Re: Near Field Versus Far Field/Troubleshooting

2000-09-23 Thread Lfresearch


I've been doing a similar test for years, only I use a pin solderd to about 2 
feet of wire. This way I don't actually touch the circuit myself.



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R: Near Field Versus Far Field

2000-09-20 Thread Paolo Roncone

I try to re-send this today to the emc-pstc group. Yesterday it got kicked back 
for unknown reasons.

Paolo Roncone

Hello Martin,
I read a number of excellent replies to your question. I would just like to add 
my 0.02 cents based on my hands-on experience. I have been doing radiated 
emissions testing and troubleshooting for 11+ years now. Up to date I was lucky 
to have a full compliant test site (10m and 3m) available for both 
qualification testing and for troubleshooting. I managed to solve quite a 
number of emissions problems by using both near-field probes ("sniffers") and 
antennas in the far field.
As others have already explained, there are many variables (both related to the 
EUT and the test setup) that influence readings in the far field. That's the 
reason why in many cases you may not get a correlation between relative 
readings with a near field probe and in the test site. Plus (I would add) near 
field measurements are more "tricky" and less easily repeatable than far field 
measurements (very sensitive to probe position, test operator, external sources 

Any emissions (or immunity) process has three essential elements (or categories 
of elements):
1. Source (electronic components, ICs..)
2. Coupling path (PCB traces, connectors, chassis elements ...)
3. Antenna (PCB traces at high enough frequencies, cables, slots in metal 
All these elements usually play a part in the overall readings in the far 

Many times the best (and cheapest) solutions are implemented at the source 
level because you block the emissions as much "upstream" as possible. On the 
other hand in many other cases the effects of the other 2 elements (coupling 
paths and antennas) can dominate (especially when they trigger resonances at 
some frequencies).

In my opinion, as a general rule near field probes should only be used to help 
locate the most critical element for your specific problem, NOT for 
measurements, because  the "sniffer" (by definition) cannot pick-up the overall 
picture. It usually works best for locating sources and coupling paths (noisy 
circuit components and PCB traces). When you have located the "hottest" areas 
(either by correlating frequencies of emissions with known signals or by 
choking off cables or with "sniffers" or with anything else that works in your 
case) you try fixes - one at a time as already mentioned - then after each 
modification take readings ALWAYS in the far field, either in a full compliance 
test site or in other locations where you can put an antenna far enough from 
the EUT and get a repeatable setup. In this way you keep checking all the 
elements (sources, copupling paths, antennas) at every step of your 
troubleshooting work.

Hope this helps...


-Messaggio originale-
Da: []
Inviato:giovedì 14 settembre 2000 19.08
Oggetto:Near Field Versus Far Field

I am having a difficult time answering the following question for a
non-technical person.  Hopefully, someone can put the answer into a language
that a non-technical person can understand.

We have a 400 MHz clock and are failing radiated emissions at 10 meters by 10 dB
at 400 MHz.  We bring the product back to our lab and start making modifications
on the clock circuit and taking measurements with a near field probe.  With
these modifications and measuring with a near field probe, we realize a 10 dB
reduction in emissions at 400 MHz.  Why would we not see the same reduction when
taking the product back to a 10 meter site?

Your help is appreciated.


Joe Martin

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RE: Near Field Versus Far Field

2000-09-18 Thread Peter Poulos

Thanks Michael.

I agree completely. Even though my comments probably didn't reflect it too 
well(hastily bashed out late on a Friday afternoon), changing one thing at 
a time is how I'd normally work on these problems.

At 10:59 PM 15/09/2000, wrote:

I might add that the BEST way to do this is to only change one thing at a
time, then retest. It's hard to tell what single change of the multiple
changes attempted actually did the change.

Michael Sundstrom
Nokia Mobile Phones, PCC
EMC Technician
cube  4E : 390B
phone: 972-374-1462
mobile: 817-917-5021
amateur call:  KB5UKT

-Original Message-
From: EXT Peter Poulos []
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 1:38 AM
Subject: Re: Near Field Versus Far Field

Hi Joe.

