[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Practice Groups of FF

2009-01-03 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... 
 There is nothing wrong with choosing your favorite delicacy from the
 smorgasbord, but once you have chosen, eat what is on your plate.
 Dilettantes sample endlessly, are never satisfied and end up 
 with whom to go home with after the party. The shills hype the
 purveyor's soup and both cash in. Meanwhile, your date for the 
 the prettiest of all the girls, (you lucky dog) was voted queen of 
 ball and stupid you, enchanted by all the other girls, danced like 
 fool with all but her. Eventually the music stopped, now weary of
 dancing and too old to care, you gently fade unnoticed into the wall
 of regret, a wilted flower denied of fragrance, too late to recover
 the magic. 
 Absolutely schmaltzy absolutist, 

Beautiful, thank you !

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal
l.shad...@... wrote:

 Mind you, I assert that I belong to the cult of TM.  No 
 matter what my reasons for visiting a whorehouse, if I 
 were to visit one, I should consider myself a john and 
 there ain't two ways about it.

I could not agree more. I freely admit that
my participation in both the TMO and later
the Rama trip was me being involved in a cult.
I got a lot *from* my involvement in each of
the cults, thank you.

 I watched the tapes. I got to see Maharishi several times.  
 I saw him at Taste of Utopia. Unless he was a psycopath and 
 my third ear was successfully being lied to, I think that 
 Maharishi really did believe in all the Maharishi brand 
 shit he was churning out.  

Again, I agree. Maharishi was by far the most
superstitious person I've ever met on planet
Earth. I have no doubt that he believed fer-
vently in each of these superstitions that he
trademarked with his name and sold to suckers.
I was actually there when he walked into
the room at Squaw Valley and saw chairs upside
down on the tables. (There is some kind of super-
stition in India about that being a bad omen.)
He *blanched* and got this expression of terror
on his face, stopped dead in his tracks, and
turned back and went back the other way, and
refused to enter the room until things had been
put right.

Does that indicate that he *believed* in the
superstition? You betcha. Does that suggest that
the belief is rational? Not in my book. Does that
suggest that the person reacting that way, with
such fear, was enlightened? Again, not in my book.

 I don't think he ever turned back, ever looked in the 
 mirror and asked himself what the fuck am I doing?  

I agree. In my estimation he lacked the *ability*
to self-reflect. He just did shit, and assumed 
that it was correct and in tune with the laws of
nature because he did it. And he assumed that 
because he'd been told that's the way things work
by the people who taught him his Hindu beliefs. 

I doubt that he *ever* second-guessed anything he
ever did.

 I think he really believed all the crap.  That he 
 believed it till the very last day I got to see him 
 live from Vlodrup.

So do I. But I don't think that's the reason he 
started *selling* the crap. He did that because he
had priced TM out of the market and there was not
enough income coming in to support the movement
from teaching, because people were starting to 
leave the TM movement and he had to come up with
something new to keep them around and interested,
*AND* because he thought that these things would
be good for them.

I'm *certain* that he thought that all these silly
products would be good for people. After all, they
came from the Vedas, right? So *by definition* they
were good, the way he thought. Maharishi was, as Vaj
has suggested, a Hindu Fundamentalist. He believed
that all these products and services came straight
from the mouth of God, and thus needed to be made
available to the people of the world. For a profit,
of course.

But *at the same time*, he wasn't dumb. He saw what
happened to the TMO's economic bottom line as soon
as he promised people that they'd be able to levitate.
(And he really *DID* promise people that they'd be
able to levitate, at the beginning of the Siddhis
courses. It was only afterwards, after some buyers
made noises about suing, that he and the TMO back-
pedalled and began to claim that the course taught
only Stage I flying.) He used these courses to pay
the bills until the pool of suckers was expended,
and everyone who was probably *going* to take the
Siddhis course had. Then he introduced the next 
profit cow product. And then the next. And then
the next. 

Did he *believe* that all of these things were 
valuable? Well, duh...he was a Fundamentalist...of
course he believed they were. 

But my bottom line argument is that one of the *other*
reasons he introduced all of these spiritual distrac-
tions was as a kind of magician's misdirection, to
keep the audience from noticing that not only had 
*they* not realized the enlightenment he'd originally
promised them, but that NO ONE had. NO ONE.

FIFTY YEARS after he started teaching TM and promising
it as the fastest, most effective method for realizing
enlightenment, there is not a single person that the
TMO can point to and say, This person is enlightened.
This person is an example of what we have been prom-
ising as enlightenment. You can take this person to
your labs and hook them up to machines and use them
as the definitive example of what enlightenment is.


But the distraction products are still there, and
they keep selling. To those who have conveniently
forgotten the original promise, that is.

In my view, Maharishi was a tinkerer, an experimenter.
He just tried shit to see if it would work. Those
who were on the early Siddhis courses know that there
were quite a few siddhis taught to them that never
appeared in the final version of the course taught

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Answer to the Jyotish Test

2009-01-03 Thread TurquoiseB
  Since it appears that JohnR is not going to 
  respond to my challenge with his analysis of
  my friend's medical condition as indicated in
  her Jyotish chart
 Barry posted this only a little over 24 hours since 
 he first proposed the test. And he said he'd wait 
 until 7:00 p.m. EST to post the answer. For all he 
 knew, John was busy working on it, planning to post 
 his results by Barry's original deadline.
 He's out for revenge right now and is proposing another test.  
 Why would anyone want to participate in such a setup?

JohnR refuses to let this drop. OK, his call.
See below.

By the way, go back and look at the original
post. I said quite clearly that the deadline
for submissions to the test was 7:00 pm 
*my* time, 12:00 Noon Fairfield time. I'll
wait for the apology. 

Now here's the post I wrote in response to
JohnR's previous rant, but which I promised
myself not to post unless he continued with
this crap. Some people just don't know when
they've embarrassed themselves enough. So
be it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 Hey, RaunchD
 Barry has just confirmed in more explicit words what he 
 thought of my comment to do.reflex in his private email 
 to me. 


My email to you was not just sent, it was
sent Thursday, in an attempt to 1) not waste 
a post on you, and 2) spare you airing your 
lack of courage and principles in public. 
You have chosen to make it public. So be it.
This message will end my participation in
this exchange with you unless you are fool-
ish enough to prolong it.

 I was rather surprised that he reacted with such 
 venom in his last post. It is revealing as to how much his 
 animosity can reach when anyone mentions anything about 
 vedic sciences or any gurus from that tradition.

This is the They aren't really criticizing me,
they are criticizing my beliefs...what they 
really hate is what I believe in argument 
that True Believers trot out over and over. 
Please note that this is a typical and well-
documented cult tactic used to make a criticism 
of a *particular individual* seem as if it's 
really a criticism of the group the cultist 
is attempting to appeal to and gain sympathy 

So allow me to clarify -- I am NOT criticizing 
the Vedas by calling you a low-life scumbag. 
I am calling YOU in particular a low-life 
scumbag because of YOUR behavior.

Please also notice that what you fail to 
address in any way IS that behavior -- your 
recent attempt to claim that you knew the 
answer to my test, even though you failed 
to post such an answer to the group.

I stand by what I said in my reply to do.rflex.

First, I consider you *personally* a low-life
scumbag for attempting to claim that you knew
the answer to a test that you were unwilling
to take in public, where the accuracy of your 
answer could have been verified by readers of 
this forum. 

Next, I suggest that you have proved beyond 
a shadow of a doubt that 1) your *own* faith in
Jyotish is so shaky that you are afraid to put 
it to the test, 2) that you are seemingly willing 
to make unsubstantiated claims about what you 
knew after the fact in an attempt to hide your 
cowardice, and 3) that you are now resorting to 
classic cult manipulation techniques to pretend 
that I'm criticizing vedic science and not you.

John, all you had to do to make your cowardice
less obvious was shut the fuck up and live with
it. Instead, you decided to compound it by pull-
ing this stunt. THAT is what makes you a low-life 
scumbag in my book. Me saying this about you 
*personally* has nothing to do with my opinion 
of Jyotish or the so-called vedic sciences.

However, if you are presenting yourself as a 
representative of these vedic sciences and as
an example of what studying them produces, then 
I suggest that the quality of the fruit reveals
a lot about the tree.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Letters on TM from religious/spiritual leaders

2009-01-03 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  The dogma gets in my way on a number of points, but
  I sure appreciate Christianity a whole lot more than
  I did pre-TM. I've lived most of my life without a
  religious practice, except for brief attempts to get
  into it to see what it was like, so I don't really
  feel a lack in that department. But it wouldn't
  surprise me a bit if I began to be drawn to it, and
  I'd welcome it. I could really dig a Christian 
  congregation led by a minister who practiced TM and
  preached the Gospel according to SCI.
 Tom Miller, a long time TM teacher, was my first SCI teacher in 1972
 in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. He became a priest for the Liberal
 Catholic Church and established St. Gabriel and All Angels in
 Fairfield about 20 years ago http://tinyurl.com/7ukvrt I go through
 phases of attending regularly and enjoy the long liturgy, and short
 sermon in the light of SCI. The congregation, mostly TM'ers, is small
 but packed on Christmas Eve and Easter. Even those who profess no
 religion, end up asking Tom to marry and bury loved ones. In times of
 need, who do you call? The Big Guy in the Sky. Church feels like
 family and I'm grateful for Tom's commitment to serving our community.

I think this is an important addition to a Siddha and meditator's
life, without the moral and ethical teachings of Religion most
meditators are left without outer guidance and proper spiritual

The guidance Religion gives is very necessary for most sincere people,
to think that TM alone is just going to bestow these virtues (what the
tmorg suggests) is folly IMO.

People need inner and outer guidance, since TM is not being taught as
a Religion a vast number of meditators are living life without this
benefit, sad! 

[FairfieldLife] Obama: Great Healer?

2009-01-03 Thread cardemaister

According to a Finnish astrologer, Mr. Seppo Tanhua (and prolly
many others, too) Obama might become a/the? Great Healer of da World,
because he has Chiron near Ascendant (in Pisces) trine Neptune (in

[Obaman askendentilta löytyvä Chiron (haavoittunut parantaja) tekee
tästä miehestä parhaassa tapauksessa suuren maailman parantajan,
joskin hyvin vaativissa olosuhteissa. Chiron tekee Obaman
askendentilta kolmiota Neptunukselle, jonka voimme lukea kyvyksi tehdä
intuitiivisesti oikeita ratkaisuja tiukoissa tilanteissa.]   :]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread yifuxero
---thx (below...interesting!).
btw: pics of new Peace Palaces...

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of authfriend
 Sent: Friday, January 02, 2009 11:39 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , TurquoiseB 
 no_reply@ wrote:
  I could not help but notice at the time that I 
  walked away from TM that NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON HAD 
 guffaw I could not help but notice...
 Moi, I started TM in 1975 and never heard any promise
 of enlightenment in five to eight years. My initiator
 did mention a five-year period in response to a 
 question during three days' checking, but the way he
 told it, five years was the *fastest* one could 
 expect to get enlightened. He made it very clear that
 it was highly individual and could take a lot longer.
 I know quite a few who have gotten enlightened (I don't like the
 terminology). Maybe it's just because I don't hang around with many
 true-blue Ru's, but most of the people I'm referring to, although
 appreciative of the contribution MMY and TM have made to their 
lives, are in
 a fairly distant orbit from the movement. In some cases, it appears 
to me
 that their awakening occurred shortly after they distanced 
themselves from
 the movement and thus broke free of habitual belief patterns. Or 
maybe they
 distanced themselves because they were awakening (graduating) and 
 belief patterns were beginning to unravel. Hard to tell which is 
the cart
 and which the horse. The TMO/MUM is an incubator. Once you've 
 you're probably going to want to expand your territory and not stay 
in the

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread Rick Archer
 -Original Message-
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Rick Archer
 Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2009 12:18 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions
 I know quite a few who have gotten enlightened (I don't like the
 terminology). Maybe it's just because I don't hang around with many
 true-blue Ru's, but most of the people I'm referring to, although
 appreciative of the contribution MMY and TM have made to their lives,
 are in a fairly distant orbit from the movement. In some cases, it
 appears to me that their awakening occurred shortly after they
 themselves from the movement and thus broke free of habitual belief
 patterns. Or maybe they distanced themselves because they were
 (graduating) and those belief patterns were beginning to unravel. Hard
 to tell which is the cart and which the horse. The TMO/MUM is an
 incubator. Once you've hatched, you're probably going to want to expand
 your territory and not stay in the incubator.

I should add that there are many stages or degrees of awakening, and people,
and the followers they attract, often mistake initial or intermediate stages
with final ones (if there are any). (see Halfway up the Mountain - The Error
of Premature Claims to Enlightenment, by Mariana Caplan -
http://tinyurl.com/6tyssk). Here are the main reasons I think few in the TMO
claim enlightenment:

1) Maharishi is held up as the example of Enlightenment, and an ordinary guy
who is not like Maharishi wouldn't be believed, or believe himself. Even
though Maharishi never flew, didn't have perfect health, etc., he
established those and other abilities and attributes as necessary criteria
for enlightenment. In the TMO culture, unless you meet those criteria,
you're not enlightened. In other words, the TMO has placed enlightenment as
an impossibly distant goal, and most in the Movement have been conditioned
to believe that they couldn't possibly be anywhere near it, even though it
may be staring them in the face.

2) The Robin Carlsen legacy - the best-known example of someone in the TMO
claiming Enlightenment was an egotistical nutcase, so anyone who claims it
now is suspect, is likely to have his dome badge revoked, be ostracized by
his friends, etc. That's one reason those who claim Awakening tend to be
independent-minded people, not caring about having a dome badge, willing
find new friends, etc. And many of these don't claim it publically. Even
close friends and business partners may not suspect.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

  -Original Message-
  From: On Behalf Of Rick Archer
  I know quite a few who have gotten enlightened (I don't like 
  the terminology). Maybe it's just because I don't hang around 
  with many true-blue Ru's, but most of the people I'm referring 
  to, although appreciative of the contribution MMY and TM have 
  made to their lives, are in a fairly distant orbit from the 
  movement. In some cases, it appears to me that their awakening 
  occurred shortly after they distanced themselves from the 
  movement and thus broke free of habitual belief patterns. Or 
  maybe they distanced themselves because they were awakening
  (graduating) and those belief patterns were beginning to unravel. 
  Hard to tell which is the cart and which the horse. The TMO/MUM 
  is an incubator. Once you've hatched, you're probably going to 
  want to expand your territory and not stay in the incubator.


I have no problem with this. My point was,
and I consider the point valid, there is NOT
ONE PERSON whom the *TM movement* can point
to and say, This person is enlightened. We
'certify' that this person is enlightened,
and because we believe in validating what we
say with science, you can take this person
to the labs and test them as an *example* 
of enlightenment.

 I should add that there are many stages or degrees of awakening, 
 and people, and the followers they attract, often mistake initial 
 or intermediate stages with final ones (if there are any). (see 
 Halfway up the Mountain - The Error of Premature Claims to 
 Enlightenment, by Mariana Caplan - http://tinyurl.com/6tyssk). 

Again, I have no problem with this, in TM, or
in any other movement that claims to have a 
path to enlightenment. Hell, *I* experienced
periods of awakening during my TM days that
I mistook for enlightenment; if that can 
happen to *me*, whom many here go out of 
their way to characterize as being lower
than the lint in an earthworm's navel, it 
can happen to anyone.  :-)

But my point is that the *TM organization*
does not have even ONE person to whom they
can point and say, WE certify that this
person has achieved the goal we are selling.

NOT ONE. And this in an organization that
makes a pretense of scientific validation
of its claims. Doncha think that if they had
one -- even ONE -- that they'd *rush* them
to the labs for testing? Doncha think they'd
try to get them on Leno?

Fifty years. Not ONE graduate of the course.

 Here are the main reasons I think few in the TMO
 claim enlightenment:
 1) Maharishi is held up as the example of Enlightenment, and 
 an ordinary guy who is not like Maharishi wouldn't be believed, 
 or believe himself. Even though Maharishi never flew, didn't 
 have perfect health, etc., he established those and other 
 abilities and attributes as necessary criteria for 
 enlightenment. In the TMO culture, unless you meet those 
 criteria, you're not enlightened. In other words, the TMO has 
 placed enlightenment as an impossibly distant goal, and most 
 in the Movement have been conditioned to believe that they 
 couldn't possibly be anywhere near it, even though it
 may be staring them in the face.

I completely agree.

 2) The Robin Carlsen legacy - the best-known example of someone 
 in the TMO claiming Enlightenment was an egotistical nutcase...

I would go so far as to say that there were *two* 
cases in the TMO of someone claiming enlightenment 
who were egotistical nutcases. Hint: the second one
founded the organization.  :-)

 ...so anyone who claims it now is suspect, is likely to have 
 his dome badge revoked, be ostracized by his friends, etc. 
 That's one reason those who claim Awakening tend to be
 independent-minded people, not caring about having a dome 
 badge, willing to find new friends, etc. And many of these 
 don't claim it publically. Even close friends and business 
 partners may not suspect.

While I do not dispute that this may be true, and
I am open to the possibility that some have achieved
some degree of realization as a result of TM (again,
if I did, *anyone* can), my point is not *about*
what may or may not have happened off the record.

My point is that the organization that has claimed
for fifty years that it offers the fastest, most
effective method of realizing enlightenment cannot
produce even ONE on the record example of anyone 
having done it.


Fifty YEARS, man. If TM is the fastest and most
effective method, it's not very fast OR effective
now, is it?  :-)

My sub-point is that all of the *other* products
offered to supplement TM are offered to distract
attention from this obvious reality. If the TM 
organization could sell enlightenment by providing 
an example of it, doncha think they would?

