[FairfieldLife] Re: Starz's Spartacus

2010-04-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 With the local Hollywood Video going out of business and a new 
 Samsung networked Bluray player I decided to sign up again for 
 Netflix.  As I've mentioned before I used Netflix over 10 years 
 ago when DVD first came out because few if any of the local 
 stores had DVDs to rent. Then they began getting them and I 
 stopped using Netflix. So upon Turq's recommendation I put 
 Starz's Spartacus: Blood and Sand in my Instant Watch list. 
 Last night I watched the first half of the first episode.  
 Interesting series though nowhere as well produced as HBO's 

Just you wait. Heh heh. :-)

 ...but quite interesting how they put green screen and CG to 
 work to create the episode. Not sure if it's my cup of tea as 
 I found plenty to fill the queue otherwise. Of course I've seen 
 enough to see why Turq liked it. ;-)

As much as I like tits, it's not just the tits. :-)
Spartacus has some of the best villains I have
ever seen onscreen, and some of the most nefarious
plotting. Not to mention a depth of characterization
I had absolutely no reason to suspect was coming in
the first couple of episodes.

I have gone beyond being an apologetic fan and have
become an unapologetic fan. I think that -- for good
or ill -- it defines the future of television. I 
expect there to be six knockoff copycat series within
a year. None of them will be as good, but all of them
will use the violence porn metaphor.

 The first thing I watched in HD on Instant Play was was a quirky 
 psychological thriller which could easily make the weird film 
 list called Order of Chaos.  

I have a download of this, but haven't watched it yet.

 I had stumbled across the movie looking at the Alan Watt 
 http://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com site as they used 
 a couple of Alan's Internet radio raps in the movie and 
 he had put a link to Amazon's listing there. Those not 
 familiar with Alan is he is a Scotsman living in Canada 
 doing historical conspiracy podcasts.   

I can somehow see why this would be your cuppa tea. :-)

 You can find these on his site and they can be very 
 entertaining. One interesting thing is he claims that TM 
 was an attempt by the Freemason's to create a new religion 
 using Maharishi.  

That's just silly. The Freemasons I've met were much smarter
than that. :-)

 I suspect that Alan may have at one time practiced TM or was 
 even a teacher. The movie was interesting enough that I had 
 Netflix send me the DVD so that I could listen to the commentary 
 and see what was behind the making of the movie.

Let me guess: The making of money?  :-)

 Between Netflix, Vudu, Redbox and Amazon's service I might ditch 
 most of my cable bill. Cable companies are so yesterday.  

I find it difficult to even conceive of why I'd need cable 
or a satellite hookup. The only rationale I see for them is
if you're a sports fan or, in the case of many UK ex-pats
living here, lonely for British TV shows from home. I am 
neither, and live in a country that wisely sees nothing
wrong with downloading media for private viewing, so I don't
see myself ever needing to hook up to a media tit other
than the Internet ever again.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lou Valentino: Astrological Predictions for April 2010 come true................

2010-04-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  My favorite line:
   the Earth is going to react in some way 
  I am s getting into this biz.
  I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and 
  the angles of incidence of the heavenly bodies (particularly 
  that retrograde, reprobate, retard Pluto) some people on earth 
  are going to react in some way.
  Stay tuned for my circling the bulls-eye when it happens!  
 man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,
 I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and the 
 angles of incidence of the heavenly bodies 
 1) 146,376 people in the word, TOMORROW, are going to die, due to 
 the death of the old age of greed and hucksterism.
 2) However, given that we are witnessing the birth of a new age of  
 peace and free love, there will be 351,236 births tomorrow. 
 3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.

I appreciate the attempt to scientifically validate
the elevation of Curtis to the post of Prognosticator
General, and thus contributed one tick mark in column #3, 
hopefully not contributing to column #2, and staving off
a tick mark in column #1.

Me, I predict that this week on Fairfield Life will be 
pretty much like every other week on Fairfield Life, but
that some will not only view the rehash of the same old
same old as new, but newly worth their attention and
their feigned outrage. Leave your payment in the big 
golden bowl near the exit, and don't let the door hit 
you in the ass as you go.

Namaste, Jai and away, and all that other stuff that
New Age celebrities have to say when signing off,


[FairfieldLife] Re: Atlantis Priestesses

2010-04-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:


What's with the horns? I don't remember Atlantean 
priestesses being all that horny. But this perception
may be because back when I was an Atlantean priest I 
was short and had a bad case of acne. The only way
I could get laid was to use the olde end of the world 
line in priest bars: Hey, I've had a vision of the
whole continent sinking into the sea. Wanna have some
fun before that happens? Who knew that it was a real 
vision?  :-)

[FairfieldLife] The Tragedy of Dog Cults

2010-04-17 Thread TurquoiseB
On the other hand, deprogramming them later can usually be accomplished
using dog biscuits...


[FairfieldLife] Bill Maher: A Text Message For Republicans

2010-04-17 Thread TurquoiseB
A classic. Equally applicable as a message to some here.

Facebook version (probably only visible to members):

Movieweb version:

[FairfieldLife] How to Reshape Market Society and Redefine Democracy, Jan. 19, 2010, Raj Patel

2010-04-17 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jerry Jarvis Coming St. Paul, MN May 1!

2010-04-17 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wayback71 waybac...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, It's just a ride 
 bill.hicks.all.a.ride@ wrote:
  On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 12:38 PM, wayback71 wayback71@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
I just got a letter in the mail from the Minneapolis TM center 
that I might like to announce Jerry's lecture on my blog.
If this is not a joke, and they really did ask you to announce it on FFL,
   then how things have changed in the TMO.  Humongous change.  Would never
   have happened if MMY were alive.  Rick, I predict you get your dome badge
   back, with an apology.  And once you are on the Oprah channel, with your 
   show, the TMO will positively fawn all over you!!!  Get ready for it.
  I predict that Rick will in due time reveal himself as Maitreya.
 funniest post of the week!!  I hear Rick would need to speak with a stutter 
 to qualify as Maitreya, so that title for Rick is probably out.  Have you 
 checked any of nabby's posts on the Patel author/sociologist?  How strange is 
 that - people pinning the Maitreya label on a guy who has no interest in the 
 whole B Creme crowd or viewpoint.

How do you know Raj has no interest ? Quite the contrary, he fully supports 
Cremes vision of the future of this Planet and Maitreya's priorities.

Anyway, Mr. Creme never ever even hinted that Raj Patel is Maitreya.
Your're just twisting this story to fit into your little boxed vision of the 

  You have to laugh at it - it's wild, except Patel probalby has had to get 
security guards and protection at this point.

[FairfieldLife] We don't need a messiah (and anyway, it isn't me) - Raj Patel

2010-04-17 Thread nablusoss1008
For Wayback71   We don't need a messiah (and anyway, it isn't me)
Coincidence led to my being hailed as a prince of peace. But change will
come from our own hard work, not a deity

*  [Digg it]  
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|The Guardian
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*  [Raj Patel]   http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/rajpatel
* Raj Patel http://www.guardian.co.uk/profile/rajpatel
* guardian.co.uk http://www.guardian.co.uk/ , Sunday 11 April 2010
19.00 BST
* Article history

Firstborn sons of British Asian families aren't so much raised as feted,
and as a child I became quite comfortable being a little prince. At
seven years old, I wanted the privileges of primogeniture to carry on
forever. When people asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I
responded with the full spectrum of acceptable answers: Accountant!
Dentist! Quantity Surveyor! Secretly, though, I wanted to be full-time
royalty. From what I saw of the British monarchy – and I have yet to
be disabused of this view – it seemed that if you were born in the
right place and time, you could enjoy almost permanent adulation, free
money and long hours of indolence.

I mention this first because earlier this year a trickle, and then a
flood, of email asked whether I was, in fact a prince. Specifically,
people asked whether I was Maitreya
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maitreya  – The World Teacher – a
prince of peace, the leader of a movement that might be able to save the
planet from itself. Others wrote to ask whether I was the antichrist,
the Prince of Darkness.

As the Guardian
y  reported, the deluge began after a number of coincidences seemed to
match me up with the man foretold by followers of a group called Share
International http://www.share-international.org/ , founded by
Scottish mystic Benjamin Crème. I'd done little to earn the title of
Maitreya, though I admit some parallels between my life and that
described in the prophecy.

Have I lived in London? Yes. Am I interested in social justice and
sharing the world's resources? Indeed I am. Do I care about feeding the
world? Certainly. Was I on American television soon before Crème
announced the arrival of Maitreya? Sort of. On 12 January, I appeared on
a spoof rightwing talk show called the Colbert Report
http://fxuk.com/shows/the-colbert-report . I'd also been on BBC World,
CNN, Democracy Now and al-Jazeera before then, but it seems you can't be
a deity unless you do Comedy Central.

So what, according to Share International, does Maitreya do? Through a
doctrine of sharing, fraternity, social justice and co-operation, he
(and it does seem to be a he, not a she) brings humanity back from
economic and ecological collapse through new forms of spiritual
community. As it happens, I do think that sharing, fraternity, justice
and co-operation are terrific things. I also think that prioritising the
needs of the poor, hungry and oppressed is a non-negotiable part of a
sustainable future.

Unfortunately, I think that's where the resemblances end. It frustrates
me only a little less than it might disappoint those looking for
Maitreya that, in fact, I'm just an ordinary bloke. Not that my protests
of not-being-the-messiah have been heeded. I wrote a short piece on my
blog suggesting that, like the hero of Life of Brian
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079470/ , I was the victim of a case of
mistaken identity, and that you've got to work it out for yourselves.
This didn't fly. I was reminded by my correspondents that the Maitreya
would deny divinity. And when I suggested that I wasn't the messiah,
but a very naughty boy, others pointed out that this was 

[FairfieldLife] You've all got to work it out for yourself

2010-04-17 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Shroud of Turin Report (or, When the Fans Hit the Sheet)

2010-04-17 Thread TurquoiseB
My brother just Skype'd me from Torino, where he stood
in line with the other seekers last night to see the
only-once-every-ten-years showing of the Shroud of Turin.

He described waiting to see it in terms of Castaneda's
controlled folly, in that although you are pre-assigned
a 15-minute window in which to see it, being an Italian
system it didn't always work out quite as imagined. The
Shroud itself is encased in a climate-controlled bullet-
proof glass enclosure that rises up from an altar, and 
then descends back into it when the viewings are over.

He actually enjoyed some of the sidebar exhibitions
more than the Shroud itself, especially the one that
takes advantage of the fact that the image on the
Shroud is essentially a photo negative and turns
it into a projected, 3D image of the positive. In
other words, you are looking at a 3D hologram of
Christ, reconstructed from the 2D negative image on
the Shroud. Eeriely lifelike, were I think the 
words he used.

The Vibe Report. He definitely got a hit off of it.
Now you have to bear in mind that my brother actually
has a thing for Jesus, and reveres him in ways that I
do not. And that he has just flown several thousand
miles on a whim to see the guy's *possible* image
on a sheet. But he definitely got a hit off it. He
described it as -- for him -- Emanating white light.

At this point the Big Test of the Shroud's Woo Woo
Quotient and the lasting value of its textile darshan
will be whether he can actually get home. The Cloud
(as opposed to the Shroud) emanating from Iceland
and covering Europe has now closed Italian airspace
as well, and none of the airlines are answering 
their 800 numbers. 

If he gets home tomorrow as planned, consider that
a big win for those who believe in the value of
visiting holy relics. 

If that happens, the Shroud Museum might think of 
opening its own travel agency to compete with Orbitz 
and Expedia. Fly Jeezpedia...we'll get you there 
even despite Acts Of God, because we've got an 'in.'  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shroud of Turin Report (or, When the Fans Hit the Sheet)

2010-04-17 Thread Mike Dixon
Well I guess every family deserves a *white sheep*.

--- On Sat, 4/17/10, TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

From: TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Shroud of Turin Report (or, When the Fans Hit the 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, April 17, 2010, 12:18 PM


My brother just Skype'd me from Torino, where he stood
in line with the other seekers last night to see the
only-once-every- ten-years showing of the Shroud of Turin.

He described waiting to see it in terms of Castaneda's
controlled folly, in that although you are pre-assigned
a 15-minute window in which to see it, being an Italian
system it didn't always work out quite as imagined. The
Shroud itself is encased in a climate-controlled bullet-
proof glass enclosure that rises up from an altar, and 
then descends back into it when the viewings are over.

He actually enjoyed some of the sidebar exhibitions
more than the Shroud itself, especially the one that
takes advantage of the fact that the image on the
Shroud is essentially a photo negative and turns
it into a projected, 3D image of the positive. In
other words, you are looking at a 3D hologram of
Christ, reconstructed from the 2D negative image on
the Shroud. Eeriely lifelike, were I think the 
words he used.

The Vibe Report. He definitely got a hit off of it.
Now you have to bear in mind that my brother actually
has a thing for Jesus, and reveres him in ways that I
do not. And that he has just flown several thousand
miles on a whim to see the guy's *possible* image
on a sheet. But he definitely got a hit off it. He
described it as -- for him -- Emanating white light.

At this point the Big Test of the Shroud's Woo Woo
Quotient and the lasting value of its textile darshan
will be whether he can actually get home. The Cloud
(as opposed to the Shroud) emanating from Iceland
and covering Europe has now closed Italian airspace
as well, and none of the airlines are answering 
their 800 numbers. 

If he gets home tomorrow as planned, consider that
a big win for those who believe in the value of
visiting holy relics. 

If that happens, the Shroud Museum might think of 
opening its own travel agency to compete with Orbitz 
and Expedia. Fly Jeezpedia... we'll get you there 
even despite Acts Of God, because we've got an 'in.' :-)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Shroud of Turin Report (or, When the Fans Hit the Sheet)

2010-04-17 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 If he gets home tomorrow as planned, consider that
 a big win for those who believe in the value of
 visiting holy relics. 
 If that happens, the Shroud Museum might think of 
 opening its own travel agency to compete with Orbitz 
 and Expedia. Fly Jeezpedia...we'll get you there 
 even despite Acts Of God, because we've got an 'in.'  :-)

While I know this is a light-hearted post, it does illuminate perhaps a similar 
theme played out in various religions, new-age groups and woo woo circuses. The 
chain seems to be: 

1) If I am pious (or faithful in my program, do some yagyas, see holy people, 
get darshan, feel the silence, pray five times a day,) then

2) I , Me , will get My Own F'ing way, be Special, and rise above the masses 
because I am better and more faithful than those ordinary f'ing heathens.

