Re: How can a lexer decide a token to be get, IdentifierName or Identifier ?

2013-02-04 Thread
Though it's a little too long since this discussion, I've tried Allen's
idea in my parser and still find conflicting.

Consider the following rules:

PropertyAssignment :
IdentifierName PropertyName ( ) { FunctionBody }

PropertyAssignment :
PropertyName : AssignmentExpression

PropertyName :

when a parser get “IdentifierName” it need to decide reduce
the IdentifierName into get or “PropertyName”. For LR parsers there is no
way to do these things.

I would suggest another way:

IdentifierName ::

SpecialWord ::

2012/5/3 Allen Wirfs-Brock

 If I was going to move something to the syntactic grammar it would
 probably be the current definition of Identifier

 Identifier :
 IdentifierName but not ReservedWord

 You might  then lex all IdentifierNames (including ReservedWord) as
 IdentifierName tokens and treat all occurrences of keyword terminals in the
 syntactic grammar as short-hands for saying: IdentifierName matching this
 specific keyword.  For example:

 PropertyAssignment :
get PropertyName ( ) { FunctionBody }

 could be interpreted as:

 PropertyAssignment :
IdentifierName PropertyName ( ) { FunctionBody }

 with the static semantic restriction that the text of IdentifierName must
 be get


es-discuss mailing list

Re: thoughts the (re)organization of the specification?

2012-11-02 Thread
Looks good.

Have you considered to split this spec into two part: one is for language
implementer and the other is for language user?

2012/11/3 Allen Wirfs-Brock

 In both ES5 and ES6 (so far) we have generally tried to maintain the
 section structure of the previous editions.  Occasionally we have had to do
 some minor subsection renumbering (or not so minor in the case of ES5
 section 10) but have generally maintained the overall structure of the
 entire document, even when it has appeared to non-optimial or even

 I'm now looking at the work to implement the refactoring of the  internal
 methods in section 8 and I see we are probably going to loose even more of
 the section number correspondence with previous editions.  This tempts me
 to seize the moment, abandon the legacy organization, and reorganize in a
 more logical manner.

 Here is the new structure that I have in mind, with reference to existing
 ES5 (section numbers:)

 Introductory Material
 Scope (1)
 Conformance (2)
 Normative References (3)
 Overview (4)
 Notational Conventions(5)

 The ECMAScript Computational Engine
 Data Types and Values (8)
 Commonly used Abstract Operations (9)
 ECMAScript Execution (10 and possibly parts of 14)
 [Possibly new material related to module loaders and realms]

 The ECMAScript Programming Language
 Source Text (6)
 Conformance, Error Handling, and Extensions (16)
 Lexical Tokens (7)
 Expressions  (11)
 Statements (12)
 Functions and Classes (13)
 Scripts and Modules (14)

 The ECMAScript Standard Library (15)
  [potentially some reordering and reorganization]


 What thoughts do people have  about this? Should we go for an improved
 document organization or should be continue to patch around the current
 structure, probably forever.  If we do restructure, I would probably do
 most of the work after we were feature complete and until them, only make
 incremental changes that make sense that the context of new feature work.
 But it would be helpful to decide soon which path we are going to take.

 One of the issue is the correspondence between the spec. organization and
 the test262 organization.  We already have massive changes changes and the
 algorithm and algorithm set level that will impact test232, so I'm not sure
 that the higher level reorg that I'm thinking about would have that much
 more impact on it.



 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Feed back and proposal for modules: allow importing ES5 files

2012-09-28 Thread
Import is currently used by Module. This way of using import looks like a
loader feature.

2012/9/26 Russell Leggett

 On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 12:08 AM, 程劭非 wrote:

 Thanks, Claus and Alex,

 I've looked at the Loader but it seems to be async?

 I know there are many ways to load multiple files together(iframe, XHR,
 script element and datauri for browser host) but what I'm suggesting is to
 make es6 module more friendly to es5 libraries.

 I mean currently the es6 module grammar is using

 export var a;
 var b;
 var c;

 But why not export all top-level scope variables and let developers use
 IFFE to hide variables?

 var a; // export a automatically
 void function(){
 var b;
 var c;

 This will make libraries like old versions of jQuery work with es6 module
 without any code change. These libraries might be on CDN and changing their
 code will be a big cost in some scenarios.

 Why not simply the proposal a little. It would be nice to be able to
 export top level etc. but I think there is a clear danger there. What if
 instead of trying to make arbitrary scripts into modules, we just did the
 loading, making sure the script was loaded before running the code that
 depended on it. ES5 relies on global scope, and so would this. Instead of

 import jQuery1.3.2.js,MyModule.js as MyModule;

 Maybe just allow something like:

 import jQuery1.3.2.js
 import MyModule.js


 Those scripts would still be executed in the global scope, and so this
 module would be able to access $. It would be extremely easy to wrap this
 way as well. Otherwise, you'd still need to worry about actually loading
 the dependency, no?

 - Russ

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Feed back and proposal for modules: allow importing ES5 files

2012-09-28 Thread
So what I've got is we need static meta data for Module exports. For this
reason export keyword is needed.

I was considering if these meta data could be given by the user of Module
(instead of author of Module).

If module file could only be used in ES6 (on need lexical convertion), I
thinking most guys are not going to use this feature with in a very long
time after ES6 released.

These days I'm thinking about simply use proposal 2.(Allow importing
multiple files as one module)

We could easily make a wrapper for ES5 libs。

// jQueryWrapper.js
export var $;

//in ***.html
import  jQueryWrapper.js,jQuery.js as jQuery;

What do you think?

2012/9/26 Claus Reinke

 I've looked at the Loader but it seems to be async?

 So far, yes, but previous discussions here led to the conclusion
 that making the Loader functionality available for module syntax
 imports would be useful and unproblematic. See, for instance,
 the final paragraph of**pipermail/es-discuss/2012-**July/024184.html

 Perhaps that hasn't been worked into the spec yet. I hope it
 doesn't get lost.

  I know there are many ways to load multiple files together(iframe,
 XHR, script element and datauri for browser host) but what I'm
 suggesting is to make es6 module more friendly to es5 libraries.

