Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread François REMY
About 'ƒ': on my keyboard, there's no way to type it. I have to use ALT+its 
UTF8 keycode, and it doesn't work in all programs. BTW, since the default 
file format on Windows is not UTF8, expect many developers to use ISO-8859-1 
for their JS files. Personnaly, I use Notepad++ which allow me to use UTF8 
as default encoding, but I don't expect all devs to do that.

About the 'fn' proposal, I'm happy with it. Asking a 'use' statement just 
for that feature may prove a little excessive but if it can be merged with 
other can-be-breaking syntax reforms ('use es6'), why not. But, seriously, 
what really makes it impossible to use # or @? Those would have no compat 
issues, would require no header. Even if @ would be used in private-name, it 
would be in a completely different context. It's like the SQL guys who used 
'%' as wildchar in LIKE strings because '*' was already used as a shortcut 
in the SELECT operand; those use of the '*' symbol were completely 
orthogonal, and it would have been possible to allow both.


-Message d'origine- 
From: Jorge

Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 4:01 AM
To: es-discuss Steen
Subject: Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

On 21/01/2012, at 02:34, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
how about ƒ (which has been mentioned many times)? It seems very 
appropriate and is even easy to type on a Mac (easier than square brackets 
on a German keyboard!).

setTimeout( ƒ () { ... }, 1e3)
setTimeout( `() { ... }, 1e3)

setTimeout( ƒ name () { ... }, 1e3)
setTimeout( `name () { ... }, 1e3)

ƒ name () { ... }
`name () { ... }
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Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread François REMY

This seems pretty easy to enforce to me.

function a(x) {

   let count = 0;

   if((x1)==0) count++;

   return count;

-Message d'origine- 
From: Brendan Eich

Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 2:08 AM
To: François REMY
Cc: es-discuss
Subject: Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

Rust is a static language with many guarantees. It's not really
comparable to JS here.

JS extended with block-lambdas has no way to force downward-funarg-only
contract on functions called with block-lambda arguments. And indeed,
nothing goes wrong if those block-lambdas escape via the heap and are
called after the enclosing function's activation, which passed the
block-lambda down, has returned. Only if the block-lambda does a control
effect that would propagate to the enclosing function's activation is
there a dynamic error.

JS is a dynamic language. When you write it should only be allowed,
are you seriously proposing a checkable syntax and static check of some
kind? How would that work?

(Aside: I wish I had used fn instead of function in 1995!)


François REMY
January 20, 2012 1:38 PM
Just to add weight to my previous mail, you may find it interesting to 
notice that my proposed syntax match nearly exactly the proposed syntax of 
the new Mozilla-editored Rust programming language:

   call_twice({|| I am a stack closure; });

   call_twice(fn@() { I am a boxed closure; });

It confirms my feeling about {|| ...}: it should only be allowed in a 
context where the function still exists; it's a way to return the control 
back to the calling function when you need to call a callback-able 
function for some reason. At every other place, you should use 'normal' 
closures (the language-agnostic equivalent of ECMAScript functions), for 
which we should have a simplified syntax (aka syntaxic sugar). I don't 
bother if it has to start by @, #, %, µ, § or anyting else, but I feel 
strongly about the fact we need it.

Now, I think everyone got my point, I leave the final discussion to group 
members. But, at least, my message was sent. ;-)

Best regards,

François REMY
January 19, 2012 12:19 PM
It may be just a personnal taste, but I've to agree the current proposal 
(#() ...) seems very appealing to me. I did not respond to your mail 
proposing to use the Arrow syntax because it seems obscure to me. The 
distinction between normal and fat arrow is thin, does not make sense. 
You either need a function-object (which doesn't have 'this' mapping, has 
expandos) or a local-function (which has 'this' mapping, just need to be a 
[Call] target). If you need the first, you need a traditionnal function 
since you need something not-frozen that can be added to objects as a 
property at a later time. If you want 'this' mapping, you need something 
that only makes sense in a local context.

Additionnaly, the arrow syntax is illogical. You usually say I want a 
function of (X,Y) which returns X+Y or I want to transform X in 
X.toString, not From X, I want to get X.toString().

Freezing a local function seems as acceptable to me as it seemed to 
others. A LF should only be used in a controlled context where the 
function itself is just used as a function, not an object. But if it's not 
acceptable to other members, I'm not against a @(x) syntax that does not 
offer frozen functions (but I think it's a missed optimization 
opportunity). The point about Conditionnal Compiling in IE is not valid 
anymore since Microsoft has deleted HTML Conditionnal Comments because 
they were not standards (even if they were used a lot), so I don't think 
the obscure and fewly used JScript CC are meant to stay, especially if it 
hurts another proposal.

In my view of the thing, a local function should be used as a function in 
the mathematical sense of the term: you give a parameter, it returns its 
image by the function.

The cases we are trying to solve:

   var inc=#(x) x+1; x.toString());

   array.filter(#(x) isValid(x)); {
   while(x.previousSibling) x=x.previousSibling;
   return x;

For example, I don't see this as a good use-case of a LocalFunction :

   refreshLayout: function(e) {
   requestAnimationFrame(#(e) this.refreshLayout(e));

It should be a block lambda instead, because it's meant to 'continue' the 
current function in a sort of async while(true) loop.

   refreshLayout: function(e) {
   requestAnimationFrame({|e| this.refreshLayout(e) });

For all of the use cases where a mathematical function is requied, you 
just need some valid [Call]-able item. You will never add expandos on an 
function you don't know (ie that you received as a parameter). You'll wrap 

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread François REMY

(sorry, last mail was sent by mistake)

This seems pretty easy to enforce to me.

function a(x) {

   let count = 0;
   let arr = [

   if((x1)==0) count++;

   return count;

can be compiled as :

function a(x) {

   let count=0;
   let arr = [...];
   let $lambda = {
   [Call]: {||


   $lambda.[Call] = function() { throw new InvalidTargetException(); }

   return count;

So, if the 'Array.prototype.forEach' function of has been modified to call 
the iter function asynchronously, it will not work.

