Re: caption width in LateX export

2021-12-28 Thread Seb
On Tue, 28 Dec 2021 14:58:35 +,
Eric S Fraga  wrote:

> On Sunday, 26 Dec 2021 at 19:22, Seb wrote:
>> Using a special block, as in:

> [...]

>> fails, as it seems impossible to pass arguments to the special block.

> Not true.  The following seems to create the LaTeX code you wanted:

> #+attr_latex: :options {0.7\textwidth} #+begin_minipage

> #+CAPTION: looong caption.  [[file_path]]

> #+end_minipage

That is strange, as it actually should not work (it still doesn't for me
with your code).  However, I had made a mistake in my original post as I
meant to have the minipage environment inside the floating figure
environment in the output, as in:

---<cut here---start--->---
\caption{\label{ORG_LABEL}Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
  adipiscing elit.}
---<cut here---end->---

which does compile fine.  Apologies for the confusion this may have

The previous post by Juan Manuel did provide a neat solution, which I'll
be tweaking to implement this as I never need captions running across
the whole page for figures using much less.


caption width in LateX export

2021-12-26 Thread Seb

When exporting to LaTeX, is there a mechanism to make the figure
captions as wide as the figure?  In pure LaTeX, this can be easily
accomplished by placing the figure inside a minipage environment.
Using a special block, as in:

#+CAPTION: looong caption.

fails, as it seems impossible to pass arguments to the special block.
Any tips welcome.


unable to resolve link to Gnus email

2021-04-23 Thread Seb

Attempting to export with any exporter fails if document or a subtree
thereof contains an email link, e.g. captured from a Gnus buffer:

[[gnus:GroupName#EMAIL_ID][Email from John Doe]]

I get the error:

user-error: Unable to resolve link: 

Org: 9.4.5
Emacs: 27.1

Any tips welcome

[O] indentation error in python source block

2018-11-08 Thread Seb

I believe I've hit a strange bug.  Given this file:

---<cut here---start--->---
#+STARTUP: content indent hideblocks
#+PROPERTY: header-args :tangle yes
#+PROPERTY: header-args:python :session *Python*

#+NAME: python_init
#+BEGIN_SRC python :results silent :exports none
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

#+NAME: test
#+BEGIN_SRC python :results file :exports results
beg = ["2017-07-13 15:27:31", "2017-07-13 15:28:24"]
beg = pd.to_datetime(beg)
end = ["2017-07-13 15:28:03", "2017-07-13 15:28:57"]
end = pd.to_datetime(end)
pos = np.arange(1, 3).tolist()
experiment = pd.DataFrame(dict(index=np.arange(1, 3),
   beg=beg, end=end, pos=pos))
# Mid points
experiment["mid"] = (experiment["beg"] +
 (experiment["end"] - experiment["beg"]) / 2)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True)
# Shade experiment periods
for idx, row in experiment.iterrows():
for ax in axs:
ax.axvspan(row["beg"], row["end"], facecolor="0.5")
axs[0].annotate(row["pos"], (row["mid"], 1), ha="center",
xycoords=("data", "axes fraction"))
# TEMPORARY: limit to experiment periods
fig.savefig("junk.png", bbox_inches="tight")
---<cut here---end->---

Problem is in the second source block.  With point on the #+BEGIN line,
hitting C-c to execute the block yields indentation errors in the
Python process (first one):

---<cut here---start--->---
>>> experiment["end"].iloc[-1])
  File "", line 1
axs[0].annotate(row["pos"], (row["mid"], 1), ha="center",
IndentationError: unexpected indent
---<cut here---end->---

Tangling the file and running the Python script shows no error at all.
Executing the source block from the dedicated buffer via C-c '
(`org-edit-special') also runs without errors.  What is going on?


[O] R source code block :session

2018-09-30 Thread Seb

I'm running into a couple of issues with R source code blocks using
:session :

---<cut here---start--->---
#+NAME: test01
#+BEGIN_SRC R :session :results output
numstbl <- table(1:4, 1:4)

#+RESULTS: test01
: R> Number of cases in table: 4
: Number of factors: 2
: Test for independence of all factors:
:   Chisq = 12, df = 9, p-value = 0.2
:   Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect
---<cut here---end->---

Notice the "R> " prompt that prefixes the actual output.  If the first
line (`library` call) is removed, then the prompt is correctly excluded
from the results output.  I do have `options(prompt="R> ")` in my

The other problem:

---<cut here---start--->---
#+NAME: test02
#+BEGIN_SRC R :results output org
ascii(summary(table(1:4, 1:4)))

#+RESULTS: test02
- Number of cases in table: 4
- Number of factors: 2
- Test for independence of all factors:
  - Chisq = 12, df = 9, p-value = 0.2
  - Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect
---<cut here---end->---

According to the documentation, the
results output should be wrapped in #+BEGIN_ORG #+END_ORG, not in
another source code block.