Sort of conditional faithfulness, it it helps me get MY Way, I am a believer 
and faithful, practioneer ..  

in contrast to:

1) I do my practice, and I find a vibrant silence growing within, I feel more 
connected to people and things, my heart is full, and then

2) life is an adventure, wonderful things happen that I don't plan or force 
to happen, through a lot of unplanned detours and these unexpected events and 
challenges have left my life far richer ... and I have mingled with the masses, 
flowed with the crowd, and felt enlivened to be part of this magnificent whole.

I know which group of practicioneers I  would prefer to hang with.

[FairfieldLife] Re: We don't need a messiah (and anyway, it isn't me) - Raj Patel

2010-04-17 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 For Wayback71   We don't need a messiah (and anyway, it isn't me)
 Coincidence led to my being hailed as a prince of peace. But change will
 come from our own hard work, not a deity

This set up could be an interesting theme for a book or film. Shades of Be Here 
Now combined with the song What if God Were One of Us -- just a slob like 
one of us. 

The plot has people seeing God in others, and treating them like Gods, though 
the God-target has no pretense at being God, and yet their simple mundane 
utterances are seen as scripture. 

And then poor slobs everywhere start to wake up to the reality that they Are 
God -- inside, but no one recognizes it. 

And slowly, with much mistaken identities going on in various ways -- to great 
humor -- everyone begins to see God within themselves,to be Gods, and to see 
everyone else as Gods.

And then fade to black. Did it really happen or was it just a dream some of us 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shroud of Turin Report (or, When the Fans Hit the Sheet)

2010-04-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@... wrote:

 Well I guess every family deserves a *white sheep*.


My brother would laugh, too. 

It is with *extreme* pleasure that I see his propensity
to get a wild hair up his ass and take a last-minute Road
Trip (otherwise known as a spiritual pilgrimage) like this,
on a whim. My bro often doth not come across as That Kinda
Whimprone Person. 

So good on him. And good on his innocence while approaching
and assessing the religious artifact that he hath journeyed
thousands of miles to see. I tried my best to report his
report as reported, although I cop to spinning some of it
avterwards for humor purposes. 

I would not be able to approach such a religious artifact
with as much innocence as he does. I know all too well the
ability of the seeker to project that which he doth seek
to such an extent that it casteth doubt on the reality of
that which he doth perceive in that which he doth seek.

I know *firsthand* one's ability to project into a 
situation that which one wants to find in it. I have WAY
been there, done that, and know that this ability coloreth
one's subjective experience of what one finds. I don't 
think my bro is in exactly the same place.

Thus I would not -- and have not -- shit in his punchbowl. 
I have merely listened to -- and reported as accurately as 
possible here -- his own impressions of the experience. 

As for the white sheep thang, it's not as if I don't
make pilgrimages myself. One of the ways that I amuse 
myself *is* by journeying to Places Of Power here in
Europe. It's one of the things I do for fun.

While *at* one of these Places Of Power, what I find 
my self doing is Juggling A Lot. I mentally juggle my
subjective impressions of the place. One side of that
self is busy trying to map it to its sales brochure.
The sales brochure may describe it as a notable place
of pilgrimage, a place where seekers have been coming
for centuries to heal what ails 'em. I am -- hard as 
you may find to believe it -- open to that.

However, *at the same time*, another side of my self is
open to the mind's seemingly infinite ability to project 
onto its subjective experience of a place and its power 
the subsubjective pre-impression of that place that has 
been programmed into it as a result of reading the place's 
sales brochure. 

Me, I just enjoy the time there and then assess any 
possible difference between the sales brochure impres-
sion of the place and my own impression of the place
afterwards, and then make my own Overall Vibe Assessment.

My subjective Overall Vibe Assessment of many Christian-
oriented supposed Places Of Power in Europe is that
they are WAY overhyped, and that they...uh...desereth
not the hype. On the other hand, quite a few of the older, 
pre-Christian sites are WAY happening.

But that might just be me...

 --- On Sat, 4/17/10, TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 From: TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Shroud of Turin Report (or, When the Fans Hit the 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, April 17, 2010, 12:18 PM
 My brother just Skype'd me from Torino, where he stood
 in line with the other seekers last night to see the
 only-once-every- ten-years showing of the Shroud of Turin.
 He described waiting to see it in terms of Castaneda's
 controlled folly, in that although you are pre-assigned
 a 15-minute window in which to see it, being an Italian
 system it didn't always work out quite as imagined. The
 Shroud itself is encased in a climate-controlled bullet-
 proof glass enclosure that rises up from an altar, and 
 then descends back into it when the viewings are over.
 He actually enjoyed some of the sidebar exhibitions
 more than the Shroud itself, especially the one that
 takes advantage of the fact that the image on the
 Shroud is essentially a photo negative and turns
 it into a projected, 3D image of the positive. In
 other words, you are looking at a 3D hologram of
 Christ, reconstructed from the 2D negative image on
 the Shroud. Eeriely lifelike, were I think the 
 words he used.
 The Vibe Report. He definitely got a hit off of it.
 Now you have to bear in mind that my brother actually
 has a thing for Jesus, and reveres him in ways that I
 do not. And that he has just flown several thousand
 miles on a whim to see the guy's *possible* image
 on a sheet. But he definitely got a hit off it. He
 described it as -- for him -- Emanating white light.
 At this point the Big Test of the Shroud's Woo Woo
 Quotient and the lasting value of its textile darshan
 will be whether he can actually get home. The Cloud
 (as opposed to the Shroud) emanating from Iceland
 and covering Europe has now closed Italian airspace
 as well, and none of the airlines are answering 
 their 800 numbers. 
 If he gets home tomorrow as planned, consider that
 a big win for those who believe in the value of
 visiting holy relics. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lou Valentino: Astrological Predictions for April 2010 come true................

2010-04-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_re...@... wrote:

 man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,

 3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.

How are you going to measure this?
Wait a second, are you the guy who has been disappearing behind the bushes when 
I go to pull my bedroom curtains at night?  Just put me down for a yes and 
stay out of my yard!

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  My favorite line:
   the Earth is going to react in some way 
  I am s getting into this biz.
  I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and the angles of 
  incidence of the heavenly bodies (particularly that retrograde, reprobate, 
  retard Pluto) some people on earth are going to react in some way.
  Stay tuned for my circling the bulls-eye when it happens!  
 man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,
 I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and the angles of 
 incidence of the heavenly bodies 
 1) 146,376 people in the word, TOMORROW, are going to die, due to the death 
 of the old age of greed and hucksterism.
 2) However, given that we are witnessing the birth of a new age of  peace and 
 free love, there will be 351,236 births tomorrow. 
 3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   Dear astrological clients and spiritual family,

   In my April monthly forecast I wrote the following predictions:

   Earthquake activity also remains an issue because of the Pluto, Saturn 
   and Uranus combination of this new Moon. Tornado activity could also 
   increase because of the Taurus signature and the Earth is going to react 
   in some way as Pluto goes very deep into areas of the Earth that we are 
   not aware of in retrograde motion along with Saturn in deep retrograde 
   motion till it turns direct at the end of May

   So far April has brought about an earthquake in Western China and now we 
   have a volcano eruption in Iceland that has shut down air travel to and 
   from America to Europe and other eastern countries.

   The Earth is in labor and is ready to give birth to a new age. Ask any 
   women who has had a child and she will tell you it is no picnic to carry 
   all of the weight around and then go through labor pains but when the 
   baby is delivered the joy of being co-creator is beyond words.

   Therefore, we can say that the labor pains for planet Earth will last 
   over the next two year’s or so and finally give birth to a more 
   civilized humanity. As I have written in my e-book “Full Moon Messages 
   from the Pleiadians” the preparation phase which starts 2012 will last 
   till 2026. 

   During that time a new way of living will be introduced to humanity via 
   other advanced races that will create a whole new model of economics, 
   healthcare, science and other areas of life.

   As always keep praying and meditating and sending as much love as you can 
   into the Earth as Earth Day approaches us on April 22, 2010 humanity will 
   be having deep conversations on how we can bring a more intimate 
   relationship to ourselves and our beautiful planet we call Earth.

   Go to Astrological Varieties http://www.yogavisionaries.com/   for 
   more information.

   Love and Light,
   Lou Valentino

   If you would like to be taken off mailing list reply with “Take off 
   List”. Thank you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bill Maher: A Text Message For Republicans

2010-04-17 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 A classic. Equally applicable as a message to some here.
 Facebook version (probably only visible to members):
 Movieweb version:

Maher's material almost writes itself. As if it was already laying on the 
ground and he just picked it up. A compliment -- in that the material is not a 
forced, or a manipulated laugh, as say Leno might be, but rather simply 
highlighting, punctuating, via his delivery, a big chunk of reality, like 
picking up a large rock, or tree branch found on a walk.

And his delivery has a cadence that I find infectious -- as if he has tapped 
into some common root of the earth. Earthy, punchy, but the rhythym and 
cadence, the flow, is like something -- again -- found out in nature on a walk 
-- like capturing the cadence of a river, with some thunderstorm bolts, and a 
gusty wind, that also becomes a soothing breeze. 

Or perhaps capturing a natural cadence of the brain -- common to all. As 
evidenced from my posts, the riff and cadence of this that and whatever, 
punctuated by Have you been to (LA, fill in appropriate city) lately!!?? is 
either imprinted on my brain, or his routines have simply unlocked and made 
accessable, a natural rhythym already pulsing in my brain.

I vote/endorse Bill to be White House Chief of Staff to knock heads and kick 
butt to get people thinking clearly. Or as secretary of state -- that could 
liven up foreign relations. Or maybe a new cabinet position, Reality-Grounder 
in Chief. Carte Blanche to roam the halls of government and politico apparatus, 
slapping sense into jaded hacks, kicking butt of entrenched policy-wonks, and 
knocking heads of the inane and simply f'ed up politicos -- but you know in a 
very green, hip and peace-loving way.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Lou Valentino: Astrological Predictions for April 2010 come true................

2010-04-17 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
  man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,
  3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.
 How are you going to measure this?
 Wait a second, are you the guy who has been disappearing behind the bushes 
 when I go to pull my bedroom curtains at night?  Just put me down for a yes 
 and stay out of my yard!

I am glad you asked!

You see, I have this um, friend, ya thats the ticket, a friend, ya see, who 
spends his weekends at hip gathering spots -- nature haunts, coffee-houses, and 
the tofu rack at Whole Foods, randomly (ya thats the ticket -- sciencey types 
love that word random) randomly asking  people (odd that 95% are women), 
Ashley's so to speak, I am with the Holistic Whole-Earth Lifestyles Institute, 
may I ask you a few survey questions for our study on making the world a better 
place to live -- for us, and our children's sake? After the obvious yes, ok 
my friend asks, Are you planning to fornicate today?  After the obvious 
yes,, then. with one or multiple partners? ... Do you have your partners 
picked out, or are you sort of lookin'  etc.

My friend seems to really like his job.


  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   My favorite line:
the Earth is going to react in some way 
   I am s getting into this biz.
   I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and the angles of 
   incidence of the heavenly bodies (particularly that retrograde, 
   reprobate, retard Pluto) some people on earth are going to react in some 
   Stay tuned for my circling the bulls-eye when it happens!  
  man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,
  I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and the angles of 
  incidence of the heavenly bodies 
  1) 146,376 people in the word, TOMORROW, are going to die, due to the death 
  of the old age of greed and hucksterism.
  2) However, given that we are witnessing the birth of a new age of  peace 
  and free love, there will be 351,236 births tomorrow. 
  3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

Dear astrological clients and spiritual family,
In my April monthly forecast I wrote the following predictions:
Earthquake activity also remains an issue because of the Pluto, Saturn 
and Uranus combination of this new Moon. Tornado activity could also 
increase because of the Taurus signature and the Earth is going to 
react in some way as Pluto goes very deep into areas of the Earth that 
we are not aware of in retrograde motion along with Saturn in deep 
retrograde motion till it turns direct at the end of May
So far April has brought about an earthquake in Western China and now 
we have a volcano eruption in Iceland that has shut down air travel to 
and from America to Europe and other eastern countries.
The Earth is in labor and is ready to give birth to a new age. Ask any 
women who has had a child and she will tell you it is no picnic to 
carry all of the weight around and then go through labor pains but when 
the baby is delivered the joy of being co-creator is beyond words.
Therefore, we can say that the labor pains for planet Earth will last 
over the next two year’s or so and finally give birth to a more 
civilized humanity. As I have written in my e-book “Full Moon 
Messages from the Pleiadians” the preparation phase which starts 2012 
will last till 2026. 
During that time a new way of living will be introduced to humanity via 
other advanced races that will create a whole new model of economics, 
healthcare, science and other areas of life.
As always keep praying and meditating and sending as much love as you 
can into the Earth as Earth Day approaches us on April 22, 2010 
humanity will be having deep conversations on how we can bring a more 
intimate relationship to ourselves and our beautiful planet we call 
Go to Astrological Varieties http://www.yogavisionaries.com/   
for more information.
Love and Light,
Lou Valentino
If you would like to be taken off mailing list reply with “Take off 
List”. Thank you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lou Valentino: Astrological Predictions for April 2010 come true................

2010-04-17 Thread Duveyoung
Willy's reply:  So, your friend is 5% homo?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
   man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,
   3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.
  How are you going to measure this?
  Wait a second, are you the guy who has been disappearing behind the bushes 
  when I go to pull my bedroom curtains at night?  Just put me down for a 
  yes and stay out of my yard!
 I am glad you asked!
 You see, I have this um, friend, ya thats the ticket, a friend, ya see, who 
 spends his weekends at hip gathering spots -- nature haunts, coffee-houses, 
 and the tofu rack at Whole Foods, randomly (ya thats the ticket -- sciencey 
 types love that word random) randomly asking  people (odd that 95% are 
 women), Ashley's so to speak, I am with the Holistic Whole-Earth Lifestyles 
 Institute, may I ask you a few survey questions for our study on making the 
 world a better place to live -- for us, and our children's sake? After the 
 obvious yes, ok my friend asks, Are you planning to fornicate today?  
 After the obvious yes,, then. with one or multiple partners? ... Do you 
 have your partners picked out, or are you sort of lookin'  etc.
 My friend seems to really like his job.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
My favorite line:

 the Earth is going to react in some way 

I am s getting into this biz.

I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and the angles of 
incidence of the heavenly bodies (particularly that retrograde, 
reprobate, retard Pluto) some people on earth are going to react in 
some way.

