Re: [expert] [Fwd: New Bill attempts to regulate hardware, softwaredevelopment]

2002-04-04 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Thu, 2002-04-04 at 08:49, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 02:18, J. Craig Woods wrote:
> > 
> > > Hot damn, LX! The more I see you post, the more I can see just how
> > > intelligent you are. I couldn't have said this better. As a great French
> > > leader once said (OK Mandrake folks, you should know who he is, and, no,
> > > it is not the "Big Asparagus"), "If you are twenty and you are not a
> > > socialist, you do not have a heart but if you are forty and you are a
> > > socialist, you do not have a brain".
> > 
> > Thanks for the kind words, Craig.  I consider this top drawer
> > compliments considering the source. :)
> > 
> > >
> > > As one poster pointed out, it is not an accident that California's
> > > Finestein is a big proponent of this kind of elitism. Tell the liberals
> > > and the Hollywood elitist to leave our money, guns, and computers alone.
> Just thought I'd mention that I like the way you two think. Just one big,
> happy, bunch of like-minded individuals here... ;-)


Hopefully we won't let a little something like a desire for dissent
blind us to the way of doing the right thing, wot?  ;)



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Re: [expert] [Fwd: New Bill attempts to regulate hardware, softwaredevelopment]

2002-04-04 Thread Ronald J. Hall

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 02:18, J. Craig Woods wrote:
> > Hot damn, LX! The more I see you post, the more I can see just how
> > intelligent you are. I couldn't have said this better. As a great French
> > leader once said (OK Mandrake folks, you should know who he is, and, no,
> > it is not the "Big Asparagus"), "If you are twenty and you are not a
> > socialist, you do not have a heart but if you are forty and you are a
> > socialist, you do not have a brain".
> Thanks for the kind words, Craig.  I consider this top drawer
> compliments considering the source. :)
> >
> > As one poster pointed out, it is not an accident that California's
> > Finestein is a big proponent of this kind of elitism. Tell the liberals
> > and the Hollywood elitist to leave our money, guns, and computers alone.

Just thought I'd mention that I like the way you two think. Just one big,
happy, bunch of like-minded individuals here... ;-)


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Re: [expert] [Fwd: New Bill attempts to regulate hardware, softwaredevelopment]

2002-04-04 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Wed, 2002-04-03 at 02:18, J. Craig Woods wrote: 

> Hot damn, LX! The more I see you post, the more I can see just how
> intelligent you are. I couldn't have said this better. As a great French
> leader once said (OK Mandrake folks, you should know who he is, and, no,
> it is not the "Big Asparagus"), "If you are twenty and you are not a
> socialist, you do not have a heart but if you are forty and you are a
> socialist, you do not have a brain".
Thanks for the kind words, Craig.  I consider this top drawer
compliments considering the source. :) 

> As one poster pointed out, it is not an accident that California's
> Finestein is a big proponent of this kind of elitism. Tell the liberals
> and the Hollywood elitist to leave our money, guns, and computers alone.

They tax us towards slavery such that both parents are required to work,
causing the kids go lacking as a result. Then when there is dissent the
liberal media turns a deaf ear and blind eye.and if the populace
REALLY got mad then there would be no revolution because the damn
liberals will have taken the guns.  It's already happened in California
-- "Registration leads to confiscation."  But it's ok for the terrorists
and criminals to have them.  What's that?  Another attack on the middle

But that's not all. They pull in illegal immigrants (Read again:ILLEGAL)
across the borders, GIVE THEM AMNESTY, put them on welfare (your tax
money, taxation without representation all over again), and thus they
insure that there will be democratic votes from those new welfare
recipients, AND ALL SUCCEEDING GENERATIONS. A welfare vote is a
democratic vote.  Presto; they've secured their power base; eh, with
YOUR MONEY!  Their private joke on the "ignorant" middle class.  I gotta
hand it to them; it was a slick willie move.

Since the democrats are in the pockets of the Entertainment Industry ,
naturally the democrats are the ones pushing the police state style open
source agenda. Very interesting how they can accept soft money from the
Entertainment Industry, but yet we know they despise soft money, right?
I mean, look at democratic rhetoric/media coverage regarding Enron,
right?  Oh, no, my friendignore the smoke-mirrors and look at the
man behind the curtain. Ever heard of Global Crossing?


