[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread qntmpkt
--Thanks, this is quite obvious if one defines the me = I; the 
notion of a delusional self associated with the mind as an identity 
separate from Pure Consciousness. This is the snake that actually is 
a rope.  The snake doesn't exist in itself, therefore the I or me 
in this sense can't get Enlightened.
  But nobody on this forum is saying that the Me CAN gain 
Realization, so what's so special about your Guru?

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The enlightened say that there is no change when the body drops.
 People are drawn to very complicated explainations. My Guru's 
comments is that people 
 hear it and dont understand it and think wow he is great. The 
complexity in all ways adds 
 to keeping one from unfolding enlightenment which IS simplicity.
 IN my path, it is either one is enlightened or not, just like one 
is either pregnant or not. 
 Any enlightened One will say the same thing- there is no me to get 
enlightened, there 
 only IS, or Being- no two, only One.
 No it cannot be understood by intellect but if one want to believe 
in this aspect, since faith 
 is going to be needed - and a Guru as well, if you buy into the 
concept that the guru will 
 only take one as far as they are, then you might buy into not 
accepting when a guru tells 
 you that you will become enlightened- for such a one that says 
this is not enlightened 
 and therefore will not be able to guide others to enlightenment.
 This is the value I see in putting this statement out that a me 
will never become 
  Prior to realization, the above point is very
  difficult to understand. In fact it can't be
  understood IMHO. Prior to realization consciousness
  and the sense of a psychological or private individual
  are experienced as the same. So if somebody talks
  about the experiential I or me vanishing in
  enlightenment it seems to be annihilation of
  consciousness itself. This seems to be the source of
  much of the protests regarding this point (e.g.,
  Bronte's recent posts). But this does not happen.
  Prior to Realization consciousness is projected into
  and identified with aspects of mind so consciousness,
  phenomenologically, IS the mind. A powerful delusion
  of individuality is created. The initial step of
  Realization is consciousness pulling out of this
  identification. When this occurs there is a clear
  distinction between buddhi and purusha and a clear
  recognition that I no longer exists as a private
  psychological self, but is completely unbounded and
  Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with 
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[FairfieldLife] Curtis -- your views -- Miranda Lambert, Elvis, Brandi Carlile -- and others too

2007-09-19 Thread new . morning
Curtis, or others of course, 

Scanning channels 
-- a great symptom -- or metaphor -- for later inquiry, 

I came across an Elvis Special on ABC. 

While not a big fan of Elvis, particularly his hype and and late 60's
/ early 70's press image, and my being a child of the late 60's, Elvis
was the anti-christ of the Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane), my
generation -- (though in earnest, these bands would probably disagree
and dug him in their roots),

Several performers popped up in the Special. And songs. I have an
opinion of them. Though I am open, yeah, quite keen, on any refinement
to such via your view. Which of anyone here, I would respect on
musical issues -- of this genre (that is, probably not Bach - but i
would be still be respectful and interested on your views on such)..  


I became aware of her on her Kerosene cut several years ago.
Interesting. Kinda of hot. Music, voice, lyrics and her. Is she a one
trick pony I asked? 

Some later things I heard -- she has some talents.

On Elvis special -- Jail House Rock. My view: she was great, and
hot. I am open to your total dissing me on this, if you feel, and can
articulate, why she was not. 

An that song. Totally about Liberation, IMO.  Rory, surprisingly,
didn't get that, when I added that to my The Work / The Wok satire
-- Jail House Wok. The song, IMO, is an anthem to Liberation,  that
no mater the outer boundaries, we can all rock -- can be free of all
boundaries and prisons.

RE: Elvis Songs

Again not a huge fan of Elvis and his repetoire, (thought still
appreciative) but more passively, interested in some.

But this special made me realize how much I love (strange word for a
song -- but thats my story an I am sticking to it):

Suspicious Minds

Always on My Mind

Bad songs Again, educate me bro if this is schlock, iyv. ne way, they
move me. As unevolved as that may be.

Brandi Carlile, someone new to me, I think, though she is vaugely
familiar as a Myspace chick/singer i may have added as a friend, 

She totally rocked, was pure, singing with Chris Issak -- an Elvis
song. Chris -- having a nice nuanced voice -- IMO, and a real, funny guy)


So, Elvis, Miranda, Brandi, and the songs. Set me straight -- with
wisdom and insight -- if my perception is tainted, uninformed and

And when are you going to play Vegas?  My hood these days. Well Reno
is my home,  but a lot of my business is in Vegas. A great city. Don't
let silly tales of rak's detour you, the city rocks. Shakti incarnate.
If you are open to her.

And Elvis in  a TMO context, raises the sweet and happy memory of
Karen Blasedale. Who, as legend has it, dated Elvis. 

Given that Elvis used to have entourage guys scout out talent in
audience, what dated means is open to interpretation.  But a prior
gf, dated Mike Love (Beach Boys) (and what MIU girl didn't) -- and
it was all quite simple and innocent. Limosine, dinner, no Mike,
good night kiss. So dated Elvis might have been similar. (and no dis
intended if it was total monkey love)

Karen, in many guy's views, from each of three stories of the MIU-SB
apt complex, was quite the current, in the moment, Goddess. Slow
motion, 10, image rising out of  MIU Santa Barbara pool at noon --
every day. (Along with Debbie Dulang/Dulang-- but  don't get me
started on her.) 

But Karen was so much more than that. A quite nice, sweet, genuine
person. She introduced herself to me in the dinner line at Squaw
Valley 68. My having just graduated from high school, her being UCLA
senior hot SIMS babe -- sort of a trip. My room mate was good friends
with her, and only spoke of her in superlatives.

Ne way, Karen you were great. All happiness to you in your post earth
journeys. (She passed on, 10 or more years ago. -- only the great die

[FairfieldLife] Crows (Schmopcircles (Re: New Cropcircles))

2007-09-19 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sep 18, 2007, at 6:49 PM, Duveyoung wrote:
  I read about that, but the version I got had the crows actually 
  enough, get this!, to drop the nuts on crosswalks-at-traffic-
  Cuz then, after the cars had run over the nuts, the crows knew 
that --
  at least some of the time -- at a place where people walked -- 
  wouldn't be bothered by the cars as they picked through the 
  for the meaty bits.
  I'm tellin' ya, they're mind readers!
  Like all humans I've ever met.
  It's funny that crows speak to us without words, but humans, 
  doing this same thing all the time, insist that words are 
  Walk into any room.
  Everyone's a mind reader.
 I love crows.
 A friend of mine turned me on to an old text from Tibet, which he 
 published privately, written in an archaic Sanskrit in the 9th  
 century and called the Kakajarita. (more properly kAka-
cAritra, On  
 the behavior of crows).
 Kaka, much like that familiar sound Caw! Caw! is the Sanskrit  
 work for crow.
 The text was translated by a pandit named Danacila into the 
 language as Bya-rog-gi skad brtag-par bya-ba, or Investigating 
 Cries of Crows. It eventually found it's way into the Buddhist  
 Canon, the Tanjur, and thus became a commonly used text there. 
 can relate to it as what the presence of crows indicates from the 
 of Unity Consciousness.
 Here's some of it:
 Divination through observation of crows in Tibetan tradition is  
 founded on the following principles:
 1. Crows are of varying distinction and intelligence, therefore  
 notice must be taken of the varying classes of crows.
 2. Crows respond to events with characteristic behavioral 
 therefore by noting the character of the response one may learn 
 character of the event.
 3. Crow behavior and response differs according to time of day.
 4. The angle of direction between the observer and the crow has  
 The general predictions governing crow calls are given as follows,  
 categorized by the time of day and the direction in which the call 
 First Watch
 6:00 am - 9:00 am
 East: Wishes will be fulfilled
 Southeast: An enemy will approach
 South: A friend will visit
 Southwest: Unexpected profit will accrue
 West: Great wind will rise
 Northwest: A stranger will appear
 North: Scattered property will be found
 Northeast: A woman will come
 Zenith: A demon will appear
 Second Watch
 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
 East Near relatives will come
 South Flowers and areca-nuts obtained
 Southwest Numerous offspring
 West You will set out on a distant journey
 Northwest One king replaced by another
 North Good news will be received
 Northeast Disorder breaks out
 Zenith Fulfillment of your wishes
 Third Watch
 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
 East: You will obtain property
 Southeast: A battle will arise
 South: A storm will come
 Southwest: An enemy will come
 West: A woman will come
 Northwest: A relative will come
 North: A good friend will come
 Northeast: A conflagration breaks out
 Zenith: You will gain profit by being taken care of by the king
 Fourth Watch
 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
 East: Great fear predicted
 Southeast: Great gain coming
 South: A stranger will come
 Southwest: A storm will rise in seven days
 West: Rain and wind will come
 Northwest: Scattered property found
 North: A king will appear
 Northeast: You will obtain rank
 Zenith: Hunger predicted
 East An enemy appears on the road
 Southeast A treasure will come to you
 South You will die of disease
 Southwest The wishes of one's heart fulfilled
 West Relatives will come
 Northwest Obtaining property predicted
 North Homage will be done to the king
 Zenith You will obtain advantage you hoped for
 General Observations
 Crow on right: good journey
 Crow behind: you obtain siddhi
 A crow flapping his wings, calls: great accident
 Crow pulls human hair: death
 Crow eats dirty food: food and drink about to come
 Crow on thornbush: enemy
 Crow on milksap tree: milkrice to you
 Crow on withered tree: no food and drink
 Crow on palace: excellent halting place
 Crow on divan: enemy will come
 Crow facing door: peril at frontier
 Crow pulling dress: dress to you
 Crow on skull: death
 Crow with red thread on house: fire

And crow landing on your head means ?

