[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread PaliGap
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 Conclusion: Many uncertainties surround the practice of 
 meditation. Scientific research on meditation practices 
 does not appear to have a common theoretical perspective
 and is characterized by poor methodological quality.
 Firm conclusions on the effects of meditation practices
 in healthcare cannot be drawn based on the available
 evidence. Future research on meditation practices
 must be more rigorous in the design and execution of
 studies and in the analysis and reporting of results.

Thinking about that though, and the vacillating results of
scientific research we are bombarded with daily: Take 
aspirin regularly. No cancel that. Drink red wine daily.
No, avoid alcohol altogether. Caffeine is bad for you.
Tea/Coffee is an elixir etc etc. I wonder how far the
statement you quoted is more generally true?

For any T, where T is some theory, Scientific research on
T does not appear to have a common theoretical perspective
and is characterized by poor methodological quality.
Firm conclusions on the effects of T cannot be drawn based
on the available evidence. Future research on T
must be more rigorous in the design and execution of
studies and in the analysis and reporting of results?

Are we suffering from a collective gullibility when we
see the label science? 

(Hugo - that's not to denigrate Science. It's just against
the view that thinks the ice we're skating on is much,
much, much thicker than it really is. Which is perhaps just
another symptom of the Scientism pathology).

(Just poor old Richard M banging on about his hobby horse 

[FairfieldLife] Etymology of the day: smorgasbord

2009-11-09 Thread cardemaister

smorgasbord: from Swedish 'smörgåsbord'

bord [pronounce: boord] -- table (cognate to English board?)

gås [ ~ gaws ] -- goose [sic!]

smör [~ smir] -- butter

smörgås -- bread with butter [!]

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread dhamiltony2k5

   no comparable scientific type research of spirituality of Islamic Prayer?
  Five times a day by half the world and there is not research on that 
  spiritual practice to compare with the others?  

 No comparable has been done on Christian prayer either 

Well, seems there are comparables in 'Centering Prayer' taught widely now as a 
spiritual meditation practice by many x-ian denominations.

No rigor on Muslim prayer that anything is going on?

Just wondering.

Jai Adi Shankara,
-D in FF

but a bunch of white male conservative idiots on the Hill decided it was 
important to put a provision in the healthcare bill requiring that insurers 
cover Christian Science prayer treatments the same as they would medical care. 
Fortunately, Pelosi stripped it from the House Bill, which she could have done 
for the Stupak amendment BTW. 
 Members argued it was unconstitutional, since it violated separation of 
 church and state. These are the same jackasses plus 64 Democrats who threw 
 women under the bus voting for the Stupid Stupak amendment, which denies 
 women access to abortion.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread dhamiltony2k5

no comparable scientific type research of spirituality of Islamic 
   Five times a day by half the world and there is not research on that 
   spiritual practice to compare with the others?  
  No comparable has been done on Christian prayer either 
 Well, seems there are comparables in 'Centering Prayer' taught widely now as 
 a spiritual meditation practice by many x-ian denominations.
 No rigor on Muslim prayer that anything is going on?

Would be nice if what they are doing is really spiritual like some these other 
meditations.  Should bring in some muslims on their blankets and hook them up 
the same as these other practices.  Treat them fair in scientific protocol and 
dignity.  Might just help discern what in the world they are doing and the 
consequences there of.

If it is not the same, then evidently they just might want to also learn 
meditation for all the good reasons.

-D in FF  

 but a bunch of white male conservative idiots on the Hill decided it was 
 important to put a provision in the healthcare bill requiring that insurers 
 cover Christian Science prayer treatments the same as they would medical 
 care. Fortunately, Pelosi stripped it from the House Bill, which she could 
 have done for the Stupak amendment BTW. 
  Members argued it was unconstitutional, since it violated separation of 
  church and state. These are the same jackasses plus 64 Democrats who threw 
  women under the bus voting for the Stupid Stupak amendment, which denies 
  women access to abortion.

Re: [FairfieldLife] TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread Vaj

On Nov 8, 2009, at 2:52 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Vaj wrote:
 Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words:


 SBP is Systolic Blood Pressure.

Depends on the mantra used doesn't it? Some will be stimulating and
actually raise the blood pressure while others lower it. My teacher
was put on high blood pressure medicine since he registered that way
during a physical. Then he started getting light headed and almost
passed out once. Turned out the medication was giving him extremely  

blood pressure. His teacher told his doctor he couldn't have such
medication because tantric blood pressure can rise and fall but
generally never anything dangerous. Agni mantras can make the blood
pressure rise. Good thing for me because I have a history of low blood

I also have another friend who is not a meditator but once his doctor
gave him blood pressure medicine and he also had light headedness and
had to be taken off it. Apparently when he went for his checkup he had
high blood pressure but it was not common with him. I also bought one
of little finger blood pressure devices which are more expensive than
the wrapper type but also consider not quite as accurate but for my
purposes close enough and also much more convenient.

Possibly, anyone predisposed to high pitta could get overheated and  
mantra-yoga could raise their BP. But in general TM mantras seem  
lightly cooling (i.e. pitta pacifying) for most. SO you get some  
slight, very minimal benefit is some people when poor controls ar eused.

Independent researchers have known TM is not good at lowering BP,  
when compared to good controls, since the early 80's--and in fact  
those independent studies have never been shown to be false. If the  
TMO wanted to prove them wrong, all they would have had to do is get  
a group of independent scientists to repeat the early independent  
studies and show they were errant.

They still, after all these decades, never have.

Perhaps that's why TM is NOT taught in Medical Centers in the US.  
It's just not that effective and way over-priced.

TM, it turns out, is the worst meditation method for lowering blood  
pressure. That's why TM TB's are so desperate to crunch some new  
numbers and fabricate some new statistics. If they can, this  
unethical group can try to gain access to our healthcare system and  
our school system. Really, it's more like a Hindu version of  
Scientology at this point. At this point they're concentrating on low  
income people who can't fight back (Blacks and Native Americans) or  
who don't have access to independent info on TM and/or exist in  
second world countries that don't speak English.

[FairfieldLife] Wannabe Millionaires Worshiping Corporate Wealth and Power

2009-11-09 Thread do.rflex

American's Just Think They Are Conservative

It's a conversation I have all to frequently. And one I had just the
other day.

How much do you make a year?

About $35-40k.

You work hard for your money?

Hell yeah, I'm in the landscaping business. But my taxes are too high.
The government takes too much of my money to pay for welfare and gives
it to immigrants.

Who are your best customers?

Mostly people who live in Westlake and Tarrytown. (The wealthy areas of

Do you have a retirement plan?

Social Security but that needs to be privatized so I can get better
returns. Just look at the markets! I had a 401(k) but it got creamed
after I got laid off.

And you're business has a good health care plan?

No, I'm self-employed. But I'm going to get a health care plan soon. I
don't want socialized medicine. I don't want to wait in line to see a

  There's more, lots more. But this snippet of the conversation is a
good jumping off point. I often wonder why the irony of this guy's life
is lost on him. Here is a guy who slaves away for the richest people in
town and thinks he pays too much in taxes.

Never mind the folks he works for get tax breaks that equal or exceed
his annual income.

Never mind that they probably have excellent health care plans, visit
the best doctors.

Never mind that the stock in his 401(k) got creamed after the people he
works for took all their money out of the market, right?

And never mind that the one program he is relying on now is in essence
socialism. They guy is living off the scraps the wealthy toss him. He
has a college education, but doesn't use it.

So, where does his conservatism come from? Here in Texas I'm pretty
convinced that the lower middle classes are so conservative due to
patriot porn. We've had at least 40 years of it. And it shows. Guys like
this are going to root for the party that cater to the prevailing myths
of the day. And those myths can be boiled down into one simple line,
really: America is the greatest country in the world.

That hoary chestnut leaves zero room for improvement. Hence, the
prevalence of conservatism in these parts. It's also the reason why Ian
Welsh is right:

More to the point, if Obama does not do effective policy, which is to
say liberal policy, because reality is much closer to how liberals
describe it than how conservatives describe it, his policies
will be ineffective. No one is going to care whether he followed
moderate, conservative or liberal policies if they're unemployed or
poorer than they were when he took office.

Conversely, if he followed actual liberal policies, and they worked, and
everyone was prosperous, he'd get reelected.

If you enact policies that improve people's lives, as opposed to those
that just cater to their innate prejudices, you show them, prove to them
that liberal policies will make their life better.

But that requires leadership, not golden-throated rhetoric. Something I
don't expect to see anytime soon.

Sean Paul Kelley http://agonist.org/user/sean_paul

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual vs Spiritism

2009-11-09 Thread dhamiltony2k5

   Probably within the Dome attending community, if people are 
 hearing voices and it is a problem, then they usually get rooted out with/for 
 mental disturbance.   Administratively referred to mental health people 
   That's the way you'd see it on the ground here in FF.
   That of course is the movement, they would have to handle it that way 
  administratively or they'd get haunted by legal reprisal.  So they stay to 
  the `mental health'administrative aspect of a practical necessity.
 on a practical level amongst a practicing and spiritual meditating community, 
 when some folks do get in to astral troubles of too much spiritism,
 there is local folklore advice that runs towards the adept folks.  Some 
 places for those afflicted to go for help of a spiritual nature again bad 

'safety first'  practical home remedy advice does gets e-mailed around the FF 
transcendental meditating community like this below.

