[FairfieldLife] Re: Apsara or Dakini?

2010-04-06 Thread nablusoss1008

 On Apr 5, 2010, at 7:11 PM, feste37 wrote:
  Dear Blonde Bombshell, Welcome to FFL, also known as the Devil's Kitchen. 
  The first entity that awaits newcomers to this little corner of cyberspace 
  is known as Turquoise B. He is our neighborhood bully. Nothing gives him 
  greater pleasure than attacking newcomers and trying to drive them away. He 
  is a Big Man when it comes to words but a little man when it comes to 
  everything else, so if I were you, I would pay him no mind. As for me, I 
  LOVE blonde bombshells, so welcome -- but I doubt whether you will find 
  much here to detain you. This Devil's Kitchen is full of experts whose 
  main expertise is in hurling insults at one another, day after day, month 
  after month, year after year, on the same endlessly repeated, and very 
  small, number of topics. I think it must be a dress rehearsal for the 
  peculiar corner of hell in which they will eventually find themselves. 

Well said.

[FairfieldLife] Masters of Wisdom - FAQ with Benjamin Creme

2010-04-06 Thread nablusoss1008

Masters of Wisdom - FAQ

Q. Why do the Masters seem to operate only in rich countries and not in
the Third World?
A. This is not, in fact, the case. The Masters direct Their energies and
attention at least as much to the Third World as to the developed world.
However, the changes which must take place in the world have to be
initiated from the seat of the problem: the greed, selfishness and
complacency of the developed nations. Therefore, much of the
Masters' work involves inspiring disciples in the richer countries
who can work for change.

Q. Are the Masters a group of people?

A. The Masters form a group, They have only group consciousness. They
have no personality consciousness at all; They think and work and live
in terms of group consciousness. That is not to say that they are not
all quite different in quality and character, depending on the
particular ray under which They are formed. They will have their
differences of opinion: on how to proceed in dealing with a particular
point of the Plan, different ideas of whether humanity is ready for this
stimulus or that, whether it is too soon, or whatever. They have
different ideas but They work habitually from what is called the Buddhic
level of consciousness, as a group. They are in continuous telepathic
rapport with each other.

Q. What role and what tasks will the Masters take on?

A. Like the Christ, the Masters, too, will act as advisors on matters of
all kinds, relating to all aspects of our lives. As I have said, there
will be a Master in what one might call a presidential post in certain
countries and in these countries you will find, therefore, some aspects
of Hierarchical government, perhaps forming a two-tier system with a
democratic form of government. One does not preclude the other. Many
young people are very suspicious of the term ``master.'' They
see it as conferring some authority over us. This is not the case; a
Master is simply a master over Himself and the forces of nature. By
token of Their experience and Their spiritual achievement, a degree of
Hierarchical supervision will be seen to be totally acceptable within a
democratic framework.

Q. What I want to know is, were Masters born the same as anybody else,
or did They come into the world in a different way?

A. The Masters who have come into the world now have come in fully
physical bodies. Two-thirds of the Masters today are in fully physical

There are certain Masters Who are in the same body as They were when
They took the Fifth Initiation, which takes Them into Mastery, so They
have not taken on another body. There are other Masters Who have created
what's called the Mayavirupa; this is a body of manifestation,
created by an act of will. There are other Masters still, Who are in
bodies which are born in the normal way, as children, and they've
grown up, but as Masters. There are many different methods for the
manifestation of a Master.

The normal method, or the most frequent, for the manifestation of an
avatar, is to take over the body of a disciple, as happened with Jesus.
The Christ took over the body of Jesus and manifested through it for the
last three years. The Christ, Maitreya, remained in the Himalayas, but
His consciousness, or some aspect of His consciousness, whatever was
needed at that time, took over the body of the Disciple Jesus and worked
through Him for the last three years of His life. This time He has come

Q. On average how many lives do we have to become a Master?

A. It takes hundreds of thousands of incarnational experiences to come
up to the first initiation, the first of five. Usually, it takes an
average of seven or eight incarnations between the first and second
initiation. Between the second and third the whole process speeds up and
the third can be taken in the same life as the second if that is taken
early enough; then probably the fourth and fifth in the next two or
three lives. So, there are very few lives in the last phase of the
initiatory process, but up to the first initiation there are literally
hundreds of thousands of incarnations.

Q. If Masters were present throughout history, how could They stand by
and watch happenings like Holocaust, wars, the Inquisition, the
decimation of humanity in many different ways, without helping?

A. They did not stand by and watch it happen. There has never been a
war, a holocaust, pain or suffering of any group in which the Masters
did not help that group to the greatest extent allowed by the Law of
Karma. They are not allowed simply to take away the results of
humanity's actions. The Law of Cause and Effect, which is the Law of
Karma, binds the Masters as it binds us. We have the power, individually
and as a group - as humanity - to change the way we act. It is we who
create holocausts and wars, who involve whole groups in assassination,
murder, rape, pillage and the rest. We created the Inquisition - the
cruelty of the Inquisition is the cruelty of humanity itself. It came
out of the 

[FairfieldLife] Welcome to the New Age....

2010-04-06 Thread Hugo

A real one too..

Dawn of the Anthropocene Epoch? Earth Has Entered New Age of Geological
Time, Experts Say

Geologists from the University of Leicester are among four scientists-
including a Nobel prize-winner -- who suggest that Earth has entered a
new age of geological time.
The Age of Aquarius? Not quite -- It's the Anthropocene Epoch, say the
scientists writing in the journal Environmental Science  Technology.
And they add that the dawning of this new epoch may include the sixth
largest mass extinction in Earth's history.

Jan Zalasiewicz and Mark Williams from the University of Leicester
Department of Geology; Will Steffen, Director of the Australian National
University's Climate Change Institute and Paul Crutzen the Nobel
Prize-winning atmospheric chemist of Mainz University provide evidence
for the scale of global change in their commentary in the American
Chemical Society's' bi-weekly journal Environmental Science 

The scientists propose that, in just two centuries, humans have wrought
such vast and unprecedented changes to our world that we actually might
be ushering in a new geological time interval, and alter the planet for
millions of years.

Zalasiewicz, Williams, Steffen and Crutzen contend that recent human
activity, including stunning population growth, sprawling megacities and
increased use of fossil fuels, have changed the planet to such an extent
that we are entering what they call the Anthropocene (New Man) Epoch.

First proposed by Crutzen more than a decade ago, the term Anthropocene
has provoked controversy. However, as more potential consequences of
human activity -- such as global climate change and sharp increases in
plant and animal extinctions -- have emerged, Crutzen's term has gained
support. Currently, the worldwide geological community is formally
considering whether the Anthropocene should join the Jurassic, Cambrian
and other more familiar units on the Geological Time Scale.

The scientists note that getting that formal designation will likely be
contentious. But they conclude, However these debates will unfold, the
Anthropocene represents a new phase in the history of both humankind and
of the Earth, when natural forces and human forces became intertwined,
so that the fate of one determines the fate of the other. Geologically,
this is a remarkable episode in the history of this planet.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apsara or Dakini?

2010-04-06 Thread Vaj

On Apr 6, 2010, at 12:03 AM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:

Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

 Every time someone takes her or others like her
 up on crap like this, PT Barnum is rolling in his
 grave, laughing his ass off.

I guess she bailed already. Going through the post sequentially,  
I'm not seeing anything from her. Could this be a sign of the  
rising Age of Enlightenment? People getting called on their BS  
early on in the game?

It may be funny to you, but I still haven't found my keys.

[FairfieldLife] Lessons From an Assassination

2010-04-06 Thread do.rflex

Lessons From an Assassination
Minor Details -By Bob Minor
On January 30, 1948, Mahatma Gandhi during his nightly walk in
New Delhi was assassinated by Nathuram Godse. Godse was a right-wing,
gun-toting religious believer with connections to a political party
whose goals included making India a Hindu nation, rejecting the
secularism that separated religion and state.
Almost every semester I've lectured on Gandhi and his advocacy of
satyagraha, a term he coined which literally means holding on to
Truth. You've seen it translated non-violent
resistance and, like Mel White, Soul Force.

Gandhi never believed in compromising satyagraha. The very word he chose
illustrates that.

He was not a relativist. Non-violence, for Gandhi is the only way to
live in this world.

But this semester the class' discussion of my lecture among its
self-selected liberal students who were studying peace and conflict, was
dominated by an assumption that was sure to enable the advocates of
violence in our world to be winners – Gandhi couldn't have
thought it was true for everyone.

They didn't want to believe – in spite of Gandhi's fasts
unto death, his Salt March across India, and his jail terms – that
Gandhi thought his view was correct and others were wrong. These
students had become what right-wingers in our culture wanted them to be.

