RE: Extended dot notation (pick notation) proposal

2016-09-22 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
On Tue Sep 20 03:38 PM, Bob Myers wrote:
> People in the real world continue to wonder why they can't 
> pick/destructure from objects into objects, instead of just variables.
> ment-of-object?noredirect=1#39602360 

Seems like allowing to "dot" into another identifier could work:

  IdentifierReference[?Yield]  Initializer[+In, ?Yield]
  IdentifierReference[?Yield]  . IdentifierName

const IDENTIFIER = 1;

Use the RHS identifier as the member/property name and resolve the "dot" 
expression to get the value.

const sandwichesIWantToEatResult = { CHEESE_STEAK: SANDWICHES.CHEESE_STEAK, 

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Decorators for functions

2015-10-22 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
On Thu Oct 22 07:44 AM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:
> > determined at creation time, allowing for massive engine optimization,

Ya I'm not sure from which hat "massive engine optimization" comes from? 

What's meant is likely using decorators as annotations (compile time 
optimizations hints):

Or 'ambient decorators':

There's 2 patterns (maybe more?):
(a) Tagging a 'tree transformation'  on a node.
(b) Metadata at compile time on a node.

The thing about (b) is it can easily live outside of the code (like in 
typescript where you have an optional header/declaration file)

With (a), it seems more conservative to see how it gets used with classes 
before bolting on to functions (opinion: end result in java is not something to 
be proud of).

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Decorators for functions

2015-10-20 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
On Tue Oct 20 05:30 AM, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:
> The decorator proposal does not include decorators for functions,
> because it isn’t
> clear how to make them work in the face of hoisting.

What's the obsession with decorators?

Decorators are like saying everyone can decorate their Christmas trees.
That's nice once a year but not when you start looking at all the different 
Christmas trees and have to maintain that stuff.

Suddenly the single language you thought you understood has many dialects & 
Aren't embeddable languages more interesting to learn then decorated trees?

es-discuss mailing list

RE: for statement with index and value

2015-07-15 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
On Tue Jul 14 10:43 AM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:
 Complexity is very much a psychological aspect. And random
 special cases, syntactic additions, and irregularities eat into the
 complexity budget quickly.

Fair enough, agree with that.

Seems like it would be a Googly thing to objectively measure language 
complexity or simplicity? The complexity rank algorithm?

Dismissing these things as not real problems is more history repeating itself.
Love the JS conservatism  Smalltalkness, less the coin tosses about perceived 
complexity, science wins there.

es-discuss mailing list

RE: for statement with index and value

2015-07-14 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
On Mon Jul 13 10:22 PM, Kevin Smith wrote:

 Destructuring is here to help:
 for (let [index, value] of [1, 2, 3].entries()) 
 console.log(index + :  + value)
 The entries method returns an iterator of [index, value] pairs.

Can't there be a 'key iterator' syntax?

for (let value, index of [1, 2, 3]) 
 console.log(index + :  + value)

let value =;
let index=;

- An array has an implicit 'key iterator' cause there's a key for each value.
- Everything else has a 'keyIteratorFrom0ToInifinity'

So you have a 'value iterator' and a 'key iterator' for each thing on the RHS.
Doesn't seem like much of an issue, engines just need a 
keyIteratorFrom0ToInifinity for non-array things cases.

es-discuss mailing list

RE: for statement with index and value

2015-07-14 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
On Tue Jul 14 09:27 AM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
 From: es-discuss [] On Behalf Of
  Why not use the new meta syntax?
 If I thought this was a real problem that
 needed solving,


As early as the mid-1980’s, it was observed that programming
language research and funding emphasized technical aspects of the
domain and neglected psychological aspects:

 The human and computer parts of programming languages have developed in 
radical asymmetry

Bias of Engineering problems  Psychology

es-discuss mailing list

RE: May 2015 Meeting Notes

2015-06-30 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
On Fri Jun 26 05:23 PM, Brian Terlson wrote:

Yay to Value types
and +1 for the per-realm thinking

For typeof, this would seem intuitive:

var ColorType1 = ValueType(Symbol(Color), {...}); 
var ColorType2 = ValueType(Symbol(Color), {...}); 
var ColorType3 = ValueType(Symbol(Other), {...}); 
var ColorType4 = ValueType(Symbol(), {...}); 

typeof ColorType1 // Color:s1 // where s1...sN is a generated increment/key 
for a new user symbol
typeof ColorType2 // Color:s2
typeof ColorType3 // Other:s3
typeof ColorType4 // s4

// Global symbols use their keys prefixed by a 'g'
var ColorType5 = ValueType(Symbol.for(Color), {...});
typeof ColorType5 // gColor

es-discuss mailing list

RE: May 2015 Meeting Notes

2015-06-30 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
On Tue Jun 30 09:55 AM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:
   typeof ColorType1 // Color:s1 // where s1...sN is a generated 
 increment/key for a new user symbol
   typeof ColorType2 // Color:s2
   typeof ColorType3 // Other:s3
   typeof ColorType4 // s4
 A seemingly predictable name is a rather bad idea, because it would be very 
 brittle, e.g., depend on other libraries loaded, or even loading order. It's 
 better to have clearly non-deterministic
 (e.g. gensym) than something that pretends to be deterministic but isn't in 
 In fact, it might be best if typeof returned the symbol itself. At least that 
 cleanly matches the generative nature of the type definition. If you want it 
 to work cross-realm, you have to broker
 the symbol as usual.

Can you explain how 'gensym' would be different? Google tells me:

Internally I'd imagine you can represent it however you want (comparing an 
object pointer vs. a string), I see this more as a user-facing/illusion of 
simplicity thing.

But anyways, understand that the intuitive thing doesn't always work out.

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Are ES6 modules in browsers going to get loaded level-by-level?

2015-04-24 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
On Fri Apr 24 01:35 AM, James Burke wrote:
 If not natively supported in ES, it would be great to get a pointer to 
 the officially blessed transform of an ES module body to something 
 that can be bundled. Something that preserves the behaviors of the 
 mutable slots, and allows using the module meta.

Started using:

export in name;
export with {bundle: name}; // with {metadata object}

disclaimer: Not officially blessed by spiritum consensum
es-discuss mailing list

RE: Putting `global` reference in specs

2015-04-17 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
Not so pretty but:
import * as global from “@global”;

Or some bindings:
import {Promise} from “@global”;

From: es-discuss [] On Behalf Of Mark 
Sent: April 17, 2015 11:53 AM
To: Glen Huang
Cc: Mark S. Miller;
Subject: Re: Putting `global` reference in specs

This is one of several cases where, post ES6, we can provide a std module 
import that provides a built-in that carries authority. Another example is the 
constructor for making weak references, which necessarily provide the ability 
to read a covert channel. As with shadowable globals, this module import must 
be easy to virtualize. We purposely postponed this along with the Loader and 
Realm API as it is security sensitive and we don't yet have enough usage 
experience with modules to know how to design this separation well.

In particular, we rejected the obvious as it bundles the global 
together with authority-free safe things, which makes virtualization of the 
global alone needlessly unpleasant.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 8:45 AM, Glen Huang wrote:
You guys are talking about referencing the global object in modules right? 
Since in scripts you can reliably get hold of the global object by using this 
in the root scope.

And es 2015 made an explicit choice to clobber this in the root scope of a 
module, I guess that means module code really isn't supposed to get hold of the 
global object?

On Apr 17, 2015, at 11:34 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

I almost omitted it, but one should never need to encounter or think about 
sloppy code unless absolutely necessary. For my brain, adding the use strict; 
makes this snippet of code much simpler.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 8:30 AM, Andreas Rossberg wrote:
On 17 April 2015 at 17:27, Mark S. Miller wrote:
(1,eval)('use strict; this')

Is the 'use strict' relevant here? Seems overkill.


On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 8:23 AM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:
there's actually no way, officially, to reference what ES2015 call *the global 
object*, just pointless fragmentation between engines.

On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 4:19 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 5:12 PM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:
 So I'd say we should not have `self` (if stays on global and Worker I don't
 actually care) and add a `global` that nobody needs explanation to
 understand what it is in JavaScript

Indeed, three ways to reference the global object is not nearly enough.


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Text by me above is hereby placed in the public domain

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package keyword reserved?