You asked for an explanation as to why the difference between the near and
far field results. I think the replies so far have probably answered that
question. I've tried here to give some help with the real problem of
solving the excess emissions.

 From my own experience and discussions with colleagues, I've found you
definitely need to do some (if not most) of the trouble-shooting while at
the test site. Finding a problem then just returning to the lab to solve it
usually leaves you with a lot of questions unanswered. That might not be
much help this time but perhaps next time?

The following is how I'd go about tackling the problem. I'm curious to see
if there's anyone in the group who disagrees with my approach.

As with any EMC problem, you've got to consider the source, the
transmission medium and the victim. Obviously there's nothing you can
change about the victim (the test antenna) but you should be able to narrow
it down to work out the real source, and the means by which it is being

For clues to the problem's cause to begin with I usually ask:
(1) For the problem frequency, what's the most likely source?
(2) For the problem frequency, what's the  most likely source antenna? At
400MHz the wavelength is a bit under 1m (3x10^8 / 400x10^6 = 75cm) so any
short cables (or at this frequency, maybe even long PCB track - like
back-plane tracks?) that might make nice 1/2 wavelength or 1/4 wavelength
dipole antennas would be the first I'd check out. Could also be a slot
antenna effect in your enclosure - any seams or gaps in the box that are in
this ball-park?

Usually I'd try isolating the source by either disconnecting cables,
turning off or unplugging cards, attenuating cable emissions with copious
amounts of ferrite clamps etc and get the test engineer to do a spot check
at the problem frequency as I tried eliminating each suspect. This is where
the buckets of ferrite cable clamps, rolls of aluminium foil, shielding
mesh and earthing straps come in to play. Here's where that near-field
probe might come in handy too. This kind of troubleshooting though often
requires a fairly intimate understanding of the way the equipment under
test works so you can be confident about your assumptions and the
conclusions you draw from the observed results. If the design engineer
isn't actually at the test site, she/he should at least be accessible by
phone to discuss the problems and make suggestions as to what to try.

Using this technique, you can usually narrow it down fairly quickly to the
source and antenna. If there's time, and its practical then I'd try some
quick modifications to the problem circuit that's the source of the noise
in order to get some reference of what changes cause what kind of reduction
in the emission levels.
Quite often though, you have to be aware that a change may solve the
emission problem at the frequency you're working on, but result in the
energy appearing elsewhere in the radiated spectrum causing the equipment
to exceed the limit at  some other frequency, especially if you've just
modified the source antenna and not the signal causing the emission. Also
note - although its difficult when you're rushing to get the problem fixed,
it pays to make good records of what you change and what the results are -
can help a lot later on.

If you have the time at site to try a few different options (that are
repeatable later), and get the highest 3 or 4 emission levels for each
option at site, then if you can't find a solution you're happy with at the
test site, it gives you a reference to work with back in the lab.

For example, say that you found that:
Design Change #1 resulted in 6dB reduction in the emission at 400MHz with
other peaks (below the pass/fail limit) at 200MHz (3dB under), and
800MHz(8dB under)
Design Change #2 resulted in 20dB reduction in the emission at 400MHz but
caused the peak at 200MHz that went over the limit by 6dB with the peak at
800MHz reducing to 10dB under the limit

RE: Near Field Versus Far Field

2000-09-18 Thread Peter Poulos

Hi Don.

Thanks for the example. Hearing about these kinds of experiences makes 
troubleshooting easier for everyone I think. Thanks to Chris Maxwell for 
his contribution too. It'd be great to hear more stories from the 
experience of some other members of the group.

I think your approach was great for the problem you had, but wanted to say 
it doesn't always yield the quickest answer. To add to the examples:

Most of the equipment we test has a large number of (mostly long) 
communication cable attachments. We had a recent experience where the 
equipment was over the limit due to emissions being conducted onto one such 
cable. Although with the cable attached the emissions from the cable were 
high, the actual emissions from the source in the near field were low (most 
of the noise was directly conducted onto the cable rather than radiated 
from the problem circuit board). Near field probing wouldn't have told us 
any quicker what the source was than the educated guessing + far-field 
measurement approach we took. In our case though, just from the frequency 
of the emission we already knew which circuit board was the culprit so it 
was just a matter of finding out what the coupling mechanism was to the cable.

