[FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of Bronte Baxter
 Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2007 3:56 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines
 The you need phrasing (in you need a checking) is a clue that 
someone is
 stepping on someone else's toes. If not insulting them, at least 
 telling them what they should do. When a person starts telling 
others what
 to do, I think it always borders on an insult. 
 The polite, TMO way of saying that is It would be good if we had a
 checking. Let's take this on a case-by-case basis. Next time 
someone says
 something that someone feels violates this guideline, let's discuss 
it and
 see if we can reach a consensus.

I find this idea both interesting and warming. If it will work with 
the obvious anarchists on this list is an open question. At least 
your thinking is of high quality, IMHO, on this topic, and shows that 
the way your brain is moving is towards group-consciousness expressed 
by consensus thus reflecting the higher values of the Age of 
Enlightenment. Well done Rick ! 

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bronte Baxter

 Rick wrote:

 These are all good points Judy and I agree with them. As you know, 
 I have been very reluctant to institute such a policy, for many of 
 the reasons you mention. I consider it to be an experiment, and 
 I'll drop it if it doesn't work. At t this point, my idea of 
 personal attacks and insults are the more blatant, abrasive ones. 
 I have no problem with you need a checking. I do have a problem 
 with calling someone a f*ckhead or threatening them with physical 
 violence. Let's see how it goes.  
 I agree with Edg on this one. Rick, if you start to discriminate 
 between blatant, abrasive personal attacks and milder personal 
 insults, you really do step into the role of a judge. People are 
 likely to get upset with you, comparing their remark, which you 
 ruled against, to someone else's remark, which they feel was worse 
 but which you allowed. Perhaps for this to work it has to be 
 entirely clear-cut: personal derogatory remarks of any kind not 
 being acceptable. 

Having said my piece earlier, I've been staying
out of all this. But I'll make one comment as to
when someone has stepped over the line. It involves
the use of the word liar. 

IMO, *most* of the uses of that word here are in
response to someone's *opinion* of another person.
Person 1 says something that he or she believes
is completely accurate about Person 2; it is 
Person 1's *opinion*.

And then Person 2, who *disagrees* with the opinion
of his or her behavior expressed by Person 1, steps
in and disputes it. *If* Person 2 disputes Person 1's
opinion by saying something like, I don't agree with
your assessment of my behavior; here is what *I* think
is happening, that's not an attack.

But when Person 2 says, Person 1 said such-and-such
about me and that is a LIE, and Person 1 is a LIAR,
that's a *personal attack. No question about it. 
Person 2 has chosen to take an exchange of ideas and
different points of view and interpret someone else's
opinion of them as a personal attack against them. 
They have then decided to attack back. 

In general, anytime someone tries to justify attacking
back they are trying to justify a personal attack that
was just made by them. It couldn't be any clearer. In
their minds the personal attack may be justified, but
the very fact that they *are* attempting to justify it
shows that they know it was a personal attack, and
thus against the FFL guidelines.

Just my two centimes...

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bronte Baxter

   Bronte wrote:

   That analogy someone gave of the old Western town is apropos, I
 think. Only when he said the peaceful townspeople ignore the rought
 bunch and just go on their way, it didn't work out like that. The
 peaceful townspeople were always getting caught in the crossfire.
 Curtis wrote:

 People don't have to read posts. They are not like bullets that
 intersect with your life without invitation. This analogy doesn't 
 work for me.

 They are, though. In my own experience, I made a post a 
 couple weeks ago and got stuff back like bronte baxter -- 
 the faggy guy with the girly name. 

For the record, Bronte, that was what we around
here call a joke. One is supposed to laugh at
such things, not get all offended by them.

It might help you to put it in perspective that
what I was replying TO when I made that crack
was some newbie getting all pompous and trying 
(in her first post to the forum, no less) to 
lecture everyone here on how they should conduct 
themselves, on a forum she had obviously not 
spent very much time reading. 

This is considered rude and inappropriate on
*any* Internet forum.

You might, as I suggested a couple of days ago, 
consider doing the work yourself and giving 
this place more of a try before you start trying
to change it into what *you* want it to be. It's
a group effort, and it is -- and will always be --
what the *group* as a whole wants it to be. You
are merely one tiny part of that group. 

You've made some good points, and gotten a favor-
able reaction to many of them. Now it's time to
sit back and see how things work out, *not* to
keep lecturing people on how they just don't 
understand things and you do. Does that latter
approach sound at all *familiar* to you from 
the TMO? And haven't you said several times here
that you feel like you are a victim of it?

Don't victimize others in the same way. Give 
this new policy a chance, eh? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Synthetic life skeptics...

2007-09-10 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jeffrey N Cook 

 Well, then how would I film it?  Besides, isn't it more eye-
opening to 
 be able to see things occur with the naked eye?  I mean, I 
 that you want a closer look, and I will indeed provide that in 
 when I somehow aquire the proper film equipment for that.  But 
 this at least a good start and a reasonable demonstration?
 But please, this is great to know what other's are expecting.  I 
 think that would be one.  Alright, what else?

Is it ruled out that the bubbles are the result
of for instance this reaction:

C6H12O6 ¨ 2 CH3CH2OH + 2 CO2 

(Haven't been following this discussion very thoroughly...)

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
 j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
  Use a microscope instead of a videocam.

[FairfieldLife] SHEMP'S ORDER , Maharishi's Order , Natural Order , Cosmic Order - 111

2007-09-10 Thread Jason Spock
  Columns by Sauvik Chakraverti

A natural order exists

There is a ‘natural order’ around us. This order is easily visible when we 
visit crowded commercial areas in densely populated cities. In Delhi’s Chandni 
Chowk, Bangalore’s Brigade Road, Tokyo’s Ginza, London’s Oxford Circus or 
Singapore’s Orchard Street the visitor does not find posses of armed policemen 
‘maintaining order’. The order exists on its own. Homo Economicus is a 
‘rule-following animal’. He obtains desired objects by following unwritten 
rules that have been learnt over generations. The study of these rules is the 
task of both the subject of Law as well as that of Economics. It is a tragedy 
that super-specialisation means there are very few who study both subjects 
today – as Adam Smith and scholars of his generation had done. 

The fact that a natural order exists independent of any single human will is 
important for all governments to note, for it is evidence of a deeply ingrained 
commercial ‘culture’. Since culture is something that has evolved slowly over 
many generations without any government controlling it, as have language, money 
and morals, it is a towering achievement for any civilisation to be possessed 
of a deeply ingrained commercial culture. For this is the means by which 
savages have tamed their instinctual urges and submitted themselves to the 
rigorous discipline of obeying the ‘rules of the game’. 

The natural order in a city is evidence of civilisation: trading with strangers 
and living among them is human action that lies ‘between instinct and reason’, 
as Hayek put it. It is evidence of a change in human nature, with the instinct 
to snatch being replaced by the ‘natural propensity to truck, barter and 
exchange’. Simultaneously, life in a small tribe of known faces, all following 
a common purpose, has made way for rugged individualism, following one’s own 
ends and purposes, serving strangers and being served by strangers in turn, 
while also being in ceaseless competition with them. No single will commands 
the order. 

This natural order makes the task of government relatively simple. If, on the 
other hand, the natural affairs of men resulted in a war of each against all, 
as was Thomas Hobbes’ paranoia, the task of government would be impossible. The 
proper understanding and comprehension of this natural order, then, is the 
first task of government. A government that understands this order and supports 
it gets an ally. 

Note that this natural order does not exist in Srinagar, Kashmir, where there 
are armed soldiers posted every five yards. What the ‘government’ is doing 
there is a question that needs to be asked. Ditto Baghdad. How do the citizens 
of Srinagar and Baghdad get their daily needs met? What about Kabul? Should we 
first set up a vibrant market-place in these cities or should we try and 
install a government first – and a ‘democratic’ one at that? There is an 
interesting account of a British colonial civil servant in Baluchistan who, 
when faced with two warring tribes in his district, got them to assemble in 
neutral territory and trade peaceably with each other. Such civil servants (who 
invoked the market) were infinitely wiser than the diplomats who conduct 
international affairs today with brute military might. 

Good government is therefore based on the realisation that the society it seeks 
to serve is already a self-ordering one, possessed of ethics and rules that 
make a complex, competitive and impersonal market order possible. Through the 
market, every possible societal want is satisfied, almost entirely without 
recourse to either civil or criminal law. The market is the process by which 
humanity survives. A good government is one that preserves and protects the 
market order. A bad government operates as a predator on the market: it has the 
‘evil eye’. 

At this point, let us recall the title of John Locke’s famous work of 1690: Two 
Treatises on Civil Government. The term ‘civil government’ has many deep 
implications. The word ‘civil’ has its root in ‘civilisation’ and ‘civitas’ 
(which means ‘city’), and is related to ‘civility’, ‘civil service’, and ‘civil 
society’. In this path-breaking book, which laid the foundations of many free 
societies, including the USA, Locke says that: 

‘‘Men being by nature all free, equal, and independent, no one can be put out 
of this estate, and subjected to the political power of another, without his 
own consent. The only way, whereby any one divests himself of his natural 
liberty, and puts on the bonds of civil society, is by agreeing with other men 
to join and unite into a community, for their comfortable, safe, and peaceable 
living one amongst another, in a secure enjoyment of their properties, and a 
greater security against any, that are not of it. When any number of men have 
so consented to make one community or government, they are thereby presently 
incorporated, and make one body 

[FairfieldLife] ShempMcGurk's Order , Maharishi's Order , Natural Order , Cosmic Order - 222

2007-09-10 Thread Jason Spock
  Columns by Sauvik Chakraverti

A natural social order 22
  Go to any Indian bazaar, in the cities or the mofussils, and you will see 
innumerable hordes exchanging goods without the presence of any policemen or 
recourse to either civil or criminal law. This ‘natural social order’ that 
already exists is the true subject matter of any science of society. There is a 
need for a science of society precisely because there is an order without 
design. If the order was the product of a central planner or a central 
legislature, then there would be no need for a science of society, because the 
particular arrangements of the planner or the legislature would explain and 
account for the order. 
The reason why this natural social order exists is because the elements, 
individuals like you and me, obey unwritten and even unknown rules when we go 
about our lives surviving through the processes of market exchange. The true 
social science, therefore, proceeds with the rule-following individual and 
thereafter attempts to derive theorems applicable to the whole. A true science 
of society must be based on individualism as well as subjectivism: that is, the 
mind of the thinking, acting human being. Once the individual is understood, 
then only can we begin to understand the big picture: society. 
An example of such an approach is history. To arrive at the big picture of, 
say, the industrial revolution, the good historian will study the elements 
first: the politics of the age; the literature and arts; the individual 
entrepreneurs and their daring ventures; the squalid conditions of the new 
industrial towns etc. Thereafter, he will ‘compose’ a picture of that age. 
The false social science applies ‘polylogic’ and conjures up conflicts between 
groups, which are then used to foment strife: fascism, racism, socialism, 
communism, trade unionism and Keynesianism are all examples of polylogic, false 
ideas of society based on group-think and aggregation. In reality, the very 
factual existence of the natural order is proof that the elements co-exist in 
harmony; and that just as God has made the movements of the celestial spheres 
harmonious, so also He has made the social world one in which individuals 
interact harmoniously through market exchanges. 
If we apply the individualistic method to our understanding of Indian society, 
we are left with a sobering conclusion: that there is a great deal of hope for 
us because almost all of us are rule-following animals plying their individual 
boats in the great waters. We are a civilised people with a deeply ingrained 
commercial culture – which we do not understand, nor appreciate. This shows 
that the science of society is very much in its infancy. This is precisely 
because, neither in Economics, nor Political Science, nor Law, is this rule 
following individual the central focus of attention. There is, instead, 
something peculiarly socialistic in its conception: Sociology! 
Let us now sit back and imagine ourselves all as boatman-peddlers on the Dal 
Lake. For those who haven’t seen Srinagar, let me explain: as you idly sip 
kahwa on your house-boat deck, boatman after boatman pulls along selling goods 
as diverse as flowers and perfumes, leatherware and cookies. (I bought some 
charas, but that’s another story!) This natural social order is present as much 
on the Dal Lake as anywhere else in the country, where the people follow 
unwritten rules of just conduct during their market exchanges. If all of 
society was composed of such people, if such a way of life was the universal 
ethic and the highest moral code, then humankind would have reached its zenith 
and perfection, and government would be unnecessary. Some impartial judges, 
some learned lawyers – and that would be all. If this is an impossible ideal, 
so be it: but the true social scientist must visualise it, and direct all moral 
and intellectual faculties towards its attainment. 
Let us now turn our attention to the government. All the false social 
scientists who apply polylogic call upon this government to solve all the ills 
they believe society is possessed of. If people are poor, the government is to 
act. If people are unemployed, or sick, or whatever, call in the government. 
They all see the very same society – all of us in our individual boats on the 
Dal Lake – as full of imperfections, and they see the government as composed of 
But who are the individuals in the government? They are ministers, bureaucrats, 
policemen, generals, diplomats etc. How do they survive? They all survive 
because government tax collectors extort money from us. There are, thus, on our 
idyllic Dal Lake, many armed pirates who are snatching away at our honest 
gains. That is the government. The true Political Science, the highest 
principles of Jurisprudence, and the noblest ideals of Democracy concern 
themselves principally with the limits to this 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Furher

2007-09-10 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/9/07 8:51:20 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Let’s  try this: the next time someone attacks the person rather than the
points,  let’s take a look at what he/she has done, see if we all agree that
that’s  what has happened, or whether it’s largely a matter of  individual
perspective, and see whether the alleged offender, if judged  guilty, concurs
with the group consensus and agrees to refrain from such  behavior. Then I’ll
mete out a sentence, or won’t, depending on the  circumstances. Essentially,
I’m suggesting trial by jury, for the very  reasons that process was
established – to protect against the potential  biases of one individual’s

I've got a better idea. Stick to the 35 post limit and disallow any so  
called *four letter words* or curse words. This will clean up the dialogue and  
allow everyone interested, to post their ideas and thoughts for all to  see.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] What a great movie!!!!!!!

