  described in his 1945  article "As We May  Think". Bush
envisioned the memex  as a device in which  individuals would compress
and store all of their books, records, and communications, "mechanized
so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility". The
memex would provide an "enlarged intimate supplement to one's memory".

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit
Ok, let's check it out.

> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 6:41 PM
> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> To:
> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> Hello,
> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 17:54, wrote:
> > Yes, it shows.  That was a good test.
> This is encouraging. So the problem might be in the wild card expansion
> if you execute the following command do you get all the files you expect?
> (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/household*.org")
> || On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 18:01, wrote:
> > Have now removed /02histr/gadmin/household*.org and the entries are still 
> > there.  Does
> > it save things and got to reset something?  It has become very confusing.
> The agenda files get stored in the variable org-agenda-files.
> So if you do C-h v org-agenda-files then you will see all the file that
> the agenda will show. If you want to remove a file you have two
> options.
> 1. modify the org-agenda-files directly
> 2. or go the file you want to remove and M-x org-remove-file .
>you can have more info by executing  this command - (info "(org) Agenda 
> Files")
> Of course, Don't forget to refresh the agenda. A trap I have often
> fallen into  :-)
> HTH,
> Jeremie

Re: Bring up a screen giving option to open a series of orgmode files

2020-11-28 Thread Jean Louis
* Maxim Nikulin  [2020-11-28 18:52]:
  :CREATED:  [2020-11-28 Sat 19:55]
  :ID:   60f81bc3-5122-44d6-87b6-d8554fc6a6b4
> 2020-11-27 Jean Louis wrote:
> > 
> > Now we have `evince' PDF viewer that can open PDF I think by page
> > number and by query but it cannot do the equivalent
> > `evince-store-link' so user has to think about the file name and page
> > number and so on.
> However xpdf (evince predecessor in respect to PDF engine) allows to
> define custom bindings in config file, so store link could be
> implemented. It seems, the feature was lost on the way to
> user-friendly interface. Unsure but maybe store link could be
> configured for browser built-in PDF viewers.

Myself I was not aware of history of hyperlinks but when we look back
to Memex and Engelbart, it becomes clear that we wasted more than half
century without implementing what is useful.

Any viewer should have option to quickly construct a hyperlink and
store it somewhere with its annotation and other meta data so that
such can be reused by any other program. And viewer should have option
to directly access such reference from command line or by invoking it
from other program. Both the viewer author or party producing that
software and other software that hyperlinks by using some program are
benefiting from it.

Maybe evince and various PDF viewers and their maintainers can be
convinced to include those very simple functions. PDF often have meta
data usable for referencing, and if such does not exist then specific
page ID, query or match can be used. I will ask Evince maintainers and
other PDF viewer authors then mpv, mplayer and VLC as well.

As if I can open video at specific time to be played then why I cannot
obtain the hyperlink by watching video. Sounds not logical to me.

Hyperlinks captured should not be related to Org. They should have
their own URIs and Org should know how to interpret its URIs.

List of URI Schemes

I know that Org is using something as file:something::12 but not sure
if it really supports for example PDF for page number, query or
match. It should.

It should support video by its specific start time to be played or
sound to be played all or by specific start time or time period.

In general many of those URI schemes should be built-in into Org. Most
of them are already built-in into Emacs but their handlers are
not. The development version of Emacs has now browse-url-handlers and
that allows for any URI to be opened within Emacs. Org mode is not
necessary, only goto-browse-mode.

> > We have browsers that each of them think for themselves. Each can
> > store bookmarks but hardly provide such to external programs.
> I agree that bookmarks as they implemented in browser is something poor.
> Forget external programs in the context of modern browsers (either you like
> it or not). De facto, extensions should communicate with HTTP servers, to
> protect users, access to filesystem is not allowed any more.

Alright, only if it would be that secure, then this type of advise
would not be there:

How to Run a More Secure Browser

I do remember before 15 years how I could offer a website to be
accessed by user and I could choose either to fully block and freeze
user's computer or to access file system of the user. Those are
exploits, and if those exploits still exist or not we cannot know
until we know.  What is known by experience is that browsers are not
quite secure.

Example like this may be
today in other forms activated on people's computers.

