> > > Isn't that interesting, Obama wants to give 
> > > foreign terrorists full American constitutional 
> > > rights
> > 
> > When they're captured on American soil.
> >
> P.S.: Kinda like Bush gave Richard Reid, the 
> shoe bomber, his full American constitutional 
> rights...
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was captured in Pakistan.
He was an enemy combatant who got tortured 183 
times by the C.I.A. at a secret detention site. 

So, now he will be tried in a civilian court in 
New York City.   

If he had full American constitutional rights he
would have already have been freed, since there's
not one shred of evidence that wasn't obtained
without coercion, that is presentable in a U.S. 
Court, that he committed any crimes in the U.S. 

Apparently 'Khalid Sheikh Mohammed' isn't even
his real name. By rights, we should be paying him,
since we shot a drone at him, and tried to murder
him, which is illegal under international law.

How is that going to play out in a public trial?

If he had been tried by a military court, he 
would already be dead by now. That's the point.

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