[FairfieldLife] Dennis Kucinich co-sponsors HR 676

2009-09-10 Thread raunchydog
Dennis Kucinich responds to The Greatest Speech On Health Care Reform EVAH!

YouTube Video http://snipurl.com/rqu0h

Re: [FairfieldLife] astonishing skeletons discovered in Georgia

2009-09-10 Thread Ghanesh PV
The prehistoric epic Ramayana preserved in South East Asian Cultural world
as Ramayana in India, Ramakian - Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Viatnam,
Laos, Combodia, Burma etc  This Prehistoric Event of Ramayana happened
atleast 1.8 Milion Year and it was the time when the Human consciousness was
highly evolved in other forms of life like Monkeys, Bears, and other
animals.  It was the time of transformation of massive animal kingdom into
human homo sapien form. Stricking ways how Ancients showed the Modern people
on Forces Of Universe while current day Scientists are wondering about the

Like all epic of ancient India(Bharatha) continent, Srimad Ramayana is a
epic which has to be researched for such universal concepts which unifies
different facts of nature.

Dark Matter/Dark Energy of our universe has been so Mysterious not only for
current day scientists but also for al the ancient seers and sages of
Continent Bharatha(India). Now this Bharatha became a Sub continent merging
with Jumbu(Asia). Leading to Rise of Mighty Himalayaas and this whole
movement of the continent was engineered by the King Baagiratha to bring
down everlasting water sources to Current day India and south east asia.

These are very Pre Historic Events and showcasing the determination of such
people. These Prehistoric events described in Valmiki Ramayana or other
Puranas(Pre Historic History) like moving of Indian(Bharatha Continent) land
mass, Constructing Bridge by Natural forces in human/monkey form go closely
with modern day scientist findings. Like We all know Humans came from
Monkeys and this is exactly reflected in prehistoric Ramayana narrating the
intellectual evolution of Homosapiens from intellectual Monkeys, The
Ramayana intellectual monkeys were nothing but the 33 crores(330 million)
forces of energy form of natures in our universe. From Agni deva or Heat
energy(Lowest form in Thermodynamics energy transformation principles) to
Lord Indra - GeoElectricity(Comparatively higher form) to Highest form of
Dark Energy(which is a Puzzele to many Scientists, which can be felt and
never be explained off :) )
Further The Prehistoric epics like Ramayana describes the ages of Jurassic
Park Dinosaurs and descends as semi evolved after the mighty catastrophe
wiping away the massive Dinosaurs population. Those survived semi
intellectually evolved creatures survived until 1.8 million years and King
of Lanka Vibhishana, Brother of Ravana, had to fight with these less
intellectually evolved Dinosaurs to protect the human civilisation, which is
described in Vamiki Ramayana.

Currently age according to Kali yuga(Span of 432000 yrs) progression is
5108th year. Georgian calendar starts 3000 years later and we count today at
2007 AD, Christians Believe world was created 5000 years ago and it is
partially right, Last Age ended at 5000 years ago and this world recovered
from the deluge of Dwapara yuga and it was altogether creation once again.
However nature choose to protect many people from Dwapara yuga to come into
Kaliyuga, for that the ever lasting cycle of birth/death and in-between
enjoyment should continues as it has been ALWAYS. Kaliyuga was preceded by
Dwapara yuga(Span of 864000 years) which was preceded by Treta Yuga(span of
1296000) during which Advent of Dark Energy / Lord Rama Happened. !!By
simple calculations the construction of Bridge (Rama Sethu) to Sri Lanka was
some time before 1869100 years. At least 1.8 million years its been since
the Bridging of Lanka with India by the natural forces of universe in human
form !!!
Our Prehistoric EPICS are Treasure for the world capturing the advances of
ancient humans and their connected living with Nature's forces. Many such
People living in india has been surviving continuously thought-out there has
been serious catastrophes of ancient times and passed on the
knowledge/Artefacts/ monuments etc. to the modern day human civilisation,
for us to learn, protect and pass it down to the civilisation that is yet to

Wish you wonderful day

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 3:44 AM, yifuxero  wrote:

> Georgia skeletons threaten to overturn theory of evolution?"
> http://tinyurl.com/ko4lrn

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Boat That Rocked

2009-09-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , TurquoiseB 
> In recent days I have railed on the Internet about
> nostalgia on the one hand as sappy and uninteresting
> and recapitulation on the other hand as often very
> interesting indeed. So it is with some ambivalence
> that I find myself reviewing a film set in 1966 and
> 1967. But I do so because this film clearly demon-
> strates the difference between indulging in nostalgia
> for its own sake and recapitulating one's past to
> learn things from it that we missed the first time
> around.
> "The Boat That Rocked" is about one of the most profound
> clashes of culture I have experienced in my lifetime,
> the emergence of Rock 'n Roll as one of the primal
> forces of nature and of change. In the United States,
> by 1966 and 1967 the war was over and Rock 'n Roll
> had won. But in Great Britain the forces of the status
> quo were still holding on tighter than a politician's
> ass stretched over a barn door. They were not *about*
> to let go of the airwaves and let this Rock 'n Roll
> filth take over.>>

You are such an uneducated fuck Turq. YOu are talking about 1966 and 67
!...Lol, what a joke.

The British (on the BBC)  DISCOVERED and promoted Jimi Hendrix
BEFORE he was even known in the USA.

And have you never heard of the Beatles? The first album was all over
the airwaes in Britian in 1963.

In June 1965, Queen Elizabeth II appointed the four Beatles "Members of
the Order of the British Empire", MBE. They were nominated by the Prime
Minister, Harold Wilson.

Here is Top of the Pops from 1964 on...includeing Hedrix in 1967. 

WTF is wrong with Americans?


What a fucking idiot you are.

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 7:11 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Sep 10, 2009, at 6:31 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings
> > > >  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > > >  6569@>
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > When you burn down an empty house, *somebody* pays for the
> > > > damages.>>
> > > > >
> > > > > True, and I always wondered what was meant by that phrase, in
> > that a
> > > > > house is useful. But I'm pretty sure he meant the phrase at
> > > > value.
> > > > > He really didn't care about the house.
> > > > >
> > > > > OffWorld
> > > >
> > > > Maharishi cares about souls, not objects.
> > >
> > > Bullshit. The "Maharishi" was addicted to objects--so much so that
> > he
> > > spent the bulk of his life in touch with relative objects and
> > events:
> >
> > Rubbish, Maharishi cared for neither.
> I was recently talking to someone online about the death of Mahesh and
> the death of Yogananda.
> What is one to make of a diabetic sugar addict who begins to rot as
> soon as he dies and a Yogananda who died at a lecture and remained
> incorruptible for weeks? I mean, WTF?
> Is there a yogi in the room!?

You are such a turd Vaj. No-one hardly bothers to respond to you anymore
because you have nothing interesting to say. Your stench stinks the
place up. Not because you hate Maharishi, nobody cares about that. But
your posts are just exprssions of an unenlightened turd of a man.


[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "authfriend" 
> Nice post, Nabs.
> There may also be karma involved if the proper
> precautions aren't taken to prevent a pregnancy
> when it's not wanted.>>

And how about the horrific karma that will rain down on those who stop
the Chinese, Indians and others, from controlling birth rates, and
thereby in turn causing the total destruction of a whole planet and
murdering most of its people because there are no resources left.

THAT is a MASSIVE karmic responsibility for the anti-abortioninsts.


> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , nablusoss1008 
> > Maharishi cares about souls, not objects.
> >
> > Mike is right when he says that somebody has to pay something, in
this case the soul who did the abortion will have to pay something back
to Nature. But it will be a small thing compared to having a child and
not being able to care for it, feed it properly, or having a child not
growing up in a positive enviorment. In fact, the mother that has an
abortion could, karmic wise, definately be on the positive end of the
> >
> > The house is unimportant when not inhabitated; chandas is always
basically uninteresting. Better for the soul to wait a little for a
better family, better cicumstances. It could take Nature a fracture of a
second to adjust the incoming soul to another family on another
> >
> > There is a great and wonderful flexibility in Nature which is
basically Love.
> >
> > We'll all experience that wonder and Love when we either pop or pop
> >
> > Either way; enjoy !

[FairfieldLife] Bush-enomics - A Decade With No Income Gains

2009-09-10 Thread do.rflex

A Decade With No Income Gains - By David Leonhardt - New York Times

The typical American household made less money last year than the typical 
household made a full decade ago.

To me, that's the big news from the Census Bureau's annual report on income, 
poverty and health insurance, which was released this morning. Median household 
fell to $50,303 last year, from $52,163 in 2007. In 1998, median income was 
$51,295. All these numbers are adjusted for inflation.

In the four decades that the Census Bureau has been tracking household income, 
there has never before been a full decade in which median income failed to 
rise. (The previous record was seven years, ending in 1985.) Other Census data 
suggest that it also never happened between the late 1940s and the late 1960s. 
So it doesn't seem to have happened since at least the 1930s.

And the streak probably won't end in 2009, either. Unemployment has been rising 
all year, which is a strong sign income will fall.

What's going on here? It's a combination of two trends. One, economic growth in 
the current decade has been slower than in any decade since before World War 
II. Two, inequality has risen sharply, so much of the bounty from our growth 
has gone to a relatively small slice of the population.

Catherine Rampell has more details on the Census report, including some good 

Charts here: http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/09/10/poverty-rate-rises/


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-10 Thread Vaj

On Sep 10, 2009, at 8:47 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
Chicken dog; Scofield, best gutarist since Jimi Hendrix;
> > >
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EajcsHXAEfg&feature=related
> >
> > Add Euro-snob to Euro-trash.
> >
> > Thanks Nabby. Sorry for the interruption. I'm just talking
> > out loud while updating my address book's keywords.
> >
> > I always get a get out of people who confuse musical genres.
> > Hope you don't mind if I change yours?

> Uh-oh, Vaj is drunk again.

HaHa, what else is new ?

Other than Judy's editorial lies?

Nothing as exciting as she might assume.

But I should've expected something from tagging MMY-as-bhogi. What can  
I say? The attached always respond...it seems a knee-jerk kinda thang.

Pavlov's bhogi (bhogini?)?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-10 Thread Vaj

On Sep 10, 2009, at 5:54 PM, jpgillam wrote:

I was late in discovering Richard Thompson,
as I've been late in discovering so many
good things. I'm making up for it now.

I love the way he balances lyric, melody
and rhythm when he crafts a song. That
balance has been hard in the rock era (as
opposed to the Songbook era, which I feel
survives because of that balance).

Have you heard "Al Bowly's In Heaven".

Speak on "songbook era", you could've sworn you'd have walked in on a  
great night when Django gig.

Two favorites:



I prefer the studio versions of these songs,
in part because they have Judith Owen's
awesome harmonies, but these ^ are what's
on YouTube.

I really think RT's biggest commercial hit should have been "Valerie"  
or "Wall of Death" (or 1952 Vincent Black Lightning) but I gotta tell  
you, re: "Valerie", the live versions of "V" were much better than the  
waxed ones, but with 'W of D' the studio guitar solo is just such a  
classic, it's hard to surpass, even with a full band, on a hot night.

For a great live, solo version of "Valerie", check out:



[FairfieldLife] Sherry Silverman Herkel...looking for wife of Michael Herkel

2009-09-10 Thread bonniemargolis
If anyone knows where I can find my childhood friend from Philly, Sherry 
Silverman Herkel, I would be so very grateful


Grateful to Be,


[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > Nice post, Nabs.
> > 
> > There may also be karma involved if the proper
> > precautions aren't taken to prevent a pregnancy
> > when it's not wanted.
> Agreed. The laws of karma are unfathomable. 
> Great is the human discrimination and intelligence ! 
> Unfortunately all the bored and lazy people of the world
> do know one thing that gives them instant gratification;
> sex. 
> The ability to evaluate the situation and perhaps say no,
> the ability to transcend the animal inside is grossly
> underrated in sosciety today. We are men, not animals
> after all.

Well, some of us are women, actually.

I don't have much objection to instant gratification
as long as it's not so instant as to omit proper
protection against pregnancy (and STDs).

> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > 
> > > Maharishi cares about souls, not objects.
> > > 
> > > Mike is right when he says that somebody has to pay something, in this 
> > > case the soul who did the abortion will have to pay something back to 
> > > Nature. But it will be a small thing compared to having a child and not 
> > > being able to care for it, feed it properly, or having a child not 
> > > growing up in a positive enviorment. In fact, the mother that has an 
> > > abortion could, karmic wise, definately be on the positive end of the 
> > > track.
> > > 
> > > The house is unimportant when not inhabitated; chandas is always 
> > > basically uninteresting. Better for the soul to wait a little for a 
> > > better family, better cicumstances. It could take Nature a fracture of a 
> > > second to adjust the incoming soul to another family on another Continent.
> > > 
> > > There is a great and wonderful flexibility in Nature which is basically 
> > > Love.
> > > 
> > > We'll all experience that wonder and Love when we either Pop or pop off.
> > > 
> > > Either way; enjoy !
> >

[FairfieldLife] Good news on swine flu vaccine

2009-09-10 Thread authfriend
Only one shot will be required for adults, and it
will take only eight to ten days to provide
protection, rather than two weeks, according to the
latest studies.

