[FairfieldLife] Two Krishnas??

2007-10-26 Thread cardemaister

According to Capeller(sp?), the nominative dual form
from kRSNa (kRSNau: two Krishnas) refers to Krishna
and Arjuna.

Capeller's Sanskrit-English Dictionary:

1 kRSNa a. black, dark. --m. (ñ{pakSa}) the dark half month, the black 
antelope (mostly {kR3SNa}); N. of an ancient hero and teacher, later 
as the god Kr2s2n2a identified with Vis2n2u; du. *{kRSNau} = 
Kr2s2n2a and Arjuna.* f. {kRSNA} a. black kind of leech. N. of 
sev. plants, E. of Durga1 and Draupadi1; f. {kRSNI3} night. n. 
blackness, darkness. 

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: [examma] Re: Facts Evidence (MORE LINKS)

2007-10-26 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I doubt whether anyone on this list will react much to this. If it had
 been a report connected with any Maharishi operation, the posts would
 have gone on for days about how corrupt and evil the TM movement is.
 But Amma is likely to get a pass from those here who reserve their
 most virulent hatred for one who was originally their benefactor.
 Strange, isn't it? 

 Indeed. From Rick Archer et al there is only thundering silence when
it comes to truths about Amma. (Which I question by the way) 
The gossip, outright lies and rumours are reserved for the Movement.
It's called double standards or hypocrecy. It is backfireing on him now. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Proud to be a Whiner!

2007-10-26 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brontebaxter8

snip to
...result has not only defined and 
 sharpened my perspective on the subject but has inspired a 
 book which I now have started writing. The title: Blowing 
 the Whistle on Enlightenment: Allegations of a New Age Heretic.

Why am I not surprised?  :-)

Be sure to include a chapter on, What to do
when someone won't let you monopolize the
conversation in the group he moderates? The
content could include such tidbits as, Make
a big deal out of stalking off the forum, but
hang onto the grudge and then, within days, 
come back to the forum to post negative arti-
cles about the teacher that the offending
person likes. *That* will wow them over at
Publisher's Weekly.  :-)

Bronte, I have to say that I nailed you as a
compulsive Whiner with your first posts here,
and you have (unfortunately) not disappointed.

I consider it a real pity that someone with a 
mind as potentially sharp as yours can't get
past her scars from the past to some kind of
balance in the present. I have challenged you
in the past here to do one simple thing -- some-
thing that should be a breeze for someone who
considers herself as smart as you obviously
consider yourself -- write something positive.

One post. One in which there is zero negation
or putdown of something you don't like, only a
presentation of something you *do* like and
that you think might be valuable for other folks. 
One post in which you are *for* something, not 
merely *against*. You have proven yourself 
incapable of performing this simple task. As
I suggested when I proposed the challenge, I
honestly don't think you *can* any more. 

If (a big if) you ever write the book you claim
to be writing, I'm sure there will be a large
and profitable market for it. But you should
know that when it hits Santa Fe, the owners
of the best bookstore in town will take one 
look at it and put it on the shelf in the section
of the store clearly labeled, WHINERS.

Really. The owner and the employees of the store
originally labeled this section CRITICISM, but
after noticing the tone, the content, and the
consistent me-fixation of the authors, they
ordered a new sign and called the section 
WHINERS. The patrons of the store, even the ones
who browse there, love it. It captures the tone
and the mindset of the books stocked there.

The thing that *all* of the books in the section 
have in common, no matter which spiritual trip
or psychiatric practice or self-help technique 
they're ragging on, is that they are only negative. 
There isn't an ounce of positive suggestion for 
something *else* to do within a one of them. 
They're just someone whining about what's *wrong* 
with all these trips. 

It's EASY to criticize. I do it myself from time
to time, and know just how easy it is, especially 
with easy targets like the TM movement. But there 
is neither any creativity nor balance in *only* 
criticizing. To achieve balance, one has to get 
*past* the ego-hurt and be able to accept the 
good things that came along with the bad ones. 
And to achieve any measure of creativity, one has 
to be able to propose something *else*, something 
that could actually *help* someone else, something 
they might consider doing *instead* of the thing 
being criticized/whined about.

So far, you have proved yourself incapable of
getting to this Next Step. I resubmit my challenge.
Since you clearly intend to hang around here and
post your whining, *supplement* it from time to
time with some creative suggestions of your own
for something *else* one could do. These supple-
mental posts should contain *no* negation (What
I recommend is that one *not* do X.). 

Give it a try. It's a lot more difficult to write
shit like that than it is to whine. So far you've
been taking the EASY (and intellectually LAZY) path,
and not only have you been taking that path, you've
been demanding that people *admire* you for taking
that path. I don't.

The day you can transcend the EASY path and propose
a completely positive *alternative* to that which
you criticize, on that day you have my respect. 
Not until.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shearer's translation?

2007-10-26 Thread billy jim
Alistair Shearer's version:
  After the repeated experience of the settling and ceasing of mental activity 
comes another samadhi. In this only the latent impressions of past experience 

cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Anyone's got Alistair Shearer's translation
of YS? I'd like to see his translation of I 18.


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[FairfieldLife] RE Amma Silance is golden of the highest order

2007-10-26 Thread WLeed3
Why not if one cannot say anything nice remain silent  Be praised for  the 
silence. Silance is best  highest 

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE Amma Silance is golden of the highest order

2007-10-26 Thread Peter
Oh Boy!

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why not if one cannot say anything nice remain
 silent  Be praised for  the 
 silence. Silance is best  highest 
 ** See what's
 new at http://www.aol.com

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Two Krishnas??

2007-10-26 Thread t3rinity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 According to Capeller(sp?), the nominative dual form
 from kRSNa (kRSNau: two Krishnas) refers to Krishna
 and Arjuna.

Thats interesting and funny at the same time: According to Achinthya
Bedabeda of Chaitanya (the philosophy behind the Hare Krishnas)
Krishna is as well the name of the highest God, of whom Brahma, Vishnu
and Shiva are only (Yuga-)Avatars, and at the same time he is the
special Avatar (of Vishnu) who instructed Arjuna in the Gita, one of
the Dasavataras. They actually speak of two Krishnas, but of course
its all one.

 Capeller's Sanskrit-English Dictionary:
 1 kRSNa a. black, dark. --m. (ñ{pakSa}) the dark half month, the black 
 antelope (mostly {kR3SNa}); N. of an ancient hero and teacher, later 
 as the god Kr2s2n2a identified with Vis2n2u; du. *{kRSNau} = 
 Kr2s2n2a and Arjuna.* f. {kRSNA} a. black kind of leech. N. of 
 sev. plants, E. of Durga1 and Draupadi1; f. {kRSNI3} night. n. 
 blackness, darkness.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Morford: American kids dumber than dirt

2007-10-26 Thread feste37
I don't know what Jesus has got to do with it, and I can't make much
sense of this post. I have no idea what the following sentence is
supposed to mean: Where did I say that a clear river, for example,
the river clear as glass that educated my grandfather wasn't the best
schooling a man can have? 

And by the way, it's dumber, not dummer. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander

 Jesus Christ.  They guy either told the truth: American kids are
dummer than dirt, or he didn't.  If it's true, then we have better
things to do than to engage in pissing contests on a personal level.
Then there are serious questions to ask about that. Plus, once again,
you're not reading what I actually said.  Where did I say that a clear
river, for example, the river clear as glass that educated my
grandfather wasn't the best schooling a man can have?  You are
imputing motives to my statements that I do not have. If what the guy
said is true, and I believe that it is true from my perspective as a
professional in the field of education, then, as I suggested earlier,
we are all embedded in it including the folks in Ff.  The forest is
green, remember, because every leaf of every tree is green.  Why are
you taking that personally? a
 feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Every
generation that has ever lived has complained about the younger
  generation, but what young people need to know changes from generation
  to generation. Has it ever occurred to you that the young people today
  do not necessarily need to know everything that you learned so long
  ago, and that they may know things that you are entirely ignorant of? 
  And as far as brilliance is concerned, I wasn't talking about
  illiterates. These were very well educated young people. I'm sorry you
  appear to have had such little luck in finding high-quality students
  to benefit from your great wisdom and knowledge. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
  mailander111@ wrote:
   Of course there are brilliant students, but that doesn't mean
  they've had an education.  I met brilliant illiterates all over the
  world.  They're illiterate, not stupid.  Get the difference?  I don't
  have a particularly low opinion of most of the members, but somebody
  posted something about the educational level in the U.S. generally,
  and I have to agree that it is abysmal.  Europe is deteriorating too,
  but not as fast. 
   One Ph.D. from the University of Iowa, one from Kent State.  My
  profs wanted me to go to Harvard, and I was accepted, by my husband
  didn't want to go there.  
   And th
   feste37 feste37@ wrote:   You must
  have taught at some lousy colleges. I have taught at high
school, undergraduate and graduate level and have been fortunate
enough to have had some brilliant students. In the words of The Who,
The kids are all right! 

I wonder why you deign to contribute to this list since you have
a low opinion of the educational attainments of its members. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
mailander111@ wrote:

My career has been unusual because I've taught at every level of
instruction from preschool through graduate school.  I have NEVER
taught anything at the undergraduate level in college that shouldn't
have been covered by eighth grade. 
 I hate to say this, but the low level of education is felt
EVERYWHERE in America, including Ff, including this group. a

 Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:  
Warning: The next generation might just be the biggest pile of
  idiots in 
  U.S. history
  (Would be FFL columnists would do well to study how Morford's
  style can carry you forward like butter instead of looking over
  at the 
  pane slider to see how much more you have to read).

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Shearer's translation?

2007-10-26 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, billy jim [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Alistair Shearer's version:


   After the repeated experience of the settling and ceasing of 
mental activity comes another samadhi. In this only the latent 
impressions of past experience remain.


 cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone's got Alistair Shearer's translation
 of YS? I'd like to see his translation of I 18.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Morford: American kids dumber than dirt

2007-10-26 Thread Angela Mailander
Well, the man did say that folks can no longer read English. And my 
spellchecker works just fine.  If I misspell a word, then chances are I've 
got my reasons.

But none of that is to the point.  The discussion is about whether or not the 
man is right in saying that American kids are dummer than dirt. Has there been, 
in fact, a dumming down of Americans?  I say there has, I'm not by a long shot 
the only professional in the field who says there has, and the dumming down is 
visible everywhere to anyone not completely embedded in this culture.  

I also know that folks get their dander up when you say that not everything is 
perfect in the good old U.S. of A. But, things can't get better until someone 
acknowledges that there is room for improvement.  And, by the way, I don't 
agree that the stance that all is right with the world is particularly 
enlightened or  the stance that if a thing is the way it is, then it must be 
God's will that it be so.  Humanity is a work in progress. I agree that my 
thoughts are God's thoughts, and so are yours, but neither yours nor mine are 
therefore co-extensive with God's.

 Newspapers in the U.S. are written to what passes for eighth grade reading 
levels in this country. And even that standard is slipping. My experience in 
teaching at various colleges and universities around the U.S. is that the 
preparation of college freshmen has been getting worse and worse.  Big 
businesses are hiring consultants at a thou a day to educate their management 
trainees in using their native language well enough to do international 
business with the rest of the world who does business in English as well, but 
learns it as a second language. Or third, etc. The U.S has slipped to about 
number 23 among industrialized nations in educational standards.  The U.S. is 
also no longer the world leader in the sciences.

