Re: barrier dimension, default dimension

2012-12-29 Thread Andreas Rossberg
On 28 December 2012 20:30, David Herman  wrote:
> Andreas, can you explain why you dismiss TDZ-RBA-UNDEF as a viable option? 
> The bug that motivates all the arguments you've made is 
> read-before-initialization, not write-before-initialization.

I agree that that would be a less error-prone semantics, but other
arguments still apply. IMO it's inferior to "TDZ-UBI-UNDEF" (the
current draft semantics) for three reasons:

1. Complexity/consistency
2. Readability
3. Future-proofness

Regarding (1), consider how to formulate the rules for "unhoisted"
bindings. Informally, "TDZ-UBI-UNDEF" says:

* Accessing a variable before its declaration has been executed is an
error. Furthermore, "let x" is shorthand for "let x = undefined".

The corresponding text for "TDZ-RBA-UNDEF":

* For immutable bindings, accessing a variable before its declaration
has been executed is an error. For mutable bindings, read-accessing a
variable before an assignment to it has been executed is an error.
Furthermore, "let x = e" is shorthand for "let x; x = e". A
let-declaration without a r.h.s. is a conditional assignment of
"undefined" that is performed if and only if no other assignment to
the declared variable has been performed before.

This is clearly less consistent and more complicated, for two reasons.
First, the definition has to be different for mutable and immutable
bindings (there is no such thing as an "assignment" to an immutable
binding). But even ignoring immutable bindings altogether, the
semantics for mutable ones alone are more complicated because of the
runtime case distinction you need to make for the conditional

Regarding (2), let me repeat my mantra: reading is 10x more important
than writing. Now consider reading a piece of code like this:

// lots of stuff
let x;
// more stuff

With the current rule, all you need to read to understand what is
printed for 'x' is the code between its declaration and its use. Any
code before the declaration cannot possibly matter, which arguably is
what one would expect intuitively (and what's the case in every other
comparable language with proper lexical scoping). Not so with the
TDZ-RBA-UNDEF rule, where understanding whether the variable is
assigned, and how, generally requires reading _all_ code in that block
up to its use.

Regarding (3), that has been argued before often enough, so I won't
repeat it here. Just let me note that future-proofness is not about
crossing a bridge early, as you seemed to suggest elsewhere, it's
about making sure that you haven't already burnt that bridge once you
get there.

es-discuss mailing list

Re: barrier dimension, default dimension

2012-12-28 Thread Brendan Eich

David Herman wrote:

On Dec 28, 2012, at 12:11 PM, Brendan Eich  wrote:

David Herman wrote:

Andreas, can you explain why you dismiss TDZ-RBA-UNDEF as a viable option? The 
bug that motivates all the arguments you've made is read-before-initialization, 
not write-before-initialization.

Since you mailed the list I will jump in before Andreas answers. TC39 
considered TDZ-RBA-UNDEF in several July meetings in adjacent years.

Heh, thanks for providing historical context. I think there are some flaws in 
the reasoning from those past meetings. I'll reply to some points from the 
cited minutes inline:

--- begin quote ---

But if we try to treat let like var, then let and const diverge.

I don't think there's some divergence that's okay, but they actually don't have 
to diverge that much.

The argument (one of them) is about how much: UBI vs. RBA-UNDEF. 'const' 
must have UBI an error. We had consensus in July 2011 (re-checked in 
July 2012 if my memory serves) that 'let' and 'const' should both be 
subject to the same rule, modulo 'let x;' implicitly initializing with 

We could diverge let as you propose, via RBA-UNDEF, but that is a 
greater divergence than we had in the previous consensus or quasi-consensus.

We cannot treat const like var and allow any assignment as "initialization", and we must 
forbid assignments to const bindings -- only the mandatory initializer in the declaration can 
initialize. Trying to allow the "first assignment to a hoisted const" to win quickly 
leads to two or more values for a single const binding:

   x = 12;
   if (y) return x;
   const x = 3;

This is of course a silly semantics, but I argue that const should have a 
syntactic restriction that it can only be assigned to in its initializer -- the 
above should be a syntax error. Once you have that restriction, there's no 
observable difference between the read barrier and the read-write barrier.


