[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Jason
    Ravi, these guys are battlescarred Veterans who has seen every 
conceivable thing on this planet.   Now that you have dug yourself into the 
same " PIT " Jim has done, I am curious how your are going to get out of this.

    BTW, is ass-licking a part of the reverence ritual also.??

--- On Tue, 5/18/10, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences
Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 7:09 PM

Dear "yifuxero" piece of shit

It doesn't matter what I say, you already are one of my "bottom of the can" 
idiotic retarded wannabe thuggie disciple...LOL. .join the queue after torky, 
sally, tartie, shukri, freakybrain. ..you are the sixth...

Ravi Chivukula is a hunter.: -)

His eyes are hypnotic LOL..

You know how a lion catches its prey. It just locks its eyes with its prey - 
the minute the prey looks at the lion, it is frozen and all the lion has to do 
now is devour it.

So you can run, you can hide, I will find you, look at you, hypnotize you, 
devour you and give you moksha...

P.S. I make a 6 figure salary that you can only dream of..so you can come and 
lick my ass and I will pay you for that..LOL... . 

Love - Ravi.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> > Was I right about the similarity to Jim Flanegin, or 
> > what? It's *exactly* the same "My POV on things is the 
> > only valid one, and if you disagree I have the absolute 
> > right to insult you. Me insulting you is *just* as 
> > enlightened as anything else I do."
> They could hardly be more different. That you think
> otherwise only demonstrates how utterly, *utterly*
> devoid of insight about other people you are. You
> see people only in terms of how your own ego gets
> reflected back to you.

I found Jim to be a rather humble and sweet person. But he did'nt want to take 
any of the "shit" from the egomaniac Turq, which ofcourse made the Turq-Ego 
flare up unto hitherto unknown hights.

That the Turq now clashes with this Ravi fellow is only natural; there is only 
supposed to be one alpha-male-idiot on FFL.

> If I have a chance, I may go back and dig up some
> quotes from your exchanges with Jim that document
> how grossly you've misrepresented him above.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:

> Was I right about the similarity to Jim Flanegin, or 
> what? It's *exactly* the same "My POV on things is the 
> only valid one, and if you disagree I have the absolute 
> right to insult you. Me insulting you is *just* as 
> enlightened as anything else I do."

They could hardly be more different. That you think
otherwise only demonstrates how utterly, *utterly*
devoid of insight about other people you are. You
see people only in terms of how your own ego gets
reflected back to you.

If I have a chance, I may go back and dig up some
quotes from your exchanges with Jim that document
how grossly you've misrepresented him above.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread TurquoiseB
In retrospect, Rick, inviting Ravi here was a stroke
of genius. True, it undercuts the "value" that any
discerning viewer might place in enlightenment or
awakening or whatever one chooses to call it -- who,
after all, could read this guy's words and want to 
turn out like him?

But taking an out-of-control shakti-junkie like this
*out* of the BATGAP echo chamber and placing him in
an environment in which few revere him -- or are 
tempted to -- just because of what he claims about 
his subjective experience has been instructive. 

If more people were more able to do this with the
plethora of supposed spiritual teachers out there,
there would be less abuse and fraud in the larger
spiritual community. 

Ravi's a spiritual sociopath; he recognizes no one 
as "worthy" in any way unless they basically follow 
him and act as if they are his "disciples." That's 
the only kind of interaction he seems able to conceive 
of that is appropriate to his "achievement." In other 
words, he's like a pimply-faced rock star with a crack 
pipe and an IQ of 90 who has one hit record and starts 
thinking he's God Allfucking Mighty. THAT is an inter-
esting thing for spiritual seekers to see, and hope-
fully to learn from.

All that seems to have happened when he got a little 
shakti running through him is that his already large
ego got larger, more exclusive (as opposed to inclusive),
and more abusive. And people are supposed to look at 
this in action and think, "Wow, so that's what 
enlightenment is like...gotta get me some of that?" 

More like, "If that's what enlightenment is like, I'm 
off the Brahman Bus today, and back to what my parents
taught me, which is that who you are is demonstrated
by what you *do* and what you *are*, not what you *say* 
about what you do and what you are." 

Notice how the referring to himself in third person
thang goes away when he lashes out at those who don't 
treat him the way he'd like to become accustomed to 
being treated? No more "he" and "him" when referring 
to himself at that point...only "me" and "I" and "my." 

Was I right about the similarity to Jim Flanegin, or 
what? It's *exactly* the same "My POV on things is the 
only valid one, and if you disagree I have the absolute 
right to insult you. Me insulting you is *just* as 
enlightened as anything else I do."

H. Come to think of it, I have to agree with that 
last one.  :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
> Dear "yifuxero" piece of shit
> It doesn't matter what I say, you already are one of my "bottom 
> of the can" idiotic retarded wannabe thuggie disciple...LOL..
> join the queue after torky, sally, tartie, shukri, 
> freakybrain...you are the sixth...
> Ravi Chivukula is a hunter.:-)
> His eyes are hypnoticLOL..
> You know how a lion catches its prey. It just locks its eyes 
> with its prey - the minute the prey looks at the lion, it is 
> frozen and all the lion has to do now is devour it.
> So you can run, you can hide, I will find you, look at you, 
> hypnotize you, devour you and give you moksha...
> P.S. I make a 6 figure salary that you can only dream of..so 
> you can come and lick my ass and I will pay you for that..LOL
> Love - Ravi.
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 6:15 PM, yifuxero  wrote:
> >
> >
> > How about the Siddhi of controlled out of body travel. Can you do that?
> > by "dreams", this term represents an entry point into a broader topic, such
> > as Yoga Nidra (complete awareness during the sleep states), and then going
> > onto lucid dreams, precognitive dreams; and most important: the Radiant Form
> > of the Master.
> > Since Ammachi is your Guru, I take it you have seen Her Radiant Form. By
> > that I mean not a mere dream, but a totally mind-blowing Radiant, effulgent,
> > Celestial form that is Beautiful beyond discription.
> > You keep on saying...no, no, I don't have these types of awarenesses that
> > are common among the Tibetan Rinpoches (such as complete conscious awareness
> > during the sleep states); and the capacity to "Rise Above Bodily
> > Consciousness", meeting up with various Spiritual Masters both living and
> > physically dead. (the Siddhi common to genuine Sant Mat Saints).
> > So, you have realized the Self. Everything is BeingOK; not a new
> > message but an important one if one goes beyond the ordinary Neo-Advaitic
> > message and states why such a realization is "important" (i.e. gives one
> > some types of benefits).
> > The next question would be why one would declare such as Self-attainment,
> > if the achievement is only to end on the surface of your skin. (and thus,
> > the need for hugging).
> > I'm trying to grasp the situation here with BatGap but don't quite
> > understand it. Bear with me a bit(to summarize), let's start from page
> > 1:
> > 1. Going back to Sakyamuni Buddha and others such as St. Paul, various
> > claims are made: people can eliminate suffering and become "happy"

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Joe

Tell ya what Ravi. You want to rumble in the jungle? Come see me in my dreams. 
I'll be waiting for you sport. Later dude. LOL

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
> Dear "yifuxero" piece of shit
> It doesn't matter what I say, you already are one of my "bottom of the can"
> idiotic retarded wannabe thuggie disciple...LOL..join the queue after torky,
> sally, tartie, shukri, freakybrain...you are the sixth...
> Ravi Chivukula is a hunter.:-)
> His eyes are hypnoticLOL..
> You know how a lion catches its prey. It just locks its eyes with its prey -
> the minute the prey looks at the lion, it is frozen and all the lion has to
> do now is devour it.
> So you can run, you can hide, I will find you, look at you, hypnotize you,
> devour you and give you moksha...
> P.S. I make a 6 figure salary that you can only dream of..so you can come
> and lick my ass and I will pay you for that..LOL
> Love - Ravi.
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 6:15 PM, yifuxero  wrote:
> >
> >
> > How about the Siddhi of controlled out of body travel. Can you do that?
> > by "dreams", this term represents an entry point into a broader topic, such
> > as Yoga Nidra (complete awareness during the sleep states), and then going
> > onto lucid dreams, precognitive dreams; and most important: the Radiant Form
> > of the Master.
> > Since Ammachi is your Guru, I take it you have seen Her Radiant Form. By
> > that I mean not a mere dream, but a totally mind-blowing Radiant, effulgent,
> > Celestial form that is Beautiful beyond discription.
> > You keep on saying...no, no, I don't have these types of awarenesses that
> > are common among the Tibetan Rinpoches (such as complete conscious awareness
> > during the sleep states); and the capacity to "Rise Above Bodily
> > Consciousness", meeting up with various Spiritual Masters both living and
> > physically dead. (the Siddhi common to genuine Sant Mat Saints).
> > So, you have realized the Self. Everything is BeingOK; not a new
> > message but an important one if one goes beyond the ordinary Neo-Advaitic
> > message and states why such a realization is "important" (i.e. gives one
> > some types of benefits).
> > The next question would be why one would declare such as Self-attainment,
> > if the achievement is only to end on the surface of your skin. (and thus,
> > the need for hugging).
> > I'm trying to grasp the situation here with BatGap but don't quite
> > understand it. Bear with me a bit(to summarize), let's start from page
> > 1:
> > 1. Going back to Sakyamuni Buddha and others such as St. Paul, various
> > claims are made: people can eliminate suffering and become "happy" if only
> > they perform actions (a, b, c,...).
> > OK, fine; but I don't see much evidence for such claims, especially coming
> > from the MUM statistics, and the like.
> > 2. Then, over the centuries, various people claim to have duplicated the
> > efforts of the Buddha; only to recycle the old messages and claims.
> > 3. Apart from some extremely rare cases such as Nityananda and various
> > Christian Saints; given the set of "Awakened" people, the evidence seems to
> > suggest that true Enlightenment goes beyond mere "Awakening" and indeed, the
> > latter is "ordinary" in no extraordinary sense! (in that case, one might as
> > well interview Vegas card cheaters for amusement).
> > 4. Among the truly Awakened, some demonstrate genuine Siddhis, either in a
> > deliberate fashion (Nityananda); or that occur spontaneously in the Presence
> > of persons like Ramana Maharshi. Yet you make lite of such happenings
> > apparently to proclaim your elevated status and lower theirs.
> > At any rate, I applaud you for not asking for donations and not having much
> > in the way of a concealed agenda. Maybe you can hit people for some $$ later
> > on.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2010-05-18 Thread Joe
16 to go.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, FFL PostCount  wrote:
> Fairfield Life Post Counter
> ===
> Start Date (UTC): Sat May 15 00:00:00 2010
> End Date (UTC): Sat May 22 00:00:00 2010
> 285 messages as of (UTC) Wed May 19 00:12:34 2010
> 34 Ravi Chivukula 
> 25 tartbrain 
> 25 TurquoiseB 
> 18 lurkernomore20002000 
> 16 authfriend 
> 15 Bhairitu 
> 13 yifuxero 
> 13 Rick Archer 
> 12 WillyTex 
> 11 ditzyklanmail 
> 11 Sal Sunshine 
> 10 "do.rflex" 
>  8 sgrayatlarge 
>  8 Vaj 
>  8 Duveyoung 
>  7 nablusoss1008 
>  7 Buck 
>  6 Jason 
>  5 shukra69 
>  5 Mike Dixon 
>  5 John 
>  4 cardemaister 
>  4 Yifu Xero 
>  2 wayback71 
>  2 raunchydog 
>  2 Joe 
>  2 Dick Mays 
>  2 Alex Stanley 
>  1 merudanda 
>  1 merlin 
>  1 eustace10679 
>  1 brian64705 
>  1 wle...@...
> Posters: 33
> Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
> =
> Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
> US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
> Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
> Standard Time (Winter):
> US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
> Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
> For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread lurkernomore20002000
Well, I do like his energy in many ways.  But, yea, I mean, what's the point of 
making sure that you get off on the wrong foot with so many people.  Not that 
people here were very welcoming. I suspect he will shortly go back to Buddha at 
the Gas Pump exclusively.  I like the splash he made.  But we've got the 50 
post per week limit, and that is often a deal breaker for people. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> On May 18, 2010, at 9:09 PM, Ravi Chivukula wrote:
> > Dear "yifuxero" piece of shit
> More "fresh air," right lurk? :)
> What did we ever do without him...
> > It doesn't matter what I say, you already are one of my "bottom of the can" 
> > idiotic retarded wannabe thuggie disciple...LOL..join the queue after 
> > torky, sally, tartie, shukri, freakybrain...you are the sixth...
> Ah, yes, the breezes wafting from his
> words are like the pure west wind...
> > Ravi Chivukula is a hunter.:-)
> > 
> > His eyes are hypnoticLOL..
> > 
> > You know how a lion catches its prey. It just locks its eyes with its prey 
> > - the minute the prey looks at the lion, it is frozen and all the lion has 
> > to do now is devour it.
> > 
> > So you can run, you can hide, I will find you, look at you, hypnotize you, 
> > devour you and give you moksha...
> Now he's beginning to sound almost unhinged...
> > P.S. I make a 6 figure salary that you can only dream of..so you can come 
> > and lick my ass and I will pay you for that..LOL 
> Thank goodness this guy's in Fresno.
> Sal

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Sal Sunshine
On May 18, 2010, at 9:09 PM, Ravi Chivukula wrote:

> Dear "yifuxero" piece of shit

More "fresh air," right lurk? :)
What did we ever do without him...