In addition to the SBS Guru Dev quote and some guiding scriptural reference 
further back in this thread, for perspective about folks afflicted with 
negative energies or overly afficted spiritists this is one that gets shared, 


 Yes, and we would like to walk you through a meditation called The Tower of 
Light. This is one of the most delicious, and brief, meditations you can do to 
charge up your energy in the morning and to put a fully protective shield 
around yourself. Are you all willing to learn this? [All assent.] Good, and if 
you would, please, stand. Is there anyone here who's not particularly visual? 
It's more kinesthetic. [One person affirmed that she's more kinesthetic.] Okay. 
It's primarily visual, but you will probably be able to feel even more 
interesting things than the others.

Okay. Now please take some big, deep in-breaths as is comfortable for you. 
Don't force it. Make the out-breath go all the way out; the in-breath, all the 
way in. Let your arms dangle comfortably at your sides. We would like you to 
visualize a beautiful, blue light surrounding your body and permeating your 
body, so that it's about 9 inches out-in front and behind and all around-and 
about 16 inches above your head and about 16 inches below your feet. You'll 
find out the reason for this in a moment.

Feeling it is important too. One kind of channeling is also 
clairsentience--clear sensing, and so try to feel that blue light and the 
frequency of that. It's not as dark as indigo. It will be your own particular 
frequency that you like and that will come to you naturally. Are you all 
surrounded by that ellipsoid of blue light? Good.

Now, about 16 inches above your head, within that blue but not touching your 
crown, is a beautiful globe of brilliant white light that is like burning 
magnesium. Are you able to visualize this there? Now feel showering down out of 
that globe of white light (which happens to be your Higher Self) that globe, 
showering little specks of that burning magnesium all down into the center of 
this ellipsoid. Are some of you feeling that as well as seeing it? Good.

Now, out of that same white, burning-magnesium-type, light, beautiful silvery 
sparkles are showering down until they fill with those white snowflake-type 
particles the entire inside, so that only a blue outline surrounds that 
ellipsoid. Tell us when that is happening for you. That should be feeling 
pretty good right now. This is the power of Light. Know that this is 
protection. Know that this connects you directly with your Higher Self--and 
fills you and rejuvenates you with life force and, again, through a 
bi-directional communication with your Higher Self. Enjoy that for another 
moment. Then just let that fade from your vision and experience, knowing that 
it has not faded in reality.
When you can tear yourself away, please be seated again. Good, and we suggest 
you do this in the morning--if you remember: especially in the morning--and, if 
you wish, at night right before you go to sleep, surround yourself with this 
beautiful, exquisite energy. It's one of the most powerful protections you can 
do. [End of meditation.] 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stupak Amendment may be stripped from House Bill

2009-11-09 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 From an anti-choice website:  http://www.lifenews.com/nat5632.html
 Democrats  Won't Commit to Keeping Stupak Amendment to Stop
 Abortion Funding
 Open Left indicates that President Barack Obama
 may have given his personal assurance to strip
 the Stupak amendment from the bill down the road.
 To my knowledge, no pro-choice Democrats have
 threatened to vote against the bill as a result
 of this, the blog notes.
 Apparently, this is because of a rumor going
 around Congress that President Obama promised
 Henry Waxman that he will 'personally' work to
 remove the language in conference.

I never read the Orange Cheeto, the cesspool of sexist piggery, but  pronin2's 
diary Stupak May be in Sen Bill, DeGette to Lead Fight for Choice! is an 
excellent diary that explains why the Stupak's amendment will be in the Senate 

I find it interesting that pronin2 writes her diary on DKos using pronin2 but 
she uses texan4hillary on Taylor Marsh's blog. I suspect if she posted under 
her preferred name, texan4hillary, the Cheeto boyz would savage her diary and 
not take her seriously. DKos has a much bigger readership than Taylor. The 
comments on DKos are excellent. I'm providing links to DKos as well as Taylor 

http://tinyurl.com/yebg9dk or 

Stupak May be in Sen Bill, DeGette to Lead Fight for Choice!
by pronin2

Sun Nov 08, 2009 at 10:08:19 PM PST

There is a very good reason why we needed the House to produce the strongest 
bill possible. A Medicare PO. No further compromises. Many thought the great 
battle would be over the public option in the Senate. It now appears it will be 
the abortion funding issue.

Rep DeGette, Deputy Whip of the House and Chair of the Pro Choice Caucus 
tonight tells the WaPo she has growing numbers of members ready to say NO to 
the final bill if the Stupak provision remains. DeGette she has already 40- 
enough to nix the final bill if needed. Anti Choice groups hail the Stupak win- 
the greatest blow to choice seen in a generation in America. Women who 
currently can receive abortion services via their private insurance plans will 
find, if Stupak passes, their ability to choose gone.

* pronin2's diary :: ::

All plans would be forbidden to cover abortions deemed elective. As PP head 
Richards says this is a de facto ban on a woman's right to choose. Rep DeGette 
will be the leader of pro choice forces on the Hill to get Stupak stripped from 
the conf bill.

Oh and to those who thought at least our ever so wondrous Senate wouldn't have 
in its bill the Stupak amendment you are wrong. Sens. Casey and Nelson vow to 
put Stupak in the Sen version. Reid is still drafting his bill. My fear is he 
will work this in to avoid a floor fight.

Nelson promises to not only attack choice, but go after the anti trust 
provisions in the House bill. He is telling Reid he won't vote for the bill 
pretty much, but anti trust in the Sen bill would lead to a NO vote. Reid is 
indicating according to NYT that he will drop this provision to suite Nelson. 
If he is so willing to drop a key part of the bill like that want to bet Reid 
will adopt Stupak!

We have a huge fight ahead of us. What started as a battle to cover all 
Americans is becoming one to ensure women have the right to choose- the right 
over their bodies.

Let's support Rep De Gette in her fight leading the 190 member Pro Choice 
Caucus in killing this outlandish de facto ban on abortion in America. Call the 
Hill and tell her your thanks and support. She will need it!


...The House passed its version of health-care legislation Saturday night 
by a vote of 220 to 215 after the approval of an amendment that would sharply 
restrict the availability of coverage for abortions, which many insurance plans 
now offer. The amendment goes beyond long-standing prohibitions against public 
funding for abortions, limiting abortion coverage even for women paying for it 
without government subsidies.
Although House liberals voted for the bill with the amendment to keep the 
process moving forward, Rep. Diana DeGette (Colo.) said she has collected more 
than 40 signatures from House Democrats vowing to oppose any final bill that 
includes the amendment -- enough to block passage.

There's going to be a firestorm here, DeGette said. Women are going to 
realize that a Democratic-controlled House has passed legislation that would 
prohibit women paying for abortions with their own funds. . . . We're not going 
to let this into law.

After a compromise foundered, the amendment by  Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) 
and Joe Pitts (R-Pa.) emerged as the leading alternative, Under that 
language, abortion coverage would be unavailable not only to working-class 
women buying coverage with government subsidies, but probably also to women 
buying coverage on the new marketplace without federal assistance. The 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Will Religious Fundamentalism Implode?

2009-11-09 Thread WillyTex
John wrote: 
 Are you a fundamentalist?
LOL- you got kicked out of the ashram!

To personally single out; insult and 
mock others who do not hold your views 
is an example of 'spiritual growth' in 
TM? You, *ALL* of you who have supported 
this, express your *lack* of spiritual 
'results' with TM.

How obvious it is, where you're coming 
from. Guru Dev would kick you out of his 

From: John Manning
Subject: Re: Super Petrus 
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: August 6, 2002 

[FairfieldLife] Krugman: G.O.P. has been taken over by the people it used to exploit

2009-11-09 Thread do.rflex

Paranoia Strikes Deep

by Paul Krugman

  Back in 1964 the historian Richard Hofstadter published an essay
  titled, The Paranoid Style in American Politics, which reads
  if it were based on today's headlines:

 Americans on the far right, he wrote, feel that America has
 largely taken away from them and their kind, though they are
 determined to try to repossess it and to prevent the final
 destructive act of subversion.

  - - Last Thursday there was a rally outside the U.S. Capitol to protest
  pending health care legislation, featuring the kinds of things
  grown accustomed to, including large signs showing piles of bodies at
  Dachau with the caption National Socialist Healthcare.

  It was grotesque — and it was also ominous. For what we may be
  is America starting to be Californiafied.

  The key thing to understand about that rally is that it wasn't a
  event. It was sponsored by the House Republican leadership — in
  it was officially billed as a G.O.P.press conference. Senior lawmakers
  were in attendance, and apparently had no problem with the tone of the

  True, Eric Cantor, the second-ranking House Republican, offered some
  mild criticism after the fact. But the operative word is
mild. The
  signs were inappropriate, said his spokesman, and the use of
  comparisons by such people as Rush Limbaugh, said Mr. Cantor,
  up images that frankly are not, I think, very helpful.

  What all this shows is that the G.O.P. has been taken over by the
  people it used to exploit.

  The state of mind visible at recent right-wing demonstrations is
  nothing new.

  Back in 1964 the historian Richard Hofstadter published an essay
  titled, The Paranoid Style in American Politics, which reads
  if it were based on today's headlines:

 Americans on the far right, he wrote, feel that America has
 largely taken away from them and their kind, though they are
 determined to try to repossess it and to prevent the final
 destructive act of subversion.

  Sound familiar?

  But while the paranoid style isn't new, its role within the G.O.P. is.

  When Hofstadter wrote, the right wing felt dispossessed because it was
  rejected by both major parties. That changed with the rise of Ronald
  Reagan: Republican politicians began to win elections in part by
  catering to the passions of the angry right.

  Until recently, however, that catering mostly took the form of empty
  symbolism. Once elections were won, the issues that fired up the base
  almost always took a back seat to the economic concerns of the elite.