2007-09-10 Thread rabia lundberg
Hello dear ones,

Found a movie explaining our relationship to God and each other in a super 
pedagogical way. After seeing this movie all my theological question marks 
were straightened out. What a tool! (and FREE to watch) (-:




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[FairfieldLife] Re: Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Furher

2007-09-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've got a better idea. Stick to the 35 post limit and disallow 
 any so called *four letter words* or curse words. This will clean 
 up the dialogue and allow everyone interested, to post their ideas 
 and thoughts for all to  see.


A *very* quick search reveals that you are not 
above using the four-letter words 'shit' and
'piss' and calling someone a 'dumb ass' yourself.

While I understand your aversion to these words,
even though I don't agree with it, it might be
nice to remove the beam from thine own eye before
picking nits out of other people's eyes.

And, for the record, some of us find people who 
use asterisks to hide what they're really saying
*far* more offensive than those who use the words
themselves. Is there anyone who doesn't pronounce
the words sh*t and f*ck in their heads when they
read them written that way? You have a tendency
to do this in your posts, too. It's just a way
of pretending not to curse when you really are.

[FairfieldLife] Attention Dr. PETE

2007-09-10 Thread Jason Spock
  Dr. Pete, I've been suffering from Trigeminal Neuropathy since 1999.  The 
attacks were very severe in 1999, 2000, 2001.  The symptoms have subsided for 
the past few years.
  My allopathic Doctor has put me on Gabapentin and Clonazepham.  He said 
Alchohol chould not be taken under any circumstances while on these drugs as it 
would damage the liver permanantly.
  He said that Neuropathy occurs if there is 'kidney problem' or 'Vascular 
disorders' or 'Auto-Immune disorders'
  I have vascular disorder. I ruptured a vein in my left testes twice.  
First while playing tennis ruptured it inside the testes and second while 
getting down from a bike ruptured the same vein above the left testes in the 
left groin.  I tore a ligament in my tibia while running and continued running 
not realising the seriousness of the injury and a major vein in my leg became 
varicated.  Even doctors dont understand how this happened.
  Both Gabapentin and Clonazepham completely depresses the Sexual function 
and errection.  You can call me an artificial bramachari.
  Are there any other medicines to treat Trigeminal Neuropathy and 
Peripheral Neuropathy.??
  I would like your opinion on this.

Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2007 07:22:02 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit to Baba Muktananda
  Axis II disorders are refered to as the
characterological or personality disorders. These are
chronic and egosyntonic and much more subtle and more
difficult to diagnose that the Axis I disorders. Vaj
is making quite a funny when he writes Axis II TM/TMSP
Practioner disorder. Symptoms include:

a. A paranoid dislike of onions and garlic

b. A vocal tic characterized by the phrase, Jai Guru 

c. A partial facial paralysis resulting in a permanent
blissful smile with soft focused eyes.

d. A delusional/hysteric al condition of believing one
no longer has genitals and if genitals are admitted

to, then no understanding of their sexual function.

e. A delusional obsession that one's narrative.
explanation of existence (supreme knowledge) is 

superior to all others regardless of the practical 
consequences of these obsessions (i.e., poverty,
poor health, failed relationships, etc.)


Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread lurkernomore20002000
 but their insistence on not getting personal in the 
 meetings keep the discussion headed in a productive direction 
instead of getting bogged down in petty animosities.
Do you have a reference for this? Was a transcript
 made of the meetings?

Bronte, FWIW, and I know this whole discussion has gotten somewhat 
tired, but often in this stage of the discussion with Judy, things get 
a little peculiar.  Just when you think you might be at an ending 
point, it keeps on going.  Something like this can go on for 25-30 
posts. (hence 35/wk posting limit) Judy is just not going to concede 
ground, and she can parce a dialogue endlessly.  That is why I have 
found it in my best interests to generally let her have the last word, 
or not engage her, or not get engaged by her. And as so often been 
mentioned, BE SELECTIVE in which posts and posters you read. 



[FairfieldLife] Homeopathy - Medicine or Snake-oil or Bug-oil..????

2007-09-10 Thread Jason Spock
  Beetle in my pill 
Thursday August 30 2007 19:30 IST 

Maneka Gandhi
  I use homeopathy a lot. But when surfing the internet, when I came across 
this line: “The Secretary, Department of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani 
Siddha and Homoeopathy, is fascinated by the use of cockroaches in homoeopathic 
dilutions”, my heart sank. Even more when I found it really happens. In India, 
cockroaches (blatta orientalis) and American cockroaches (blatta Americana) are 
used to treat chronic bronchitis, a form of asthma characterised by suffocation 
with an accumulation of mucus and acute cough and this medicine is standardised 
in the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India. 
And that is not the only insect. Cantharis prescribed for burns and urinary 
tract infections is made from Spanish Fly, a beetle. Coccus cacti — prescribed 
for whooping cough — uses another beetle. European spiders are sourced for 
preparing tarantula hispanic for nervous disorders. The honey bee is used for 
insect bites and allergies. Lachesis is derived from cobra poison and is 
prescribed for all blood infections, blood poisoning and blood decay. The 
ladybug, Coccinella septempunctata, is used in neuralgic pains of the teeth, 
gums and mouth; the honeybee (Apis mellifica) relieves sore throats and insect 
bites. The Red fire ant (Formica rufa) is used for arthritic conditions, 
itching and crawling sensations upon the skin. The Black Widow (Latrodectus 
mactans) is a remedy for ailments of the heart including angina. 
Homoeopathic drugs are are not just made from vegetables and minerals. 
Unfortunately they also use animals — 300 different substances have animal 
extract. According to the main manufacturers in this country they breed the 
animals and insects they use — which I am not sure they have made legal by 
asking for permission from the government, which means there are laboratories 
in this country growing lice, cockroaches, mosquitoes, bedbugs, wasps, red 
ants, and scorpions. There are 300 substances of animal origin in the pills, 
granules or liquid granules, gels, syrups, pills or collyriums. 
Some of the whole animals crushed and used live include jelly fish, lice, 
American cockroach, the Indian cockroach, mosquito, honey bee, bed-bug, red 
ant, wasp, spiders, scorpions, snails, locusts, caterpillars, scabies mites, 
kissing bugs. red starfish, roasted sponge, yellow viper, copperhead snake, red 
coral, rattlesnakes, coral snake, purple fish, cobras, leeches, and skunks. 
The whole animals that are used dried include Spanish fly, beetle, and green 
Some of the secretions from animals used are Orchitinum (from the testicular 
extracts of man), Ophorinum (from ovarian extract of cow), Hippomanes (from the 
amniotic fluid taken from an unborn or newborn horse), Moschus (from dried 
secretions of the male musk deer), and Oleum morrhuae (from cod liver oil). 
There are products of animal glands/hormones too. Examples are pancreatinum 
(from pancreas of beef), pepsinum (from the stomach of pig), pituitary (from 
the posterior portion of the pituitary gland of sheep), thyroidinum (from whole 
endocrine glands of sheep or calf), oophorinum (from the ovary of cow, sheep), 
thyroid gland of sheep, and lecithin from animal brains. 
The brief list I have given is only a small sampling of completely bizarre 
ingredients. The rest you can find at any Homeopathic Meteria Medica or ask 
your homeopathic doctor and watch him squirm around as he tries to answer. 
The origins 
The word Homeopathy is taken from the Greek, ‘homoios’ meaning like and 
‘pathos’ meaning disease. It was established in 1796 by the German doctor 
Samuel Hahnemann who posed that injecting a substance with similar effects to 
those of an illness and which would be toxic at a high dose could cure that 
same illness with the use of an infinitesimally small dose. Thus coffea (based 
on coffee) can be used to treat palpitations and insomnia. 
Hahnemann used the same chemical drugs, animal parts, herbs, reptiles, insects, 
metals, minerals, acids, and radioactive material which are still employed by 
modern homeopathic and allopathic doctors. He believed that the remedies took 
on the spirit, especially in the case of the animals, reptiles, and insects. A 
common practice of his was to suffocate live birds into the alcohol to capture 
the spirit of the animal into the remedy. This is still practiced today in such 
homeopathic remedies as Formica Rufa or Myrmexine, used in the treatment of 
arthritis made from crushed live ants.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Attention Dr. PETE

2007-09-10 Thread Peter
I'm not a medical doctor. I'm a psychologist. I'm
sorry that I can't help you

--- Jason Spock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   Dr. Pete, I've been suffering from Trigeminal
 Neuropathy since 1999.  The attacks were very severe
 in 1999, 2000, 2001.  The symptoms have subsided for
 the past few years.

   My allopathic Doctor has put me on Gabapentin
 and Clonazepham.  He said Alchohol chould not be
 taken under any circumstances while on these drugs
 as it would damage the liver permanantly.

   He said that Neuropathy occurs if there is
 'kidney problem' or 'Vascular disorders' or
 'Auto-Immune disorders'

   I have vascular disorder. I ruptured a vein in
 my left testes twice.  First while playing tennis
 ruptured it inside the testes and second while
 getting down from a bike ruptured the same vein
 above the left testes in the left groin.  I tore a
 ligament in my tibia while running and continued
 running not realising the seriousness of the injury
 and a major vein in my leg became varicated.  Even
 doctors dont understand how this happened.

   Both Gabapentin and Clonazepham completely
 depresses the Sexual function and errection.  You
 can call me an artificial bramachari.

   Are there any other medicines to treat
 Trigeminal Neuropathy and Peripheral Neuropathy.??

   I would like your opinion on this.
 Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2007 07:22:02 -0700 (PDT)
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit
 to Baba Muktananda

   Axis II disorders are refered to as the
 characterological or personality disorders. These
 chronic and egosyntonic and much more subtle and
 difficult to diagnose that the Axis I disorders. Vaj
 is making quite a funny when he writes Axis II
 Practioner disorder. Symptoms include:
 a. A paranoid dislike of onions and garlic
 b. A vocal tic characterized by the phrase, Jai
 c. A partial facial paralysis resulting in a
 blissful smile with soft focused eyes.
 d. A delusional/hysteric al condition of believing
 no longer has genitals and if genitals are admitted
 to, then no understanding of their sexual function.
 e. A delusional obsession that one's narrative.
 explanation of existence (supreme knowledge) is 
 superior to all others regardless of the practical 
 consequences of these obsessions (i.e., poverty,
 poor health, failed relationships, etc.)


 Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
 Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's
 economy) at Yahoo! Games.


Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for 
today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.

[FairfieldLife] The dwarf with glasses tests the slippery slopes (UNLEASH YOUR BLISS)

2007-09-10 Thread Duveyoung

I recognize your concept, but I think that you are on a slippery slope
in this modeling for us here (when recently we've sorta all decided
that we're going to redouble our efforts to do the right thing) of an
ad hominem attack.  

I share your feelings about this person, but I have no easy
validation to proffer that that feeling is correct other than that I
have it and am often spot on in such matters. I resonate with how you
put my feeling into words, but I caution you that if you had used
this poetry to encapsulate a similar feeling about one of us here,
then you would be accused of flaming. 

I'm just saying.

That, and nice blurbifying!

