Re: implementation dependencies (was Re: ES4 work)

2008-02-22 Thread Brendan Eich
On Feb 21, 2008, at 11:40 PM, Michael O'Brien wrote:

 The reason is we could remove a few road blocks with some design  
 These won't be as complete as the spec but could from the basis of
 writing some of the spec prose.


 Also, the spec can reference the RI (not just SML but, for the
 standard library, the self-hosted ES4!) in a systematic way.  
 preceded the RI.

 The problem here is time. I think doing the spec with the required  
 of rigour will take much longer than would be ideal to get
 implementations started.

Yes, I've agreed with this loudly recently (no waterfall).

 Tracking issues is a job for the trac, although there's always room
 for on-the-side summaries linking to tickets, if you keep editing to
 keep up with the primary source of truth in the trac.

 I think the summaries are where the gold is. That is the piece we are
 missing. We actually have a lot of information, but it is scattered  
 hard to put together in a coherent manner.

In this light the overview and tutorial were more than the sum of  
their parts from the wiki and trac.

 I'll start the ball rolling with writing up some notes on Program
 Units, use unit and unit dependencies. Brendan/Jeff: what format
 would you like these notes in?

 You missed this question above.

No, I ducked :-). Lars is editor with Jeff assisting and (as always)  
maintaining the grammar; I would appreciate Graydon's thoughts too.


Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: implementation dependencies (was Re: ES4 work)

2008-02-22 Thread Michael O'Brien
What about the actual content sections?

We want the same look and feel over the text -- what perspectives do you 
need covered in describing a feature. Do you have a sample?


Graydon Hoare wrote:
 Brendan Eich wrote:

 I'll start the ball rolling with writing up some notes on Program
 Units, use unit and unit dependencies. Brendan/Jeff: what format
 would you like these notes in?

 You missed this question above.

 No, I ducked :-). Lars is editor with Jeff assisting and (as always) 
 maintaining the grammar; I would appreciate Graydon's thoughts too.

 *Shrug* I'm not picky. I think Lars has been working more in HTML, and 
 that's what I hope most of the spec-writing will happen in, just 
 because it's real easy to render, edit, version control and such. But 
 plaintext or some flavour of wikitext is also convenient. Word docs 
 less so, though I think they're the final target form ECMA wants. And 
 of course there are our more academic members who feel more at home in 
 LaTeX. Whatever floats your boat. It's relatively easy to 
 interconvert, either way.


Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: implementation dependencies (was Re: ES4 work)

2008-02-21 Thread Brendan Eich
On Feb 19, 2008, at 6:39 PM, Graydon Hoare wrote:

 Finally there is a category I left off the above elaboration, mostly
 because it is under-developed in the RI: control mechanisms. There are
 dependencies between tail calls, generators and stack inspection,  
 and I
 can't say I fully understand the dependencies nor the impact they have
 on the rest of the implementation.

This reminds me of something that Maciej already questioned in his  
initial response to the language overview: if the control inspector  
is optional, it's either useless on the web because not supported by  
all major browsers, or else de-facto non-optional: mandatory due to  
support in one or two top-market-share browsers. Therefore it should  
not be included as an optional part out of ES4. We already agreed not  
to make it mandatory for the sake of small-device implementations.

I like the control inspector proposal ( 
doku.php?id=proposals:stack_inspection), but Maciej's argument seems  
decisive to me. Those of us likely to implement it in the near term  
could work on developing an ad-hoc spec from the proposal, to be  
considered for inclusion in a later edition.

Generators have an implementation plan in the RI based on delimited  
continuations in SML, and we seem to have reached consensus recently  
on proper tail calls. To lighten the load and focus on these two high- 
value control abstractions proposed for ES4, could we think about  
deferring control inspector? This is discussion fodder, I'm not yet  
filing a trac ticket.

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: implementation dependencies (was Re: ES4 work)

2008-02-21 Thread Michael O'Brien

Seems to me we may have some emerging agreement on the following items.
Please be kind if I'm overstating the consensus, but I believe the
following items start us in the right direction without being too

  Triage the existing proposals into those that are current and
correct and those that aren't. Publish that list.