  Thus in 2004 George W. Bush ran on antiterrorism and values,
only to
  announce, as soon as the election was behind him, that his first
  priority was changing Social Security.

  But something snapped last year. Conservatives had long believed that
  history was on their side, so the G.O.P. establishment could, in
  effect, urge hard-right activists to wait just a little longer: once
  the party consolidated its hold on power, they'd get what they

  After the Democratic sweep, however, extremists could no longer be
  fobbed off with promises of future glory.

  Furthermore, the loss of both Congress and the White House left a power
  vacuum in a party accustomed to top-down management.

  At this point Newt Gingrich is what passes for a sober, reasonable
  elder statesman of the G.O.P. And he has no authority: Republican
  voters ignored his call to support a relatively moderate, electable
  candidate in New York's special Congressional election.

  Real power in the party rests, instead, with the likes of Rush
  Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin (who at this point is more a media
  figure than a conventional politician). Because these people aren't
  interested in actually governing, they feed the base's frenzy
  of trying to curb or channel it. So all the old restraints are gone.

  In the short run, this may help Democrats, as it did in that New York
  race. But maybe not: elections aren't necessarily won by the
  with the most rational argument. They're often determined, instead,
  events and economic conditions.

  In fact, the party of Limbaugh and Beck could well make major gains in
  the midterm elections. The Obama administration's job-creation
  have fallen short, so that unemployment is likely to stay disastrously
  high through next year and beyond. The banker-friendly bailout of Wall
  Street has angered voters, and might even let Republicans claim the
  mantle of economic populism. Conservatives may not have better ideas,
  but voters might support them out of sheer frustration.

  And if Tea Party Republicans do win big next year, what has already
  happened in California could happen at the national level.

  In California, the G.O.P. has essentially shrunk down to a rump party
  with no interest in actually governing — but that rump 

[FairfieldLife] Word fun: compersion

2009-11-09 Thread TurquoiseB
This was a new word for me. It seems to have
arisen in the polyamory community, where it
is defined as The feeling of joy associated 
with seeing a loved one love another; contrasted 
with jealousy.

Me, given my bent as a religious sociologist, I
find it a more interesting term when applied to
religions and spiritual traditions and spiritual
teachers -- in other words, in settings in which
the phenomenon of non-jealousy is probably even 
more rare than in romantic relationships.

Quick, off the top of your head, name three spir-
itual traditions in which the teachers or your
fellow students would feel good about you finding
fulfillment or benefit in something that doesn't 
come *from* that tradition.

I can do this, because I've experienced such 
traditions. In them, the teachers not only did 
not discourage their students from seeing other
teachers or reading books or taking courses from 
other traditions, they encouraged them to do so. 
In those traditions, the teachers actually walked 
the walk of compersion, in that when one of their 
students began to visibly benefit from something 
they had learned elsewhere, they commented on it 
positively and encouraged the students to continue 
doing something that was obviously working for them.

Compare and contrast to the jealousy approach, 
in which straying to other traditions and teach-
ings is characterized as cheating, in pretty much
the same way that it would be in jealously monog-
amous romantic relationships. Anyone who has paid
his or her dues in the TM organization has seen
the jealous approach, and in spades. You pretty
much know that your marriage to the TMO is over
if you get caught cheating on Maharishi with 
another teacher. 

At the same time, look at the number of posters to
this forum alone who have talked about the *benefits*
that they gained from studying or practicing something 
they learned from a different tradition than TM's. 

Compersion. An interesting concept. And one missing
from many if not most spiritual traditions throughout 
history. Could this possibly have something to do 
with the rarity of enlightenment in those traditions?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual vs Spiritism

2009-11-09 Thread Duveyoung


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@... wrote:


Probably within the Dome attending community, if people are 
  hearing voices and it is a problem, then they usually get rooted out 
  with/for mental disturbance.   Administratively referred to mental health 
  people otherwise.   

That's the way you'd see it on the ground here in FF.


That of course is the movement, they would have to handle it that way 
   administratively or they'd get haunted by legal reprisal.  So they stay 
   to the `mental health'administrative aspect of a practical necessity.
  on a practical level amongst a practicing and spiritual meditating 
  community, when some folks do get in to astral troubles of too much 
  there is local folklore advice that runs towards the adept folks.  Some 
  places for those afflicted to go for help of a spiritual nature again bad 
 'safety first'  practical home remedy advice does gets e-mailed around the FF 
 transcendental meditating community like this below.
 In addition to the SBS Guru Dev quote and some guiding scriptural reference 
 further back in this thread, for perspective about folks afflicted with 
 negative energies or overly afficted spiritists this is one that gets shared, 
  Yes, and we would like to walk you through a meditation called The Tower of 
 Light. This is one of the most delicious, and brief, meditations you can do 
 to charge up your energy in the morning and to put a fully protective shield 
 around yourself. Are you all willing to learn this? [All assent.] Good, and 
 if you would, please, stand. Is there anyone here who's not particularly 
 visual? It's more kinesthetic. [One person affirmed that she's more 
 kinesthetic.] Okay. It's primarily visual, but you will probably be able to 
 feel even more interesting things than the others.
 Okay. Now please take some big, deep in-breaths as is comfortable for you. 
 Don't force it. Make the out-breath go all the way out; the in-breath, all 
 the way in. Let your arms dangle comfortably at your sides. We would like you 
 to visualize a beautiful, blue light surrounding your body and permeating 
 your body, so that it's about 9 inches out-in front and behind and all 
 around-and about 16 inches above your head and about 16 inches below your 
 feet. You'll find out the reason for this in a moment.
 Feeling it is important too. One kind of channeling is also 
 clairsentience--clear sensing, and so try to feel that blue light and the 
 frequency of that. It's not as dark as indigo. It will be your own particular 
 frequency that you like and that will come to you naturally. Are you all 
 surrounded by that ellipsoid of blue light? Good.
 Now, about 16 inches above your head, within that blue but not touching your 
 crown, is a beautiful globe of brilliant white light that is like burning 
 magnesium. Are you able to visualize this there? Now feel showering down out 
 of that globe of white light (which happens to be your Higher Self) that 
 globe, showering little specks of that burning magnesium all down into the 
 center of this ellipsoid. Are some of you feeling that as well as seeing it? 
 Now, out of that same white, burning-magnesium-type, light, beautiful silvery 
 sparkles are showering down until they fill with those white snowflake-type 
 particles the entire inside, so that only a blue outline surrounds that 
 ellipsoid. Tell us when that is happening for you. That should be feeling 
 pretty good right now. This is the power of Light. Know that this is 
 protection. Know that this connects you directly with your Higher Self--and 
 fills you and rejuvenates you with life force and, again, through a 
 bi-directional communication with your Higher Self. Enjoy that for another 
 moment. Then just let that fade from your vision and experience, knowing that 
 it has not faded in reality.
 When you can tear yourself away, please be seated again. Good, and we suggest 
 you do this in the morning--if you remember: especially in the morning--and, 
 if you wish, at night right before you go to sleep, surround yourself with 
 this beautiful, exquisite energy. It's one of the most powerful protections 
 you can do. [End of meditation.] 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Will Religious Fundamentalism Implode?

2009-11-09 Thread sgrayatlarge
 Are you a fundamentalist?  No are you?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sgrayatlarge no_reply@ wrote:
  You are a one trick poney
 Are you a fundamentalist?
 What's a poney?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
   Why fundamentalism will fail A seemingly unstoppable force is being
   undone from the inside  By  
   Harvey Cox
   The very nature of human religiousness is changing
   in a way inimical to fundamentalist thought.
   The most rapidly growing spiritual groups today focus
   not on someone else's authority, but on a direct
   encounter with the divine. Whatever else it may mean
   that so many people call themselves spiritual but not
   religious, it suggests they still yearn for contact
   with the sacred, but are suspicious of the scaffolding,
   the doctrines, and hierarchies through which it has
   often been conveyed.
   IN 1910, A COHORT of ultra-conservative American Protestants drew up a 
   list of non-negotiable beliefs they insisted any genuine Christian must 
   subscribe to. They published these fundamentals in a series of
   widely  distributed pamphlets over the next five years.
   Their catalog featured doctrines such as the virgin birth, the physical 
   resurrection of Christ, and his imminent second coming.
   The cornerstone, though, was a belief in the literal inerrancy of every 
   syllable of the Bible, including in matters of geology, paleontology, 
   and secular history. They called these beliefs fundamentals, and proudly
   styled themselves fundamentalists - true believers who feared
   that  liberal movements like the social gospel and openness to other
   faiths  were eroding the foundation of their religion...
   As the 20th century ended and a new one began, fundamentalism has taken 
   on more formidable shapes, both politically and religiously. Though most
   of its adherents work through spiritual and educational channels, the 
   small minority that turn to violence have caught the media's
   attention.  If some seem ready to die for faith, others are ready to
   kill for it,  gunning down abortion doctors in church, hijacking planes,
   and exploding  bombs at weddings.
   For plenty of thoughtful people, fundamentalism has come to represent 
   the most dangerous threat to open societies since the fall of communism.
   However, the truth is that for all its apparent strength, the 
   fundamentalist sun is setting on all horizons. Throughout the Muslim 
   world growing numbers of people are becoming impatient with violent 
   groups that, in the name of Allah, seem capable of killing but incapable
   of producing jobs, food, or health care.
   Observers on the ground report that popular support for the jihadist 
   wing of the Taliban is falling off as it fails to address the real life 
   problems that afflict people in Afghanistan. (The other parts of the 
   Taliban are inspired less by fundamentalism than by tribal loyalties and
   a traditional aversion to foreigners.)
   Al Qaeda faces a similar dismal prospect. Dr. Audrey Kurth Cronin, a 
   professor at the National War College in Washington and author of a new 
   book, How Terrorism Ends, says, I think Al Qaeda is in
   the process of  imploding. That is not necessarily the end. But the
   trends are in a good  direction.
   In Iran, the fact that the clerics have resorted to beating and 
   imprisoning their critics reveals the shakiness of their hold.
   IN AMERICA, the religious right, which started as a crusade, is becoming
   a niche. Randall Terry's Operation Rescue, which stages
   demonstrations  at abortion clinics, has just announced that it is
   nearly bankrupt.
   The shrillest TV evangelists are losing audiences to more moderate 
   evangelical-lite preachers. Fundamentalist congregations are
   ceding  ground to Pentecostals and mega-churches, which embrace a wider
   social  agenda and teach the spiritual authority - not the literal
   inerrancy -  of the Bible.
   Surveys have shown that the rapid growth of evangelical Protestantism in
   Latin America has not produced a replication of the American religious 
   right, but rather a moderate leftward tilt. A majority of Brazilian 
   evangelicals, for example, voted for President Lula, who ran as a 
   Workers Party candidate.
   In South Korea, Christianity has grown faster than anywhere in the world
   and now accounts for over a third of the population. But its theology 
   tends toward moderate evangelicalism with an ecumenical bent.
   The fading of fundamentalism marks a decisive change in global society. 
   It has already freed Christians, Muslims, and Jews 