 At first, a standard Loader plugin for treating ES5 scripts as modules
 sounds useful, instead of everyone writing their own. Especially if a
 generic script-as-modules-wrapper requires code analysis to figure
 out global assignments.

 That, however, is exactly the issue: ES5 scripts are not friendly to
 ES6 modularity, as all export information is encoded dynamically -
 one cannot figure out the exports without running the code.

 So a general ES5-scripts-as-modules seems unlikely, and even
 if one wanted to write converters for each currently encoded
 module system, one would run into the runtime-vs-static issue,
 unless all modules happen to use a static subset of current
 module libraries (most module interface code will be static
 in intention, if not in expression, but there are no guarantees).

 Which is why I was referring to the RequireJS approach of
 encoding the expected exports in the wrapper configuration.

 Translating that to ES6 should be possible: we'd not even try
 to extract the global assignments from the code automatically;
 instead we'd tell the module wrapper manually how to extract
 the expected exports from whatever the ES5 module code does
 to its environment, by appending export declarations to the ES5
 code. At least, that is how I understand this approach;-)


  I mean currently the es6 module grammar is using

 export var a;
 var b;
 var c;

 But why not export all top-level scope variables and let developers use
 IFFE to hide variables?

 var a; // export a automatically
 void function(){
var b;
var c;

 This will make libraries like old versions of jQuery work with es6 module
 without any code change. These libraries might be on CDN and changing
 code will be a big cost in some scenarios.

 2012/9/24 Alex Russell

  I think module loaders would, indeed help, although as you point out,
 you're gonna need some sort of transformation step and we don't provide
 AST to work against. You might need something like Traceur's front-end or
 esprima to get started on a reliable transform pass. But yeah, doable.

 On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 4:08 PM, Claus Reinke*

  Right. What I'm suggesting isn't that you'll be able to prevent the

 from being augmented, rather that if your goal is to take an *already
 behaved* library and wrap it with modules, that's possible.

 Aren't Module Loader Translation hooks meant to help with this?****doku.php?id=harmony:module_**

 Naïve idea: fetch the code, then add exports before evaluating the
 code as a local module scope.

 Though this would require parameterizing the Loader with some
 configuration data (export $ from jquery, export {f,g,x} from
 anotherES5utils, ..). Which seems to call for interaction between
 fetch and translate hooks, and possibly even between import
 declarations and loader hooks (how does the loader hook get
 to know which exports to add to an ES5 script, for a given import

 RequireJS has some experience with wrapping non-modules
 via configuration options.


Re: Feed back and proposal for modules: allow importing ES5 files

2012-09-24 Thread
Thank you for replying, Alex.

Replied inline.

2012/9/24 Alex Russell
 Hi Shaofei:

 On Sep 22, 2012, at 6:29 PM, 程劭非 wrote:

 Hi, everyone,

 I noticed that current importing grammar will not work for ES5 files,
 I mean there is no way to import one or more es5/es3 files as a module
 and import variables from it.

 The problem is:
 1. There are no export keywords in a es5/es3 file, no variables are 
 2. They might be using more than one files but current mudule grammar
 allows only one file as one module.

 When the new standard(es6) comes out, I guess a big number of
 libraries need updating. And before they finish their work, I think we
 need a cheap solution for the new code(es6) to use old
 libraries(es5/es3) without modifying their code

 One option here is for you to create an export wrapper for them, in essence 
 a separate file that requires the old library be loaded which then exports 
 the library's symbols through an export. Not pretty, but it requires no code 
 changes for well-designed libraries.

I tried to find a way to make a wrapper but I failed.

Consider I have a file
// mylib.js

//depends on jQuery

When importing it as a library

//There is no way to add $ to it's scope
//except polluting the global object
import mylib.js as myLib;

 For the two points, I was considering two solution:

 1. Export all global variable by default.

 Anonymous function could be used to protect the global namespace and
 most libraries are already using it. So I don't think export is

 You inadvertently identified why we need exports: it's very difficult what 
 is global. In particular, what should be exported in the case of a file 
 that includes:

 var f = function(param) {
   thinger = param;

 // ...

 if (someGlobalConfigurationSetting) {


 Exporting all global variable will not pollute the module's user's
 namespace for we still need import phase.

 Perhaps instead of global you mean the top-level IFFE?

 In that case, it's easier, but then it depends on the IFFE both being 
 executed (it's not a static form here) and there being only one. Or is the 
 suggestion that a file like this should export both a and b? And what will 
 the value of c be?

 // example.js

  var a = p;

  var b = p;

 var setValue = function(p){
   var c = p;

 setValue(it's a sunny day!);
 setValue(it's raining in London);

 // end example.js

 As you can see, at the limit, this creates some serious hazards for violating 
 the data-hiding provided by closure-bound variables. Suddenly importers can 
 not only see these internal names, but watch their values change!

Perhaps I'm not expressing clearly.(Sorry I'm not a native speaker.)

I'm not saying that  we should export variables inside a IFFE.

I mean that :


var $;
// for ES5 $ should be a property of global object,
//I mean even without “export”, Module instance object
//should have a binding for $ when example.js imported
//as a Module


$ = function(){
// $ could be changed

var $2 = function(){
// $2 will not be imported
// because it's in a IFFE.

// somewhere
// Variant A:
import example.js as myQuery;
import $ from myQuery;

// Variant B:
module myQuery = bar.js;
import $ from myQuery;

//$ should be able to be used here

 2. Allow importing multiple files as one module.

 This will completely decouple file and module. We need to modify the
 ModuleSpecifier grammar:

 ModuleSpecifier ::= StringLiteral | Path
 ModuleSpecifier ::= ( StringLiteral | Path ) ( , StringLiteral | Path )*

 With this, for example, if I'm using a RSA library like, I can do the

 import jsbn.js,prng4.js,rng.js,rsa.js as RSA;

 If I want to use a module depend on jQuery1.3.2, I can do:

 import jQuery1.3.2.js,MyModule.js as MyModule;

 I've mentioned this idea in a reply, post it as a separate thread to
 get more feed back :-)

 This is interesting. Do you have a proposed resolution mechanism for 
 conflicts? We had such a thing in the old traits system for classes, but I 
 don't think it has survived anywhere.

Do you mean name conflict?