The slipping of educational standards should be of concern to anyone who cares 
about the future of our children. And it's about more than a specific kind of 
education, as some have suggested.  IQ is about 40% language related. The way 
you teach reading and writing to children can foster the growth of IQ or 
suppress it, and the educational establishment in this country is doing all it 
can to suppress the growth of IQ.  Now this doesn't mean that they are 100% 
successful.  But the intelligent question to ask about this state of affairs is 
Qui Bono.  Who benefits?  As long as folks get personally insulted when folks 
point out that public education in the U.S. is in a pitiful state, then those 
who benefit from that state of affairs have won.

And here's an eighth grade English version of what I said about my grandfather. 
 He was educated by a river clear as glass.  Not by a school. a

feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   I don't know 
what Jesus has got to do with it, and I can't make much
 sense of this post. I have no idea what the following sentence is
 supposed to mean: Where did I say that a clear river, for example,
 the river clear as glass that educated my grandfather wasn't the best
 schooling a man can have? 
 And by the way, it's dumber, not dummer. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
  Jesus Christ.  They guy either told the truth: American kids are
 dummer than dirt, or he didn't.  If it's true, then we have better
 things to do than to engage in pissing contests on a personal level.
 Then there are serious questions to ask about that. Plus, once again,
 you're not reading what I actually said.  Where did I say that a clear
 river, for example, the river clear as glass that educated my
 grandfather wasn't the best schooling a man can have?  You are
 imputing motives to my statements that I do not have. If what the guy
 said is true, and I believe that it is true from my perspective as a
 professional in the field of education, then, as I suggested earlier,
 we are all embedded in it including the folks in Ff.  The forest is
 green, remember, because every leaf of every tree is green.  Why are
 you taking that personally? a
  feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Every
 generation that has ever lived has complained about the younger
   generation, but what young people need to know changes from generation
   to generation. Has it ever occurred to you that the young people today
   do not necessarily need to know everything that you learned so long
   ago, and that they may know things that you are entirely ignorant of? 
   And as far as brilliance is concerned, I wasn't talking about
   illiterates. These were very well educated young people. I'm sorry you
   appear to have had such little luck in finding high-quality students
   to benefit from your great wisdom and knowledge. 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander
   mailander111@ wrote:
Of course there are brilliant students, but that doesn't mean

[FairfieldLife] Re: What is the purpose of the puja?

2007-10-26 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, biosoundbill smithybill@
  I often wonder why a mental puja is not used.
 The TM Puja is 99% mental.

I a number of TM teachers who were 99% mental.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Morford: American kids dumber than dirt

2007-10-26 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander  And here's an
eighth grade English version of what I said about my grandfather.  He
was educated by a river clear as glass.  Not by a school. a

My grandfather was educated by Rocky Mountain snow feed mountain
streams. And a product based on it. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Morford: American kids dumber than dirt

2007-10-26 Thread Duveyoung
About 50 years ago Issac Asimov wrote an essay entitled something
like: Forget It.  In it, he listed the kinds of information that a
hundred years early was considered vital knowledge, and I was aghast
at what kids were expected to memorize, back then, and feeling like I
had dodged a bullet by being born in a later era where, you know,
everything was actually important to know.  I never was required in
elementary school to know that a hogshead was two barrels.

There's no knowledge set that won't date.  I can hardly watch a
movie over ten years old because the production standards are so
antiquated -- like Curtis and Turq's complaining about the Beatles
music being tailored to the fidelity of the AM radio speakers extant
then.  All our ears are being made evermore sophisticated by
ordinary life's educational impact.  Just so almost any knowledge
taught in schools today is going to age rapidly in today's e-world.

And don't forget Henry Ford.  Henry was involved in a libel trial and
had to testify in front of a jury with an incredibly hostile lawyer
cross examining him whose purpose in life was to make a fool out of
Henry.  The lawyer took the tact that he'd show Henry was an
uneducated bumpkin, and that he'd ask Henry questions that Henry
wouldn't be able to answer. 

I cut and paste quote a googled-netizen's description of Henry's
answer:  His response . . . was to testify or state that if he had a
legal problem, he could push a button on his desk and several top
Harvard Law School graduates would quickly enter his office to do his
biddingsimilarly, if he had an engineering problem...push another
button and several MIT top grads would enter his office to assist with
THAT problem, etc.  (See:
http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=306615 )

Don't obscure the point by making Henry a straw dog -- Henry was a
bastard of deep degree -- what with his union busting and his
anti-semitism.  The point is that the self-vaunted educated
Harvard-type ilk are mere minions to those who are not interested in
acquiring an encyclopedic acumen at one's ready, but are instead
involved with the big questions of policy -- how to use that knowledge.  

(For his failings, Henry is a tainted hero, but read Buckminster
Fuller description of Henry in Nine Chains To The Moon. Henry really
faced some evil forces-afoot, and empowered the ordinary worker with
an astounding pay rate for the times -- allowing them to buy the very
cars he was making. Not sure if his good out weighed his bad, but)

For most of my life, I've thought of an ivy league education as
something attained in a romantic ashram where everyone was a scholar
and seemed to be able to remember EVERYTHING -- Yamantaka in modern
guise with a girdle of PhDs instead of a belt of skulls. But given
that the haughty elitists are churning out such scholars on a regular
basis and given that an evil dog like Bush can still ruin the country,
of what use have these scholars been to America/world if they can not
even stand up and be leaders -- make policy decisions instead of, you
know, quoting the exact words of some poem by Ezra Pound that faintly
applies to the discussion at hand?  

Don't get me wrong; I know tons of stuff too, and can impress most
crowds with bon mots and be ever so contributive to the dialog -- I've
never stopped studying since my undergrad work, but the sheer mass of
knowledge I've acquired that is of utterly no use is a sour truth --
I've used my nervous system to do so much of such little consequence.

But I can win at Trivial Pursuit, do crossword puzzles with my left
foot, and do an impromptu stand-up routine that'll stop most parties
in mid-gossip.  That, and $3.50, and I get coffee.

Think about all the facts that would go into a book entitled:  The
Regis and Kelly Show 10-26-07.  Imagine the work involved if some
Harvard PhD candidate wanted to really do a complete outlaying of
everything that that event required to manifest.  What a tome it would
be, eh?  Hundreds of pages of iotas, asides, jargon, professional
histories of guests, etc.  Whew, anyone?

Not me, but here's where I'm Henry Ford:  I can push a button and up
the stairs comes a woman who has awoken with a smile on her face every
day of her life who will tell me the best jokes that Regis and Kelly
said today.  In fact she just did this and had me laughing instantly.
 (Jimmy Kimmel is guest hosting for Regis it could be quibbled, but feh!)

See?  There's knowledge, and then there's use of knowledge.  

I submit that a typical educated elitist has dropped the very ball
that has been acquired with such immense effort and mastery.  Let's
face it, egg-heads are kept in the carton by the true leaders of
society and are merely pulled out of the frig when, you know, keish is

Oh, it'll be the best keish with ever so many steaming savory
chunkettes, but, most of us only need pizza and beer to dig 200 post
holes while fencing-in the back 40.  

And where is even educational 

Re: [FairfieldLife] TM in Breakfast of Champions

2007-10-26 Thread Bhairitu
Vonnegut was a meditator and I think one of his daughters may have been 
a TM teacher. Some of the early folks here may recall more clearly than I.

BTW, about Daisies, was the Chuck part originally written for Zoey 

Stu wrote:
 I have been slowly rereading Kurt Vonnegut who I read passionately when
 I was in high school.  As I reread the books I am taken by how
 influential his skeptical point of view was on my then forming mind.

 While reading Breakfast of Champions I came upon this description:

 When Bunny played the piano bar at the Holiday Inn, he had many, many
 secrets. One of them was this: he wasn't really there. He was able to
 absent himself from the cocktail lounge, and from the planet itself, for
 that matter, by means of Transcendental Meditation.

 He learned this technique from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who once stopped
 off in Midland City during a world-wide lecture tour.Maharishi Mahesh
 Yogi, in exchange for a new handkerchief, a piece of fruit, a bunch of
 flowers, and thirty-five dollars, taught Bunny to close his eyes, and to
 say this euphonious nonsense word to himself over and over again:
 Aye-em, aye-em, aye-em.

 Bunny sat on the edge of his bed in the hotel room now, and he did it.
 Aye-em, aye-em, he said to himself— internally. The
 rhythm of the chant matched one syllable \with each two beats in his
 heart. He closed his eyes. He became a skin diver in the depths of his
 mind. The depths were seldom used. His heart slowed. His respiration
 nearly stopped. A single word floated by in the depths. It had somehow
 escaped from the busier parts of his mind. It wasn't connected to
 anything. It floated by lazily, a translucent, scarf-like fish. The word
 was untroubling. Here was the word: Blue.

 And then another lovely scarf swam by. It looked like this: Claire
 de Lune

 Fifteen minutes later, Bunny's awareness bobbed to the surface of its
 own accord. Bunny was refreshed. He got up from the bed, and he brushed
 his hair with the military brushes his mother had given him when he was
 elected Cadet Colonel so long ago.

 I wonder what influence this had on me when I went to learn the



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RE: [FairfieldLife] TM in Breakfast of Champions

2007-10-26 Thread Rick Archer
The Joe referred to is this post is Joe Clark, renowned TM leader who was
killed in a plane crash while looking at land in North Carolina. Before his
TM days, he was bass player for the J. Giles Band.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Dick Cheney Meditating

2007-10-26 Thread Bhairitu
 In a message dated 10/25/07 11:57:13 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

 Cheney  falls asleep during Cabinet meeting on wildfires.

 During a cabinet  meeting yesterday, Vice President Cheney fell asleep on 
 camera while  President Bush was discussing wildfires in California. A 
 Cheney  spokeswoman “laughed it off,” telling CNN that the vice president 
 was  “practicing  meditation.”


 Looks more like meditation to me. If he were asleep that chin would be  
 resting on the chest. I guess he could afford the $2,500.00 initiation fee  
 too much problem. It might have been recommended to him for his heart  
 health. Would love to hear an MMY comment. H, do I treat him like a war  
 mongering bastard or do I suck up to him in hopes of getting American tax 
Nah, he's sleeping.  Vampires usually sleep during the day.  But there 
is one place that Bush is more terrified to travel to than Iraq and 
that's California.  :)

RE: [FairfieldLife] TM in Breakfast of Champions

2007-10-26 Thread Rick Archer
From LB Shriver, post #5441:

Joe and my own initiator, Charlie Donohue, were buddies from
the East Coast. At the time I was initiated, Charlie was the
Midwest Coordinator for SIMS, and Joe was the East Coast

Coincidentally, Joe had an old girl friend in Iowa City at the time I
was there. In fact, she lived in the house next door. Her name
was Edie Vonnegut, and her father, novelist Kurt Vonnegut, had
been on the faculty of the University's Writers' Workshop some
years previously. Edie had grown up in Iowa City and had come
back to attend Art School there.