> It doesn't matter what I say, you already are one of my "bottom of the can" 
> idiotic retarded wannabe thuggie disciple...LOL..join the queue after torky, 
> sally, tartie, shukri, freakybrain...you are the sixth...

Ah, yes, the breezes wafting from his
words are like the pure west wind...

> Ravi Chivukula is a hunter.:-)
> His eyes are hypnoticLOL..
> You know how a lion catches its prey. It just locks its eyes with its prey - 
> the minute the prey looks at the lion, it is frozen and all the lion has to 
> do now is devour it.
> So you can run, you can hide, I will find you, look at you, hypnotize you, 
> devour you and give you moksha...

Now he's beginning to sound almost unhinged...

> P.S. I make a 6 figure salary that you can only dream of..so you can come and 
> lick my ass and I will pay you for that..LOL 

Thank goodness this guy's in Fresno.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Dear "yifuxero" piece of shit

It doesn't matter what I say, you already are one of my "bottom of the can"
idiotic retarded wannabe thuggie disciple...LOL..join the queue after torky,
sally, tartie, shukri, freakybrain...you are the sixth...

Ravi Chivukula is a hunter.:-)

His eyes are hypnoticLOL..

You know how a lion catches its prey. It just locks its eyes with its prey -
the minute the prey looks at the lion, it is frozen and all the lion has to
do now is devour it.

So you can run, you can hide, I will find you, look at you, hypnotize you,
devour you and give you moksha...

P.S. I make a 6 figure salary that you can only dream of..so you can come
and lick my ass and I will pay you for that..LOL

Love - Ravi.

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 6:15 PM, yifuxero  wrote:

> How about the Siddhi of controlled out of body travel. Can you do that?
> by "dreams", this term represents an entry point into a broader topic, such
> as Yoga Nidra (complete awareness during the sleep states), and then going
> onto lucid dreams, precognitive dreams; and most important: the Radiant Form
> of the Master.
> Since Ammachi is your Guru, I take it you have seen Her Radiant Form. By
> that I mean not a mere dream, but a totally mind-blowing Radiant, effulgent,
> Celestial form that is Beautiful beyond discription.
> You keep on saying...no, no, I don't have these types of awarenesses that
> are common among the Tibetan Rinpoches (such as complete conscious awareness
> during the sleep states); and the capacity to "Rise Above Bodily
> Consciousness", meeting up with various Spiritual Masters both living and
> physically dead. (the Siddhi common to genuine Sant Mat Saints).
> So, you have realized the Self. Everything is BeingOK; not a new
> message but an important one if one goes beyond the ordinary Neo-Advaitic
> message and states why such a realization is "important" (i.e. gives one
> some types of benefits).
> The next question would be why one would declare such as Self-attainment,
> if the achievement is only to end on the surface of your skin. (and thus,
> the need for hugging).
> I'm trying to grasp the situation here with BatGap but don't quite
> understand it. Bear with me a bit(to summarize), let's start from page
> 1:
> 1. Going back to Sakyamuni Buddha and others such as St. Paul, various
> claims are made: people can eliminate suffering and become "happy" if only
> they perform actions (a, b, c,...).
> OK, fine; but I don't see much evidence for such claims, especially coming
> from the MUM statistics, and the like.
> 2. Then, over the centuries, various people claim to have duplicated the
> efforts of the Buddha; only to recycle the old messages and claims.
> 3. Apart from some extremely rare cases such as Nityananda and various
> Christian Saints; given the set of "Awakened" people, the evidence seems to
> suggest that true Enlightenment goes beyond mere "Awakening" and indeed, the
> latter is "ordinary" in no extraordinary sense! (in that case, one might as
> well interview Vegas card cheaters for amusement).
> 4. Among the truly Awakened, some demonstrate genuine Siddhis, either in a
> deliberate fashion (Nityananda); or that occur spontaneously in the Presence
> of persons like Ramana Maharshi. Yet you make lite of such happenings
> apparently to proclaim your elevated status and lower theirs.
> At any rate, I applaud you for not asking for donations and not having much
> in the way of a concealed agenda. Maybe you can hit people for some $$ later
> on.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Boston Globe Big Picture Oil Spill

2010-05-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"  
> You forgot #4.  Obama is somehow responsible for this.  There 
> should be a tie in of some sot.

He's partly responsible. He's had a lot on his plate, and
reforming the Minerals Management Service at the Interior
Department, whose lax supervision (encouraged by the Bush
administration) had allowed BP (and other oil companies)
to get away with all kinds of life- and environment-
endangering crap, wasn't at the top of his priority list.

Hindsight is 20/20 and all that. But only three weeks before
the BP disaster, Obama was all for expanding drilling in the
Gulf and off Alaska and the East Coast, despite warnings of
how potentially dangerous it would be.

He's declared a 30-day moratorium on new offshore drilling
licenses, but that really isn't anywhere near enough to get
things under control. We'll see how resistant he is to
pressure to ramping it all up again.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >
> > 1. BP is not allowing inspection of information from acoustic mapping of 
> > the undersea oil deposits in the water sub surface est to be 70% of the 
> > spill. BP is not releasing Hyper-spectral surface pictures of the spill 
> > area for analysis with University marine science collected by the US Gov.
> > 
> > 2. BP is not conducting surveillance and allowing the other assets in the 
> > combined command to talk to the press about what they are finding.
> > 
> > 3. BP has more liability under the surface than they do on the top and a 
> > conflict of interest in management of the oil spill mitigation and gets it 
> > authority from a cozy agreement with US Dept of Interior.
> > Posted by BPoilworker May 17, 2010 10:13 PM
> > 
> > Comment #904 "The Big Picture"
> > 
> > http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/05/disaster_unfolds_slowly_in_the.html
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Boycott BP, make them pay at the pump

2010-05-18 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >
> > "Economic boycotts can be very powerful and change the world
> > for the better. Sadly, too few Americans use their personal
> > spending power to advance worthy goals. An immediate
> > opportunity is for people to stop buying BP gasoline..."
> I'm all for a consumer boycott of BP as an expression of
> outrage, but we shouldn't kid ourselves that it'll do BP
> any significant financial harm. Individual U.S. consumers
> are only a small fraction of its global market. Even the
> billions BP will ultimately spend getting the well shut
> down and the oil cleaned up and financial damages
> compensated won't be more than a blip on its balance sheet.

Loosing 200 customers per each of their 10,000 US gas stations would roughly be 
about 1% hit in earnings.   

> > Read more:
> > 
> > http://www.economyincrisis.org/content/economic-power-boycott-bp

[FairfieldLife] Re: Boycott BP, make them pay at the pump

2010-05-18 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> >
> > "Economic boycotts can be very powerful and change the world
> > for the better. Sadly, too few Americans use their personal
> > spending power to advance worthy goals. An immediate
> > opportunity is for people to stop buying BP gasoline..."
> I'm all for a consumer boycott of BP as an expression of
> outrage

On second thought, I'd hate to see a lot of effort going
into a largely symbolic BP boycott when there are so many
potentially more productive things we could be doing to
deal with our oil addiction. After all, if we're still
buying gas for the car, *some* oil company is profiting
that's doing the same dangerous stuff as BP and just has
been lucky not to have caused a disaster so far.

In the short term, we should be pressuring Washington to
regulate and supervise the oil companies more closely.
In the long term, we should be agitating for the
development of alternative energy sources. There's a lot
of work to do. Best not to waste our time on gestures.

, but we shouldn't kid ourselves that it'll do BP
> any significant financial harm. Individual U.S. consumers
> are only a small fraction of its global market. Even the
> billions BP will ultimately spend getting the well shut
> down and the oil cleaned up and financial damages
> compensated won't be more than a blip on its balance sheet.
> > Read more:
> > 
> > http://www.economyincrisis.org/content/economic-power-boycott-bp

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread yifuxero
How about the Siddhi of controlled out of body travel. Can you do that?
by "dreams", this term represents an entry point into a broader topic, such as 
Yoga Nidra (complete awareness during the sleep states), and then going onto 
lucid dreams, precognitive dreams; and most important: the Radiant Form of the 
Since Ammachi is your Guru, I take it you have seen Her Radiant Form. By that I 
mean not a mere dream, but a totally mind-blowing Radiant, effulgent, Celestial 
form that is Beautiful beyond discription.
 You keep on saying...no, no, I don't have these types of awarenesses that are 
common among the Tibetan Rinpoches (such as complete conscious awareness during 
the sleep states); and the capacity to "Rise Above Bodily Consciousness", 
meeting up with various Spiritual Masters both living and physically dead. (the 
Siddhi common to genuine Sant Mat Saints).
So, you have realized the Self. Everything is BeingOK; not a new message 
but an important one if one goes beyond the ordinary Neo-Advaitic message and 
states why such a realization is "important" (i.e. gives one some types of 
The next question would be why one would declare such as Self-attainment, if 
the achievement is only to end on the surface of your skin. (and thus, the need 
for hugging).
I'm trying to grasp the situation here with BatGap but don't quite understand 
it. Bear with me a bit(to summarize), let's start from page 1:
1. Going back to Sakyamuni Buddha and others such as St. Paul, various claims 
are made: people can eliminate suffering and become "happy" if only they 
perform actions (a, b, c,...).
OK, fine; but I don't see much evidence for such claims, especially coming from 
the MUM statistics, and the like.
2. Then, over the centuries, various people claim to have duplicated the 
efforts of the Buddha; only to recycle the old messages and claims.
3. Apart from some extremely rare cases such as Nityananda and various 
Christian Saints; given the set of "Awakened" people, the evidence seems to 
suggest that true Enlightenment goes beyond mere "Awakening" and indeed, the 
latter is "ordinary" in no extraordinary sense! (in that case, one might as 
well interview Vegas card cheaters for amusement).
4. Among the truly Awakened, some demonstrate genuine Siddhis, either in a 
deliberate fashion (Nityananda); or that occur spontaneously in the Presence of 
persons like Ramana Maharshi. Yet you make lite of such happenings apparently 
to proclaim your elevated status and lower theirs.
At any rate, I applaud you for not asking for donations and not having much in 
the way of a concealed agenda. Maybe you can hit people for some $$ later on. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
> What kind of Sidhhis did Raman Maharishi demonstrate or was it just the
> imagination of devotees? I always laughed at anyone who said they had
> Ammachi in their dreams and made them do x, y or z. I would say it is just
> imagination, I have had Amma in my dreams and so...what then?
> I wouldn't be surprised if someone appears on this list that they had Ravi
> Guru in their dreams instructing them to abuse torky, sally and tartie for
> example..LOL..the power of imagination is such, oh what games we play to
> escape the truth staring at us constantly...
> Love - Ravi..
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 4:26 PM, yifuxero  wrote:
> >
> >
> > No evidence of Siddhis. imo, would-be Gurus should demonstrate an
> > extraordinary level of Shakti power, appearing in people's dreams maybe.
> > Even Dr. Lenz could do that..
> > I have yet to find a Guru who can do well in the stock market. Where's the
> > Spiritual/material interface? At least Ravi seems to have a real job.
> > The credits he cites amount to a beginning. Is he (you...if reading this)
> > not on a learning curve like the rest of us? I recommend that you become a
> > disciple of Ramana Maharshi, then teach from that perspective.
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Obama: GOP wants taxpayers to foot the bill for big oil

2010-05-18 Thread do.rflex

Obama: GOP wants taxpayers to foot the bill for big oil

This is pretty sweet: a statement from President Obama blasting 
Republicans for defending the low liability limits that protect oil 
companies from paying for the economic damages caused by spills, costs 
that would instead be borne by taxpayers.
I am  disappointed that an effort to ensure that oil companies pay fully
for  disasters they cause has stalled in the United States Senate on a 
partisan basis.  This maneuver threatens to leave taxpayers, rather than
the oil companies, on the hook for future disasters like the BP oil 
spill.  I urge the Senate Republicans to stop playing special interest 
politics and join in a bipartisan effort to protect taxpayers and demand
accountability from the oil companies.