If jQuery1.3.2.js and MyModule.js are all ES5 style (no module
system used). There should not be any conficts or they will not work
in ES5.

This is different from
import jQuery1.3.2.js as jQuery;
import MyModule.js as MyModule;

The declaration
import jQuery1.3.2.js,MyModule.js as MyModule;
should behave like importing a file just like jQuery1.3.2.js and
MyModule.js are copied together.

 Alex Russell BE03 E88D EABB 2116 CC49 8259 CF78 E242 59C3 9723

es-discuss mailing list

Feed back and proposal for modules: allow importing ES5 files

2012-09-22 Thread
Hi, everyone,

I noticed that current importing grammar will not work for ES5 files,
I mean there is no way to import one or more es5/es3 files as a module
and import variables from it.

The problem is:
1. There are no export keywords in a es5/es3 file, no variables are exported.
2. They might be using more than one files but current mudule grammar
allows only one file as one module.

When the new standard(es6) comes out, I guess a big number of
libraries need updating. And before they finish their work, I think we
need a cheap solution for the new code(es6) to use old
libraries(es5/es3) without modifying their code

For the two points, I was considering two solution:

1. Export all global variable by default.

Anonymous function could be used to protect the global namespace and
most libraries are already using it. So I don't think export is

Exporting all global variable will not pollute the module's user's
namespace for we still need import phase.

2. Allow importing multiple files as one module.

This will completely decouple file and module. We need to modify the
ModuleSpecifier grammar:

ModuleSpecifier ::= StringLiteral | Path
ModuleSpecifier ::= ( StringLiteral | Path ) ( , StringLiteral | Path )*

With this, for example, if I'm using a RSA library like, I can do the

import jsbn.js,prng4.js,rng.js,rsa.js as RSA;

If I want to use a module depend on jQuery1.3.2, I can do:

import jQuery1.3.2.js,MyModule.js as MyModule;

I've mentioned this idea in a reply, post it as a separate thread to
get more feed back :-)

/Shaofei Cheng
es-discuss mailing list

Re: export questions

2012-08-31 Thread
I guess Kevin has some same concerns with me.

The four things point to one question: What should we do with the old
ES3/ES5 libraries after we have module?
(please correct me if you didn't mean that.)

ES3/ES5 libraries might be in more than one files and there are no
“export” and import in it.

For example, I might want to use jQuery 1.3.2  in ES6, and I might
could not modify the .js file for some reason.

I might want the following thing:
as jQuery
var $ = jQuery.$;

And, a library might have dependencies, and they might not be using
ES6 modules to manage their dependencies,  I might want the following

import jquery.min.js, MyES5Module.js as MyES5Module
var dosth = MyES5Module.dosth;

Currently harmony:modules might not strong enough to cover these
cases. My proposal is :

1. Export every thing by default.
Since we have import ... from ... to protect our namespace there is
no need to use “export”. If any author of library would like to hide
local variable they will use anonymous function.

2.Allow multiple files in a module

in Variant A: import URL syntax

ModuleImport ::= StringLiteral as Id


ModuleImport ::= StringLiteral (, StringLiteral)* as Id

2012/8/29 Kevin Smith
 Four things:

 1)  The export grammar on the wiki allows:

 export *;

 Which I take to mean export every local binding.  What's the
 justification?  I don't think I've ever seen a ES5 module that didn't have
 some local, non-exported state or function.

 2)  The grammar also allows:

 export * from Path.To.Module;

 which is fine.  But I think it would also be convenient to provide the

 export * from SomeModule.js;

 In particular, this form would be useful in package main files, where you
 are combining the interface of several sub-modules into a single package
 interface.  Using only the allowed forms, we would need something like:

 import SomeModule.js as SomeModule;
 export * from SomeModule;

 3)  I really like the module syntax (except for import *), and I would like
 to see convergence on the syntax for importing to a module instance:

 import SomeModule.js as SomeModule; // or
 module SomeModule = SomeModule.js;

 I personally like the former, but has there been any agreement on either
 one?  Until there's a decision, we can't proceed with bleeding-edge
 transcompilation. : )

 4)  Just a comment:  the main argument in favor of import * is
 convenience.  But it's nearly as convenient to import to a module instance:

 import A.js as A;

 This is indeed what Node.js programmers are used to and I don't believe
 there has been any gnashing of teeth over it.  In my opinion, being able to
 statically analyze a module in isolation outweighs the additional
 convenience of import *.

 Thanks for your time!


 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: export questions

2012-08-31 Thread
What does it look like if you want to import more than one variables
from one module?

2012/8/31 Shijun He
 On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 3:16 PM, 程劭非 wrote:
 I guess Kevin has some same concerns with me.

 The four things point to one question: What should we do with the old
 ES3/ES5 libraries after we have module?
 (please correct me if you didn't mean that.)

 ES3/ES5 libraries might be in more than one files and there are no
 “export” and import in it.

 For example, I might want to use jQuery 1.3.2  in ES6, and I might
 could not modify the .js file for some reason.

 I might want the following thing:
 as jQuery
 var $ = jQuery.$;

 I'm using this pattern from 2006:


 translate to ES6 syntax:

 import {$} from jquery.min.js#jQuery

 That is, use URI fragment to identify the export names for old scripts.
 The loader will run the scripts in a sandbox and only export the
 specified names.
 This can be achieved in customized loader in current draft.

 var myLoader = new Loader(System, {
 translate: function(src, relURL, baseURL, resolved) {
   var frag = new URL(relURL).fragment  // URL class parse the url
 to uri components
   if (frag == null) return src
   var exportNames = src.split(/\s*,\s*/)
   return wrap(src, exportNames) // wrap the src with AMD-style
 function wrapper

 But maybe System loader could support it directly.

 And, a library might have dependencies, and they might not be using
 ES6 modules to manage their dependencies,  I might want the following

 import jquery.min.js, MyES5Module.js as MyES5Module
 var dosth = MyES5Module.dosth;

 Currently harmony:modules might not strong enough to cover these
 cases. My proposal is :

 1. Export every thing by default.
 Since we have import ... from ... to protect our namespace there is
 no need to use “export”. If any author of library would like to hide
 local variable they will use anonymous function.