[FairfieldLife] JFK and GWB -- Evolution? Rising World Consciousness?

2007-09-19 Thread new . morning
I just saw a clip of JFK giving ask not..  speech. Pure magic, IMO.
Regardless, what you may think of his politics -- I personally liked
many -- not all of his ideas and visions. He was a great speaker,
clear inspiring, articulate and visionary. I know from personal
experience, that he inspired many, 4 years or more older than me, to
join the Peace Corp after high school. Or college.   

And his bother Bobby. i don't really care about their sex lives. He
was incredibly inspiring, and motivational. I never heard him speak
(other than pissing next to him in a tough at a ski resort, and talkng
to him on a bus, across from him, both sitting on edge aisles,  at
same resort), but I am still inspired by  hippie/ UCB student/great
guy, and friend, Dave, (Tina Kessler a friend of his, and mine, if you
know her -- anthropology  phd at UCB -- or fantastic, sweet and
charming,  blonde, hippie chid incanrnate of 60's, sister Leala)
probably dead, or maybe netcom billionaire), student at UCB  (UC
Bekeley -- the hub of the universe -- or the Revolution) of Bobby's
speeches at UCB. 

Compare him (RFK or JKF0 to GWB: um uh, WTF am I supposed to say here

Rising world consciosness since MMY startd teachng in US in early

Just a thought. Seems to me we may have regressed, backtracked since
the early 60's. Puts all this rising World Consocuiosnss to doubt.
(Well, thats my non-dogmatic view-- in the moment. Maybe Nab will show
me the light, the error of my thinking, perceiving. As will Jim.) 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hi, Lurk

2007-09-19 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 

 Re: Marrying and Having Children:
 If having them does not shift attention away from meditation to 
 diapers, as it obviously did for the original poster, then why not. 
 To have them can't ruin your spiritual life if you don't want an 
 excuse to quit.
 Nab, I want to have another shot at this.  I would say that there 
 comes a point where marrying or having children, or eating certain 
 food, or engaging in certain behavior just doesn't have the oomf to 
 throw one off the spiritual path. 

Agreed. For some it obviously is so timeconsuming and tiering that 
medtation is out of the question, for others having children is as 
natural as eating. For some having them provides plenty of excuses 
for not meditating. 

Perhaps you hold that only through 
 meditation and certain types of activity can progress be made.

No I don't. There is a force in nature that draws all men upward like 
in a spiral, towards higher expressions of the Divine, closer and 
closer to Godhead.

 IMHO it's a pretty tricky thing to make evaluations or judgements 
 about the path another person is on.

Never did. What I said was that not having children is a blessing. 
Others will claim that having them is. My observation is only that 
brahmacharys are more awake than householders. 
Perhaps some are weaker and needs to be brahmacharys to gain a 
momentum in life, or is it the other way around ? I am certainly not 
out to put any lifestyle higher or lower. My father obviously was a 
householder and I consider him a saint of some sort. What I sometimes 
wonder is where he would be if he did not have to deal with me and my 
sister ;-) Speculations, but it's an interesting one for me at times.
Numerous Masters were (are) hoseholders and Maharishi gave this path 
specifically to householders.

  Obviously what may unsuitable 
 for you could be evolutionary for another. 


 That's not to say there isn't plenty of risk when you jump off the 
 prescribed path. There are plenty of traps.  But, sometimes you 
 a shortcut if the quicksand or crocs don't get you.

I've experienced that too after leaving Purusha, it's amazing how 
possebilities in all sorts of directions present themselves :-)

All is well - all manner of things are well.
- Maharishi

[FairfieldLife] Mantras, meditation and deities

2007-09-19 Thread emptybill

emptybill wrote:

Over the years I have heard an argument professed by
some former TM meditators who stopped practicing because
they claimed they were deceived about the meaning
of mantra-s.

Empty again:

  Baba Hari Dass is an impeccable yogin possessed of vairagya and
dispossessed of any agenda. He is the yogin's yogin. My
point was to call attention to an alternate authoritative source  -
someone able to explain the distinction between mantra-dhyana and
mantra-japa. The key is to recognize that a mantra can be used in
meditation simply for its sound value, without any reference to meaning.
While this may seem over-obvious to TM and Sahaj Samadhi meditators,
this is what demarcates it from ordinary language.

Used in this way, mantric sound is part of the human sensorium but is
self-generated in the same way that speech is. This kind of bare
sensoria is non-conceptual and does not require analysis to be
perceived. Bija mantras are yogic tools for just this type of
non-conceptual (nirvikalpa) direct cognition.

The fact is that MMY told us the truth about mantras and their proper
yogic use in TM. The cultural artifact is that Indians use mantras for
Japa to a hindu deity - it is just a datum of the Indian mind set. No
self-respecting Hindu conducts their life without a least
20-30 mantras on-hand at all times (except the Indian communists).
TM/Sahaj Samadhi meditators do not, unless they choose to worship a

When someone tells us such meditation is hindu worship then they are
simply misinformed, ignorant or ideologues.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, qntmpkt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --Thanks, this is quite obvious if one defines the me = I; the 
 notion of a delusional self associated with the mind as an identity 
 separate from Pure Consciousness.

Hridaya puri:I suppose getting the definitions matching is the first thing- 
small self= Ego 
which is identity with mind, body, and conditionings. When these things are 
something is still left, that IS eternal Being. This is why enlightenment has 
nothing to do 
with vastu, body, the food you eat, the yagyas one does, the books one reads, 
understandings one has.

 This is the snake that actually is 
 a rope.  The snake doesn't exist in itself, therefore the I or me 
 in this sense can't get Enlightened.

Hridaya puri:This is why ego and enlightenment can not exist at the same time

   But nobody on this forum is saying that the Me CAN gain 

Hridaya puri:Look closer

so what's so special about your Guru?
nothing- that is why there is hardly any disciples- people are attracted to a 
super human 
that performs siddhis, bases doership to save the world as it's platform, can't 
contacted, speaks in very complicated double speak terms that no one 
understands and 
therefore is thought to be great, out to save the world, usually is Indian and 
robes, with guru chairs in every corner of the world- with millions of 
disciples, famous, 
with castles, limos, and promisis a bigger grander you with cosmic ego which is 
such an 
important one that without you and all the fellow students, the world would die 
a quick 

When one has all these concepts which they have read about, then come across 
one that is 
none of the above, there is a disconnect.

As you see, I have taken sanyas, my new name is Hridaya puri

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bring it on.

2007-09-19 Thread Peter
Of course!

--- tertonzeno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Of course!...these were the Anunnaki (the Nephilim
 or Giants mentioned 
 in the Bible), who spliced their own DNA onto the
 uncivilized humanoids 
 living at that time.  The whole account is spelled
 out in detail in the 
 works of Secharia Sitchin, beginning with The
 Twelfth Planet, 1976. 
 - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings
  Bring it on.
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Aushcwitz employee picnic pics

2007-09-19 Thread MDixon6569
I think they're meditating.

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[FairfieldLife] Citta manas?

2007-09-19 Thread cardemaister

Anyone know what's the difference, if any, between
citta and manas?

[FairfieldLife] Re: heyaM duHkham anaagatam?

2007-09-19 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
   I have no idea what she meant, thats why I asked you ! The 
word she 
   used, with this strange look in her eyes was vittu. Should 
   checked it out now that I know the meaning, but there was this 
   little american girl...
  I guess she was a lepakko (bat[woman]), then...  ;)
  Your spelling even vittu correctly (let alone mukava)
  based on what you once heard seems to suggest your native 
  language is not English, but some other language with
  a more phonetic spelling.
 So you give no credit to 35 years of meditation, eh ?
 Anyway, you are correct :-)

FWIW, vittu is probably the most common curse word hereabouts,
roughly corresponding to fvck (you). The expression mukava vittu
would be a bit idiosyncratic, IMO. It might well have been mukavaa,
vittu, a sarcastic comment on something, like nice, fvck you!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bring it on.

2007-09-19 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tertonzeno [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Of course!...these were the Anunnaki (the Nephilim or Giants 
 in the Bible), who spliced their own DNA onto the uncivilized 
 living at that time.  The whole account is spelled out in detail in 
 works of Secharia Sitchin, beginning with The Twelfth Planet, 

Heh, and here's me thinking it was just some new age wacko stuff ;-)


 - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings no_reply@ 
  Bring it on.

[FairfieldLife] Re: JFK and GWB -- Evolution? Rising World Consciousness?

2007-09-19 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I just saw a clip of JFK giving ask not..  speech. Pure magic, 
 Regardless, what you may think of his politics -- I personally liked
 many -- not all of his ideas and visions. He was a great speaker,
 clear inspiring, articulate and visionary. I know from personal
 experience, that he inspired many, 4 years or more older than me, to
 join the Peace Corp after high school. Or college.   
 And his bother Bobby. i don't really care about their sex lives. He
 was incredibly inspiring, and motivational. I never heard him speak
 (other than pissing next to him in a tough at a ski resort, and 
 to him on a bus, across from him, both sitting on edge aisles,  at
 same resort), but I am still inspired by  hippie/ UCB student/great
 guy, and friend, Dave, (Tina Kessler a friend of his, and mine, if 
 know her -- anthropology  phd at UCB -- or fantastic, sweet and
 charming,  blonde, hippie chid incanrnate of 60's, sister Leala)
 probably dead, or maybe netcom billionaire), student at UCB  (UC
 Bekeley -- the hub of the universe -- or the Revolution) of 
 speeches at UCB. 
 Compare him (RFK or JKF0 to GWB: um uh, WTF am I supposed to say 
 Rising world consciosness since MMY startd teachng in US in early
 Just a thought. Seems to me we may have regressed, backtracked since
 the early 60's. Puts all this rising World Consocuiosnss to doubt.
 (Well, thats my non-dogmatic view-- in the moment. Maybe Nab will 
 me the light, the error of my thinking, perceiving. As will Jim.)

