[FairfieldLife] Re: Another take on Avatar

2010-01-11 Thread seekliberation

I've seen a picture of him.  He looks quite caucasian to me.  Of course
the pic could be a fake.don't forget Off has a sense of humor and
likes to mess with the heads of peoplefor all we know he could
really be an eskimo raised in Australia who now lives in Scandivia and
plans to retire in Cambodia.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_re...@... wrote:
   Okay, I don't hold it against you, OffWorld, if you only date
within your
   But let's remember that you did indeed tell everyone on this forum
that you
   are African-American.
   He did? He has always made it clear that he's Scottish.
  He must be a Black Scotsman then.
  Ask him. He'll tell you that he said it on this forum.

 I'm afraid, only a Scotsman would write 'snikker' instead
 of 'snicker'. Or could the geminate-k by chance be a feature
 of Ebony? Hmm

 (Snakker du norsk, Off?)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meaning of caaNDaali (chaandaali)?

2010-01-11 Thread Vaj

On Jan 11, 2010, at 1:54 AM, cardemaister wrote:

According to Wiki, the Sanskrit word corresponding to
Tibetan 'tummo' is 'caaNDaali'. Anyone know what the
literal meaning of it is? CDSL gives only this:

cANDAli m. pl. N. of a family Pravar. vi , 1.

It's a code word for both kundalini and a low caste woman.

It's actually spelling should be kANDAli, and it conceals the words  
for  consonant and vowel in the letters Ka and A.

For the yogin or yogini the idea is to unify these pranas and head  
back to the source of everything through absorption (Skt.: samadhi).  
In tantric terminology one can find words like sama-dhi joined  
together in one word to symbolize this state of union, this state of  
silence (sama = silent dhi = mind). Often these are hidden in  
word games that only initiates will recognize. One such word is  
Candali (Kandali). It conceals the two letters Ka and A and the words  
for 'consonant' and 'vowel' (kali and ali). Candali literally means  
a women of low caste. But in this case it refers to an actual  
practice of generating bliss by merging the solar and lunar channels  
to cause a flame to ignite in the gut, causing the amrita of the  
lunar centers in the brain to melt and flow down over the chakras,  
generating intense bliss and sensation. Staring directly into this  
sensation of bliss riding on top of emptiness, one can jump into  
the Void.

[FairfieldLife] Israel is the only apartheid regime in the Western world

2010-01-11 Thread do.rflex

Imposing Middle East Peace   Henry Siegman
http://www.thenation.com/directory/bios/henry_siegman , former
Executive Director of the American Jewish Congress and of the Synagogue
Council of America   - - -   January 7, 2010 - The Nation


 Israel's relentless drive to establish facts on the ground in
the occupied West Bank, a drive that continues in violation of even the
limited settlement freeze to which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
committed himself, seems finally to have succeeded in locking in the
irreversibility of its colonial project.

As a result of that achievement, one that successive Israeli
governments have long sought in order to preclude the possibility of a
two-state solution, Israel has crossed the threshold from the only
democracy in the Middle East to the only apartheid regime in the
Western world.

The inevitability of such a transformation has been held out not by
Israel bashers but by the country's own leaders.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon referred to that danger, as did  Prime
Minister Ehud Olmert, who warned that Israel could not escape turning
into an apartheid state if it did not relinquish almost all the
territories, if not all, including the Arab parts of East Jerusalem.
Olmert ridiculed Israeli defense strategists who, he said, had learned
nothing from past experiences and were stuck in the mindset of the 1948
war of independence.

With them, it is all about tanks and land and controlling territories
and controlled territories and this hilltop and that hilltop, he said.
All these things are worthless. Who thinks seriously that if we sit on
another hilltop, on another hundred meters, that this is what will make
the difference for the State of Israel's basic security?

It is now widely recognized in most Israeli circles--although denied by
Israel's government--that the settlements have become so widespread and
so deeply implanted in the West Bank as to rule out the possibility of
their removal (except for a few isolated and sparsely populated ones) by
this or any future Israeli government unless compelled to do so by
international intervention, an eventuality until now considered entirely

It is not only the settlements' proliferation and size that have made
their dismantlement impossible. Equally decisive have been the influence
of Israel's settler-security-industrial complex, which conceived and
implemented this policy; the recent disappearance of a viable pro-peace
political party in Israel; and the infiltration by settlers and their
supporters in the religious-national camp into key leadership positions
in Israel's security and military establishments.

Olmert was mistaken in one respect, for he said Israel would turn into
an apartheid state when the Arab population in Greater Israel outnumbers
the Jewish population.

But the relative size of the populations is not the decisive factor in
such a transition. Rather, the turning point comes when a state  denies
national self-determination to a part of its population--even one that
is in the minority--to which it has also denied the rights of

When a state's denial of the individual and national rights of a large
part of its population becomes permanent, it ceases to be a democracy.

When the reason for that double disenfranchisement is that population's
ethnic and religious identity, the state is practicing a form of
apartheid, or racism, not much different from the one that characterized
South Africa from 1948 to 1994.

The democratic dispensation that Israel provides for its mostly Jewish
citizens cannot hide its changed character.

By definition, democracy reserved for privileged citizens--while all
others are kept behind checkpoints, barbed-wire fences and separation
walls commanded by the Israeli army--is not democracy but its opposite.

The Jewish settlements and their supporting infrastructure, which span
the West Bank from east to west and north to south, are not a wild
growth, like weeds in a garden. They have been carefully planned,
financed and protected by successive Israeli governments and Israel's

Their purpose has been to deny the Palestinian people independence and
statehood--or to put it more precisely, to retain Israeli control of
Palestine from the river to the sea, an objective that precludes the
existence of a viable and sovereign Palestinian state east of Israel's
pre-1967 border.

A vivid recollection from the time I headed the American Jewish Congress
is a helicopter trip over the West Bank on which I was taken by Ariel
Sharon. With large, worn maps in hand, he pointed out to me strategic
locations of present and future settlements on east-west and north-south
axes that, Sharon assured me, would rule out a future Palestinian state.

Just one year after the 1967 war, Moshe Dayan, then defense minister,
described Israel's plan for the future of the territories as the
current reality. The plan is being 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US special envoy threatens to freeze aid to Israel

2010-01-11 Thread Mike Dixon
Wasn't SKM captured in Pakistan?

From: authfriend jst...@panix.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, January 10, 2010 8:47:12 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: US special envoy threatens to freeze aid to Israel

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@ ... wrote:

 Isn't that interesting, Obama wants to give foreign
 terrorists full American constitutional rights

When they're captured on American soil.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Avatar Inspires 3D Porn

2010-01-11 Thread TurquoiseB
Cool. The next step will be when they use 3D for
spiritual teaching. You'll be able to sit in the
comfort of your own living room and see a 3D 
representation of some wannabee guru talking 
about enlightenment. 

It'll be SO much better than just reading books.