 2.Allow multiple files in a module

 in Variant A: import URL syntax

 ModuleImport ::= StringLiteral as Id
 ModuleImport ::= StringLiteral (, StringLiteral)* as Id

 2012/8/29 Kevin Smith
 Four things:

 1)  The export grammar on the wiki allows:

 export *;

 Which I take to mean export every local binding.  What's the
 justification?  I don't think I've ever seen a ES5 module that didn't have
 some local, non-exported state or function.

 2)  The grammar also allows:

 export * from Path.To.Module;

 which is fine.  But I think it would also be convenient to provide the

 export * from SomeModule.js;

 In particular, this form would be useful in package main files, where you
 are combining the interface of several sub-modules into a single package
 interface.  Using only the allowed forms, we would need something like:

 import SomeModule.js as SomeModule;
 export * from SomeModule;

 3)  I really like the module syntax (except for import *), and I would like
 to see convergence on the syntax for importing to a module instance:

 import SomeModule.js as SomeModule; // or
 module SomeModule = SomeModule.js;

 I personally like the former, but has there been any agreement on either
 one?  Until there's a decision, we can't proceed with bleeding-edge
 transcompilation. : )

 4)  Just a comment:  the main argument in favor of import * is
 convenience.  But it's nearly as convenient to import to a module instance:

 import A.js as A;

 This is indeed what Node.js programmers are used to and I don't believe
 there has been any gnashing of teeth over it.  In my opinion, being able to
 statically analyze a module in isolation outweighs the additional
 convenience of import *.

 Thanks for your time!


 es-discuss mailing list

 es-discuss mailing list
es-discuss mailing list

Re: About Array.of()

2012-08-27 Thread
Yes, as a developer (but not English native speaker), I really feel
uncomfortable with the name “of”.

Considering we already have

To keep align with them, I belive “create” or “fromElements” might be
better choices.

2012/8/27 Shijun He
 See the screenshots for the array of search suggestion in search engine.
 As a non-English native speaker, I'd like to say the search suggestion
 of array of in non-english languages seems most come from the
 programmers' input, so it shows how worldwide programmers think what
 array of means ;)

 On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Matthew Robb wrote:
 I agree with Rick on the general feeling with Array.of

 If arguing ambiguity I would argue a better method name for type guarded
 arrays would be Array.ofType

 On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 8:56 PM, Rick Waldron

 On Sunday, August 26, 2012 at 7:30 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Rick Waldron wrote:

 But Array.of is not. Maybe is a good name.

 Array.of is unambiguous with the current ES specification is ok too, though -- no problem with a reserved identifier as
 a property name. It's darn nice for Rubyists.

 OTOH Array.of matches the preposition pattern used in Array.from. But I
 don't think this trumps

 Nor do I, but I think it poses a problem for polyfilling (which is not a
 silver bullet).

 +1, but I still think Array.of sounds, feels and looks nicer


 Cc'ing Dave for his thoughts.


 es-discuss mailing list

 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: About Array.of()

2012-08-27 Thread
Yes, as a developer (but not English native speaker), I really feel
uncomfortable with the name “of”.

Considering we already have

To keep align with them, I belive “create” or “fromElements” might be
better choices.

2012/8/27 Shijun He
 See the screenshots for the array of search suggestion in search engine.
 As a non-English native speaker, I'd like to say the search suggestion
 of array of in non-english languages seems most come from the
 programmers' input, so it shows how worldwide programmers think what
 array of means ;)

 On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 10:55 AM, Matthew Robb wrote:
 I agree with Rick on the general feeling with Array.of

 If arguing ambiguity I would argue a better method name for type guarded
 arrays would be Array.ofType

 On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 8:56 PM, Rick Waldron

 On Sunday, August 26, 2012 at 7:30 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Rick Waldron wrote:

 But Array.of is not. Maybe is a good name.

 Array.of is unambiguous with the current ES specification is ok too, though -- no problem with a reserved identifier as
 a property name. It's darn nice for Rubyists.

 OTOH Array.of matches the preposition pattern used in Array.from. But I
 don't think this trumps

 Nor do I, but I think it poses a problem for polyfilling (which is not a
 silver bullet).

 +1, but I still think Array.of sounds, feels and looks nicer


 Cc'ing Dave for his thoughts.


 es-discuss mailing list

 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

consider adding more [no LineTerminator here] to avoid problem caused by omit the semicolon

2012-06-22 Thread
Hi, everyone,

During some recent discussion in Chinese JS community, I've noticed
several case which JS behave out of user's expect if omitting the

See the following code:

var a = this.a  // here no semicolon will be auto inserted
// do something

 //do something
})()  // here no semicolon will be auto inserted
 //do something else

I was thinking that if we could change some grammar rules to make it
behave as most user's expect. Just adding several [no LineTerminator
here] will do so:

CallExpression :
MemberExpression [no LineTerminator here] Arguments
CallExpression [no LineTerminator here] Arguments
CallExpression [no LineTerminator here] [ Expression ]
CallExpression . IdentifierName

Though some of you might consider omitting the semicolon as a bad
style, but its used by several group and company (including zepto.js
and npmjs).  I think this change will benefit them a lot with very
small side effect.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Why not NodeList#forEach :\?

2012-06-19 Thread
I guess we can try to push Web IDL to do this.

2012/6/11 Hemanth H.M
 [],function(elm) {}) why that? Why not treat it like
 an [] ?

 'I am what I am because of who we all are'
 -- Hemanth HM

 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

How can a lexer decide a token to be get, IdentifierName or Identifier ?

2012-05-02 Thread
Hi, everyone

I noticed both “IdentifierName” and “Identifier” appeared in
syntactical grammar of ES5. It seems a lexer will not be able to
decide a token to be an IdentifierName or Identifier during lexing

A similar problem is “get”. get is not a keyword but is used like a
keyword in object literal. It can also be used as an IdentifierName
or Identifier.

To solve the above issues, I guess we can treat IdentifierName as a
syntactical symbol instead of a token type, using the following

IdentifierName ::

/Shaofei Cheng
es-discuss mailing list

Re: UUIDs?

2012-03-22 Thread
UUID is not only a random Number or String. It has to contain time and
position to make itself unique in the world.

It looks Math.random is related to time. We have no way to involve
position information to JS currently.