The students wanted me to agree that Gandhi's satyagraha was merely
a personal position, that he wouldn't believe it would be true for
others. They wanted to like Gandhi, but couldn't believe he was not
fair and balanced. They wanted him to be a postmodernist.

No matter what their fantasies, Gandhi didn't teach that sometimes
it was okay to kill others. For him, violence was always wrong. His goal
was to coerce others through every non-violent means possible to accept
his position and reject violence.

But this doesn't often represent good liberalism. Because
others have held their beliefs strongly and absolutely, we are to be
afraid of such things.

Relativism is much better, it says. All views have their truth.
Sincerity trumps destructive views, and opinions are the same as facts.

The right-wing has been successful at portraying liberals and
progressives to the public as situation ethicists who
don't really know what they stand for or who are blowing in the wind
without a moral compass. Democratic movement toward the right-wing,
which Democrats call compromise, only reinforces the belief that
liberals don't really stand for anything and will thus
cave in to the other side.

What liberal relativists hoped was true worked better before the
1990's Gingrich revolution, before the religious right-wing first
tasted political blood, and before conservatives learned how easy it was
to portray compromise as weakness, moral softness, insincerity, and the
inability to lead. If things don't change, it's likely to end
the current Democratic majority.

Of course, Democrat does not equal progressive. Many, probably
including the current president, are corporate centrists. Their leaders
aren't working class people.

So, those of us who do believe that discrimination on the basis of
gender, sexual orientation, race, and all the other human categories, is
always wrong, have to say so. And we have to say that what we believe is
right and that destroying others is wrong as if it really is.

This is not to be mean or unlistening toward others. Gandhi never was,
for that was acting in violence. But he was always forceful and
absolute. And he wouldn't compromise with violence.

We have to be willing to face the fact that the right-wing lies. Yes, I
said: lies.

They have learned that even when they have been caught lying, they can
be effective by repeating the lie. Repeating it long enough will make it
seem less untrue.

They know the mainstream media is fickle. It seldom has a long enough
attention span to follow-up on a lie. Eventually, it'll treat the
lie as merely one opinion that has as much validity as the other with
which it merely differs (the one with the data behind it.)

No matter how often the polls say otherwise, the conservative and
Republican talking-point is that the public doesn't want a health
care plan with a public option. No matter what the legislative process
is, the Republicans will say the Democrats rammed their legislation

No matter how the historical data says otherwise, Karl Rove and Dick
Cheney will stick by their rewriting of history. No matter what
right-wing religious leader is found to be a hypocrite, the right-wing
won't criticize them they way they will any lesser offenses
liberals are accused of committing.

No matter how they control the media, it will always be labeled
liberal. No matter how they disenfranchise working people,
they'll claim to be populists.

And they know that they can bully so-called liberals into caving --
whether it's the President not defending his advisors when Glenn
Beck targets them unfairly or a congressman's misstatement turned

[FairfieldLife] Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake - AOL News

2010-04-06 Thread Rick Archer

Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake

Updated: 6 hours 47 minutes ago 
Print   http://o.aolcdn.com/os/sphere/art/textresize Text Size 
%20Meditation%20for%20Baja%20Quake%20-%20AOL%20Newscontent=lng=en More
 http://www.aolnews.com/team/katie-drummond Katie Drummond
Katie http://www.aolnews.com/team/katie-drummond  Drummond Contributor
AOL News 
(April 5) -- The U.S. Geological Survey is blaming day-to-day seismological
changes for Sunday's 7.2 earthquake along the U.S.-Mexico border. But Deepak
Chopra, the famed alternative-medicine practitioner and transcendental
meditation guru, is pretty sure he knows what really happened.

Had a powerful meditation just now -- caused an earthquake in Southern
California, Chopra wrote to his nearly 179,000 Twitter
http://twitter.com/DeepakChopra  followers shortly after the quake.

And then, to clarify: Was meditating on Shiva mantra  earth began to
shake, he tweeted. Sorry about that. 
 Author, physician and lecturer Deepak Chopra.
John Medina, WireImage
Deepak Chopra, here in San Jose, Calif., sent messages on Sunday to his
thousands of Twitter followers apologizing for causing an earthquake in
Southern California with powerful meditation.

Chopra might want to apologize directly to those in California, who haven't
suffered significant infrastructure damage but are still bracing for more
temblors, and to those in Mexico, where two are dead, hundreds are injured
and thousands are still without power.

Transcendental meditation (TM) was largely popularized by Chopra, who's been
dubbed McMeditation for the multimillion-dollar profits he's earned off
books, DVDs and his Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, Calif. -- where
a six-day mind-body wellness program runs around $2,500. 

According to Chopra
http://www.5min.com/Video/What-is-Transcendental-Meditation-27282794 , at
the crux of the meditation practice is the field of possibilities,
creativity, correlation ... where intention actualizes its own fulfillment.

Let's hope he's wrong about that, or the guru might have some explaining to
do about what exactly his meditation session Sunday was hoping to actualize.

An hour after Chopra's Twitter confession, he vowed to one Twitter user,
@WhiteMoon7, Won't do it again -- promise. 

But even the guru himself must not know his own strength. Since the promise,
dozens of aftershocks have rattled the U.S.-Mexico border.

All the while, Chopra's staying safely above the reach of the ongoing
quakes. According to his Twitter feed, the guru boarded a plane from
California to Denver earlier this morning.
Filed under: Nation http://www.aolnews.com/category/nation , World
http://www.aolnews.com/category/world , Entertainment
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-quake/19426755?sms_ss=email#19426755 Facebook
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[FairfieldLife] Kirk Bernhardt's Blog

2010-04-06 Thread Rick Archer
Hey Rick, here's my present blog for Fairfield Lifers who may wanna know.
Peace - Kirk

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apsara or Dakini?

2010-04-06 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Apr 6, 2010, at 12:03 AM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
  Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:
   Every time someone takes her or others like her
   up on crap like this, PT Barnum is rolling in his
   grave, laughing his ass off.
  I guess she bailed already. Going through the post sequentially,  
  I'm not seeing anything from her. Could this be a sign of the  
  rising Age of Enlightenment? People getting called on their BS  
  early on in the game?
 It may be funny to you, but I still haven't found my keys.

My intuition tells me that you'll find them in the last place you look for them.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apsara or Dakini?

2010-04-06 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Apr 6, 2010, at 12:03 AM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
   Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:
Every time someone takes her or others like her
up on crap like this, PT Barnum is rolling in his
grave, laughing his ass off.
   I guess she bailed already. Going through the post sequentially,  
   I'm not seeing anything from her. Could this be a sign of the  
   rising Age of Enlightenment? People getting called on their BS  
   early on in the game?
  It may be funny to you, but I still haven't found my keys.
 My intuition tells me that you'll find them in the last place 
 you look for them.

Amazing insight, Alex. Have you ever considered 
becoming an Ordained Visionary Guide and Shamanic 
Priest? I hear it pays well.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake - AOL News

2010-04-06 Thread Mike Dixon
Maybe Deepak needs to take economic resposnsability then.

From: Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, April 6, 2010 7:13:34 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake - AOL News

http://www.aolnews. com/nation/ article/chopra- blames-own- meditation- 
for-baja- quake/19426755? sms_ss=email

Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake
Updated: 6 hours 47 minutes ago 
Print Text Size 
Katie Drummond Contributor
AOL News 
(April 5) -- The U.S. Geological Survey is blaming day-to-day seismological 
changes for Sunday's 7.2 earthquake along the U.S.-Mexico border. But Deepak 
Chopra, the famed alternative- medicine practitioner and transcendental 
meditation guru, is pretty sure he knows what really happened.

Had a powerful meditation just now -- caused an earthquake in Southern 
California, Chopra wrote to his nearly 179,000 Twitter followers shortly after 
the quake.

And then, to clarify: Was meditating on Shiva mantra  earth began to shake, 
he tweeted. Sorry about that. 
John Medina, WireImage
Deepak Chopra, here in San Jose, Calif., sent messages on Sunday to his 
thousands of Twitter followers apologizing for causing an earthquake in 
Southern California with powerful meditation.

Chopra might want to apologize directly to those in California, who haven't 
suffered significant infrastructure damage but are still bracing for more 
temblors, and to those in Mexico, where two are dead, hundreds are injured and 
thousands are still without power.

Transcendental meditation (TM) was largely popularized by Chopra, who's been 
dubbed McMeditation for the multimillion- dollar profits he's earned off 
books, DVDs and his Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, Calif. -- where a 
six-day mind-body wellness program runs around $2,500. 