And did you hear Bush's speach in Austrailia recently. Seemed like a 
meltdown in him.

We have backtracked some, but don't forget, back in those days, 
Kennedy was shot, we created Saddam Hussein, the Iranian Ayatollas, 
and Osama Bin Laden, (high possibility we created AIDS by tinkering 
with genes in monkeys) as well as made social security part of 
federal budget reckoning so that it would be less obvious that 
military spending was more that 50% of the federal budget, an 
illusion trick which allowed Bush et al to get going in the first 

I decided there I would not accept the theory of rising world 
consciousness as long as Bush et al are in power. 

However, I feel some undercurrent of something else. I think there 
are two flows going in opposite directions, and just like two 
tectonic plates moving in opposition, it can cause a lot of friction, 
and tearing apart of our old worldview.


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hi, Lurk

2007-09-19 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 2:26 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hi, Lurk


Never did. What I said was that not having children is a blessing. 
Others will claim that having them is. My observation is only that 
brahmacharys are more awake than householders. 

Hey, a couple of the most “awake” people I have known were not brahmacharis
– MMY and a friend here in town who has been awake all his life.

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11:53 AM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hi, Lurk

2007-09-19 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
 Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 2:26 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hi, Lurk
 Never did. What I said was that not having children is a blessing. 
 Others will claim that having them is. My observation is only that 
 brahmacharys are more awake than householders. 
 Hey, a couple of the most awake people I have known were not 
 a friend here in town who has been awake all his life.

I know, sleep deprivation is a big problem over here too !

[FairfieldLife] Re: heyaM duHkham anaagatam?

2007-09-19 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
I have no idea what she meant, thats why I asked you ! The 
 word she 
used, with this strange look in her eyes was vittu. Should 
checked it out now that I know the meaning, but there was 
little american girl...
   I guess she was a lepakko (bat[woman]), then...  ;)
   Your spelling even vittu correctly (let alone mukava)
   based on what you once heard seems to suggest your native 
   language is not English, but some other language with
   a more phonetic spelling.
  So you give no credit to 35 years of meditation, eh ?
  Anyway, you are correct :-)
 FWIW, vittu is probably the most common curse word hereabouts,
 roughly corresponding to fvck (you). The expression mukava vittu
 would be a bit idiosyncratic, IMO. It might well have been mukavaa,
 vittu, a sarcastic comment on something, like nice, fvck you!

I prefer your explanation of a couple of days back :-)

[FairfieldLife] UFO sightings

2007-09-19 Thread nablusoss1008

Benjamin Creme's Master's article `The gathering of the Forces of 
Light' (Share International March 2007 ) begins: Important events 
are taking place in many parts of the world. People everywhere will 
be astonished by the reports. These will include sightings, in 
unprecedented numbers, of spacecraft from our neighbouring planets, 
Mars and Venus in particular. Nothing like this increased activity, 
over vast areas of the Earth, will have been seen before. Those who 
have steadfastly refused to take seriously the reality of this 
phenomenon will find it difficult to deny. More and more accounts of 
contact with the occupants of the spacecraft will add their testimony 
to the fact of their existence. Miraculous happenings of all kinds 
will continue and multiply in number and variety. The minds of men 
will be baffled and amazed by these wonders, and this will cause them 
to ponder deeply….
Exactly as predicted, this year has seen an impressive number of 
reports of UFOs in many parts of the world and an increase in the 
crop circle phenomena, with ever new and various forms of patterns. 

UFOs over Ontario, Canada
A Canadian man photographed four white oblong shapes in the sky on 29 
July 2007. Scott Fraser, a resident of Orillia, Ontario, said the 
shapes burst like rockets over the western horizon then rose 
vertically before moving south at high speed. 
I really honestly don't know what they were, said Fraser, who was 
photographing the sunset when one of his friends saw the white shapes 
appear in the sky. The movements the flying objects made, he said, 
were too quick and sharp for conventional aircraft. (Source: 
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that the flying objects were 
spaceships from Mars.) 

UFOs over the UK 
Dozens of people in the town of Stratford-Upon-Avon, England, saw 
five UFOs in the sky on 21 July 2007. Crowds gathered to view the 
objects hovering in formation for about 30 minutes. The lights became 
visible at about 10.30 pm. Witnesses said the speed of the objects 
was unlike any known aircraft and that the unusual movement patterns, 
lack of noise and the length of time in the air discounted the 
possibility of a man-made phenomenon. 
One witness said: We walked outside and there was at that time a 
growing crowd of about 60 people looking up at something in the sky. 
I saw a light appear, then three others. They came over our heads in 
formation but then moved into different positions. Three had formed a 
triangular shape and one was to the right. Then another one came 
hurtling towards the rest at what looked like a very fast speed. But 
as it neared them it suddenly slowed and stopped altogether. 
By this time more people had poured out onto the street and drivers 
slowed their cars. The objects were there for about half an hour. 
They didn't make any sound and they stayed still before moving slowly 
beyond the horizon. There were no stars in the sky, just them. 
(Source: www.dailymail.co.uk) 
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that the flying objects were 
spaceships from Mars.) 

UFOs over Wales
Several residents of Wrexham, Wales, and the surrounding area saw red 
lights in the sky in the early hours of 25 July 2007. Lynn Williams 
of Wrexham saw lights that moved silently and at great speed above 
her house.  Two of them were flying round each other. They were 
flying very close together, closer than planes. They were going so 
fast I couldn't focus on them.
I ran inside and got my camcorder. I thought they could be 
helicopters but when I zoomed in I was scared to death. They were 
glowing red in the middle … They weren't like anything I have seen 
before. For the lights to be so low there had to be some noise if 
they were planes. 
A police officer from the nearby town of Acton, said he saw the 
lights while on patrol. There is no way this was a hoax; I would not 
have seen them from Acton if they were.  They were very high up; 
there's no way anyone can control anything from that distance. There 
were several `floating' in the sky in a pack. I thought they were 
helicopters or similar, however there was no sound whatsoever. 
(Source: www.eveningleader.co.uk, www.Flintshirestandard.co.uk)
(Benjamin Creme's Master confirms that the lights were spaceships 
from Mars.)

Another bumper crop!
2007 has been a great year for crop circle formations in the UK. By 
mid-August 47 patterns had been reported. While mainstream media has 
never investigated the phenomenon seriously, websites record the 
latest news and photographs of patterns. Thousands of people travel 
each summer to Wiltshire, southern England, to visit the crop circles.
So far this year 88 crop circles, of increasing intricacy, have also 
been reported in other parts of the world: Germany (18); Netherlands 
(13), Czech Republic (1), Slovenia (3), Norway (2), Poland (2), 
France (1), Switzerland (6), Croatia (1), USA (6), Italy (22), 
Belgium (11) and Sweden (2).
Benjamin Creme explains: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Questions Answers from Share International

2007-09-19 Thread nablusoss1008
Questions  Answers

Q. (1) On 16 July 2007 a 6.8 magnitude earthquake rocked the world's 
largest nuclear plant at Kashiwazaki, Japan, causing a transformer 
fire and spills and leaks at the plant. (1) Was the nuclear leak in 
Japan worse than the government made out? (2) Was there any UFO 
activity over the area either before or after the damage caused by 
the recent quake?
A. (1) Yes. (2) Yes, both before and after.

Q. On Wednesday 1 August 2007 the 40-year-old bridge over the 
Mississippi river in Minneapolis, USA, collapsed during rush hour. 
Although there were over 70 people injured, the death toll was 
extremely low for such a disaster. A school bus full of children made 
what seemed like a miraculous escape, stopping inches away from the 
edge of the structure. Was there any intervention by the Masters to 
save lives in this accident?
A. My Master confirms that the Master Jesus protected the school bus 
and that He and other Masters saved many lives in the incid­ent.

Q. What would be the most effective way of tackling climate change; 
what measures would have the greatest impact? What are Hierarchy's 
priorities with regard to saving the planet – given that it is such a 
complex issue?
A. The cessation of tree-felling in huge areas of primal forest. 
Oxygen reserves are dangerously depleted by such wanton destruction 
of trees. Furthermore, trees (and the vegetable kingdom as a whole) 
are natural and powerful absorbers of carbon dioxide.
All efforts to combat climate change must be co-ordinated on an 
international level. It is indeed a complex issue.

Q. In May 2007 wildfires were experienced across America encompassing 
thousands of acres. Was this the result of karma and, if so, what 
A. No, they were the direct result of global warming which the US 
government finds difficult to accept, and still finds reasons to deny.

Q. The US government plans to put a radar defence system in the Czech 
Republic and a missile system in Poland, claiming that it needs to 
counter a threat from Iran. Iran's missiles could not reach Europe 
but the US claims that Iran is attempting to build a Shahab-4 
missile which could give it a possible 1,900 mile range. Iran rejects 
that suggestion, stating that it would only be to put satellites into 
orbit. This is creating a crisis between Russia and the US, with 
Russia threatening to aim its missiles at new targets in Europe or 
develop a new system to counter the threat posed by the US 
government. (1) Why is the US expanding its network of radar systems 
and enhancing its own missile systems with anti-missile missiles? (2) 
Do they really feel a threat from Iran? (3) Why is Iran building (if 
they indeed are) a missile with a range of a possible 1,900 miles?
A. (1) America is putting pressure on Iran. Iran has no nuclear 
missiles at the moment and claims not to be planning to make them, 
but America is trying to force Iran to give up any such ambition and 
is using all methods, except, so far, the use of force to gain its 
will. It has fears that North Korea likewise might drop nuclear 
missiles on the USA (or South Korea or Japan) and is seeking every 
possible means of ensuring its own security even at the expense of 
Poland and the Czech Republic. Seventy per cent of the people of 
these countries have voted and made known their opposition to such 
plans. (2) No, I don't think they do. They want to deny Iran any 
nuclear hardware. (3) Iran feels threatened by America and Israel, 
and feels the right to defend itself against any such threat.

