[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Meditation as Millennial Movement (?)

2010-02-16 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> >
> > millennial movements (The End of the World: as we know it), 
> > 
> > "one of the students asked me if the 2012 Mayan calendar prophecies are 
> > taken seriously by some of the folks in FF.   Apparently, a friend of his 
> > new age mom lives in FF or has some sort of connections there (he was 
> > vague) and has heard that people have taken up the 2012 hysteria.  While it 
> > would surprise me if NOBODY in FF took the Mayan stuff seriously, I 
> > wouldn't expect widespread enthusiasm for it."  (?)
> >
> Didn't John Hagelin mention it in a recent broadcast?
> Can't remember what his angle was but most TMers I know,
> who express any belief in it, think it's going to be the
> start of the AofE. 
> Considering JHs appearance on "the secret" we know he's 
> capable of believing anything. Maybe all the people wishing
> for world peace will cause world consciousness to shift?
> Not in my opnion of course but it's what's happening in the
> beliefs of a lot of people these days.

It appears that everyone is getting caught up with this Mayan end time.  Just 
like in jyotish, the end of a cycle means that a new cycle will begin.  The end 
of a cycle doesn't necessarily mean that the world will end.  But a lot of 
authors and film makers are making money out of this hysteria.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rory's response to the Carlson exorcism claim

2010-02-16 Thread lurkernomore20002000
Sal Sunshine  wrote:

> You can see him sooner than that even--
> He started his own Facebook group,
> the Rorian Mystery School. :)
> http://bit.ly/aNzsLg

Thanks for posting this.  I just can't figure this out. It's as though Rory 
could go on hour after hour with this stuff.  What I wonder is, would he give 
the same talk tomorrow as he gave today, if he were extrapolating on the same 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 2012 begins krishna sat yuga according to maharishi vedic pundits

2010-02-16 Thread It's just a ride
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 9:50 PM, shukra69  wrote:

> just because it was predicted does not mean you are riding anyones
> coattails. It is much more meaningful to bring something about rather than
> just predict it.
> --

My father taught me while he was telling me about the birds and the bees
that success in life is largely a matter of coming at the right time.  [?]

If you but soak up the sunlight you are given, drink each drop of water I
send, and strive only to be yourself, life shall quicken in your roots,
spirit shall raise you into the light, and your bloom will inspire the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Meditation as Millennial Movement (?)

2010-02-16 Thread Buck

> millennial movements (The End of the World: as we know it), 
> "one of the students asked me if the 2012 Mayan calendar prophecies are taken 
> seriously by some of the folks in FF.   Apparently, a friend of his new age 
> mom lives in FF or has some sort of connections there (he was vague) and has 
> heard that people have taken up the 2012 hysteria.  While it would surprise 
> me if NOBODY in FF took the Mayan stuff seriously, I wouldn't expect 
> widespread enthusiasm for it."  (?)

Short answer:
No, the opposite end if anywhere.
TM as doctrinal movement Is about "Heaven on Earth", 'perfectionists' if 
Not necessarily end world.  Unless people don't come 
around to meditating for good reasons, like science.

Not to say that there are not meditators or christians for that matter in FF 
who are
not depressed about earth changes or the collapse of
the monetary system as they think they know it.
But TM movement is about transcendental shaktic or energetic
renewal.  Doctrinal TM is about renewal.  Transcendentalist in the full fine 
American sense of that.  Not mellenialist end of time.
Like you know, Physics knows better than just that millennial silly folklore 
crap.  Transcendentalism is different that way as it is experiential.

Hope your students get to figure out the difference,
-Buck in FF  

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Fog Of Uncertainty

2010-02-16 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> John wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >   
> >> PaliGap wrote:
> >> 
> >>> Welcome to predictive wonderland:
> >>>
> >>> Where less...
> >>>
> >>> "Fog over San Francisco thins by a third due to climate change"
> >>> http://tinyurl.com/yb67bkd
> >>>
> >>> Is more...
> >>>
> >>> "Get ready for even foggier summers" (Bay Area)
> >>> http://tinyurl.com/ksw49y
> >>>   
> >> Foggy this morning on the other side of the tunnel when I drove over to 
> >> San Lorenzo.   But I'm back and it is sunny and likely to be in the 70's 
> >> today.   Last summer was cooler than usual.  It has been a colder winter.
> >>
> >> 
> >
> > It's sunny and clear over here in San Francisco near Ocean Beach.  I just 
> > had a wonderful Tandoori chicken special at a local Indian restaurant.  I 
> > can still taste the tart flavoring they put on the garbanzo bean side dish. 
> >  Now, I'd have to walk these calories off at the Golden Gate Park.
> >   
> Given the stellium we just passed through maybe we ought not to be too 
> smug or the Earthquake God will decide to "rock and roll."  ;-)
> Speaking of tandoori chicken I sorely miss the tandoori chicken sandwich 
> shop that was in the Brenden Theater in Concord.  Oh, were those good!  
> The sauce was amazing!  But not enough Indians to support it I guess and 
> the rest of Concord, well...  It was a second restaurant for the very 
> popular one that was over in the San Pablo or El Cerrito area.

I'm hoping we have enough siddhas over here to hold off the next big earthquake 
that everyone is expecting.

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: William D. Stop Any Obama Attempt to Monitor Political Opponents Online

2010-02-16 Thread WLeed3


 From: i...@conservative.org
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 2/16/2010 6:48:22  P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: William D. Stop Any Obama Attempt to  Monitor Political Opponents 

Dear William  D.,
Last Saturday, in a story not widely circulated, it was revealed  Obama's 
Department of Homeland Security is monitoring the comments and  posts of 
Americans on websites and within social networks like  Twitter.
This raises some serious concerns.
In an ABC News report the Department of Homeland Security said they  were 
monitoring the sites during the Olympics to increase security and  detect 
No one wants the Olympics  to be threatened or for any American or foreign 
athlete or spectator to  get injured.
However, the Department of Homeland Security, led by liberal  Secretary 
Janet Napolitano, has a history of trying to suppress  conservative opponents 
of the President.
This latest news with an admission that they are monitoring the  comments 
of Americans begins to raise concerns about big brother and the  security of 
individual Americans.
We need to be absolutely sure that the political views of  Americans - 
especially those with conservative views critical of the  President - are not 
being monitored for political suppression.
Someone needs to ask these questions.  We need confidence that  
conservative Americans are not being monitored for their opinions.
_Sign the  ACU letter here, now.  Ask that Obama's Department of Homeland  
Security Secretary Jane Napolitano assure American's that our political  
views are not being monitored._ 
Last year you may remember the uproar over an official DHS report  that 
Napolitano requested.
It was a formal Federal Government paid report titled:  "Rightwing 
Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling  Resurgence in 
Radicalization and Recruitment."
In this report, Obama's  Department of Homeland Security said among other 
things: "Rightwing  extremism in the United States can be broadly divided 
into those groups,  movements ... and those that are mainly antigovernment, 
rejecting  federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting 
 government authority entirely. It may include groups and individuals  that 
are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or  
First Obama's federal department sought to tie the word and emotion  of 
"hate" to those who favor state's rights - in essence the form of  democracy 
created by our founding fathers.  Secondly, it sought to  label as dangerous 
those who oppose abortion or who favor a crackdown on  immigration.
But there is more...
Obama and Napolitano's official report also said: "Rightwing  extremists 
are harnessing this historical election (Obama's election as  President) as a 
recruitment tool. Many rightwing extremists are  antagonistic toward the new 
presidential administration and its  perceived stance on a range of issues, 
including immigration and  citizenship ... and restrictions on firearms 
ownership and use.  Rightwing extremists are increasingly galvanized by these 
concerns and  leverage them as drivers for recruitment."
So, if you believe in the  Second Amendment to the constitution or if you 
disagree with Obama's  policies - you too can be dangerous according to Janet 
Napolitano and  Obama's Department of Homeland Security.
... After a weekend where we saw former Vice President Dick Cheney  argue 
that the Obama administration has taken its eye off the ball in  the real 
fight on terrorism, Napolitano's Department is admitting they  are monitoring 
websites and social media feeds for "increased  security." 
In light of her past actions it makes one wonder what they  are monitoring.
_Sign the  ACU letter here, now.  Demand that Obama's Secretary Jane  
Napolitano assure American's that our political views are not being  monitored 
for political purposes._ 
When Napolitano's report came to light last year it was also  revealed that 
it included passages saying the American government should  be afraid of 
returning troops coming back from war.
... In effect her report said we should be afraid of  veterans.  It said, 
"rightwing extremists will attempt to  recruit and radicalize returning 
veterans in order to exploit their  skills and knowledge derived from military 
training and  combat." 
Americans should be afraid of our brave men and women returning  from 
combat who could turn on us.  That is what Napolitano's report  said.
CNN reported that s a result the American Legion's national  commander, 
David K. Rehbein, said in a letter to Napolitano that, "I  think it is 
important for all of us to remember that Americans are not  the enemy. The 
terrorists are."  
Her response was to say "I know that some veterans groups were  

[FairfieldLife] Re: 2012 begins krishna sat yuga according to maharishi vedic pundits

2010-02-16 Thread shukra69
yes Krishna is a story in a book, he also the story in your body, in the atoms 
and in the cosmos, eternal and everywhere and Maharishi M Y is the knower of 
all the stories 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , "nadarrombus" 
> wrote:
> >
> > i asked maharishi vedic pundits in 2000 at rukmapura hotel in a large
> meeting with students and teachers from mum - the maharishi jyotish
> pundits about 2012. they said it was the beginning of krishna sat yuga.
> krishna promised a 10,000 year golden age starting 2012- 5,000 years
> from his death. they said it is common knowledge among themselves. the
> mum teachers looked shocked, apparently maharishi was riding krisnas
> coat tails all along, >>
> You say that as if you think Krishna, a fictional character, is a more
> of a real person than Maharishi. Krishna is a story from a storybook.
> Maharishi was a man in recent memory.
> Besides, as Maharishi said, where is the fun in announcing the
> approaching dawn after the sun has come up?
> OffWorld

[FairfieldLife] Re: 2012 begins krishna sat yuga according to maharishi vedic pundits

2010-02-16 Thread shukra69
just because it was predicted does not mean you are riding anyones coattails. 
It is much more meaningful to bring something about rather than just predict it.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , "nadarrombus" 
> wrote:
> >
> > i asked maharishi vedic pundits in 2000 at rukmapura hotel in a large
> meeting with students and teachers from mum - the maharishi jyotish
> pundits about 2012. they said it was the beginning of krishna sat yuga.
> krishna promised a 10,000 year golden age starting 2012- 5,000 years
> from his death. they said it is common knowledge among themselves. the
> mum teachers looked shocked, apparently maharishi was riding krisnas
> coat tails all along, >>
> You say that as if you think Krishna, a fictional character, is a more
> of a real person than Maharishi. Krishna is a story from a storybook.
> Maharishi was a man in recent memory.
> Besides, as Maharishi said, where is the fun in announcing the
> approaching dawn after the sun has come up?
> OffWorld

[FairfieldLife] Re: 2012 begins krishna sat yuga according to maharishi vedic pundits

2010-02-16 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , "nadarrombus" 
> wrote:
> >
> > i asked maharishi vedic pundits in 2000 at rukmapura hotel in a large
> meeting with students and teachers from mum - the maharishi jyotish
> pundits about 2012. they said it was the beginning of krishna sat yuga.
> krishna promised a 10,000 year golden age starting 2012- 5,000 years
> from his death. they said it is common knowledge among themselves. the
> mum teachers looked shocked, apparently maharishi was riding krisnas
> coat tails all along, >>
> You say that as if you think Krishna, a fictional character, is a more
> of a real person than Maharishi. Krishna is a story from a storybook.

Krishna isn't real?

Then who's that blue guy sitting in my living room?

> Maharishi was a man in recent memory.
> Besides, as Maharishi said, where is the fun in announcing the
> approaching dawn after the sun has come up?
> OffWorld

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Fog Of Uncertainty

2010-02-16 Thread Bhairitu
John wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> PaliGap wrote:
>>> Welcome to predictive wonderland:
>>> Where less...
>>> "Fog over San Francisco thins by a third due to climate change"
>>> http://tinyurl.com/yb67bkd
>>> Is more...
>>> "Get ready for even foggier summers" (Bay Area)
>>> http://tinyurl.com/ksw49y
>> Foggy this morning on the other side of the tunnel when I drove over to 
>> San Lorenzo.   But I'm back and it is sunny and likely to be in the 70's 
>> today.   Last summer was cooler than usual.  It has been a colder winter.
> It's sunny and clear over here in San Francisco near Ocean Beach.  I just had 
> a wonderful Tandoori chicken special at a local Indian restaurant.  I can 
> still taste the tart flavoring they put on the garbanzo bean side dish.  Now, 
> I'd have to walk these calories off at the Golden Gate Park.