  Bring the out-of-date proposal pages up to date

  Implementers  designers pitch in and write up design notes
for proposals. This is then both input to the spec and immediate
guidance for implementers.

  Some doc/comments for the RI

  Create a common place to store resolutions and clarifications on
issues. The mailing list isn't great for this gems get lost in the
volume. Perhaps the author for each design note could maintain the
document and append questions on the end as clarifications in wiki

I'll start the ball rolling with writing up some notes on Program
Units, use unit and unit dependencies. Brendan/Jeff: what format would
you like these notes in? 



Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: implementation dependencies (was Re: ES4 work)

2008-02-21 Thread Michael O'Brien
Comments below:

 This sounds good, but if we've accepted proposals and need detailed 
 specs, why not write specs? This is not just a matter of wiki 
 namespace (proposal: vs. spec:). Proposals have emphasized precedents, 
 use-cases, and anti-use-cases, and considered alternatives. Discussion 
 uncovered further detail, but still not enough for a spec in all cases.

The reason is we could remove a few road blocks with some design notes. 
These won't be as complete as the spec but could from the basis of 
writing some of the spec prose.

 Also, the spec can reference the RI (not just SML but, for the 
 standard library, the self-hosted ES4!) in a systematic way. Proposals 
 preceded the RI.

The problem here is time. I think doing the spec with the required level 
of rigour will take much longer than would be ideal to get 
implementations started.

 Suggest we evaluate Lars's forthcoming library spec and see what 
 proposals pages it effectively updates. Agree we should mark those 
 pages somehow as superseded by specs, with links to the specs. Not 
 thrilled about leaving out-of-date proposals around, but there's 
 clearly a conflict between the wiki, which is great for content 
 creation, and the trac and spec, which are better for disposition and 
 finalizable specification.

I've seen an early cut of the Library spec. Is an update coming?

 Again I am leery of reinventing the RI in prose, duplicating its 
 meaning with added bugs and no testability. Better to refer to the RI 
 directly as I think you proposed earlier, or even excerpt it as was 
 planned for the spec. The ES4 excerpts should not need lowering; 
 Graydon's script can be used if people find SML hard to read.

Fine to refer to the RI, but I think we're talking notes here.  
Graydon's emails contain a lot of good notes but are certainly not a 
spec (yet). I think we just need more of those notes.

I would agree that if this can't be done simply and easily, we should 
just push on as forward momentum will eventually deliver the goods. Time 
is never a friend if we are slow or meandering.

 Create a common place to store resolutions and clarifications on 
 issues. The mailing list isn't great for this gems get lost in the 
 volume. Perhaps the author for each design note could maintain the 
 document and append questions on the end as clarifications in wiki 

 Tracking issues is a job for the trac, although there's always room 
 for on-the-side summaries linking to tickets, if you keep editing to 
 keep up with the primary source of truth in the trac.

I think the summaries are where the gold is. That is the piece we are 
missing. We actually have a lot of information, but it is scattered and 
hard to put together in a coherent manner.

 I'll start the ball rolling with writing up some notes on Program 
 Units, use unit and unit dependencies. Brendan/Jeff: what format 
 would you like these notes in?

You missed this question above.



Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 work

2008-02-20 Thread Michael O'Brien

Thanks -- that helps to understand the status.

You are in a somewhat unique position having implemented more than any 
other. Given Jeff's roadmap outline and the goal of weighing the 
features against implementation experience -- which of the features that 
you have implemented do you feel were difficult, costly or problematic?

In our implementation (Ejscript), we have implemented (with bugs):

 - classes
 - namespaces, including use pragmas
 - block scope
 - packages
 - units
 - pragmas
 - let, const, let-const
 - type expressions / definitions / annotations
 - runtime type checks (standard mode)
 - destructuring assignment
 - hashcode
 - meta objects
 - strict mode (incomplete checking)
 - type parameters
 - numbers  decimal
 - getters  setters

Namespaces was a much bigger and more intrusive change that I first 
anticipated. Difficult to get it to perform well, but we're still 
working on it. However, once byte-code is generated for bound code, 
there is no cost.  Similarly, block scope added considerable complexity. 
Program units were fairly straight forward as is strict mode and pragmas.

Structural types and type checking is next on our high priority list.