But they can't. So they sell overpriced honey

[FairfieldLife] Re: Letters on TM from religious/spiritual leaders

2009-01-03 Thread raunchydog
I'm more or a feel person than a dogma person. It's why I like
LLC. It has esoteric roots and leaves a lot of room for intellectual
curiosity. We all fall short of being the best person we can, able to
live harmoniously with others and embrace every moment joyously. So
for me LLC is like one big puja that recharges my love battery. It's
an immersion in the source of one's Self where you don't feel the THOU
SHALT NOTS like a sword hanging over your head threatening to strike
you dead and damn you to Hell if you don't behave yourself, I feel the
love and that's all that matters.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wg...@... wrote:
 I think this is an important addition to a Siddha and meditator's
 life, without the moral and ethical teachings of Religion most
 meditators are left without outer guidance and proper spiritual
 The guidance Religion gives is very necessary for most sincere people,
 to think that TM alone is just going to bestow these virtues (what the
 tmorg suggests) is folly IMO.
 People need inner and outer guidance, since TM is not being taught as
 a Religion a vast number of meditators are living life without this
 benefit, sad!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread Peter

Areed Turq, the TMO has not produced one enlightened personaccording to the 
powers that be conception of enlightenment. And there's the catch. There has 
been such an investment in the idea of enlightenment rather than the actual 
direct realization, that any criteria are in the realm of personality, rather 
than the transcendent apperception of consciousness conscious of its own 
consciousness. Personalities are all over the friggin' place and have 
essentially nothing to do with Realization. To quote SCI Lesson #874692762875, 
The infinite value is present at every moment in the point value. Also, why 
would someone who was realized have anything to do with the TMO? As Rick 
pointed out, leaving the TMO and enlightenment seem to be concomitant 
phenomena. An organization driven by personality/ego is necessarily insane. 
When consciousness becomes conscious of consciousness (CBCC-new term for 
enlightenment!) a sweet breeze blows through the room and all
 personality/ego driven thought, feeling and behavior is seen clearly as 
madness in that context-less context.

--- On Sat, 1/3/09, TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 From: TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, January 3, 2009, 9:12 AM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick
 Archer r...@... wrote:
   -Original Message-
   From: On Behalf Of Rick Archer
   I know quite a few who have gotten
 enlightened (I don't like 
   the terminology). Maybe it's just because I
 don't hang around 
   with many true-blue Ru's, but most of the
 people I'm referring 
   to, although appreciative of the contribution MMY
 and TM have 
   made to their lives, are in a fairly distant
 orbit from the 
   movement. In some cases, it appears to me that
 their awakening 
   occurred shortly after they distanced themselves
 from the 
   movement and thus broke free of habitual belief
 patterns. Or 
   maybe they distanced themselves because they were
   (graduating) and those belief patterns were
 beginning to unravel. 
   Hard to tell which is the cart and which the
 horse. The TMO/MUM 
   is an incubator. Once you've hatched,
 you're probably going to 
   want to expand your territory and not stay in the
 I have no problem with this. My point was,
 and I consider the point valid, there is NOT
 ONE PERSON whom the *TM movement* can point
 to and say, This person is enlightened. We
 'certify' that this person is enlightened,
 and because we believe in validating what we
 say with science, you can take this person
 to the labs and test them as an *example* 
 of enlightenment.
  I should add that there are many stages or degrees of
  and people, and the followers they attract, often
 mistake initial 
  or intermediate stages with final ones (if there are
 any). (see 
  Halfway up the Mountain - The Error of Premature
 Claims to 
  Enlightenment, by Mariana Caplan -
 Again, I have no problem with this, in TM, or
 in any other movement that claims to have a 
 path to enlightenment. Hell, *I* experienced
 periods of awakening during my TM days that
 I mistook for enlightenment; if that can 
 happen to *me*, whom many here go out of 
 their way to characterize as being lower
 than the lint in an earthworm's navel, it 
 can happen to anyone.  :-)
 But my point is that the *TM organization*
 does not have even ONE person to whom they
 can point and say, WE certify that this
 person has achieved the goal we are selling.
 NOT ONE. And this in an organization that
 makes a pretense of scientific validation
 of its claims. Doncha think that if they had
 one -- even ONE -- that they'd *rush* them
 to the labs for testing? Doncha think they'd
 try to get them on Leno?
 Fifty years. Not ONE graduate of the course.
  Here are the main reasons I think few in the TMO
  claim enlightenment:
  1) Maharishi is held up as the example of
 Enlightenment, and 
  an ordinary guy who is not like Maharishi wouldn't
 be believed, 
  or believe himself. Even though Maharishi never flew,
  have perfect health, etc., he established those and
  abilities and attributes as necessary criteria for 
  enlightenment. In the TMO culture, unless you meet
  criteria, you're not enlightened. In other words,
 the TMO has 
  placed enlightenment as an impossibly distant goal,
 and most 
  in the Movement have been conditioned to believe that
  couldn't possibly be anywhere near it, even though
  may be staring them in the face.
 I completely agree.
  2) The Robin Carlsen legacy - the best-known example
 of someone 
  in the TMO claiming Enlightenment was an egotistical
 I would go so far as to say that there were *two* 
 cases in the TMO of someone claiming enlightenment 
 who were egotistical nutcases. Hint: the second one

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama: Great Healer?

2009-01-03 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_re...@... wrote:

 According to a Finnish astrologer, Mr. Seppo Tanhua (and prolly
 many others, too) Obama might become a/the? Great Healer of da World,
 because he has Chiron near Ascendant (in Pisces) trine Neptune (in
 [Obaman askendentilta löytyvä Chiron (haavoittunut parantaja) tekee
 tästä miehestä parhaassa tapauksessa suuren maailman parantajan,
 joskin hyvin vaativissa olosuhteissa. Chiron tekee Obaman
 askendentilta kolmiota Neptunukselle, jonka voimme lukea kyvyksi tehdä
 intuitiivisesti oikeita ratkaisuja tiukoissa tilanteissa.]   :]

Is this another Magic Negro story or is Obama just a guy we trust to
be the best president he can? We don't need to imbue him with special
powers to expect he will work selflessly for our country. He has
plenty to clean up after Bush, so I'm glad he's bringing the best and
the brightness into his administration. We're gonna need it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Letters on TM from religious/spiritual leaders

2009-01-03 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:
This part of Judy and my exchange is interesting.  I am doing this not
to address the arguments we make but her style, which Judy maintains
is one that exposes intellectual sloppiness and dishonesty.  Judy,
this isn't addressed to you, but to the board.  Of course, you are
free to respond but don't assume any failure to respond on my part
means anything.

I said:
Anyone good at putting someone in a suggestible
state could teach TM.
Judy said:
   Naah, has nothing to do with suggestibility.
I said:
  And I say you are wrong.  Again, you make a 
  conclusory statement that adds nothing.

Judy said:
 It's you who has a tendency to make such statements.
 I'm showing you what it feels like to be on the other

I said:
  Just by saying something isn't so, doesn't make 
  itnot so.
Judy said:
 Something for you to remember.

What is interesting about this exchange is Judy's style of needing to
control an argument.  She clearly makes a conclusory statement Naah,
has nothing to do with suggestibility, and when called on it calls me
conclusory.  Then she is the one who purports to be the one
intolerant of intellectual sloppiness and dishonesty.  

Back to the conversaition: 

I said:
  People who are familiar with hypnotism would know 
  that the initiation and checking procedures are 
  methods to put people in a suggestible state.
Judy said:
 Yes, I'm aware of that. However, that hypnotists use
 somewhat methods does not mean that's how they're
 being used in TM instruction and checking. That's a
 false equivalence.

OK, Judy's statement begs the question: is TM initiation and checking
a procedure different than putting people in a suggestible state? 
Nothing she said in this exchange counters the similarity between the

Then I went on to say:
  So what.  It isn't like that is a bad thing.  Why
  are Tm'ers so defensive about the effect of 
  checking and initiation?

Judy replied:
 We aren't defensive about the effect of checking and
 instruction. We do get annoyed when that effect is 
 called suggestion, because it indicates inadequate
 understanding of TM.

Again, she makes a conclusion without arguing why it is an inadequate
understanding of TM.  First of all, I was not talking about TM the
technique, I was talking about initiation and checking procedures. 
So, what is different?  I still don't have an answer from her.  Is it
the power of the puja, enlivening the mantra?  What is the evidence
for that?  

Now back to the discussion:

I said:
  And we disagree as to the extent of the  problem. 
   Ex teachers, Curtis, Turq, others,  how much of 
  the TTC was devoted to learning to teach?

Judy said:
 Irrelevant (although Patrick, for one, disagrees with

Again, she declares the conclusion without arguing why it is
irrelevant.  I believe it is very relevant and the teacher who said he
spent all the time learning to teach also said most of the time was
spent rounding.  How is that learning to teach?  No one gives me an
explanation for that.

I said:
  How hard is it to teach?

Judy said:
 Not that hard, but it depends on what you mean by
 teach. Just going through the procedure is easy;
 the issue is whether the students *get it* right 
 away. Many do, but some don't. Some get it and then
 lose it, including after many years of practice.

OK teachers, how much time did you spend learning to determine if the
student has it right?  Not much.  The procedure for checking is very
rigid.  If the student gives a yes answer or no answer to various
questions, the next step is dictated.  Not so hard.

Judy said:
 Everything else that human beings learn to do 
 involves effort and intention. To practice TM, in
 contrast, involves *not-doing*: no effort, no
 intention. How do you learn to not-do? It's a
 contradiction in terms, and just the opposite from
 the way we approach any other endeavor.
 Actually there's one other endeavor that involves
 not-doing, and that's going to sleep. *Trying* to go
 to sleep is very likely to be ineffective at best and
 counterproductive at worst. That parallel is

OK, this has some substance in it that can be discussed and is not
mere conclusions.  In this case, I still agree, lazy daydreaming
involves next to no effort much like mediating involves next to no
effort.  I believe we have discussed here in the past the effortless
issue.  There is effort, just not much.  Easy effort.  You do go back
to your mantra after all.  

I said:
  No, not dishonest nor clumsy.  I just am using your
  type of  techniques to talk to you.  You use tricks 
  like claiming non sequitur when something is not 
  so that you can contol the conversation.

Judy said:
 If I did that, it would be dishonest. Yet you claim
 you're not being dishonest but that you're using my 
 type of techniques. Make up your mind.
 I don't believe I *do* claim something is a non 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama: Great Healer?

2009-01-03 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_re...@... wrote:

 According to a Finnish astrologer, Mr. Seppo Tanhua (and prolly
 many others, too) Obama might become a/the? Great Healer of da World,
 because he has Chiron near Ascendant (in Pisces) trine Neptune (in
 [Obaman askendentilta löytyvä Chiron (haavoittunut parantaja) tekee
 tästä miehestä parhaassa tapauksessa suuren maailman parantajan,
 joskin hyvin vaativissa olosuhteissa. Chiron tekee Obaman
 askendentilta kolmiota Neptunukselle, jonka voimme lukea kyvyksi tehdä
 intuitiivisesti oikeita ratkaisuja tiukoissa tilanteissa.]   :]


[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama: Great Healer?

2009-01-03 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley
j_alexander_stan...@... wrote: 

Best laugh of the day! Thanks Alex.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What did you take with you from TM

2009-01-03 Thread Patrick Gillam
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu wrote:
   We spend many posts here debating the 
   legitimacy of the TM technique, 
   the cult of TM and the scam.  But from 
   time to time I find myself 
   relating to ideas that were first 
   introduced to me during the time I was 
   in the movement.  
   Anyone else have some to share?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Gillam wrote:
  I've come to dismiss the TM-is-the-only-way 
  rhetoric of Maharishi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend wrote:
 Did he ever say that, Patrick? The most
 effective way for householders is what I've
 always understood, not the only way.

Fair enough, Judy. Thanks for the opportunity 
to elaborate.

There's that famous videotape in which Maharishi 
explains what he means by the only way. He says 
TM is the only way to enlightenment in the same 
sense that flying is the only way to travel. A 
person could walk from New York to Los Angeles, 
he says, or drive a car, but a jet is the only 
way to go. 

Me and my compatriots on teacher training were 
heartened by that clever and seemingly modest 
explanation, for it made our position less 
absolutist. Of course you can get enlightened 
via other means! It'll just take longer. As 
Steven Wright said, everyplace is within 
walking distance if you have enough time.

For purposes of unpacking the TM orthodoxy, 
though, let's consider two other claims. One - 
the Prime Directive of Maharishi's Revival - 
is his statement in his translation of the 
Bhagavad-Gita that Guru Dev revived vedic 
knowledge in its purity. Other paths to 
enlightenment have been corrupted, as knowledge 
is wont to become over time, but  Maharishi's 
path, because it comes straight from Guru Dev, 
is pure. That position lay at the core of my 
pride in being a TM teacher and in most all 
disputes centered around the TM organization. 

Related to this position is a cultural 
phenomenon within the TM organization that 
I cannot pin to a specific instance, but I'm 
confident in stating nonetheless. There's a 
tendency for TM proponents to take enormous 
pride when some other spiritual teacher says 
Maharishi's is the Highest Knowledge. 

I would have to rely on others here to cite 
a specific instance of some other master paying 
homage to MMY, but I know I've encountered 
tales of such encomia. I've heard people say, 
I spoke with Swami Ooga-Booga when I was in 
Kerala, and he said Maharishi's is the Highest 

I would love love love for this statement to 
be true, for I'd love to have been involved 
in such a worthy enterprise. But I've done 
other things for my growth that have delivered 
as much or more than I've gotten from TM and 
TM teacher training and the TM-Sidhi program, 
so I've come to temper my attachment to the 
notion that TM is the Only Way. Also, as has
been discussed around here in depth, that cultural
position leads to a fair amount of dysfunction.

 Stein again:

 Except for that--
  Gillam again:

 , but nothing I've 
  encountered in the last 30 years has 
  disturbed my acceptance of the vedic 
  worldview he presented. Science of 
  Creative Intelligence correlates are 
  everywhere. Consciousness is primary 
  and matter is secondary. Creation is 
  structured in layers, from gross to 
  subtle. Awareness becomes aware of 
  itself, bifurcates into the knower 
  and the known, loses awareness of 
  itself, and returns to know itself 
  anew. The whole megillah makes perfect 
  sense to me, and dovetails with everything 
  else I encounter, from physics to the three 
  act structure of a story to A Course In Miracles.
 Stein again:

 --what you say is the same for me. I should
 add that this does *not* include much of
 what he said that didn't have to do with
 the nature and mechanics of consciousness,
 e.g., political and social type commentary;


 and I have some major quibbles about his
 support-of-nature teaching. But I'm pretty
 much sold on what you outline above, in 
 that I haven't encountered anything so far
 that calls it into question.
 One of the major changes in my thinking as
 a result of his teaching and my experience
 with TM has been in how I regard religion
 and mysticism generally. I used to think
 that was all complete bunkum; I don't any
 longer. (I do still think a lot of religious
 dogma is bunkum, but that's mostly because
 it's taken literally when it should be 
 understood as metaphor, the referents being,
 essentially, the principles of SCI, the 
 nature and mechanics of consciousness.)

Right. When I started thinking consciousness 
is the substrate of creation, everything 
became possible. If I come across as jaded, 
maybe it's because I've yet to achieve the 
success I thought would be mine.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Letters on TM from religious/spiritual leaders

2009-01-03 Thread ruthsimplicity
This part of Judy and my exchange is interesting. I am doing this not
to address the arguments we make but her style, which Judy maintains
is one that exposes intellectual sloppiness and dishonesty. Judy,
this isn't addressed to you, but to the board. Of course, you are
free to respond but don't assume any failure to respond on my part
means anything.

I said:

Anyone good at putting someone in a suggestible
state could teach TM.
Judy said:
   Naah, has nothing to do with suggestibility.
I said:
  And I say you are wrong. Again, you make a
  conclusory statement that adds nothing.

Judy said:

 It's you who has a tendency to make such statements.
 I'm showing you what it feels like to be on the other

I said:

  Just by saying something isn't so, doesn't make
  itnot so.

Judy said:
 Something for you to remember.

What is interesting about this exchange is Judy's style of needing to
control an argument. She clearly makes a conclusory statement Naah,
has nothing to do with suggestibility, and when called on it calls me
conclusory. Then she is the one who purports to be the one
intolerant of intellectual sloppiness and dishonesty.

Back to the conversaition:

I said:
  People who are familiar with hypnotism would know
  that the initiation and checking procedures are
  methods to put people in a suggestible state.
Judy said:
 Yes, I'm aware of that. However, that hypnotists use
 somewhat methods does not mean that's how they're
 being used in TM instruction and checking. That's a
 false equivalence.

OK, Judy's statement begs the question: is TM initiation and checking
a procedure different than putting people in a suggestible state?
Nothing she said in this exchange counters the similarity between the

Then I went on to say:
  So what. It isn't like that is a bad thing. Why
  are Tm'ers so defensive about the effect of
  checking and initiation?

Judy replied:

 We aren't defensive about the effect of checking and
 instruction. We do get annoyed when that effect is
 called suggestion, because it indicates inadequate
 understanding of TM.

Again, she makes a conclusion without arguing why it is an inadequate
understanding of TM. First of all, I was not talking about TM the
technique, I was talking about initiation and checking procedures.
So, what is different? I still don't have an answer from her. Is it
the power of the puja, enlivening the mantra? What is the evidence
for that?