2012/3/16 Nuno Job
 Wrong list, sorry about that :)

 On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 4:34 PM, Nuno Job wrote:

 (~~(Math.random() * 1e9)).toString(36) +;

 On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 4:33 PM, Rick Waldron


 Have you ever seen

 I've been using this for several years


 On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 5:45 PM, Axel Rauschmayer

 UUIDs are useful for many tasks. One cannot create good ones in
 JavaScript without browsers exposing more of the underlying platform. Would
 it make sense to add UUID generation to Or is that
 something for a browser API?


 Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


 es-discuss mailing list

 es-discuss mailing list

 es-discuss mailing list

es-discuss mailing list

Re: UUIDs?

2012-03-22 Thread
Random number in big enough range could replace uuid in most cases.
But it's still not truely unique.

In specified time and specified position(specified device), you can
make sure there is only one uuid generated.

BTW, we are using crypto.getRandomValues in our project, it works well
until now. But I think it would be better if we have native uuid in

2012/3/23 Mark S. Miller
 What does time or position have to do with uniqueness? Why not velocity,
 spin and charm? Seriously, given a good source of entropy, a large enough
 random number is globally unique.

 Math.random() is not a good source of entropy, but crypto.getRandomValues
 is. See

 On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 3:30 AM, 程劭非 wrote:

 UUID is not only a random Number or String. It has to contain time and
 position to make itself unique in the world.

 It looks Math.random is related to time. We have no way to involve
 position information to JS currently.

 2012/3/16 Nuno Job
  Wrong list, sorry about that :)
  On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 4:34 PM, Nuno Job
  (~~(Math.random() * 1e9)).toString(36) +;
  On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 4:33 PM, Rick Waldron
  Have you ever seen
  I've been using this for several years
  On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 5:45 PM, Axel Rauschmayer
  UUIDs are useful for many tasks. One cannot create good ones in
  JavaScript without browsers exposing more of the underlying platform.
  it make sense to add UUID generation to Or is that
  something for a browser API?
  Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
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Re: The name and length property of JSON.parse and JSON.stringify

2012-03-12 Thread
Thank you. It's my fault that I didn't read it carefully.

2012/3/12 Lasse Reichstein

 On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 8:33 AM, 程劭非 wrote:
  Hi all,
  Just noticed that there is no description about name and length
  of JSON.parse and JSON.stringify in ES5.
  Are they implement-dependent?
  (I saw test262 require JSON.stringify.length to be 3, but no such case
  for JSON.parse. )

 The first part of section 15 says:
 Every built-in Function object described in this clause―whether as a
 constructor, an ordinary function, or both―has a length property whose
 value is an integer. Unless otherwise specified, this value is equal
 to the largest number of named arguments shown in the subclause
 headings for the function description, including optional parameters.

 I.e., the lengths are specified.
 I don't believe the name properties for function objects are specified
 anywhere in ES5, so they are entirely outside the spec.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: The result of (0).toExponential(1)

2012-03-08 Thread
I don't think so.

ES5 specified the algorithm of  toExponential. “The number is the same” is
not the only requirement.

See the algorithm below: ( please pay attention to 8.a )


   Let *x* be this Number value

   Let *f* be ToInteger*fractionDigits*).

   If *x* is *NaN*, return the String *NaN*.

   Let *s* be the empty String.

   If *x* ** 0, then

  Let *s* be *-*.

  Let *x* = �C*x*.

   If *x* = +∞, then

  Return the concatenation of the Strings *s* and *Infinity*.

   If *fractionDigits* is not *undefined* and (*f*  0 or *f*  20), throw
   a *RangeError* exception.

   If *x* = 0, then

  *Let f = 0.*

  Let *m* be the String consisting of *f*+1 occurrences of the
  character ‘0’.

  Let *e* = 0.

   Else, *x* ≠ 0

  If fractionDigits is not *undefined*, then

 Let *e* and *n* be integers such that 10*f* ≤ *n*  10*f*+1 and
 for which the exact mathematical value of *n* × 10*e*�C*f* �C *x* is
 as close to zero as possible. If there are two such sets of *e*
  and *n*, pick the *e* and *n* for which *n* × 10*e*�C*f* is larger.

  Else, *fractionDigits* is *undefined*

 Let *e*, *n*, and *f* be integers such that *f* ≥ 0, 10*f* ≤ *n* 
 10*f*+1, the number value for n× 10*e*�C*f* is *x*, and *f* is as
 small as possible. Note that the decimal representation of*n* has *
 f*+1 digits, *n* is not divisible by 10, and the least significant
 digit of *n* is not necessarily uniquely determined by these

  Let *m* be the String consisting of the digits of the decimal
  representation of *n* (in order, with no leading zeroes).

   If *f* ≠ 0, then

  Let *a* be the first character of *m*, and let *b* be the remaining *f
  * characters of *m*.

  Let *m* be the concatenation of the three Strings *a*, *.*, and *b*.

   If *e* = 0, then

  Let *c* = *+.*

  Let *d* = *0.*


  If *e*  0, then let *c* = *+.*

  Else, *e* ≤ 0

 Let *c* = *-*.

 Let *e* = �C*e*.

  Let *d* be the String consisting of the digits of the decimal
  representation of *e* (in order, with no leading zeroes).

   Let *m* be the concatenation of the four Strings *m*, *e*, *c*, and *d*

   Return the concatenation of the Strings *s* and *m*.

According to this algorithm, (0).toExponential(1) should return 0e+0.(f
is set to 0)

But it looks none of V8, spidermonkey and JScript did that thing. Their
result is 0.0e+0.

So is there anyone could give some message about why does ES5 define this
behavior like this? Or is it simply a spec bug?

2012/3/8 Jens Nockert

 On H.24/03/08, at 12:39, DX Jin wrote:

  (0).toExponential(1) should, according to the algorithm in,
 return 0e+0.
  But all browser implementations return 0.0e+0 instead.
  Which is wrong? The specification or the implementations?

 Neither, the result is correct. The number is the same, just different
 representations as strings.
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Re: Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-06 Thread
I prefer this to be root object. Some object could have more than one

2012/3/6 Aymeric Vitte

  Yes, assuming that GetBase is usable (8.9) :

 var obj = {
 a: GetBase(this) // obj

 But it is an internal function only, there are things defined in specs to
 access properties of objects but nothing the other way, because I believe
 the case never happens today.