You won't be any closer to enlightenment than you
are by reading books about enlightenment, but it'll
*feel* better because it'll be all 3D and all. :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
bill.hicks.all.a.r...@... wrote:

 LAS VEGAS, Nevada (AFP) – A 3-D mania stoked by stunning new
 television sets and the blockbuster film Avatar is being embraced by
 a porn industry notorious for helping new technologies access homes.
 Bad Girls In 3D used an AVN Adult Entertainment Expo that ended Sunday
 in Las Vegas to unveil an unprecedented online library exclusively in
 the format and a first-of-a-kind turnkey digital 3-D viewing system.
 For several decades, the adult entertainment industry has driven
 adoption of every significant new entertainment delivery system - the
 VHS home-video craze in the 1980s, the satellite television mania in
 the 1990s and the present day Internet, said Bad Girls producer Lance
 2010 and beyond will be all about 3-D.
 Adult expo attendees wearing active shutter glasses grinned as they
 immersed themselves in a Bad Girls video displayed in 3-D on a giant
 high-definition television.
 The firm's package consists of a 60-inch (152-centimeter) 3-D
 television; a compact computer server, and shutter glasses that synch
 with the screen to trick eyes into viewing in 3-D.
 The Bad Girls system is priced at 4,000 dollars, and a subscription to
 the online video library costs 20 dollars a month, according to a
 woman at the booth that gave only her first name, Samantha.
 The potential of 3-D in adult entertainment was proven decades ago by
 a soft-core 3-D film The Stewardess, which raked in 27 million
 dollars in theaters during the two years after its release in 1969,
 according to Johnson.
 Internet technologies were woven throughout an expo rife with with
 studios promoting products; barely-clad talent signing autographs
 and posing for pictures, and even a mechanical bull made into a giant
 A True Companion sex robot named Roxxxy priced in the thousands of
 dollars debuted at the show and Bone Town was shown off as the
 world's first action-adventure videogame.
 There are some virtual sex games out there, but none that actually
 have adventure and a storyline to them, said Maximus Baptist VIII of
 A corporation called The Man Inc. is trying to shut down all the sex
 and drugs so you have to help the people of Bone Town get rid of The
 The videogame can't be played on consoles because the companies making
 them target a PG audience, according to Baptist.
 Elsewhere on the show floor, the HotTrix company behind iBeer,
 iMunchies, and iBug applications for iPhones touted an App Sex Shop
 devoted to lascivious software for Apple's globally popular
 We have a way to bring adult content to the iPhone without
 jail-breaking, hacking or altering your iPhone in any way, said
 HotTrix co-owner Steve August.
 Apple would not allow us to use its App Store, so we came up with our own.
 More than two million applications, most of them for adult videos or
 pictures, have been downloaded from the HotTrix shop, according to
 For the second year in a row, adult entertainment powerhouse Pink
 Visual saw visits to its mobile video service soar after Christmas as
 people turned on new iPhones and tapped into porn.
 Mobile has saved our (tail) this year, said Pink distribution
 operations manager Kim Kysar, noting that the porn industry was not
 spared during the economic turmoil.
 We took a hit when everyone else took a hit and mobile is making up
 the difference for us.
 Social networking trends are also being reflected, with an online
 community launched about a year ago for adult entertainers and their
 Life isn't like a bowl of cherries or peaches..
 it's more like a jar of jalapenos.
 What you do today,
 might burn your ass tomorrow.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Another take on Avatar

2010-01-11 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of ShempMcGurk
Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 9:59 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Another take on Avatar
He must be a Black Scotsman then.

Ask him. He'll tell you that he said it on this forum.
I don't know what he said, but I know OffWorld (Thomas Barlow). He used to
live in Fairfield. We were on campus together. He fixed our door one time.
He's as white as I am. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

[FairfieldLife] From Dr. Mercola

2010-01-11 Thread Rick Archer

Common Relaxation Technique Can Help Lower Your Blood Pressure and Protect
Your Heart
Posted by: Dr. Mercola
January 09 2010 | 4,653 views

A just-published study suggests the practice of meditation may bring
cardiovascular and mental-health benefits.
The research, followed close to 300 students, half of whom practiced
transcendental meditation for 20 minutes once or twice daily over three
months. A subgroup of subjects in the meditation group who were at increased
risk for hypertension significantly lowered their blood pressure and
psychological distress, and also bolstered their coping ability.
The average reduction in blood pressure in this group -- a 6.3-mm Hg
decrease in the top (systolic) number of a blood pressure reading and a 4-mm
Hg decrease in the lower (diastolic) number -- was associated with a 52
percent reduction in the risk of developing hypertension in the future.
Meditators who were not at increased risk for hypertension saw a reduction
in psychological distress, depression, and anxiety as well as increased
coping ability.

U.S. News  World Report

American Journal of Hypertension, December 2009
med.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed+RVDocSumordinalpos=1 ordinalpos=1

Dr. Mercola's Comments:
A just-published study suggests the practice of meditation may bring
cardiovascular and mental-health benefits.

The research, followed close to 300 students, half of whom practiced
transcendental meditation for 20 minutes once or twice daily over three
months. A subgroup of subjects in the meditation group who were at increased
risk for hypertension significantly lowered their blood pressure and
psychological distress, and also bolstered their coping ability.
The average reduction in blood pressure in this group -- a 6.3-mm Hg
decrease in the top (systolic) number of a blood pressure reading and a 4-mm
Hg decrease in the lower (diastolic) number -- was associated with a 52
percent reduction in the risk of developing hypertension in the future.
Meditators who were not at increased risk for hypertension saw a reduction
in psychological distress, depression, and anxiety as well as increased
coping ability.
As the new year begins and you resolve to make healthier lifestyle choices,
I strongly encourage you to add a few minutes of meditation to your daily
Just 20 minutes a day can begin to make a big difference in how you feel
mentally, physically and emotionally.
When your mind is calm and your emotions are within your control, you're in
a much better position to tackle all your normal responsibilities plus the
goals you've set for yourself.
Feelings of stress and overwhelm that keep you stuck in unhealthy behaviors
can be greatly relieved by a regular practice of meditation. As the clouds
in your head clear and your anxiety is minimized, you'll be amazed at how
energized and capable you feel.


Blaine Watson's Comments (#10)
Posted On Jan 09, 2010
With reference to citing TM studies and comparing them to other forms of
meditation, there have been several published meta-analyses comparing the
Transcendental Meditation technique to many other relaxation and meditation
methods. It was statistically found that the effect size on certain
variables like anxiety, and other risk factors, was twice as large with TM
than with the other practices, which were no more effective than placebo. A
paper, including a visual summary of the meta-analyses, Five Meta-Analyses
Comparing the Transcendental Meditation Program with Other Meditation and
Relaxation Techniques, can be found at TruthAboutTM.org
http://TruthAboutTM.org/ . http://bit.ly/4TWDIA 

Neural imaging and EEG studies indicate that TM practice creates a unique
brain pattern: it is the only meditation technique known to create
widespread brainwave coherence. The TM technique also produces deeper rest
than other practices, and studies show the technique to be more effective at
reducing anxiety and depression and increasing self-actualization. A
website, Ask The Doctors, discusses results from other forms of meditation
and TM at http://bit.ly/5z087e.
Also, take a look at some of the peer-reviewed published studies on the
Transcendental Meditation technique at this site: http://bit.ly/RHgA5

Over 40 years, and 700 scientific research studies later, the TM technique
continues to 

[FairfieldLife] From Michael Blitz in FF

2010-01-11 Thread Rick Archer
Over the holidays, my daughter Sophia's class at MSAE (Maharishi School of
the Age of Enlightenment) had a basketball tournament to raise money for the
senior class trip.  Companies paid to sponsor teams.  Referees' calls could
be reversed for $25 and someone from the stands could pay $10 to shoot a
foul shot instead of the person fouled. About 250 people paid $5 to watch.
(Basketball is good entertainment here.)
At half-time I said that if anyone would bet 10-1 odds on it, I would shoot
from half court, backwards, and put up $10/shot.  In other words, I shoot
from half court, if I miss I pay $10, if I make it, those who take the bet
each pay $100 for each one I make.  Four people took up the bet.  I took 10
I used to be able to do this with some regularity.  It had been over 5 years
since I was on the court.
The video, taken by the father of one of the teams' players, is of the 7th
It was quite a rush. Thought I would share it.  Happy New Year.

[FairfieldLife] Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans from freezing this winter.

2010-01-11 Thread Rick Archer
From a FF resident who spends a lot of time out in S. Dakota helping the 
Native Americans
Subject: Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans from 
freezing this winter.

