Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures

2013-04-02 Thread Liran Zelkha
Hi Laszlo,

I'm currently in the process of adding a caching layer on top of JdbcTemplate, 
which would greatly reduce the number of database activities we have, so that 
would solve the last item you raised.
I didn't mean the ORM performance is caused by the mapping. I think the problem 
lies in the fact that we will modify our code to have batch updates for most 
insert activities - a thing that is impossible in JPA/Hibernate. So, if we'll 
have some code in SQL and some in ORM - I prefer we stick all code to SQL…

On Apr 2, 2013, at 9:34 AM, Laszlo Hornyak wrote:

 Hi Liran,
 I agree that ORM tools in general have to add some mapping overhead, but that 
 overhead is very small compared to the time needed by the database 
 ORM tools sometimes generate SQL statements that we could imagine being 
 better, I do not think they are as hard for the DB as for example the ones 
 generated by searchbackend. Also, we can do rdbms specific optimizations when 
 Plus we could finally have some caching in ovirt engine and the code would 
 not have to read e.g. the DC record again and again. There are some more like 
 Therefore having a JPA could improve the performance in engine.
 - Original Message -
 From: Liran Zelkha
 To: Eli Mesika
 Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 7:24:08 AM
 Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
 I also apologize for jumping in late...
 I think concerning SQL injection we'll be covered by using
 PreparedStatements. Since we're using SpringJDBC, most of our code uses
 PreparedStatements anyway.
 Concerning ORM - I feel it won't really be beneficial to us. I know of very
 few projects who can actually be cross-database, and just maintaining schema
 creation scripts for different databases can be too difficult to maintain.
 Also, from a performance perspective, ORM performs worse than regular SQL
 (or stored procedures), so it wouldn't be the direction I choose.
 I think we should keep using SpringJDBC with either SQL or stored procedures
 (doesn't really matter, whatever is easier to maintain and performs faster)
 and maybe add a better, more generic, RowMapper class.
 - Original Message -
 From: Eli Mesika
 Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 12:35:03 AM
 Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
 - Original Message -
 From: Laszlo Hornyak
 To: Libor Spevak
 Cc: Juan Hernandez,
 Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 5:31:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
 - Original Message -
 From: Libor Spevak
 To: Itamar Heim
 Cc: Juan Hernandez,
 Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 4:04:20 PM
 Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
 apart from SQL vs. stored procedures discussion, I am trying to
 understand what we can get if we support more databases...
 Sorry for joining this discussion so late (I was in a vacation)
 two points missing from SQL VS. SP are
 1) security - With plain SQL we will have to handle SQL Injection
 2) It is more economic to pass a call to SP than the full SQL on the wire...
 Some points:
 1. Is there a real need by end-users/customers to run it on e.g.
 only? (performance, stability, easier administration).
 Usually companies have one database and they are trying to stick to that
 Having two doubles the resource needs, you need one more DBA team, care for
 mirrors, backups. So it almost doubles the costs.
 Generally, I agree with Alon B L , if you have to support X DBs you are not
 doubling the effort by X
 Actually, we had already experience with that when we supported both MS SQL 
 I believe that as we have some customers with large installations,
 performance counts and the best way (and sometimes teh only way) id the DB
 This is why I frequently hear people asking if we plan to support XyDB in
 future. PostgreSQL is cool, but those who already use MySQL/MariaDB, they
 just do not want one more.
 What is the future of PostgreSQL?
 2. Is it decided by architectural board, what kind of databases we
 like to support? (cannot support any db)
 With a JPA we could support most mainstream relational databases, but in my
 opinion 99 percent of people run oracle, mysql/mariadb or postgresql. So
 maybe we do not have to think in big number of database engines.
 This is theoretical since JPA is still on wishlist :(
 3. Are we talking about the Engine only, or there will be a need to
 rewrite ETL mappings and upgrade DWH database, or maybe modify
 JasperReports templates (simply, some DB types behave differently)?
 Maybe we can look at JasperSoft solution, they support 

Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures

2013-04-02 Thread Laszlo Hornyak

- Original Message -
 From: Eli Mesika
 Sent: Monday, April 1, 2013 11:35:03 PM
 Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
 - Original Message -
  From: Laszlo Hornyak
  To: Libor Spevak
  Cc: Juan Hernandez,
  Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 5:31:34 PM
  Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
  - Original Message -
   From: Libor Spevak
   To: Itamar Heim
   Cc: Juan Hernandez,
   Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 4:04:20 PM
   Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
   apart from SQL vs. stored procedures discussion, I am trying to
   understand what we can get if we support more databases...
 Sorry for joining this discussion so late (I was in a vacation)
 two points missing from SQL VS. SP are
 1) security - With plain SQL we will have to handle SQL Injection

I do not understand this. What's wrong with PreparedStatement?