2014-04-11 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
What's the history of the unused keyword package, is it from Java?

Been thinking about this lately, could an external module be called a package?

package something {
  export class foo {}

package other {
  export class foo {}

 export module bar {
export class foo {}

import {foo as a} from something
import {foo as b,} from other

/* option a) */
var api = {
   foo: a,
   fooOther: b,
   hello: function() {  alert('module') };

export default api

/*  option b) single module declaration
module apiInternalName {
  import {foo} from something
  import {foo as fooOther, as fooBar} from other
  function hello() {  alert('module') };

module barInternalName {
  class foo {}

module api from 'package/file'
module bar from 'single/file'

Some thoughts:

-   Literal modules are allowed only within packages (no module 
nesting) or a single module per file

-   import() semantics don't change too much (I think)

-   The subtle difference is an internal module is the declaration 
mechanism for exporting an api, a package is used for code organisation.

-   The module pattern is optional, can import from packages directly :

script src=package/file.js/script
// import from package
import {foo, bar} from other;

es-discuss mailing list

RE: package keyword reserved?

2014-04-11 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
On Fri Apr 11 05:52 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
 What use cases does this solve for JavaScript, not TypeScript?

Not sure, benefit comes down to subjective preference. Keeps the single 
'module' per file pattern from node.js

Is it safe to use the 'package' keyword then, no proposals for using it?

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-11 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
On Sun Feb 9 07:30 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
 Jonathan Bond-Caron wrote:
  Thoughts on adding options/flags
 Just say no.
 This is a symptom. We are resisting the larger issue of do both or 
 committee unioning or other such failure modes.

Fair enough, would be nice to see an alternative to:

If you multiply that pattern across many projects with different 'styles' of 
writing it, complexity really adds up.

Promises.join([a,b,c]).run().then(...)// parallel
Promises.join([a,b,c]).setExecution('serial').run().then(...) // serial?

As I was writing this, I saw the async proposal:

await would be king for serial execution of animations or file system tasks.

It's all a bit confusing but going in an interesting direction,

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-09 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
On Fri Feb 7 12:14 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
  From a user perspective, can someone explain what chain() does?
 .chain returns what is directly inside the promise, without doing any 
 magic.  This is different from .then, which flattens
 For a more concrete example, assume that x is a PromisePromiseinteger.
 That is, it's a promise, holding a promise, holding an integer.  
 x.chain(arg=arg is
 a PromiseInteger), x.then(arg=arg is an Integer).

Thoughts on adding options/flags to then()?
x.chain  equivalent to  x.then(promise, {unwrap: false});

Promises.all() could be similarly augmented to support serial execution. 
The api signatures become ~

Promise.prototype.then ( onFulfilled , onRejected|PromiseOptions , 
PromiseOptions )
Promise.all ( iterable , PromiseIterateOptions )

PromiseOptions = {
   unwrap: true
PromiseIterateOptions extends PromiseOptions {
   serial: false

Don't have convincing use case but can pass options to then() during iteration:
Promises.all([a,b,c], {unwrap: false});

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Promise.cast and Promise.resolve

2014-02-07 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
On Fri Feb 7 06:50 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Yutaka Hirano wrote:
  Sorry for knowing little about ES consensus, is this the final decision?
  Will you change it again?
 Yeah, some clarity would be nice.

From a user perspective, can someone explain what chain() does?

Recently hit an issue with Q.all() vs serial execution of promises:

chain() isn't mentioned here:

Promise.all() is included in the spec but not the case for serial execution:

What seems like a preferred api / pattern from an ecma PoV to serially execute 

e.g. Promise.serial(),  Promise.ordered(),  Promise.follow()

Is it a common enough use case to be included in the spec?

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Re: Generic Bundling

2013-10-27 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
On Fri Oct 25 11:48 PM, Ilya Grigorik wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 6:24 AM, Jonathan Bond-Caron  wrote:
   I disagree, if you want to treat this as an optimization problem, 
 let's look at it:
   1. x number of resources/files
   2. x number of network connections
   What is the optimal way of loading the resources/files?
   I don't have a proof but I'm pretty sure that's NP-complete.
 I assure you it is not NP-complete. We know what the critical resources are 
 for the page (i.e. their priorities), and we know the properties of TCP 
 connections (like slow-start). The optimal number
 of connection is 1 (with exception of few edge cases where TCP window scaling 
 is disabled and BDP is high).