Given the stellium we just passed through maybe we ought not to be too 
smug or the Earthquake God will decide to "rock and roll."  ;-)

Speaking of tandoori chicken I sorely miss the tandoori chicken sandwich 
shop that was in the Brenden Theater in Concord.  Oh, were those good!  
The sauce was amazing!  But not enough Indians to support it I guess and 
the rest of Concord, well...  It was a second restaurant for the very 
popular one that was over in the San Pablo or El Cerrito area.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread Vaj

On Feb 16, 2010, at 2:34 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

> That was Robin Carlsen's whole thing. Maybe someday the video of a guy named 
> Rory being exorcised of a demon will make Youtube. It was quite something to 
> see.
> So this actually happened to Rory and was videoed?
>From Rory's autohagiography:

Sometime in October, Nancy M. introduced me to Robin Carlson, who was enjoying 
a rather large cult-following in Fairfield at that time. A TM-teacher who had 
experienced some enlightenment, he had now "gone rogue" and was creating his 
own movement, publishing several extremely complex books, offering courses, and 
passing out his picture for contemplation by his devoted followers. The TM 
Movement was infuriated, sending their "security people" to spy on his meetings 
and take names of attendees. Soon they were excommunicating all his followers, 
expelling students from the University and asking TM employers to fire any 
Carlsonite employees. While Robin's guru-aspects turned me off, I was 
nonetheless impressed with his gifts.

Robin was a skilled manifester, practicing much the same techniques of 
name-and-form that we practiced in our circle. The difference was that Robin 
showed no great desire to share the knack with his followers, but exhibited it 
as another example of his own superiority. "Robin, by the Grace of God, would 
you manifest..." a follower would reverently intone, and with grace, Robin 
would condescend to fulfill their desire.

More than this, though, Robin had an interesting --- and disturbing --- 
world-view. An ex-drama-teacher, he saw the world as a divine drama: a 
perennial conflict between the divine and the demonic in each of us. Robin also 
had an enviable certainty that he was always right; he trusted his perceptions 
completely, and did not hesitate to label one as "in the grip of the demonic." 
This came as a shock to those of us used to Maharishi's continual focus on the 
good, and omission of anything negative; to me it seemed to fall short of Unity 
Consciousness, wherein one takes full responsibility for one's own perceptions 
as being aspects of Oneself, but it served to stir many of us out of our 

While I didn't care for his world-view, I had to admit that he did, indeed, 
have a razor-sharp intellect, beautiful intuition, deep compassion, and 
unhesitating honesty. When I rose to speak with him at one of his circles, I 
was aghast at the strong dissociation I began experiencing --- as if I weren't 
participating at all, just watching this dance between his mind and mine; or as 
if we were both watching my mind while the conversation flowed on 
automatically. Within the space of a few moments, we went deeper and deeper 
into my mind, until in the spotlight of our combined consciousness, I saw a 
small, squirming, wriggling, power-hungry entity trying to escape the light. It 
--- I --- was shocked and stunned, frozen in Robin's gaze like a deer in 
headlights; I literally couldn't speak for my --- its --- fear that was lodged 
in my throat. "You see!" Robin shouted triumphantly. "The demonic is stupid!" I 
was crushed, humiliated, surrounded in a cloud of grey-blue light. I went home, 
sat on the bed, and vomited up old emotions, from deep in my belly, sobbing for 
two hours, until my whole pillow was sodden. I could feel angelic hands patting 
my field all over, anointing me with creamy white light. The next day I 
returned to Robin's and thanked him for what he had done; my whole psychic 
field felt looser and richer. I had begun to let go of identifying with my 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rory's response to the Carlson exorcism claim

2010-02-16 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Feb 16, 2010, at 5:42 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
>> Like Alex, I wouldn't mind seeing that particular interaction
>> on tape, though unlike Alex I wouldn't consider it worth paying
>> for :-)
> Well, only if it has cool stuff like screaming, writhing, projectile 
> vomiting, and Rory's head rotating around like the girl in 'The Exorcist'. 
> Anything less that that, and I may as well just see him at Revs for free.

You can see him sooner than that even--
He started his own Facebook group,
the Rorian Mystery School. :)



[FairfieldLife] Re: 2012 begins krishna sat yuga according to maharishi vedic pundits

2010-02-16 Thread off_world_beings

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "nadarrombus" 
> i asked maharishi vedic pundits in 2000 at rukmapura hotel in a large
meeting with students and teachers from mum - the maharishi jyotish
pundits about 2012. they said it was the beginning of krishna sat yuga.
krishna promised a 10,000 year golden age starting 2012- 5,000 years
from his death. they said it is common knowledge among themselves. the
mum teachers looked shocked, apparently maharishi was riding krisnas
coat tails all along, >>

You say that as if you think Krishna, a fictional character, is a more
of a real person than Maharishi. Krishna is a story from a storybook.
Maharishi was a man in recent memory.

Besides, as Maharishi said, where is the fun in announcing the
approaching dawn after the sun has come up?


RE: [FairfieldLife] Rory's response to the Carlson exorcism claim

2010-02-16 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Rick Archer
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 5:58 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Rory's response to the Carlson exorcism claim
Dear Rick,
Many thanks. On quick perusal, the discussion you mention looks like the
same claim  brought up on FFL a few years ago, as he repeats his
assertion that someone actually videotaped the interaction I had with Robin
Carlson in October 1982 (which I described on rorygoff.com,
1982-initiation-4-crucifixion/). If so, it's news to me. I recall no cameras
there, and the group was relatively intimate, say 20 people, sitting around
in a typical Fairfield Victorian parlor or living-room. But who knows?  I
could be wrong. Like Alex, I wouldn't mind seeing that particular
interaction on tape, though unlike Alex I wouldn't consider it worth paying
for :-)
I did not know Robin Carlson well. I was not looking for yet another guru
and was not one of his followers. I attended only two or three of his
meetings, and spoke with him probably three times in all: twice very briefly
and once at more length, at the interaction I described above. So I am
certainly no Carlson expert, but at least in my brief exposure to him I
never saw anyone undergoing, as Steve puts it, "the most bizarre contortions
while undergoing Carlsonian exorcisms, some like [sic] they were being
dragged across the room by some unknown force." In my admittedly limited
experience I found Carlson himself to be generally spontaneous, engaging,
compassionate, honest, lively, enthusiastic, dramatic, and funny; his
followers for the most part seemed quiet, reverent, and both unassuming and
While I would probably be more cautious now in my judgment, at that time I
did feel Robin evidenced possible imbalance both in a self-aggrandizing
guruism and in an apparently-fearful focus on the "resistance" of the
demonic. (Though sometimes horrific, the demonic I understood and still
understand to be nothing but aspects of our own denied or rejected
shadow-Archetypes -- it not actually resistance at all, but Self or
God-essence or Love denied. It is the natural result of the "Not-Me" thought
which precipitates one from Shiva or Post-Brahmanic Cosmic Consciousness
"down" to Krishna or Post-Brahmanic God Consciousness as one churns the
galactic ocean, refuses to drink the Dark-matter "Not-me" Tamasic poison,
slings it on someone "else" and takes sides and indulges in a divine/demonic
dream.) But I also found Robin's razor-sharp and brilliantly compassionate
attention at that meeting freed me from an unconscious identification with
an age-old suffering small-self identity, and paved the way for Totality to
remember ItSelf as the perfection it has always been. For that I shall
always be grateful to him -- as I am to everyone of Us, when I consider what
perfect masters we all have always been in showing ourselves exactly what we
most need to learn in each moment.
Feel free to post this on FFL if you like...
All Love, Light, and Laughter to All of Us Always and All-ways!
Rory's response to my thanks for his writing the above:
My pleasure, Rick, and thanks for posting my response! 
I noticed that my spelling of "Carlsen" was corrected to "Carlson" on FFL.
In the interest of accuracy you may want to change it back. I believe I
misspelled his name as "Carlson" in my autobiography; it generally appears
online as "Robin Woodsworth Carlsen". 
Also, for the record, I would like to add that both my then-assessment of
Carlsen as "imbalanced" and of Carlsen's followers as "uninspiring" reflects
far more on me and my own psychological space at that time, than it does on
them -- as do all of my assessments of everyone. There is only One of Us
Feel free to post this too, if you like -- or not, as you please...

[FairfieldLife] Rory's response to the Carlson exorcism claim

2010-02-16 Thread Rick Archer
Dear Rick,
Many thanks. On quick perusal, the discussion you mention looks like the
same claim  brought up on FFL a few years ago, as he repeats his
assertion that someone actually videotaped the interaction I had with Robin
Carlson in October 1982 (which I described on rorygoff.com,
1982-initiation-4-crucifixion/). If so, it's news to me. I recall no cameras
there, and the group was relatively intimate, say 20 people, sitting around
in a typical Fairfield Victorian parlor or living-room. But who knows?  I
could be wrong. Like Alex, I wouldn't mind seeing that particular
interaction on tape, though unlike Alex I wouldn't consider it worth paying
for :-)
I did not know Robin Carlson well. I was not looking for yet another guru
and was not one of his followers. I attended only two or three of his
meetings, and spoke with him probably three times in all: twice very briefly
and once at more length, at the interaction I described above. So I am
certainly no Carlson expert, but at least in my brief exposure to him I
never saw anyone undergoing, as Steve puts it, "the most bizarre contortions
while undergoing Carlsonian exorcisms, some like [sic] they were being
dragged across the room by some unknown force." In my admittedly limited
experience I found Carlson himself to be generally spontaneous, engaging,
compassionate, honest, lively, enthusiastic, dramatic, and funny; his
followers for the most part seemed quiet, reverent, and both unassuming and
While I would probably be more cautious now in my judgment, at that time I
did feel Robin evidenced possible imbalance both in a self-aggrandizing
guruism and in an apparently-fearful focus on the "resistance" of the
demonic. (Though sometimes horrific, the demonic I understood and still
understand to be nothing but aspects of our own denied or rejected
shadow-Archetypes -- it not actually resistance at all, but Self or
God-essence or Love denied. It is the natural result of the "Not-Me" thought
which precipitates one from Shiva or Post-Brahmanic Cosmic Consciousness
"down" to Krishna or Post-Brahmanic God Consciousness as one churns the
galactic ocean, refuses to drink the Dark-matter "Not-me" Tamasic poison,
slings it on someone "else" and takes sides and indulges in a divine/demonic
dream.) But I also found Robin's razor-sharp and brilliantly compassionate
attention at that meeting freed me from an unconscious identification with
an age-old suffering small-self identity, and paved the way for Totality to
remember ItSelf as the perfection it has always been. For that I shall
always be grateful to him -- as I am to everyone of Us, when I consider what
perfect masters we all have always been in showing ourselves exactly what we
most need to learn in each moment.
Feel free to post this on FFL if you like...
All Love, Light, and Laughter to All of Us Always and All-ways!

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2010-02-16 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Feb 13 00:00:00 2010
End Date (UTC): Sat Feb 20 00:00:00 2010
445 messages as of (UTC) Wed Feb 17 00:01:12 2010

50 authfriend 
41 ShempMcGurk 
38 Rick Archer 
29 TurquoiseB 
26 curtisdeltablues 
24 nadarrombus 
21 "do.rflex" 
19 Vaj 
18 WillyTex 
14 BillyG 
13 It's just a ride 
13 Bhairitu 
12 nablusoss1008 
12 cardemaister 
12 Buck 
11 Hugo 
10 wle...@aol.com
 8 Premanand 
 7 PaliGap 
 7 Joe 
 6 Sal Sunshine 
 6 Mike Dixon 
 6 John 
 6 Alex Stanley 
 5 raunchydog 
 5 off_world_beings 
 5 m 13 
 4 lurkernomore20002000 
 3 shukra69 
 3 martyboi 
 2 guyfawkes91 
 1 wayback71 
 1 sgrayatlarge 
 1 none smith 
 1 merlin 
 1 hermandan0 
 1 film_man_pdx 
 1 Duveyoung 
 1 Dick Mays 
 1 AnkhAton 

Posters: 40
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> and naturally, neither of you would find Curtis's Freudian slip humorous, not 
> having any *fist hand* knowledge on a gay subject, *butt* then maybe you 
> think fisting is normal, natural,dignified and not to be joked about.

Sal, get a life. 

Dream on !

[FairfieldLife] Re: Deepak Chopra's Fractured Fairy Tales

2010-02-16 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sgrayatlarge  wrote:
> I'm doing this for your own good Deepak, please stop with your
> political "think" pieces, it's embarrassing-
> http://tiny.cc/Q5xcP

Yo! Deepak! Sally Jesse Raphael called, and she wants her glasses back!

[FairfieldLife] Deepak Chopra's Fractured Fairy Tales

2010-02-16 Thread sgrayatlarge
I'm doing this for your own good Deepak, please stop with your political 
"think" pieces, it's embarrassing-


[FairfieldLife] Re: Rory's response to the Carlson exorcism claim

2010-02-16 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> Like Alex, I wouldn't mind seeing that particular interaction
> on tape, though unlike Alex I wouldn't consider it worth paying
> for :-)
Well, only if it has cool stuff like screaming, writhing, projectile vomiting, 
and Rory's head rotating around like the girl in 'The Exorcist'. Anything less 
that that, and I may as well just see him at Revs for free.