> However some API to manipulate bookmarks exists, do not know if it
> is really useful:

I have ceased using bookmarks in browsers. Org capture mechanism
allows bookmarking in a central system that may be managed by Emacs,
but as it is database it may be managed by simple command line tool
fzf and SQL or by awk and sed to choose a node or again Emacs on
command line, or Perl accessing the remote database or any other

When things are stored in the database access can be anyhow. I am also
thinking to devise way to store activation methods in the database
itself and not in the program accessing database.

> > Almost none browser can store specific paragraph based
> bookmark. They > rely mostly on anchors as finely specified
> greed. Bookmarks could be > by HTML page number or query or
> paragraph.  In principle, any paragraph could be addressed using
> XPath
> but it is extremely fragile since link will be likely invalid after
> web site redesign or modification of the text.

I am keeping references, thank you. It looks like low level API. It
does not matter for modifications as some documents are 

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread Jeremie Juste


|| On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 17:54, wrote:
> Yes, it shows.  That was a good test.
This is encouraging. So the problem might be in the wild card expansion
if you execute the following command do you get all the files you expect?

(file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/household*.org")

|| On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 18:01, wrote:
> Have now removed /02histr/gadmin/household*.org and the entries are still 
> there.  Does
> it save things and got to reset something?  It has become very confusing.

The agenda files get stored in the variable org-agenda-files.
So if you do C-h v org-agenda-files then you will see all the file that
the agenda will show. If you want to remove a file you have two

1. modify the org-agenda-files directly
2. or go the file you want to remove and M-x org-remove-file .
   you can have more info by executing  this command - (info "(org) Agenda 

Of course, Don't forget to refresh the agenda. A trap I have often
fallen into  :-)


Re: Bug report: remote file python src output gives FileNotFound (+ suggested fix)

2020-11-28 Thread Jack Kamm
Hi Paul,

I'm unable to reproduce the issue, and believe this issue has already
been fixed in the latest version of org-mode. See this patch [1]. Could
you please upgrade to Org 9.4 and test again?



paul  writes:

> When working remotely, a python SRC block with a session and :results set to 
> output will return a FileNotFoundError.
> To reproduce this bug:
> 1. Open a .org file remotely
> 2. Insert the following
> #+BEGIN_SRC python :results output :session check
> print("a")
> 3. org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c in the code block
> I already figured out how to fix it:
> In ob-python.el.gz, the function org-babel-python-evaluate-session the 
> let-variable tmp-src-file is made, which contains tramp-prefix when working 
> remotely. But the tramp-prefix is still there here:
> (format org-babel-python--exec-tmpfile tmp-src-file)
> which causes the remotely executed command to still contain the prefix, and 
> hence it cannot find it.
> To fix, the line above could be replaced with
> (format org-babel-python--exec-tmpfile (or (file-remote-p tmp-src-file 
> 'localname) tmp-src-file))
> Hope this helps :) (and many many thanks for org-mode)

Re: Remembrance Agents

2020-11-28 Thread George Mauer
As far as I know the only thing remotely like that is the org-roam buffer
when you are in a file managed by org-roam. This would be simply a linkable
list of other roam notes which reference the currently viewed note

So not exactly what you're looking for I suspect but a similarish concept

On Sat, Nov 28, 2020, 11:01 Gerardo Moro  wrote:

> Is there currently any (good) implementation of the idea of the
> Remembrance Agents in Emacs?
> Thanks!

set source directory for org-attach

2020-11-28 Thread gyro funch

I'm relatively new to org-mode.

I am tending to use org-attach quite a bit as part of my workflow.

Instead of having to navigate from default-directory to the source of
the attachment, it would be great if I could set a better default.

I am probably missing something obvious, but is there a way to set the
default source directory for attachments?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your help.


Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit
Have now removed /02histr/gadmin/household*.org and the entries are still 
there.  Does
it save things and got to reset something?  It has become very confusing.

> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 5:51 PM
> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> To:
> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> Hello
> Could you try to add the file another way just for testing?
> For instance open a file that match the path
> ~/02histr/gadmin/household*.org, then
> execute M-x org-agenda-file-to-front in this buffer.
> It is also bound to C-c [ by default.
> If the file is shown in the agenda, it might be a wildcard issue.
> HTH,
> Jeremie
> On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 16:39, wrote:
> > Am trying to put files to display my schedules using the code below.
> > I am seeing the schedule from meeting*.org, but those in household*.org
> > are not being shown in Agenda.
> >
> > (setq org-agenda-files
> >(append
> > (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/todo*.org")
> > (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/writing*.org")
> > (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/household*.org")
> > (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/health*.org")
> > (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/meeting*.org") ))
> >
> --
> Jeremie Juste

Remembrance Agents

2020-11-28 Thread Gerardo Moro
Is there currently any (good) implementation of the idea of the Remembrance
Agents in Emacs?