Under different circumstances though, I certainly agree that if you can use 
near field probes to home in on an unknown source, that would be likely to 
yield an answer quicker than trial and error.

I guess I'm trying to say near field probing is useful, but doesn't always 
work. Because there can be such differences in the emissions measured in 
the near field as opposed to the far field it isn't always the best method.


Please note: The views, opinions and information expressed and/or
contained herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of
Foxboro, the organisation/s through which this communication was transmitted
nor any other third party, unless explicitly stated so.

Peter Poulos (Hardware Design Engineer)
Foxboro Australia

At 12:16 AM 16/09/2000, wrote:

Hello Joe,

Consider the following -- in the far field (3 or 10 meters), a plane wave is
monitored.  In the near field, using either commercial or lab built
near-field probes, either E field or H field emissions will be monitored
separately.  The E, H components will be isolated.  The emission may be
identified with a probe, but the effective radiator (culprit antenna) for
that emission might be missed.

The above is an answer to the question.  If you would like a real life
experience describing the difference, read the example that follows.

On a recent product we had a band of frequencies of non-compliant emissions
that were somewhat polarity sensitive.  We observed a particular signature
of the emission (modulation on a pulse) at 3 meters using a bilog antenna.
Using a direct contact E field probe, the pulse frequency showed up at high
levels around the processor and DSP chip, but not with the signature.  We
were able to find a trace of the corresponding polarity that was suspect and
had a similar signature, and at a lower level than we found around the
processor and DSP chip.  Looking at the schematic, we identified a
reasonable fix.  But that only helped part of the profile.  We then sniffed
with a non-contact magnetic loop probe and found another viable culprit.
The fix implemented brought the product into compliance with reasonable

Neither fix by itself brought the product into compliance.  Both were
necessary, required a minimum amount of components and contributed to
rationale "source suppression".  We did not introduce "balloon squeezing",
i.e., beat down an emission at one frequency and see it pop up at another
frequency.  This kind of isolation is more effective than monitoring the far
field emission, hypothesizing the culprit antenna while analyzing the
schematic.  We have done it both ways.  The near field approach takes a
little more time to set up but saves time in the long run.  Or maybe we were
just lucky!

Best regards,


> --
> From:
> Reply To:
> Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 1:07 PM
> To:
> Subject:  Near Field Versus Far Field
> I am having a difficult time answering the following question for a
> non-technical person.  Hopefully, someone can put the answer into a
> language
> that a non-technical person can understand.
> We have a 400 MHz clock and are failing radiated emissions at 10 meters by
> 10 dB
> at 400 MHz.  We bring the product back to our lab and start making
> modifications
> on the clock circuit and taking measurements with a near field probe.
> With
> these modif

RE: Near Field Versus Far Field/Troubleshooting

2000-09-15 Thread Maxwell, Chris

I wanted to throw in an emissions trouble shooting technique that I saw Jon
Curtis do one time when I was at his lab.  I'd like to call it the "Jon
Curtis Wet Finger Test"

We had a signal failing at 200Mhz.  We had narrowed the problem down to
either the GPIB cable or the GPIB interface circuitboard connected to the
GPIB cable.  We were able to open up the unit and gain access to the GPIB
board while it was running.  Jon wet his finger and ran it over the pins of
a few suspect IC's.  When his finger touched one particular pin, the
spectrum analyzer reading changed radically.  It was a 40Mhz clock line.  We
reduced our emissions by cutting the run and putting a resistor in line with

OK being a compliance guy, the lawyer in me is saying the following:
1.  Please don't try this on AC or hazardous voltages (for obvious reasons).
2.  Also, know your IC's.  As you run your finger over some IC's, shorting
adjacent pins may cause trouble.  In our case it didn't.
3.  Also, be careful of any hot IC's or heatsinks.
4.  Wash your hands afterwards. (Lead's poisonous you know.)