[FairfieldLife] Dust my Blues!

2010-02-16 Thread cardemaister

This is one of my favorite blues songs:


But does the bassist play mainly only the root
of the chord??

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Fog Of Uncertainty

2010-02-16 Thread PaliGap

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > PaliGap wrote:
> > > Welcome to predictive wonderland:
> > >
> > > Where less...
> > >
> > > "Fog over San Francisco thins by a third due to climate change"
> > > http://tinyurl.com/yb67bkd
> > >
> > > Is more...
> > >
> > > "Get ready for even foggier summers" (Bay Area)
> > > http://tinyurl.com/ksw49y
> > 
> > Foggy this morning on the other side of the tunnel when I drove over to 
> > San Lorenzo.   But I'm back and it is sunny and likely to be in the 70's 
> > today.   Last summer was cooler than usual.  It has been a colder winter.
> >
> It's sunny and clear over here in San Francisco near Ocean Beach.  I just had 
> a wonderful Tandoori chicken special at a local Indian restaurant.  I can 
> still taste the tart flavoring they put on the garbanzo bean side dish.  Now, 
> I'd have to walk these calories off at the Golden Gate Park.

Sounds like "the good life"!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread Alex Stanley
Au contraire! I saw it and would have posted a similar response had you not 
beat me to it. But, as I happen to be one of them thar homerseksuals, it would 
have lacked the added humor of a conservative jumping at the opportunity to 
focus his attention on gay sex.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> and naturally, neither of you would find Curtis's Freudian slip humorous, not 
> having any *fist hand* knowledge on a gay subject, *butt* then maybe you 
> think fisting is normal, natural,dignified and not to be joked about.Sal, 
> get a life. 
> From: Sal Sunshine 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 11:14:09 AM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience
> On Feb 16, 2010, at 12:12 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike "Sloppy Bottom" Dixon 
> >  wrote:
> >> 
> >> "and although I don't have any *fist* hand knowledge... " 
> >> Curtis, is this a Fruedian slip? LOL!
> > 
> > And, naturally, it was one of the resident conservatives that immediately 
> > picked up on a gay fisting theme. That response says a whole lot more than 
> > Curtis's typo ever could.
> You caught that too, huh?
> Sal

[FairfieldLife] Rory's response to the Carlson exorcism claim

2010-02-16 Thread Rick Archer
Dear Rick,
Many thanks. On quick perusal, the discussion you mention looks like the
same claim Steve brought up on FFL a few years ago, as he repeats his
assertion that someone actually videotaped the interaction I had with Robin
Carlson in October 1982 (which I described on rorygoff.com,
1982-initiation-4-crucifixion/). If so, it's news to me. I recall no cameras
there, and the group was relatively intimate, say 20 people, sitting around
in a typical Fairfield Victorian parlor or living-room. But who knows?  I
could be wrong. Like Alex, I wouldn't mind seeing that particular
interaction on tape, though unlike Alex I wouldn't consider it worth paying
for :-)
I did not know Robin Carlson well. I was not looking for yet another guru
and was not one of his followers. I attended only two or three of his
meetings, and spoke with him probably three times in all: twice very briefly
and once at more length, at the interaction I described above. So I am
certainly no Carlson expert, but at least in my brief exposure to him I
never saw anyone undergoing, as Steve puts it, "the most bizarre contortions
while undergoing Carlsonian exorcisms, some like [sic] they were being
dragged across the room by some unknown force." In my admittedly limited
experience I found Carlson himself to be generally spontaneous, engaging,
compassionate, honest, lively, enthusiastic, dramatic, and funny; his
followers for the most part seemed quiet, reverent, and both unassuming and
While I would probably be more cautious now in my judgment, at that time I
did feel Robin evidenced possible imbalance both in a self-aggrandizing
guruism and in an apparently-fearful focus on the "resistance" of the
demonic. (Though sometimes horrific, the demonic I understood and still
understand to be nothing but aspects of our own denied or rejected
shadow-Archetypes -- it not actually resistance at all, but Self or
God-essence or Love denied. It is the natural result of the "Not-Me" thought
which precipitates one from Shiva or Post-Brahmanic Cosmic Consciousness
"down" to Krishna or Post-Brahmanic God Consciousness as one churns the
galactic ocean, refuses to drink the Dark-matter "Not-me" Tamasic poison,
slings it on someone "else" and takes sides and indulges in a divine/demonic
dream.) But I also found Robin's razor-sharp and brilliantly compassionate
attention at that meeting freed me from an unconscious identification with
an age-old suffering small-self identity, and paved the way for Totality to
remember ItSelf as the perfection it has always been. For that I shall
always be grateful to him -- as I am to everyone of Us, when I consider what
perfect masters we all have always been in showing ourselves exactly what we
most need to learn in each moment.
Feel free to post this on FFL if you like...
All Love, Light, and Laughter to All of Us Always and All-ways!

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Fog Of Uncertainty

2010-02-16 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> PaliGap wrote:
> > Welcome to predictive wonderland:
> >
> > Where less...
> >
> > "Fog over San Francisco thins by a third due to climate change"
> > http://tinyurl.com/yb67bkd
> >
> > Is more...
> >
> > "Get ready for even foggier summers" (Bay Area)
> > http://tinyurl.com/ksw49y
> Foggy this morning on the other side of the tunnel when I drove over to 
> San Lorenzo.   But I'm back and it is sunny and likely to be in the 70's 
> today.   Last summer was cooler than usual.  It has been a colder winter.

It's sunny and clear over here in San Francisco near Ocean Beach.  I just had a 
wonderful Tandoori chicken special at a local Indian restaurant.  I can still 
taste the tart flavoring they put on the garbanzo bean side dish.  Now, I'd 
have to walk these calories off at the Golden Gate Park.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Fog Of Uncertainty

2010-02-16 Thread Bhairitu
PaliGap wrote:
> Welcome to predictive wonderland:
> Where less...
> "Fog over San Francisco thins by a third due to climate change"
> http://tinyurl.com/yb67bkd
> Is more...
> "Get ready for even foggier summers" (Bay Area)
> http://tinyurl.com/ksw49y

Foggy this morning on the other side of the tunnel when I drove over to 
San Lorenzo.   But I'm back and it is sunny and likely to be in the 70's 
today.   Last summer was cooler than usual.  It has been a colder winter.

[FairfieldLife] 2012 begins krishna sat yuga according to maharishi vedic pundits

2010-02-16 Thread nadarrombus
i asked maharishi vedic pundits in 2000 at rukmapura hotel in a large meeting 
with students and teachers from mum - the maharishi jyotish pundits about 2012. 
they said it was the beginning of krishna sat yuga. krishna promised a 10,000 
year golden age starting 2012- 5,000 years from his death. they said it is 
common knowledge among themselves. the mum teachers looked shocked, apparently 
maharishi was riding krisnas coat tails all along, ha ha   by the way i am 
not a stupid hare krishna...i am just a regular dude...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> >
> > millennial movements (The End of the World: as we know it), 
> > 
> > "one of the students asked me if the 2012 Mayan calendar prophecies are 
> > taken seriously by some of the folks in FF.   Apparently, a friend of his 
> > new age mom lives in FF or has some sort of connections there (he was 
> > vague) and has heard that people have taken up the 2012 hysteria.  While it 
> > would surprise me if NOBODY in FF took the Mayan stuff seriously, I 
> > wouldn't expect widespread enthusiasm for it."  (?)
> >
> Didn't John Hagelin mention it in a recent broadcast?
> Can't remember what his angle was but most TMers I know,
> who express any belief in it, think it's going to be the
> start of the AofE. 
> Considering JHs appearance on "the secret" we know he's 
> capable of believing anything. Maybe all the people wishing
> for world peace will cause world consciousness to shift?
> Not in my opnion of course but it's what's happening in the
> beliefs of a lot of people these days.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread Mike Dixon
and naturally, neither of you would find Curtis's Freudian slip humorous, not 
having any *fist hand* knowledge on a gay subject, *butt* then maybe you think 
fisting is normal, natural,dignified and not to be joked about.Sal, get a life. 

From: Sal Sunshine 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 11:14:09 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

On Feb 16, 2010, at 12:12 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike "Sloppy Bottom" Dixon 
>  wrote:
>> "and although I don't have any *fist* hand knowledge... " 
>> Curtis, is this a Fruedian slip? LOL!
> And, naturally, it was one of the resident conservatives that immediately 
> picked up on a gay fisting theme. That response says a whole lot more than 
> Curtis's typo ever could.

You caught that too, huh?



[FairfieldLife] Re: Current climate coverage

2010-02-16 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
> On Behalf Of ShempMcGurk
> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:34 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Current climate coverage
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > "Globally, January 2010 was the 4th warmest January on record, with global
> > ocean temperatures the 2nd warmest on record, according to NOAA."
> > 
> > "most of Canada saw very unusual warmth, with temperature anomalies over
> 5°C
> > (9°F) covering large swathes of the country. Record warm January
> > temperatures were observed not only over British Columbia, but also over
> > Manitoba and over much of Quebec, where half of the province's
> >  twelve largest cities
> > experienced their warmest or second warmest January on record."
> > 
> Good!
> Now maybe instead of 500,000 Quebecers going south to the States every
> winter and giving a boost to the U.S. economy, more will stay home and,
> indeed, maybe more Americans will come to Quebec to cool off in the summer
> because it gets too hot.
> Let's have even MORE global warming!
> Ah, so you finally admit that it's happening.

Actually, I do what global warming alarmists do (but in the exact opposite way):

If it's too hot, it's NOT the cause of CO2;

If it's too cold, again, it's NOT the cause of CO2.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "martyboi"  wrote:
> >
> > I haven't met too many uptight gay people...but I live in the Bay Area.
> > 
> > Just a thought though:
> > 
> > What if oppressed minorities *DO* have magic powers? I mean the universe 
> > has to balance out somehow.
> >
> Reminds me of Ellen's Quest for World Domination with
> GCWP'ish flag, and stuff! :)
> http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=102591290
> or
> http://tinyurl.com/y8aorn8

A "better" video:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "martyboi"  wrote:
> I haven't met too many uptight gay people...but I live in the Bay Area.
> Just a thought though:
> What if oppressed minorities *DO* have magic powers? I mean the universe has 
> to balance out somehow.

Reminds me of Ellen's Quest for World Domination with
GCWP'ish flag, and stuff! :)




[FairfieldLife] IN SEARCH OF BEETHOVEN E-flyer for Fairfield, Iowa

2010-02-16 Thread Rick Archer
Hi Friends-I met British Filmmaker Mr. Phil Grabsky down in Kansas City late
last years after his screening of his marvelous film.  We struck up a great
relationship and I am now proud to help promote this work and knowledge of
such a man of immense Greatness as Beethoven.  This film is compelling,
intriguing, very educational and entertaining-so anyone of any level-from
someone who never heard of Beethoven to the aficionado to the outright
Beethoven Scholar, will be immensely entertained, enriched and informed.
You'll be glad you came. Few artists have more vagueness and misinformation
around them than this consummate artist, and this film clears away the fog
for good!
Please do forward this to everyone on your list-you never know who might be
interested.  Admission is free or any modest donation-but by all means come!
Look forward to seeing you there!
Please find enclosed an e-flyer to send out to universities, music schools,
local orchestras etc.   Please feel free to edit this as necessary. 
Let me know if you need any other publicity materials. 
Seventh Art Productions presents  
a Phil Grabsky film

"One of the finest movies about a great musician I've ever seen”
Philip French,  Observer
"beautifully lensed and intelligently crafted"
“Expertise and passion combined..
New York Times
   Friday 26 February 2010 
Central Park Gallery, Iowa, Fairfield 

In Search of Beethoven has brought together the world's leading performers
and experts on Beethoven to reveal new insights into this legendary
composer. The line-up of performers and interviewees includes Gianandrea
Noseda, Sir Roger Norrington, Riccardo Chailly, Claudio Abbado, Fabio Luisi,
Frans Brüggen, Ronald Brautigam, Hélène Grimaud, Vadim Repin, Janine Jansen,
Paul Lewis, 
Lars Vogt, and Emanuel Ax among others. The film is narrated by Juliet
Stevenson and young RSC actor David Dawson. 
In Search of Beethoven will take a comprehensive look at the composer's life
through his musical output. Having created a blueprint with In Search of
Mozart, Phil Grabsky documents each piece of music chronologically marrying
it to Beethoven’s biography and letters. In Search of Beethoven addresses
the romantic myth that Beethoven was a heroic, tormented figure battling to
overcome his tragic fate, struck down by deafness, who searched for his
'immortal beloved' but remained unmarried. It delves beyond the image of the
tortured, cantankerous, unhinged personality, to reveal someone quite
different and far more interesting.
If you would be interested in hosting your own screening of In Search of
Beethoven please contact Patricia Nathan pnat...@seventh-art.com to discuss
For more information about the film and other screening venues please visit

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Feb 16, 2010, at 2:34 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
> >
> > That was Robin Carlsen's whole thing. Maybe someday the video of a  
> > guy named Rory being exorcised of a demon will make Youtube. It was  
> > quite something to see.
> >
> >
> >
> > So this actually happened to Rory and was videoed?
> >
> Oh yes.