Let's look at use a case: 200mb application I want to distribute over internet.
The optimal number of connections is 1?

You wouldn't get faster delivery with a P2P-like algorithm?
Server sends a header:

Some security considerations for sure but your claim that 1 connection is 
optimal is bogus at best. 

   Are you saying that HTTP 2.0 loading is the best known algorithm in all 
   That's bogus. It's certainly a better algorithm but there's a wide 
 range of strategies that will result in faster load times (it involves 
 bundling in some cases).
 Bundling does not achieve anything that a good multiplexing solution can't -- 
 bundling is multiplexing at the application layer. HTTP 2.0 provides the 
 necessary tools to achieve same performance as
 bundling, but with additional benefits of granular downloads, incremental 
 execution, etc. (I feel like I'm stuck in a loop ;-))

That's interesting, marketing will usually say but that's just an engineering 
problem, engineering will say but that's just marketing.

In this case, that's just at the application layer, so I'll answer that's 
just at the network layer.

How would you suggest to deliver an application over internet (e.g. 
Isn't that a bundle already?

I agree that delivering a makes the user wait vs. delivering images 
etc.. progressively. But in some cases that might be ok:
- ios app (splashscreen, user waits)
- android app (splashcreen, user waits)
- windows 8, ...
- flash, ...

It depends on the use cases, bundling certainly has its advantages at the 
application layer.

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Re: Generic Bundling

2013-10-27 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
On Sun Oct 27 09:35 AM, François REMY wrote:
 ± How would you suggest to deliver an application over internet (e.g.
 ± Isn't that a bundle already?
 This claim is bogus. In all the cases I know, the packages are unzipped by 
 the OS
 before running the application, and the application itself has no need to know
 anything about the package. The proof is that you can package the very same
 HTML app in multiple formats, and it will work for all of them.
 In other terms, the application layer (ECMAScript code) is unaware of the
 packaging layer (ZIP-based format).

I don't think I'm making any bogus claim here, those are questions?

My point is that distributing applications implies some level(s) of bundling. 
An application update could be a 'bundle' of files that has changed or single 
files (that change frequently).

My interest is at the application layer and how this can fit with System.Loader 
 modules. Again, I don't see why bundling and HTTP 2.0 can't co-exist.

Is it possible that HTTP 2.0 just happens to optimize for the use cases that we 
are seeing today?
Do you know what application use cases are going to occur 5 years from today? 
This propaganda that HTTP 2.0 is optimal for all those use cases is just wrong. 
If you have data or some objective proof, then please share.

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Generic Bundling

2013-10-11 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
On Thu Oct 10 02:22 PM, David Bruant wrote:
 Among other benefits [1]:
 pushed resources are cached individually by the browser and can be reused 
 across many pages
 = It's not clear this can happen with an

Opposite benefit of using, only a single cache entry to lookup. 
You should be able to re-use across pages. 

Imagine having 20 images that never change in 1 year. The browser will lookup 
20 cache entries, why? Use sprites?
A common use case would be bundle resources that rarely change in a single file.

 We can discuss the deployment aspects of HTTP 2 and whether Generic Bundling 
 as proposed can provide benefits before HTTP 2 is fully deployed, but I feel 
 the bottleneck will be the server-side
 engineering to bundle the resources and this work is equivalent for both HTTP 
 2 and the proposed Generic Bundling.
 So HTTP 2 wins?

It will be useful, I think of it as a win for files that change frequently.  

Another benefit of bundles not solved by HTTP 2: theming.