Just in case you want to donate a little via phone/credit card, the office is 
open now Monday to Friday. I called Saturday from NJ and connection( to leave 
message ) was not good; today Monday connection was very good.
If you wish to donate for Propane Gas to keep Native Americans from freezing 
this winter, call 605-867-5199,   
 Lakota Plains Propane, 1987 Po Box, Whiteclay, 
Pine Ridge, 69365, 57770US
Tell them that this is for Martha American Horse family in Sharps Corner. The 
minimum amount of propane that can be delivered is $120. You can donate as 
little or as much as you want, but it will not be delivered until it reaches 
Temba has been helping the Martha American Horse family for the last two 
winters.  Please let Temba( tembaspir...@hotmail.com 
http://us.mc500.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=tembaspir...@hotmail.com   )  
know when you donate so he can keep track of things.
You can see the pictures of the children @  http://www.naturescompassion.com/ 
that u are helping.   Temba says, “this family was orphaned and we spent the 
entire summer with them 2009.”
Temba has been helping one family at a time. More families can be helped 
depending on response. Please contact Temba Spirits @ tembaspir...@hotmail.com 

[FairfieldLife] The Alameda (California) Weehawken (New Jersey) Burrito Tunnel

2010-01-11 Thread It's just a ride

Who can imagine New York City without the Mission burrito? Like the
Yankees, the Brooklyn Bridge or the bagel, the oversize burritos have
become a New York institution. And yet it wasn’t long ago that it was
impossible to find a good burrito of any kind in the city. As the 30th
anniversary of the Alameda-Weehawken burrito tunnel approaches, it’s
worth taking a look at the remarkable sequence of events that takes
place between the time we click “deliver” on the burrito.nyc.us.gov
website and the moment that our hot El Farolito burrito arrives in the
lunchroom with its satisfying pneumatic hiss.

The story begins in any of the three dozen taquerias supplying the Bay
Area Feeder Network, an expansive spiderweb of tubes running through
San Francisco’s Mission district as far south as the “Burrito
Bordeaux” region of Palo Alto and Mountain View. Electronic displays
in each taqueria light up in real time with orders placed on the East
Coast, and within minutes a fresh burrito has been assembled, rolled
in foil, marked and dropped down one of the small vertical tubes that
rise like organ pipes in restaurant kitchens throughout the city.

Once in the tubes, it’s a quick dash for the burritos across San
Francisco Bay. Propelled by powerful bursts of compressed air, the
burritos speed along the same tunnel as the BART commuter train, whose
passengers remain oblivious to the hundreds of delicious cylinders
whizzing along overhead. Within twelve minutes, even the remotest
burrito has arrived at its final destination, the Alameda Transfer
Station, where it will be prepared for its transcontinental journey.

Ever since Isaac Newton first described the laws of gravity in 1687,
scientists have known that the quickest route between two points is
along a straight line through the Earth’s interior. Through the magic
of gravity, any object dropped into such a “chord tunnel” at one end
will emerge exactly 42 minutes later at the other end, no matter the
distance. But for hundreds of years, the technical challenges of
building such a tunnel were so daunting that it remained a theoretical
curiosity. Only at the start of the 20th century did the idea become
technically feasible, and to this day the tunnel linking the East Bay
with New Jersey remains the only structure of its kind in the world.

From the outside, the Alameda facility looks like any other industrial
building. Behind a chain link razor wire fence sits a windowless white
hangar some three stories tall, surrounded by a strip of green lawn.
If you could see underground, however, you’d see that the building
sits at the center of a converging nexus of burrito pipes. High
pressure pneumatic tubes from all over the Bay Area emerge in the
center of the facility, spilling silvery burritos onto a high-speed
sorting line. The metal-jacketed burritos look like oversize bullets,
and the conveyor belts that move them through the facility resemble
giant belts of delicious ammunition. Within a few seconds of arrival
the burritos have been bar coded, checked for balance and round on a
precision lathe, and then flash-frozen with liquid nitrogen.

The mouth of the tunnel is a small concrete arch in the side of a
nearby hill, about as glamorous as an abandoned railway tunnel. Yet if
you could open the airlocks and stare down its length with a
telescope, you would see airplanes on final approach to Newark
Airport, three thousand miles away! To reduce drag on the burritos to
a minimum, the tunnel must be kept in near-vacuum with powerful pumps.
At the tunnel’s deepest point the burritos will be traveling nearly
two kilometers a second - even the faintest whiff of air would quickly
drag them to a stop.

The launch tube for the burritos lies just under the tunnel mouth and
looks like what it is: an enormous gun. Every four seconds a ‘slug’ of
ten burritos, white with frost, ratchets into the breech. A moment
later it flies into the tunnel with a loud hiss of compressed gas, and
the lights dim briefly as banks of powerful electromagnets accelerate
the burritos to over two hundred miles an hour. By the time they pass
Stockton three minutes later the burritos will be traveling faster
than the Concorde, floating on an invisible magnetic cushion as they
plunge into the lithosphere.
No one who built the Alameda-Weehawken tunnel had quite this future in
mind for it. The tunnel had its origins in the early 1900’s as an
ambitious project for speeding mail delivery between New York City and
the booming Pacific port of San Francisco. The telegraph and railroad
had linked the city to the East Coast, but transferring documents,
currency, securities and diplomatic correspondence across the country
was still a slow affair fraught with danger. In 1911, the celebrated
British civil engineer Basil Mott approached the plutocrat Andrew W.
Mellon with an audacious plan to build a straight-line tunnel 2500
miles long connecting New York 

[FairfieldLife] Cartoon [1 Attachment]

2010-01-11 Thread Rick Archer

[FairfieldLife] Re: 1957

2010-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5

1976  (continued)

Maharishi inaugurates the  World Government
Of the Age of Enlightenment, a non-political,
Non-religious global organization, with sovereignty
In the domain of consciousness, authority in the invincible power
Of Natural Law, and activity in purifying world
Consciousness with the participation of the people of over 
120 countries and with 1,200 Maharishi Capitals of the Age of Enlightenment
around the world.

 Maharishi's Year of Government
 Maharishi introduced the TM-Sidhi program
 and starts to train Governors of the Age of 
 Enlightenment to function from the Unified
 Field of all the Laws of Nature to purify
 world consciousness.

  Maharishi's Year of the
  Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment
  With the discovery of the Maharishi Effect
  the profound nature of Maharishi's Creative
  Intelligence is further validated.  The
  Maharishi Effect demonstrates that 
  the collective life of a society or nation can 
  be fully developed and enriched through a small proportion
  of the population practicing Maharishi's
  Transcendental Meditation.
 1975  (continued)
 The 'Maharishi Effect' establishes a new formula for the creation of an ideal 
 society, free from crime and problems.  With this, Maharishi envisions the 
 dawn of a new age for humankind- the Age of Enlightenment.
 On January 12, Maharishi inaugurates the Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment for 
 the whole world in Switzerland, and travels to all six continents 
 inaugurating the Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment for each continent.  The 
 Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment brings the first wave of fulfillment of 
 Maharishi's World Plan.
 Maharishi establishes Maharishi European Research University to monitor the 
 rise of the Age of Enlightenment in all parts of the world, and to 
 investigate the full range of possibilities inherent in human consciousness. 
   Maharishi's Year of 
   Achievement of the World Plan
   The Discovery of the Maharishi Effect:
   one percent of the population practicing
   the Transcendental Meditation program in
   any city reduces negative tendencies, such
   as crime, accident, and sickness rates, and
   increases positive tendencies throughout

Maharishi's Year of
Action for the World Plan

More than 2,000 World Plan Centers are
established in all parts of the world,
offering courses in the Science of
Creative Intelligence.