As  President Obama points out, if oil companies don't pay for the
damage  they cause, taxpayers will be left on the hook. That's
effectively a big  oil bailout, allowing oil companies to enjoy
unlimited profits while  accepting only limited risk. It's what
Sarah Palin might call big oil  bailout socialism — if she
weren't a flaming hypocrite.

Obama's  statement comes as Republicans once  again
  filibustered Democratic efforts to move forward on raising 
the liability limits. Meanwhile, Senate Democrats are rejecting a 
Republican counter-offer because they say it is doesn't hold oil 
companies accountable. Sam Stein outlines
   the GOP proposal:

On Monday, the Republican Party,  led by Sens. David Vitter, R-La., Jeff
Sessions, R-Ala. and Roger  Wicker, R-Miss put out the first GOP
counter-proposal. Under its design,  a company responsible for a spill
would have to pay either the last  four quarters of its profits or
double the current cap ($150 million) —  whichever one is greater
— to help with economic damages caused by the  spill.

The GOP plan is absurd. On paper, it seems  to establish a fairly high
cap for companies like BP who have  multi-billion dollar profits,
it's completely arbitrary. Moreover, with  all the accounting games
one can play, you'd have to be crazy (or bought  by big oil) to
support something like this.

Harry Reid has come  forward with the best plan of all: he wants
   to abolish the cap altogether.

Reid told reporters  that a proposal pending before the Senate to lift
the liability from  the current $75 million to $10 billion is inadequate
because the $10  billion figure is "too small."

"We're told that the damage from  the oil spill in the Gulf now
is $14 billion already," Reid said,  referring to the BP spill off
the coast of Louisiana. "I'm for no cap."

In other news today, Democrats are continuing to push  for
accountability. Eight Senate Dems have joined together, calling for a 
criminal inquiry  
into BP's disaster. They feel BP may have  knowingly misled the
government about its ability to handle a disaster  like the one
unfolding int he Gulf.

The most important thing  here is to get good legislation passed and to
hold BP accountable, but  let's not forget that there are political
implications at stake.

Right  now, Republicans are demonstrating what things would be like if
they  were returned to power. Democrats have their problem spots (see 
Landrieu, Mary), but the GOP is bought and paid for by big oil.

There's  no question we need change in DC, but we need change for
the better —  and Republicans are once again proving they are
incapable of delivering  it. Democrats can, as long as they proceed with
boldness and stay true  to the mission of the Democratic Party: to
represent the people.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Boycott BP, make them pay at the pump

2010-05-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> "Economic boycotts can be very powerful and change the world
> for the better. Sadly, too few Americans use their personal
> spending power to advance worthy goals. An immediate
> opportunity is for people to stop buying BP gasoline..."

I'm all for a consumer boycott of BP as an expression of
outrage, but we shouldn't kid ourselves that it'll do BP
any significant financial harm. Individual U.S. consumers
are only a small fraction of its global market. Even the
billions BP will ultimately spend getting the well shut
down and the oil cleaned up and financial damages
compensated won't be more than a blip on its balance sheet.

> Read more:
> http://www.economyincrisis.org/content/economic-power-boycott-bp

[FairfieldLife] Re: Boston Globe Big Picture Oil Spill

2010-05-18 Thread lurkernomore20002000
You forgot #4.  Obama is somehow responsible for this.  There should be a tie 
in of some sot.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> 1. BP is not allowing inspection of information from acoustic mapping of the 
> undersea oil deposits in the water sub surface est to be 70% of the spill. BP 
> is not releasing Hyper-spectral surface pictures of the spill area for 
> analysis with University marine science collected by the US Gov.
> 2. BP is not conducting surveillance and allowing the other assets in the 
> combined command to talk to the press about what they are finding.
> 3. BP has more liability under the surface than they do on the top and a 
> conflict of interest in management of the oil spill mitigation and gets it 
> authority from a cozy agreement with US Dept of Interior.
> Posted by BPoilworker May 17, 2010 10:13 PM
> Comment #904 "The Big Picture"
> http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/05/disaster_unfolds_slowly_in_the.html

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread ditzyklanmail
I have:www.myspace.com/thearismusic

From: Ravi Chivukula 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, 18 May, 2010 4:05:15 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

I'm a South Indian Brahmin who traces his family lineage to Sage Bharadwaja, 
I'm the best expression of my mom and dad, I have strong samskaras of all my 
Brahmin forefathers. I have earned the right to be a Brahmin, not by birth but 
my own efforts. I do astrology, ayurveda, I can read your energy. I was a 
Guru/Yogi in my last life, my wife is a yogini, my both boys are yogis.

My Guru is Ammachi, the supreme mother. I have been working as a Software 
engineer from 1996, I have an IQ of 140, people who love me and respect me at 

I'm on Facebook - facebook.com/ chivukula. ravi, my email is chivukula.ravi@ 
gmail.com, my videos showing my bliss are on youtube.com, available upon 
request, I live in Fremont, CA work in San Francisco, CA

What do you have?

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 1:51 PM, Ravi Chivukula  

Dear "do.rflex"
>You are the first one to totally stump me today, I admire your courage, 
>authenticity, intelligence. LOL.
>I don't know how to react since I can't call you any loving names. I will 
>simply say I love my "do.rflex" - are you from planet Zinooka, by any chance? 
>How does anyone take you seriously I wonder...:-)
>My life is an open book, if you take sometime from your constant vomiting and 
>throwing up, you can read it and discern for yourself - why do you have to 
>depend on others? I'm on facebook, my videos are on Youtube, my whole life is 
>public, my love for everyone is total and I don't need any props like my 
>Can you provide me your details - first name, last name, family details, place 
>of residence, where you work, names of your family members and where I can 
>meet you? Any facebook or youtube links detailing your qualifications? Any 
>batgap.com interviews? Do you at least have any recommendation from Rick? 
>Sally, Torky, Tarty? Are you buddies with shukri, freakybrain? C'mon give me 
>something to work with you, pleasee , I beg you. ..LOL 
>you don't want to feel my love...
>Now all my disciples will get it - create complicated yahoo troll email ids to 
>totally confuse me..LOL, but I'm totally adaptable I will surely come up with 
>something, I'm a greater guru than Maharishi or Ammachi, I love dealing with 
>the "bottom of the cans" like you:-), but you need to be honest and 
>Love - Ravi.
>On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 1:03 PM, do.rflex  wrote:
>>Makes one wonder how he gets by in regular day to day life interacting with 
>>others if he acts like this - or if there's anyone he encounters who does't 
>>think there's something awfully wrong with him.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Boston Globe Big Picture Oil Spill

2010-05-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
> 1. BP is not allowing inspection of information from acoustic
> mapping of the undersea oil deposits in the water sub surface
> est to be 70% of the spill. BP is not releasing Hyper-spectral
> surface pictures of the spill area for analysis with University
> marine science collected by the US Gov.

This makes no sense. It's not BP's data; it wasn't collected
for BP and it's not in BP's possession.

They are being close-mouthed about some data that they do
control, but this ain't it, FWIW.

I would strongly recommend people get their information
about the "spill" from TheOilDrum.com. The folks there are
mostly very anti-BP and pro-environment, and many folks
with hands-on experience in the oil industry participate
in the discussions. Crap of whatever sort gets shot down
fast. A lot of it is highly technical, but the knowledgeable
participants are wonderful about answering questions from

> 2. BP is not conducting surveillance and allowing the other assets in the 
> combined command to talk to the press about what they are finding.
> 3. BP has more liability under the surface than they do on the top and a 
> conflict of interest in management of the oil spill mitigation and gets it 
> authority from a cozy agreement with US Dept of Interior.
> Posted by BPoilworker May 17, 2010 10:13 PM
> Comment #904 "The Big Picture"
> http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/05/disaster_unfolds_slowly_in_the.html

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2010-05-18 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat May 15 00:00:00 2010
End Date (UTC): Sat May 22 00:00:00 2010
285 messages as of (UTC) Wed May 19 00:12:34 2010

34 Ravi Chivukula 
25 tartbrain 
25 TurquoiseB 
18 lurkernomore20002000 
16 authfriend 
15 Bhairitu 
13 yifuxero 
13 Rick Archer 
12 WillyTex 
11 ditzyklanmail 
11 Sal Sunshine 
10 "do.rflex" 
 8 sgrayatlarge 
 8 Vaj 
 8 Duveyoung 
 7 nablusoss1008 
 7 Buck 
 6 Jason 
 5 shukra69 
 5 Mike Dixon 
 5 John 
 4 cardemaister 
 4 Yifu Xero 
 2 wayback71 
 2 raunchydog 
 2 Joe 
 2 Dick Mays 
 2 Alex Stanley 
 1 merudanda 
 1 merlin 
 1 eustace10679 
 1 brian64705 
 1 wle...@aol.com

Posters: 33
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Boycott BP, make them pay at the pump

2010-05-18 Thread raunchydog
"Economic boycotts can be very powerful and change the world for the better. 
Sadly, too few Americans use their personal spending power to advance worthy 
goals. An immediate opportunity is for people to stop buying BP gasoline..."

Read more:


[FairfieldLife] Boston Globe Big Picture Oil Spill

2010-05-18 Thread raunchydog
1. BP is not allowing inspection of information from acoustic mapping of the 
undersea oil deposits in the water sub surface est to be 70% of the spill. BP 
is not releasing Hyper-spectral surface pictures of the spill area for analysis 
with University marine science collected by the US Gov.

2. BP is not conducting surveillance and allowing the other assets in the 
combined command to talk to the press about what they are finding.

3. BP has more liability under the surface than they do on the top and a 
conflict of interest in management of the oil spill mitigation and gets it 
authority from a cozy agreement with US Dept of Interior.
Posted by BPoilworker May 17, 2010 10:13 PM

Comment #904 "The Big Picture"


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Ravi Chivukula
What kind of Sidhhis did Raman Maharishi demonstrate or was it just the
imagination of devotees? I always laughed at anyone who said they had
Ammachi in their dreams and made them do x, y or z. I would say it is just
imagination, I have had Amma in my dreams and so...what then?

I wouldn't be surprised if someone appears on this list that they had Ravi
Guru in their dreams instructing them to abuse torky, sally and tartie for
example..LOL..the power of imagination is such, oh what games we play to
escape the truth staring at us constantly...

Love - Ravi..

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 4:26 PM, yifuxero  wrote:

> No evidence of Siddhis. imo, would-be Gurus should demonstrate an
> extraordinary level of Shakti power, appearing in people's dreams maybe.
> Even Dr. Lenz could do that..
> I have yet to find a Guru who can do well in the stock market. Where's the
> Spiritual/material interface? At least Ravi seems to have a real job.
> The credits he cites amount to a beginning. Is he (you...if reading this)
> not on a learning curve like the rest of us? I recommend that you become a
> disciple of Ramana Maharshi, then teach from that perspective.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread yifuxero
No evidence of Siddhis. imo, would-be Gurus should demonstrate an extraordinary 
level of Shakti power, appearing in people's dreams maybe. Even Dr. Lenz could 
do that..
I have yet to find a Guru who can do well in the stock market. Where's the 
Spiritual/material interface? At least Ravi seems to have a real job.
The credits he cites amount to a beginning. Is he (you...if reading this) not 
on a learning curve like the rest of us? I recommend that you become a disciple 
of Ramana Maharshi, then teach from that perspective. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> On May 18, 2010, at 6:01 PM, wayback71 wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  
> > wrote:
> >> 
> >> Funny you say this, you are open and can feel my energy and I like it.
> >> 
> >> I got up this morning and my kid asked where and how I slept. I told him 
> >> I'm
> >> a yogi, I don't sleep and have been target practicing all night long. I
> >> usually lie down 12 - 6 am watching my body rest and dream. I told him that
> >> I'm trying to shoot people who are taking aim at me and your dad is a 
> >> sniper
> >> and he has been practicing shooting all night long..LOL..
> >> 
> >> For some reason a whole block of street was closed earlier this morning in
> >> Fremont, there was a SWAT team deployed. I was explaining to my kid how
> >> every SWAT team has an expert sniper to take down criminals who hold others
> >> hostage. I actually described it in precise detail and made the sign of a
> >> gun and shot with my hands.., funny how I used that analogy in the morning
> >> and here you are repeating it again..:-)
> >> 
> >> OTOH there are no coincidences..
> >> 
> >> Love - Ravi.
> > 
> > Ravi.
> > Oy.  My suggegstion is that it is time to get back to your regular everyday 
> > job and follow the schedule and routine.
> My suggestion is that he get back on his meds.
> Oy is right...
> Sal

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Sal Sunshine
On May 18, 2010, at 6:01 PM, wayback71 wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  
> wrote:
>> Funny you say this, you are open and can feel my energy and I like it.
>> I got up this morning and my kid asked where and how I slept. I told him I'm
>> a yogi, I don't sleep and have been target practicing all night long. I
>> usually lie down 12 - 6 am watching my body rest and dream. I told him that
>> I'm trying to shoot people who are taking aim at me and your dad is a sniper
>> and he has been practicing shooting all night long..LOL..
>> For some reason a whole block of street was closed earlier this morning in
>> Fremont, there was a SWAT team deployed. I was explaining to my kid how
>> every SWAT team has an expert sniper to take down criminals who hold others
>> hostage. I actually described it in precise detail and made the sign of a
>> gun and shot with my hands.., funny how I used that analogy in the morning
>> and here you are repeating it again..:-)
>> OTOH there are no coincidences..
>> Love - Ravi.
> Ravi.
> Oy.  My suggegstion is that it is time to get back to your regular everyday 
> job and follow the schedule and routine.