It would make distribution of themes much simpler. If developers  point to the 
same 'cached' bundle from a cdn, that's a win for less internet traffic.
The pattern could be:
link rel=loader type=application/zip 
href=; ref=theme 
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=buttons.css ref=theme

For backwards compatibility, you would have buttons.css available on your own 
the server.
I think of bundling as better way of distributing applications (www or 
packaged), not only the performance benefits of pipelining stuff in a single 

es-discuss mailing list

Generic Bundling

2013-10-10 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
About Generic Bundling in:


It could be reworked as:

link rel=loader type=application/zip
script src=lib/main.js/script

Simple pattern for packaging web apps where '' might be already 

For remote fetching, I imagine it would block waiting for to be 
available. Could be solved with something like:

script src=lib/main.js

Which would lookup link rel=loader and match to

Either way, I'm curious where the discussion is taking place, w3c?
How does this fit with Ecmascript, System.loader?
es-discuss mailing list

RE: Module literal name

2013-07-04 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
On Tue Jun 25 09:34 AM, Kevin Smith wrote:
   import classes/foo; // use default namespace

   module ns from classes/foo ; // alternative namespace

 How is the first example any better than the second?  The first is far
 more difficult to statically analyze, since any identifier could
 potentially be a namespace.

It shouldn't be more difficult to statically analyse, I image that the 
lexer/parser would maintain a 'symbol table' of the possible variables.

Some context, say I'm trying to bundle a couple of modules together for a 
mobile application:

Under the current proposal, what I probably would end up doing is assigning 
everything to the global scope anyway.  
I wouldn't want a developer to manually assign/import everything:
module MV from classes/misc/color; 
module MV.color from classes/misc/color/conversion;
module MV from classes/web/dom;

I expanded on the idea here:

There's more comments in package-proposal.html to how I imagine it could 

Note: I have some experience with lexers/parsers but not much with JavaScript 
or its internals so I hope this proposal makes sense. 

es-discuss mailing list

Module literal name

2013-06-25 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
I've been experimenting with the modules definition and find it unfortunate 
there's no default literal name for a module.

Could there be an optional 'namespace' or literal name within the module block?
module classes/foo {
 namespace foo;

 export class bar {}

import classes/foo; // use default namespace

module ns from classes/foo ; // alternative namespace

Some more examples here:

es-discuss mailing list

RE: Translate hook

2013-06-20 Thread Jonathan Bond-Caron
 The loader hooks are fantastic. In the case of translate(), consider:

 module Button from classes/ui/Button.js
 module Button from classes/ui/Button.dart
 module Button from classes/ui/Button.ts
 module Button from classes/ui/
 module Button from classes/ui/
 module Button from classes/ui/Button.mypackage

 In the last two, you can extract non-javascript content (css, html) and 
 place it somewhere else for loading processing.

 It's nice to have options but would all those and more be valid by 
 overriding Loader.translate()? IMHO, web fragmentation.

 I'm not sure what the problem here is supposed to be.  You'll have to have 
 libraries for doing any of these things, which will modify 
 `Loader.translate`.  Right now, I can fetch code in any 
 language from any source, process it, and eval it.  People write script tags 
 for coffeescript or python or lua using JS translators. Is this leading to 
 web fragmentation?

If translate() is intended as a hook for transpilation, it will lead to 
I don't have crystal ball but I am concerned about 'transpilation' as a feature 
in the loader api.

I should probably add:
module Crypto from classes/crypto/Crypto.asm.js (compiled from c++)

Our goal is to make the open web a compelling virtual machine, a target for 
compiling other languages and platforms.

Maybe I'm misinterpreting something, but the translate() hook just seems like a 
mechanism to compile just about anything that maps to javascript or LLVM 

Is there some consensus that the web needs typed language foo?

Don't get me wrong, asm.js is really clever from a technical standpoint.
I'm finding it difficult to not be worried about the non-technical implications.

 The second concern is re-writing code:
 import m from;

 Can I transform the source and turn private closures into public functions? 
 Why bother with export?

 Yes, you can transform anything you want, once you have the source.
 You can already do this with XHR, or with an inline script tag, or ...

Sure but that's a bit of a stretch, XMLHttpRequest was initially designed to 
load XML and inline script tags are quite inconvenient for large amounts of 
By design in this case, source code transformation is encouraged either by 
programmers or by the browser.

 The reason to bother with export is that it works with the system.
 Sure, you can implement a whole new language, but that has exactly the costs 
 of implementing a whole new language.  The loader hooks make that possible, 
 but it isn't reasonable to do  it unless you're serving some actual use case.

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