What I'm trying to say is: it's a neat technique and may be helpful, but I
don't want someone to electrocute themselves, hurt their DUT or burn a
finger  trying it.  Please use caution

See ya's later

Chris Maxwell, Design Engineer
GN Nettest Optical Division
6 Rhoads Drive, Building 4  
Utica, NY 13502
PH:  315-797-4449
FAX:  315-797-8024

> -Original Message-
> From: []
> Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 8:59 AM
> To:;;
> Subject:  RE: Near Field Versus Far Field
> I might add that the BEST way to do this is to only change one thing at a
> time, then retest. It's hard to tell what single change of the multiple
> changes attempted actually did the change.
> Michael Sundstrom
> Nokia Mobile Phones, PCC
> EMC Technician
> cube  4E : 390B
> phone: 972-374-1462
> mobile: 817-917-5021
> amateur call:  KB5UKT
> -Original Message-
> From: EXT Peter Poulos []
> Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 1:38 AM
> To:;
> Subject: Re: Near Field Versus Far Field
> Hi Joe.
> You asked for an explanation as to why the difference between the near and
> far field results. I think the replies so far have probably answered that 
> question. I've tried here to give some help with the real problem of 
> solving the excess emissions.
>  From my own experience and discussions with colleagues, I've found you 
> definitely need to do some (if not most) of the trouble-shooting while at 
> the test site. Finding a problem then just returning to the lab to solve
> it 
> usually leaves you with a lot of questions unanswered. That might not be 
> much help this time but perhaps next time?
> The following is how I'd go about tackling the problem. I'm curious to see
> if there's anyone in the group who disagrees with my approach.
> As with any EMC problem, you've got to consider the source, the 
> transmission medium and the victim. Obviously there's nothing you can 
> change about the victim (the test antenna) but you should be able to
> narrow 
> it down to work out the real source, and the means by which it is being 
> radiated.
> For clues to the problem's cause to begin with I usually ask:
> (1) For the problem frequency, what's the most likely source?
> (2) For the problem frequency, what's the  most likely source antenna? At 
> 400MHz the wavelength is a bit under 1m (3x10^8 / 400x10^6 = 75cm) so any 
> short cables (or at this frequency, maybe even long PCB track - like 
> back-plane tracks?) that might make nice 1/2 wavelength or 1/4 wavelength 
> dipole antennas would be the first I'd check out. Could also be a slot 
> antenna effect in your enclosure - any seams or gaps in the box that are
> in 
> this ball-park?
> Usually I'd try isolating the source by either disconnecting cables, 
> turning off or unplugging cards, attenuating cable emissions with copious 
> amounts of ferrite clamps etc and get the test engineer to do a spot check
> at the problem frequency as I tried eliminating each suspect. This is
> where 
> the buckets of ferrite cable clamps, rolls of aluminium foil, shielding 
> mesh and earthing straps come in to play. Here's where that near-field 
> probe might come in handy too. This kind of troubleshooting though 

RE: Near Field Versus Far Field

2000-09-15 Thread UMBDENSTOCK

Hello Joe,

Consider the following -- in the far field (3 or 10 meters), a plane wave is
monitored.  In the near field, using either commercial or lab built
near-field probes, either E field or H field emissions will be monitored
separately.  The E, H components will be isolated.  The emission may be
identified with a probe, but the effective radiator (culprit antenna) for
that emission might be missed.  

The above is an answer to the question.  If you would like a real life
experience describing the difference, read the example that follows.