Now back to the discussion:

I said:
  And we disagree as to the extent of the  problem.
   Ex teachers, Curtis, Turq, others, how much of
  the TTC was devoted to learning to teach?

Judy said:
 Irrelevant (although Patrick, for one, disagrees with

Again, she declares the conclusion without arguing why it is
irrelevant. I believe it is very relevant and the teacher who said he
spent all the time learning to teach also said most of the time was
spent rounding. How is that learning to teach? No one gives me an
explanation for that.

Judy maintains that the only reason someone might be afraid of her is
if they tend to be intellectually sloppy or dishonest. I have a
couple of thoughts on that. This is an internet forum. Many people
talk off the cuff. That is the nature of internet conversation. We
are not defending dissertations. We don't need someone to police our
conversations. If someone wants to be meticulous, they can do so
themselves. To harp on others constantly about how they speak gets
nasty. Plus, she has her own sloppiness as well. She makes
conclusiory statements. She misuses non sequitur when a statement
does logically fit in a discussion but she just doesn't want to go
that route. She is the master of ad hominem , focusing on the
character of the person advancing advancing the argument, seeking to
discredit positions by discrediting those who hold them. See, don't I
sound nasty when criticizing how Judy argues?  That is how she sounds
to me when she criticizes how we argue.

OK, I am signing off now. I am sure I will need to satisfy my TM
curiosity and will be back again after I can follow my own ground
rules. :)

[FairfieldLife] Re: What did you take with you from TM

2009-01-03 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam jpgil...@...

 Other paths to 
 enlightenment have been corrupted, as knowledge 
 is wont to become over time, but  Maharishi's 
 path, because it comes straight from Guru Dev, 
 is pure.

Agree with your other comments, but this one does not stand up to the
light of day.  In TM there is no *Parampara* that is no Guru-disciple
lineage as MMY created TM himself, Guru Dev never taught the simple
technique called TM, he was a renunciate. See Domash's record
regarding the foundations of TM below.

MMY broke with that tradition when he taught as a 'Maharishi' and not
a *Guru*, MMY never claimed to be a Guru, there is a big difference
between a Guru and a simple teacher. TM is Yoga-lite for modernity,
and there is nothing wrong with thatIMO.

The discovery is of the effects of the Transcendental
Meditation technique, whose introduction in 1958 was the work of
an Indian scholar and teacher, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. In fact,
Maharishi himself claims not to have invented the technique at
all, but rather to have revived it. It is clear, however, that
he reinvented it; that is to say, he rediscovered and thereby
restored the original purity   Larry Domash



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What did you take with you from TM

2009-01-03 Thread Richard Williams
Patrick wrote:
 ...so I've come to temper my attachment to the
 notion that TM is the Only Way. 

According to the Marshy, in his lecture at
Jones Hall in Houston, it is NOT the 'TM'
technique that causes the enlightend state 
(Promise For the Family of Man); that state is 
an already existing state of Being, needing no
other existent. In that sense, the Transcendent
is the 'only way'. There is no other knowledge
that is higher than 'Absolute Knowledge'.

TM, or any other meditation practice, provides 
the most ideal opportunity for the transcending. 
So, it's not TM that causes enlightenment - it's
just that TM is the most easily learned technique.
so it's the fastest. There must be millions of
people that have experienced the Transcendent
during their very first TM practice.

In contrast, there must be millions of people
who are still 'dead sitting' - trying to 'go
beyond' using other methods, who have probably 
never once experienced an enlightened state.
So, TM seems to be ideal for most householders,
therefore, TM is the 'fastest', for most people.

The 'Adwaita' idealistic philosophy does seem to 
make the most sense as an ideology - all the 
Upanishadic thinkers after the historical
Buddha were transcendentalists. It is very
difficult to argue against the idealism of a
Shankara, a Vasubandhu, or a Kant, without
falling into a dualism or rank materialism. 

TM practice per se, is the systematic praticum of 
the idealistic philosopy. Everything else - Vastu, 
Ayerveda, Jyotish, are all just fertilizer. 

The root problem is believing that the 'TMO' is 
'the only way' to learn a meditation that is transcendental


[FairfieldLife] Re: Letters on TM from religious/spiritual leaders

2009-01-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
Why this religious thread matters to me:

One of the reasons I am not religious is that I notice that geography
trumps all else with people's belief in the superiority of their
religious perspective.  There is too strong an ethnocentric bias for
me to take any of them seriously.  Maharishi was a perfect example of
this.  He believed that his precious India had the supreme knowledge
and that other religions represented less than the full expression of
what he called Natural Law.

And isn't it a coincidence that those born in the lands of Allah find
all other POVs beneath them and their full revelation from God's
messenger Mohammad?

And lucky for Tom Cruse that he lived a privileged enough life to be
around celebrity Scientologists so he could find the one true way to
get clear.

And there we were, little aspiring hippies or whatever version of 60's
and 70's baby boomer cushiness that we were to have had the luxury of
being exposed to Eastern thought through our pop star idols.

So we happened to be exposed to Maharishi's teaching, or Guru
Maharaji's or Swami Baktividanta's Hari Krishna, and low and behold we
too conclude to have found the highest teaching that pulls everyone
else's POV together. (but beneath us)

I think all religious people should get over themselves to make a
better more understanding world.  We are all displaced Africans and
everywhere humans go they make up some story about how great their
particular version of humanity is over others.   They have the ONLY
way to heaven, or the highest teaching or the whateveritude that makes
them believe that they alone have the brass ring of life firmly in
their hand, all due to circumstances of their birth more than any
other factor.  The guy living in a hut in Afghanistan isn't going to
become a Scientologist or be able to afford TM courses despite the
roving missionaries going around the world telling people how great
their version of reality is.

So this topic does matter to me profoundly despite my non religious
nature today.  Because of my non religious nature.

I don't believe that believing in Christ gets you eternal life and I
don't believe that the alteration of mind brought about from TM makes
a person conscious beyond the grave.  I see little evidence that
practicing TM makes people more than just idealistic and a bit too
pleased with themselves for having found IT.

So I appreciate continuing this discussion with Judy and others with
this as my stated background perspective.  I have interspersed my
comments into Judy's last email. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:
  A bit. But my point is about Christians today and
  their relationship with the OKay Dokey presentation
  of TM as no problem, or conflict with religion.
 Yeah, that's superficial. But if you can get 'em
 meditating, they may begin to get at that deeper
 level where the dogmatic conflicts (which TM does
 gloss over) dissolve.

This is my point.  I spent time with the group most predisposed to
this POV, recluse Christian monks who did TM.  I checked them and they
did it right according to Maharishi's instructions.  But they didn't
feel that this conflict dissolved, it became more vivid that Maharishi
did not share their view of spirituality.  If Maharishi struck out
with this crew, then his attempts at ecumenical perspective on TM is
doomed IMO.  But as I have said Maharishi was not a true ecumenical
dude.  He is a Hindu triumphalist.  

   In traditional Christianity, all we have *left* of 
   what Jesus himself taught is the exoteric teachings, 
   and we're not even sure of those.
  Well that is your take.  Fundamentalists are fine with
  their own version which they believe is complete.
 Yeah, but there's a pretty solid scholarly consensus
 on this point.

I think we are both right depending on which Christians you talk with.

   Once Christianity became established, all the
   mystical stuff was cut out. Esoteric practice and
   experience couldn't be controlled so easily by a 
   hierarchy. The Church wanted salvation to be 
   available only through its own anointed staff, on 
   its terms. It didn't want people going off and 
   having their own exalted experiences via techniques 
   they could perform by themselves.
  Presuming that these are valid important experiences
  and not a side track of superstitious humans in altered
 You think the Church in the first centuries after
 Christ figured that out that it was a sidetrack, huh?
 It would be delighted to know you buy that.

I'm not sure what you mean here.  They might have been just as
confused about the meaning of their internal states as people today.

   If Jesus had taught a technique for transcending, it
   was in the Church's interests to help it get lost, if
   that didn't happen on its own.
  I think there is a pretty long tradition of people who
  are into these states of mind in Christianity.  The
  monastic traditions certainly 

[FairfieldLife] Re: What did you take with you from TM

2009-01-03 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam jpgil...@...

   I've come to dismiss the TM-is-the-only-way 
   rhetoric of Maharishi

The our way is the super highway is the most bothersome to me, as
there is no indication whatsoever that there is basis for this claim.  

The second claim of TM that is nearly as bothersome to me is that TM
works for everyone. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Letters on TM from religious/spiritual leaders

2009-01-03 Thread ruthsimplicity
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltabl...@... wrote:

 Why this religious thread matters to me:
 One of the reasons I am not religious is that I notice that geography
 trumps all else with people's belief in the superiority of their
 religious perspective.  

There is no need for me to post on this forum.  Curtis says it all
better than I do.  I bow to you Curtis!

[FairfieldLife] 'As Moon Wanes/Israelis Wacks'

2009-01-03 Thread Robert
MSNBC, is reportiing the mourning, that Israel is getting ready to 'Blitzkrieg 
From viewing the pictures in Gaza this morning, one 'Get's the?Feeling', hat 
many will git kilt today.
The music in Gaza is 'Hard Metal'...
Israel is planning a massive bombing, to clear all major roads, 'IN GAZA'...
Before the 'Blitz'...
Many are preparing death,
IIn the 'Battle for {['Peace+Holy Land'...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Letters on TM from religious/spiritual leaders

2009-01-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Why this religious thread matters to me:
  One of the reasons I am not religious is that I notice that geography
  trumps all else with people's belief in the superiority of their
  religious perspective.  
 There is no need for me to post on this forum.  Curtis says it all
 better than I do.  I bow to you Curtis!

I am a fan of yours Ruth, please don't stop posting!

[FairfieldLife] Speaking of zombies and the dead walking...

2009-01-03 Thread TurquoiseB
T'would seem that The Dead are touring again. 
For those who are wondering who could fill in
on guitar for Jerry Garcia and don't know Warren 
Haynes, the guitarist mentioned in the article,
he has toured with the Allman Brothers and with
Phil Lesh  Friends and fits in very nicely
indeed, even if he does have the drawback of
having all ten fingers. :-)

Grateful Dead Alum To Tour

LOS ANGELES — It looks like the old Dead are gettin' on.

Surviving members of the Grateful Dead say they'll regroup for a
19-city tour, their first since 2004, beginning April 12 in
Greensboro, N.C.

The group, which now just calls itself The Dead, announced its plans

Original band members Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, Mickey Hart and Bill
Kreutzmann have toured sporadically since the 1995 death of guitarist
Jerry Garcia, but struggled to get along personally and artistically.
They told Rolling Stone in November that they've worked out their
differences, aided by a successful October benefit concert in
Pennsylvania for then-presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Warren Haynes joins the Dead on lead guitar, and Jeff Chimenti will
play keyboards.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What did you take with you from TM

2009-01-03 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam jpgil...@...

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu wrote:
We spend many posts here debating the 
legitimacy of the TM technique, 
the cult of TM and the scam.  But from 
time to time I find myself 
relating to ideas that were first 
introduced to me during the time I was 
in the movement.  
Anyone else have some to share?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Gillam wrote:
   I've come to dismiss the TM-is-the-only-way 
   rhetoric of Maharishi
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend wrote:
  Did he ever say that, Patrick? The most
  effective way for householders is what I've
  always understood, not the only way.
 Fair enough, Judy. Thanks for the opportunity 
 to elaborate.
 There's that famous videotape in which Maharishi 
 explains what he means by the only way. He says 
 TM is the only way to enlightenment in the same 
 sense that flying is the only way to travel. A 
 person could walk from New York to Los Angeles, 
 he says, or drive a car, but a jet is the only 
 way to go. 
 Me and my compatriots on teacher training were 
 heartened by that clever and seemingly modest 
 explanation, for it made our position less 
 absolutist. Of course you can get enlightened 
 via other means! It'll just take longer. As 
 Steven Wright said, everyplace is within 
 walking distance if you have enough time.
 For purposes of unpacking the TM orthodoxy, 
 though, let's consider two other claims. One - 
 the Prime Directive of Maharishi's Revival - 
 is his statement in his translation of the 
 Bhagavad-Gita that Guru Dev revived vedic 
 knowledge in its purity. Other paths to 
 enlightenment have been corrupted, as knowledge 
 is wont to become over time, but  Maharishi's 
 path, because it comes straight from Guru Dev, 
 is pure. That position lay at the core of my 
 pride in being a TM teacher and in most all 
 disputes centered around the TM organization. 
 Related to this position is a cultural 
 phenomenon within the TM organization that 
 I cannot pin to a specific instance, but I'm 
 confident in stating nonetheless. There's a 
 tendency for TM proponents to take enormous 
 pride when some other spiritual teacher says 
 Maharishi's is the Highest Knowledge. 
 I would have to rely on others here to cite 
 a specific instance of some other master paying 
 homage to MMY, but I know I've encountered 
 tales of such encomia. I've heard people say, 
 I spoke with Swami Ooga-Booga when I was in 
 Kerala, and he said Maharishi's is the Highest 

Every single impressive spiritual teacher, swami, etc. that I've
talked to in private about MMY has said that he was DELUDED -started
out OK but went way over the edge.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Letters on TM from religious/spiritual leaders

2009-01-03 Thread lurkernomore20002000
 ruthsimplicity no_re...@... wrote:

 OK, I am signing off now. I am sure I will need to satisfy my TM
 curiosity and will be back again after I can follow my own ground
 rules. :)

That's always the rule. It was nice to have you around, (even though I 
haven't been around much)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jan 3, 2009, at 3:39 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal
l.shad...@... wrote:

Mind you, I assert that I belong to the cult of TM.  No
matter what my reasons for visiting a whorehouse, if I
were to visit one, I should consider myself a john and
there ain't two ways about it.

I could not agree more. I freely admit that
my participation in both the TMO and later
the Rama trip was me being involved in a cult.
I got a lot *from* my involvement in each of
the cults, thank you.

I couldn't agree more either.  I freely admit that
*both* of you were/are brainwashed cult groupies.
(tee hee!) :)


[FairfieldLife] Re: digitizing Vedic chanting

2009-01-03 Thread raunchydog
On TTC in 1976 we listened to Sama Veda before bedtime. It was
soothing and afterward we had some warm milk spiked with cardamon and
a couple of melt in your mouth French Butter Cookies

We were in Biarritz, France for the last 3 months of our 6 month
course, the first 3 were in Vitale. The women stayed at Hotel Miramar,
Biarritz, a fabulous old building built high above the sea, and
nothing like it is today: http://tinyurl.com/8wz52f I was shocked to
see that the only thing that remains of the place is the big rock with
the hole in it. Anyway, every night, after Sama Veda I'd have my milk
and cookies looking into the night at the sea through magnificently
tall windows banking one side of a very grand lecture hall. I can
never listen to Sama Veda without conjuring up this tender memory and
idyllic scene in my head.

Rig Veda also an association with a memorable event. It was New Years
Eve going into 1980. We were in New Dehli, India. I was on the Vedic
Atom (that's another story) and saw MMY almost every evening for about
3 months. Anyway, MMY and the rest of us was about to go into silence
for 12 days and we got a good send off to help us keep quiet for a few
days. Just before midnight and the traditional puja before silence,
MMY had some pundits chant Rig Veda. It was the first time I'd ever
heard it. I immediately sat bolt up right, attuned to the moment as if
I had become the vibration of the chant as it filled every pore of my

The Jaimini Sutras are total gobbeldygook if you try to make any sense
of them, but letting them wash over you as someone reads them enlivens
something that sets off a series of aha experiences I can't explain.
No one reads them anymore, sad. 

On governor training I loved listening to 9th Mandala but not so much
the 10th, don't know why. Those were the days someone read the English
translation while you enjoyed simple form of awareness. 

I have never liked the little earphones in the dome chanting 9th and
10th. It has never had the bliss evoking effect of having someone read
to me. I guess I'm just high maintenance that way. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the 
 eternal L.Shaddai@ wrote:
  Myself, I long for the days when we used to read 
  the various Vedic chants in bad English 
  translations.  I use to really get off on these 
  readings and a cow would be mentioned and I'd see 
  every cow that ever existed and every cow that ever 
  will exist. Flow Soma, flow green tinted Soma.  The 
  Sanskrit tapes do nothing for me except irritate 
  me.  And I'm quite pitta.  Irritate me at your 
 I preferred reading the chants in English as well. I
 picked the books up again at one point just for the
 heck of it and was startled at my response to them.
 It wasn't anything like yours, but reading them 
 (aloud) was exceedingly pleasant, like reading 
 Shakespeare, even though the literary quality of the 
 verse is barely above the level of doggerel.
 On the other hand, I did once have a *very* peculiar
 response to listening to the Rig Veda chants in 
 Sanskrit. I don't have the words to describe it,
 other than to say they became multidimensional, 
 as if I were listening to a full orchestra rather 
 than a couple of old guys grunting. (And that doesn't
 really describe it; it's just a vague approximation.)
 It's never happened again, but that one experience
 I'll never forget.
 Huh, Vaj says something that sounds as if it may 
 relate to that experience:
 I believe what M. was referring to are the overtones 
 that can be heard in the Sama Veda tapes. My 
 recollection was there was a type of overtone that 
 was naturally produced, i.e. extra tones that were 
 produced when two or more people sung these 
 I may have been hearing overtones in a way that I
 didn't normally. But if so, it was a veritable 
 *symphony* of overtones, and it was with Rig Veda, 
 not Sama Veda.

[FairfieldLife] 'BrainWave Mind Voyages'

2009-01-03 Thread Robert
This company sells a CD , called 'Tonal Vibration',
That takes you through Alpha, Beta and Delta,
Brainwave sycnchonies...