OMG! I'd pay to see that!!!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread Vaj

On Feb 16, 2010, at 2:34 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

That was Robin Carlsen's whole thing. Maybe someday the video of a  
guy named Rory being exorcised of a demon will make Youtube. It was  
quite something to see.

So this actually happened to Rory and was videoed?

Oh yes. 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Vaj
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 1:28 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience
On Feb 16, 2010, at 11:44 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In  
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe"  wrote:
> --- In  
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "It's just a ride" 
> >
> > It was as though he was demon possessed. Even Doug the sidhi
> > administrator was shocked.
> Perhaps he was.


Geez, you[ve got a twisted sense of humor like mine.
Can you imagine what things would have been like in 
the TM movement if the concept of demon possession 
had ever gotten "legs," dogma-wise?
That was Robin Carlsen's whole thing. Maybe someday the video of a guy named
Rory being exorcised of a demon will make Youtube. It was quite something to
So this actually happened to Rory and was videoed?

[FairfieldLife] - THE WHY OF CREATION -

2010-02-16 Thread AnkhAton
Discussion from another ADVAITA Group :
I think this is important for ALL Jivas:

You BOTH spoke Great Truth here.


- Identity Theft & The Holy Spirit & Its Carbon Copies

OUR  CREATOR  constantly , deeply and professionally,
by the power of  Holy Spirit,
looks around to bewitch those who want to be bewitched.

It happens where is : the pain of separation.

This is the complete explanation of the
Why of creation,
you can participate by giving up your 'Authority'
whatever that was .  .  . moo

He,She,It is so happy to do that next vacation for you
or the dish wash
In return He,She gives You  Him,Herself
Nice Deal, Thanks Dear Purusha.
more info :
see my favorite books in my profile on YOUTUBE

and see the song SHANDORA
and if you like Jazz : OBAMA BLUES

( the Kings Fool )

lower down .  .  , like mephisto, yes
they all try to carbon copy that system
and that brings a lot of confusion
sometimes that grows into a horror movie
but those naggers are rarely veggy
and can't make you cry during a lifetime
inspite of their hypno

--- In oadiscussiongr...@yahoogroups.com,

--- In yahoo.com/group/advaitato...@yahoogroups.com

>> Hide your babies.
>> I am here to steal your identity.
> Nonesense. No other can do that for you. You said so.
> -geo-

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread Vaj

On Feb 16, 2010, at 11:44 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "It's just a ride"  

> >
> > It was as though he was demon possessed. Even Doug the sidhi
> > administrator was shocked.
> Perhaps he was.


Geez, you[ve got a twisted sense of humor like mine.
Can you imagine what things would have been like in
the TM movement if the concept of demon possession
had ever gotten "legs," dogma-wise?

That was Robin Carlsen's whole thing. Maybe someday the video of a  
guy named Rory being exorcised of a demon will make Youtube. It was  
quite something to see. Some of these people would go into the most  
bizarre contortions while undergoing Carlsonian exorcisms, some like  
they were being dragged across the room by some unknown force.

Carlson liked to call it "the absolute's resistance to itself".  
Pretty funny.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Fog Of Uncertainty

2010-02-16 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "PaliGap"  wrote:
> Welcome to predictive wonderland:
> Where less...
> "Fog over San Francisco thins by a third due to climate change"
> http://tinyurl.com/yb67bkd
> Is more...
> "Get ready for even foggier summers" (Bay Area)
> http://tinyurl.com/ksw49y

Theory and "wouldn't be surprised" vs Actual fog measurements

The first article is based on actual measurements:

"Since 1901, the average number of hours of fog along the coast in summer has 
dropped from 56 per cent to 42 per cent, which is a loss of about three hours 
per day," said the study leader Dr James Johnstone at the University of 

The second article is merely speculation:

-The theory, then and now, is that the hotter the Central Valley gets, the 
greater the temperature and pressure gradients between the inland and coast 
will be - therefore forming more fog...

UC Santa Barbara researcher Park Williams likewise adds that while the ocean is 
warming, the coastal waters are colder this year. He considers the possible 
effects of global warming along the Pacific coast to be the "million-dollar 
question," but wouldn't be surprised if foggier summers are in the offing.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MMY on Immortality

2010-02-16 Thread Vaj

On Feb 16, 2010, at 12:32 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

I think you pinpointed the crux of the situation,
Curtis. Pretty much the *whole* situation. Why
would a person claim on an Internet forum that
they know the "truth" about what someone they've
never met is "really" thinking and what his "real"
motives are? Why would *anyone* say something
that ludicrous?

Well, it's also worth pointing out that it's usually not best to take  
advice on immortality from someone who just died. ;-)

I get a kick out of Marshy's "I just talked to a scientist on   
topic, and here's how it relates to the Veda" schtick. I remember at  
one time thinking "wow, that's so profound" (even if I had no clue on  
the topic).

That was before I realized he was a sociopath of course. :-)

Now these blurbs just make me laugh.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Feb 16, 2010, at 12:12 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike "Sloppy Bottom" Dixon 
>  wrote:
>> "and although I don't have any *fist* hand knowledge..."  
>> Curtis, is this a Fruedian slip? LOL!
> And, naturally, it was one of the resident conservatives that immediately 
> picked up on a gay fisting theme. That response says a whole lot more than 
> Curtis's typo ever could.

You caught that too, huh?


[FairfieldLife] More indications of life before life on planet Earth

2010-02-16 Thread It's just a ride
News Meteorite contains complex organic molecules
Tuesday, 16 February 2010

by Gemma Black
 Cosmos Online

SYDNEY: Previously unknown organic molecules have been discovered in a 100
kg meteorite that hit Australia in 1969, suggesting that our early Solar
System contained a soup of highly complex organic chemistry long before life

In a recent study scientists analysed the Murchison meteorite, which landed
in Murchison near Melbourne, Australia, in 1969.

The 100 kg meteor is thought to have originated in the early days of our
solar system, perhaps even before the Sun formed around four and a half
billion years ago.

*Previous studies emphasised simple molecules*

Murchison is one of the most studied meteorites, already recognised for the
diversity of its organic chemistry – the chemistry of compounds containing

However, analyses of the meteorite up until now have all been targeted to
selected classes of compounds with an emphasis on amino acids as a potential
source of life on Earth, according to the study published in the U.S.
Journal *Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences*.

Now, for the first time, scientists have used advanced analytical methods to
conduct a non-targeted experiment.

*Large chemical diversity*

They discovered highly complex combinations of organic molecules including
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur.

"We found a chemical diversity far superior to any samples we have analysed
up until now," said lead author Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, an analytical
chemist from the German Research Centre for Environmental Health in Munich.

"We have never seen such a complex organic system before," he said.

According to Philippe, the newly discovered compounds in the Murchison
meteorite "may have contributed to the organic complexity of the early soup"
that led to the development of life on Earth.

The findings also suggest that extraterrestrial chemical diversity surpasses
that found on earth.

The meteor probably passed through primordial clouds in the early solar
system, accumulating organic molecules in a snowball affect along the way.

By tracing the sequence of organic molecules in the meteorite, researchers
believe they may also be able to create a timeline for their formation and
alteration since the early days of our solar system.

*Complex primordial soup*

"This is a really interesting result," said Geraint Lewis, a cosmologist
from the University of Sydney in Australia.

"Older studies looked for the simple molecules that would be required for
life to form, but this study did a general search for chemistry and found a
lot more complex chemical elements. So the soup which was present on the
Earth just after it formed was much more complex than earlier thought," he

"This will probably have significant implications for our understanding of
how life on Earth began."

On their way to get married, a young couple is involved in a fatal car
accident. The couple find themselves sitting outside the Pearly Gates
waiting for St. Peter to process them into Heaven. While waiting, they begin
to wonder:  Could they possibly get married in Heaven?
When St. Peter showed up, they asked him. St. Peter said, 'I don't know.
This is the first time anyone has asked. Let me go find out,' and he leaves.
The couple sat and waited, and waited. Two months passed and the couple are
still waiting. As they waited, they discussed that if they were allowed to
get married in Heaven, what was the eternal aspect of it all...
'What if it doesn't work?' they wondered, 'Are we stuck together forever?'
After yet another month, St. Peter finally returns, looking somewhat
bedraggled. 'Yes,' he informs the couple, 'you can get married in Heaven.'
'Great!' said the couple, 'But we were just wondering, what if things don't
work out? Could we also get a divorce in Heaven?'
St. Peter, red-faced with anger, slammed his clipboard onto the ground.
'What's wrong?' asked the frightened couple.
'What's wrong?', shouted St. Peter, 'It took me three months to find a
priest up here! Do you have any idea how long it'll take me to find a

If you but soak up the sunlight you are given, drink each drop of water I
send, and strive only to be yourself, life shall quicken in your roots,
spirit shall raise you into the light, and your bloom will inspire the

[FairfieldLife] The Fog Of Uncertainty

2010-02-16 Thread PaliGap
Welcome to predictive wonderland:

Where less...

"Fog over San Francisco thins by a third due to climate change"

Is more...

"Get ready for even foggier summers" (Bay Area)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread It's just a ride
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 11:58 AM, martyboi  wrote:

> I haven't met too many uptight gay people...but I live in the Bay Area.
> Just a thought though:
> What if oppressed minorities *DO* have magic powers? I mean the universe
> has to balance out somehow.
> We have a magic negro for president of the United States.  A Nobel Prize
winner at that.  What more magic do you need for proof?

On their way to get married, a young couple is involved in a fatal car
accident. The couple find themselves sitting outside the Pearly Gates
waiting for St. Peter to process them into Heaven. While waiting, they begin
to wonder:  Could they possibly get married in Heaven?
When St. Peter showed up, they asked him. St. Peter said, 'I don't know.
This is the first time anyone has asked. Let me go find out,' and he leaves.
The couple sat and waited, and waited. Two months passed and the couple are
still waiting. As they waited, they discussed that if they were allowed to
get married in Heaven, what was the eternal aspect of it all...
'What if it doesn't work?' they wondered, 'Are we stuck together forever?'
After yet another month, St. Peter finally returns, looking somewhat
bedraggled. 'Yes,' he informs the couple, 'you can get married in Heaven.'
'Great!' said the couple, 'But we were just wondering, what if things don't
work out? Could we also get a divorce in Heaven?'
St. Peter, red-faced with anger, slammed his clipboard onto the ground.
'What's wrong?' asked the frightened couple.
'What's wrong?', shouted St. Peter, 'It took me three months to find a
priest up here! Do you have any idea how long it'll take me to find a

If you but soak up the sunlight you are given, drink each drop of water I
send, and strive only to be yourself, life shall quicken in your roots,
spirit shall raise you into the light, and your bloom will inspire the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike "Sloppy Bottom" Dixon 
> "and although I don't have any *fist* hand knowledge..."  
> Curtis, is this a Fruedian slip? LOL!

And, naturally, it was one of the resident conservatives that immediately 
picked up on a gay fisting theme. That response says a whole lot more than 
Curtis's typo ever could.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "martyboi"  wrote:
> I haven't met too many uptight gay people...but I live in the Bay Area.

Check your local Catholic parish... 

> Just a thought though:
> What if oppressed minorities *DO* have magic powers? I mean the universe has 
> to balance out somehow.

When my male gay friends greet each other with a kiss on the mouth it always 
seems like a magical power to me.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon  wrote:
> "and although I don't have any *fist* hand knowledge..."  Curtis, is this a 
> Fruedian slip? LOL!

Duude!  I'm so glad I didn't have coffee in my mouth when I read that!  
Nice catch. (Not to be confused with "pitching and catching".)  Wouldn't you 
know, the funniest thing I have said all week was inadvertent!  

> From: curtisdeltablues 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 7:23:08 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "martyboi"  wrote:
> >
> > A quote from a hostile jock during a friend's flying block:
> > 
> > "Why are all those efin* f*ggots the first ones to hop?"
> > 
> > I noticed the same thing on my course. When I discussed it with a "fruity 
> > dancer" he said it was because straight men are unable to "truly let go in 
> > bed" and that spills over into the rest of their life.
> > 
> > I think there is some truth to that.
> I always thought it had to do with being "light in the loafers."
> At a party, if I meet a gay couple I do usually assume they will have more 
> sympathy with a counterculture perspective, being sort of forced there by a 
> homophobic society. But that sure isn't always the case. I also know some 
> pretty persnickety gay people, and although I don't have any fist hand 
> knowledge, I don't get the sense that they are any different than the rest of 
> us in the sack. Some wildcats, some total dudes. I've even met gay prudes. I 
> doubt being gay or not is the biggest distinction between the sheets. My 
> thoery is that it has to do with your previous lovers who can open your mind 
> or close it.
> I think every marginalized groups likes to try to assume some magic powers, 
> but we all end up being more similar than different if you look at a larger 
> group IMO.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Current climate coverage

2010-02-16 Thread PaliGap

> "Keep in mind that the uncertainty goes both ways--
> climate change could be far worse than the IPCC is 
> predicting, and it would be wise to buy an intelligent 
> amount of insurance to protect ourselves."