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit
Yes, it shows.  That was a good test.

> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 5:51 PM
> From: "Jeremie Juste" 
> To:
> Cc: "Org-Mode mailing list" 
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> Hello
> Could you try to add the file another way just for testing?
> For instance open a file that match the path
> ~/02histr/gadmin/household*.org, then
> execute M-x org-agenda-file-to-front in this buffer.
> It is also bound to C-c [ by default.
> If the file is shown in the agenda, it might be a wildcard issue.
> HTH,
> Jeremie
> On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 16:39, wrote:
> > Am trying to put files to display my schedules using the code below.
> > I am seeing the schedule from meeting*.org, but those in household*.org
> > are not being shown in Agenda.
> >
> > (setq org-agenda-files
> >(append
> > (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/todo*.org")
> > (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/writing*.org")
> > (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/household*.org")
> > (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/health*.org")
> > (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/meeting*.org") ))
> >
> --
> Jeremie Juste

Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread Jeremie Juste

Could you try to add the file another way just for testing?
For instance open a file that match the path
~/02histr/gadmin/household*.org, then

execute M-x org-agenda-file-to-front in this buffer.
It is also bound to C-c [ by default.

If the file is shown in the agenda, it might be a wildcard issue.


On Saturday, 28 Nov 2020 at 16:39, wrote:
> Am trying to put files to display my schedules using the code below.
> I am seeing the schedule from meeting*.org, but those in household*.org
> are not being shown in Agenda.
> (setq org-agenda-files
> (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/todo*.org")
> (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/writing*.org")
> (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/household*.org")
> (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/health*.org")
> (file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/meeting*.org") ))

Jeremie Juste

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-28 Thread Christopher Dimech

> Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 5:16 PM
> From: "Jean Louis" 
> To: "Ihor Radchenko" 
> Cc: "Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" , "Texas Cyberthal" 
> , "" 
> Subject: Re: One vs many directories
> * Ihor Radchenko  [2020-11-24 10:57]:
> > > I find it entertaining for now. Now, what is exomind?
> >
> > Unless I misunderstood, Jean referred to "external brain" concept:
> > -
> The more you send me reference more I discover other set of people
> doing same what I am doing. Since I have implemented central meta
> level organization it is moving rapidly, everthing gets sorted. It
> develops by itself and is rapidly accessible.

Believing that only you think a certain way is a big mistake.

> That website I have to mirror locally to pick ideas and learn from
> others. Mirroring I do with:
> $ wget -Emk
> As that command replaces all hyperlinks to local hyperlinks. That
> person advanced in organization of things. I stick to few principles
> and just design it by principles.
> Design works rapidly. Few Emacs Lisp functions and access to reports
> listed in Emacs Buffers and integration with other tools.
> With one function and one PostgreSQL table defined in 3 minutes I get
> rudimentary backup and version system for any column values that I am
> editing in the database. If I edit note, the note is versioned
> (previous version stored) before I start editing it. Principles I am
> following are basics what programmers like, to minimize or eliminate
> repetitions and efforts to achieve the goal.
> Person above have extracted or exported its own database of hyperlinks
> to hyperdocuments. My side I have made for now Org export of any
> subtree or the whole dynamic knowledge repository. There are many
> things to go. In Emacs development version all kinds of hyperlinks can
> get their handlers like gopher:// gemini:// message: tel: sms: and
> htat will be very helpful.
> No, I do not use "exobrain" as a term. I rather lean on Engelbart's
> terminology and follow his principles as we are very late to implement
> what was envisioned back in 1968 and before. It is 52 years already.
> And many more years since Memex has been invented:
> Memex
> As author said: "The memex device as described by Bush "would use
> microfilm storage, dry photography, and analog computing to give
> postwar scholars access to a huge, indexed repository of knowledge any
> section of which could be called up with a few keystrokes."
> And that is exactly what I am creating here to have anything called up
> with few keystrokes and to be able to share files with individuals or
> groups of people without more thinking but just designated what to be
> done.
> Have group of 5 people to share notes with? Just find the designated
> group and click share. Computer would handle the rest, maybe send
> files by emails individually, maybe inform people by SMS, maybe upload
> files and share password protected hyperlinks with those people.
> Integration is another keyword I like to follow. Android principle of
> sharing is pretty much based on integration. We have all the small
> functions around us only not well integrated with their relations that
> concern human problems.
> We have files on file system which we cannot easily share with groups
> or people we want. Address books are all sparse, one is in this email
> client, one is separate, one is on the mobile device, another email
> client does not synchronize, and so on. I have forgotten this long
> ago and use central address book from where everything derive:
> - no Google, clouds, etc. that is very insecure. Do not give contacts
>   to Google, there are hundreds of thousands of staff members there
>   and no guarantee whatsoever that they will not read it.
> - keeping contacts on my computers. I have already spent money for
>   hard disk, there is enough space
> - exporting contacts from central database and importing to email
>   clients, mobile devices, this way everything is synchronized.
> How quickly can GNU/Linux user share a file with somebody?
> - locate the file by using hierarchical browsing. If file system is a
>   mess, this alone may take some time
> - open up email reader
> - find that email address. If it is in the email reader already it is
>   good. But it could be in the phone. It could be on paper, or on
>   business card. Where is it? Maybe calling person? But where is the
>   phone number? On first phone, second phone... if all is synchronized
>   maybe is easier to find.
> - attach the file
> - send the file.
> But then sending SMS or calling in the same time does not
> work. The above process is not well integrated.
> It could work like this:
> - user just thinks of what has to be shared with other person, types
>   the terms related to the thought
> - locates the file and press share
> - locates the user and 