[FairfieldLife] Re: What did you take with you from TM

2009-01-03 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives boo_li...@... 
-snip- Every single impressive spiritual teacher, swami, etc. that 
 talked to in private about MMY has said that he was DELUDED -started
 out OK but went way over the edge.

there are several here who do not practice TM who would completely 
agree. however to consider another possibility, that if TM is the 
quickest way to enlightenment and the other impressive spiritual 
teachers did not have that comprenhensive spiritual 
knowledge/experience brought about by the complete practice of TM, 
wouldn't it be natural for them to find the Maharishi 
incomprehensible, and ego being what it is, declare him deluded? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: digitizing Vedic chanting

2009-01-03 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... 
 Just before midnight and the traditional puja before silence,
 MMY had some pundits chant Rig Veda. It was the first time I'd ever
 heard it. I immediately sat bolt up right, attuned to the moment as 
 I had become the vibration of the chant as it filled every pore of my
my experience as well just listening to it. from the Maharishi channel 
a few years ago, i downloaded many vedic chants onto CD. changes my 
consciousness radically when i listen to them (which is about once a 
year)- very purifying, like ingesting something. creates more space 
within me. very powerful and transformative. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Jan 3, 2009, at 7:44 AM, Rick Archer wrote:
 2) The Robin Carlsen legacy - the best-known example of someone in  
 the TMO
 claiming Enlightenment was an egotistical nutcase, so anyone who  
 claims it
 now is suspect, is likely to have his dome badge revoked, be  
 ostracized by
 his friends, etc. That's one reason those who claim Awakening tend  
 to be
 independent-minded people, not caring about having a dome badge,  
 find new friends, etc. And many of these don't claim it publically.  
 close friends and business partners may not suspect.

Gosh, Rick, these enlightened beings look just like everyone
else--imagine that!  I guess they must keep their haloes hidden
so as not to scare off the ignorant masses, and trot them out
only for their friends.  How thoughtful of  them.


[FairfieldLife] Re: digitizing Vedic chanting

2009-01-03 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:
 On governor training I loved listening to 9th Mandala but not so much
 the 10th, don't know why. Those were the days someone read the English
 translation while you enjoyed simple form of awareness. 
 I have never liked the little earphones in the dome chanting 9th and
 10th. It has never had the bliss evoking effect of having someone read
 to me. I guess I'm just high maintenance that way. 

A neat treat -  listening to Herb Bandy recite the 9th and 10th Mandalas
of Rig Veda, from memory, following group program in D.C. during the 80s.

[FairfieldLife] Re: digitizing Vedic chanting

2009-01-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016
mainstream20...@... wrote:

 A neat treat -  listening to Herb Bandy recite the 9th and 10th Mandalas
 of Rig Veda, from memory, following group program in D.C. during the

Herb was on my TTC.  Great guy.  I wonder what he is up to these days.

[FairfieldLife] 'Jesus Saves/Son of Hamas'

2009-01-03 Thread Robert
Son of Hamas Leader Gives Glimpse Into Terror Organization 
Friday, January 02, 2009 


As Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other world leaders try to broker a 
cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hamas, one former member of the 
militant Islamic organization said there will never be lasting peace between 
the two groups.
There is no chance. Is there any chance for fire to co-exist with the water? 
said Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of one of the group's founding members.
Yousef added: It's not about Israel, it's not about Hamas: it's about both 
Yousef, son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, one of the most influential leaders of the 
militant group, said the organization betrays the Palestinian cause and 
tortures its own members.
• Video: Click here for more on FOX News' special Escape from Hamas.
Hamas, formed in the late 1980's as an outgrowth of the Palestinian branch of 
the radical Muslim Brotherhood, is considered a terror organization by the U.S. 
government. Hamas seized power in the Gaza strip in 2007 in a violent coup 
against the more moderate Palestinian Authority led by Mahmoud Abbas.


Yousef said he was indoctrinated at an early age to use violence to challenge 
Israeli control in the region. As a teenager he moved up within the 
organization and became the leader of the radical Islamic Youth Movement that 
fought Israeli tanks and troops in the streets, celebrated suicide bombings and 
recruited young men to the cause.
Yousef, 30, said he realized the true nature of Hamas and radical Islam during 
a stint in an Israeli prison. He renounced his Muslim faith, left his family 
behind in Ramallah and converted to Christianity.
Islam is not the word of God, said Yousef. If you want to be offended it's 
your problem. But you know something? Go study. Think for a second that I might 
be right. So wake up, look at your path, see where you're going. Are you really 
going to heaven with 72 virgins after you kill yourself and kill another 20 
Yousef has sought asylum in the United States and now attends an evangelical 
Christian church in San Diego, Calif.
The Hamas leadership, including my father, they're responsible; they're 
responsible for all the violence that happened from the organization. I know 
they describe it as reaction to Israeli aggression, but still, they are part of 
it and they had to make decisions in those operations against Israel (for) 
which there was the killing of many civilians.
Yousef talks more about his extraordinary story of faith, courage, violence and 
betrayal in a FOX News documentary, Escape From Hamas, hosted by Bill Hemmer.
Escape from Hamas airs Sat at 10p, with repeats at 1am and 4a, EST, and Sun at 
9pm, with repeats at 12 midnight, 2am, EST.
• Click here to view video of Mosab Hassan Yousef speaking out.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 Here are the main reasons I think few in the TMO
 claim enlightenment:
 1) Maharishi is held up as the example of Enlightenment, 
 and an ordinary guy who is not like Maharishi wouldn't 
 be believed, or believe himself. Even though Maharishi 
 never flew, didn't have perfect health, etc., he
 established those and other abilities and attributes 
 as necessary criteria for enlightenment. In the TMO 
 culture, unless you meet those criteria, you're not 
 enlightened. In other words, the TMO has placed 
 enlightenment as an impossibly distant goal, and most 
 in the Movement have been conditioned to believe that 
 they couldn't possibly be anywhere near it, even though 
 it may be staring them in the face.
 2) The Robin Carlsen legacy - the best-known example 
 of someone in the TMO claiming Enlightenment was an 
 egotistical nutcase, so anyone who claims it now is 
 suspect, is likely to have his dome badge revoked, be 
 ostracized by his friends, etc. 

Rick, I want to expand upon this part of your
post and hopefully broaden the discussion.

The first thing that strikes me about what you
say (and for the record I have no reason to 
disagree with any of it based on my own exper-
ience in the distant TMO past) is that it is
likely that the *result* of this is that 

If Maharishi himself never felt that anyone met
his criteria for enlightenment, at least not
enough to announce it publicly, then what are
the chances that anyone following after him will
ever do so?

It will be a spiritual tradition that leaves
behind it no recognized enlightened beings.

Compare and contrast to traditions that seem to
have no problem congratulating someone when they
graduate and realize enlightenment. 

Now admittedly there are some arguable problems 
with the tradition of certifying enlightenment. 
Does your diploma mean anything? Certainly in
the past some schools were giving away such 
certificates of enlightenment indiscriminately,
and probably to people who didn't deserve them,
just to bolster the reputation of their school
as actually producing enlightenment. The Japanese
poet Ikkyu, when presented with his own inka or 
certificate of enlightenment from a noted school
of Zen, took it and threw it on the ground and 
stomped it into dust.

But the *alternative*?

To establish an enlightenment tradition that seems 
to allow NO ONE to graduate and be recognized
as enlightened? That strikes me as kinda self-
defeating, if not actually Self defeating. :-)

As you suggest, if enlightenment itself is put up
on a pedestal so high that none can achieve it,
is it likely that any of the students in that 
tradition WILL ever achieve it?

I paid my dues in two spiritual traditions in which
enlightenment was pedestalized and no one in the
tradition except the teacher was allowed to be 
considered enlightened. Since then I have run into
a few traditions that *don't* pedestalize enlight-
enment and that *don't* have any problem with
their students realizing enlightenment. They don't
demonize students when it happens, they congratulate

Even given the problems associated with certifying
enlightenment, I still have to believe that a trad-
ition like this in which it is permitted to announce 
your enlightened is more likely to actually produce 
enlightenment than a tradition in which announcing
the good news may result in you being expelled and
declared a heretic.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: digitizing Vedic chanting

2009-01-03 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 11:38 AM, mainstream20016

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:
  On governor training I loved listening to 9th Mandala but not so much
  the 10th, don't know why. Those were the days someone read the English
  translation while you enjoyed simple form of awareness.
  I have never liked the little earphones in the dome chanting 9th and
  10th. It has never had the bliss evoking effect of having someone read
  to me. I guess I'm just high maintenance that way.

 A neat treat -  listening to Herb Bandy recite the 9th and 10th Mandalas
 of Rig Veda, from memory, following group program in D.C. during the 80s.

As luck would have it (and my life has been full of luck and freak turns of
events which turned out well [and this doesn't appear in my chart]), I was
commuting during  H St. NW, Washington, DC peak between Baltimore and
San Francisco/Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.  So I got to take the flight to Dulles,
rent a car and drive to  for a WPA then drive to Baltimore (or do the
reverse trip) almost about anytime I wanted.  I Saw the 4th of July
celebrations on the National Mall so many times with 6 rounds under by belt
for the day. Anyhow, we used to gather in one of the former hotel rooms and
listen to the Rik Veda.  DC was a pretty rough place and rounding or even
doing program in DC was a very rough and raw experience.  Lots of CC, lots
of unstressing.  I so fondly remember sitting there listening to the
mandalas.  So many cognitions.

Yes, Judy, there seems to be a 3 dimensional aspect to the Vedas, especially
for me the 9th Mandala.  I've never done acid but the experiences I had
listening to the 9th Mandala, read in English pale in comparison to what
I've heard acid experiences are like.

I can't keep track of what they're playing in the Dome these days.  Nobody I
know seem to be very impressed with the chanting.  The experiences during
hours of flying are the big thing these days.

I still keep my Rik Veda books handly.  I love to read out of them and still
have those really wild experiences.

[FairfieldLife] An ecumenical MUM?

2009-01-03 Thread Patrick Gillam
This strikes me as interesting. Maharishi University's Sustainable
Living Department is hosting an expert who represents a tradition
other than the vedic tradition. He follows the Anthroposophical
teachings of Rudolf Steiner.

Typically, M.U.M. doesn't entertain experts from fields that compete
with anything Maharishi promoted or taught, and Maharishi founded his
own honey making operation.

Bees and bee keeping are big topics in biodynamic farming, which this
guest speaker practices. It's nice to see the University accepting
teachings other than its own.

Here's the announcement from Alumni Association Director Jennine Fellmer:

Dear Alumni and University Friends,

The Sustainable Living Dept is happy and proud to host Mr. Gunther
Hauk, top expert on organic natural biodynamic beekeeping, on our
M.U.M. campus.
Mr. Hauk will teach a 3-day workshop to our SL students during block
5 and has graciously agreed to present his work and knowledge of
organic natural biodynamic beekeeping to our M.U.M. and Fairfield
community. Don't miss this opportunity!
The presentation will be held this Tuesday, January 6th, 8:00 p.m. at
our new Argiro Student Center in Dalby Hall. Admission is free.
Email this info and invitation to your friends! For more info:
Best wishes for an enlightening and sustainable new year,
Bee well,
Alex Kachan, Sustainable Agriculture and Composting Coordinator

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Here are the main reasons I think few in the TMO
  claim enlightenment:
  1) Maharishi is held up as the example of Enlightenment, 
  and an ordinary guy who is not like Maharishi wouldn't 
  be believed, or believe himself. Even though Maharishi 
  never flew, didn't have perfect health, etc., he
  established those and other abilities and attributes 
  as necessary criteria for enlightenment. In the TMO 
  culture, unless you meet those criteria, you're not 
  enlightened. In other words, the TMO has placed 
  enlightenment as an impossibly distant goal, and most 
  in the Movement have been conditioned to believe that 
  they couldn't possibly be anywhere near it, even though 
  it may be staring them in the face.
  2) The Robin Carlsen legacy - the best-known example 
  of someone in the TMO claiming Enlightenment was an 
  egotistical nutcase, so anyone who claims it now is 
  suspect, is likely to have his dome badge revoked, be 
  ostracized by his friends, etc. 
 Rick, I want to expand upon this part of your
 post and hopefully broaden the discussion.
 The first thing that strikes me about what you
 say (and for the record I have no reason to 
 disagree with any of it based on my own exper-
 ience in the distant TMO past) is that it is
 likely that the *result* of this is that 
 If Maharishi himself never felt that anyone met
 his criteria for enlightenment, at least not
 enough to announce it publicly, then what are
 the chances that anyone following after him will
 ever do so?
 It will be a spiritual tradition that leaves
 behind it no recognized enlightened beings.
 Compare and contrast to traditions that seem to
 have no problem congratulating someone when they
 graduate and realize enlightenment. 
 Now admittedly there are some arguable problems 
 with the tradition of certifying enlightenment. 
 Does your diploma mean anything? Certainly in
 the past some schools were giving away such 
 certificates of enlightenment indiscriminately,
 and probably to people who didn't deserve them,
 just to bolster the reputation of their school
 as actually producing enlightenment. The Japanese
 poet Ikkyu, when presented with his own inka or 
 certificate of enlightenment from a noted school
 of Zen, took it and threw it on the ground and 
 stomped it into dust.
 But the *alternative*?
 To establish an enlightenment tradition that seems 
 to allow NO ONE to graduate and be recognized
 as enlightened? That strikes me as kinda self-
 defeating, if not actually Self defeating. :-)
 As you suggest, if enlightenment itself is put up
 on a pedestal so high that none can achieve it,
 is it likely that any of the students in that 
 tradition WILL ever achieve it?
 I paid my dues in two spiritual traditions in which
 enlightenment was pedestalized and no one in the
 tradition except the teacher was allowed to be 
 considered enlightened. Since then I have run into
 a few traditions that *don't* pedestalize enlight-
 enment and that *don't* have any problem with
 their students realizing enlightenment. They don't
 demonize students when it happens, they congratulate
 Even given the problems associated with certifying
 enlightenment, I still have to believe that a trad-
 ition like this in which it is permitted to announce 
 your enlightened is more likely to actually produce 
 enlightenment than a tradition in which announcing
 the good news may result in you being expelled and
 declared a heretic.

Why would someone who is enlightened, ever want to be 'Certified'...
This is as ridiculous a concept as one could imagine.

[FairfieldLife] [was Re: Spiritual Distractions] enlightenment is here and now

2009-01-03 Thread enlightened_dawn11
yes-- agree with you completely here dr. pete. i grow tired and 
nauseated at the endless claims to measure or not measure 
enlightenment scientifically here on FFL. enlightenment is about a 
phase transition of consciousness, a radical, everything turns 
upside down, and inside out, shift in living and perceiving and 
thinking about the world. 

nothing about enlightenment can be verified by physiological 
measurements, or by transient experiences of witnessing. both are a 
total waste of time wrt actually experiencing enlightenment. 

enlightenment is not about transient experience or measurement, or 
CC or GC or UC. it is a way of living that once permanently 
established, takes the enlightened one on a journey of its own, 
wholly unpredictable and completely comprehensible. the 
enlightenment becomes real and the person who has become it,  

this cannot be understood by having a fleeting experience of some 
tangible aspect of enlightenment, like ritam or witnessing or no 
thought samadhi. it must be lived permanently to be understood. and 
the only way for householders to get there quickly is through TM and 

the reason the Maharishi set criteria for enlightenment was so that 
people would continue to practice TM and the TMSP, not so that 
people could be measured against this set of practically impossible 
that the quickest way was to do TM and TMSP, so he set out to place 
one hell of a lot of carrots into people's sticky consciousness 

there is no need nor any desire for the TMO to hold up some 
enlightened people as an attraction for TM. that would accomplish 
nothing. even if we study enlightened people under a microscope all 
it will show us is fragments and validate nothing, not the wholeness 
we are seeking. 

the Maharishi's sole purpose was to get us all doing TM and keep us 
doing TM until we passed through the doorway marked 'enlightenment', 
and kept on going. 

he knew many would fall by the wayside, for as consciousness 
expands, so does the ego, declaring itself to be the expander and 
knower of all things. only by continually, regularly and 
mechanically transcending with TM, and giving the ego nothing to 
hold onto will the practitioner be able to get out of his/her own 
way, gaining permanent enlightenment. 

the Maharishi knew that by introducing light into people's 
consciousness, many would grow uncomfortable with the mud being 
stirred up, and would quit meditating. others would get addicted to 
flashy experiences and leave the practice in search of more. still 
others would find new meaning in the religions of the world and quit 
TM. and others sadly would proclaim what they had accomplished 
solely of their own doing, and decry the Maharishi as the ego 
tripper, when it was in fact themselves who worshipped themselves, 
lost in their own reflection. 

so the Maharishi constantly sought to bring new angles to TM, in the 
hopes that it would keep people interested in continuing to do TM. 
and by continually doing TM, the goal would quickly be reached.

of course the flip side of a teacher introducing different facets of 
his knowledge, is that the path for some becomes mistaken for the 
result. this is why at the core of what he brought out was the 
ceaseless emphasis on transcending through TM to quickly gain 

which brings up a point which i wrestled with continuously on this 
miraculous journey- what quickly means in this context. the 
Maharishi was always talking in terms of a few years and bingo! 
enlightenment would dawn. 

and yet all of us who continued TM went through decades of wading 
through mud, dullness, and effort-- where was the hop, skip and jump 
into enlightenment? not only that, but given the utter 
transformational nature of enlightenment, we can be one week away 
from the doorway, and still feel as if it is decades off.

all i can conclude is that if i knew all of that, and knowing than 
enlightenment dawns in its own time (when we are ready to sustain 
the experience permanently), as a teacher i would have proclaimed TM 
as the quickest route, rather than examine every facet and obstacle 
faced by those on the path. after all, the Maharishi was never a 
personal guru, he was always a world teacher.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... 