Edg the Priest of Good Manners

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Look at his picture, he's a souless alien!
 --- Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Someone sent me this. others may find it
  Wow!  Please watch this exciting short video of Lama
  Dorje (Thunderbolt)
  blasting people with ecstatic energy!
  Movie trailer: HYPERLINK
  Lama Dorje has been examined and tested in Dallas,
  Texas, with findings
  very fascinating to the scientists. It was revealed
  that he has 3-strand
  DNA, high levels of gamma radiation emanating from
  his brain, and various
  other anomalies that could not be explained in any
  conventional way. These
  characteristics are the result of years of
  practicing Kunlun nei gung.
  About the movie:
  HYPERLINK http://www.lamathunderbolt.com/about.htm;
  Powerful spiritual teachings have been held secret
  throughout our history.
  Rare practices and techniques have been kept hidden
  in monasteries and
  temples only to benefit a few people in each
  generation. This was done for
  many reasons, but the time has come for this
  knowledge to be shared with
  those who are interested and dedicated to gaining a
  deeper understanding of
  their own amazing true nature.
  Lama Thunderbolt examines the fascinating life of
  a modern day spiritual
  master who posseses mind-boggling abilities. Sharing
  his experiences and
  secret knowledge, he dynamically demonstrates that
  we are all capable of
  opening to a bigger reality and a greater
  understanding of who and what we
  really are.
  Every human being's essential nature is perfect and
  faultless, but after
  years of immersion in the world we easily forget our
  roots and take on a
  counterfeit nature.
  -Lao Tzu
  Lama Dorje (Tibetan for Thunderbolt) was born Max
  Christensen, as the only
  survivor of the birth of triplets. His father had
  been exposed to very high
  levels of Agent Orange in the military and the
  result was that his offspring
  had many physical anomalies and birth defects.
  Fortunately, on the military
  base there was a kind, Chinese groundskeeper, who
  befriended the family and
  took care of young Max. 
  Light arc over head as an infant. 
  As fate would have it, Max's new caretaker also
  happened to be Wudang Master
  Wu Xiao Deng of Hubei province, and his life was
  about to get better. Max
  began studying under Master Wu Xiao Deng in 1966 at
  the age of six, and
  because he was weak and sickly, was taught a wide
  range of lesser known
  esoteric and alchemical practices to strengthen his
  body. These included
  various forms of qi gung, or the absorption of
  heavenly energy into oneself,
  and nei gung, the power to transmit energy or qi
  from oneself to another.
  One day, at the age of seven, Max was struck by
  lightning while fishing in
  Michigan. The strike knocked him out for a short
  period of time and when he
  came to, the whole world looked different. The
  lightning had actually
  fused his third eye open, allowing him to see
  energies beyond normal human
  vision, at all times. 
  Knowing the significance of what had happened,
  Master Wu Xiao Deng took Max
  to downtown Detroit to observe people. He'd met many
  people prior to this,
  but was surprised to find that he was now able to
  see the face behind the
  face they presented. He could see the hidden pain
  and suffering that most
  humans carry and was overcome with compassion. It
  was at that point that he
  decided to take the Bodhisattva vow, an agreement
  with the divine,
  dedicating his life to helping others.
  Lama Dorje has received training in Snake Bagua,
  Taoist thunder practices,
  as well as Snake Chod and Mongolian medical
  practices. He learned the rare
  practices of the Kunlun tradition, including Kunlun
  formless-form nei gung,
  and Red Dragon palm nei gung. He is also a master
  Tantric Yogin. 
  Later in life, he received empowerment of the Santig
  Dorje Phurba from Ralo
  Rimpoche at the Phodrang Monastery 

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Having said my piece earlier, I've been staying
 out of all this. But I'll make one comment as to
 when someone has stepped over the line. It involves
 the use of the word liar. 
 IMO, *most* of the uses of that word here are in
 response to someone's *opinion* of another person.
 Person 1 says something that he or she believes
 is completely accurate about Person 2; it is 
 Person 1's *opinion*.

In my my own usage of the term--because this is what
Barry is primarily referring to here--this is not
correct. I use the term liar for a person who
makes deliberately factually false statements, not
one who issues opinions that I disagree with (about
me or anything else).

I'd ask Barry to provide examples to the contrary,
but there wouldn't be any point.

His opinion about the general usage here of the
term liar is also incorrect, in my observation.
It's rare that someone is called a liar for merely
expressing an opinion about someone else. If it
does happen, it's likely to be because the person
using the term knows that the person expressing
the opinion has evidence that clearly documents
the inaccuracy of that opinion.

I'd ask Barry to provide examples to the contrary
of any of the above, but there wouldn't be any point.

 In general, anytime someone tries to justify attacking
 back they are trying to justify a personal attack that
 was just made by them. It couldn't be any clearer. In
 their minds the personal attack may be justified, but
 the very fact that they *are* attempting to justify it
 shows that they know it was a personal attack, and
 thus against the FFL guidelines.


The point of such a justification, obviously, is that
if the guidelines don't apply to all, they shouldn't
apply to anybody. If there is now actually going to be
*enforcement* of the guidelines--either by Rick or by
consensus of the group--the person who made the initial
attack will presumably be sanctioned for doing so, and
there will be no need to attack back.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 3 videos of Byron katie doing the work in Israel on War

2007-09-10 Thread steven klayman


Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally, mobile search 
that gives answers, not web links. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 

  but their insistence on not getting personal in the 
  meetings keep the discussion headed in a productive direction 
 instead of getting bogged down in petty animosities.
 Do you have a reference for this? Was a transcript
  made of the meetings?
 Bronte, FWIW, and I know this whole discussion has gotten
 somewhat tired, but often in this stage of the discussion
 with Judy, things get a little peculiar.  Just when you
 think you might be at an ending point, it keeps on going. 
 Something like this can go on for 25-30 posts. (hence 35/wk
 posting limit) Judy is just not going to concede ground,
 and she can parce a dialogue endlessly.  That is why I have
 found it in my best interests to generally let her have the
 last word, or not engage her, or not get engaged by her.

This is entirely unnecessary, Lurk, and in my view
offensive. Perhaps you're just trying to test the
new rules against personal attack?

In any case, it's a really bad example to use to make
your point against me. Bronte had based much of her
argument on her claim about the founders' meetings, so
it only makes sense to ask her where she got her
information, especially if she was thinking that claim
was dispositive and should end the discussion, as you
suggest (although I doubt she thought that; we had
exchanged only a couple of posts, and I'd be surprised
if she wasn't open to any further dialogue).

What is your objection to long-running discussions
anyway? That's the only way to hash out complicated
issues, and this one is certainly important to the
group. If they bore you, don't read them. But don't
try to dissuade others from participating by
gratuitously attacking one of the participants.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread Duveyoung
TurquoiseB wrote: . Bronte, It might help you to put it in
perspective that what I was replying TO when I made that crack was
some newbie getting all pompous and trying (in her first post to the
forum, no less) to lecture everyone here on how they should conduct
themselves, on a forum she had obviously not spent very much time

Edg: Turq, this word obviously is not so easily validated.  It
smacks of an ad hominem attack in that it SEEMS to imply that Bronte
has a personality that is not up to Turq's standards of message board
scholarship and thus deficient to some degree and in need of fixing.
  I don't think that the cogency she's shown us thus far deserves this
kind of treatment.  

In fact, she told us all that she'd been lurking, so if that's true,
her lack of seeing the whole picture that you seem to have comes
down to her having a POV different from yours. There's tons of wiggle
room in which I can have the thought that Bronte is not a yokel
lacking insight and unconcerned about it.  However lite you've been
in your labeling, I do feel that, indeed, labeling has occurred.

If a ten year old child somehow started posting here, we'd all handle
the child with, ahem, kid gloves, ya?  Bronte may indeed need to do
more reading to get a feel for this place, but it she were a ten
year old who had not read widely enough, the group would throw a cream
pie in YOUR face for chiding the child and expecting too much too
soon from a starter nervous system.  

I think we need to treat each other with this kind of delicacy if
we're to turn around the flaming here.

Now, to add to your understanding, let me testify that I too lurked
for years here, and when I started posting, I thought I knew the
score, but I was quite off about most folks here, and I found out in
short order that the reactions of others to my thoughts are quite
different than I would have predicted.  Suddenly, the trolls popped
and I could see them as I had never seen them before -- but only after
they'd reacted to me.  In short, it may be very hard to get a feel
for a place by merely lurking.  It's one thing to read the words of a
troll, it's another thing to read the words of a troll about me. 
Then it becomes personal, and the flaming of the troll is felt much
more deeply than if the troll had attacked someone else.

Edg The Antiflamer

[FairfieldLife] Left-wing brain, right-wing brain

2007-09-10 Thread authfriend
From the Los Angeles Times:

Study finds left-wing brain, right-wing brain

Even in humdrum nonpolitical decisions, liberals and conservatives 
literally think differently, researchers show.
By Denise Gellene

Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

September 10, 2007

Exploring the neurobiology of politics, scientists have found that 
liberals tolerate ambiguity and conflict better than conservatives 
because of how their brains work.

In a simple experiment reported today in the journal Nature 
Neuroscience, scientists at New York University and UCLA show that 
political orientation is related to differences in how the brain 
processes information.

Previous psychological studies have found that conservatives tend to 
be more structured and persistent in their judgments whereas liberals 
are more open to new experiences. The latest study found those traits 
are not confined to political situations but also influence everyday 

Analyzing the data, Sulloway said liberals were 4.9 times as likely 
as conservatives to show activity in the brain circuits that deal 
with conflicts, and 2.2 times as likely to score in the top half of 
the distribution for accuracy.

Sulloway said the results could explain why President Bush 
demonstrated a single-minded commitment to the Iraq war and why some 
people perceived Sen. John F. Kerry, the liberal Massachusetts 
Democrat who opposed Bush in the 2004 presidential race, as a flip-
flopper for changing his mind about the conflict.

Based on the results, he said, liberals could be expected to more 
readily accept new social, scientific or religious ideas

Read more at:

[FairfieldLife] Turqy and Lurky and Doc, oh my! (Re: New Policy and updated guidelines)

2007-09-10 Thread Duveyoung

You are characterizing Judy's personality, but you are not a
psychologist who has studied her over many sessions of interaction and
openness.  The difference between the truth about Judy and an
opinion about Judy, is pretty murky, Lurky, and it is slippery slope
stuff to talk about posters's posting style instead of their posts'
words and concepts.

You do a remarkable job at bending over backwards to not flame Judy,
but there is a faint nuance of a flame there, methinks.

I too often let Judy have the last word -- because I just get tired of
losing the argument, and yep, there she is still trucking and high
stepping and not making any logical errors in doing so.  She may seem
to be beating a dead horse, but every lash lands exactly on the the
spot on the carcass she targets.  

I hate that!

I have the deepest hopes that Judy will begin to tell us of the
flowers of life with equal precision.

Edg The Flameless

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000

  but their insistence on not getting personal in the 
  meetings keep the discussion headed in a productive direction 
 instead of getting bogged down in petty animosities.
 Do you have a reference for this? Was a transcript
  made of the meetings?
 Bronte, FWIW, and I know this whole discussion has gotten somewhat 
 tired, but often in this stage of the discussion with Judy, things get 
 a little peculiar.  Just when you think you might be at an ending 
 point, it keeps on going.  Something like this can go on for 25-30 
 posts. (hence 35/wk posting limit) Judy is just not going to concede 
 ground, and she can parce a dialogue endlessly.  That is why I have 
 found it in my best interests to generally let her have the last word, 
 or not engage her, or not get engaged by her. And as so often been 
 mentioned, BE SELECTIVE in which posts and posters you read. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It's one thing to read the words of a
 troll, it's another thing to read the words of a troll about me. 
 Then it becomes personal, and the flaming of the troll is felt much
 more deeply than if the troll had attacked someone else.

I concur. And as I suggested earlier, it's not just
that the attack may be felt more deeply by the
target, but that those *not* being attacked may not
even perceive that an attack has taken place, even
if they've read the exchange. In some cases, the
attacker may have deliberately crafted the post so
as to make the attack pretty much invisible to all
but the target. It's a species of plausible
deniability, in other words.

A side point: I wish we would reserve the term troll
for use in its original sense, that is, someone who
makes inflammatory posts merely to inspire a reaction
from as many people as possible, and hopefully to
create conflict among the members of the group. A
troll's post is frequently not sincere, i.e., the
troll doesn't necessarily believe what he or she says.

There may be some overlap with flaming, but generally
these are two distinct behaviors.

There are some here who claim they personally attack
others only to deliberately push their buttons and
get a reaction; this could be seen as a form of
trolling, but again, trolling in the traditional sense
is done to push the group's buttons, not those of one
of the perpetrator's enemies.

Plus which, the claim that the attack is made only to
push the buttons of the target, i.e., that there's
no real hostility involved, is almost always a crock.
It's no different than any other personal attack.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What a great movie!!!!!!!

2007-09-10 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rabia lundberg

 Hello dear ones,
 Found a movie explaining our relationship to God and each other in a
super pedagogical way. After seeing this movie all my theological
question marks were straightened out. What a tool! (and FREE to watch) (-:

Actually God is a much better Web designer and does not endorse this
site built by a 10 year old in his first HTML for Dummies class.

One really positive thing that came out of the video is that the
chick's singing made Britney's MTV video award show bomb seem like her
best comeback ever.