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-28 Thread Jean Louis
* Ihor Radchenko  [2020-11-24 10:57]:
> > I find it entertaining for now. Now, what is exomind? 
> Unless I misunderstood, Jean referred to "external brain" concept:
> -

The more you send me reference more I discover other set of people
doing same what I am doing. Since I have implemented central meta
level organization it is moving rapidly, everthing gets sorted. It
develops by itself and is rapidly accessible.

That website I have to mirror locally to pick ideas and learn from
others. Mirroring I do with:

$ wget -Emk

As that command replaces all hyperlinks to local hyperlinks. That
person advanced in organization of things. I stick to few principles
and just design it by principles.

Design works rapidly. Few Emacs Lisp functions and access to reports
listed in Emacs Buffers and integration with other tools.

With one function and one PostgreSQL table defined in 3 minutes I get
rudimentary backup and version system for any column values that I am
editing in the database. If I edit note, the note is versioned
(previous version stored) before I start editing it. Principles I am
following are basics what programmers like, to minimize or eliminate
repetitions and efforts to achieve the goal.

Person above have extracted or exported its own database of hyperlinks
to hyperdocuments. My side I have made for now Org export of any
subtree or the whole dynamic knowledge repository. There are many
things to go. In Emacs development version all kinds of hyperlinks can
get their handlers like gopher:// gemini:// message: tel: sms: and
htat will be very helpful.

No, I do not use "exobrain" as a term. I rather lean on Engelbart's
terminology and follow his principles as we are very late to implement
what was envisioned back in 1968 and before. It is 52 years already.

And many more years since Memex has been invented:


As author said: "The memex device as described by Bush "would use
microfilm storage, dry photography, and analog computing to give
postwar scholars access to a huge, indexed repository of knowledge any
section of which could be called up with a few keystrokes."

And that is exactly what I am creating here to have anything called up
with few keystrokes and to be able to share files with individuals or
groups of people without more thinking but just designated what to be

Have group of 5 people to share notes with? Just find the designated
group and click share. Computer would handle the rest, maybe send
files by emails individually, maybe inform people by SMS, maybe upload
files and share password protected hyperlinks with those people.

Integration is another keyword I like to follow. Android principle of
sharing is pretty much based on integration. We have all the small
functions around us only not well integrated with their relations that
concern human problems.

We have files on file system which we cannot easily share with groups
or people we want. Address books are all sparse, one is in this email
client, one is separate, one is on the mobile device, another email
client does not synchronize, and so on. I have forgotten this long
ago and use central address book from where everything derive:

- no Google, clouds, etc. that is very insecure. Do not give contacts
  to Google, there are hundreds of thousands of staff members there
  and no guarantee whatsoever that they will not read it.

- keeping contacts on my computers. I have already spent money for
  hard disk, there is enough space

- exporting contacts from central database and importing to email
  clients, mobile devices, this way everything is synchronized.