 2) It is more economic to pass a call to SP than the full SQL on the wire...

Ah that is not actually happening with postgresql :) I don't know about all the 
specific DB's but I am quite sure most other DB does not do that either.
If you have a DataSource, like commons-dbcp, it is caching the 
PreparedStatements in the background. A PreparedStatement executes a 'PREPARE' 
command in postgresql
After that it will only send over the name of the query plan and the parameters.

I believe it usually does not save a lot on bandwidth, for example engine's SQL 
statements fit in a single tcp/ip frame, but the query parser and planner needs 
to run only once, when you create the query plan and that is a big win. I wrote 
a testfor this once, quite long ago but I remember something around 10% win if 
the query execution was simple enough. But of course it does not matter much if 
you have a pile of seqscan in your query plan.

Anyway, this is kind of cool in PostgreSQL :)

   Some points:
   1. Is there a real need by end-users/customers to run it on e.g.
   only? (performance, stability, easier administration).
  Usually companies have one database and they are trying to stick to that
  Having two doubles the resource needs, you need one more DBA team, care for
  mirrors, backups. So it almost doubles the costs.
 Generally, I agree with Alon B L , if you have to support X DBs you are not
 doubling the effort by X
 Actually, we had already experience with that when we supported both MS SQL 
 I believe that as we have some customers with large installations,
 performance counts and the best way (and sometimes teh only way) id the DB

Ok, then let's tell MySQL/MariaDB users to use PostgerSQL and see what happens.

  This is why I frequently hear people asking if we plan to support XyDB in
  future. PostgreSQL is cool, but those who already use MySQL/MariaDB, they
  just do not want one more.
   What is the future of PostgreSQL?
   2. Is it decided by architectural board, what kind of databases we
   like to support? (cannot support any db)
  With a JPA we could support most mainstream relational databases, but in my
  opinion 99 percent of people run oracle, mysql/mariadb or postgresql. So
  maybe we do not have to think in big number of database engines.
  This is theoretical since JPA is still on wishlist :(
   3. Are we talking about the Engine only, or there will be a need to
   rewrite ETL mappings and upgrade DWH database, or maybe modify
   JasperReports templates (simply, some DB types behave differently)?
   Maybe we can look at JasperSoft solution, they support more
 IMHO , ETL  DWH are perfect candidates for NO SQL which is already supported
 by Jasper
   4. Current full/incremental upgrade process of PostgreSQL is IMHO
   good tuned (it is similar to tool - Java
   implementation -
   I used successfully on one project - after some changes of course). I
   not believe we can use or easily develop general upgrade/migration
   and XML based (I am sorry Alissa, not sure about Liquibase, I haven't
   studied it deeply, but there is a need to incrementally change db
   objects, but sometimes also to migrate data to new structures, the
   flexible and quickest is to do it using native SQL, but yes, it
   on the project needs...).
 I had evaluated Liquibase and I think that managing your DB upgrades via XML
 is very unfriendly and very limited as you reach complex upgrades as we had
 in the past.
 Just think of the tables in which we change the key from long to UUID , there
 is no way to do that in such tools
   5. As a developer, with 

Re: [Engine-devel] Open Attestation integration with oVirt engine proposal has submitted patchset5 for your review

2013-04-02 Thread Doron Fediuck

- Original Message -
 From: Wei D Chen
 To: Doron Fediuck, Ofri Masad
 Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 5:00:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Open Attestation integration with oVirt engine 
 proposal has submitted patchset5 for your
 Thanks Doron  Ofri,
 As to the question of cache flash, we already have our consideration and
 wrote them on our design page. I have no doubt that your suggestion is more
 reasonable, we just keep in mind that expiration is much longer that the
 time needed to poll all of hosts, so this is really a potential issue we
 ignored. Let's make estimation at first, we will have a try if our schedule
 is okay.
 Doron, we have reserved some effort to research about cluster-level policy.
 As ovirt is complete new to our engineers, would we finished our current
 features (such as ovf and rest api.) in pipeline at first? After these basic
 features are ready and we still have some buffer, we will make some
 improvement. Is this acceptable?
 Thanks again to Doron and Ofri.
 Best Regards,
 Dave Chen

Hi Dave,
Thanks for your response.