As a plus, it allows a very powerful optimisation (block-lambda running in 
the same frame as the function itself).


-Message d'origine- 
From: Brendan Eich

Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 7:17 AM
To: Axel Rauschmayer
Cc: es-discuss
Subject: Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

Axel Rauschmayer
January 20, 2012 9:24 PM

- Hard to type: reading is far more important than typing, it is very easy 
to adapt tools to help with typing.

ƒ is not particularly readable IMHO. It's florin, not mathematical
notation I've ever seen. Anyway we can't assume the compatibility break
is ok since it can occur in operand context in any expression.

- Not ASCII: I hardy every encounter non-UTF text files, any more. 
Non-ASCII seems to work well for Fortress.

Fortress, please. I invite @samth to comment now. I admire Fortress, but
it is not an exemplar or nearby language for JS.

I think use fn; (real pragma syntax), with the low-precedence 
assignment-expression fn (params) assign-expr production, wins. What do 
you think?

Having fn would be sweet. For many kinds of pragmas, it would be great if 
one could configure these per project (or per directory). Then one could 
put legacy code in one directory and ES6 code in another. And the weight 
of the pragmas would be negligible. Not sure how to do this, though; 
reminds me very loosely of CSS (centralized management of style).

You make a good point: use fn; may be too much to require in every
script element content.

Would fn make sense as an ES6 breaking change? I’d expect many people to 
be strongly in favor, possibly as many strongly opposed.

Don't forget that JQuery uses fn as an identifier (and not just
following a dot) all over.

Possible research (applies to ƒ, too):
- Poll people for their opinion

These are not decisive. I've been straw-polling audiences for a while.
Block-lambdas are doing well, but one must ask nothing, just
'function' and usually get a stronger response than any new syntax.

- Search JS code bases for how often the identifier fn is used (how?).

See JQuery sources. Unconditionally reserving 'fn' is a non-starter
IMHO. Recall also that we are trying to hew to One JavaScript -- few
to no refactoring woes moving code in and out of a module {...}
container or use strict; code block.


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Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Herby Vojčík

François REMY wrote:

About the 'fn' proposal, I'm happy with it. Asking a 'use' statement
just for that feature may prove a little excessive but if it can be
merged with other can-be-breaking syntax reforms ('use es6'), why not.
But, seriously, what really makes it impossible to use # or @? Those
would have no compat issues, would require no header. Even if @ would be
used in private-name, it would be in a completely different context.
It's like the SQL guys who used '%' as wildchar [and may have used *].

True for @, but not so for #. The latter is used to specify freeze. That 
is, you probably can write #@(x) {x+1}, but ##(x) {x+1} would be ridiculous.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Claus Reinke
I think use fn; (real pragma syntax), with the low-precedence 
assignment-expression fn (params) assign-expr production, wins. What do 
you think?

Having fn would be sweet. For many kinds of pragmas, it would be great if 
one could configure these per project (or per directory). Then one could 
put legacy code in one directory and ES6 code in another. And the weight 
of the pragmas would be negligible. Not sure how to do this, though; 
reminds me very loosely of CSS (centralized management of style).

You make a good point: use fn; may be too much to require in every 
script element content.

From the Haskell experience again: there, one can have language

feature options

- as pragmas in source code [1]
- as options in package descriptor files [2]

The former is better for source readability, and for being specific
about which files depend on which extensions. The latter is better
for avoiding repetition if every source in a package uses the same
set of options, and for package readability (making package
feature dependencies obvious without having to scan source files).
In-source pragmas override package-wide options.

One thing that Haskell doesn't have, which I have often wanted,
is the ability to define extension groups on a per-project basis:

if I always use the same sets of extensions (eg, yield and block
scoping, or modules and classes, or ..), then it would be nice
to define pragma groups in the package file, and just refer to
the group pragma in the source files. That way, use of language
features would be explicit in the source, but without repetitive
details. However, this is less of an issue in JS than in Haskell
(the latter has far more language extensions, with a very
conservative base standard, while all ES extensions currently
under discussion will be grouped in ES6).


[2] extensions: identifier list
   A list of Haskell extensions used by every module.
   Extension names are the constructors of the Extension type.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread François REMY

(sorry, last mail was sent by mistake)

This seems pretty easy to enforce to me.

function a(x) {

   let count = 0;
   let arr = [

   if((x1)==0) count++;

   return count;

can be compiled as :

function a(x) {

   let count=0;
   let arr = [...];
   let $lambda = {
   [Call]: {||


   $lambda.[Call] = function() { throw new InvalidTargetException(); }

   return count;

So, if the 'Array.prototype.forEach' function of has been modified to call
the iter function asynchronously, it will not work.

As a plus, it allows a very powerful optimisation (block-lambda running in
the same frame as the function itself).


-Message d'origine- 
From: Brendan Eich

Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 7:17 AM
To: Axel Rauschmayer
Cc: es-discuss
Subject: Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

Axel Rauschmayer
January 20, 2012 9:24 PM

- Hard to type: reading is far more important than typing, it is very easy 
to adapt tools to help with typing.

