Google’s Imagen AI: Outrageously Good!

2022-06-11 Thread John Clark
Google’s Imagen AI: Outrageously Good!

John K ClarkSee what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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Re: More evidence Louie Gohmert is the dumbest man in congress, and that's saying something!

2022-06-11 Thread John Clark
On Sat, Jun 11, 2022 at 12:09 AM  wrote:

*> How about this, John, the universe is learning, starting from something
> akin to a Boltzmann Brain and then achieving over enormous amounts of time,
> real achievements. I mean*

You could express that idea more clearly by simply saying there is
something instead of nothing because quantum randomness makes nothingness
unstable. That may or may not be the correct answer to the why is there
something rather than nothing question, but at least it is an answer, which
is very unlike the God Hypothesis which is no answer at all, it doesn't
even attempt to answer the question it just kicks the problem down the road.

> *> **we have a bit o' freedom intellectually, but maybe not emotionally?*

If you could tell me what on earth "Free Will" means then maybe I could
answer that question.

*>Any sufficiently advanced extraterrestrial intelligence is
> indistinguishable from God*

Arthur C Clarke's original quote used the word "magic" not "God", and I
don't believe this misquote is true. The 2 key attributes God has is that
He is an intelligent conscious being who created the universe and He always
was and always will be; and an advanced extraterrestrial intelligence has
not always been here and is not quantum randomness, and quantum randomness
is not a being or intelligent. One presumes randomness is not conscious
either, and a God that is not intelligent or conscious is not much of a

By the way, my father's name was not Arthur C Clarke but it was Arthur E
Clark I'm just saying ...

John K ClarkSee what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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Re: The correlation between belief in Trump and death

2022-06-11 Thread John Clark
On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 6:40 PM  wrote:

*> and there is lack of sufficient evidence (going by your explanation) is
> that Trumpo is so stupid, that he cannot even perform a proper, Coup d'
> Etat.*

There is an ocean of evidence that Trump is dumb as a brick, and months
before the 2016 election I publicly predicted that if he won in 2016 he
would stage a coup d'état to stay in power if he lost the 2020 election,
and events proved me to be absolutely correct. Trump has only one great
virtue, he is stupid, my great fear is that the next Mussolini wannabe will
be just as evil as Trump but much smarter, somebody like Ted Cruz or Josh

*>  No Coup, because it was a setup by the FBI and Justice Department as a
> honey trap on Facebook.*

So I guess even Trump had to take orders from the FBI, so when they ordered
him to send a tweet telling his minions to come to Washington on January 6
and to give a speech on the morning of that day commanding them to march on
the capital Trump saluted the FBI and shouted *SIR YES SIR*!

Spud, if anyone ever wants evidence that you live deep inside a reality
distortion field all one would need to do would be to point to the above
quote of yours.

John K ClarkSee what's on my new list at  Extropolis


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RE: The correlation between belief in Trump and death

2022-06-11 Thread Philip Benjamin
[Philip Benjamin]
There is a complete lack of respect for the basic laws of logic here. It is 
like reading the "Origin of Species" by Darwin (which I did around 1955, with 
origin mentioned ONLY in the title and the rest is boring descriptive 
narratives every bit forgotten. The WAP conveniently omits the full title "by 
Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races [Racism] in 
the Struggle for Life). He justified racism in the subsequent work "The descent 
of Man. Among Darwinian "scientific"  proposals were "the elimination of "the 
negro and Australian peoples,", considered savage races with continual survival 
impeding the progress of civilization! Though he claimed innumerable examples 
of transitional species, NOT ONE SINGLE example of a trans-speciated species is 
ever found neither in the numerous fossils nor in the living. Bacteria always 
remained (or evolved into) bacteria, so did all other species. Species 
continuity is the rule.
   Death of necessity has to follow life. What is the cause of death? Life 
cannot be an answer. What is the cause of life? What is more rational, aseity 
of LIFE or of DEAD MATTER? That is where critical thinking comes, which is 
forbidden by the Marxist, globalist WAMP-the-Ingrate. As for aseity, is that of 
Adonai (plural) YHWH (singular) Elohim (uni-plural) of the Patriarchs, Prophets 
and the Apostles as evidenced by Augustinian transformation, Reformation,  and 
the "Two Great Awakenings" or something else is for history and experience to 
Philip Benjamin

spudboy100 via Everything List  Friday, June 
10, 2022; 
Subject: Re: The correlation between belief in Trump and death
The Scientific American article in which JC quoted was a bit more nuanced then 
presented (I stumbled across it by accident), and it does cross ethnic lines 
for those who refuse the vax. Following through on this conjecture, let it be 
stated that the brightest have low birth rate performance, compounded with 
"Saving the Earth," from overpopulation & the climate, while the low i.q. may 
suffer mortality from Covid, but still out-breed the effete big brains, and win 
the day.

That's how Sir Darwin works. Successful adaptation traits win, or what's 
Dawkins sez.

-Original Message-
From: Brent Meeker>>
Sent: Thu, Jun 9, 2022 3:19 pm
Subject: Re: The correlation between belief in Trump and death
Natural selection in action.

On 6/9/2022 8:38 AM, John Clark wrote:
In looking over the Internet I found some interesting statistics. At the start 
of the Covid epidemic, before the vaccine was invented, the death rate for 
black Americans was much higher than that of white Americans, but that is no 
longer true; today the death rate for white Americans is 14% higher than for 
black Americans. In another statistic that I think is related, in 2020 Trump 
only got 46% of the popular vote but 57% of white Americans voted for Trump and 
it was 63% among non-college educated white voters,  and to this day 53% of 
Republicans believe Donald Trump when he says he won the 2020 election and is 
the true president of the USA. Even before the epidemic Trump contributed to 
the anti-scientific anti-vaccine hysteria by claiming that vaccinations cause 
autism, so it's not surprising that only 56% of Republicans are vaccinated as 
compared to 70% of Independents and 92% of Democrats. It's also not surprising 
that the Covid death rate in states that voted for Trump was 38% higher than 
the death rate in states that voted for Biden. If you look county by county 326 
people per 100,000 died of Covid in counties that Trump won versus only 258 in 
counties  Biden won,  and the top 10% reddest pro-Trump counties died at a rate 
that was 6 times higher than the top 10% bluest pro-Biden counties.

So there is a clear correlation between belief in Trump and death, but I am 
unsure which is a cause and which is an effect, I don't know if white people 
believe in Trump because they're stupid or belief in Trump makes white people 
stupid. Either way Trump worship has become a death cult.

 John K Clark

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