Is is against the new rules to call the people on this video total
retards?  It is.  OK how about saying that they are offering
enlightenment lessons from the short bus?  Still offensive, OK.  Let's
see, the video reminded me of a Monty Python skit satirizing goofballs
making a We understand enlightenment video?   Kinda negative huh? 
OK to conform to the new rules I will say that I loved the video and
found it uplifting in every way.  I got the Omega shift and now see
everything in creation as aspects of my maxi-me and both of the
presenters are pieces of my mini-mes, aspects of myself who happen to
be total retards. 

I hope that works.


 Shape Yahoo! in your own image.  Join our Network Research Panel
today!   http://surveylink.yahoo.com/gmrs/yahoo_panel_invite.asp?a=7

[FairfieldLife] Curtis slyly slips along the flaming precipice (Re: What a great movie!!!!!!!)

2007-09-10 Thread Duveyoung

You're trying to do the Sarah Silverman runaround -- and doing it well!

Sarah says the most offensive things with almost complete deniability.  

Yet, even she gets called on her stuff.  

Here's a quote:  Silverman explained that a friend had advised her on
how to avoid jury duty by writing a racial slur on the selection form,
something inappropriate, like 'I hate chinks'. However, Silverman
said that she ultimately decided that she did not want to be thought
of as a racist, so she said, I wrote 'I love chinks' – and who
doesn't? Even though Silverman claimed to be satirizing the racist
thought process, Guy Aoki, co-founder and head of the Media Action
Network for Asian Americans (MANAA), objected to her use of the slur,
saying that NBC's airing of it was inexcusable.

The key concept in my opinion is expressed as this question: Has the
writer put the reader's attention on negativity?  

You've done that below.

Funny, ya, but.

Edg the No-Flames-Allowed Message Board Guy

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rabia lundberg
 rabialundberg@ wrote:
  Hello dear ones,
  Found a movie explaining our relationship to God and each other in a
 super pedagogical way. After seeing this movie all my theological
 question marks were straightened out. What a tool! (and FREE to
watch) (-:
 Actually God is a much better Web designer and does not endorse this
 site built by a 10 year old in his first HTML for Dummies class.
 One really positive thing that came out of the video is that the
 chick's singing made Britney's MTV video award show bomb seem like her
 best comeback ever.
 Is is against the new rules to call the people on this video total
 retards?  It is.  OK how about saying that they are offering
 enlightenment lessons from the short bus?  Still offensive, OK.  Let's
 see, the video reminded me of a Monty Python skit satirizing goofballs
 making a We understand enlightenment video?   Kinda negative huh? 
 OK to conform to the new rules I will say that I loved the video and
 found it uplifting in every way.  I got the Omega shift and now see
 everything in creation as aspects of my maxi-me and both of the
 presenters are pieces of my mini-mes, aspects of myself who happen to
 be total retards. 
 I hope that works.

  Shape Yahoo! in your own image.  Join our Network Research Panel
 today!   http://surveylink.yahoo.com/gmrs/yahoo_panel_invite.asp?a=7

[FairfieldLife] Secret Coded Message for Curtis: For your eyes only

2007-09-10 Thread new . morning
Secret Machinating Missive to codename: Curtis Blues (alias, the Third
Blues Brother)


Curtis, your piercing intellect astounds me, as always. How did you
figure it out? The secret plot and all. And its machinistic end game.
But you of course did not reveal the whole thing, for which you will
be rewarded by the brotherhood. You see our trickery for what it is.  

This No personal attacks ploy is the facade for turning the world
into zombified bliss ninnies. You, and Bill of course, are so spot on,
its utterly amazing. Thank god though you have not figured out the
part where we take over the Federal Reserve and the World Bank. Or the
911 coverup where, codename Tricky RIK,  set the towers a crashing
with his slingshot. Jeez, if word ever got out on that.

Actually there are 108 steps in our nefarious plan, all aimed at
putting and end to this democratic sham and installing Maria Sharapova
as our one an only Queen -- the only female allowed to procreate --
the Real Queen Bee. 

Good news bro. You and I, it will be revealed, are the fulfillment of
the prophesy of Abraham, Moses, and Sweet Jesus, who all said, a bride
should have something new and something blue (some translations from
the anti-brotherhood, say its something old, not something new, but
they are well total retards). So when Queen Maria is annointed (many
rare oils dripping down upon her), and coronated, something New and
something Blue will be offered up to her, as 2 of the 12 who have
procreation rights with the Queen.  At that time it will be revealed
that you are indeed the Holy Grail, the love child of Ray Charles and
Johnny Cash, and thus get one extra night a month with the queen. And
the Brotherhood is so impressed with Bill's brilliant expose, which
really ripped the cover off things around at conspiracy central, he is
being designated a third. 

But shhh! MUM's the word.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rabia lundberg
 rabialundberg@ wrote:
  Hello dear ones,
  Found a movie explaining our relationship to God and each other in a
 super pedagogical way. After seeing this movie all my theological
 question marks were straightened out. What a tool! (and FREE to
watch) (-:
 Actually God is a much better Web designer and does not endorse this
 site built by a 10 year old in his first HTML for Dummies class.
 One really positive thing that came out of the video is that the
 chick's singing made Britney's MTV video award show bomb seem like her
 best comeback ever.
 Is is against the new rules to call the people on this video total
 retards?  It is.  OK how about saying that they are offering
 enlightenment lessons from the short bus?  Still offensive, OK.  Let's
 see, the video reminded me of a Monty Python skit satirizing goofballs
 making a We understand enlightenment video?   Kinda negative huh? 
 OK to conform to the new rules I will say that I loved the video and
 found it uplifting in every way.  I got the Omega shift and now see
 everything in creation as aspects of my maxi-me and both of the
 presenters are pieces of my mini-mes, aspects of myself who happen to
 be total retards. 
 I hope that works.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Synthetic life skeptics...

2007-09-10 Thread Jeffrey N Cook
New Morning,

I think what Alex is suggesting is that details of the species' 
makeup would be able to confirm or deny that they are indeed new 
species, as opposed to common bacteria and/or flagellates.

A microscopic video and photos are in order, but that will not happen 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  the hermaphrodite New Morning whose ambiguous genitalia is none 
of our
  business. (although a bit of a medical marvel, I saw a picture on 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley
 j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
  Use a microscope instead of a videocam.
 Hey. They may be small, but a microscope is kind of overdoing it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Synthetic life skeptics...

2007-09-10 Thread Jeffrey N Cook

All of respiration is a chemical reaction, so the only way to rule 
out living forms is a further study.  Very little is completely ruled 
out yet.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jeffrey N Cook 
 jnoelcook@ wrote:
  Well, then how would I film it?  Besides, isn't it more eye-
 opening to 
  be able to see things occur with the naked eye?  I mean, I 
  that you want a closer look, and I will indeed provide that in 
  when I somehow aquire the proper film equipment for that.  But 
  this at least a good start and a reasonable demonstration?
  But please, this is great to know what other's are expecting.  I 
  think that would be one.  Alright, what else?
 Is it ruled out that the bubbles are the result
 of for instance this reaction:
 C6H12O6 ¨ 2 CH3CH2OH + 2 CO2 
 (Haven't been following this discussion very thoroughly...)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
  j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
   Use a microscope instead of a videocam.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  TurquoiseB wrote: . Bronte, It might help you to put it in
  perspective that what I was replying TO when I made that crack was
  some newbie getting all pompous and trying (in her first post to 
  the forum, no less) to lecture everyone here on how they should 
  conduct themselves, on a forum she had obviously not spent very 
  much time reading.
 Edg: Turq, this word obviously is not so easily validated.  It
 smacks of an ad hominem attack in that it SEEMS to imply that 
 Bronte has a personality that is not up to Turq's standards of 
 message board scholarship and thus deficient to some degree and 
 in need of fixing.

Not necessarily. I think she's acting a little like 
a car salesman who doesn't recognize that the sale 
is a done deal, still pitching the sale when she 
would be better served by keeping quiet and letting 
the buyers sign on the dotted line. :-)

She *made* her point. The vast majority of people here
*agreed* with it. But she keeps harping on it. Now is
the time (in my *opinion*) to kick back a little and
see what happens, not to try to keep preaching.

 I don't think that the cogency she's shown us thus far deserves 
 this kind of treatment.  

What kind of treatment? I told it as I see it, and
with more than a little restraint. For me. :-)

 In fact, she told us all that she'd been lurking, so if that's 
 true, her lack of seeing the whole picture that you seem to 
 have comes down to her having a POV different from yours. 

That is clearly true. Bronte seems to believe that there
IS a proper way for people to act on a spiritual forum,
and that she should continue lobbying for that proper
way. I'm just trying to remind her that the TM movement
felt exactly the same way when it imposed all of *its* 
rules of behavior on her and everyone else here. And that
she now feels, in her words, like a victim of that.

It's a slippery slope when one starts to mandate behavior.

In my opinion the best way to influence behavior is to
act oneself the way one is suggesting to others (not
*demanding* of others) that they act. Thus my little 
snippet to MDixon today. I *understand* that he finds 
curse words distasteful and would like to see fewer of 
them here. Since I am one of the prime offenders of this
particular sin, I just couldn't help pointing out that
he has used such words himself in the past, and thus
has no real basis on which to criticize others until
he lives up to his own suggested rules himself.

 There's tons of wiggle room in which I can have the thought that 
 Bronte is not a yokel lacking insight and unconcerned about it.  

To pull a Judy here, you're putting something in quotes
that I don't think anyone said, or implied. I know that
I certainly didn't say it.

I referred to her as a newbie. She is. So, compared to
many here, am I. After two years *I* am still learning
about this place. People I thought might offer little of
value after a year of reading their posts have recently
surprised me by posting some intelligent and measured
and remarkably well-thought-out stuff. 

But it really *is* a kind of accepted standard on Net
forums that you don't roll into town with guns blazing
and expect everyone to pin a Sheriff's badge on you.
You kick back for a while, offer up an *example* of
what you think proper posting is all about, and *then*
you offer a few suggestions. You don't start out with a
90-line post berating an entire forum for not being what
you expected it to be.

 However lite you've been in your labeling, I do feel that, 
 indeed, labeling has occurred.


Are you going to suggest that labeling is now against
the rules, too? Bronte *is* a newbie on this forum, no
matter how many others she might have been on. 

 If a ten year old child somehow started posting here, we'd all 
 handle the child with, ahem, kid gloves, ya?  

Depends on the child.

 Bronte may indeed need to do more reading to get a feel for 
 this place, but it she were a ten year old who had not read 
 widely enough, the group would throw a cream pie in YOUR face 
 for chiding the child and expecting too much too soon from 
 a starter nervous system.  

I kinda like cream pies, so no problemo.  :-)

Bronte is *not* a ten-year-old child. She's an adult who
says that she's been around the spiritual block a few times. 

 I think we need to treat each other with this kind of delicacy 
 if we're to turn around the flaming here.

And you and I have a different point of view on this subject.

That does *not* mean that I consider yours wrong, or 
mine right, only that I've spent a lot of time pondering
this subject.

The TM movement -- and many other spiritual traditions --
feel strongly that it should treat the seekers within
their organizations as if they are children who need to
be protected. The guru or head teacher is kind of a Big
Daddy Figure. *He* makes the decisions for the benefit
of the children who need to be 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Synthetic life skeptics...

2007-09-10 Thread Duveyoung

My main problem with your presentation is that there is simply no way
for you to get from Readers' Point A to Jeff's Point B.

It seems there is a way -- it's America and everyone has a chance to
win the gold ring, but in fact, it just isn't easy to shake up the
world's beliefs.

Consider Robert Bussard -- this scientist's attempt to show his
concept and get funding and serious attention is a deep lesson for us
all, but you especially.

Why?  Because Bussard has credentials up the yinyang, and he is
nonetheless struggling to get funding for his invention.


On this page, you'll see a link to a video presentation by Bussard. 
Watch and weep.  He presents an iron clad all we need is a bit of
money idea that really kicks ass, but even so, he must grind and
struggle to get his baby welcomed by the scientific establishment. 
I cannot think that anyone posting here would have the background to
say whether Bussard should be funded or not, but don't miss the point
that this video's standards of presentation is exactly what you, Jeff,
should aim for.  And even then, you're going to struggle -- even more
than Bussard has to because you're not a part of the establishment,
and you're making claims far far far more astounding than Bussard.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jeffrey Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   It just occured to me tonight how hopelessly naive I have been
about something: how difficult it would be to believe the validity of
my experiments and the videos with all the nonsense we are fed daily
on both the Internet and the Television.  It just seems that many have
just learned to not believe anything, even when they are looking right
at it.  I admit, I would be the same.

   But you made very good comments and I don't think perhaps I
responded in the best way.  Maybe I didn't explain the answers to your
questions.  Can you give me a mental picture of how you felt about the
demonstration and what I could do better.  I really want to move this
discovery along, but I do not think I can do this without feedback.

   So...can you give me a little more feedback, in terms of
constructive advice of anyone's ideas as to how to handle this?  And I
would welcome if from anyone else too...even Mord.  ;)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Can't We All Just Get Along?