This is excellent news, because it means more people
will get the shots--many wouldn't bother if two were
required (on top of the seasonal flu shot), or
wouldn't come back for the second; and the protection
will kick in much more quickly than originally thought.
With two shots, it would have been at least a month
for protection to become effective.

Also, the available vaccine will cover twice as many

Overall, it means fewer people will get the flu
even if they don't get the vaccine, because there
will be more "herd immunity." More people protected
by the vaccine means fewer people to spread the flu
to those who aren't.

IF the virus doesn't mutate and become more virulent--
so far it has not--we may not be in for as bad a time
as we thought.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-10 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
 Chicken dog; Scofield, best gutarist since Jimi Hendrix;
> > >
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EajcsHXAEfg&feature=related
> > 
> > Add Euro-snob to Euro-trash.
> > 
> > Thanks Nabby. Sorry for the interruption. I'm just talking
> > out loud while updating my address book's keywords.
> > 
> > I always get a get out of people who confuse musical genres.
> > Hope you don't mind if I change yours?

> Uh-oh, Vaj is drunk again.

HaHa, what else is new ? 

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> Nice post, Nabs.
> There may also be karma involved if the proper
> precautions aren't taken to prevent a pregnancy
> when it's not wanted.

Agreed. The laws of karma are unfathomable. 
Great is the human discrimination and intelligence ! 
Unfortunately all the bored and lazy people of the world do know one thing that 
gives them instant gratification; sex. 

The ability to evaluate the situation and perhaps say no, the ability to 
transcend the animal inside is grossly underrated in sosciety today. We are 
men, not animals after all.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:

> > Maharishi cares about souls, not objects.
> > 
> > Mike is right when he says that somebody has to pay something, in this case 
> > the soul who did the abortion will have to pay something back to Nature. 
> > But it will be a small thing compared to having a child and not being able 
> > to care for it, feed it properly, or having a child not growing up in a 
> > positive enviorment. In fact, the mother that has an abortion could, karmic 
> > wise, definately be on the positive end of the track.
> > 
> > The house is unimportant when not inhabitated; chandas is always basically 
> > uninteresting. Better for the soul to wait a little for a better family, 
> > better cicumstances. It could take Nature a fracture of a second to adjust 
> > the incoming soul to another family on another Continent.
> > 
> > There is a great and wonderful flexibility in Nature which is basically 
> > Love.
> > 
> > We'll all experience that wonder and Love when we either Pop or pop off.
> > 
> > Either way; enjoy !

[FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 7:03 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> > -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > >
> > > What was missing in this post was the music. Here's
> > > some. Follow the links to other songs to hear more.
> > >
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dk2G0yCvR8
> >
> > What a joke, he's just a redicelous copyist of that poor Dire  
> > Straits guitarist, whatever is his name. A sorry fellow indeed.
> >
> > Better listen to that unique american genious; John Scofield
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1aKGb0mh-0
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EajcsHXAEfg&feature=related
> >
> > Chicken dog; Scofield, best gutarist since Jimi Hendrix;
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EajcsHXAEfg&feature=related
> Add Euro-snob to Euro-trash.
> Thanks Nabby. Sorry for the interruption. I'm just talking
> out loud while updating my address book's keywords.
> I always get a get out of people who confuse musical genres.
> Hope you don't mind if I change yours?

Uh-oh, Vaj is drunk again.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Two american geniuses: Miles Davis and John Scofield

2009-09-10 Thread Vaj

On Sep 10, 2009, at 7:28 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:


In this musical idiom, I feel Pat Metheny is more meditational example  
of jazz perfection for modern America:



[FairfieldLife] Re: Wilson Dem challenger raises $400k off "you lie"

2009-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> John wrote:
> > Wilson Dem challenger raises $400k off "you lie"...
> >
> The "lie" is, in fact, substantially true because 
> Democrats have defeated all efforts to include an 
> enforcement mechanism that would prevent illegal 
> aliens from being covered.

Because the process of requiring proof of citizenship
or legal residency before providing care, in order to
weed out those not entitled to it, would put an
unnecessary burden on those who *are* entitled to it.

> So, the American guest workers would be covered by 
> the Dem health insurance plan.

Illegal aliens can already buy insurance. They'd
certainly benefit from the *reform* measures along
with everybody else, but to say they shouldn't is
like saying they shouldn't benefit from the
improvement in air quality provided by the Clean
Air Act.

And if they aren't allowed to get health insurance,
we'll have to subsidize their care at emergency

 How would you know 
> if anyone was eligible to be on the plan without 
> some enforcement mechanism?

Be on which plan?

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Big Moving Sale

2009-09-10 Thread Dick Mays

Delivered-To: dickm...@lisco.com
Fwd From: "Dana Brekke" 

Huge Inside Moving Sale !  
This Saturday, September 12

8 A.M. to 1 P.M.
703 E. Burlington Avenue   (North Side)

Park on Maple Street

From Maple Street , our house is the second from 
the corner. It is dark green and set way back. 
You can hardly see it from the street. The house 
has two adjoining apartments. Please come to 
front door.

Lauren Wendroff moved to Chicago , and Gloria 
will soon be moving to Argentina . Almost 
everything must go!

Sectional couch $300.

A Power-sized Desk made to Feng Shui 
specifications. Not fancy, but solid. Bound to 
bring success! $75.

A Compact Stainless Steel Franklin Chef 
Refrigerator (bigger than dorm size)  It measures 
45" tall, 17 1Ž2" wide. Has freezer compartment 
and vegetable drawer. Really wonderful. $100.

Danby Chest Freezer $100.

Coffee table, end tables, gorgeous new lamps

Retro floor lamp -- must see

Ethnic rugs

Decorator pillows

Tall desk chair

Small computer stands

Crepe maker, pasta maker, wok, new meat grinder, 
4-slice toaster, new electric fondue set, iced 
tea maker, more!

Dishes, bakeware, pots and pans galore

Books, cook books, non-fiction, fiction, romance, detective



Office Supplies

Gardening Tools

Ironing board, iron


Craft and Jewelry-making supplies - glass and 
gemstone beads, freshwater pearls!

100's of items. I can't type anymore.

Come this Saturday!

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-09-10 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Sep 05 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Sep 12 00:00:00 2009
509 messages as of (UTC) Fri Sep 11 00:01:48 2009

46 authfriend 
45 TurquoiseB 
41 WillyTex 
39 "do.rflex" 
32 babajii_99 
32 Bhairitu 
24 Robert 
22 nablusoss1008 
21 off_world_beings 
21 bob_brigante 
18 raunchydog 
18 Rick Archer 
17 Vaj 
17 It's just a ride 
13 meowthirteen 
12 yifuxero 
12 jr_esq 
11 j_alexander_stanley 
11 Mike Dixon 
10 dhamiltony2k5 
 9 cardemaister 
 8 nelsonriddle2001 
 7 shempmcgurk 
 6 shukra69 
 3 Dick Mays 
 2 wle...@aol.com
 1 sgrayatlarge 
 1 seekliberation 
 1 premanandpaul 
 1 mainstream20016 
 1 jpgillam 
 1 hugheshugo 
 1 gullible fool 
 1 billy jim 
 1 azgrey 
 1 Paul Mason 
 1 Louis McKenzie 
 1 Duveyoung 

Posters: 38
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:

> Is there a yogi in the room!?

They don't enter rooms of fools. Yogis don't care for big hats; so, not in your 

[FairfieldLife] An American genius; John Scofield

2009-09-10 Thread nablusoss1008
"A Go Go" live


[FairfieldLife] John Scofield; an American genius: "Chicken Dog"

2009-09-10 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] An american genius; John Scofield

2009-09-10 Thread nablusoss1008


[FairfieldLife] Two american geniuses: Miles Davis and John Scofield

2009-09-10 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] An american genius, John Scofield; "A Go Go"

2009-09-10 Thread nablusoss1008

Re: [FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread Vaj

On Sep 10, 2009, at 7:11 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 6:31 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > >  , Mike Dixon 6569@>

> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > When you burn down an empty house, *somebody* pays for the
> > damages.>>
> > >
> > > True, and I always wondered what was meant by that phrase, in  
that a

> > > house is useful. But I'm pretty sure he meant the phrase at face
> > value.
> > > He really didn't care about the house.
> > >
> > > OffWorld
> >
> > Maharishi cares about souls, not objects.
> Bullshit. The "Maharishi" was addicted to objects--so much so that  
> spent the bulk of his life in touch with relative objects and  

Rubbish, Maharishi cared for neither.

I was recently talking to someone online about the death of Mahesh and  
the death of Yogananda.

What is one to make of a diabetic sugar addict who begins to rot as  
soon as he dies and a Yogananda who died at a lecture and remained  
incorruptible for weeks? I mean, WTF?

Is there a yogi in the room!?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-10 Thread Vaj

On Sep 10, 2009, at 7:03 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> What was missing in this post was the music. Here's
> some. Follow the links to other songs to hear more.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dk2G0yCvR8

What a joke, he's just a redicelous copyist of that poor Dire  
Straits guitarist, whatever is his name. A sorry fellow indeed.

Better listen to that unique american genious; John Scofield


Chicken dog; Scofield, best gutarist since Jimi Hendrix;


Add Euro-snob to Euro-trash.

Thanks Nabby. Sorry for the interruption. I'm just talking out loud  
while updating my address book's keywords.

I always get a get out of people who confuse musical genres. Hope you  
don't mind if I change yours?

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 6:31 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > >  , Mike Dixon 
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > When you burn down an empty house, *somebody* pays for the  
> > damages.>>
> > >
> > > True, and I always wondered what was meant by that phrase, in that a
> > > house is useful. But I'm pretty sure he meant the phrase at face  
> > value.
> > > He really didn't care about the house.
> > >
> > > OffWorld
> >
> > Maharishi cares about souls, not objects.
> Bullshit. The "Maharishi" was addicted to objects--so much so that he  
> spent the bulk of his life in touch with relative objects and events:  

Rubbish, Maharishi cared for neither.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-10 Thread Vaj

On Sep 10, 2009, at 6:44 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 3:57 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > What was missing in this post was the music. Here's
> > some. Follow the links to other songs to hear more.
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dk2G0yCvR8
> My fav to play for friends and the occasional coffee house:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdrG4tZf4uw

Here's a great cover of one of Richard's songs
by another underappreciated guitarist:


She made this song famous. Her recorded version is probably the most  
widely appreciated RT song ever (sadly).

I remember first seeing her before her "rise to fame" at an "No Nukes"  
concert. But even back then Bonnie was well established and well- 
toured among music fans and songwriters.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-10 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> What was missing in this post was the music. Here's 
> some. Follow the links to other songs to hear more.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dk2G0yCvR8

What a joke, he's just a redicelous copyist of that poor Dire Straits 
guitarist, whatever is his name. A sorry fellow indeed.

Better listen to that unique american genious; John Scofield


Chicken dog; Scofield, best gutarist since Jimi Hendrix;


Re: [FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread Vaj

On Sep 10, 2009, at 6:31 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , Mike Dixon 
> wrote:
> >
> > When you burn down an empty house, *somebody* pays for the  

> True, and I always wondered what was meant by that phrase, in that a
> house is useful. But I'm pretty sure he meant the phrase at face  

> He really didn't care about the house.
> OffWorld

Maharishi cares about souls, not objects.

Bullshit. The "Maharishi" was addicted to objects--so much so that he  
spent the bulk of his life in touch with relative objects and events:  
an object referral life. Thus he clearly was a "bhogi" (a lover of  
object referral--meetings all day long, Hindu extremist executive- 
style, with a cascading line of "people" and "things"), not a  
"yogi" ("consciousness referral", i.e. "pure consciousness" referral,  
introspective a lot of the time, spontaneously or formally). He cared  
little for anyone other than his own narcissistic little self.

IMO, sur bien.

Mike is right when he says that somebody has to pay something, in  
this case the soul who did the abortion will have to pay something  
back to Nature. But it will be a small thing compared to having a  
child and not being able to care for it, feed it properly, or having  
a child not growing up in a positive enviorment. In fact, the mother  
that has an abortion could, karmic wise, definately be on the  
positive end of the track.

The house is unimportant when not inhabitated; chandas is always  
basically uninteresting. Better for the soul to wait a little for a  
better family, better cicumstances. It could take Nature a fracture  
of a second to adjust the incoming soul to another family on another  

There is a great and wonderful flexibility in Nature which is  
basically Love.

We'll all experience that wonder and Love when we either pop or pop  

Either way; enjoy !

[FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 3:57 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > What was missing in this post was the music. Here's
> > some. Follow the links to other songs to hear more.
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dk2G0yCvR8
> My fav to play for friends and the occasional coffee house:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdrG4tZf4uw

Here's a great cover of one of Richard's songs
by another underappreciated guitarist:


[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread authfriend
Nice post, Nabs.

There may also be karma involved if the proper
precautions aren't taken to prevent a pregnancy
when it's not wanted.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:

> Maharishi cares about souls, not objects.
> Mike is right when he says that somebody has to pay something, in this case 
> the soul who did the abortion will have to pay something back to Nature. But 
> it will be a small thing compared to having a child and not being able to 
> care for it, feed it properly, or having a child not growing up in a positive 
> enviorment. In fact, the mother that has an abortion could, karmic wise, 
> definately be on the positive end of the track.
> The house is unimportant when not inhabitated; chandas is always basically 
> uninteresting. Better for the soul to wait a little for a better family, 
> better cicumstances. It could take Nature a fracture of a second to adjust 
> the incoming soul to another family on another Continent.
> There is a great and wonderful flexibility in Nature which is basically Love.
> We'll all experience that wonder and Love when we either pop or pop off.
> Either way; enjoy !

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , Mike Dixon 
> wrote:
> >
> > When you burn down an empty house, *somebody* pays for the damages.>>
> True, and I always wondered what was meant by that phrase, in that a
> house is useful. But I'm pretty sure he meant the phrase at face value.
> He really didn't care about the house.
> OffWorld

Maharishi cares about souls, not objects. 

Mike is right when he says that somebody has to pay something, in this case the 
soul who did the abortion will have to pay something back to Nature. But it 
will be a small thing compared to having a child and not being able to care for 
it, feed it properly, or having a child not growing up in a positive 
enviorment. In fact, the mother that has an abortion could, karmic wise, 
definately be on the positive end of the track.

The house is unimportant when not inhabitated; chandas is always basically 
uninteresting. Better for the soul to wait a little for a better family, better 
cicumstances. It could take Nature a fracture of a second to adjust the 
incoming soul to another family on another Continent.

There is a great and wonderful flexibility in Nature which is basically Love.

We'll all experience that wonder and Love when we either pop or pop off.

Either way; enjoy !

Re: [FairfieldLife] Leaving the body at will

2009-09-10 Thread Vaj

On Sep 10, 2009, at 3:19 PM, yifuxero wrote:

That's one of the goals of Surat Shabda Yoga.
Kirpal Singh says:

Whoever can tell us how to leave the body at will and go into the  
Beyond can give us an experience of how to do it, by demonstration.  
Then, by regular practice, we must learn how to die at will. If we  
once know how to leave the body, then our whole angle of vision will  
be changed. The Master gives us some experience on the first day of  
Initiation of how to rise above the body, of how to open the inner  
eye; He gives us something to start with. Then, by day to day  
regular practice, we learn to die.

It's considered a given that any Tibetan yogi will have perfected the  
phowa (saṃkrānti), the transference of consciousness, early on. It  
can usually be accomplished in a 1-2 week retreat. Then one is no  
longer a slave to a "body".

At the beginning of the retreat, the retreat master will shave a place  
on the head eight finger-widths up from the 'place between the  
eyebrows' and after a couple of days it will be checked for signs of  
physical opening. Usually within a week or so, most will be opened.  
Then a stalk can be planted. Those that don't open can be 'helped  
open' by a group gathering, with the 'stuck' person in the center, and  
those in the circle doing the practice all together.

There was a nice diary of this from a gentleman in Taiwan or China,  
from the early last century, posted previously that detailed his  
experience of the opening. Very beautiful.

The nice thing isn't just the clarity and freedom from the body you  
gain, but the ability also to help others. I've done the phowa for  
people who've just died and I've done it for dogs and cats as well. It  
definitely "works". ;-)

Late in my life, I practised Pho-wa, an esoteric Tibetan technique for  
rebirth in the Pure Land, which had not been introduced in China  
before. The teaching is based on the principle that when someone who  
is due to be reborn in the Western Paradise is dying, his  
consciousness will leave through the Aperture of Brahma (in the top of  
his skull): thus one is taught to repeat mantras to open this aperture  
and to practise regularly so that one can follow a similar path at the  
moment of death. In 1933, when I was sixty-one, I had already received  
this Dharma from the Tibetan guru No Na who had urged me to practise  
it at home (which I did) unsuccessfully. In the spring of 1937, when I  
was sixty-five, I heard that the guru Sheng Lu was teaching this  
Dharma in Nanking and that all those participating in the four  
previous meetings had succeeded in opening the Aperture of Brahma. As  
the fifth and last meeting was soon to take place at the Vairochana  
temple, I went to Nanking and put my name down to attend it.

I arrived on the first of April to receive the initiation, which was  
very much more complicated than the one previously given me by the  
guru No Na. I was taught a vajra mantra as the first step in the  
practice. It was not a long one but the method of visualization was  
very elaborate. It had to be repeated one hundred thousand times, but  
since I had only a few days at my disposal, I did so as many times as  
I could.

After the first day, I stayed in a lodging house and closed the door  
of my room to concentrate on repeating the mantra. Before midday on  
the ninth, I had done so sixty-two thousand times, and in the  
afternoon I returned to the Vairocana temple where thirty-nine of us  
assembled. I was told that this was considerably more than at any  
ofthe other four gatherings. The guru shaved a small hairless circle  
in the centre of my crown so that later he could sec if the Aperture  
of Brahma had opened in order to plant a stalk in it.

On the tenth we began to isolate ourselves for meditation. In the main  
hall an altar was set up with all its majesty, before which the guru  
led us to practise the Dharma. Every day there were four sessions each  
lasting two hours. The practice consisted in visualizing Amitayus  
Buddha sitting on the top of the head and in imagining in the body a  
blue psychic tube which was red inside and stretched from the crown of  
the head to the perineum. Within this tube in the lower belly below  
the navel was a bright pearl which rose (up it) to the heart (centre).  
(When the pearl was visualized in that centre) I shouted the mantric  
syllable HIK, forcing up the pearl which followed the sound and thrust  
through the Aperture of Brahma to reach the heart of Amitayus. Then I  
whispered the syllable GA which caused the pearl to descend from the  
Buddha's heart and return through the opening to my lower belly. At  
each session we shouted with such force that we became hoarse and  
exhausted, and dripped perspiration although it was still very cold.  
Seeing that we were tired, the guru chanted in Sanskrit and exhorted  
us to follow his example and relax. This we did four or five times in  

Re: [FairfieldLife] SCOTUS set to end prohibition on corporate finance in campaigns

2009-09-10 Thread Bhairitu
OTOH, Thom Hartmann played a recording of Sotomayer discussing 
"corporate personhood."  I suspect she will be against ending the 
prohibition.  About time we hear those words "corporate personhood."  It 
is time to end such a concept.

[FairfieldLife] Re: SCOTUS set to end prohibition on corporate finance in campaigns

2009-09-10 Thread WillyTex
John wrote:
> SCOTUS set to end prohibition on corporate 
> finance in campaigns...
But there are many states that do not prohibit
corporations from financing advertisements
and making political donations. And nothing
bad seems to have resulted from this, in 200
years. So, why are you in a panic now? You
don't trust the SCOTUS?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-10 Thread Vaj

On Sep 10, 2009, at 3:57 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

What was missing in this post was the music. Here's
some. Follow the links to other songs to hear more.


My fav to play for friends and the occasional coffee house:


[FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-10 Thread jpgillam
I was late in discovering Richard Thompson, 
as I've been late in discovering so many 
good things. I'm making up for it now.

I love the way he balances lyric, melody 
and rhythm when he crafts a song. That 
balance has been hard in the rock era (as 
opposed to the Songbook era, which I feel 
survives because of that balance).

Two favorites:



I prefer the studio versions of these songs, 
in part because they have Judith Owen's 
awesome harmonies, but these ^ are what's 
on YouTube.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> What was missing in this post was the music. Here's 
> some. Follow the links to other songs to hear more.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dk2G0yCvR8
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/Music/09/07/richard.thompson/index.html
> > 
> > If you ever get a chance to see RT live, 
> > with his band or solo, don't  
> > miss it.
> > 
> > Richard Thompson, the greatest guitarist you've never heard of

[FairfieldLife] Re: When does the soul enter the body? --touching them while inside

2009-09-10 Thread WillyTex
> There is no birth and death...
Nabby wrote:
> ...the Buddhists to write the "Book of the Dead"; 
> nothingness.
According to the Bhagavad Gita, the Soul doesn't
die when the body dies. It goes on to reincarnate
at another time, in another body. The Gita is a 
refutation of Buddhist pacifism. The author wanted
to demonstrate the ideal of militarism. That's why
you see Arjuna in a great battle. But, in order to
justify killing, the author had to make the point
that the 'Soul' isn't really killed, only the 
material body. But the Buddhists said this wasn't 
true, and that further, there was no 'Soul' in the 
first place - there is only causation. And any
action that is taken will result in an equal and
opposite reaction - the law of action and reaction.
So, even if there is a Soul that doesn't die, it's 
still wrong to destroy any life form, because of 
the law of Karma.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wilson Dem challenger raises $400k off "you lie"

2009-09-10 Thread WillyTex
John wrote:
> Wilson Dem challenger raises $400k off "you lie"...
The "lie" is, in fact, substantially true because 
Democrats have defeated all efforts to include an 
enforcement mechanism that would prevent illegal 
aliens from being covered. 

So, the American guest workers would be covered by 
the Dem health insurance plan. How would you know 
if anyone was eligible to be on the plan without 
some enforcement mechanism? 

So, Joe Wilson called the president a liar, which 
he is. What's wrong with telling it like it is, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: When does the soul enter the body? --touching them while inside

2009-09-10 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "meowthirteen" 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- i spoke and held up nursery music to my belly while they were in
> the baby tummy
> >
> > I put the same wind up music in the crib
> > that i had held up to the belly while they were in there to comfort
> them
> > I read books to them while they were in there
> >
> >
> > i asked the skies a long time for them
> >
> > when they finally got there, i was s happy that I acted as
> though they were beings
> >
> > I knew immediately they were there
> > within a week
> >
> > there was no test at that time to detect that early
> >
> > I felt a "butterfly" inside
> >
> > I KNEW
> >
> > I think spirit comes, then body around it
> >
> > Yep
> > that's what i think
> >
> > i think spirt comes, opens the atmosphere around the egg, the sperm is
> let in, and the process is started for the spirits encasing to be made>>
> That makes the most sense of anyone yet. There is no birth and death.
> That is why all over the far east and other cultures they talk of
> 'dropping the body'. So, if that's true the same must be true at birth.
> Consciousness moves and the body is formed for it, but the body does not
> dictate its source, course, or goal.
> OffWorld

The lack of Unity and universal meaningfullness in their religious experiences 
forced the Buddhists to write the "Book of the Dead"; nothingness. Possibly 
being the only thing they know something.

[FairfieldLife] SCOTUS set to end prohibition on corporate finance in campaigns

2009-09-10 Thread do.rflex

Corporate Democracy


SCOTUS set to end prohibition on corporate finance in campaigns

Yesterday, the nation's attention was riveted on the president's
effort to get healthcare reform back on track. Meanwhile, over at the
Supreme Court, an historical hearing was taking place-a hearing that, at
the very least, rivals healthcare in its importance to the nation.

This was a hearing that threatens to remove  a century of limitations
placed on corporations when it comes to pouring money into the coffers
of candidates for public office.

Most Americans believe that corporations already spend zillions of
dollars buying off our politicians- and they do. However, these
companies are not permitted to make "direct" contributions to
candidates for office. Corporate executives and employees can make
contributions up to the legal limit but that doesn't really account
for all that much. What really matters is the money the corporations
contribute to political action committees (PACs), money which can be a
huge help at election time so long as it is not spent directly endorsing
a candidate. Imagine what it would be like if the corporations were to
suddenly be permitted to make direct contributions to political

You may not have to imagine this for very long as it will, in all
likelihood, soon become reality – just in time to create a spending
frenzy during next year's mid-term elections.

Here are the details of the case, Citizens United v. Federal Election

The group, Citizens United, released a 90-minute documentary film
"Hillary: The Movie" in January 2008 when Hillary Clinton, then
a New York senator, was running for president.

Citizens United released the movie to theaters and for store sales on
DVD. The group also wanted to broadcast the movie on cable television
video-on-demand but that was rejected by a federal court.

The court ruled the movie clearly was intended to influence people to
vote against Clinton and thus was covered by the campaign finance
law's ban on the airing of ads or "electioneering
communications" right before an election.

What made this hearing particularly unusual is the fact that the Court
already listened to arguments in this case back in March. In an
extremely rare move, the court asked for the case to be re-argued to
focus on the constitutionality of limiting corporations' independent
spending during campaigns for the presidency and Congress.