I was totally hot for her and helped her put up posters for the first
TM course taught there, which of course was done by Charlie
Donohue. I met Joe later when he came to Iowa City to teach a
residence course and do some intros with Charlie.

Edie was the first person I ever saw actually practicing TM. She
was sitting next to me in the back seat of a car on the way to a
rock concert near Madison. While she was meditating, we
passed the scene of an accident on the other side of the divided
highway we were taking to the concert site. Motorcycle accident.
One very dead guy lying in the road. Nobody said anything, and
Edie meditated straight through it. I found that interesting, for
reasons I did not understand at the time.

Edie told me on one occasion that before Joe became an
initiator he had a reputation for being kind of wild. After he
became an Initiator, she said, they often got into fights about TM
while they were out on dates. Joe evidently kept telling her she
needed to meditate more. In one case she was so angry that
she got out of the car and walked home.

Edie's whole family learned TM, as I understood the situation,
including Kurt, who was briefly enthusiastic about meditation.
Vonnegut is often characterized as cynical, or as a master of
black humor, but you must understand about this man that while
a POW in Germany, he survived the Allied bombing of Dresden
in which about 135,000 civilians were killed by fire and
suffocation. This was one of the most brutal acts of mass
murder ever perpetrated, and it had been done by THE GOOD

Kurt's enthusiasm for TM declined in proportion to the fanaticism
that he perceived in Joe and other TM people he was exposed to.
Edie's brother, Mark, who had also learned TM, subsequently
had an episode of schizophrenia, about which he wrote in his
first book, The Eden Express.

According to Edie, the last straw for Kurt in his falling out with TM
was when Joe showed up at the house one day and proclaimed
that Mark would not have suffered his psychotic break if he had
been more regular in his meditation. Kurt threw him out of the
house. Edie said that after that, whenever Kurt would get mad at
the world, TM was high on the list of things he would get mad at.
She said that she and Mark often talked him out of including
negative things about TM in his books, although his small
volume called Wompeters, Granfalloons and Foma contains
evidence that they did not always succeed.

I saw Joe right after TTC (72) and just weeks before he died in
the crash. He told me he felt like he had screwed up where Edie
and her family were concerned, and said he would appreciate it
if I ever had an opportunity to help repair the damage.

Later I put two and two together, and at the first opportunity I
asked Charlie to confirm my math—that is, I told him I suspected
that the real reason he had called Edie to have her set up the
first course in Iowa City was that Joe was hoping she would
become interested in TM and start meditating again. Charlie
confirmed that this was true, and the rest is history.

I am offering this story because Joe Clark has turned up once
again in our chat group, and this is just my contribution to his
place in the archives. I liked him a lot, even though we were two
very different guys.

Rick Archer
1108 South B Street
Fairfield, IA 52556
Phone: (641) 472-9336
Fax:  (914) 470-9336

 -Original Message-
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bhairitu
 Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 11:38 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] TM in Breakfast of Champions
 Vonnegut was a meditator and I think one of his daughters may have been
 a TM teacher. Some of the early folks here may recall more clearly
 than I.
 BTW, about Daisies, was the Chuck part originally written for Zoey
 Stu wrote:
  I have been slowly rereading Kurt Vonnegut who I read passionately
  I was in high school.  As I reread the books I am taken by how
  influential his skeptical point of view was on my then forming mind.
  While reading Breakfast of Champions I came upon this description:
  When Bunny played the piano bar at the Holiday Inn, he had many, many
  secrets. One of them was this: he wasn't really there. He was able to
  absent himself from the cocktail lounge, and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Morford: American kids dumber than dirt

2007-10-26 Thread Angela Mailander
You make a very good point, but I have not been speaking about the specific 
informational content of education (which is a quantitative feature), but I 
have been speaking about it's quality. I agree completely, too, that practical 
education for most people is about getting and keeping good jobs, but the 
thrust of education in this country has been to create a two-class system of 
the rich and the poor.  The middle class is vanishing, and a large measure of 
how that vanishing act is accomplished is through dumbing down the population. 
It should be a matter of concern to us if too many graduate students in any 
field (including English) have foreign accents. This was a feature in the fall 
of Rome as well.  The Romans were partying, and the Greeks were doing their 
high level thinking for them. It is well-understood in the field of baseball 
that you can't have the major leagues without the sand lots.  Educationally 
speaking, even our sand lots are vanishing.

Practical education is all most folks need, but there is a baseline in terms of 
fundamental language and mathematical skills that feeds into practical life.  
If a kid can't use a ruler to measure a distance, he won't be a good carpenter. 
 If too many kids can't manage some basic knowledge of the world around them, a 
democracy will be impossible. And if you don't teach what a metaphor is, you 
will have a fundamentalist population. Even back in the days of Columbus the 
ruling class understood that language is the perfect means of empire.  It was 
understood in ancient Greece as well.

Language skills are fundamental to thinking skills even in the field of 
mathematics.  The last time I talked to a high school English teacher in this 
country, it was with someone at MSAE.  That person didn't know what syntax is.  
By one way of reckoning the grammatical system we use to teach English 
world-wide is at least sixty years out of date.  By another way of reckoning, 
that same system is a proper eighteenth century construct on a par with 
Newtonian physics and a world view which holds that the universe is like a 
clock with God as an absentee clock-maker.  It pretends that language is an 
external artifact instead of a cognitive act.  Why are we still using it?  My 
contention is that we are using it precisely because it is counter-productive.  
There is  research since the nineties which shows overwhelmingly that  children 
of Spanish-speaking parents learn English faster if they do just one thing: 
stay away from English teachers. 

Like syntax, metaphor is fundamental to all thinking skills---after all, a 
scientific model is a kind of metaphor.  Metaphor is a natural component in the 
language of very young children and even in the language of primates who will 
use metaphor to extend vocabulary in just the same way the very sophisticated 
international writers did whom I taught at the University of Iowa.  If our high 
school and college students can't understand and use metaphor, then that is 
because we have trained a natural ability out of them. a


Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   About 50 
years ago Issac Asimov wrote an essay entitled something
 like: Forget It.  In it, he listed the kinds of information that a
 hundred years early was considered vital knowledge, and I was aghast
 at what kids were expected to memorize, back then, and feeling like I
 had dodged a bullet by being born in a later era where, you know,
 everything was actually important to know.  I never was required in
 elementary school to know that a hogshead was two barrels.
 There's no knowledge set that won't date.  I can hardly watch a
 movie over ten years old because the production standards are so
 antiquated -- like Curtis and Turq's complaining about the Beatles
 music being tailored to the fidelity of the AM radio speakers extant
 then.  All our ears are being made evermore sophisticated by
 ordinary life's educational impact.  Just so almost any knowledge
 taught in schools today is going to age rapidly in today's e-world.
 And don't forget Henry Ford.  Henry was involved in a libel trial and
 had to testify in front of a jury with an incredibly hostile lawyer
 cross examining him whose purpose in life was to make a fool out of
 Henry.  The lawyer took the tact that he'd show Henry was an
 uneducated bumpkin, and that he'd ask Henry questions that Henry
 wouldn't be able to answer. 
 I cut and paste quote a googled-netizen's description of Henry's
 answer:  His response . . . was to testify or state that if he had a
 legal problem, he could push a button on his desk and several top
 Harvard Law School graduates would quickly enter his office to do his
 biddingsimilarly, if he had an engineering problem...push another
 button and several MIT top grads would enter his office to assist with
 THAT problem, etc.  (See:
 http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=306615 )
 Don't obscure the point by 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM in Breakfast of Champions

2007-10-26 Thread hugheshugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Vonnegut was a meditator and I think one of his daughters may have 
 a TM teacher. Some of the early folks here may recall more clearly 
than I.

Kurt V didn't meditate, his wife and daughter did and went on about it 
so much he went to a lecture by MMY to see for himself and was less 
than impressed, mainly with his lecturing style. He expected the mystic 
east but felt like he got a lecture from someone in middle management. 
He also didn't like the TM double-speak of the acolytes, insisting it 
wasn't a religion but insisting MMY be addressed as your holiness etc.

He wrote an essay called yes, we have no nirvana about the experience 
it appears in his book wampeters, foma and granfalloons it's worth a 
read from a historical TM perspective.

I also remember the character doing TM in 'breakfast of champions' was 
beaten to death in the very next paragraph!

[FairfieldLife] Pandits' winter clothing

2007-10-26 Thread Dick Mays

This is forwarded from a very dear and highly respected friend.

Our beloved Meditating community ~~

Maharishi has just approved getting the Pandits warm winter coats, 
etc!  A $25,000 matching donation has already been given for this 
purpose.  Could we, together with our network of friends, come up 
with the rest of the money needed?

We have all benefited so greatly from having our precious Vedic 
Pandits in Maharishi Vedic City and Fairfield for the last almost 
year.  They are of paramount importance to the Peace and well-being 
of not only the US but the world.  Many of us were given the 
opportunity to be a part of their Vedic Performances during 
Navaratri.  It was an unforgettable and transforming experience for 
all who attended.

We all want the Pandits to be comfortable and warm as the cold winter 
weather and winds set in.  As those who live in Fairfield and 
Maharishi Vedic City know, there is no buffer to the wind and 
elements on the Pandit campus, and they are not used to this kind of 
weather.  Please, could we all be their surrogate parents, brothers, 
and sisters, and clothe them warmly, as we would our own family?

Could each of us give what is financially comfortable for us - 
whether it be a large amount, a coat or two, a pair of boots, some 
gloves?  Every item is needed, for over 550 Pandits.

Please make your checks out to the Global Country of World Peace and 
mail to 2000 Capital Boulevard, Maharishi Vedic City, IA 52556. 
Indicate that the funds are for the Pandits' coats and boots.  You 
can also donate online on the Global Country website, 
globalcountryofworldpeace.org.  Again, indicate what the donation is 
for.  All donations are tax deductible.

Please, dear meditating family, look in your heart and do what you 
can to help keep Maharishi's most precious Vedic Pandits warm and 
comfortable this winter...

With our love and appreciation,

Jai Guru Dev

Some Mothers in Fairfield

Please send this email to all your meditating friends around the 
country!   Time is of the essence ~ cold weather is setting in and we 
must order and purchase coats, boots, gloves ASAP.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Proud to be a Whiner!

2007-10-26 Thread Duveyoung
It takes a thorn to remove a thorn.

I'm going to re-post below my early essay about true evil in the
world.  This essay got exactly zero thread comments, yet in it I wave
a flag of desperation for today's downtrodden.

I think it is an example of important whining that has conceptual
clout and deserves to be repeated endlessly until the situation is
rectified.  In it I present one of the most repugnant concepts I've
ever put into words here, but not a single person here reacted.  

How to interpret this silence?  I think most of us are shell shocked
-- too banged up to care about the injustices of the world -- merely
treading the water lost in a sea of political impotency.  

I could have written the essay as a sugary sweet cheerleading for the
love-virtues that need to be supported in the culture's consciousness,
but I doubt that such an essay would have gotten any responses here
either.  In fact, I've posted MANY wonderfully sweet tales and poems
and cool ideas, but I've gotten flamed here more often than patted
on the back.  My karma, but, so too has everyone here posted
unrequitedly about their POVs.