Looking for additional reference I also read [1], which gave me some insights
on your design. There is a difference between both architectures which has a
big impact on the implementation, so I think it would be wise to explain it;

OpenStack currently has no clear definition of cluster as a migration-domain
the same way oVirt has. So this means you cannot use this benefit of oVirt
which provides you a domain where all VMs should be able to freely migrate
from any host to any other host.

In OpenStack you may have more than one scheduling service, which means you
may scale very large numbers of scheduling requests. In oVirt's current 
implementation, it will be handled by the same process, so every scheduling
delay should be carefully considered to avoid a performance hit.

In my suggestion of a cluster level policy, you will get the trust level
you need without changing the oVirt scheduler at all(!!!), so you are
using the current concepts while avoiding any performance issue you may
introduce by adding trust to the scheduling logic. As you can see this
should give you a much cleaner, simpler and safer implementation.

Working in cluster level will require a different implementation in the
engine side to make sure the cluster complies with the trust level you want.
The Attestation broker and caching are still needed, but the whole scheduling
part should be removed. Obviously this will give you a completely different
API as well as UI and potentially OVF, which will make current implementation
redundant. This is not an improvement, rather than a different design. I
strongly suggest you re-think the process to better evaluate both options.



 -Original Message-
 From: Doron Fediuck []
 Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:43 PM
 To: Ofri Masad
 Cc:; Chen, Wei D
 Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Open Attestation integration with oVirt engine
 proposal has submitted patchset5 for your review
 - Original Message -
  From: Ofri Masad
  To: Wei D Chen
  Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 12:05:02 PM
  Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Open Attestation integration with oVirt
  engine proposal has submitted patchset5 for your review
  Hi Dave,
  I would like to raise again the question of the full cache flash for
  each stale cache entry found.
  This method can cause two unwanted situations:
   1. Choosing untrusted host: lets say, for example that you have 1000
  host in your pool. you look at the first host in the cache and find
  that its attestation hat expired. you refresh the entire pool  (there
  are 1000 host, that must take some time). by the the time  the last
  host was refreshed in the pool, the first host may already  be expired
  again. but since you already checked it - you keep on  with your flow
  and select that host, even so it has expired and may  as well be
   2. infinite loop: lets say we'll try to fix what I've described in
  1. then, we need to check again if the host has expired before we
  select it. if it is, the entire refresh process starts again. this
  could potentially go on forever (unless I'm missing something, and
  the expiration is much longer then the full re-cache process).
  Instead of re-caching the full cache we can do as follows:
   - hold the cache entries sorted by expiration (if the expiration
  time is the same for all hosts, so a queue is enough).
   - each time we need a new trusted host - select from the unexpired
  hosts, refresh all expired hosts (in one query).
   - if all hosts are expired - we can wait for the first host to be
  defined trusted by the attestation server and select that host.

Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures

2013-04-02 Thread Laszlo Hornyak
Hi Liran,

- Original Message -
 From: Liran Zelkha
 To: Laszlo Hornyak
 Cc: Liran Zelkha,
 Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 8:37:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
 Hi Laszlo,
 I'm currently in the process of adding a caching layer on top of
 JdbcTemplate, which would greatly reduce the number of database activities
 we have, so that would solve the last item you raised.

That's a great news! Thank you!

 I didn't mean the ORM performance is caused by the mapping. I think the
 problem lies in the fact that we will modify our code to have batch updates
 for most insert activities - a thing that is impossible in JPA/Hibernate.
 So, if we'll have some code in SQL and some in ORM - I prefer we stick all
 code to SQL…

I think you can do this with a JPAQL in JPA, but anyway, yes, some code would 
very likely have to be in rdbms-specific SQL statements.