 Areed Turq, the TMO has not produced one enlightened 
personaccording to the powers that be conception of 
enlightenment. And there's the catch. There has been such an 
investment in the idea of enlightenment rather than the actual 
direct realization, that any criteria are in the realm of 
personality, rather than the transcendent apperception of 
consciousness conscious of its own consciousness. -snip-

[FairfieldLife] Re: digitizing Vedic chanting

2009-01-03 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 
 Herb was on my TTC.  Great guy.  I wonder what he is up to these days.

From appearances, Herb is an incredibly steady person.. long-term job with 
employer, has the same wife, still does group program. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@... wrote:
 Why would someone who is enlightened, ever want to be 'Certified'...
 This is as ridiculous a concept as one could imagine.

from the standpoint of the ego-bound, this would be like having your 
cake and eating it too. a really stupid idea.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 2009 Forecast from Predictive Linguistics

2009-01-03 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 1:00 AM, Robert babajii...@yahoo.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal
 l.shad...@... wrote:

 They say, that in order to tune into the collective happens in the
 Delta brainwave range, associated with deep sleep...
 The trick is to remain aware during Delta.
 An adjunct to this is to buy a CD, that you could find for sale on the
 internet, that produces specifically Delta brain waves, so you can get
 used to staying aware during Delta, which is associated with deep sleep.

Thanks for the recitation.  But as far as brain wave entrainment, well, it
doesn't work for me.  I own the complete collection of Flightwaves, Monroe
Institute and Centerpointe.  When I go to listen to these CD I basically
just transcend a bit the start unstressing.

If I want experiences, I merely have to do TM 20 minutes, wait the
appropriate time then do the sutras.  WPA/Dome programs where I repeat the
sutra from 4 to 16 times get me to having the experiences.  It's very
helpful to have my badge close to me, even if doing program in my room, so
when the question who am I, where am I comes, I can pull out the badge and
piece my memory back together.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 
no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
  Why would someone who is enlightened, ever want to 
be 'Certified'...
  This is as ridiculous a concept as one could imagine.
 from the standpoint of the ego-bound, this would be like having your 
 cake and eating it too. a really stupid idea.

BTW, doesn't  Bevan have his 'Cerified Enlightened Pet-agree'?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 Rick, I want to expand upon this part of your
 post and hopefully broaden the discussion.
 The first thing that strikes me about what you
 say (and for the record I have no reason to 
 disagree with any of it based on my own exper-
 ience in the distant TMO past) is that it is
 likely that the *result* of this is that 
 If Maharishi himself never felt that anyone met
 his criteria for enlightenment, at least not
 enough to announce it publicly, then what are
 the chances that anyone following after him will
 ever do so?
 It will be a spiritual tradition that leaves
 behind it no recognized enlightened beings.

Just for fun, imagine what it would be like if 
MUM decided to apply the same rationale to its 
degree programs that it does to certifying 
enlightenment. This is how the conversation 
between an MUM recruiter and a potential 
student might go:

Student: So you're telling me that when I get my
Ph.D in Enlightenment from your university, I will
be able to levitate and manifest all of the other
siddhis you've been talking about?

Recruiter: Absolutely. The very *definition* of
having earned a Ph.D in Enlightenment is that you
will be able to levitate and manifest all of the
other siddhis. And you'll be perfect, to boot.
Cool, huh?

Student: Cool. I want to hear more. Can I talk to
one of your students who has gotten their PhDinE?
I want to ask them what it's like to levitate and
how much potential employers are likely to pay me
for that when I graduate!

Recruiter: Well...uh...I'm afraid you can't talk
to any of our PhDinE graduates right now.

Student: Why? Aren't any of them here today?

Recruiter: Well...uh...the truth is, no one has
ever really graduated. We haven't ever bestowed
a Ph.D in Enlightenment on anyone. 

Student: [after a short pause] So you're saying
that if I sign up for this Ph.D in Enlightenment
program and pay you several thousand dollars a
year in tuition, you may never give me my degree?

Recruiter: Exactly. Isn't that blissful?

Student: I guess. Could you direct me to the 
booth for Harvard?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread Stu
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Even given the problems associated with certifying
  enlightenment, I still have to believe that a trad-
  ition like this in which it is permitted to announce 
  your enlightened is more likely to actually produce 
  enlightenment than a tradition in which announcing
  the good news may result in you being expelled and
  declared a heretic.
 Why would someone who is enlightened, ever want to be 'Certified'...
 This is as ridiculous a concept as one could imagine.

Not so.  Given that its difficult to define enlightenment the whole
idea of achieving it is a ridiculous concept. The conversation about
enlightenment is at its heart ridiculous.  

Given the amorphous nature of enlightenment, the multiple
interpretations of its achievement in a variety of traditions, then
certifying the process would be appropriate to the nature of the task.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 
 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
   Why would someone who is enlightened, ever want to 
 be 'Certified'...
   This is as ridiculous a concept as one could imagine.
  from the standpoint of the ego-bound, this would be like having 
  cake and eating it too. a really stupid idea.
 BTW, doesn't  Bevan have his 'Cerified Enlightened Pet-agree'?

ha-ha-- i would never want to be him.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 2009 Forecast from Predictive Linguistics

2009-01-03 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal 
l.shad...@... wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 1:00 AM, Robert babajii...@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal
  L.Shaddai@ wrote:
  They say, that in order to tune into the collective happens in the
  Delta brainwave range, associated with deep sleep...
  The trick is to remain aware during Delta.
  An adjunct to this is to buy a CD, that you could find for sale 
on the
  internet, that produces specifically Delta brain waves, so you 
can get
  used to staying aware during Delta, which is associated with deep 
 Thanks for the recitation.  But as far as brain wave entrainment, 
well, it
 doesn't work for me.  I own the complete collection of Flightwaves, 
 Institute and Centerpointe.  When I go to listen to these CD I 
 just transcend a bit the start unstressing.
 If I want experiences, I merely have to do TM 20 minutes, wait the
 appropriate time then do the sutras.  WPA/Dome programs where I 
repeat the
 sutra from 4 to 16 times get me to having the experiences.  It's 
 helpful to have my badge close to me, even if doing program in my 
room, so
 when the question who am I, where am I comes, I can pull out the 
badge and
 piece my memory back together.

Well, you say: 'Been There Done That'...
And it is obvious, through your conversations, that you are well 
beyond the need for such entrapements, and I know the atmosphere 
there, must be intense enough, as it is.
But, there are some who are falling asleep consistently, so, in these 
cases the Delta wave CD, can be helpful in 'Just Staying Awake' until 
the CD, ends...
Which is like 'Going to the Gym', for your mind, and get it used to 
staying awake when Delta functioning appears, in the Dome.
One of the theory's of Carl Jungs idea of the 'Collective 
Is that it happens in 'Delta State' at night, when your soul, leaves 
the body, and attempts to integrate with other souls impressions, in 
an atmosphere of 'Un-Awareness'...
But, if one can 'Maintain Awareness in Delta State', then it is 
presumed that one could influence directly the 'Collective 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread Stu

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
 The first thing that strikes me about what you
 say (and for the record I have no reason to
 disagree with any of it based on my own exper-
 ience in the distant TMO past) is that it is
 likely that the *result* of this is that

I think your on to something Barry.  I am reminded by a huge mistake
John Smith made when he put together the Mormon religion.  He allowed
followers to have independent visions.  In every major religion only the
founder is allowed to have visions.  Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, Arjuna, for
example all get to have their visions but followers are not to privy to
the special powers.

John Smith screwed up and as a result every Tom, Dick and Harry in Utah
can have a vision and start their own version of Mormonism. Every nook
and cranny in the state is filled with cult compounds.  Some of these
cults are dangerous - ask Elizabeth Smart.

The point here is that if your running the show you can't have a bunch
of TMers running around saying they're enlightened and breaking off and
start their own clubs, temples, boutiques and spas.  Once a follower is
certified enlightened, then how can you hold bend them to your whim? 
How can you turn a profit with that sort of competition?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Practice Groups of FF

2009-01-03 Thread enlightened_dawn11
very succinctly stated, eat what is on your plate. 

i fear many of the non TMers here are suffering from intense 
indigestion- (lol)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam jpgillam@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
   This is the perfect object lesson in how the knowledge was 
lost. MMY
   knew it was inevitable. Sample the spiritual soup folks. Close 
   eyes to meditate and wonder, What spiritual practice should I 
   today?  Mantra, silent, or chant? Felt sense of third eye, 
navel, or
   anus? Take your pick and while you're at it, imagine the bubble
   diagram refining your thoughts to the source of thought. TRY 
to keep
   the mind from jumping around like a monkey on crack, TRY to be 
   UNITY, and TRY to be innocent. Don't mind the confusion, it's 
all the
   SELF, RIGHT? Whatever floats your boat. Enjoy.
  This is the core topic of Maharishi's teachings, 
  and the reason for the kerfuffle that is Fairfield 
  Life, whether in its physical or cyberspace forms. 
  If you accept Maharishi's position that knowledge 
  gets lost and Guru Dev restored vedic wisdom in 
  its purity, you pretty much have to be a TM absolutist. 
  If you believe different people are suited to different 
  paths, or that Maharishi made up an ineffective or even 
  harmful meditation technique, then the MMY orthodoxy 
  falls by the wayside. That's the fundamental argument 
  around here.
 There is nothing wrong with choosing your favorite delicacy from 
 smorgasbord, but once you have chosen, eat what is on your plate.
 Dilettantes sample endlessly, are never satisfied and end up 
 with whom to go home with after the party. The shills hype the
 purveyor's soup and both cash in. Meanwhile, your date for the 
 the prettiest of all the girls, (you lucky dog) was voted queen of 
 ball and stupid you, enchanted by all the other girls, danced like 
 fool with all but her. Eventually the music stopped, now weary of
 dancing and too old to care, you gently fade unnoticed into the 
 of regret, a wilted flower denied of fragrance, too late to recover
 the magic. 
 Absolutely schmaltzy absolutist, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Stu buttspli...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  The first thing that strikes me about what you
  say (and for the record I have no reason to
  disagree with any of it based on my own exper-
  ience in the distant TMO past) is that it is
  likely that the *result* of this is that
 I think your on to something Barry.  I am reminded by a huge mistake
 John Smith made when he put together the Mormon religion.  He 
 followers to have independent visions.  In every major religion 
only the
 founder is allowed to have visions.  Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, 
Arjuna, for
 example all get to have their visions but followers are not to 
privy to
 the special powers.
 John Smith screwed up and as a result every Tom, Dick and Harry in 
 can have a vision and start their own version of Mormonism. Every 
 and cranny in the state is filled with cult compounds.  Some of 
 cults are dangerous - ask Elizabeth Smart.
 The point here is that if your running the show you can't have a 
 of TMers running around saying they're enlightened and breaking off 
 start their own clubs, temples, boutiques and spas.  Once a 
follower is
 certified enlightened, then how can you hold bend them to your 
 How can you turn a profit with that sort of competition?
Didn't Maharishi leave the ashram after his Master passed?
Didn't he spend some time alone, just meditating.
Don't you remember, before he passed, he meditated for many days.
Remember these things, and you will need no cerification of anything.

Re: [FairfieldLife] An ecumenical MUM?

2009-01-03 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Patrick Gillam jpgil...@yahoo.com wrote:

 This strikes me as interesting. Maharishi University's Sustainable
 Living Department is hosting an expert who represents a tradition
 other than the vedic tradition. He follows the Anthroposophical
 teachings of Rudolf Steiner.

 Typically, M.U.M. doesn't entertain experts from fields that compete
 with anything Maharishi promoted or taught, and Maharishi founded his
 own honey making operation.

The buzz on the Maharishi Channel, on IA and from the President's Office is
to follows the Ammendments Maharishi made to the Constitution of the
Universe.   I've state it here before.  The TMO, for business purposes, will
become more ecumenical.  We'll be making lots of alliances and business
deals with non-TMO agents/people/organizations per Maharishi's orders.

There is a reason, beyond the fact that Maharishi wanted to bring us a Vedic
society, that Maharishi set us up with a simple speaking reclused king and
princes.  I am just starting to cognize the reason.  Part of it I'm sure has
to do with the obvious:  they're not making any Maharishi clones these
days.  If we got someone as charismatic as Maharishi we'd get a new cult of
personality and would be a new and different movement.  The other has to do
with viability.  You can have a keeper of the knowledge and then you can
have money changers in the temple.

I've been wondering why there have been so few changes at MUM or within the
TMO in the past year.  I believe that the changes are a coming, they are
just taking time to pick up steam and also put out to pasture those who
represent the current way things are done.  You can't through everybody out
because it's not like there are a million people lined up to do the work at
MUM for room, board and a few dollars a month.

The TMO will take years before it starts giving badges back but it's already
doing its best not to find a reason to take badges away.  We're going to see
a much different organization in the coming years, I'd wager.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread Peter

--- On Sat, 1/3/09, Stu buttspli...@gmail.com wrote:

 From: Stu buttspli...@gmail.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, January 3, 2009, 1:34 PM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB
 no_re...@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick
 Archer rick@ wrote:
  The first thing that strikes me about what you
  say (and for the record I have no reason to
  disagree with any of it based on my own exper-
  ience in the distant TMO past) is that it is
  likely that the *result* of this is that
 I think your on to something Barry.  I am reminded by a
 huge mistake
 John Smith made when he put together the Mormon religion. 
 He allowed
 followers to have independent visions.  In every major
 religion only the
 founder is allowed to have visions.  Moses, Jesus,
 Mohammad, Arjuna, for
 example all get to have their visions but followers are not
 to privy to
 the special powers.
 John Smith screwed up and as a result every Tom, Dick and
 Harry in Utah
 can have a vision and start their own version of Mormonism.
 Every nook
 and cranny in the state is filled with cult compounds. 
 Some of these
 cults are dangerous - ask Elizabeth Smart.
 The point here is that if your running the show you
 can't have a bunch
 of TMers running around saying they're enlightened and
 breaking off and
 start their own clubs, temples, boutiques and spas.  Once a
 follower is
 certified enlightened, then how can you hold bend them to
 your whim? 
 How can you turn a profit with that sort of competition?

When Sri Sri Ravi Shankar became enlightened and shortly thereafter cognized 
Sadarshan Kriya, he told MMY about it and wanted to teach it through the TMO. 
Maharishi told him to teach on his own. SSRS didn't leave for a year but 
finally left and the rest is history as they say. SSRS didn't want to leave. 

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: spirituality spot found in brain

2009-01-03 Thread I am the eternal
On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 11:35 PM, authfriend jst...@panix.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj
 vajradh...@... wrote:
  The reason why so many TMers fall asleep is simple:
  they've turned the marketing description
  effortless into a mood-making dogma: they're
  afraid to use any mindfulness and balanced
  attention because of it.  When attention becomes to
  lax, one falls into the tamasic aspect of sthiti,
  and they fall asleep. The stress at the level of
  the nervous system excuse is BS. It's a well-known

 This is so off-the-wall it's hard to know where to
 begin. Vaj isn't describing anything that relates to

 Effortless is not a marketing description; it's
 the essence of the technique. Don't make the mistake
 of thinking that because the term is *used* in
 marketing TM, that's all it is. It's just convenient
 that in addition to being a dead-on accurate
 description of the technique, it's also appealing to
 many people.

 Nor is it possible to use it as a mood-making
 dogma--that's a whopping category error, akin to
 saying that Tuesday is in the key of C minor. Mood-
 making is the antithesis of effortlessness; if
 you're mood-making, you're *doing something*, so
 it's not effortless by definition. Nor is there
 anything in effortlessness to make a mood *of*.

 And it's not that TMers are afraid to use any
 mindfulness or balanced attention; those are simply
 not part of TM practice. The instant you start using
 them, you've stopped doing TM.

 People fall asleep during meditation not because
 they've fallen into the tamasic aspect of sthiti,
 they fall asleep because they're *fatigued*.

 If you've gotten enough rest and you aren't drowsy
 when you meditate, just the state of wakefulness
 itself provides all the attention you need
 without your having to do anything to maintain it.

 Ahhh, I could go on and on. Vaj's whole mental
 model of what TM is and how it works is so bollixed
 up there's no way to straighten it out.

I don't like to debate and definitely don't like to get in between you two,
but I must assert that Vaj's assertions about why the Dome people sleep are
sheer and utter bullshit.  It comes to pass that the Dome is the only place
these people get any decent sleep.  Insomnia is rampant within the sidha
community.  So rampant that it might be one of the reasons why there is so
much ill health.  The body goes into its deep healing cycle during sleep.
And these people are doing everything they can to try to get a handle on
their insomnia.  The problem is that the cure rate for insomnia with
Ayurveda and MVVT is very poor.  I have tried MVVT, twice, and loads of
Ayurved.  I am happy with Ambien CR.  Works for me, quite well.  Mark Toomey
almost had a calf when he saw on my form that I take Ambien CR.  He told me
all these terrible things which happen with the drug.  Well, take it then
hit the rack.  Don't take it and drive, stay on FFL, get a snack.  The drug
can make you sleep walk/drive/eat.  But I pretty much told Mark that I knew
of the side effects and for me, the stuff works so buzz off.