ƒ is not particularly readable IMHO. It's florin, not mathematical
notation I've ever seen. Anyway we can't assume the compatibility break
is ok since it can occur in operand context in any expression.

- Not ASCII: I hardy every encounter non-UTF text files, any more. 
Non-ASCII seems to work well for Fortress.

Fortress, please. I invite @samth to comment now. I admire Fortress, but
it is not an exemplar or nearby language for JS.

I think use fn; (real pragma syntax), with the low-precedence 
assignment-expression fn (params) assign-expr production, wins. What do 
you think?

Having fn would be sweet. For many kinds of pragmas, it would be great if 
one could configure these per project (or per directory). Then one could 
put legacy code in one directory and ES6 code in another. And the weight 
of the pragmas would be negligible. Not sure how to do this, though; 
reminds me very loosely of CSS (centralized management of style).

You make a good point: use fn; may be too much to require in every
script element content.

Would fn make sense as an ES6 breaking change? I’d expect many people to 
be strongly in favor, possibly as many strongly opposed.

Don't forget that JQuery uses fn as an identifier (and not just
following a dot) all over.

Possible research (applies to ƒ, too):
- Poll people for their opinion

These are not decisive. I've been straw-polling audiences for a while.
Block-lambdas are doing well, but one must ask nothing, just
'function' and usually get a stronger response than any new syntax.

- Search JS code bases for how often the identifier fn is used (how?).

See JQuery sources. Unconditionally reserving 'fn' is a non-starter
IMHO. Recall also that we are trying to hew to One JavaScript -- few
to no refactoring woes moving code in and out of a module {...}
container or use strict; code block.


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Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
Great stuff. I’m equally intrigued by the `use fn` pragma: It allows one to 
selectively break compatibility.

Caveat: This kind of pragma introduces a lot of new complexity.

Pragmas would indeed become less burdensome if one could configure them on a 
per-project basis. It corresponds to Eclipse setting different Java versions 
per source directory. Ideas (not sure that they are worth the added complexity, 
but wanted to mention them):

- Meta-tag points to file that configures pragmas based on paths
- Custom, user-defined meta-pragmas that group several pragmas
- A pragma that points to a file with several pragmas

On Jan 21, 2012, at 11:09 , Claus Reinke wrote:

 From the Haskell experience again: there, one can have language
 feature options
 - as pragmas in source code [1]
 - as options in package descriptor files [2]
 The former is better for source readability, and for being specific
 about which files depend on which extensions. The latter is better
 for avoiding repetition if every source in a package uses the same
 set of options, and for package readability (making package
 feature dependencies obvious without having to scan source files).
 In-source pragmas override package-wide options.
 One thing that Haskell doesn't have, which I have often wanted,
 is the ability to define extension groups on a per-project basis:
 if I always use the same sets of extensions (eg, yield and block
 scoping, or modules and classes, or ..), then it would be nice
 to define pragma groups in the package file, and just refer to
 the group pragma in the source files. That way, use of language
 features would be explicit in the source, but without repetitive
 details. However, this is less of an issue in JS than in Haskell
 (the latter has far more language extensions, with a very
 conservative base standard, while all ES extensions currently
 under discussion will be grouped in ES6).
 [2] extensions: identifier list
   A list of Haskell extensions used by every module.
   Extension names are the constructors of the Extension type.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Fixing instanceof (Array.isArray() etc.)?

2012-01-21 Thread Andrea Giammarchi
with postMessage and other standard/secure ways to pass data around the
cross frame problem is slowly disappearing unless it's meant to sandbox the
Array, as example, of that frame.

A classic example is indeed the freedom to extend the way we like a
sandboxed Array which hopefully will never interferes with others defined
elsewhere, either Array public static methods or those attached to the

If I define Array.prototype.doMyStuff in my frame I *don't* want to affect
external environment anyhow plus if the top frame performs an instanceof
check against my Array, and the result is true, I may expect that frame to
execute my doStuff method which may points to sandboxed, private,
properties I don't want other frames to access or change in untrusted code.

Array.isArray is OK for Array like objects so that we know that common
operation are allowed while instanceof should act exactly as it does now so
no confusion cross frame will be possible.

Same function/constructor in two different worlds aren't same thing because
of the different surrounding world ... same is for Array.isArray unable to
grant that object is inheriting the prototype I have enriched in that frame.

If I want to be sure an Array comes from my world, instanceof is what I
need ... if I want to be sure I can use at least native methods in a
generic Array with unknown origin, Array.isArray is the way to go.

If instanceof acts like Array.isArray we'll end up with less control and
more error prone logic in our applications.


On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 7:28 PM, Herby Vojčík wrote:

 Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

 This JavaScript pitfall is still mind-boggling to me. It is clear what
 happens (each frame has a different copy of Array etc.), but I find it
 hard to wrap my mind around the consequences in practice. Is there a
 plan on how to make this less painful in the long run? Initially, a
 cross-frame version of instanceof might help (as opposed to
 Function.isFunction, Date.isDate, RegExp.isRegexp etc.).