Though buying insurance willy-nilly from just every
dodgy salesman you meet is the height of naivity! There's
"extra cover" for your new TV, dish washer, mobile phone -
even your new toothbrush no doubt. It's a great industry,
one that loves to find new risks to protect us from.

And what IS "an intelligent amount of insurance"? 

Have we got insurance against the next big meteor strike?
The next super volcano at Yellowstone?
The giant tsunami targeting the US east coast from the Azores?
The next "maunder Minimum" from a quiet sun?
The "big one" in california & Japan?
Etc Etc

I see too the reference to "uncertainty". I don't see 
much respect for uncertainty amongst those who seem
to think this: That it is all rock-solid, settled *science*
(apart, that is,from some dumb-nut "flat-earthers" and
"deniers"). This contempt on the part of many warmists for
the REAL values of Science has now badly backfired. Quite
a lot of those who have been "players" in this drama over
the last few years are now trying to row furiously away
from the "debate is over" shipwreck.

Seems to me that THAT's the real and present danger: The
politicisation of Science could put us back into the Dark Ages
(case in point: the substitution of the old-fashioned idea of
"empirical test" with the post-modern, so-called "gold standard"
of "peer review").

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> "Globally, January 2010 was the 4th warmest January on record, with global
> ocean temperatures the 2nd warmest on record, according to NOAA."
> "most of Canada saw very unusual warmth, with temperature anomalies over 5°C
> (9°F) covering large swathes of the country. Record warm January
> temperatures were observed not only over British Columbia, but also over
> Manitoba and over much of Quebec, where half of the province's
>  twelve largest cities
> experienced their warmest or second warmest January on record."
> http://www.wunderground.com/blog/JeffMasters/comment.html?entrynum=1431 :
> Media coverage by the Washington Post
> I did a phone-in press call with 20 media outlets on Thursday, to discuss
> how record snowstorms do not imply that global warming is not occurring.
> Participating on the call with me was Dr. Joe Romm, who blogs on
> climate-related issues for climateprogress.org
>  owstorms-extreme-weather-and-climate-change-science/> . The audio is posted
> there if you want to listen.
> The Washington Post
>  3908.html>  highlighted a portion of the call where I said, "there's a huge
> amount of natural variability in the climate system", not enough years of
> measurements to know exactly what's going on, and "Unfortunately we don't
> have that data so we are forced to make decisions based on inadequate data."
> The article said that my statements shot down the statement by Joe Romm that
> "the overwhelming weight of the scientific literature" points to
> human-caused warming and that doubters "don't understand the science." Let
> me clarify that there will always be considerable uncertainty in our
> understanding of a chaotic system like the atmosphere. We should not demand
> certainty where it cannot exist, always using uncertainty as an excuse for
> taking no action. Keep in mind that the uncertainty goes both ways--climate
> change could be far worse than the IPCC is predicting, and it would be wise
> to buy an intelligent amount of insurance to protect ourselves. I agree with
> Dr. Romm's statement, and the offical Statement
>   on Climate Change from
> the American Meteorological Society, "Despite the uncertainties...there is
> adequate evidence from observations and interpretations of climate
> simulations to conclude that the atmosphere, ocean, and land surface are
> warming; that humans have significantly contributed to this change; and that
> further climate change will continue to have important impacts on human
> societies, on economies, on ecosystems, and on wildlife through the 21st
> century and beyond." The official statement from the UK
>   Royal Society
> and UK Met Office is also one I agree with, "The 2007 IPCC Assessment, the
> most comprehensive and respected analysis of climate change to date, states
> clearly that without substantial global reductions of greenhouse gas
> emissions we can likely expect a world of increasing droughts, floods and
> species loss, of rising seas an

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread martyboi
I haven't met too many uptight gay people...but I live in the Bay Area.

Just a thought though:

What if oppressed minorities *DO* have magic powers? I mean the universe has to 
balance out somehow. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Current climate coverage

2010-02-16 Thread Duveyoung
Look for this show:


Seeing is believing.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
> On Behalf Of ShempMcGurk
> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:34 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Current climate coverage
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > "Globally, January 2010 was the 4th warmest January on record, with global
> > ocean temperatures the 2nd warmest on record, according to NOAA."
> > 
> > "most of Canada saw very unusual warmth, with temperature anomalies over
> 5°C
> > (9°F) covering large swathes of the country. Record warm January
> > temperatures were observed not only over British Columbia, but also over
> > Manitoba and over much of Quebec, where half of the province's
> >  twelve largest cities
> > experienced their warmest or second warmest January on record."
> > 
> Good!
> Now maybe instead of 500,000 Quebecers going south to the States every
> winter and giving a boost to the U.S. economy, more will stay home and,
> indeed, maybe more Americans will come to Quebec to cool off in the summer
> because it gets too hot.
> Let's have even MORE global warming!
> Ah, so you finally admit that it's happening.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Current climate coverage

2010-02-16 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of ShempMcGurk
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:34 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Current climate coverage

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> "Globally, January 2010 was the 4th warmest January on record, with global
> ocean temperatures the 2nd warmest on record, according to NOAA."
> "most of Canada saw very unusual warmth, with temperature anomalies over
> (9°F) covering large swathes of the country. Record warm January
> temperatures were observed not only over British Columbia, but also over
> Manitoba and over much of Quebec, where half of the province's
>  twelve largest cities
> experienced their warmest or second warmest January on record."


Now maybe instead of 500,000 Quebecers going south to the States every
winter and giving a boost to the U.S. economy, more will stay home and,
indeed, maybe more Americans will come to Quebec to cool off in the summer
because it gets too hot.

Let's have even MORE global warming!
Ah, so you finally admit that it's happening.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM/Vedic City Wikipedia posters face Arbitration Committee

2010-02-16 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
> > On Behalf Of Vaj
> > Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 8:46 PM
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] MUM/Vedic City Wikipedia posters face Arbitration
> > Committee
> >  
> > Passed on off list. Apparently these people were found to
> > be editing to manipulate the content on TM related entries,
> > the John Hagelin entry, the Flipped SU(5) entry, among
> > others. It's being compared to the Scientology ban of 
> > certain IP addresses:
> >  
> > On Wikipedia, a set of Wikipedia editors have been found to
> > be editing from Fairfield, MUM and Vedic City, IP addresses
> > and are now facing the Arbitration Committee, sometimes called
> > the "Supreme Court" of Wikipedia. 
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/Case#Transcenden
> > tal_Meditation_movement
> >  
> > Look who's name comes up in that: Sparaig
> Only in passing, as someone who used to work on the TM 
> pages who was associated with the movement but hasn't
> in some time. He hasn't been accused of anything. Being
> involved with the movement is not a reason for a person
> not to participate in the editing process of TM-related
> pages.
> Readers here should not be fooled by comments from
> certain people implying malfeasance on the part of TMers
> is a done deal ("found to be..." "manipulate the
> content..." "facing the Arbitration Committee...").
> There is nothing inherently wrong with editing TM-
> related material from a Fairfield or even a MUM IP
> address. It's not against Wikipedia policy. The issues
> are more complex than that.
> I just took a look at some of the material, and it's
> *unbelievably* involved and complicated; that's why
> it's going to Wiki arbitration (which is not a court
> but, as the name suggests, a place to resolve difficult
> disputes that can't be resolved in other Wikipedia
> venues). The TMers involved will get to make their
> case there. (Some of them have been among those who
> asked for the dispute to be taken to the Arbitration
> Committee.)
> I spent a good hour reading, and I'd guess I covered
> about 10 percent (or less) of the material. The main
> page Vaj cited links to different aspects of the
> dispute on literally dozens of other pages.
> There is clearly an anti-TM faction--several members
> also from Fairfield--involved as well. At least one
> of the administrators pretty clearly holds TM in
> disfavor.
> It's impossible for the casual reader to sort out the
> truth of the various charges and countercharges. It's
> a huge, huge mess. Everyone gets to have their say,
> but that doesn't exactly make for clarity and
> efficiency in settling the dispute. In some cases the
> policies in question are unclear and will need to be
> refined so everyone knows what's a violation and what
> isn't.
> The image of guilty TMers lined up before the bar to be
> sentenced and punished for wrongdoing is egregiously
> false.

How do you know? Surely better to wait for a judgement.

I wouldn't like to have to wade through it all but I 
looked at a few and it seems fair enough, for instance,
to call John Hagelin a crackpot as it's a quote from a 
book about QP. TMers will object of course but this is 
just an article about his published physics, can't imagine
what independent editors would make of some of the stuff 
that gets broadcast on the Marshy channel.

Selective editing is no good at all here. Let's face it, 
if you were publishing an encyclopedia who would you get 
to edit it? The people who passionately believe and make 
a living from what they write about? Maybe, but you'd have
it independently checked and then some. It's going to be 
interesting how this one turns out.

Re: [FairfieldLife] We Are The World 25 For Haiti - Official Video

2010-02-16 Thread It's just a ride
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Rick Archer  wrote:

>  We Are The World 25 For Haiti - Official Video
> Awesome vocals !
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Glny4jSciVI
> What a downer.  So slick, so much estrogen.  The world /is/ becoming
feminine.  None of the wonderful harmonies like the previous We Are the
World.  No Ray Charles, no Willie Nelson, no Bob Dylon.  This reminds me of
the current Saturday Night Live versus the original cast Saturday Night

At least they holographed in Michael Jackson.

On their way to get married, a young couple is involved in a fatal car
accident. The couple find themselves sitting outside the Pearly Gates
waiting for St. Peter to process them into Heaven. While waiting, they begin
to wonder:  Could they possibly get married in Heaven?
When St. Peter showed up, they asked him. St. Peter said, 'I don't know.
This is the first time anyone has asked. Let me go find out,' and he leaves.
The couple sat and waited, and waited. Two months passed and the couple are
still waiting. As they waited, they discussed that if they were allowed to
get married in Heaven, what was the eternal aspect of it all...
'What if it doesn't work?' they wondered, 'Are we stuck together forever?'
After yet another month, St. Peter finally returns, looking somewhat
bedraggled. 'Yes,' he informs the couple, 'you can get married in Heaven.'
'Great!' said the couple, 'But we were just wondering, what if things don't
work out? Could we also get a divorce in Heaven?'
St. Peter, red-faced with anger, slammed his clipboard onto the ground.
'What's wrong?' asked the frightened couple.
'What's wrong?', shouted St. Peter, 'It took me three months to find a
priest up here! Do you have any idea how long it'll take me to find a

If you but soak up the sunlight you are given, drink each drop of water I
send, and strive only to be yourself, life shall quicken in your roots,
spirit shall raise you into the light, and your bloom will inspire the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Current climate coverage

2010-02-16 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> "Globally, January 2010 was the 4th warmest January on record, with global
> ocean temperatures the 2nd warmest on record, according to NOAA."
> "most of Canada saw very unusual warmth, with temperature anomalies over 5°C
> (9°F) covering large swathes of the country. Record warm January
> temperatures were observed not only over British Columbia, but also over
> Manitoba and over much of Quebec, where half of the province's
>  twelve largest cities
> experienced their warmest or second warmest January on record."


Now maybe instead of 500,000 Quebecers going south to the States every winter 
and giving a boost to the U.S. economy, more will stay home and, indeed, maybe 
more Americans will come to Quebec to cool off in the summer because it gets 
too hot.

Let's have even MORE global warming!