Q. Is it beneficial to have gratitude in life and even take time to 
say `thank you', even if it's to no one in particular, for the little 
things in life such as having a pleasant trip or a parking space 
becoming available to you when it is needed, etc? 
A. Yes, gratitude is one of the more important lubricants of right 
human relationship. On the whole, we take everything we receive in 
life for granted, without realizing that it all comes from the same 
divine source, of which we, ourselves, are a part.

Q. How dangerous for our health are UMTS mobile masts? The office 
where I work is on the fifth and highest floor. The roof of the 
building is covered with a lot of masts, so my colleagues and I are 
exposed to this radiation. (1) Is there a reason for us to worry 
about these masts? (2) Recently all UMTS masts were removed from a 
primary school in the west of Amsterdam after two children and a co-
worker died because of a brain tumour. Is it possible that these 
brain tumours were caused by the UMTS masts? (3) Are there other 
diseases which can be caused by this new technology? (4) Is there a 
risk from exposure to Wi-fi (wireless fidelity) computer internet 
A. (1) No. (2) Very unlikely. (3) The risk is low. (4) Not really. 
Very minor, if at all.

Q. Benjamin Creme has been touting the coming of Maitreya for over 20 
years, since I was at university in 1987, or probably longer. What's 

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Cropcircles

2007-09-19 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 Judy: Would you acknowledge the possibility that for
 one who has very thoroughly studied crop circles,
 what may seem biased views to you may in fact
 be quite objective?

Rereading it, I'm not sure I made this question as
clear as it should have been.

I *didn't* mean to suggest that someone who has
studied crop circles simply *perceives* him/herself
to be objective because s/he's done a lot of

I *did* mean to suggest that it's possible someone
who has looked closely at all the data may actually
*be* more objective than someone who has not
regarding what appear to be extraordinary claims
(i.e., that the circles are not all manmade).

If that's what you were answering yes to, Curtis,
good for you. (And note I'm not *asserting* that
such a person is objective, simply suggesting that
it's a possibility--that the data *may* actually
point convincingly to the conclusion that the
circles aren't all manmade.)

I think there can be a tendency to assume that
someone who supports an extraordinary claim is
biased in favor of that claim, whereas they may
be supporting it on the basis of solid evidence--
that is, objectively.

Trying to determine which is the case, from the
outside, as it were, is really difficult.

 Would you also acknowledge that your own view
 is distinctly biased, especially given that you
 *haven't* studied the phenomenon?
 ME: Totally yes and yes.  The chances of me having to shift my
 perspective from what I had coming in is 100%  That's why I am
 enjoying the ride.
 Judy:  I don't know that you should even carry that
  particular theory around in your head as a 
  provisional goal if you're seriously looking
  into this stuff, because it's liable to 
  automatically bias you against the phenomenon
  by setting up two alternatives: Either the
  circles are manmade, or they're made by aliens.
  Better to look for what can be *ruled out* as
  possible explanations, and then take account
  of what's left.
  Final point: There are many layers to the hoax-
  versus-genuine aspect of the crop circle
  phenomenon, in the sense that there's some
  evidence of a highly motivated and determined
  counterhoaxing movement, i.e., spurious claims
  to have made certain circles, dubious claims
  about the number of hoaxers, and so forth.
  This makes it quite difficult to come to any
  solid conclusions, which may be the reason for
  the counterhoaxing efforts.
  So use the same degree of skepticism when
  evaluating the purported claims of hoaxing as
  you do when evaluating claims about genuine
  crop circles.
 Me: Excellent in every way.  I wish I had written it!  This
 subject is such a perfect mirror for how I approach new fields
 of knowledge that I have a bias with.  Thanks.

Crop circles is a particularly tough field for this
kind of endeavor for a lot of reasons having to do
with the nature of the phenomenon. I can't think of
another paranormal area in which there is this kind
of competition between researchers and hoaxers, where
the hoaxers aren't trying to *get away* with their
hoaxes but are making a point of the fact that they're
doing them, if you see what I mean.

If you have lots of time on your hands, you might be
interested in reading a *long*, very detailed, 
generally theoretical discussion between a skeptic
named Brant (posting from sci.skeptic) and me
(posting from alt.m.t) about bias (both skeptical
and non-) and how it can skew testing of extraordinary
claims. We covered a lot of ground pretty thoroughly,
and with a relative lack of hostility and emphasis on
logic and reason. Several other people contributed as

It had nothing to do with crop circles, but I thought
it brought out some interesting points concerning the
epistemology of testing such claims.

The exchange is in the thread titled If he's
interested in a scientific test, so am I, and it
begins here--


--about six posts down, with a post of mine dated August
16, 1998. It continues through August 25, after which
Brant dropped out and the thread diverged into other

I won't be offended if you don't want to read it!
Maybe just file away the URL for when you have
nothing better to do.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread Duveyoung
qntmpkt  wrote:  Thanks, this is quite obvious if one defines the
me = I; the notion of a delusional self associated with the mind
as an identity separate from Pure Consciousness. This is the snake
that actually is a rope.  The snake doesn't exist in itself,
therefore the I or me in this sense can't get Enlightened.  But
nobody on this forum is saying that the Me CAN gain Realization . . .

Edg:  This word gain is problematic, eh?  Let me take a hack at
hitting the same target.  

If we step back from the concept that all is illusion/dream, and we
talk as if objects of consciousness were separate entities instead of
undifferentiated light, then immediately we can begin to speak of
gains.  A film can show an actor gaining a hat, but it is only
actor-blotches-of-light being associated in time, space, memory with
hat-blotches.  There is no real ownership of the hat on the level of
unity -- no causal connections, no laws.  If hat or actor are seen
again, the blotches will be entirely new, different and not in the
least causally connected to the previous set of blotches that were
designated hat and actor.

Just so do ego-blotches sometimes seem to gain enlightenment-blotches.
 There can be no denying that the enlightenment-blotches are an
all-time reality -- always being seen with the ego-blotches, but it is
not a law, because, well, enlightenment-blotches accompany ALL
blotches of every ilk all the time.  

When the ego gets it that it is not sentient, it is said that it dies,
or that the mind is killed, or that me-ness evaporates, but in terms
of functionality, enlightened folks can easily keep track of their
bodies and thoughts.  It is not the case that after enlightenment that
a person will be confused; there's no concern that
not-identifying-with-the-meat-robot will cause personal physical
safety concerns, or that insanity will emerge without a central
controller function. These things don't happen.  The enlightened can
in every way function as if not enlightened in order to harmonize
with the not-admitting-yet-that-they're-enlightened folks.  This
illusion of having an ego, can then go about its day pretending to
gain things -- including its enlightenment blotches.  It will be no
larger a mistake than any other this is assertion of entity-hood. 
Like noise that comes with the train, goes with the train, is of no
use to the train, but the train can't go without it, ego is just
another squeak in the robot's clockworks.

Ramana Maharishi and every other guru ever can hold a conversation,
use the word me, make decisions, eat, etc.  The only difference is
that their egos will not make the mistake of thinking that the
sentience that is aware of the robot is the robot's ego-functions,
nor that, because this robot-ego-function is observed, it is an
observer of any sort whatsoever. Instead, the ONE PRESENCE is the
observer of all blotchiness.  The ego doesn't actually die, because it
was never alive, never existed as a separate entity except that the
mind mistakenly insists it is.

The mind that once was supposed-into-existence is no longer required
to make a place in which observation can take place, since it is
recognized that observation is an all-time reality for every speck of

The most distant planet, the tiniest dust mote, the unseeable quarks,
the 3,578,298,657th orbit of electron number
657,536,420,543,098,708,345,456,988 of hydrogen atom number
468,394,503,476,503,542,343,243,768,001 of water molecule number
654,543,324,489,593,549,987 of the tear drop number 37 running down
your cheek is duly noted -- no ego need be in attendance for absolute
appreciation of any imposed definition on any arbitrarily hacked out
patch o'blotches.

Matthew 10:30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.

God is omnipresent -- what else needs to be said?


[FairfieldLife] Re: heyaM duHkham anaagatam?

2007-09-19 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  FWIW, vittu is probably the most common curse word hereabouts,
  roughly corresponding to fvck (you). The expression mukava 
  would be a bit idiosyncratic, IMO. It might well have 
been mukavaa,
  vittu, a sarcastic comment on something, like nice, fvck you!
 I prefer your explanation of a couple of days back :-)

No big deal, but that explanation seems to require someone's
pvssy was rather visible at that moment...or, then again,
perhaps not...  ;)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread Marek Reavis
Well said (written), Edg.  Particularly valuable to me was the noise 
that comes with (and can't be separated from) the train 
metaphor/analogy; that is very fine.  Thanks.