The situation with let is constrained even ignoring const. Suppose we treat let 
like var, but hoisted to block top instead of body/program top, with use before 
set reading undefined, or in an alternative model that differs from var per 
temporal dead zone, throwing. So:

   x = 12;
   let x;

would result in either print being called with undefined or an error on the use 
of x before it was set by the assignment expression-statement -- those are the 
two choices given hoisting.

But then:

   x = 12;
   let x;

would result in either 12 being printed or an error being thrown assigning to x 
before its declaration was evaluated.

Any mixture of error with non-error (printing undefined or 12) is inconsistent.

This is just bogus reasoning. What consistency could we be talking about?

That both of the above should be errors to be "more consistent" in 
handling likely-buggy inputs. This was implicit, you're right, but I 
recall Sam at the whiteboard writing some of these, and the group assenting.

I'm not recounting to say we are bound by whatever happened then, rather 
trying to recollect exactly what consistency was being talked about there.

One could defend throwing in the use-before-assignment case, but it's odd.

What's odd about throwing in use before assignment?

I'm trying to remember. First, that "use-before-assignment case" must 
have been the x in print(x) here:

  x = 12;
  let x;

I remember Sam permuting the statements to get the second case, which 
under RBA-UNDEF would not throw, and that may be what seemed "odd".

The group as a whole seemed to want errors for both of these examples. 
That maximizes a kind of error-catching-over-unusual-order consistency.

And throwing in both cases is the earlier consensus semantics of temporal dead zone with 
a distinct state for lack of initialization (even if the initialization is implicit, 
e.g., in a declaration such as let x; being evaluated). Here "initialization" 
is distinguished from assignment expressions targeting the binding.

This is just circular: "this should be the semantics because we agreed it should be 
the semantics."

This was just an observation that throwing in both examples is the 
earlier consensus semantics for TDZ and 'let'.

Trying to be like var, printing undefined or 12, is possible but future-hostile 
to guards and gratuitously different from const:

   x = 12;
   const G = ...;
   let x ::G = "hi";

This where I think we really made a mistake. There's nothing preventing us from 
having additional restrictions for guarded declarations -- cross the bridge 
when we come to it.

Sure, and I agree, but if you delete guards the arguments for maximal 
error-catching consistency and refactoring from let to const (more 
below) still stand.

We want to be future-proof for guards, and even more important: we want to 
support *refactoring from let to const*. Ergo, only temporal dead zone with its 
barriers is tenable.

I disagree. If you refacto

Re: barrier dimension, default dimension

2012-12-28 Thread David Herman
On Dec 28, 2012, at 12:11 PM, Brendan Eich  wrote:

> David Herman wrote:
>> Andreas, can you explain why you dismiss TDZ-RBA-UNDEF as a viable option? 
>> The bug that motivates all the arguments you've made is 
>> read-before-initialization, not write-before-initialization.
> Since you mailed the list I will jump in before Andreas answers. TC39 
> considered TDZ-RBA-UNDEF in several July meetings in adjacent years.

Heh, thanks for providing historical context. I think there are some flaws in 
the reasoning from those past meetings. I'll reply to some points from the 
cited minutes inline:

> --- begin quote ---
> But if we try to treat let like var, then let and const diverge.

I don't think there's some divergence that's okay, but they actually don't have 
to diverge that much.

> We cannot treat const like var and allow any assignment as "initialization", 
> and we must forbid assignments to const bindings -- only the mandatory 
> initializer in the declaration can initialize. Trying to allow the "first 
> assignment to a hoisted const" to win quickly leads to two or more values for 
> a single const binding:
> {
>   x = 12;
>   if (y) return x;
>   const x = 3;
>   ...
> }

This is of course a silly semantics, but I argue that const should have a 
syntactic restriction that it can only be assigned to in its initializer -- the 
above should be a syntax error. Once you have that restriction, there's no 
observable difference between the read barrier and the read-write barrier.