Graydon Hoare wrote:
 Michael O'Brien wrote:

 Could Graydon give a snapshot of what is not implemented in the RI in 
 terms of the proposals / features?  I know the trac database lists 
 all, but a punch list of the high priority deficits would be helpful.

 Sure. I can describe the state of most issues as named by the 
 proposals page, I think. Some of the proposals have sort of 
 no-longer-sensible names so I'm going to use the proposals page as a 
 rough guide and name the things that have seemed, in my work, to be 
 separate features of the RI.

 Implemented, may have bugs:

  - classes and interfaces
  - namespaces
  - pragmas
  - let, const, let-const
  - iterators
  - enumerability control
  - type expressions / definitions / annotations
  - runtime type checks (standard mode)
  - nullability
  - destructuring assignment
  - slice syntax
  - hashcode
  - catchalls
  - map  vector
  - date  time improvements
  - meta objects
  - static generics
  - string trim
  - typeof
  - globals
  - expression closures
  - name objects
  - type operators (is / to / cast / wrap)

 Implemented and partly working, but still in flux / work to do:

  - inheritance checking
  - strict mode
  - type parameters
  - structural types
  - numbers  decimal
  - getters  setters (structural part is incomplete)
  - packages

 Partially implemented / not yet working:

  - program units
  - generic function
  - updates to unicode
  - updates to regexps


  - generators
  - tail calls
  - triple quotes
  - stack inspection
  - reformed with
  - resurrected eval (eval exists but may be wrong)
  - help for the argument object
  - this function / this generator

 In my mind the high priority deficits where I actually know what to 
 do are:

  - extending strict mode
  - extending the part of the definer that checks inheritance

 The remaining issues on my list all involve some spec/discussion work 
 (units and packages, type parameters, structural typechecks, tail 
 calls, reformed rules for with/this/eval/arguments)


Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: implementation dependencies (was Re: ES4 work)

2008-02-20 Thread Michael O'Brien
Comments below:
 Going further, I have mentally considered the language as providing 3 
 big categories of enhancement: fixtures, types, and namespaces. I 
 think that within -- and possibly between -- these groups there are 
 dependencies. For example, we can consider these levels of 

TY-VAL: a runtime representation of types exists, and values have
a pointer to their type

TY-PROP: properties can be annotated with types, and a dynamic
 check is made when an assignment is made

TY-DEF: type-aliases (type T = ...) can be defined

TY-STRUCT: the full structural type grammar exists (object types,
   array types, function types)

TY-NULL: the nullability extension to the type grammar exists

TY-NOMINAL: class and interface types exist, with a hard-coded
subtype lattice

TY-PARAM: the parametric type system exists

TY-LIKE: the 'like' types exist

TY-STRICT: approximate static checking of types

TY-REFLECT: meta-objects exist and can be acquired with typeof

 This is a partial dependency list. You need at least TY-VAL to do 
 TY-PROP, but it's probably possible to implement any combination of the 
 remainder once you're at TY-PROP. You could also stop *at* TY-PROP, only 
 permitting users to denote the ES3 types (prims and objs). Though IMO 
 this would be silly.
We began and have a fairly complete TY_VAL and TY_PROP. Next we did 
and TY_REFLECT. We are missing DEF, STRUCT, NULL, PARAM and LIKE.  We 
have partial
 We can also consider levels of namespace-implementation:

NS-VAL: a runtime type namespace exists, and has some nonempty

NS-PROP: every property has a namespace and namespace references
 can be used in reference expressions like obj.ns::prop
 and ns::lexref

NS-USE: the use namespace and use default namespace pragmas
automatically qualify definitions or references

NS-DEF: namespace declarations are accepted and new namespaces can
be defined through them, either anonymous or with strings

NS-CLS: classes (and interfaces?) define their own namespaces for
conventional OO visibility control