That is a very clear signal that the Supremes are getting ready to do
something big. We already know that Justices Scalia, Thomas and Kennedy
have said that they would vote to overrule past decisions that upheld
federal and state restrictions on corporate election spending. It is
certainly not unreasonable to expect that Roberts and Alito might join

The odds suggest that a seismic chance is coming in how we finance
political campaigns. For supporters of McCain-Feingold and other efforts
to get the corporate money out of politics, we are about to take a
giant,  game-changing step backwards.

http://snipurl.com/rqmio   [trueslant_com]

Re: [FairfieldLife] Wilson Dem challenger raises $400k off "you lie"

2009-09-10 Thread It's just a ride
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 4:17 PM, do.rflex  wrote:
> Wingnut Rep. Joe Wilson's 2010 opponent has received more than $400,000 in 
> contributions:

And his website and PBX have been pretty much destroyed by a DDOSA.
No estimate when they'll be able to bring his website(s) back up.

RE: [FairfieldLife] The Boat That Rocked

2009-09-10 Thread Rick Archer
Thanks. When you write a movie review, please put "Movie Review" at the
beginning of the title, so I don't miss it.
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 12:57 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Boat That Rocked
In recent days I have railed on the Internet about 
nostalgia on the one hand as sappy and uninteresting
and recapitulation on the other hand as often very 
interesting indeed. So it is with some ambivalence 
that I find myself reviewing a film set in 1966 and 
1967. But I do so because this film clearly demon-
strates the difference between indulging in nostalgia 
for its own sake and recapitulating one's past to 
learn things from it that we missed the first time 

"The Boat That Rocked" is about one of the most profound
clashes of culture I have experienced in my lifetime,
the emergence of Rock 'n Roll as one of the primal
forces of nature and of change. In the United States,
by 1966 and 1967 the war was over and Rock 'n Roll 
had won. But in Great Britain the forces of the status
quo were still holding on tighter than a politician's
ass stretched over a barn door. They were not *about*
to let go of the airwaves and let this Rock 'n Roll
filth take over. 

The result was that while America's airwaves were quickly
becoming "all rock, all the time," the government-owned
radio stations of England played only 45 minutes of pop
music a day. In 1966 and 1967. Those of you who are old
enough, think of the music that was coming out then. 
Music that was *not* being heard on British airwaves.

Nature abhors a vacuum. Into this one stepped pirates.
They set up shop in boats offshore and broadcast the
dreaded Rock 'n Roll towards Britain and other backwards
countries in Europe 24/7. And they did it from outside
any country's territorial waters. 

The British status quo-ians considered this a declaration
of war, and did everything short of sinking these pirate 
vessels to get rid of them. "The Boat That Rocked" is a 
story set on one of those boats. What makes it a true 
recapitulation and not just nostalgia is that it's really 
a neat story. Carlos Castaneda once said that the most 
important choice a seeker could make was deciding which
path to take in life. He recommended "a path with heart." 
This is a film made by folks who walk the path of heart.

Dream cast. Bill Nighy, Kenneth Branagh, Philip Seymour 
Hoffman, Rhys Ifans, Gemma Arterton, January Jones, and 
a host of actors I didn't know but hopefully will in the
future. Tremendous script by writer-director Richard 
Curtis (directed "Love Actually," wrote "Blackadder," 
"Mr. Bean," "Notting Hill," and "Bridget Jones' Diary").

And that's not to mention the music. One of the things
I liked best about this film is that the music not only
took me back to that era, it reminded me how that music
was the soundtrack to *my* movie back *in* that era. I'd
be pinin' away for some girl named Marianne who'd broken
my heart, and Leonard Cohen's "So Long, Marianne" would
come on, and his words would become the words of my own
movie, saying what I was too brokenhearted to say myself. 
That's what Curtis does in this movie. The words of the 
songs provide as much of the dialogue as the actors do. 

It's really a wonderful movie if you lived through that
era. It might even be a wonderful movie for you if you
didn't. That too may define the difference between 
nostalgia and recapitulation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wingnut Joe Wilson (R-SC) Yells Out "You Lie!" to Obama in speech

2009-09-10 Thread WillyTex
> > Who wants to pay any insurance? Shouldn't 
> > free health care be a citizen's right? Why 
> > should you have to pay an insurance company 
> > just so you can see a doctor? 
> >
Bhairitu wrote:
> Yes, we should have health care programs like 
> much of the rest of the world has. That's what 
> your taxes should be going for rather than welfare 
> payments to the Military Industrial Complex.
But the President didn't say anything like that, did 
he? So I guess he was lying all over the place. Why 
can't he just tell the truth?

In his Portmouth, New Hampshire speech, Obama said 
that '46 million Americans' didn't have any medical 
insurance. In his speech last night, Obama said '30 
million Americans' didn't have any health insurance.

So, it seems that these missing 9.6 milllion Americans  
are the guest workers, the non-citizens, and, in most 
of cases, are the illegal immigrants. 

Apparently the Democrats have defeated all efforts 
to include an enforcement mechanism that would 
prevent illegal aliens from being covered by the
Dem health care insurance plan.

Maybe you should have recorded the speech, because
it looks like you missed out on the whole Joe
Wilson episode, calling the president out on his 
lie. You and John got all mixed up again thinking
that Joe Wilson didn't have a point to make.

[FairfieldLife] Wilson Dem challenger raises $400k off "you lie"

2009-09-10 Thread do.rflex

Wingnut Rep. Joe Wilson's 2010 opponent has received more than $400,000 in 

2:57 P.M. The DCCC now puts the figure at $400,000. This could be heading 
toward a million, and the pace is quickening.

1:59 p.m. Wow. Over $350,000 in about 18 hours from 10,000 donors. This is 
definitely in Tinklenberg territory. Miller has raised nearly as much in less 
than 24 hours as he did in all of 2008.

11:20 a.m.: The number is now up to $200,000 from 5,000 contributors. Miller 
raised just $390,000 for his whole 2008 campaign, self-funding another $235,000.

--Rob Miller, Rep. Joe Wilson's (R-S.C.) Democratic opponent in 2010, raised 
$100,000 in the eight hours after Wilson's outburst during President Obama's 
health care speech last night, according to an informed source. That figure 
comes from 3,000 individual contrbutions...

Wilson defeated Miller 54-46 in 2008, so the money could go to something 
worthwhile. We'll keep an eye on whether the funds keeps rolling in.

http://snipurl.com/rqmei   [www_thehill_com] 

[FairfieldLife] Fairfield dairyman runs for Iowa ag secretary

2009-09-10 Thread bob_brigante

[FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-10 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/Music/09/07/richard.thompson/index.html


[FairfieldLife] Re: Solar Healing

2009-09-10 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > >
> > > http://solarhealing.com/
> > >
> > 
> > *
> > 
> > This sungazing is really exceptionally foolish, and will damage your eyes:
> > 
> > "The practice of sungazing is highly controversial, as there is 
> > considerable evidence that looking directly at the sun for even brief 
> > periods of time may cause blindness or severe damage to the eye.[2] Solar 
> > retinopathy is a form of damage to the eye's retina due to solar 
> > radiation[3] that frequently results from sungazing during a solar 
> > eclipse.[4] Although vision loss due to this damage is generally 
> > reversible,[3] permanent damage and loss of vision have been reported[5]. 
> > Most eye care professionals advise patients to avoid looking directly at 
> > the sun,[6] during solar eclipses and otherwise, indicating that they are 
> > taking their vision into their own hands by doing so.  
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sungazing

> Sungazing is to be practised within 1 hour after sunrise and 1 hour before 
> sunset only. Totally harmless and very, very healthy.


You embrace a lot of silly stuff that I have never criticized because it's 
harmless, like that stuff about crop circles, which is pulled off exclusively 
by drunken hillbilly pranksters. But sungazing is a real threat, perpetrated by 
a truly evil and cynical individual who, incredibly, claims not to eaten 
anything but sunlight (and the odd cup of tea) since 1995. If you want to put 
your eyes in the hands of a monster, that's your problem, but I felt that it 
would be right to point out how brainless that choice is.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Switchboard and Email service returning to US Congress

2009-09-10 Thread WillyTex
Bill Hicks wrote:

> Score one for President Obama...
"I will not stand by while the special interests 
use the same old tactics to keep things exactly 
the way they are. If you misrepresent what's in 
the plan, we will call you out." - Barack Obama

"If calling out lies and misrepresentations about 
a significant policy proposal is such pressing 
journalistic business—and it should be!—you'd think 
the watchdogs might start with the guy doing the 

Read more:

'Obama's Lies Matter, Too'
Reason Online, September 10, 2009

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Wingnut Joe Wilson (R-SC) Yells Out "You Lie!" to Obama in speech

2009-09-10 Thread Bhairitu
WillyTex wrote:
> Who wants to pay any insurance? Shouldn't 
> free health care be a citizen's right? Why 
> should you have to pay an insurance company 
> just so you can see a doctor? 

Yes, we should have health care programs like much of the rest of the 
world has.  That's what your taxes should be going for rather than 
welfare payments to the Military Industrial Complex.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wingnut Joe Wilson (R-SC) Yells Out "You Lie!" to Obama in speech

2009-09-10 Thread WillyTex
Bhairitu wrote:
> I really wish that I recorded the speech...
So, you thought the speech was about health 
care? If so, then Obama would have fully 
endorsed the single-payer plan, don't you 
think? So, why didn't the President endorse
universal health care? 

Who wants to pay any insurance? Shouldn't 
free health care be a citizen's right? Why 
should you have to pay an insurance company 
just so you can see a doctor? 

Do you honestly think that any lawyer or 
politician in Washington wants to help you
get any free health care?

"The simple truth is that for the single 
biggest advocacy bloc pushing the health 
care bill, your health is the furthest thing 
from their mind. 

Their objective is to use the bill to make 
it easier to unionize health care workers, 
which certainly won't enhance patient care, 
and to advance the larger goals of organized 
labor as a whole, and use the resulting debt 
from the administration to push through the 
noxious 'card check' bill through despite 
public opposition..."

Read more:

'And You Thought This Was All About Health Care…'
Posted by Doug O'Brien  

[FairfieldLife] Re: The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-10 Thread TurquoiseB
What was missing in this post was the music. Here's 
some. Follow the links to other songs to hear more.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/Music/09/07/richard.thompson/index.html
> If you ever get a chance to see RT live, with his band or solo, don't  
> miss it.
> Richard Thompson, the greatest guitarist you've never heard of
> Richard Thompson hailed by press, musicians as leading guitarist,  
> songwriter
> Thompson has had little chart success, prefers live performance anyway
> Thompson: As artist, it's "when you're out on the rim that you have  
> the best view"
> updated 8:12 a.m. EDT, Mon September 7, 2009
> By Todd Leopold
> (CNN) -- Richard Thompson has had three boxed sets devoted to his  
> music. He's been the subject of a tribute album. He's constantly  
> ranked among rock 'n' roll's greatest guitarists and finest  
> songwriters by both the music press and fellow musicians.
> Richard Thompson says the focus of his career is his live work. Top  
> 40 hits are "kind of meaningless," he said.
> For all that, the man's highest-charting U.S. album (1996's "You? Me?  
> Us?") peaked at No. 97 on Billboard's Top 200 chart, and the number  
> of Top 40 singles he's had stands at exactly zero.
> What does a legend have to do to get noticed by the mainstream?
> Thompson, 60, brushes aside such hopes of breakout success. His focus  
> is on live performance, he says in a phone interview.
> "I think the focus of what I do is really live work," he said. "And I  
> think if you persist in that, then slowly but surely, through word of  
> mouth, the word gets out. And I continue to grow as a live performer."
> Still, for those who want a Thompson primer before seeing him live --  
> he'll be touring with Loudon Wainwright in the fall -- there's that  
> third boxed set, "Walking on a Wire: 1968-2009" (Shout! Factory),  
> which came out recently. The four-disc set compiles some of his best  
> work with his old band Fairport Convention, his ex-wife Linda, and as  
> a solo artist.
> The amiable Thompson took some time to talk about putting together  
> the new box, remaining outside the fray and what he thinks of "Rock  
> Band." The following is an edited version of the interview.
> CNN: Were you surprised another boxed set was in the offing?
> Richard Thompson: This is more of an overview and perhaps a first- 
> time buyers' introduction kind of thing. It's a greatest hits. If  
> there were any hits. (chuckles)
> CNN: Does that bother you? You've never had, especially in the  
> States, that kind of mainstream, Top 40 success.
> Thompson: You know, I think that's kind of meaningless. Certainly in  
> the area in which I exist, I don't think you need hits, necessarily  
> -- though having said that, it would have been useful.
> Don't Miss
> Official site:  Richard Thompson
> I think the focus of what I do is really live work. And I think if  
> you persist in that, then slowly but surely, through word of mouth,  
> the word gets out. And I continue to grow as a live performer. More  
> and more people come to shows, which is gratifying.
> I think the albums serve as a signpost, a reference point, but it's  
> not really the focus.
> CNN: You've played professionally for more than 40 years. What were  
> your goals when you started with Fairport?
> Thompson: Probably to survive. ... We turned pro when I was 18. At  
> that age, you don't really think beyond about three months. So we  
> were delighted and thrilled to be kind of earning a living from what  
> we were doing. I think in the back of our minds, we thought, we'll do  
> this for a year or two years, and then it's back to school, back to  
> college and get a real job.
> And then it lasted for five years, [though] I still thought I'd be  
> going back to school at some point. And then 10 years, 15 -- I'm  
> still looking over my shoulder occasionally in disbelief that I  
> managed to get away with it this long. It actually turned into a career.
> CNN: There are these themes -- tightropes, carnivals, the "Wall of  
> Death" -- that run through your songs. Do you feel like you're on a  
> tightrope?
> Thompson: I think if you're going to be an artist, you're really  
> supposed to be on the edge of society. Your positions should, by  
> definition, be precarious. It's only when you're out on the rim that  
> you have the best view, that you have the perspective to see what  
> society is. So I suppose I'm kind of referring to that sort of thing.
> CNN: It's a cliched question, but who or what influenced your music?
> Thompson: I grew up listening to Scottish music, traditional music,  
> my father's jazz records and my sister's rock 'n' roll records. And  
> in my father's record collection, there were things like French  
> recor

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wingnut Joe Wilson (R-SC) Yells Out "You Lie!" to Obama in speech

2009-09-10 Thread WillyTex
John wrote: 
> Another Southern redneck...
Sounds like John is really scared of the 
'boogeyman'. From what I've read, the GOP 
may gain as many as 10-20 seats in the 
mid-term elections. If they do, you can 
blame it on people like John Manning and
their radical extremism. 