[FairfieldLife] Thom Hartmann on the Health Care Bill

2009-11-09 Thread Bhairitu
Since his name was brought up by some posters here and I listen to him 
daily, this morning he is saying he doesn't think this bill is very 
good.  It's a windfall for the for profit insurance companies.  He also 
doesn't like the abortion amendment.

I think it isn't a very good bill either.  Any idea that people should 
be forced to buy insurance especially if they can't afford it is bad.  
Now I haven't had a chance to wade through the bill.  Often when you do 
that you find that there are some misconceptions being spread by the 
public.  I think you should have health care without paying an extra 
cent.  Just shut down those worthless global police actions and bring 
the troops home and we'll have plenty of money for health care.

[FairfieldLife] A tasty little movie

2009-11-09 Thread Bhairitu
Last night I watched Food, Inc. which is about the corporatizing of 
our food.  There is much about Iowa and corn there.  It is a wonder we 
aren't all developing corn allergies.  Plus a lot about e coli, 
salmonella and their sources.  Most of our food is produced by four mega 
corporations, Tyson being the largest (Bill Clinton's main supporter in 
the 1990 elections).   It is disgusting to see what these greedy SOBs 
have done.  And of course there is a section on Monsanto probably the 
most fascist company in the world and their seed patents and how they 
run farmers who won't use their seeds out of business.  It truly is Kali 


Re: [FairfieldLife] TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:

 On Nov 8, 2009, at 2:52 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 Vaj wrote:
  Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words:
  SBP is Systolic Blood Pressure.

 Depends on the mantra used doesn't it? Some will be stimulating and
 actually raise the blood pressure while others lower it.

 Possibly, anyone predisposed to high pitta could get overheated and 
 mantra-yoga could raise their BP. But in general TM mantras seem 
 lightly cooling (i.e. pitta pacifying) for most. SO you get some 
 slight, very minimal benefit is some people when poor controls ar eused.

I bet the studies don't discriminate between which TM mantras used and 
whether they were first or advanced techniques.  That would also make a 
difference.  Many TM mantras are considered agni mantras and therefore 
are stimulating.  It is unusual to give the general public agni 
mantras because they have a stimulating effects.   Remember that TM 
claims to increase energy.

Generally calming soothes and refreshes the sympathetic nervous system.  
Sometimes the sympathetic system needs a kick in the butt so stimulating 
mantras can be good for that. ;-)

[FairfieldLife] The fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago today

2009-11-09 Thread nablusoss1008

Request from audiance: I want the Berlin Wall to come down and Germany to 
become unified

Your wish has been granted
- Maharishi, Seelisberg, Guru Purnimah 1982

(Not a direct quote but how I remembered His words, this is +- 98 % correct)

Now that communism is gone the next to go is capitalism
- Maharishi, Germany, 1989

A new Wall has been erected by the rascist Israelis, it will also have to come 

Nothing is impossible ! 

All glory to Maharishi and the Masters of Wisdom !

Jai Guru Dev

[FairfieldLife] Re: Forward, Into The Past

2009-11-09 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:
 I was commenting yesterday on
 another forum how pleasant it was there to log on 
 and find zero stalkers. Try to imagine what a change
 that is for me. *Sixteen years*, and I know that no
 matter what I do, every week a sizable portion of 
 the posts on FFL will be spewing hatred at me.

Oy. Poor innocent Barry, himself the very model
of sweetness, light, compassion, and positive
vibes, who loves everybody and would never
descend to attacking them, constantly victimized
by the hatred of evil feminists!

Talk about *whining*.

Note that Barry views criticism of him and his
behavior as hatred. But of course it isn't
hatred when he attacks the folks he doesn't

Yes, we criticize him no matter what he does.
That's because he can't seem to make himself
do the right thing.

 I don't understand is how the spewers live with the
 sense of *importance* that their obsession projects 
 onto me. One would think that if their goal was to 
 minimize me and my ideas they would obsess on me 
 *less*. Go figure.

Our criticisms (and not just ours by any means)
of Barry's many and various faults have already
*reduced* him significantly. What we're doing
is working very nicely indeed. We *want* him to
be nervously looking over his shoulder whenever
he pens one of his poisonous diatribes, knowing
he's going to be called on the carpet for it.

He's become fearful of confronting us directly;
that has limited the number of his attacks. But
if he wants to no longer be a target himself,
he knows what he has to do. If he feels that
would amount to being minimized, he needs to
think about how that reflects on how he chooses
to participate on this forum: inflating his own
self-image and self-importance by putting other
people down.

It isn't his ideas (I use the term loosely)
that we criticize, of course. It's his
incredibly arrogant behavior and attitude, his
propensity to viciously and gratuitously attack
others for the ideas *they* hold, to fatuously
exalt his perceived superiority while
projecting his own flaws onto those he puts
down, and especially his compulsion to lie
about them.

That's what needs to be minimized, but clearly
it ain't gonna happen if Barry is left to spew
his egotism and rage and unhappiness unhindered.
If he can't control himself, he'll have to *be 

[FairfieldLife] Re: NIH provides $ 1 million for new study

2009-11-09 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
The TMO is now publishing research in UFO journals.
   No, it isn't. Vaj is lying.
  Geez, Judy you caught Vaj in three whopper in a
  row. Jackpot!
 I *do* not understand the liar's mentality,
 especially that of the casual, reflexive liars
 like Vaj and Barry.

Speaking of Vaj's endless stream of casual lies, I 
came across one by accident the other day when I was 
looking through the archives for something else. 
It's in his post #226539 of August 4, 2009:

That they have members of the TM Org scouring the 
web has been known for some time. For example, I've 
heard a number of people comment that TM org plants 
and volunteers have for a long time taken control of 
all Wikipedia articles related to TM or the 

While there are TMers who work on editing the TM-
related Wikipedia articles, and it's certainly not 
impossible they've been assigned to do so by the 
TMO, it's also just as likely they're doing so on 
their own hook.

But as I pointed out at the time, that they've 
taken control of the editing process is a flat-out 
lie. Anybody can check that for themselves; the 
editing process for every Wikipedia article takes 
place in the Discussion and Talk sections, which you 
can access at the top of the article page. All edits 
are recorded in the History section, likewise 
available at the top of the page.

What you'll find (as I noted in my original response 
to Vaj's post) is extensive and largely cordial 
*interaction* among TMers, neutral parties 
(sometimes including Wikipedia editorial 
administrators), and TM critics as they work on 
hammering out a consensus about an article. It's 
quite impossible for anyone to take control of the 
process; it simply wouldn't be permitted.

This is what I had missed the first time around, the 
last sentence of the paragraph quoted above:

One is even alleged to be a certain editor.

At the time, I thought Vaj meant that one of the 
Wikipedia editorial administrators was alleged to be 
a TMer. I doubt that's the case, but I have no 
knowledge either way, so I didn't comment 

Now I realize I had misread what he was saying. Vaj 
was suggesting that *I*--a certain editor--was one 
of the people who had taken control of the 
Wikipedia TM-related articles.

In fact, the only person who alleges that is Vaj, 
and he has *zero* basis for saying so. His 
allegation is made up out of whole cloth solely for 
the purpose of sliming me.

I have never participated in editing a TM-related 
Wikipedia article (or any other Wikipedia article, 
for that matter, with the exception of a very minor 
bit of copy editing some years ago that I did on 
impulse; I don't even remember what that article was 
about, but it wasn't anything TM-related).

So just one more reflexive, casual, gratuitous lie 
from Vaj to add to the accumulating steaming pile.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread jpgillam
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog wrote:
 These are the same jackasses plus 64 
 Democrats who threw women under the 
 bus voting for the Stupid Stupak 
 amendment, which denies women access 
 to abortion.