When it comes to neighborliness, we're in short supply.

I don't need pats on the back cuz I do that for myself far better than
anyone here could, cuz I am a good writer/narcissist with a jyotish
chart to prove it, but geeze I keep coming here and posting what I
consider to be emotionally involving, well presented, POVs about core
truths of life, and, like everyone here attempting the same kind of
community scholarship, flames or zilch is the common reward instead
of, you know, a group discussion storming inside our heads for days
with ever fractaling nuances as we move to unity of opinion.  Whew,
wouldn't that be something new for us here!!!

Okay, here's that post.  You tell me:  is it mere whining or a
standing up for cultural improvement?


Are you for war?

I think this upcoming vote is a critical taking of America's psychic
temperature, and, given that Hillery is leading in the polls, and
that the Dems have not confronted BushCo with any potency, I am
dumbfounded that anyone would vote for either Dems or Repubs --
they're all so obviously in the grasp of GlobalBiz.

Hillary's lead can only be real if the heart and soul of America is
shockingly tainted.

And, it burns so fiercely to see such an angelic presentation like
Obama's and know he's already got 32 million bucks -- bought and paid
for -- and fast becoming an Uncle Tom. And Obama succeeds while a
REAL angel like Kucinich is an object of derision (Leprachaun's body)
by even Jon Stewart.

I keep asking, How is it that Americans don't know about pain? Even
a papercut should have taught us that wars leave scars that are like
acid on skin, leave memories of injustice that will not stop boiling
inside the heads of parents, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters,
and doom a generation to experiencing a personality hobbled with a
crippling intent to exact revenge.

Ask anyone who lost a loved one in the fall of the 911 towers if
they've stopped grinding about it.

I haven't.

Didn't you lose a loved one then too? Hundreds of hero cops and
firefighters killed instantly? Who can recover from this?

How evil the powers that keep whole cultures blazing with anger by
such atrocities.

Almost every American has seen The Godfather where even the children
of one's enemy must be killed, because those children will surely seek
revenge when they grow older, because, OF COURSE, they will not be
able to forgive, could never be able to forgive, and are impossibly
hard-wired forever to hate.

What Evil Group Consciousness is created by our mass killings in the
Middle East? We know how we've been challenged to bear the memory of
9-11 -- what don't we get about our killing at least 100 Arabs for
every person who died in the towers?

What loathsome monster of karma now lurches our way?

Why don't Americans flinch when talking about war and what momentums
are created that continue for lifetimes? Ask any Jew if they know
someone with a Nazi tattoo.

No one forgets. These things echo and inform and forcefully mold

What prevents EVERYONE from knowing this tarbaby? Why can't Americans
feel this world groan under the weight of all the wars and what still
roils billions into every sort of negativity?

Who hasn't seen a napalmed baby in a ditch or its equivalent EVERY DAY

Jack Baur doing a waterboarding -- that's PRIME TIME -- KIDS WATCHING

Spending half a trillion dollars on pillaging the lives of hundreds of
millions of innocents while America's downtrodden poor cringe -- this
is politely talked about on CNN like, well, just like how good loving
Nazi families talked about Krystalnacht around the nightly dinner
table, right?

2012 cannot come fast enough, but how dangerous is this long fall
towards it? After the masses realize that the tipping point happened
way before anyone noticed, after 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Dick Cheney Meditating

2007-10-26 Thread MDixon6569
In a message dated 10/26/07 11:35:23 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Nah,  he's sleeping. Vampires usually sleep during the day. But there 
is one  place that Bush is more terrified to travel to than Iraq and 
that's  California. :)

Vampires hang upside down when they sleep. Sorry, but Bush was in Ca.  
yesterday. Didn't you see the great photo ops?

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

Re: [FairfieldLife] Morford: American kids dumber than dirt

2007-10-26 Thread Bhairitu
When I taught private music lessons in the early 1970s I could give a 
lesson where I would explain things and then give the student an 
assignment for the next lesson.  They would come back, having understood 
the lesson, prepared and able to perform the assignment.  However in the 
1980's when I taught again students had become so dumbed down that if I 
taught the way I did in the 1970s.  They would come back unprepared and 
not understand what they were supposed to do.  So I had to give detailed 
instruction of what they were supposed to do.  It is amazing that there 
was such a decline in intelligence in just that short amount of time.

Angela Mailander wrote:
 This is most true.  And it didn't happen suddenly.  It happened over the 
 entirety of my fifty-year teaching career, and it was going on before I got 
 on board.  I believe it was in 1906 or 9 when one of the Rockefellers said, 
 It will not be our purpose to educate philosophers or scientists, but a 
 people that shall willingly mold itself to our hands.  He said this on the 
 occasion of his funding of what would become Columbia University which is 
 largely responsible for designing our educational systems world-wide by now.  
 I started teaching when I was fifteen in 1955, having been educated in the 
 best private schools in Europe.  When I came here, I could not believe the 
 abysmally low level of education I found here compared to what I was used to. 
 I was told then that we were to teach to the average student.  I said, If 
 you do that, then whatever you're calling 'average' will get lower and lower. 
  You will be drawing teachers from that same pool, and it will get shallower 
 and shallower.  

 The standards have been slipping in college as well.  I graduated people in 
 May in the eighties who would become high school teachers of English come 
 September and who could not read or write their native language adequately.  
 My first husband was getting his Ph.D. when I married him.  I attended all 
 his seminars with him and helped him to write his dissertation.  When I got 
 my first Ph.D. twenty years later, I couldn't help but notice that mine was 
 worth far less than his had been twenty years earlier.  So even at the 
 highest level the standards have been slipping.  

 My career has been unusual because I've taught at every level of instruction 
 from preschool through graduate school.  I have NEVER taught anything at the 
 undergraduate level in college that shouldn't have been covered by eighth 

 I hate to say this, but the low level of education is felt EVERYWHERE in 
 America, including Ff, including this group. a

 Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Warning: 
 The next generation might just be the biggest pile of idiots in 
  U.S. history
  (Would be FFL columnists would do well to study how Morford's writing 
  style can carry you forward like butter instead of looking over at the 
  pane slider to see how much more you have to read).

  Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pandits' winter clothing

2007-10-26 Thread Duveyoung
Here's what I felt when I read the below:  the same feeling I get when
I read that we're in Iraq now, so we just can't abandon our efforts
to bless the Iraqis with democracy.  

The movement is rich -- billions taken from charitable hearts, but
they're begging for what should have been part of the package when it
was planned in the first place.  This is just more of the same -- and
who here can stand up and say for certain that any donations to this
cause will actually be used thusly?  We've seen otherwise, right?

Dick Mays, you are acting as a movement mouthpiece, a slave, if you do
not acknowledge this issue when you tug at the heart strings of people
already stretched to the limits by previous movement wallet hunts.  To
help these thugs raise money when they're sitting on a mountain of it,
to use poor-boys-from-India like adult beggers in the street use their
kids as decoys, is, honestly Dick I'm telling it straight here, it's
evil.  But that's sugar coating it.  Those pundits have been kidnapped
and are being used like fodder.

It's not what anyone was ever sold in a first lecture.

When MMY dies, all the slaves will evaporate except those with real
connections and power, you know, the ones who got the money from the
suckers.  Dick, prepare yourself for obsolescence, or stand up for
righteousness and be a hero when it still counts.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is forwarded from a very dear and highly respected friend.
 Our beloved Meditating community ~~
 Maharishi has just approved getting the Pandits warm winter coats, 
 etc!  A $25,000 matching donation has already been given for this 
 purpose.  Could we, together with our network of friends, come up 
 with the rest of the money needed?
 We have all benefited so greatly from having our precious Vedic 
 Pandits in Maharishi Vedic City and Fairfield for the last almost 
 year.  They are of paramount importance to the Peace and well-being 
 of not only the US but the world.  Many of us were given the 
 opportunity to be a part of their Vedic Performances during 
 Navaratri.  It was an unforgettable and transforming experience for 
 all who attended.
 We all want the Pandits to be comfortable and warm as the cold winter 
 weather and winds set in.  As those who live in Fairfield and 
 Maharishi Vedic City know, there is no buffer to the wind and 
 elements on the Pandit campus, and they are not used to this kind of 
 weather.  Please, could we all be their surrogate parents, brothers, 
 and sisters, and clothe them warmly, as we would our own family?
 Could each of us give what is financially comfortable for us - 
 whether it be a large amount, a coat or two, a pair of boots, some 
 gloves?  Every item is needed, for over 550 Pandits.
 Please make your checks out to the Global Country of World Peace and 
 mail to 2000 Capital Boulevard, Maharishi Vedic City, IA 52556. 
 Indicate that the funds are for the Pandits' coats and boots.  You 
 can also donate online on the Global Country website, 
 globalcountryofworldpeace.org.  Again, indicate what the donation is 
 for.  All donations are tax deductible.
 Please, dear meditating family, look in your heart and do what you 
 can to help keep Maharishi's most precious Vedic Pandits warm and 
 comfortable this winter...
 With our love and appreciation,
 Jai Guru Dev
 Some Mothers in Fairfield
 Please send this email to all your meditating friends around the 
 country!   Time is of the essence ~ cold weather is setting in and we 
 must order and purchase coats, boots, gloves ASAP.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Morford: American kids dumber than dirt

2007-10-26 Thread Angela Mailander
Use it or lose it is apparently true not just of muscles, but of the mind, 
and it's true not just for individuals, but for whole cultures.  things can 
change incredibly fast, as you've noticed.  A whole language can change in the 
space of twenty years so as to be unrecognizable.  And the mystery is that 
change so radical is invisible to the speakers of that language. Technology can 
be forgotten in less than one generation.  When the Romans left Britain, they 
left buildings in their wake that were equipped with hyppocausts, literally 
rivers of heat.  These were a central heating systems using the fact that 
warm air rises, and thus the whole building could be heated with a relatively 
small fire in the basement. In less than one generation after the Romans left, 
the British peoples were living in these buildings, freezing their asses off 
because no one remembered what the system of air channels was and how to use 
it. a

Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   When I taught 
private music lessons in the early 1970s I could give a 
 lesson where I would explain things and then give the student an 
 assignment for the next lesson.  They would come back, having understood 
 the lesson, prepared and able to perform the assignment.  However in the 
 1980's when I taught again students had become so dumbed down that if I 
 taught the way I did in the 1970s.  They would come back unprepared and 
 not understand what they were supposed to do.  So I had to give detailed 
 instruction of what they were supposed to do.  It is amazing that there 
 was such a decline in intelligence in just that short amount of time.
 Angela Mailander wrote:
  This is most true.  And it didn't happen suddenly.  It happened over the 
  entirety of my fifty-year teaching career, and it was going on before I got 
  on board.  I believe it was in 1906 or 9 when one of the Rockefellers said, 
  It will not be our purpose to educate philosophers or scientists, but a 
  people that shall willingly mold itself to our hands.  He said this on the 
  occasion of his funding of what would become Columbia University which is 
  largely responsible for designing our educational systems world-wide by now. 
  I started teaching when I was fifteen in 1955, having been educated in the 
  best private schools in Europe.  When I came here, I could not believe the 
  abysmally low level of education I found here compared to what I was used 
  to. I was told then that we were to teach to the average student.  I said, 
  If you do that, then whatever you're calling 'average' will get lower and 
  lower.  You will be drawing teachers from that same pool, and it will get 
  shallower and shallower.  
  The standards have been slipping in college as well.  I graduated people in 
  May in the eighties who would become high school teachers of English come 
  September and who could not read or write their native language adequately.  
  My first husband was getting his Ph.D. when I married him.  I attended all 
  his seminars with him and helped him to write his dissertation.  When I got 
  my first Ph.D. twenty years later, I couldn't help but notice that mine was 
  worth far less than his had been twenty years earlier.  So even at the 
  highest level the standards have been slipping.  
  My career has been unusual because I've taught at every level of instruction 
  from preschool through graduate school.  I have NEVER taught anything at the 
  undergraduate level in college that shouldn't have been covered by eighth 
  I hate to say this, but the low level of education is felt EVERYWHERE in 
  America, including Ff, including this group. a
  Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Warning: 
  The next generation might just be the biggest pile of idiots in 
   U.S. history
   (Would be FFL columnists would do well to study how Morford's writing 
   style can carry you forward like butter instead of looking over at the 
   pane slider to see how much more you have to read).
   Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 


 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Regarding Edg's Comments on American kids dumber than dirt

2007-10-26 Thread brontebaxter8

Edg, I loved this. This is you at your best. And you make a very good 
point. Elitism is crap, wherever it rears its ugly head. It's also 
true that our kids are dumbed down, taught by teachers who teach to 
the test because they'll be fired if their students don't perform on 
the standardized testing. I have a beautiful, idealistic neice in 
this situation. Fresh out of teacher's college, she got a job 
teaching fifth grade and was so excited to have a chance to make a 
difference. But what she had to spend 80 or 90 percent of her time 
doing was teaching answers to the standardized tests, which had 
nothing to do with real education. At the end of the school year, she 
asked to be transferred to second grade, because there aren't 
standardized tests at that level, and she thought she'd be free to 
really teach. But she wasn't allowed to transfer.

I was a schoolteacher in the days before standardized testing took 
over and dictated to teachers what to do. Even back then, in most 
schools, a creative teacher who could develop exciting lessons of her 
own was considered a little suspect. The dutiful teacher who humbly 
followed the textbook chapters and never did anything original that 
challenged the students was considered a good, safe bet. But now it's 
a far more serious situation, with the most creative teachers getting 
disgusted with the profession and moving on to other careers, leaving 
behind those who are willing to tow the line and teach kids to tow 
the line. And what kind of citizens will those kids grow up to be?

- Bronte

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 About 50 years ago Issac Asimov wrote an essay entitled something
 like: Forget It.  In it, he listed the kinds of information that a
 hundred years early was considered vital knowledge, and I was 
 at what kids were expected to memorize, back then, and feeling like 
 had dodged a bullet by being born in a later era where, you know,
 everything was actually important to know.  I never was required 
 elementary school to know that a hogshead was two barrels.
 There's no knowledge set that won't date.  I can hardly watch a
 movie over ten years old because the production standards are so
 antiquated -- like Curtis and Turq's complaining about the Beatles
 music being tailored to the fidelity of the AM radio speakers extant
 then.  All our ears are being made evermore sophisticated by
 ordinary life's educational impact.  Just so almost any knowledge
 taught in schools today is going to age rapidly in today's e-world.
 And don't forget Henry Ford.  Henry was involved in a libel trial 
 had to testify in front of a jury with an incredibly hostile lawyer
 cross examining him whose purpose in life was to make a fool out of
 Henry.  The lawyer took the tact that he'd show Henry was an
 uneducated bumpkin, and that he'd ask Henry questions that Henry
 wouldn't be able to answer. 
 I cut and paste quote a googled-netizen's description of Henry's
 answer:  His response . . . was to testify or state that if he had 
 legal problem, he could push a button on his desk and several top
 Harvard Law School graduates would quickly enter his office to do 
 biddingsimilarly, if he had an engineering problem...push 
 button and several MIT top grads would enter his office to assist 
 THAT problem, etc.  (See:
 http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=306615 )
 Don't obscure the point by making Henry a straw dog -- Henry was a
 bastard of deep degree -- what with his union busting and his
 anti-semitism.  The point is that the self-vaunted educated
 Harvard-type ilk are mere minions to those who are not interested in
 acquiring an encyclopedic acumen at one's ready, but are instead
 involved with the big questions of policy -- how to use that 
 (For his failings, Henry is a tainted hero, but read Buckminster
 Fuller description of Henry in Nine Chains To The Moon. Henry 
 faced some evil forces-afoot, and empowered the ordinary worker with
 an astounding pay rate for the times -- allowing them to buy the 
 cars he was making. Not sure if his good out weighed his bad, 
 For most of my life, I've thought of an ivy league education as
 something attained in a romantic ashram where everyone was a scholar
 and seemed to be able to remember EVERYTHING -- Yamantaka in modern
 guise with a girdle of PhDs instead of a belt of skulls. But given
 that the haughty elitists are churning out such scholars on a 
 basis and given that an evil dog like Bush can still ruin the 
 of what use have these scholars been to America/world if they can 
 even stand up and be leaders -- make policy decisions instead of, 
 know, quoting the exact words of some poem by Ezra Pound that 
 applies to the discussion at hand?  
 Don't get me wrong; I know tons of stuff too, and can impress most
 crowds with bon mots 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Regarding Edg's Comments on American kids dumber than dirt

2007-10-26 Thread Rick Archer
Movie recommendation: The Hobart Shakespearians

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5:38 PM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Dick Cheney Meditating

2007-10-26 Thread Bhairitu
 In a message dated 10/26/07 11:35:23 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  

 Nah,  he's sleeping. Vampires usually sleep during the day. But there 
 is one  place that Bush is more terrified to travel to than Iraq and 
 that's  California. :)

 Vampires hang upside down when they sleep. Sorry, but Bush was in Ca.  
 yesterday. Didn't you see the great photo ops?
Geez Dixie, it was a joke.  Of course I know Smirking Chimp was in CA 
yesterday but they probably had to drag him kicking and screaming.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pandits' winter clothing

2007-10-26 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When MMY dies, all the slaves will evaporate except those with real
 connections and power, you know, the ones who got the money from the
 suckers.  Dick, prepare yourself for obsolescence, or stand up for
 righteousness and be a hero when it still counts.

Get a checking !

[FairfieldLife] Human Species to Split by 3000

2007-10-26 Thread Bhairitu
The human race will one day split into two separate species, an 
attractive, intelligent ruling elite and an underclass of dim-witted, 
ugly goblin-like creatures, according to a top scientist.


I think this has already happened.  They call the goblin-like creatures 

Of course the human race may not exist to see the year 3000:

[FairfieldLife] Regarding Edge's Remarks on Proud to be a Whiner!

2007-10-26 Thread brontebaxter8

I think we ARE shell-shocked. We are in denial. When someone moves 
past confusion that into a radical understanding or solution, they 
are hooted down as crazy or anti-American. David Icke, for example. 
Here's a guy who has connected all the dots in a brilliant way that 
deserves real consideration, but all you have to do is MENTION that 
name to get branded as (quoting a former friend) a bug-eyed cult 
zombie. People are scared to think outside the box, because of the 
implications. Things are so seriously cockeyed and wrong, that even 
to peak over the edge of the box is practically terrifying. Better to 
pretend things are fine, have friendly debates about what political 
candidate will save America, and totally disregard the problems that 
go so deep no phony political system can ever address them. 

We have a two-party system? The people elect the president? Our 
last election proved both concepts to be illusions. Two presidential 
candidates, from opposite parties, who never knew each other at 
their shared alma mater, Yale, though they were just a year apart and 
in the same elite Yale secret society! The electoral college decides 
who gets elected, not the people. Democracy is an illusion and has 
been for a long time. 

How is it we miss that? For one thing, because we're told how free we 
are, by the very people who run the show for us. Because they give us 
a two-party system that allows only the people who are one of them 
to make it to the top, filtering out all genuine people as candidates 
long before the time of the national vote. Keep 'em busy arguing over 
who's better, Obama or Hillary, and do whatever you like behind the 
scenes to tighten the snare a little more around freedom, because, 
who's really watching? The press ideofies anyone with intelligent 
criticism -- Icke for example again. Embarrass him on national 
television, twist his words and get everyone laughing at him, and no 
one will hear the little voice of a man who saw through deceptions no 
one else was sharp enough to question.

You are right to be outraged. You have great integrity. Keep shoving 
it in our face, and eventually the very discomfort of that has to 
wake people up. It's not a popular position, but a heroic one. Such 
outcries are our only hope. You go, Edg.
- Bronte


-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It takes a thorn to remove a thorn.
 I'm going to re-post below my early essay about true evil in the
 world.  This essay got exactly zero thread comments, yet in it I 
 a flag of desperation for today's downtrodden.
 I think it is an example of important whining that has conceptual
 clout and deserves to be repeated endlessly until the situation is
 rectified.  In it I present one of the most repugnant concepts I've
 ever put into words here, but not a single person here reacted.  
 How to interpret this silence?  I think most of us are shell shocked
 -- too banged up to care about the injustices of the world -- merely
 treading the water lost in a sea of political impotency.  
 I could have written the essay as a sugary sweet cheerleading for 
 love-virtues that need to be supported in the culture's 
 but I doubt that such an essay would have gotten any responses here
 either.  In fact, I've posted MANY wonderfully sweet tales and poems
 and cool ideas, but I've gotten flamed here more often than patted
 on the back.  My karma, but, so too has everyone here posted
 unrequitedly about their POVs.
 When it comes to neighborliness, we're in short supply.
 I don't need pats on the back cuz I do that for myself far better 
 anyone here could, cuz I am a good writer/narcissist with a jyotish
 chart to prove it, but geeze I keep coming here and posting what I
 consider to be emotionally involving, well presented, POVs about 
 truths of life, and, like everyone here attempting the same kind of
 community scholarship, flames or zilch is the common reward instead
 of, you know, a group discussion storming inside our heads for days
 with ever fractaling nuances as we move to unity of opinion.  Whew,
 wouldn't that be something new for us here!!!
 Okay, here's that post.  You tell me:  is it mere whining or a
 standing up for cultural improvement?
 Are you for war?
 I think this upcoming vote is a critical taking of America's 
 temperature, and, given that Hillery is leading in the polls, and
 that the Dems have not confronted BushCo with any potency, I am
 dumbfounded that anyone would vote for either Dems or Repubs --
 they're all so obviously in the grasp of GlobalBiz.
 Hillary's lead can only be real if the heart and soul of America is
 shockingly tainted.
 And, it burns so fiercely to see such an angelic presentation like
 Obama's and know he's already got 32 million bucks -- bought and 
 for -- and fast becoming an Uncle Tom. And Obama succeeds while a
 REAL angel like Kucinich is an 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Human Species to Split by 3000