But, lying about the numbers isn't going 
to get my vote. And making fun of and posting
jokes and attacking the veracity, motivation, 
and political views of his critics is not 
going to get health care reform written into 

[FairfieldLife] astonishing skeletons discovered in Georgia

2009-09-10 Thread yifuxero
Georgia skeletons threaten to overturn theory of evolution?" 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spot on Rep Wilson where was the mace?

2009-09-10 Thread WillyTex
WLeed wrote:
> I tried for his number to say spot on... 
Well, Joe Wilson should have shouted
out: 'Fuckin' liar!" and threw a shoe
at the POTUS, in my opinion. Imagine
the President of the U.S.A. standing up
there and lying to Congress and the 
American people. It's just outrageous!

So, I guess nobody wants to talk about
the guest workers getting health care
in the U.S.A. Obama says they won't get
any, so they are what, going to go to the
emergency room when something happens to
them? And who is going to pay for that?

But this Joe Wilson isn't the only jerk
to call the U.S. president a 'liar'. Who
can forget the other Joe Wilson writing in
the New York Times?

"The Democrats' bill in the House, H.R. 
3200, contains gaping loopholes that will 
allow illegal immigrants to receive 
taxpayer-funded benefits. And these 
loopholes are no accident..." - Lamar Smith

Read more:

'Sure, he was a rude jerk.' 
Union Tribune, September 10, 2009

[FairfieldLife] The greatest guitarist you've never heard of.

2009-09-10 Thread Vaj
If you ever get a chance to see RT live, with his band or solo, don't miss it.Richard Thompson, the greatest guitarist you've never heard of  STORY HIGHLIGHTS Richard Thompson hailed by press, musicians as leading guitarist, songwriter Thompson has had little chart success, prefers live performance anyway Thompson: As artist, it's "when you're out on the rim that you have the best view" updated 8:12 a.m. EDT, Mon September 7, 2009By Todd LeopoldCNN(CNN) -- Richard Thompson has had three boxed sets devoted to his music. He's been the subject of a tribute album. He's constantly ranked among rock 'n' roll's greatest guitarists and finest songwriters by both the music press and fellow musicians.Richard Thompson says the focus of his career is his live work. Top 40 hits are "kind of meaningless," he said. For all that, the man's highest-charting U.S. album (1996's "You? Me? Us?") peaked at No. 97 on Billboard's Top 200 chart, and the number of Top 40 singles he's had stands at exactly zero.What does a legend have to do to get noticed by the mainstream?Thompson, 60, brushes aside such hopes of breakout success. His focus is on live performance, he says in a phone interview."I think the focus of what I do is really live work," he said. "And I think if you persist in that, then slowly but surely, through word of mouth, the word gets out. And I continue to grow as a live performer."Still, for those who want a Thompson primer before seeing him live -- he'll be touring with Loudon Wainwright in the fall -- there's that third boxed set, "Walking on a Wire: 1968-2009" (Shout! Factory), which came out recently. The four-disc set compiles some of his best work with his old band Fairport Convention, his ex-wife Linda, and as a solo artist.The amiable Thompson took some time to talk about putting together the new box, remaining outside the fray and what he thinks of "Rock Band." The following is an edited version of the interview.CNN: Were you surprised another boxed set was in the offing?Richard Thompson: This is more of an overview and perhaps a first-time buyers' introduction kind of thing. It's a greatest hits. If there were any hits. (chuckles)CNN: Does that bother you? You've never had, especially in the States, that kind of mainstream, Top 40 success.Thompson: You know, I think that's kind of meaningless. Certainly in the area in which I exist, I don't think you need hits, necessarily -- though having said that, it would have been useful.Don't Miss  Official site:  Richard Thompson I think the focus of what I do is really live work. And I think if you persist in that, then slowly but surely, through word of mouth, the word gets out. And I continue to grow as a live performer. More and more people come to shows, which is gratifying.I think the albums serve as a signpost, a reference point, but it's not really the focus.CNN: You've played professionally for more than 40 years. What were your goals when you started with Fairport?Thompson: Probably to survive. ... We turned pro when I was 18. At that age, you don't really think beyond about three months. So we were delighted and thrilled to be kind of earning a living from what we were doing. I think in the back of our minds, we thought, we'll do this for a year or two years, and then it's back to school, back to college and get a real job.And then it lasted for five years, [though] I still thought I'd be going back to school at some point. And then 10 years, 15 -- I'm still looking over my shoulder occasionally in disbelief that I managed to get away with it this long. It actually turned into a career.CNN: There are these themes -- tightropes, carnivals, the "Wall of Death" -- that run through your songs. Do you feel like you're on a tightrope?Thompson: I think if you're going to be an artist, you're really supposed to be on the edge of society. Your positions should, by definition, be precarious. It's only when you're out on the rim that you have the best view, that you have the perspective to see what society is. So I suppose I'm kind of referring to that sort of thing.CNN: It's a cliched question, but who or what influenced your music?Thompson: I grew up listening to Scottish music, traditional music, my father's jazz records and my sister's rock 'n' roll records. And in my father's record collection, there were things like French records he brought back from World War II. ...And I listened to other instruments, to do things that people like piano players could do very easily that are quite hard to do on the guitar. So I've always tried to do some of those syncopated things that pianists do on the guitar. Sometimes you need to take things outside of your field, to push the vocabulary of your instrument. ...The more you know about musical history, the richer your possibilities are. And I think the more you look outside your own field of music, the more you're going to discover.CNN: A few years ag

[FairfieldLife] Leaving the body at will

2009-09-10 Thread yifuxero
That's one of the goals of Surat Shabda Yoga.
Kirpal Singh says:

Whoever can tell us how to leave the body at will and go into the Beyond can 
give us an experience of how to do it, by demonstration. Then, by regular 
practice, we must learn how to die at will. If we once know how to leave the 
body, then our whole angle of vision will be changed. The Master gives us some 
experience on the first day of Initiation of how to rise above the body, of how 
to open the inner eye; He gives us something to start with. Then, by day to day 
regular practice, we learn to die. 

Regular practice makes us regular. If you know I leave the body daily, when the 
time of death comes, you will go willingly. So I have now, for instance; I am 
going back; I have no fear of going back. 

Unless a man learns how to leave the body at will, how can he enter the Kingdom 
of God? It is within you. "The Kingdom of God cannot be had by observation; It 
is within you." 

This is the first step; it begins, you might say where the ABC of Para vidya, 
the knowledge of the Beyond, starts. This is a religion above all religions of 
rites, rituals, and dogmas. It is one for all. Plutarch tells us, "The soul 
that is initiated into the mysteries of the Beyond has the same experience that 
it has at the time of leaving the body at death." So, this is perhaps a very 
wonderful thing: people are afraid of dying, and they are willingly coming and 
asking, "Master, tell us how to die!" There is no question of being a Hindu or 
a Mohammedan or of belonging to any other religion. Those are outward 
forms—badges we are carrying. But this fate awaits us all, without exception. 
This is what the Masters teach. This is one thing that awaits everyone; and if 
you do not learn how to leave the body, you must be in the agony.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ayurveda Lecture

2009-09-10 Thread jr_esq
Here's the link:


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jr_esq"  wrote:
> To All:
> This is a review of some ayurvedic principles for those who are familiar with 
> the subject already.  Note that the lecturer has also started a new 
> meditation technique called jivananda meditation.  For most people here, this 
> is perhaps similar to some other techniques, including the Advanced TM 
> techniques.
> Regards,
> JR

[FairfieldLife] The Boat That Rocked

2009-09-10 Thread TurquoiseB
In recent days I have railed on the Internet about 
nostalgia on the one hand as sappy and uninteresting
and recapitulation on the other hand as often very 
interesting indeed. So it is with some ambivalence 
that I find myself reviewing a film set in 1966 and 
1967. But I do so because this film clearly demon-
strates the difference between indulging in nostalgia 
for its own sake and recapitulating one's past to 
learn things from it that we missed the first time 

"The Boat That Rocked" is about one of the most profound
clashes of culture I have experienced in my lifetime,
the emergence of Rock 'n Roll as one of the primal
forces of nature and of change. In the United States,
by 1966 and 1967 the war was over and Rock 'n Roll 
had won. But in Great Britain the forces of the status
quo were still holding on tighter than a politician's
ass stretched over a barn door. They were not *about*
to let go of the airwaves and let this Rock 'n Roll
filth take over. 

The result was that while America's airwaves were quickly
becoming "all rock, all the time," the government-owned
radio stations of England played only 45 minutes of pop
music a day. In 1966 and 1967. Those of you who are old
enough, think of the music that was coming out then. 
Music that was *not* being heard on British airwaves.

Nature abhors a vacuum. Into this one stepped pirates.
They set up shop in boats offshore and broadcast the
dreaded Rock 'n Roll towards Britain and other backwards
countries in Europe 24/7. And they did it from outside
any country's territorial waters. 

The British status quo-ians considered this a declaration
of war, and did everything short of sinking these pirate 
vessels to get rid of them. "The Boat That Rocked" is a 
story set on one of those boats. What makes it a true 
recapitulation and not just nostalgia is that it's really 
a neat story. Carlos Castaneda once said that the most 
important choice a seeker could make was deciding which
path to take in life. He recommended "a path with heart." 
This is a film made by folks who walk the path of heart.

Dream cast. Bill Nighy, Kenneth Branagh, Philip Seymour 
Hoffman, Rhys Ifans, Gemma Arterton, January Jones, and 
a host of actors I didn't know but hopefully will in the
future. Tremendous script by writer-director Richard 
Curtis (directed "Love Actually," wrote "Blackadder," 
"Mr. Bean," "Notting Hill," and "Bridget Jones' Diary").

And that's not to mention the music. One of the things
I liked best about this film is that the music not only
took me back to that era, it reminded me how that music
was the soundtrack to *my* movie back *in* that era. I'd
be pinin' away for some girl named Marianne who'd broken
my heart, and Leonard Cohen's "So Long, Marianne" would
come on, and his words would become the words of my own
movie, saying what I was too brokenhearted to say myself. 
That's what Curtis does in this movie. The words of the 
songs provide as much of the dialogue as the actors do. 

It's really a wonderful movie if you lived through that
era. It might even be a wonderful movie for you if you
didn't. That too may define the difference between 
nostalgia and recapitulation.

[FairfieldLife] Switchboard and Email service returning to US Congress

2009-09-10 Thread It's just a ride
I was able to speak to the office of my Member of the House, who was
out somewhere teabagging.  I was not able to even leave a message for
my senators because their lines are jammed.  I'm told that there have
been millions of calls logged to Congress this morning, apparantly as
a result of the President's speech yesterday.  Joe Wilson did the best
possible thing he could have done for the cause.  He blew away his
career and helped polarize the nation in the opposite direction he was

Score one for President Obama.

[FairfieldLife] Spot on Rep Wilson where was the mace?

2009-09-10 Thread WLeed3
I tried for his number to say spot on. & not free speech on the floor  of 
the HOUSE & Senate for any person speaking or shouting there, even  fighting 
there now as in its storied past. Correct or incorrect he may  speak or 
shout till the mace in brought before him or her. He is the subjected  to its 
storied powers etc.
In a message dated 9/10/2009 12:17:02 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@gmail.com writes:

Joe  Wilson's website has received so many hits (I wanted his number to
urge him  to resign in disgrace) that there's boilerplate up on his
site saying it's  temporarily too  busy.