> The situation with let is constrained even ignoring const. Suppose we treat 
> let like var, but hoisted to block top instead of body/program top, with use 
> before set reading undefined, or in an alternative model that differs from 
> var per temporal dead zone, throwing. So:
> {
>   print(x);
>   x = 12;
>   let x;
> }
> would result in either print being called with undefined or an error on the 
> use of x before it was set by the assignment expression-statement -- those 
> are the two choices given hoisting.
> But then:
> {
>   x = 12;
>   print(x);
>   let x;
> }
> would result in either 12 being printed or an error being thrown assigning to 
> x before its declaration was evaluated.
> Any mixture of error with non-error (printing undefined or 12) is 
> inconsistent.

This is just bogus reasoning. What consistency could we be talking about?

> One could defend throwing in the use-before-assignment case, but it's odd.

What's odd about throwing in use before assignment?

> And throwing in both cases is the earlier consensus semantics of temporal 
> dead zone with a distinct state for lack of initialization (even if the 
> initialization is implicit, e.g., in a declaration such as let x; being 
> evaluated). Here "initialization" is distinguished from assignment 
> expressions targeting the binding.

This is just circular: "this should be the semantics because we agreed it 
should be the semantics."

> Trying to be like var, printing undefined or 12, is possible but 
> future-hostile to guards and gratuitously different from const:
> {
>   x = 12;
>   const G = ...;
>   let x ::G = "hi";
> }

This where I think we really made a mistake. There's nothing preventing us from 
having additional restrictions for guarded declarations -- cross the bridge 
when we come to it.

> We want to be future-proof for guards, and even more important: we want to 
> support *refactoring from let to const*. Ergo, only temporal dead zone with 
> its barriers is tenable.

I disagree. If you refactor from let to const it's because you only want a 
single assignment. It's nonsensical to refactor:

let x;
x = 1;
x = 2;


const x;
x = 1;
x = 2;

That should just be a syntax error. Const has more restrictions. You have to 
play by its rules.

So I disagree with that whole line of reasoning. But I'd like to hear Andreas's 
reasoning why he feels there should be a write barrier.


es-discuss mailing list

Re: barrier dimension, default dimension

2012-12-28 Thread Brendan Eich
Just to be super-clear, since citing in mail (compose and read-time) is 
hard: everything after "Here's the citation again (...):" is cited from 
the July 2011 meeting notes followup post I made in August 2011.


Brendan Eich wrote:
Argh, why must mailman archive + copy/paste result in unreadably long 
lines. Here's the citation again ( from

178 nor Normal All allen at CONF --- Must settle 
scoping details for block-scoped bindings

Much discussion here. The issue is whether let and const bindings 
hoist to block top, or start a new implicit scope (the let* or, let's 
call it, C++ rule). The prior work was nicely diagrammed by Waldemar in:

Quoting from Waldemar's message (note the future-proofing for guards):

--- begin quote ---

There are four ways to do this:
A1. Lexical dead zone.  References textually prior to a definition in 
the same block are an error.
A2. Lexical window.  References textually prior to a definition in the 
same block go to outer scope.
B1. Temporal dead zone.  References temporally prior to a definition 
in the same block are an error.
B2. Temporal window.  References temporally prior to a definition in 
the same block go to outer scope.

Let's take a look at an example:

let x = "outer";
function g() {return "outer"}

  function f() { ... x ... g ... g() ... }
  var t = some_runtime_type;
  const x:t = "inner";
  function g() { ... x ... }

B2 is bad because then the x inside g would sometimes refer to "outer" 
and sometimes to "inner".

A1 and A2 introduce extra complexity but doesn't solve the problem.  
You'd need to come up with a value for x to use in the very first call 
to g().  Furthermore, for A2 whether the window occurred or not would 
also depend on whether something was a function or not; users would be 
surprised that x shows through the window inside f but g doesn't.

That leaves B1, which matches the semantic model (we need to avoid 
referencing variables before we know their types and before we know 
the values of constants).

--- end quote ---

In the September 2010 meeting, however, we took a wrong turn (my fault 
for suggesting it, but in my defense, just about everyone did prefer 
it -- we all dislike hoisting!) away from hoisted let and const 
bindings, seemingly achieving consensus for the C++ rule.