 Maharishi's Year of the World Plan.
 Maharishi inaugurates the World Plan to solve
 the age-old problems of mankind in this generation,
 with 2,000 newly trained teachers of 
 the Science of Creative Intelligence.
  Maharishi's Year of
  Science of Creative Intelligence
  Maharishi formulates the Science of Creative Intelligence
  as the scientific theory for the development of 
  higher states of consciousness, which naturally develop 
  through the practice of Transcendental Meditation.
  Maharishi establishes Maharishi Interantional University
  in the U.S.A. to serve as a model of ideal education in the world.
   Maharishi's Year of
   Scientific Research
   First scientific research on Transcendental
   Meditation, identifying the physiological
   correlates of higher states of consciousness.
   With this research Transcendental Meditation
   gains worldwide publicity and inspires scientists
   throughout the world to research into the wide range of benefits 
   resulting from Transcendental Meditation.

Maharishi's Year of
Supreme Consciousness

Maharishi comments extensively on the Brahma Sutras,
the texbook of Vedant, the aspect of Vedic literature
which provides complete knowledge of 
Unity Consciousness, the pinnacle of human evolution.

 Maharishi's Year of Students
 Students International Meditation Society
 is founded in many countries.
  Maharishi's Year of
  Unity Consciousness
  Maharishi explains experiences of Transcendental
  Meditation in terms of Unity Consciousness.
  Maharishi inaugurates the first European Meditation Academy 
  in Bremen, Germany
   Maharishi's Year of
   Academy of Meditation
   In the year of the great Kumbha Mela in Allahabad,
   India, Maharishi inaugurates the first International
   Academy of Meditation, Shankaracharya Nagar, Rishikesh,
   India, with the second International Transcendental
   Meditation Teacher Training Course.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans from freezing this winter.

2010-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Are these people meditators? 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From a FF resident who spends a lot of time out in S. Dakota helping the 
 Native Americans
 Subject: Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans from 
 freezing this winter.
 Just in case you want to donate a little via phone/credit card, the office is 
 open now Monday to Friday. I called Saturday from NJ and connection( to leave 
 message ) was not good; today Monday connection was very good.
 If you wish to donate for Propane Gas to keep Native Americans from freezing 
 this winter, call 605-867-5199,   
  Lakota Plains Propane, 1987 Po Box, Whiteclay, 
 Pine Ridge, 69365, 57770US
 Tell them that this is for Martha American Horse family in Sharps Corner. The 
 minimum amount of propane that can be delivered is $120. You can donate as 
 little or as much as you want, but it will not be delivered until it reaches 
 Temba has been helping the Martha American Horse family for the last two 
 winters.  Please let Temba( tembaspir...@... 
 http://us.mc500.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=tembaspir...@...   )  know 
 when you donate so he can keep track of things.
 You can see the pictures of the children @  http://www.naturescompassion.com/ 
 that u are helping.   Temba says, “this family was orphaned and we spent 
 the entire summer with them 2009.”
 Temba has been helping one family at a time. More families can be helped 
 depending on response. Please contact Temba Spirits @ tembaspir...@... 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans from freezing this winter.

2010-01-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 Are these people meditators? 

More important, do they have tidy hair?

You wouldn't want to inadvertently help to keep
a slattern from freezing, would you?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From a FF resident who spends a lot of time out in S. Dakota 
  helping the Native Americans
  Subject: Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native 
  Americans from freezing this winter.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans from freezing this winter.

2010-01-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  Are these people meditators? 
 More important, do they have tidy hair?
 You wouldn't want to inadvertently help to keep
 a slattern from freezing, would you?

Anybody want to take bets on how many more posts
Barry will throw away on this before he can let go
of his attachment to it? I'll bet at least three
more. He's still good and stuck.

[FairfieldLife] The Beach Boy leave Big Love

2010-01-11 Thread Bhairitu
Last night was the 4th season opener of Big Love on HBO.  For those 
not familiar with the series it's about a polygamist Morman family in 
Salt Lake.  It features a set of fine actors Bill Paxton as the husband 
and owner of a large hardware store, Jeanne Tripplehorn as wife #1,  
Chloe Sevigny as wife #2 and Ginnifer Goodwin as wife #3.   A whole host 
of actors round things out including Harry Dean Stanton whose acting was 
a little stiff in the opening episode.

Anyway for the first three season the Beach Boys God Only Knows played 
behind the opening credits.  But season 4 has a new titles opening.

You might think such a series to be boring but it isn't at all.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans from freezing this winter.

2010-01-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony2k5@ 
   Are these people meditators? 
  More important, do they have tidy hair?
  You wouldn't want to inadvertently help to keep
  a slattern from freezing, would you?
 Anybody want to take bets on how many more posts
 Barry will throw away on this before he can let go
 of his attachment to it? I'll bet at least three

More like three hundred.

It's a magic word. Every time anyone on this
forum hears it, they'll remember the time Judy
was so out of control trying to support one of
her insupportable theories that she called a
woman a slut just because her hair was uncombed.

Personally, I think that the more people laugh 
at her, the better it'll be for her. So she 
should look at the repetition of this magic
word as a form of therapy.

:-)  :-)  :-)

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans from freezin

2010-01-11 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of dhamiltony2k5
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 11:11 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just in case you want to help a little to keep
Native Americans from freezing this winter.
Are these people meditators? 
Probably not. Temba is an ex-con Amma devotee who devotes all his time to
helping the homeless, Native Americans, etc. He hasn't learned TM himself,
so I doubt that he has arranged for them to do so. I guess they're all going
to hell.

[FairfieldLife] Revelations from '08 Campaign - Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton

2010-01-11 Thread do.rflex

CBS 60 Minutes - Revelations from the 2008 Campaign

Anderson Cooper Reports On A New Book -Game Change- by Mark Halperin and
John Heilemann That Reveals New Details From The Obama And McCain
Campaigns - Cooper also interviews McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt

From CBS:

(According to the authors) (i)t turns out Hillary Clinton was so
confident she would become president, that a full year before the
election she had already started planning for her transition into the
White House.

That's in a new book by reporters Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, who
have also brought details to light about the Republican campaign; some
of them directly contradict what Sarah Palin wrote in her book.

In public, Palin looked like the game changer McCain had wanted, but in
private, the authors say she was struggling to learn too much too fast.

Her foreign policy tutors are literally taking her through, 'This is
World War I, this is World War II, this is the Korean War. This is the
how the Cold War worked.' Steve Schmidt had gone to them and said, 'She
knows nothing,'

Heilemann told Cooper. A week later, after the convention was over, she
still didn't really understand why there was a North Korea and a South
Korea. She was still regularly saying that Saddam Hussein had been
behind 9/11. And, literally, the next day her son was about to ship off
to Iraq. And when they asked her who her son was going to fight, she
couldn't explain that.   [ . . . ]

Asked how Palin responded after McCain asked her to be his vice
president, Schmidt said, She was very calm. Nonplussed. I said, 'You
don't seem nervous at all about this.' And she said, 'No, it's God's

Watch the full interview [13 minutes runtime]: http://snipurl.com/u1pwq

[FairfieldLife] LINK CORRECTION Revelations from '08 Campaign - Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton

2010-01-11 Thread do.rflex

You can find the video here:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 CBS 60 Minutes - Revelations from the 2008 Campaign
 Anderson Cooper Reports On A New Book -Game Change- by Mark Halperin and
 John Heilemann That Reveals New Details From The Obama And McCain
 Campaigns - Cooper also interviews McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt
 From CBS:
 (According to the authors) (i)t turns out Hillary Clinton was so
 confident she would become president, that a full year before the
 election she had already started planning for her transition into the
 White House.
 That's in a new book by reporters Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, who
 have also brought details to light about the Republican campaign; some
 of them directly contradict what Sarah Palin wrote in her book.
 In public, Palin looked like the game changer McCain had wanted, but in
 private, the authors say she was struggling to learn too much too fast.
 Her foreign policy tutors are literally taking her through, 'This is
 World War I, this is World War II, this is the Korean War. This is the
 how the Cold War worked.' Steve Schmidt had gone to them and said, 'She
 knows nothing,'
 Heilemann told Cooper. A week later, after the convention was over, she
 still didn't really understand why there was a North Korea and a South
 Korea. She was still regularly saying that Saddam Hussein had been
 behind 9/11. And, literally, the next day her son was about to ship off
 to Iraq. And when they asked her who her son was going to fight, she
 couldn't explain that.   [ . . . ]
 Asked how Palin responded after McCain asked her to be his vice
 president, Schmidt said, She was very calm. Nonplussed. I said, 'You
 don't seem nervous at all about this.' And she said, 'No, it's God's
 Watch the full interview [13 minutes runtime]: http://snipurl.com/u1pwq

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Fine Art Of Not Knowing

2010-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5

   Passed along from Marek, who discovered it, a neat
   video in which Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, S. James
   Gates, Jr., and Freeman Dyson discuss the very thing
   I was trying to get at in my reply to Doug this
   morning. What is it we know? What is it we even
   *can* know?
  That is fine as wishy-washy conjecture, but known is our experience
 when we have it and that spiritual experience can be very clear for what
 it is. Spiritual experience, when you have it, that is fact at that
 time. Not clear  you don't really know, then there likely is just some
 un-stressing going on and more cultivation is needed and some more to
 come to know by experience about it. Steps of spiritual progress through
 knowledge and experience of where and how to look. A good teacher and
 textbook evidently can be helpful along the way.
  The extraordinary modern progression of things human though is that
 the physiological correlates of spiritual experience can now be pointed
 at too. But further, that there is and has been experience that comes
 from collective spiritual practice just as real to those who do it. And
 so too that science with it. That there is an evident collective value
 to cultivating spiritual experience. That there is a difference between
 meditators and non-meditators by experience and evident science. Just
 is. Is not elitist, just fact. The modern policy implication: Meditate
 you sinners, it may take some discipline! The world evidently will be a
 better place as you come to it.
  Jai Guru Dev,

Would seem by the gravity of the science and experience to warrant a need for 
more severe discipline of practice by those who would know better.  Who should 
know better.  Come back to meditation.  

If you can't come to meditation, at least hire a replacement to go in your 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans from freezin

2010-01-11 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 Temba is an ex-con Amma devotee...

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra. Temba, his arms wide! Shaka, when the walls fell.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans from freezing this winter.

2010-01-11 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Jan 11, 2010, at 10:07 AM, Rick Archer wrote:

From a FF resident who spends a lot of time out in S. Dakota helping the 
Native Americans
Subject: Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans from 
freezing this winter.
Instead of spending time trying to help families one 
at a time, how about some activism to get the government
to do what governments are supposed to do--better the lives
of its citizens, or at the very least keep them from dying 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans from freezin

2010-01-11 Thread It's just a ride
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 12:33 PM, Alex Stanley
j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 Temba is an ex-con Amma devotee...

 Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra. Temba, his arms wide! Shaka, when the walls fell.

The Intertubes is getting a bit too weird when there's a Wikipedia
entry for the Tamarian language.

Life isn't like a bowl of cherries or peaches..
it's more like a jar of jalapenos.
What you do today,
might burn your ass tomorrow.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans from freezin

2010-01-11 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Alex Stanley
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 12:34 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just in case you want to help a little to keep
Native Americans from freezin
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 Temba is an ex-con Amma devotee...

Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra. Temba, his arms wide! Shaka, when the walls
Had no idea what you were talking about, but found a reference here:

RE: [FairfieldLife] Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans from freezing th

2010-01-11 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Sal Sunshine
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 12:50 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Just in case you want to help a little to keep
Native Americans from freezing this winter.
On Jan 11, 2010, at 10:07 AM, Rick Archer wrote:
From a FF resident who spends a lot of time out in S. Dakota helping the
Native Americans
Subject: Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans
from freezing this winter.
Instead of spending time trying to help families one 
at a time, how about some activism to get the government
to do what governments are supposed to do--better the lives
of its citizens, or at the very least keep them from dying 
Good idea, and probably people are doing that. But this is what Temba feels
motivated and qualified to do. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] From Dr. Mercola

2010-01-11 Thread Bhairitu
Judy said Mercola is a quack a little while back.

Rick Archer wrote:

 Common Relaxation Technique Can Help Lower Your Blood Pressure and Protect
 Your Heart
 Posted by: Dr. Mercola
 January 09 2010 | 4,653 views

 A just-published study suggests the practice of meditation may bring
 cardiovascular and mental-health benefits.
 The research, followed close to 300 students, half of whom practiced
 transcendental meditation for 20 minutes once or twice daily over three
 months. A subgroup of subjects in the meditation group who were at increased
 risk for hypertension significantly lowered their blood pressure and
 psychological distress, and also bolstered their coping ability.
 The average reduction in blood pressure in this group -- a 6.3-mm Hg
 decrease in the top (systolic) number of a blood pressure reading and a 4-mm
 Hg decrease in the lower (diastolic) number -- was associated with a 52
 percent reduction in the risk of developing hypertension in the future.
 Meditators who were not at increased risk for hypertension saw a reduction
 in psychological distress, depression, and anxiety as well as increased
 coping ability.

 U.S. News  World Report

 American Journal of Hypertension, December 2009
 med.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed+RVDocSumordinalpos=1 ordinalpos=1

 Dr. Mercola's Comments:
 A just-published study suggests the practice of meditation may bring
 cardiovascular and mental-health benefits.

 The research, followed close to 300 students, half of whom practiced
 transcendental meditation for 20 minutes once or twice daily over three
 months. A subgroup of subjects in the meditation group who were at increased
 risk for hypertension significantly lowered their blood pressure and
 psychological distress, and also bolstered their coping ability.
 The average reduction in blood pressure in this group -- a 6.3-mm Hg
 decrease in the top (systolic) number of a blood pressure reading and a 4-mm
 Hg decrease in the lower (diastolic) number -- was associated with a 52
 percent reduction in the risk of developing hypertension in the future.
 Meditators who were not at increased risk for hypertension saw a reduction
 in psychological distress, depression, and anxiety as well as increased
 coping ability.
 As the new year begins and you resolve to make healthier lifestyle choices,
 I strongly encourage you to add a few minutes of meditation to your daily
 Just 20 minutes a day can begin to make a big difference in how you feel
 mentally, physically and emotionally.
 When your mind is calm and your emotions are within your control, you're in
 a much better position to tackle all your normal responsibilities plus the
 goals you've set for yourself.
 Feelings of stress and overwhelm that keep you stuck in unhealthy behaviors
 can be greatly relieved by a regular practice of meditation. As the clouds
 in your head clear and your anxiety is minimized, you'll be amazed at how
 energized and capable you feel.