My suggestion is that he get back on his meds.
Oy is right...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Proof of re-incarnation? :D

2010-05-18 Thread wayback71

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> Timur from Slovakia (5 yrs) sings this year's Finnish
> entry for the Eurovision Song contest. His pronunciation
> is nearly flawless!
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL_0zqpocV0

many children on the autistic spectrum as well as gifted budding musicians who 
are not on the spectrum can mimic accents perfectly from a very young age - no 
way a proving of reincarnation, just sensitive hearing and a great memory for 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Ravi Chivukula
I will try, thank you very much for your concern and understanding. Getting
tired of the stress of being a spiritual sniper...LOL, I'm at work though..

Love - Ravi.

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 4:01 PM, wayback71  wrote:

> Ravi.
> Oy. My suggegstion is that it is time to get back to your regular everyday
> job and follow the schedule and routine.
> _._,___

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread wayback71

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
> Funny you say this, you are open and can feel my energy and I like it.
> I got up this morning and my kid asked where and how I slept. I told him I'm
> a yogi, I don't sleep and have been target practicing all night long. I
> usually lie down 12 - 6 am watching my body rest and dream. I told him that
> I'm trying to shoot people who are taking aim at me and your dad is a sniper
> and he has been practicing shooting all night long..LOL..
> For some reason a whole block of street was closed earlier this morning in
> Fremont, there was a SWAT team deployed. I was explaining to my kid how
> every SWAT team has an expert sniper to take down criminals who hold others
> hostage. I actually described it in precise detail and made the sign of a
> gun and shot with my hands.., funny how I used that analogy in the morning
> and here you are repeating it again..:-)
> OTOH there are no coincidences..
> Love - Ravi.

Oy.  My suggegstion is that it is time to get back to your regular everyday job 
and follow the schedule and routine.
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 3:23 PM, lurkernomore20002000 <
> steve.sun...@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I am just loving every bit of this. Let me say that Ravi Chivukula is a
> > good listener. I think he picks up right away where people are coming from,
> > although, I still say he misunderstood Tart. But if he shooting from the
> > hip, I think his aim is pretty accurate.
> >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Funny you say this, you are open and can feel my energy and I like it.

I got up this morning and my kid asked where and how I slept. I told him I'm
a yogi, I don't sleep and have been target practicing all night long. I
usually lie down 12 - 6 am watching my body rest and dream. I told him that
I'm trying to shoot people who are taking aim at me and your dad is a sniper
and he has been practicing shooting all night long..LOL..

For some reason a whole block of street was closed earlier this morning in
Fremont, there was a SWAT team deployed. I was explaining to my kid how
every SWAT team has an expert sniper to take down criminals who hold others
hostage. I actually described it in precise detail and made the sign of a
gun and shot with my hands.., funny how I used that analogy in the morning
and here you are repeating it again..:-)

OTOH there are no coincidences..

Love - Ravi.

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 3:23 PM, lurkernomore20002000 <
steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> I am just loving every bit of this. Let me say that Ravi Chivukula is a
> good listener. I think he picks up right away where people are coming from,
> although, I still say he misunderstood Tart. But if he shooting from the
> hip, I think his aim is pretty accurate.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread lurkernomore20002000
I have to say, I find it refreshing.  This may be his experience.  I mean, 
after a while, I would think you would come back to the first person.  But I 
can see where someone, who might be experiencing something new, may refer to 
himself in the third person.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> Alex Stanley is a person who is weirded out by people who refer to themselves 
> in the third person.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
> >
> > The irony is that the Ravi Chivukula, the thug became the "lover"...:-), he
> > loves everyone now..but recognize a thug from a wussy. Ravi Chivukula loves
> > the true spiritual thugs because they are the future lovers...but will
> > smell and hunt down wussies, idiots and retards...LOL...
> > 
> > You know who Ravi Chivukula is, he has a face, a family, a Guru, you know
> > where he lives and works, Fremont and San Francisco, his life is an open
> > book...he will come to Iowa when his Guru comes so people can meet him and
> > his family. He will give his love and blessings to anyone who is open and
> > interested.
> > 
> > Do you know anything about your wussies, the retards, the idiots posing as
> > spiritual thugs??? Ravi Chivukula has a special quality, his life of a thug
> > converted lover doesn't match his Gurus, he has his unique style which is
> > very different from his Gurus, he doesn't copy anyone, though he is in
> > gratitude to his Gurus.
> > 
> > The retards will use quotations from all over the place and will easily
> > expose themselves as retarded because they can't compete with Ravi
> > Chivukula..:-)because they are in a hurry to prove themselves to
> > be thugs...LOL. Ravi is relaxed, patient..he is a hunter...of
> > idiots, retards, wussieshe has done that all his life...never tolerated
> > medocrity:-)
> > 
> > Love - Ravi.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 12:00 AM, Ravi Chivukula
> > wrote:
> > 
> > > Dear everyone,
> > >
> > > Ravi Chivukula was a quintessential spiritual thug. He has an excellent
> > > memory, people who create fake id's, troll through list and attack him, 
> > > his
> > > family, his Guru are spiritual wussies and pussies. He has an excellent
> > > memory, he remembers incidents from when he was 2, he will detect and hunt
> > > these people who harass devotees. He clearly remember tartie boy, sally 
> > > and
> > > turqoise retard from his Amma days.
> > >
> > > He will eat tartie for breakfast, Turquoise for lunch and Sal for dinner,
> > > shukra69 for a snack...LOL
> > >
> > > He met Ammachi when he was 24, but he only accepted her teaching if it was
> > > applicable to him and rejected anything that wasn't applicable to him. He
> > > was rude and made fun of anyone who accepted his guru's teachings 
> > > literally.
> > > He didn't spare anyone. He was the quintessential spiritual thug and
> > > disciple. Wow the greatness of Ammachi !!! and a disciple like Ravi
> > > Chivukula..:-). His life was an open book, he didn't create fake id's to
> > > threaten and harass masters, he learnt from them.
> > >
> > > When Ravi sees these retards attacking devotees, true men like Jim 
> > > Flanegin
> > > and a list started by a man "Rick Archer" that he so appreciates, he will
> > > not sit idle. He has the spiritual energy to share the essence and smells
> > > the wussies from a distance. They can only dream of a state like Ravi
> > > Chivukula.
> > >
> > > Love - Ravi
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread lurkernomore20002000
I am just loving every bit of this.  Let me say that Ravi Chivukula is a good 
listener.  I think he picks up right away where people are coming from, 
although, I still say he misunderstood Tart.  But if he shooting from the hip, 
I think his aim is pretty accurate.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
> Dear Edg,
> Yes !!!
> I am awake, just got up, I am singing a song trying to wake up my wife and
> kids, dancing, blissed out ready to take down these wussiesLOL
> Love - Ravi.
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 6:30 AM, Duveyoung  wrote:
> >
> >
> > Ravi must be enlightened; look at Turq going nutzoid with unstressing about
> > it. He's got Turq's number, and doesn't mind hanging him upside down in the
> > public square and smacking Turq the Jerk around like it was Benito
> > Mussolini's last moments.
> >
> > And yeah, Turq came out of the chute with horns sharpened -- that's a tell
> > that he's still looking for outer embodiments to rail upon because his other
> > spiritual rapists are dead now. Poor Turq -- how can anyone stand the pain
> > of being handcuffed to such a personality? I guess masturbating while
> > fantasizing about lacing some young thing's drink with Ambien is as good as
> > life gets for him now.
> >
> > Edg
> >
> >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Oil Exec speaks out on Gulf spill

2010-05-18 Thread do.rflex
Joel Pett   / Lexington  Herald-Leader
(May 18, 2010)
Cartoon link: http://snipurl.com/whm6w   [media_mcclatchydc_com]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gen. JC Christian reviews 'The Manchurian President'

2010-05-18 Thread WillyTex

> My Amazon Review of "The Manchurian President"
So, is there anything in this book that is factually 
untrue? If, would you please point them out, AFTER 
you have read the book.

'The Manchurian President'
Barack Obama's Ties to Communists, Socialists and 
Other Anti-American Extremists
By Aaron Klein

Amazon review:

"The book really takes off in Chapter 4, when it 
begins to discuss in detail Obama's adoption of 
Saul Alinsky-type tactics, and his outright 
affiliation to socialist and communist PAC's and 
communal organizing non-profits. 

After reading, "The Manchurian President", you 
may still wonder how America could have possibly 
elected BHO, but you won't wonder why he acts 
like a marxist through his public policy. 

The truth is, he's been around marxism and 
socialism his entire life, and his policy reflects 
this stunning truth..." - K. Ramsey 

[FairfieldLife] Underwater videos of Gulf oil well leak

2010-05-18 Thread authfriend
If you want to eyeball the monster, see four videos of it
at the top of the list of links here:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Oops my interview soon at batgap.com/ravi-chivukula

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 2:05 PM, Ravi Chivukula wrote:

> I'm a South Indian Brahmin who traces his family lineage to Sage
> Bharadwaja, I'm the best expression of my mom and dad, I have strong
> samskaras of all my Brahmin forefathers. I have earned the right to be a
> Brahmin, not by birth but my own efforts. I do astrology, ayurveda, I can
> read your energy. I was a Guru/Yogi in my last life, my wife is a yogini, my
> both boys are yogis.
> My Guru is Ammachi, the supreme mother. I have been working as a Software
> engineer from 1996, I have an IQ of 140, people who love me and respect me
> at work.
> I'm on Facebook - facebook.com/chivukula.ravi, my email is
> chivukula.r...@gmail.com, my videos showing my bliss are on youtube.com,
> available upon request, I live in Fremont, CA work in San Francisco, CA
> What do you have?
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 1:51 PM, Ravi Chivukula 
> wrote:
>> Dear "do.rflex"
>> You are the first one to totally stump me today, I admire your courage,
>> authenticity, intelligence.LOL.
>> I don't know how to react since I can't call you any loving names. I will
>> simply say I love my "do.rflex" - are you from planet Zinooka, by any
>> chance? How does anyone take you seriously I wonder...:-)
>> My life is an open book, if you take sometime from your constant vomiting
>> and throwing up, you can read it and discern for yourself - why do you have
>> to depend on others? I'm on facebook, my videos are on Youtube, my whole
>> life is public, my love for everyone is total and I don't need any props
>> like my disciples.
>> Can you provide me your details - first name, last name, family details,
>> place of residence, where you work, names of your family members and where I
>> can meet you? Any facebook or youtube links detailing your qualifications?
>> Any batgap.com interviews? Do you at least have any recommendation from
>> Rick? Sally, Torky, Tarty? Are you buddies with shukri, freakybrain? C'mon
>> give me something to work with you, pleasee, I beg
>> you...LOLyou don't want to feel my love...
>> Now all my disciples will get it - create complicated yahoo troll email
>> ids to totally confuse me..LOL, but I'm totally adaptable I will surely come
>> up with something, I'm a greater guru than Maharishi or Ammachi, I love
>> dealing with the "bottom of the cans" like you:-), but you need to be
>> honest and authentic..
>> Love - Ravi.
>> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 1:03 PM, do.rflex  wrote:
>>> Makes one wonder how he gets by in regular day to day life interacting
>>> with others if he acts like this - or if there's anyone he encounters who
>>> does't think there's something awfully wrong with him.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Ravi Chivukula
I'm a South Indian Brahmin who traces his family lineage to Sage Bharadwaja,
I'm the best expression of my mom and dad, I have strong samskaras of all my
Brahmin forefathers. I have earned the right to be a Brahmin, not by birth
but my own efforts. I do astrology, ayurveda, I can read your energy. I was
a Guru/Yogi in my last life, my wife is a yogini, my both boys are yogis.

My Guru is Ammachi, the supreme mother. I have been working as a Software
engineer from 1996, I have an IQ of 140, people who love me and respect me
at work.