 The this proposal is not bad for me (and even good), if I take Lasse
 Reichstein's objection, I would say :

  {a : this.b, //undefined
   b : this.a } //undefined

 Same as if you do : function f() {this.a = this.b; this.b = this.a}; var g
 = new f();//g.a undefined //g.b undefined

 It does not solve your issue but it makes me think to a more global issue,
 the lexical this here or this post 
 apparently did not passionate)

 But this should not be applicable to functions only, this could be
 generalized to objects, where this unless explicitely bound to something
 should refer to the object itself, and not the global object (moreover that
 there are discussions about the future of the global object)

 Then an Object.GetBase could be added to refer to the parent or outer

 I am not aware of all discussions (maybe it was already discussed and
 rejected) and it's not easy to see the whole impact of such change, but I
 don't think that the idea is absurd, I did not invent it myself and it
 would be more logical than the current behavior of this and avoid
 repetitives operations (var self=this, getters/setters, use of new (why do
 I have to use new in the example above ?))


 A. Vitte

 Le 05/03/2012 13:16, 程劭非 a écrit :

   b: this.a

  If you simply want “this” in JSON.parse,  it will not be hard to
 implement it in my library.
 But I guess the problem is we have no way to refer to its parent. Do you
 have any ideas?

 2012/3/5 gaz Heyes

 It's a shame that this doesn't work with object literals :(
 How nice would this be:

   b: this.a

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Re: Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-06 Thread
I mean the following case:

var x = {

x.a.p = x.b.p = {};

So GetBase is not able to decide to return x.a or x.b.

在 2012年3月6日 下午11:08,Aymeric Vitte vitteayme...@gmail.com写道:

  Some object could have more than one ancestor.

 Yes, so ? It's not in contradiction with what I am saying

 Le 06/03/2012 14:58, 程劭非 a écrit :

 I prefer this to be root object. Some object could have more than one

 2012/3/6 Aymeric Vitte

  Yes, assuming that GetBase is usable (8.9) :

 var obj = {
 a: GetBase(this) // obj

 But it is an internal function only, there are things defined in specs to
 access properties of objects but nothing the other way, because I believe
 the case never happens today.

 The this proposal is not bad for me (and even good), if I take Lasse
 Reichstein's objection, I would say :

  {a : this.b, //undefined
   b : this.a } //undefined

 Same as if you do : function f() {this.a = this.b; this.b = this.a}; var
 g = new f();//g.a undefined //g.b undefined

 It does not solve your issue but it makes me think to a more global
 issue, the lexical this here or this post
  apparently did not passionate)

 But this should not be applicable to functions only, this could be
 generalized to objects, where this unless explicitely bound to something
 should refer to the object itself, and not the global object (moreover that
 there are discussions about the future of the global object)

 Then an Object.GetBase could be added to refer to the parent or outer

 I am not aware of all discussions (maybe it was already discussed and
 rejected) and it's not easy to see the whole impact of such change, but I
 don't think that the idea is absurd, I did not invent it myself and it
 would be more logical than the current behavior of this and avoid
 repetitives operations (var self=this, getters/setters, use of new (why do
 I have to use new in the example above ?))


 A. Vitte

 Le 05/03/2012 13:16, 程劭非 a écrit :

   b: this.a

  If you simply want “this” in JSON.parse,  it will not be hard to
 implement it in my library.
 But I guess the problem is we have no way to refer to its parent. Do you
 have any ideas?

 2012/3/5 gaz Heyes

 It's a shame that this doesn't work with object literals :(
 How nice would this be:

   b: this.a

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Re: Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-06 Thread
That will work in json but Object.GetBase is not so nice.

Also I think GetBase(GetBase(GetBase(this))) looks a bit ugly.

在 2012年3月7日 上午12:22,Aymeric Vitte vitteayme...@gmail.com写道:

  Even if GetBase was existing I don't know if it would cover all your
 needs but unless I missed something I don't get your last example (where p
 is defined and where GetBase is supposed to be called ?)

 Le 06/03/2012 16:33, 程劭非 a écrit :

 I mean the following case:

  var x = {

  x.a.p = x.b.p = {};

  So GetBase is not able to decide to return x.a or x.b.

 在 2012年3月6日 下午11:08,Aymeric Vitte vitteayme...@gmail.com写 道:

  Some object could have more than one ancestor.

  Yes, so ? It's not in contradiction with what I am saying

 Le 06/03/2012 14:58, 程劭非 a écrit :

 I prefer this to be root object. Some object could have more than one

 2012/3/6 Aymeric Vitte

  Yes, assuming that GetBase is usable (8.9) :

 var obj = {
 a: GetBase(this) // obj

 But it is an internal function only, there are things defined in specs
 to access properties of objects but nothing the other way, because I
 believe the case never happens today.

 The this proposal is not bad for me (and even good), if I take Lasse
 Reichstein's objection, I would say :

  {a : this.b, //undefined
   b : this.a } //undefined

 Same as if you do : function f() {this.a = this.b; this.b = this.a}; var
 g = new f();//g.a undefined //g.b undefined

 It does not solve your issue but it makes me think to a more global
 issue, the lexical this here or this post
  apparently did not passionate)

 But this should not be applicable to functions only, this could be
 generalized to objects, where this unless explicitely bound to something
 should refer to the object itself, and not the global object (moreover that
 there are discussions about the future of the global object)

 Then an Object.GetBase could be added to refer to the parent or outer

 I am not aware of all discussions (maybe it was already discussed and
 rejected) and it's not easy to see the whole impact of such change, but I
 don't think that the idea is absurd, I did not invent it myself and it
 would be more logical than the current behavior of this and avoid
 repetitives operations (var self=this, getters/setters, use of new (why do
 I have to use new in the example above ?))


 A. Vitte

 Le 05/03/2012 13:16, 程劭非 a écrit :

   b: this.a

  If you simply want “this” in JSON.parse,  it will not be hard to
 implement it in my library.
 But I guess the problem is we have no way to refer to its parent. Do you
 have any ideas?