Stay tuned for my circling the bulls-eye when it happens!  

   man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,

   I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and the angles of 
   incidence of the heavenly bodies 
   1) 146,376 people in the word, TOMORROW, are going to die, due to the 
   death of the old age of greed and hucksterism.
   2) However, given that we are witnessing the birth of a new age of  peace 
   and free love, there will be 351,236 births tomorrow. 
   3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

 Dear astrological clients and spiritual family,
 In my April monthly forecast I wrote the following predictions:
 Earthquake activity also remains an issue because of the Pluto, 
 Saturn and Uranus combination of this new Moon. Tornado activity 
 could also increase because of the Taurus signature and the Earth is 
 going to react in some way as Pluto goes very deep into areas of the 
 Earth that we are not aware of in retrograde motion along with Saturn 
 in deep retrograde motion till it turns direct at the end of May
 So far April has brought about an earthquake in Western China and now 
 we have a volcano eruption in Iceland that has shut down air travel 
 to and from America to Europe and other eastern countries.
 The Earth is in labor and is ready to give birth to a new age. Ask 
 any women who has had a child and she will tell you it is no picnic 
 to carry all of the weight around and then go through labor pains but 
 when the baby is delivered the joy of being co-creator is beyond 
 Therefore, we can say that the labor pains for planet Earth will last 
 over the next two year’s or so and finally give birth to a more 
 civilized humanity. As I have written in my e-book “Full Moon 
 Messages from the Pleiadians” the preparation phase which starts 
 2012 will last till 2026. 
 During that time a new way of living will be introduced to humanity 
 via other advanced races that will create a whole new model of 
 economics, healthcare, science and other areas of life.
 As always keep praying and meditating and sending as much love as you 
 can into the Earth as Earth Day approaches us on April 22, 2010 
 humanity will be having deep conversations on how we can bring a more 
 intimate relationship to ourselves and our beautiful planet we call 
 Go to Astrological Varieties http://www.yogavisionaries.com/   
 for more information.
 Love and Light,
 Lou Valentino
 If you would like to be taken off mailing list reply with “Take off 
 List”. Thank you.


[FairfieldLife] Idly, Dosa,uttapam food obsession update

2010-04-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
Since this is the only site I can think of where there might be someone who 

I wrote before about cracking the code of these batters using a controlled 
sourdough culture.  Ever the scientist (when it suits me) I went back to the 
traditional style of natural fermentation.  The batter puffed up with 
enthusiasm but smelled vaguely of old socks. When cooked this funk remained, 
not horrible, a touch of Camembert cheese perhaps.  It is just the random 
bacteria in the air at the time with the natural yeast in my area.  It was a 
long way from great which is what I get when I introduce my own sourdough 

I am working through all my sourdough cultures to find the best one for Idly.  
San Francisco was great, I am using one of the two strains I have from Napoli, 
Italy and it has a great flavor but more modest rise.  So this is why some 
places are famed to have the best idly etc. in India, it is the bacteria yeast 
in that area just like sourdough bread.  The ingredients are too simple for 
them to be the secret.  I can't believe it has taken me 25 years to crack this 
code but I will make up for it by consuming large quantities of this manna for 
the rest of my life.

You can become a mad scientist yourself by getting your cultures here: 
www.sourdo.com  This guy is my kind of saint, went all over the world to 
capture the best Fred and Ginger bacteria and wild yeasts for us to enjoy.  
(Important safety tip when at parties and have consumed a bourbon or three and 
have a sweet young thing cornered.  Do NOT go through all the strains of 
sourdough you have in your refrigerator listing the pros and cons.  Although 
she might start with a genuine interest that you are a dude who cooks after the 
third culture's merits and demerits her eyes will glaze over and your chances 
for voluntary sex that night are zero.  Fortunately for me I always have my 
plan B, duct tape, in my pocket.)

Dosa update:My next challenge was to master the dosa which I have always had 
mixed results in frying pans.  The reason is the lack of uniform heat.  I got 
an electric griddle ($20 Walmart special, special thanks to the Chinese 
children who built it) and could obsessively move through all the temps to find 
the magic one.  So far 350F is the winner.  I have spent decades going back in 
restaurant dosa kitchens when they would let me and watching water dance on the 
griddle to try to figure out the temp.  Now I can set it and forget it (hey 
that's catchy!)

The other variable is that the batter has to be very thinned down and you have 
to work on the motion of spreading it thin and then thinning it further with 
the bottom of your ladle.  After if cooks for a minute or two spay some oil at 
the edges and a little on top.  I like to flip mine over and cook a little on 
the other side.  Loosen the edges with your spatula first before you try to get 
to the center to flip it.

I have always used urid dal 1 part, course ground rice flour two parts but have 
recently seen some recipes calling for the addition of both channa dahl (bengal 
gram) and fenugreek.  If I can find the dahl flour I will try it.  I love the 
taste of fenugreek and the channa should make the dosa more yellow. Reports to 

For anyone who wants to see me make a few dosas I made a short clip. It came 
out kind of underexposed so don't be alarmed at my dark skin!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Lou Valentino: Astrological Predictions for April 2010 come true................

2010-04-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_re...@... wrote:

 randomly asking  people (odd that 95% are women), Ashley's so to speak, I am 
with the Holistic Whole-Earth Lifestyles Institute, may I ask you a few survey 
questions for our study on making the world a better place to live -- for us, 
and our children's sake? After the obvious yes, ok my friend asks, Are 
you planning to fornicate today?  After the obvious yes,, then. with one or 
multiple partners? ... Do you have your partners picked out, or are you sort 
of lookin'  etc.

Excellent rap!  The subtlety of this routine makes me want to re-think my own 
most successful opening line: Get in the trunk. At first it would seem to 
save time over his method but once you add in the jail time it pretty much 
evens out.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
   man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,
   3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.
  How are you going to measure this?
  Wait a second, are you the guy who has been disappearing behind the bushes 
  when I go to pull my bedroom curtains at night?  Just put me down for a 
  yes and stay out of my yard!
 I am glad you asked!
 You see, I have this um, friend, ya thats the ticket, a friend, ya see, who 
 spends his weekends at hip gathering spots -- nature haunts, coffee-houses, 
 and the tofu rack at Whole Foods, randomly (ya thats the ticket -- sciencey 
 types love that word random) randomly asking  people (odd that 95% are 
 women), Ashley's so to speak, I am with the Holistic Whole-Earth Lifestyles 
 Institute, may I ask you a few survey questions for our study on making the 
 world a better place to live -- for us, and our children's sake? After the 
 obvious yes, ok my friend asks, Are you planning to fornicate today?  
 After the obvious yes,, then. with one or multiple partners? ... Do you 
 have your partners picked out, or are you sort of lookin'  etc.
 My friend seems to really like his job.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
My favorite line:

 the Earth is going to react in some way 

I am s getting into this biz.

I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and the angles of 
incidence of the heavenly bodies (particularly that retrograde, 
reprobate, retard Pluto) some people on earth are going to react in 
some way.

Stay tuned for my circling the bulls-eye when it happens!  

   man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,

   I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and the angles of 
   incidence of the heavenly bodies 
   1) 146,376 people in the word, TOMORROW, are going to die, due to the 
   death of the old age of greed and hucksterism.
   2) However, given that we are witnessing the birth of a new age of  peace 
   and free love, there will be 351,236 births tomorrow. 
   3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

 Dear astrological clients and spiritual family,
 In my April monthly forecast I wrote the following predictions:
 Earthquake activity also remains an issue because of the Pluto, 
 Saturn and Uranus combination of this new Moon. Tornado activity 
 could also increase because of the Taurus signature and the Earth is 
 going to react in some way as Pluto goes very deep into areas of the 
 Earth that we are not aware of in retrograde motion along with Saturn 
 in deep retrograde motion till it turns direct at the end of May
 So far April has brought about an earthquake in Western China and now 
 we have a volcano eruption in Iceland that has shut down air travel 
 to and from America to Europe and other eastern countries.
 The Earth is in labor and is ready to give birth to a new age. Ask 
 any women who has had a child and she will tell you it is no picnic 
 to carry all of the weight around and then go through labor pains but 
 when the baby is delivered the joy of being co-creator is beyond 
 Therefore, we can say that the labor pains for planet Earth will last 
 over the next two year’s or so and finally give birth to a more 
 civilized humanity. As I have written in my e-book “Full Moon 
 Messages from the Pleiadians” the preparation phase which starts 
 2012 will last till 2026. 
 During that time a new way of living will be introduced to humanity 
 via other advanced races that will create a whole new model of 
 economics, healthcare, science and other areas of life.
 As always 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lou Valentino: Astrological Predictions for April 2010 come true................

2010-04-17 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 Willy's reply:  So, your friend is 5% homo?

Well, with all the intense fascination about homo-erotic religious art, bros 
hugging -- but chastising each other just a little too much to keep your hands 
off my ass, grand but hollow boasts about penis size, contemplations on 
mysterious shrouds -- that imply a naked man's body somewhere, and the 
generally totally gay conversations about Oneness, Gas Pumps and art-house 
films,  one has to ask Aren't we all?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,
3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.
   How are you going to measure this?
   Wait a second, are you the guy who has been disappearing behind the 
   bushes when I go to pull my bedroom curtains at night?  Just put me down 
   for a yes and stay out of my yard!
  I am glad you asked!
  You see, I have this um, friend, ya thats the ticket, a friend, ya see, who 
  spends his weekends at hip gathering spots -- nature haunts, coffee-houses, 
  and the tofu rack at Whole Foods, randomly (ya thats the ticket -- 
  sciencey types love that word random) randomly asking  people (odd that 
  95% are women), Ashley's so to speak, I am with the Holistic Whole-Earth 
  Lifestyles Institute, may I ask you a few survey questions for our study on 
  making the world a better place to live -- for us, and our children's 
  sake? After the obvious yes, ok my friend asks, Are you planning to 
  fornicate today?  After the obvious yes,, then. with one or multiple 
  partners? ... Do you have your partners picked out, or are you sort of 
  lookin'  etc.
  My friend seems to really like his job.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

 My favorite line:
  the Earth is going to react in some way 
 I am s getting into this biz.
 I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and the angles 
 of incidence of the heavenly bodies (particularly that retrograde, 
 reprobate, retard Pluto) some people on earth are going to react in 
 some way.
 Stay tuned for my circling the bulls-eye when it happens!  

man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,
I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and the angles of 
incidence of the heavenly bodies 

1) 146,376 people in the word, TOMORROW, are going to die, due to the 
death of the old age of greed and hucksterism.

2) However, given that we are witnessing the birth of a new age of  
peace and free love, there will be 351,236 births tomorrow. 

3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Dear astrological clients and spiritual family,
  In my April monthly forecast I wrote the following predictions:
  Earthquake activity also remains an issue because of the Pluto, 
  Saturn and Uranus combination of this new Moon. Tornado activity 
  could also increase because of the Taurus signature and the Earth 
  is going to react in some way as Pluto goes very deep into areas of 
  the Earth that we are not aware of in retrograde motion along with 
  Saturn in deep retrograde motion till it turns direct at the end of 
  So far April has brought about an earthquake in Western China and 
  now we have a volcano eruption in Iceland that has shut down air 
  travel to and from America to Europe and other eastern countries.
  The Earth is in labor and is ready to give birth to a new age. Ask 
  any women who has had a child and she will tell you it is no picnic 
  to carry all of the weight around and then go through labor pains 
  but when the baby is delivered the joy of being co-creator is 
  beyond words.
  Therefore, we can say that the labor pains for planet Earth will 
  last over the next two year’s or so and finally give birth to a 
  more civilized humanity. As I have written in my e-book “Full 
  Moon Messages from the Pleiadians” the preparation phase which 
  starts 2012 will last till 2026. 
  During that time a new way of living will be introduced to humanity 
  via other advanced races that will create a whole new model of 
  economics, healthcare, science and other areas of life.
  As always keep praying and meditating and sending as much love as 
  you can 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lou Valentino: Astrological Predictions for April 2010 come true................

2010-04-17 Thread WillyTex

 Willy's reply: So, your friend is 5% homo?
Hey, I don't know anything about Lou Valentino, 
Edg. but, aren't all deviants that molest young 
boys, homosexuals? Else, they would be molesting 
young girls, right? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lou Valentino: Astrological Predictions for April 2010 come true................

2010-04-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  Willy's reply:  So, your friend is 5% homo?
 Well, with all the intense fascination about homo-erotic religious 
 art, bros hugging -- but chastising each other just a little too 
 much to keep your hands off my ass, grand but hollow boasts about 
 penis size, contemplations on mysterious shrouds -- that imply a 
 naked man's body somewhere, and the generally totally gay 
 conversations about Oneness, Gas Pumps and art-house films, 
 one has to ask Aren't we all?

With all due respect, dude, after the next Group Hug
when the question Whose hand is on my ass? comes up,
your name is going to pop to the top of the list. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Lou Valentino: Astrological Predictions for April 2010 come true................

2010-04-17 Thread Duveyoung
I'm so glad I stopped regularly posting here.  With my talents gone, lookie 
here lookie here -- into that vacuum struts Beloved Cur and Sour Oblongata!  
They've step to the fore and give us world class smarm and ha ha's and love 
wrapped in malevolence and (man o man I can hardly type the words) with dope 
creative writing skills. 

I bow.

Again and again I bow.

Curtis -- what's with this increase in your posting?  Are you busking less?  
Um, um, you've imported a Russian Wife and now it's all you can do to get out 
of bed?  Querying minds want to know.  


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  Willy's reply:  So, your friend is 5% homo?
 Well, with all the intense fascination about homo-erotic religious art, bros 
 hugging -- but chastising each other just a little too much to keep your 
 hands off my ass, grand but hollow boasts about penis size, contemplations 
 on mysterious shrouds -- that imply a naked man's body somewhere, and the 
 generally totally gay conversations about Oneness, Gas Pumps and art-house 
 films,  one has to ask Aren't we all?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:

 man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,

 3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.

How are you going to measure this?
Wait a second, are you the guy who has been disappearing behind the 
bushes when I go to pull my bedroom curtains at night?  Just put me 
down for a yes and stay out of my yard!