Any tips much appreciated.


Re: [O] How to #+BEGIN_SRC sql :engine postgresql with PostgreSQL 10.0?

2018-03-01 Thread Seb
On Thu, 1 Mar 2018 16:33:39 +0100,
Jean Louis <> wrote:

> Hello, I am using the PostgreSQL 10.0 and that means that pg.el cannot
> be used anymore as it is not updated for that database.

No problems on GNU Emacs 25.2.2 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version
3.22.28) of 2018-02-19, modified by Debian and PostgreSQL 10.2:

---<cut here---start--->---
#+PROPERTY: header-args:sql :engine postgresql
#+PROPERTY: header-args:sql+ :cmdline -p5432 :database postgres

#+BEGIN_SRC sql :exports results :results table
SELECT version();

| version   
| PostgreSQL 10.2 (Debian 10.2-1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc 
(Debian 7.3.0-1) 7.3.0, 64-bit |
---<cut here---end--------->---


[O] export menu

2017-03-13 Thread Seb

Scanning the manual I don't see a hint on how to narrow the export menu
shown by C-c C-e (`org-export-dispatch').  I'm using ox-pandoc, which
has a lengthy export menu, which cannot display fully and gets cut off
the screen.  Ideally, it should be possible to sequentially narrow the
options, so that for instance only the LaTeX export options are shown
after hitting "l", but of course any tip allowing submenus to be fully
displayed will do!


[O] Python loops with ":results output"

2017-02-20 Thread Seb

Is it not possible to avoid having the continuation triple dots in the
first output line when capturing output from a Python loop?

---<cut here---start--->---
Export artifact:

#+BEGIN_SRC python :session :results output :exports results
for i in range(3):
print("Iter {0}".format(i))


: ... Iter 0
: Iter 1
: Iter 2
---<cut here---end->---

Thanks for any advice,


[O] [ox-latex] setting `org-latex-classes'

2015-07-21 Thread Seb

Does one have to `require' ox-latex in ~/.emacs just to set
`org-latex-classes'?  I can't seem to find the proper hook where I can
add to this alist without loading ox-latex.



Re: [O] [ox-latex] setting `org-latex-classes'

2015-07-21 Thread Seb
On Tue, 21 Jul 2015 13:37:39 -0400,
Nick Dokos wrote:


 Use eval-after-load:

 (eval-after-load ox-latex (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes ))

Thanks, I tried that but I get a Symbol's value as variable is void:
org-latex-classes when starting Emacs.


[O] sharing clock time across headlines/files

2015-06-08 Thread Seb

I'm having trouble finding the proper set up to build a clock table that
would show me the time spent in different activities that are shared
across headlines or even files.  For example, I'd like to track time
spent in these activities: 1) data preparation, 2) analysis, 3)
graphing.  These activities would be scattered across many projects,
having their own headline tree.  However, clocking only works on
headlines, so one would have to put each project under these activities,
which doesn't make sense.

I thought this might be a good scenario to use tags:

* Data preparation:data preparation:

* Analysis:analysis:

* Graphing:graphing:

* Project 1

** Subproject A   :data preparation:analysis:

* Project 2

** Subproject X   :analysis:graphing

* Project 3

** Subproject Y:data preparation:analysis:graphing

Then one would clock any of these headlines, and then request a clock
table summarizing the activities regardless of project.  I realize there
are some pitfalls with this approach, since care would be needed not to
clock the headline for the activitiy itself.  Or is there a better way
to accomplish this?



[O] SQL support in Babel

2014-11-20 Thread Seb

The last code block in ob-doc-sql¹ suggests I should be able to place a
number of #+HEADER lines above my SQL source code to specify the
connection string.  I am trying to connect to a remote PostgreSQL
server, and after lots of experimentation, the only way this works for
me is to have a single #+HEADER line with a :cmdline with the entire
connection string.  All the other header arguments (:database, :dbuser,
etc.), whether in separate lines or in a single one, seem to be
completely ignored.  Using Org 8.2.10 and Emacs 24.4.1 from Debian Sid
packages.  Is this a problem with this version combination, or does the
functionality of the header arguments depend on the engine being used?