 Blaine Watson's Comments (#10)
 Posted On Jan 09, 2010
 With reference to citing TM studies and comparing them to other forms of
 meditation, there have been several published meta-analyses comparing the
 Transcendental Meditation technique to many other relaxation and meditation
 methods. It was statistically found that the effect size on certain
 variables like anxiety, and other risk factors, was twice as large with TM
 than with the other practices, which were no more effective than placebo. A
 paper, including a visual summary of the meta-analyses, Five Meta-Analyses
 Comparing the Transcendental Meditation Program with Other Meditation and
 Relaxation Techniques, can be found at TruthAboutTM.org
 http://TruthAboutTM.org/ . http://bit.ly/4TWDIA 

 Neural imaging and EEG studies indicate that TM practice creates a unique
 brain pattern: it is the only meditation technique known to create
 widespread brainwave coherence. The TM technique also produces deeper rest
 than other practices, and studies show the technique to be more effective at
 reducing anxiety and depression and increasing self-actualization. A
 website, Ask The Doctors, discusses results from other forms of meditation
 and TM at http://bit.ly/5z087e.
 Also, take a look at some of the peer-reviewed published studies on the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans from freezing th

2010-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of Sal Sunshine
 Sent: Monday, January 11, 2010 12:50 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Just in case you want to help a little to keep
 Native Americans from freezing this winter.
 On Jan 11, 2010, at 10:07 AM, Rick Archer wrote:
 From a FF resident who spends a lot of time out in S. Dakota helping the
 Native Americans
 Subject: Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans
 from freezing this winter.
 Instead of spending time trying to help families one 
 at a time, how about some activism to get the government
 to do what governments are supposed to do--better the lives
 of its citizens, or at the very least keep them from dying 
 Good idea, and probably people are doing that. But this is what Temba feels
 motivated and qualified to do.

Fine, though one wonders there must be tribal councils, Indian gambling 
casinos, their Indian Agent through the BIA, and  certainly Christian charity 
groups doing good works up there who are on location.

In the long run would not money be better served from here giving to the David 
Lynch Foundation?

Re: [FairfieldLife] From Dr. Mercola

2010-01-11 Thread Vaj

On Jan 11, 2010, at 2:17 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Judy said Mercola is a quack a little while back.

Esp. when touting junk science like in these articles. Even the most  
recent studies use health education for a control. Not that  

There was however an excellent article in the new Current Psychiatry  
on meditation, depression and anxiety which is quite well done. It  
labels what's controlled and what not. Good, evidence-based medicine.  
No wonder some insurance companies reimburse for it:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans from freezing this winter.

2010-01-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony2k5@ 
Are these people meditators? 
   More important, do they have tidy hair?
   You wouldn't want to inadvertently help to keep
   a slattern from freezing, would you?
  Anybody want to take bets on how many more posts
  Barry will throw away on this before he can let go
  of his attachment to it? I'll bet at least three
 More like three hundred.
 It's a magic word. Every time anyone on this
 forum hears it, they'll remember the time Judy
 was so out of control trying to support one of
 her insupportable theories that she called a
 woman a slut just because her hair was uncombed.

Actually, what they'll remember is the time
Barry became so freaked out over his inability to
Get Judy that he tried to pretend she called a
woman a slut because her hair was uncombed when
she'd obviously done nothing of the kind.

Don't let me stop you, Toots. You go right ahead.
I'll just keep count.

I should start at 10 considering all your posts so
far, but I'll give you a break.

This is One.


[FairfieldLife] Re: From Dr. Mercola

2010-01-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 Judy said Mercola is a quack a little while back.

You beat me to it.

 Rick Archer wrote:
  Common Relaxation Technique Can Help Lower Your Blood Pressure and Protect
  Your Heart
  Posted by: Dr. Mercola
  January 09 2010 | 4,653 views
  A just-published study suggests the practice of meditation may bring
  cardiovascular and mental-health benefits.
  The research, followed close to 300 students, half of whom practiced
  transcendental meditation for 20 minutes once or twice daily over three
  months. A subgroup of subjects in the meditation group who were at increased
  risk for hypertension significantly lowered their blood pressure and
  psychological distress, and also bolstered their coping ability.
  The average reduction in blood pressure in this group -- a 6.3-mm Hg
  decrease in the top (systolic) number of a blood pressure reading and a 4-mm
  Hg decrease in the lower (diastolic) number -- was associated with a 52
  percent reduction in the risk of developing hypertension in the future.
  Meditators who were not at increased risk for hypertension saw a reduction
  in psychological distress, depression, and anxiety as well as increased
  coping ability.
  U.S. News  World Report
  American Journal of Hypertension, December 2009
  med.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed+RVDocSumordinalpos=1 ordinalpos=1
  Dr. Mercola's Comments:
  A just-published study suggests the practice of meditation may bring
  cardiovascular and mental-health benefits.
  The research, followed close to 300 students, half of whom practiced
  transcendental meditation for 20 minutes once or twice daily over three
  months. A subgroup of subjects in the meditation group who were at increased
  risk for hypertension significantly lowered their blood pressure and
  psychological distress, and also bolstered their coping ability.
  The average reduction in blood pressure in this group -- a 6.3-mm Hg
  decrease in the top (systolic) number of a blood pressure reading and a 4-mm
  Hg decrease in the lower (diastolic) number -- was associated with a 52
  percent reduction in the risk of developing hypertension in the future.
  Meditators who were not at increased risk for hypertension saw a reduction
  in psychological distress, depression, and anxiety as well as increased
  coping ability.
  As the new year begins and you resolve to make healthier lifestyle choices,
  I strongly encourage you to add a few minutes of meditation to your daily
  Just 20 minutes a day can begin to make a big difference in how you feel
  mentally, physically and emotionally.
  When your mind is calm and your emotions are within your control, you're in
  a much better position to tackle all your normal responsibilities plus the
  goals you've set for yourself.
  Feelings of stress and overwhelm that keep you stuck in unhealthy behaviors
  can be greatly relieved by a regular practice of meditation. As the clouds
  in your head clear and your anxiety is minimized, you'll be amazed at how
  energized and capable you feel.
  Blaine Watson's Comments (#10)
  Posted On Jan 09, 2010
  With reference to citing TM studies and comparing them to other forms of
  meditation, there have been several published meta-analyses comparing the
  Transcendental Meditation technique to many other relaxation and meditation
  methods. It was statistically found that the effect size on certain
  variables like anxiety, and other risk factors, was twice as large with TM
  than with the other practices, which were no more effective than placebo. A
  paper, including a visual summary of the meta-analyses, Five Meta-Analyses
  Comparing the Transcendental Meditation Program with Other Meditation and
  Relaxation Techniques, can be found at TruthAboutTM.org
  http://TruthAboutTM.org/ . http://bit.ly/4TWDIA 
  Neural imaging and EEG studies indicate that TM practice creates a unique
  brain pattern: it is the only meditation technique known to create
  widespread brainwave coherence. The TM technique also produces deeper rest
  than other practices, and studies show the technique to be more effective at
  reducing anxiety and depression and increasing self-actualization. A

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just in case you want to help a little to keep Native Americans from freezing th

2010-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5

 get the government
  to do what governments are supposed to do--better the lives
  of its citizens, or at the very least keep them from dying 
  Good idea, and probably people are doing that. But this is what Temba feels
  motivated and qualified to do.
 Fine, though one wonders there must be tribal councils, Indian gambling 
 casinos, their Indian Agent through the BIA, and  certainly Christian charity 
 groups doing good works up there who are on location.
 In the long run would not money be better served from here giving to the 
 David Lynch Foundation?

