Re: Re: Explainer/Spec: Smart pipelines

2018-03-12 Thread JS. Choi

> If generator composition isn't directly supported somehow, then I'd have to 
> say I personally find the function composition proposal more compelling on 
> its own, even in the absence of a pipeline operator.

That’s all right, Naveen; thank you for reading the explainer and/or spec 
anyway. You may find the smart pipelines—or pipelines in general—still useful 
for all its other use cases, including method extraction, method application, 
function application, and partial application.

And, importantly, the smart pipeline proposal does not preclude the future 
addition of a composition operator that can compose generators. It is just out 
of the current scope. I myself am trying to think of ways that smart pipelines 
might be eventually extended to support generator composition.

As for TheNavigateur’s proposal in specifics, though—I will say that I think 
its approach to even generators has disadvantages, though I need to think more 
about someone might best address them.

Perhaps most seriously, generators are not intended by the designers to be 
distinguishable from functions that return iterators (I think I can find a 
citation from Domenic Denicola for that), just like how async functions are not 
intended to be distinguishable from promise-returning functions (I’m almost 
certain can find a citation from Denicola for that).

But in addition, the problem of plural/iterator/functor/whatever-type 
composition is not as easy as simply as treating generators and async 
generators with special behavior. There are so many types of plural or 
container objects—not only generators and async generators, but also maybes, 
streams, observables, and the iterators themselves. TheNavigateur’s approach 
does not address these, despite their being reasonable similar cases.

And there are also many ways to compose them. TheNavigateur’s approach only 
addresses composition with mapping. But I would want a pipeline approach that 
addresses plural things to also be able to compose functions with flattened 
mapping, filtering, taking/dropping, partitioning, reduction, and so many other 
types of transformations.

There is an alternative proposal for function composition,,
 which tries another approach: having a well-known symbol Symbol.lift, which is 

But I’m not satisfied with that proposal either. I want to see if there is a 
different approach to try, one that may integrate with smart pipelines. 
Something like `generateRandomNumbers() |>> map f |>> filter g |>> take 5`…but 
I don’t yet know precisely how. But smart pipelines might be extendable to 
handle them.

Either way, it can be dealt with later. There are many other benefits, as 
hopefully you can see from the real-world code examples. But we’ll see, once 
the Babel plugins are written and TC39 takes a look. Thanks for reading the 
explainer and/or spec.

Warm re-gards,
J. S. Choi

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Explainer/Spec: Smart pipelines

2018-03-11 Thread JS. Choi
lls. All other cases are intended to use topic style, which 
hopefully is still terse, yet explicit enough to avoid ambiguity.

In fact, several examples in the readme are drawn from Ramda’s cookbook, 
several of which, if I recall correctly, involve autocurrying functions ([Ramda 
examples, part 1][] and [Ramda examples, part 2][]).

Your example using Lodash/FP,  
`['a', null, 'c'] |> fs.filter(Boolean)`,  
is expressible using  
`['a', null, 'c'] |> fs.filter(Boolean)(#)`.  
The latter is a valid topic-style pipeline.

In general, `x |> f(a, b)` is visually ambiguous between four reasonable 
`x |> f(a, b, #)`,  
`x |> f(a, #, b)`,  
`x |> f(#, a, b)`, and  
`x |> f(a, b)(#)`.  
The early error forces the writer to specify which of the four reasonable 
interpretations they mean, also reducing the parsing burden on the human reader.

[Ramda examples, part 1]:

[Ramda examples, part 2]:


> > [me] optionally preceded by `new` or `await`
> [Peter] This seems very arbitrary and not forwards-compatible.

My apologies again – I am also confused by what you mean here by 
forwards-compatible. What is there for bare style to be forward compatible 
with? New prefix operators? If a new operator is commonly used before unary 
function calls, then they could be added to bare style’s syntax later, but in 
the meantime topic style can handle them, as well as anything else, simply by 
appending `(#)`.

Bare style is a special syntax, with special evaluation semantics, optimized 
for one common use case: unary functions. The `new` and `await` tokens are just 
flags for bare style because unary constructor calls and awaited unary 
async-function calls are also quite common, as my review of real-world 
codebases in [Motivation][] shows. But in general, I expect topic style to be 
used more often, and topic style itself is very terse.

In fact, the `new` and `await` flags in bare style were originally not there. 
The only reason why I added them in the first place was because, during that 
[review of real-world code][Motivation], I found that unary constructor calls 
and awaited unary async-function calls are very common. I am still considering 
removing them from the Core Proposal, into their own separate Additional 
Features, so that their tradeoffs may be independently considered.



> By only allowing identifiers, you're requiring people to create unnecessary 
> intermittent variables. I propose that you allow any expression on the 
> right-hand side of the pipe operator, and decide whether it's in topic style 
> or bare style based on the inclusion of the lexical topic token. Your 
> argument that making it very restrictive reduced cognitive burden doesn't 
> make sense to me at all, as remembering what is and isn't allowed is more 
> difficult than just remembering "if it doesn't have the token, it will call 
> the function specified by the expression with the argument of the result of 
> the previous step in the pipeline".