+--- Footnotes ---+


[O] org-export-select-tags behaviour

2014-10-09 Thread Seb Frank

Quoting the manual (12.1 Selective Export):

1. Org first checks if any of the *select* tags is present in the buffer...
 2. If none of the select tags is found, the whole buffer will be selected
for export.

Is it possible to change this behaviour (i.e., to select nothing for export
if none of the /select/ tags are present), at least as an option? I'm using
org-caldav to synchronise selected entries in my org files with an external
calendar, and at some times in an org file there might happen to be no
headline present that I want exported -- in that case, I'd prefer not to
have /every/ headline exported, but none.

I've been trying to find where the selection/exclusion is done (in ox.el?),
but my limited lisp skills didn't get me far enough. Any pointers?

Many thanks,

Re: [O] beamer columns and printout

2014-05-15 Thread Seb Frank
I've solved the first problem, using a something similar to what has been
suggested here:

The solution is to define
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun sf-ignore-headline (contents backend info)
  Ignore headlines with tags `ignoreheading or `columns'.
  (when (and (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex 'html 'ascii)
 (string-match \\`.*\\(ignoreheading\\|columns\\).*\n
   (downcase contents)))
(replace-match  nil nil contents)))

(add-to-list 'org-export-filter-headline-functions 'sf-ignore-headline)
#+end_src emacs-lisp

This removes headlines with tags columns (or ignoreheading, for that
matter), which is what I wanted. Any ideas for the second problem? I.e.,
how to get rid of the BMCOL in export to latex/html/etc. while keeping the

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 5:51 PM, Seb Frank wrote:


 I'm interested in using org-mode to generate beamer slides and an
 article-like printout (using the article class, usepackage{beamerarticle}
 and latex export) from the same source, and I am running into two problems
 with the export to article when there are multiple columns.

 1.) I often use an empty headline with B_columns tag to allow me to
 specify top alignment. E.g.,

 #+begin_src org
 * :B_columns:
 :BEAMER_env: columns
 :BEAMER_opt: T
 ** Column 1 :BMCOL:
 :BEAMER_col: 0.35
 ** Column 2:BMCOL:
 #+end_src org

 In the printout, this yields an ugly empty section with a number if num:t.
 Is there a better way to pass [T] to the title-less columns environment, or
 (less preferably) a way to specify a title for the section without it
 appearing on the beamer slide?

 2.) In the above example, the B_columns and BMCOL tags get exported to the
 latex file for the printout (with an error because the underscore is used
 outside of math mode). Can these be suppressed?


Re: [O] *text* in headlines and export to latex

2014-05-15 Thread Seb Frank
Is this customizable at all? I've seen some old threads where people
used @ for alert (and a hack to replace it with something else if the
\alert command didn't exist, see
), but the solutions mentioned there don't seem to work with the
current version of org.

On 5/15/14, Sebastien Vauban wrote:
 Seb Frank wrote:
 On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 7:19 PM, Eric S Fraga wrote:
 On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 at 18:00, Seb Frank wrote:
 Latex export converts *text* to \textbf -- this doesn't work well
 for headlines that get turned into section titles as these appear to
 be bold by default. Is there a way to change this to \emph in
 headlines that get converted to (sub)sections?

 Silly question but: can you not simply use /text/ instead in the
 headlines?  Mind you, I think that bold + emph is not pretty... but
 that's a personal taste issue!

 Yes -- but that changes it to emph (instead of alert) in beamer export.

 As a side note, as both \alert and \textbf do exist in Beamer, I do
 think *text* should never be translated to \alert.

 That's because of that different translation between the two backends
 that you see that problem only in one backend.

 Best regards,

 Sebastien Vauban

[O] beamer columns and printout

2014-05-14 Thread Seb Frank

I'm interested in using org-mode to generate beamer slides and an
article-like printout (using the article class, usepackage{beamerarticle}
and latex export) from the same source, and I am running into two problems
with the export to article when there are multiple columns.

1.) I often use an empty headline with B_columns tag to allow me to specify
top alignment. E.g.,

#+begin_src org
* :B_columns:
:BEAMER_env: columns
:BEAMER_opt: T
** Column 1 :BMCOL:
:BEAMER_col: 0.35
** Column 2:BMCOL:
#+end_src org

In the printout, this yields an ugly empty section with a number if num:t.
Is there a better way to pass [T] to the title-less columns environment, or
(less preferably) a way to specify a title for the section without it
appearing on the beamer slide?