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 qntmpkt  wrote:  Thanks, this is quite obvious if one defines the
 me = I; the notion of a delusional self associated with the mind
 as an identity separate from Pure Consciousness. This is the snake
 that actually is a rope.  The snake doesn't exist in itself,
 therefore the I or me in this sense can't get Enlightened.  But
 nobody on this forum is saying that the Me CAN gain 
Realization . . .
 Edg:  This word gain is problematic, eh?  Let me take a hack at
 hitting the same target.  
 If we step back from the concept that all is illusion/dream, and 
 talk as if objects of consciousness were separate entities instead 
 undifferentiated light, then immediately we can begin to speak of
 gains.  A film can show an actor gaining a hat, but it is only
 actor-blotches-of-light being associated in time, space, memory with
 hat-blotches.  There is no real ownership of the hat on the level of
 unity -- no causal connections, no laws.  If hat or actor are seen
 again, the blotches will be entirely new, different and not in the
 least causally connected to the previous set of blotches that were
 designated hat and actor.
 Just so do ego-blotches sometimes seem to gain enlightenment-
  There can be no denying that the enlightenment-blotches are an
 all-time reality -- always being seen with the ego-blotches, but it 
 not a law, because, well, enlightenment-blotches accompany ALL
 blotches of every ilk all the time.  
 When the ego gets it that it is not sentient, it is said that it 
 or that the mind is killed, or that me-ness evaporates, but in terms
 of functionality, enlightened folks can easily keep track of their
 bodies and thoughts.  It is not the case that after enlightenment 
 a person will be confused; there's no concern that
 not-identifying-with-the-meat-robot will cause personal physical
 safety concerns, or that insanity will emerge without a central
 controller function. These things don't happen.  The enlightened 
 in every way function as if not enlightened in order to harmonize
 with the not-admitting-yet-that-they're-enlightened folks.  This
 illusion of having an ego, can then go about its day pretending to
 gain things -- including its enlightenment blotches.  It will be 
 larger a mistake than any other this is assertion of entity-hood. 
 Like noise that comes with the train, goes with the train, is of no
 use to the train, but the train can't go without it, ego is just
 another squeak in the robot's clockworks.
 Ramana Maharishi and every other guru ever can hold a conversation,
 use the word me, make decisions, eat, etc.  The only difference is
 that their egos will not make the mistake of thinking that the
 sentience that is aware of the robot is the robot's ego-functions,
 nor that, because this robot-ego-function is observed, it is an
 observer of any sort whatsoever. Instead, the ONE PRESENCE is the
 observer of all blotchiness.  The ego doesn't actually die, because 
 was never alive, never existed as a separate entity except that the
 mind mistakenly insists it is.
 The mind that once was supposed-into-existence is no longer required
 to make a place in which observation can take place, since it is
 recognized that observation is an all-time reality for every speck 
 The most distant planet, the tiniest dust mote, the unseeable 
 the 3,578,298,657th orbit of electron number
 657,536,420,543,098,708,345,456,988 of hydrogen atom number
 468,394,503,476,503,542,343,243,768,001 of water molecule number
 654,543,324,489,593,549,987 of the tear drop number 37 running down
 your cheek is duly noted -- no ego need be in attendance for 
 appreciation of any imposed definition on any arbitrarily hacked out
 patch o'blotches.
 Matthew 10:30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
 God is omnipresent -- what else needs to be said?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread Ron
This is a very complicated post - my opinion is it serves to get the mind 
engaged- where 
as enlightenment is very simple- the me falls away, then there only  IS

They say that then it was known that there never was a me, it was Maya- ego 
is the 
maya- so no cosmic ego's in my path

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 qntmpkt  wrote:  Thanks, this is quite obvious if one defines the
 me = I; the notion of a delusional self associated with the mind
 as an identity separate from Pure Consciousness. This is the snake
 that actually is a rope.  The snake doesn't exist in itself,
 therefore the I or me in this sense can't get Enlightened.  But
 nobody on this forum is saying that the Me CAN gain Realization . . .
 Edg:  This word gain is problematic, eh?  Let me take a hack at
 hitting the same target.  
 If we step back from the concept that all is illusion/dream, and we
 talk as if objects of consciousness were separate entities instead of
 undifferentiated light, then immediately we can begin to speak of
 gains.  A film can show an actor gaining a hat, but it is only
 actor-blotches-of-light being associated in time, space, memory with
 hat-blotches.  There is no real ownership of the hat on the level of
 unity -- no causal connections, no laws.  If hat or actor are seen
 again, the blotches will be entirely new, different and not in the
 least causally connected to the previous set of blotches that were
 designated hat and actor.
 Just so do ego-blotches sometimes seem to gain enlightenment-blotches.
  There can be no denying that the enlightenment-blotches are an
 all-time reality -- always being seen with the ego-blotches, but it is
 not a law, because, well, enlightenment-blotches accompany ALL
 blotches of every ilk all the time.  
 When the ego gets it that it is not sentient, it is said that it dies,
 or that the mind is killed, or that me-ness evaporates, but in terms
 of functionality, enlightened folks can easily keep track of their
 bodies and thoughts.  It is not the case that after enlightenment that
 a person will be confused; there's no concern that
 not-identifying-with-the-meat-robot will cause personal physical
 safety concerns, or that insanity will emerge without a central
 controller function. These things don't happen.  The enlightened can
 in every way function as if not enlightened in order to harmonize
 with the not-admitting-yet-that-they're-enlightened folks.  This
 illusion of having an ego, can then go about its day pretending to
 gain things -- including its enlightenment blotches.  It will be no
 larger a mistake than any other this is assertion of entity-hood. 
 Like noise that comes with the train, goes with the train, is of no
 use to the train, but the train can't go without it, ego is just
 another squeak in the robot's clockworks.
 Ramana Maharishi and every other guru ever can hold a conversation,
 use the word me, make decisions, eat, etc.  The only difference is
 that their egos will not make the mistake of thinking that the
 sentience that is aware of the robot is the robot's ego-functions,
 nor that, because this robot-ego-function is observed, it is an
 observer of any sort whatsoever. Instead, the ONE PRESENCE is the
 observer of all blotchiness.  The ego doesn't actually die, because it
 was never alive, never existed as a separate entity except that the
 mind mistakenly insists it is.
 The mind that once was supposed-into-existence is no longer required
 to make a place in which observation can take place, since it is
 recognized that observation is an all-time reality for every speck of
 The most distant planet, the tiniest dust mote, the unseeable quarks,
 the 3,578,298,657th orbit of electron number
 657,536,420,543,098,708,345,456,988 of hydrogen atom number
 468,394,503,476,503,542,343,243,768,001 of water molecule number
 654,543,324,489,593,549,987 of the tear drop number 37 running down
 your cheek is duly noted -- no ego need be in attendance for absolute
 appreciation of any imposed definition on any arbitrarily hacked out
 patch o'blotches.
 Matthew 10:30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
 God is omnipresent -- what else needs to be said?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread qntmpkt
--The statement, ...then there only IS is an incomplete description 
of existence.  A more complete statement would be IsAS: 
modifications of pure Conscious such as trees, the sky, the body; 
etc; and all of the components that STILL make up an individual, 
minus the false illusory I.  Therefore, should the IRC come 
knocking on your door (after getting Enlightened), don't say, Sorry, 
can't pay since there's no Me.

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is a very complicated post - my opinion is it serves to get 
the mind engaged- where 
 as enlightenment is very simple- the me falls away, then there 
only  IS
 They say that then it was known that there never was a me, it was 
Maya- ego is the 
 maya- so no cosmic ego's in my path
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  qntmpkt  wrote:  Thanks, this is quite obvious if one defines 
  me = I; the notion of a delusional self associated with the 
  as an identity separate from Pure Consciousness. This is the snake
  that actually is a rope.  The snake doesn't exist in itself,
  therefore the I or me in this sense can't get Enlightened.  But
  nobody on this forum is saying that the Me CAN gain 
Realization . . .
  Edg:  This word gain is problematic, eh?  Let me take a hack at
  hitting the same target.  
  If we step back from the concept that all is illusion/dream, 
and we
  talk as if objects of consciousness were separate entities 
instead of
  undifferentiated light, then immediately we can begin to speak 
  gains.  A film can show an actor gaining a hat, but it is only
  actor-blotches-of-light being associated in time, space, memory 
  hat-blotches.  There is no real ownership of the hat on the level 
  unity -- no causal connections, no laws.  If hat or actor are 
  again, the blotches will be entirely new, different and not in the
  least causally connected to the previous set of blotches that were
  designated hat and actor.
  Just so do ego-blotches sometimes seem to gain enlightenment-
   There can be no denying that the enlightenment-blotches are an
  all-time reality -- always being seen with the ego-blotches, but 
it is
  not a law, because, well, enlightenment-blotches accompany ALL
  blotches of every ilk all the time.  
  When the ego gets it that it is not sentient, it is said that it 
  or that the mind is killed, or that me-ness evaporates, but in 
  of functionality, enlightened folks can easily keep track of their
  bodies and thoughts.  It is not the case that after enlightenment 
  a person will be confused; there's no concern that
  not-identifying-with-the-meat-robot will cause personal physical
  safety concerns, or that insanity will emerge without a central
  controller function. These things don't happen.  The enlightened 
  in every way function as if not enlightened in order to 
  with the not-admitting-yet-that-they're-enlightened folks.  This
  illusion of having an ego, can then go about its day pretending 
  gain things -- including its enlightenment blotches.  It will 
be no
  larger a mistake than any other this is assertion of entity-
  Like noise that comes with the train, goes with the train, is of 
  use to the train, but the train can't go without it, ego is just
  another squeak in the robot's clockworks.
  Ramana Maharishi and every other guru ever can hold a 
  use the word me, make decisions, eat, etc.  The only difference 
  that their egos will not make the mistake of thinking that the
  sentience that is aware of the robot is the robot's ego-
  nor that, because this robot-ego-function is observed, it is an
  observer of any sort whatsoever. Instead, the ONE PRESENCE is the
  observer of all blotchiness.  The ego doesn't actually die, 
because it
  was never alive, never existed as a separate entity except that 
  mind mistakenly insists it is.
  The mind that once was supposed-into-existence is no longer 
  to make a place in which observation can take place, since it is
  recognized that observation is an all-time reality for every 
speck of
  The most distant planet, the tiniest dust mote, the unseeable 
  the 3,578,298,657th orbit of electron number
  657,536,420,543,098,708,345,456,988 of hydrogen atom number
  468,394,503,476,503,542,343,243,768,001 of water molecule number
  654,543,324,489,593,549,987 of the tear drop number 37 running 
  your cheek is duly noted -- no ego need be in attendance for 
  appreciation of any imposed definition on any arbitrarily hacked 
  patch o'blotches.
  Matthew 10:30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
  God is omnipresent -- what else needs to be said?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Aushcwitz employee picnic pics

2007-09-19 Thread Marek Reavis
Just some thoughts, mostly rambling.