Allen, it turned out, did not agree, and he was right. Mixing 
non-hoisting (the C++ rule) with hoisting (function in block must 
hoist, for mutual recursion "letrec" use-cases and to match how 
function declarations at body/program level hoist) does not work. In 
the example above, g's use of x either refers to an outer x for the 
first call to g() in the block, but not the second in the block (and 
various for the indirect call via f()) -- dynamic scope! -- or else 
the uses before |const x|'s C++-style implicit scope has opened must 
be errors (early or not), which is indistinguishable from hoisting.

So at last week's meeting, we finally agreed to the earlier rules: all 
block-scoped bindings hoist to top of block, with a temporal dead zone 
for use of let and const before *iniitalization*.

The initialization point is also important. Some folks wondered if we 
could not preserve var's relative simplicity: var x = 42; is really 
var x; x = 42, and then the var hoists (this makes for insanity within 
'with', which recurs with 'let' in block vs. 'var' of same name in 
inner block -- IIRC we agreed to make such vars that hoist past 
same-named let bindings be early errors).

With var, the initialization is just an assignment expression. A name 
use before that assignment expression has been evaluated results in 
the default undefined value of the var, assuming it was fresh. There 
is no read and write barrier requirement, as there is (in general, due 
to closures) for the temporal dead zone semantics.

But if we try to treat let like var, then let and const diverge. We 
cannot treat const like var and allow any assignment as 
"initialization", and we must forbid assignments to const bindings -- 
only the mandatory initializer in the declaration can initialize. 
Trying to allow the "first assignment to a hoisted const" to win 
quickly leads to two or more values for a single const binding:

  x = 12;
  if (y) return x;
  const x = 3;

The situation with let is constrained even ignoring const. Suppose we 
treat let like var, but hoisted to block top instead of body/program 
top, with use before set reading undefined, or in an alternative model 
that differs from var per temporal dead zone, throwing. So:

  x = 12;
  let x;

would result in either print being called with undefined or an error 
on the use of x before it was set by the assignment 
expression-statement -- those are the two choices given hoisting.

But then:


Re: barrier dimension, default dimension

2012-12-28 Thread Brendan Eich
Argh, why must mailman archive + copy/paste result in unreadably long 
lines. Here's the citation again (from

178 nor Normal All allen at CONF --- Must settle scoping 
details for block-scoped bindings

Much discussion here. The issue is whether let and const bindings hoist 
to block top, or start a new implicit scope (the let* or, let's call it, 
C++ rule). The prior work was nicely diagrammed by Waldemar in:

Quoting from Waldemar's message (note the future-proofing for guards):

--- begin quote ---

There are four ways to do this:
A1. Lexical dead zone.  References textually prior to a definition in 
the same block are an error.
A2. Lexical window.  References textually prior to a definition in the 
same block go to outer scope.
B1. Temporal dead zone.  References temporally prior to a definition in 
the same block are an error.
B2. Temporal window.  References temporally prior to a definition in the 
same block go to outer scope.

Let's take a look at an example:

let x = "outer";
function g() {return "outer"}

  function f() { ... x ... g ... g() ... }
  var t = some_runtime_type;
  const x:t = "inner";
  function g() { ... x ... }

B2 is bad because then the x inside g would sometimes refer to "outer" 
and sometimes to "inner".

A1 and A2 introduce extra complexity but doesn't solve the problem.  
You'd need to come up with a value for x to use in the very first call 
to g().  Furthermore, for A2 whether the window occurred or not would 
also depend on whether something was a function or not; users would be 
surprised that x shows through the window inside f but g doesn't.

That leaves B1, which matches the semantic model (we need to avoid 
referencing variables before we know their types and before we know the 
values of constants).

--- end quote ---

In the September 2010 meeting, however, we took a wrong turn (my fault 
for suggesting it, but in my defense, just about everyone did prefer it 
-- we all dislike hoisting!) away from hoisted let and const bindings, 
seemingly achieving consensus for the C++ rule.