National Public Radio reported this morning 
that removing abortion from the bill was the 
tradeoff required to get the support of American 
Catholic bishops, who've been calling for universal 
healthcare for a long time; decades, I believe.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread PaliGap

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu 
noozg...@... wrote:

 Vaj wrote:
  On Nov 8, 2009, at 2:52 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
  Vaj wrote:
   Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words:
   SBP is Systolic Blood Pressure.
  Depends on the mantra used doesn't it? Some will 
be stimulating and
  actually raise the blood pressure while others 
lower it.
  Possibly, anyone predisposed to high pitta could 
get overheated and 
  mantra-yoga could raise their BP. But in general 
TM mantras seem 
  lightly cooling (i.e. pitta pacifying) for 
most. SO you get some 
  slight, very minimal benefit is some people when 
poor controls ar eused.
 I bet the studies don't discriminate between which 
TM mantras used and 
 whether they were first or advanced techniques.  
That would also make a 
 difference.  Many TM mantras are considered agni 
mantras and therefore 
 are stimulating.  It is unusual to give the general 
public agni 
 mantras because they have a stimulating effects.   
Remember that TM 
 claims to increase energy.

Agni? Isn't that the digestive fire in AyurVeda? 
So the TM mantras stimulate appetite or something? 
Seems a bit unlikely to me. Why would you think that? 
I can't say that's my experience at any rate. Then 
again I am an AV low-life (but thinking I should learn 

Vaj claims the TM mantras are pitta pacifying. Vaj 
claims a lot of things. But am I right in thinking 
that you have said that folks using the TM mantras 
have over-stimulated pitta (especially on FFL)? Having 
said that, my recall isn't all it should be, and I 
can't get any sense out of FFL search.

Leaving all that aside, if (just for the sake of 
argument) one DID achieve restful alertness during 
TM, ain't it reasonable to assume that that would be 
like a sort of tridosha balancing effect? It 
certainly couldn't be Vata, could it. If not 
tridosha, then Kapha I would guess? But my money's 
on balancing all the same. 

BTW - where are you getting your dosha/mantra 
correlations from?


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jpgillam jpgil...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog wrote:
  These are the same jackasses plus 64 
  Democrats who threw women under the 
  bus voting for the Stupid Stupak 
  amendment, which denies women access 
  to abortion.
 National Public Radio reported this morning 
 that removing abortion from the bill was the 
 tradeoff required to get the support of American 
 Catholic bishops, who've been calling for universal 
 healthcare for a long time; decades, I believe.

Well, that's just dandy. Universal healthcare has never been ON the table, 
which means Stupid Stupak bargained away women's reproductive rights for the 
hell of it. In fact Stupak did it for bipartisan support, not the bishops. Big 
deal they got ONE friggen' Republican to vote for the House Bill, Joe Cao, who 
Obama begged to vote against his party at the eleventh hour.

Re: [FairfieldLife] TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread Vaj

On Nov 9, 2009, at 12:38 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Vaj wrote:

 On Nov 8, 2009, at 2:52 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 Vaj wrote:
  Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words:
  SBP is Systolic Blood Pressure.

 Depends on the mantra used doesn't it? Some will be stimulating and
 actually raise the blood pressure while others lower it.

 Possibly, anyone predisposed to high pitta could get overheated  

 mantra-yoga could raise their BP. But in general TM mantras seem
 lightly cooling (i.e. pitta pacifying) for most. SO you get some
 slight, very minimal benefit is some people when poor controls ar  

I bet the studies don't discriminate between which TM mantras used and
whether they were first or advanced techniques. That would also make a
difference. Many TM mantras are considered agni mantras and  

are stimulating. It is unusual to give the general public agni
mantras because they have a stimulating effects. Remember that TM
claims to increase energy.

That certainly would explain why TM performs so poorly on lowering BP  
compared to all other meditation forms.

TMers also have long been observed to store hot energy in the head  
or chest: the wrong place to store it. It certainly isn't helpful for  
overall health. But then TMers are not taught how to yogicly handle  
the energy their meditation creates at all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jpgillam jpgil...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog wrote:
  These are the same jackasses plus 64 
  Democrats who threw women under the 
  bus voting for the Stupid Stupak 
  amendment, which denies women access 
  to abortion.
 National Public Radio reported this morning 
 that removing abortion from the bill was the 
 tradeoff required to get the support of American 
 Catholic bishops, who've been calling for universal 
 healthcare for a long time; decades, I believe.

Furthermore, abortion was never IN the House bill. In 1976 the Hyde Amendment 
barred the use of federal funds to pay for abortions through funds allocated by 
the annual appropriations bill for Health and Human Services. That should have 
been sufficient for the anti-women's health contingent in Congress, but 
n... What Stupid Stupak did was make extra sure that abortion wouldn't be 
covered. Even by private plans! 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread Bhairitu
PaliGap wrote:
 Agni? Isn't that the digestive fire in AyurVeda? 
 So the TM mantras stimulate appetite or something? 
 Seems a bit unlikely to me. Why would you think that? 
 I can't say that's my experience at any rate. Then 
 again I am an AV low-life (but thinking I should learn 

Thank Maharishi for leaving TM'ers in the dark when it comes to the 
deeper yoga of mantras.  You'll have to go outside TM to find out how 
mantras work and their specific effects.  You are correct agni is 
digestive fire but there are also agni mantras which are fiery and 
 Vaj claims the TM mantras are pitta pacifying. Vaj 
 claims a lot of things. But am I right in thinking 
 that you have said that folks using the TM mantras 
 have over-stimulated pitta (especially on FFL)? Having 
 said that, my recall isn't all it should be, and I 
 can't get any sense out of FFL search.

A certain TM will pacify pitta but not all of them. ;-)

 Leaving all that aside, if (just for the sake of 
 argument) one DID achieve restful alertness during 
 TM, ain't it reasonable to assume that that would be 
 like a sort of tridosha balancing effect? It 
 certainly couldn't be Vata, could it. If not 
 tridosha, then Kapha I would guess? But my money's 
 on balancing all the same. 

 BTW - where are you getting your dosha/mantra 
 correlations from?

Most commonly used bij mantras for ayurveda are hoom for kapha, shring 
for pitta and ram for vata.

You'll find these mentioned in any number of books as well as online. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:

 On Nov 9, 2009, at 12:38 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 Vaj wrote:
  On Nov 8, 2009, at 2:52 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
  Vaj wrote:
   Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words:
   SBP is Systolic Blood Pressure.
  Depends on the mantra used doesn't it? Some will be stimulating and
  actually raise the blood pressure while others lower it.
  Possibly, anyone predisposed to high pitta could get overheated and
  mantra-yoga could raise their BP. But in general TM mantras seem
  lightly cooling (i.e. pitta pacifying) for most. SO you get some
  slight, very minimal benefit is some people when poor controls ar 

 I bet the studies don't discriminate between which TM mantras used and
 whether they were first or advanced techniques. That would also make a
 difference. Many TM mantras are considered agni mantras and therefore
 are stimulating. It is unusual to give the general public agni
 mantras because they have a stimulating effects. Remember that TM
 claims to increase energy.

 That certainly would explain why TM performs so poorly on lowering BP 
 compared to all other meditation forms.

 TMers also have long been observed to store hot energy in the head 
 or chest: the wrong place to store it. It certainly isn't helpful for 
 overall health. But then TMers are not taught how to yogicly handle 
 the energy their meditation creates at all.

I think that is also why so people on rounding courses had problems with 
roughness and SLEEP!  I had problems sleeping and being lactose 
intolerant couldn't do the warm milk thang.  A capsule of calcium, 
magnesium and zinc would have also done the trick plus keeping some 
jatamansi or valerian root on hand.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Thom Hartmann on the Health Care Bill

2009-11-09 Thread Bhairitu
Bhairitu wrote:
 Since his name was brought up by some posters here and I listen to him 
 daily, this morning he is saying he doesn't think this bill is very 
 good.  It's a windfall for the for profit insurance companies.  He also 
 doesn't like the abortion amendment.

 I think it isn't a very good bill either.  Any idea that people should 
 be forced to buy insurance especially if they can't afford it is bad.  
 Now I haven't had a chance to wade through the bill.  Often when you do 
 that you find that there are some misconceptions being spread by the 
 public.  I think you should have health care without paying an extra 
 cent.  Just shut down those worthless global police actions and bring 
 the troops home and we'll have plenty of money for health care.

Ed Schultz also had Dennis Kucinich on his show and he voted against the 
bill because it was a $70 billion giveaway to the insurance 
companies.Let's keep lobbying for what we want.  We seem to have a 
bunch wussy Democrats that aren't willing to do the right thing.

BTW, months after the local progressive station took Thom Hartmann off 
in the morning I was able to listen to Thom on my morning walk using my 
new Android phone via his web stream.  Of course MUCH clearer than the 
local power starved station ever was.

Re: [FairfieldLife] TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread Vaj

On Nov 9, 2009, at 2:51 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

I think that is also why so people on rounding courses had problems  

roughness and SLEEP! I had problems sleeping and being lactose
intolerant couldn't do the warm milk thang. A capsule of calcium,
magnesium and zinc would have also done the trick plus keeping some
jatamansi or valerian root on hand.

There's been some recent discussion offlist on some of the longer  
rounding courses. At Mallorca, and Fiuggi there were rows of people  
who developed tics, weird spasmodic jerking and/or grunting. For  
some they never went away. Apparently some people were later  
diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome. Mahesh just claimed they were  
heavy unstressers. In any event it seems pretty clear that in  
certain people, something as simple as TM can be quite damaging to  
the human nervous system, causing permanent damage and requiring anti- 
psychotic medication to control the heavy unstressing.

As far as I am aware, no other meditation technique does this. Even  
the Muktananda people, who would get very specific kriyas and mudras,  
they would eventually resolve. I have friends who when they even  
think of yogic flying twitch or jerk. WTF?