 Inspired by Smalltalk messages like #isInteger (defined in Object as
 returning false, defined in Integer as returning true) one possible
 solution would be to use variation of it. Its problem (or advantage, as one
 sees at it) is that it is designed for overwriting and possibility have
 forest, not only tree of objects that return isXxx as true; the is, for
 duck-typing. But if recent discussion of read-only inheritance proves true,
 then it can be protected by defining isArray property on (every)
 Object.prototype as non-writable, non-configurable, value:false, and
 similar one with value:true on (every) Array.prototype so one can not
 shadow it by mere assignment, but only by (explicit or implicit)

 From the point of security, it is probably too liberal. :-(

 Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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Re: The global object as the global scope instance object

2012-01-21 Thread Allen Wirfs-Brock

On Jan 21, 2012, at 12:25 AM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

 On 21 January 2012 01:23, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
 Temporal dead-zone initialization tracking requires extra state and checking
 (except for the common cases within functions where it can be statically
 determined that there are no possible references within the dead zone).
  This additional requirement is reflected in the specification in the ES5
 definition of the CreateImmutableBinding and InitializeImmutableBinding
 environment record methods.  In ES5 this mechanism (and state) was only
 needed within DeclarativeEnviornmentRecords for (the rarely used) immutable
 bindings. For the ES6 spec. this has been generalize to also apply to
 ObjectEnvironmentRecords and to track initialization of both mutable and
 immutable bindings.
 In my proposal, I think you wouldn't need this generalisation.
 Uninitialised state needs to be tracked for environment bindings only,
 not for objects. The indirection through accessors makes the latter

Yes, but you still have the state because you are creating an actual 
environment binding for the global variable.

BTW, I tried to express you approach (as I understand it) as a desugaring,  
Here it is

let foo=initialized;
desugars into something like:

{  //need to wrap a block around entire top level
   // declaration instantiation for global  let and const  binding in this 
   const  __getter_foo = function() {return __foo};
   const  __setter_foo = function(v) {__foo = v};   
   Object.defineOwnProperty(this,'foo', {get:__getter_foo, set: 
__setter_foo,enumerable: true, configurable: false});
   //end of declaration instantiation
   print(foo);  // get accessor, but __foo will be uninitialized so it 
will actually throw reference error (temporal dead zone
   let __foo =  initialized;  //declare and initialize backing store for 
global variable foo

 This disallows lexical bindings to redefine existing non-configurable
 properties of the global object (including ones reflecting bindings
 from earlier scripts), which is checked before the script starts
 executing. Likewise, let/const-defined properties cannot later be
 deleted from the global object.
 I'm not yet convinced that you need to publicly expose such global object
 properties accessor properties.  I think it is possible to hide the
 I don't think so, at least not as cleanly.  With accessors, you avoid
 the whole notion of uninitialised object property, which is painful
 and pretty intrusive.

I sounds to me like you are making an ease of implementation argument.  I'm 
saying that an implementor could hide your proposed mechanism or some other 
semantically equivalent mechanisms to just expose the mechanism.  No double 
that is true, but it isn't clear to me that hiding the mechanism would be 
impossible or even excessively burdensome. From a user perspective, it would 
certainly be better to have it be hidden.

 In any case, we should do the same for the toplevel and for modules.

I believe that the current plan intentionally requires different semantic for 
the top level and for the top interior level of modules.  I agree that there 
that a scheme that minimized the difference is desirable.  It isn't clear to me 
that eliminating all differences is possible given legacy top level semantics.

 Independent of implementation schemes, I think we need to decide on the
 meaning of the following independent scripts (in different documents)
 Those are the kinds of examples I was alluding to. And the main point
 of my proposal, and the use of accessors, is that those examples get a
 natural and coherent meaning, without requiring any special rules.

I just want to make sure we know what we want these to do, independent of 
implementation strategy,  I don't think we should be using accessors or any 
other implementation tricks in deciding the user facing semantics.

 do not use strict;
 // does not exist at this point.
 foo = 10
 const foo=5;  //or let
 The effect of this will be the same as in any other scope, e.g.:
  foo = 10
  const foo=5;  //or let
 I.e., the first assignment is an (early) error, because you can't
 assign to a const. If it was a let, it would still be a temporal dead
 zone violation. The global object doesn't enter the picture at all.

I might agree, but first we also would have to consider what the semantics are 
if already existed prior to starting the script block and whether or 
not it is acceptable for breaking the script into two scripts (split after the 
foo=10 statement) produces a different result.

 // does not exist at this point. = 10
 const foo=5;  //or let
 This behaves the same as:
 module W { = 10

Is the above legal in the module system?  The 

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Brendan Eich

François REMY
January 21, 2012 2:14 AM

function a(x) {

   let count=0;
   let arr = [...];
   let $lambda = {
   [Call]: {||


   $lambda.[Call] = function() { throw new InvalidTargetException(); }

No, we are not specifying dynamic semantics based on a mutation to the 
[[Call]] internal property.

I wrote When you write it should only be allowed, are you seriously 
proposing a checkable syntax and static check of some kind?

I was alluding to ideas such as Ruby's yield operator, which is the only 
way to name the extra downward-funarg-only block argument, preventing 
heap escape (but of course, Ruby grew  params and so on, so had to deal 
with escape anyway).

This is no static check. It is unacceptable both as semantics and in 
real implementation costs.

Again, in general a block-lambda that escapes and is called after its 
parent function activation has deactivated is not a bug. It should not 
be forbidden uncondionally. The only requirement is that control cannot 
flow back to the defunct activation. Only such attempts via 
break/continue/return will throw.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Brendan Eich

François REMY
January 21, 2012 1:47 AM
(sorry, last mail was sent by mistake)

You sent your reply twice, to this thread and another. I replied to the 

As a plus, it allows a very powerful optimisation (block-lambda 
running in the same frame as the function itself).

That optimization is possible in any event, and optimizations are not 
semantics -- they are unobservable. What you are proposing is an 
unnecessary semantic restriction.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Brendan Eich

François REMY
January 21, 2012 1:34 AM
About the 'fn' proposal, I'm happy with it. Asking a 'use' statement 
just for that feature may prove a little excessive but if it can be 
merged with other can-be-breaking syntax reforms ('use es6')

Please read the notes from the tc39 meeting, and the recent threads. We 
are not requiring version opt-in. New syntax is its own opt-in.