I'm on Facebook - facebook.com/chivukula.ravi, my email is
chivukula.r...@gmail.com, my videos showing my bliss are on youtube.com,
available upon request, I live in Fremont, CA work in San Francisco, CA

What do you have?

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 1:51 PM, Ravi Chivukula wrote:

> Dear "do.rflex"
> You are the first one to totally stump me today, I admire your courage,
> authenticity, intelligence.LOL.
> I don't know how to react since I can't call you any loving names. I will
> simply say I love my "do.rflex" - are you from planet Zinooka, by any
> chance? How does anyone take you seriously I wonder...:-)
> My life is an open book, if you take sometime from your constant vomiting
> and throwing up, you can read it and discern for yourself - why do you have
> to depend on others? I'm on facebook, my videos are on Youtube, my whole
> life is public, my love for everyone is total and I don't need any props
> like my disciples.
> Can you provide me your details - first name, last name, family details,
> place of residence, where you work, names of your family members and where I
> can meet you? Any facebook or youtube links detailing your qualifications?
> Any batgap.com interviews? Do you at least have any recommendation from
> Rick? Sally, Torky, Tarty? Are you buddies with shukri, freakybrain? C'mon
> give me something to work with you, pleasee, I beg
> you...LOLyou don't want to feel my love...
> Now all my disciples will get it - create complicated yahoo troll email ids
> to totally confuse me..LOL, but I'm totally adaptable I will surely come up
> with something, I'm a greater guru than Maharishi or Ammachi, I love dealing
> with the "bottom of the cans" like you:-), but you need to be honest and
> authentic..
> Love - Ravi.
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 1:03 PM, do.rflex  wrote:
>> Makes one wonder how he gets by in regular day to day life interacting
>> with others if he acts like this - or if there's anyone he encounters who
>> does't think there's something awfully wrong with him.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Dear "do.rflex"

You are the first one to totally stump me today, I admire your courage,
authenticity, intelligence.LOL.

I don't know how to react since I can't call you any loving names. I will
simply say I love my "do.rflex" - are you from planet Zinooka, by any
chance? How does anyone take you seriously I wonder...:-)

My life is an open book, if you take sometime from your constant vomiting
and throwing up, you can read it and discern for yourself - why do you have
to depend on others? I'm on facebook, my videos are on Youtube, my whole
life is public, my love for everyone is total and I don't need any props
like my disciples.

Can you provide me your details - first name, last name, family details,
place of residence, where you work, names of your family members and where I
can meet you? Any facebook or youtube links detailing your qualifications?
Any batgap.com interviews? Do you at least have any recommendation from
Rick? Sally, Torky, Tarty? Are you buddies with shukri, freakybrain? C'mon
give me something to work with you, pleasee, I beg
you...LOLyou don't want to feel my love...

Now all my disciples will get it - create complicated yahoo troll email ids
to totally confuse me..LOL, but I'm totally adaptable I will surely come up
with something, I'm a greater guru than Maharishi or Ammachi, I love dealing
with the "bottom of the cans" like you:-), but you need to be honest and

Love - Ravi.

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 1:03 PM, do.rflex  wrote:

> Makes one wonder how he gets by in regular day to day life interacting with
> others if he acts like this - or if there's anyone he encounters who does't
> think there's something awfully wrong with him.

[FairfieldLife] Next!...

2010-05-18 Thread yifuxero

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: A Laughable Menu

2010-05-18 Thread WLeed3


 From: lm...@cornell.edu
To: wle...@aol.com
CC: mcjun...@msn.com,  leejew...@aol.com, moulenb...@hotmail.com
Sent: 5/18/2010 3:55:28 P.M.  Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Fwd: A Laughable Menu

A cannibal was walking through the jungle and came upon a  restaurant 
operated by a fellow cannibal.

Feeling somewhat hungry, he  sat down and looked over the menu...

¶  Tourist:  $5.00

¶  Broiled  Missionary:   $10.00

¶ Fried  Explorer:  $15.00

¶  Baked Democrat or Grilled Republican:   $100.00

The cannibal  called the waiter over and asked, "Why such a price 
difference for the  politicians?"

The cook replied, "Have you ever tried to clean  one?  They're so full of 
shit, it takes all  morning."

[FairfieldLife] Re: One more step closer to Big Brother

2010-05-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > > > > This is all too Orwellian. 
> > > >
> > > > You sound really angry and scared - maybe you should 
> > > > reconsider joining in a Tea Party protest.
> > >
> > > As an old conservative meditator by experience my conspiracy 
> > > friends I watch.  Yeah, i'd be concerned about the anger and 
> > > fear some of my friends around here vex themselves with over 
> > > their conspiracy theories.  Spiritually it is just not good.  
> > > You can just see how they let their subtle energy systems get 
> > > snagged and bawled up.  Sad really to watch them combust.   
> > > They haven't something better to do than fret and split hairs 
> > > over figment completely beyond their reality?  Like they're 
> > > missing what is infront of themselves & should just repent and 
> > > go sit more with God in meditation.  The science is pretty 
> > > clear on that. 
> > >
> > > Jai Adi Shankara,
> > > -Buck   
> > 
> > There is a difference between "being scared" and "being angry" 
> > and especially outraged. 50 years ago if the government had 
> > done this the public would have screamed "this is communism!"
> > That is because we were told such citizen spy programs were 
> > what the communist countries do. Now if I had said that this 
> > program was "communist" Willy would have be hard put to use 
> > his usual retort as, God forbid, he would have sounded like 
> > a communist sympathizer.
> > 
> > We know that many prisoners in Gitmo were just innocent folks 
> > that people in Afghanistan turned in for the cash the US 
> > military was offering. Do you want that here?  Authoritarian 
> > governments rise on the backs of their apathetic citizens.   
> > So there is nothing wrong with waking up the public. This 
> > time the article did not first appear on the so called 
> > "conspiracy" sites but on the MSM.  And in the comment 
> > sections of those news outlets people were overwhelmingly 
> > opposed to such a program.  Perhaps your friends just think 
> > you're an apathetic boob. Or maybe you are REALLY a communist.  
> > After all you wanted to take over FFL and control speech. We 
> > took it as a joke but maybe you were serious. I guess that 
> > would say you're a communist but since Nabby reminds all the 
> > time us that communism is dead you must be a zombie. :-D
> > 
> > Programs like these are security theater made to look like your 
> > government is doing something.  Instead it may cause massive 
> > unemployment for parking attendants as people will not be 
> > wanting to hand over their keys to them.
> No you missed the point with the conspiracy theories.  I'm talking 
> about the folks gripped with conspiracy themselves.  In watching 
> and listening to them, I start wondering is spiritual in-
> discipline endemic in character with TM'ers? That conspiracy 
> stuff is fine on one level, you are obsessed and want to go 
> back to your conspiracies. I am not interested but I find the 
> more interesting thing around here is the spiritual implication 
> of the low filter set of spiritual discipline around the 
> conspiracy thinking in some people.  You don't live in 
> Fairfield?  
> In Fairfield if you're with 5 or so people and utter the words, 
> "Federal Reserve", one or two people will get catatonic. Melt 
> down to almost speaking in tongues and do it right in front of 
> everyone without filter. I watched it happen with three different 
> people again in the last few days in different groups of people.  
> In watching, it makes me wonder if Fairfield is a little more 
> concentrated in demented conspiracists?  Locally for some years 
> folks, seemingly intelligent people, have attended the offered 
> lectures, taken the courses and 'studied it', with other local 
> 'studied' experts.  Some local 'toastmaster' experts make livings 
> now 'teaching' the stuff.  A few base their brokerage business 
> around it. 
> If you uttered the words, "Federal Reserve" or "Illuminati" to 
> a hundred people in Mt. Pleasant or Ottumwa, would it get that 
> same emotional amplitude in one, two or five people that it 
> gets in Fairfield?   Just wondering, are meditators as a group 
> less skeptic-able and therefore more (open) susceptible to 
> conspiracy stories?  That is a side question, more interesting 
> is watching people actively divert their lives over their 
> perceived conspiracies that are quite remote from their 
> spiritual lives. There is something very un-spiritual about 
> it and anti-spiritual in some of the folks who would fan it.  
> Underneath, was the TM culture too lassie-fare on the moral 
> matters of spiritual discipline? 
> -Buck in FF

OK, Buck in FF...speaking as one who has given you shit
in the past about what I perceive as your act on Fairfield
Life and who has chided you for living down to someone 
else's potential, allow me to be the first (o

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe"  wrote:
> I actually hoping that this goof ball posts out before Judy this week. (And 
> that's saying something!)

Makes one wonder how he gets by in regular day to day life interacting with 
others if he acts like this - or if there's anyone he encounters who does't 
think there's something awfully wrong with him.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> >
> > On May 17, 2010, at 9:57 PM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:
> > 
> > > Well, I have to say that this has really been a breath of fresh air. We 
> > > have so much quarreling here, that it gets pretty dull. So, it's nice to 
> > > have your input. 
> > 
> > Yes, "Ravi" sure is a breath of fresh air, isn't he?
> > 
> > "So when I blast someone please remember this energy is not stuck in my 
> > lower centers, it immediately gives me a rush of energy since I'm pure and 
> > untouched. "  
> > 
> > "You can tell how someone is my retarded devotee..."
> > 
> > "Hey tartie - another one of my idiot disciples from my Amma days, its one 
> > of my luckiest days..LOL, Amma has reunited me with my 3 favorite retards 
> > in one single day..."
> > 
> > "Sorry today's applications for retarded disciples is closed."
> > 
> > "I'm your worst nightmare come true tartie guy..LOL, Amma has sent me to 
> > take care of retards like you tartie brain. She is too busy with the cream 
> > of the top tartie baby..."
> > 
> > Thanks for pointing out how "fresh" Rav has made the
> > air here, lurk.  :)  Otherwise, we might have been 
> > inclined to chalk him up as  a manic, grandiose,
> > Edg-lite windbag.  (And not only that, he's a bore.) Not that there's
> > anything wrong with all that, of course...
> > 
> > Sal
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Joey baby - hey you are another one of my "bottom of the can" idiotic
retarded wussie wannabe thuggie disciples..yaay..!  Someone's
messing with your geezerfreaky brain - Ravi guru doesn't have any
Love - Ravi.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Joe"  wrote:
> I actually hoping that this goof ball posts out before Judy this week.
(And that's saying something!)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: One more step closer to Big Brother

2010-05-18 Thread Vaj

On May 18, 2010, at 1:49 PM, Buck wrote:

If you uttered the words, "Federal Reserve" or "Illuminati" to a  
hundred people in Mt. Pleasant or Ottumwa, would it get that same  
emotional amplitude in one, two or five people that it gets in  

It would depend on exactly where in Mount Pleasant you were ...

[FairfieldLife] Proof of re-incarnation? :D

2010-05-18 Thread cardemaister

Timur from Slovakia (5 yrs) sings this year's Finnish
entry for the Eurovision Song contest. His pronunciation
is nearly flawless!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Lord Jesus Christ Run Down In Crosswalk

2010-05-18 Thread merudanda

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > Funny. Last week i legally changed my name to Brahman The Totality
>Of The Universe.
brahman De sammanlagda universum
Though my friends simply call me BTTOTU
> Hjälp! Jag vill veta, hur man ska' uttala det! :0



Drop Dead i sängen

> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, eustace10679 
> > >
> > > 'Lord Jesus Christ' Run Down In Crosswalk
> > >
> > > by The Associated Press
> > > May 7, 2010
> > >
> > > The victim might have forgiven the woman who ran him down in a
Massachusetts crosswalk, but police haven't.
> > >
> > > Police say a Pittsfield woman has been cited for running down a
man named Lord Jesus Christ as he crossed a street in Northampton on
> > >
> > > The 50-year-old man is from Belchertown. Officers checked his ID
and discovered that, indeed, his legal name is Lord Jesus Christ. He was
taken to the hospital for treatment of minor facial injuries.
> > >
> > > Police say 20-year-old Brittany Cantarella was cited for failing
to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk.
> > >
> > > (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=126606650)
> > >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: One more step closer to Big Brother

2010-05-18 Thread Bhairitu
Buck wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> This is all too Orwellian. 
 You sound really angry and scared - maybe you should 
 reconsider joining in a Tea Party protest.