NS-PKG: the package construct exists for automatically defining

 Similarly, this list is more linear at the top than the bottom: NS-PROP 
 and NS-USE require NS-VAL, though one could stop there with (perhaps) a 
 fixed population of namespaces. The remaining 3 are mostly orthogonal: 
 you could for example stop implementing with NS-DEF and ignore classes 
 and packages, and still have a useful system. Or do NS-CLS alone and 
 ignore NS-DEF, using namespaces only to model class-visibility issues.
I think this is very much an all or nothing. It is hard to separate out 
these from each other.
We started with NS_DEF, NS_VAL and NS_PROP. NS_USE was easy
NS_USE is pretty easy once you have NS_VAL and NS_PROP. NS_PKG is 
essential if you
are going to handle package qualified variables and avoid name 
collisions. So I'd imagine it
would be hard to have a cohesive whole without doing all these items.
 All the type and namespace issues depend, however, on fixtures. We are 
 some ways towards proving that fixtures-in-absence-of-namespaces are 
 equivalent to the dontdelete property attribute (see ticket #233, but if you have namespaces there 
 appears to be a requirement to be modeling fixtures, to run the 
 multiname algorithm properly. Fixtures are sort of super-dontdelete 
 properties -- those that can safely be early bound, in addition to not 
 being deletable -- and it's hard to make much use of the namespace or 
 type systems without them.
Agree. We had fixtures first and retrofitted namespace (which I would 
not recommend). Namespaces
are so foundational, you need to design them in at the start. Otherwise, 
there is a lot of rework.
 Re-encoding the ES3 primitives as classes, and the new classes like map, 
 vector and the meta objects, all require a fair amount of the TY and NS 
 work: at least TY-NOMINAL, TY-PARAM and NS-CLS (I think).
Looking at the builtins, I can't imagine how you could do them without 
namespaces. They
are a vital solution to various name lookup and collision problems.
 Finally there is a category I left off the above elaboration, mostly 
 because it is under-developed in the RI: control mechanisms. There are 
 dependencies between tail calls, generators and stack inspection, and I 
 can't say I fully understand the dependencies nor the impact they have 
 on the rest of the implementation.
There are a whole raft of implementation toughies that will vary a bit 
from implementation to
implementation. We have spent a lot of time trying to get ES4 to be 
small and fast. But there is
a long, long way to go.



Re: ES4 work

2008-02-20 Thread Graydon Hoare
Michael O'Brien wrote:
 Thanks -- that helps to understand the status.
 You are in a somewhat unique position having implemented more than any 
 other. Given Jeff's roadmap outline and the goal of weighing the 
 features against implementation experience -- which of the features that 
 you have implemented do you feel were difficult, costly or problematic?

Actually, despite my having acquired some sort of RI maintainer 
moniker, I did not write the majority of it. By volume I think the 
largest parts have come from Adobe and Opera people. The builtins and 
frontend each weigh about as much as the remainder (machine model, 
evaluator, type system).

My sense was that I had the most difficulty with the type and scope 
rules, but not so much because they were problematic as much as that 
we kept changing the rules. Also that even a minor bug in the rules 
typically produces a non-booting system, as the builtins stop working.

There was also (and continues to be) considerable subtlety in wiring up 
convincing builtin classes that behave the same as the ES3 primitives 
and ad-hoc host objects.

I can certainly imagine your experience though: if one doesn't have 
namespaces or the proper block scope forms in the system to start 
with, retrofitting them will likely be annoying. Likewise types. But the 
RI had some portion of these from the get-go (we retrofitted a unified 
scope-initialization primitive into it once the rules became clear half 
way in, and this was costly).

Structural types will probably pose a bit of pain because they require a 
type-term normalizer with some subtle parts. There is an example in 
type.sml but it's certainly not the sort that illuminates the subtle 
points! It should be cleaned up during spec'ing. That normalizer also 
gets significantly weirder once you introduce type parameters (it turns 
into a sort of partial evaluator).

Es4-discuss mailing list

RE: ES4 work

2008-02-18 Thread Lars Hansen

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael O'Brien
Sent: 17. februar 2008 02:12
To: Jeff Dyer
Cc: es4-discuss Discuss; TC39
Subject: Re: ES4 work


Responses below:

Jeff Dyer wrote: 

 Many of those proposals on the Wiki are dated and
much water has gone under the bridge on these proposals since they were
first made. Many conversations have been had with sometimes subtle and
sometimes not so subtle changes to the meaning of those proposals. This
presents a real problem for implementers in understanding exactly what
has been proposed and what is the meaning of the proposals. For those
who were present in those conversations and meetings may have it all
committed to memory, but those who have not present will certainly
struggle to gain a clear and exact understanding, as I do.