The problem here is that 'fn' is not new syntax without complex 
parsing hacks. It's an unreserved identifier in ES1-5.

why not. But, seriously, what really makes it impossible to use # or @?

We've been over this already. # is for freezing, @ is for private names. 
The Matlab precedent of @ for function is quite weak (thanks for 
pointing it out).


es-discuss mailing list

shortcuts for defining block-local private names, plays nicely with @foo syntax

2012-01-21 Thread Herby Vojčík


since @-prefixed syntax to access private-named properties seems to win 
in the private grounds (and it is good thing), I'd like kill two birds 
with one stone:

 - private keyword seemed to lose its role
 - to access property via @foo, I must 'let foo = Name.create()' first

So let us allow:
  ... {
private foo, bar;
agent.@foo = ...;
more uses of @foo and @bar
in imperative (code-containing, semicolon-delimited) blocks and
  ... {
private [foo, bar],
@bar: cowboys.length,
aMethod () {
  ... use @foo and @bar
in declarative (data-describing, comma-delimited) blocks.

In both cases let it be the declaration of (one-time lexical 
block-local) private names foo and bar. For any curly block. Without 
need to define these singletons explicitly and wrap them so they are 
only visible where due,

es-discuss mailing list

__proto__ security

2012-01-21 Thread David Bruant

This is an attempt to list and discuss how threats of a mutable
__proto__ can be prevented and how it is different in the data and
accessor property cases.

## One frame

Assuming code from 2 parties are running in the same frame (one set of

var o = Object.create(Object.freeze({a:1}));
o.a = 1; // and may assume it will keep being this way unless shadowing 'a'

// passing o to malicious code:
o.__proto__ = {a:2};

// back in normal code:
o.a; // 2. hey! WTF!

### How to prevent this?
 delete Object.prototype.__proto__

Unconditionnally prevents using __proto__ (setting and getting!) for
everyone (even those who would have legitimate use cases).

In case the property is a configurable accessor, the prototype setting
capability can be removed, getting can be left and the property can be
made non-configurable. The party who does this can keep the prototype
setting capability to herself and share with whoever she trusts. It is
also possible to share an attenuated version of the capability (allowing
to change the prototype of some objects and not some others)

 non-extensible as protection

Object.preventExtensions(o) would protect just o.
This technique and the previous one could be used together.

## Several Object.prototype.__proto__ in the same Vat (synchronous
access to several Object.prototype.__proto__)

### Startup

If there are several Object.prototype at startup, the work to secure all
of them is just the work to secure one (delete or finer-grained version
of the accessor case), but repeated.

### Dynamic creation of Object.prototype.__proto__ instances

If a new Object.prototype.__proto__ becomes reachable (by opening a
same-origin iframe, for instance), if the parent can run before any
script in the child, she can do whatever she wants:
- deleting childframe.Object.prototype.__proto__ if she wants to defend
against what the child could do
- redefine any built-ins to attack the child.
If the child can run some code before the parent is notified that a new
Object.prototype.__proto__ is reachable, she can protect herself against
the parent or attack (redefine any built-in) of her parent.

## Questions

* What are all the cases in nowadays browsers where a new
Object.prototype.__proto__ can be dynamically created? (The only one I
can think of is same-domain iframe, but I think there exists some weird
rules for one frame to access another by changing its own domain to a
subdomain, or something like this)
* For each case, who has access to the other first? The creater or the
* One difference that is made in the accessor case is that if one party
runs before the other, then this first one can keep a reference to the
setter. Does this increase the already existing attack surface?

es-discuss mailing list

| and function declarations

2012-01-21 Thread Herby Vojčík


there is possibility to use | with function expressions:

  SuperFun | function Fun () { ... }

and it creates parallel constructor and prototype chaining.

Would it be possible to allow:

  function SuperFun | Fun () {

to use | in function _declarations_ as well?

For simplicity, SuperFun may be PrimaryExpression, not MemberExpression, 
if problematic.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: shortcuts for defining block-local private names, plays nicely with @foo syntax

2012-01-21 Thread Brendan Eich
This was already proposed. See the whole strawman, but in particular 
these sections:

The last really was too much for some folks. It makes the meaning of an 
identifier after . or before : in an object literal depend on a binding 
declaration, possibly far above.

We could revive this, but deferring it and simplifying led to

which is in ES6.


Herby Vojčík
January 20, 2012 3:34 PM

since @-prefixed syntax to access private-named properties seems to 
win in the private grounds (and it is good thing), I'd like kill two 
birds with one stone:

 - private keyword seemed to lose its role
 - to access property via @foo, I must 'let foo = Name.create()' first

So let us allow:
  ... {
private foo, bar;
agent.@foo = ...;
more uses of @foo and @bar
in imperative (code-containing, semicolon-delimited) blocks and
  ... {
private [foo, bar],
@bar: cowboys.length,
aMethod () {
  ... use @foo and @bar
in declarative (data-describing, comma-delimited) blocks.

In both cases let it be the declaration of (one-time lexical 
block-local) private names foo and bar. For any curly block. Without 
need to define these singletons explicitly and wrap them so they are 
only visible where due,

es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Jorge
On 21/01/2012, at 05:31, Brendan Eich wrote:
 January 20, 2012 7:15 PM
 Sorry, I don't follow, with that you mean something else or the acute 
 accent ?
 Oh, not ' but the diacritical on é, you mean?