   I am glad you asked!
   You see, I have this um, friend, ya thats the ticket, a friend, ya see, 
   who spends his weekends at hip gathering spots -- nature haunts, 
   coffee-houses, and the tofu rack at Whole Foods, randomly (ya thats the 
   ticket -- sciencey types love that word random) randomly asking  people 
   (odd that 95% are women), Ashley's so to speak, I am with the Holistic 
   Whole-Earth Lifestyles Institute, may I ask you a few survey questions 
   for our study on making the world a better place to live -- for us, and 
   our children's sake? After the obvious yes, ok my friend asks, Are 
   you planning to fornicate today?  After the obvious yes,, then. with 
   one or multiple partners? ... Do you have your partners picked out, or 
   are you sort of lookin'  etc.
   My friend seems to really like his job.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  My favorite line:
   the Earth is going to react in some way 
  I am s getting into this biz.
  I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and the 
  angles of incidence of the heavenly bodies (particularly that 
  retrograde, reprobate, retard Pluto) some people on earth are going 
  to react in some way.
  Stay tuned for my circling the bulls-eye when it happens!  
 man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,
 I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and the angles 
 of incidence of the heavenly bodies 
 1) 146,376 people in the word, TOMORROW, are going to die, due to the 
 death of the old age of greed and hucksterism.
 2) However, given that we are witnessing the birth of a new age of  
 peace and free love, there will be 351,236 births tomorrow. 
 3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   Dear astrological clients and spiritual family,

   In my April monthly forecast I wrote the following predictions:

   Earthquake activity also remains an issue because of the Pluto, 
   Saturn and Uranus combination of this new Moon. Tornado activity 
   could also increase because of the Taurus signature and the Earth 
   is going to react in some way as Pluto goes very deep into areas 
   of the Earth that we are not aware of in retrograde motion along 
   with Saturn in deep retrograde motion till it turns direct at the 
   end of May

   So far April has brought about an earthquake in Western China and 
   now we have a volcano eruption in Iceland that has shut down air 
   travel to and from America to Europe and other eastern countries.

   The Earth is in labor and is ready to give birth to a new age. 
   Ask any women who has had a child and she will tell you it is no 
   picnic to carry all of the weight around and 

[FairfieldLife] Volcanic ash keeps flights across Europe grounded.....

2010-04-17 Thread Hugo

And I can't tell you how much I'm enjoying it. The news is,
of course, full of stories of people not being able to go home
from holidays etc but they are completely missing the big 

It's fabulous out there. The sky is so blue it's breathtaking,
even with a bit of high altitude volcanic ash the lack of
air pollution seeded at 40,000 feet is noticeable already.
And the silence is deafening, you only notice the hundreds of
planes that fly over your house every day when they aren't 
there. We've been selling ourselves *way* short with air travel,
no amount of convenience is worth this environmental destruction.

It's like going back in time a century, the high price of oil
keeps most cars off the road so us cyclists are having a super
time, and on a straw poll of folks I bumped into in cafes and 
walking the street EVERYONE wants air travel banned permanently
as it's *so* nice here at the moment.

I'm hoping mount Eyjafjallajokull (will we ever learn how to
pronounce that) keeps erupting for a couple of years which will
force us to grow more food here and stop hopping to eastern
europe to get drunk whenever we feel like it. Sanity will
reign again. 

So far we've discussed a trip to Iceland with a pair of large
bellows to stoke the flames of Eyjafjallajokull but then I
thought a yagya to Ragnarok might do the trick, but then 
remembered we'll be running out of oil in 5 years so maybe
we should let nature take it's course.It'll be worth the wait.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Lou Valentino: Astrological Predictions for April 2010 come true................

2010-04-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  Willy's reply:  So, your friend is 5% homo?
 Well, with all the intense fascination about homo-erotic religious art, bros 
 hugging -- but chastising each other just a little too much to keep your 
 hands off my ass, grand but hollow boasts about penis size, contemplations 
 on mysterious shrouds -- that imply a naked man's body somewhere, and the 
 generally totally gay conversations about Oneness, Gas Pumps and art-house 
 films,  one has to ask Aren't we all?

You are on a roll brother!  Homer Simpson says it best:


  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:

 man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,

 3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.

How are you going to measure this?
Wait a second, are you the guy who has been disappearing behind the 
bushes when I go to pull my bedroom curtains at night?  Just put me 
down for a yes and stay out of my yard!

   I am glad you asked!
   You see, I have this um, friend, ya thats the ticket, a friend, ya see, 
   who spends his weekends at hip gathering spots -- nature haunts, 
   coffee-houses, and the tofu rack at Whole Foods, randomly (ya thats the 
   ticket -- sciencey types love that word random) randomly asking  people 
   (odd that 95% are women), Ashley's so to speak, I am with the Holistic 
   Whole-Earth Lifestyles Institute, may I ask you a few survey questions 
   for our study on making the world a better place to live -- for us, and 
   our children's sake? After the obvious yes, ok my friend asks, Are 
   you planning to fornicate today?  After the obvious yes,, then. with 
   one or multiple partners? ... Do you have your partners picked out, or 
   are you sort of lookin'  etc.
   My friend seems to really like his job.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  My favorite line:
   the Earth is going to react in some way 
  I am s getting into this biz.
  I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and the 
  angles of incidence of the heavenly bodies (particularly that 
  retrograde, reprobate, retard Pluto) some people on earth are going 
  to react in some way.
  Stay tuned for my circling the bulls-eye when it happens!  
 man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,
 I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and the angles 
 of incidence of the heavenly bodies 
 1) 146,376 people in the word, TOMORROW, are going to die, due to the 
 death of the old age of greed and hucksterism.
 2) However, given that we are witnessing the birth of a new age of  
 peace and free love, there will be 351,236 births tomorrow. 
 3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   Dear astrological clients and spiritual family,

   In my April monthly forecast I wrote the following predictions:

   Earthquake activity also remains an issue because of the Pluto, 
   Saturn and Uranus combination of this new Moon. Tornado activity 
   could also increase because of the Taurus signature and the Earth 
   is going to react in some way as Pluto goes very deep into areas 
   of the Earth that we are not aware of in retrograde motion along 
   with Saturn in deep retrograde motion till it turns direct at the 
   end of May

   So far April has brought about an earthquake in Western China and 
   now we have a volcano eruption in Iceland that has shut down air 
   travel to and from America to Europe and other eastern countries.

   The Earth is in labor and is ready to give birth to a new age. 
   Ask any women who has had a child and she will tell you it is no 
   picnic to carry all of the weight around and then go through 
   labor pains but when the baby is delivered the joy of being 
   co-creator is beyond words.

   Therefore, we can say that the labor pains for planet Earth will 
   last over the next two year’s or so and finally give birth to a 
   more civilized humanity. As I have written in my e-book “Full 
   Moon Messages from the Pleiadians” the preparation phase which 
   starts 2012 will last till 2026. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Lou Valentino: Astrological Predictions for April 2010 come true................

2010-04-17 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 I'm so glad I stopped regularly posting here.  With my talents gone, lookie 
 here lookie here -- into that vacuum struts Beloved Cur and Sour Oblongata!  
 They've step to the fore and give us world class smarm and ha ha's and love 
 wrapped in malevolence and (man o man I can hardly type the words) with dope 
 creative writing skills. 
 I bow.
 Again and again I bow.
 Curtis -- what's with this increase in your posting?  Are you busking less?  
 Um, um, you've imported a Russian Wife and now it's all you can do to get out 
 of bed?  Querying minds want to know.  

I heading out right now Edg thanks for asking.  I dropped out of Facebook for a 
while so that may be the reason I am posting more here lately.  I gotta so 
somewhere with my drivel!

I go with the weather and the people flow.  Weather here has been dicey lately. 
But this has been my best busking season start ever so I expect a great Summer. 
 Hope you are out triking yourself silly brother!

I hope you try my dosa idly tip.  It is the holy grail for South Indian foodies!

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
   Willy's reply:  So, your friend is 5% homo?
  Well, with all the intense fascination about homo-erotic religious art, 
  bros hugging -- but chastising each other just a little too much to keep 
  your hands off my ass, grand but hollow boasts about penis size, 
  contemplations on mysterious shrouds -- that imply a naked man's body 
  somewhere, and the generally totally gay conversations about Oneness, Gas 
  Pumps and art-house films,  one has to ask Aren't we all?
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
  man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,
  3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.
 How are you going to measure this?
 Wait a second, are you the guy who has been disappearing behind the 
 bushes when I go to pull my bedroom curtains at night?  Just put me 
 down for a yes and stay out of my yard!

I am glad you asked!

You see, I have this um, friend, ya thats the ticket, a friend, ya see, 
who spends his weekends at hip gathering spots -- nature haunts, 
coffee-houses, and the tofu rack at Whole Foods, randomly (ya thats 
the ticket -- sciencey types love that word random) randomly asking  
people (odd that 95% are women), Ashley's so to speak, I am with the 
Holistic Whole-Earth Lifestyles Institute, may I ask you a few survey 
questions for our study on making the world a better place to live -- 
for us, and our children's sake? After the obvious yes, ok my 
friend asks, Are you planning to fornicate today?  After the 
obvious yes,, then. with one or multiple partners? ... Do you have 
your partners picked out, or are you sort of lookin'  etc.

My friend seems to really like his job.


  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   My favorite line:
the Earth is going to react in some way 
   I am s getting into this biz.
   I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and the 
   angles of incidence of the heavenly bodies (particularly that 
   retrograde, reprobate, retard Pluto) some people on earth are 
   going to react in some way.
   Stay tuned for my circling the bulls-eye when it happens!  
  man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,
  I predict that because of the planetary juxtaposition and the 
  angles of incidence of the heavenly bodies 
  1) 146,376 people in the word, TOMORROW, are going to die, due to 
  the death of the old age of greed and hucksterism.
  2) However, given that we are witnessing the birth of a new age of  
  peace and free love, there will be 351,236 births tomorrow. 
  3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

Dear astrological clients and spiritual family,
In my April monthly forecast I wrote the following predictions:
Earthquake activity also remains an issue because of the Pluto, 
Saturn and Uranus combination of this new Moon. Tornado 
activity could also increase because of the Taurus signature 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Lou Valentino: Astrological Predictions for April 2010 come true................

2010-04-17 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
  randomly asking  people (odd that 95% are women), Ashley's so to speak, I 
 am with the Holistic Whole-Earth Lifestyles Institute, may I ask you a few 
 survey questions for our study on making the world a better place to live -- 
 for us, and our children's sake? After the obvious yes, ok my friend 
 asks, Are you planning to fornicate today?  After the obvious yes,, then. 
 with one or multiple partners? ... Do you have your partners picked out, 
 or are you sort of lookin'  etc.
 Excellent rap!  The subtlety of this routine makes me want to re-think my own 
 most successful opening line: Get in the trunk. 

Which is sort of ironic in that, rumor has it, you prefer women (well, politely 
I will limit it to that) with some junk in the trunk -- but on the street the 
debate is if thats a natural inclination, or simple part of your excursion into 
exploring the black roots of the blues.  

And do they get into the trunk, or are you getting into the trunk? Its sort of 
a confusing image for us sexual illiterates. And does the trunk have chains? 
Air compression equipment for fixing a flat tire? 
Flashlights for probing dark places? Does it sort of reek of mold? Is it full 
of other garbage? Do other cars try to, or inadvertently rear-end it? Or is a 
old VW with the trunk in the front? 

 At first it would seem to save time over his method but once you add in the 
 jail time 

Jail time for the abduction? Or the 16 yr old thing? Tell me, does the judge 
add these various things up, or sort of its an OR not an AND -- and you only 
get the time as if it were one offense? And I hope you behave and don't start 
wondering about the judge and whats under his shroud -- and projecting 3-D 

Which brings to mind -- 3-D porn. Isn't it bad enough we have to listen to our 
date (from the survey thing) exclaim, emphatically See! Not all men are 4 
inches like you tried to tell me! but now we have to see our inferiority 
jutting out over the horizon -- as evening  spread out against the sky like a 
patient etherized upon a table - limp and cold from the night breeze, having to 
listen to the women as they come and go, comparing us the the rock hard statues 
of Michaelangelo.

And do you consider your junk escapades your right for being pious and 
faithful? A gift from God? Or do you hold that you are the gift from God to -- 
well, Ashleys of the world?  And does she scream Oh God, The Lord has Come 
or The Age of Awakening is here!  at the appropriate moment? -- or Oh Shit 
-- which brings us back to the junk in the trunk thing. 

And does the world, for you, end with a bang or a whimper. And does that bang 
knock out or wake up the Walter Mittey in you? Do you imagine your self making 
fantastic, crowd roaring arial feats on that swing over your bed? Or is it all 
in your head? Or is it a Benjamin Button thing where you start out wrinkly and 
feeble, and then progress to your a smaller wrinkly and feeble state? 

Thor, who is currently roaring and exploding in delight, sends his best. But he 
warns you to stay away form those icelandic, finnish and norwegian blonde 
ashely's.  They are far too pure for you -- and he's protecting them, Ya thats 
the ticket -- protecting them.


Please clarify. The world is awaiting for a new Prince of Piece - to govern the 
dawning age (yes, back to the 16 yr olds) of enlightenment and rockhard 
willpower over nature. 



it pretty much evens out.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
man, you need far more measurable predictions. For example,
3) 1.365,876,059  people will fornicate tomorrow.
   How are you going to measure this?
   Wait a second, are you the guy who has been disappearing behind the 
   bushes when I go to pull my bedroom curtains at night?  Just put me down 
   for a yes and stay out of my yard!
  I am glad you asked!
  You see, I have this um, friend, ya thats the ticket, a friend, ya see, who 
  spends his weekends at hip gathering spots -- nature haunts, coffee-houses, 
  and the tofu rack at Whole Foods, randomly (ya thats the ticket -- 
  sciencey types love that word random) randomly asking  people (odd that 
  95% are women), Ashley's so to speak, I am with the Holistic Whole-Earth 
  Lifestyles Institute, may I ask you a few survey questions for our study on 
  making the world a better place to live -- for us, and our children's 
  sake? After the obvious yes, ok my friend asks, Are you planning to 
  fornicate today?  After the obvious yes,, then. with one or multiple 
  partners? ... Do you have your partners picked out, or are you sort of 
  lookin'  etc.
  My friend seems to really 

[FairfieldLife] Obama Slams GOP Obstruction of Finance Reform

2010-04-17 Thread do.rflex

Obama in his weekly address calls out the Finance Reform lies from GOP 
leadership as he fights for:

-strong consumer financial protections

-transparency, accountability and oversight to Big Bank and Wall Street 
financial dealings

-closing the loopholes that have allowed recklessness and irresponsibility 
and allowed executives to take risks that not only endangered their companies, 
but also our entire economy

-new rules so that Big Banks and financial institutions will pay for the bad 
decisions they make - not taxpayers

-no more taxpayer bailouts

Watch: http://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/weekly-address


~~ Senate Republicans Band Together in Opposing Financial Bill

ALL 41 Senate Republicans have signed a letter urging the majority leader, 
Senator Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, to adopt a more bipartisan approach in 
developing legislation to tighten regulation of the nation's financial system.