You are correct in saying that the proposals don't all
stand on their own. This is the problem we intend to solve by requiring
production implementations to support complete and accurate feature
specifications. Each proposal carries with it a significant context,
more or less captured in meeting notes, trac tickets, the RI, and
various people's heads. The implementation focus will have two important
effects: 1/force the translation of proposals (by those with the
necessary context to do so) into implementations and feature specs that
will stand on their own; 2/give everyone else specific interpretations
of those proposals to respond to.

Still a bit of a catch 22 for implementers.  

I wonder.  Consider a complicated feature like classes.   The basis
document is the ActionScript 3 specification; it has been augmented by
several proposals (for meta-level hooks and settings, for example), and
classes are implemented in the RI.  There are trac tickets too.  What an
implementation must do is to collect all these threads and provide a
coherent implementation/specification pair, and that requires real work,
but the groundwork has been laid by the background materials.  In my
opinion, an implementer who wants to take on classes will not do this in
isolation, but will probably team up with at least one other
implementer, and will have the attention of everyone who has been
involved in the discussion in the working group.

What would help a great deal are unit tests and sample code for
how the features actually work. We've found that reading the builtins
has helped in many cases.  

That's good, and it makes sense, since the builtins probably constitute
the largest corpus of working ES4 code at this time.  Test cases would
indeed help


Is there a plan to develop unit tests cases that the
implementations can use? 

Adobe is dedicating some people to this task, but in my opinion it will
be necessary for basic functional tests to come from the implementers
who take care of a particular feature.

 So my question is what are the agreed set of
proposals and where are they adequately documented?

The agreed set of proposals are the ones posted on  Adequate documentation is what we intend to
produce, along with the all important agreement about what can and
should be implemented in our products. Admittedly we have a bit of a
bootstrapping problem here: we need to implement to know what we have
agreed to, and we need to understand what we agreed to to implement. But
with the right people working together I am confident that this cycle
can be broken.

I've found the paper that Lars and others worked on to be very
helpful, but it was targeted at a broad audience. We find that we often
drill down questions that are not easily answered. For example: what is
the exact scope for function default parameter expressions, constructor
initializers etc. These were answered via QA, but not captured in a
systematic way for others with the same questions.

We need a way to capture clarifications and QA. Could we take a
copy of Lars's paper and perhaps extend as unanswered questions are
raised and answered. Then that Paper would become an excellent bridging
tool until the spec is written and available. 

The specifications written for specific pieces of the language are that
way to capture clarifications and QA, I think.  In some sense the RI
captures them too, but does not capture the broader discussion about
what was not done.  Prose does that better.


I would be happy to re-read and come up with questions that we
have that are still unanswered or unclear.

 A related question that exacerbates this problem is
what has become

Re: ES4 work

2008-02-16 Thread Jeff Dyer
Hi Michael,

Thanks for your comments and questions. I¹ll try to address them here, and
hopefully you¹ll be able to join us on the next Tuesday phone call so we can
further flush out the issues.

 ³1. What actually are the proposals?²

 ³Many of those proposals on the Wiki are dated and much water has gone under
the bridge on these proposals since they were first made. Many conversations
have been had with sometimes subtle and sometimes not so subtle changes to the
meaning of those proposals. This presents a real problem for implementers in
understanding exactly what has been proposed and what is the meaning of the
proposals. For those who were present in those conversations and meetings may
have it all committed to memory, but those who have not present will certainly
struggle to gain a clear and exact understanding, as I do.²

You are correct in saying that the proposals don¹t all stand on their own.
This is the problem we intend to solve by requiring production
implementations to support complete and accurate feature specifications.
Each proposal carries with it a significant context, more or less captured
in meeting notes, trac tickets, the RI, and various people¹s heads. The
implementation focus will have two important effects: 1/force the
translation of proposals (by those with the necessary context to do so) into
implementations and feature specs that will stand on their own; 2/give
everyone else specific interpretations of those proposals to respond to.