2.) In the above example, the B_columns and BMCOL tags get exported to the
latex file for the printout (with an error because the underscore is used
outside of math mode). Can these be suppressed?


[O] *text* in headlines and export to latex

2014-05-14 Thread Seb Frank

Latex export converts *text* to \textbf -- this doesn't work well for
headlines that get turned into section titles as these appear to be bold by
default. Is there a way to change this to \emph in headlines that get
converted to (sub)sections?


Re: [O] *text* in headlines and export to latex

2014-05-14 Thread Seb Frank
Yes -- but that changes it to emph (instead of alert) in beamer export.

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 7:19 PM, Eric S Fraga wrote:

 On Wednesday, 14 May 2014 at 18:00, Seb Frank wrote:
  Latex export converts *text* to \textbf -- this doesn't work well for
  headlines that get turned into section titles as these appear to be bold
  default. Is there a way to change this to \emph in headlines that get
  converted to (sub)sections?

 Silly question but: can you not simply use /text/ instead in the
 headlines?  Mind you, I think that bold + emph is not pretty... but
 that's a personal taste issue!
 : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org

[O] org-caldav: problems connecting to owndrive

2014-05-07 Thread Seb Frank
Hi there,

I've been trying to setup org-caldav to sync to my owndrive calendar.

Setup is

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-caldav-url;)
(setq org-caldav-calendar-id myid)
(setq org-caldav-inbox ~/org/

When I try org-caldav-sync, it fails with:

Contacting host:
gnutls.c: [0] (Emacs) fatal error: Public key signature verification has
gnutls.el: (err=[-89] Public key signature verification has failed.) boot:
(:priority NORMAL :hostname :loglevel 0 :min-prime-bits 256
:trustfiles nil :crlfiles nil :keylist nil :verify-flags nil :verify-error
nil :callbacks nil)
edebug-signal: GnuTLS error: #process, -89

Testing this with gnutls on the command line confirms the problem:
% gnutls-cli -V -p 443
- Status: The certificate is NOT trusted. The signature in the certificate
is invalid.
*** Verifying server certificate failed...
*** Fatal error: Error in the certificate.
*** Handshake has failed
GnuTLS error: Error in the certificate.

Does anyone know if there is a way to tell org-caldav or url-dav to use an
untrusted certificate?


Re: [O] org-ref code

2014-05-01 Thread Seb Frank
Hi Eric,

Now that you have mentioned it, do you have a good web resource / manual
for your set up, or would you mind sharing bits of it? It looks eminently
useful. I have a set up largely following this

but I wouldn't know how to get some of the things you mention (type of
citation entry, biblatex vs latex etc.) to work.


On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 6:01 AM, Eric S Fraga wrote:


 I've been playing with the package although, so far, only for
 citations.  A few points:

 1. Do you have any support for choosing the type of citation entry
  (i.e. \cite versus \autocite versus ...) when inserting a
  citation in the text?

 2. You define org-link-types.  Unfortunately, this overwrites my own
  definitions, especially for cite.  I wonder whether this type
  of customisation belongs in org-ref itself.  This is similar to
  my earlier comment about key bindings, I guess.

 3. I sometimes use biblatex instead of bibtex.  As a result, I do not
  use \bibliography and use \addbibresource instead.  I have
  defined my bibliography files in org-ref-default-bibliography but
  this is only picked up on initialisation.  It is difficult to
  update this for a document in progress (I had to locally set
  reftex-default-bibliography manually).

 4. The customisation interface for org-ref-default-bibliography should be
  list aware...

 Otherwise, seems to working just fine.


 : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.2.6-923-g233c11

Re: [O] customizing org-beamer--format-frame

2014-04-27 Thread Seb Frank
Thanks so much! I was trying to get a bit more flexibility with that
separate slide (e.g., have the title in the centre of the page and no toc).
So I took inspiration from your great solution and defined a latex macro

#+begin_src latex

and a latex class

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-to-list 'org-latex-classes

(\\singleside{%s} . \\singleslide{%s})

which did the job.


On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 9:05 AM, Eric S Fraga wrote:

 On Friday, 25 Apr 2014 at 08:24, Seb Frank wrote:
  Hi there,
  I have customized org-beamer--format-frame to change the way headlines
  treated (as I want a separate slide with only the headline in the center
  and plain frames not showing headlines after that). The way I currently
  this is by redefining the function itself (using defun
  org-beamer--format-frame). This works, but is there any way to make this
  more modular, i.e. tell org-mode somewhere to use a different function
  (e.g., my-org-beamer--format-frame) to format a frame, so that it's easy
  switch back and forth between different ones, as well as to revert to the

 As you haven't explained why you want this, it's difficult to understand
 the actual use case.  So, guessing at your intent, I wonder whether you
 have thought about making use of section headings as well as frame
 headings to accomplish what you want?