[FairfieldLife] Boston schoolboy named Buddhist high priest

2009-11-09 Thread do.rflex

Boston schoolboy named Buddhist high priest   To his old classmates
in Boston, Jigme Wangchuk is a normal 11-year-oldschoolboy - but in
India he is worshipped by thousands of Buddhists whoconsider him the
reincarnation of one the faith's holiest figures.
By Dean Nelson in New Delhi

  [Jigme Wangchuk: Boston schoolboy named Buddhist high priest ]
Jigme Wangchuk: His parents have also given up their restaurant business
to be near his Drukpa Sangag Choeling Monastery.  Photo:

  He has traded his American life for a monastery in the Himalayan
hill townDarjeeling to fulfil his destiny as a spiritual leader
and liveamong his followers throughout Bhutan, Nepal and India's
Himalayan states.

His parents have also given up their restaurant business to be near his
DrukpaSangag Choeling Monastery.

They say they discovered their son was not like other children two years
agowhen he started talking about his past life. At first, they   
dismissed it as a childish fantasy, but began taking it seriously during
atrip to a monastery in Mysore, southern India.

He used to always talk of his past life but we did not take it   
seriously, dubbing it as a child's fantasies, said his mother Dechen.
At one point she claims he stopped playing and went into a trance in
whichhe recounted the story of his former life as His Holiness the
SecondGalwa Lorepa lama who died in 1250 in Tibet.

While in a trance he described a celebrated Buddhist monastery with a
35ftdragon on the roof. After hearing his description of the temple
he had notvisited, the monks proclaimed he was the reincarnation of
the 'Rinpoche' orhigh priest Galwa Lorepa, the founder of one of the
four main schools ofTibetan Buddhism.

Now he will spent the next ten years in virtual seclusion and only be
able tocommunicate with his former school friends by email.

It has been a very difficult period for us over the past two years. I
have been crying for the past five months, but have, at last, come to
termswith it, said his mother Dechen.

When we were in New Delhi on our way to Darjeeling, I asked him whether
he would like to go back to Boston. He said he has to fulfil his   
responsibilities to his people.

But for 'His Holiness' Jigme, there's no regrets. I will miss my school
days but I am happy in my new role. I like it here, he said.

http://snipurl.com/t5o6t   [www_telegraph_co_uk]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Thom Hartmann on the Health Care Bill

2009-11-09 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 Bhairitu wrote:
  Since his name was brought up by some posters here and I listen to him 
  daily, this morning he is saying he doesn't think this bill is very 
  good.  It's a windfall for the for profit insurance companies.  He also 
  doesn't like the abortion amendment.
  I think it isn't a very good bill either.  Any idea that people should 
  be forced to buy insurance especially if they can't afford it is bad.  
  Now I haven't had a chance to wade through the bill.  Often when you do 
  that you find that there are some misconceptions being spread by the 
  public.  I think you should have health care without paying an extra 
  cent.  Just shut down those worthless global police actions and bring 
  the troops home and we'll have plenty of money for health care.
 Ed Schultz also had Dennis Kucinich on his show and he voted against the 
 bill because it was a $70 billion giveaway to the insurance 
 companies.Let's keep lobbying for what we want.  We seem to have a 
 bunch wussy Democrats that aren't willing to do the right thing.
 BTW, months after the local progressive station took Thom Hartmann off 
 in the morning I was able to listen to Thom on my morning walk using my 
 new Android phone via his web stream.  Of course MUCH clearer than the 
 local power starved station ever was.

The House healthcare bill sucks. By the time it merges with the Senate bill 
it's going to be suckier. Dollars to donuts the Stupid Stupak amendment stays 
in the bill. I am really disgusted that Obama and the Democrats are patting 
themselves on the back for passing a bill that sacrifices a woman's right to 
choose and mandates insurance without a decent public option. 

The public option won't go into effect until 2013 and end up serving maybe 6 
million people. In other words the public option is NOT an option, plus you'll 
have to pay for health insurance starting NOW whether you like it or not. 

Obama should have twisted arms LBJ style and swung for the fences for single 
payer from the start of the debate. Yeah. Right. I knew that would never 
happened but had he the balls to do it, I'll bet we would have had a better 
bill than this piece of shit.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Nov 9, 2009, at 2:51 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
  I think that is also why so people on rounding courses had problems  
  roughness and SLEEP! I had problems sleeping and being lactose
  intolerant couldn't do the warm milk thang. A capsule of calcium,
  magnesium and zinc would have also done the trick plus keeping some
  jatamansi or valerian root on hand.
 There's been some recent discussion offlist on some of the longer  
 rounding courses. At Mallorca, and Fiuggi there were rows of people  
 who developed tics, weird spasmodic jerking and/or grunting. For  
 some they never went away. Apparently some people were later  
 diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome. Mahesh just claimed they were  
 heavy unstressers. In any event it seems pretty clear that in  
 certain people, something as simple as TM can be quite damaging to  
 the human nervous system, causing permanent damage and requiring anti- 
 psychotic medication to control the heavy unstressing.
 As far as I am aware, no other meditation technique does this. Even  
 the Muktananda people, who would get very specific kriyas and mudras,  
 they would eventually resolve. I have friends who when they even  
 think of yogic flying twitch or jerk. WTF?

Oh what a lot of happy horseshit. Once again Vaj treats us to a barrage of 
undocumented claims, just so he can say TM is dangerous. Thank you so much 
Mr. Concern Troll.

[FairfieldLife] Men Who Stare At Goats True Story

2009-11-09 Thread Rick Archer
Men Who Stare At Goats - The True 
 Story Behind The Film  
 By Dick Allgire
It was some thirty years ago on the big screen that we  watched Darth Vader
kill a subordinate with sheer force of will. Displeased  with the
performance of Admiral Ozzel because he brought his ships out  of hyperspace
too soon, alerting the Rebels to their presence, Darth Vader  held up his
hand and pinched the air. Moviegoers will recall the hapless  admiral
choking for air and falling over dead. Darth Vader killed the admiral with a
look, employing some unseen force of Mind. 
It was pure science fiction. Or was it? At about this  same time, a U.S.
Army Special Forces soldier was felling goats in much  the same manner. Now
this story is coming to the big screen. 
The Men Who Stare At Goats is a soon to be  released major motion picture
starring George Clooney, Jeff Bridges, and  Ewan McGregor. It is a
lighthearted look at how the U.S. Army explored  paranormal powers, new
age parapsychology and psychic functioning  in the late 1970's and early
80s. The film portrays all of this in a whimsical and comical tone, but the
real story is deadly serious. 
The character portrayed by George Clooney is based on  retired Special
Forces Intel First Sergeant Glenn Wheaton. In real life  Wheaton is a
character far too complex to portray in a two-hour movie.  In his Army
career Wheaton was a stone cold killer, a Green Beret door-knocker  as well
as a remote viewer, a type of psychic spy who could readily displace  his
awareness to remote locations across space and time to bring back actual
intelligence grade data using only his mind. He's also a boy from the
Louisiana Bayou, a southern gentleman, a kind and caring teacher. 
The title of the upcoming movie, The Men Who Stare  at Goats is based on
an incident in which a Green Beret instructor  killed a goat by staring at
it. Glenn Wheaton witnessed the event and recounted  it to author Jon
Ronson, who wrote about it in his book The Crazy  Rulers of the World.
Glenn Wheaton sat down and talked about the  goat incident recently during
an interview for a documentary planned for  release in conjunction with the
movie The Men Who Stare at Goats.  His interview will also be included in
the Extras in the home  DVD version of the movie. 
At the Special Warfare Center and School at Ft. Bragg,  North Carolina they
had what the Green Berets called The Goat Lab.  Special Forces medics were
required to learn how to treat gunshot wounds,  trauma cases, broken bones,
and other types of battlefield injuries. It  may sound cruel to members of
PETA, but they shot goats and subjected them  to numerous traumatic
injuries, and then tried to revive and stabilize them. Soldiers also
slaughtered the goats, learning so they would be able  to teach people in
third world countries how to butcher and dress an animal  and prepare it for
food. So they brought in goats from Honduras, and at  least one of the goats
became a victim of a Darth Vader type mental energy  killing. 
I was there the day the first goat died,  recalls Glenn Wheaton. He
remembers it was in the dead of winter at Ft.  Bragg. The Special Forces
students had finished their usual ten to fifteen  mile predawn run and
headed to the woods for hand-to-hand combat training.  At that time the 5th
Special Forces Group hand-to-hand combat instructor  was a martial arts
expert named Mike Echanis. 
We got to the training area, Wheaton says,  and there was a dagger stuck
in a tree. That meant Echanis  was in the Bear Pit. The Bear Pit was hole
in the sandy North Carolina  soil, 8 to 10 feet deep and 60 to 80 feet wide.
The instructor would wait  in the pit. The students couldn't see him. It
wasn't that he was actually  invisible, but he could blend in, using both
camouflage and mental trickery,  that they couldn't spot him. He was able to
adapt and blend into the environment  so well that those looking down into
the pit just could not see him. A  trainee would jump into the pit, and
suddenly Echanis would come out of  nowhere and be upon him, and the
hand-to-hand combat would ensue. The students  were certain to endure a
severe beating. 
On this particular day, Echanis had brought a goat with  him down into the
pit. As the soldiers fought the goat would scamper and  jump about, trying
to avoid the combatants being hurled around the pit. 
At the completion of the class, Echanis challenged the  soldiers: Where is
your mind?  
Then the demonstration none of them would ever forget.  Wheaton recalls that
the instructor grabbed the goat by the horns.  He dragged him to the middle
of the pit, pushing a green stake to the bottom  of the pit, attaching the
goat to it. Then he asked us again 'Where are  your minds?' Michael had
recently completed a lot of training in Qigong,  the force you couldn't see
that moves like a train. 
Glenn Wheaton witnessed the incredible feat. The instructor  never touched
the goat. Michael focused on the goat pretty 

[FairfieldLife] Cat banned from visiting Buddhist bank robber in jail

2009-11-09 Thread do.rflex

Cat banned from visiting Buddhist bank robber in jailBy Allan
Hall in Berlin

  A Buddhist bank robber has had his request for his cat to have
visiting rights to him in jail turned down by a court – despite his
plea that it is the reincarnation of his mother.