 ³So my question is what are the agreed set of proposals and where are they
adequately documented?²

The agreed set of proposals are the ones posted on  Adequate documentation is what we intend to
produce, along with the all important agreement about what can and should be
implemented in our products. Admittedly we have a bit of a bootstrapping
problem here: we need to implement to know what we have agreed to, and we
need to understand what we agreed to to implement. But with the right people
working together I am confident that this cycle can be broken.

 ³A related question that exacerbates this problem is what has become of the
discussion to trim / streamline some of the feature set. As implementers, we
don't want to spend time implementing features that are not likely to be in the
final spec.²

An important side effect of an implementation focus is the prioritization of
features. There is a core set of well understood features that I believe we
need to include for the language to support itself (e.g. the built-ins). On
the other hand most of us have a list of features we could live without, or
believe are not sufficiently baked to qualify for standardization. Those
lists should be shared and guide our individual investments in
implementation, but I don¹t think they should take priority over real world
experience implementing and using the language. And I absolutely don¹t want
to spend my time debating the content of those lists until we have
implementation and user experience to ground that debate.

A huge amount of time and (inspired) effort has gone into creating the
current set of proposals. We need to be careful to protect that investment
by following a process that allows viable features to take root and others
to naturally wither and die.

As early implementers we necessarily run the risk of implementing features
that don¹t make it into the standard. On the other hand, we learn before
others what works and what doesn¹t. Again the point of this exercise is to
leverage that experience to get the language as close to right as possible.

 ³2. The RI is a key implementation too.
In your work flow, the RI seems to lag the implementations and you say it
has a role in prototyping features. But it has been filling a crucial role
in clarifying what the proposal was really meant to do. This goes beyond
prototyping. I regard the RI as the first implementation and the last. The
first, in the sense that it should define how the features are meant to
function and guide implementers and prevent many blind alleys. The last in
the sense, that it defines the spec. I'd like to stress that it must
continue to lead in implementing all key features.²

Admittedly I was doing a little hand waving here. Clearly the RI has given
us early insight into the language design, forced issues to the surface
sooner rather than later, and given us a model to play with. And in terms of
feature scope, the RI is fairly complete (thanks mostly to Graydon). The
point of the workflow is to show when key milestones are reached.  In this
end game plan, here really isn¹t a clear and useful milestone associated
with the initial implementation in the RI. We could define one but that
might just add unnecessary overhead to the process. I see the current RI as
a part of that bundle of materials we call Proposals.

²Your timeline below does not indicate the kind of implementation readiness you
need to make this work flow actually work. Can you detail what kind 

Re: ES4 work

2008-02-16 Thread Michael O'Brien


Responses below:

Jeff Dyer wrote:

  Re: ES4 work
Many of those proposals on the Wiki are dated and much water has gone
under the bridge on these proposals since they were first made. Many
conversations have been had with sometimes subtle and sometimes not so
subtle changes to the meaning of those proposals. This presents a real
problem for implementers in understanding exactly what has been
proposed and what is the meaning of the proposals. For those who were
present in those conversations and meetings may have it all committed
to memory, but those who have not present will certainly struggle to
gain a clear and exact understanding, as I do.
You are correct in saying that the proposals dont all stand on their
own. This is the problem we intend to solve by requiring production
implementations to support complete and accurate feature
specifications. Each proposal carries with it a significant context,
more or less captured in meeting notes, trac tickets, the RI, and
various peoples heads. The implementation focus will have two
important effects: 1/force the translation of proposals (by those with
the necessary context to do so) into implementations and feature specs
that will stand on their own; 2/give everyone else specific
interpretations of those proposals to respond to.
Still a bit of a catch 22 for implementers. 

What would help a great deal are unit tests and sample code for how the
features actually work. We've found that reading the builtins has
helped in many cases. 

Is there a plan to develop unit tests cases that the implementations
can use?

 So my question is what are the agreed set of proposals and where
are they adequately documented?
The agreed set of proposals are the ones posted on
Adequate documentation is what we intend to produce, along with the
all important agreement about what can and should be implemented in our
products. Admittedly we have a bit of a bootstrapping problem here: we
need to implement to know what we have agreed to, and we need to
understand what we agreed to to implement. But with the right people
working together I am confident that this cycle can be broken.
I've found the paper that Lars and others worked on to be very helpful,
but it was targeted at a broad audience. We find that we often drill
down questions that are not easily answered. For example: what is the
exact scope for function default parameter expressions, constructor
initializers etc. These were answered via QA, but not captured in
a systematic way for others with the same questions.