Hopefully, the quotation I pasted from the [syntactic locality][] section from 
above is an adequate response to this paragraph. Bare style’s rules are simple: 
“”. The rules are simpler than humans and computers having to search a [long 
pipeline expression][garden-path syntax], such as `value |> compose(f, g, h, i, 
j, k, #, l, m, n, o)` or `value |> 
anotherFunction)`, for the absence or presence of a single topic reference `#`. 
In many reasonable cases, parsing would be considerably more complicated, for 
humans and computers alike.

[syntactic locality]:

[garden-path syntax]:


Thanks again for the reply. Your `x['hello']`-method example and your Lodash/FP 
example are both already addressed by the current smart-pipelines proposal. I 
hope these explanations clarify your understanding of the current proposal.

I’ll have only intermittent free time in the next few days, but in the meantime 
James DiGioia and I will be working on the Babel plugin for both smart 
pipelines and F-sharp Style Only pipelines. I’ll try to reply to any reply here 
when I can.

Warm regards,
J. S. Choi

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Explainer/Spec: Smart pipelines

2018-03-11 Thread JS. Choi
g in cooperation with James DiGioia, who is also working on a proposal 
for Proposal 1: F-sharp Style Only 
 We will see what comes of all this in the future.

Warm regards,
J. S. Choi

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Explainer/Spec: Smart pipelines

2018-03-09 Thread JS. Choi stripped much of the formatting from my original message. To give 
the links in plain text:

Readme explainer:

Formal spec:

Issue tracker (please specify Proposal 4 in new issues):✓=sort%3Aupdated-desc+

List of all current pipeline proposals:

Warm regards,
J. S. Choi

> On Mar 9, 2018, at 3:04 PM, J. S. Choi <> wrote:
> I’d like to ask for feedback/criticism on a detailed explainer and 
> specification for Smart Pipelines plus several possible extensions.
> Readme explainer:
> Formal spec:
> There is a simple “actual” Core Proposal at Stage 0 championed by Daniel 
> Ehrenberg, plus several optional Additional Features that extend the Core 
> Proposal and address several other use cases. Daniel will present the Core 
> Proposal at the next TC39 meeting, in several weeks at London.
> The Core Proposal is a variant of the first pipeline-operator proposal also 
> championed by Ehrenberg; this variant is listed as Proposal 4: Smart Mix in 
> the pipe-proposal wiki. The variant resulted from previous discussions in the 
> previous pipeline-operator proposal, discussions which culminated in an 
> invitation by Ehrenberg to try writing a specification draft. A prototype 
> Babel plugin is also being written. 
> I should stress that the Additional Features are separate, optional and 
> mutually independent add-on proposals. The Additional Features show the 
> potential of simply extending the Core Proposal to handle other use cases 
> (such as composition, partial application, and method extraction). And I’ve 
> attempted to keep the Core Proposal forward compatible with all of the 
> additional features.
> If you have any questions after reading the explainer and specification, 
> please feel free to file an issue on the GitHub issue tracker. When you file 
> an issue, please note in it that you are talking specifically about“Proposal 
> 4: Smart Mix”. Or leave a comment here. 
> Warm regards, J. S. Choi
es-discuss mailing list

Explainer/Spec: Smart pipelines

2018-03-09 Thread JS. Choi
I’d like to ask for feedback/criticism on a detailed explainer and 
specification for Smart Pipelines plus several possible extensions.

Readme explainer:
Formal spec:
There is a simple “actual” Core Proposal at Stage 0 championed by Daniel 
Ehrenberg, plus several optional Additional Features that extend the Core 
Proposal and address several other use cases. Daniel will present the Core 
Proposal at the next TC39 meeting, in several weeks at London.

The Core Proposal is a variant of the first pipeline-operator proposal also 
championed by Ehrenberg; this variant is listed as Proposal 4: Smart Mix in the 
pipe-proposal wiki. The variant resulted from previous discussions in the 
previous pipeline-operator proposal, discussions which culminated in an 
invitation by Ehrenberg to try writing a specification draft. A prototype Babel 
plugin is also being written. 

I should stress that the Additional Features are separate, optional and 
mutually independent add-on proposals. The Additional Features show the 
potential of simply extending the Core Proposal to handle other use cases (such 
as composition, partial application, and method extraction). And I’ve attempted 
to keep the Core Proposal forward compatible with all of the additional 

If you have any questions after reading the explainer and specification, please 
feel free to file an issue on the GitHub issue tracker. When you file an issue, 
please note in it that you are talking specifically about“Proposal 4: Smart 
Mix”. Or leave a comment here. 

Warm regards, J. S. Choi

es-discuss mailing list

Re: Re: Function composition vs pipeline

2018-02-23 Thread JS. Choi
See also recent discussions in these GitHub issues that touch on composition:

Look particularly at the issues that were created after 2018-01-31 – when 
Gilbert/Mindeavor split the proposal into four competing proposals – since 
those issues reflect the current state of the art. To see those four competing 
proposals, look at the pipeline operator’s wiki, which has a list of the four 
proposals (

In particular, Naveem, you may be interested in, which discusses 
the intersection of terse function application and terse function composition.___
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