On a recent product we had a band of frequencies of non-compliant emissions
that were somewhat polarity sensitive.  We observed a particular signature
of the emission (modulation on a pulse) at 3 meters using a bilog antenna.
Using a direct contact E field probe, the pulse frequency showed up at high
levels around the processor and DSP chip, but not with the signature.  We
were able to find a trace of the corresponding polarity that was suspect and
had a similar signature, and at a lower level than we found around the
processor and DSP chip.  Looking at the schematic, we identified a
reasonable fix.  But that only helped part of the profile.  We then sniffed
with a non-contact magnetic loop probe and found another viable culprit.
The fix implemented brought the product into compliance with reasonable

Neither fix by itself brought the product into compliance.  Both were
necessary, required a minimum amount of components and contributed to
rationale "source suppression".  We did not introduce "balloon squeezing",
i.e., beat down an emission at one frequency and see it pop up at another
frequency.  This kind of isolation is more effective than monitoring the far
field emission, hypothesizing the culprit antenna while analyzing the
schematic.  We have done it both ways.  The near field approach takes a
little more time to set up but saves time in the long run.  Or maybe we were
just lucky!

Best regards,


> --
> From:
> Reply To:
> Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 1:07 PM
> To:
> Subject:  Near Field Versus Far Field
> I am having a difficult time answering the following question for a
> non-technical person.  Hopefully, someone can put the answer into a
> language
> that a non-technical person can understand.
> We have a 400 MHz clock and are failing radiated emissions at 10 meters by
> 10 dB
> at 400 MHz.  We bring the product back to our lab and start making
> modifications
> on the clock circuit and taking measurements with a near field probe.
> With
> these modifications and measuring with a near field probe, we realize a 10
> dB
> reduction in emissions at 400 MHz.  Why would we not see the same
> reduction when
> taking the product back to a 10 meter site?
> Your help is appreciated.
> Regards
> Joe Martin
> ---
> This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
> Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.
> To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
> with the single line:
>  unsubscribe emc-pstc
> For help, send mail to the list administrators:
>  Jim Bacher:
>  Michael
> For policy questions, send mail to:
>  Richard Nute:

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
with the single line:
 unsubscribe emc-pstc

For help, send mail to the list administrators:
 Jim Bacher:

For policy questions, send mail to:
 Richard Nute:

RE: Near Field Versus Far Field

2000-09-15 Thread Michael . Sundstrom

I might add that the BEST way to do this is to only change one thing at a
time, then retest. It's hard to tell what single change of the multiple
changes attempted actually did the change.

Michael Sundstrom
Nokia Mobile Phones, PCC
EMC Technician
cube  4E : 390B
phone: 972-374-1462
mobile: 817-917-5021
amateur call:  KB5UKT

-Original Message-
From: EXT Peter Poulos []
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 1:38 AM
Subject: Re: Near Field Versus Far Field

Hi Joe.

You asked for an explanation as to why the difference between the near and 
far field results. I think the replies so far have probably answered that 
question. I've tried here to give some help with the real problem of 
solving the excess emissions.

 From my own experience and discussions with colleagues, I've found you 
definitely need to do some (if not most) of the trouble-shooting while at 
the test site. Finding a problem then just returning to the lab to solve it 
usually leaves you with a lot of questions unanswered. That might not be 
much help this time but perhaps next time?

The following is how I'd go about tackling the problem. I'm curious to see 
if there's anyone in the group who disagrees with my approach.

As with any EMC problem, you've got to consider the source, the 
transmission medium and the victim. Obviously there's nothing you can 
change about the victim (the test antenna) but you should be able to narrow 
it down to work out the real source, and the means by which it is being 

For clues to the problem's cause to begin with I usually ask:
(1) For the problem frequency, what's the most likely source?
(2) For the problem frequency, what's the  most likely source antenna? At 
400MHz the wavelength is a bit under 1m (3x10^8 / 400x10^6 = 75cm) so any 
short cables (or at this frequency, maybe even long PCB track - like 
back-plane tracks?) that might make nice 1/2 wavelength or 1/4 wavelength 
dipole antennas would be the first I'd check out. Could also be a slot 
antenna effect in your enclosure - any seams or gaps in the box that are in 
this ball-park?