How quickly can GNU/Linux user share a file with somebody?

- locate the file by using hierarchical browsing. If file system is a
  mess, this alone may take some time

- open up email reader

- find that email address. If it is in the email reader already it is
  good. But it could be in the phone. It could be on paper, or on
  business card. Where is it? Maybe calling person? But where is the
  phone number? On first phone, second phone... if all is synchronized
  maybe is easier to find.

- attach the file

- send the file.

But then sending SMS or calling in the same time does not
work. The above process is not well integrated.

It could work like this:

- user just thinks of what has to be shared with other person, types
  the terms related to the thought

- locates the file and press share

- locates the user and press enter. FINISHED

That would be better integration. Even better it would be if user can
choose the automated workflow option:

1. send the file, automatically record that file has been sent to
   specific user. Tell user automatically how many files are attached
   and attach annotation belonging to the file as body of the email or
   any instructions.

2. in the same time inform the user by SMS that file has been sent and
   record that SMS have been sent. 

Re: Bring up a screen giving option to open a series of orgmode files

2020-11-28 Thread Maxim Nikulin

2020-11-27 Jean Louis wrote:

* Alan Schmitt [2020-11-27 11:15]: There is also the
org-noter option ( to link
external annotations to pdfs.

Annotations are long time envisioned feature that is very poorly
implemented in any hyperdocument systems. implement it for
WWW but WWW could be better designed to allow easier
annotations. Browsers are missing it all over.

A remark just to ensure that there is no confusion. PDF format has its 
own annotations that are saved inside the file (highlights, text notes, 
drawings). It is quite convenient to comment e.g. draft version of a 
paper. Another use case is working with a document on a tablet.

External annotations are certainly powerful but sometimes they are not 
an equivalent.

Re: [PATCH] Fix ODT output for scheduled items.

2020-11-28 Thread Kyle Meyer
Nick Dokos writes:

> Subject: [PATCH] org-odt-planning: Fix scheduled item output
> * lisp/ox-odt.el (org-odt-planning): Use org-scheduled-string, not
>   org-deadline-string, for scheduled items.

Thank you.  Applied (546b2ba26).

Re: Bring up a screen giving option to open a series of orgmode files

2020-11-28 Thread Maxim Nikulin

2020-11-27 Jean Louis wrote:

Now we have `evince' PDF viewer that can open PDF I think by page
number and by query but it cannot do the equivalent
`evince-store-link' so user has to think about the file name and page
number and so on.

However xpdf (evince predecessor in respect to PDF engine) allows to 
define custom bindings in config file, so store link could be 
implemented. It seems, the feature was lost on the way to user-friendly 
interface. Unsure but maybe store link could be configured for browser 
built-in PDF viewers.

We have browsers that each of them think for themselves. Each can
store bookmarks but hardly provide such to external programs.

I agree that bookmarks as they implemented in browser is something poor. 
Forget external programs in the context of modern browsers (either you 
like it or not). De facto, extensions should communicate with HTTP 
servers, to protect users, access to filesystem is not allowed any more. 
However some API to manipulate bookmarks exists, do not know if it is 
really useful:

Almost none browser can store specific paragraph based bookmark. They
rely mostly on anchors as finely specified greed. Bookmarks could be
by HTML page number or query or paragraph.

In principle, any paragraph could be addressed using XPath 
but it is extremely fragile since link will be likely invalid after web 
site redesign or modification of the text. There is no interface for end 
users but web developers use it for UI tests if there is no more 
reliable option.

There was text search addressing initiative "Scroll to text"
The problem that URLs have no room for such extension points and some 
web sites abuse #anchors to determine what content should be shown, so 
addressing of particular element is not possible at all.

Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

2020-11-28 Thread daniela-spit
Am trying to put files to display my schedules using the code below.
I am seeing the schedule from meeting*.org, but those in household*.org
are not being shown in Agenda.

(setq org-agenda-files
(file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/todo*.org")
(file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/writing*.org")
(file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/household*.org")
(file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/health*.org")
(file-expand-wildcards "~/02histr/gadmin/meeting*.org") ))

Re: [PATCH] Fix ODT output for scheduled items.

2020-11-28 Thread Nick Dokos
Same patch but fixes the typo in the Changelog:

>From 7dc4877469c5bed7580ff80e9534480e16972b93 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nick Dokos 
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2020 10:01:02 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] org-odt-planning: Fix scheduled item output

* lisp/ox-odt.el (org-odt-planning): Use org-scheduled-string, not
  org-deadline-string, for scheduled items.