My mother's last surviving sibling, my Aunt Zosia, lives in Oswiciem 
(Aushcwitz is in Poland and that's the non-German name of the town).  
After reading the NYTimes article Bob posted (below) I went to the US 
Holocaust Museum site and began to look at the photos from the other 
Aushcwitz album showing all the Jewish men lined up on the ramp beside 
the cattle train that brought them to that place; looking at their 
faces and trying to divine their thoughts, though I guess you could say 
that it's not too difficult to speculate about what they might have 

Nearly every day I look at men and women in custody, in manacles and 
shackles; chained together in short lines of indignity and despair; 
herded through one locked door after another and on through another, 
and another, eventually ending up in some concrete and cinderblock 
stall.  Told where to sit, when to sit, when to stand; watched while 
they shower and while they shit; subjected to countless intrusions and 
casual derision every waking moment.

The people I work with and work for, of course, are accused of criminal 
offenses; but whether their alleged crimes are petty or capital, 
they're all treated (generally, but certainly not universally) like 
this is what they deserve -- concrete and steel, disinfectant and 
degradation -- and they seem to believe it, too; most accept it as just 
their fate.

I'm not going anywhere with this; I'm just touching on something that 
moves/moved me and compelled me to talk about it.  Maybe I'll figure 
this out more a little bit later on.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


[FairfieldLife] Re: heyaM duHkham anaagatam?

2007-09-19 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
   FWIW, vittu is probably the most common curse word hereabouts,
   roughly corresponding to fvck (you). The expression mukava 
   would be a bit idiosyncratic, IMO. It might well have 
 been mukavaa,
   vittu, a sarcastic comment on something, like nice, fvck you!
  I prefer your explanation of a couple of days back :-)
 No big deal, but that explanation seems to require someone's
 pvssy was rather visible at that moment...or, then again,
 perhaps not...  ;)

Not visible but attainable and hidden by a thin piece of cloth only. 
Who knows, she was just bragging probably - the finns... ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 God is omnipresent -- what else needs to be said?

Been thinking about this one, in the context of why bother?, and 
trying to figure out why God, or insert motive force of creation 
here *does* bother. Or appears to. In other words, if the flowers 
have already bloomed once, or the thought that they have bloomed 
already exists, why bother seeing them again? First I thought about 
love as a justification, and love, though a wonderful, sublime 
emotion, doesn't always carry a lot of ooomph with it. Maybe bliss, 
because of its more pervasive, objective and intense nature is a 
better choice than love. 

Then I jotted something down on a scrap of paper awhile back about 
curiosity and that seemed closer to the mark. With Self Realization, 
though as you have deduced, nothing happens, and we are all already 
enlightened on a particle level. BUT we are not all aware that we 
are, and it is that subjective journey from there to here that is so 
compelling on a universal level; that the universe apparently enjoys 
so much. A family reunion of sorts; first, differentiation, moving 
towards perfection, ultimately suceeding in reunification. The 
glorious WTF moment!

So it appears that the laws and structure of this magnificent 
illusion exist purely so that we can ultimately sync up with it, and 
enjoy it fully, not as a warped manifestation of our intepretation 
of it, but rather for what it truly IS (which is still an illusion, 
but not one as we think we would like it to be, but rather springing 
full blown from God or insert motive force of creation here).:-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread Peter

--- Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is a very complicated post - my opinion is it
 serves to get the mind engaged- where 
 as enlightenment is very simple- the me falls away,
 then there only  IS

It might be quite complicated , but it does/can lead
the mind towards transcending itself. I agree that
enlightenment is simple, but it can come as quite a
shock when the mind attempts to reference itself, to
feel itself as a subjective I and absolutely
nothing is there. This nothingness takes some getting
used to from the minds perspective. Until the
experience actually occurs, the profundity of this
experience can not be comprehended by the mind. There
is a foundational shift in identity from a unique,
psychological I to absolutely nothing. Thoughts,
feelings, actions, desires all continue as before but
there is no identification of these phenomena with an

 They say that then it was known that there never was
 a me, it was Maya- ego is the 
 maya- so no cosmic ego's in my path

Hmmm... Maya is more a concept for Unity consciousness
where time and space phenomena, which still exist
outside Self in the initial Realization of Self are
seen as inside of Self. They don't really exist
outside of Self. They aren't real.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: heyaM duHkham anaagatam?

2007-09-19 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Not visible but attainable and hidden by a thin piece of cloth only. 
 Who knows, she was just bragging probably - the finns... ;-)

Bragging? Was she referring to her own yawn-ee, then??  :0

yoni mf. [...] sometimes also %{yonI [yawnee]} ; [...] the womb , 
uterus , vulva , vagina , female organs of generation RV. c. c. 
(together with the %{liGga} , a typical symbol of the divine 
procreative energy RTL. 224) ;  

[FairfieldLife] Re: JFK and GWB -- Evolution? Rising World Consciousness?

2007-09-19 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I just saw a clip of JFK giving ask not..  speech. Pure magic, 
 Regardless, what you may think of his politics -- I personally liked
 many -- not all of his ideas and visions. He was a great speaker,
 clear inspiring, articulate and visionary. I know from personal
 experience, that he inspired many, 4 years or more older than me, to
 join the Peace Corp after high school. Or college.   
 And his bother Bobby. i don't really care about their sex lives. He
 was incredibly inspiring, and motivational. I never heard him speak
 (other than pissing next to him in a tough at a ski resort, and 
 to him on a bus, across from him, both sitting on edge aisles,  at
 same resort), but I am still inspired by  hippie/ UCB student/great
 guy, and friend, Dave, (Tina Kessler a friend of his, and mine, if 
 know her -- anthropology  phd at UCB -- or fantastic, sweet and
 charming,  blonde, hippie chid incanrnate of 60's, sister Leala)
 probably dead, or maybe netcom billionaire), student at UCB  (UC
 Bekeley -- the hub of the universe -- or the Revolution) of 
 speeches at UCB. 
 Compare him (RFK or JKF0 to GWB: um uh, WTF am I supposed to say 
 Rising world consciosness since MMY startd teachng in US in early
 Just a thought. Seems to me we may have regressed, backtracked since
 the early 60's. Puts all this rising World Consocuiosnss to doubt.
 (Well, thats my non-dogmatic view-- in the moment. Maybe Nab will 
 me the light, the error of my thinking, perceiving. As will Jim.)

Actually, JFK was another dangerous son-of-a-rich-man like Dumbya, 
full of entitlement overwhelming whatever brains they have. JFK 
nearly prompted a nuke war over Russian missiles in Cuba, a supreme 
piece of hypocrisy given American missiles stationed in Turkey. He 
had to go, and that $20 rifle shot enjoyed the support of nature in 
removing his arrogant ass from office. Fortunately, Dumbya's term 
will expire in several hundred days, and that should be the last of 
Middle East adventurism we'll see for a while.

[FairfieldLife] Re: JFK and GWB -- Evolution? Rising World Consciousness?

2007-09-19 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
  I just saw a clip of JFK giving ask not..  speech. Pure magic, 
  Regardless, what you may think of his politics -- I personally liked
  many -- not all of his ideas and visions. He was a great speaker,
  clear inspiring, articulate and visionary. I know from personal
  experience, that he inspired many, 4 years or more older than me, to
  join the Peace Corp after high school. Or college.   
  And his bother Bobby. i don't really care about their sex lives. He
  was incredibly inspiring, and motivational. I never heard him speak
  (other than pissing next to him in a tough at a ski resort, and 
  to him on a bus, across from him, both sitting on edge aisles,  at
  same resort), but I am still inspired by  hippie/ UCB student/great
  guy, and friend, Dave, (Tina Kessler a friend of his, and mine, if 
  know her -- anthropology  phd at UCB -- or fantastic, sweet and
  charming,  blonde, hippie chid incanrnate of 60's, sister Leala)
  probably dead, or maybe netcom billionaire), student at UCB  (UC
  Bekeley -- the hub of the universe -- or the Revolution) of 
  speeches at UCB. 
  Compare him (RFK or JKF0 to GWB: um uh, WTF am I supposed to say 
  Rising world consciosness since MMY startd teachng in US in early
  Just a thought. Seems to me we may have regressed, backtracked since
  the early 60's. Puts all this rising World Consocuiosnss to doubt.
  (Well, thats my non-dogmatic view-- in the moment. Maybe Nab will 
  me the light, the error of my thinking, perceiving. As will Jim.)
 Actually, JFK was another dangerous son-of-a-rich-man like Dumbya, 
 full of entitlement overwhelming whatever brains they have. JFK 
 nearly prompted a nuke war over Russian missiles in Cuba, a supreme 
 piece of hypocrisy given American missiles stationed in Turkey. He 
 had to go, and that $20 rifle shot enjoyed the support of nature in 
 removing his arrogant ass from office. Fortunately, Dumbya's term 
 will expire in several hundred days, and that should be the last of 
 Middle East adventurism we'll see for a while.