No? Maybe that's because the media did'nt report it. Have you heard word
one about this? Damn, is it possible that the media is liberally
slanted?  You know not.  The Open source attack is just a wavefront of
the real rights erosion movement; of which there will be more to come
quite soon unless these self serving hypocritical lying elitist
parasites are voted out of office.  Ultimately it involves much more
than open source. What's really at stake are your personal freedoms.

But open source is what involves anybody that loves Linux;  the
democrats will retain their death strangle hold on the supreme court
justices at any cost, insuring their ability to legislate your free
software out of existence.  If you value MandrakeSoft, the people that
work there, the distribution they produce, and this mailing list, the
least we all can do is get our letters in before the 8th of this month. 
By protecting ourselves here, we insure the continued use of Linux as a
crowbar for freedom.

> > to legislate it out of existence.  Well, they can kiss my a$$; it aint
> > going to happen if myself and others of like mind short circuit their
> > elitist anti competitive chess game.
> Wake up call!

Hopefully it won't be too little and too late!! 
> -- 
> J. Craig Woods
> UNIX/NT Network/System Administration
> -Art is the illusion of spontaneity-

Best Regards Always,


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
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Re: [expert] [Fwd: New Bill attempts to regulate hardware, softwaredevelopment]

2002-04-02 Thread J. Craig Woods

Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> Conservative revisionism?  WTF? By who's reckoning?  I've been watching
> the democratic and republican parties with interest for the last three
> years, and I can assure you that the democrats-liberals have ALWAYS been
> behind both the constitutional rights erosion AND are the primary dildos
> of entertainment industry's attack on open source.  The only
> "revisionism" around here is LIBERAL revisionism; HELLO  THEY

Hot damn, LX! The more I see you post, the more I can see just how
intelligent you are. I couldn't have said this better. As a great French
leader once said (OK Mandrake folks, you should know who he is, and, no,
it is not the "Big Asparagus"), "If you are twenty and you are not a
socialist, you do not have a heart but if you are forty and you are a
socialist, you do not have a brain".
> Yeah, there are some liberals and turncoats in republican clothing out
> there, but it is almost exclusively the democrats-liberals that have
> control of the media; what any liberal reports to the media is accepted
> without question, no matter what credentials (wether they exist or no),
> while anything contributed by a "conservative" is not even given the
> time of day. "Politically Incorrect" was a prime example of liberal
> media in action. They control the pathetic quotient of the public
> educational system(which is liberal as a result); they push taxes, gun
> control, and anything else that might help to weaken and further enslave
> the middle class.  They are the true cancer of this nation and should be
> eliminated totally from power.  It's time that the people fighting the
> good fight rise up against these corrupt lying hypocrites and get them
> purged from our national structure.

As one poster pointed out, it is not an accident that California's
Finestein is a big proponent of this kind of elitism. Tell the liberals
and the Hollywood elitist to leave our money, guns, and computers alone.

> Now they percieve open source as a threat to their gravy train and they
> know they cannot beat it on technical ground; therefore they are going
> to legislate it out of existence.  Well, they can kiss my a$$; it aint
> going to happen if myself and others of like mind short circuit their
> elitist anti competitive chess game.

Wake up call!

J. Craig Woods
UNIX/NT Network/System Administration

-Art is the illusion of spontaneity-

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Re: [expert] [Fwd: New Bill attempts to regulate hardware, softwaredevelopment]

2002-04-02 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Tue, 2002-04-02 at 22:34, mike wrote:
> Remember before November.  That only Dems are supporting this is conservative 
> revisionism.  Fire em all I say.  Vote out the ones you can and recall the 
> rest.

Conservative revisionism?  WTF? By who's reckoning?  I've been watching
the democratic and republican parties with interest for the last three
years, and I can assure you that the democrats-liberals have ALWAYS been
behind both the constitutional rights erosion AND are the primary dildos
of entertainment industry's attack on open source.  The only
"revisionism" around here is LIBERAL revisionism; HELLO  THEY

Yeah, there are some liberals and turncoats in republican clothing out
there, but it is almost exclusively the democrats-liberals that have
control of the media; what any liberal reports to the media is accepted
without question, no matter what credentials (wether they exist or no),
while anything contributed by a "conservative" is not even given the
time of day. "Politically Incorrect" was a prime example of liberal
media in action. They control the pathetic quotient of the public
educational system(which is liberal as a result); they push taxes, gun
control, and anything else that might help to weaken and further enslave
the middle class.  They are the true cancer of this nation and should be
eliminated totally from power.  It's time that the people fighting the
good fight rise up against these corrupt lying hypocrites and get them
purged from our national structure.