According to Chopra, at the crux of the meditation practice is the field of 
possibilities, creativity, correlation ... where intention actualizes its own 

Let's hope he's wrong about that, or the guru might have some explaining to do 
about what exactly his meditation session Sunday was hoping to actualize.

An hour after Chopra's Twitter confession, he vowed to one Twitter user, 
@WhiteMoon7, Won't do it again -- promise. 

But even the guru himself must not know his own strength. Since the promise, 
dozens of aftershocks have rattled the U.S.-Mexico border.

All the while, Chopra's staying safely above the reach of the ongoing quakes. 
According to his Twitter feed, the guru boarded a plane from California to 
Denver earlier this morning.
Filed under: Nation, World, Entertainment
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake - AOL News

2010-04-06 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake

Sorry Haiti, Turkey, Chile and Baja. Your pain and suffering
has been worthwile for the bit of transient bliss experienced
by a few TMers. You can't make an omelete without breaking eggs.

[FairfieldLife] Teabonics - the new Teabagger dialect of the English language

2010-04-06 Thread do.rflex

These are signs seen primarily at Teabagger Protests. They all feature 
creative spelling or grammar.

This new dialect of the English language shall be known as Teabonics.

Take a look: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake - AOL News

2010-04-06 Thread curtisdeltablues
-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake

This is part of his game.  He makes it seem as if he is mocking the idea that 
his meditation could cause a quake to attempt rapport with people who don't 
share his actual belief that in fact his meditation does effect the 
environment.  It is a way to mask the hubris of his true beliefs.  He almost 
sounds like he has some common sense about the limits of his personal power.

But it is a carefully contrived image enhancing ploy.  Similar to Jerry's aw 
shucks I don't believe crazy things PR image.

It would take a bit of questioning to find out that in fact Chopra believes 
that it is the collective (energy,vibrations,negativity, leprechauns...)of a 
group of people in an area that DOES create natural disasters just like his old 
buddy Maharishi used to believe.  And that realized people (awakened, 
enlightened, special {long bus not short bus}completely fabulous people) have 
an even more powerful effect on everything around them just by (as Maharishi 
told his Vedic Atoms) walking the land.  He actually had them walk around to 
bless their areas with their spiritual presence. (spell check first suggested 
pretense for my misspell!)

My first interaction with this specific form of belief masking was with friends 
at MIU from California.  They had a way of expressing things in a slightly 
snarky way that let them go either way with a belief if pinned down.  It 
allowed them to make outrageous claims with a wink,wink, nudge, nudge, that 
said, no need to challenge my groundless assertions because if you do I'll 
just make it seem as if I was making fun of the belief to stay in rapport with 
your skepticism.  And if you don't challenge the statement, then I mean it as 
stated.  Is this a common Cali communication style?  I really don't know.

Both Jerry and Chopra have a habit of making fun of some outrageous belief and 
making it seem silly for people to buy such an absurd thing.  Meanwhile they 
are slipping in their own brand of crazy under the covered wagon of nothing to 
worry about here folks, just a few common sense principles of life that include 
me closing my eyes and changing my mental state having a measurable effect on 
the world. 

Yup, sure you do. No really I'm sure you do, you betcha.  Really, I mean it.  
Oh yeah. Twinkle twinkle.

 Updated: 6 hours 47 minutes ago 
 Print   http://o.aolcdn.com/os/sphere/art/textresize Text Size 
 %20Meditation%20for%20Baja%20Quake%20-%20AOL%20Newscontent=lng=en More
  http://www.aolnews.com/team/katie-drummond Katie Drummond
 Katie http://www.aolnews.com/team/katie-drummond  Drummond Contributor
 AOL News 
 (April 5) -- The U.S. Geological Survey is blaming day-to-day seismological
 changes for Sunday's 7.2 earthquake along the U.S.-Mexico border. But Deepak
 Chopra, the famed alternative-medicine practitioner and transcendental
 meditation guru, is pretty sure he knows what really happened.
 Had a powerful meditation just now -- caused an earthquake in Southern
 California, Chopra wrote to his nearly 179,000 Twitter
 http://twitter.com/DeepakChopra  followers shortly after the quake.
 And then, to clarify: Was meditating on Shiva mantra  earth began to
 shake, he tweeted. Sorry about that. 
  Author, physician and lecturer Deepak Chopra.
 John Medina, WireImage
 Deepak Chopra, here in San Jose, Calif., sent messages on Sunday to his
 thousands of Twitter followers apologizing for causing an earthquake in
 Southern California with powerful meditation.
 Chopra might want to apologize directly to those in California, who haven't
 suffered significant infrastructure damage but are still bracing for more
 temblors, and to those in Mexico, where two are dead, hundreds are injured
 and thousands are still without power.
 Transcendental meditation (TM) was largely popularized by Chopra, who's been
 dubbed McMeditation for the multimillion-dollar profits he's earned off
 books, DVDs and his Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad, Calif. -- where
 a six-day mind-body wellness program runs around $2,500. 
 According to Chopra
 http://www.5min.com/Video/What-is-Transcendental-Meditation-27282794 , at
 the crux of the meditation practice is the field of possibilities,
 creativity, correlation ... where intention actualizes its own fulfillment.
 Let's hope he's wrong about that, or the guru might have some explaining to
 do about what exactly his meditation session Sunday was hoping to actualize.
 An hour 

[FairfieldLife] Wikileaks - Threat to national security?

2010-04-06 Thread Hugo

A secret video showing US air crew falsely claiming to have encountered a 
firefight in Baghdad and then laughing at the dead after launching an air 
strike that killed a dozen people, including two Iraqis working for Reuters 
news agency, was revealed by Wikileaks today.

The footage of the July 2007 attack was made public in a move that will further 
anger the Pentagon, which has drawn up a report identifying the whistleblower 
website as a threat to national security. The US defence department was 
embarrassed when that confidential report appeared on the Wikileaks site last 
month alongside a slew of military documents. 

The release of the video from Baghdad also comes shortly after the US military 
admitted that its special forces attempted to cover up the killings of three 
Afghan women in a raid in February by digging the bullets out of their bodies. 

The newly released video of the Baghdad attacks was recorded on one of two 
Apache helicopters hunting for insurgents on 12 July 2007. Among the dead were 
a 22-year-old Reuters photographer, Namir Noor-Eldeen, and his driver, Saeed 
Chmagh, 40. The Pentagon blocked an attempt by Reuters to obtain the video 
through a freedom of information request. Wikileaks director Julian Assange 
said his organisation had to break through encryption by the military to view 

Full story and video:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Apsara or Dakini?

2010-04-06 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   On Apr 6, 2010, at 12:03 AM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:

 Every time someone takes her or others like her
 up on crap like this, PT Barnum is rolling in his
 grave, laughing his ass off.
I guess she bailed already. Going through the post sequentially,  
I'm not seeing anything from her. Could this be a sign of the  
rising Age of Enlightenment? People getting called on their BS  
early on in the game?
   It may be funny to you, but I still haven't found my keys.
  My intuition tells me that you'll find them in the last place 
  you look for them.
 Amazing insight, Alex. Have you ever considered 
 becoming an Ordained Visionary Guide and Shamanic 
 Priest? I hear it pays well.  :-)

I pity the fool who would pay even one dollar to Skype with me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake - AOL News

2010-04-06 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake
 This is part of his game.  He makes it seem as if he is
 mocking the idea that his meditation could cause a quake
 to attempt rapport with people who don't share his
 actual belief that in fact his meditation does effect


 the environment.  It is a way to mask the hubris of his
 true beliefs.  He almost sounds like he has some common
 sense about the limits of his personal power.

Actually, I think he was mocking people like you, Curtis,
right down to your propensity to make something sinister
out of a self-deprecating gag.

If he says he believes he can cause an earthquake by
meditating, that's hubris.

If he says he *doesn't* believe he can cause an earthquake
by meditating--why, that's hubris too!

And how *dare* he have a sense of humor about himself?
That's the *ultimate* in hubris.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Teabonics - the new Teabagger dialect of the English language

2010-04-06 Thread WillyTex

 These are signs seen primarily at Teabagger 
 Protests. They all feature creative spelling 
 or grammar.
So, where are the 'Tea Party' tapes?

'I've Seen the Tape.' - Al Sharpton

'Al Sharpton on Bogus Black Caucus Tea Party Attack'
By Jim Hoft
Gateway Pundit, March 29, 2010

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kirk Bernhardt's Blog

2010-04-06 Thread WillyTex

 Hey Rick, here's my present blog...