Of course we're supposed to keep our maladies secret so though probably each
person is quietly and secretly aware of the other person's insomnia
problems, there's so much of the mind your own business going on that
people don't put two and two together and decide that sleep is the most
important thing, during the hours when the sun is down in FF, and take
appropriate action because the usual TMO nostrums (and money makers) don't
work for insomnia.

Now the IA people I hang out with don't sleep in the Dome because they might
have a night or two of insomnia but it's not a crippling thing.

[FairfieldLife] 'Israel Unveils New Weapon'

2009-01-03 Thread Robert
Israel is using a new weapon system, which releases a blanket of 
smoke, which hovers close to the ground, thus using this smoke screen 
as cover...
There is also a rumer, the smoke is laced the cannibus indica 
or 'Shiva Herb' and has the influence of creating a buzz.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Obama: Great Healer?

2009-01-03 Thread Bhairitu
cardemaister wrote:
 According to a Finnish astrologer, Mr. Seppo Tanhua (and prolly
 many others, too) Obama might become a/the? Great Healer of da World,
 because he has Chiron near Ascendant (in Pisces) trine Neptune (in

 [Obaman askendentilta löytyvä Chiron (haavoittunut parantaja) tekee
 tästä miehestä parhaassa tapauksessa suuren maailman parantajan,
 joskin hyvin vaativissa olosuhteissa. Chiron tekee Obaman
 askendentilta kolmiota Neptunukselle, jonka voimme lukea kyvyksi tehdä
 intuitiivisesti oikeita ratkaisuja tiukoissa tilanteissa.]   :]
Obama is just a man, not a super-hero.  Super heroes are myths anyway.  
Sort of an early attempt at trying to improve people's self image (you 
can do anything BS).   He will be many times more a diplomat than the 
goof that is in the White House at the moment.  In fact to just be a 
diplomat over that goof would be magnitudes of improvement.   He can 
probably get some good dialogs going between world leaders.  But much of 
that won't help the economic situation which could have been avoided by 
the present goof's administration staying out of wars and continuing 
some of the policies of the previous administration maintaining a 
surplus and not a deficit.

Re: [FairfieldLife] TMSP zombies; was spirituality spot found in brain

2009-01-03 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:

 Ever see the movie The Serpent and the Rainbow? A true story.
I watched it again last night.  I probably saw it years ago on VHS 
(yuck!).  Right now it is available on FearNet in HD on Comcast  
OnDemand for free.

Re: [FairfieldLife] 'As Moon Wanes/Israelis Wacks'

2009-01-03 Thread Bhairitu
Robert wrote:
 MSNBC, is reportiing the mourning, that Israel is getting ready to 
 'Blitzkrieg Gaza'...
 From viewing the pictures in Gaza this morning, one 'Get's the?Feeling', hat 
 many will git kilt today.
 The music in Gaza is 'Hard Metal'...
 Israel is planning a massive bombing, to clear all major roads, 'IN GAZA'...
 Before the 'Blitz'...
 Many are preparing death,
 IIn the 'Battle for {['Peace+Holy Land'...
I think this is a conspiracy to start WW III to help with the global 
economic situation.  That would tell you how dumb the powers at be 
are.  We could wind up with nuclear winters or no life on earth.  But 
the RAND think tank recommended WW III as a way to sidestep a great 
depression.  Personally with nuclear weapons abounding  I'd rather go 
through a depression.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What did you take with you from TM

2009-01-03 Thread Bhairitu
ruthsimplicity wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam jpgil...@...

 I've come to dismiss the TM-is-the-only-way 
 rhetoric of Maharishi

 The our way is the super highway is the most bothersome to me, as
 there is no indication whatsoever that there is basis for this claim.  

 The second claim of TM that is nearly as bothersome to me is that TM
 works for everyone. 
In most other yogic traditions mantras for the general public are either 
Shiva or Shanti mantras because they are considered safe to give 
anyone.  Giving goddess mantras is not considered safe for just 
anyone.  That may explain the problems that I would say at least 20% of 
the practitioners experienced with TM.

Re: [FairfieldLife] 2009 Forecast from Predictive Linguistics

2009-01-03 Thread Bhairitu
I am the eternal wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com wrote:

  From a friend:

 This link goes to an overview of 2009 as anticipated by Predictive
 Linguistics, which I have been following for the last several months. PL
 works by reading publicly available internet data and condensing it into
 meaningful (interpretable) phrases such as (from last spring with its
 breaking number of tornados) them winds.


 Please help me out here.  These people make a big deal that they have
 someone who used to work as a troubleshooter for The Big SQL Company.  Now
 that's either Oracle Corp., IBM Corp. (invented SQL),  Microsoft (which owns
 SQL Server) or Sun Microsystems (owner of MySQL).  All of these companies,
 when it comes to SQL are pretty much in the same business.  I'm a senior
 fellow type consultant at one of these companies and I'll tell you I can't
 make sense out of all of this.

 It looks like these people have built a big database of words.  Words with
 all sorts of attributes, are assigned for Hex digits (that's 65565 or 65566
 decimal).  There's preprocessing software which goes through forums and
 blogs and aggregates are derived.  Then the human element enters and
 predictions are made.

 Now this is what I don't get.  It /appears/ that these people are asserting
 that they predicted 9/11, typhoons, earthquakes and various stages of the
 financial and economic chaos based on linguistics.  I understand their
 process but I don't understand how they can predict.  Are these people
 trying to say that there's a universal unconscious they can put a handle on
 and that universal unconscious predicts or makes things like typhoons or
 earthquakes happen?  How.  Animals can tell that weather or geologic events
 that effect their well being are about to happen.  But not with a month's

 I'm facinated in just how this all works.
They don't give you enough information as to how it works(obviously or 
others would develop free and possibly open source versions).  But I did 
notice from their predictions last year most of their alert periods 
corresponded with transit afflictions to planets, particularly slow 
moving ones.  Interesting, eh?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 11:54 AM, TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.comwrote:

Rick is an honorable man.  Quite low key but stronger than an elephant in
his quiet way.  I believe him that he knows enlightened people.  He happens
to know me and is a witness to the signs that I've been having some flashy
experiences over the past year.  No, no claim of enlightment here, just a
claim that life is interesting and livey and that's enough for me.

Myself, I don't need a certificate.  Damn, man, the Kingdom of God is within
you and you are in every direction you look (a constant experience of
mine).  What use is a piece of paper?

And Sal, have your laugh that I am a TB member of a cult.  This cult has
done OK by me, considering.  I am very happy to be having these experiences
and these experiences are enough for me.  If I were met at the Dome by the
powers that be asking for my badge, that would be fine and dandy with me.
It's not like Devco can't piece together all I posts and figure out who I
am.  I've graduated, except I like the experiences I often get in the Dome
(when things are really hopping and the numbers are up) and well, old habits
die hard.

I believe that certifying people as being enlightened, whatever that means,
would not be productive for the TMO.  The Gita and SOB have not sunk into
enough people inside and beyond the TMO.  If anybody thinks that The Big
Embarrassment is a crock of shit (but in many ways a useful crock of shit,
because I like the feel of vastu), then consider what a crock of shit we'd
had on their hands if we actually had examples of enlightened people to gawk
at.  This one likes rollerblading.  So I guess I'll add rollerblading to my
daily routine.  This woman has been married to the same man all her life and
has lovely and children.  I'd better hurry up and get remarried.  This one
likes the spicy shrimp curry at Thai Palace.  God I hate Thai food, but
looks like that's going to be the basis of my new diet.

I agree with Rick that the TMO is a great incubator.  Perhaps it's success
should not be measured in how many have stayed but how many have moved on.

I don't think Maharishi was deluded or deluding when he said that TM was the
fastest, most powerful way to achieve enlightenment.  I believe that given
the kind of people who came, the diverse lives they lead that TM works
pretty well.  I also think that those of you who have left the TMO are proof
that TM works.  It helped you get to your senses and find that for you in
particular there were better things which suit you.

I do agree with the statements that Maharishi became very interested in
cashflow when the Merv Wave died and each of the many embarrassments did
generate a lot of money and did some good.  Lord knows there are a lot of
members of FFL who have learned Sanskrit and Jyotish.  I look at Maharishi
as the headmaster for a prep school.  A kind of embarassing prep school, but
a prep school with some pretty notable graduates nonetheless.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Israel Unveils New Weapon'

2009-01-03 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii...@... wrote:

 Israel is using a new weapon system, which releases a blanket of 
 smoke, which hovers close to the ground, thus using this smoke screen 
 as cover...
 There is also a rumer, the smoke is laced the cannibus indica 
 or 'Shiva Herb' and has the influence of creating a buzz.

This doesn't make sense, Robert.

If the weapon is to provide a cover that, as I understand it, is to 
provide a cover for the attacking Israeli troops, not for the people 
(their enemies) they are attacking.  Therefore, why would they want to 
inhibit the ability of their soldiers to perform by making them high?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread raunchydog
 --- On Sat, 1/3/09, Stu buttspli...@... wrote:
  The point here is that if your running the show you
  can't have a bunch
  of TMers running around saying they're enlightened and
  breaking off and
  start their own clubs, temples, boutiques and spas.  Once a
  follower is
  certified enlightened, then how can you hold bend them to
  your whim? 
  How can you turn a profit with that sort of competition?

If someone left the TMO whether or not they had a piece of paper
stamped Grade A like a piece of meat, wasn't because MMY feared the
competition. He clearly understood that if ya gotta go ya gotta go and
he wouldn't try to prevent it. If someone wanted to leave, they left
and it's certifiably crazy to think certification would either prevent
or make certain someone would start their own brand of TM. The only
thing that keeps a TM teacher from competing with MMY is a promise to
keep the teaching pure and they honor their promise or not.

Peter wrote: When Sri Sri Ravi Shankar became enlightened and shortly
thereafter cognized Sadarshan Kriya, he told MMY about it and wanted
to teach it through the TMO. Maharishi told him to teach on his own.
SSRS didn't leave for a year but finally left and the rest is history
as they say. SSRS didn't want to leave. 

Exactly. Lesson: Don't mix da soup with da nuts.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Letters on TM from religious/spiritual leaders

2009-01-03 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 1:39 AM, raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:
  The dogma gets in my way on a number of points, but
  I sure appreciate Christianity a whole lot more than
  I did pre-TM. I've lived most of my life without a
  religious practice, except for brief attempts to get
  into it to see what it was like, so I don't really
  feel a lack in that department. But it wouldn't
  surprise me a bit if I began to be drawn to it, and
  I'd welcome it. I could really dig a Christian
  congregation led by a minister who practiced TM and
  preached the Gospel according to SCI.

 Tom Miller, a long time TM teacher, was my first SCI teacher in 1972
 in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. He became a priest for the Liberal
 Catholic Church and established St. Gabriel and All Angels in
 Fairfield about 20 years ago http://tinyurl.com/7ukvrt I go through
 phases of attending regularly and enjoy the long liturgy, and short
 sermon in the light of SCI. The congregation, mostly TM'ers, is small
 but packed on Christmas Eve and Easter. Even those who profess no
 religion, end up asking Tom to marry and bury loved ones. In times of
 need, who do you call? The Big Guy in the Sky. Church feels like
 family and I'm grateful for Tom's commitment to serving our community.

Tom Miller and his deacons are saints in my book.  I guess it's become a
Christmas tradition to gather as many people as we have cars for: men,
women, RC Catholics from many countries, Muslims, Israeli Jews and go to the
Christmas benediction at St. Gabriel and All Angels.  A wonderful joy,
especially when you've just put in 6-8 hours of rounding in one of the
domes.  I pass around notes to my friends on what this part of the
benediction means, what this or that word means.  My friends and I have a

Thanks Tom and the deacons.

[FairfieldLife] While I'll be glad when Monday comes

2009-01-03 Thread Bhairitu
I'm sure all the folks who work at companies and got most of the holiday 
season off are enjoying it.   As someone who is self-employed it created 
a real downside. 

1) When Monday comes the amateurs (who don't usually drive) will be off 
the freeways for one.   Although this worked a little more favorably for 
me yesterday as I drove the 40 miles over to Union City to visit my 
tantric guru.  Traffic was much lighter than during a work week 
especially along the few miles I have to drive on 880.  I also figured 
that Friday's rush hour would be so much lighter than usual and indeed 
it was, no slowdowns.  That is except for one.  As I was approaching a 
junction I found myself behind a red Kia sedan puttering along at well 
below the limit.  I should have just zipped around.  I figured the 
individual was probably terrified at traffic in the area and not used to 
driving.  But once I got on the other side of the junction wondering how 
they were going to handle merging into the fast lane (of the ill 
designed interchange) and got around the car like it was standing still 
I discovered the driver was a woman yapping away on her cell phone 
oblivious to everything and NOT hands free.  A CHP officer would give a 
big ticket for that as she driving too slow so she would not have gotten 
just a warning.

2) Theater matinées will be less crowded or down to a handful of 
people.  I decided to take in Milk at the Cinearts theater a few miles 
away.  It was packed due to the holidays.  Usually I could have my 
choice of seats even at the last moment.   Though Milk is a good 
biopic with some good performances I would not say it is Van Sant's best 
(which the ad hype suggests -- but critics are idiots anyway).   In fact 
it seemed to be a little confused about how the story line should be 
treated and he may have been trying to avoid a cliche looking 
biopic.   It may well win at Oscar time since Hollywood is big on voting 
in cause films.  I did note that unlike Century's other theaters 
(unless their online info is wrong) the senior age at night is 62 AND 
they on Monday evenings films are a $1 off that price.  Sometimes it's 
good to be an old fogey.

3) And of course Starbucks won't be as crowded.

Looking forward to Monday.

Re: [FairfieldLife] [was Re: Spiritual Distractions] enlightenment is here and now

2009-01-03 Thread I am the eternal
I apologize for my inability to snip and for posting on top instead of on
the bottom, the more righteous way to reply.  I can't snip because every
word is masterful.  Will go down in my book as one of the best ways of
explaining it all.

I don't want to detract from your statement and hope I don't in saying that
Maharishi was speaking out of his own experience when talking about the time
it takes to become enlightened.  It takes but a second or less to become
enlightened, or so it seems because you are transiting from a life in which
there is time and a life in which there is only timelessness.  You aren't
take a journey.  You're opening a door on a big wormhole in space that takes
you from where you are to where you are.  You don't go anywhere.  You just
see things, live things in a different way.

Thank you so much, ED11 for this.  I will cherish it.

On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 12:12 PM, enlightened_dawn11 
no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 yes-- agree with you completely here dr. pete. i grow tired and
 nauseated at the endless claims to measure or not measure
 enlightenment scientifically here on FFL. enlightenment is about a
 phase transition of consciousness, a radical, everything turns
 upside down, and inside out, shift in living and perceiving and
 thinking about the world.

 nothing about enlightenment can be verified by physiological
 measurements, or by transient experiences of witnessing. both are a
 total waste of time wrt actually experiencing enlightenment.

 enlightenment is not about transient experience or measurement, or
 CC or GC or UC. it is a way of living that once permanently
 established, takes the enlightened one on a journey of its own,
 wholly unpredictable and completely comprehensible. the
 enlightenment becomes real and the person who has become it,

 this cannot be understood by having a fleeting experience of some
 tangible aspect of enlightenment, like ritam or witnessing or no
 thought samadhi. it must be lived permanently to be understood. and
 the only way for householders to get there quickly is through TM and

 the reason the Maharishi set criteria for enlightenment was so that
 people would continue to practice TM and the TMSP, not so that
 people could be measured against this set of practically impossible
 that the quickest way was to do TM and TMSP, so he set out to place
 one hell of a lot of carrots into people's sticky consciousness

 there is no need nor any desire for the TMO to hold up some
 enlightened people as an attraction for TM. that would accomplish
 nothing. even if we study enlightened people under a microscope all
 it will show us is fragments and validate nothing, not the wholeness
 we are seeking.

 the Maharishi's sole purpose was to get us all doing TM and keep us
 doing TM until we passed through the doorway marked 'enlightenment',
 and kept on going.

 he knew many would fall by the wayside, for as consciousness
 expands, so does the ego, declaring itself to be the expander and
 knower of all things. only by continually, regularly and
 mechanically transcending with TM, and giving the ego nothing to
 hold onto will the practitioner be able to get out of his/her own
 way, gaining permanent enlightenment.

 the Maharishi knew that by introducing light into people's
 consciousness, many would grow uncomfortable with the mud being
 stirred up, and would quit meditating. others would get addicted to
 flashy experiences and leave the practice in search of more. still
 others would find new meaning in the religions of the world and quit
 TM. and others sadly would proclaim what they had accomplished
 solely of their own doing, and decry the Maharishi as the ego
 tripper, when it was in fact themselves who worshipped themselves,
 lost in their own reflection.

 so the Maharishi constantly sought to bring new angles to TM, in the
 hopes that it would keep people interested in continuing to do TM.
 and by continually doing TM, the goal would quickly be reached.

 of course the flip side of a teacher introducing different facets of
 his knowledge, is that the path for some becomes mistaken for the
 result. this is why at the core of what he brought out was the
 ceaseless emphasis on transcending through TM to quickly gain

 which brings up a point which i wrestled with continuously on this
 miraculous journey- what quickly means in this context. the
 Maharishi was always talking in terms of a few years and bingo!
 enlightenment would dawn.

 and yet all of us who continued TM went through decades of wading
 through mud, dullness, and effort-- where was the hop, skip and jump
 into enlightenment? not only that, but given the utter
 transformational nature of enlightenment, we can be one week away
 from the doorway, and still feel as if it is decades off.

 all i can conclude is that if i knew all of that, and knowing than
 enlightenment dawns in 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread raunchydog
Shaddai, Beautiful post. I remember this was the exact analogy MMY
used when he said it was a waste of time to judge someone from their
outward appearance or behavior whether or not they were enlightened.
At every turn he reminded us to KISS (keep it simple stupid). And
doing so, he saved us from frauds who would pretend enlightenment in
order to manipulate and sucker us into stroking their ego. He saved us
from becoming grandiose about our own grand experiences. He saved us
from looking for outward signs of enlightenment in others, rather than
looking inward and tending to our own enlightenment. He saved us. Not
in the Jesus kind of way, (I really don't know that for sure).  He
saved us from confusion, with a KISS. But dang, if that ain't just
about impossible to do for folks who get off on nitpicking and until
nothing remains of innocence.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal
l.shad...@... wrote:
 I believe that certifying people as being enlightened, whatever that
 would not be productive for the TMO.  The Gita and SOB have not sunk
 enough people inside and beyond the TMO.  If anybody thinks that The Big
 Embarrassment is a crock of shit (but in many ways a useful crock of
 because I like the feel of vastu), then consider what a crock of
shit we'd
 had on their hands if we actually had examples of enlightened people
to gawk
 at.  This one likes rollerblading.  So I guess I'll add
rollerblading to my
 daily routine.  This woman has been married to the same man all her
life and
 has lovely and children.  I'd better hurry up and get remarried. 
This one
 likes the spicy shrimp curry at Thai Palace.  God I hate Thai food, but
 looks like that's going to be the basis of my new diet.