The similar backgrounds of privilage, and perhaps arrogance (I don't agree that 
JFK was 
arrogant, but  I think that W is the epitome of arrogance) and the Presidential 
role each 
played are wholly insufficient reasons for comparing the two leaders. If degree 
arrogance was the determinant to justify elimination, on a comparative basis, 
JFK would be 
enjoying post-Presidential retirement, and Cheney would have become President 
in 2001. 

[FairfieldLife] tumeric helps prevent brain plaque

2007-09-19 Thread matrixmonitor

[FairfieldLife] Re: tumeric helps prevent brain plaque

2007-09-19 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, matrixmonitor 


All you hot dog eaters have been eating health food all this time -- 
good ole yellow mustard contains turmeric:


[FairfieldLife] Re: JFK and GWB -- Evolution? Rising World Consciousness?

2007-09-19 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
  I just saw a clip of JFK giving ask not..  speech. Pure magic, 
  Regardless, what you may think of his politics -- I personally liked
  many -- not all of his ideas and visions. He was a great speaker,
  clear inspiring, articulate and visionary. I know from personal
  experience, that he inspired many, 4 years or more older than me, to
  join the Peace Corp after high school. Or college.   
  And his bother Bobby. i don't really care about their sex lives. He
  was incredibly inspiring, and motivational. I never heard him speak
  (other than pissing next to him in a tough at a ski resort, and 
  to him on a bus, across from him, both sitting on edge aisles,  at
  same resort), but I am still inspired by  hippie/ UCB student/great
  guy, and friend, Dave, (Tina Kessler a friend of his, and mine, if 
  know her -- anthropology  phd at UCB -- or fantastic, sweet and
  charming,  blonde, hippie chid incanrnate of 60's, sister Leala)
  probably dead, or maybe netcom billionaire), student at UCB  (UC
  Bekeley -- the hub of the universe -- or the Revolution) of 
  speeches at UCB. 
  Compare him (RFK or JKF0 to GWB: um uh, WTF am I supposed to say 
  Rising world consciosness since MMY startd teachng in US in early
  Just a thought. Seems to me we may have regressed, backtracked since
  the early 60's. Puts all this rising World Consocuiosnss to doubt.
  (Well, thats my non-dogmatic view-- in the moment. Maybe Nab will 
  me the light, the error of my thinking, perceiving. As will Jim.)
 Actually, JFK was another dangerous son-of-a-rich-man like Dumbya, 
 full of entitlement overwhelming whatever brains they have. JFK 
 nearly prompted a nuke war over Russian missiles in Cuba, a supreme 
 piece of hypocrisy given American missiles stationed in Turkey. He 
 had to go, and that $20 rifle shot enjoyed the support of nature in 
 removing his arrogant ass from office. Fortunately, Dumbya's term 
 will expire in several hundred days, and that should be the last of 
 Middle East adventurism we'll see for a while.

What would have been the non-hypocritical response of JFK to the Soviet attempt 
to place 
nuclear-tipped missiles on Cuban soil?  Allow the Soviet Nuclear Missile 
installation in 
Cuba ?  Wouldn't that have been charitable. NOT.   

JFK wasn't even elected during the period of development and implementation of 
Turkey weapons placement. See   tinyurl.com/27oc2f

I think weapons proliferation is horrible, but have you considered that to this 
date that the 
U.S. is the only  country with nuclear weapons placed on foreign soil?  Had JFK 
to the Soviet placement of nuclear weapons in Cuba in 1962, precedent would 
have been 
set for other countries to place nuclear weapons all over the world.  Yeah, the 
U.S. is 
hypocritical, but the threat of nuclear war would be greater if everyone had 
nukes placed 
all over the world. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: JFK and GWB -- Evolution? Rising World Consciousness?

2007-09-19 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
  I just saw a clip of JFK giving ask not..  speech. Pure magic, 
  Regardless, what you may think of his politics -- I personally liked
  many -- not all of his ideas and visions. He was a great speaker,
  clear inspiring, articulate and visionary. I know from personal
  experience, that he inspired many, 4 years or more older than me, to
  join the Peace Corp after high school. Or college.   
  And his bother Bobby. i don't really care about their sex lives. He
  was incredibly inspiring, and motivational. I never heard him speak
  (other than pissing next to him in a tough at a ski resort, and 
  to him on a bus, across from him, both sitting on edge aisles,  at
  same resort), but I am still inspired by  hippie/ UCB student/great
  guy, and friend, Dave, (Tina Kessler a friend of his, and mine, if 
  know her -- anthropology  phd at UCB -- or fantastic, sweet and
  charming,  blonde, hippie chid incanrnate of 60's, sister Leala)
  probably dead, or maybe netcom billionaire), student at UCB  (UC
  Bekeley -- the hub of the universe -- or the Revolution) of 
  speeches at UCB. 
  Compare him (RFK or JKF0 to GWB: um uh, WTF am I supposed to say 
  Rising world consciosness since MMY startd teachng in US in early
  Just a thought. Seems to me we may have regressed, backtracked since
  the early 60's. Puts all this rising World Consocuiosnss to doubt.
  (Well, thats my non-dogmatic view-- in the moment. Maybe Nab will 
  me the light, the error of my thinking, perceiving. As will Jim.)
 Actually, JFK was another dangerous son-of-a-rich-man like Dumbya, 
 full of entitlement overwhelming whatever brains they have. JFK 
 nearly prompted a nuke war over Russian missiles in Cuba, a supreme 
 piece of hypocrisy given American missiles stationed in Turkey. He 
 had to go, and that $20 rifle shot enjoyed the support of nature in 
 removing his arrogant ass from office. Fortunately, Dumbya's term 
 will expire in several hundred days, and that should be the last of 
 Middle East adventurism we'll see for a while.

What would have been the non-hypocritical response of JFK to the Soviet attempt 
to place 
nuclear-tipped missiles on Cuban soil? Allow the Soviet Nuclear Missile 
installation in 
Cuba ? Wouldn't that have been charitable. NOT. 

JFK wasn't even elected during the period of development and implementation of 
Turkey weapons placement. Seehttp://tinyurl.com/27oc2f

I think weapons proliferation is horrible, but have you considered that to this 
date that the 
U.S. is the only country with nuclear weapons placed on foreign soil? Had JFK 
to the Soviet placement of nuclear weapons in Cuba in 1962, precedent would 
have been 
set for other countries to place nuclear weapons all over the world. Yeah, the 
U.S. is 
hypocritical, but the threat of nuclear war would be greater if everyone had 
nukes placed 
all over the world.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread Ron
I just read this to swami G and she said yea, that's what happens

 It might be quite complicated , but it does/can lead
 the mind towards transcending itself. I agree that
 enlightenment is simple, but it can come as quite a
 shock when the mind attempts to reference itself, to
 feel itself as a subjective I and absolutely
 nothing is there. This nothingness takes some getting
 used to from the minds perspective. Until the
 experience actually occurs, the profundity of this
 experience can not be comprehended by the mind. There
 is a foundational shift in identity from a unique,
 psychological I to absolutely nothing. Thoughts,
 feelings, actions, desires all continue as before but
 there is no identification of these phenomena with an

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, qntmpkt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --The statement, ...then there only IS is an incomplete description 
 of existence.  

Of course, any statement will never replace the reality of the situation

A more complete statement would be IsAS: 
 modifications of pure Conscious such as trees, the sky, the body; 
 etc; and all of the components that STILL make up an individual, 
 minus the false illusory I. 

The I is the individual, isn't it?

 Therefore, should the IRC come 
 knocking on your door (after getting Enlightened), don't say, Sorry, 
 can't pay since there's no Me.
I have posted comments from the enlightened here so it helps to see how their 
day to day 
life is, and that this story book idea of special and superhuman belongs more 
to ego than 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread Ron
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, qntmpkt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --The statement, ...then there only IS is an incomplete description 
 of existence.  

Of course, any statement will never replace the reality of the situation

A more complete statement would be IsAS: 
 modifications of pure Conscious such as trees, the sky, the body; 
 etc; and all of the components that STILL make up an individual, 
 minus the false illusory I. 

The I is the individual, isn't it?

 Therefore, should the IRC come 
 knocking on your door (after getting Enlightened), don't say, Sorry, 
 can't pay since there's no Me.
I have posted comments from the enlightened here so it helps to see how their 
day to day 
life is, and that this story book idea of special and superhuman belongs more 
to ego than 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread tanhlnx
--Below, you ask if I is the individual.  Depends upon how you 
define it: a. the illusory I that is the core of misidentification, 
or b. the individual who remains after the ignorance of 
misidentification is gone, and who STILL may refer to herself as I 
in ordinary exchanges of conversation with people. The question then 
becomes, what is the nature of this (b) I...; is it/he/she simply 
saying something that has no reality?  No.
  The I who remains has no substantial, i.e. in-itself reality 
separate from Brahman; but the ongoing error of Neo-Advaita is that 
there's no significance to the remaining I.
 As pointed out by several contributors, the I that/who remains also 
has several major components when misidentification vanishes.  One of 
these components can be called the social I, and includes all manner 
of habitual behaviors in the due course of social interactions.
 There are several other categories of this I:  (b), the bodily/mind 
I; in essence, this body/mind that remains (even though non-
substantial) is a new I that exists in the world of nonduality.
  Say you lived on a planet where everybody was born enlightened. 
Would people go around saying nobody has an I.  No.  First, not 
having tasted the ignorance of misidentification, they would have no 
conception of what it is, none whatsoever.
  In the course of social intercourse, the notational I would be 
required, because on that planet, visitors may knock on your door 
asking if you are so and so.  Naturally, you would reply Yes, I am. 
 More specifically and directly, exactly what is this new I, apart 
from being a mere notation?
 It's a relative body/mind!
Thus, to answer your question, an I exists after Enlightenment, 
yes, but it's not the same I as before which is based on the delusion 
of separateness.
 The new I is a holographic me, wholly inseparable from the 
Absolute continuum of pure Consciousness; but still composed of 
various relative components such as the capacity to interact 
socially, to perform actions with the mind, senses, and organs; and 
to engage in new types of perceptions, especially relating to the 
entire universe of existence that forms the holographic identity.
 The holographic aspect to the new I is important since holograms 
enfold the totality but each hologram differs from the others in 
having priorities of viewpoints.  The things being seen have no inner 
core of an I' as a false identity, but they (the objects) are 
simply being seen. By what?  The body and its senses.
 Thus, your Guru is misguided if he has fallen into the Neo-Advaita 
trap which claims that all types of an I vanish at Enlightenment.
The Enlightenment I is a holographic I, nondifferent from the 
Absolute continuum but partaking of normal interactions by virtue of 
ongoing bodily impulses and the capacity to engage in entirely new, 
creative, and original enterprises.