>>> As an old conservative meditator by experience my conspiracy friends I 
>>> watch.  Yeah, i'd be concerned about the anger and fear some of my friends 
>>> around here vex themselves with over their conspiracy theories.  
>>> Spiritually it is just not good.  You can just see how they let their 
>>> subtle energy systems get snagged and bawled up.  Sad really to watch them 
>>> combust.   They haven't something better to do than fret and split hairs 
>>> over figment completely beyond their reality?  Like they're missing what is 
>>> infront of themselves & should just repent and go sit more with God in 
>>> meditation.  The science is pretty clear on that. 
>>> Jai Adi Shankara,
>>> -Buck   
>> There is a difference between "being scared" and "being angry" and 
>> especially outraged.   50 years ago if the government had done this the 
>> public would have screamed "this is communism!"   That is because we 
>> were told such citizen spy programs were what the communist countries 
>> do.   Now if I had said that this program was "communist" Willy would 
>> have be hard put to use his usual retort as, God forbid, he would have 
>> sounded like a communist sympathizer.
>> We know that many prisoners in Gitmo were just innocent folks that 
>> people in Afghanistan turned in for the cash the US military was 
>> offering.  Do you want that here?  Authoritarian governments rise on the 
>> backs of their apathetic citizens.   So there is nothing wrong with 
>> waking up the public.  This time the article did not first appear on the 
>> so called "conspiracy" sites but on the MSM.  And in the comment 
>> sections of those news outlets people were overwhelmingly opposed to 
>> such a program.  Perhaps your friends just think you're an apathetic 
>> boob.  Or maybe you are REALLY a communist.  After all you wanted to 
>> take over FFL and control speech.  We took it as a joke but maybe you 
>> were serious. I guess that would say you're a communist but since Nabby 
>> reminds all the time us that communism is dead you must be a zombie. :-D
>> Programs like these are security theater made to look like your 
>> government is doing something.  Instead it may cause massive 
>> unemployment for parking attendants as people will not be wanting to 
>> hand over their keys to them.
> No you missed the point with the conspiracy theories.  I'm talking about the 
> folks gripped with conspiracy themselves.  In watching and listening to them, 
> I start wondering is spiritual in-discipline endemic in character with TM'ers?
> That conspiracy stuff is fine on one level, you are obsessed and want to go 
> back to your conspiracies.  I am not interested but I find the more 
> interesting thing around here is the spiritual implication of the low filter 
> set of spiritual discipline around the conspiracy thinking in some people.  
> You don't live in Fairfield?  
> In Fairfield if you're with 5 or so people and utter the words, "Federal 
> Reserve", one or two people will get catatonic.  Melt down to almost speaking 
> in tongues and do it right in front of everyone without filter.  I watched it 
> happen with three different people again in the last few days in different 
> groups of people.  
> In watching, it makes me wonder if Fairfield is a little more concentrated in 
> demented conspiracists?  Locally for some years folks, seemingly intelligent 
> people, have attended the offered lectures, taken the courses and 'studied 
> it', with other local 'studied' experts.  Some local 'toastmaster' experts 
> make livings now 'teaching' the stuff.  A few base their brokerage business 
> around it. 
> If you uttered the words, "Federal Reserve" or "Illuminati" to a hundred 
> people in Mt. Pleasant or Ottumwa, would it get that same emotional amplitude 
> in one, two or five people that it gets in Fairfield?   Just wondering, are 
> meditators as a group less skeptic-able and therefore more (open) susceptible 
> to conspiracy stories?  That is a side question, more interesting is watching 
> people actively divert their lives over their perceived conspiracies that are 
> quite remote from their spiritual lives.  There is something very 
> un-spiritual about it and anti-spiritual in some of the folks who would fan 
> it.  Underneath, was the TM culture too lassie-fare on the moral matters of 
> spiritual discipline? 
> -Buck in FF

I've been to Fairfield.  I call it "Sonoma in the cornfields" because it 
is very much like Sonoma, California though I think Sonoma is much more 
diverse and has diverse spiritual communities.

Sounds like some of the folks in Fairfield are paying attention to what 
is going on and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The dispelling of darkness by The Goddess and Her Disciples, the Masters

2010-05-18 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> Maybe we're all just rakshasas going from planet to planet and 
>> destroying them. ;-)
> Have you ever read Roger Zelazny's "Creatures Of Light
> And Darkness?" That's essentially the plot. Earth is
> less than a pawn in a cosmic game played by entities
> who were here before it existed and will be here long
> after it was gone.
Yup, probably WAY BACK in the 1970s. :-D

[FairfieldLife] Important: Fairfield Quiet Zone Meeting Sunday May 23 7:45 p.m.

2010-05-18 Thread brian64705
The Fairfield Train Safety and Quiet Zone Committee is pleased to announce a 
public meeting with Quiet Zone consultant and expert Andy Mielke of SRF 
Consulting.  The meeting will be this Sunday May 23rd at 7:45 p. m. at the 
Fairfield Library.  Andy Mielke worked with  Burlington to design and implement 
their new Quiet Zone, and has worked on 25 such projects.  Andy has been hired 
by the City of Fairfield with funds provided by our QZ Committee to help us get 
this project done.

This meeting will be a great opportunity to meet Andy, ask questions, and see 
how a Quiet Zone looks and works.  It is also an important time to show 
community support for this project that will be presented the next day to the 
Fairfield City Council.  Seating in the City Council Chamber is limited so get 
an advance peak at this meeting.

Work started on this project in 2007.  With Andy Mielke's expert input it is 
hoped that we can get a final plan approved very soon and then focus on any 
remaining fund raising required to complete the project.  City Council member 
Michael Halley, who as a member of the Transportation and Safety Committee has 
been put in charge of working out the details of the final plan along with Andy 
Mielke, will be present to give an update on the project's status.

Please don't miss this great opportunity to learn more about our QZ project and 
show your critical support for prompt approval and completion.  Thank you from 
your Fairfield Train Safety and Quiet Zone Committee.  For more info email 

[FairfieldLife] Re: One more step closer to Big Brother

2010-05-18 Thread Duveyoung
Try justifying this new law:


A war begins . . . 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >
> > >>> This is all too Orwellian. 
> > >>>
> > >>>   
> > >> You sound really angry and scared - maybe you should 
> > >> reconsider joining in a Tea Party protest.
> > >>
> > >> 
> > >
> > > As an old conservative meditator by experience my conspiracy friends I 
> > > watch.  Yeah, i'd be concerned about the anger and fear some of my 
> > > friends around here vex themselves with over their conspiracy theories.  
> > > Spiritually it is just not good.  You can just see how they let their 
> > > subtle energy systems get snagged and bawled up.  Sad really to watch 
> > > them combust.   They haven't something better to do than fret and split 
> > > hairs over figment completely beyond their reality?  Like they're missing 
> > > what is infront of themselves & should just repent and go sit more with 
> > > God in meditation.  The science is pretty clear on that. 
> > >
> > > Jai Adi Shankara,
> > > -Buck   
> > 
> > There is a difference between "being scared" and "being angry" and 
> > especially outraged.   50 years ago if the government had done this the 
> > public would have screamed "this is communism!"   That is because we 
> > were told such citizen spy programs were what the communist countries 
> > do.   Now if I had said that this program was "communist" Willy would 
> > have be hard put to use his usual retort as, God forbid, he would have 
> > sounded like a communist sympathizer.
> > 
> > We know that many prisoners in Gitmo were just innocent folks that 
> > people in Afghanistan turned in for the cash the US military was 
> > offering.  Do you want that here?  Authoritarian governments rise on the 
> > backs of their apathetic citizens.   So there is nothing wrong with 
> > waking up the public.  This time the article did not first appear on the 
> > so called "conspiracy" sites but on the MSM.  And in the comment 
> > sections of those news outlets people were overwhelmingly opposed to 
> > such a program.  Perhaps your friends just think you're an apathetic 
> > boob.  Or maybe you are REALLY a communist.  After all you wanted to 
> > take over FFL and control speech.  We took it as a joke but maybe you 
> > were serious. I guess that would say you're a communist but since Nabby 
> > reminds all the time us that communism is dead you must be a zombie. :-D
> > 
> > Programs like these are security theater made to look like your 
> > government is doing something.  Instead it may cause massive 
> > unemployment for parking attendants as people will not be wanting to 
> > hand over their keys to them.
> >
> No you missed the point with the conspiracy theories.  I'm talking about the 
> folks gripped with conspiracy themselves.  In watching and listening to them, 
> I start wondering is spiritual in-discipline endemic in character with TM'ers?
> That conspiracy stuff is fine on one level, you are obsessed and want to go 
> back to your conspiracies.  I am not interested but I find the more 
> interesting thing around here is the spiritual implication of the low filter 
> set of spiritual discipline around the conspiracy thinking in some people.  
> You don't live in Fairfield?  
> In Fairfield if you're with 5 or so people and utter the words, "Federal 
> Reserve", one or two people will get catatonic.  Melt down to almost speaking 
> in tongues and do it right in front of everyone without filter.  I watched it 
> happen with three different people again in the last few days in different 
> groups of people.  
> In watching, it makes me wonder if Fairfield is a little more concentrated in 
> demented conspiracists?  Locally for some years folks, seemingly intelligent 
> people, have attended the offered lectures, taken the courses and 'studied 
> it', with other local 'studied' experts.  Some local 'toastmaster' experts 
> make livings now 'teaching' the stuff.  A few base their brokerage business 
> around it. 
> If you uttered the words, "Federal Reserve" or "Illuminati" to a hundred 
> people in Mt. Pleasant or Ottumwa, would it get that same emotional amplitude 
> in one, two or five people that it gets in Fairfield?   Just wondering, are 
> meditators as a group less skeptic-able and therefore more (open) susceptible 
> to conspiracy stories?  That is a side question, more interesting is watching 
> people actively divert their lives over their perceived conspiracies that are 
> quite remote from their spiritual lives.  There is something very 
> un-spiritual about it and anti-spiritual in some of the folks who would fan 
> it.  Underneath, was the TM culture too lassie-fare on the moral matters of 
> spiritual discipline? 
> -Buck in FF

[FairfieldLife] Gen. JC Christian reviews 'The Manchurian President'

2010-05-18 Thread do.rflex

My Amazon Review of "The Manchurian President"

Here's my review of The ManchurianPresident  by WorldNetDaily  writers
Aaron  Klein
  and, Brenda J.
Elliott. I'd love to see this voted the "most  helpful positive review."
It'll be a heavy lift, because we started  late, but please consider
casting a vote once Amazon publishes (It  will be here

  [5.0 out of 5 stars]  Tell  that to Poland, May 17, 2010By Gen. JC
Christian, patriot [border-style: none;] 
(Tremonton, UT United  States) - See all my reviews
 This review is from: The
Manchurian President: Barack Obama's  Ties to Communists, Socialists and
Other Anti-American Extremists  (Hardcover)Sometimes, you just have to
take things on faith.  We all know in our hearts that Obama is part of a
secret, decades-long  plot to subvert our great nation. Our gut tells us
that America's  enemies raised him to pretend to be an American
Christian so that,  someday, he could seize control of the presidency
and turn us all into  godless reds. Still small voices in our heads
convinced us he's the  Antichrist.

We don't need facts. They are troublesome things that  cause us to think
too deeply about long-held beliefs we find  comforting. Eventually,
after a constant bombardment of facts, our  ability to maintain
cognitive dissonance breaks down and we do too. From  there, it's only a
short baggage cart ride to buying naked massages  from a rent-boy we
hired on the internets tubes.

Thank God the  authors of The Manchurian President  protected us from
such a fate by writing the kind of book we want to  read. A fact-less
book that doesn't make us think. A book that appeals  to our cherished,
god-given ignorance and bigotry.

Of course, the  more factually-inclined media hates The  Manchurian
President. Their responses to the book's publicist include  lines like
 : "Ridiculous crap" (New York Daily News,)
"Absolute  crap" (Huffington Post,) "Never, ever contact me again" (Time
Magazine,)  "Sensational rubbish" (Newsweek,)"Seriously, get a life"

Granted,  the book isn't perfect. It leaves out a major piece of the
Obama  story--the part where Josef Mengele cloned Obama from Hitler's
nasal  swipes. I'm surprised the authors missed it. Megele's
pigmentation  camouflage techniques notwithstanding, Obama is the
spitting image of  Hitler--same eyes, same hair, same mouth, same
nose--it's striking.

Some  might say it's a minor omission given all the other things the
authors  expose, but to them, I say, "Tell that to Poland."