 Assuming you are using org v8.x and not something older, if you set
 option H:2, second level headings define frames and top level headings
 define sections.  You can then have section headings appear as a
 separate slide using code such as this:

 #+begin_src org

 In this case, any time a section heading is encountered (i.e. top level
 org heading), you'll get a slide with a table of contents with that
 heading emphasised.  You can obviously do something different which more
 closely matches what you want.

 If you don't want individual frames to have headings, simply don't put
 any text in the headline for that frame.

 This way, you do not need to manipulate how beamer displays frames.  An
 example set of slides with two sections and two out of four slides
 having no headline would look like this:

 #+begin_src org
   ,#+options: H:2
   ,* Introduction
   ,** First slide
   some text on the first slide
   some text on the second slide which has no heading
   ,* Results
   some third slide text, also on a slide with no heading
   ,** conclusions
   This was a great talk.

 : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org

Re: [O] customizing org-beamer--format-frame

2014-04-27 Thread Seb Frank
Yes, that's right. H:2

On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 12:42 PM, Eric S Fraga wrote:

 On Sunday, 27 Apr 2014 at 10:14, Seb Frank wrote:
  Thanks so much! I was trying to get a bit more flexibility with that
  separate slide (e.g., have the title in the centre of the page and no
  So I took inspiration from your great solution and defined a latex macro

 Interesting solution!  Thanks for this.  I can see its uses.  For
 completeness, I assume you are using the H:2 option?
 : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org

[O] customizing org-beamer--format-frame

2014-04-26 Thread Seb Frank
Hi there,

I have customized org-beamer--format-frame to change the way headlines are
treated (as I want a separate slide with only the headline in the center
and plain frames not showing headlines after that). The way I currently do
this is by redefining the function itself (using defun
org-beamer--format-frame). This works, but is there any way to make this
more modular, i.e. tell org-mode somewhere to use a different function
(e.g., my-org-beamer--format-frame) to format a frame, so that it's easy to
switch back and forth between different ones, as well as to revert to the


[Orgmode] Re: migrating from planner mode

2011-01-25 Thread Seb

Thanks for all the suggestions.  Being a perl dummy, how should these
scripts be called?  Presumably some variables need to be set.  Thanks
again for the pointers.


On Tue, 25 Jan 2011 15:08:59 -0500,
Matt Lundin wrote:

 Bradley M. Kuhn writes:
 I also had a script from a while back that I wrote to migrate from
 Planner to org-mode.  Perhaps it's useful to some:

 I added a FAQ in Worg about migration for Planner with just this
 link, maybe other can improve the FAQ later.

 I'm happy to add mine too.  I've asked mdl for access, but attached
 is a patch to Worg to add it.

 diff --git a/ b/ index f733387..35b4ab5 100644
 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -853,7 +853,8 @@ something
 like this:

 ** Can I migrate from Planner?

 - Yes.  This [[][perl
 script]] can help.  + Yes.  This
 [[][perl script]] or
 +][this Perl script]] can help.

 * Errors and general problems :PROPERTIES:

 Applied, thanks!

 - Matt

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[Orgmode] migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration)

2010-08-19 Thread Seb

I'm resuscitating this old thread, which is the only one I found on the
subject as someone starting to peek into Org and exploring ways to
migrate from Planner.  Someone pointed me to a script linked at but unfortunately
that script fails if the Planner pages have things like references to
Gnus messages and such.  But more broadly, I'm interested in reading
about experiences people have had in this migration, since I've
accumulated a lot of Planner material that I wouldn't want to lose in
the process.  So any information that can help evaluate how much effort
is involved in migrating would be appreciated.  Thanks.