2007-10-26 Thread WLeed3

** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regarding Edg's Comments on American kids dumber than dirt

2007-10-26 Thread mainstream20016
Keep telling it like it is, Edg.   Your voice is appreciated. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brontebaxter8 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Edg, I loved this. This is you at your best. And you make a very good 
 point. Elitism is crap, wherever it rears its ugly head. It's also 
 true that our kids are dumbed down, taught by teachers who teach to 
 the test because they'll be fired if their students don't perform on 
 the standardized testing. I have a beautiful, idealistic neice in 
 this situation. Fresh out of teacher's college, she got a job 
 teaching fifth grade and was so excited to have a chance to make a 
 difference. But what she had to spend 80 or 90 percent of her time 
 doing was teaching answers to the standardized tests, which had 
 nothing to do with real education. At the end of the school year, she 
 asked to be transferred to second grade, because there aren't 
 standardized tests at that level, and she thought she'd be free to 
 really teach. But she wasn't allowed to transfer.
 I was a schoolteacher in the days before standardized testing took 
 over and dictated to teachers what to do. Even back then, in most 
 schools, a creative teacher who could develop exciting lessons of her 
 own was considered a little suspect. The dutiful teacher who humbly 
 followed the textbook chapters and never did anything original that 
 challenged the students was considered a good, safe bet. But now it's 
 a far more serious situation, with the most creative teachers getting 
 disgusted with the profession and moving on to other careers, leaving 
 behind those who are willing to tow the line and teach kids to tow 
 the line. And what kind of citizens will those kids grow up to be?
 - Bronte

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  About 50 years ago Issac Asimov wrote an essay entitled something
  like: Forget It.  In it, he listed the kinds of information that a
  hundred years early was considered vital knowledge, and I was 
  at what kids were expected to memorize, back then, and feeling like 
  had dodged a bullet by being born in a later era where, you know,
  everything was actually important to know.  I never was required 
  elementary school to know that a hogshead was two barrels.
  There's no knowledge set that won't date.  I can hardly watch a
  movie over ten years old because the production standards are so
  antiquated -- like Curtis and Turq's complaining about the Beatles
  music being tailored to the fidelity of the AM radio speakers extant
  then.  All our ears are being made evermore sophisticated by
  ordinary life's educational impact.  Just so almost any knowledge
  taught in schools today is going to age rapidly in today's e-world.
  And don't forget Henry Ford.  Henry was involved in a libel trial 
  had to testify in front of a jury with an incredibly hostile lawyer
  cross examining him whose purpose in life was to make a fool out of
  Henry.  The lawyer took the tact that he'd show Henry was an
  uneducated bumpkin, and that he'd ask Henry questions that Henry
  wouldn't be able to answer. 
  I cut and paste quote a googled-netizen's description of Henry's
  answer:  His response . . . was to testify or state that if he had 
  legal problem, he could push a button on his desk and several top
  Harvard Law School graduates would quickly enter his office to do 
  biddingsimilarly, if he had an engineering problem...push 
  button and several MIT top grads would enter his office to assist 
  THAT problem, etc.  (See:
  http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=306615 )
  Don't obscure the point by making Henry a straw dog -- Henry was a
  bastard of deep degree -- what with his union busting and his
  anti-semitism.  The point is that the self-vaunted educated
  Harvard-type ilk are mere minions to those who are not interested in
  acquiring an encyclopedic acumen at one's ready, but are instead
  involved with the big questions of policy -- how to use that 
  (For his failings, Henry is a tainted hero, but read Buckminster
  Fuller description of Henry in Nine Chains To The Moon. Henry 
  faced some evil forces-afoot, and empowered the ordinary worker with
  an astounding pay rate for the times -- allowing them to buy the 
  cars he was making. Not sure if his good out weighed his bad, 
  For most of my life, I've thought of an ivy league education as
  something attained in a romantic ashram where everyone was a scholar
  and seemed to be able to remember EVERYTHING -- Yamantaka in modern
  guise with a girdle of PhDs instead of a belt of skulls. But given
  that the haughty elitists are churning out such scholars on a 
  basis and given that an evil dog like Bush can still ruin the 
  of what use have these scholars been to America/world if they can 
  even stand up and be leaders -- make 

[FairfieldLife] Invincible Donovan University

2007-10-26 Thread bob_brigante

[FairfieldLife] For Turq/ Re: Proud to be a Whiner!

2007-10-26 Thread brontebaxter8
Turq wrote:
Bronte, I have challenged you in the past here to do one simple 
thing -- something that should be a breeze for someone who considers 
herself as smart as you obviously consider yourself -- write 
something positive. One post. One in which there is zero negation
or putdown of something you don't like, only a presentation of 
something you *do* like and that you think might be valuable for 
other folks. I honestly don't think you *can* any more. 

Bronte writes:
Turq, I am going to spend one last post responding to you, and then 
I'm done until you get over yourself. I didn't comment on this remark 
the first time you made it because it was three days after I sent you 
a positve post: pages of lyrics from Joni Mitchell songs I had 
typed out for your pleasure. Pure enjoyment there, 
nothing negative. But three days later, you couldn't even remember 
it. Why, because you're deadset looking for the bad in other people?  

I do have answers of my own for the problems I see in the world, but 
I don't talk about them to folks who don't see a problem to begin 
with. In this forum, no one agrees with me that the trouble I see (in 
the guru game) is real. Why suggest solutions to problems no one 
believes exist? Better to present evidence or arguments when I find 
them for the problem being real. That is the most positive thing one 
can do in the face of an evil that wears the mask of good.   

I have nothing to prove to you, cowboy. You don't like other people's 
critical posts? Good. You want to think Bronte's negative? Wonderful. 
I'm going to do what I like, because you cannot intimidate or 
embarrass people on this forum into doing what you want. You speak of 
getting attention, but a chat room is a not a stage, and you are not 
a ringmaster or a competing circus performer. There's plenty of room 
for everybody here to speak their minds. Let people do what they 
want, and if you can't handle that, expect your own whiner posts to 
be ignored. 

This is the last thing of yours I'm reading until you get off your 
high horse. Smoke away in your rants if that gives you jollies. Most 
of us will not be listening.  

- Bronte   

 If (a big if) you ever write the book you claim
 to be writing, I'm sure there will be a large
 and profitable market for it. But you should
 know that when it hits Santa Fe, the owners
 of the best bookstore in town will take one 
 look at it and put it on the shelf in the section
 of the store clearly labeled, WHINERS.
 Really. The owner and the employees of the store
 originally labeled this section CRITICISM, but
 after noticing the tone, the content, and the
 consistent me-fixation of the authors, they
 ordered a new sign and called the section 
 WHINERS. The patrons of the store, even the ones
 who browse there, love it. It captures the tone
 and the mindset of the books stocked there.
 The thing that *all* of the books in the section 
 have in common, no matter which spiritual trip
 or psychiatric practice or self-help technique 
 they're ragging on, is that they are only negative. 
 There isn't an ounce of positive suggestion for 
 something *else* to do within a one of them. 
 They're just someone whining about what's *wrong* 
 with all these trips. 
 It's EASY to criticize. I do it myself from time
 to time, and know just how easy it is, especially 
 with easy targets like the TM movement. But there 
 is neither any creativity nor balance in *only* 
 criticizing. To achieve balance, one has to get 
 *past* the ego-hurt and be able to accept the 
 good things that came along with the bad ones. 
 And to achieve any measure of creativity, one has 
 to be able to propose something *else*, something 
 that could actually *help* someone else, something 
 they might consider doing *instead* of the thing 
 being criticized/whined about.
 So far, you have proved yourself incapable of
 getting to this Next Step. I resubmit my challenge.
 Since you clearly intend to hang around here and
 post your whining, *supplement* it from time to
 time with some creative suggestions of your own
 for something *else* one could do. These supple-
 mental posts should contain *no* negation (What
 I recommend is that one *not* do X.). 
 Give it a try. It's a lot more difficult to write
 shit like that than it is to whine. So far you've
 been taking the EASY (and intellectually LAZY) path,
 and not only have you been taking that path, you've
 been demanding that people *admire* you for taking
 that path. I don't.
 The day you can transcend the EASY path and propose
 a completely positive *alternative* to that which
 you criticize, on that day you have my respect. 
 Not until.

[FairfieldLife] Lynch: A Man, His Movies and, Sometimes, His Monkey

2007-10-26 Thread bob_brigante

A one-legged lovely, a woman who might indeed be Eurasian and a small 
shrieking monkey all show up in Mr. Lynch's most recent feature, the 
feverishly brilliant and nightmarish Inland Empire. In many 
respects Lynch, an expressionistic and minor portrait of the artist, 
works as a footnote to that 2006 work; it would make a great DVD extra. 
It shows us Mr. Lynch at work, prepping and shooting and cajoling and 
sometimes cursing his movie crew. He helps paint the floor of one set 
and even takes a broom to Hollywood Boulevard, where part of Inland 
Empire was shot. He also directs the actors, to whom he doles out 
somewhat cryptic instructions and thoughts, notably You are solid. 

[FairfieldLife] Holland acts to make its invincibility permanent

2007-10-26 Thread michael florescu
Holland acts to make its invincibility permanent
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good NewsTranslate This Article
25 October 2007

Dr Willem Meijles, Raja (Administrator) of Holland for the Global Country of 
World Peace, delineated the flurry of activities underway in his country—the 
first to create national invincibility—to make its invincibility permanent. 

'We are focusing on press releases and letters to institutions and influential 
people such as the Mayor of Amsterdam and his police force, offering them 
invincibility' and problem prevention for their city, he began. Letters 
offering Peace Colonies* went to government officials of the biggest cities; 
and letters explaining Consciousness-Based Education went to secondary school 
board members. He also reported that an education official in Rotterdam are 
very interested and supportive. 

Dr Meijles' strong team is working smoothly and effectively. They have also 
sent letters to the 443 mayors of the Netherlands' cities, Amsterdam's police 
chief, the 14 ministers of the national government, parliamentary committees, 
and the 12 governors of the provinces, explaining the seven-point programme to 
create an ideal world offered by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global 
Country of World Peace. The chairman of a key parliamentary committee is 
supportive, Dr Meijles said. 'He says he will see that more parliamentary 
members read the letter carefully, and act on it.' 

They are organizing meetings and lectures on Maharishi Ayur-Veda, Maharishi 
Sthapatya Veda, and Consciousness-Based Education in many cities. At a workshop 
at a big secondary school's Jubilee, for example, Dr Meijles reported that 40 
pupils went to the workshop on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme 
and Yogic Flying. Further, he reported that there is great interest in 
Maharishi Ayur-Veda medicine, including Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis. A video clip 
shown on television recently pointed out that 'most people know more about 
their car than about their body; and that it is not necessary to go to a 
hospital, because pulse diagnosis is simple and can avert the danger that has 
not yet come.' 

Dr Meijles mentioned some signs of the Netherlands' invincibility: 'In 2006 
when Holland became invincible, a scientific team began research indicating 
that long-term practitioners of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Technique 
had less of a type of emissions, indicating less excitation and perhaps also 
fewer free radicals in the system.' Another sign is a new political party in 
the country, that has arisen as their 1 ½ year long Dutch Invincibility Course 
continues to create national coherence. 