2007-09-10 Thread Bhairitu
 In a message dated 9/9/07 2:54:50 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

 No. The phenomenon experienced in this group which has given rise to  
 the hoo haa on posting guidelines is something that has been seen across  
 the whole Internet and not just limited to FFL. People are just more  
 hostile towards each other nowadays. Perhaps its just a symptom of  
 overpopulation and man's natural instinct to survive. In a more crowded  
 environment people become more defensive of their territory. The  
 divisiveness of the Bush administration has also contributed in the US  
 to more hostility.

 B. S.! Is that verbotten? It's because people are hiding behind a screen  and 
 can't  be seen or touched. Just as people are more bold when sitting in  the 
 privacy of their car and more prone to give you the finger if you get them  
 P.Oed. Road rage came long before Bush ever took office and so did Cyber 
 Personally, I think it's Clinton's fault:)

 ** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Nah, it started with Woodrow Wilson. :)  But I'm not talking about when 
it started but an increase in such activity.  Who knows where it will end.

Re: [FairfieldLife] ...as Shemp snickers, amused, from the sidelines

2007-09-10 Thread Bhairitu
shempmcgurk wrote:
 Take a look at the silliness this group has become.  Intelligent, 
 cogent people debating who and who doesn't get YOUR brand of freedom 
 of speech (which is no freedom of speech at all).

 How sad.
Yup, they must have run out of vata tea.  :)  It should be mentioned 
that TMContra is an escape route since it isn't moderated. :)

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread Duveyoung

You defended yourself well below, but.still, I sincerely believe
that you had an emotional reaction to Bronte that seems to have been
just as strong a dynamic in your responses to her as your conceptual
reactions to her thoughts were.  The emotional dynamics of your
responses color your conceptual responses in a way that diverts the
reader's attention from Bronte's concepts to Bronte's personality.

If a reader didn't know Bronte, your response to her would be their
first impression of her, and, to some small degree, I stand by my
contention that you were casting her, indeed, as a yokel lacking
insight and unconcerned about it.  That was my poem about how you
seemed to be coming off -- it was merely my take and I admit it may
not be a taking of any sort but could be instead a projection on
your words that comes from my own inner fear of being a yokel.


I know you are committed to being a wild and free rascal that calls it
like you see it, and go Turq sez moi, but I think part of trying to
improve things here is to be extra sensitive to what damage might
occur due to insinuations, subtle labeling and innuendos.

Bronte could be what True Believers speak in a hushed tone about -- an
old soul, ya know?  She might be a butterfly that's about to land on
the flowers that bloom in our minds -- a butterfly that will flit off
at the first hint of untowardness.  If so, our loss.  

Not that she deserves special privileges but that all of us deserve
special privileges -- we's all gots da tender feelings.  I certainly
see your tender feelings on your sleeves almost all the time.  For
some reason, I like you, and I cut you a break for being irascible,
but as much as I love being a curmudgeon myself, my new
anti-bad-feelings persona forbids me from putting on this particular
mask if I am to wean myself off of my own ad hominem tendencies.

And, to be a sexist about it, there's not enough women posting here,
and, yes, I do want more of their influence here.  I do think women
are quite different from men and see things in ways men know not of,
and I am instructed by them far more often than I would want to admit.
 OTOH, men have a lot to teach too.  Balancing FairfieldLife with more
femmy stuff could be just the ticket.  


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
   TurquoiseB wrote: . Bronte, It might help you to put it in
   perspective that what I was replying TO when I made that crack was
   some newbie getting all pompous and trying (in her first post to 
   the forum, no less) to lecture everyone here on how they should 
   conduct themselves, on a forum she had obviously not spent very 
   much time reading.
  Edg: Turq, this word obviously is not so easily validated.  It
  smacks of an ad hominem attack in that it SEEMS to imply that 
  Bronte has a personality that is not up to Turq's standards of 
  message board scholarship and thus deficient to some degree and 
  in need of fixing.
 Not necessarily. I think she's acting a little like 
 a car salesman who doesn't recognize that the sale 
 is a done deal, still pitching the sale when she 
 would be better served by keeping quiet and letting 
 the buyers sign on the dotted line. :-)
 She *made* her point. The vast majority of people here
 *agreed* with it. But she keeps harping on it. Now is
 the time (in my *opinion*) to kick back a little and
 see what happens, not to try to keep preaching.
  I don't think that the cogency she's shown us thus far deserves 
  this kind of treatment.  
 What kind of treatment? I told it as I see it, and
 with more than a little restraint. For me. :-)
  In fact, she told us all that she'd been lurking, so if that's 
  true, her lack of seeing the whole picture that you seem to 
  have comes down to her having a POV different from yours. 
 That is clearly true. Bronte seems to believe that there
 IS a proper way for people to act on a spiritual forum,
 and that she should continue lobbying for that proper
 way. I'm just trying to remind her that the TM movement
 felt exactly the same way when it imposed all of *its* 
 rules of behavior on her and everyone else here. And that
 she now feels, in her words, like a victim of that.
 It's a slippery slope when one starts to mandate behavior.
 In my opinion the best way to influence behavior is to
 act oneself the way one is suggesting to others (not
 *demanding* of others) that they act. Thus my little 
 snippet to MDixon today. I *understand* that he finds 
 curse words distasteful and would like to see fewer of 
 them here. Since I am one of the prime offenders of this
 particular sin, I just couldn't help pointing out that
 he has used such words himself in the past, and thus
 has no real basis on which to criticize others until
 he lives up to his own suggested rules himself.
  There's tons of wiggle room in which I can have 

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You defended yourself well below, but.still, I sincerely believe
 that you had an emotional reaction to Bronte that seems to have been
 just as strong a dynamic in your responses to her as your conceptual
 reactions to her thoughts were.  The emotional dynamics of your
 responses color your conceptual responses in a way that diverts the
 reader's attention from Bronte's concepts to Bronte's personality.

Whatever. You win. I'm bored with the subject.
 I know you are committed to being a wild and free rascal that 
 calls it like you see it, and go Turq sez moi, but I think part 
 of trying to improve things here is to be extra sensitive to what 
 damage might occur due to insinuations, subtle labeling and 

And as I said before, we disagree. You win. I'm
bored with the subject.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What a great movie!!!!!!!

2007-09-10 Thread Peter

--- curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, rabia lundberg
  Hello dear ones,
  Found a movie explaining our relationship to God
 and each other in a
 super pedagogical way. After seeing this movie all
 my theological
 question marks were straightened out. What a tool!
 (and FREE to watch) (-:
 Actually God is a much better Web designer and does
 not endorse this
 site built by a 10 year old in his first HTML for
 Dummies class.
 One really positive thing that came out of the video
 is that the
 chick's singing made Britney's MTV video award show
 bomb seem like her
 best comeback ever.
 Is is against the new rules to call the people on
 this video total
 retards?  It is.  OK how about saying that they are
 enlightenment lessons from the short bus?  Still
 offensive, OK.  Let's
 see, the video reminded me of a Monty Python skit
 satirizing goofballs
 making a We understand enlightenment video?  
 Kinda negative huh? 
 OK to conform to the new rules I will say that I
 loved the video and
 found it uplifting in every way.  I got the Omega
 shift and now see
 everything in creation as aspects of my maxi-me and
 both of the
 presenters are pieces of my mini-mes, aspects of
 myself who happen to
 be total retards. 
 I hope that works.

Your most excellent review has inspired me to view
said movie, good chap! And Briteny was amazing last
night! A review of her video on youtube made my jaw
drop in utter wonder!


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread Bhairitu
lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
  but their insistence on not getting personal in the 
 meetings keep the discussion headed in a productive direction 
 instead of getting bogged down in petty animosities.
 Do you have a reference for this? Was a transcript
 made of the meetings?

 Bronte, FWIW, and I know this whole discussion has gotten somewhat 
 tired, but often in this stage of the discussion with Judy, things get 
 a little peculiar.  Just when you think you might be at an ending 
 point, it keeps on going.  Something like this can go on for 25-30 
 posts. (hence 35/wk posting limit) Judy is just not going to concede 
 ground, and she can parce a dialogue endlessly.  That is why I have 
 found it in my best interests to generally let her have the last word, 
 or not engage her, or not get engaged by her. And as so often been 
 mentioned, BE SELECTIVE in which posts and posters you read. 

Most of these kinds of discussion get tired pretty fast.  In fact I 
don't read most of them.  Since I use email instead of the web to use 
the group these are the kinds of posts that scroll off the right of the 
pane.  It's just one for thing for the obsessive compulsives to obsess 
over.  But it will end soon as most will have blown their 35 post limit 
on the topic.  :)

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: What a great movie!!!!!!!

2007-09-10 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of curtisdeltablues
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 9:31 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: What a great movie!!!


Is is against the new rules to call the people on this video total
retards? It is. OK how about saying that they are offering
enlightenment lessons from the short bus? Still offensive, OK. Let's
see, the video reminded me of a Monty Python skit satirizing goofballs
making a We understand enlightenment video? Kinda negative huh? 
OK to conform to the new rules I will say that I loved the video and
found it uplifting in every way. I got the Omega shift and now see
everything in creation as aspects of my maxi-me and both of the
presenters are pieces of my mini-mes, aspects of myself who happen to
be total retards. 

I hope that works.

LOL! Already the new rules are paying off by upping the humor ante.


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread Bhairitu
Duveyoung wrote:
 Bronte could be what True Believers speak in a hushed tone about -- an
 old soul, ya know?  She might be a butterfly that's about to land on
 the flowers that bloom in our minds -- a butterfly that will flit off
 at the first hint of untowardness.  If so, our loss.  
Old souls are usually very strong and can stand on their own two feet.  
Whatever trends discussion might take on this group would not bother 
them at all.   After all, an old soul has seen it all and are by no 
means wusses.   They would probably just get a laugh about things here.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Synthetic life skeptics...

2007-09-10 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jeffrey N Cook [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Well, then how would I film it?  

Here's a $100 method to film it with a PC at up to 200x magnification:


 Besides, isn't it more eye-opening to be able to see things
 occur with the naked eye?  I mean, I understand 
 that you want a closer look, and I will indeed provide that
 in time when I somehow aquire the proper film equipment for
 that.  But isn't this at least a good start and a reasonable

Maybe it actually is more impressive literally with the naked eye. As
in actually being in the room, seeing the stuff up close with the
naked eye. However, the view from the 'net, on YouTube, is far less
impressive. There's no way to determine from those videos that the
stuff in the container is a lifeform.
 But please, this is great to know what other's are expecting.  I didn't 
 think that would be one.  Alright, what else?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley 
 j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
  Use a microscope instead of a videocam.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Can't We All Just Get Along?

2007-09-10 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nah, it started with Woodrow Wilson. :)  But I'm not talking about 
 it started but an increase in such activity.  Who knows where it 
will end.

I've had a hypothesis for awhile that with the emergence of instant 
communications, along with the growing interest in inner discovery 
(through meditation-- mantra and guided, hatha yoga, drugs,etc.)that 
layers of humanity are being successively and very publicly peeled 
away on global cultural, economic, medical, pychological, social and 
political levels. This has exposed a lot more of us, to us, similar 
to what happens on a forum like this everyday, only mutiplied a 
billion times. The initial results in coping with all of us in 
effect becoming more powerful, has been an awkward, at times 
hostile, flexing of those new abilities with each other. Some have 
seen it as a way to quickly fulfill dark desires. Others use it to 
get their messages out, no matter what the effect on populations at 
large. In any case, there is a lot of initial roughness associated 
with this new paradigm of human being and interaction. Hopefully it 
will soon quiet down and become more fully integrated.:-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  What is your objection to long-running discussions
 anyway? That's the only way to hash out complicated
 issues, and this one is certainly important to the
 group. If they bore you, don't read them. But don't
 try to dissuade others from participating by
 gratuitously attacking one of the participants.



[FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Edg The Antiflamer

I simply love your new role.  But we are, I am sorry to say, UNWORTY, 
of such euridtie responses.  BTW, how could you lurk so long without 
jumping in?  I could only last a week, before I had to post.


[FairfieldLife] Turqy and Lurky and Doc, oh my! (Re: New Policy and updated guidelines)

2007-09-10 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 She may seem to be beating a dead horse, but every lash lands 
exactly on the the spot on the carcass she targets.  I hate that! I 
have the deepest hopes that Judy will begin to tell us of the
 flowers of life with equal precision.  Edg The Flameless




[FairfieldLife] Curtis slyly slips along the flaming precipice (Re: What a great movie!!!!!!!)

2007-09-10 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 The key concept in my opinion is expressed as this question: Has 
the writer put the reader's attention on negativity?  You've done 
that below. Funny, ya, but.
  Edg the No-Flames-Allowed Message Board Guy

WE ARE NOT WORTHY, but I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts.