According to Buddhism, sentient beings made of 
pure consciousness are possible. In Mahayana 
Buddhism, which includes Zen and Tibetan Buddhism, 
the concept is related to the Bodhisattva, an 
enlightened being devoted to the liberation of 
others. The first vow of a Bodhisattva states: 
'Sentient beings are numberless; I vow to free 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Pending home sales rise 8.2 percent in February

2010-04-06 Thread authfriend
From Slate.com's Big Money blog, a post entitled
Spring Fools: Think the housing slump is over?
Think again by Mark Gimein:

...If you have been following the news from the 
realty and mortgage trade, you might think that 
it's time to pop the Champagne corks and celebrate 
the end of the housing crisis. The National 
Association of Realtors points in its latest report 
to stabilizing prices, steadying home prices, 
and consistent price gains in the market--a 
veritable potpourri of calming language. We are 
likely seeing the beginning of the end of the 
unprecedented wave of delinquencies and 
foreclosures, declares the chief economist of the 
Mortgage Bankers Association

The dirty secret of the housing recovery, though, 
is that in the worst hit markets--Florida, 
California, Nevada, Arizona, and other places where 
the foreclosure boom is concentrated--there's one 
important number that hasn't gotten better. That's 
the percent of people who can't pay their 
mortgages. Believe it or not, that number is rising 
faster than ever

In the housing price run-up, lenders bet that 
prices would climb up forever. Now they hope, with 
similarly optimistic illogic, that prices can 
stabilize even as the buildup of busted mortgages 
continues. The first time, the lenders fooled us, 
and shame on them. This time? Remember the old 
adage: Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, 
shame on me. The mortgage bankers and Realtors 
might say recovery is right around the corner, but 
shame on you if you believe that this time.

Read the whole thing:



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 WASHINGTON — The number of buyers who agreed to purchase previously
 occupied homes rose sharply in February, far exceeding expectations, in a 
 sign that the housing market may be coming back from the winter doldrums.
 The National Association of Realtors said Monday its seasonally adjusted 
 index of sales agreements rose 8.2 percent from January to a February reading 
 of 97.6. January's reading was revised slightly downward to 90.2.
 The report may signal the early stages of a second surge of home sales this 
 spring, said Lawrence Yun, the trade group's chief economist.
 Economists surveyed by Thomson Reuters had expected the index would fall 
 slightly to 90.3. The index is considered a barometer for future sales 
 activity because there is typically a one- to two- month lag between a signed 
 sales contract and a completed deal.
 A reading of 100 is equal to the level of sales activity in 2001, when
 the index started.
 Home sales had been sluggish during the winter, partly because shoppers felt 
 less rushed after lawmakers extended the deadline to qualify a tax credit. 
 First-time buyers can get a tax break of up to $8,000 if they sign a contract 
 by April 30. Lawmakers also added credit of $6,500 for existing homeowners 
 who move.
 The biggest month-to-month increase was in the Midwest, where pending
 sales rose by nearly 22 percent. Sales posted gains of 9 percent gains
 in the South and Northeast, but fell nearly 5 percent in the West.
 ~ Associated Press:

[FairfieldLife] Daffynition

2010-04-06 Thread TurquoiseB
Pronunciation: kän-trə-'diks
Function: noun

1. A group term for people who can't seem to  do anything but contradict
others, especially their perceived enemies. What they are contradicting
them about doesn't seem to matter; only that they can contradict an
enemy. Contradicks have been known to defend child molestors just so
they can contradict an enemy.

2. A derogatory term for the vagina, due to: a) a play on words (the
vagina being the opposite of a dick), and b) the common perception that
most members of this group are female.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apsara or Dakini?

2010-04-06 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:

 On Apr 6, 2010, at 12:03 AM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:

 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

  Every time someone takes her or others like her
  up on crap like this, PT Barnum is rolling in his
  grave, laughing his ass off.

 I guess she bailed already. Going through the post sequentially, I'm 
 not seeing anything from her. Could this be a sign of the rising Age 
 of Enlightenment? People getting called on their BS early on in the 

 It may be funny to you, but I still haven't found my keys.

I think it is Bb.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake - AOL News

2010-04-06 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake
  This is part of his game.  He makes it seem as if he is
  mocking the idea that his meditation could cause a quake
  to attempt rapport with people who don't share his
  actual belief that in fact his meditation does effect

Much appreciated correction.  Damn, I can keep that straight for about one 
month at a time.

  the environment.  It is a way to mask the hubris of his
  true beliefs.  He almost sounds like he has some common
  sense about the limits of his personal power.
 Actually, I think he was mocking people like you, Curtis,
 right down to your propensity to make something sinister
 out of a self-deprecating gag.

Yeah Judy he was mocking people who call him on his fantasy that his state of 
mind affects the world.  Really got me!
 If he says he believes he can cause an earthquake by
 meditating, that's hubris.
 If he says he *doesn't* believe he can cause an earthquake
 by meditating--why, that's hubris too!

The reason the joke works is because part of his teaching actually states that 
his state of mind affects the world.  It isn't hubris to make the joke, it is 
hubris to believe that your state of mind affects the world.  Do you share this 
belief about yourself,is that why you are so quick to defend him?  Now if he 
wants to retract all his statements about his power over the world with the 
state of his mind I will happily retract my accusation of hubris.  

 And how *dare* he have a sense of humor about himself?
 That's the *ultimate* in hubris.

If he didn't actually believe that his state of mind affects the world you 
might have a point.  But the fact is he does. I wasn't saying how dare he 
anything.  I was just showing how people with wacky beliefs about their place 
in the world sometimes mask them with humor about a straw man wacky belief. 

It seems to have worked on you among many others. That old Chopra is so full of 
common sense wisdom how could we doubt his claim that his mind is working on 
the quantum mechanical level!

I point my finger at him as a charlatan because I paid $700 in his doctor's 
office to get the magic word amrita to repeat to cure physical conditions.  
Medical conditions.  Health related issues that he discussed with me in his 
doctor's office before prescribing me a magical word to repeat to cure 
medical physical, health conditions. 

So when I view him as a con man it is after having him con out of actual money 
me a long time ago.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: GOP Congressmen: 'Everyone Would Agree Iraq Was A Mistake'

2010-04-06 Thread WillyTex

 ...once Bush decided to go in, he felt compelled 
 to back him up. 

So, who lost Iraq? It looks like the U.S. won the war
in Iraq, but it also is looking like Obama will lose the
war, the U.S. just won. Go figure.

Faced with spiraling violence, U.S. officials insisted 
on Tuesday that Iraq was not on the precipice of a 
return to chaos...

Full story:

'At least 42 killed as bombs rip through Shiite areas 
of Baghdad'
By Ned Parker and Raheem Salman
Los Angeles Times, April 6, 2010

If you need cheering up, read no further. Here are a 
couple of pessimistic evaluations of recent events...

Read more:

'Several Doses of Pessimism'
Posted by John Hinderaker
Powerline, April 5, 2010

[FairfieldLife] Re: So-called patriotic Republicans have for over 40 years been the enemies of a democratic USA

2010-04-06 Thread WillyTex

 Look we see things differently...
We sure do - my plan for job creation makes sense, 
your economic plan is to bankrupt the entire state 
of California, and then get the federal government 
to bail the failed state out!

California's three biggest pension funds  are as 
much as $500 billion short of meeting future retiree 
benefits, a Stanford University report said...

Full story:

'California Pensions Are $500 Billion Short'
Business Week, April 5, 2010

We're talking about letting states make big 
promises without bothering to find sustainable 
sources of revenue..

Read more: 

'Saving States From Themselves'
Posted by Glenn Reynolds
Instapundit, April 5, 2010

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake - AOL News

2010-04-06 Thread WillyTex

 I paid $700 in his doctor's office to get the 
 magic word amrita to repeat to cure physical 

So, how much money do you estimate that have you 
paid out to various cult leaders since you were 
eighteen? $10,000?

Barry says he gave the Maharishi over $5,000 just
to learn 'Yogic Flying'. Vaj seems to have spent 
thousands of dollars flying all over the planet 
to get more gibberish whispered into his left ear. 

At least yours was a real word, not a nonsense 
monosyllable, right? But, this doesn't really do
much to support your claim to being rational.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apsara or Dakini?

2010-04-06 Thread WillyTex

   Apsara or Dakini?
  It may be funny to you, but I still haven't 
  found my keys...
 I think it is Bb...

You're not making any sense today, Bhairitu. 

There are no 'dakinis' in Hinduism, that's a
feature of Tibetan Buddhism.


Vaj could hardly have lost his car keys in a 
virtual classroom. You guys need to get some 
smarts: you have to purchase an online 'key' 
to get into a 'Bb' classroom. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake - AOL News

2010-04-06 Thread PaliGap

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 it is hubris to believe that your state of mind affects
 the world.  