> http://www.wunderground.com/blog/JeffMasters/comment.html?entrynum=1431 :
> Media coverage by the Washington Post
> I did a phone-in press call with 20 media outlets on Thursday, to discuss
> how record snowstorms do not imply that global warming is not occurring.
> Participating on the call with me was Dr. Joe Romm, who blogs on
> climate-related issues for climateprogress.org
>  owstorms-extreme-weather-and-climate-change-science/> . The audio is posted
> there if you want to listen.
> The Washington Post
>  3908.html>  highlighted a portion of the call where I said, "there's a huge
> amount of natural variability in the climate system", not enough years of
> measurements to know exactly what's going on, and "Unfortunately we don't
> have that data so we are forced to make decisions based on inadequate data."
> The article said that my statements shot down the statement by Joe Romm that
> "the overwhelming weight of the scientific literature" points to
> human-caused warming and that doubters "don't understand the science." Let
> me clarify that there will always be considerable uncertainty in our
> understanding of a chaotic system like the atmosphere. We should not demand
> certainty where it cannot exist, always using uncertainty as an excuse for
> taking no action. Keep in mind that the uncertainty goes both ways--climate
> change could be far worse than the IPCC is predicting, and it would be wise
> to buy an intelligent amount of insurance to protect ourselves. I agree with
> Dr. Romm's statement, and the offical Statement
>   on Climate Change from
> the American Meteorological Society, "Despite the uncertainties...there is
> adequate evidence from observations and interpretations of climate
> simulations to conclude that the atmosphere, ocean, and land surface are
> warming; that humans have significantly contributed to this change; and that
> further climate change will continue to have important impacts on human
> societies, on economies, on ecosystems, and on wildlife through the 21st
> century and beyond." The official statement from the UK
>   Royal Society
> and UK Met Office is also one I agree with, "The 2007 IPCC Assessment, the
> most comprehensive and respected analysis of climate change to date, states
> clearly that without substantial global reductions of greenhouse gas
> emissions we can likely expect a world of increasing droughts, floods and
> species loss, of rising seas and displaced human populations. However even
> since the 2007 IPCC Assessment the evidence for dangerous, long-term and
> potentially irreversible climate change has strengthened. The scientific
> evidence which underpins calls for action at Copenhagen is very strong.
> Without coordinated international action on greenhouse gas emissions, the
> impacts on climate and civilization could be severe.".
> More heavy snowstorms occur in warmer-than-average years
> I made this point in yesterday's blog post, but it's worth repeating.
> Another interesting result from the Changnon et al. (2006) paper of Figure 2
> is the relationship between heavy snowstorms and the average winter
> temperature. For the contiguous U.S. between 1900 - 2001, the authors found
> that 61% - 80% of all heavy snowstorms of 6+ inches occurred during winters
> with above normal temperatures. In other words, the old adage, "it's too
> cold to snow", has some truth to it. The authors also found that 61% - 85%
> of all heavy snowstorms of 6+ inches occurred during winters that were
> wetter than average. The authors conclude, "a future with wetter and warmer
> winters, which is one outcome expected (National Assessment Synthesis Team
> 2001), will bring more heavy snowsto

[FairfieldLife] Re: MMY on Immortality

2010-02-16 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> It is so interesting to read this kind of stuff now, being so 
> outside the mindset.  I have a few thoughts about it.
> ...
> Here is where I disagree with Maharishi the most:
> > Now what is needed depends on an infinite number of 
> > considerations, but it is a field of all possibilities, 
> > because it is Ritam bhara pragya, a state of intelligence 
> > which knows everything and which registers only the truth. 
> > It is not deluded because it is Self-referral. Being 
> > Self-referral it knows everything.
> This is not only wrong, it is dangerously wrong.  

I wanted to reply to this yesterday but didn't
have the time to. Tonight, waiting to go out for
the biggest night of Carnavale, I do. 

I think you pinpointed the crux of the situation,
Curtis. Pretty much the *whole* situation. Why 
would a person claim on an Internet forum that 
they know the "truth" about what someone they've 
never met is "really" thinking and what his "real"
motives are? Why would *anyone* say something 
that ludicrous? 

They don't think it's ludicrous. And the reason
is that they were taught to believe stuff like 
the "teaching" at the top. I agree with you that 
it's not only wrong, it's dangerously wrong.

> It is a statement of confidence in a state of mind as a 
> source of truth that needs no external testing. Funny 
> that he denies that it is "deluded" because this is 
> exactly how I view such a claim.

I view it that way, too. But the people who have
been taught to believe that a state of mind *can*
be a "source of truth" would probably not see it
that way. They would, in fact, assume that it was
very possible for them to achieve a state of mind
from which they personally can know the "truth."

Having accepted that, it's a very small step from
there to actually believing that they *do* know 
the "truth." 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread Mike Dixon
"and although I don't have any *fist* hand knowledge..."  Curtis, is this a 
Fruedian slip? LOL!

From: curtisdeltablues 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, February 16, 2010 7:23:08 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "martyboi"  wrote:
> A quote from a hostile jock during a friend's flying block:
> "Why are all those efin* f*ggots the first ones to hop?"
> I noticed the same thing on my course. When I discussed it with a "fruity 
> dancer" he said it was because straight men are unable to "truly let go in 
> bed" and that spills over into the rest of their life.
> I think there is some truth to that.

I always thought it had to do with being "light in the loafers."

At a party, if I meet a gay couple I do usually assume they will have more 
sympathy with a counterculture perspective, being sort of forced there by a 
homophobic society. But that sure isn't always the case. I also know some 
pretty persnickety gay people, and although I don't have any fist hand 
knowledge, I don't get the sense that they are any different than the rest of 
us in the sack. Some wildcats, some total dudes. I've even met gay prudes. I 
doubt being gay or not is the biggest distinction between the sheets. My thoery 
is that it has to do with your previous lovers who can open your mind or close 

I think every marginalized groups likes to try to assume some magic powers, but 
we all end up being more similar than different if you look at a larger group 



[FairfieldLife] We Are The World 25 For Haiti - Official Video

2010-02-16 Thread Rick Archer

We Are The World 25 For Haiti - Official Video

Awesome vocals !

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "It's just a ride" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > It was as though he was demon possessed.  Even Doug the sidhi
> > administrator was shocked.
> Perhaps he was.


Geez, you[ve got a twisted sense of humor like mine.
Can you imagine what things would have been like in 
the TM movement if the concept of demon possession 
had ever gotten "legs," dogma-wise?

They would have eventually had to find a technique
to determine whether overly-weird flyers were pos-
sessed or merely having a "good experience." You'd 
have to go through periodic "demon checkings" to 
make sure you were really you.

And wouldn't it all look a lot like this classic
scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail? 

I mean, Maharishi had a *thing* for scales, and
using them to weigh people against their weight in
gold, right? So how long would it have been before 
he was weighing weird flyers against their weight
in ducks?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendental Meditation as Millennial Movement (?)

2010-02-16 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> millennial movements (The End of the World: as we know it), 
> "one of the students asked me if the 2012 Mayan calendar prophecies are taken 
> seriously by some of the folks in FF.   Apparently, a friend of his new age 
> mom lives in FF or has some sort of connections there (he was vague) and has 
> heard that people have taken up the 2012 hysteria.  While it would surprise 
> me if NOBODY in FF took the Mayan stuff seriously, I wouldn't expect 
> widespread enthusiasm for it."  (?)

Didn't John Hagelin mention it in a recent broadcast?

Can't remember what his angle was but most TMers I know,
who express any belief in it, think it's going to be the
start of the AofE. 

Considering JHs appearance on "the secret" we know he's 
capable of believing anything. Maybe all the people wishing
for world peace will cause world consciousness to shift?
Not in my opnion of course but it's what's happening in the
beliefs of a lot of people these days.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anyone Tried Yogic Flying?

2010-02-16 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo"  wrote:
> > 

> > > 
> > > And where is all that stored in your brain? Where did
> > > the "data" of the experiences come from?
> > 
> > I'd say it was invented in the same way that the dreaming
> > mind conjurs up all sorts of fantastic stuff.
> See, that's where I just get boggled. I see stuff in
> my dreams that I've *never* seen before, either "live"
> or in photos or drawings, haven't read about, etc.
> Plenty of what I see *is* familiar, but some of it 
> simply ain't.

Hmmm, depends what you mean by "never" I get stuff
that's wild but hasn't ever happened (I hope) but
it's still feasible in a monster-ish or sci-fi way.
The acid halucinations are also stuff from the world
but in ways you wouldn't think of, just a kind of 
spontaneous modern art. Like I was sitting in a 
church once and looked up at the beams of light shining
through the rafters and saw a troop of gorillas sitting 
as they do when resting in trees, just the mind making 
more out of shadows that was there but a striking image.

What do can you see that hasn't existed before? It's all
made up of concepts of various things, unless your mind is
truly out there!

> (On the other hand...I just learned yesterday something
> I'd never heard, although apparently it's been public
> knowledge for awhile--that Francis Crick came up with
> the double helix while high on LSD. For some reason
> I get a huge kick out of that.)

I always thought that he had dreamed about two mating 
snakes entwined. Either one underlines the point that the 
conscious mind isn't what does any of the actual thinking,
that's all done deep down, the aware part of us just forms
an outline of the problem.

Physicists have a saying called the BBBs - baths, buses 
and beds- which is where most good ideas seem to pop into
awareness. Einstein kept plasters near his shaving mirror 
in case he cut himself having one his revelations whilst 

> I think you'll love this book. The author is very into
> finding common patterns behind psychedelic experience.
> He gets awfully heavily at times into using 
> psychedelics to save the world, but you can skip over
> those parts.

Sounds interesting, you'll have to let us know when it
comes out.


> > Did I say it's our brains that control it?
> Yes, you did--see quote above, "because it's our brains
> that control it"!

I know, I was kidding. A case of not thinking before typing.
>  No more than
> > windows vista is controlled by the chip in this computer,
> > it allows it happen but doesn't know or care whether it 
> > does or not.
> So where does that leave us?

Not being able to trust our own instinctive opinions
about what happens in our minds I guess, which could be 
worrying but most people just ignore it - if they ever 
given it any thought that is.
> > Gut feeling is a bad thing to go on as we are too good at
> > kidding ourselves.
> Your analogy to Windows Vista sorta breaks down here,
> doesn't it? (Assuming the OS is functioning properly,
> that is.)

I don't see the analogy breaking down but our OS can, the
two interact more in the human body than in the computer. 
We have the feedback system of the fight/flight response 
for instance so we can be scared of things that aren't real
and it'll be the same as if they were. 

If you don't take the analogy that far and think of some-
thing like the TM explanation of mental activity, it doesn't
have any actual parallel in the mind but we accept it as a 
good explanation regardless. It's a software option that 
thinks it knows how the machine that supports it functions 
but doesn't really and it doesn't affect *how* the machine 
runs because it's job is just - in the case of consciousness 
- to allow the creation of metaphors and patterns out of those metaphors, which 
is what all our thoughts are.

The job of science here is to let us know which of the maps
we create corresponds to what's actually happening. I think
it's coming along well, that Horizon doc I posted from youtube yesterday had 
some fascinating things in it, I'd watch it if 
you get the chance.

[FairfieldLife] Current climate coverage

2010-02-16 Thread Rick Archer
"Globally, January 2010 was the 4th warmest January on record, with global
ocean temperatures the 2nd warmest on record, according to NOAA."
"most of Canada saw very unusual warmth, with temperature anomalies over 5°C
(9°F) covering large swathes of the country. Record warm January
temperatures were observed not only over British Columbia, but also over
Manitoba and over much of Quebec, where half of the province's
 twelve largest cities
experienced their warmest or second warmest January on record."
http://www.wunderground.com/blog/JeffMasters/comment.html?entrynum=1431 :
Media coverage by the Washington Post
I did a phone-in press call with 20 media outlets on Thursday, to discuss
how record snowstorms do not imply that global warming is not occurring.
Participating on the call with me was Dr. Joe Romm, who blogs on
climate-related issues for climateprogress.org
 . The audio is posted
there if you want to listen.

The Washington Post
  highlighted a portion of the call where I said, "there's a huge
amount of natural variability in the climate system", not enough years of
measurements to know exactly what's going on, and "Unfortunately we don't
have that data so we are forced to make decisions based on inadequate data."
The article said that my statements shot down the statement by Joe Romm that
"the overwhelming weight of the scientific literature" points to
human-caused warming and that doubters "don't understand the science." Let
me clarify that there will always be considerable uncertainty in our
understanding of a chaotic system like the atmosphere. We should not demand
certainty where it cannot exist, always using uncertainty as an excuse for
taking no action. Keep in mind that the uncertainty goes both ways--climate
change could be far worse than the IPCC is predicting, and it would be wise
to buy an intelligent amount of insurance to protect ourselves. I agree with
Dr. Romm's statement, and the offical Statement
  on Climate Change from
the American Meteorological Society, "Despite the uncertainties...there is
adequate evidence from observations and interpretations of climate
simulations to conclude that the atmosphere, ocean, and land surface are
warming; that humans have significantly contributed to this change; and that
further climate change will continue to have important impacts on human
societies, on economies, on ecosystems, and on wildlife through the 21st
century and beyond." The official statement from the UK
  Royal Society
and UK Met Office is also one I agree with, "The 2007 IPCC Assessment, the
most comprehensive and respected analysis of climate change to date, states
clearly that without substantial global reductions of greenhouse gas
emissions we can likely expect a world of increasing droughts, floods and
species loss, of rising seas and displaced human populations. However even
since the 2007 IPCC Assessment the evidence for dangerous, long-term and
potentially irreversible climate change has strengthened. The scientific
evidence which underpins calls for action at Copenhagen is very strong.
Without coordinated international action on greenhouse gas emissions, the
impacts on climate and civilization could be severe.".