The letter enraged Democrats, who noted that Senator Christopher J. Dodd, 
Democrat of Connecticut and chairman of the banking committee, had spent months 
working with Republicans and trying to get their cooperation on the bill.

The Republicans' letter did not explicitly threaten to block the bill from 
coming to the floor for debate, but senior Republican aides said that was the 
underlying message.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Obscene crucifix shocks parishioners.

2010-04-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_re...@... wrote:

 There used to be a company that licensed Hi Res great art
 from the top museums of the world --for use on HD TVs and PCs.
 often in slide show format, but you could stop and gaze. But
 they went out of business. 
 Is anyone aware of great art web sites, and/or subscription
 services. Or DVDs with just art?

Do a search for +CD-ROM +paintings for available CDs (the
DVDs are documentaries; all I could quickly find with
stills for slide-type shows are on CD, so probably not
HD). Here's three:



Here's the complete catalog of paintings in the British
National Gallery on CD:


Oh, here are two DVDs for slide shows, one on Impressionism
and one on Da Vinci:


Probably more of you scratch around. You'd think somebody
would put together a good series covering each period for
art history students.

 By searching Google on an
 artist, you can get a lot of their work under Image.  but
 its often limited res. I find WiKi often has quite high res
 art on an artists page -- but only a few (you need to click
 around to get the hi res option)  
 We need a napster of art.

Interesting thought.

Do you look for stuff on Wikimedia Commons? (I imagine
an image search on Google or Yahoo would turn up what it
has for a particular artist or art subject or artwork,
but it's faster just to start with Wikimedia.) As on
Wikipedia, some images are available in hi-res, but most
aren't, although a good portion of them are an OK size
for most purposes.


I took all three of the images in my Noli me tangere
post from Wikimedia Commons; they're all available in
large versions, but they aren't all that sharp in the
large sizes.

Here's the large size of the Titian (2,024 x 2,494),
for example:


The original is about 43 x 36 inches, so that's, oh, 
about 2/3 life-size on my 17 laptop screen, 1280 x 800.
I assume it would be sharper on a higher-res monitor,
but I'm not sure how that stuff works.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Starz's Spartacus

2010-04-17 Thread Bhairitu
tartbrain wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 With the local Hollywood Video going out of business and a new Samsung 
 networked Bluray player I decided to sign up again for Netflix.  As I've 
 mentioned before I used Netflix over 10 years ago when DVD first came 
 out because few if any of the local stores had DVDs to rent.  Then they 
 began getting them and I stopped using Netflix.  So upon Turq's 
 recommendation I put Starz's Spartacus: Blood and Sand in my Instant 
 Watch list.   Last night I watched the first half of the first episode.  
 Interesting series though nowhere as well produced as HBO's Rome but 
 quite interesting how they put green screen and CG to work to create the 
 episode.  Not sure if it's my cup of tea as I found plenty to fill the 
 queue otherwise.  Of course I've seen enough to see why Turq liked it. ;-)

 The first thing I watched in HD on Instant Play 

 I recently suspended my membership -- lack of time -- but when I was active, 
 I was disappointed in many of the instant plays. 

 First, many were edited to 4:3 format -- losing 2/3's of the actual picture. 
 i have refused to watch that format for years. (sort like using a 1/2 inch 
 thick condom.)
 Second, the resolution was mediocre on many (better on some). I have a 25 MB 
 connection so I assumed they hwouldhave the throttle opend up a bit on their 
 side -- maybe 6-10 MG which would enable HD streaming. 

 Have they changed and upped their output speeds?

 Third, selection was primarily old cable fodder -- though still a lot of old 
 art house films. 

No, they now have a pretty good selection but they like Redbox are 
getting delayed releases from the studios.   Folks on the home theater 
forums say that Netflix HD offerings have recently increased 
dramatically.   Except for the episodes of Spartacus which look more 
like they are WMV streams what I've watched has been 720p streams.  You 
only need about 2.5 to 3 mbps for those.  Vudu's HDX which 1080p 
requires about 4.5 mbps but I have 6 mbps DSL and so it works fine.  
Vudu has the best selection and current films including some of the IFC 
also in theaters stuff.  What I also like is a lot of older films 
which are also available in HD.  Vudu's encoding is excellent but the 
company was founded by HD geeks.  Walmart just bought them and I hope 
leaves them alone.  Amazon's service is the one with current TV series 
from FX and Syfy.

Redbox is talking about a $4 a month streaming service.  VOD is the future.

I can't stand 4:3 on an HD set.  I even noticed that 1930's movies 
seemed to be filmed by cinematographers who were used to shooting 
photography in a landscape widescreen format as there is often dead 
space on the top and bottom of the 4:3 frame (even with Citizen 
Kane).  Widescreen has been around since the beginning of film as that 
is what the French Lumiere brothers shot in just using the 5x3 post card 
film stock.  It may have been the studios were having the 30's films 
done that way for European audiences where 5:3 was used.  I have a 
couple Kino DVDs of those early films.  Warner developed widescreen in 
the late 1920s.  There was one western shot in 70mm widescreen back then 
and recently released on DVD (mabye Bluray).   The studios introduced it 
again in the 1950s as an extra to get people to go to theaters after the 
introduction of TV.  For instance I have This Island Earth which was 
filmed in 4:3 but framed for Cinemascope which was what I saw it in 

 Between Netflix, Vudu, Redbox and Amazon's service I might ditch most of 
 my cable bill.  Cable companies are so yesterday.

 I cancelled my subscription. A lot of stuff I watch is on hulu or you tube -- 
 at least the best parts.


For some reason NBC doesn't want people to watch Hulu on their sets 
though one can do it just using a computer with component or HDMI 
output.  I tried PlayOn but my Samsung player said it couldn't play the 
Hulu stream.  Boxee was told by Hulu to remove their support though 
there is supposedly a work around.  I might try that.  The weekend my 
53 set was out I watched TV and Hulu on my laptop using a networked HD 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Starz's Spartacus

2010-04-17 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 With the local Hollywood Video going out of business and a new 
 Samsung networked Bluray player I decided to sign up again for 
 Netflix.  As I've mentioned before I used Netflix over 10 years 
 ago when DVD first came out because few if any of the local 
 stores had DVDs to rent. Then they began getting them and I 
 stopped using Netflix. So upon Turq's recommendation I put 
 Starz's Spartacus: Blood and Sand in my Instant Watch list. 
 Last night I watched the first half of the first episode.  
 Interesting series though nowhere as well produced as HBO's 

 Just you wait. Heh heh. :-)
The second episode was better.  There is an interesting subtext going on 
which is almost more about current affairs than life in Rome.
 ...but quite interesting how they put green screen and CG to 
 work to create the episode. Not sure if it's my cup of tea as 
 I found plenty to fill the queue otherwise. Of course I've seen 
 enough to see why Turq liked it. ;-)

 As much as I like tits, it's not just the tits. :-)
 Spartacus has some of the best villains I have
 ever seen onscreen, and some of the most nefarious
 plotting. Not to mention a depth of characterization
 I had absolutely no reason to suspect was coming in
 the first couple of episodes.

 I have gone beyond being an apologetic fan and have
 become an unapologetic fan. I think that -- for good
 or ill -- it defines the future of television. I 
 expect there to be six knockoff copycat series within
 a year. None of them will be as good, but all of them
 will use the violence porn metaphor.

Unfortunately that is the way that horror has gone especially since the 
Saw and Hostel successes.
 The first thing I watched in HD on Instant Play was was a quirky 
 psychological thriller which could easily make the weird film 
 list called Order of Chaos.  

 I have a download of this, but haven't watched it yet.

 I had stumbled across the movie looking at the Alan Watt 
 http://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com site as they used 
 a couple of Alan's Internet radio raps in the movie and 
 he had put a link to Amazon's listing there. Those not 
 familiar with Alan is he is a Scotsman living in Canada 
 doing historical conspiracy podcasts.   

 I can somehow see why this would be your cuppa tea. :-)


I had some email exchanges with Alan a few years back.  He had claimed 
on his podcast that rock musicians of the 1960s didn't know that much 
about music (he claims to be a former profession songwriter).   Au 
contraire, even people like Graham Parson had jazz backgrounds.   Brian 
Wilson was also into jazz and composition.   So were many of the well 
known rock stars I met and we used to compare notes.  I particularly 
remember siting with some of the guys from the Greatful Dead at my house 
listening to John Cage.  We were all music students that looked at the 
rock scene and thought hey we can write that stuff in our sleep!  Well 
writing it was one thing the politics of the record industry is another.
 You can find these on his site and they can be very 
 entertaining. One interesting thing is he claims that TM 
 was an attempt by the Freemason's to create a new religion 
 using Maharishi.  

 That's just silly. The Freemasons I've met were much smarter
 than that. :-)

I'm thinking he was into TM and went to Charlie's lectures and derived 
it from that.
 I suspect that Alan may have at one time practiced TM or was 
 even a teacher. The movie was interesting enough that I had 
 Netflix send me the DVD so that I could listen to the commentary 
 and see what was behind the making of the movie.

 Let me guess: The making of money?  :-)


Or losing it.  I was reading a commentary in THR this morning on 
companies looking to make money in Hollywood and winding up losing 
instead.  No, what I'm interested in is how he came up with the story 
line.  The DVD arrives today.   How you write for money is to make the 
story compelling enough that people want to back its production.   
Before the 1986 tax laws the losing of money was also profitable.

 Between Netflix, Vudu, Redbox and Amazon's service I might ditch 
 most of my cable bill. Cable companies are so yesterday.  

 I find it difficult to even conceive of why I'd need cable 
 or a satellite hookup. The only rationale I see for them is
 if you're a sports fan or, in the case of many UK ex-pats
 living here, lonely for British TV shows from home. I am 
 neither, and live in a country that wisely sees nothing
 wrong with downloading media for private viewing, so I don't
 see myself ever needing to hook up to a media tit other
 than the Internet ever again.

Well they are finally waking up to VOD as the way.   Sort of a if you 
can't beat them join them attitude though the software industry saw the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Starz's Spartacus

2010-04-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 TurquoiseB wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  With the local Hollywood Video going out of business and a new 
  Samsung networked Bluray player I decided to sign up again for 
  Netflix.  As I've mentioned before I used Netflix over 10 years 
  ago when DVD first came out because few if any of the local 
  stores had DVDs to rent. Then they began getting them and I 
  stopped using Netflix. So upon Turq's recommendation I put 
  Starz's Spartacus: Blood and Sand in my Instant Watch list. 
  Last night I watched the first half of the first episode.  
  Interesting series though nowhere as well produced as HBO's 
  Just you wait. Heh heh. :-)
 The second episode was better.  There is an interesting subtext 
 going on which is almost more about current affairs than life in 

If you perceive a modern subtext in the series, I suspect
it is more due to projecting it there than the producers
intending it there. It's a remarkably factual portrayal of
the Roman society of the time. If there is a resemblance to
modern times, that's probably due more to Those who do not
learn from history are doomed to repeat it than to artistic
intent IMO.
  ...but quite interesting how they put green screen and CG to 
  work to create the episode. Not sure if it's my cup of tea as 
  I found plenty to fill the queue otherwise. Of course I've seen 
  enough to see why Turq liked it. ;-)
  As much as I like tits, it's not just the tits. :-)
  Spartacus has some of the best villains I have
  ever seen onscreen, and some of the most nefarious
  plotting. Not to mention a depth of characterization
  I had absolutely no reason to suspect was coming in
  the first couple of episodes.
  I have gone beyond being an apologetic fan and have
  become an unapologetic fan. I think that -- for good
  or ill -- it defines the future of television. I 
  expect there to be six knockoff copycat series within
  a year. None of them will be as good, but all of them
  will use the violence porn metaphor.
 Unfortunately that is the way that horror has gone especially 
 since the Saw and Hostel successes.

Not entirely. The latest episode of Bones was a delight-
ful spoof of the horror genre, going so far as to co-star 
Robert Englund (Freddie Krueger). It was a hoot.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Starz's Spartacus

2010-04-17 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 TurquoiseB wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  With the local Hollywood Video going out of business and a new 
  Samsung networked Bluray player I decided to sign up again for 
  Netflix.  As I've mentioned before I used Netflix over 10 years 
  ago when DVD first came out because few if any of the local 
  stores had DVDs to rent. Then they began getting them and I 
  stopped using Netflix. So upon Turq's recommendation I put 
  Starz's Spartacus: Blood and Sand in my Instant Watch list. 
  Last night I watched the first half of the first episode.  
  Interesting series though nowhere as well produced as HBO's 
  Just you wait. Heh heh. :-)

 The second episode was better.  There is an interesting subtext going on 
 which is almost more about current affairs than life in Rome.

  ...but quite interesting how they put green screen and CG to 
  work to create the episode. Not sure if it's my cup of tea as 
  I found plenty to fill the queue otherwise. Of course I've seen 
  enough to see why Turq liked it. ;-)
  As much as I like tits, it's not just the tits. :-)
  Spartacus has some of the best villains I have
  ever seen onscreen, and some of the most nefarious
  plotting. Not to mention a depth of characterization
  I had absolutely no reason to suspect was coming in
  the first couple of episodes.
  I have gone beyond being an apologetic fan and have
  become an unapologetic fan. I think that -- for good
  or ill -- it defines the future of television. I 
  expect there to be six knockoff copycat series within
  a year. None of them will be as good, but all of them
  will use the violence porn metaphor.

 Unfortunately that is the way that horror has gone especially since the 
 Saw and Hostel successes.

  The first thing I watched in HD on Instant Play was was a quirky 
  psychological thriller which could easily make the weird film 
  list called Order of Chaos.  
  I have a download of this, but haven't watched it yet.

  I had stumbled across the movie looking at the Alan Watt 
  http://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com site as they used 
  a couple of Alan's Internet radio raps in the movie and 
  he had put a link to Amazon's listing there. Those not 
  familiar with Alan is he is a Scotsman living in Canada 
  doing historical conspiracy podcasts.   
  I can somehow see why this would be your cuppa tea. :-)

 I had some email exchanges with Alan a few years back.  He had claimed 
 on his podcast that rock musicians of the 1960s didn't know that much 
 about music (he claims to be a former profession songwriter).   Au 
 contraire, even people like Graham Parson had jazz backgrounds.   Brian 
 Wilson was also into jazz and composition.   So were many of the well 
 known rock stars I met and we used to compare notes.  I particularly 
 remember siting with some of the guys from the Greatful Dead at my house 
 listening to John Cage.  We were all music students that looked at the 
 rock scene and thought hey we can write that stuff in our sleep! 