How are the pundits here doing up in the FEMA trailers?  Has the international 
red cross been in there to check on their state of being?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Fine Art Of Not Knowing

2010-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5

Passed along from Marek, who discovered it, a neat
video in which Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, S. James
Gates, Jr., and Freeman Dyson discuss the very thing
I was trying to get at in my reply to Doug this
morning. What is it we know? What is it we even
*can* know?
   That is fine as wishy-washy conjecture, but known is our experience
  when we have it and that spiritual experience can be very clear for what
  it is. Spiritual experience, when you have it, that is fact at that
  time. Not clear  you don't really know, then there likely is just some
  un-stressing going on and more cultivation is needed and some more to
  come to know by experience about it. Steps of spiritual progress through
  knowledge and experience of where and how to look. A good teacher and
  textbook evidently can be helpful along the way.
   The extraordinary modern progression of things human though is that
  the physiological correlates of spiritual experience can now be pointed
  at too. But further, that there is and has been experience that comes
  from collective spiritual practice just as real to those who do it. And
  so too that science with it. That there is an evident collective value
  to cultivating spiritual experience. That there is a difference between
  meditators and non-meditators by experience and evident science. Just
  is. Is not elitist, just fact. The modern policy implication: Meditate
  you sinners, it may take some discipline! The world evidently will be a
  better place as you come to it.
   Jai Guru Dev,
 Would seem by the gravity of the science and experience to warrant a need for 
 more severe discipline of practice by those who would know better.  Who 
 should know better. To come back to meditation.  
 If you can't come to meditation, at least hire a replacement to go in your 

Islam uses lashes to get people to temple.  Given this science now on spiritual 
experience and meditation which is coming out, is it getting time to explore 
aspects of their model?  They don't seem to have any peer review on the 
effectiveness of their prayer, but they sure get people to turn out for their 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Christmas Story!

2010-01-11 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays dickm...@... wrote:


Only Maharishi could 
 have avoided such a potential catastrophe.
 Jai Guru Dev,

Only a cult-addled mind could write such a thing.

Dearest Kenny: even if true do you not get it that writing such a thing does 
more to saddle the TMO with the cult label than anything else?

Do you not remember the days when every major city in North America would 
initiate, like 50 people each Saturday?

Now a major city is lucky to get 25 a year!

It's because people like you make us into a cult...and people run, not walk, 
away from us.

[FairfieldLife] Re: US special envoy threatens to freeze aid to Israel

2010-01-11 Thread WillyTex
Mike Dixon wrote:
 Wasn't SKM captured in Pakistan?
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was captured 
in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, on March 1, 
2003. But he is being tried in a 
civilian court in New York City, 
although he is an enemy combatant
who is being held at Guantanamo Bay
by the U.S. Military.

[FairfieldLife] Soul Mates in the News

2010-01-11 Thread do.rflex

[FairfieldLife] Re: US special envoy threatens to freeze aid to Israel

2010-01-11 Thread WillyTex

   Isn't that interesting, Obama wants to give 
   foreign terrorists full American constitutional 
  When they're captured on American soil.
 P.S.: Kinda like Bush gave Richard Reid, the 
 shoe bomber, his full American constitutional 
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was captured in Pakistan.
He was an enemy combatant who got tortured 183 
times by the C.I.A. at a secret detention site. 

So, now he will be tried in a civilian court in 
New York City.   

If he had full American constitutional rights he
would have already have been freed, since there's
not one shred of evidence that wasn't obtained
without coercion, that is presentable in a U.S. 
Court, that he committed any crimes in the U.S. 

Apparently 'Khalid Sheikh Mohammed' isn't even
his real name. By rights, we should be paying him,
since we shot a drone at him, and tried to murder
him, which is illegal under international law.

How is that going to play out in a public trial?

If he had been tried by a military court, he 
would already be dead by now. That's the point.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Christmas Story!

2010-01-11 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays dickmays@ wrote:
 Only Maharishi could 
  have avoided such a potential catastrophe.
  Jai Guru Dev,

 It's because people like you make us into a cult...and people run, not walk, 
 away from us.

Without Maharishis initiative on this and many other occasions perhaps they 
would not be able to run ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: US special envoy threatens to freeze aid to Israel

2010-01-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:
 If he had full American constitutional rights he
 would have already have been freed, since there's
 not one shred of evidence that wasn't obtained
 without coercion, that is presentable in a U.S. 
 Court, that he committed any crimes in the U.S.

You mean, aside from his formal, on-the-record plea
to be allowed, along with four of his fellow detainees,
to plead guilty to the charges against him?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: US special envoy threatens to freeze aid to Israel

2010-01-11 Thread Mike Dixon
Was his formal plea made before or after he was marandised? If it was before, 
it should be thrown out and not allowed as evidence of guilt. 

From: authfriend jst...@panix.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, January 11, 2010 3:11:29 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: US special envoy threatens to freeze aid to Israel

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, WillyTex willy...@.. . wrote:
 If he had full American constitutional rights he
 would have already have been freed, since there's
 not one shred of evidence that wasn't obtained
 without coercion, that is presentable in a U.S. 
 Court, that he committed any crimes in the U.S.

You mean, aside from his formal, on-the-record plea
to be allowed, along with four of his fellow detainees,
to plead guilty to the charges against him?

http://www.nytimes. com/2008/ 12/09/us/ 09gitmo.html


[FairfieldLife] Re: US special envoy threatens to freeze aid to Israel

2010-01-11 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@... wrote:

 Was his formal plea made before or after he was marandised?
 If it was before, it should be thrown out and not allowed
 as evidence of guilt.

Don't think Bush was into Mirandizing the detainees.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2010-01-11 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Jan 09 00:00:00 2010
End Date (UTC): Sat Jan 16 00:00:00 2010
212 messages as of (UTC) Mon Jan 11 23:40:21 2010

35 ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
32 authfriend jst...@panix.com
20 WillyTex willy...@yahoo.com
18 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
14 dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
14 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
12 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
10 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
 7 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
 7 It's just a ride bill.hicks.all.a.r...@gmail.com
 6 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 6 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 4 off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 4 BillyG wg...@yahoo.com
 3 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 3 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 3 jeff.evans60 jeff.evan...@yahoo.com
 2 seekliberation seekliberat...@yahoo.com
 2 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
 1 suziezuzie msilver1...@yahoo.com
 1 m 13 meowthirt...@yahoo.com
 1 hermandan0 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 Zoran Krneta krneta.zo...@gmail.com
 1 wle...@aol.com
 1 RayS rayshepar...@yahoo.com
 1 PaliGap compost...@yahoo.co.uk
 1 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com

Posters: 28
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: US special envoy threatens to freeze aid to Israel

2010-01-11 Thread WillyTex

  If he had full American constitutional rights he
  would have already have been freed, since there's
  not one shred of evidence that wasn't obtained
  without coercion, that is presentable in a U.S. 
  Court, that he committed any crimes in the U.S.
 You mean, aside from his formal, on-the-record plea
 to be allowed, along with four of his fellow detainees,
 to plead guilty to the charges against him?

Key words here: torture and coercion.

Confessions made uner torture are not admissible
in U.S. courts. It's against civil and human
rights laws listed in the U.S. Constitution. If you
were tortured by the CIA you might say anything. 

Not to mention the extreme rendition, which is 
against international law. Confessions mean
nothing when you just got a drone trying to kill
you and your entire family.

Everyone knows that KSM always wanted to make
himself look good. But his 'confession' will never 
stand, because it's inadmissable in court.

[FairfieldLife] Re: US special envoy threatens to freeze aid to Israel

2010-01-11 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

   If he had full American constitutional rights he
   would have already have been freed, since there's
   not one shred of evidence that wasn't obtained
   without coercion, that is presentable in a U.S. 
   Court, that he committed any crimes in the U.S.
  You mean, aside from his formal, on-the-record plea
  to be allowed, along with four of his fellow detainees,
  to plead guilty to the charges against him?
 Key words here: torture and coercion.
 Confessions made uner torture are not admissible
 in U.S. courts.

This plea wasn't made under torture.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Fine Art Of Not Knowing

2010-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5


 Passed along from Marek, who discovered it, a neat
 video in which Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, S. James
 Gates, Jr., and Freeman Dyson discuss the very thing
 I was trying to get at in my reply to Doug this
 morning. What is it we know? What is it we even
 *can* know?