 2012/3/5 gaz Heyes

 It's a shame that this doesn't work with object literals :(
 How nice would this be:

   b: this.a

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Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-05 Thread
Hi, everyone,

As you know, JSON API will throw a syntax error when trying to stringify a
object with circular reference.But indeed the feature
serializing/unserializing object with circular reference is needed.(eg.
when storing a graph,or status machine)

I am working on a JS implement of parse/stringify to support a “path
grammar” in JSON. It looks like the following:

// this will produce a object with it's property “x” reference to it self

//also relative path is supported

//ref to deeper object

// path could also point to a none-object value

// path ref to a path node will get undefined, there is no way to recurse
a:path(/), //the root object
b:path(/a) //undefined

( The project is located at
. in which JSON.pareseEx and JSON.stringifyEx passes all test262 API
cases except the ones related to circular reference. )

I was wondering if the future version of ECMAScript could support this
grammar or something like this to enable serializing/unserializing object
with circular reference. It will be a good news for ones working on complex
data structure.

PS. Another known way of descripting object with circular reference is
using sharp 
object literal . But there are several problems:
1. The id in sharp variable has to be unique. Combining two objects with
conflicted ids will be hard work.
2. Sharp variable is sensitive to the order of object properties. A
assignment must appear before its first usage. But path do not have such
requirement.Since the order of properties defined in JSON would
(especially) affect enumerate (for.. in) order, making a order-independent
reference grammar is a must.
3. Sharp variable requires assignment operator, and hence assignment
expression and even continuous assignment expression. Adding this feature
to JSON increases the complexity of its grammar a lot.

Shaofei Cheng
es-discuss mailing list

Re: Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-05 Thread
JSON.stringfyEx will never produce text like this but JSON.parseEx accept
this form.

I mean
will act all the same with

2012/3/5 Marius Gundersen

 // path could also point to a none-object value

 How would you build this from a JavaScript object? There is (so far) no
 way to have a reference to a none-object value, so there would be no way to
 construct this json object from a JavaScript object, and no way to
 recontstruct a JavaScript object from this json string. Therefore paths
 should only be able to refer to objects or arrays.

 Marius Gundersen

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Re: Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-05 Thread
I mean in the following case
“this” will not be powerful enough to describe it.

2012/3/5 gaz Heyes

 On 5 March 2012 12:16, 程劭非 wrote:

   b: this.a

 If you simply want “this” in JSON.parse,  it will not be hard to
 implement it in my library.
 But I guess the problem is we have no way to refer to its parent. Do you
 have any ideas?

 You could have something like this:

   b: function circular() { return this.a; }

 and then obj.b(); would result in 123

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-05 Thread
   a: path(/a2),  // yes,  path(/a2) is a object
   a2: {c: 1, d: path(../b/d)},  // no, path(/b) is a path itself you will
get undefined here.
   b: path(/b2), //yes, path(/b2) is a object
   b2: {c: path(../a/c), d: 2}, // no path(../a) is a path itself you will
get undefined here.

In general, I mean a path will never refer to a object specified by a path.

2012/3/5 Andreas Rossberg

 On 5 March 2012 13:20, 程劭非 wrote:
  JSON.stringfyEx will never produce text like this but JSON.parseEx accept
  this form.
  I mean
  will act all the same with

 Do you expect

a: path(a2),
a2: {c: 1, d: path(../b/d)},
b: path(b2),
b2: {c: path(../a/c), d: 2},

 to work? Even ignoring the issue with circularities, you would need to
 do (deep) dependency analysis before initialising individual


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Re: Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-05 Thread
So it would produce copies of literals, but references of objects/arrays?
Yes, it would.

and could be parsed so adding a member to either obj.b or ob.a would
update the other one. This would therefore be more powerfull than simply
copying the same values to the different names when parsing.

I don't quite sure about what do you mean by “update”. obj.a and obj.b
should be the same object. There are no third object in this case.

Consider the following code:

var obj = JSON.parseEx( {\
  \b\: {},\
  \a\: path(/b)\
} );

obj.a===obj.b would be true. They are the same object.

2012/3/5 Marius Gundersen

 JSON.stringfyEx will never produce text like this but JSON.parseEx accept
 this form.

 I mean
 will act all the same with

 So it would produce copies of literals, but references of objects/arrays?

 For example:
 var obj = {};
 obj.b = {};
 obj.a = obj.b;

 Would produce:

   b: {},
   a: path(/b)

 and could be parsed so adding a member to either obj.b or ob.a would
 update the other one. This would therefore be more powerfull than simply
 copying the same values to the different names when parsing.

 Marius Gundersen

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Re: Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-05 Thread
No, not that hard.

When I find a path node what I need to do is only:
set the value if the node already exists,
create a listener if the node doesn't exist.

When creating a property node(for object) or element node(for array), I
just check if there is a listener to this node.

2012/3/5 Andreas Rossberg

 On 5 March 2012 13:35, 程劭非 wrote:
 a: path(/a2),  // yes,  path(/a2) is a object
 a2: {c: 1, d: path(../b/d)},  // no, path(/b) is a path itself you
  get undefined here.
 b: path(/b2), //yes, path(/b2) is a object
 b2: {c: path(../a/c), d: 2}, // no path(../a) is a path itself you
  get undefined here.
  In general, I mean a path will never refer to a object specified by a

 Why? And anyway, what about:

a: {c: 1, d: path(../b/d)},
b: {c: path(../a/c), d: 2},

 You still need deep dependency analysis.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-05 Thread
Thanks. I have mentioned it in my first email. :)

2012/3/5 Wes Garland

 Mozilla used to support something like this, it is being removed in
 Firefox 12, but perhaps the implementation can give you ideas.


 On 5 March 2012 07:49, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

 On 5 March 2012 13:35, 程劭非 wrote:
 a: path(/a2),  // yes,  path(/a2) is a object
 a2: {c: 1, d: path(../b/d)},  // no, path(/b) is a path itself you
  get undefined here.
 b: path(/b2), //yes, path(/b2) is a object
 b2: {c: path(../a/c), d: 2}, // no path(../a) is a path itself you
  get undefined here.
  In general, I mean a path will never refer to a object specified by a

 Why? And anyway, what about:

a: {c: 1, d: path(../b/d)},
b: {c: path(../a/c), d: 2},

 You still need deep dependency analysis.


 es-discuss mailing list

 Wesley W. Garland
 Director, Product Development
 PageMail, Inc.
 +1 613 542 2787 x 102

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Re: Consider extending JSON grammar to support objects with circular reference

2012-03-05 Thread
You are right, Allen. I didn't mean to modify JSON itself. And as Lasse
Reichstein said above, JSON is not controled by this group at all.