To subscribe,  send a message to:

Or go to:  
and click 'Join This  Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Email Joe Wilson

2009-09-10 Thread It's just a ride
I've verified from friends who maintain the Congressional Outlook
Exchange and phone switching system that they are completely down.
The only way to get to Joe Wilson, (R SC) right now is via web based
email at.



[FairfieldLife] Re: When does the soul enter the body? --may i ask a question?sez Meow

2009-09-10 Thread meowthirteen
-  I love your posts
so full of fun and smiles  

   -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , "meowthirteen"
>  wrote:
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> > I was in pain
> > I was having dificulties ,chronic
> >
> > eventually came to a better understanding of these
> > and am more well
> >
> > But during-
> >
> > there was one time in particular;
> > in alot of pain
> > I would pass out on occasion
> > cold face
> > sweats
> >
> > I was trying to get through this pain and I went out from the Back Of
> My Head
> > I was above my body
> > Looking down on my slumped body
> > objectively
> > feeling nothing
> >
> > I was thinking assessing the situation in the air above
> > and then very quickly
> > I was sucked back in the back of my head INTO my face
> > as a Mask
> >
> > i remember the feeling of slipping back into from the back into my
> face as a mask, false feeling, then it felt melded together, like
> nothing happened
> >
> > I always thought after that, that i must come out at death out the
> back of my head
> > and even told my children about this
> > that i thought the soul went in the back of the head
> >
> > and why in Ayurveda the recommendation to put oil on the top of the
> head at night?So the soul can slip out to rest or seek companionship
> with other souls at night like in Peter Pan? Is that how it rests?Does
> the soul that cannot slip out easily not get a 'holiday'
> > and so does not function/love see corectly, "well"
> >
> >
> > I really wonder and if any of you have run across the knowledge, will
> you share?
> > i would not blame the soul any for escaping of the "chain"and running
> off to the neighborhood to roam around
> I prefer it when a beautiful nymph comes down to me from heaven and
> makes love to me in my sleep. Those are the best. I don't have to go
> anywhere :-)
> OffWorld

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wingnut Joe Wilson (R-SC) Yells Out "You Lie!" to Obama in speech

2009-09-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "It's just a ride"
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 9:55 AM, do.rflex  wrote:
> >
> >
> > Another Southern redneck...
> >
> > Staying Classy:  Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina yelled out "You
lie!" when President Obama reassured Americans that his health care
reform plan did not include illegal aliens.
> >
> So therefore the House of Commons of England are Southern rednecks.>>

This was a speech, not a debate session. Only loosers shout out in a
National speech. They are complete idiots in Parliament shouting at each
other, but I have never heard them shout 'liar' at another member in a


> One of the greatest shows in the world is to watch the PM come to
> visit the House of Commons.  My favorite was the interaction between
> the Iron Lady and Commons.
> So we are returning to our British roots, then?

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , Mike Dixon 
> When you burn down an empty house, *somebody* pays for the damages.>>

True, and I always wondered what was meant by that phrase, in that a
house is useful. But I'm pretty sure he meant the phrase at face value.
He really didn't care about the house.


> --- On Thu, 9/10/09, nablusoss1008 mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com> > wrote:
> From: nablusoss1008 mailto:no_re...@yahoogroups.com> >
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? - Re:
Someone recommended this
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com

> Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 9:31 AM
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, off_world_beings 
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, nablusoss1008 
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, off_world_beings
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
> > > >  @ yahoogroups. com>
, nablusoss1008 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > http://www.youtube  . com/watch?
> > > >  . com/watch?
> > > > >
> > > > > I want to thank that fellow, this a wonderful thing I've been
> > > > for a few days. Thanks !
> > > >
> > > > He says that the soul enters through the eyes at the time of
> > > > Is this a Vedic concept or just something he made up?
> > > >
> > > > OffWorld
> > >
> > > It's something he has cognized. And he is right, though some souls
might enter through other openings of the body.
> > >
> >
> > If that's the case them abortion is not much of an issue in this
view, since the soul has not enetered the body until birth (instead of
at conception as the fundamentalist christians believe.)
> >
> > OffWorld
> "Abortion is like burning down an empty house"
> - Maharishi

[FairfieldLife] Re: When does the soul enter the body? --may i ask a question?sez Meow

2009-09-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "meowthirteen"
> --
> I was in pain
> I was having dificulties ,chronic
> eventually came to a better understanding of these
> and am more well
> But during-
> there was one time in particular;
> in alot of pain
> I would pass out on occasion
> cold face
> sweats
> I was trying to get through this pain and I went out from the Back Of
My Head
> I was above my body
> Looking down on my slumped body
> objectively
> feeling nothing
> I was thinking assessing the situation in the air above
> and then very quickly
> I was sucked back in the back of my head INTO my face
> as a Mask
> i remember the feeling of slipping back into from the back into my
face as a mask, false feeling, then it felt melded together, like
nothing happened
> I always thought after that, that i must come out at death out the
back of my head
> and even told my children about this
> that i thought the soul went in the back of the head
> and why in Ayurveda the recommendation to put oil on the top of the
head at night?So the soul can slip out to rest or seek companionship
with other souls at night like in Peter Pan? Is that how it rests?Does
the soul that cannot slip out easily not get a 'holiday'
> and so does not function/love see corectly, "well"
> I really wonder and if any of you have run across the knowledge, will
you share?

> i would not blame the soul any for escaping of the "chain"and running
off to the neighborhood to roam around

I prefer it when a beautiful nymph comes down to me from heaven and
makes love to me in my sleep. Those are the best. I don't have to go
anywhere :-)


[FairfieldLife] US House of Representatives switchboard brought down

2009-09-10 Thread It's just a ride
I've just verified that the US House of Representatives telephone
switchboard has crashed.  It appears Congress can't handle the calls
after the President's speech and Joe Wilson's disgrace.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Directory of Active FF Spiritual Practice Groups

2009-09-10 Thread j_alexander_stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "It's just a ride" 
> On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 11:46 PM, Rick Archer  wrote:
> >
> >
> > Coincidentally, there was a guy at our Wednesday Night Satsang
> > tonight who identified himself as a Buddhist, and seemed to be
> > really into it.
> >
> How did the Buddhist react to the pontifications of HH TT?

An email I just received from HH TT:

"You might want to post to fflife that most of my devotees call me his
assholyness. I prefer that title since it seems to fit the best. Tom"

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "WillyTex" 
> Judy wrote:
> > How can you "kill" a soul? If the soul can be
> > said to enter the body at any point, even at
> > conception, it must exist independently of the
> > body.
> >
> Maybe you should re-read my post again.
> Who said the soul-monad could enter the body at
> any point? Who said that there was a soul-monad?
> If there was a soul-monad, there must be many of
> them. But what if there was only one soul-monad?
> If there are many soul-monads, one for each body,
> then you would have a plurality of soul-monads.
> If there was but one single soul-monad, there
> would be only the one Soul.
> So, if there is only one single Soul then if you
> kill it, then you've killed your own Soul. >>

Ouch !  That hurts when you do that ! But you get over it, and so does
your imaginary friend, and its all good.


[FairfieldLife] Joe Wilson (R, SC)'s website has been Slashdotted

2009-09-10 Thread It's just a ride
Joe Wilson's website has received so many hits (I wanted his number to
urge him to resign in disgrace) that there's boilerplate up on his
site saying it's temporarily too busy.

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "WillyTex" 
> > > My personal experience was entering my body some time
> > > Before entering the birth canal. The fact remains,
> > > nobody knows for sure. So... you want to take a chance?
> > >
> Judy wrote:
> > On what, exactly?
> >
> Of killing the soul-monad. If you kill the soul-monad, you
> thus prevent it from reaching enlightenment, thus you
> retard it's evolution. That's assuming that there is a
> soul-monad and that it enters the fetus at conception.
> According to the theory of karma, anyone who kills the
> soul of another being will reap the karma. Marshy said
> it was a 'sin', which he probably associated with the
> theory of karma, implying that such an act would retard
> your own spiritual evolution.
> > Assuming an abortion takes place after ensoulment,
> what do you think happens to the soul?
> >
> The soul-monad gets killed and it goes back to the
> Creator, who then must create another soul-monad to take
> it's place. >>

Awe...poor Creator guy. He has so much to do !  He needs a home-help !
What about all his mis-carriages. Talk about miscarriages now please.
You cannot prove it is a soul. It cannot survive outside the woman's
body without MASSIVE modern scientific intervention. ie. Not Jesus
intervention. This means it is part of the woman's body, just as a
kidney or a stem cell is.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Wingnut Joe Wilson (R-SC) Yells Out "You Lie!" to Obama in speech

2009-09-10 Thread Bhairitu
I really wish that I recorded the speech just to grab that shot of the 
Republican side of the aisle.   What a bunch of grumpy and selfish 
losers.  Why do they hate Americans? 

do.rflex wrote:
> Another Southern redneck...
> Staying Classy:  Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina yelled out "You lie!" when 
> President Obama reassured Americans that his health care reform plan did not 
> include illegal aliens. 
> Politico:
> "There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal 
> immigrants. This, too, is false - the reforms I'm proposing would not apply 
> to those who are here illegally," President Obama said.
> A loud voice from the Republican side of the hall answered, "Lie" -- my 
> colleague Glenn Thrush reports it was Rep. Joe Wilson (R - S.C.) -- drawing a 
> second "It's not true," from Obama and a shake of Nancy Pelosi's head.
> The bill is designed to exclude those immigrants, though some Republicans 
> have called for more explicit bans on funding for illegal immigrants and have 
> claimed the bill will funnel money to illegal immigrants.
> FactCheck.org described those claims as "false" and noted that one version of 
> the legislation already includes an explicit bar on federal funding for 
> illegal immigrants' health care.
> = =
>  Can you imagine the uproar if a Democrat had so little class as to do that 
> during one of Bush's speeches? 
> To be fair, Wilson was condemned on both sides of the aisle. Even McCain said 
> that Wilson should apologize.
> There is an http://act.ly/iq petition going viral, asking @CongJoeWilson to 
> apologize for yelling "YOU LIE" in President Obama's speech.
> If you'd like to sign,please click here.
> UPDATE: Joe Wilson is being challenged by Rob Miller for SC-02. You can 
> donate to Miller's ActBlue page here.
> UPDATE #2: Wow. In less than two hours, challenger Rob Miller has raised over 
> $11K. 
> Clearly quaking in his boots at the disgust leveled at him, Wilson has issued 
> the following apology: 
> "This evening I let my emotions get the best of me 
> when listening to the President's remarks regarding 
> the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care 
> bill. While I disagree with the President's statement, 
> my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I 
> extend sincere apologies to the President for this 
> lack of civility."
> Links here: 
> http://crooksandliars.com/nicole-belle/staying-classy-gop-way-cong-joe-wilso

[FairfieldLife] Re: When does the soul enter the body? --touching them while inside

2009-09-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "meowthirteen" 
> --- i spoke and held up nursery music to my belly while they were in
the baby tummy
> I put the same wind up music in the crib
> that i had held up to the belly while they were in there to comfort
> I read books to them while they were in there
> i asked the skies a long time for them
> when they finally got there, i was s happy that I acted as
though they were beings
> I knew immediately they were there
> within a week
> there was no test at that time to detect that early
> I felt a "butterfly" inside
> I think spirit comes, then body around it
> Yep
> that's what i think
> i think spirt comes, opens the atmosphere around the egg, the sperm is
let in, and the process is started for the spirits encasing to be made>>

That makes the most sense of anyone yet. There is no birth and death.
That is why all over the far east and other cultures they talk of
'dropping the body'. So, if that's true the same must be true at birth.
Consciousness moves and the body is formed for it, but the body does not
dictate its source, course, or goal.


> In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Sep 10, 2009, at 7:30 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> >
> > > My personal experience was entering my body some time Before
> > > entering the birth canal. The fact remains, nobody knows for sure.
> > > So... you want to take a chance? John the Baptist was baptized
> > > the Holy Spirit at 6 months gestation." At the sound of Mary's
> > > greeting, Elizabeth's child leaped within her, and Elizabeth was
> > > filled with the Holy Spirit." Luke 41.
> >
> >
> > Never heard of Intrauterine Psychology?
> >

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , Mike Dixon 
> The fact remains, nobody knows for sure. So... you want to take a
chance? John the Baptist was baptized with the Holy Spirit at 6 months
gestation." At the sound of Mary's greeting, Elizabeth's child leaped
within her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit." Luke 41.>

Then the spaghetti monstor sang an age-old song of redemption in the

And what about all the billions of mis-carriages. That sure is some
"Supreme Intelligence Soul Machine" ya got there God.