Usually I'd try isolating the source by either disconnecting cables, 
turning off or unplugging cards, attenuating cable emissions with copious 
amounts of ferrite clamps etc and get the test engineer to do a spot check 
at the problem frequency as I tried eliminating each suspect. This is where 
the buckets of ferrite cable clamps, rolls of aluminium foil, shielding 
mesh and earthing straps come in to play. Here's where that near-field 
probe might come in handy too. This kind of troubleshooting though often 
requires a fairly intimate understanding of the way the equipment under 
test works so you can be confident about your assumptions and the 
conclusions you draw from the observed results. If the design engineer 
isn't actually at the test site, she/he should at least be accessible by 
phone to discuss the problems and make suggestions as to what to try.

Using this technique, you can usually narrow it down fairly quickly to the 
source and antenna. If there's time, and its practical then I'd try some 
quick modifications to the problem circuit that's the source of the noise 
in order to get some reference of what changes cause what kind of reduction 
in the emission levels.
Quite often though, you have to be aware that a change may solve the 
emission problem at the frequency you're working on, but result in the 
energy appearing elsewhere in the radiated spectrum causing the equipment 
to exceed the limit at  some other frequency, especially if you've just 
modified the source antenna and not the signal causing the emission. Also 
note - although its difficult when you're rushing to get the problem fixed, 
it pays to make good records of what you change and what the results are - 
can help a lot later on.

If you have the time at site to try a few different options (that are 
repeatable later), and get the highest 3 or 4 emission levels for each 
option at site, then if you can't find a solution you're happy with at the 
test site, it gives you a reference to work with back in the lab.

For example, say that you found that:
Design Change #1 resulted in 6dB reduction in the emission at 400MHz with 
other peaks (below the pass/fail limit) at 200MHz (3dB under), and 
800MHz(8dB under)
Design Change #2 resulted in 20dB reduction in the emission at 400MHz but 
caused the peak at 200MHz that went over the limit by 6dB with the peak at 
800MHz reducing to 10dB under the limit.
Design Change #3 resulted in 3dB reduction in the emission at 400MHz with 
other peaks (below the pass/fail limit) at 200MHz (9dB under), and 
800MHz(7dB under)

Then when you get back to the lab to try and find a good permanent fix, by 

Re: Near Field Versus Far Field

2000-09-15 Thread Peter Poulos

Hi Joe.

You asked for an explanation as to why the difference between the near and 
far field results. I think the replies so far have probably answered that 
question. I've tried here to give some help with the real problem of 
solving the excess emissions.

From my own experience and discussions with colleagues, I've found you 
definitely need to do some (if not most) of the trouble-shooting while at 
the test site. Finding a problem then just returning to the lab to solve it 
usually leaves you with a lot of questions unanswered. That might not be 
much help this time but perhaps next time?

The following is how I'd go about tackling the problem. I'm curious to see 
if there's anyone in the group who disagrees with my approach.

As with any EMC problem, you've got to consider the source, the 
transmission medium and the victim. Obviously there's nothing you can 
change about the victim (the test antenna) but you should be able to narrow 
it down to work out the real source, and the means by which it is being 

For clues to the problem's cause to begin with I usually ask:
(1) For the problem frequency, what's the most likely source?
(2) For the problem frequency, what's the  most likely source antenna? At 
400MHz the wavelength is a bit under 1m (3x10^8 / 400x10^6 = 75cm) so any 
short cables (or at this frequency, maybe even long PCB track - like 
back-plane tracks?) that might make nice 1/2 wavelength or 1/4 wavelength 
dipole antennas would be the first I'd check out. Could also be a slot 
antenna effect in your enclosure - any seams or gaps in the box that are in 
this ball-park?

Usually I'd try isolating the source by either disconnecting cables, 
turning off or unplugging cards, attenuating cable emissions with copious 
amounts of ferrite clamps etc and get the test engineer to do a spot check 
at the problem frequency as I tried eliminating each suspect. This is where 
the buckets of ferrite cable clamps, rolls of aluminium foil, shielding 
mesh and earthing straps come in to play. Here's where that near-field 
probe might come in handy too. This kind of troubleshooting though often 
requires a fairly intimate understanding of the way the equipment under 
test works so you can be confident about your assumptions and the 
conclusions you draw from the observed results. If the design engineer 
isn't actually at the test site, she/he should at least be accessible by 
phone to discuss the problems and make suggestions as to what to try.