Gen. JC Christian, Patriot

[FairfieldLife] Re: One more step closer to Big Brother

2010-05-18 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >>> This is all too Orwellian. 
> >>>
> >>>   
> >> You sound really angry and scared - maybe you should 
> >> reconsider joining in a Tea Party protest.
> >>
> >> 
> >
> > As an old conservative meditator by experience my conspiracy friends I 
> > watch.  Yeah, i'd be concerned about the anger and fear some of my friends 
> > around here vex themselves with over their conspiracy theories.  
> > Spiritually it is just not good.  You can just see how they let their 
> > subtle energy systems get snagged and bawled up.  Sad really to watch them 
> > combust.   They haven't something better to do than fret and split hairs 
> > over figment completely beyond their reality?  Like they're missing what is 
> > infront of themselves & should just repent and go sit more with God in 
> > meditation.  The science is pretty clear on that. 
> >
> > Jai Adi Shankara,
> > -Buck   
> There is a difference between "being scared" and "being angry" and 
> especially outraged.   50 years ago if the government had done this the 
> public would have screamed "this is communism!"   That is because we 
> were told such citizen spy programs were what the communist countries 
> do.   Now if I had said that this program was "communist" Willy would 
> have be hard put to use his usual retort as, God forbid, he would have 
> sounded like a communist sympathizer.
> We know that many prisoners in Gitmo were just innocent folks that 
> people in Afghanistan turned in for the cash the US military was 
> offering.  Do you want that here?  Authoritarian governments rise on the 
> backs of their apathetic citizens.   So there is nothing wrong with 
> waking up the public.  This time the article did not first appear on the 
> so called "conspiracy" sites but on the MSM.  And in the comment 
> sections of those news outlets people were overwhelmingly opposed to 
> such a program.  Perhaps your friends just think you're an apathetic 
> boob.  Or maybe you are REALLY a communist.  After all you wanted to 
> take over FFL and control speech.  We took it as a joke but maybe you 
> were serious. I guess that would say you're a communist but since Nabby 
> reminds all the time us that communism is dead you must be a zombie. :-D
> Programs like these are security theater made to look like your 
> government is doing something.  Instead it may cause massive 
> unemployment for parking attendants as people will not be wanting to 
> hand over their keys to them.

No you missed the point with the conspiracy theories.  I'm talking about the 
folks gripped with conspiracy themselves.  In watching and listening to them, I 
start wondering is spiritual in-discipline endemic in character with TM'ers?

That conspiracy stuff is fine on one level, you are obsessed and want to go 
back to your conspiracies.  I am not interested but I find the more interesting 
thing around here is the spiritual implication of the low filter set of 
spiritual discipline around the conspiracy thinking in some people.  You don't 
live in Fairfield?  

In Fairfield if you're with 5 or so people and utter the words, "Federal 
Reserve", one or two people will get catatonic.  Melt down to almost speaking 
in tongues and do it right in front of everyone without filter.  I watched it 
happen with three different people again in the last few days in different 
groups of people.  

In watching, it makes me wonder if Fairfield is a little more concentrated in 
demented conspiracists?  Locally for some years folks, seemingly intelligent 
people, have attended the offered lectures, taken the courses and 'studied it', 
with other local 'studied' experts.  Some local 'toastmaster' experts make 
livings now 'teaching' the stuff.  A few base their brokerage business around 

If you uttered the words, "Federal Reserve" or "Illuminati" to a hundred people 
in Mt. Pleasant or Ottumwa, would it get that same emotional amplitude in one, 
two or five people that it gets in Fairfield?   Just wondering, are meditators 
as a group less skeptic-able and therefore more (open) susceptible to 
conspiracy stories?  That is a side question, more interesting is watching 
people actively divert their lives over their perceived conspiracies that are 
quite remote from their spiritual lives.  There is something very un-spiritual 
about it and anti-spiritual in some of the folks who would fan it.  Underneath, 
was the TM culture too lassie-fare on the moral matters of spiritual 

-Buck in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: The dispelling of darkness by The Goddess and Her Disciples, the Masters

2010-05-18 Thread Jason

 It is the Guna of that entity (qualities) that determines if it a 
Rakshasa or an angel.

    Your physical form does not determine it.

--- On Tue, 5/18/10, TurquoiseB  wrote:
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The dispelling of darkness by The Goddess and Her 
Disciples, the Masters
Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 10:00 AM

Bhairitu  wrote:
> Maybe we're all just rakshasas going from planet to planet and 
> destroying them. ;-)

Have you ever read Roger Zelazny's "Creatures Of Light
And Darkness?" That's essentially the plot. Earth is
less than a pawn in a cosmic game played by entities
who were here before it existed and will be here long
after it was gone.



[FairfieldLife] Re: The dispelling of darkness by The Goddess and Her Disciples, the Masters

2010-05-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Maybe we're all just rakshasas going from planet to planet and 
> destroying them. ;-)

Have you ever read Roger Zelazny's "Creatures Of Light
And Darkness?" That's essentially the plot. Earth is
less than a pawn in a cosmic game played by entities
who were here before it existed and will be here long
after it was gone.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The dispelling of darkness by The Goddess and Her Disciples, the Masters

2010-05-18 Thread Bhairitu
nablusoss1008 wrote:
> I've seen these procedures at several occasions as has several other people. 
> But I don't expect that to be enough for you. Substantiate Rick, what do you 
> want; photograps of Maharishi devouring Rakshasas. ? 

Maybe we're all just rakshasas going from planet to planet and 
destroying them. ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Sal Sunshine
On May 18, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Ravi Chivukula wrote:

> Ravi Chivukula was a quintessential spiritual thug. He has an excellent 
> memory, people who create fake id's, troll through list and attack him, his 
> family, his Guru are spiritual wussies and pussies. He has an excellent 
> memory, he remembers incidents from when he was 2, he will detect and hunt 
> these people who harass devotees. He clearly remember tartie boy, sally and 
> turqoise retard from his Amma days.
> He will eat tartie for breakfast, Turquoise for lunch and Sal for dinner, 
> shukra69 for a snack...LOL

Bon appetit. :)

> He met Ammachi when he was 24, but he only accepted her teaching if it was 
> applicable to him and rejected anything that wasn't applicable to him. He was 
> rude and made fun of anyone who accepted his guru's teachings literally. He 
> didn't spare anyone. He was the quintessential spiritual thug and disciple. 
> Wow the greatness of Ammachi !!! and a disciple like Ravi Chivukula..:-). His 
> life was an open book, he didn't create fake id's to threaten and harass 
> masters, he learnt from them.
> When Ravi sees these retards attacking devotees, true men like Jim Flanegin 
> and a list started by a man "Rick Archer" that he so appreciates, he will not 
> sit idle. He has the spiritual energy to share the essence and smells the 
> wussies from a distance. They can only dream of a state like Ravi 
> Chivukula.

True.  In our nightmares.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Sal Sunshine
On May 18, 2010, at 7:19 AM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:

> We have not had fun like this for a long time.  Let's enjoy it while it lasts.

Exactamundo!  My point that I was trying to make
(badly) in my second-to-last post


[FairfieldLife] Re: Jim Carrey on "Awakening"

2010-05-18 Thread sgrayatlarge
Here is my advice to all actors-

Shut up and Act! 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIaY0l5qV0c&feature=related
> >
> Yes sir, 'a little of this Yoga delivers from great fear'.
> -Buck in FF

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Did I refer to myself in the 3rd person, Alex...:-), 3rd person is only for

Never for Alex Stanley !!!

If I say - Dear Alex I love you too, would that make you happy? I will never
use 3rd person with you or anyone who hates it. Just let me know. My focus
is on the other, not myself. I hope you will discern and understand the
difference, the retards are focussed on themselves, awakened on the other
since all my karmas are finished. I have nothing left to achieve, I'm just
having fun and a blast.

Love - Ravi.

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 7:00 AM, Alex Stanley  wrote:

> Alex Stanley is a person who is weirded out by people who refer to
> themselves in the third person.
> ___

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Alex Stanley

Alex Stanley is a person who is weirded out by people who refer to themselves 
in the third person.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
> The irony is that the Ravi Chivukula, the thug became the "lover"...:-), he
> loves everyone now..but recognize a thug from a wussy. Ravi Chivukula loves
> the true spiritual thugs because they are the future lovers...but will
> smell and hunt down wussies, idiots and retards...LOL...
> You know who Ravi Chivukula is, he has a face, a family, a Guru, you know
> where he lives and works, Fremont and San Francisco, his life is an open
> book...he will come to Iowa when his Guru comes so people can meet him and
> his family. He will give his love and blessings to anyone who is open and
> interested.
> Do you know anything about your wussies, the retards, the idiots posing as
> spiritual thugs??? Ravi Chivukula has a special quality, his life of a thug
> converted lover doesn't match his Gurus, he has his unique style which is
> very different from his Gurus, he doesn't copy anyone, though he is in
> gratitude to his Gurus.
> The retards will use quotations from all over the place and will easily
> expose themselves as retarded because they can't compete with Ravi
> Chivukula..:-)because they are in a hurry to prove themselves to
> be thugs...LOL. Ravi is relaxed, patient..he is a hunter...of
> idiots, retards, wussieshe has done that all his life...never tolerated
> medocrity:-)
> Love - Ravi.
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 12:00 AM, Ravi Chivukula
> wrote:
> > Dear everyone,
> >
> > Ravi Chivukula was a quintessential spiritual thug. He has an excellent
> > memory, people who create fake id's, troll through list and attack him, his
> > family, his Guru are spiritual wussies and pussies. He has an excellent
> > memory, he remembers incidents from when he was 2, he will detect and hunt
> > these people who harass devotees. He clearly remember tartie boy, sally and
> > turqoise retard from his Amma days.
> >
> > He will eat tartie for breakfast, Turquoise for lunch and Sal for dinner,
> > shukra69 for a snack...LOL
> >
> > He met Ammachi when he was 24, but he only accepted her teaching if it was
> > applicable to him and rejected anything that wasn't applicable to him. He
> > was rude and made fun of anyone who accepted his guru's teachings literally.
> > He didn't spare anyone. He was the quintessential spiritual thug and
> > disciple. Wow the greatness of Ammachi !!! and a disciple like Ravi
> > Chivukula..:-). His life was an open book, he didn't create fake id's to
> > threaten and harass masters, he learnt from them.
> >
> > When Ravi sees these retards attacking devotees, true men like Jim Flanegin
> > and a list started by a man "Rick Archer" that he so appreciates, he will
> > not sit idle. He has the spiritual energy to share the essence and smells
> > the wussies from a distance. They can only dream of a state like Ravi
> > Chivukula.
> >
> > Love - Ravi
> >
> >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Dear Edg,

Yes !!!

I am awake, just got up, I am singing a song trying to wake up my wife and
kids, dancing, blissed out ready to take down these wussiesLOL

Love - Ravi.

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 6:30 AM, Duveyoung  wrote:

> Ravi must be enlightened; look at Turq going nutzoid with unstressing about
> it. He's got Turq's number, and doesn't mind hanging him upside down in the
> public square and smacking Turq the Jerk around like it was Benito
> Mussolini's last moments.
> And yeah, Turq came out of the chute with horns sharpened -- that's a tell
> that he's still looking for outer embodiments to rail upon because his other
> spiritual rapists are dead now. Poor Turq -- how can anyone stand the pain
> of being handcuffed to such a personality? I guess masturbating while
> fantasizing about lacing some young thing's drink with Ambien is as good as
> life gets for him now.
> Edg

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Ravi Chivukula
The irony is that the Ravi Chivukula, the thug became the "lover"...:-), he
loves everyone now..but recognize a thug from a wussy. Ravi Chivukula loves
the true spiritual thugs because they are the future lovers...but will
smell and hunt down wussies, idiots and retards...LOL...

You know who Ravi Chivukula is, he has a face, a family, a Guru, you know
where he lives and works, Fremont and San Francisco, his life is an open
book...he will come to Iowa when his Guru comes so people can meet him and
his family. He will give his love and blessings to anyone who is open and

Do you know anything about your wussies, the retards, the idiots posing as
spiritual thugs??? Ravi Chivukula has a special quality, his life of a thug
converted lover doesn't match his Gurus, he has his unique style which is
very different from his Gurus, he doesn't copy anyone, though he is in
gratitude to his Gurus.

The retards will use quotations from all over the place and will easily
expose themselves as retarded because they can't compete with Ravi
Chivukula..:-)because they are in a hurry to prove themselves to
be thugs...LOL. Ravi is relaxed, patient..he is a hunter...of
idiots, retards, wussieshe has done that all his life...never tolerated

Love - Ravi.