That is fine as wishy-washy conjecture, but known is our experience
   when we have it and that spiritual experience can be very clear for what
   it is. Spiritual experience, when you have it, that is fact at that
   time. Not clear  you don't really know, then there likely is just some
   un-stressing going on and more cultivation is needed and some more to
   come to know by experience about it. Steps of spiritual progress through
   knowledge and experience of where and how to look. A good teacher and
   textbook evidently can be helpful along the way.
The extraordinary modern progression of things human though is that
   the physiological correlates of spiritual experience can now be pointed
   at too. But further, that there is and has been experience that comes
   from collective spiritual practice just as real to those who do it. And
   so too that science with it. That there is an evident collective value
   to cultivating spiritual experience. That there is a difference between
   meditators and non-meditators by experience and evident science. Just
   is. Is not elitist, just fact. The modern policy implication: Meditate
   you sinners, it may take some discipline! The world evidently will be a
   better place as you come to it.
Jai Guru Dev,
  Would seem by the gravity of the science and experience to warrant a need 
  for more severe discipline of practice by those who would know better.  Who 
  should know better. To come back to meditation.  
  If you can't come to meditation, at least hire a replacement to go in your 
 Islam uses lashes to get people to temple.  Given this science now on 
 spiritual experience and meditation which is coming out, is it getting time 
 to explore aspects of their model?  They don't seem to have any peer review 
 on the effectiveness of their prayer, but they sure get people to turn out 
 for their programs.

Skipping prayer on three consecutive Fridays: three lashes.
The whip, according to the booklet, must be made of rattan a quarter to a third 
of an inch thick.  ... each as long as a cane and snappy as a flyswatter.  
National Geographic 10-09

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Fine Art Of Not Knowing

2010-01-11 Thread dhamiltony2k5


  Passed along from Marek, who discovered it, a neat
  video in which Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan, S. James
  Gates, Jr., and Freeman Dyson discuss the very thing
  I was trying to get at in my reply to Doug this
  morning. What is it we know? What is it we even
  *can* know?

 That is fine as wishy-washy conjecture, but known is our experience
when we have it and that spiritual experience can be very clear for what
it is. Spiritual experience, when you have it, that is fact at that
time. Not clear  you don't really know, then there likely is just some
un-stressing going on and more cultivation is needed and some more to
come to know by experience about it. Steps of spiritual progress through
knowledge and experience of where and how to look. A good teacher and
textbook evidently can be helpful along the way.

 The extraordinary modern progression of things human though is that
the physiological correlates of spiritual experience can now be pointed
at too. But further, that there is and has been experience that comes
from collective spiritual practice just as real to those who do it. And
so too that science with it. That there is an evident collective value
to cultivating spiritual experience. That there is a difference between
meditators and non-meditators by experience and evident science. Just
is. Is not elitist, just fact. The modern policy implication: Meditate
you sinners, it may take some discipline! The world evidently will be a
better place as you come to it.

 Jai Guru Dev,

   Would seem by the gravity of the science and experience to warrant a need 
   for more severe discipline of practice by those who would know better.  
   Who should know better. To come back to meditation.  
   If you can't come to meditation, at least hire a replacement to go in 
   your place.
  Islam uses lashes to get people to temple.  Given this science now on 
  spiritual experience and meditation which is coming out, is it getting time 
  to explore aspects of their model?  They don't seem to have any peer review 
  on the effectiveness of their prayer, but they sure get people to turn out 
  for their programs.
 Skipping prayer on three consecutive Fridays: three lashes.
 The whip, according to the booklet, must be made of rattan a quarter to a 
 third of an inch thick.  ... each as long as a cane and snappy as a 
 flyswatter.  National Geographic 10-09

2012, is coming.  Get thee to meditation, so says the science. 

[FairfieldLife] Simple questions that New Agers avoid

2010-01-11 Thread jeff.evans60

List of questions for those who believe that thoughts create reality, which 
they seem to avoid for some reason.  When I ask them, they tend to either avoid 
the question or go off into some irrelevant rant and then re-confirming that 
thought creates reality principle without even addressing any of my points 
directly.  How strange.   I would have expected better from so called truth 
seekers.  Nevertheless, here is the list.

1.  If thoughts create reality, then how come we can't fly or walk through 
walls or move mountains with our thoughts?  How come even if I believed 100 
percent that I could pass through a solid wall, I'd still bump my head if I 

2.  If thoughts create reality, then how come it's possible to trip or slip on 
banana peels?  Wouldn't our assumption that it was safe to walk there create a 
trouble-free walk? 

3.  If thoughts create reality, then why did the Titanic sink when everyone 
thought it was unsinkable?

4.  If thoughts create reality, then why are there surprises in life?  Why do 
both optimists and pessimists experience events that turn out better or worse 
than they expected?  Shouldn't they have manifested whatever they expected?

5.  If thoughts create reality, then why do most things not go according to 
plan?  By planning, wouldn't your thoughts generated during the plan create the 
reality in which things went exactly according to plan?

6.  Is there any objective reality?  If not, then how come you can bring a 
brown table into a room full of people, yet everyone will see the same thing, 
without you telling them what it is?  And even if you told them it was a blue 
table, they'd still see a brown table.  Doesn't that indicate that the brown 
table has an existence in objective reality?

7.  To what degree do thoughts create reality?  Are there any limits?  If so, 
then why doesn't Wayne Dyer or Deepak Chopra define any?  And aren't they 
misleading people into thinking that their thoughts are all powerful by not 
doing so?  Or do they have a vested non-spiritual interest in promoting this 
concept? If there are no limits, then why can't you materialize and 
dematerialize matter in the physical universe like Q in Star Trek The Next 

8.   Another variant of this principle is that expectations create reality as 
well.  In other words Expectations manifest.  You attract what you think 
about.  What you expect will be drawn to you.  And what you fear also will 
manifest.  Now if that's true, then how come most things don't go according to 
plan and how come expectations often fail?

9.  If expectations create reality then how come we don't always get what we 
expect?  How come there are so many let downs and disappointments in life?

10.  Another variant of this is that you will manifest what you fear as Wayne 
Dyer like to put it.  If that's so, why aren't children who are afraid of the 
boogie man at night don't actually get harmed or taken by one?  And how come 
children afraid of monsters under their bed don't get eaten or killed by them?  
How come people who get scared after watching a horror movie don't manifest the 
creatures from the movie into real life? How come Dracula, Werewolves, 
Frankenstein, Jason or Freddy Krueger haven't manifested into reality yet?

11.  If we manifest what we fear, then how come many of our fears don't come to 
pass and turn out to be just due to an overactive imagination?

12.  How come when the year 2000 came, many feared that a Y2K bug might wreak 
havoc in society by causing many crucial computer systems to shut down, yet the 
scare turned out to be nothing?  How come their collective fears didn't 

13.  Do you really believe that if you drank cyanide or muriatic acid and 
believed 100 percent that it was just plain water, that it wouldn't harm you?  
I hope not!

14.  Since a lot of you folks also believe that how you see yourself and what 
you think you are will be how others see you and what others think you are, 
then do you really believe that if you walked into the Pentagon and believed 
100 percent that you were the President of the United States, that everyone 
there would think that you are The President?  And what if I believed that I 
was Superman or Batman?  Would everyone believe it too?

15.  And what if an ugly fat woman walks around in public like she is super hot 
and sexy, and believing as such in her mind 100 percent?  Would everyone then 
think she was super hot and sexy and desire her?  Or that she was delusional?  
And what about the people in the insane asylum who believe they are Napoleon or 
Jesus Christ?  Does society accept their claims?  Do they then become that and 
become the ruler or savior of the world?