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[FairfieldLife] Re: What a great movie!!!!!!!

2007-09-10 Thread Richard J. Williams
Peter wrote:
  One really positive thing that came out of the video
  is that the chick's singing made Britney's MTV video 
  award show bomb seem like her best comeback ever.
LAS VEGAS - Out-of-synch lip-synching. Lethargic movements 
that seemed choreographed by a dance instructor for a 
nursing home. 

Read more:

'MTV Awards flourish despite Britney bomb'
By Nekesa Moody
Associated Press, Mon Sep 10

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  You defended yourself well below, but.still, I sincerely 
  that you had an emotional reaction to Bronte that seems to have 
  just as strong a dynamic in your responses to her as your 
  reactions to her thoughts were.  The emotional dynamics of your
  responses color your conceptual responses in a way that diverts 
  reader's attention from Bronte's concepts to Bronte's 
 Whatever. You win. I'm bored with the subject.
  I know you are committed to being a wild and free rascal that 
  calls it like you see it, and go Turq sez moi, but I think 
  of trying to improve things here is to be extra sensitive to 
  damage might occur due to insinuations, subtle labeling and 
 And as I said before, we disagree. You win. I'm
 bored with the subject.

Edg, Turq's funny bone must be bruised today or something.


[FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread Richard J. Williams
Duveyoung wrote:
 If a reader didn't know Bronte, your response to her 
 would be their first impression of her, and, to some 
 small degree, I stand by my contention that you were 
 casting her, indeed, as a yokel lacking insight and 
 unconcerned about it.

Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
From: Barry Wright (Uncle Tantra)
Date: Mon, Jul 7 2003 2:21 am
Subject: Re: LIES About TM: a research project

Take your head and turn it as far to the
right as possible and look around.  Now
do the same thing, turning to the left.
Now look up and down.  Notice the same
odd, dull, brownish tint that you see
in all directions?

That's because your head is up your ass,

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Furher

2007-09-10 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/10/07 7:15:43 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com) 

 I've got a better idea. Stick to  the 35 post limit and disallow 
 any so called *four letter words* or  curse words. This will clean 
 up the dialogue and allow everyone  interested, to post their ideas 
 and thoughts for all to  see.


A *very* quick search reveals that you are not  
above using the four-letter words 'shit' and
'piss' and calling someone  a 'dumb ass' yourself.

While I understand your aversion to these  words,
even though I don't agree with it, it might be
nice to remove the  beam from thine own eye before
picking nits out of other people's  eyes.

And, for the record, some of us find people who 
use asterisks  to hide what they're really saying
*far* more offensive than those who use  the words
themselves. Is there anyone who doesn't pronounce
the words  sh*t and f*ck in their heads when they
read them written that way? You have  a tendency
to do this in your posts, too. It's just a way
of pretending  not to curse when you really are.

Ahem ahem, Notice I never said that I have never used *four letter* words  
when posting on this list, but it is rare, not a tendency. When I do, I'll 
 it out for all to read. So, I'm not sticking anybody in the eye. I'm just  
suggesting that if you want to clean up the dialogue, we can all do without the 
 occasional curse words and it would be far easier to monitor than trying to  
decide if somebody is being PC enough. 

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] Magic mushrooms, light/gemstone therapy

2007-09-10 Thread bob_brigante
anon from Vlodrop:
One such product involves the old formulation from east Asia, in the 
form of certain mushroom Cordyceps. It has been known for a long 
time, that this preparation is very good for treating so many health 
disorders. But the problem so far has been in properly purifying 
them. The newest distillation processes from the West came to the 
rescue, including vacuum evaporation. We had the privilege to try 
some of these products (called SIGCESS), and we found them to be very 
useful for the spiritual development as well. These benefits have 
been known in so many monasteries in Asia in the past.
(Shining gemstones on Marma Points)
Another new therapy is being offered on the campus, it involves 
shining the light through the gemstones, on the main marma points of 
the body. Each of the main marma points has a specific gemstone 
associated with it, and by shining special light through the 
gemstones on these points, they get enlivened. This in turn helps the 
vital energy to flow in the body, which brings about better health. 
We have tried this therapy too, and we found it to be the most 
powerful external intervention so far, that helps in spiritual 
development. Our experiences in the program are much clearer and due 
to better upward energy flow through the main marma points, we have 
some new experiences, like never before. 

[FairfieldLife] Rick -- a flaming has definitely happened (Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread Duveyoung

Please advise me if your wisdom concludes that the below is a flame
post.  I believe it is.  However, it is indirect in that a quote, from
a July post, contains the offending text.  As a concerned
FairfieldLife citizen, I suggest that you issue a warning to Willytex
if he included the offending text on purpose.

Edg the guy who can spot a flame even under 20 mattresses.


Did you really mean to include your July post to Barry in your
response to my post?

Could you elaborate on why you questioned the word yokel.  


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams

 Duveyoung wrote:
  If a reader didn't know Bronte, your response to her 
  would be their first impression of her, and, to some 
  small degree, I stand by my contention that you were 
  casting her, indeed, as a yokel lacking insight and 
  unconcerned about it.
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 From: Barry Wright (Uncle Tantra)
 Date: Mon, Jul 7 2003 2:21 am
 Subject: Re: LIES About TM: a research project
 Take your head and turn it as far to the
 right as possible and look around.  Now
 do the same thing, turning to the left.
 Now look up and down.  Notice the same
 odd, dull, brownish tint that you see
 in all directions?
 That's because your head is up your ass,

Re: [FairfieldLife] Magic mushrooms, light/gemstone therapy

2007-09-10 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/10/07 2:53:44 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

(Shining  gemstones on Marma Points)
Another new therapy is being offered on the  campus, it involves 
shining the light through the gemstones, on the main  marma points of 
the body. Each of the main marma points has a specific  gemstone 
associated with it, and by shining special light through the  
gemstones on these points, they get enlivened. This in turn helps the  
vital energy to flow in the body, which brings about better health. 
We  have tried this therapy too, and we found it to be the most 
powerful  external intervention so far, that helps in spiritual 
development. Our  experiences in the program are much clearer and due 
to better upward  energy flow through the main marma points, we have 
some new experiences,  like never before. 

What kind of light do you shine through the gem stones? Is it artificial  
light or natural sun light? I thought the Vaidyas told M to stop messing with  
the marmas, thus no more marama therapy.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] SA TM campus dumps TM integration

2007-09-10 Thread bob_brigante

07 September 2007

A rethink of boundaries
By Stuart Theobald

Cida City Campus - the much-lauded, nearly free university in 
Johannesburg - is to get a management shake-up following a review of 
its education and governance structures. The shake-up will also deal 
with Cida's controversial use of transcendental meditation (TM).

Executive chairman and Cida cofounder Richard Peycke is leaving. He 
is a proponent of TM and will now focus full-time on TM-related 
activities. Charismatic Cida director Taddy Blecher, also a TM 
proponent, will be taking the role of group CEO, but will leave the 
educational responsibilities to a newly created position of dean. 
Peycke would not return calls to the FM.

A coup for Cida is the arrival of Michael Hay, formerly deputy dean 
of the London Business School and a highly respected management 
academic, who will serve as acting dean until year-end.

A full-time dean will be sought by a committee le d by UCT vice-
chancellor Njabulo Ndebele.

The shake-up follows reviews of Cida's activities, chiefly by 
Investec, one of Cida's funders. The board also undertook a review 

In order to take Cida to the next level of operational excellence we 
have really had to look at it to decide how it should be run, says 
Investec director David Lawrence, who will be acting chairman pending 
a full-time appointment.

Despite the decision to make TM voluntary for students some years 
ago, sponsors have continued to worry about the religious/spiritual 
activities at the school.

Our concern, like that of many other donors, related to the fact 
that there was a spiritual ideology being imposed on students. We 
felt the two issues needed to be separated - the issue of education 
and spirituality or religion, says Zohra Dawood, executive director 
of the Open Society Foundation, which provides Cida with funding of 
R2m/year. Dawood hastens to add that we think it is a very good 
education model - it is innovative, it targets the right 

Cida has now developed an educational position statement to define 
its model, particularly regarding academic excellence and quality, as 
well as personal development and the use of TM.

Lawrence says any formal contractual ties to TM organisations, which 
included regular payments, have been cut, though TM will remain an 
option for students.


[FairfieldLife] Question for Bob and Doc (Re: Magic mushrooms, light/gemstone therapy)

2007-09-10 Thread Duveyoung

Are you up on it enough to comment about the concept using drugs to

I read the book, The Master Game, which suggests that drug experiences
can give insights, but it concludes that only a non-drug approach can
make these insights an all time reality.

One drug that I've heard of that is described by users of it as quite
spiritual is salvia divinorum.  

http://tinyurl.com/mfpv is the link to a detailed description of the drug.

I would be afraid of trying it, but it does seem to impact the users
in an evolutionary way that, after the drug has worn off, leaves at
least some psychological echoes that benefit one's world view.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 anon from Vlodrop:
 One such product involves the old formulation from east Asia, in the 
 form of certain mushroom Cordyceps. It has been known for a long 
 time, that this preparation is very good for treating so many health 
 disorders. But the problem so far has been in properly purifying 
 them. The newest distillation processes from the West came to the 
 rescue, including vacuum evaporation. We had the privilege to try 
 some of these products (called SIGCESS), and we found them to be very 
 useful for the spiritual development as well. These benefits have 
 been known in so many monasteries in Asia in the past.
 (Shining gemstones on Marma Points)
 Another new therapy is being offered on the campus, it involves 
 shining the light through the gemstones, on the main marma points of 
 the body. Each of the main marma points has a specific gemstone 
 associated with it, and by shining special light through the 
 gemstones on these points, they get enlivened. This in turn helps the 
 vital energy to flow in the body, which brings about better health. 
 We have tried this therapy too, and we found it to be the most 
 powerful external intervention so far, that helps in spiritual 
 development. Our experiences in the program are much clearer and due 
 to better upward energy flow through the main marma points, we have 
 some new experiences, like never before.

[FairfieldLife] Question for Bob and Doc (Re: Magic mushrooms, light/gemstone therapy)

2007-09-10 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are you up on it enough to comment about the concept using drugs 
 I read the book, The Master Game, which suggests that drug 
 can give insights, but it concludes that only a non-drug approach 
 make these insights an all time reality.
 One drug that I've heard of that is described by users of it as 
 spiritual is salvia divinorum.  
 http://tinyurl.com/mfpv is the link to a detailed description of 
the drug.
 I would be afraid of trying it, but it does seem to impact the users
 in an evolutionary way that, after the drug has worn off, leaves at
 least some psychological echoes that benefit one's world view.


I'm sure that the mushroom Cordyceps is not psychotropic, but it 
being used for some properties useful to the nervous system other 
than hallucenogenic, like amanita muscara mushroom.


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ 
  anon from Vlodrop:
  One such product involves the old formulation from east Asia, in 
  form of certain mushroom Cordyceps. It has been known for a long 
  time, that this preparation is very good for treating so many 
  disorders. But the problem so far has been in properly purifying 
  them. The newest distillation processes from the West came to the 
  rescue, including vacuum evaporation. We had the privilege to try 
  some of these products (called SIGCESS), and we found them to be 
  useful for the spiritual development as well. These benefits have 
  been known in so many monasteries in Asia in the past.
  (Shining gemstones on Marma Points)
  Another new therapy is being offered on the campus, it involves 
  shining the light through the gemstones, on the main marma points 
  the body. Each of the main marma points has a specific gemstone 
  associated with it, and by shining special light through the 
  gemstones on these points, they get enlivened. This in turn helps 
  vital energy to flow in the body, which brings about better 
  We have tried this therapy too, and we found it to be the most 
  powerful external intervention so far, that helps in spiritual 
  development. Our experiences in the program are much clearer and 
  to better upward energy flow through the main marma points, we 
  some new experiences, like never before.