Peter Keonig, 46, is serving five-years for armed robberies in Werl,

He went to court this week demanding the right for his cat Gisela to be
allowed to visit him in jail because she is my dead mum.


Buddhists believe that people come back as other animals after death. He
said: I know it is mummy. She looks after me just the way she did. I
need to see her like other prisoners see their wives and children.

But the court turned him down. While we respect the religious freedom
of individuals, the accused has not been able to furnish proof that his
deceased mother has been reborn in a cat.

The court did say he would be allowed to write to the cat. Therefore,
the request for visiting rights for the feline is rejected.

  http://snipurl.com/t5olp   [www_telegraph_co_uk]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cat banned from visiting Buddhist bank robber in jail

2009-11-09 Thread TurquoiseB
Now *that* is a Mom who knows how to keep
her son tightly in her clutches. She's got
him pussy-whipped from beyond the grave. :-)

Re the last two paragraphs, if the cat is 
able to read the letters this guy writes to 
it, would that constitute the proof they want?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 Cat banned from visiting Buddhist bank robber in jail
 By Allan Hall in Berlin
   A Buddhist bank robber has had his request for his cat to have
 visiting rights to him in jail turned down by a court – despite his
 plea that it is the reincarnation of his mother.
 Peter Keonig, 46, is serving five-years for armed robberies in Werl,
 He went to court this week demanding the right for his cat Gisela 
 to be allowed to visit him in jail because she is my dead mum.
 Buddhists believe that people come back as other animals after 
 death. He said: I know it is mummy. She looks after me just the 
 way she did. I need to see her like other prisoners see their 
 wives and children.
 But the court turned him down. While we respect the religious 
 freedom of individuals, the accused has not been able to furnish 
 proof that his deceased mother has been reborn in a cat.
 The court did say he would be allowed to write to the cat. 
 Therefore, the request for visiting rights for the feline is 

[FairfieldLife] At Last

2009-11-09 Thread John
Can Christina Aguillera sing the blues or what?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Men Who Stare At Goats True Story

2009-11-09 Thread Mike Dixon
It's a funny movie. Reminded me of M freaking out about the CIA trying to take 
over the movement or whatever the charge. It also reminded me of FFL and crew.

From: Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, November 9, 2009 12:33:38 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Men Who Stare At Goats True Story

Men Who Stare At Goats - The True 
 Story Behind The Film  
 By Dick Allgire
It was some thirty years ago on the big screen that we  watched Darth Vader 
kill a subordinate with sheer force of will. Displeased  with the performance 
of Admiral Ozzel because he brought his ships out  of hyperspace too soon, 
alerting the Rebels to their presence, Darth Vader  held up his hand and 
pinched the air. Moviegoers will recall the hapless  admiral choking for air 
and falling over dead. Darth Vader killed the admiral with a look, employing 
some unseen force of Mind. 
It was pure science fiction. Or was it? At about this  same time, a U.S. Army 
Special Forces soldier was felling goats in much  the same manner. Now this 
story is coming to the big screen. 
The Men Who Stare At Goats is a soon to be  released major motion picture 
starring George Clooney, Jeff Bridges, and  Ewan McGregor. It is a lighthearted 
look at how the U.S. Army explored  paranormal powers, new age parapsychology 
and psychic functioning  in the late 1970's and early 80s. The film portrays 
all of this in a whimsical and comical tone, but the real story is deadly 
The character portrayed by George Clooney is based on  retired Special Forces 
Intel First Sergeant Glenn Wheaton. In real life  Wheaton is a character far 
too complex to portray in a two-hour movie.  In his Army career Wheaton was a 
stone cold killer, a Green Beret door-knocker  as well as a remote viewer, a 
type of psychic spy who could readily displace  his awareness to remote 
locations across space and time to bring back actual  intelligence grade data 
using only his mind. He's also a boy from the Louisiana Bayou, a southern 
gentleman, a kind and caring teacher. 
The title of the upcoming movie, The Men Who Stare  at Goats is based on an 
incident in which a Green Beret instructor  killed a goat by staring at it. 
Glenn Wheaton witnessed the event and recounted  it to author Jon Ronson, who 
wrote about it in his book The Crazy  Rulers of the World. Glenn Wheaton sat 
down and talked about the  goat incident recently during an interview for a 
documentary planned for  release in conjunction with the movie The Men Who 
Stare at Goats.  His interview will also be included in the Extras in the 
home  DVD version of the movie. 
At the Special Warfare Center and School at Ft. Bragg,  North Carolina they had 
what the Green Berets called The Goat Lab.  Special Forces medics were 
required to learn how to treat gunshot wounds,  trauma cases, broken bones, and 
other types of battlefield injuries. It  may sound cruel to members of PETA, 
but they shot goats and subjected them  to numerous traumatic injuries, and 
then tried to revive and stabilize them. Soldiers also slaughtered the goats, 
learning so they would be able  to teach people in third world countries how to 
butcher and dress an animal  and prepare it for food. So they brought in goats 
from Honduras, and at  least one of the goats became a victim of a Darth Vader 
type mental energy  killing. 
I was there the day the first goat died,  recalls Glenn Wheaton. He remembers 
it was in the dead of winter at Ft.  Bragg. The Special Forces students had 
finished their usual ten to fifteen  mile predawn run and headed to the woods 
for hand-to-hand combat training.  At that time the 5th Special Forces Group 
hand-to-hand combat instructor  was a martial arts expert named Mike Echanis. 
We got to the training area, Wheaton says,  and there was a dagger stuck in 
a tree. That meant Echanis  was in the Bear Pit. The Bear Pit was hole in the 
sandy North Carolina  soil, 8 to 10 feet deep and 60 to 80 feet wide. The 
instructor would wait  in the pit. The students couldn't see him. It wasn't 
that he was actually  invisible, but he could blend in, using both camouflage 
and mental trickery,  that they couldn't spot him. He was able to adapt and 
blend into the environment  so well that those looking down into the pit just 
could not see him. A  trainee would jump into the pit, and suddenly Echanis 
would come out of  nowhere and be upon him, and the hand-to-hand combat would 
ensue. The students  were certain to endure a severe beating. 
On this particular day, Echanis had brought a goat with  him down into the pit. 
As the soldiers fought the goat would scamper and  jump about, trying to avoid 
the combatants being hurled around the pit. 
At the completion of the class, Echanis challenged the  soldiers: Where is 
your mind?  
Then the demonstration none of them would ever forget.  Wheaton recalls that 
the instructor 

[FairfieldLife] Re: participate in Maharishi's Global Plan

2009-11-09 Thread sgrayatlarge

It's amazing what a make believe world can create

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, michael vedamer...@... wrote:

 - Weitergeleitete Mail 
 Von: Global Country Switzerland globalcountryswitzerl...@...
 An: 14 Maharishi Jyotish and Yagya Programmes globalcountryswitzerl...@...
 Gesendet: Sonntag, den 8. November 2009, 22:57:36 Uhr
 Betreff: FW: participate in Maharishi's Global Plan
 Dear Friends,
 The spiritual counterpart for your country lies in India. Each country is
 connected to one of the twelve jyotir lingas in India, the seat of Shiva,
 the eternal silence at the basis of creation. Reviving the age-old knowledge
 about the spiritual connection of every country with the Jyotirlingas in
 India and the creation of 48 Brahmananda Saraswati Nagars is Maharishi¹s
 greatest gift for humanity. The following website gives you more information
 about Maharishi¹s global plan to transform every country into a Vedic
 You are cordially invited in Maharishi¹s global plan to create a Vedic
 society everywhere and enjoy Maharishi¹s blessings and the support of all
 the Laws of Nature. If you have any questions or you want to participate in
 this grand undertaking please contact us via
 Bowing before Maharishi and the Holy Tradition of Vedic Masters we send you
 our best wishes for life in fulfilment.
 Jai Guru Dev

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-11-09 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Nov 07 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Nov 14 00:00:00 2009
180 messages as of (UTC) Mon Nov 09 23:43:54 2009

27 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
26 authfriend jst...@panix.com
13 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
12 WillyTex willy...@yahoo.com
12 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
11 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
10 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
 9 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 9 ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
 8 dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 6 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 6 off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 5 sgrayatlarge no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 5 PaliGap compost...@yahoo.co.uk
 3 Hugo richardhughes...@hotmail.com
 2 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 azgrey no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 wle...@aol.com
 2 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 2 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 2 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 m 13 meowthirt...@yahoo.com
 1 jpgillam jpgil...@yahoo.com
 1 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 1 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 1 It's just a ride bill.hicks.all.a.r...@gmail.com
 1 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com

Posters: 27
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Something for us guys to worry about?