My state of mind goes I don't get that, I'll post my

The world changes. Myriads of bits and bytes flip, flop,
dance, embrace, reach their 1 and die to zero.

Voila! What a privilege it is to lord it over matter, eh?

[FairfieldLife] New Greenpeace Report: The Dirty Money Behind Fake Climate Science

2010-04-06 Thread Rick Archer
March 30, 2010


Billionaire tycoon David Koch likes to joke that Koch Industries is, ³The
biggest company you¹ve never heard of². But the nearly US$50 million that he
and his brother Charles quietly funneled to front groups which deny that
climate change is a problem is no joking matter. Our new report shows how
that cash, between 1997 and 2008, went to groups working to prevent action
being taken against climate change.

It's now crystal clear -- and every journalist, scientist and politician
needs to know -- that denial of climate change is not something based on
healthy scientific scepticism and debate: it is manufactured and bears the
Koch brand.

To put their financial commitment into context, from 2005-2008 the Koch
brothers pumped in double the amount that even Exxon spent on undermining
climate action over the same period.

If you thought Exxon was bad, take a look at these guys:

Charles and David have a vested interest in preventing climate action:
they¹ve made billions from Koch Industries, an oil and manufacturing giant
that is the second largest privately-held company in America with tentacles
extending around the globe. It¹s time more people were aware of the brothers
Koch and just what they¹re up to.

The Greenpeace report ³Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial
Machine² http://www.greenpeace.org/kochindustries reveals the connections
between the Koch family, their employees, and a global network of Œfront
groups¹ engaged in trying to sabotage climate science.

Download the whole report as a PDF to check out how the Kochs use their cash
to block solutions to climate change. The interactive version shows who Koch
money is going to, and has more information on how it is used to muddy the
debate and prevent climate action.

Key front groups take Koch cash and do their dirty work

From 1997 to 2008, the Kochs funneled more than US$48.5 million to
organisations aligned with the Kochs¹ agenda, while presenting themselves as
Œexperts¹. If you were outraged that ExxonMobil spent US$24 million in the
same period, then these guys should make you twice as mad.

Some top recipients of Koch money include:

Mercatus Center - $9,247,500 received from Koch foundations 2005-2008 [Total
Koch foundation grants 1997-2008: $9,874,500]

The Mercatus Center is a conservative think-tank at George Mason University,
in which Charles Koch sits on the Board of Directors.

Americans for Prosperity Foundation (AFP) - $5,176,500 received from Koch
foundations 2005-2008.

Beginning in 2008, Americans For Prosperity organised fake 'grassroots'
local events across the US including the Hot Air Tour², featuring a hot air
balloon, that was intended to build opposition to US legislation on clean
energy and climate change.

The Heritage Foundation - US$1,620,000 received from Koch foundations
2005-2008 [Total Koch foundation grants 1997-2008: US$3,358,000].

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank that misinterprets
science and policy regarding the climate and uses its conclusions to argue
against action against climate change.

Cato Institute - US$1,028,400 received from Koch foundations 2005-2008
[Total Koch foundation grants 1997-2008: US$5,278,400].

The Cato Institute focuses on disputing the science behind global warming
and questioning the rationale for taking action.

How does Koch Industries influence the climate debate?

Last year, a Koch-funded study claimed that renewable energy in Spain had
led to the country losing jobs. This is simply not true and the report was
thoroughly discredited. Flawed though the study was, it was used in efforts
to influence US politicians against taking climate action.

Our Koch report also features case studies on how the Kochs¹ anti-climate
propaganda is spread and echoed throughout a vast network of front groups.

And you thought they were the good guys...

When you realise what Charles and David Koch are involved in, a visit to the
Koch Industries website suddenly seems like a trip to fairyland.

Take the Koch Sustainablity Vision. We create value by using resources
more efficiently; protecting the environment and the safety and health of
our workers and others; consistently applying good science Interesting
reference to good science, given the tens of millions they have pumped
into precisely the opposite.

Then there's the matter of corporate responsibility on which Charles Koch is
quoted: For business to survive and prosper, it must create real long-term
value in society through principled behavior. That doesn't really cut it

Koch Industries has also trade marked the slogan Transforming Daily Life.
Now that's something we can't fault them on: unbridled climate change is
pretty certain to change the world as we know it.

Let the world know exactly who the Kochs are, and unmask the Œexperts¹ who
take their 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Daffynition

2010-04-06 Thread WillyTex

 ...the common perception that most 
 members of this group are female.

You sound really scared, Turq. So, 
that's why you're so defensive all the 
time - women are your enemy!
Urban Dictionary:

 Pronunciation: kän-trə-'diks
 Function: noun
 1. A group term for people who can't 
 seem to  do anything but contradict
 others, especially their perceived 
 enemies. What they are contradicting
 them about doesn't seem to matter; 
 only that they can contradict an

 Contradicks have been known to defend 
 child molestors just so they can 
 contradict an enemy.

 2. A derogatory term for the vagina, 
 due to: a) a play on words (the
 vagina being the opposite of a dick), 
 and b) 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So-called patriotic Republicans have for over 40 years been the enemies of a democratic USA

2010-04-06 Thread Bhairitu
WillyTex wrote:
 Look we see things differently...

 We sure do - my plan for job creation makes sense, 
 your economic plan is to bankrupt the entire state 
 of California, and then get the federal government 
 to bail the failed state out!

You never make any sense, Willy.  The Republicans bankrupted California 
so they could buy for pennies on the dollar.  That sounds more like your 
plan so you can be a feudal landlord.
 California's three biggest pension funds  are as 
 much as $500 billion short of meeting future retiree 
 benefits, a Stanford University report said...

I tend to agree since they gave away too much with these pensions.  But 
people are dumb and cared less about what they were getting paid an hour 
and more about benefits.  They're so dumb they didn't realize they 
were paying for the benefits too.  A fair number of retirees on pensions 
say they wouldn't care if those benefits were reduced as they really 
don't need that much money.  These were the wise ones who already paid 
their home off or didn't over extend themselves to begin.  Those who 
expect big pension benefits are going to be VERY disappointed.  A 
pension is not supposed to be like winning the lottery.

Of course we all know that Willy would be kicking and screaming if he 
didn't get every last penny of his promised pension.  He's a two faced 

[FairfieldLife] Soon You May Not be Able to Post on FFL

2010-04-06 Thread Bhairitu
Without paying more to your lard head run ISP:

The lard heads run their companies like 18th century Ebenezer Scrooge.  
Time to break these companies up into 1000 pieces.  OTOH, there is a 
rumor circulating that Google may use my area to test their high speed 
broadband.  Bye, ATT if that happens!  And I bet Google won't tier 
access just to piss off the other telecoms.

Now we'll hear from the FFL wannabe feudalists defending the telecoms

Re: [FairfieldLife] New Greenpeace Report: The Dirty Money Behind Fake Climate Science

2010-04-06 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Apr 6, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

 March 30, 2010
 Billionaire tycoon David Koch likes to joke that Koch Industries is, ³The
 biggest company you¹ve never heard of². But the nearly US$50 million that he
 and his brother Charles quietly funneled to front groups which deny that
 climate change is a problem is no joking matter. Our new report shows how
 that cash, between 1997 and 2008, went to groups working to prevent action
 being taken against climate change.

The Koch (pronounced Coke) brothers are pretty nasty
individuals all the way around.  For more on their blissful
domestic arrangements, see Laurence Leamer's 
Madness Under The Royal Palms, a truly great read.  With 
all their wealth they heartily hate each other and William,
the third brother, even went so far as to sue their mother,
an action which supposedly was at least partly 
responsible for her death.


[FairfieldLife] Re: So-called patriotic Republicans have for over 40 years been the enemies of a democratic USA

2010-04-06 Thread WillyTex

  We sure do - my plan for job creation makes sense, 
  your economic plan is to bankrupt the entire state 
  of California, and then get the federal government 
  to bail the failed state out!

 The Republicans bankrupted California so they could 
 buy for pennies on the dollar...

You must be joking! Conservatives don't have a voice in 
California politics. All the state offices are in the 
hands of the pro-union Democrats that you helped elect.

'California Debt Crisis Explained'

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: So-called patriotic Republicans have for over 40 years been the enemies of a democratic USA

2010-04-06 Thread Bhairitu
WillyTex wrote:
 We sure do - my plan for job creation makes sense, 
 your economic plan is to bankrupt the entire state 
 of California, and then get the federal government 
 to bail the failed state out!
 The Republicans bankrupted California so they could 
 buy for pennies on the dollar...