We need a way to capture clarifications and QA. Could we take a
copy of Lars's paper and perhaps extend as unanswered questions are
raised and answered. Then that Paper would become an excellent bridging
tool until the spec is written and available.

I would be happy to re-read and come up with questions that we have
that are still unanswered or unclear.

 A related question that exacerbates this problem is what has
become of the discussion to trim / streamline some of the feature set.
As implementers, we don't want to spend time implementing features that
are not likely to be in the final spec.
An important side effect of an implementation focus is the
prioritization of features. There is a core set of well understood
features that I believe we need to include for the language to support
itself (e.g. the built-ins). On the other hand most of us have a list
of features we could live without, or believe are not sufficiently
baked to qualify for standardization. Those lists should be shared and
guide our individual investments in implementation, but I dont think
they should take priority over real world experience implementing and
using the language. And I absolutely dont want to spend my time
debating the content of those lists until we have implementation and
user experience to ground that debate.
Agree that those lists are not worth debating, but definitely worth
sharing. It would help sway some of our priority discussions.

A huge amount of time and (inspired) effort has gone into creating the
current set of proposals. We need to be careful to protect that
investment by following a process that allows viable features to take
root and others to naturally wither and die. 
Agree. I'm very thankful for all the efforts that the group have
invested in the language. It is easy to come late to the party and not
understand the wisdom that has been expended in many conversations and
prior debates.

As early implementers we necessarily run the risk of implementing
features that dont make it into the standard. On the other hand, we
learn before others what works and what doesnt. Again the point of
this exercise is to leverage that experience to get the language as
close to right as possible. 
Understand. We are happy with this risk. In fact, most implementations
will innovate at the edges. This is the way we gain real experience for
future drafts of the language

ES4 work

2008-02-15 Thread Jeff Dyer

We have entered a new phase in the development of the ES4 standard. Since
September we have had a fixed set of proposals to consider individually and
as a whole. The final step is to translate those proposals into production
implementations and to document the language that results to become the next
ES standard.

What follows is a high level description of the process that we (Adobe and
Mozilla) feel should be followed to get from Proposals to a high quality,
finished specification.

We should discuss this at our ES4-WG phone call this Tuesday (Feb-19).
Advanced comments welcomed.


The basic workflow:

  Proposal --
 Implementation --
Feature spec --
   Feature review --
  ES4-RI --
 ES4 spec --

Proposal - see
These proposals are the pool of possible feature proposals. Only exceptional
circumstances will warrant a feature not covered by an accepted proposal to
be considered.

Implementation - interested implementers collaborate on the implementation
of a feature described by the proposals. This exercise should end with one
or more implementations of the feature to provide feedback on usability and
implementation complexity.

Feature spec - one of the participants from the implementation team writes
up a description of the feature based on that implementation. Feature specs
are complete and accurate descriptions of individual features to be added to
the language. They are supported by production implementation, test cases
and implementer commitment to release the feature.

Feature review - ES4-WG reviews the feature spec and implementation and when
satisfied accepts the spec to be included in the ES4 spec.

ES4-RI - once accepted, the RI is checked for compatibility with the
production implementation and readability. Although the RI is used as a kind
of prototype of the proposals, its primary purpose is aide in understanding
and exposition of the language. This step involves preparing parts of the RI
for inclusion in the spec.

ES4 spec - and finally, the ES4 draft is updated to include the accepted
feature and reviewed first by ES4-WG and then TC39.


The implementation teams will be ad hoc collaborations between two or more
implementers. Ideally, at least one of those implementers is an Ecma member
so that the feature has representation throughout the standardization


The ES4-WG meetings should focus on the review of feature specs and ES4 spec
drafts. Two weeks before each TC39 meeting a draft of the ES4 spec will be
distributed for review by the TC39 members.


In order to be approved at the December 2008 GA, a final draft of the ES4
spec must be ready for review at the Sep TC39 meeting. This is clearly an
aggressive schedule, but one that is achievable given that high quality
feature specs are produced by several feature teams in parallel.