> --- On Thu, 9/10/09, jr_esq  wrote:
> From: jr_esq 
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? - Re:
Someone recommended this
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com

> Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 2:49 AM
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "babajii_99" 
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, off_world_beings 
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, nablusoss1008 
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, off_world_beings
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
> > > > >  @ yahoogroups.
com> , nablusoss1008 
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > http://www.youtube  . com/watch?
> > > > >  . com/watch?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I want to thank that fellow, this a wonderful thing I've
been doing
> > > > > for a few days. Thanks !
> > > > >
> > > > > He says that the soul enters through the eyes at the time of
> > > > > Is this a Vedic concept or just something he made up?
> > > > >
> > > > > OffWorld
> > > >
> > > > It's something he has cognized. And he is right, though some
souls might enter through other openings of the body.
> > > >
> > >
> > > If that's the case them abortion is not much of an issue in this
view, since the soul has not enetered the body until birth (instead of
at conception as the fundamentalist christians believe.)
> > >
> > > OffWorld
> > >
> > Thought the soul enters the body, with the first breath, and leaves
on the last breath...
> > Also, there may be some 'veils' placed in the way, to protect the
soul from entering 'fully'...
> > Which is why some people seem to evolve more than others...because
sometimes, they might have already been evolved, but had a lot of karma
to work out...
> >
> > r.g.
> >
> It can be argued that the soul enters the body upon conception inside
the womb. The first breath outside the mother's womb represents the time
that the the baby acquires its karma through the grips of the planets or

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Wingnut Joe Wilson (R-SC) Yells Out "You Lie!" to Obama in speech

2009-09-10 Thread It's just a ride
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 10:45 AM, do.rflex  wrote:
> A joint session of Congress bears no procedural similarity to that of the 
> British House of Commons. Wilson was crassly out of line.

I'm not sure we had a joint session of Congress.  We have once again
in American history a party (Republican) which is dying and needs to
re-invent itself.  The partisanship, the rudeness, the snubsThe
Republicans are showing that they are southern, rural, uneducated,
redneck and dwindling.  They are in their death throes.  This is very
difficult because increasingly the big money, the lobbyists don't have
a place to go.  Some say the disorder and chaos are the signs of the
break up of the United States of America.  I say it's just the demise
of a party.  Even my extremely red state is starting to have a hard
time of it, keeping its party in place.  Come the next mid-term
elections, there are going to be some problem with the electorate.
That the Republicans had to be so rude to the President of All the
People shows they are in very deep trouble.

And they and Little Limp Willy Tex deserve to be in very deep trouble.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wingnut Joe Wilson (R-SC) Yells Out "You Lie!" to Obama in speech

2009-09-10 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "It's just a ride" 
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 9:55 AM, do.rflex  wrote:
> >
> >
> > Another Southern redneck...
> >
> > Staying Classy:  Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina yelled out "You lie!" 
> > when President Obama reassured Americans that his health care reform plan 
> > did not include illegal aliens.
> >
> So therefore the House of Commons of England are Southern rednecks.

A joint session of Congress bears no procedural similarity to that of the 
British House of Commons. Wilson was crassly out of line.

> One of the greatest shows in the world is to watch the PM come to
> visit the House of Commons.  My favorite was the interaction between
> the Iron Lady and Commons.
> So we are returning to our British roots, then?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Wingnut Joe Wilson (R-SC) Yells Out "You Lie!" to Obama in speech

2009-09-10 Thread It's just a ride
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 9:55 AM, do.rflex  wrote:
> Another Southern redneck...
> Staying Classy:  Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina yelled out "You lie!" when 
> President Obama reassured Americans that his health care reform plan did not 
> include illegal aliens.

So therefore the House of Commons of England are Southern rednecks.
One of the greatest shows in the world is to watch the PM come to
visit the House of Commons.  My favorite was the interaction between
the Iron Lady and Commons.

So we are returning to our British roots, then?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Abraham Lincoln on Labor and Capital

2009-09-10 Thread It's just a ride
On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 9:21 AM, do.rflex  wrote:
> "Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of 
> labor, and could never have existed if Labor had not first existed. Labor is 
> superior to capital, and deserves much the higher consideration."
> ~ ~ Abraham Lincoln
> First Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1861
> http://snipurl.com/rqdfz   [en_wikisource_org]

To go further, Labor is performed by individuals who themselves are
the product of unskilled labor.

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread WillyTex
Judy wrote:
> How can you "kill" a soul? If the soul can be 
> said to enter the body at any point, even at 
> conception, it must exist independently of the 
> body.
Maybe you should re-read my post again.  

Who said the soul-monad could enter the body at 
any point? Who said that there was a soul-monad? 

If there was a soul-monad, there must be many of 
them. But what if there was only one soul-monad? 

If there are many soul-monads, one for each body, 
then you would have a plurality of soul-monads. 

If there was but one single soul-monad, there 
would be only the one Soul. 

So, if there is only one single Soul then if you 
kill it, then you've killed your own Soul. 

The materialist would say that there's no soul 
to kill and no killing at all, at any time, since 
there's only material substances and energy, 
which is never created or destroyed. And there's
no moral reciprocity.

The historical Buddha said there was no soul, 
but he nevertheless objected to killing. Why 
would the Buddha object to killing a non-existent 

Because there is only Karma - action and reaction,
which is present on the physical as well as the
mental plane - there are morals.

It's a categorical imperative for the Buddha to do 
no harm to any living thing, not because it has a 
soul-monad, or not, but because materialism leads 
to nihilism, which breeds unwarranted destruction 
of life, war, and needless devastation. 

So, when in doubt, it's better to go by the 
'Golden Rule'. But you already knew that.

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "meowthirteen"  wrote:
> --  Could that also be karma being worked out-as life
> being taken from one who took a life...? 

Took the life before or after the being was born?
Would being aborted as a fetus be the appropriate
karmic consequence of having taken the life of
somebody who had actually been born?

Krishna says in the Gita, "Unfathomable is the
course of action [karma]."

You can come up with any number of different
possible scenarios involving the karma inherent
in any situation, but I don't think they're all
that helpful, since we're only guessing. So when
we try to guess the karma of abortion, when we
don't even know if souls *exist*, let alone when
they enter the body or what happens to them after
an abortion if they do exist, we're piling
guesswork upon guesswork.

Seems to me the whole subject of the karma of 
abortion is a bunch of abstractions. What we
should be dealing with is the consequences in
the real world that we can observe and measure,
such as the consequences of forcing women to
carry unwanted pregnancies to term.

>   - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> > >
> > > My personal experience was entering my body some time
> > > Before entering the birth canal. The fact remains,
> > > nobody knows for sure. So... you want to take a chance?
> > 
> > On what, exactly? Assuming an abortion takes place after
> > ensoulment, what do you think happens to the soul?
> > 
> > What happens to the soul if there's a miscarriage after
> > ensoulment?
> > 
> > You do know that the *vast* majority--over 80 percent--
> > of abortions take place prior to 12 weeks' gestation,
> > right?
> >

[FairfieldLife] What they really mean

2009-09-10 Thread do.rflex

Glenn Beck and right-wingers are fond of calling the Obama
Administration a haven for "socialist" and "communist" radicals.

Here's what they are really talking about:
  [Old-school teabaggers and their new leader] Old-school teabaggers and
their new leader

[FairfieldLife] Re: Abraham Lincoln on Labor and Capital

2009-09-10 Thread WillyTex
John wrote: wrote:
> "Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. 
> Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could 
> never have existed if Labor had not first existed. 
> Labor is superior to capital, and deserves much 
> the higher consideration."
> ~ ~ Abraham Lincoln
> First Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1861
> http://snipurl.com/rqdfz   [en_wikisource_org]
Wasn't Abraham Linclon a poor, uneducated, rural, 
Republican from Kentucky?

[FairfieldLife] Wingnut Joe Wilson (R-SC) Yells Out "You Lie!" to Obama in speech

2009-09-10 Thread do.rflex

Another Southern redneck...

Staying Classy:  Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina yelled out "You lie!" when 
President Obama reassured Americans that his health care reform plan did not 
include illegal aliens. 


"There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal 
immigrants. This, too, is false - the reforms I'm proposing would not apply to 
those who are here illegally," President Obama said.

A loud voice from the Republican side of the hall answered, "Lie" -- my 
colleague Glenn Thrush reports it was Rep. Joe Wilson (R - S.C.) -- drawing a 
second "It's not true," from Obama and a shake of Nancy Pelosi's head.

The bill is designed to exclude those immigrants, though some Republicans have 
called for more explicit bans on funding for illegal immigrants and have 
claimed the bill will funnel money to illegal immigrants.

FactCheck.org described those claims as "false" and noted that one version of 
the legislation already includes an explicit bar on federal funding for illegal 
immigrants' health care.

= =

 Can you imagine the uproar if a Democrat had so little class as to do that 
during one of Bush's speeches? 

To be fair, Wilson was condemned on both sides of the aisle. Even McCain said 
that Wilson should apologize.

There is an http://act.ly/iq petition going viral, asking @CongJoeWilson to 
apologize for yelling "YOU LIE" in President Obama's speech.

If you'd like to sign,please click here.

UPDATE: Joe Wilson is being challenged by Rob Miller for SC-02. You can donate 
to Miller's ActBlue page here.

UPDATE #2: Wow. In less than two hours, challenger Rob Miller has raised over 

Clearly quaking in his boots at the disgust leveled at him, Wilson has issued 
the following apology: 

"This evening I let my emotions get the best of me 
when listening to the President's remarks regarding 
the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care 
bill. While I disagree with the President's statement, 
my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I 
extend sincere apologies to the President for this 
lack of civility."

Links here: 

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread meowthirteen
--  Could that also be karma being worked out-as life being taken from one who 
took a life...? 

  - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> >
> > My personal experience was entering my body some time
> > Before entering the birth canal. The fact remains,
> > nobody knows for sure. So... you want to take a chance?
> On what, exactly? Assuming an abortion takes place after
> ensoulment, what do you think happens to the soul?
> What happens to the soul if there's a miscarriage after
> ensoulment?
> You do know that the *vast* majority--over 80 percent--
> of abortions take place prior to 12 weeks' gestation,
> right?

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? --touching them while inside

2009-09-10 Thread meowthirteen
--- i spoke and held up nursery music to my belly while they were in the baby 

I put the same wind up music in the crib
that i had held up to the belly while they were in there to comfort them
I read books to them while they were in there

i asked the skies a long time for them

when they finally got there, i was s happy that I acted as though they 
were beings

I knew immediately they were there
within a week

there was no test at that time to detect that early

I felt a "butterfly" inside


I think spirit comes, then body around it

that's what i think

i think spirt comes, opens the atmosphere around the egg, the sperm is let in, 
and the process is started for the spirits encasing to be made

   In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 7:30 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> > My personal experience was entering my body some time Before  
> > entering the birth canal. The fact remains, nobody knows for sure.  
> > So... you want to take a chance? John the Baptist was baptized with  
> > the Holy Spirit at 6 months gestation." At the sound of Mary's  
> > greeting, Elizabeth's child leaped within her, and Elizabeth was  
> > filled with the Holy Spirit." Luke 41.
> Never heard of Intrauterine Psychology?

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> Well said Willytex.

How can you "kill" a soul? If the soul can be said to
enter the body at any point, even at conception, it
must exist independently of the body.

> --- On Thu, 9/10/09, WillyTex  wrote:
> From: WillyTex 
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? - Re: Someone 
> recommended this
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 1:37 PM
> > > My personal experience was entering my body some time
> > > Before entering the birth canal. The fact remains,
> > > nobody knows for sure. So... you want to take a chance?
> > >
> Judy wrote:
> > On what, exactly?
> >
> Of killing the soul-monad. If you kill the soul-monad, you
> thus prevent it from reaching enlightenment, thus you
> retard it's evolution. That's assuming that there is a 
> soul-monad and that it enters the fetus at conception.
> According to the theory of karma, anyone who kills the
> soul of another being will reap the karma. Marshy said 
> it was a 'sin', which he probably associated with the
> theory of karma, implying that such an act would retard
> your own spiritual evolution.
> > Assuming an abortion takes place after ensoulment, 
> what do you think happens to the soul?
> > 
> The soul-monad gets killed and it goes back to the
> Creator, who then must create another soul-monad to take
> it's place. 
> > What happens to the soul if there's a miscarriage after
> > ensoulment?
> >
> The soul dies a natural death and no karma is accrued.
> > You do know that the *vast* majority--over 80 percent--
> > of abortions take place prior to 12 weeks' gestation,
> > right?
> >
> Almost all of the people on the planet think that killing
> the soul is a bad thing to do, unless they are 
> materialists who don't believe in the soul-monad theory. 
> In that case, since there is no soul-monad in the first 
> place, there would be nothing to kill, there would just 
> be an elimination of an unwanted material substance. 
> And the materialist would also probably deny the existence 
> of karma. So, for the materialist, there would be no need 
> to refrain from killing anything at all - it's just a
> natural thing to do. A materialist would see no need
> to refrain from killing anyone, since the means always
> justifies the ends.

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ---squinty eyed laughter

2009-09-10 Thread meowthirteen
-  okay that was just funny

 -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 7:16 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
> > When you burn down an empty house, *somebody* pays for the damages.
> Unless you live in certain areas of New Orleans.