[FairfieldLife] Question for Bob and Doc (Re: Magic mushrooms, light/gemstone therapy)

2007-09-10 Thread curtisdeltablues
Salvia is legal so far.  It is the most annoying drug ever.  There are
a bunch of idiots on youtube smoking it on camera if you are wondering
about the insights it gives a person's world view.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are you up on it enough to comment about the concept using drugs to
 I read the book, The Master Game, which suggests that drug experiences
 can give insights, but it concludes that only a non-drug approach can
 make these insights an all time reality.
 One drug that I've heard of that is described by users of it as quite
 spiritual is salvia divinorum.  
 http://tinyurl.com/mfpv is the link to a detailed description of the
 I would be afraid of trying it, but it does seem to impact the users
 in an evolutionary way that, after the drug has worn off, leaves at
 least some psychological echoes that benefit one's world view.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ wrote:
  anon from Vlodrop:
  One such product involves the old formulation from east Asia, in the 
  form of certain mushroom Cordyceps. It has been known for a long 
  time, that this preparation is very good for treating so many health 
  disorders. But the problem so far has been in properly purifying 
  them. The newest distillation processes from the West came to the 
  rescue, including vacuum evaporation. We had the privilege to try 
  some of these products (called SIGCESS), and we found them to be very 
  useful for the spiritual development as well. These benefits have 
  been known in so many monasteries in Asia in the past.
  (Shining gemstones on Marma Points)
  Another new therapy is being offered on the campus, it involves 
  shining the light through the gemstones, on the main marma points of 
  the body. Each of the main marma points has a specific gemstone 
  associated with it, and by shining special light through the 
  gemstones on these points, they get enlivened. This in turn helps the 
  vital energy to flow in the body, which brings about better health. 
  We have tried this therapy too, and we found it to be the most 
  powerful external intervention so far, that helps in spiritual 
  development. Our experiences in the program are much clearer and due 
  to better upward energy flow through the main marma points, we have 
  some new experiences, like never before.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Magic mushrooms, light/gemstone therapy

2007-09-10 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 9/10/07 2:53:44 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
 (Shining  gemstones on Marma Points)
 Another new therapy is being offered on the  campus, it involves 
 shining the light through the gemstones, on the main  marma points 
 the body. Each of the main marma points has a specific  gemstone 
 associated with it, and by shining special light through the  
 gemstones on these points, they get enlivened. This in turn helps 
 vital energy to flow in the body, which brings about better health. 
 We  have tried this therapy too, and we found it to be the most 
 powerful  external intervention so far, that helps in spiritual 
 development. Our  experiences in the program are much clearer and 
 to better upward  energy flow through the main marma points, we 
 some new experiences,  like never before. 
 What kind of light do you shine through the gem stones? Is it 
 light or natural sun light? I thought the Vaidyas told M to stop 
messing with  
 the marmas, thus no more marama therapy.


I can't see any difference between artificial light or sun light. 
Each frequency (color) of light is produced by an electron stepping 
down to a lower level and emitting a photon characteristic of that 
atom, so what difference would it make whether these photons come 
from the sun or from any other generator of photons?

 ** See what's new at 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Magic mushrooms, light/gemstone therapy

2007-09-10 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In a message dated 9/10/07 2:53:44 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
 (Shining  gemstones on Marma Points)
 Another new therapy is being offered on the  campus, it involves 
 shining the light through the gemstones, on the main  marma points 
 the body. Each of the main marma points has a specific  gemstone 
 associated with it, and by shining special light through the  
 gemstones on these points, they get enlivened. This in turn helps 
 vital energy to flow in the body, which brings about better health. 
 We  have tried this therapy too, and we found it to be the most 
 powerful  external intervention so far, that helps in spiritual 
 development. Our  experiences in the program are much clearer and 
 to better upward  energy flow through the main marma points, we 
 some new experiences,  like never before. 
 What kind of light do you shine through the gem stones? Is it 
 light or natural sun light? I thought the Vaidyas told M to stop 
messing with  
 the marmas, thus no more marama therapy.

Sorry mate, it was the other way around. The Vaidyas kept touching 
the marmas and MMY just shut the whole thing down. Apparently 
touching them could aggrevate all sort of sideeffects.

[FairfieldLife] Re: ...as Shemp snickers, amused, from the sidelines

2007-09-10 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 shempmcgurk wrote:
  Take a look at the silliness this group has become.  Intelligent, 
  cogent people debating who and who doesn't get YOUR brand of freedom 
  of speech (which is no freedom of speech at all).
  How sad.

 Yup, they must have run out of vata tea.  :)  It should be mentioned 
 that TMContra is an escape route since it isn't moderated. :)


It's nothing but spammers and Rakshasa Von EgoHosen!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: ...as Shemp snickers, amused, from the sidelines

2007-09-10 Thread Bhairitu
Alex Stanley wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 shempmcgurk wrote:
 Take a look at the silliness this group has become.  Intelligent, 
 cogent people debating who and who doesn't get YOUR brand of freedom 
 of speech (which is no freedom of speech at all).

 How sad.
 Yup, they must have run out of vata tea.  :)  It should be mentioned 
 that TMContra is an escape route since it isn't moderated. :)


 It's nothing but spammers and Rakshasa Von EgoHosen!
Yup and ripe for taking over. :)

[FairfieldLife] Question for Bob and Doc (Re: Magic mushrooms, light/gemstone therapy)

2007-09-10 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 Salvia is legal so far.  It is the most annoying drug ever.
 There are a bunch of idiots on youtube smoking it on camera
 if you are wondering about the insights it gives a person's
 world view.  
Wow, I can't think of a more effective PSA against using salvia than
those YouTube vids. 

[FairfieldLife] Join Me in Saving Whales: An Urgent Message from James Taylor

2007-09-10 Thread Vaj


Dear FairfieldLife participant,

The Navy's sonic assault on whales should be stopped immediately. I'm  
asking for your help to make it happen.

Let me be clear: I have the deepest respect for the U.S. Navy. When I  
was growing up, my father was a doctor and commander in the Navy. His  
role in helping to establish a base at the South Pole in 1957, as  
part of the International Geophysical Year, had a lifelong impact on me.

We loved the Navy because it helped win World War II. But we also  
loved the Navy because it was a leader in the scientific study of the  
natural world.

That's why I feel so strongly that today's Navy should be using its  
vast resources to protect not just our nation but the health of our  
planet’s oceans as well.

And it's why I am so distressed by the acoustic onslaught the Navy is  
now waging beneath our planet's oceans -- an onslaught known to kill  
whales with dangerous mid-frequency sound waves.

Mid-frequency sonar is designed to detect enemy submarines. The  
Navy's warships deploy underwater speakers that blast the ocean with  
noise in excess of 235 decibels -- a sonic barrage roughly comparable  
to a Saturn V rocket at blast-off.

That explosive level of noise can cause whales -- who have an  
exquisite sense of hearing -- to panic, surface too quickly, and  
hemorrhage internally. Many beached whales have been found bleeding  
around their brains and ears after their fatal encounters with  
military sonar.

Imagine a sound so disorienting or so painful that you jump out of  
the sea and die on the beach rather than be subjected to it for  
another minute! From a whale's point of view, the Navy's sonic  
assault must seem like torture.

But that torture isn't just cruel, it's unnecessary.

You see, the Navy could adopt simple safety measures when training  
with sonar that would prevent the needless infliction of pain and  
death on these magnificent animals. For example, the Navy could avoid  
marine habitats where whales are known to migrate, feed, and raise  
their young. These common-sense precautions would not compromise  
military readiness.

But the Navy refuses. So the maiming and killing of whales goes on.

This callousness toward nature -- toward the ocean itself -- does not  
reflect the Navy I grew up with. We deserve better. And, as  
Americans, it's our right to demand better.

Our message is simple: Whales should not have to die for military  

Please join me and millions of other people in getting that message  
to the U.S. Navy and to Congress.
Then please help us build a nationwide outcry by forwarding this  
message to your friends and family members who would want to know  
about the Navy's reckless assault on whales and other marine life.

Let's not wait for hundreds, or even thousands, more whales to suffer  
and die. Please stand with me in demanding a more humane Navy right now.


James Taylor
NRDC Action Fund

High-intensity sonar, designed to detect enemy submarines, blasts  
whales with a sonic barrage that is billions of times more intense  
than sound levels known to disturb them. As a result, hundreds of  
whales have beached themselves and died in the Bahamas, Greece, the  
Canary Islands, Japan and other sites around the world. Many stranded  
whales have been found bleeding around their brains and ears after  
their fatal encounters with sonar systems. The scientists of the  
International Whaling Commission have declared that “overwhelming”  
evidence points to mid-frequency sonar as the culprit behind such  
terrible -- and avoidable -- deaths.

Despite these dangers – and its own admission that sonar can kill  
whales -- the Navy plans to put a training range for lethal mid- 
frequency sonar right next to a key migratory route for endangered  
right whales -- off the coast of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. The  
Navy’s new Atlantic Undersea Warfare Training Range would create a  
500-square-mile hub of sonar activity -- assaulting whales, dolphins  
and other marine life with a year-round barrage of deafening sound.

Meanwhile, the Navy’s refusal to adopt simple whale-protection  
measures when training with sonar is a flagrant violation of our  
nation’s environmental laws. Such measures would not compromise  
military readiness.

Our partner organization, NRDC, is fighting in federal court to force  
the Navy to take humane precautions when training with mid-frequency  
sonar throughout U.S. waters and beyond. In a separate legal effort,  
NRDC filed suit this year to compel the U.S. Navy to protect whales  
and other marine life during two years of major sonar exercises off  
the southern California coast. Navy officials have announced that  
they will defy the California Coastal Commission’s recommendation  
that Navy ships take commonsense safety measures while blasting  
thousands of square nautical miles of ocean with 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Magic mushrooms, light/gemstone therapy

2007-09-10 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 9/10/07 3:27:27 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

can't  see any difference between artificial light or sun light. 
Each frequency  (color) of light is produced by an electron stepping 
down to a lower level  and emitting a photon characteristic of that 
atom, so what difference  would it make whether these photons come 
from the sun or from any other  generator of photons?

Just messin' with your head.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] Truth

2007-09-10 Thread tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis
from Perfect Madness, from awakening to enlightenment by Donna Lee
Gorrell page 121:

The third eye is the beacon to the inner universe that sees the inner
and outer as inseparable. This eye sees all creation as unified and
yet permits one to operate within the world of complexities and
multitudes. The opening of the third eye is the opening of knowledge,
which is understanding and experiencing---in unison---life's
phenomena. When the third eye opens, the intellect and the emotions,
thoughts and feelings, can finally work together--as one.

The opening of the third eye is the pure and simple cognitive ability
to see living Truth, unfettered and pure. Truth is not something we
can put our finger on or file away as real or pertinent. It cannot
even be written or talked about with any accuracy, for words are only
pointers. The most amazing thing about the opening of the third eye is
that it sees Truth as alive. Untouched by human intellect, unstirred
by emotion, and undivided in its purpose. Truth is the living
principle upon which the universe was and is created.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Policy and updated guidelines

2007-09-10 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 
 Take your head and turn it as far to the right as possible and look 
around.  Now do the same thing, turning to the left. Now look up and 
down.  Notice the same odd, dull, brownish tint that you see in all 
directions? That's because your head is up your ass,

It passes the flame test.  But I gotta admit, it passes the pretty 
damn funny test as well.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Truth

2007-09-10 Thread matrixmonitor
--Excellent, thanks for thissounds like the voice of direct 
experience.  Helpful would be some of the symptoms along the way, as 
well as a list of entities the person saw or heard in the form of 
subtle sounds; that could be taken as signposts along the way to a 
complete breakthrough.  This would include visions of the Radiant 
form of the Guru, if any.  In the Sant Mat Tradition (which almost 
exclusively emphasizes the 3-rd opening), visions of the Guru are 
considered to be the foremost indicator of a success, along with 
hearing various manifestation of the Sound Current.
 Charlie Lutes told me he could tune into the OM at will.

- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 

 from Perfect Madness, from awakening to enlightenment by Donna Lee
 Gorrell page 121:
 The third eye is the beacon to the inner universe that sees the 
 and outer as inseparable. This eye sees all creation as unified and
 yet permits one to operate within the world of complexities and
 multitudes. The opening of the third eye is the opening of 
 which is understanding and experiencing---in unison---life's
 phenomena. When the third eye opens, the intellect and the emotions,
 thoughts and feelings, can finally work together--as one.
 The opening of the third eye is the pure and simple cognitive 
 to see living Truth, unfettered and pure. Truth is not something we
 can put our finger on or file away as real or pertinent. It cannot
 even be written or talked about with any accuracy, for words are 
 pointers. The most amazing thing about the opening of the third eye 
 that it sees Truth as alive. Untouched by human intellect, unstirred
 by emotion, and undivided in its purpose. Truth is the living
 principle upon which the universe was and is created.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Truth Thanks Tom 4 that input

2007-09-10 Thread WLeed3
Far superior to arguing over # of posts or free speech when we are not able  
to communicate in a civil manor amongst ourselves.