Allen, it turned out, did not agree, and he was right. Mixing 
non-hoisting (the C++ rule) with hoisting (function in block must hoist, 
for mutual recursion "letrec" use-cases and to match how function 
declarations at body/program level hoist) does not work. In the example 
above, g's use of x either refers to an outer x for the first call to 
g() in the block, but not the second in the block (and various for the 
indirect call via f()) -- dynamic scope! -- or else the uses before 
|const x|'s C++-style implicit scope has opened must be errors (early or 
not), which is indistinguishable from hoisting.

So at last week's meeting, we finally agreed to the earlier rules: all 
block-scoped bindings hoist to top of block, with a temporal dead zone 
for use of let and const before *iniitalization*.

The initialization point is also important. Some folks wondered if we 
could not preserve var's relative simplicity: var x = 42; is really var 
x; x = 42, and then the var hoists (this makes for insanity within 
'with', which recurs with 'let' in block vs. 'var' of same name in inner 
block -- IIRC we agreed to make such vars that hoist past same-named let 
bindings be early errors).

With var, the initialization is just an assignment expression. A name 
use before that assignment expression has been evaluated results in the 
default undefined value of the var, assuming it was fresh. There is no 
read and write barrier requirement, as there is (in general, due to 
closures) for the temporal dead zone semantics.

But if we try to treat let like var, then let and const diverge. We 
cannot treat const like var and allow any assignment as 
"initialization", and we must forbid assignments to const bindings -- 
only the mandatory initializer in the declaration can initialize. Trying 
to allow the "first assignment to a hoisted const" to win quickly leads 
to two or more values for a single const binding:

  x = 12;
  if (y) return x;
  const x = 3;

The situation with let is constrained even ignoring const. Suppose we 
treat let like var, but hoisted to block top instead of body/program 
top, with use before set reading undefined, or in an alternative model 
that differs from var per temporal dead zone, throwing. So:

  x = 12;
  let x;

would result in either print being called with undefined or an error on 
the use of x before it was set by the assignment expression-statement -- 
those are the two choices given hoisting.

But then:

  x = 12;
  let x;

would result in either 12 being printed or an error being thrown 
assigning to x before its declaration was evaluated.

Any mixture of error with non-error (printing undefined or 12) is 
inconsistent. One c

Re: barrier dimension, default dimension

2012-12-28 Thread Brendan Eich

David Herman wrote:

Andreas, can you explain why you dismiss TDZ-RBA-UNDEF as a viable option? The 
bug that motivates all the arguments you've made is read-before-initialization, 
not write-before-initialization.

Since you mailed the list I will jump in before Andreas answers. TC39 
considered TDZ-RBA-UNDEF in several July meetings in adjacent years. 
Quoting from my followup to the July 2011 meeting notes at

178 nor Normal Allallen at  
  CONF --- Must settle scoping 
details for block-scoped bindings

Much discussion here. The issue is whether let and const bindings hoist to 
block top, or start a new implicit scope (the let* or, let's call it, C++ 
rule). The prior work was nicely diagrammed by Waldemar in:

Quoting from Waldemar's message (note the future-proofing for guards):

--- begin quote ---

There are four ways to do this:
A1. Lexical dead zone.  References textually prior to a definition in the same 
block are an error.
A2. Lexical window.  References textually prior to a definition in the same 
block go to outer scope.
B1. Temporal dead zone.  References temporally prior to a definition in the 
same block are an error.
B2. Temporal window.  References temporally prior to a definition in the same 
block go to outer scope.

Let's take a look at an example:

let x = "outer";
function g() {return "outer"}

  function f() { ... x ... g ... g() ... }
  var t = some_runtime_type;
  const x:t = "inner";
  function g() { ... x ... }

B2 is bad because then the x inside g would sometimes refer to "outer" and sometimes to 

A1 and A2 introduce extra complexity but doesn't solve the problem.  You'd need 
to come up with a value for x to use in the very first call to g().  
Furthermore, for A2 whether the window occurred or not would also depend on 
whether something was a function or not; users would be surprised that x shows 
through the window inside f but g doesn't.