Yes, the acute accent. For example. Or something else. You can choose almost 
any character you want.

 How do I type that on a US or UK keyboard?

I don't know, my keyboard is spanish. Here it's next to the P.

 We are not going to use non-ASCII characters, so you are still barking up the 
 wrong tree.

Aren't you discussing the possibility of using ƒ or λ for functions in this 
same thread ?

Well, the florín is not an ASCII character either.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Brendan Eich

January 21, 2012 12:14 PM
On 21/01/2012, at 05:31, Brendan Eich wrote:

We are not going to use non-ASCII characters, so you are still barking up the 
wrong tree.

Aren't you discussing the possibility of using ƒ or λ for functions in this 
same thread ?

No. I shot those down in the thread for several reasons. One is 
inability to type on many keyboards. Another is incompatibility (these 
are both identifier characters per ES3-5).

Well, the florín is not an ASCII character either.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread François REMY
-Message d'origine- 
From: Brendan Eich

 François REMY
 January 21, 2012 1:34 AM
 About the 'fn' proposal, I'm happy with it. Asking a 'use' statement 
 just for that feature may prove a little excessive but if it can be 
 merged with other can-be-breaking syntax reforms ('use es6')

Please read the notes from the tc39 meeting, and the recent threads. We 
are not requiring version opt-in. New syntax is its own opt-in.

The problem here is that 'fn' is not new syntax without complex parsing 
hacks. It's an unreserved identifier in ES1-5.

If it's the case, we should avoid that. Avoiding 'use' for the whole syntax 
and requiring it just for 'fn' is weird. But I understand we can't use 'fn' 
per se since it breaks compat. We should try to find something else (it's 
possible, at least).

 why not. But, seriously, what really makes it impossible to use # or @?

We've been over this already. # is for freezing, @ is for private names. 
The Matlab precedent of @ for function is quite weak (thanks for pointing 
it out).

Yes, but you didn't respond about where @ is used in private name, and why 
it makes the @() syntax ambiguous with that use. Since the @ is never used 
in the private name proposal, I can't check that on my own. My guess is that 
they don't collide.

Anyway, there are still other chars left, we should check if they are easy 
to type on various keyboards (on my keyboard they are): ['6', '~', 'µ', 


(BTW, I got the idea about the un-necessary restriction for out-of-scope {|| 
...}; instead of making them break, you can restrict them) 

es-discuss mailing list

Re: shortcuts for defining block-local private names, plays nicely with @foo syntax

2012-01-21 Thread Herby Vojčík

Brendan Eich wrote:

This was already proposed. See the whole strawman, but in particular
these sections:

The last really was too much for some folks. It makes the meaning of an
identifier after . or before : in an object literal depend on a binding
declaration, possibly far above.

Thank you. I did not know of these. The problem in the third one (and 
the solution) are really crazy... I would do the early error if there 
would be a clash (akin to double let).

We could revive this, but deferring it and simplifying led to

I was not trying to revive them (not even after reading part of them). I 
was reacting to actual situation, that being: privates should be 
realized through foo.@bar syntax, where bar is identifier (must be 
declared in some scope) and must have name.create() as its value.

Definitely there can be some cases where explicitly creating 
name.value() and playing with it is beneficial, but most of the time 
(imnsho) it's the case that you need to use name.create() just as a key 
in foo.@bar. You should restrict the scope where it is known, and not to 
export it, since your privacy is gone.

The solution that spring to mind is straightforward the use of 
now-orphaned private keyword for it seems just right. I only proposed 
(as of actual situation, not as revival of old strawman; as a shortcut 
for actual calling name.create() at the start of the program or 
simulated in compilation phase) to use private to declare such 
identifiers, each pre-filled with name.create() once, with block visibility.

For foo.@bar it is very convenient. I really believe big percentage of 
name.create() is of this sort. Not going against 
harmony:private_name_objects, just add a convenient use.

which is in ES6.



Herby Vojčík
January 20, 2012 3:34 PM

since @-prefixed syntax to access private-named properties seems to
win in the private grounds (and it is good thing), I'd like kill two
birds with one stone:
- private keyword seemed to lose its role
- to access property via @foo, I must 'let foo = Name.create()' first

So let us allow:
... {
private foo, bar;
agent.@foo = ...;
more uses of @foo and @bar
in imperative (code-containing, semicolon-delimited) blocks and
... {
private [foo, bar],
@bar: cowboys.length,
aMethod () {
... use @foo and @bar
in declarative (data-describing, comma-delimited) blocks.

In both cases let it be the declaration of (one-time lexical
block-local) private names foo and bar. For any curly block. Without
need to define these singletons explicitly and wrap them so they are
only visible where due,

es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

2012-01-21 Thread Brendan Eich

François REMY
January 21, 2012 1:00 PM

-Message d'origine- From: Brendan Eich
 François REMY
 January 21, 2012 1:34 AM
 About the 'fn' proposal, I'm happy with it. Asking a 'use' 
statement  just for that feature may prove a little excessive but if 
it can be  merged with other can-be-breaking syntax reforms ('use es6')

Please read the notes from the tc39 meeting, and the recent threads. 
We are not requiring version opt-in. New syntax is its own opt-in.

The problem here is that 'fn' is not new syntax without complex 
parsing hacks. It's an unreserved identifier in ES1-5.

If it's the case, we should avoid that. Avoiding 'use' for the whole 
syntax and requiring it just for 'fn' is weird.