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ---words to chew on

2009-09-10 Thread meowthirteen
Selah once again..

think think

 -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon 
> My personal experience was entering my body some time Before entering the 
> birth canal. The fact remains, nobody knows for sure. So... you want to take 
> a chance? John the Baptist was baptized with the Holy Spirit at 6 months 
> gestation." At the sound of Mary's greeting, Elizabeth's child leaped within 
> her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit." Luke 41.
> --- On Thu, 9/10/09, jr_esq  wrote:
> From: jr_esq 
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? - Re: Someone 
> recommended this
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 2:49 AM
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "babajii_99"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, off_world_beings  
> > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
> > > > >  , nablusoss1008 
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=zlCJPxxKoaY
> > > > > 
> > > > > >
> > > > > > I want to thank that fellow, this a wonderful thing I've been doing
> > > > > for a few days. Thanks !
> > > > > 
> > > > > He says that the soul enters through the eyes at the time of birth.
> > > > > Is this a Vedic concept or just something he made up?
> > > > > 
> > > > > OffWorld
> > > > 
> > > > It's something he has cognized. And he is right, though some souls 
> > > > might enter through other openings of the body.
> > > >
> > > 
> > > If that's the case them abortion is not much of an issue in this view, 
> > > since the soul has not enetered the body until birth (instead of at 
> > > conception as the fundamentalist christians believe.)
> > > 
> > > OffWorld
> > >
> > Thought the soul enters the body, with the first breath, and leaves on the 
> > last breath...
> > Also, there may be some 'veils' placed in the way, to protect the soul from 
> > entering 'fully'...
> > Which is why some people seem to evolve more than others...because 
> > sometimes, they might have already been evolved, but had a lot of karma to 
> > work out...
> > 
> > r.g.
> >
> It can be argued that the soul enters the body upon conception inside the 
> womb. The first breath outside the mother's womb represents the time that the 
> the baby acquires its karma through the grips of the planets or grahas.

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----mmmm selah

2009-09-10 Thread meowthirteen
--how very wise Mike

My jaw dropped when I read the words of Maharishi

Your words have my jaw back into place

...I got a new tent by the way

what a funny scene that was eh?
It's blue this one

I'm brick hunting today
tent needs these companions,bricks

have a mirth filled day

may it sparkle as a diamond

In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> When you burn down an empty house, *somebody* pays for the damages.
> --- On Thu, 9/10/09, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> From: nablusoss1008 
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? - Re: Someone 
> recommended this
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 9:31 AM
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, off_world_beings  
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
> > > >  , nablusoss1008 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=zlCJPxxKoaY
> > > > 
> > > > >
> > > > > I want to thank that fellow, this a wonderful thing I've been doing
> > > > for a few days. Thanks !
> > > > 
> > > > He says that the soul enters through the eyes at the time of birth.
> > > > Is this a Vedic concept or just something he made up?
> > > > 
> > > > OffWorld
> > > 
> > > It's something he has cognized. And he is right, though some souls might 
> > > enter through other openings of the body.
> > >
> > 
> > If that's the case them abortion is not much of an issue in this view, 
> > since the soul has not enetered the body until birth (instead of at 
> > conception as the fundamentalist christians believe.)
> > 
> > OffWorld
> "Abortion is like burning down an empty house"
> - Maharishi

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? --may i ask a question?sez Meow

2009-09-10 Thread meowthirteen

I was in pain 
I was having dificulties ,chronic

eventually came to a better understanding of these
and am more well 

But during-

there was one time in particular;
in alot of pain
I would pass out on occasion
cold face

I was trying to get through this pain and I went out from the Back Of My Head
I was above my body
Looking down on my slumped body
feeling nothing

I was thinking assessing the situation in the air above
and then very quickly
I was sucked back in the back of my head INTO my face 
as a Mask

i remember the feeling of slipping back into from the back into my face as a 
mask, false feeling, then it felt melded together, like nothing happened

I always thought after that, that i must come out at death out the back of my 
and even told my children about this
that i thought the soul went in the back of the head

and why in Ayurveda the recommendation to put oil on the top of the head at 
night?So the soul can slip out to rest or seek companionship with other souls 
at night like in Peter Pan? Is that how it rests?Does the soul that cannot slip 
out easily not get a 'holiday'
and so does not function/love see corectly, "well"

I really wonder and if any of you have run across the knowledge, will you share?


I know i need a holiday

i would not blame the soul any for escaping of the "chain"and running off to 
the neighborhood to roam around

 - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "babajii_99" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > >  , nablusoss1008 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlCJPxxKoaY
> > > > 
> > > > >
> > > > > I want to thank that fellow, this a wonderful thing I've been doing
> > > > for a few days. Thanks !
> > > > 
> > > > He says that the soul enters through the eyes at the time of birth.
> > > > Is this a Vedic concept or just something he made up?
> > > > 
> > > > OffWorld
> > > 
> > > It's something he has cognized. And he is right, though some souls might 
> > > enter through other openings of the body.
> > >
> > 
> > If that's the case them abortion is not much of an issue in this view, 
> > since the soul has not enetered the body until birth (instead of at 
> > conception as the fundamentalist christians believe.)
> > 
> > OffWorld
> >
> Thought the soul enters the body, with the first breath, and leaves on the 
> last breath...
> Also, there may be some 'veils' placed in the way, to protect the soul from 
> entering 'fully'...
> Which is why some people seem to evolve more than others...because sometimes, 
> they might have already been evolved, but had a lot of karma to work out...
> r.g.

[FairfieldLife] Abraham Lincoln on Labor and Capital

2009-09-10 Thread do.rflex

"Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of 
labor, and could never have existed if Labor had not first existed. Labor is 
superior to capital, and deserves much the higher consideration."

~ ~ Abraham Lincoln
First Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1861
http://snipurl.com/rqdfz   [en_wikisource_org] 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Predation in spiritual organizations

2009-09-10 Thread WillyTex
TurquoiseB wrote:
> Bevan does. So do other leaders of the TMO...
So, how, exactly, would you be knowing this
since you were kicked out years ago?

And if true, wouldn't the fact that you've 
been a cult leader indicate that you're they're 
greatest enabler? From what I've read, your two 
most famous gurus were both sexual exploiters 
for many years. 

And why would you be bringing this up now, after 
thirty-five years? Are you now feeling guilty 
or what?   

And what business is it of yours what other 
people do in their private sex lives, 'Uncle 
Tantra'? Maybe you're just jealous and envious 
of their success.

Apparently Bevan Morris can't hold a candle to 
all your accomplishments, either that, or you
never had any students and you've been celibate
for over forty years! Maybe you should put on
some weight and have some fun - maybe get a
dead squirrel and super-glue it to your head,
maybe make yourself a little more attractive.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rural, uneducated, Southern rednecks shouting at the President

2009-09-10 Thread WillyTex
Off wrote:
> Its nice being British right now. Free healthcare 
> for all. Top-notch doctors, no arguments over 
> healthcare, everyone pretty happy about the
> system.
>From what I've read, the residents of the UK are
heavily taxed, up to 30% of their earned income.

Who would want to live there if they had to fork
over high taxes when they were not even sick? 

If you were a young wage-earning person, would you 
want to be forced to pay for the medical care of 
all the old people? 

What would you think if you found out that the UK 
was running a giant Ponzi scheme, and that at some 
point, you'd have to have millions of immigrants 
come in from Pakistan to do all the work because 
there were only old people left and they don't do 
any work or earn any income? 

Apparently this is happened now, and all the
abortions you perform aren't helping replenish
the population. Are abortions free in the UK?

All Ponzi schemes, sooner or later, come to an 
end. What do you think about that? Wouldn't it
make more sense to bring down the high cost
of medical care and improve the economy so that
everyone is earning good money so they could
pay their own way?

Re: [FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread Mike Dixon
Well said Willytex.

--- On Thu, 9/10/09, WillyTex  wrote:

From: WillyTex 
Subject: [FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? - Re: Someone 
recommended this
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 1:37 PM


> > My personal experience was entering my body some time
> > Before entering the birth canal. The fact remains,
> > nobody knows for sure. So... you want to take a chance?
> >
Judy wrote:
> On what, exactly?
Of killing the soul-monad. If you kill the soul-monad, you
thus prevent it from reaching enlightenment, thus you
retard it's evolution. That's assuming that there is a 
soul-monad and that it enters the fetus at conception.

According to the theory of karma, anyone who kills the
soul of another being will reap the karma. Marshy said 
it was a 'sin', which he probably associated with the
theory of karma, implying that such an act would retard
your own spiritual evolution.

> Assuming an abortion takes place after ensoulment, 
what do you think happens to the soul?
The soul-monad gets killed and it goes back to the
Creator, who then must create another soul-monad to take
it's place. 

> What happens to the soul if there's a miscarriage after
> ensoulment?
The soul dies a natural death and no karma is accrued.

> You do know that the *vast* majority--over 80 percent--
> of abortions take place prior to 12 weeks' gestation,
> right?
Almost all of the people on the planet think that killing
the soul is a bad thing to do, unless they are 
materialists who don't believe in the soul-monad theory. 

In that case, since there is no soul-monad in the first 
place, there would be nothing to kill, there would just 
be an elimination of an unwanted material substance. 

And the materialist would also probably deny the existence 
of karma. So, for the materialist, there would be no need 
to refrain from killing anything at all - it's just a
natural thing to do. A materialist would see no need
to refrain from killing anyone, since the means always
justifies the ends.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rural, uneducated, Southern rednecks shouting at the President

2009-09-10 Thread WillyTex
Bill Hicks wrote:
> ...many presidents had tried to reform insurance
> before him and he would be the last.
So, it's all about 'insurance-reform'. What about
'universal health care'? I always thought the idea
was to provide health care for everyone. Why would
anyone need 'insurance' when they could get health
care at a reasonable cost? 

So, you're in favor of making the federal government 
an 'insurance' company, but any guest workers in the 
country would be left out of your plan? 

What would happen if the cost of health care was 
brought down so that everyone could afford to pay for 
their own health care?

Did the President say anything about tort reform or
discount medications? Did the President say anything
about medical care rationing?

Did the President say anything about immigration

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread WillyTex
> > My personal experience was entering my body some time
> > Before entering the birth canal. The fact remains,
> > nobody knows for sure. So... you want to take a chance?
> >
Judy wrote:
> On what, exactly?
Of killing the soul-monad. If you kill the soul-monad, you
thus prevent it from reaching enlightenment, thus you
retard it's evolution. That's assuming that there is a 
soul-monad and that it enters the fetus at conception.

According to the theory of karma, anyone who kills the
soul of another being will reap the karma. Marshy said 
it was a 'sin', which he probably associated with the
theory of karma, implying that such an act would retard
your own spiritual evolution.

> Assuming an abortion takes place after ensoulment, 
what do you think happens to the soul?
The soul-monad gets killed and it goes back to the
Creator, who then must create another soul-monad to take
it's place. 

> What happens to the soul if there's a miscarriage after
> ensoulment?
The soul dies a natural death and no karma is accrued.
> You do know that the *vast* majority--over 80 percent--
> of abortions take place prior to 12 weeks' gestation,
> right?
Almost all of the people on the planet think that killing
the soul is a bad thing to do, unless they are 
materialists who don't believe in the soul-monad theory. 

In that case, since there is no soul-monad in the first 
place, there would be nothing to kill, there would just 
be an elimination of an unwanted material substance. 

And the materialist would also probably deny the existence 
of karma. So, for the materialist, there would be no need 
to refrain from killing anything at all - it's just a
natural thing to do. A materialist would see no need
to refrain from killing anyone, since the means always
justifies the ends.

[FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> My personal experience was entering my body some time
> Before entering the birth canal. The fact remains,
> nobody knows for sure. So... you want to take a chance?

On what, exactly? Assuming an abortion takes place after
ensoulment, what do you think happens to the soul?

What happens to the soul if there's a miscarriage after

You do know that the *vast* majority--over 80 percent--
of abortions take place prior to 12 weeks' gestation,

Re: [FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread Mike Dixon
Tax payers.

--- On Thu, 9/10/09, Vaj  wrote:

From: Vaj 
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? - Re: 
Someone recommended this
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, September 10, 2009, 11:39 AM


On Sep 10, 2009, at 7:16 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:

When you burn down an empty house, *somebody* pays for the damages.

Unless you live in certain areas of New Orleans.


Re: [FairfieldLife] When does the soul enter the body? ----- Re: Someone recommended this

2009-09-10 Thread Vaj

On Sep 10, 2009, at 7:30 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:

My personal experience was entering my body some time Before  
entering the birth canal. The fact remains, nobody knows for sure.  
So... you want to take a chance? John the Baptist was baptized with  
the Holy Spirit at 6 months gestation." At the sound of Mary's  
greeting, Elizabeth's child leaped within her, and Elizabeth was  
filled with the Holy Spirit." Luke 41.

Never heard of Intrauterine Psychology?

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