 On Apr 2, 2013, at 9:34 AM, Laszlo Hornyak wrote:
  Hi Liran,
  I agree that ORM tools in general have to add some mapping overhead, but
  that overhead is very small compared to the time needed by the database
  ORM tools sometimes generate SQL statements that we could imagine being
  better, I do not think they are as hard for the DB as for example the ones
  generated by searchbackend. Also, we can do rdbms specific optimizations
  when needed.
  Plus we could finally have some caching in ovirt engine and the code would
  not have to read e.g. the DC record again and again. There are some more
  like that.
  Therefore having a JPA could improve the performance in engine.
  - Original Message -
  From: Liran Zelkha
  To: Eli Mesika
  Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 7:24:08 AM
  Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
  I also apologize for jumping in late...
  I think concerning SQL injection we'll be covered by using
  PreparedStatements. Since we're using SpringJDBC, most of our code uses
  PreparedStatements anyway.
  Concerning ORM - I feel it won't really be beneficial to us. I know of
  few projects who can actually be cross-database, and just maintaining
  creation scripts for different databases can be too difficult to maintain.
  Also, from a performance perspective, ORM performs worse than regular SQL
  (or stored procedures), so it wouldn't be the direction I choose.
  I think we should keep using SpringJDBC with either SQL or stored
  (doesn't really matter, whatever is easier to maintain and performs
  and maybe add a better, more generic, RowMapper class.
  - Original Message -
  From: Eli Mesika
  Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 12:35:03 AM
  Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
  - Original Message -
  From: Laszlo Hornyak
  To: Libor Spevak
  Cc: Juan Hernandez,
  Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 5:31:34 PM
  Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
  - Original Message -
  From: Libor Spevak
  To: Itamar Heim
  Cc: Juan Hernandez,
  Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 4:04:20 PM
  Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
  apart from SQL vs. stored procedures discussion, I am trying to
  understand what we can get if we support more databases...
  Sorry for joining this discussion so late (I was in a vacation)
  two points missing from SQL VS. SP are
  1) security - With plain SQL we will have to handle SQL Injection
  2) It is more economic to pass a call to SP than the full SQL on the
  Some points:
  1. Is there a real need by end-users/customers to run it on e.g.
  only? (performance, stability, easier administration).
  Usually companies have one database and they are trying to stick to that
  Having two doubles the resource needs, you need one more DBA team, care
  mirrors, backups. So it almost doubles the costs.
  Generally, I agree with Alon B L , if you have to support X DBs you are
  doubling the effort by X
  Actually, we had already experience with that when we supported both MS
  I believe that as we have some customers with large installations,
  performance counts and the best way (and sometimes teh only way) id the DB
  This is why I frequently hear people asking if we plan to support XyDB in
  future. PostgreSQL is cool, but those who already use MySQL/MariaDB, they
  just do not want one more.
  What is the future of PostgreSQL?
  2. Is it decided by architectural board, what kind of databases we

Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures

2013-04-02 Thread Yair Zaslavsky

- Original Message -
 From: Libor Spevak
 To: Juan Hernandez
 Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:09:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
 I would recommend always to avoid hard coding SQL into Java code. It is
 very hard to maintain and read.
 If there is something, which prevents using JPA/Hibernate, e.g. the
 database relational model doesn't reflect the object-oriented domain
 very well or we have to live with many stored procedures concurrently, I
 would choose a framework, which enables to externalize the SQL code
 (into XML).
 I worked on a larger project(s) with a lot of PL/SQL code, we moved to
 myBatis (previously iBatis) very soon for Java backend:

I used a similar approach at past project - not with iBatis though, but a in 
house implementation of such framework.
I think this idea is worth considering.

 On 26.3.2013 18:34, Juan Hernandez wrote:
  I would like to start a discussion about the subject. I think this is
  something we need to do if one day we want to be able to use any
  database other than PostgreSQL.
  I did an small example of what it takes and how it looks like to have
  the SQL code into the DAOs:
  It isn't rocket science, it isn't an exciting task, it isn't fun, but
  something I think we should eventually do.
  I appreciate any comment about how and when to do this, including
  those saying that instead of this primitive approach we should use
  this or that ORM framework.
  Juan Hernandez
 Engine-devel mailing list
Engine-devel mailing list

Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures

2013-04-02 Thread Liran Zelkha

I think externalizing SQL can lead to a VERY difficult maintenance. But, as 
long as we stick to SQL (or stored procedures, just not ORM), I don't mind… 

On Apr 2, 2013, at 10:19 AM, Yair Zaslavsky wrote:

 - Original Message -
 From: Libor Spevak
 To: Juan Hernandez
 Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 10:09:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
 I would recommend always to avoid hard coding SQL into Java code. It is
 very hard to maintain and read.
 If there is something, which prevents using JPA/Hibernate, e.g. the
 database relational model doesn't reflect the object-oriented domain
 very well or we have to live with many stored procedures concurrently, I
 would choose a framework, which enables to externalize the SQL code
 (into XML).
 I worked on a larger project(s) with a lot of PL/SQL code, we moved to
 myBatis (previously iBatis) very soon for Java backend:
 I used a similar approach at past project - not with iBatis though, but a in 
 house implementation of such framework.
 I think this idea is worth considering.
 On 26.3.2013 18:34, Juan Hernandez wrote:
 I would like to start a discussion about the subject. I think this is
 something we need to do if one day we want to be able to use any
 database other than PostgreSQL.
 I did an small example of what it takes and how it looks like to have
 the SQL code into the DAOs:
 It isn't rocket science, it isn't an exciting task, it isn't fun, but
 something I think we should eventually do.
 I appreciate any comment about how and when to do this, including
 those saying that instead of this primitive approach we should use
 this or that ORM framework.
 Juan Hernandez
 Engine-devel mailing list
 Engine-devel mailing list

Engine-devel mailing list

Re: [Engine-devel] Sandro Bonazzola as a tools maintainer

2013-04-02 Thread Juan Hernandez

On 03/20/2013 03:23 PM, Ofer Schreiber wrote:



- Original Message -

I would like to propose that we add Sandro Bonazzola as a maintainer
the Ovirt ISO Uploader, Image Uploader and Log Collector.  He too has
been enormously helpful with the maintenance of the tools.

Keith Robertson

Dirección Comercial: C/Jose Bardasano Baos, 9, Edif. Gorbea 3, planta 
3ºD, 28016 Madrid, Spain

Inscrita en el Reg. Mercantil de Madrid – C.I.F. B82657941 - Red Hat S.L.
Engine-devel mailing list

Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures

2013-04-02 Thread Eli Mesika

- Original Message -
 From: Yair Zaslavsky
 To: Liran Zelkha
 Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 10:15:06 AM
 Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
 Hi all,
 Sorry for my late response on the issue, I will try to cover as many issues
 as possible in this email and other emails
 - Original Message -
  From: Liran Zelkha
  To: Laszlo Hornyak
  Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 9:37:28 AM
  Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
  Hi Laszlo,
  I'm currently in the process of adding a caching layer on top of
  JdbcTemplate, which would greatly reduce the number of database activities
  we have, so that would solve the last item you raised.
 +1 On that approach - some of us already talked about the need to have
 caching AT LEAST for the static parts.
  I didn't mean the ORM performance is caused by the mapping. I think the
  problem lies in the fact that we will modify our code to have batch updates
  for most insert activities - a thing that is impossible in JPA/Hibernate.
  So, if we'll have some code in SQL and some in ORM - I prefer we stick all
  code to SQL…
  On Apr 2, 2013, at 9:34 AM, Laszlo Hornyak wrote:
   Hi Liran,
   I agree that ORM tools in general have to add some mapping overhead, but
   that overhead is very small compared to the time needed by the database
   ORM tools sometimes generate SQL statements that we could imagine being
   better, I do not think they are as hard for the DB as for example the
   generated by searchbackend. Also, we can do rdbms specific optimizations
   when needed.
   Plus we could finally have some caching in ovirt engine and the code
   not have to read e.g. the DC record again and again. There are some more
   like that.
   Therefore having a JPA could improve the performance in engine.
   - Original Message -
   From: Liran Zelkha
   To: Eli Mesika
   Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 7:24:08 AM
   Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Move SQL out of stored procedures
   I also apologize for jumping in late...
   I think concerning SQL injection we'll be covered by using
   PreparedStatements. Since we're using SpringJDBC, most of our code uses
   PreparedStatements anyway.
   Concerning ORM - I feel it won't really be beneficial to us. I know of
   few projects who can actually be cross-database, and just maintaining
   creation scripts for different databases can be too difficult to
   Also, from a performance perspective, ORM performs worse than regular
   (or stored procedures), so it wouldn't be the direction I choose.
   I think we should keep using SpringJDBC with either SQL or stored
   (doesn't really matter, whatever is easier to maintain and performs
   and maybe add a better, more generic, RowMapper class.
 +1 on that approach - I remind you all that our data model is a bit complex -
 for example - we have entities that are composed of views - VM which is
 based on static, dynamic and statistics information.
 Modeling this with hibernate is problematic.
 In addition, we will have to introduce a custom mapper for pgsql uuid to
 either out Guid/NGuid or (as others already suggested) java.util.UUID ,
 hence the desire to have 100% portability already breaks.
 Barein mind not all databases support UUID as native types - this is
 something we need to think of (maybe outside the context of this discussion)
 - I can tell you that from what I saw so far, mssql , postgresql and h2
 databases DO support it.
 In addition we have MLA related stored procedures which have to contain logic
 and trying to model them as JPA queries will definitely hurt performance.
 If we do want to go to hibernate approach (again) as lessons from last time I
 a. Not try to solve the complex cases - keep hibernate/JPA for relatively
 CRUD operations - for more complex ones - keep stored procedures (I remind
 you it is possible to invoke native SQL/Stored procedures from JPA).
 b. Consider having a layer of objects (DTOs) that their sole purpose is to
 work with the JPA layer (let's say that they are in package of
 org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.entities) and they will map to our existing
 business entities.
 The advantage in this approach is that our business entities (which are
 currently shared with frontend) will not need to be adjusted/annotated with
 hibernate/JPA annotations.
 The disadvantages in this approach is that we will have a double group of
 entities - one for DAL and one for BLL/frontend (and this brings up the
 question on what are the plans of using the REST-API with frontend?)