[FairfieldLife] Word orders of different paaThas

2009-01-03 Thread cardemaister

2) Styles of recitation

As well as reciting straight through the mantra, there are other
forms of
recitation ( such as pada, mala, jatha, sikha, krama, ghana ) which
aid the
memorisation process. These styles only apply to the samhita portion
of the
Veda. In Taittiriya Sakha, we do not recite, for example, krama pATHa
of the
Brahmana, Aranyaka and Upanishad portions. Those interested can find more
details in the pratisakhyas, particularly Rig Veda Pratisakhya:  For
we have:

i) samhitA pATHa

This is the normal style of reciting, the word order being 123456 etc

ii) pada pATHa

Here , each word is recited individually.  samAsa'a are split as well,
the word iti (see example below). The word order is as per samhita,
but each
word is recited separately, breaking the sandhi

iii) krama pATHa

Here, the word order is 12, 23, 34, 45 etc

iv) Ghana pATHa

Here, the word order is

1221123321123, 2332234432234 etc

Here, the swara will modify according to the rules of swara, depending on
how the phrase is split.  The are probably only around 200 ghanapATHi's,
who can recite ghanapATHa of their whole samhita portion in the whole of
India.  There are some who believe that  the Veda mantras should not
all be
recited in the style of ghanapATHa.  As you can see, in ghanapATHa
recitation, the words are recited in reverse order. The concern amongst
these scholars is that the sense of the mantra could be changed, hence it
should not be recited in ghanapATHa. I personally find ghanapATHa
exhilerating to recite, particulalry in a group.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Letters on TM from religious/spiritual leaders

2009-01-03 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
curtisdeltabl...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Why this religious thread matters to me:
   One of the reasons I am not religious is that I notice that
   trumps all else with people's belief in the superiority of their
   religious perspective.  
  There is no need for me to post on this forum.  Curtis says it all
  better than I do.  I bow to you Curtis!
 I am a fan of yours Ruth, please don't stop posting!

Curtis, I agree. All the voices matter. Ruth keep posting, you have a
lot to contribute to the flavor of FF Life. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutp...@... wrote:
 When Sri Sri Ravi Shankar became enlightened and shortly thereafter 
cognized Sadarshan Kriya, he told MMY about it and wanted to teach it 
through the TMO. Maharishi told him to teach on his own. SSRS didn't 
leave for a year but finally left and the rest is history as they say. 
SSRS didn't want to leave. 

Does Ravi Shankar claim enlightenment ? 
And he was doing TM for years, no ?
Oh, no, ofcourse he didn't, he probably was doing something else even 
though he was Maharishi's student. Because if he did there you'd have 
one enlightened fellow from TM right there.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
  When Sri Sri Ravi Shankar became enlightened and shortly 
  thereafter cognized Sadarshan Kriya, he told MMY about it and 
  wanted to teach it through the TMO. Maharishi told him to teach 
  on his own. SSRS didn't leave for a year but finally left and 
  the rest is history as they say. SSRS didn't want to leave. 
 Does Ravi Shankar claim enlightenment ? 
 And he was doing TM for years, no ?
 Oh, no, ofcourse he didn't, he probably was doing something else 
 even though he was Maharishi's student. Because if he did there 
 you'd have one enlightened fellow from TM right there.

This Ravi Shankar thing is mainly moodmaking; look into each others
eyes and tell them you love them, hold each others hands and form a
circle, blabla etcetc. The technique is far from what has been
described as TM+advanced technique; it's just a simple pranayama, and
Ravi is just a simple, but probably nice fellow that needs to do some
serious sadhana.

In a talkshow I watched in India he was asked how it felt to be a
guru. He blushed intensely, denying he was a guru, the whole thing
got very comical. The fellow abviously wants to be a guru, but does
not have the credidentials.

Nabby, from http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/102304


[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ 
   When Sri Sri Ravi Shankar became enlightened and shortly 
   thereafter cognized Sadarshan Kriya, he told MMY about it and 
   wanted to teach it through the TMO. Maharishi told him to teach 
   on his own. SSRS didn't leave for a year but finally left and 
   the rest is history as they say. SSRS didn't want to leave. 
  Does Ravi Shankar claim enlightenment ? 
  And he was doing TM for years, no ?
  Oh, no, ofcourse he didn't, he probably was doing something else 
  even though he was Maharishi's student. Because if he did there 
  you'd have one enlightened fellow from TM right there.
 This Ravi Shankar thing is mainly moodmaking; look into each others
 eyes and tell them you love them, hold each others hands and form a
 circle, blabla etcetc. The technique is far from what has been
 described as TM+advanced technique; it's just a simple pranayama, 
 Ravi is just a simple, but probably nice fellow that needs to do 
 serious sadhana.
 In a talkshow I watched in India he was asked how it felt to be a
 guru. He blushed intensely, denying he was a guru, the whole thing
 got very comical. The fellow abviously wants to be a guru, but does
 not have the credidentials.
 Nabby, from 

And, what are you tring to say ? That you are sick and obsessed, 
looking up quotes from years back - that you need professional help ?
But we knew that already, Turq.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread Peter
Nabs, I know SSRS quite well, he's a sat guru. You don't know him, so what you 
speak about him is simply your projections. But you are correct, he's the only 
guru that's come out of the TM movement. Enlightened people, but no guru's 
except him

--- On Sat, 1/3/09, nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 From: nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, January 3, 2009, 6:11 PM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB
 no_re...@... wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
When Sri Sri Ravi Shankar became enlightened
 and shortly 
thereafter cognized Sadarshan Kriya, he told
 MMY about it and 
wanted to teach it through the TMO.
 Maharishi told him to teach 
on his own. SSRS didn't leave for a year
 but finally left and 
the rest is history as they say. SSRS
 didn't want to leave. 
   Does Ravi Shankar claim enlightenment ? 
   And he was doing TM for years, no ?
   Oh, no, ofcourse he didn't, he probably was
 doing something else 
   even though he was Maharishi's student.
 Because if he did there 
   you'd have one enlightened fellow from TM
 right there.
  This Ravi Shankar thing is mainly moodmaking; look
 into each others
  eyes and tell them you love them, hold each others
 hands and form a
  circle, blabla etcetc. The technique is far from what
 has been
  described as TM+advanced technique; it's just a
 simple pranayama, 
  Ravi is just a simple, but probably nice fellow that
 needs to do 
  serious sadhana.
  In a talkshow I watched in India he was asked how it
 felt to be a
  guru. He blushed intensely, denying he was a guru, the
 whole thing
  got very comical. The fellow abviously wants to be a
 guru, but does
  not have the credidentials.
  Nabby, from 
 And, what are you tring to say ? That you are sick and
 looking up quotes from years back - that you need
 professional help ?
 But we knew that already, Turq.
 To subscribe, send a message to:
 Or go to: 
 and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] [was Re: Spiritual Distractions] enlightenment is here and now

2009-01-03 Thread enlightened_dawn11
glad you enjoyed it-- i agree that the transition to enlightenment  
occurs in the blink of an eye, and nothing is quite the same ever 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal 
l.shad...@... wrote:

 I apologize for my inability to snip and for posting on top 
instead of on
 the bottom, the more righteous way to reply.  I can't snip because 
 word is masterful.  Will go down in my book as one of the best 
ways of
 explaining it all.
 I don't want to detract from your statement and hope I don't in 
saying that
 Maharishi was speaking out of his own experience when talking 
about the time
 it takes to become enlightened.  It takes but a second or less to 
 enlightened, or so it seems because you are transiting from a life 
in which
 there is time and a life in which there is only timelessness.  You 
 take a journey.  You're opening a door on a big wormhole in space 
that takes
 you from where you are to where you are.  You don't go anywhere.  
You just
 see things, live things in a different way.
 Thank you so much, ED11 for this.  I will cherish it.
 On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 12:12 PM, enlightened_dawn11 
 no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
  yes-- agree with you completely here dr. pete. i grow tired and
  nauseated at the endless claims to measure or not measure
  enlightenment scientifically here on FFL. enlightenment is about 
  phase transition of consciousness, a radical, everything turns
  upside down, and inside out, shift in living and perceiving and
  thinking about the world.
  nothing about enlightenment can be verified by physiological
  measurements, or by transient experiences of witnessing. both 
are a
  total waste of time wrt actually experiencing enlightenment.
  enlightenment is not about transient experience or measurement, 
  CC or GC or UC. it is a way of living that once permanently
  established, takes the enlightened one on a journey of its own,
  wholly unpredictable and completely comprehensible. the
  enlightenment becomes real and the person who has become it,
  this cannot be understood by having a fleeting experience of some
  tangible aspect of enlightenment, like ritam or witnessing or no
  thought samadhi. it must be lived permanently to be understood. 
  the only way for householders to get there quickly is through TM 
  the reason the Maharishi set criteria for enlightenment was so 
  people would continue to practice TM and the TMSP, not so that
  people could be measured against this set of practically 
  that the quickest way was to do TM and TMSP, so he set out to 
  one hell of a lot of carrots into people's sticky consciousness
  there is no need nor any desire for the TMO to hold up some
  enlightened people as an attraction for TM. that would accomplish
  nothing. even if we study enlightened people under a microscope 
  it will show us is fragments and validate nothing, not the 
  we are seeking.
  the Maharishi's sole purpose was to get us all doing TM and keep 
  doing TM until we passed through the doorway 
marked 'enlightenment',
  and kept on going.
  he knew many would fall by the wayside, for as consciousness
  expands, so does the ego, declaring itself to be the expander and
  knower of all things. only by continually, regularly and
  mechanically transcending with TM, and giving the ego nothing to
  hold onto will the practitioner be able to get out of his/her own
  way, gaining permanent enlightenment.
  the Maharishi knew that by introducing light into people's
  consciousness, many would grow uncomfortable with the mud being
  stirred up, and would quit meditating. others would get addicted 
  flashy experiences and leave the practice in search of more. 
  others would find new meaning in the religions of the world and 
  TM. and others sadly would proclaim what they had accomplished
  solely of their own doing, and decry the Maharishi as the ego
  tripper, when it was in fact themselves who worshipped 
  lost in their own reflection.
  so the Maharishi constantly sought to bring new angles to TM, in 
  hopes that it would keep people interested in continuing to do 
  and by continually doing TM, the goal would quickly be reached.
  of course the flip side of a teacher introducing different 
facets of
  his knowledge, is that the path for some becomes mistaken for the
  result. this is why at the core of what he brought out was the
  ceaseless emphasis on transcending through TM to quickly gain
  which brings up a point which i wrestled with continuously on 
  miraculous journey- what quickly means in this context. the
  Maharishi was always talking in terms of a few years and bingo!
  enlightenment would dawn.
  and yet all of us who continued TM went through decades of wading

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-01-03 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Jan 03 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Jan 10 00:00:00 2009
119 messages as of (UTC) Sun Jan 04 00:08:13 2009

21 authfriend jst...@panix.com
13 I am the eternal l.shad...@gmail.com
 9 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
 9 Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
 8 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 7 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
 6 enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 5 ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 4 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
 3 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 3 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 3 Peter drpetersutp...@yahoo.com
 2 mainstream20016 mainstream20...@yahoo.com
 2 gullible fool ffl...@yahoo.com
 2 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 Stu buttspli...@gmail.com
 2 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 2 Patrick Gillam jpgil...@yahoo.com
 2 Arhata Osho arhatafreespe...@yahoo.com
 2 BillyG. wg...@yahoo.com
 1 yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
 1 shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
 1 lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
 1 dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 1 boo_lives boo_li...@yahoo.com
 1 bob_brigante no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 bettyblue109 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 Richard Williams willy...@yahoo.com
 1 Nelson nelsonriddle2...@yahoo.com
 1 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 1 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 1 Richard J. Williams willy...@yahoo.com

Posters: 32
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'As Moon Wanes/Israelis Wacks'

2009-01-03 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 I think this is a conspiracy to start WW III to help with the global 
 economic situation.  That would tell you how dumb the powers at be 
 are.  We could wind up with nuclear winters or no life on earth.  But 
 the RAND think tank recommended WW III as a way to sidestep a great 
 depression.  snip

WW III  as a means to stimulate the global economy ? -  how wasteful, and 
boring. For 
decades, I've been on the lookout  for the emergence of a brilliant person who 
formulates an 
economic system that doesn't use fear to stimulate economic activity. 

[FairfieldLife] [was Re: Spiritual Distractions] enlightenment is here and now

2009-01-03 Thread yifuxero
---.E. has to be accompanied by the criteria set forth by MMY; 
otherwise claimants can easily be duped.  For starters, continuous 
Inner Light during the sleep state. Neo-Advaitins have nothing to 
point to except Being.  This is a result of the 3-rd eye not being 
open, otherwise, the Inner Light would be present, continually.

FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@... 

 glad you enjoyed it-- i agree that the transition to enlightenment  
 occurs in the blink of an eye, and nothing is quite the same ever 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal 
 L.Shaddai@ wrote:
  I apologize for my inability to snip and for posting on top 
 instead of on
  the bottom, the more righteous way to reply.  I can't snip 
  word is masterful.  Will go down in my book as one of the best 
 ways of
  explaining it all.
  I don't want to detract from your statement and hope I don't in 
 saying that
  Maharishi was speaking out of his own experience when talking 
 about the time
  it takes to become enlightened.  It takes but a second or less to 
  enlightened, or so it seems because you are transiting from a 
 in which
  there is time and a life in which there is only timelessness.  
  take a journey.  You're opening a door on a big wormhole in space 
 that takes
  you from where you are to where you are.  You don't go anywhere.  
 You just
  see things, live things in a different way.
  Thank you so much, ED11 for this.  I will cherish it.
  On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 12:12 PM, enlightened_dawn11 
  no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
   yes-- agree with you completely here dr. pete. i grow tired and
   nauseated at the endless claims to measure or not measure
   enlightenment scientifically here on FFL. enlightenment is 
   phase transition of consciousness, a radical, everything turns
   upside down, and inside out, shift in living and perceiving and
   thinking about the world.
   nothing about enlightenment can be verified by physiological
   measurements, or by transient experiences of witnessing. both 
 are a
   total waste of time wrt actually experiencing enlightenment.
   enlightenment is not about transient experience or measurement, 
   CC or GC or UC. it is a way of living that once permanently
   established, takes the enlightened one on a journey of its own,
   wholly unpredictable and completely comprehensible. the
   enlightenment becomes real and the person who has become it,
   this cannot be understood by having a fleeting experience of 
   tangible aspect of enlightenment, like ritam or witnessing or no
   thought samadhi. it must be lived permanently to be understood. 
   the only way for householders to get there quickly is through 
   the reason the Maharishi set criteria for enlightenment was so 
   people would continue to practice TM and the TMSP, not so that
   people could be measured against this set of practically 
   that the quickest way was to do TM and TMSP, so he set out to 
   one hell of a lot of carrots into people's sticky 
   there is no need nor any desire for the TMO to hold up some
   enlightened people as an attraction for TM. that would 
   nothing. even if we study enlightened people under a microscope 
   it will show us is fragments and validate nothing, not the 
   we are seeking.
   the Maharishi's sole purpose was to get us all doing TM and 
   doing TM until we passed through the doorway 
 marked 'enlightenment',
   and kept on going.
   he knew many would fall by the wayside, for as consciousness
   expands, so does the ego, declaring itself to be the expander 
   knower of all things. only by continually, regularly and
   mechanically transcending with TM, and giving the ego nothing to
   hold onto will the practitioner be able to get out of his/her 
   way, gaining permanent enlightenment.
   the Maharishi knew that by introducing light into people's
   consciousness, many would grow uncomfortable with the mud being
   stirred up, and would quit meditating. others would get 
   flashy experiences and leave the practice in search of more. 
   others would find new meaning in the religions of the world and 
   TM. and others sadly would proclaim what they had accomplished
   solely of their own doing, and decry the Maharishi as the ego
   tripper, when it was in fact themselves who worshipped 
   lost in their own reflection.
   so the Maharishi constantly sought to bring new angles to TM, 
   hopes that it would keep people interested in continuing to do 
   and by continually doing TM, the goal would quickly be reached.
   of course the flip side of a teacher introducing 

[FairfieldLife] Re: spirituality spot found in brain

2009-01-03 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Relevant thread,

canvassing around as to why folks are not in the dome meditating, 
most often say they `like' meditating at home instead of the domes.  
That then breaks down, to that there is too much sleeping in the 
domes which dulls the experience, or there are too many people bad 
from the old TM-movement and therefore the feeling is bad in there 
and 3) there is a comunalenment in the group that the administration 
by their chs keeping it from happening.  