 You must be joking! Conservatives don't have a voice in 
 California politics. All the state offices are in the 
 hands of the pro-union Democrats that you helped elect.

 'California Debt Crisis Explained'

Wrong.  We even have a conservative governor.  You need to get some 
smarts, Willy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: So-called patriotic Republicans have for over 40 years been the enemies of a

2010-04-06 Thread Joe

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 WillyTex wrote:

  We sure do - my plan for job creation makes sense, 
  your economic plan is to bankrupt the entire state 
  of California, and then get the federal government 
  to bail the failed state out!


  The Republicans bankrupted California so they could 
  buy for pennies on the dollar...
  You must be joking! Conservatives don't have a voice in 
  California politics. All the state offices are in the 
  hands of the pro-union Democrats that you helped elect.
  'California Debt Crisis Explained'
 Wrong.  We even have a conservative governor.  You need to get some 
 smarts, Willy.

Indeed he does! He's just not making sense today. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake - AOL News

2010-04-06 Thread sgrayatlarge
Deepak believes he is non local (loco?) and fancies himself enlightened, so I'm 
sure he honestly thought that right after his meditation, the earthquake 
happened, he was the cause because he is all. At least he didn't say something 
good is happening 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake
  This is part of his game.  He makes it seem as if he is
  mocking the idea that his meditation could cause a quake
  to attempt rapport with people who don't share his
  actual belief that in fact his meditation does effect
  the environment.  It is a way to mask the hubris of his
  true beliefs.  He almost sounds like he has some common
  sense about the limits of his personal power.
 Actually, I think he was mocking people like you, Curtis,
 right down to your propensity to make something sinister
 out of a self-deprecating gag.
 If he says he believes he can cause an earthquake by
 meditating, that's hubris.
 If he says he *doesn't* believe he can cause an earthquake
 by meditating--why, that's hubris too!
 And how *dare* he have a sense of humor about himself?
 That's the *ultimate* in hubris.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake - AOL News

2010-04-06 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   the environment.  It is a way to mask the hubris of his
   true beliefs.  He almost sounds like he has some common
   sense about the limits of his personal power.
  Actually, I think he was mocking people like you, Curtis,
  right down to your propensity to make something sinister
  out of a self-deprecating gag.
 Yeah Judy he was mocking people who call him on his
 fantasy that his state of mind affects the world.
 Really got me!

Here you are huffing and puffing, and he's chortling.

  If he says he believes he can cause an earthquake by
  meditating, that's hubris.
  If he says he *doesn't* believe he can cause an earthquake
  by meditating--why, that's hubris too!
 The reason the joke works is because part of his teaching
 actually states that his state of mind affects the world.
 It isn't hubris to make the joke, it is hubris to believe
 that your state of mind affects the world.

It would be hubris if he believed he could cause an
earthquake with his meditation.

But he doesn't believe that, you see. Hhe has some
common sense about the limits of his personal power.

 Do you share this belief about yourself,is that why you
 are so quick to defend him?

BREAKING NEWS: You don't have to share a person's beliefs
to defend them from unfair attack.

That said, I don't know whether one's state of mind can
affect the world (depending on what you mean by world),
and *neither do you*.

But like Chopra, I don't believe one person's meditation
can bring about an earthquake.

 Now if he wants to retract all his statements about his
 power over the world with the state of his mind I will
 happily retract my accusation of hubris.

And I don't think you should be making accusations when
you can't tell the difference between what he believes
and what he doesn't believe.

  And how *dare* he have a sense of humor about himself?
  That's the *ultimate* in hubris.
 If he didn't actually believe that his state of mind
 affects the world you might have a point.

He doesn't actually believe his meditation caused the
earthquake. That's why his tweets were funny.

 But the fact is he does. I wasn't saying how dare he
 anything.  I was just showing how people with wacky
 beliefs about their place in the world sometimes mask
 them with humor about a straw man wacky belief.

You were asserting that this is what he was doing. You
were, in other words, mind-reading. You get *really*
upset when folks do that to you, but you have no
problem doing it to others.

 It seems to have worked on you among many others. That
 old Chopra is so full of common sense wisdom how could
 we doubt his claim that his mind is working on the
 quantum mechanical level!

We can certainly doubt it, but it's probably not real
smart to rule it out.

 I point my finger at him as a charlatan because I paid
 $700 in his doctor's office to get the magic word
 amrita to repeat to cure physical conditions.  Medical
 conditions.  Health related issues that he discussed
 with me in his doctor's office before prescribing me a
 magical word to repeat to cure medical physical, health
 So when I view him as a con man it is after having him
 con out of actual money me a long time ago.

Charlatan, maybe, in the sense of being deluded about 
the validity of his claims. But not a con man.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake - AOL News

2010-04-06 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
the environment.  It is a way to mask the hubris of his
true beliefs.  He almost sounds like he has some common
sense about the limits of his personal power.
   Actually, I think he was mocking people like you, Curtis,
   right down to your propensity to make something sinister
   out of a self-deprecating gag.
  Yeah Judy he was mocking people who call him on his
  fantasy that his state of mind affects the world.
  Really got me!
 Here you are huffing and puffing, and he's chortling.

My opinions are huffing and puffing?  What an odd characterization.  Is that 
what you are doing here by communicating your opinions, huffing and puffing? Or 
were you trying to characterize opinions this way to diminish them?

   If he says he believes he can cause an earthquake by
   meditating, that's hubris.
   If he says he *doesn't* believe he can cause an earthquake
   by meditating--why, that's hubris too!
  The reason the joke works is because part of his teaching
  actually states that his state of mind affects the world.
  It isn't hubris to make the joke, it is hubris to believe
  that your state of mind affects the world.
 It would be hubris if he believed he could cause an
 earthquake with his meditation.

You are welcome to your opinion.  I think people believing their meditation 
causes world peace also qualifies.

 But he doesn't believe that, you see. Hhe has some
 common sense about the limits of his personal power.

Pretty low bar. Some limits.  Amazing, I'm so proud of him.

  Do you share this belief about yourself,is that why you
  are so quick to defend him?
 BREAKING NEWS: You don't have to share a person's beliefs
 to defend them from unfair attack.

BREAKING NEWS:  I know that.  But you aren't defending any unfair attack here 
you and we both know it.
 That said, I don't know whether one's state of mind can
 affect the world (depending on what you mean by world),
 and *neither do you*.

Yeah well I'll give it a very low probability OK?  We know quite a bit about 
how powerful thoughts are on the outside of our skulls because we can measure 
the electrical energy of our brains. 
BREAKING NEWS: It doesn't go into the environment.  So unless you are proposing 
that the mechanism of what affects the world is some new thing, we know it 
doesn't with as much scientific confidence as we have supporting most of the 
modern scientific perspective. (one that Chopra rejects in favor of his brand 
of special knowledge.)

 But like Chopra, I don't believe one person's meditation
 can bring about an earthquake.

Straw man and you know it. But how about a whole bunch of people?  Maharishi 
believes that groups of humans do cause these events.  Chopra has said the same 

  Now if he wants to retract all his statements about his
  power over the world with the state of his mind I will
  happily retract my accusation of hubris.
 And I don't think you should be making accusations when
 you can't tell the difference between what he believes
 and what he doesn't believe.

My whole post started with this distinction. You are trying to create your own 
straw man out of the earthquake thing and missing my whole point intentionally 
or unintentionally. 

   And how *dare* he have a sense of humor about himself?
   That's the *ultimate* in hubris.
  If he didn't actually believe that his state of mind
  affects the world you might have a point.
 He doesn't actually believe his meditation caused the
 earthquake. That's why his tweets were funny.

I started with this distinction why do you think this is news? It is a straw 
man that is being used to make him look less fringy.

  But the fact is he does. I wasn't saying how dare he
  anything.  I was just showing how people with wacky
  beliefs about their place in the world sometimes mask
  them with humor about a straw man wacky belief.
 You were asserting that this is what he was doing. You
 were, in other words, mind-reading. You get *really*
 upset when folks do that to you, but you have no
 problem doing it to others.

Not at all but you are getting a bit desperate here. It is my opinion about how 
he is using a straw man that is not dependent on his intentions.  It is how his 
story appears to me.  And with public figures we just guess at motivations.  
When we are posting here and can state them I object to someone claiming to 
know what my thoughts are better than I do myself.  If he wants to log on I'll 
listen to his inner thoughts if he cares to share them.
  It seems to have worked on you among many others. That
  old Chopra is so full of common sense wisdom how could
  we doubt his 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apsara or Dakini?

2010-04-06 Thread emptybill
The designation Dakini is also found in Hindu
tradition, but here it is applied only to very minor
goddesses, resembling more what we would call
witches in our Western tradition. They appear as
wild female spirits in the retinue accompanying the
great goddess Durga.