Hybrid solutions tend to waste much more time than they save ...


Re: [Engine-devel] FeatureSupported and compatibility versions

2013-04-02 Thread Shireesh Anjal

On 04/02/2013 02:47 PM, Mike Kolesnik wrote:

On 03/27/2013 05:48 PM, Mike Kolesnik wrote:

- Original Message -

On 03/20/2013 08:20 PM, Yair Zaslavsky wrote:

- Original Message -

From: Shireesh
To: Mike
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 4:47:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] FeatureSupported and 

On 03/18/2013 01:11 PM, Shireesh Anjal wrote:

On 03/18/2013 12:59 PM, Mike Kolesnik wrote:

- Original Message -

Hi all,

The current mechanism in oVirt to check whether 
a feature is
in a particular compatibility version is to use 
class. e.g.


Checks whether the network linking feature is 
supported for
VM's cluster compatibility version. This 
internally checks
value of the corresponding config 
(NetworkLinkingSupported) for
given compatibility version is true/false.

I'm not sure if this is a good idea, since a 
feature is
supported from a particular version. E.g. 
Gluster support was
introduced in 3.1, and it continues to be 
available in all
versions. So I see no point in adding 
configuration for every
indicating whether the feature is supported in 
that version or
not. I
suggest to use either of the following options:

You can merge the configs into a single config 
when older
go out of the supported versions for the system.

i.e. in 4.0 you can have upgrade script that merges 
GlusterFeatureSupported to one entry instead of 

Why are we even storing this information in config? Is this
that can be configured at customer site?

As previously explained (but off list :) ) , Config gives you 
ability to have a cachable map of entry (i.e - feature name)
per version and value.
I guess it was convinient for the developers to use that.
I also mentioned that customers/oVirt users should config the
entries of vdc_options using engine-config tool only.
Not all entries are exposed via (and 
not just is feature supported entries are hidden).

1) Instead of using a boolean config for each 
version, use a
string config that indicates the supported 
from version e.g.
GlusterSupportedFrom = 3.1. There could be rare 
 cases where a
for some reason, is removed in some release. In 
such cases, we
one additional config for the supported to 

2) Continue with the boolean approach, but do 
not have entries
version; rather make use of the default value 
for majority of
and add the explicit version mapping for the 
minority e.g.
GlusterSupported = true by default, and false 
in case of 3.0
config required for 3.0)

I'm not sure why we would want to 

Re: [Engine-devel] Open Attestation integration with oVirt engine proposal has submitted patchset5 for your review