He also reported that they are 'warming up for the upcoming tour of Dr David 
Lynch, (internationally acclaimed film director and Founder of the David Lynch 
Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace), Dr Bevan Morris 
(Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace), and Dr John Hagelin 
(world-renowned quantum physicist, Executive Director of the International 
Center for Invincible Defense in New York City, USA). 'David Lynch is taking 
the leaders of the world by storm; and we expect great things from this tour,' 
he concluded. 'We continue to ring the bell for invincibility for the 
Netherlands and the world.' 

* Communities designed and built according to Vedic Architecture, where 
residents participate in group practice of Maharishi's Transcendental 
Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying, to create coherence 
and harmony in the collective consciousness of their city and nation. 

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service 

Ihr erstes Fernweh? Wo gibt es den schönsten Strand. 

[FairfieldLife] Fundies on the wane

2007-10-26 Thread bob_brigante

Best Political Coverage
The New York Times Magazine takes a look at how the evangelical 
voting bloc is beginning to unravel. Once the most cohesive group in 
America—credited with Bush's re-election—evangelical leadership is 
now split along generational and theological lines. All told, the 
group's disarray looks very good for Democrats and very bad for 
Republicans in 2008.—J.L.

Best Obituary
The Economist looks back at the life of Lucky Dube, a clean-living 
Rastafarian who sang anti-apartheid reggae during the worst of the 
regime in South Africa. Dube was shot by carjackers in front of his 
children in October.—M.S.

Best Cocktail-Party Factoid
The New York Review of Books reveals that, in his early years, Joseph 
Stalin went through forty different names, nicknames, bylines, and 
aliases at various times, which only barely exceeds the number of 
his professions: revolutionary, bank robber, gangster, singer, poet, 
womanizer, pedophile.—G.H.

[FairfieldLife] Eco-Video from a FF Fellow

2007-10-26 Thread Rick Archer

Dear Rick,

2-3 months ago my son the filmmaker Evan Hall created a 30 second Eco-spot
for a contest being sponsored by Al Gore’s new television station, Current
TV.  There were thousands of submissions to this contest and a panel of
judges has chosen the top 20.  Evan’s spot has been chosen!!!

These twenty are now being shown on MySpace and are now being voted on by
the public.  Please go to HYPERLINK
http://current.com/ecospothttp://current.com/ecospot and Evan’s spot is
“Support Good Hot – Energy” by bazinfan (pen name).  If you think his is the
best, cast your vote!  And if you do and he wins, we will definitely have a
party to which you will definitely be invited!  So let me know if you cast
your vote for him so we can be sure you’re on our guest list! (You have til
Nov. 1 to vote.)

And if you want to support Evan even further, please forward this email to
all your friends!

If you would like to email Evan he is at


Thank you, and thank you for all your love and support over the years!


Lynn Waters 

Global Verde LLC


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RE: [FairfieldLife] Invincible Donovan University

2007-10-26 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of bob_brigante
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 4:18 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Invincible Donovan University



Guess who came up with that title? Maharishi never could leave a good thing
along, but had to tinker with it until it broke.

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5:38 PM

[FairfieldLife] Re: Human Species to Split by 3000

2007-10-26 Thread Robert Gimbel
 Read 'Brave New World', by Aldous Huxley...

[FairfieldLife] 'Preventing Nuclear War; (was Dick Cheney Meditating)

2007-10-26 Thread Robert Gimbel
 I heard a reading one time, by Ron Scalastico, where it was said, 
that, although the 'Higher Beings, Angels, etc.', where usually not 
allowed to interfere with human free will...
That under certain conditions, they would be allowed to prevent a 
nuclear war, in that 'they' could withdraw someone's soul energy, 
which would put that person 'asleep'...
So, this is a blessing in disquise, I would say...

r.g. seattle.

[FairfieldLife] Invincible Shemp University

2007-10-26 Thread shempmcgurk
I'm taking applications now.

Write in 50 words or less on the back of a $100 bill why you'd like to 

Send it to:

Shemp Mcgurk
Quick Getaway Motel
Nogales, Mexico

[FairfieldLife] Re: Invincible Donovan University

2007-10-26 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of bob_brigante
 Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 4:18 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Invincible Donovan University
 Guess who came up with that title? Maharishi never could leave a 
good thing
 along, but had to tinker with it until it broke.

What I love about it that Donovan quit doing TM for about 30 years, 
started doing some other meditation technique and just restarted 
doing TM (hopefully) a few years ago after he gave that concert at 

Maybe once the university is up and running Donovan can quit doing TM 
and revert back to the other technique and teach that at the school...

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 5:38 PM

[FairfieldLife] Astral Weeks: The Buddha's Lost Weekend

2007-10-26 Thread TurquoiseB

If I ventured in the slipstream
Between the viaducts of your dream
Where immobile steel rims crack
And the ditch in the back roads stop
Could you find me?
Would you kiss-a my eyes?
To lay me down
In silence easy
To be born again 
To be born again 

Tonight I wandered into Paddy's Bar, and was talking
to my favorite bartender Morgan about music when a 
Van Morrison song came on and it came out that she 
had never heard Astral Weeks. That got me to thinking 
about the Buddha, and about what I was going to write 
about both when I got home.

This is it.

Have you ever wondered what the Buddha dreamed about?
I have. I'm weird that way. I suspect that he -- with
his above all Compassionate view of life, dreamed about
alternative lives to the one he was living. Tonight I'm 
wondering whether he may have dreamed himself a kickass
*future* life, into the recording of an album called
Astral Weeks.

What is Astral Weeks, you may ask? It's the Van Morrison
album about which Rolling Stone magazine, when including 
it in its Top 100 All-Time Rock Albums, started its
review with the sentence, Astral Weeks deserves its own

Rolling Stone nailed it. It really does.

The story of Astral Weeks is a nigh-unto-spiritual legend 
even in the usually-non-spiritual world of Rock 'n Roll. 
22-year-old, Belfast-born Van Morrison walked into a 
recording studio in New York in 1968 with only half the 
songs on the album fully written, was introduced to five 
musicians he had never met before, and in two days 
recorded one of the best albums in Rock History.

It was one of those great weekends in which an artist 
just gave himself up to his muse, stepped out of time, and
created some timeless music. So, just for fun, imagine that
the Buddha had dreamed himself into that particular record-
ing session, and had done a kind of New Age walk-in on 
Van Morrison.

The imagery of the songs is all from the streets. It was
pretty obviously influenced by the stuff that Dylan was
writing about the streets on New York at the time. So where,
if Buddha managed to dream himself forward in time to 1968,
and found himself in the body and mind of 22-year-old Van 
Morrison, would he have hung out? Would it have been in 
some ashram somewhere, in an environment and a vibe he 
was all too familiar with? 

I think not. I think that Buddha, had he dreamed himself
as Van Morrison that weekend in November, 1968, would have
headed straight for the streets of Greenwich Village. There,
he would have walked down Cypress Avenuse, and he would have
encountered a transvestite named Madame George, and a street
hooker who once dreamed of being a ballerina, a slim, slow 
slider sliding towards oblivion, but beautiful anyway in 
her dance to death.

And he would have loved them all.

I think that the thing that makes Astral Weeks deserve its
own category in the history of Rock n'Roll is that it is 
so damned Compassionate, man. Van paints these beautiful 
word-and-music portraits of the people he saw on the streets 
during this visit to New York, and he doesn't look down on 
a single one of them. He *loves* every single one of them, 
unconditionally. You will have to trust me on this, if you 
don't know the album: it just comes through in the music.

Some have characterized Astral Weeks as a down album, or 
a depressed album. I really don't hear it that way. When I 
listen to it, to this day, I hear Van walking the streets of 
Greenwich Village in a mindstate that (whether chemically-
influenced or not) just loved and appreciated everyone he 
saw, *for what they were*. For that period, Van was the 
Compassionate Buddha at large in the world, the incarnation 
of Love On Wheels. He could not *help* but love them. 

Van's view of these people he encountered on the streets is 
just so *non-judgmental*, man. Madame George, the Greenwich 
Village drag queen, becomes in his eyes the love that 
loves to love. The street hooker's come-on becomes:

Spread your wings
Come on fly awhile
Straight to my arms
Little angel child
You know you only
Lonely twenty-two story block
And if somebody, not just anybody
Wanted to get close to you
For instance, me, baby
All you gotta do
Is ring a bell
Step right up, step right up
And step right up

This particular weekend in New York in 1968, Van Morrison 
was able to step out of his judgmentalism and see everyone 
he passed on the street as the highest they could possibly 
be, or as the highest they had ever wanted to be.

Did the Buddha have anything to do with it? Absolutely not.

But he could have, right? For these two days Irish-born Van
Morrison and India-born Buddha shared a common mindset, one
that enabled them to see a street hooker as an angel child.

I think my friend Morgan is going to like Astral Weeks. The
reason I like her, and her bar, is that she interacts with
everyone she meets as if they were the highest they ever
wanted to be. Maybe Buddha dreamed her, too.

[FairfieldLife] A parampara reply about Prabhupada's quote: On Genitals and Heavenly Nectar

2007-10-26 Thread billy jim
Thinking about the original Prabhupada quote, I didn't feel qualified to answer 
the post. So I talked with AlankarDas, a friend of mine who was among the first 
disciples of Prabhupad. Originally a student of Swami Satchitananda, he met 
Prabhupada when Prabhupad began teaching in New York City and then stayed with 
him until his death. Later AlankarDas spent fifteen years in India and was 
among a just a handfull of Westerners trained to be the first Western pujari-s. 
In 1993 he installed a traditional carved Shivalingam for me in a full 
Maha-rudra-abhishekam. Done in the Panchratra style, it was a inundation of our 
local physical space with a dazzling confluence of devas. Thats when I first 
realized that God (Gott) is only a mythopoeic figure and that it is the devas 
in Brahman who are the actual reality we seek to comprehend.
  I asked Alankar Das if he would comment on the Prabhupada quote given in this 
thread ...
  My question regarding this quote from Prabhupada is ... what is the question? 
It seems to be fully explained in the purport. It is said that the highest 
pleasure in the conditioned world is sex. The problem is that it lasts for only 
a moment and is gone. Thus suffering occurs. 
  Prabhupada once said that the whole universe is moving based on the sex 
  This is an explanation of that statement ...  