With all due respect to John Cage -- he broke a lot of boundaries, but the John 
Cage concert I went to -- was about 1000 record players each playing a 
different song, symphony opera, nature sound world music or spoken narrative.  
And John was there, but no visibly present. Probably walking around the 
audience -- who were walking among the record players. Or perhaps hiding behind 
a stage curtain -- I could have written that in my sleep. In fact I think I 
have a few times. 

Did you know Emil Richards and his cosmic micro tonal band? Paul Horn's friend. 
And a  meditator of course.

The Grateful Dead seemed to be sort of micro tonal -- tuning their guitars to 
some out there scale. And particularly QuickSilver live -- who I used to tell 
friends they played like you know,  100 dissonate notes and chords  per second

Or maybe they were just to far tripping to tune their guitars by standard means.

And thanks for the Digital video insights

 writing it was one thing the politics of the record industry is another.
  You can find these on his site and they can be very 
  entertaining. One interesting thing is he claims that TM 
  was an attempt by the Freemason's to create a new religion 
  using Maharishi.  
  That's just silly. The Freemasons I've met were much smarter
  than that. :-)

 I'm thinking he was into TM and went to Charlie's lectures and derived 
 it from that.

  I suspect that Alan may have at one time practiced TM or was 
  even a teacher. The movie was interesting enough that I had 
  Netflix send me the DVD so that I could listen to the commentary 
  and see what was behind the making of the movie.
  Let me guess: The making of money?  :-)

 Or losing it.  I was reading a commentary in THR this morning on 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Volcanic ash keeps flights across Europe grounded.....

2010-04-17 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodle...@... wrote:

 I'm hoping mount Eyjafjallajokull (will we ever learn how to
 pronounce that) 


I replayed the pronunciation repeatedly, and I *still* can't pronounce it.

[FairfieldLife] Robes of Silk, Feet of Clay/Judith Bourque

2010-04-17 Thread Joe
For many years, Judith Bourque has claimed that she would only publish the 
memoir of her affair with MMY after he passed.

The book is about to be released:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Shroud of Turin Report (or, When the Fans Hit the Sheet)

2010-04-17 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Apr 17, 2010, at 7:18 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

 At this point the Big Test of the Shroud's Woo Woo
 Quotient and the lasting value of its textile darshan
 will be whether he can actually get home. The Cloud
 (as opposed to the Shroud) emanating from Iceland
 and covering Europe has now closed Italian airspace
 as well, and none of the airlines are answering 
 their 800 numbers. 
 If he gets home tomorrow as planned, consider that
 a big win for those who believe in the value of
 visiting holy relics. 

Barry, hasn't carbon dating pretty much confirmed
this as a fake?  

Then  again, if he gets something out of it,
fake or not, good for him.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Starz's Spartacus

2010-04-17 Thread Bhairitu
tartbrain wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 I had some email exchanges with Alan a few years back.  He had claimed 
 on his podcast that rock musicians of the 1960s didn't know that much 
 about music (he claims to be a former profession songwriter).   Au 
 contraire, even people like Graham Parson had jazz backgrounds.   Brian 
 Wilson was also into jazz and composition.   So were many of the well 
 known rock stars I met and we used to compare notes.  I particularly 
 remember siting with some of the guys from the Greatful Dead at my house 
 listening to John Cage.  We were all music students that looked at the 
 rock scene and thought hey we can write that stuff in our sleep! 

 With all due respect to John Cage -- he broke a lot of boundaries, but the 
 John Cage concert I went to -- was about 1000 record players each playing a 
 different song, symphony opera, nature sound world music or spoken narrative. 
  And John was there, but no visibly present. Probably walking around the 
 audience -- who were walking among the record players. Or perhaps hiding 
 behind a stage curtain -- I could have written that in my sleep. In fact I 
 think I have a few times. 

 Did you know Emil Richards and his cosmic micro tonal band? Paul Horn's 
 friend. And a  meditator of course.

 The Grateful Dead seemed to be sort of micro tonal -- tuning their guitars to 
 some out there scale. And particularly QuickSilver live -- who I used to tell 
 friends they played like you know,  100 dissonate notes and chords  per 

 Or maybe they were just to far tripping to tune their guitars by standard 

 And thanks for the Digital video insights


I didn't know Emil Richards but did know Paul Horn.  I knew the 
Quicksilver guys too.  Lived next door to John Cipollina and Nicky 
Hopkins (who also played on a lot of the Beatles cuts as well as in The 
Rolling Stones).   We used to have some wild poker parties.  John is 
another case in point as his parents were also professional musicians.  
Nicky was the black sheep of a banker's family who decided to take up 
music instead and had a lot of classical and jazz chops.

I often found Tibetan Gamelan music good to listen to then switch to 
western music and here in an entirely different way as if it were 
Gamelan music too.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Starz's Spartacus

2010-04-17 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 TurquoiseB wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
 With the local Hollywood Video going out of business and a new 
 Samsung networked Bluray player I decided to sign up again for 
 Netflix.  As I've mentioned before I used Netflix over 10 years 
 ago when DVD first came out because few if any of the local 
 stores had DVDs to rent. Then they began getting them and I 
 stopped using Netflix. So upon Turq's recommendation I put 
 Starz's Spartacus: Blood and Sand in my Instant Watch list. 
 Last night I watched the first half of the first episode.  
 Interesting series though nowhere as well produced as HBO's 
 Just you wait. Heh heh. :-)
 The second episode was better.  There is an interesting subtext 
 going on which is almost more about current affairs than life in 

 If you perceive a modern subtext in the series, I suspect
 it is more due to projecting it there than the producers
 intending it there. It's a remarkably factual portrayal of
 the Roman society of the time. If there is a resemblance to
 modern times, that's probably due more to Those who do not
 learn from history are doomed to repeat it than to artistic
 intent IMO.

I have to disagree with you there knowing how screen writers work.  No 
projection, just observation.  Bet they talk about it in the commentaries.

 ...but quite interesting how they put green screen and CG to 
 work to create the episode. Not sure if it's my cup of tea as 
 I found plenty to fill the queue otherwise. Of course I've seen 
 enough to see why Turq liked it. ;-)
 As much as I like tits, it's not just the tits. :-)
 Spartacus has some of the best villains I have
 ever seen onscreen, and some of the most nefarious
 plotting. Not to mention a depth of characterization
 I had absolutely no reason to suspect was coming in
 the first couple of episodes.

 I have gone beyond being an apologetic fan and have
 become an unapologetic fan. I think that -- for good
 or ill -- it defines the future of television. I 
 expect there to be six knockoff copycat series within
 a year. None of them will be as good, but all of them
 will use the violence porn metaphor.
 Unfortunately that is the way that horror has gone especially 
 since the Saw and Hostel successes.

 Not entirely. The latest episode of Bones was a delight-
 ful spoof of the horror genre, going so far as to co-star 
 Robert Englund (Freddie Krueger). It was a hoot.

Bones is a TV series and so formula I found it difficult to watch.  The 
Freddie remake is coming out so he was product placement.  I'm talking 
about much of films being made especially ones in the After Dark 
Horrorfest 4 which I'm winding my way through.  They're all on Vudu in 
HD except for the 8th one which each year is the winner and gets some 
theater bookings before going to video.  I guess it's hard to scare 
audiences anymore.  Just stepping outside your door in the US maybe more 
horrifying than any horror movie.

Forgot to mention that I watched Defendor on DVD last night. You will 
be pleased to know that Redbox listed the genre correctly.  But I think 
I would have enjoyed it more on Vudu where it was available in HD.  Fun 
little film.  I was reminded of some of the people downtown I've talked 
too that were equally out there.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shroud of Turin Report (or, When the Fans Hit the Sheet)

2010-04-17 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

 On Apr 17, 2010, at 7:18 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  At this point the Big Test of the Shroud's Woo Woo
  Quotient and the lasting value of its textile darshan
  will be whether he can actually get home. The Cloud
  (as opposed to the Shroud) emanating from Iceland
  and covering Europe has now closed Italian airspace
  as well, and none of the airlines are answering 
  their 800 numbers. 
  If he gets home tomorrow as planned, consider that
  a big win for those who believe in the value of
  visiting holy relics. 
 Barry, hasn't carbon dating pretty much confirmed
 this as a fake?  

My bro is more than aware of the carbon-dating,
but quotes the TB's argument on it without claim-
ing to believe it one way or another. That is, 
some time ago a small fragment of the Shroud was
snipped and taken away for carbon dating and 
tested to have come from the 12th century. However,
the backing of the Shroud is admittedly from the
16th century or something like that, and the 
Shroud itself has been patched numerous times 
over the years. So if a Shroudie TB wanted to
keep believing, all they would have to say is,
They carbon dated part of a 12th-century patch,
not the material of the actual Shroud itself.

Ya can't argue with that. At least I can't. 

 Then  again, if he gets something out of it,
 fake or not, good for him.

My feelings exactly.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Shroud of Turin Report (or, When the Fans Hit the Sheet)

2010-04-17 Thread Mike Dixon
It seems the swath of fabric carbon tested, was from the patched 
material. Carbon dating on the same kind of fabric, linen, found in Egyptian 
tombs, have been *off* by seven hundred years or more due to contamination by 
bacteria or something growing over time on the linen. Because of this, the 
carbon 14 dating is considered inconclusive by many.
--- On Sat, 4/17/10, TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

From: TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Shroud of Turin Report (or, When the Fans Hit the 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, April 17, 2010, 6:20 PM


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ ... wrote:

 On Apr 17, 2010, at 7:18 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  At this point the Big Test of the Shroud's Woo Woo
  Quotient and the lasting value of its textile darshan
  will be whether he can actually get home. The Cloud
  (as opposed to the Shroud) emanating from Iceland
  and covering Europe has now closed Italian airspace
  as well, and none of the airlines are answering 
  their 800 numbers. 
  If he gets home tomorrow as planned, consider that
  a big win for those who believe in the value of
  visiting holy relics. 
 Barry, hasn't carbon dating pretty much confirmed
 this as a fake? 

My bro is more than aware of the carbon-dating,
but quotes the TB's argument on it without claim-
ing to believe it one way or another. That is, 
some time ago a small fragment of the Shroud was
snipped and taken away for carbon dating and 
tested to have come from the 12th century. However,
the backing of the Shroud is admittedly from the
16th century or something like that, and the 
Shroud itself has been patched numerous times 
over the years. So if a Shroudie TB wanted to
keep believing, all they would have to say is,
They carbon dated part of a 12th-century patch,
not the material of the actual Shroud itself.

Ya can't argue with that. At least I can't. 

 Then again, if he gets something out of it,
 fake or not, good for him.

My feelings exactly.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Volcanic ash keeps flights across Europe grounded.....

2010-04-17 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodle...@... wrote:

 I'm hoping mount Eyjafjallajokull (will we ever learn how to
 pronounce that) 

My wild guess:

~ ey-yah-fyal-lah-yir [for 'jö'] -cool   :D

That's at least how that'd approx. be pronounced in Swedish...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Starz's Spartacus

2010-04-17 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 tartbrain wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  I had some email exchanges with Alan a few years back.  He had claimed 
  on his podcast that rock musicians of the 1960s didn't know that much 
  about music (he claims to be a former profession songwriter).   Au 
  contraire, even people like Graham Parson had jazz backgrounds.   Brian 
  Wilson was also into jazz and composition.   So were many of the well 
  known rock stars I met and we used to compare notes.  I particularly 
  remember siting with some of the guys from the Greatful Dead at my house 
  listening to John Cage.  We were all music students that looked at the 
  rock scene and thought hey we can write that stuff in our sleep! 
  With all due respect to John Cage -- he broke a lot of boundaries, but the 
  John Cage concert I went to -- was about 1000 record players each playing a 
  different song, symphony opera, nature sound world music or spoken 
  narrative.  And John was there, but no visibly present. Probably walking 
  around the audience -- who were walking among the record players. Or 
  perhaps hiding behind a stage curtain -- I could have written that in my 
  sleep. In fact I think I have a few times. 
  Did you know Emil Richards and his cosmic micro tonal band? Paul Horn's 
  friend. And a  meditator of course.
  The Grateful Dead seemed to be sort of micro tonal -- tuning their guitars 
  to some out there scale. And particularly QuickSilver live -- who I used to 
  tell friends they played like you know,  100 dissonate notes and chords  
  per second
  Or maybe they were just to far tripping to tune their guitars by standard 
  And thanks for the Digital video insights

 I didn't know Emil Richards but did know Paul Horn.  I knew the 
 Quicksilver guys too.  Lived next door to John Cipollina and Nicky 
 Hopkins (who also played on a lot of the Beatles cuts as well as in The 
 Rolling Stones).

I like the breadth of Nicky Hopkins -- he was everywhere. I remember him from 
the Jeff Beck Group (with Rod Stewart -- when he was good :), Ronny Wood and of 
course Jeff Beck. And later with Jefferson Airplane -- and about everybody 

John Cipollina was amazing to watch live. And had the look of the archetypal 
hippie -- when the term was new and fresh -- tall, thin, long stringy hair, 
intense gaunt look, good and interesting guitarist.  QS's Who Do You Love -- 
the greatest rock song ever recorded -- or played live. 

To create his distinctive guitar sound, Cipollina developed a one of a kind 
amplifier stack. His Gibson SG guitars had two pickups, one for bass and one 
for treble. The bass pickup fed into two Standel bass amps on the bottom of the 
stack, each equipped with two 15-inch speakers. The treble pickups fed two 
Fender amps: a Fender Twin Reverb with two 12-inch speakers and a Fender Dual 
Showman that drove six Wurlitzer horns. His style was highly melodic and 
expressive. Cipollina's classical past no doubt influenced his guitar style, 
which was miles beyond the usual pentatonic blues-scale work of many of the 
other psychedelic-era guitarists. His work on fellow dueling guitarist Gary 
Duncan's electric arrangement/adaption of Dave Brubeck's Take Five, retitled 
Gold and Silver, which appears on the self-titled first album of Quicksilver, 
is an excellent example of how Cipollina took rock to places it usually didn't 
dare to venture. 

You didn't live next door to them in Mill Valley did you? If so -- did you hang 
with Clover? Sons of Champlain? (And who was The Girl from Mill Valley that 
Hopkins composed a song for on Beckola?)