Using this technique, you can usually narrow it down fairly quickly to the 
source and antenna. If there's time, and its practical then I'd try some 
quick modifications to the problem circuit that's the source of the noise 
in order to get some reference of what changes cause what kind of reduction 
in the emission levels.
Quite often though, you have to be aware that a change may solve the 
emission problem at the frequency you're working on, but result in the 
energy appearing elsewhere in the radiated spectrum causing the equipment 
to exceed the limit at  some other frequency, especially if you've just 
modified the source antenna and not the signal causing the emission. Also 
note - although its difficult when you're rushing to get the problem fixed, 
it pays to make good records of what you change and what the results are - 
can help a lot later on.

If you have the time at site to try a few different options (that are 
repeatable later), and get the highest 3 or 4 emission levels for each 
option at site, then if you can't find a solution you're happy with at the 
test site, it gives you a reference to work with back in the lab.

For example, say that you found that:
Design Change #1 resulted in 6dB reduction in the emission at 400MHz with 
other peaks (below the pass/fail limit) at 200MHz (3dB under), and 
800MHz(8dB under)
Design Change #2 resulted in 20dB reduction in the emission at 400MHz but 
caused the peak at 200MHz that went over the limit by 6dB with the peak at 
800MHz reducing to 10dB under the limit.
Design Change #3 resulted in 3dB reduction in the emission at 400MHz with 
other peaks (below the pass/fail limit) at 200MHz (9dB under), and 
800MHz(7dB under)

Then when you get back to the lab to try and find a good permanent fix, by 
repeating the changes you made at site, and comparing the emissions levels 
you observe for each in the lab with the results at the test site, you can 
get a reasonable feel to tell if your measurements in the lab are going to 
be indicative of what you'll see at site.

If you have access to a spectrum analyser and an antenna that covers the 
frequency range you're interested in you can probably get a better feel for 
the effect of your changes than when using a near-field probe.

If the emissions are high enough to fail the test, there's a good chance 
you can get a reasonable indication of the result of changes by comparing 
the emission results measured in someone's back yard(know anyone wh

Re: Near Field Versus Far Field

2000-09-14 Thread Ravinder Ajmani/San Jose/IBM

Several excellent ideas have been put forward on this phenomenon.  Here is
my $.02 worth on the subject.
I have often been able to reduce the far-field emissions, based on the
reduction in near-field emissions.  The important thing is to co-relate the
far-field and near-field emissions, by comparing their frequency spectrums.
It is possible that the 400 MHz clock you worked on with near field probe
may not be the real culprit.  Another trace may be coupling the 400 MHz
clock noise to some cable, or one of the other signals, which is driven by
the 400 MHz clock, may be the real source.

Regards, Ravinder
PCB Development and Design Department
IBM Corporation - Storage Systems Division
Always do right.  This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.
 Mark Twain on 09/14/2000 10:07:36 AM

Please respond to

Sent by:

Subject:  Near Field Versus Far Field

I am having a difficult time answering the following question for a
non-technical person.  Hopefully, someone can put the answer into a
that a non-technical person can understand.

We have a 400 MHz clock and are failing radiated emissions at 10 meters by
10 dB
at 400 MHz.  We bring the product back to our lab and start making
on the clock circuit and taking measurements with a near field probe.  With
these modifications and measuring with a near field probe, we realize a 10
reduction in emissions at 400 MHz.  Why would we not see the same reduction
taking the product back to a 10 meter site?

Your help is appreciated.


Joe Martin

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RE: Near Field Versus Far Field

2000-09-14 Thread Tudor, Allen

Consider how the reflected wave from the ground plane at the 10m site might
add or subtract to the incident wave depending on frequency and antenna
height.  Also, the near-field probe measurement is taken in the near-field
(obviously) while the antenna at the 10m sight is in the far field.  Also,
your results with the near-field probe will depend on probe orientation and
distance held from the product.