More heavy snowstorms occur in warmer-than-average years
I made this point in yesterday's blog post, but it's worth repeating.
Another interesting result from the Changnon et al. (2006) paper of Figure 2
is the relationship between heavy snowstorms and the average winter
temperature. For the contiguous U.S. between 1900 - 2001, the authors found
that 61% - 80% of all heavy snowstorms of 6+ inches occurred during winters
with above normal temperatures. In other words, the old adage, "it's too
cold to snow", has some truth to it. The authors also found that 61% - 85%
of all heavy snowstorms of 6+ inches occurred during winters that were
wetter than average. The authors conclude, "a future with wetter and warmer
winters, which is one outcome expected (National Assessment Synthesis Team
2001), will bring more heavy snowstorms of 6+ inches than in 1901 - 2000.
The authors found that over the U.S. as a whole, there had been a slight but
significant increase in heavy snowstorms of 6+ inches than in 1901 - 2000.
So, there is evidence that the average climate of the U.S. over the past 100
years is colder than optimal for heavy snow events to occur. If the climate
continues to warm, we should expect an increase in heavy snow events for a
few decades, until the climate grows so warm that we pass the point where
winter temp

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread Joe

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "It's just a ride" 
  It was as though he was demon possessed.  Even Doug the sidhi
> administrator was shocked.
Perhaps he was.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: students can now attend mum without learning tm,- and the puja is optional

2010-02-16 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Feb 16, 2010, at 7:52 AM, Alex Stanley wrote:

>> Stew in your own swill, folks. I'll see you in a week.
> In my own Gmail feed, I just manually counted your posts starting from the 
> 14th's post count, and I have you at 50. The post count script has its own 
> Gmail feed, and it usually squares with mine. 

Thank god.  50 is good enough for me.
A few days to recover.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Good News-Nuclear Power back in America! Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.

2010-02-16 Thread It's just a ride
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 9:16 AM, BillyG  wrote:

> http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100216/pl_nm/us_usa_nuclear_loan_2
> --

'T'was two decades ago that I entered the inner sanctum of Millstone (Rhode
Island) III reactor control room to potentially do some consulting.  My
escorts, two people from a consulting firm, had never been to a reactor
before.  I noticed that when we drove from the Providence Airport we got
more and more hyper.  I had no idea how far away we were from the reactor as
I had never been in that part of RI.  Suddenly we got very, very hyper.  We
were talking like the Keystone Cops would have if the film was a talkie.
Suddenly we turned a corner and there it was.  I was not afraid of nukes and
have been in many more dangerous situations (Like, for instance, a dynamite
plant and all over most of Savannah River Plant and later Savannah River
Site.  I actually entered a radioactive waste vitrification plant which had
already been sealed for the ages.).  When we finally got into the control
room, I felt the most wired I have ever felt.  It was nothing like those
uppers I took in college to cram for finals.

I decided that nuclear plants give off more and different kinds of radiation
than we can imagine or currently measure.

I decided that though this would be a very lucrative consulting gig, I'd bow

If you but soak up the sunlight you are given, drink each drop of water I
send, and strive only to be yourself, life shall quicken in your roots,
spirit shall raise you into the light, and your bloom will inspire the

[FairfieldLife] Re: And the "throwing oneself on the grenade" award goes to...

2010-02-16 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > ...Curtis Blues, for putting the group's welfare 
> > ahead of his own and demonstrating true selfless-
> > ness in the face of ugliness.
> You give me too much credit brother.  I was just snowed in.  
> But I do believe she misses you so I hope you can take over 
> next week.  

Not gonna happen, next week or any week.

It's far more interesting to me to "pull
the strings" by just talking about the 
things I want to talk about, knowing that
a few of them will give her the vapors
without me interfacing with her at all.

Sadly, that means that she'll take things
out on you and do.rflex and others more.
But hey!...that's what you get for being
a friend to evil. :-)

> At one point my loathsomeness was compared to your own, 
> being the benchmark apparently for all things "appalling" 
> and I suspect without "class."  

I know. I never read any of her posts, but
I occasionally catch portions of them quoted
in your posts. Mine is a heavy 'rep' to live
up to, dude, but I'm sure you can handle it.
I can loan you my Evil League Of Evil manual
if you want.

> I'm afraid I will always remain the penultimate on the scale 
> of all things that give certain types of women the "vapors."  

As they said in the Highlander movies, "There 
can only be one," and t'would seem that in terms 
of evilnessitude I'm it. 

Prospective henchmen have to measure themselves 
by my arch-evilnessitude. But being the humble,
compassionate arch-villain I am, I am available 
for evilness lessons if anyone feels the need 
to "tech up."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "martyboi"  wrote:
> A quote from a hostile jock during a friend's flying block:
> "Why are all those efin* f*ggots the first ones to hop?"
> I noticed the same thing on my course. When I discussed it with a "fruity 
> dancer" he said it was because straight men are unable to "truly let go in 
> bed" and that spills over into the rest of their life.
> I think there is some truth to that.

I always thought it had to do with being "light in the loafers."

At a party, if I meet a gay couple I do usually assume they will have more 
sympathy with a counterculture perspective, being sort of forced there by a 
homophobic society. But that sure isn't always the case.  I also know some 
pretty persnickety gay people, and although I don't have any fist hand 
knowledge, I don't get the sense that they are any different than the rest of 
us in the sack.  Some wildcats, some total dudes.  I've even met gay prudes.  I 
doubt being gay or not is the biggest distinction between the sheets.  My 
thoery is that it has to do with your previous lovers who can open your mind or 
close it.

I think every marginalized groups likes to try to assume some magic powers, but 
we all end up being more similar than different if you look at a larger group 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread It's just a ride
On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 9:05 AM, martyboi  wrote:

> A quote from a hostile jock during a friend's flying block:
> "Why are all those efin* f*ggots the first ones to hop?"
> I noticed the same thing on my course. When I discussed it with a "fruity
> dancer" he said it was because straight men are unable to "truly let go in
> bed" and that spills over into the rest of their life.
> I think there is some truth to that.
All the guys and those in the middle gender in my flying block at Cobb
Mountain noticed the same thing.  The first guy to take off was in my
Capital of the Age of Enlightenment sutra course.  Let out the most girlish
giggle and shriek you can imagine.  His lover was second to take off.  Of
course this being Northern California, you'd expect a lot of those f*ggots
on the course.  But the most interesting thing I've seen was a chinese guy
who took off, way in the air (and I didn't see any muscle movement before
his taking off).  He fell on his back and bounced around the room on his
back.  It was as though he was demon possessed.  Even Doug the sidhi
administrator was shocked.

If you but soak up the sunlight you are given, drink each drop of water I
send, and strive only to be yourself, life shall quicken in your roots,
spirit shall raise you into the light, and your bloom will inspire the

[FairfieldLife] Good News-Nuclear Power back in America! Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.

2010-02-16 Thread BillyG

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic "Floating" experience

2010-02-16 Thread martyboi
A quote from a hostile jock during a friend's flying block:

"Why are all those efin* f*ggots the first ones to hop?"

I noticed the same thing on my course. When I discussed it with a "fruity 
dancer" he said it was because straight men are unable to "truly let go in bed" 
and that spills over into the rest of their life.

I think there is some truth to that. 

[FairfieldLife] Transcendental Meditation as Millennial Movement (?)

2010-02-16 Thread Buck
millennial movements (The End of the World: as we know it), 

"one of the students asked me if the 2012 Mayan calendar prophecies are taken 
seriously by some of the folks in FF.   Apparently, a friend of his new age mom 
lives in FF or has some sort of connections there (he was vague) and has heard 
that people have taken up the 2012 hysteria.  While it would surprise me if 
NOBODY in FF took the Mayan stuff seriously, I wouldn't expect widespread 
enthusiasm for it."  (?)

[FairfieldLife] Re: And the "throwing oneself on the grenade" award goes to...

2010-02-16 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> ...Curtis Blues, for putting the group's welfare 
> ahead of his own and demonstrating true selfless-
> ness in the face of ugliness.

You give me too much credit brother.  I was just snowed in.  But I do believe 
she misses you so I hope you can take over next week.  At one point my 
loathsomeness was compared to your own, being the benchmark apparently for all 
things "appalling" and I suspect without "class."  I'm afraid I will always 
remain the penultimate on the scale of all things that give certain types of 
women the "vapors."  I tip my hat.(A classy move doncha think?)

> For those of the female persuasion (who I am sure
> have dating metaphors of your own equally tasteless), 
> "Throwing yourself on the grenade" does NOT refer
> to such scenes in old World War II movies. It 
> refers to a form of selfless behavior sometimes
> exhibited among groups of guys in bars.
> The setup is like this. Three guys, lookin' to get
> lucky, are sitting at a table in their favorite bar,
> and attract the eye of three gals, similarly lookin'
> to get lucky. The three guys are equally boinkable,
> meaning that they meet the Three Holy Criteria once
> confided to me by a woman: 1) they have a job, 2) 
> they have a car, and 3) they aren't sleeping in the 
> car. Among the three women, two are attractive and 
> one is...uh...less so. All of the women came to the 
> bar together and from experience the guys know that 
> no one's gettin' lucky with any of the gals unless 
> *all* of the gals get lucky. Male struttin' one's 
> stuff and ego aside, in such a scenario someone's 
> got to "throw themselves on the grenade."
> I am *NOT* for a moment suggesting that Curtis was
> noble enough to go that far for Fairfield Life. There
> are limits, after all, to even friendship. But he WAS
> willing to "chat up" the incarnation of pure ugliness 
> this week and last week, and so effectively that the 
> ugliness posted out early. 
> This is true selfless service in my opinion, and I 
> think it deserves a round of applause from those he 
> performed this noble act for. Next week someone else
> gets to throw themselves on the grenade.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yagyas: The Ethical Question

2010-02-16 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> > > Who would you believe:

Yep, not the non-meditators here.  What could non-meditators have to 
contribute?  Certainly not the jaded grumpy meditation quitters.  Tex's list 
right here works pretty good as a quick spam filter for FFL posting.

> > > 
> > > Someone standing on the corner, who said no big blue 
> > > bus just drove by,
> > > 
> > > or,
> > > 
> > > A large group of people, standing on the same corner,
> > > who said that a big blue bus just drove by.
> > >
> Curtis:
> > I don't think you want to invoke consensus opinion here 
> > do you?
> >
> The only informant that doesn't seem to meditate is Alex, 
> but even he finds himself living next to the Golden Dome. 
> Sal must have seen a 'big blue bus' go by, but she failed 
> to stay aboard for only a few blocks. Apparently she got 
> off the bus after arriving in Fairfield. Go figure.
> So, let's break it down.
> Turq obviously still meditates - he claimed to be sitting 
> with some Buddhists in Spain recently. Vaj obviously is 
> deep into meditation, being a member of a Nath sect. 
> BillG, Lawson, Erik, and Judy are by their own testimony, 
> still meditators, as are Rick, Doug, Tom, Steve, John M. 
> and John Jr.
> So, it seems like the only informants who didn't see a 
> big blue bus were Hugo and Curtis, who saw the bus, 
> before they didn't see it. 
> It hasn't been established if any of the annonymous trolls 
> posting here even know what meditation is. 
> So, I'd say that the majority of the current respondents 
> think that TM works pretty good. Were you thinking you 
> were in the majority, Curtis? If so, exactly what faction
> are you thinking you should be grouped with - 'the singers
> that no longer meditate'?


[FairfieldLife] The rise of the Corporate-American - Tom Tomorrow

2010-02-16 Thread do.rflex

  [This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow]

[FairfieldLife] Re: students can now attend mum without learning tm,- and the puja is optional

2010-02-16 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "WillyTex"  wrote:
> > > We know that Curtis has a strong bias, but what 
> > > makes him post prejudicial statements is unclear.
> > >
> Shemp: 
> > But Curtis IS black...  
> > 
> All the more surprising to see Curtis post comments about 
> little 'brown' boys, snake-oil and the Dalai Lama, Indian 
> food, Hindu weddings, or Montezuma's Revenge jokes!
> Curtis had his chance to protect the children in the 
> Polanski thread. Where I come from, silence usually 
> indicates agreement.

This was a shitty comment Richard.  But what fun you must have been having all 
week since your last shitty comment!

> "...Carter responded with one of the more unfortunate 
> utterings of his presidency, a rambling account of how, 
> on a previous visit, he had been afflicted by 
> "Montezuma's revenge."
> Read more:
> 'Mexico's Macho Mood'
> Time, October 08, 1979
> http://tinyurl.com/yjqpeta

[FairfieldLife] Re: students can now attend mum without learning tm,- and the puja is optional

2010-02-16 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> wrote:
> >
> > So it all boils down to you thinking your perspective is
> > the proper one concerning a joke I made to someone else
> > here and you feeling entitled to try to shame me for
> > making it.
> Translation: Curtis is fully entitled to express his
> perspective, but if Judy does so and it happens to be
> different from Curtis's, she's to be put down for
> "shaming" him.

This is the crux of our different points of view.  I was reacting to being 
called prejudiced to all black people for referring to Michael Jackson's dirt 
bath in a joke.  Of course we all share our opinions here.  Shaming is another 
thing entirely.  It is a judgment made from a self-assumed position of 
authority invoking terms like "appalling" or lacking "class."  What Richard was 
doing was shitty, inflating my joke into a trollish and unfair claim about me 
being a socially agreed upon bad person, a prejudiced person concerning race.  
Reacting to an unfair accusations has nothing to do with making a judgment 
about a joke from a self-created condescension. (I have class, you do not.  My 
standards for being appalled are universal.)

> Curtis, of course, *never* tries to shame anybody...
> he would never tell anybody, for instance, that what
> they've said to him was "shitty."