  Sex is originating with the original person (Adi-purusha or Purushottama), 
then the Caturvuyha (four primal expansions of Vishnu), then the Rudra 
expansion from the Anantashesha and then the Prajapatis, expanding outward. 
However, this particular expression of sex that we experience is a product of 
the Mahamaya (shakti of Durga) not the Yogamaya (shakti of Vishnu), the 
internal potency which is only visible and active for the realized soul. This 
is a complete paradigm shift where one is fully situated in their 
Satchitananda-Vigraha or eternal identity and body, apart from the physical 
temporary body. The physical body can still function but the knower is not 
limited by the urges of the body and experiences transcendent sensual life. We 
get pale glimpses of this through the grace of the Guru and the spiritual 
practices. Important to mention that the Guru is essential because the Guru is 
descended from the Anantashesha directly and thus qualified to introduce the now
 conditioned entity (us) to the Yogamaya potency. Then the conditioned state 
gradually (generally) dissolves and after leaving the body the Guru personally 
introduces the realized soul directly to Radha-Krishna. By this time the 
reality of the nature of sex is clear. - Alankar Das

  Billy and all,

My comments are shown below:

  Here is what Prabhupada commented on one of the slokas in the 
  Bhagavatam, Canto 2, Chapter 10:
  The heavenly pleasure for the conditioned soul is sexual 
  this pleasure is tasted by the genitals. 
 What he is saying IMO is; for those souls that are 'conditioned', 
 is their happiness is based on 'conditions' in the material world
 (object oriented), their highest pleasure is derived thru the 

By TM standards and a few orthodox religions, this assertion may be 
true. But there are others who do not believe that they are 
conditioned. Thus, they are subjected to the three gunas, the 
sufferings of the world. But it is likely they don't know that or 
won't accept it. At worst, they would blame everyone else for their 

  The woman is the object of 
  sexual pleasure, and both the sense perception of sexual pleasure 
  the woman are controlled by the Prajapati, who is under the 
control of 
  the Lord's genitals.
 The parjapati is the deity that presides over procreation.

Prajapatis are also considered to be the executives of cosmic order.

  The impersonalist must know from this verse that 
  the Lord is not impersonal, for He has His genitals, on which all 
  pleasurable objects of sex depend. 
 Not sure what he means here other than the Lord is all of creation
 including the genitals of all humans..?? Prabhupad use to say 
 everything belongs to God and the criterion of success is if it
 pleases God.

IMO, he is criticizing those philosophers who teach notions of the 
Supreme Being in terms of intellectual sophistication and arguments, 
as in Plato's ideas of Being. Prabhupada is saying the Supreme Being 
has body parts that are similar to human beings.

This line of argument is not so different from the Judeo-Christian 
religion tradition.

 No one would have taken the trouble 
  to maintain children if there were no taste of heavenly nectar by
  of sexual intercourse
 Under the direction of the prajapati humans are enticed (thru sexual
 pleasure) to have sex for the procreation of children.

This generally true. However, there are people who forego 
procreation in 

[FairfieldLife] Various myths dispelled about Bubba

2007-10-26 Thread purushaz

A man boarded an airplane and took his seat. As he settled in, he 
glanced up and saw the most beautiful woman boarding the plane. He 
soon realized she was heading straight towards his seat. As fate 
would have it, she took the seat right beside his. Eager to strike up 
a conversation he blurted out, Business trip or pleasure? She 
turned, smiled and said, Business. I'm going to the Annual 
Nymphomaniacs of America Convention in Boston.

He swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen 
sitting next to him, and she was going to a meeting of nymphomaniacs. 
Struggling to maintain his composure, he calmly asked, What's your 
Business role at this convention? Lecturer, she responded. I use 
information that I have learned from my personal experiences to 
debunk some of the popular myths about sexuality.

Really? he said. And what kind of myths are there? Well, she 
explained, one popular myth is that African-American men are the 
most well-endo wed of all men, when in fact it is the Native American 
Indian who is most likely to possess that trait.  Another popular 
myth is that Frenchmen are the best lovers when actually it is men of 
Jewish descent who are the best. I have also discovered that the 
lover with absolutely the best stamina is the Southern Redneck.

Suddenly the woman became a little uncomfortable and blushed. I'm 
sorry, she said, I shouldn't really be discussing all of this with 
you. I don't even know your name. Tonto, the man said, Tonto 
Goldstein, but my friends call me Bubba.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Various myths dispelled about Bubba

2007-10-26 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 

   Suddenly the woman became a little uncomfortable and 
blushed. I'm 
  sorry, she said, I shouldn't really be discussing all of this 
  you. I don't even know your name. Tonto, the man said, Tonto 
  Goldstein, but my friends call me Bubba.
 Another little cocktail party factoid.  Tonto, in spanish I 
 means stupid, or something to that effect.  America chauvinism 
 How far we have fallen.  History has shown that countries who 
 substitute military might for economic might begin their decline. 
 do we export?  Planes, some technology, arms. 

Agricultural products also.

 What do we import?  
 Everything else.

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Preventing Nuclear War; (was Dick Cheney Meditating)

2007-10-26 Thread Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
I was astonished to learn that in a way somewhat similar to what you've
described, this resembles how Stalin was killed, for he was planning the
next world war, initiated by Soviet Beast and involving nuclear attack upon
'the West' when he was ruthlessly canceled as a life form and menace to

I also learned that 'very soon', a device will be invented that will make
nuclear explosive devices inoperable.  Oh my Brahma!  I surely hope so, very

*I will help all beings in every way I can promptly. *
* *
*I will not inflict pain or misfortune on anyone through my thoughts, words
or deeds. *

On 10/26/07, Robert Gimbel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I heard a reading one time, by Ron Scalastico, where it was said,
 that, although the 'Higher Beings, Angels, etc.', where usually not
 allowed to interfere with human free will...
 That under certain conditions, they would be allowed to prevent a
 nuclear war, in that 'they' could withdraw someone's soul energy,
 which would put that person 'asleep'...
 So, this is a blessing in disquise, I would say...

 r.g. seattle.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Invincible Donovan University

2007-10-26 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  On Behalf Of bob_brigante
  Sent: Friday, October 26, 2007 4:18 PM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Invincible Donovan University
  Guess who came up with that title? Maharishi never could leave a 
 good thing
  along, but had to tinker with it until it broke.

 What I love about it that Donovan quit doing TM for about 30 years, 
 started doing some other meditation technique and just restarted 
 doing TM (hopefully) a few years ago after he gave that concert at 
 Maybe once the university is up and running Donovan can quit doing 
 and revert back to the other technique and teach that at the 


Well, that's the whole point of MMY naming the school after a weak 
meditator like Donovan -- if his name is on the marquee, he's more 
likely to stick with TM.

[FairfieldLife] For Turq/ Re: Proud to be a Whiner!

2007-10-26 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, brontebaxter8 

 Turq wrote:
 Bronte, I have challenged you in the past here to do one simple 
 thing -- something that should be a breeze for someone who 
 herself as smart as you obviously consider yourself -- write 
 something positive. One post. One in which there is zero negation
 or putdown of something you don't like, only a presentation of 
 something you *do* like and that you think might be valuable for 
 other folks. I honestly don't think you *can* any more. 
 Bronte writes:
 Turq, I am going to spend one last post responding to you, and then 
 I'm done until you get over yourself. 

I love it when the universe speeds up its lifespan.

I didn't comment on this remark 
 the first time..._ snip - This is the last thing of yours I'm 
reading until you get off your 
 high horse. Smoke away in your rants if that gives you jollies. 
Most of us will not be listening.  
 - Bronte   

Welcome to the club. 

(still waitin'...)

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Preventing Nuclear War; (was Dick Cheney Meditating)

2007-10-26 Thread bob_brigante
 I was astonished to learn that in a way somewhat similar to what 
 described, this resembles how Stalin was killed, for he was 
planning the
 next world war, initiated by Soviet Beast and involving nuclear 
attack upon
 'the West' when he was ruthlessly canceled as a life form and 
menace to


Well, Stalin was certainly a scumbag (see link/clipping below), but 
he died in 1953, when the USSR only had a handful of nuke weapons and 
pitiful delivery systems. If anything, it was Mao later in the 50s 
and early 60s who was encouraging the Russkis to start a nuclear war 
since he would have had plenty of Chinese leftover after the West 
launched all its megatonnage, thereby winning the war with the West.

Best Cocktail-Party Factoid
The New York Review of Books reveals that, in his early years, Joseph
Stalin went through forty different names, nicknames, bylines, and
aliases at various times, which only barely exceeds the number of
his professions: revolutionary, bank robber, gangster, singer, poet,
womanizer, pedophile.—G.H.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fundies on the wane

2007-10-26 Thread off_world_beings
What is great about this news is that it is so mundane, and run of 
the mill obvious, for a long time since, that it took a great deal of 
energy for me to even comment in this irrelevant and pussingrate way 
that I am doing.

Thanks !

(growing old waitin' fer y'all)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Best Political Coverage
 The New York Times Magazine takes a look at how the evangelical 
 voting bloc is beginning to unravel. Once the most cohesive group 
 America—credited with Bush's re-election—evangelical leadership is 
 now split along generational and theological lines. All told, the 
 group's disarray looks very good for Democrats and very bad for 
 Republicans in 2008.—J.L.
 Best Obituary
 The Economist looks back at the life of Lucky Dube, a clean-living 
 Rastafarian who sang anti-apartheid reggae during the worst of the 
 regime in South Africa. Dube was shot by carjackers in front of his 
 children in October.—M.S.
 Best Cocktail-Party Factoid
 The New York Review of Books reveals that, in his early years, 
 Stalin went through forty different names, nicknames, bylines, and 
 aliases at various times, which only barely exceeds the number of 
 his professions: revolutionary, bank robber, gangster, singer, 
 womanizer, pedophile.—G.H.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Preventing Nuclear War; (was Dick Cheney Meditating)

2007-10-26 Thread bob_brigante

 I was astonished to learn that in a way somewhat similar to what 
 described, this resembles how Stalin was killed, for he was 
planning the
 next world war, initiated by Soviet Beast and involving nuclear 
attack upon
 'the West' when he was ruthlessly canceled as a life form and 
menace to
 Re: 'Preventing Nuclear War; (was Dick Cheney Meditating) 

 I was astonished to learn that in a way somewhat similar to what
 described, this resembles how Stalin was killed, for he was
planning the
 next world war, initiated by Soviet Beast and involving nuclear
attack upon
 'the West' when he was ruthlessly canceled as a life form and
menace to


Well, Stalin was certainly a scumbag (see link/clipping below), but
he died in 1953, when the USSR only had a handful of nuke weapons and
pitiful delivery systems. If anything, it was Mao later in the 50s
and early 60s who was encouraging the Russkis to start a nuclear war
since he would have had plenty of Chinese leftover after the West
launched all its megatonnage, thereby winning the war with the West 
( Re: 'Preventing Nuclear War; (was Dick Cheney Meditating) 

 I was astonished to learn that in a way somewhat similar to what
 described, this resembles how Stalin was killed, for he was
planning the
 next world war, initiated by Soviet Beast and involving nuclear
attack upon
 'the West' when he was ruthlessly canceled as a life form and
menace to


Well, Stalin was certainly a scumbag (see link/clipping below), but
he died in 1953, when the USSR only had a handful of nuke weapons and
pitiful delivery systems. If anything, it was Mao later in the 50s
and early 60s who was encouraging the Russkis to start a nuclear war
since he would have had plenty of Chinese leftover after the West
launched all its megatonnage, thereby winning the war with the West 
( http://tinyurl.com/ytnlhe ).

Best Cocktail-Party Factoid
The New York Review of Books reveals that, in his early years, Joseph
Stalin went through forty different names, nicknames, bylines, and
aliases at various times, which only barely exceeds the number of
his professions: revolutionary, bank robber, gangster, singer, poet,
womanizer, pedophile.—G.H.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Invincible Donovan University

2007-10-26 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Oh F@# ! ! !

(too far gone for most)