Wisdom Dakinis, Passionate and Wrathful
Dakinis - Energy and Wisdom
by Lama Vajranath

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

 There are no 'dakinis' in Hinduism, that's a
 feature of Tibetan Buddhism.

[FairfieldLife] Now I'm in Unicorn Heaven

2010-04-06 Thread Yifu Xero
Some Unicorns found after a brief search of Greg Gutfeld's Unicorns...:

and http://www.tinyurl.com/yhvx9hc


[FairfieldLife] Re: Apsara or Dakini?

2010-04-06 Thread azgrey

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfiend jst...@... wrote:
 Considering the extraordinarily mean-spirited viciousness
 the usual suspects have been gratuitously directing at her,
 she's been quite restrained.

You must be joking.


[FairfieldLife] Bret Stephens asks what's the next panic ? Any ideas?

2010-04-06 Thread sgrayatlarge
What's the Next 'Global Warming'? Herewith I propose a contest to invent the 
next panic.By BRET STEPHENS

So global warming is dead, nailed into its coffin one devastating disclosure, 
defection and re-evaluation at a time. Which means that pretty soon we're going 
to need another apocalyptic scare to take its place.

As recently as October, the Guardian reported that scientists at Cambridge had 
concluded that the Arctic is now melting at such a rate that it will be 
largely ice free within ten years. This was supposedly due to global warming. 
It brought with it the usual lamentations for the grandchildren.

But in March came another report in the Guardian, this time based on the 
research of Japanese scientists, that much of the record breaking loss of ice 
in the Arctic ocean in recent years is [due] to the region's swirling winds and 
is not a direct result of global warming. It also turns out that the extent of 
Arctic sea ice in March was around the recorded average, according to the 
National Snow and Ice Data Center.

The difference between the two stories has little to do with science: There 
were plenty of reasons back in October to suspect that the Arctic ice 
panic—based on data that only goes back to 1979—was as implausible as the now 
debunked claim about disappearing Himalayan glaciers. But thanks to Climategate 
and the Copenhagen fiasco, the media are now picking up the kinds of stories 
they previously thought it easier and wiser to ignore.

This is happening internationally. In France, a book titled L'imposture 
climatique is a runaway bestseller: Its author, Claude Allègre, is one of the 
country's most acclaimed scientists and a former minister of education in a 
Socialist government. In Britain, environmentalist patron saint James Lovelock 
now tells the BBC he suspects climate scientists have [fudged] the data and 
that if the planet is going to be saved, it will save itself, as it always has 
done. In Germany, the leftish Der Spiegel devotes 15 pages to a deliciously 
detailed account of scientists who want to be politicians, the curious 
inconsistencies in the temperature record, the sloppy work of the U.N.'s 
climate-change panel and sundry other sins of modern climatology.

As for the United States, Gallup reports that global warming now ranks sixth on 
the list of Americans' top 10 environmental concerns. My wager is that within a 
few years climate change will exercise global nerves about as much as 
overpopulation, toxic tampons, nuclear winters, ozone holes, killer bees, low 
sperm counts, genetically modified foods and mad cows do today. 

Something is going to have to take its place.

The world is now several decades into the era of environmental panic. The 
subject of the panic changes every few years, but the basic ingredients tend to 
remain fairly constant. A trend, a hypothesis, an invention or a discovery 
disturbs the sense of global equilibrium. Often the agent of distress is 
undetectable to the senses, like a malign spirit. A villain—invariably 
corporate and right-wing—is identified. 

Then money begins to flow toward grant-seeking institutions and bureaucracies, 
which have an interest in raising the level of alarm. Environmentalists counsel 
their version of virtue, typically some quasi-totalitarian demands on the 
pattern of human behavior. Politicians assemble expert panels and propose 
sweeping and expensive legislation. Eventually, the problem vanishes. Few 
people stop to consider that perhaps it wasn't such a crisis in the first 

This is what's called eschatology—a belief, or psychology, that we are 
approaching the End Time. Religions have always found a way to take account of 
those beliefs, but today's secular panics are unmoored by spiritual 
consolations or valid moral injunctions. Instead, we have the modern-day 
equivalent of the old Catholic indulgence in the form of carbon credits. It's 
how Al Gore justifies his utility bills.

Given the inescapability of weather, it's no wonder global warming gripped the 
public mind as long as it did. And there's always some extreme-weather event 
happening somewhere to be offered as further evidence of impending catastrophe. 
But even weather gets boring, and so do the people who natter about it 
incessantly. What this decade requires is a new and better panic.

Herewith, then, I propose a readers' contest to invent the next panic. It must 
involve something ubiquitous, invisible to the naked eye, and preferably 
mass-produced. And the solution must require taxes, regulation, and other 
changes to civilization as we know it. The winner gets a beer and a burger, on 
me, at the 47th street Pig N' Whistle in New York City. (Nachos for 
vegetarians.) Happy panicking!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apsara or Dakini?

2010-04-06 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_re...@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfiend jstein@ wrote:
  Considering the extraordinarily mean-spirited viciousness
  the usual suspects have been gratuitously directing at her,
  she's been quite restrained.
 You must be joking.

You must not have read the posts.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Apsara or Dakini?

2010-04-06 Thread azgrey

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfiend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfiend jstein@ wrote:
   Considering the extraordinarily mean-spirited viciousness
   the usual suspects have been gratuitously directing at her,
   she's been quite restrained.
  You must be joking.
 You must not have read the posts.

Oh, I read them. Including the ones when she visited FFL
last time. 

Didn't you?

[FairfieldLife] Brahmasthan of India Update

2010-04-06 Thread Yifu Xero

--- On Tue, 3/30/10, Brahmananda Saraswati Foundation 
vedicpand...@maharishi.net wrote:

From: Brahmananda Saraswati Foundation vedicpand...@maharishi.net
Subject: Brahmasthan of India Update
To: tertonz...@yahoo.com
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 5:43 PM

30 March 2010 
Dear Terton, 
As the cooler Indian winter has now shyly receded, the Brahmasthan of India is 
warming up in temperature and quiet activity. Arlene and I wanted to share 
with you some of the news and feelings from our last six months there. 
   * As Maharishi had planned, and under the brilliant organizational 
 leadership of Brahmachari Dr. Girish Varma ji, several more groups every day 
 are performing a special peace and prosperity performance for the world, 
 Adbhutshanti Yagya.
   * With the kind assistance of the wonderful Gelderloos family and the 
 generous donors of Great Britain, five of the two-story Pandit buildings 
 which had been partially completed, have now been finished, and work is just 
 now starting to finish an additional five more such buildings, all at the 
 main Karaundi campus. 
   * We are working on a plan to finish several buildings at the Bijauri 
 campus and then have courses there for men and ladies from around the world. 
 This will be the first time that those from outside India can come to the 
 Brahmasthan of India – to enjoy the benefits of long rounding programs, 
 knowledge meetings and listening live to Pandit recitation. I hope to have 
 more specific news on dates for when this will be ready in the coming months. 
 Arlene and I, and all the Rajas who have spent the winter and early spring 
 there, are sure that this will be a startlingly enormous blessing for those 
 choosing to participate.
   * We have just added a blog to our Pandit website, where you can find 
 Brahmasthan updates. Right now you will find comments from supporters, 
 recording their experiences in supporting the Pandits. We think you might 
 really enjoy reading these expressions from around the world (click here to 
 visit the blog).
   * Many times people ask us about the possibility of listening to live 
 performances of Yagyas. In that regard, Arlene and I wanted to remind 
 everyone of a great gift that Maharishi ji offered. As you may recall, 
 Maharishi organized that channel 2 at 
  would play Rudra Abhishek live, every day, from the Brahmasthan at 6:30 am. 
 9:30 am, 12:30 pm and 3:30 pm Indian time. (India is 3 1/2 hours ahead of 
 Central European Time and 9 1/2 hours ahead of East Coast US time). Arlene 
 and I have been so much enjoying this blessed performance and keep hoping 
 that others are being connected and having a chance to appreciate this. 
The safekeeping of this most needed, precious heritage is in all of our hands, 
and Arlene, Lauren and I again want to deeply thank all of those who are doing 
all they can to support our dear Pandits. It is such a heartening thrill every 
day when I get the report, donor by donor, of who has again kindly helped. It 
is so needed, so appreciated and so powerful in its effect. Every donation, 
large and small, from every well wisher of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits and 
peace in our world, is going to be necessary to bring Maharishi's vision of 
the Brahmasthan to reality. 
Together we will accomplish this goal – first 8,000 Maharishi Vedic Pandits at 
the Brahmasthan of India and through that, an ongoing program to bring to the 
full flowering of the bright destiny of our dear world — heavenly life.
With very best wishes,
Jai Guru Dev 
Harris, Arlene, and Lauren Kaplan 
P.S. If this newsletter was forwarded to you by a friend, you can sign up to 
have future issues sent directly to you by clicking here. 
If you would like to support the Vedic Pandits at the Brahmasthan you can make 
an on-line donation here. 
You can learn more about the scientific basis of creating world peace, by 
visiting Technology of Peace on our website.  