  We used to have some wild poker parties.  John is 
 another case in point as his parents were also professional musicians.  
 Nicky was the black sheep of a banker's family who decided to take up 
 music instead and had a lot of classical and jazz chops.
 I often found Tibetan Gamelan music good to listen to then switch to 
 western music and here in an entirely different way as if it were 
 Gamelan music too.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Father Len Dubi: How TM enriches my religious life

2010-04-17 Thread Carol
Ahh..on the baseball scorecard.  Thanks for the explanation.
Yah, I'm no foreigner to cyber-boards.  I've too often seen folks jump
to conclusions on a few texts w/out much knowledge regarding the author
of the post(s).  I've had my share of being falsely accused.  I'm
learning (hopefully) how to better handle those type dialogs.
No, I wasn't involved with a Univeralist (Unitarian or Christian) in the
past.  I was involved with a type of Biblical fundamentalism.  I was a
loyal follower/true believer with   The Way International.
http://en.allexperts.com/e/t/th/the_way_international.htmI was
involved for 28 years, from 1977-2005.  Prior to The Way, I was involved
in various spiritual-seeking.  One of those was the TMO for about 1-1/2
years.  I took SCI and volunteered at the TM Center and was considering
MIU at the time.  I received my mantra when I was 16 and hung my share
of Mahesh posters at the high school.  Ha! ;-D
My interest in Christian Universalism was peaking in 2007.  I was
familiar with Unitarian Universalism but never Christian
Universalism(CU).  IF I decide (in the long run) to continue with some
sort of Christianity, I'd lean toward CU.
How 'bout you Judy...or at least I think you must be Judy from the
contexts of some of the posts here?  Were you ever a TBer in TM or other
Btw, if interested I have a narrative of my story online.  It's kind of
long so I divided it into 3 parts.  There is a part 4, which is separate
and conveys part of my story regarding my health.  I got sick after my
fourth year of involvement with The Way. Following are links to the
narrative and my health story. [I totally understand if you never read
them. :-) ]Seeking: Life Along The Way
Beyond Survival
On of my items on my wish-to-write-it-at-some-point list, is a
comparison of benefits The Way propounds(ed) and the benefits the TMO
propounds(ed).  I realize other 'all-or-nothing' groups often propound
the same benefits, but I have personal experience with the TMO  The
And yes, sometimes I miss my 'true believer' days.  I miss them less and
less, but the first few years out of the cocoon were quite diffi-cult.
[pun! ;-) ]
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Carol jchwelch@ wrote:
  Hi again authfriend,
  Sometimes I'm dense and I'm not even blonde; though I do
  carry some gray. ;-)  I still don't get the player/scorecard

 It's an old baseball phrase. Vendors would run around the
 stands selling scorecards, which listed all the players,
 their numbers, their stats, etc., so you'd know who each
 guy was when you watched the game. The vendors used to
 call out, Scorecards, scorecards, can't tell the players
 without a scorecard!

 The equivalent on an electronic forum would be a list of
 the participants, their interests and backgrounds, etc.
 On FFL, it would say whether they're current or former
 TMers; whether the current TMers are movement TBs or
 just independent meditators; whether the former TMers
 were currently engaged in some other spiritual practice;
 whether they were virulently anti-TM/TMO or indifferent
 to it; what the participants' beliefs were; and maybe a
 characterization of their posting history.

 Since we don't have such a scorecard, it just means it's
 a good idea to observe for awhile until you know who's
 who, before you say anything *about* a participant. (You
 said you weren't referring to me, so it doesn't apply in
 this case anyway!)

  Michael Shermer is pretty well known.  He is the founder
  of Sceptic Magazine.

 Urk. I'm sort of automatically suspicious of professional
 skeptics. They tend, in my experience, not to be quite as
 even-handed as they would like folks to think they are.

 But maybe he's different...

   I've only read part of one of his books, and am enjoying it.
  I get the impression from the book that he leans toward
  agnostism, yet I've also heard he's an atheist.  Doesn't matter
  much to me. I like his approach in the book I'm reading which
  is How We Believe

  I'm interested in cultures and how they develop and how people
  relate, thus his studies in that field I find interesting along
  with the psychology.That's about my extent on Shermer.
  He's one of the guys that recently (with Sam Harris) debated
  Deepak Chopra and Jean Houston.
  Tom Talbott is a retired philosophy professor and a Christian
  Universalist.  I'm more familiar with Talbott than I am with
  Shermer, simply because of where I've come from in the belief

 From the Universalists?

 We had a Unitarian/Universalist here awhile back, *very*
 smart guy name of Lawson. Unfortunately, he left. Maybe

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Starz's Spartacus

2010-04-17 Thread Bhairitu
tartbrain wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 tartbrain wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
 I had some email exchanges with Alan a few years back.  He had claimed 
 on his podcast that rock musicians of the 1960s didn't know that much 
 about music (he claims to be a former profession songwriter).   Au 
 contraire, even people like Graham Parson had jazz backgrounds.   Brian 
 Wilson was also into jazz and composition.   So were many of the well 
 known rock stars I met and we used to compare notes.  I particularly 
 remember siting with some of the guys from the Greatful Dead at my house 
 listening to John Cage.  We were all music students that looked at the 
 rock scene and thought hey we can write that stuff in our sleep! 
 With all due respect to John Cage -- he broke a lot of boundaries, but the 
 John Cage concert I went to -- was about 1000 record players each playing a 
 different song, symphony opera, nature sound world music or spoken 
 narrative.  And John was there, but no visibly present. Probably walking 
 around the audience -- who were walking among the record players. Or 
 perhaps hiding behind a stage curtain -- I could have written that in my 
 sleep. In fact I think I have a few times. 

 Did you know Emil Richards and his cosmic micro tonal band? Paul Horn's 
 friend. And a  meditator of course.

 The Grateful Dead seemed to be sort of micro tonal -- tuning their guitars 
 to some out there scale. And particularly QuickSilver live -- who I used to 
 tell friends they played like you know,  100 dissonate notes and chords  
 per second

 Or maybe they were just to far tripping to tune their guitars by standard 

 And thanks for the Digital video insights

 I didn't know Emil Richards but did know Paul Horn.  I knew the 
 Quicksilver guys too.  Lived next door to John Cipollina and Nicky 
 Hopkins (who also played on a lot of the Beatles cuts as well as in The 
 Rolling Stones).

 I like the breadth of Nicky Hopkins -- he was everywhere. I remember him from 
 the Jeff Beck Group (with Rod Stewart -- when he was good :), Ronny Wood and 
 of course Jeff Beck. And later with Jefferson Airplane -- and about everybody 

 John Cipollina was amazing to watch live. And had the look of the archetypal 
 hippie -- when the term was new and fresh -- tall, thin, long stringy hair, 
 intense gaunt look, good and interesting guitarist.  QS's Who Do You Love 
 -- the greatest rock song ever recorded -- or played live. 

 To create his distinctive guitar sound, Cipollina developed a one of a kind 
 amplifier stack. His Gibson SG guitars had two pickups, one for bass and one 
 for treble. The bass pickup fed into two Standel bass amps on the bottom of 
 the stack, each equipped with two 15-inch speakers. The treble pickups fed 
 two Fender amps: a Fender Twin Reverb with two 12-inch speakers and a Fender 
 Dual Showman that drove six Wurlitzer horns. His style was highly melodic and 
 expressive. Cipollina's classical past no doubt influenced his guitar style, 
 which was miles beyond the usual pentatonic blues-scale work of many of the 
 other psychedelic-era guitarists. His work on fellow dueling guitarist Gary 
 Duncan's electric arrangement/adaption of Dave Brubeck's Take Five, 
 retitled Gold and Silver, which appears on the self-titled first album of 
 Quicksilver, is an excellent example of how Cipollina took rock to places it 
 usually didn't dare to venture. 

 You didn't live next door to them in Mill Valley did you? If so -- did you 
 hang with Clover? Sons of Champlain? (And who was The Girl from Mill Valley 
 that Hopkins composed a song for on Beckola?)


Yup, it was Mill Valley with George and Marsha Lucas living across the 
street.  Nick Gravenites hung out there frequently.  Didn't know the Son 
of Champlain but hitched a ride with the father once.  Don't know who 
the girl was.  Played in another band which had a house in San Anselmo 
where a little redhead girl would come over and belt out some blues 
(Bonnie Raitt).  John was always working on his guitars doing custom things.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obscene crucifix shocks parishioners.

2010-04-17 Thread tartbrain

I had forgotten about Wiki commons -- a natural home for hi res art. But few 
are 1900 x 1200 -- hi def resolution. Some are getting there.More is available 
than when I put a collection together several years ago. 

Hopefully world museums and collectors will ban together and gift the world the 
art of the ages in digital form. if anything, it will increase their traffic 
-- the more one gets hooked on great art -- the more one will go out of the way 
to see.  

Martin Scorsese is doing a wonderful thing with art films 

Its amazing as digital collections of all sorts mature. The totality of world 
art, music, film, architecture, literature, poetry, video, -- in HD, all at 
ones fingertips instantly -- anywhere anytime. What would kings 300 years ago 
have paid for this power? 

That combined with the liberal dream of the later 19th century that with 
industrialization, human kind would have the leisure hours to pursue fine 
things -- the arts, humanities, spiritual and mystical practices, science ...   

.. but even post-industrial most people are more interested in getting a better 
model lexus, a new granite kitchen counter top, and to watch ancient 
sexual-violence rituals on HD (-- massive brute force to capture the enemies 
territory and if successful, a long,fully erect, kicking leg, high in the air 
-- to place a ball in between the outstretched widespread and wanting (in the 
insipid projections of the conquerors) legs of the conquored motherland goal 
posts -- a pagan ritual of violence, death, rape and pillage.) 

It would be eye opening to have national and economic  progress reported with 
better differentiation: a rising 5 billion clicks on great art last month, and 
a declining 2 billion clicks on football games -- tremendous progress for the 
world. But now, a trillion football game clicks is seen as much an advancement 
as a trillion great art and music clicks. Thats maya, pure maya. Massive 
delusion and illusion.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
  There used to be a company that licensed Hi Res great art
  from the top museums of the world --for use on HD TVs and PCs.
  often in slide show format, but you could stop and gaze. But
  they went out of business. 
  Is anyone aware of great art web sites, and/or subscription
  services. Or DVDs with just art?
 Do a search for +CD-ROM +paintings for available CDs (the
 DVDs are documentaries; all I could quickly find with
 stills for slide-type shows are on CD, so probably not
 HD). Here's three:
 Here's the complete catalog of paintings in the British
 National Gallery on CD:
 Oh, here are two DVDs for slide shows, one on Impressionism
 and one on Da Vinci:
 Probably more of you scratch around. You'd think somebody
 would put together a good series covering each period for
 art history students.
  By searching Google on an
  artist, you can get a lot of their work under Image.  but
  its often limited res. I find WiKi often has quite high res
  art on an artists page -- but only a few (you need to click
  around to get the hi res option)  
  We need a napster of art.
 Interesting thought.
 Do you look for stuff on Wikimedia Commons? (I imagine
 an image search on Google or Yahoo would turn up what it
 has for a particular artist or art subject or artwork,
 but it's faster just to start with Wikimedia.) As on
 Wikipedia, some images are available in hi-res, but most
 aren't, although a good portion of them are an OK size
 for most purposes.
 I took all three of the images in my Noli me tangere
 post from Wikimedia Commons; they're all available in
 large versions, but they aren't all that sharp in the
 large sizes.
 Here's the large size of the Titian (2,024 x 2,494),
 for example:
 The original is about 43 x 36 inches, so that's, oh, 
 about 2/3 life-size on my 17 laptop screen, 1280 x 800.
 I assume it would be sharper on a higher-res monitor,
 but I'm not sure how that stuff works.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Starz's Spartacus

2010-04-17 Thread Joe

Cippolina was a real master, way ahead of his time. Is he still around? Those 
Quicksilver concerts when they were a quartet with Gary Duncan, were incredible!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 tartbrain wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  tartbrain wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  I had some email exchanges with Alan a few years back.  He had claimed 
  on his podcast that rock musicians of the 1960s didn't know that much 
  about music (he claims to be a former profession songwriter).   Au 
  contraire, even people like Graham Parson had jazz backgrounds.   Brian 
  Wilson was also into jazz and composition.   So were many of the well 
  known rock stars I met and we used to compare notes.  I particularly 
  remember siting with some of the guys from the Greatful Dead at my house 
  listening to John Cage.  We were all music students that looked at the 
  rock scene and thought hey we can write that stuff in our sleep! 
  With all due respect to John Cage -- he broke a lot of boundaries, but 
  the John Cage concert I went to -- was about 1000 record players each 
  playing a different song, symphony opera, nature sound world music or 
  spoken narrative.  And John was there, but no visibly present. Probably 
  walking around the audience -- who were walking among the record players. 
  Or perhaps hiding behind a stage curtain -- I could have written that in 
  my sleep. In fact I think I have a few times. 
  Did you know Emil Richards and his cosmic micro tonal band? Paul Horn's 
  friend. And a  meditator of course.
  The Grateful Dead seemed to be sort of micro tonal -- tuning their 
  guitars to some out there scale. And particularly QuickSilver live -- who 
  I used to tell friends they played like you know,  100 dissonate notes 
  and chords  per second
  Or maybe they were just to far tripping to tune their guitars by standard 
  And thanks for the Digital video insights

  I didn't know Emil Richards but did know Paul Horn.  I knew the 
  Quicksilver guys too.  Lived next door to John Cipollina and Nicky 
  Hopkins (who also played on a lot of the Beatles cuts as well as in The 
  Rolling Stones).
  I like the breadth of Nicky Hopkins -- he was everywhere. I remember him 
  from the Jeff Beck Group (with Rod Stewart -- when he was good :), Ronny 
  Wood and of course Jeff Beck. And later with Jefferson Airplane -- and 
  about everybody else. 
  John Cipollina was amazing to watch live. And had the look of the 
  archetypal hippie -- when the term was new and fresh -- tall, thin, long 
  stringy hair, intense gaunt look, good and interesting guitarist.  QS's 
  Who Do You Love -- the greatest rock song ever recorded -- or played 
  To create his distinctive guitar sound, Cipollina developed a one of a 
  kind amplifier stack. His Gibson SG guitars had two pickups, one for bass 
  and one for treble. The bass pickup fed into two Standel bass amps on the 
  bottom of the stack, each equipped with two 15-inch speakers. The treble 
  pickups fed two Fender amps: a Fender Twin Reverb with two 12-inch speakers 
  and a Fender Dual Showman that drove six Wurlitzer horns. His style was 
  highly melodic and expressive. Cipollina's classical past no doubt 
  influenced his guitar style, which was miles beyond the usual pentatonic 
  blues-scale work of many of the other psychedelic-era guitarists. His work 
  on fellow dueling guitarist Gary Duncan's electric arrangement/adaption of 
  Dave Brubeck's Take Five, retitled Gold and Silver, which appears on 
  the self-titled first album of Quicksilver, is an excellent example of how 
  Cipollina took rock to places it usually didn't dare to venture. 
  You didn't live next door to them in Mill Valley did you? If so -- did you 
  hang with Clover? Sons of Champlain? (And who was The Girl from Mill 
  Valley that Hopkins composed a song for on Beckola?)