We envision at least two teams working in parallel on AS3-like features and
JS1.7-like features.

Here is a very high-level schedule of deliverables to TC39

Mar - draft 1

   - ES3 spec based on the ES4-RI
   - Library spec

May - draft 2

   - Core language mostly spec-ed

Jul - draft 3

   - Spec complete

Sep - draft 4

   - Final review

Oct - final draft

   - Send to CC for approval

Es4-discuss mailing list

Re: ES4 work

2008-02-15 Thread Michael O'Brien


Thanks for outlining the process to go forward. Overall I like having
real implementations prove the value and
feasibility of features and proposals before they are poured in
concrete. But I see 2 2 obstacles that I outline below:

1. What actually are the proposals?
Many of those proposals on the Wiki are dated and much
water has gone under the bridge on these proposals since they were
first made. Many conversations have been had with sometimes subtle and
sometimes not so subtle changes to the meaning of those proposals. This
presents a real problem for implementers in understanding exactly what
has been proposed and what is the meaning of the proposals. For those
who were present in those conversations and meetings may have it all
committed to memory, but those who have not present will certainly
struggle to gain a clear and exact understanding, as I do.
I've been using the RI, Lars's paper and emailed questions to flesh out
my understanding of the proposals -- but my understanding is often
incomplete or inaccurate. 
So my question is what are the agreed set of proposals and where are
they adequately documented?
A related question that exacerbates this problem is what has become of
the discussion to trim / streamline some of the feature set. As
implementers, we don't want to spend time implementing features that
are not likely to be in the final spec.

2. The RI is a key implementation too.
In your work flow, the RI seems to lag the implementations
and you say it has a role in prototyping features. But it has
been filling a crucial role in clarifying what the proposal was really
meant to do. This goes beyond prototyping. I regard the RI as the first
implementation and the last. The first, in the sense that it should
define how the features are meant to function and guide implementers
and prevent many blind alleys. The last in the sense, that it defines
the spec. I'd like to stress that it must continue to lead in
implementing all key features.

Your timeline below does not indicate the kind of implementation
readiness you need to make this work flow actually work. Can you detail
what kind of implementation feedback you need?

Lastly, please don't interpret the above 2 issues as negative feedback.
I think this is a good and normal process for defining a spec. We need
to have real-world experience using these features to prevent painful
errors going forward.


Michael O'Brien
Mbedthis Software

Jeff Dyer wrote:


We have entered a new phase in the development of the ES4 standard. Since
September we have had a fixed set of proposals to consider individually and
as a whole. The final step is to translate those proposals into production
implementations and to document the language that results to become the next
ES standard.

What follows is a high level description of the process that we (Adobe and
Mozilla) feel should be followed to get from Proposals to a high quality,
finished specification.

We should discuss this at our ES4-WG phone call this Tuesday (Feb-19).
Advanced comments welcomed.


The basic workflow:

  Proposal --
 Implementation --
Feature spec --
   Feature review --
  ES4-RI --
 ES4 spec --

Proposal - see
These proposals are the pool of possible feature proposals. Only exceptional
circumstances will warrant a feature not covered by an accepted proposal to
be considered.

Implementation - interested implementers collaborate on the implementation
of a feature described by the proposals. This exercise should end with one
or more implementations of the feature to provide feedback on usability and
implementation complexity.

Feature spec - one of the participants from the implementation team writes
up a description of the feature based on that implementation. Feature specs
are complete and accurate descriptions of individual features to be added to
the language. They are supported by production implementation, test cases
and implementer commitment to release the feature.

Feature review - ES4-WG reviews the feature spec and implementation and when
satisfied accepts the spec to be included in the ES4 spec.

ES4-RI - once accepted, the RI is checked for compatibility with the
production implementation and readability. Although the RI is used as a kind
of prototype of the proposals, its primary purpose is aide in understanding
and exposition of the language. This step involves preparing parts of the RI
for inclusion in the spec.

ES4 spec - and finally, the ES4 draft is updated to include the accepted
feature and reviewed first by ES4-WG and then TC39.


The implementation teams will be ad hoc collaborations between two or more
implementers. Ideally, at least one of those implementers is an Ecma member
so that the feature has representation throughout the standardization


The ES4-WG