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Attention Dr. PETE

2007-09-10 Thread wayback71
Jason,  I have the quick bursts of pain of trigeminal neuropathy about  3 times 
a year, for 
just a few seconds.  They always occur along the left side of my neck/jaw.  The 
pain is 
intense,, but thankfully brief.  If you have this often, I can only imagine how 
awful that 
must be.  My neice had it so bad and so often that surgery was performed (which 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not a medical doctor. I'm a psychologist. I'm
 sorry that I can't help you
 --- Jason Spock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dr. Pete, I've been suffering from Trigeminal
  Neuropathy since 1999.  The attacks were very severe
  in 1999, 2000, 2001.  The symptoms have subsided for
  the past few years.
My allopathic Doctor has put me on Gabapentin
  and Clonazepham.  He said Alchohol chould not be
  taken under any circumstances while on these drugs
  as it would damage the liver permanantly.
He said that Neuropathy occurs if there is
  'kidney problem' or 'Vascular disorders' or
  'Auto-Immune disorders'
I have vascular disorder. I ruptured a vein in
  my left testes twice.  First while playing tennis
  ruptured it inside the testes and second while
  getting down from a bike ruptured the same vein
  above the left testes in the left groin.  I tore a
  ligament in my tibia while running and continued
  running not realising the seriousness of the injury
  and a major vein in my leg became varicated.  Even
  doctors dont understand how this happened.
Both Gabapentin and Clonazepham completely
  depresses the Sexual function and errection.  You
  can call me an artificial bramachari.
Are there any other medicines to treat
  Trigeminal Neuropathy and Peripheral Neuropathy.??
I would like your opinion on this.
  Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2007 07:22:02 -0700 (PDT)
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit
  to Baba Muktananda
Axis II disorders are refered to as the
  characterological or personality disorders. These
  chronic and egosyntonic and much more subtle and
  difficult to diagnose that the Axis I disorders. Vaj
  is making quite a funny when he writes Axis II
  Practioner disorder. Symptoms include:
  a. A paranoid dislike of onions and garlic
  b. A vocal tic characterized by the phrase, Jai
  c. A partial facial paralysis resulting in a
  blissful smile with soft focused eyes.
  d. A delusional/hysteric al condition of believing
  no longer has genitals and if genitals are admitted
  to, then no understanding of their sexual function.
  e. A delusional obsession that one's narrative.
  explanation of existence (supreme knowledge) is 
  superior to all others regardless of the practical 
  consequences of these obsessions (i.e., poverty,
  poor health, failed relationships, etc.)
  Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
  Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's
  economy) at Yahoo! Games.

 Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for 
economy) at Yahoo! Games.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Magic mushrooms, light/gemstone therapy

2007-09-10 Thread shukra69
Cordyceps is absolutely not psychoactive, it has the effect of
strengthening the body. The way it would aid evolution of
consciousness is by strengthening the physiology generally so that the
kundalini can be generated. It you do a search on Cordyceps you will
see that it isn't psychoactive at all. The other great eastern
mushroom , Reishi is a more likely candidate for promoting
transcendance, and the Taoists use it for this purpose. I have used
both and found Reishi to be very good for TM. It does give me a
side-effect sometimes though,  but few people would find any
side-effect from it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 anon from Vlodrop:
 One such product involves the old formulation from east Asia, in the 
 form of certain mushroom Cordyceps. It has been known for a long 
 time, that this preparation is very good for treating so many health 
 disorders. But the problem so far has been in properly purifying 
 them. The newest distillation processes from the West came to the 
 rescue, including vacuum evaporation. We had the privilege to try 
 some of these products (called SIGCESS), and we found them to be very 
 useful for the spiritual development as well. These benefits have 
 been known in so many monasteries in Asia in the past.
 (Shining gemstones on Marma Points)
 Another new therapy is being offered on the campus, it involves 
 shining the light through the gemstones, on the main marma points of 
 the body. Each of the main marma points has a specific gemstone 
 associated with it, and by shining special light through the 
 gemstones on these points, they get enlivened. This in turn helps the 
 vital energy to flow in the body, which brings about better health. 
 We have tried this therapy too, and we found it to be the most 
 powerful external intervention so far, that helps in spiritual 
 development. Our experiences in the program are much clearer and due 
 to better upward energy flow through the main marma points, we have 
 some new experiences, like never before.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Attention Dr. PETE

2007-09-10 Thread bob_brigante
   Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
 Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2007 07:22:02 -0700 (PDT)
   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring Visit
   to Baba Muktananda
 Axis II disorders are refered to as the
   characterological or personality disorders. These
   chronic and egosyntonic and much more subtle and
   difficult to diagnose that the Axis I disorders. Vaj
   is making quite a funny when he writes Axis II
   Practioner disorder. Symptoms include:

   a. A paranoid dislike of onions and garlic


This MAPI recipe for cannellini calls for 4 tbs of garlic ghee:


Onions are apparently not totally out of the question, either:


My guess is that celibates are recommended a diet free of 
garlic/onions, but for householders, it does not make much difference.

[FairfieldLife] Question for Bob and Doc (Re: Magic mushrooms, light/gemstone therapy)

2007-09-10 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Salvia is legal so far.  It is the most annoying drug ever.
  There are a bunch of idiots on youtube smoking it on camera
  if you are wondering about the insights it gives a person's
  world view.  
 Wow, I can't think of a more effective PSA against using salvia than
 those YouTube vids.

They look real awakened don't they!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Attention Dr. PETE

2007-09-10 Thread gullible fool

 My guess is that celibates are recommended a diet
 free of 
 garlic/onions, but for householders, it does not
 make much difference.

I thought householders in the TMO were not supposed to
have relations more than once a year and then only to
procreate, in which case they better watch their
rajasic intake as well.

--- bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
  Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2007 07:22:02 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring
to Baba Muktananda
  Axis II disorders are refered to as the
characterological or personality disorders.
chronic and egosyntonic and much more subtle
difficult to diagnose that the Axis I
 disorders. Vaj
is making quite a funny when he writes Axis II
Practioner disorder. Symptoms include:

a. A paranoid dislike of onions and garlic

 This MAPI recipe for cannellini calls for 4 tbs of
 garlic ghee:
 Onions are apparently not totally out of the
 question, either:

 My guess is that celibates are recommended a diet
 free of 
 garlic/onions, but for householders, it does not
 make much difference.
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Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the 
tools to get online.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Attention Dr. PETE

2007-09-10 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  My guess is that celibates are recommended a diet
  free of 
  garlic/onions, but for householders, it does not
  make much difference.
 I thought householders in the TMO were not supposed to
 have relations more than once a year and then only to
 procreate, in which case they better watch their
 rajasic intake as well.


The TMO does not extend social advice to householders like it does to 
Purusha/MD, so this traditional Vedic-culture advice of limiting the 
nasty to oncet/year is only given out in the U.S. by groups like the 
Hare Krishna people (one of my students in L.A. was a member of the 
HK temple there, and this was one of the many social guidelines 
handed out, though frequently ignored -- in fact, the temple lost a 
huge Catholic-church style kiddie-diddler lawsuit that put a serious 
crimp in activities http://www.cultsoncampus.com/harekrishna.html 
http://iskcon.krishna.org/Articles/2001/12/023.html ).

 --- bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
   Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2007 07:22:02 -0700 (PDT)
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring
 to Baba Muktananda

   Axis II disorders are refered to as the
 characterological or personality disorders.
 chronic and egosyntonic and much more subtle
 difficult to diagnose that the Axis I
  disorders. Vaj
 is making quite a funny when he writes Axis II
 Practioner disorder. Symptoms include:
 a. A paranoid dislike of onions and garlic
  This MAPI recipe for cannellini calls for 4 tbs of
  garlic ghee:
  Onions are apparently not totally out of the
  question, either:
  My guess is that celibates are recommended a diet
  free of 
  garlic/onions, but for householders, it does not
  make much difference.
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Truth

2007-09-10 Thread Peter

--- matrixmonitor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Charlie Lutes told me he could tune into the OM at

Charlie said a lot of sh*t that we now realize was
sh*t! We loved the old coot, but many take his tales
with a grain of salt now. 

 - In 
  from Perfect Madness, from awakening to
 enlightenment by Donna Lee
  Gorrell page 121:
  The third eye is the beacon to the inner universe
 that sees the 
  and outer as inseparable. This eye sees all
 creation as unified and
  yet permits one to operate within the world of
 complexities and
  multitudes. The opening of the third eye is the
 opening of 
  which is understanding and experiencing---in
  phenomena. When the third eye opens, the intellect
 and the emotions,
  thoughts and feelings, can finally work
 together--as one.
  The opening of the third eye is the pure and
 simple cognitive 
  to see living Truth, unfettered and pure. Truth is
 not something we
  can put our finger on or file away as real or
 pertinent. It cannot
  even be written or talked about with any accuracy,
 for words are 
  pointers. The most amazing thing about the opening
 of the third eye 
  that it sees Truth as alive. Untouched by human
 intellect, unstirred
  by emotion, and undivided in its purpose. Truth is
 the living
  principle upon which the universe was and is
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Attention Dr. PETE

2007-09-10 Thread Peter
Well, what do you know, I suffer occasionally from the
same thing. Never knew it had a name. Mine's in the
lower left jaw behind the jaw joint. Have it several
times a year. An ice pick of the most excruciating
pain turning on and off for a few minutes. Few times a
year.  If I don't get enough sleep it occurs. Not a
nice experience at all. Wayback, you and I have it at
the same frequency. And Jason, sorry to hear that you
have this. Most unpleasant.
--- wayback71 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Jason,  I have the quick bursts of pain of
 trigeminal neuropathy about  3 times a year, for 
 just a few seconds.  They always occur along the
 left side of my neck/jaw.  The pain is 
 intense,, but thankfully brief.  If you have this
 often, I can only imagine how awful that 
 must be.  My neice had it so bad and so often that
 surgery was performed (which worked).
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
  I'm not a medical doctor. I'm a psychologist. I'm
  sorry that I can't help you
  --- Jason Spock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dr. Pete, I've been suffering from
   Neuropathy since 1999.  The attacks were very
   in 1999, 2000, 2001.  The symptoms have subsided
   the past few years.
 My allopathic Doctor has put me on
   and Clonazepham.  He said Alchohol chould not be
   taken under any circumstances while on these
   as it would damage the liver permanantly.
 He said that Neuropathy occurs if there is
   'kidney problem' or 'Vascular disorders' or
   'Auto-Immune disorders'
 I have vascular disorder. I ruptured a
 vein in
   my left testes twice.  First while playing
   ruptured it inside the testes and second while
   getting down from a bike ruptured the same vein
   above the left testes in the left groin.  I tore
   ligament in my tibia while running and continued
   running not realising the seriousness of the
   and a major vein in my leg became varicated. 
   doctors dont understand how this happened.
 Both Gabapentin and Clonazepham completely
   depresses the Sexual function and errection. 
   can call me an artificial bramachari.
 Are there any other medicines to treat
   Trigeminal Neuropathy and Peripheral
 I would like your opinion on this.
   Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Date: Sun, 9 Sep 2007 07:22:02 -0700 (PDT)
   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An Inspiring
   to Baba Muktananda
 Axis II disorders are refered to as the
   characterological or personality disorders.
   chronic and egosyntonic and much more subtle and
   difficult to diagnose that the Axis I disorders.
   is making quite a funny when he writes Axis II
   Practioner disorder. Symptoms include:
   a. A paranoid dislike of onions and garlic
   b. A vocal tic characterized by the phrase, Jai
   c. A partial facial paralysis resulting in a
   blissful smile with soft focused eyes.
   d. A delusional/hysteric al condition of
   no longer has genitals and if genitals are
   to, then no understanding of their sexual
   e. A delusional obsession that one's narrative.
   explanation of existence (supreme knowledge)
   superior to all others regardless of the
   consequences of these obsessions (i.e., poverty,
   poor health, failed relationships, etc.)
   Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
   Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for
   economy) at Yahoo! Games.

  Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly
 Here and Now (it's updated for today's 
 economy) at Yahoo! Games.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Turqy and Lurky and Doc, oh my! (Re: New Policy and updated guidelines)

2007-09-10 Thread Peter
Okay, who the f*ck is the liar in the group? Come on,
you liar!

--- lurkernomore20002000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung
  She may seem to be beating a dead horse, but every
 lash lands 
 exactly on the the spot on the carcass she targets. 
 I hate that! I 
 have the deepest hopes that Judy will begin to tell
 us of the
  flowers of life with equal precision.  Edg The

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[FairfieldLife] Turqy and Lurky and Doc, oh my! (Re: New Policy and updated guidelines)

2007-09-10 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay, who the f*ck is the liar in the group? Come on,
 you liar!

Easy answer for a liar, its me!:-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Attention Dr. PETE

2007-09-10 Thread george_deforest
 Dr Pete wrote:
 Vaj is making quite a funny when he writes 
 Axis II TM/TMSP Practioner disorder. 
 Symptoms include: A paranoid dislike of onions and garlic

 Bob Brigante wrote:
 My guess is that celibates are recommended a diet 
 free of garlic/onions, but for householders, 
 it does not make much difference.

MAPI discusses the issue of bad foods, under the heading
of behavioural rasayana


Tamasic foods are the opposite of saatvic - they break down 
the coordination between mind and body and inhibit the experience 
of pure consciousness. They create darkness rather than light. 

Tamasic foods include alcohol, garlic, onions, red meat, 
leftovers, and packaged foods, which have little life force. 

Anyone who wishes to practice Achara (Behavioural) Rasayana 
should avoid them.

[FairfieldLife] mushrooms and such

2007-09-10 Thread shukra69
looks like this sigcess product is not just Cordyceps but has Reishi
as well as others (Lingchi=Reishi)