See  for an ECM.
 lisp/ox-odt.el | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lisp/ox-odt.el b/lisp/ox-odt.el
index 4619f9fcd..ef07acfed 100644
--- a/lisp/ox-odt.el
+++ b/lisp/ox-odt.el
@@ -2946,7 +2946,7 @@ channel."
 	 (when scheduled
 		(format "%s"
-			"OrgScheduledKeyword" org-deadline-string)
+			"OrgScheduledKeyword" org-scheduled-string)
 		(org-odt-timestamp scheduled contents info)))


[PATCH] Fix ODT output for scheduled items.

2020-11-28 Thread Nick Dokos
The ODT exporter uses the org-deadline-string for scheduled items. This
apparently predates the introduction of the "new" exporter in 2013 -
time flies...

It was reported on Emacs SE:

Patch attached.

>From 429d3eb816d0673326969f50b478f4d622147432 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nick Dokos 
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2020 10:01:02 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] org-odt-planning: Fix scheduled item output

* lis/ox-odt.el (org-odt-planning): Use org-scheduled-string, not
  org-deadline-string, for scheduled items.

See  for an ECM.
 lisp/ox-odt.el | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/lisp/ox-odt.el b/lisp/ox-odt.el
index 4619f9fcd..ef07acfed 100644
--- a/lisp/ox-odt.el
+++ b/lisp/ox-odt.el
@@ -2946,7 +2946,7 @@ channel."
 	 (when scheduled
 		(format "%s"
-			"OrgScheduledKeyword" org-deadline-string)
+			"OrgScheduledKeyword" org-scheduled-string)
 		(org-odt-timestamp scheduled contents info)))


Re: How to get a block’s contents by name

2020-11-28 Thread John Kitchin
I would do this:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun org-get-named-block-contents (name)
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((regexp (org-babel-named-src-block-regexp-for-name name)))
  (or (and (looking-at regexp)
  (progn (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
 (ignore-errors (org-next-block 1 nil regexp)))

This is basically what org-babel-find-named-block does, with the
(org-babel-expand-src-block) return instead of the position. It avoids the
double save-excursion.

This is probably faster than any alternative that involves parsing the
buffer, especially for large buffers.

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Fri, Nov 27, 2020 at 10:47 PM George Mauer  wrote:

> Well that pains me on a software-engineer-aip-design level but that works!
> Thanks a lot.
> On Fri, Nov 27, 2020 at 8:22 PM Kyle Meyer  wrote:
>> George Mauer writes:
>> > I'm trying to figure out how I could fetch the contents of another
>> block by
>> > name from an elisp script
>> >
>> > I've seen `org-sbe` but I just want to get the block contents, (ideally
>> > with noweb and vars filled in - just as it would be tangled if we were
>> to
>> > tangle it)
>> >
>> > How do I do that?
>> How about something like this?
>>   (save-excursion
>> (goto-char (org-babel-find-named-block "b"))
>> (org-babel-expand-src-block))

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-28 Thread Jean Louis
* Texas Cyberthal  [2020-11-28 11:20]:
> Hi Jean,
> > What should it be or do?
> Dbmind does things that Postgres handles better than Org.
> > As you have specific thought order in directory names then maybe
> > such could be parsed, maybe slashes / removed to show a full path
> > to the file. This becomes long but could be useful in some lists.

> I don't intend to do so.  Textmind maximizes path dynamism via
> Dired+Treefactor.  Links shouldn't break that.

I enjoy these thoughts.

Maybe you refer to browsing the tree.

I am switching completely from browsing the tree into index type of
access. Index helps to find the thought which in turn finds candidates
and file is in front of me. How I think now is little different than
past and different than future. If I think of term "Insurance" related
to Germany those are two words to search for. Maybe in future I think
of "health" then I should be able to find "insurance". There is no
fixed pattern on how to think. Repetition in locating the node creates
habits that next search is even quicker found.

Those most searched nodes could be ranked automatically for even
quicker access. And all searches for nodes could be recorded for
future as inexpensive and automated log that helps person find what
happened in the history and which nodes have been located at certain
months, dates, years.

org-store-link would get its hook or additional function that each
time when Org mode related heading is is stored that it ranks the
file the heading in a separate list which can be stored on file

After a while user will get a subset of highly ranked headings in
their corresponding Org files. That subset then can be used as quick
bookmarks or get bound to keys.