I am just thinking we need a way to serialize/unserialize a js object with
circular reference to itself.

Obviously JSON can not handle it currently. It might be
Object.serialize/Object.unserialize or  JSON.parseJSONP or what ever. I'm
OK with any form of APIs.

在 2012年3月6日 上午12:53,Allen Wirfs-Brock al...@wirfs-brock.com写道:

 Let's get back to some key mainly non-technical points.

 JSON is a data interchange format that was created to support data
 interchange between heterogeneous  systems, not just JavaScript.

 TC39 does not define the actual JSON encoding format.  If we extend it, it
 is no longer JSON.

 There are many domain specific applications of the JSON format.  These
 typically make use of a data schema defined (either formally or informally)
 over the JSON format.

 One domain specific application is serialization (for storage or
 transport) of arbitrary JavaScript object graphs. Many of us have defined
 either special case or general purpose JSON schemas for doing this.  Many
 people have also done so for other languages.

 Designing a JS object graph serialization schema for JSON is not the same
 thing as extending JSON.

 If anybody thinks they have the ultimate  JS serialization schema, publish
 it as a library and try to get people to use it.  If it gets broad adoption
 and there is a major benefit that would come from it being an integral
  part of the language standard, come on back and talk to TC-39.

 Finally, I'm not saying there are no circumstances under which we should
 consider extending the ES JSON support.  For example, I think we should
 consider adding JSON.parseJSONP as a function. JSONP has broad adoption and
 there would be a major security benefit from safely parsing it at the ES
 engine level.


 On Mar 5, 2012, at 4:59 AM, 程劭非 wrote:

 Thanks. I have mentioned it in my first email. :)

 2012/3/5 Wes Garland

 Mozilla used to support something like this, it is being removed in
 Firefox 12, but perhaps the implementation can give you ideas.


 On 5 March 2012 07:49, Andreas Rossberg wrote:

 On 5 March 2012 13:35, 程劭非 wrote:
 a: path(/a2),  // yes,  path(/a2) is a object
 a2: {c: 1, d: path(../b/d)},  // no, path(/b) is a path itself you
  get undefined here.
 b: path(/b2), //yes, path(/b2) is a object
 b2: {c: path(../a/c), d: 2}, // no path(../a) is a path itself you
  get undefined here.
  In general, I mean a path will never refer to a object specified by a

 Why? And anyway, what about:

a: {c: 1, d: path(../b/d)},
b: {c: path(../a/c), d: 2},

 You still need deep dependency analysis.


 es-discuss mailing list

 Wesley W. Garland
 Director, Product Development
 PageMail, Inc.
 +1 613 542 2787 x 102

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Re: Should Literal in syntactical grammar instead of lexical grammar?

2012-02-28 Thread
Thank you for the comments.

There might be no normative significance but I mean there is no way to put
the Literal production in a lexer.  If a lexer produce token with type
”Literal“, syntactical parser will not be able to decide to use it as a
”Literal“ or a ”StringLiteral“.

So I think keeping this rule in current location might confuse the ones who
want to implement this spec.

Shaofei Cheng

2012/2/28 Brendan Eich

 Indeed this has come up before:**pipermail/es5-discuss/2011-**

 No one replied then, alas.

 There's no normative significance, as Michael Dyck conjectured. It seems
 we could move Literal. Perhaps Waldemar or Allen has a preference. At this
 point I am ok with letting the traditional location of Literal stand.


 程劭非 wrote:

 Hi, everyone,

 I'm working a on ES parser recently and noticed something might be wrong
 about the symbol “Literal”.

 Since “Literal” and “StringLiteral NumericLiteral appears in lexical
 grammar , I believe “Literal” should be a non-terminal symbol. Also there
 is no other rule using “Literal” in lexical grammar. As all above I think
 the following description is a syntactical grammar rule instead of a
 lexical grammar rule:
 /Literal /*::


 So my suggest is moving the description from Annex A.1 to Annex A.3

 Shaofei Cheng
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Re: Should Literal in syntactical grammar instead of lexical grammar?

2012-02-28 Thread
Thank you, Allen.

I've checked ES6 draft and reported a bug. see

2012/2/29 Allen Wirfs-Brock

 Yes, Literal could be moved to the syntactic grammar. There is already
 some grammar refactoring like this going on in the Es6 draft.

 The best way to capture these sorts of editorial issues is to file a bug
 using against the current Es6 draft.


 On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:50 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

 Indeed this has come up before:

 No one replied then, alas.

 There's no normative significance, as Michael Dyck conjectured. It seems
 we could move Literal. Perhaps Waldemar or Allen has a preference. At this
 point I am ok with letting the traditional location of Literal stand.


 程劭非 wrote:

 Hi, everyone,

 I'm working a on ES parser recently and noticed something might be wrong
 about the symbol “Literal”.

 Since “Literal” and “StringLiteral NumericLiteral appears in lexical
 grammar , I believe “Literal” should be a non-terminal symbol. Also there
 is no other rule using “Literal” in lexical grammar. As all above I think
 the following description is a syntactical grammar rule instead of a
 lexical grammar rule:

 /Literal /*::






 So my suggest is moving the description from Annex A.1 to Annex A.3


 Shaofei Cheng


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Should Literal in syntactical grammar instead of lexical grammar?

2012-02-27 Thread
Hi, everyone,

I'm working a on ES parser recently and noticed something might be wrong
about the symbol “Literal”.

Since “Literal” and “StringLiteral NumericLiteral appears in lexical
grammar , I believe “Literal” should be a non-terminal symbol. Also there
is no other rule using “Literal” in lexical grammar. As all above I think
the following description is a syntactical grammar rule instead of
a lexical grammar rule:
*Literal **::

So my suggest is moving the description from Annex A.1 to Annex A.3

Shaofei Cheng
es-discuss mailing list