2013-04-02 Thread Doron Fediuck

- Original Message -
 From: Michael Kublin
 To: Wei D Chen
 Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 2:49:02 PM
 Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Open Attestation integration with oVirt engine 
 proposal has submitted patchset5 for your
 - Original Message -
  From: Wei D Chen
  To: Doron Fediuck, Ofri Masad
  Sent: Friday, March 29, 2013 5:00:55 AM
  Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Open Attestation integration with oVirt engine
  proposal has submitted patchset5 for your
  Thanks Doron  Ofri,
  As to the question of cache flash, we already have our consideration and
  wrote them on our design page. I have no doubt that your suggestion is more
  reasonable, we just keep in mind that expiration is much longer that the
  time needed to poll all of hosts, so this is really a potential issue we
  ignored. Let's make estimation at first, we will have a try if our schedule
  is okay.
  Doron, we have reserved some effort to research about cluster-level policy.
  As ovirt is complete new to our engineers, would we finished our current
  features (such as ovf and rest api.) in pipeline at first? After these
  features are ready and we still have some buffer, we will make some
  improvement. Is this acceptable?
  Thanks again to Doron and Ofri.
  Best Regards,
  Dave Chen
  -Original Message-
  From: Doron Fediuck []
  Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 10:43 PM
  To: Ofri Masad
  Cc:; Chen, Wei D
  Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Open Attestation integration with oVirt engine
  proposal has submitted patchset5 for your review
  - Original Message -
   From: Ofri Masad
   To: Wei D Chen
   Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 12:05:02 PM
   Subject: Re: [Engine-devel] Open Attestation integration with oVirt
   engine proposal has submitted patchset5 for your review
   Hi Dave,
   I would like to raise again the question of the full cache flash for
   each stale cache entry found.
   This method can cause two unwanted situations:
1. Choosing untrusted host: lets say, for example that you have 1000
   host in your pool. you look at the first host in the cache and find
   that its attestation hat expired. you refresh the entire pool  (there
   are 1000 host, that must take some time). by the the time  the last
   host was refreshed in the pool, the first host may already  be expired
   again. but since you already checked it - you keep on  with your flow
   and select that host, even so it has expired and may  as well be
2. infinite loop: lets say we'll try to fix what I've described in
   1. then, we need to check again if the host has expired before we
   select it. if it is, the entire refresh process starts again. this
   could potentially go on forever (unless I'm missing something, and
   the expiration is much longer then the full re-cache process).
   Instead of re-caching the full cache we can do as follows:
- hold the cache entries sorted by expiration (if the expiration
   time is the same for all hosts, so a queue is enough).
- each time we need a new trusted host - select from the unexpired
   hosts, refresh all expired hosts (in one query).
- if all hosts are expired - we can wait for the first host to be
   defined trusted by the attestation server and select that host.
  Dave, adding another suggestion on top of Ofri's;
  Generally speaking, a cluster of hosts defines many joint features (such as
  CPU level), which means that in the same cluster we would expect to be able
  to freely migrate a VM from one host to another.
  Current trust-pools design is breaking this concept, as you introduce a
  where a VM cannot migrate from a 'safe' host into an 'unsafe'
  This leads me to the suggestion of having attestation as a cluster policy
  rather than a VM-level property. It means that all hosts in this cluster
  constantly being monitored to be safe. If a host is declared as unsafe in
  the Attestation server, it will become non-operational in the engine. This
  will simplify the implementation since you have everything ready for you
  once you have a 'safe' cluster and no need to do any VM-level changes.
  So in this way you keep current concepts while simplifying the
  with very little worries of performance issues.
  Can you please share your thoughts on this suggestion?
   - Original Message -
From: Wei D Chen
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2013 11:34:55 AM
Subject: [Engine-devel] Open Attestation integration with oVirt
engine proposal has submitted patchset5 for your 

Re: [Engine-devel] UI Plugin API improvements

2013-04-02 Thread Morrissey, Christopher
Great job on the dialog support, Vojtech! It's working very well for me.

I am having an issue with the REST session ID that I haven't been able to nail 
down. It seems to be timing out rather quickly. Somewhere between 15 and 30 
seconds if I don't use it explicitly. I've seen the code that is scheduled to 
run every minute to keep it alive, but it looks like the timeout is happening 
so quickly that the heartbeat can't keep it alive. Any idea on why this would 
be happening?