This message was sent from Brahmananda Saraswati Foundation to 
tertonz...@yahoo.com. It was sent from: Brahmananda Saraswati Trust, 1900 
Capital Boulevard, Maharishi Vedic City, IA 52556. You can modify/update your 
subscription via the link below. Email Marketing by

 To update/change your account click here  


[FairfieldLife] Re: Wikileaks - Threat to national security?

2010-04-06 Thread lurkernomore20002000
Sort of puts a real damper on things.  Life so casually snuffed out. And with 
little evidence of a threat.  Of course those guys who were so anxious to pull 
the trigger will have to live with this public record.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodle...@... wrote:

 A secret video showing US air crew falsely claiming to have encountered a 
 firefight in Baghdad and then laughing at the dead after launching an air 
 strike that killed a dozen people, including two Iraqis working for Reuters 
 news agency, was revealed by Wikileaks today.
 The footage of the July 2007 attack was made public in a move that will 
 further anger the Pentagon, which has drawn up a report identifying the 
 whistleblower website as a threat to national security. The US defence 
 department was embarrassed when that confidential report appeared on the 
 Wikileaks site last month alongside a slew of military documents. 
 The release of the video from Baghdad also comes shortly after the US 
 military admitted that its special forces attempted to cover up the killings 
 of three Afghan women in a raid in February by digging the bullets out of 
 their bodies. 
 The newly released video of the Baghdad attacks was recorded on one of two 
 Apache helicopters hunting for insurgents on 12 July 2007. Among the dead 
 were a 22-year-old Reuters photographer, Namir Noor-Eldeen, and his driver, 
 Saeed Chmagh, 40. The Pentagon blocked an attempt by Reuters to obtain the 
 video through a freedom of information request. Wikileaks director Julian 
 Assange said his organisation had to break through encryption by the military 
 to view it.
 Full story and video:

[FairfieldLife] new lizard species discovered in Luzon

2010-04-06 Thread Yifu Xero
A type of Monitor lizard.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Apsara or Dakini?

2010-04-06 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_re...@... wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfiend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfiend jstein@ wrote:
Considering the extraordinarily mean-spirited viciousness
the usual suspects have been gratuitously directing at her,
she's been quite restrained.
   You must be joking.
  You must not have read the posts.
 Oh, I read them.

Well, you do have that problem with reading comprehension.

 Including the ones when she visited FFL
 last time. 
 Didn't you?

I was talking about this time, actually.

But she got the same vicious treatment last time and
held her own. She was no Meow13, but she tended to
de-escalate and crack jokes.

She and her spiels ain't my cuppa tea, but I don't
find them threatening as some here obviously do.

[FairfieldLife] Have we passed the tipping point ?

2010-04-06 Thread Rick Archer
Have we passed the tipping point ?
wayback71 on FFL wrote* :
[Mark Lynas] believes that the release of ocean sediment methane hydrate is
the big marker, or tipping point, of disaster.

NSF issues world a wake-up call: 
-east-siberian-arctic-shelf-venting/  stunner: Vast East Siberian Arctic
Shelf methane stores destabilizing and venting 
Methane release from the not-so-perma-frost is the most dangerous amplifying
feedback in the entire carbon cycle.  Research published in Friday's journal
Science finds a key lid on the large sub-sea permafrost carbon reservoir
near Eastern Siberia is clearly perforated, and sedimentary CH4 [methane]
is escaping to the atmosphere.
* Mon Apr 5, 2010 4:03 pm   wayback71 :
Re: Abrupt global warmings - likely culprit is methane hydrate (clathrate), 
In the book Six Degrees by Mark Lynas this is discussed in some detail. The
author believed that once this methane hydrate in ocean sediment began to be
released into the atmosphere, the tipping point on global warming would
- that is, there is so much methane hydrate stored in ocean sediment and
we reach the point where it starts to enter the atmosphere then global
on a huge scale would be inevitable (barring some miracle invention) and
that it
would then occur quite rapidly. He believes that the release of ocean
methane hydrate is the big marker, or tipping point, of disaster.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra Blames Own Meditation for Baja Quake - AOL News

2010-04-06 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
 the environment.  It is a way to mask the hubris of his
 true beliefs.  He almost sounds like he has some common
 sense about the limits of his personal power.

Actually, I think he was mocking people like you, Curtis,
right down to your propensity to make something sinister
out of a self-deprecating gag.
   Yeah Judy he was mocking people who call him on his
   fantasy that his state of mind affects the world.
   Really got me!
  Here you are huffing and puffing, and he's chortling.
 My opinions are huffing and puffing?  What an odd 

Oh, I don't think so.

 Is that what you are doing here by communicating your
 opinions, huffing and puffing?

Sometimes I huff and puff, sure.

 Or were you trying to characterize opinions this way
 to diminish them?

Just pointing out the contrast. He made a joke, and
you're having a tizzy *because he made a joke*.

If he says he believes he can cause an earthquake by
meditating, that's hubris.

If he says he *doesn't* believe he can cause an earthquake
by meditating--why, that's hubris too!
   The reason the joke works is because part of his teaching
   actually states that his state of mind affects the world.
   It isn't hubris to make the joke, it is hubris to believe
   that your state of mind affects the world.
  It would be hubris if he believed he could cause an
  earthquake with his meditation.
 You are welcome to your opinion.  I think people believing
 their meditation causes world peace also qualifies.

Yeah, seems to me there's a pretty gigantic difference
between somebody thinking their meditation causes
earthquakes and thinking a lot of people meditating
together might facilitate world peace.

  But he doesn't believe that, you see. Hhe has some
  common sense about the limits of his personal power.
 Pretty low bar. Some limits.  Amazing, I'm so proud of him.

Those were your words, toots.

   Do you share this belief about yourself,is that why you
   are so quick to defend him?
  BREAKING NEWS: You don't have to share a person's beliefs
  to defend them from unfair attack.
 BREAKING NEWS:  I know that.  But you aren't defending
 any unfair attack here you and we both know it.

If I hadn't thought it was unfair, I wouldn't have
spoken up. And if you'd known that one doesn't have to
share a person's beliefs to defend them from unfair
attack, you wouldn't have suggested I was defending
him because I thought he could cause an earthquake
with his meditation.

  That said, I don't know whether one's state of mind can
  affect the world (depending on what you mean by world),
  and *neither do you*.
 Yeah well I'll give it a very low probability OK?  We
 know quite a bit about how powerful thoughts are on the
 outside of our skulls because we can measure the
 electrical energy of our brains.

Low probability is fine, but I wouldn't make up
idiotic reasons for it.

 BREAKING NEWS: It doesn't go into the environment.

We don't know that.

 So unless you are proposing that the mechanism of what
 affects the world is some new thing

If it affects the world, *of course* it's some new thing.

  But like Chopra, I don't believe one person's meditation
  can bring about an earthquake.
 Straw man and you know it.

Funny, it's the same straw man you were using.

 But how about a whole bunch of people?  Maharishi believes
 that groups of humans do cause these events.  Chopra has
 said the same thing.

He probably does believe that. (I'm agnostic.) But that's
a whole different order of belief than that a single 
person can cause earthquakes.

   Now if he wants to retract all his statements about his
   power over the world with the state of his mind I will
   happily retract my accusation of hubris.
  And I don't think you should be making accusations when
  you can't tell the difference between what he believes
  and what he doesn't believe.
 My whole post started with this distinction.

No, your post started--and has continued--by *conflating*
the two.

 You are trying to create your own straw man out of the
 earthquake thing and missing my whole point intentionally
 or unintentionally. 

I'm *criticizing* your point. 

And how *dare* he have a sense of humor about himself?
That's the *ultimate* in hubris.
   If he didn't actually believe that his state of mind
   affects the world you might have a point.
  He doesn't actually believe his meditation caused the
  earthquake. That's why his tweets were funny.
 I started with this distinction why do you 

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: I saw this story at breitbart.com Re Black beautiful tea baggers

2010-04-06 Thread WLeed3


 From: wle...@aol.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 4/7/2010 12:31:28 A.M.  Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: I saw this story at breitbart.com

I saw this story at breitbart.com  