2009-11-09 Thread It's just a ride
*2007 - Chinese Year of the Chicken*
 *- Bird Flu Pandemic devastates parts* *of Asia **

2008 - Chinese Year of the Horse*
 *- Equine Influenza decimates Australian racing **

2009 - Chinese Year of the Pig *
*- Swine Flu Pandemic kills hundreds of people around the globe **

Next year is ... 2010 *
*- Chinese Year of the Cock. (**Is it too early to panic?)*


[FairfieldLife] Re: At Last

2009-11-09 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 Can Christina Aguillera sing the blues or what?

There's no doubt Christina sings sexy smokin' hot blues. She has amazing 
control of her voice. However, IMO her fancy vocalizing loses the lyrics. Her 
performance is more of an exercise in virtuosity than in phrase and meaning.

Here's how Beyonce sang it at the Obama's inauguration for his first dance with 
Michelle. It was a very romantic moment for the first couple and for everyone 
who watched it. Beautiful. Beyonce's version was more about feeling the love 
than showing off her vocal skills. 

At Last Lyrics by Etta James

At last, my love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song
Oh, yeah, at last
The skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clovers
The night I looked at you
I found a dream that I could speak to
A dream that I can call my own
I found a thrill to rest my cheek to
A thrill that I have never known
Oh, yeah when you smile, you smile
Oh, and then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
For you are mine
At last

Here's how Etta sings her signature song:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Men Who Stare At Goats True Story

2009-11-09 Thread Bhairitu
Jon Ronson, who wrote Men Who Stare at Goats is interviewed in the 
third hour of the Alex Jones show today:

Mike Dixon wrote:
 It's a funny movie. Reminded me of M freaking out about the CIA trying to 
 take over the movement or whatever the charge. It also reminded me of FFL and 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread jpgillam
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu wrote:

 Thank Maharishi for leaving TM'ers in the 
 dark when it comes to the deeper yoga of 
 mantras.  You'll have to go outside TM to 
 find out how mantras work and their specific 

Can't we just look around to see the effects 
of TM mantras? Among ourselves and our friends, 
we have thousands of people who've been using 
TM mantras for dozens of years. What have you 

[FairfieldLife] Re: At Last

2009-11-09 Thread John
Bravo!  Beyonce's rendition is excellent.  The beat was better too.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  Can Christina Aguillera sing the blues or what?
 There's no doubt Christina sings sexy smokin' hot blues. She has amazing 
 control of her voice. However, IMO her fancy vocalizing loses the lyrics. Her 
 performance is more of an exercise in virtuosity than in phrase and meaning.
 Here's how Beyonce sang it at the Obama's inauguration for his first dance 
 with Michelle. It was a very romantic moment for the first couple and for 
 everyone who watched it. Beautiful. Beyonce's version was more about feeling 
 the love than showing off her vocal skills. 
 At Last Lyrics by Etta James
 At last, my love has come along
 My lonely days are over
 And life is like a song
 Oh, yeah, at last
 The skies above are blue
 My heart was wrapped up in clovers
 The night I looked at you
 I found a dream that I could speak to
 A dream that I can call my own
 I found a thrill to rest my cheek to
 A thrill that I have never known
 Oh, yeah when you smile, you smile
 Oh, and then the spell was cast
 And here we are in heaven
 For you are mine
 At last
 Here's how Etta sings her signature song:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread Bhairitu
jpgillam wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu wrote:
 Thank Maharishi for leaving TM'ers in the 
 dark when it comes to the deeper yoga of 
 mantras.  You'll have to go outside TM to 
 find out how mantras work and their specific 

 Can't we just look around to see the effects 
 of TM mantras? Among ourselves and our friends, 
 we have thousands of people who've been using 
 TM mantras for dozens of years. What have you 

No, that's not what I mean.  Every mantra has a different qualities.  
They enliven different aspects.  There is some method in the madness of 
TM.   Other traditions and teachers use different approaches.  Some guru 
pick a mantra that balances the personality of the individual.  The 
deities represent the qualities.  They were invented to explain 
abstract concepts to the masses.  People who have developed sufficient 
inner quietness can observe the qualities of the different mantas.  
Mantras are sort of like spices.  Some are stimulating, some cooling, 
some calming, etc.

Swami Sivananda wrote on this as have others.  Maharishi to my knowledge 
never did.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual vs Spiritism

2009-11-09 Thread dhamiltony2k5
This one gets sent around the community too on the subject of spiritism 
affliction.  Seems more directly the transcendental perspective.


Of  Negative Energy, in Method
Un-edited without attribution or permission

Love is a form of insight. If someone says something to you and they have some 
observation about you, you can watch yourself thinking, I don't know whether I 
want to take that in. If the person doesn't do it perfectly, if they don't say 
it exactly the way your mind wants to hear it, you just reject it. You can't 
pull the kernel of truth out of a stone. The purpose of insight meditation is 
to get that kernel of truth to come out of the stone, and to particularly get 
it out of people who have no skillful means, that is, they're abrupt and they 
don't know how to do it nicely, they're not poised, they don't have good 
delivery. The purpose of insight meditation is to see the truth coming from 
people who you perceive as enemies or that are ruthless in some way. The 
purpose of insight meditation is to turn your enemies into friends. It means 
that you have to have insight into how their enmity can be friendly to you. 
They can teach you about yourself.

The result of that, ideally, is that you don't insulate yourself and always 
surround yourself with supporters. You are courageous enough to be in the 
presence of people who are not of skillful means, doing the right thing at the 
right moment, and you're able to pull truth even out of that stone. That makes 
it possible to pull love out of anything, out of a dead branch. That is the 
nature of insight meditation. There are a lot of situations in life in which 
love is not so easily seen. 

There are people who, for whatever reason, make themselves into your enemy, who 
throw stuff at you that is really hurtful, and not even stuff that's 
unconscious but rakshasic, demonic stuff. Those rakshasas, those demons, those 
bad guys are there to help you practice. That's their job, that's what they do. 
The way they help you practice is that you see them for what they are. You 
realize that if there's negative energy coming your way from another person 
which is not allowing you to experience the field of love between you and them, 
it is not only them doing that but there is an entity doing that, a negative 
force that is blocking the love. It doesn't want the love to be there, it's 
invested in that, it's employed by the devil, if you want to call it that, the 
dark side, the shadow. When you recognize that something is getting in the way 
between you loving another person, it is one of those or a cluster or aggregate 
of those.
In both the Hindu and the Buddhist tradition the idea is to shoot them in the 
foot, to cut through, to completely annihilate their power, to debilitate them, 
to get them out of your life. How do you get rid of those demonic beings that 
are breaking up the love, that are destroying the love between you and your 
family, your relations, your lover? This is another important point about 
insight meditation. It teaches you that they exist, that it's not your 
imagination, and what to do with them. What do you do with them? When you see 
that another person is emanating a powerful negative energy and they may not 
even know it, then you have a job to do. As a spiritual person you're on call. 
Your job is to shoot this thing, get rid of it, take it out, annihilate it, 
blast it, explode it. How do you do that? When you have an enemy of this 
rakshasic nature, which it isn't always, sometimes it's at a personality 
structure level, but if it is, if that's what's coming at you, you have to get 
rid of it. If its job is to create fear, it will generate more fear. If its job 
is to create anger, it will generate more anger. That's what rakshasas do. 
That's their job. According to a lot of scriptures, they don't have a choice, 
they're slaves, essentially, of the dark side, they are made to do that, they 
don't have free will. Basically they are there to fight you into sadness, into 
fear, into anger, into jealousy, but ultimately they are there to cause you to 
break from practice. They're sadhana breakers. They're there to stop you from 
practicing, from doing what you know is the best thing for your evolution. 
How do you stop them from stopping you? From a transcendent point of view, the 
way that you stop rakshasas is that you get deeper into the transcendent that 
they are sourced from. If they're here and they have a pipeline into the 
transcendent and it's this far down and that's where they're getting their 
rakshasa juice from, you go down lower. You have to go underneath them to get 
at them. It's like what Maharishi said, you can't solve a problem on the level 
of the problem. You have to go underneath where they're sourced. However, their 
job is to keep you from doing that. They don't want you to get underneath them 
because they know that when you do that their jig is up. They will do 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 The deities represent the qualities.  They were
 invented to explain abstract concepts to the masses.

No kidding.

Funny thing, whenever I or some other TMer points this
out, we're accused of being brainwashed and parroting
what we've been told to believe, so as to cover up
the evil deception that TM is a religion because it
involves worshipping all those Hindu deities.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM and Blood Pressure

2009-11-09 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 jpgillam wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu wrote:

  Thank Maharishi for leaving TM'ers in the 
  dark when it comes to the deeper yoga of 
  mantras.  You'll have to go outside TM to 
  find out how mantras work and their specific 
  Can't we just look around to see the effects 
  of TM mantras? Among ourselves and our friends, 
  we have thousands of people who've been using 
  TM mantras for dozens of years. What have you 
 No, that's not what I mean.  Every mantra has a different 
 qualities. They enliven different aspects.  

You're speaking to deaf ears, Bhairitu.
Mainly because you are speaking to grown
men and women who are still terrified of
speaking their mantras alound for fear
that Bad Things would happen to them. :-)

There can never be any mantra science in 
TM because that would violate the holy Thou
shalt never speak thy mantra aloud rule.
We are talking about a group of people who
have been trained to be so incurious as to
have never wondered what the mantra they 
think to themselves hundreds of times a day 
was intended to do to them. 

Sometimes I think that Maharishi's ability 
to convince otherwise smart people to adhere
to stupid behavior was so great that he could
have given everyone the mantra gullible and
after 30 years they would never have noticed 
its English meaning.  :-)