I also react when being falsely accused of being a liar. It has nothing to do 
with shaming.  I said that the comment was shitty, which it was.  I didn't even 
call him a troll, I said the statement was trollish.  Shaming is trying to pin 
someone with a lesser identity, someone who lacks class for example.  You were 
not saying you didn't like the joke,you were saying I was a lower type of 
person for making it.  You would benefit from Bradshaw's book "Healing the 
Shame that Binds Us" to fully understand the distinction.  By me labeling your 
behavior as shaming, I caste off your invitation to lower my own sense of self.

> > Judy:
> > > No matter *how* much contempt one has for a person,
> > > and even if that contempt were completely justified,
> > > one doesn't mock his death,
> > 
> > me:
> > Yeah, one does.
> Not if one has any class (as I said).

Attempting to assume the role of self appointed arbiter of what "class is or 
isn't, will get no traction with me.  I have noticed that people who invoke 
this word as a put down never have the qualities I associate with this term.  
It reveals a grasping at something perceived as a social elevation.

> > Death is not off limits to my jokes. And people who get
> > offended on behalf of corpses of people they didn't
> > personally know are trying to take themselves more
> > seriously than I will.
> > 
> > Judy in a high shrill voice poorly imitating the British
> > upper class:
> > < not if one has any class.>
> BWAHAHAHAHA! It's only the Brits who use the term
> "class," right, Curtis? Nobody *ever* uses the term
> except to refer to social status, right? You betcha!

Now we are at the heart of the humor impairment.  Latching on to a specific 
element of the joke you have missed the point as well as the basis for the 
whole Monty Python series.  I always used to wonder about the people being sent 
up in their sketches, "do they recognized themselves?"  The answer apparently 
is no.

> "OTOH the classy move would have been for Palin to
> step up and say that she knows he didn't mean it
> that way."
> "I did think Matt was a very classy winner."
> Etc.


It was another joke Judy and has nothing to do with your literal minded attempt 
to define the term.  Yes I am aware of its other uses but in a joke mocking 
your use of the term the adaptation of a British voice is the best way to 
convey how silly you look to me when you try to pull this routine.  Making a 
virtue of being offended by jokes is one of the reason little old ladies got so 
much play on the Monty Python show.  It is a universal constant that little old 
ladies love to be appalled and offended by humor so that they can invoke their 
personal limits of taste as universals like "class" or other little old lady 
terms that convey their superior correctness. It is a power maneuver of the 

I have older woman friends who never became little old ladies no matter what 
chronological age they are.  It is a choice of perspective and hinges on 
tolerances for different tastes or a judgmental shaming of them, and labeling 
them to promote a self inflation. 

> Gettin' a little hard up, are ya, hon?

I hope my explanation of the previous joke will illuminate how off the mark 
this comment is.

There is a reason that humor is usually not directed towards your demographic 
Judy.  You would rather shame than laugh, and that really is a shame.


[FairfieldLife] Re: students can now attend mum without learning tm,- and the puja is optional

2010-02-16 Thread WillyTex

> > We know that Curtis has a strong bias, but what 
> > makes him post prejudicial statements is unclear.
> >
> But Curtis IS black...  
All the more surprising to see Curtis post comments about 
little 'brown' boys, snake-oil and the Dalai Lama, Indian 
food, Hindu weddings, or Montezuma's Revenge jokes!

Curtis had his chance to protect the children in the 
Polanski thread. Where I come from, silence usually 
indicates agreement.

"...Carter responded with one of the more unfortunate 
utterings of his presidency, a rambling account of how, 
on a previous visit, he had been afflicted by 
"Montezuma's revenge."

Read more:

'Mexico's Macho Mood'
Time, October 08, 1979

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: students can now attend mum without learning tm,- and the puja is optional

2010-02-16 Thread Vaj

On Feb 15, 2010, at 10:55 PM, Joe wrote:

See, Judy knows what we're all thinking. She "knows" that we all  
secretly agree with her, but since we can't admit it, we're all lying.

That is some funny shit Judy, but I guess it's one way to go  
through life.

Correction: it's one way to go through life, living alone in an  
apartment with your cats.

[FairfieldLife] The accomplishments of our Purusha friends Urs and Pierre

2010-02-16 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Re: students can now attend mum without learning tm,- and the puja is optional

2010-02-16 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> > Only 3 more left to go--and then
> > it's heaven for the rest of the week.
> You and I both counted wrong, Sal. You'll be *ecstatic*
> to know I went over by one post because I failed to
> count the two I made just after 7:00 EST but before
> the Post Count was posted.
> Stew in your own swill, folks. I'll see you in a week.

In my own Gmail feed, I just manually counted your posts starting from the 
14th's post count, and I have you at 50. The post count script has its own 
Gmail feed, and it usually squares with mine. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM/Vedic City Wikipedia posters face Arbitration Committee

2010-02-16 Thread Vaj

On Feb 15, 2010, at 10:39 PM, off_world_beings wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> Passed on off list. Apparently these people were found to be  
editing to manipulate the content on TM related entries, the John  
Hagelin entry, the Flipped SU(5) entry, among others. It's being  
compared to the Scientology ban of certain IP addresses:

> On Wikipedia, a set of Wikipedia editors have been found to be  
editing from Fairfield, MUM and Vedic City, IP addresses and are  
now facing the Arbitration Committee, sometimes called the "Supreme  
Court" of Wikipedia.

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Arbitration/Requests/ 


You are a bit behind the times Vaj. It is very common on Wikipedia  
to have selected experts on a topic. I am afraid you, however, will  
not qualify for anything.
But perhaps the TM page should only consist of some very basic  
information, plus references to all the hundreds of published  
studies in respected peer-reviewed scientific journals around the  
world. That way there can be no argument about the authority of the  
sources of the information posted. You of course, are unqualified  
to say anything regarding TM, human consciousness, or Eastern  
philosophy of any kind, since you have not learned TM and have  
barely a high school education (not even recognised in most countries)

Yes, the TM page should only list all the several hundred studies  
published in respected peer-reviewed scientific journals around the  

You sound clueless!

Out of all the hundreds of "studies" only a handful meet Wikipedia  
criteria. It's mostly junk science, sponsored or done with TM  
movement involvement. An MD came in and trashed most of the crap the  
TM Org people kept putting up. Finally, it reads like it truly is,  
not the way TM Org goons thought it should look.

Here's how it reads now:

Health effects

Research quality
A 2003 review that looked at the effects of TM on cognitive function  
said that many of the 700 studies on TM have been produced by  
researchers directly associated with the TM movement and/or had not  
been peer reviewed.[83] TM lacks a solid pathophysiology with  
proponents claiming it revolves around the growth of “creative  

Health outcomes
A 2007 government report reviewing evidence on meditation, including  
Transcendental Meditation, said that firm conclusions on health  
effects cannot be drawn as the majority of the research is of poor  
methodological quality.[22] Overall, it concluded that the results of  
TM are no greater than health education regarding blood pressure,  
body weight, heart rate, stress, anger, self-efficacy, cholesterol,  
dietary intake, or level of physical activity in hypertensive  
patients.[23] There does not appear to be a theoretical explanation  
common to all meditation techniques.[84] The review included all  
studies on adults through September of 2005, with a particular focus  
on research pertaining to hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and  
substance abuse. A meta-analysis of TM compared to progressive muscle  
relaxation, found that TM produced significantly greater benefits in  
reducing both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.[85] The report  
also found that "Direct meta-analysis showed that compared to [no  
treatment], TM® did not produce significantly greater benefits on  
blood pressure (SBP and DBP). However, there was significant  
improvement in LDL-C levels and verbal creativity with TM®. When  
compared to [a wait-listed control group], TM® produced significantly  
greater reduction in SBP and DBP. Before-and-after studies on TM® for  
patients with essential hypertension indicated a statistically  
significant reduction in SBP and DBP after practicing TM®."[86]

A further analysis of this data set in 2008 reaffirmed the weaknesses  
of the research, finding that "Most clinical trials on meditation  
practices are generally characterized by poor methodological quality  
with significant threats to validity in every major quality domain  
assessed". This was the conclusion despite a statistically  
significant increase in quality of all reviewed meditation research,  
in general, over time between 1956-2005. Of the 400 clinical studies,  
10% were found to be good quality. A call was made for rigorous study  
of meditation.[87] These authors also noted that this finding is not  
unique to the area of meditation research and that the quality of  
reporting is a frequent problem in other areas of complementary and  
alternative medicine (CAM) research and related therapy research  

A 2004 review examined the effects of TM on blood pressure which  
concluded that there was "insufficient good-quality evidence to  
conclude whether or not TM has a cumulative positive effect on blood  
pressure". The review said that the RCTs published had important  
methodological weaknesses 

[FairfieldLife] Re: students can now attend mum without learning tm,- and the puja is optional

2010-02-16 Thread lurkernomore20002000
I say leniency is in order for a small oversight like this.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> > Only 3 more left to go--and then
> > it's heaven for the rest of the week.
> You and I both counted wrong, Sal. You'll be *ecstatic*
> to know I went over by one post because I failed to
> count the two I made just after 7:00 EST but before
> the Post Count was posted.
> Stew in your own swill, folks. I'll see you in a week.

Re: [FairfieldLife] MUM/Vedic City Wikipedia posters face Arbitration Committee

2010-02-16 Thread Vaj

On Feb 15, 2010, at 10:27 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

Look who's name comes up in that: Sparaig

Must be off his program.

[FairfieldLife] Urs and Pierre in the Himalayas

2010-02-16 Thread nablusoss1008

Enjoy their work !


[FairfieldLife] And the "throwing oneself on the grenade" award goes to...

2010-02-16 Thread TurquoiseB
...Curtis Blues, for putting the group's welfare 
ahead of his own and demonstrating true selfless-
ness in the face of ugliness.

For those of the female persuasion (who I am sure
have dating metaphors of your own equally tasteless), 
"Throwing yourself on the grenade" does NOT refer
to such scenes in old World War II movies. It 
refers to a form of selfless behavior sometimes
exhibited among groups of guys in bars.

The setup is like this. Three guys, lookin' to get
lucky, are sitting at a table in their favorite bar,
and attract the eye of three gals, similarly lookin'
to get lucky. The three guys are equally boinkable,
meaning that they meet the Three Holy Criteria once
confided to me by a woman: 1) they have a job, 2) 
they have a car, and 3) they aren't sleeping in the 
car. Among the three women, two are attractive and 
one is...uh...less so. All of the women came to the 
bar together and from experience the guys know that 
no one's gettin' lucky with any of the gals unless 
*all* of the gals get lucky. Male struttin' one's 
stuff and ego aside, in such a scenario someone's 
got to "throw themselves on the grenade."

I am *NOT* for a moment suggesting that Curtis was
noble enough to go that far for Fairfield Life. There
are limits, after all, to even friendship. But he WAS
willing to "chat up" the incarnation of pure ugliness 
this week and last week, and so effectively that the 
ugliness posted out early. 

This is true selfless service in my opinion, and I 
think it deserves a round of applause from those he 
performed this noble act for. Next week someone else
gets to throw themselves on the grenade.

[FairfieldLife] Announcing the "Judy Needs A Sidekick" contest

2010-02-16 Thread TurquoiseB
OK, so it's become obvious that THE CORRECTOR 
has gone so insane since Barry stopped interacting
with her that none of her old "supporters" want to
embarrass themselves by "supporting" her any more.
Even Raunchy and Nabby were so embarrassed by her
performance in this latest meltdown against Curtis
that neither of them weighed in on Judy's side.

As much as I think she's a psychopath, this makes
me actually feel sorry for her. Even a psychopath
needs a sidekick, someone to stick up for her when
she's embarrassing herself in public. 

Besides, it's become clear over the last few weeks
that THE CORRECTOR doesn't do very well on her own,
and tends to flop *unless* she has a sidekick or 
two chiming in "Yeah, what she said" every so often. 
*Without* a sidekick, she really hasn't got much 
goin' on for her.


Don't leave your heroine out there defending you 
against evil all by herself. SOMEBODY out there 
must still be enamored enough of her act to want
to join it. Become THE CORRECTOR's sidekick today!

Here to inspire you is a Web page full of the 
*best* Slacker Sidekicks in film history, along 
with film clips of each of the dynamic duos in 
action. This is Must-See TV, and guaranteed to put 
a smile on your face. There really *is* very little 
as satisfying as seeing not one but *two* people 
acting like idiots. Watch all the clips, allow the 
mindset of sidekick-ness to wash over you, and then
sign up to be THE CORRECTOR's sidekick yourself.

Remember the Sidekick Motto: "Slackers need other
slackers around them so they don't feel alone."


On this page, you can watch all the clips and then
vote for your favorite Slacker Duo. The pair I voted
for is currently #1, by a significant margin.

* Bill & Ted
* Beavis & Butthead
* Lloyd & Harry
* Cheech & Chong
* Romy & Michele
* Jay & Silent Bob
* Wayne & Garth
* Harold & Kumar
* Shaun & Ed
* Dale & Saul