Weird doesn't quite dismiss the idea, since JS has 'function' and a 
shorthand for it -- along with a crucial new production adding an 
expression-bodied alternative short-function-expression -- is something 
users keep requesting. If the goal is to shorten 'function' yet keep a 
mnemonic shorter prefix, nothing grawlix will do. Why not 'fn'?

But I understand we can't use 'fn' per se since it breaks compat. We 
should try to find something else (it's possible, at least).

Some here are positive on 'fn'. We have been searching for usable 
shorter syntax for a while. We should not dismiss 'fn' so quickly.

 why not. But, seriously, what really makes it impossible to use # 
or @?

We've been over this already. # is for freezing, @ is for private 
names. The Matlab precedent of @ for function is quite weak (thanks 
for pointing it out).

Yes, but you didn't respond about where @ is used in private name, and 
why it makes the @() syntax ambiguous with that use.

You have to follow the strawmen that haven't made it, in particular


and es-discuss threads about foo@bar vs. foo.@bar, just @bar for 
this-relative addressing, etc.

Since the @ is never used in the private name proposal, I can't check 
that on my own. My guess is that they don't collide.

They collide conceptually by overloading @ for two quite different things.

If we want shorter *named* function expression syntax, then they collide 
syntactically with a fatal ambiguity absent more restricted productions:

  { expr; }

Is this an @-function-expression or a call to private this-relative foo 
passing bar?

Anyway, there are still other chars left, we should check if they are 
easy to type on various keyboards (on my keyboard they are): ['6', 
'~', 'µ', '£'].

Please re-read the recent messages on this thread: no non-ASCII. Also, ~ 
is in JS already!

es-discuss mailing list

Re: shortcuts for defining block-local private names, plays nicely with @foo syntax

2012-01-21 Thread Brendan Eich

Herby Vojčík
January 21, 2012 1:33 PM
Brendan Eich wrote:

This was already proposed. See the whole strawman, but in particular
these sections: 

The last really was too much for some folks. It makes the meaning of an
identifier after . or before : in an object literal depend on a binding
declaration, possibly far above.

Thank you. I did not know of these. The problem in the third one (and 
the solution) are really crazy... I would do the early error if there 
would be a clash (akin to double let).

The way to resolve the two-lexical-binding-chains issue for private 
declarations is not to overload . (member expression; also : in object 
literals), by requiring @ instead:

  private foo;

  @foo = bar;  // this-relative private foo

  return @foo === other.@foo;

  return {@foo: bar};

I *think* we may be pretty close to consensus on this, but I'm not sure. 
Not in ES6 at this point.

The solution that spring to mind is straightforward the use of 
now-orphaned private keyword for it seems just right. I only proposed 
(as of actual situation, not as revival of old strawman; as a shortcut 
for actual calling name.create() at the start of the program or 
simulated in compilation phase) to use private to declare such 
identifiers, each pre-filled with name.create() once, with block 

For foo.@bar it is very convenient. I really believe big percentage of 
name.create() is of this sort. Not going against 
harmony:private_name_objects, just add a convenient use.
I quite agree. Requiring Name.create() or new Name() all over is a drag. 
We should keep honing in on more convenient private name object 
binding-declaration and binding-use syntax.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: shortcuts for defining block-local private names, plays nicely with @foo syntax

2012-01-21 Thread Herby Vojčík

Brendan Eich wrote:

Herby Vojčík
January 21, 2012 1:33 PM
Brendan Eich wrote:

The last really was too much for some folks. It makes the meaning of an
identifier after . or before : in an object literal depend on a binding
declaration, possibly far above.

Thank you. I did not know of these. The problem in the third one (and
the solution) are really crazy... I would do the early error if there
would be a clash (akin to double let).

The way to resolve the two-lexical-binding-chains issue for private
declarations is not to overload . (member expression; also : in object
literals), by requiring @ instead:

private foo;

@foo = bar; // this-relative private foo

return @foo === other.@foo;

return {@foo: bar};

This helps a lot, but there still _is_ (I only proposed a convenient 
shortcut, not some magic special names for private names) an identifier 
foo having that private name in its value. So it _would_ clash if foo 
was defined in code. But I believe that this can be solved by applying 
analogies from let, var, scopes, shadowing etc. all that machinery.

I *think* we may be pretty close to consensus on this, but I'm not sure.
Not in ES6 at this point.

Well, I am pretty hoping for this. It makes thing much more 
straightforward (when compared to private in actual class proposal with 
private store etc. - private names work and are generic).

The solution that spring to mind is straightforward the use of
now-orphaned private keyword for it seems just right. I only proposed
(as of actual situation, not as revival of old strawman; as a shortcut
for actual calling name.create() at the start of the program or
simulated in compilation phase) to use private to declare such
identifiers, each pre-filled with name.create() once, with block

For foo.@bar it is very convenient. I really believe big percentage of
name.create() is of this sort. Not going against
harmony:private_name_objects, just add a convenient use.

I quite agree. Requiring Name.create() or new Name() all over is a drag.
We should keep honing in on more convenient private name object
binding-declaration and binding-use syntax.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: shortcuts for defining block-local private names, plays nicely with @foo syntax

2012-01-21 Thread Brendan Eich

Herby Vojčík
January 21, 2012 1:56 PM
Brendan Eich wrote:

Herby Vojčík
January 21, 2012 1:33 PM
Brendan Eich wrote: 

The last really was too much for some folks. It makes the meaning 
of an
identifier after . or before : in an object literal depend on a 

declaration, possibly far above.

Thank you. I did not know of these. The problem in the third one (and
the solution) are really crazy... I would do the early error if there
would be a clash (akin to double let).