 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:engine-devel-] On Behalf Of Vojtech Szocs
 Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 11:25 AM
 To: engine-devel
 Cc: Spenser Shumaker; René Koch; Morrissey, Christopher
 Subject: [Engine-devel] UI Plugin API improvements
 Hi guys,
 I've just merged some UI Plugin patches that improve existing API functions,
 as well as add some new API functions. Please read on to learn what's new.
 Modal dialog API
 Function improved: showDialog
 New signature:
 showDialog(title, dialogToken, contentUrl, width, height [, options])
 Example usage:
 showDialog('My Dialog', 'my-dialog', '', '800px',
 '600px', {
 // Default value = empty array (no buttons)
 buttons: [
 label: 'Do stuff',
 onClick: function() {
 // Default value = false
 resizeEnabled: true,
 // Default value = true
 closeIconVisible: true,
 // Default value = true
 closeOnEscKey: true
 Notable changes:
 * modal dialogs now look  feel the same as standard WebAdmin dialogs
 * width  height are strings containing CSS units
 * the reason why buttons default to empty array is to give plugin authors the
 choice to provide custom buttons (or similar input elements) via dialog
 content (iframe), and use HTML5 window.postMessage to call the plugin
 (coming soon!)
 New function: setDialogContentUrl
 New signature:
 setDialogContentUrl(dialogToken, contentUrl)
 Example usage:
 setDialogContentUrl('my-dialog', '')
 New function: closeDialog
 New signature:
 Example usage:
 Tab API
 Functions improved: addMainTab  addSubTab
 New signatures:
 addMainTab(label, historyToken, contentUrl [, options])
 addSubTab(entityTypeName, label, historyToken, contentUrl [, options])
 Example usage:
 // Tab is left-aligned by default
 addMainTab('Foo Tab', 'foo-tab', '');
 // Tab is right-aligned via options object
 addSubTab('VirtualMachine', 'Bar Tab', 'bar-tab', '', {
 alignRight: true
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Re: [Engine-devel] [RFC] new power management protocol libvirtp

2013-04-02 Thread Shu Ming

Dan Kenigsberg:

On Tue, Apr 02, 2013 at 10:15:44AM +0800, Shu Ming wrote:


In oVirt environment, power manager should be enabled for the host to
support VM high availability in the cluster. Various kinds of
physical power management protocol are supported, ie., ALOM, ILOetc.
However, when the oVirt is running on a nested KVM
environment, there is no feasible way to do the power management of the
VDSM host(also a KVM virtual machine). A new protocol
will be based on libvirt to achieve the power management of a virtual
host. The new protocol can be named as libvirtp.

In oVirt engine, a new type will be added to

power management--- type libvirtp
power management---address it will be the IP of the physical host where
the virtual VDSM host is on when libvirtp is selected
power management---user name it will be the user name to the libvirtd
power management---password it will be the password to the libvirtd service
power management---port it will be the port to the libvirtd service

Have you looked into fence_virsh or fence_virt ? Don't they provide
what you want?

Thanks for your reminder. I think fence_virsh or fence_virt can be 
leveraged to achieve the goal..
For fence_virsh, it requires virsh to be installed on the vdsm virtual 
host. For fence_virt, it requires
fence_virtd to be installed on the vdsm virtual host and it is not 
libvirt centric. With these two
power management protocol, the oVirt engine still need change to 
integrate these two protocols for

the host power management.

舒明 Shu Ming
Open Virtualization Engineerning; CSTL, IBM Corp.
Tel: 86-10-82451626  Tieline: 9051626 E-mail: or
Address: 3/F Ring Building, ZhongGuanCun Software Park, Haidian District, 
Beijing 100193, PRC

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Re: [Engine-devel] Java 7, revisited again

2013-04-02 Thread Kanagaraj

On 04/02/2013 07:03 PM, Allon Mureinik wrote:


A couple of weeks (months?) ago we discussed upgrading to Java 7.[1]
Generally, there was a positive vibe about moving forward with technology,
although we noted that this should not be done for common, compat and the GWT 

searchbackend is also used by GWT, this needs to be excluded as well.


under the limitation of the current GWT version we're using.

Here's an initial suggestion for this upgrade:

Areas handled and checked:
1. compilation (including GWT compilation)[2]
2. animal-sniffer validations for to makes sure that modules that aren't 
supposed to use JDK7 features really don't[2]
3. Running and making sure the UI still works :-)
(checkstyle issues which Laslo pointed out in the original discussion were 
already solved in a different patch merged long ago)

Allon and Alissa

[2] This includes, of course, purposely introducing Java 7 syntax and JDK 7 
features to modules that aren't supposed to have them,
 and making sure that the build fails early, as expected, without having to 
add the -Pgwt-admin or -Pgwt-user profiles.
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