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 12:00 AM, Ravi Chivukula

> Dear everyone,
> Ravi Chivukula was a quintessential spiritual thug. He has an excellent
> memory, people who create fake id's, troll through list and attack him, his
> family, his Guru are spiritual wussies and pussies. He has an excellent
> memory, he remembers incidents from when he was 2, he will detect and hunt
> these people who harass devotees. He clearly remember tartie boy, sally and
> turqoise retard from his Amma days.
> He will eat tartie for breakfast, Turquoise for lunch and Sal for dinner,
> shukra69 for a snack...LOL
> He met Ammachi when he was 24, but he only accepted her teaching if it was
> applicable to him and rejected anything that wasn't applicable to him. He
> was rude and made fun of anyone who accepted his guru's teachings literally.
> He didn't spare anyone. He was the quintessential spiritual thug and
> disciple. Wow the greatness of Ammachi !!! and a disciple like Ravi
> Chivukula..:-). His life was an open book, he didn't create fake id's to
> threaten and harass masters, he learnt from them.
> When Ravi sees these retards attacking devotees, true men like Jim Flanegin
> and a list started by a man "Rick Archer" that he so appreciates, he will
> not sit idle. He has the spiritual energy to share the essence and smells
> the wussies from a distance. They can only dream of a state like Ravi
> Chivukula.
> Love - Ravi

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Duveyoung
Ravi must be enlightened; look at Turq going nutzoid with unstressing about it. 
He's got Turq's number, and doesn't mind hanging him upside down in the public 
square and smacking Turq the Jerk around like it was Benito Mussolini's last 

And yeah, Turq came out of the chute with horns sharpened -- that's a tell that 
he's still looking for outer embodiments to rail upon because his other 
spiritual rapists are dead now.  Poor Turq -- how can anyone stand the pain of 
being handcuffed to such a personality?  I guess masturbating while fantasizing 
about lacing some young thing's drink with Ambien is as good as life gets for 
him now.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"  
> We have not had fun like this for a long time.  Let's enjoy it while it lasts.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Dear everyone,
> > > 
> > > Ravi Chivukula was a quintessential spiritual thug. He has an 
> > > excellent memory, people who create fake id's, troll through 
> > > list and attack him, his family, his Guru are spiritual wussies 
> > > and pussies. He has an excellent memory, he remembers incidents 
> > > from when he was 2, he will detect and hunt these people who 
> > > harass devotees. He clearly remember tartie boy, sally and
> > > turqoise retard from his Amma days.
> > 
> > Since animal metaphors seem to be all the rage these
> > days, Ravi appears to be as crazy as a loon and as 
> > paranoid as a long-tailed cat in a room full of 
> > rocking chairs.  :-)
> > 
> > I have never either read or posted to any group about
> > Amma. She seems like a nice lady and all, but I have
> > never had enough interest in her to do so. 
> > 
> > > He will eat tartie for breakfast, Turquoise for lunch and Sal 
> > > for dinner, shukra69 for a snack...LOL
> > 
> > Add to the animal metaphors being a bit of a pig. :-)
> > 
> > > He met Ammachi when he was 24, but he only accepted her 
> > > teaching if it was applicable to him and rejected anything 
> > > that wasn't applicable to him. He was rude and made fun of 
> > > anyone who accepted his guru's teachings literally.
> > 
> > "He" also tends to talk as if schizophrenic, referring
> > to himself in the third person. That'll get you put
> > away in some states or countries.  :-)
> > 
> > > He didn't spare anyone. He was the quintessential spiritual 
> > > thug and disciple. Wow the greatness of Ammachi !!! and a 
> > > disciple like Ravi Chivukula..:-). His life was an open book, 
> > > he didn't create fake id's to threaten and harass masters, 
> > > he learnt from them.
> > > 
> > > When Ravi sees these retards attacking devotees, true men 
> > > like Jim Flanegin and a list started by a man "Rick Archer" 
> > > that he so appreciates, he will not sit idle. He has the 
> > > spiritual energy to share the essence and smells the wussies 
> > > from a distance. They can only dream of a state like Ravi
> > > Chivukula.
> > 
> > Legend in his own mind. 
> > 
> > > Love - Ravi
> > 
> > FOAD to you, too, brother.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jim Carrey on "Awakening"

2010-05-18 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIaY0l5qV0c&feature=related

Yes sir, 'a little of this Yoga delivers from great fear'.

-Buck in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread lurkernomore20002000
We have not had fun like this for a long time.  Let's enjoy it while it lasts.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
> >
> > Dear everyone,
> > 
> > Ravi Chivukula was a quintessential spiritual thug. He has an 
> > excellent memory, people who create fake id's, troll through 
> > list and attack him, his family, his Guru are spiritual wussies 
> > and pussies. He has an excellent memory, he remembers incidents 
> > from when he was 2, he will detect and hunt these people who 
> > harass devotees. He clearly remember tartie boy, sally and
> > turqoise retard from his Amma days.
> Since animal metaphors seem to be all the rage these
> days, Ravi appears to be as crazy as a loon and as 
> paranoid as a long-tailed cat in a room full of 
> rocking chairs.  :-)
> I have never either read or posted to any group about
> Amma. She seems like a nice lady and all, but I have
> never had enough interest in her to do so. 
> > He will eat tartie for breakfast, Turquoise for lunch and Sal 
> > for dinner, shukra69 for a snack...LOL
> Add to the animal metaphors being a bit of a pig. :-)
> > He met Ammachi when he was 24, but he only accepted her 
> > teaching if it was applicable to him and rejected anything 
> > that wasn't applicable to him. He was rude and made fun of 
> > anyone who accepted his guru's teachings literally.
> "He" also tends to talk as if schizophrenic, referring
> to himself in the third person. That'll get you put
> away in some states or countries.  :-)
> > He didn't spare anyone. He was the quintessential spiritual 
> > thug and disciple. Wow the greatness of Ammachi !!! and a 
> > disciple like Ravi Chivukula..:-). His life was an open book, 
> > he didn't create fake id's to threaten and harass masters, 
> > he learnt from them.
> > 
> > When Ravi sees these retards attacking devotees, true men 
> > like Jim Flanegin and a list started by a man "Rick Archer" 
> > that he so appreciates, he will not sit idle. He has the 
> > spiritual energy to share the essence and smells the wussies 
> > from a distance. They can only dream of a state like Ravi
> > Chivukula.
> Legend in his own mind. 
> > Love - Ravi
> FOAD to you, too, brother.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Chivukula  wrote:
> Dear everyone,
> Ravi Chivukula was a quintessential spiritual thug. He has an 
> excellent memory, people who create fake id's, troll through 
> list and attack him, his family, his Guru are spiritual wussies 
> and pussies. He has an excellent memory, he remembers incidents 
> from when he was 2, he will detect and hunt these people who 
> harass devotees. He clearly remember tartie boy, sally and
> turqoise retard from his Amma days.

Since animal metaphors seem to be all the rage these
days, Ravi appears to be as crazy as a loon and as 
paranoid as a long-tailed cat in a room full of 
rocking chairs.  :-)

I have never either read or posted to any group about
Amma. She seems like a nice lady and all, but I have
never had enough interest in her to do so. 

> He will eat tartie for breakfast, Turquoise for lunch and Sal 
> for dinner, shukra69 for a snack...LOL

Add to the animal metaphors being a bit of a pig. :-)

> He met Ammachi when he was 24, but he only accepted her 
> teaching if it was applicable to him and rejected anything 
> that wasn't applicable to him. He was rude and made fun of 
> anyone who accepted his guru's teachings literally.

"He" also tends to talk as if schizophrenic, referring
to himself in the third person. That'll get you put
away in some states or countries.  :-)

> He didn't spare anyone. He was the quintessential spiritual 
> thug and disciple. Wow the greatness of Ammachi !!! and a 
> disciple like Ravi Chivukula..:-). His life was an open book, 
> he didn't create fake id's to threaten and harass masters, 
> he learnt from them.
> When Ravi sees these retards attacking devotees, true men 
> like Jim Flanegin and a list started by a man "Rick Archer" 
> that he so appreciates, he will not sit idle. He has the 
> spiritual energy to share the essence and smells the wussies 
> from a distance. They can only dream of a state like Ravi
> Chivukula.

Legend in his own mind. 

> Love - Ravi

FOAD to you, too, brother.

[FairfieldLife] Jim Carrey on "Awakening"

2010-05-18 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Re: The dispelling of darkness by The Goddess and Her Disciples, the Masters

2010-05-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shukra69"  wrote:
> "Vaj" gets tired up making shit up so he repeats stuff that other people made 
> up instead, Then you criticize someone as responding by doing the same?
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jason  wrote:
> >
> >  
> >     Rick-ji , do you not notice the Literalist tone in True blue 
> > believers like Nebulae.??
> > 
> >     Semitic religions (ie, Christianity, islam) are literalist.  The 
> > notion never existed in eastern philosophies which are interperted in 
> > figurative , symbolic, metaphors etc.
> > 
> >     Ask this guy how close he worked with Maharishi.?? 
> > 
> > 
> > --- On Mon, 5/17/10, Rick Archer  wrote:
> > Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The dispelling of darkness by The Goddess 
> > and Her Disciples, the Masters
> > Date: Monday, May 17, 2010, 8:56 AM
> > 
> > 
> > Give me one reason why I should waste time elaborating on this for the 
> > benefit of someone who trash Maharishi like you do.
> >  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  
> > OK. Listen to some of the interviews I've done on batgap.com and tell me if 
> > you ever hear me trashing Maharishi. What you will hear me do is quote him, 
> > express appreciation for the benefits he's brought me and others, etc. You 
> > won't hear me talking about his sex life, financial dealings, etc., because 
> > those things aren't relevant to the interviews. They are relevant here, so 
> > I've discussed them, although I wouldn't call that "trashing". I'm capable 
> > of accepting that these things apparently happened and at the same time, 
> > appreciating Maharishi's goodness and gifts to the world. I find the 
> > paradox fascinating. 
> > Your response above is typical, and is a copout. Every time you make some 
> > wild, unsubstantiated statement, and someone asks you to substantiate it, 
> > you insult the person making the request rather than respond to him. To me, 
> > this suggests you don't know what you're talking about and you just make 
> > stuff up in order to make yourself appear more wise and insightful than 
> > others. I've got news for you. Everyone sees through your game. If you 
> > don't want to be a laughing stock for most of the people on FFL, then 
> > substantiate statements such as "Maharishi would devour Rakshasas using 
> > intricate and dangerous procedures". Either that or don't make them in the 
> > first place.

I've seen these procedures at several occasions as has several other people. 
But I don't expect that to be enough for you. Substantiate Rick, what do you 
want; photograps of Maharishi devouring Rakshasas. ? 

> > 
> >  
> > > > Simple; what he saw was one of the numerous Rakshasas He destroyed on
> > > almost a daily basis.
> > > 
> > > Maharishi would devour Rakshasas using intricate and dangerous procedures
> > > which would necessitate to draw them "physically" close. Mother Kali does
> > > this continually and eternally ofcourse but on a much grander scale. 
> > > 
> > > Some great Masters, Her Disciples, do the same "thing" for the benefit on
> > > mankind albeit on a much smaller scale.
> > > 
> > > Only Masters of the highest order practise these ageold cleansing of the
> > > collective consciousness on behalf of mankind. There are very good reasons
> > > for this, reasons we could dwell on at a later point.
> > > 
> > > Naturally, Maharishi, As one with the Goddess, was able to do this with 
> > > the
> > > blessings and in the name of His Divinity Brahmananda Saraswati.
> > > 
> > > Sometimes sensitive persons, physically close to His Holiness Maharishi
> > > Mahesh Yogi would get a glimpse into this cosmic battle, a play of
> > > consciousness on behalf of God on earth, Her Lila, in Maharishis 
> > > presence. 
> > > 
> > > A few got scared witnesseing this. 
> > > The older souls were filled with Bliss.
> > > 
> > > Consider it a Blessing.
> > > Is this a theory you made up or are you one of the "older souls" who were
> > > "filled with Bliss" as you experienced it directly? Please elaborate on 
> > > the
> > > "intricate and dangerous procedures".
> >  
> >  
> >  
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ravi's clarifications on his experiences

2010-05-18 Thread Ravi Chivukula
Dear everyone,

Ravi Chivukula was a quintessential spiritual thug. He has an excellent
memory, people who create fake id's, troll through list and attack him, his
family, his Guru are spiritual wussies and pussies. He has an excellent
memory, he remembers incidents from when he was 2, he will detect and hunt
these people who harass devotees. He clearly remember tartie boy, sally and
turqoise retard from his Amma days.

He will eat tartie for breakfast, Turquoise for lunch and Sal for dinner,
shukra69 for a snack...LOL

He met Ammachi when he was 24, but he only accepted her teaching if it was
applicable to him and rejected anything that wasn't applicable to him. He
was rude and made fun of anyone who accepted his guru's teachings literally.
He didn't spare anyone. He was the quintessential spiritual thug and
disciple. Wow the greatness of Ammachi !!! and a disciple like Ravi
Chivukula..:-). His life was an open book, he didn't create fake id's to
threaten and harass masters, he learnt from them.

When Ravi sees these retards attacking devotees, true men like Jim Flanegin
and a list started by a man "Rick Archer" that he so appreciates, he will
not sit idle. He has the spiritual energy to share the essence and smells
the wussies from a distance. They can only dream of a state like Ravi

Love - Ravi

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:19 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