On Wed, 6 Aug 2008 11:13:25 + (GMT),
Gianpaolo Serafini wrote:

 Hi, I am a plannel.el user. I would like to swithto org-mode without
 lose previous data (tasks, notes, etc). I'm looking for a data
 migration prcedure so I can import the data from planner.el into



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[Orgmode] Problem in org-expiry's org-expiry-process-entry

2009-02-01 Thread Seb
I am not redefining org-expiry-handler-function in my .emacs, but my
calls to org-expiry-process-entry result in the following:

  Symbol's function definition is void: org-expiry-handler-function

I find that the following patch fixes it for me:

--- contrib.orig/org-expiry.el  2009-01-26 09:06:12.0 -0800
+++ contrib/org-expiry.el2009-02-01 10:00:47.0 -0800
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
 (not (interactive)))
(and org-expiry-confirm-flag
 (y-or-n-p (format Entry expired by %d days.  Process?  
- (funcall 'org-expiry-handler-function))
+ (funcall org-expiry-handler-function))
(org-delete-overlay ov)
 (defun org-expiry-process-entries (beg end)

Am I missing something ? :)



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[Orgmode] Problem compiling 6.19a for xemacs

2009-01-25 Thread Seb
While compiling 6.19a for xemacs, I got the following error:

  Compiling /usr/share/xemacs21/site-lisp/org-mode/org-agenda.el...
  While compiling toplevel forms in file /usr/[...]/org-mode/org-agenda.el:
  !! Malformed list ((:inverse-video))
  Error occurred processing org-agenda.el:
  Malformed list: :inverse-video



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[Orgmode] typo in orgcard.tex

2008-07-14 Thread Seb
A Debian user reported a small typo in the reference card; below is the
patch that corrects it.



--- /home/seb/orgcard.tex.orig  2008-07-14 15:08:08.0 -0700
+++ /home/seb/orgcard.tex   2008-07-14 15:08:15.0 -0700
@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@
 $^1$ This is only a suggestion for a binding of this command.  Choose
-you own key as shown under INSTALLATION.
+your own key as shown under INSTALLATION.
 $^2$ After changing a \kbd{\#+KEYWORD} or \kbd{target} line,
 press \kbd{C-c C-c} with the cursor still in the line to update.

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Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

[Orgmode] Re: GFDL with cover texts

2008-06-12 Thread Seb
On 2008-06-12, Carsten Dominik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 But anyway, if you're the sole author, you can definitely move to a
 GPL+GFDL dual-license when you so please, but I guess I still need
 to add that IANAL...

 I don't know what this last sentence means.

the I Am Not A Lawyer part ? Simply that my however strong my
opinion is, it does not constitute legal advice :)

 ALso, can you point me to an example of the text that I would have
 to insert to make you and Debian happy?

Adding something like Alternatively, this program is licensed under
the terms of the General Public License [...quote/point to the
GPL...], after the existing license, will do the trick.



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[Orgmode] Re: GFDL with cover texts

2008-06-11 Thread Seb
On 2008-06-09, Sebastian Rose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 just a question:

 When I follow the link you mentioned in your first mail I read this:

 It should be noted that this does not imply any hostility towards the 
 Free Software Foundation, and does not mean that GFDL documentation 
 should not be considered free enough by others, and Debian itself will 
 continue distributing GFDL documentation in its non-free section.

 Debain users are used to look for documentation non-free section (gcc, 
 bash, bison, auto-tools, glibc, php, gdb, emacs-lisp ...). Is it a 
 problem to simply put the docs there?

it means maintaining two source packages, which is far from optimal
for something that moves as fast as org-mode. It could definitely be
done, but I am not exactly thrilled by the idea :)



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[Orgmode] Re: GFDL with cover texts

2008-06-11 Thread Seb
On 2008-06-10, Dominik, C. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would be happy to dual-license the manual.  Does anyone know what
 piece of text I would have to put there?  Does anyone know if the
 GFDL prohbits me, the author, to add GPL as a second free license?
 I sure hope not.
 To be honest, I have absolutely no clue what it means, and it was
 not my intention to restrict use of the manual in any way when I put
 it under the GFDL.  Back then I must have thought that this simply
 it the proper thing to use for documentation.

The GFDL itself is fine, it's the use of Invariant Sections, Cover
Texts, etc that make it not-free as far as Debian is concerned.

But anyway, if you're the sole author, you can definitely move to a
GPL+GFDL dual-license when you so please, but I guess I still need to
add that IANAL...



Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: GFDL with cover texts

2008-06-08 Thread Seb
On 2008-06-06, Seb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2008-06-06, Seb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any way that the documentation could be dual-licensed under
 the GPL too ?

 or that the Front-Cover provision be removed altogether :)

while awaiting an answer on this, I think I will package org-mode
without its documentation, and take it from there...



Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: GFDL with cover texts

2008-06-06 Thread Seb
On 2008-06-06, Seb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any way that the documentation could be dual-licensed under
 the GPL too ?

or that the Front-Cover provision be removed altogether :)



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