That leaves B1, which matches the semantic model (we need to avoid referencing 
variables before we know their types and before we know the values of 

--- end quote ---

In the September 2010 meeting, however, we took a wrong turn (my fault for 
suggesting it, but in my defense, just about everyone did prefer it -- we all 
dislike hoisting!) away from hoisted let and const bindings, seemingly 
achieving consensus for the C++ rule.

Allen, it turned out, did not agree, and he was right. Mixing non-hoisting (the C++ rule) 
with hoisting (function in block must hoist, for mutual recursion "letrec" 
use-cases and to match how function declarations at body/program level hoist) does not 
work. In the example above, g's use of x either refers to an outer x for the first call 
to g() in the block, but not the second in the block (and various for the indirect call 
via f()) -- dynamic scope! -- or else the uses before |const x|'s C++-style implicit 
scope has opened must be errors (early or not), which is indistinguishable from hoisting.

So at last week's meeting, we finally agreed to the earlier rules: all 
block-scoped bindings hoist to top of block, with a temporal dead zone for use 
of let and const before *iniitalization*.

The initialization point is also important. Some folks wondered if we could not 
preserve var's relative simplicity: var x = 42; is really var x; x = 42, and 
then the var hoists (this makes for insanity within 'with', which recurs with 
'let' in block vs. 'var' of same name in inner block -- IIRC we agreed to make 
such vars that hoist past same-named let bindings be early errors).

With var, the initialization is just an assignment expression. A name use 
before that assignment expression has been evaluated results in the default 
undefined value of the var, assuming it was fresh. There is no read and write 
barrier requirement, as there is (in general, due to closures) for the temporal 
dead zone semantics.

But if we try to treat let like var, then let and const diverge. We cannot treat const like var and 
allow any assignment as "initialization", and we must forbid assignments to const 
bindings -- only the mandatory initializer in the declaration can initialize. Trying to allow the 
"first assignment to a hoisted const" to win quickly leads to two or more values for a 
single const binding:

  x = 12;
  if (y) return x;
  const x = 3;

The situation with let is constrained even ignoring const. Suppose we treat let 
like var, but hoisted to block top instead of body/program top, with use before 
set reading undefined, or in an alternative model that differs from var per 
temporal dead zone, throwing. So:

  x = 12;
  let x;

would result in either print being called with undefined or an error on the use 
of x before it was set by 

barrier dimension, default dimension

2012-12-28 Thread David Herman
Andreas pointed out [1] that the question of defaulting to undefined vs 
uninitialized is orthogonal to the question of read-barrier vs read-write 

> Even with TDZ-RBA you can have that meaning for "let x" (and that semantics 
> would be closest to 'var'). What TDZ-RBA gives you, then, is the possibility 
> to also assign to x _before_ the declaration.

My characterization unnecessarily combined these two orthogonal concerns. So we 
have two dimensions of TDZ alternatives:

Barrier dimension:

* RBA: There's a read barrier but assignments are allowed even before executing 
the let.
* UBI: There's a read/write barrier; neither references nor assignments are 
allowed before executing the let.

Default dimension:

* UNINIT: An initializer-less let statement leaves the variable uninitialized.
* UNDEF: An initializer-less let statement sets the variable to undefined (if 
it's still uninitialized).

So we already agree that TDZ-RBA-UNINIT is a non-starter, and TDZ-UBI-UNINIT is 
incoherent (there'd be no way to use the variable!). But that does leave this 
other semantics, TDZ-RBA-UNDEF.

> But anyway, I think we agree that this is not a desirable semantics, so it 
> doesn't really matter.

All last night I was chewing on this concept of an illegal assignment, and it's 
bugging me. How would you explain this error to a programmer?

let x;
function initialize() {
x = f(); // error: x is uninitialized

This looks an awful lot like it's saying "you can't assign to x because x 
hasn't been assigned to." To understand the distinction, programmers have to 
learn the rule that only the syntactic initializer is allowed to initialize the 

Put differently, a write barrier strikes me as really odd.

Andreas, can you explain why you dismiss TDZ-RBA-UNDEF as a viable option? The 
bug that motivates all the arguments you've made is read-before-initialization, 
not write-before-initialization.


es-discuss mailing list