Mostly folks in the larger meditating community would rather meditate 
at home and have a better experience than going up on campus.  The 
problem comes up, that TM-movement has a moral problem of trust that 
keeps folks away.  `Run in to this a lot in asking around.  That is 
the practical reality in FF. 

Probably won't improve until the TM-org deals with it.  The moral 
problem.  They are kind of in the hole with their past.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 Since you're using an appropriate balance of attention then you 
 have an issue, unless of course as you say, you're actually tired. 
 actually it sounds like your experience DOES jive with what I'm  
 describing. And I also suspect if you were on IA you wouldn't be  
 falling asleep as you wouldn't be as tired from the workaday 
 In any event torpor is a common deficit in TM, just not for you, 
 whatever reason. Consider yourself lucky I guess.

 On Jan 2, 2009, at 9:59 AM, Patrick Gillam wrote:
  Maharishi's term for transcendental is
  bhava-tita: beyond causal  being or
  beyond moods. A more popular term is
  para. MMY defines  transcending in his
  yoga-sutra translation as nirodha (his words:
  yoga is bringing transcending to the activity
  of the mind. YS 1:2) IME many TM practitioners
  end up succumbing to torpor: thus all the
  reports of people sleeping in the dome. The
  Patanjali tradition warns  of this as what happens
  rather than going beyond, para, one instead
  just settles down into a thought-free state
  he calls sthiti.  Sthiti has some tamasic
  qualities and so it's easy to just lull into
  that state, which can feel, experientially
  like a bare one-pointedness, but easily devolves
  into torpor and then sleep.
  The reason why so many TMers fall asleep is
  simple: they've turned the  marketing description
  effortless into a mood-making dogma: they're
  afraid to use any mindfulness and balanced
  attention because of it. When attention becomes
  to lax, one falls into the tamasic aspect of
  sthiti, and they fall asleep. The stress at
  the level of the nervous system excuse is BS.
  It's a well-known phenomenon.
  Vaj, this explanation sounds good to my
  intellect, but it doesn't  jibe with my
  experience. When I do the TM-Sidhis, I'm
  using the mindfulness and balanced attention
  you call for immediately above, yet I still
  get drowsy when I do the practice in the
  afternoon. In my experience, sleepitations
  are a function of being genuinely tired,
  not because I'm caught in some torpor of
  thought-free awareness.

[FairfieldLife] Spiritually Invincible America

2009-01-03 Thread dhamiltony2k5



[FairfieldLife] [was Re: Spiritual Distractions] enlightenment is here and now

2009-01-03 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal
l.shad...@... wrote:

 I apologize for my inability to snip and for posting on top instead
 of on
 the bottom, the more righteous way to reply.  I can't snip because 
 word is masterful.  Will go down in my book as one of the best ways  of
 explaining it all.
 I don't want to detract from your statement and hope I don't in
 saying that
 Maharishi was speaking out of his own experience when talking about
 the time
 it takes to become enlightened.  It takes but a second or less to  
 enlightened, or so it seems because you are transiting from a life 
 in which
 there is time and a life in which there is only timelessness.  You 
 take a journey.  You're opening a door on a big wormhole in space  
that takes
 you from where you are to where you are.  You don't go anywhere.   
 You just
 see things, live things in a different way.
 Thank you so much, ED11 for this.  I will cherish it.

Likewise, ED11. Shaddai, No matter how much time passes, MMY's SCI
principles ring true. (At least for the folks into KISS anyway.) MMY
said, The range of creative intelligence is from here to here. So
obviously there's no place to go. If I could go, I'd hop a bus to
there. So here it is: the clown bus, the crazy passengers and the
fun ride (knowledge, knower and the process of knowing) beautifully
woven together as one.  Innocently pull one tread in one amazing
moment of just be and the mistake of intellect instantly unravels.
MMY wasn't jiving us when he said the concept of a path is for the
ignorant. So leave or stay on the bus, whatever, I'm just glad MMY
provided such a glorious map to just be nowhere.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritually Invincible America the World

2009-01-03 Thread dhamiltony2k5
The immediate urgent priority for national invincibility and world 
peace is to join the Invincible America Course at MUM. Only 2000 
Flyers, rising to 2500, in Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City will bring 
security to America and defuse the precarious escalation of conflict in 
the world.


[FairfieldLife] Re: spirituality spot found in brain

2009-01-03 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@... wrote:
 Relevant thread,
 canvassing around as to why folks are not in the dome meditating, 
 most often say they `like' meditating at home instead of the domes.  
 That then breaks down, to that there is too much sleeping in the 
 domes which dulls the experience, or there are too many people bad 
 from the old TM-movement and therefore the feeling is bad in there 
 and 3) there is a comunalenment in the group that the administration 
 by their chs keeping it from happening.  

How far is the TMO on the path of tracking who goes to the domes, and when ?  
The IA 
stipend recipients when entering the dome swipe their badge in a scanner,  no ? 
  Does the 
TSR community swipe their badge, as well ?


[FairfieldLife] Re: spirituality spot found in brain

2009-01-03 Thread dhamiltony2k5

canvassing around as to why folks are not in 
 the dome meditating, 
  most often say they `like' meditating at home instead of the 
  That then breaks down, to that there is too much sleeping in the 
  domes which dulls the experience, or there are too many people 
  from the old TM-movement and therefore the feeling is bad in 
  and 3) there is a comunal elenment in the group that the 
  by their characters keeping it from happening.  
 How far is the TMO on the path of tracking who goes to the domes, 
and when ?  The IA 
 stipend recipients when entering the dome swipe their badge in a 
scanner,  no ?   Does the 
 TSR community swipe their badge, as well ?

TSR, town super-radiance, that's the folks off-campus who might go to 
the domes, at the margin.  Folks taking the stipend are down to a 
couple hundred, who take the stipend as 'paid meditators' to be in 
the domes regularly.  About a thousand pundits depending.  Some 
faculty and staff, and some hundreds of students at a given time.  
And some few hundred of TSR types who would go.  That gets the number 

Exclude the 'pundit'/pujaris here on visas,  the TM-movement is down 
to some hundreds of folks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: spirituality spot found in brain

2009-01-03 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam jpgillam@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

I can only assume Creme is referring to the space brothers, 
Clinton and his Parliament-Funkadelic Thang. Otherwise it he 
sound completely nuts.
   curtis, this is not the time to freak out.
   Take a deep breath, relax.
   And better still; have a checking by a 
   disciple of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
  As a former representative of MMY, I have 
  to say that he would not be happy about 
  calling a person qualified to administer  
  the 30 points of checking a disciple.
 You do have a point here. I should have said student of Maharishi.

I am a disciple of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
It's always a blast to be checked by someone who remembers the notes,
and has them memorized enough to sound natural when you are repeating
There is nothing wrong with sleeping...this happened a lot to me, when
I first started with the CD's, both 'Holysync' and the one I mentioned
in another post, today.
I would listen to the CD, and find it impossible to 'Stay Awake' for
more than a few minutes into it...but after a while, I became more and
more able to 'Witness' and remain awake, until the CD finished...
So, I believe this to be a good 'Adjunct to Transcendental Meditation
and the TM=Sidhi Programee  OM NAMAH SHIVAiya.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread enlightened_dawn11
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... 
 saved us from confusion, with a KISS. But dang, if that ain't just
 about impossible to do for folks who get off on nitpicking and until
 nothing remains of innocence.

the ones getting off on nitpicking aren't doing it to clarify their 
focus on enlightenment. they are doing it because they have lost the 
ability to transcend regularly and all they have left are the 
arguments of minds cemented in place by ego. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritually Invincible America the Worl

2009-01-03 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 6:56 PM, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.comwrote:

 The immediate urgent priority for national invincibility and world
 peace is to join the Invincible America Course at MUM. Only 2000
 Flyers, rising to 2500, in Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City will bring
 security to America and defuse the precarious escalation of conflict in
 the world.


Dammit.  We need another Taste of Utopia, only with 10,000 flyers and
lasting for a year, not a bit more than a week like a quarter century ago.
I'd be willing to get a vastu house in VC and sponsor (including stipend
better then the TMO pays, for sure) 4 more people to join me if we could get
the 10,000 together.  I'd hire a cook to go to Everybodys and make us much
better means than Annupura.  Considering the #1 (Unity and beyond)
experiences that we're experiencing now, imagine what each of us would
experience on a 10,000 course!Damn our careers.  Say bye to our families
for a year.  What you'd be looking at when you return home is beyond words.

The only thing I'd require is a current Dome badge.

[FairfieldLife] 'Did George 'Do It' on purpose?...

2009-01-03 Thread Robert
Is George just rebeling against his father, for all of this...
Not only with the invasion of Iraq...
But, also bringing down the economy.
Maybe he wanted to 'Stick It' to the Rich.
The Rich are losing more in this collapse than anyone.
Maybe he's helping in 'The Plan'...
That the 'Meek Shall Inherit the Earth'...
Thanks George.
You're 'Quite the Dude'...

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2009 8:12 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions



I have no problem with this. My point was,
and I consider the point valid, there is NOT
ONE PERSON whom the *TM movement* can point
to and say, This person is enlightened. We
'certify' that this person is enlightened,
and because we believe in validating what we
say with science, you can take this person
to the labs and test them as an *example* 
of enlightenment.

One exception to this is Fred Travis's research. Fred has tested many people
who claim to have permanent witnessing, Unity experiences, etc. He publishes
his research, but the individuals' names are not released. So I think in a
roundabout way, the TMO does acknowledge that many people are experiencing
symptoms of enlightenment, but Maharishi was never into certifying these
people (with the possible exception of Tony Nader) and none of the current
TMO administration feel qualified to certify them.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Sal Sunshine
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2009 11:36 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions


On Jan 3, 2009, at 7:44 AM, Rick Archer wrote:
 2) The Robin Carlsen legacy - the best-known example of someone in 
 the TMO
 claiming Enlightenment was an egotistical nutcase, so anyone who 
 claims it
 now is suspect, is likely to have his dome badge revoked, be 
 ostracized by
 his friends, etc. That's one reason those who claim Awakening tend 
 to be
 independent-minded people, not caring about having a dome badge, 
 find new friends, etc. And many of these don't claim it publically. 
 close friends and business partners may not suspect.

Gosh, Rick, these enlightened beings look just like everyone
else--imagine that! I guess they must keep their haloes hidden
so as not to scare off the ignorant masses, and trot them out
only for their friends. How thoughtful of them.

As it turns out, no one is there at your graduation - no witnesses - so
others, if you want to convince them, can only be convinced verbally. Your
behavior may, and hopefully does, give them an indication, but no proof.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Spiritually Invincible America

2009-01-03 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jan 3, 2009, at 6:53 PM, dhamiltony2k5 wrote:




Why are some in red and some in green?
Is that in the spirit of Christmas?


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2009 11:55 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions


Even given the problems associated with certifying
enlightenment, I still have to believe that a trad-
ition like this in which it is permitted to announce 
your enlightened is more likely to actually produce 
enlightenment than a tradition in which announcing
the good news may result in you being expelled and
declared a heretic.

You may be right, and as a consequence, many in the TMO who wake up decide
it's time for them to leave. As I said, it's an incubator. Incubators get a
little crowded once you've hatched.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritually Invincible America the World

2009-01-03 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Jan 3, 2009, at 6:56 PM, dhamiltony2k5 wrote:

 The immediate urgent priority for national invincibility and world
 peace is to join the Invincible America Course at MUM. Only 2000
 Flyers, rising to 2500, in Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City will bring
 security to America and defuse the precarious escalation of conflict  
 the world.

Doug, it may just be me, but you know, I think we've
heard this before, somewhere.


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Stu
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2009 12:35 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions


The point here is that if your running the show you can't have a bunch
of TMers running around saying they're enlightened and breaking off and
start their own clubs, temples, boutiques and spas. Once a follower is
certified enlightened, then how can you hold bend them to your whim? 
How can you turn a profit with that sort of competition?

As MMY said to a friend of mine, allegedly with tears in his eyes, before
giving him the boot: You're getting too independent, and I can't stand it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: spirituality spot found in brain

2009-01-03 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jan 3, 2009, at 7:02 PM, mainstream20016 wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5  
dhamiltony...@... wrote:

Relevant thread,
canvassing around as to why folks are not in the dome meditating,
most often say they `like' meditating at home instead of the domes.
That then breaks down, to that there is too much sleeping in the
domes which dulls the experience, or there are too many people bad
from the old TM-movement and therefore the feeling is bad in there
and 3) there is a comunalenment in the group that the administration
by their chs keeping it from happening.

How far is the TMO on the path of tracking who goes to the domes,  
and when ?  The IA
stipend recipients when entering the dome swipe their badge in a  
scanner,  no ?

Oh, no, a scanner??   Just when you thought you'd heard everything!
That's hilarious, main.  You just provided a whole lot of free laughs--

  Does the TSR community swipe their badge, as well ?

Oh, yeah, by all means, we need all the sordid details. :)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Jan 3, 2009, at 8:19 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

Gosh, Rick, these enlightened beings look just like everyone
else--imagine that! I guess they must keep their haloes hidden
so as not to scare off the ignorant masses, and trot them out
only for their friends. How thoughtful of them.

As it turns out, no one is there at your graduation – no witnesses –  
so others, if you want to convince them, can only be convinced  
verbally. Your behavior may, and hopefully does, give them an  
indication, but no proof.

I'm sure my behavior gives lots of indications--

but of what, I'd just as soon not know.


RE: [FairfieldLife] An ecumenical MUM?

2009-01-03 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of I am the eternal
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2009 12:47 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] An ecumenical MUM?


There is a reason, beyond the fact that Maharishi wanted to bring us a Vedic
society, that Maharishi set us up with a simple speaking reclused king and
princes.  I am just starting to cognize the reason.  Part of it I'm sure has
to do with the obvious:  they're not making any Maharishi clones these days.
If we got someone as charismatic as Maharishi we'd get a new cult of
personality and would be a new and different movement.  


Good point. Maharishi appreciated the fact that his more charismatic
teachers brought in a lot of initiations, but they made him a bit nervous,
especially if they displayed much independence in their personalities. The
moment folks like Deepak, Jerry Jarvis, etc., began show signs of thinking
for themselves, they got the boot.

RE: [FairfieldLife] [was Re: Spiritual Distractions] enlightenment is here and now

2009-01-03 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of yifuxero
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2009 6:41 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] [was Re: Spiritual Distractions] enlightenment is
here and now


---.E. has to be accompanied by the criteria set forth by MMY; 
otherwise claimants can easily be duped. For starters, continuous 
Inner Light during the sleep state. Neo-Advaitins have nothing to 
point to except Being. This is a result of the 3-rd eye not being 
open, otherwise, the Inner Light would be present, continually.

I don't recall MMY ever saying inner light during sleep. He said pure
consciousness 24/7, including sleep. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 8:30 PM, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com wrote:

  On Jan 3, 2009, at 8:19 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

 Gosh, Rick, these enlightened beings look just like everyone
 else--imagine that! I guess they must keep their haloes hidden
 so as not to scare off the ignorant masses, and trot them out
 only for their friends. How thoughtful of them.

 As it turns out, no one is there at your graduation – no witnesses – so
 others, if you want to convince them, can only be convinced verbally. Your
 behavior may, and hopefully does, give them an indication, but no proof.

 I'm sure my behavior gives lots of indications--

 but of what, I'd just as soon not know.


To give y'all hope, we have a verified saint in Austin, TX (where else but
where God has Her vacation home?).  I've met the saint on a number of

Here He is on Youtube giving darshan.


[FairfieldLife] Re: spirituality spot found in brain

2009-01-03 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5
dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 Exclude the 'pundit'/pujaris here on visas,  the TM-movement is down 
 to some hundreds of folks.

What, are they all on disability with knee and back injuries or what?
Come on, you can't honestly tell me that after 20, 30 or 40 years of
doing the Siddhis you're not going to develop repetitive motion injuries.

I don't think the human physiology was meant to hop, what goes up,
must come down and it looks like no one in a single lifetime of
practicing the Siddhis is ever going to actually fly, that's a lot of
landing on the rear, I don't see a lot of old Siddhas, at what age are
you told to stop?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions

2009-01-03 Thread Peter
Who would have thunk it? Willie N. Sat guru!!!

--- On Sat, 1/3/09, I am the eternal l.shad...@gmail.com wrote:
From: I am the eternal l.shad...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Distractions
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, January 3, 2009, 9:40 PM

On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 8:30 PM, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com wrote:

On Jan 3, 2009, at 8:19 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

Gosh, Rick, these enlightened beings look just like everyone
else--imagine that! I guess they must keep their haloes hidden

so as not to scare off the ignorant masses, and trot them out
only for their friends. How thoughtful of them.
As it turns out, no one is there at your graduation – no witnesses – so others, 
if you want to convince them, can only be convinced verbally. Your behavior 
may, and hopefully does, give them an indication, but no proof.
I'm sure my behavior gives lots of indications--
but of what, I'd just as soon not know.
To give y'all hope, we have a verified saint in Austin, TX (where else but 
where God has Her vacation home?).  I've met the saint on a number of 

Here He is on Youtube giving darshan.



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