Now they percieve open source as a threat to their gravy train and they
know they cannot beat it on technical ground; therefore they are going
to legislate it out of existence.  Well, they can kiss my a$$; it aint
going to happen if myself and others of like mind short circuit their
elitist anti competitive chess game.

> > On Tuesday 02 April 2002 02:31, James wrote:
> > Well it looks like the working stiff of the US has someone in
> > Washington that believes we aren't all theives.  Senator Leheay of
> > Vermont THE man such a bill must satisfy to even make it to the
> > floor.  Has said point blank... not this season it won't.  However
> > remember one thing for the people in CA  Feinstien was the
> > co-sponsor!!! Remember come November.
> >
> > James


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Re: [expert] [Fwd: New Bill attempts to regulate hardware,softwaredevelopment]

2002-03-28 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Thu, 2002-03-28 at 11:27, David Rankin wrote:
> The following is a copy of the letter sent to Max Sandlin regarding this issue.
> Fell free to use it as a draft to send to your congressman.
> VIA FACSIMILE:  (202) 225-5866
> Congressman Max Sandlin
> 324 Cannon House Office Building
> Washington, D.C.  20515
> Re: Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act
> Dear Mr. Sandlin:
>  I write to voice opposition to the current bill commonly known as the Consumer
> Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act formerly known as the SSSCA. The
> bill is offensive on two fronts. First, the bill would undermine the Fair Use
> Provision of the Copyright Act, which would be detrimental to consumer and
> constituent rights. Second, the bill would stifle innovation and development of
> new technologies that have broader application and benefit to the public.
>  Of particular concern is its potential damage to competition in the operating
> system marketplace. As you are well aware, there has been much litigation
> regarding the predatory practices of the monopoly created by Microsoft. While
> Microsoft is a U.S. company that would be subject to the CBDTPA, its largest
> viable competitor at this point, Linux, is a global effort against which the
> CBDTPA could not be enforced. If the CBDTPA were to become law, and restrictions
> placed upon the use and development of Linux within the U.S., that would serve to
> further cement the monopoly position Microsoft presently holds and would add to
> its ability to engage in predatory practices in the future.
>  Based upon the foregoing, I kindly request that you make the voice of the public
> heard and oppose this bill. The corrupting influence of the entertainment
> industry campaign contributions and monopolistic power of U.S. software
> manufacturers cannot be allowed to obliterate the fair use provisions of the U.S.
> Copyright Act or stifle competition within the computer software operating system
> market.
> Very truly yours,
> David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.

Thanks for the jump start, David!  Heck, I could print this with a few
changes to make it sender generic, and give copies out to interested



Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
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Re: [expert] [Fwd: New Bill attempts to regulate hardware, softwaredevelopment]

2002-03-27 Thread daRcmaTTeR

On Wed, 2002-03-27 at 03:56, David Guntner wrote:
> Lyvim Xaphir grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> >
> > If you care, blast your senator with some firm emails and phone
> > plus get your friends to do it also.  We can't let them take our
> > away.  I for one love Linux and Mandrake enough that I'm willing to
> > Fight.
> E-Mail is largely ignored, and an ineffective way to petition most
> representatives and senators.  If you're going to petition them in a
> that will be noticed, you still need to send regular paper US mail.
> --Dave


This had not occurred to me.  Like most technical types, political
activism is a new thing for me.  I thank you for this advice; I will
discuss this with the guys at the local ISP.  Hopefully your input will
generate even more influence.

Best Regards,



There is a letter going out from my house today!


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Re: [expert] [Fwd: New Bill attempts to regulate hardware, softwaredevelopment]

2002-03-27 Thread Lyvim Xaphir

On Wed, 2002-03-27 at 03:56, David Guntner wrote:
> Lyvim Xaphir grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> > 
> > If you care, blast your senator with some firm emails and phone calls,
> > plus get your friends to do it also.  We can't let them take our rights
> > away.  I for one love Linux and Mandrake enough that I'm willing to
> > Fight.
> E-Mail is largely ignored, and an ineffective way to petition most 
> representatives and senators.  If you're going to petition them in a way 
> that will be noticed, you still need to send regular paper US mail.
> --Dave


This had not occurred to me.  Like most technical types, political
activism is a new thing for me.  I thank you for this advice; I will
discuss this with the guys at the local ISP.  Hopefully your input will
generate even more influence.

Best Regards,


Kernel  2.4.8-26mdk Mandrake Linux  8.1
Enlightenment 0.16.5Evolution  1.02
Registered Linux User #268899

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