> > Alright and I find that it is the case on my side, and previous work of 
> > Engelbart, then also within some other information management systems, like 
> > Semantic Synchrony.
> Some of that might qualify as an algorithm, but not a natural thought
> algorithm.  A natural thought algorithm must manage substantially all
> natural thoughts while satisfying the definition of an algorithm.

I wish I could understand definition of "natural though algorithm" in
the context how you refer it to.

>From other people's experiences I can see they are thinking
different. It is questionable if there is one algorithm corresponding
to many people's natural thinking.

The algorithm in locating specific file on my sides is programming
algorithm based on what I find most quick for me personally. There are
several such algorithms programmed that help me locate things.

I have 19489 nodes, everything is together. There is no visible delay
for completion to show me list of nodes. The list of everything is
offered for completion and I can type what I think that I need.

If I search for PDF related to "mercury" I will locate it as quick as
1-2 seconds and can open it already. Or I could search by word, tag,
attribute and get a list of related hyperlinks and
hyperdocuments. From there on I can locate the right one.

> The things you mentioned are not even as sophisticated and complete as
> GTD.  And GTD is merely a personal paper-management algorithm, not a
> natural thought algorithm.

I did look on the hyperlink you gave me. It looks like algorithm
deciding what to do with tasks for me. But that is not how we manage
tasks in the group.

We have processes that are defined from A to Z and tasks are managed
with to achieve the overall purpose. A purpose could be project
accomplishment such as "bridge built over the water". Then tasks are
steps bringing the project closer to accomplishment, such as purchase
timber, saw, meter tape, screws. Project planner is the key here as
one should not put nothing more and nothing less, and none task shall
be defined that is not doable. No algorithm should influence tasks to
be pending, or archive them or decide to do task if it is very short
as relations to task and from the task to/from other objects are not
so simple. There can be 10 tasks each 2 minutes long that cannot be
conducted right now as the phone call and subsequent travel may have
so much more important.

I was referring to this:

> After reading appendix IV to Making it all work (another book about
> GTD by David Allen) it occured to me that the Process phase of
> "Mastering Workflow" would be well-rendered using psuedocode. This
> is probably due to the fact that there are several decisions to make
> along the way (logic) and this happens for each item in your inbox
> (loop). So, without further introduction here's the code:

> while length(inbox) > 0:
>   inbox_item = inbox.pop()
>   thing = analyze(inbox_item)

>   if not actionable(thing):
>   toss(thing) or tickle(thing) or file(thing)

>   else if less_than_two_minutes(thing):
>   do(thing)

>   else if is_single_task(thing):
>   wait_for(delegate(thing)) or assign_context(thing)

>   else:

Re: One vs many directories

2020-11-28 Thread Texas Cyberthal
Hi Jean,

> What should it be or do?

Dbmind does things that Postgres handles better than Org.

> As you have specific thought order in directory names then maybe such could 
> be parsed, maybe slashes / removed to show a full path to the file. This 
> becomes long but could be useful in some lists.

I don't intend to do so.  Textmind maximizes path dynamism via
Dired+Treefactor.  Links shouldn't break that.

> Alright and I find that it is the case on my side, and previous work of 
> Engelbart, then also within some other information management systems, like 
> Semantic Synchrony.

Some of that might qualify as an algorithm, but not a natural thought
algorithm.  A natural thought algorithm must manage substantially all
natural thoughts while satisfying the definition of an algorithm.

The things you mentioned are not even as sophisticated and complete as
GTD.  And GTD is merely a personal paper-management algorithm, not a
natural thought algorithm.

(Textmind manages text only, whereas some people think visually.  It
would be easy to adapt Textmind principles to Binmind, if needed.
Therefore even for visual thinkers, Cyborganize is a natural thought

I doubt there are multiple ways to design a natural thought algorithm.
For example, all natural thoughts occur in a chronological sequence.
This necessitates a ramblog to accurately reflect them.

This is the GTD inbox algorithm:

GTD is usually called a method.  I've started calling Textmind an
algorithm to emphasize the finiteness aspect of its design, a key
feature.  I think I could construct a pseudocode Textmind algorithm.
It would of course rely on human judgment for some decisions, and
judgment is fuzzy.  But the algorithm itself would be unambiguous.