-Original Message-
From: Bronaugh, Edwin []
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 5:10 PM
To: '';
Subject: RE: Near Field Versus Far Field

Mr. Martin, have you thought about the fact that the near-field probe does
not integrate the whole radiation sphere from your product?  On the 10 m
site, your antenna sees radiation components from all parts of the EUT,
including any cables; while your near-field probe in the lab cannot pick all
of these up at the same relative levels and phases as does the antenna on
the OATS.  This may not be your problem, but in my opinion, it invites

Regards, EdB

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 12:08 PM
Subject: Near Field Versus Far Field

I am having a difficult time answering the following question for a
non-technical person.  Hopefully, someone can put the answer into a language
that a non-technical person can understand.

We have a 400 MHz clock and are failing radiated emissions at 10 meters by
10 dB
at 400 MHz.  We bring the product back to our lab and start making
on the clock circuit and taking measurements with a near field probe.  With
these modifications and measuring with a near field probe, we realize a 10
reduction in emissions at 400 MHz.  Why would we not see the same reduction
taking the product back to a 10 meter site?

Your help is appreciated.


Joe Martin

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RE: Near Field Versus Far Field

2000-09-14 Thread Bronaugh, Edwin

Mr. Martin, have you thought about the fact that the near-field probe does
not integrate the whole radiation sphere from your product?  On the 10 m
site, your antenna sees radiation components from all parts of the EUT,
including any cables; while your near-field probe in the lab cannot pick all
of these up at the same relative levels and phases as does the antenna on
the OATS.  This may not be your problem, but in my opinion, it invites

Regards, EdB

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 12:08 PM
Subject: Near Field Versus Far Field

I am having a difficult time answering the following question for a
non-technical person.  Hopefully, someone can put the answer into a language
that a non-technical person can understand.

We have a 400 MHz clock and are failing radiated emissions at 10 meters by
10 dB
at 400 MHz.  We bring the product back to our lab and start making
on the clock circuit and taking measurements with a near field probe.  With
these modifications and measuring with a near field probe, we realize a 10
reduction in emissions at 400 MHz.  Why would we not see the same reduction
taking the product back to a 10 meter site?

Your help is appreciated.


Joe Martin

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Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

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RE: Near Field Versus Far Field

2000-09-14 Thread William D'Orazio


Let me try this one,
The near field is composed of a sum of terms 1/r, 1/r^2, etc. and the far
field is only composed of the 1/r term.  If your 10dB reduction was solely
due to a reduction in the higher order terms, 1/r^2 etc, then in the far
field no reduction will have taken place.

I hope this helps, 

William D'Orazio
CAE Electronics Ltd.
Electrical System Designer

Phone: (514) 341-2000 (X4555)
Fax: (514)340-5552

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 1:08 PM
Subject: Near Field Versus Far Field

I am having a difficult time answering the following question for a
non-technical person.  Hopefully, someone can put the answer into a language
that a non-technical person can understand.

We have a 400 MHz clock and are failing radiated emissions at 10 meters by
10 dB
at 400 MHz.  We bring the product back to our lab and start making
on the clock circuit and taking measurements with a near field probe.  With
these modifications and measuring with a near field probe, we realize a 10
reduction in emissions at 400 MHz.  Why would we not see the same reduction
taking the product back to a 10 meter site?

Your help is appreciated.


Joe Martin

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Near Field Versus Far Field

2000-09-14 Thread MartinJP

I am having a difficult time answering the following question for a
non-technical person.  Hopefully, someone can put the answer into a language
that a non-technical person can understand.

We have a 400 MHz clock and are failing radiated emissions at 10 meters by 10 dB
at 400 MHz.  We bring the product back to our lab and start making modifications
on the clock circuit and taking measurements with a near field probe.  With
these modifications and measuring with a near field probe, we realize a 10 dB
reduction in emissions at 400 MHz.  Why would we not see the same reduction when
taking the product back to a 10 meter site?

Your help is appreciated.


Joe Martin

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Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

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