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, qntmpkt qntmpkt@ wrote:
  --The statement, ...then there only IS is an incomplete 
  of existence.  
 Of course, any statement will never replace the reality of the 
 A more complete statement would be IsAS: 
  modifications of pure Conscious such as trees, the sky, the body; 
  etc; and all of the components that STILL make up an individual, 
  minus the false illusory I. 
 The I is the individual, isn't it?
  Therefore, should the IRC come 
  knocking on your door (after getting Enlightened), don't 
say, Sorry, 
  can't pay since there's no Me.
 I have posted comments from the enlightened here so it helps to see 
how their day to day 
 life is, and that this story book idea of special and superhuman 
belongs more to ego than 

[FairfieldLife] Re: JFK and GWB -- Evolution? Rising World Consciousness?

2007-09-19 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
   I just saw a clip of JFK giving ask not..  speech. Pure 
   Regardless, what you may think of his politics -- I personally 
   many -- not all of his ideas and visions. He was a great 
   clear inspiring, articulate and visionary. I know from personal
   experience, that he inspired many, 4 years or more older than 
me, to
   join the Peace Corp after high school. Or college.   
   And his bother Bobby. i don't really care about their sex 
lives. He
   was incredibly inspiring, and motivational. I never heard him 
   (other than pissing next to him in a tough at a ski resort, and 
   to him on a bus, across from him, both sitting on edge aisles,  
   same resort), but I am still inspired by  hippie/ UCB 
   guy, and friend, Dave, (Tina Kessler a friend of his, and mine, 
   know her -- anthropology  phd at UCB -- or fantastic, sweet and
   charming,  blonde, hippie chid incanrnate of 60's, sister Leala)
   probably dead, or maybe netcom billionaire), student at UCB  (UC
   Bekeley -- the hub of the universe -- or the Revolution) of 
   speeches at UCB. 
   Compare him (RFK or JKF0 to GWB: um uh, WTF am I supposed to 
   Rising world consciosness since MMY startd teachng in US in 
   Just a thought. Seems to me we may have regressed, backtracked 
   the early 60's. Puts all this rising World Consocuiosnss to 
   (Well, thats my non-dogmatic view-- in the moment. Maybe Nab 
   me the light, the error of my thinking, perceiving. As will 
  Actually, JFK was another dangerous son-of-a-rich-man like 
  full of entitlement overwhelming whatever brains they have. JFK 
  nearly prompted a nuke war over Russian missiles in Cuba, a 
  piece of hypocrisy given American missiles stationed in Turkey. 
  had to go, and that $20 rifle shot enjoyed the support of nature 
  removing his arrogant ass from office. Fortunately, Dumbya's term 
  will expire in several hundred days, and that should be the last 
  Middle East adventurism we'll see for a while.
 What would have been the non-hypocritical response of JFK to the 
Soviet attempt to place 
 nuclear-tipped missiles on Cuban soil? Allow the Soviet Nuclear 
Missile installation in 
 Cuba ? Wouldn't that have been charitable. NOT. 
 JFK wasn't even elected during the period of development and 
implementation of the 
 Turkey weapons placement. Seehttp://tinyurl.com/27oc2f
 I think weapons proliferation is horrible, but have you considered 
that to this date that the 
 U.S. is the only country with nuclear weapons placed on foreign 
soil? Had JFK acquiesed 
 to the Soviet placement of nuclear weapons in Cuba in 1962, 
precedent would have been 
 set for other countries to place nuclear weapons all over the 
world. Yeah, the U.S. is 
 hypocritical, but the threat of nuclear war would be greater if 
everyone had nukes placed 
 all over the world.


JFK agreed to withdraw the missiles from Turkey in a quid pro quo 
with the Soviets, although he could not admit to doing so publicly 
because technically the deployment of missiles was a NATO decision, 
not a U.S. decision. 


If JFK had anything on the ball, he would not have brought the world 
to the brink of nuclear confrontation, but would have first 
approached the Soviets quietly and diplomatically with the deal that 
he eventually made: you take the missiles out of Cuba, we'll take the 
missiles out of Turkey (a country which borders the Soviet Union). 

[FairfieldLife] Re: tumeric helps prevent brain plaque

2007-09-19 Thread shukra69
hot dogs are not healthy food, increasing your risk of leukemia amoung
other things

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, matrixmonitor 
 matrixmonitor@ wrote:
 All you hot dog eaters have been eating health food all this time -- 
 good ole yellow mustard contains turmeric:

[FairfieldLife] Re: The fallacy is that a *Me* can Gain Realization

2007-09-19 Thread Ron
This is way too complicated for me, but I ask the usual- is the one writting 
this speaking 
from Being or about it? Start with that.

We have 3 enlightened one's in our group and though there is not a coaching, 
they have 
the same basic thing to say because it is coming from that One essence. Their 
message is 
it is never a me that gets enlightened, it is the death of the Me that is the 
life or all life

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tanhlnx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --Below, you ask if I is the individual.  Depends upon how you 
 define it: a. the illusory I that is the core of misidentification, 
 or b. the individual who remains after the ignorance of 
 misidentification is gone, and who STILL may refer to herself as I 
 in ordinary exchanges of conversation with people. The question then 
 becomes, what is the nature of this (b) I...; is it/he/she simply 
 saying something that has no reality?  No.
   The I who remains has no substantial, i.e. in-itself reality 
 separate from Brahman; but the ongoing error of Neo-Advaita is that 
 there's no significance to the remaining I.
  As pointed out by several contributors, the I that/who remains also 
 has several major components when misidentification vanishes.  One of 
 these components can be called the social I, and includes all manner 
 of habitual behaviors in the due course of social interactions.
  There are several other categories of this I:  (b), the bodily/mind 
 I; in essence, this body/mind that remains (even though non-
 substantial) is a new I that exists in the world of nonduality.
   Say you lived on a planet where everybody was born enlightened. 
 Would people go around saying nobody has an I.  No.  First, not 
 having tasted the ignorance of misidentification, they would have no 
 conception of what it is, none whatsoever.
   In the course of social intercourse, the notational I would be 
 required, because on that planet, visitors may knock on your door 
 asking if you are so and so.  Naturally, you would reply Yes, I am. 
  More specifically and directly, exactly what is this new I, apart 
 from being a mere notation?
  It's a relative body/mind!
 Thus, to answer your question, an I exists after Enlightenment, 
 yes, but it's not the same I as before which is based on the delusion 
 of separateness.
  The new I is a holographic me, wholly inseparable from the 
 Absolute continuum of pure Consciousness; but still composed of 
 various relative components such as the capacity to interact 
 socially, to perform actions with the mind, senses, and organs; and 
 to engage in new types of perceptions, especially relating to the 
 entire universe of existence that forms the holographic identity.
  The holographic aspect to the new I is important since holograms 
 enfold the totality but each hologram differs from the others in 
 having priorities of viewpoints.  The things being seen have no inner 
 core of an I' as a false identity, but they (the objects) are 
 simply being seen. By what?  The body and its senses.
  Thus, your Guru is misguided if he has fallen into the Neo-Advaita 
 trap which claims that all types of an I vanish at Enlightenment.
 The Enlightenment I is a holographic I, nondifferent from the 
 Absolute continuum but partaking of normal interactions by virtue of 
 ongoing bodily impulses and the capacity to engage in entirely new, 
 creative, and original enterprises.
 - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ron sidha7001@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, qntmpkt qntmpkt@ wrote:
   --The statement, ...then there only IS is an incomplete 
   of existence.  
  Of course, any statement will never replace the reality of the 
  A more complete statement would be IsAS: 
   modifications of pure Conscious such as trees, the sky, the body; 
   etc; and all of the components that STILL make up an individual, 
   minus the false illusory I. 
  The I is the individual, isn't it?
   Therefore, should the IRC come 
   knocking on your door (after getting Enlightened), don't 
 say, Sorry, 
   can't pay since there's no Me.
  I have posted comments from the enlightened here so it helps to see 
 how their day to day 
  life is, and that this story book idea of special and superhuman 
 belongs more to ego than 

[FairfieldLife] From the newest enlightened One- the is no*one*

2007-09-19 Thread Ron
Namaste Sajani and Holly,

When one comes upon That which IS, all else - every little 
experience (vision, dream, sounds, Samadhi, etc) that ever happened 
is absolutely burned to dust. Visions, experiences, dreams, 
insights are all wonderful in that they can help to keep one 
motivated to continue forward and also may show where one is at 
within the layers of conciousness, but are limited because they ARE 
experiences. An experience exists becase an experiencer 
exists... one should strive for no experience at all! Ha ha ha ha 
ha ha ha!!! If they come, wonderful - say hello and goodbye to 
them in the same instant. If they don't, keep walking until there 
is no*one* walking or experiencing a thing!

OM Shanti,
Sarojini - A name with no experience