The way to resolve the two-lexical-binding-chains issue for private
declarations is not to overload . (member expression; also : in object
literals), by requiring @ instead:

private foo;

@foo = bar; // this-relative private foo

return @foo === other.@foo;

return {@foo: bar};

This helps a lot, but there still _is_ (I only proposed a convenient 
shortcut, not some magic special names for private names) an 
identifier foo having that private name in its value.

This was not decided, as far as I know. There are two choices:

1. private foo; defines a lexical binding used to denote the private 
name object, as well as after @ to use it to access a property in an object.

2. Rather, the *only* places foo would be allowed after private foo; 
above are those after an @. IOW it would be fine to use let foo = 42; 
and private foo; without conflict. Some further syntax, a la the old proposal (obsoleted in terms of # now), would be required to 
reflect foo from lexical-to-the-right-of-@ space into a first-class 
private name object reference.

So it _would_ clash if foo was defined in code. But I believe that 
this can be solved by applying analogies from let, var, scopes, 
shadowing etc. all that machinery.

I'm not sure what you mean. Choice (1) above allows shadowing. Choice 
(2) doesn't have any conflict.

I *think* we may be pretty close to consensus on this, but I'm not sure.
Not in ES6 at this point.

Well, I am pretty hoping for this. It makes thing much more 
straightforward (when compared to private in actual class proposal 
with private store etc. - private names work and are generic).

I may be overoptimistic about consensus. The choice (1) vs. (2) remains 
open, IIRC.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: shortcuts for defining block-local private names, plays nicely with @foo syntax

2012-01-21 Thread Herby Vojčík

Brendan Eich wrote:

Herby Vojčík
January 21, 2012 1:56 PM
Brendan Eich wrote:

private foo;

@foo = bar; // this-relative private foo

return @foo === other.@foo;

return {@foo: bar};

This helps a lot, but there still _is_ an
identifier foo having that private name in its value.

This was not decided, as far as I know. There are two choices:

1. private foo; defines a lexical binding used to denote the private
name object, as well as after @ to use it to access a property in an

2. Rather, the *only* places foo would be allowed after private foo;
above are those after an @. IOW it would be fine to use let foo = 42;
and private foo; without conflict. Some further syntax, a la the old proposal (obsoleted in terms of # now), would be required to
reflect foo from lexical-to-the-right-of-@ space into a first-class
private name object reference.

Oh. I favor 1. Inspired by latest notes and for(let...) I would see
private foo;
desugared to
let foo = _the_real_foo;
where _the_real_foo is defined somewhere at the module or program level 
such that it will not clash (hardwired private name or index to a table 
or whatever) and the rest is just reusing existing rules.

2. is too magical (for me).


es-discuss mailing list

Re: shortcuts for defining block-local private names, plays nicely with @foo syntax

2012-01-21 Thread Brendan Eich

Brendan Eich
January 21, 2012 4:39 PM

Er, const, I hope -- not let. Right?

And _the_real_foo should be expanded:

private foo;

desugars to

const foo = Name.create(foo);

with Name.create imported appropriately.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Shouldn't timers be specified?

2012-01-21 Thread Brandon Benvie
Correction: it is specified in HTML5 here

Suffice to say that a DOM specification isn't sufficient for something so
central to JavaScript, nor is it the specification currently followed by
browsers anyway.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Shouldn't timers be specified?

2012-01-21 Thread Brandon Benvie
Absolutely agree. I don't see a place for Node's 1ms resolution in
browsers, which was the impetus for raising the issue. I see a place for
Node (and other non-browser platforms) to implement their own host timers
that provide higher resolution (In fact Node's process.nextTick(callback)
is a good example of host functionality that's useful but wouldn't belong
in a JS spec). But the point is that the lack of specification has already
resulted in incompatible implementations of ostensibly the same basically
required core language functionality.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Shouldn't timers be specified?

2012-01-21 Thread Brandon Benvie
Sorry to spam this thread but I wanted to get the relevent points in up

'Actually, wait a minute -- I think I disagree with you here. WHATWG
specifies the specific event queue of the browser. Node.js has its own
event queue. Others may as well. The unofficial agreement of JS has always
been, no matter where you embed it, it should never have pre-emption. So
what we would be specifying is the rough concurrency framework required of
any JS embedding. In other words, it would be a more abstract specification
of event queues, of which WHATWG event queues are a valid implementation.'

Spec the unofficial agreement, including the minimal(/maximal if it exists)
time constraints, and go from there. This is needed.
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Fixing instanceof (Array.isArray() etc.)?

2012-01-21 Thread Axel Rauschmayer
 with postMessage and other standard/secure ways to pass data around the cross 
 frame problem is slowly disappearing unless it's meant to sandbox the Array, 
 as example, of that frame.
 A classic example is indeed the freedom to extend the way we like a sandboxed 
 Array which hopefully will never interferes with others defined elsewhere, 
 either Array public static methods or those attached to the prototype.
 If I define Array.prototype.doMyStuff in my frame I *don't* want to affect 
 external environment anyhow plus if the top frame performs an instanceof 
 check against my Array, and the result is true, I may expect that frame to 
 execute my doStuff method which may points to sandboxed, private, properties 
 I don't want other frames to access or change in untrusted code.

Makes sense. If this kind of issue went away, that would be great!

 Array.isArray is OK for Array like objects so that we know that common 
 operation are allowed while instanceof should act exactly as it does now so 
 no confusion cross frame will be possible.

Note: Array.isArray() in general returns false for array-like objects:

$ (function () { return Array.isArray(arguments) }())

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


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