 Yup, it was Mill Valley with George and Marsha Lucas living across the 
 street.  Nick Gravenites hung out there frequently.  Didn't know the Son 
 of Champlain but hitched a ride with the father once.  Don't know who 
 the girl was.  Played in another band which had a house in San Anselmo 
 where a little redhead girl would come over and belt out some blues 
 (Bonnie Raitt).  John was always working on his guitars doing custom things.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2010-04-17 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Apr 17 00:00:00 2010
End Date (UTC): Sat Apr 24 00:00:00 2010
68 messages as of (UTC) Sat Apr 17 23:39:36 2010

15 tartbrain no_re...@yahoogroups.com
10 yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
10 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 6 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
 5 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
 4 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 3 authfriend jst...@panix.com
 2 WillyTex willy...@yahoo.com
 2 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
 2 Joe geezerfr...@yahoo.com
 2 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
 1 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 1 Hugo fintlewoodle...@mail.com
 1 Carol jchwe...@gmail.com
 1 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 1 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com

Posters: 18
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Cartoon of the Day - Republican Finance Reform

2010-04-17 Thread do.rflex

Cartoon: http://snipurl.com/vklbx   [media_mcclatchydc_com]

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Starz's Spartacus

2010-04-17 Thread Bhairitu
No, he died of emphysema in 1989:

Joe wrote:
 Cippolina was a real master, way ahead of his time. Is he still around? Those 
 Quicksilver concerts when they were a quartet with Gary Duncan, were 


[FairfieldLife] Gas Pump Blues

2010-04-17 Thread tartbrain
I started to watch the 4 videos on you tube -- an then sampled the audios on 
the blog -- listening to segments of about 10 contributors. While all nice 
people, there was not much compelling material in the hour of so I listened. 
Certainly there could be great gems hidden in the material I passed over. But I 
got bored with most. 

Perhaps an unfair parallel, but the energy, tone, insights, vibrancy, love for 
the universe, cascading love for others was not there. It was as if I could 
have been listening to a show on people who found Jesus. They may have had and 
are having a transformational experience. But its not apparent how it has 
really affected their lives in deep and profound ways.  I came away thinking, I 
wouldn't spend much time on what ever they are doing -- the value is not 
manifesting in their lives. Similar to my impressions of those testifying for 

They may be having profound experiences -- being he center of the universe and 
all. These experiences may actually be real -- though there is a large distance 
 in establishing that -- for themselves and for any listeners. Not that they 
have to prove anything. But I have friends who experienced the same with 
psychedelics -- center of the universe, egoless states and all. I am not sure 
that was real, not sure that it wasn't. But they did not do much with the 
experience. It may have shifted them in good ways. The experienced of 
egolessness is profound and can be lasting. But it was not transformational in 
the sense of some blazing persons I know or have been with.

But these Pump people, have little of the -- and this is hard to articulate -- 
vibrancy of life, humor, quickness of mind, flowing insights, shakti, glow, 
spontenaity that others I know, have seen, have. For the latter, I am  inspired 
by them to obtain what they have. From the Pump people, I have no aspiration to 
obtain what they have -- from what I have heard thus far.

And these things I listed are outer things, perhaps superficial, and 
meaningless with regards to inner states. however, I know the THING -- it may 
be weak and transitory -- but I think we all know the clarity, energy, 
clearness that can come from that THING. and I have seen the THING ripely 
manifest in others. And I don't see it much in these people. 

And the yahoo group -- I read a 20 or so posts. The posters are way into their 
heads -- it would appear from their posts. Dry expositions. 
While a small sample, i don't see the energy, vibrancy, life surging from their 

[FairfieldLife] New Predictions

2010-04-17 Thread tartbrain

Since predictions are in the air, I will make a real one. Its not based on 
Pluto -- Plato or Purusha. Rather its what appears to be the obvious. But what 
is obvious is not always apparent.

Predictions on the economy are easier measured than other areas so I will stick 
to that.

Prediction April 17, 2010: 

In the next month there will be a major correction in the stock market of at 
least 10%.  Before the end of 2010, the correction will be over 20%.  

And before the end of 2010 the economy will enter a double dip recession, 
unemployment will rise at least 4%, and housing prices will drop another 10-15% 

The Euro will tank, dropping at least 15% against the dollar by the end of 
2010. And two Euro countries will default on their debt prior to March 2011. 

Goldman Sachs will be greatly weakened by class action suits, government 
penalties, and tarnished reputation. Their stock will fall by at least 40% by 
the end of the year. They may not survive through June of 2011, but thats maybe 
a 20% chance. 

Oh one more. Two more Tiger mistresses will emerge before September. But thats 
like saying the sun will rise tomorrow.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shroud of Turin Report (or, When the Fans Hit the Sheet)

2010-04-17 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_re...@... wrote:
I find a vibrant silence growing within, I feel more connected to people and 
things, my heart is full, and then
 2) life is an adventure, wonderful things happen that I don't plan or force 
 to happen, through a lot of unplanned detours and these unexpected events and 
 challenges have left my life far richer ... and I have mingled with the 
 masses, flowed with the crowd, and felt enlivened to be part of this 
 magnificent whole.

Nice to hear what I experience mirrored by another.  On the other hand, I don't 
really care to pass judgment on the path others have chosen. Wouldn't that sort 
of imply some lingering resentment, or even some elitist sentiment?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Volcanic ash keeps flights across Europe grounded.....

2010-04-17 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo fintlewoodle...@... wrote:

 It's like going back in time a century, the high price of oil
 keeps most cars off the road so us cyclists are having a super
 time, and on a straw poll of folks I bumped into in cafes and 
 walking the street EVERYONE wants air travel banned permanently
 as it's *so* nice here at the moment.

Likely except when THEY want the convenience.  This strikes me as pretty stupid 
and elitist.  Why don't they, and you stop using your computer. Are you aware 
of how much energy is consumed with one search.  Why are you even posting?  You 
are causing your own environmental damage every time you click, aren't you?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gas Pump Blues

2010-04-17 Thread lurkernomore20002000
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_re...@... wrote:
 And the yahoo group -- I read a 20 or so posts. The posters are way into 
 their heads -- it would appear from their posts. Dry expositions. 
 While a small sample, i don't see the energy, vibrancy, life surging from 
 their words.

Hard to strike gold twice.  FFL with all it's problems has some good edg (edge) 
and gets into some interesting discussions. But I think you've pretty well 
nailed this Buddha at the Gas Pump.  And those interviews-I've only listened to 
the Foster's piece, but there wasn't much there to make me want to push on.  
Then again, I don't have time to do a lot of speculative exploring.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Gas Pump Blues

2010-04-17 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 9:22 PM, tartbrain no_re...@yahoogroups.com wrote:

 I started to watch the 4 videos on you tube -- an then sampled the audios
 on the blog -- listening to segments of about 10 contributors. While all
 nice people, there was not much compelling material in the hour of so I
 listened. Certainly there could be great gems hidden in the material I
 passed over. But I got bored with most.

 Perhaps an unfair parallel, but the energy, tone, insights, vibrancy, love
 for the universe, cascading love for others was not there. It was as if I
 could have been listening to a show on people who found Jesus. They may have
 had and are having a transformational experience. But its not apparent how
 it has really affected their lives in deep and profound ways.  I came away
 thinking, I wouldn't spend much time on what ever they are doing -- the
 value is not manifesting in their lives. Similar to my impressions of those
 testifying for Jesus.

 They may be having profound experiences -- being he center of the universe
 and all. These experiences may actually be real -- though there is a large
 distance  in establishing that -- for themselves and for any listeners. Not
 that they have to prove anything. But I have friends who experienced the
 same with psychedelics -- center of the universe, egoless states and all. I
 am not sure that was real, not sure that it wasn't. But they did not do much
 with the experience. It may have shifted them in good ways. The experienced
 of egolessness is profound and can be lasting. But it was not
 transformational in the sense of some blazing persons I know or have been

 But these Pump people, have little of the -- and this is hard to articulate
 -- vibrancy of life, humor, quickness of mind, flowing insights, shakti,
 glow, spontenaity that others I know, have seen, have. For the latter, I am
  inspired by them to obtain what they have. From the Pump people, I have no
 aspiration to obtain what they have -- from what I have heard thus far.

 And these things I listed are outer things, perhaps superficial, and
 meaningless with regards to inner states. however, I know the THING -- it
 may be weak and transitory -- but I think we all know the clarity, energy,
 clearness that can come from that THING. and I have seen the THING ripely
 manifest in others. And I don't see it much in these people.

 And the yahoo group -- I read a 20 or so posts. The posters are way into
 their heads -- it would appear from their posts. Dry expositions.
 While a small sample, i don't see the energy, vibrancy, life surging from
 their words.

 I am ever the naysayer so I listened, had the same response, but didn't
post because, well, I feel so much like the one person in the group who
heard the words but didn't get the joke.  I have been reading, every so
painfully, the first few sentences, even the first paragraph of posts here.
Very tortuous reading.  Indeed, it's all in the head.

I know that this groups is not about TM, but when I visit Fairfield and
Vedic City, and I visit often, I am drawn to the common, average working day
person there.  The people who run the spectrum of scoffing at TMers to
tolerating them else they'd lose their jobs at the Hy-Vee or the dry
cleaners if they didn't since ru's make up so much of the customer base.
Those people, unless they speak about finding Jesus, are authentic while the
others I meet set off the b.s. detector in me.  This group and what I listen
to set off the b.s. detector in me.  Not b.s. because the experience might
not be real, but b.s. because I don't see the experiences they describe
radiating out of them as I expect a transformational experience would.

I suffer in the restaurants in Fairfield people who share their feelings
with others.  I sense no emotions are being shared.  All I sense is that
they are making my lunch or dinner difficult because they are many decibels
louder than the other restaurant guests in their self-indulgence.

I concur with the observations of tartbrain.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shroud of Turin Report (or, When the Fans Hit the Sheet)

2010-04-17 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
 I find a vibrant silence growing within, I feel more connected to people and 
 things, my heart is full, and then
  2) life is an adventure, wonderful things happen that I don't plan or 
  force to happen, through a lot of unplanned detours and these unexpected 
  events and challenges have left my life far richer ... and I have mingled 
  with the masses, flowed with the crowd, and felt enlivened to be part of 
  this magnificent whole.
 Nice to hear what I experience mirrored by another.  On the other hand, I 
 don't really care to pass judgment on the path others have chosen. Wouldn't 
 that sort of imply some lingering resentment, or even some elitist sentiment?

I was characterizing two different types of groups -- and expressing a 
preference with hanging out with one over the other. I am not sure where the 
elitism or resentment is in that. 

I prefer to hang with rational people over tea-partiers (at least a subset that 
i have seen) I certainly don't resent the tea partiers -- in the sense of envy 
or they have something I want. 

As far as elitism, I don't see how a personal preference for being with one 
group is elitist -- any more than someone who likes to watch films compared to 
another group that likes to hack strongly secured data centers. Is the film 
buff elitist? 

Can I feel comfortable and at home with film buffs, computer hackers and tea 
partiers? I would treat all with respect. Probably enjoy a lot of people in all 
the groups. That doesn't change my preference for hanging more with one. 

For example I enjoy the company of a number of people. Some, to pick activities 
that I would not run to sign up for, 
go hunting, some go to mass, some go to a lot of baseball games. Not my cup of 
tea. It doesn't mean I feel superior to them.

Elitism is an interesting theme though. Many into politics seem elitist to me. 
I would venture to say many of the progressives on this forum feel some elitism 
over conservative republicans. I haven't sense much mutual respect here or in 
the larger political realm. Do people living in upscale neighborhoods feel 
elitist compared to working class neighborhoods? Gang neighborhoods? The 
homeless shelter? Some appear to me to be so. Others not. 

On this forum there appears to be a lot of one-upmanship. Is that elitism? 

And when did elite become a dirty word? I consider (subsets at least) of highly 
learned, talented, successful people, with good hearts and minds, as an elite 
group. As in top notch.  

But elitism in terms of having a superiority complex seems counter to unity, to 
liberation, to awakening. How can you feel haughty and superior to your 
neighbor -- or fellow poster -- and expect to be at one with the universe? Its 
not going to happen. 

People who feel a growing sense of underlying oneness and unity with all people 
are friendlier with all people. And feeling a sense of oneness with nature 
makes one want to protect nature from abuse -- because one is a part of it, we 
all breath the same breath, nature included, we of are of the same sap so to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gas Pump Blues

2010-04-17 Thread tartbrain

The center of the universe thing -- the experience several mentioned -- sort of 
casually, is interesting. Do they mean that poetically like someone might say 
their heart felt like the ocean? I sense they mean I more literally. If that is 
the case, i think some respectful, considerate probing might be in order. 
First, if really really literal, truly experiencing the center of the universe 
would be of immense interest to scientists of many ilk.  And the story would be 
saturating   all science journals if not popular press. Live on the Today Show 
-- the amazing woman who experienced, and actually IS the center of the 

Being the center of the universe, do they bring back any special insights -- 
other than its like really big. Did they find a pot of gold, the Ved, the 
Akashic Records, the kingdom of heaven, a black hole (and how in the heck did 
they get out of the black hole? !!), Goldman Sachs, the cosmic yoni, shiva, 
christ, emptiness? Do they have some new special insights on the time space 
continuum, string theory, unified field theory, who is going to win the Oscars 
next year?

How has been to the center of, or actually being the center of the universe 
improved their lives. I guess a genuine benefit is being able to suck any 
distracting or annoying people into a black hole.  Has it helped their dating 
life? You know, after my job as an accountant ends at 5, I go to my real job, 
being the center of the universe. Wann a come up to my flat and see my etchings 
of the first moments of creation?

I am all for such experiences. The  only reason for my gentle mocking is to 
provide a tiny bit of grounding here. If meant figuratively -- and especially 
if you can express the sense of being the center of the universe in art, music, 
your life's work, etc then fantastic. I am there for you. But if you mean it 
literally -- really deeply literally, I hear the voice of Ricky Ricardo echoing 
in my head You gots lot of s'plaaaining to do